VMRT 81-82 Como
ROYAL AIR FORCE MOUNTAIN RESCUE TEAM DIARY OPENED 28 AUG 81 Ended Nov 82 On Spine: TEAM DIARY OFFICE COPY 1 NOTES 1 This Diary was transcribed by Dr. A. S. G. Jones between November and.December, 2013 2 He has attempted to follow, as closely as possible, the lay-out of the actual entries in the Diary. 3 The first entry in this diary is dated 29th August,1981. The last entry is dated 13th Novmber, 1982 4 There are a numbers of Report As which have been scanned and put together in an appendix. 5 There is considerable variation in spellings. He has attempted to follow the actual spelling in the Diary even where the Spell Checker has highlighted a word as incorrect. 6 The spelling of place names is a very variable feast as is the use of initial capital letters. He has attempted to follow the actual spellings in the Diary 7 Where there is uncertainty as to a word, its has been shown in italics 8 Where words or parts of words have been crossed out (corrected) they are shown with a strike through. 9 The diary is in a four ring binder. 10 It was apparent that the entries were written by number of different people 11 Sincere thanks to Alister Haveron for a detailed proof reading of the text. Any mistakes are the fault of Dr. A. S. G. Jones. 2 VALLEY MRT EXERCISE AUGUST GRANT 81 KINLOCHEWE 29 AUG 81 Attending Haveron, Whalley, Wathan, Kennedy, Winn, Birtwistle, Reece, Summerfield, Tomkins, Nash, Hugo, Craig, Gubbins, Abbott, Skett, Davies.
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