KICKING OFF BLACK HISTORY MONTH SEE PAGE 5 Monday, Feb. 6, 2017 Fresno State’s Award-Winning Newspaper SAFETY Crimes prioritizes safety concerns

By Razmik Cañas and Jenna Wilson @Raz_Canas and @fsjennawilson

An alleged street robbery near campus last month raised con- cerns among student leaders about neighborhood safety. On Jan. 15, 2017, around 9 p.m. two Fresno State students said they were returning to their residence at Campus Edge when they were robbed of their wallets and phones. The computer science majors were held at gunpoint within the gated apartment complex locat- ed south of Bulldog Stadium on Bulldog Lane by a black male and female who demanded they empty their pockets of their belongings. The students said they were Chueyee Yang • The Collegian walking home from the conve- An emergency call box stands out of order near the Mckee Fisk building on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017. nience store when the male sus- pect told James Smith to tell his friend Chris Jones to stop walking and turn around or he was going to shoot him. Both victims real names With travel ban on hold, Castro are being kept confidential to pro- tect their privacy. The students said the suspects fled the scene after gathering and students hoping for repeal Smith and Jones belongings from the ground. The apartment complex re- Foreign Terrorists Entry into the Expected now is a response quires a keypad code to enter, but United States” order on Jan. 27, from the Ninth Circuit court on Smith and Jones said everyone which includes eight sections of whether it will allow the federal knows the code, or you can just new policies the administration government to resume the full help people get in. hopes will protect Americans order by the president. The court Smith said, “They used to have from terrorism. Critics have re- meets Monday at 3 p.m. security there on the weekends. I sponded to the president by say- Trump didn’t hold back on don’t know what happened. They ing the ban shuns countries with commenting on Robart’s deci- wouldn’t have done it if there was a Muslim-majority population. sion, saying Saturday on Twitter, security.” One section of the order tem- “Because the ban was lifted by a Jones said, “It’s a small deter- porarily bans the travel from judge, many very bad and dan- rent, but at least it’s a deterrent.” seven countries “of concern” to gerous people may be pouring The property manager at Cam- the president – Iraq, Syria, Iran, into our country.” pus Edge said there are plans to set Lybia, Somalia, Sudan and Ye- The court process that is ex- more lighting along Bulldog Lane men. Another section suspends amining the two portions of the and to eliminate the keypad entry refugee acceptance for 120 days. order has Zakee Naqvi, presi- by August. The goal is to make it The U.S. Court of Appeals dent of the MSA and senior kine- safer to enter the complex. Khone Saysamongdy • The Collegian for the Ninth Circuit based in siology student, thinking there is The victims said they report- Muslim Student Association President Zakee Naqvi shares his thoughts on the San Francisco is expected to hope that the travel ban will be ed the crime to the Fresno Police travel ban on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017. respond on whether it will get lifted completely. Naqvi praised Department, but did not report rid of a block to the president’s the checks and balances system it to the Fresno State Police De- ident Donald Trump. travel and refugee ban after a the country has. By Cresencio partment even after visiting the Rodriguez-Delgado Students opposed to the federal judge from Washington “I feel like it helps put faith in on-campus station and asking for @cres_guez travel ban are hoping it is lifted state filed a restraining order on the system that we have and to guidance. completely. Fresno State Presi- Friday. show that it’s not a dictatorship “The lady basically didn’t want dent Dr. Joseph Castro offered Judge James Robart of the or that it is not controlled by a to get the form. She said ‘It’s more At its first meeting of the the full support of the university Federal District Court in Seattle few people,” Naqvi said. of [Fresno Police Department’s] semester, the Muslim Student to anyone affected by the presi- filed the complaint along with The order by the president deal, because it was off campus,’” Association (MSA) had much to dent’s orders. But enforcement the state of Minnesota. Robart’s did get personal for some mem- Smith said. talk about. Among issues that of two portions of the order are complaint specifically invalidat- bers of his club, who either have The victims believe it is the duty were discussed was a travel ban currently halted by the courts ed the 90-day travel ban and family in one of the seven coun- of not only the Fresno police, but imposed on several countries in and not being enforced. 120-day refugee suspension tries or know someone who the Middle East that was issued The president issued the portion of the executive See SAFETY, Page 6 through executive order by Pres- “Protecting the Nation From order. See IMMIGRATION, Page 3 GOT OPINIONS? We want to hear them. [email protected] OPINION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017 2 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM With liberty and justice for all Unless you’re black, gay, transgender or a woman

By Amber Carpenter low-income neighborhoods and the LGBT all for the sake of keeping “evil” out of our ing among you must be treated as your na- @shutupambs community. America, according to Trump’s personal tive-born. Love them as yourself…” This executive order would make it Twitter account. Ironically enough, this verse lies As the dumpster fire we benevolently harder for women to acquire birth control Hopefully, anyone with critical thinking amongst the same biblical evidence used call the Donald Trump administration con- and safe abortions, and the Lesbian, Gay, skills can see exactly why this situation is to denounce things like homosexuality and tinues on, leaked drafts of executive orders Bisexual and Transgender community ironic. Unfortunately, it’s not even laugh- tattoos. It feels important to add that with- lead people to believe that more rights are would not have mandated protections ably ironic. It’s just sad – and that word is in the Bible, things like the mixing of two going to be suppressed for the sake of reli- against workplace discrimination. not being used sarcastically, as it is genu- different kinds of material, haircuts and gious freedom. This executive order draft comes less inely heartbreaking. trimming your beard are also condemned. In a turn of events that surprises no one, than two weeks after Trump attempted to Yet again, at the hands of a conservative That being said, there sure are a lot of the people who suffer the most at the hands push forward a now-suspended travel ban party trying to Make America Great Again, people fighting for religious freedom who of rich, powerful white men are women in against seven majorly Muslim countries, the rights of the minority are being sup- wear polyester suits, receive haircuts and pressed for the sake of “religious freedom.” are clean-shaven who live on Capitol Hill. The fact that Trump just tried to make When fighting for the protection of it illegal for basically an entire religion to religious freedom, the pick-and-choose enter the country – one they are legally au- option isn’t enough. When you make laws thorized to enter, at that – and then turn that bar the rights of others for the sake of around and proclaim that the only recog- maintaining religious liberty, conservatives nizable marriage should occur between bio- can’t afford to pick and choose what rules logically affirmed men and women because they want to follow and what teachings they that’s the way the Christian God sees it. deem should be followed as laws. This should not be considered political The problem with religious freedom is whiplash, but it should be seen for what it that as genuine as its origins may be, many is: flagrant racism, sexism and transphobia. of its motives are rooted in racism, xeno- The leaked order also details that sexual phobia and the repression of the rights of relations are “properly reserved for such a those who live outside the beliefs of main- marriage,” and that life “begins at concep- stream Christianity. tion and merits protection at all stages of The layers of hypocrisy surrounding life.” These two points should raise some the topic of religious freedom could be flags: will the sex lives of the American peo- dissected for many reasons, but the fact of ple be as heavily regulated as women’s uter- the matter remains as this: when religious uses? Will the fetuses being protected “at liberty is prioritized over the protection and all stages of life” include the lives of black, needs of minority beliefs, the country no transgender, gay and immigrant people? longer operates as a democracy. Recent history proves that the answer to If Trump pushes forth this executive those questions is probably not. order that targets religious freedom, he re- In light of the Muslim ban, many have inforces the idea that America will become been turning to a verse from the Old Testa- a Christian theocracy, and if that’s the case, ment, Leviticus 19: 33-34 saying, “When a we will still be one nation under God, but foreigner resides among you in your land, there will not be liberty and justice for all. Curtis Compton • Atlanta Journal-Constitution/TNS do not mistreat them. The foreigner resid-

Jordan Bradley • The Collegian

Executive Editor Diana Giraldo Staff Writer Selina Falcon Cartoonist Jordan Bradley Managing Editor Cresencio Rodriguez Delgado Staff Writer Rebeca Flores Co-General Sales Manager Joseph Houlihan Visuals Editor Khone Saysamongdy Staff Writer Razmik Cañas Co-General Sales Manager Erik Ucelo THE COLLEGIAN News Editor Chueyee Yang Staff Writer Francisco De Leon Special Projects Haruka Naoi Assistant News Editor Daniel Gligich Staff Writer Eric Zamora Art Director Casey Supple The Collegian is a student-run The Collegian Opinion Editor Amber Carpenter Staff Writer Richard Thistle Assistant Art Director Kong Thao Arts & Entertianment Editor Marina McElwee Staff Writer Nugesse Ghebrendrias Distribution Manager Abdallah Abdelhamid publication that serves the Fresno California State University, Fresno Sports Editor David Chavez Webmaster Khushpreet Sran Accountancy Assistant Megan Motsenbocker State community. Views expressed 5201 N. Maple Ave., M/S SA42 Assistant Sports Editor Jenna Wilson Digital Media Manager Claire Cavanaugh General Manager Rich Marshall in The Collegian do not Fresno, CA 93740-8027 Staff Photographer Yezmene Fullilove Multimedia Journalist Alan Alvarez Financial Manager Cheryl Carlson necessarily reflect the views News Line: (559) 278-5732 Staff Photographer Christian Ortuno Multimedia Journalist Daniel Avalos Advertising Faculty Adviser Jan Edwards of the staff or university. Business Line: (559) 278-5735 Design Editor Juan Alvarez Social Media Director Jessica Johnson Editorial Faculty Adviser George Hostetter Advertising Line: (559) 278-8179 Copy Editor Alvaro Lozano Social Media Reporter Hayley Salazar MCJ Department Chair Dr. Katherine Adams

Each member of the campus community is permitted one copy of The Collegian. Subscriptions are available for $25, on a semester basis. Staff positions at The Collegian are open to students of all majors. All content Copyright © 2017 The Collegian. Letters to the Editor ([email protected]): All letters submitted to The Collegian should be between 250-500 words in length, must be type-written, and must be accompanied by a full name and phone number to verify content. The Collegian reserves the right to edit all material for length, content, spelling and grammar, as well as the right to refuse publication of any material submitted. All material submitted to The Collegian becomes property of The Collegian. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017 THE COLLEGIAN • NEWS PAGE 3 University expresses dismay at Trump’s travel ban IMMIGRATION from Page 1

does, Naqvi said. “Regardless whether I know them, these are my people that [Trump] is banning. These are my people,” Naqvi said. “They are trying to seek refuge from violence, from all kinds of atrocities, all kinds of traumatic instances (and) denying them that is an in- credible injustice to humanity.” Castro said there are 15 students cur- rently at Fresno State who are citizens from the countries where Muslims were tempo- rarily banned from traveling. Castro did not provide a specific num- ber of faculty or staff who have ties to those countries, but did say a handful of them were also affected by the president’s order. “We’ve been in communication with them, and we are offering our support to them as well,” Castro said. The university president also issued a letter of concern in which he responded Courtesy of Layla Darwish to the President Trump’s order, saying the Fresno State student members of the Muslim Student Association pose during a general club meeting on Monday, Jan. 30, 2017. The club discussed a travel ban campus will offer “unwavering” support to issued by President Donald Trump. the students who are from the countries af- “I know it’s stressful for [students, fac- ter. Noor Al-Hamdani, a public health and visa issuance for 90 days to people of the fected by the ban. ulty and staff], and I know they may be nursing senior, attended the meeting and same seven countries. “When I was appointed in August of scared, and I’m very sorry that they are go- was among a few of the members proposing “He has to apply for a visa, so who 2013, on my first day in office I promised ing through this experience,” Castro said. the club begin to reach out to the communi- knows if he could come,” Al-Hamdani said. that I would serve every student, faculty, “At the same time, I want them to know ty to teach about their religion. “We are not sure, because it’s on his pass- staff, alumni, friend,” Castro said. “This ex- they have the full support of our adminis- Al-Hamdani’s parents are U.S. citizens, port where he was born, which was in Iraq. ecutive order unfortunately has a very seri- So that has placed a lot of feelings toward ous impact on the lives of our students and my family.” faculty and staff who are affected. That’s Trump’s travel ban ordered a travel re- why I expressed my concerns.” striction from citizens of the seven coun- Castro said, immediately after President tries for 90 days after the order was issued. Trump signed the order on Jan. 27, he met 90 120 Al-Hamdani said her graduation will likely with his cabinet over the weekend to exam- come after the 90 days, but there is still un- ine what potential impact it would bring to President orders 90- President orders 120- certainty as to what will happen. the university. He joined California State “I’m sure my graduation will fall [after] University Chancellor Timothy White, 22 day travel ban from day ban on refugee those days, [but] there is a high possibility other CSU presidents along with the Cal- he will not be able to come,” Al-Hamdani ifornia State Student Association and the seven countries acceptance said. “I didn’t know what to say. I never CSU Academic Senate in the statement of thought America would turn this way.” concern to the president. tration.” but both were born in the Middle East. Castro also said he will continue to stay Castro also pledged to support any ef- Her dad is from Iraq and her mom is from in touch with local elected representatives forts by students and faculty or staff to Syria. She said traveling will be tougher for at the state and federal levels. He said he reach out to the community in efforts to her parents and for family abroad, especial- WATCH: For video on this wants students to know the campus pro- reduce misconceptions of the Islamic faith. ly a cousin who lives in Scotland but was story, visit our website: vides resources as the order is reviewed and The MSA meeting in the Henry Madden born in Iraq and was supposed to visit her a decision on whether the ban continues or Library last Monday brought old and new in May when she graduates from Fresno is scrapped is made in court. club members together for the new semes- State. The president’s order also suspended

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Contact: Ashleigh Rocker Greene 7 3 Session Programs and Volunteer Coordinator 29 17 7 0 33491 O: 559-278-7703 C: 559-916-8554 in course [email protected] A&E MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017 4 ART Fresno State alumna and new artists debut at ArtHop

By Megan Trindad Goulart represents freedom of expres- @megantrinidad sion in very personal ways through her art with acrylic paint. Pieces that were already sold hung on the wall next to those that Crowds gathered inside the M Street were still available, each one embodying a Art Complex on Feb. 2 to meet the new different meaning or personal stage in her members of Gallery 25: Iris Duarte, Judith life. Goulart, and Jeanette Goulart. “You struggle until you get to a place The complex in downtown Fresno was where you’ve flourished, and I’m there,” open to the public during February’s first Goulart said. Thursday ArtHop and holds multiple piec- An emotional Goulart said that she es from the artists who are using their art knows she is finished with a piece of art to tell stories of environmental issues, per- when she takes a step back and feels joy sonal growth and freedom of expression. that is when it is complete. “I always wanted to be an artist since Across from Jeanette Goulart’s exhibit I was a little girl,” Jeanette Goulart said. is Fresno State alumna Duarte’s gallery of “This is my calling.” artwork with encaustic paints.

Yezmene Fullilove • The Collegian Spectators view art during ArtHop on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017.

“I have been working with this medium spired by the Central Coast. for 15 years and I can tell you I am still “The reason that it is called fine art is learning,” Duarte said. “It is an amazing because of the ink it is printed on and be- medium. It gives luminosity, it gives tex- cause the paper is hundreds of years old,” ture. There’s just an endless amount of Goulart said. things you can do with it which is why it Giglée prints hang on the wall with appeals to me as an artist.” enchanting colors of starfish captured by Encaustic paints are made up of heated Goulart from a trip she took in Carlsbad beeswax, damar resin and pigment. Orig- with her son. inating from Ancient Greece, the artistic An engaging fine art print of waves technique is one of the world’s earliest art hitting the pier is the photograph Goulart forms. Duarte uses this art style to exem- calls her favorite. Capturing this image plify social and environmental issues. caused her to fracture her vertebrae after “Right now, what inspires me to create she took a step backward and fell on the art is what’s going on in our planet,” Du- rocks. arte said. “It’s kind of been a blessing,” Goulart She dedicated a full wall to environ- said. “It has taken a year to recover, and mental issues and said each person has through the process I’ve been able to have a role to play when it comes to the envi- more time to do my photography.” ronment. More of Duarte’s work include Goulart said it is a dream come true to symbolism of the lotus flower and repre- have her artwork displayed. sentation of the cosmos. The New Member Exhibit will run Yezmene Fullilove • The Collegian Members of the Fresno community gather in Downtown Fresno during ArtHop on Thursday, Feb. 2, Parallel to Duarte’s showing is Judith through Feb 25. A second reception will be 2017. Goulart’s fine art photography exhibit, in- held on Feb 11 from noon – 4 p.m.

ASI SPONSORED ACTIVITIES CLUB SPORTS SERVICES PROVIDED • Opening & Closing Club Accounts • Balance Inquiries • Account Security • Withdrawals and Deposits • Assistance with Funding Paperwork • Expense Requests APPLICATION AVAILABLE ONLINE: • Travel ASI.FRESNOSTATE.EDU • Performers & Speakers Associated Students, Inc. University Student Union Room 317 Mail Stop: SU-32 559.278.2656 Visit the ASI website: Call us at 559•278•2656 Stop by our o‹ce: USU 317 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017 THE COLLEGIAN • A&E PAGE 5 BLACK HISTORY MONTH Food justice meets Black Lives Matter

three years ago when she got hired at Fresno By Marina McElwee State. @MarinaMashelle “I was excited to come to Fresno State as a professor because I knew I would be work- Why is it so special? Are there memories ing with the children and grandchildren of attached to that meal? Is there a tradition farmworkers and people in agriculture,” associated with it that makes it so special? Saxton said. “But when I got here, I observed The Food Justice Series at Fresno State is that there wasn’t really a culture of acknowl- taking a closer look at food culture and en- edging where our students come from.” couraging students to think about their food Saxton said she was inspired by other beyond calories and nutrition. communities to start the Food Justice Se- This year’s Food Justice Series kicked off ries. with a screening of the documentary “Soul “Nationally there is this movement called Food Junkies” on Feb. 3 in the library. The Farmworker Appreciation Week, where col- film tells the story of a man who decided to lege campuses and other communities take trace soul food to its roots and find out why time to thank the people who grow our food unhealthy comfort foods are such a staple in and to learn more about their history and Celebrating Black History black communities. culture,” Saxton said. “As an anthropologist, After the film, Dvera Saxton, an anthro- that’s some of the kind of work that I can do. pology professor, lead a discussion which I have the skills to pull together that kind of Month through poetry touched on topics like access to food and programming.” how food affects individual cultures. The events are designed for people to re- “[The film] makes you start to think alize and appreciate their culture’s connec- about how different types of inequality go tion to food. Khone Saysamongdy • The Collegian together, and that food justice is a Black “Initially, it was an effort to kind of allo- Charie’ Payne shares one of her poems at the Henry Madden Library in room 2206 during the Poetry Lives Matter issue,” Saxton said. cate where our students come from. But now Jam event on Feb. 1, 2017. The discussion echoed the film’s theme it’s become a semester-long series to think that black communities often do not have about food,” Saxton said. “Oftentimes, food By Sean Johnson-Bey Student Te’Szhia Walker. said this was access to health food stores. Audience mem- and agriculture are just framed as econom- @TheCollegian her first time at a poetry jam bers added their concerns for student’s ac- ics or health, but we don’t take time to think “All of the performers were so good. cess to healthy choices on campus. about the other values and meanings that Students showed off their talents in po- I plan to attend every year if I’m able to,” During the discussion, Saxton asked the food has in our lives.” etry, song and rap at Poetry Jam: An Open Walker said. group to pass on its ideas about food justice The next Food Justice Series event is a Mic in honor of Black History Month. While there were exceptions, for many to the coordinators for the proposed new discussion with Dr. Breeze Harper about The Cross Cultural and Gender Center performers it was their first time in front student union – Bold New U – to create veganism in black communities on Friday, hosted the event in the Henry Madden Li- of an audience. larger access to healthier and more cultured Feb. 10, from 2-3 p.m. in Kremen Education brary on Feb. 1. Cheryl Kingston said she was proud of foods on campus. Building, Room 140. Performer Kameron Brooks presented a the first time performers. Saxton started the Food Justice Series poetry piece written by Langston Hughes, “I remember my first time performing which expressed the everyday struggles as in front of an audience. It was nerve-rack- an African-American male. ing,” Kingston said. “It reminded me of “It felt good to get my message out,” how important poetry jams use to be to the Brooks said. “To have the opportunity to communities everywhere. I’m glad they express myself through poetry is an amaz- are giving the students and community ing feeling. I’m truly blessed.” this opportunity.” Brooks was one of the veteran perform- Kingston thanked the university and ers at the event. He mentioned this perfor- faculty for hosting the event. mance was just one of many he’s done in Fliers were passed out for the event, the community. Brooks said he will contin- but word of mouth through students and ue to perform when given the opportunity. faculty contributed to the success of the Music was played along with unique event, organizers said. storytelling that completely captured Kingston said poetry jams inspire the audience’s attention. The audience young artists to share their thoughts and Yezmene Fullilove • The Collegian laughed, cried, nodded and listened. experiences with the community. Anthropology professor Dvera Saxton introduces the film ‘Soul Food Junkies’ on Feb. 3, 2017 in the Henry Madden Library. LAST YEAR SPONSORED

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AND YOU CAN, TOO! Contact us! Online: Associated Students, Inc. 1 2 3 University Student Union Room 317 Follow us @FresnoStateASI Mail Stop: SU-32 Phone: 559.278.2656 5280 N. Jackson Ave. Fax: 559.278.2720 Lead Youth Fight Food Plan Community Fresno, CA 93740-8023 Programs Insecurity Events NEWS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017 6 Aiming for a safer community, campus

SAFETY from Page 1 The areas with high risks will be consid- ered for new LED lighting or emergency call also Fresno State police because the complex boxes. is so close to campus. Zante is aware that these changes “can’t Among other safety issues near campus, be fixed overnight” but does want students Fresno PD sent an email at the end of no- to help find solutions moving forward. Lack vember warning students about an apparent of funding and a shortage of campus police serial groper who had struck at University are examples of challenges students can help Village and Plaza Apartments near Fresno resolve. State “That’s when it comes to being creative In December, Fresno State student Dean- and try to find different ways we can make dre Jean-Pierre was arrested on suspicion of sure students are still being safe,” Zante said. groping women near campus. On Feb. 1, the According to the university police Annual Fresno County District Attorney’s Office filed Safety and Security Report for 2016, vehicle a misdemeanor criminal complaint against break-ins have been on the rise. Zante him- Jean-Pierre. self has been a victim multiple times and The Fresno State community is being en- said that keeping valuables out of sight helps couraged to take up safety measures and be prevent break-ins. Christian Ortuno • The Collegian aware of available resources. Participation is needed, Zante said, so The Campus Edge apartments located on Bulldog Lane on Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017. Associated Students, Inc. (ASI), campus students can voice the growing concerns on administration and campus police are plan- campus. Zante said a way students can help pus police when an incident occurs rather can kind of help Fresno PD address those ning a Campus Safety Night Walk this se- is through advocacy. Students can help in than assuming they already know. issues.” mester. The walk will be aimed at observing advocating in support of better funding for “If Campus PD knows it’s happening, Plans for a satellite station in El Dorado areas around campus that need extra atten- campus police to obtain more officers to then they’re going to spend more time pa- Park, west of campus, near Bulldog Stadium tion to increase campus safety. help. trolling that area, making sure it doesn’t and Fraternity Row, were said to be under- The walk was announced in December at Zante added that the advocacy doesn’t happen,” Zante said. way in September. The plan was to open the the final ASI meeting of the fall 2016 semes- end on the campus but extends to the neigh- Fresno State police public information station within 30-60 days, said Fresno City ter. It was planned the week of “Dead Days,” borhoods in the the surrounding areas. officer Amy Luna said off-campus housing is Manager Bruce Rudd. but was postponed until the spring semester. Students who commute from neighboring the Fresno Police Department’s jurisdiction. Fresno City Council President Paul Cap- ASI Executive Vice President Blake Zante apartments near the university are con- She said the university police would also take rioglio, who represents the Fresno State and said that examining areas on campus ahead cerned with the lack of lighting along the part, if necessary. El Dorado Park areas, said, “Fresno State is of time will help prevent future unsafe inci- sidewalks of the busy streets. “We don’t want the campus community important, and I believe [a satellite police dents. “Campus PD tries to do the best that they to hesitate to call us at all. We are always station] will bring more security for Fres- “What we’re looking for [are] areas that can, but sometimes even with their officers there to assist and take reports,” Luna said. no State students. It absolutely will reduce aren’t well-lit or areas where students could and their whole staff, they can’t cover the “We are very mindful of what’s happening, crime.” be susceptible to crime or a robbery,” Zante whole area,” Zante said. and we watch very closely what is happen- Nearly four months later, the station has said. He recommends students contact cam- ing on the perimeter of campus and how we yet to be seen. Calling all Veterans… A Degree in any Major Qualifies you to Apply to Law School Veterans to Law School ~ A free forum ~ Thursday, February 16, 2017 | 7:00 - 9:00pm Clovis Veterans Memorial District Auditorium 808 Fourth Street, Clovis, CA 93612

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SJCL ADMitS StuDentS of Any RACe, CoLoR, AnD nAtionAL oR ethniC oRigin. Next LSAT is June 12 • Registration Deadline is April 19 • (559) 323-2100 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017 THE COLLEGIAN • SPORTS PAGE 7 FRESNO STATE Following in the coaching footsteps of his family SCOReBOARD

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Fresno State 73 Air Force 64

SDSU 70 Fresno State 67 Women’s Basketball (13-9) Conf. (6-5) Courtesy of Fresno State Athletics Fresno State Softball Assistant Coach Justin Shults. Fresno State 72 Air Force 56

SOFTBALL from Page 8 game (5.21), RBIs (274), dou- nation in the USA Today/NFCA bles (83), home runs (56) and Division I Preseason Coaches’ Fresno State 59 SDSU 51 ship and an NCAA Tournament walks (200). Shults’ ability to get Poll. berth in 2016. Shults will be per- the best out of his players was “Anytime you come to Fresno forming some of the same duties evident after one of his many State and you talk about softball, Men’s Tennis as the ’Dogs’ assistant coach. players was named MAC Player the expectations are always ex- (0-2) “I was in charge of the offense, of the Year. His ability to teach tremely high — where you expect infield and recruiting coordina- and nurture players will bring an to go far in our conference and USF 4 Fresno State 3 tor,” Shults said. “I’ll have all of added dimension to the reigning have a chance to win it — also the same duties here at Fresno Mountain West champions. pushing into the postseason and State. There is a lot more film After back-to-back confer- making some noise as well,” available to me in the conference, ence titles for the Bulldogs the Shults said. Women’s Tennis so I’ll definitely do more scouting past two seasons, expectations The ’Dogs open their season at (1-2) in terms of watching our confer- are high for the ’Dogs, but Shults home against Cal Poly on Friday, ence opponents.” said that’s part of being associ- Feb. 23. The ’Dogs look to im- Fresno State 5 Utah 2 The Miami RedHawks broke ated with such a successful pro- prove on a 42-12-1 season along six school records under Shults’ gram. The ’Dogs come into the with capturing a third consecu- tutelage: runs (302), runs per 2017 season ranked No. 24 in the tive Mountain West title. SPORTS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017 8 LI By Jenna Wilson of an injury, his first season was cut short @fsjennawilson causing him to medically redshirt. Popovich started a total of 25 games for the Bulldogs. Even though Fresno State boasts 13 With the help of Cabrera and Popovich, Big game features players on active NFL rosters, no Bulldogs the Patriots were able to secure their fifth played in the ’ 34-28 Super Bowl title. victory over the on Sunday The Patriots’ offense had a total of 546 evening at Super Bowl LI. net yards with an average of 5.9 yards per former Bulldogs While no one left their Bulldog spirit on play, with 37 first downs in more than 40 the field, two coaches on the winning side minutes of possession. have ties to Fresno State. New England Former Bulldog Richard Smith, in his Patriots’ head strength and conditioning second year as the Falcons’ defensive coor- coach, Moses Cabrera, coached for the Bull- dinator, found himself on the other side of 34 dogs from 2002-09, and offensive assistant the victory. Cole Popovich played for the Bulldogs from Smith was an offensive lineman at Fres- 2004-08. no State in 1977 and 1978 and helped lead Cabrera served as a graduate assistant the Bulldogs to the Pacific Coast Athletic for the Bulldogs in 2002-03 and then as an Association title in his first year with the 28 assistant strength coach through the 2009 program. season. Falcons’ cornerback Robert Alford Popovich, in his first full season with the picked off for the game’s only Patriots, was a four-year starting offensive interception and ran for a touchdown. Cor- lineman for the Bulldogs. He was the first nerback Jalen Collins led the defense with true freshman in the era of Pat Hill, the for- 10 tackles and with three sacks. Defensive mer Falcons’ offensive line coach (2012-13), tackle Grady Jarrett led the Falcons’ defen- to earn a start on the offensive line. Because sive line.

LACROSSE ‘Underdogs’ embracing title on journey to playoffs

Khone Saysamongdy • The Collegian Curtis Compton • Atlanta Journal-Constitution/TNS Fresno State’s Sarah Bloise (#23) runs past a New Zealand defender during a game on Oct. 18, 2016 at Tom Brady hoists the Lombardi Trophy, winning his fifth Super Bowl title, as the New England Patriots the Fresno State Soccer and Lacrosse Field. beat the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 in Super Bowl LI on Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017 at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas. By Judith Saldivar ally think that.” @judithgs The team ranked second to last in the preseason Mountain Pacific Sports Federa- SOFTBALL The Fresno State women’s lacrosse team tion coaches’ poll . has one goal: Playoffs. Alex White, a senior broadcast major The lacrosse team began practicing a and first-year captain said the Bulldogs are Diamond ’Dogs add month in advance of the upcoming season – ranked below a team they had beaten. three hours a day — weekends included. The “It kind of makes you a little bit angry Bulldogs have 19 returning players, includ- and kind of fuels the fire when you’re prac- firepower with Shults’ hire ing 14 letterwinners and four seniors. The ticing, but at the same time we know how team added 10 freshmen. well we’re playing and we know what we’re By Nugesse Ghebrendrias up in a softball family, my dad has coached Last season, the Bulldogs came up short capable of,” White said. “So we’re not really @nugebear13 forever and my sister now coaches. So I in a number of games, but head coach Jes- worried. We’re actually really excited to be think that’s always kind of been my path.” sica Giglio said the team is ready to settle the underdog and to prove everyone wrong.” He earned 2010 All-Region/All-Ameri- some unfinished business. Last season end- White said it’s encouraging that the The 2017 Fresno State softball season can and honors as a junior at UC Riverside. ed with a 5-10 record. freshmen are stepping up and fitting into begins in less than two weeks, and new He was also a two-time All-Big West selec- “I think they’ve invested more. I feel like the program. assistant coach Justin Shults intends to tion. Shults holds the program’s single-sea- the off time when they come back, it’s the In order for the Bulldogs to make it to provide an offensive punch, due to a strong son record for runs batted in (62) and the best we’ve ever come back from vacation the playoffs, they must place in the top six of background in the sport. single-game records for home runs (3) and from holiday break, and I think that makes it their conference of nine teams. Shults explained that a strong relation- total bases (16). He later joined the Hous- a little easier,” Giglio said. “I think the more “I think this year we’re more versatile as ship with his former high school baseball ton Astros organization for one year before that you unite for a common goal, the easier a team, but we have a lot of people that are coach along with a family background in the becoming a softball coach. it is to rally against someone.” stepping up to the plate. We’re kind of us- sport contributed to his success. His sister, He landed his first job at Southwestern Giglio said that common goal is the play- ing everybody on attack and all around the Jessica Shults, a former national champion Oklahoma State where he assisted on hit- offs. field,” Carlson said. “So I think people in our softball player and Oklahoma University ting and recruiting. He also helped guide Caroline Dineen-Carlson, a senior psy- conference are going to be surprised with us staff member, is currently the assistant six players to All-Great American Confer- chology major and second-year captain, said this year. I think we have a lot to offer.” coach at the University of Houston. Justin ence Team honors. she’s excited to start the season. “4-24” is the team motto. Shults aimed at continuing the coaching Before Shults landed in Fresno, he “We’ve been playing the same people, “It’ll be April 24 — if we’re still playing background after his baseball career. helped lead Miami University (Ohio) to just our team, for the past two months, so and practicing by then, that means we made “My high school coach, Jared Snyder, back-to-back 30-win seasons, a Mid-Amer- I’m excited to play someone else and kind of it to conference playoffs,” White said. really got me on the path. He allowed me to ican Conference Tournament Champion- get to showcase what we’ve been practicing,” The season begins Friday, Feb. 10, at 5 come back and coach there during my col- Dineen-Carlson said. “I’m excited to make it p.m. at the Fresno State Soccer and Lacrosse lege years,” Shults said. “Also just growing See SOFTBALL, Page 7 to playoffs. I think this year’s the year. I re- Field.