
ECE 4380/5390 Spring 2013 Instructor: Dr. Raymond Rumpf Office: A-337 E-Mail: [email protected]

Topic #6 Smith Charts

Smith Charts 1


• Construction of the Smith Chart • and impedance • Circuit theory • Determining VSWR and  • Impedance transformation •

Smith Charts 2

1 12/15/2016

Construction of the Smith Chart

2 12/15/2016

Polar Plot of

The Smith chart is based on a polar plot of the voltage reflection coefficient . The outer boundary corresponds to || = 1. The reflection coefficient in any passive system must be|| ≤ 1.

j   e 

radius on Smith chart   measured CCW from right side of chart

Smith Charts 5

Normalized Impedance

All impedances are normalized. This is usually done with respect to

the of the Z0.

Z z  Z0

Smith Charts 6

3 12/15/2016

Reflection Coefficient form Normalized Impedance

We can write the reflection coefficient in terms of normalized impedances.

Z Z L  0 ZZ Z Z z 1 L 000   L Z Z ZZLL0 L  0 z1 ZZ00

Smith Charts 7

Derivation of Smith Chart: Solve for Load Impedance

Solving the previous equation for load impedance, we get

z 1  L zL 1 zz11 LL 1 zzLL 1 zL  zzLL1 1

zL 11   1 z  L 1

Smith Charts 8

4 12/15/2016

Derivation of Smith Chart: Real and imaginary parts

The load impedance and reflection coefficient can be written in terms of real and imaginary parts.

zrjxLL L  r j i

Substituting these into the load impedance equation yields 1 z  L 1

1rij rjxLL 1rij 

1ri j  rjxLL 1ri j 

Smith Charts 9

Derivation of Smith Chart:

Solve for rL and xL

We solve or previous equation for rL and xL by setting the real and imaginary parts equal.

1 j  rjx ri LL 22 1ri j  1ri  11rijj  ri r   L 2 2 11 jj     ri ri 1ri  11  jj 1      1  2  rr riiri 2 2 1ri  122jj jj  ririirii 2 2 2 1ri  i xL  2 1222  j  2  ri i 2 1  2 ri 1ri  1222   rij i 2222 11ri   ri  Smith Charts 10

5 12/15/2016

Derivation of Smith Chart:

Rearrange equation for rL

We rearrange the equation for rL so that it has the form of a circle.

122  r  ri L 2 2 1ri  22 22 2 2 1ri  rrLL2 r L1 1ri   ri   0 rL rrLL11 r L  1 2 2 22 2 2 1 r i rrrLLL2 1 10ri      ri   rrLL r L rrrLLL111 2 2 2 22r i 1 2 210rr  i    rrLL2 rrLL11 rrrLLL ri 22  rL 1 rr11 210rr   22   r  22   r   LL Lr Lr r Li i L 2 22 22 rrr1 21110rr r r LLL2 Lr L r L i L ri 22  r 1 L rrLL11 22rLr rL 1 2 0 2 rir 1 r 1 r 1 L L L 2 ri  2 can be factored r 1 L rL 1

Smith Charts 11

Derivation of Smith Chart:

Rearrange equation for xL

We rearrange the equation for xL so that it has the form of a circle.

2 x  i L 2 2 1ri 

2 2 2i 1ri   xL

2 2 10 2     ri i xL swap terms   can be factored 2 2 11 ri10  2  xxLL

Smith Charts 12

6 12/15/2016

Derivation of Smith Chart: Two families of circles Constant Resistance Circles Constant Reactance Circles

22 22 rL 2 1 2 11 ri  ri1   rrLL11 xLLx These have centers at These have centers at

rL 1 ri  0 ri1  rL 1 xL Radii Radii 1 1

1 rL xL

Smith Charts 13

Derivation of Smith Chart: Putting it all together

Lines of constant Lines of constant Lines of constant resistance inductive reactance reflection coefficient Superposition


Lines of constant capacitive reactance

We ignore what is outside the || = 1 circle.

We don’t draw the constant || circles.

This is the Smith chart!

Smith Charts 14

7 12/15/2016

Alternate Way of Visualizing the Smith Chart

Lines of constant resistance Lines of constant reactance Reactance Regions

open L circuit

short circuit C

Smith Charts 15

3D Smith Chart

The 3D Smith Chart unifies passive and active circuit design.

2D 3D

EE3321 ‐‐ Final Lecture

8 12/15/2016

Summary of Smith Chart

Smith Charts 17

Impedance and Admittance on the Smith Chart

9 12/15/2016

Admittance Coordinates

We could have derived the Smith chart in terms of admittance.

You can make an admittance Smith chart by rotating the standard Smith chart by 180.

Smith Charts 19

Impedance/Admittance Conversion The Smith chart is just a plot of complex numbers. These could be admittance as well as impedance. To determine admittance from impedance (or the other way around)… 1. Plot the impedance point on the Smith chart. 2. Draw a circle centered on the Smith chart that passes through the point (i.e. constant VSWR). 3. Draw a line from the impedance point, through the center, and to the other side of the circle. 4. The intersection at the other side is the admittance.

impedance admittance

Smith Charts 20

10 12/15/2016

Visualizing Impedance/Admittance Conversion

Smith Charts 21

Example #1 – Step 1 Plot the impedance on the chart

zj0.2 0.4

Smith Charts 22

11 12/15/2016

Example #1 – Step 2 Draw a constant VSWR circle

zj0.2 0.4

Smith Charts 23

Example #1 – Step 3 Draw line through center of chart

zj0.2 0.4

Smith Charts 24

12 12/15/2016

Example #1 – Step 4 Read off admittance

zj0.2 0.4

yj1.0 2.0

Smith Charts 25

Example #2 – Step 1 Plot the impedance on the chart

zj0.5 0.3

Smith Charts 26

13 12/15/2016

Example #1 – Step 2 Draw a constant VSWR circle

zj0.5 0.3

Smith Charts 27

Example #2 – Step 3 Draw line through center of chart

zj0.5 0.3

Smith Charts 28

14 12/15/2016

Example #2 – Step 4 Read off admittance

zj0.5 0.3 yj1.5 0.9

Smith Charts 29

Circuit Theory

15 12/15/2016

Adding a Series Capacitor

Suppose we have an initial impedance of

z = 0.5 + j0.7

And we add a series capacitor

of zC = -j1.0.

Since we do not change the resistance, we walk toward (CCW) around the constant resistance circle.

The “angular” distance covers X=-j1.0 around the constant R circle.

Smith Charts 31

Adding a Series Inductor

Suppose we have an initial impedance of

z = 0.8 - j1.0

And we add a series inductor

of zL = j1.8.

Since we do not change the resistance, we walk toward (CW) around the constant resistance circle.

The “angular” distance covers X=j1.8 around the constant R circle.

Smith Charts 32

16 12/15/2016

Adding a Shunt Capacitor

Here we use the Smith chart rotated by 180° for admittance.

In terms of admittance, capacitance is a positive quantity, but the positive direction is now downward on the Smith chart.

Smith Charts 33

Adding a Shunt Inductor

We again use the Smith chart rotated by 180° for admittance.

In terms of admittance, inductance is a negative quantity, but the negative direction is now upward on the Smith chart.

Smith Charts 34

17 12/15/2016


Series C Shunt C

Series L Shunt L

Smith Charts 35

Example #1 – Circuit Analysis

Smith Charts 36

18 12/15/2016

Example #2 – Circuit Analysis

3.3157 nH

Z  ? 50  1 in 1.9894 pF ZRjL in jC || 1 RjL  jC  1 RjL f  2.4 GHz jC RjL  Z0 50  12 LC j RC 50j  1.5080 1010 3.3157  10 9  2 1 1.5080 1010 3.3157  10 9 1.9894  10 12j 1.5080 10 10 50 1.9894  10  12 20j 40  50 20j 40  0.0769 j 0.6154  0.62 82.9  50 20j 40 1 0.0769j 0.6154 VSWR 4.2654 1 0.0769j 0.6154

Smith Charts 37

Example #2 – Circuit Analysis Normalize Impedances


1 zin  ? 1 j1.5 50  r 1.0 50  j2  2.4 1099 3.3157 10 Lj1.0 50  1 912 j2  2.4 10 1.9894 10 1 C  50  j 1.5

Smith Charts 38

19 12/15/2016

Example #2 – Circuit Analysis Plot load impedance j1.0

1 1 zin  ? j1.5

z  1

Smith Charts 39

Example #2 – Circuit Analysis Add series inductor j1.0

1 1 zin  ? j1.5


Smith Charts 40

20 12/15/2016

Example #2 – Circuit Analysis Convert to admittance 1 j1.0

1 j1.5 yin  ? yj0.5 0.5

Smith Charts 41

Example #2 – Circuit Analysis Add shunt capacitance 1 j1.0

1 j1.5 yin  ?

yj0.5 1.0

Smith Charts 42

21 12/15/2016

Example #2 – Circuit Analysis Convert to impedance j1.0

1 1 zin  ? j1.5

zj0.4 0.8

We now know zin

zin z 0.4 j 0.8

Smith Charts 43

Example #2 – Circuit Analysis Denormalize the impedance j1.0

1 1 zin  ? j1.5

zj0.4 0.8

ZZzin 0 in 20 j 40

Smith Charts 44

22 12/15/2016

Example #2 – Circuit Analysis All together 3.3157 nH

50  1.9894 pF

Zjin 20 40 

Smith Charts 45

Determining VSWR and 

23 12/15/2016

The Horizontal Bar on the Smith Chart


Reflectance  2

Reflection Coefficient 

Smith Charts 47

Determining VSWR

1. Plot the normalized load impedance on the Smith chart. 2. Draw a circuit centered on the Smith chart that intersections this point. 3. The VSWR is read where the circle crosses the real axis on right side.

Example: 50  line connected to 75+j10  load impedance. Z 75 j 10 zjL 1.5 0.2 Z0 50

impedance 1 VSWR

VSWR = 1.55

Smith Charts 48

24 12/15/2016

Example #1 – Circuit Analysis What is the VSWR? 3.3157 nH

50  1.9894 pF

Zjin 20 40 

VSWR 4.6

Smith Charts 49

Example #1 – Circuit Analysis What is the reflection coefficient?


Smith Charts 50

25 12/15/2016

Impedance Transformation

Normalized Impedance Transformation Formula Our impedance transformation formula was

ZjZL  0 tan  zjL  tan  ZZin 0 zin  ZjZ0  L tan  1tan jzL  We can write this in terms of the reflection coefficient.

jj jj   ZjZcos sin 0.5ZeL   e 0.5 Ze0   e  ZZL 0 Z in 0 0 jj jj   ZjZ0 cos L sin 0.5Ze0  e 0.5 ZeZ  e jjjj jj  ZeLL Ze Ze00 Ze ZZeLL00 ZZe ZZ00jjjj j    j Ze00 Ze ZeLL Ze Z L  Z 0 e  Z LZe0 ZZe  j 1 L 0 j   j 2 ZZeL  0 1e ZZ00 j  j 2 ZZeL  0 1e 1 j ZZeL  0

We normalize by dividing by Z0.

1e j2 z  in 1e j2

Smith Charts 52

26 12/15/2016

Normalized Admittance Transformation Formula Our impedance transformation formula was

ZjZLL00tan YjY tan  ZZin 0 YY in 0 ZjZ00LLtan YjY tan 

zjLLtan yj tan  zyin in 1jzLL tan 1 jy tan 

We can write this in terms of the reflection coefficient.

11eejj22  zy in11eejj22 in 

Smith Charts 53

Interpreting the Formula

The normalized impedance transformation formula was

1e j2 z   in 1e j2

Recognizing that  = ||ej, this equation can be written as

11eejj 2   ej2  z   in 1eejj 2  1e j2 

Thus we see that traversing along the transmission line simply changes the phase of the reflection coefficient.

As we move away from the load and toward the source, we subtract phase from . On the Smith chart, we rotate clockwise (CW) around the constant VSWR circle by an amount 2l. A complete rotation corresponds to /2.

Smith Charts 54

27 12/15/2016

Impedance Transformation on the Smith chart

1. Plot the normalized load impedance on the Smith chart. 2. Move clockwise around the middle of the Smith chart as we move away from the load (toward generator). One rotation is /2 in the transmission line. 3. The final point is the input impedance of the line.

Smith Charts 55

Example #1 – Impedance Trans. Normalized the parameters


Z0 50 ZjL 50 25 


zjL 10.5 

zjL  tan  1jj 0.5 tan 2  0.67  zjin   1.299 0.485 1tan110.5tan20.67jzL  j j

Smith Charts 56

28 12/15/2016

Example #1 – Impedance Trans. Plot load impedance


zjL 10.5 

Smith Charts 57

Example #1 – Impedance Trans.

Walk away from load 0.67 0.145


zjL 10.5 

Since the Smith chart repeats every 0.5, traversing 0.67 is the same as traversing 0.17.

Here we start at 0.145 on the Smith chart.

We traverse around the chart to 0.145 + 0.17 = 0.315.

Smith Charts 58

29 12/15/2016

Example #1 – Impedance Trans. Determine input impedance


Zin zjL 10.5 

Reflection at the load will be the same regardless of the length of line.

Therefore the VSWR will the same.

The input impedance must lie on the same VSWR plane.

zjin 1.3 0.5

Smith Charts 59

Example #1 – Impedance Trans. Denormalize


Zin zjL 10.5 

To determine the actual input impedance, we denormalize.

ZZzin 0 in 50  1.3 j 0.5 65 j 25

Smith Charts 60

30 12/15/2016

Example #2 – Calculate Line Length

3.5 cm 30 

L  200 nH m Zin 5 nH C 163 pF m

f 1.5 GHz

Free Space c 310 8  0 20 cm 0 f 1.5 109 Wavelength on the Line 21 2 f LC   f LC 1  11.68 cm 1.5 109912 200 10 163 10

Note:  ≠ 0 so these are NOT the same. Use  instead of 0 for Smith chart analysis. Smith Charts 61

Example #2 – Calculate Z’s

3.5 cm 30 

L  200 nH m Zin 5 nH C 163 pF m

f 1.5 GHz

Line Impedance L 200 109 Z  35.0  0 C 163 1012 Load Impedance

ZRjLL  30j 2  1.5  1099 5  10 30j 47.1 

Smith Charts 62

31 12/15/2016

Example #2 – Normalize

3.5 cm 30 

L  200 nH m Zin 5 nH C 163 pF m

f 1.5 GHz

Normalize Load Impedance L 200 109 Z  35.0  0 C 163 1012 Load Impedance

ZjL 30 47.1 zjL  0.86  1.34 Z0 35.0

Smith Charts 63

Example #2 – Transform

0.168 3.5 cm 30 

L  200 nH m Zin 5 nH C 163 pF m

f 1.5 GHz

Line Length in

 3.5 cm 0.3  11.68 cm

Azimuthal Distance Start: 0.168 0.468 End: 0.168 0.30 0.46 8 Transformed Impedance

zjin 0.26 0.19

Smith Charts 64

32 12/15/2016

Example #2 – Denormalize

0.168 3.5 cm 30 

L  200 nH m Zin 5 nH C 163 pF m

f 1.5 GHz

Denormalize Input Impedance

ZZzin 0 in 35.0 0.26 j 0.19 9.21j 6.65 

0.468 Exact Answer

Zjin 9.42 7.03

Smith Charts 65

Example #2 – Component Values

0.168 3.5 cm 30 

L  200 nH m Zin 5 nH C 163 pF m

f 1.5 GHz

Component Values 1 ZR 9.21  j 6.65  in jC R 9.21 1 C 15.9 pF 2  1.5 109  6.65 0.468

9.21 

Zin 15.9 pF

Smith Charts 66

33 12/15/2016

Impedance Matching

Two‐Element Matching L Network

The most common impedance matching circuit is the L network.

Circuit Q is fixed and cannot be controlled.

Considerations: 1. Elimination of stray reactance. 2. Need for filtering. 3. Need to pass or block DC.

Smith Charts 68

34 12/15/2016

Three‐Element Matching Pi and T Networks

Three‐element matching networks are advantageous when it is desired to control the circuit Q.

Q must be greater than the Q possible with an L network.

Pi Network T Network

fc minZZsL , f maxZZsL , Q  1 Q c 1 fR fR

Virtual resistance R is used only during design. It is not a physical component in the network.

Smith Charts 69

Two‐Element Impedance Matching with a Smith Chart

Zjsrc 25 15 

ZjL 100 25 

Solution 1. Matching network must be low‐pass to conduct DC. 2. This dictates series L and shunt C. 3. We walk along constant X circles until the input impedance is the source impedance.

Zj25 15  src 159 nH

38.8 pF

ZjL 100 25 

Smith Charts 70

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What is Stub Tuning? (1 of 6)

Zsrc Z ,  0 ZL

Power is reflected due to an impedance mismatch. Z  Z  L 0 ZL  Z0

Smith Charts 71

What is Stub Tuning? (2 of 6)

d A

Zsrc Z ,  0 ZL

 A

We want to add a short circuit stub to match the impedance. 0

Smith Charts 72

36 12/15/2016

Stub Tuning Concept (3 of 6)


Zsrc Z ,  0 ZL

11 YZAA Z 0 jB A

We back off from the load until the real part of the

input admittance is 1/Z0.

At this point, the real part of admittance is matched to the transmission line.

Smith Charts 73

Stub Tuning Concept (4 of 6)

d A

zsrc Z ,  0 YSA zL

1 YZin 0

We can match perfectly to this admittance by introducing a shunt element with the conjugate . YjBSA  A

Smith Charts 74

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Stub Tuning Concept (5 of 6)

 A

YjBSA  A Z0 , 

To realize this shunt susceptance with a short‐circuit

stub, we back off some distance from a short  A circuit load until the input admittance is –jBA.

This is our stub.

Smith Charts 75

Stub Tuning Concept (6 of 6)

d A

zsrc Z ,  0 zL

 A

Last, we add the stub at position dA from the load to cancel the susceptance of the load. 1 YZin 0

The load is matched and we have zero reflection!

Smith Charts 76

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Voltage on Transmission Line Before and After Stub Tuning

zsrc Z ,  0 zL

V(z) without stub tuner

V(z) with stub tuner

Smith Charts 77

Single‐Stub Tuning Procedure

Step 1 – You will be given Z0, ZL, n and f. Normalize the impedances and calculate .

ZL c0 zL   Z0 nf

Step 2 – Plot zL and then invert to find the corresponding admittance yL. Step 3 – Walk CW around the constant VSWR circle until the R=G=1 circle intersects it. There will be two intersections (A=closest, B=farthest). Step 4 – Pick A or B. They will be complex conjugates. Assume A for the following steps.

Step 5 – How far in the CW direction did you travel to get to A and B? These are dA and dB. Step 6 – yA is the admittance where the stub is about to be placed. This is probably point A. We need to cancel the reactive component A of this.

ygjA AA  y SAA  1 j

Step 7 – Find the –jA circle on the chart and follow it to the outside of the chart. Step 8 – Start at the far right side of the chart and move CW to the point above.

Step 9 – Determine the distance (in wavelengths) this represents. This is lA.

Smith Charts 78

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Single‐Stub Tuning Example – Step 1

Problem: A 50  transmission line with an air‐core operates at 100 MHz and is connected to a

load impedance of ZL = 27.5 + j35 . Design a single‐stub tuner.

Step 1 – Normalize impedance and calculate .

ZL 27.5j 35 zjL  0.55  0.7 Z0 50 

c 310 8 ms  0 3 m nf 1.0 100 106 Hz

Smith Charts 79

Single‐Stub Tuning Example – Step 2

Plot impedance and invert to find admittance.

We read

yjL 0.72 0.87

Smith Charts 80

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Single‐Stub Tuning Example – Step 3

Walk CW around the constant VSWR circle until the R=G=1 circle intersects it.

We read A A 11.1j B 11.1j


Smith Charts 81

Single‐Stub Tuning Example – Step 4

Pick A or B.

We will pick A because it leads to the shortest stub. A

Smith Charts 82

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Single‐Stub Tuning Example – Step 5 0.165 How far CW did we traverse to get to A?

First part: 0.5 – 0.364 = 0.136 A part: 0.165

Total: 0.136 + 0.165 = 0.301 0 or 0.5 d A  0.301

d A  90.3 cm

Smith Charts0.364 83

Single‐Stub Tuning Example – Step 6

yA is the admittance where the stub is about to be placed. We chose point A.

 A 11.1j A

We need to cancel the reactive

component A of this.

yjSA  1.1

Smith Charts 84

42 12/15/2016

Single‐Stub Tuning Example – Step 7

Find the –jA circle on the chart and follow it to the outside of the chart.

yjSA  1.1

We are setting up to do an admittance transformation in the stub to realize a –j1.1 input admittance.

Smith Charts 85

Single‐Stub Tuning Example – Step 8

Start at the far right side of the chart and move CW to the point above (move away from short).

Here we are doing an admittance transformation to realize –j1.1.

The far right side of the Smith chart is a short circuit for .

Admittance transformation

 A Smith Charts 86

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Single‐Stub Tuning Example – Step 9

Determine the distance (in wavelengths) this represents.

This is lA.

Line starts at 0.25.

Line ends at 0.367.

Total length: 0.367 – 0.25 = 0.117

 A  0.117

 A 0.117 3 m 0.351 m 35.1 cm

Smith Charts 87