2010-2011 Independent Colleges and Universities of Graduates

Full Qtr Full Qtr Full Qtr Full Qtr Grad Total Employment Average Total Grad Total Employment Average Total Freq Employed (% Employed) Earnings Cont. Ed. Freq Employed (% Employed) Earnings Cont. Ed.

Computer Science 110701 1 0 (0%) 0 (0%) $**,*** 1 (100%) Criminology 450401 1st Professional 18 6 (33%) 1 (17%) $**,*** 2 (11%) Doctor of Ministry 390602 CV Perfusion Program 510901 7 4 (57%) 4 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 7 2 (29%) 2 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Podiatric Medicine 512101 Diag. Ultrasound 510910 55 23 (42%) 21 (91%) $10,273 1 (2%) 19 12 (63%) 8 (67%) $**,*** 0 (0%) (93%) (2%) Total62 27 (44%) 25 $10,755 1 Elem Ed w/ESOL/Read End 131202 (88%) (78%) Bachelor 26 23 18 $7,956 0 (0%) English 230101 Accounting 520301 10 5 (50%) 5 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 7 4 (57%) 4 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Environmental Science 030104 Administration 520201 1 1 (100%) 1 (100%) $**,*** 1 (100%) 124 107 (86%) 101 (94%) $13,314 9 (7%) Excep Stu Ed w/ESOL/REA End 131099 Advertising 090903 5 5 (100%) 5 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 7 2 (29%) 1 (50%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Exercise Science 510913 Art 500701 27 19 (70%) 12 (63%) $5,781 7 (26%) 10 6 (60%) 2 (33%) $**,*** 1 (10%) Finance 520801 Athletic Training 510913 11 7 (64%) 6 (86%) $**,*** 1 (9%) 9 7 (78%) 4 (57%) $**,*** 6 (67%) General Studies 240102 Biology 260101 13 9 (69%) 6 (67%) $**,*** 1 (8%) 60 26 (43%) 20 (77%) $6,849 9 (15%) Health Serv Admin 510701 Broadcast Comm. 090701 89 80 (90%) 77 (96%) $14,095 4 (4%) 20 13 (65%) 10 (77%) $7,691 1 (5%) History 540101 Chemistry 400501 5 2 (40%) 2 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 5 4 (80%) 3 (75%) $**,*** 2 (40%) Info Technology 110103 Clinical Biology 260101 65 56 (86%) 51 (91%) $14,804 5 (8%) 12 9 (75%) 8 (89%) $**,*** 5 (42%) Internat'l Business 521101 Comm Studies 090101 7 5 (71%) 4 (80%) $**,*** 1 (14%) 8 4 (50%) 4 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Internatl. Studies 240199 Computer Info Sciences 110101 4 2 (50%) 2 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 5 2 (40%) 2 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%)

Report outcomes are based on the 4th quarter (October to December) of 2011. Page 1 of 4 Full me/full quarter defined as earning at least minimum wage for 13 weeks ( $3,801 ). 10/5/2012 Full quarter earnings displayed only when 10 or more graduates are employed full me/full quarter. Total Grad Freq represents the total number of degrees awarded. N:\Reports_Data\ICUF\1011\Annual Reports\2008-09 ICUF PgmsByDegBySchl.rpt 2010-2011 Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida Graduates

Full Qtr Full Qtr Full Qtr Full Qtr Grad Total Employment Average Total Grad Total Employment Average Total Freq Employed (% Employed) Earnings Cont. Ed. Freq Employed (% Employed) Earnings Cont. Ed.

Prof. Administration 520201 Barry University 33 28 (85%) 27 (96%) $14,087 0 (0%) Professional Studies 240199 Bachelor 85 69 (81%) 60 (87%) $13,191 5 (6%) Legal Studies 229999 Psychology 420101 13 11 (85%) 11 (100%) $11,730 1 (8%) 30 17 (57%) 7 (41%) $**,*** 3 (10%) Liberal Studies 240199 Public Admin 440401 87 65 (75%) 59 (91%) $10,494 5 (6%) 114 100 (88%) 91 (91%) $15,728 5 (4%) Management 520201 Public Relations 090902 27 14 (52%) 13 (93%) $6,432 2 (7%) 14 7 (50%) 7 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Marine Biology 260101 Social Work 440701 1 1 (100%) 1 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 18 8 (44%) 7 (88%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Marketing 521401 Sociology 451101 12 9 (75%) 2 (22%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 4 3 (75%) 3 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Mathematics 270101 Sport Management 310504 3 0 (0%) 0 (0%) $**,*** 1 (33%) 34 17 (50%) 14 (82%) $6,643 1 (3%) Music 500901 Theatre 500501 6 2 (33%) 1 (50%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 4 3 (75%) 0 (0%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Nuclear Med Technology 510905 Theology 390601 10 6 (60%) 3 (50%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 2 0 (0%) 0 (0%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Nursing 513801 Total1,347 981 (73%) 845 (86%) $12,361 101 (7%) 236 187 (79%) 170 (91%) $12,735 22 (9%) Philosophy 380101 Law 4 2 (50%) 1 (50%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Law 220101 Photography 500605 227 121 (53%) 93 (77%) $10,792 6 (3%) (50%) (60%) 10 5 3 $**,*** 0 (0%) Total227 121 (53%) 93 (77%) $10,771 6 (3%) Physical Education 131314 7 6 (86%) 4 (67%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Masters Political Science 451001 Accounting 520301 9 3 (33%) 2 (67%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 5 4 (80%) 3 (75%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Pre-Law 220001 Admin Studies 520299 4 0 (0%) 0 (0%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 1 1 (100%) 1 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Pre-Professional Biology 260101 Administration 520201 5 0 (0%) 0 (0%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 59 53 (90%) 51 (96%) $13,600 1 (2%)

Report outcomes are based on the 4th quarter (October to December) of 2011. Page 2 of 4 Full me/full quarter defined as earning at least minimum wage for 13 weeks ( $3,801 ). 10/5/2012 Full quarter earnings displayed only when 10 or more graduates are employed full me/full quarter. Total Grad Freq represents the total number of degrees awarded. N:\Reports_Data\ICUF\1011\Annual Reports\2008-09 ICUF PgmsByDegBySchl.rpt 2010-2011 Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida Graduates

Full Qtr Full Qtr Full Qtr Full Qtr Grad Total Employment Average Total Grad Total Employment Average Total Freq Employed (% Employed) Earnings Cont. Ed. Freq Employed (% Employed) Earnings Cont. Ed.

Management 520201 Barry University 4 2 (50%) 1 (50%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Montessori Education 131207 Masters 12 9 (75%) 8 (89%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Anesthesiology 513804 Movement Science 409999 66 45 (68%) 45 (100%) $36,460 0 (0%) 15 8 (53%) 8 (100%) $**,*** 1 (7%) Biomedical Sciences 269999 Nurse Prac (Acute) 999999 79 13 (16%) 6 (46%) $**,*** 5 (6%) 19 18 (95%) 18 (100%) $20,647 0 (0%) Broadcast Communication 090999 Nurse Practnr - Family 513805 3 3 (100%) 3 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 15 15 (100%) 14 (93%) $12,291 0 (0%) Business Admin. 520201 Nursing Administration 513802 41 25 (61%) 23 (92%) $14,833 0 (0%) 10 8 (80%) 7 (88%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Clinical Psychology 422801 Nursing Education 999999 4 3 (75%) 2 (67%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 1 0 (0%) 0 (0%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Counseling 422803 Occupational Therapy 512306 40 32 (80%) 26 (81%) $9,681 0 (0%) 31 22 (71%) 18 (82%) $16,173 0 (0%) Educ Technology Appl 131321 Org Learn & Leadership 130499 1 1 (100%) 1 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 38 30 (79%) 28 (93%) $12,262 2 (5%) Educ. Leadership 139999 Pastoral Ministry 390701 13 11 (85%) 11 (100%) $15,770 1 (8%) 3 1 (33%) 1 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Educat'l Leadership 139999 Pastoral Theology 390601 15 13 (87%) 12 (92%) $13,358 0 (0%) 6 4 (67%) 2 (50%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Excep Stud Educ w/Autism 131099 Photography 500605 6 5 (83%) 5 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 2 1 (50%) 0 (0%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Excep Stud Education 131099 Physician Asst./M.S. 510912 13 12 (92%) 12 (100%) $11,933 1 (8%) 74 49 (66%) 46 (94%) $21,159 2 (3%) Health Services Adm. 510701 Practical Theology 390601 23 15 (65%) 14 (93%) $13,650 0 (0%) 7 3 (43%) 3 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Human Res Dev & Adm 521001 Prim Care Prac-Family 513805 3 2 (67%) 2 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 2 2 (100%) 2 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Info Technology 110401 Pub Rel & Corp Comm 090999 4 4 (100%) 3 (75%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 1 0 (0%) 0 (0%) $**,*** 1 (100%) Liberal Studies 240101 1 1 (100%) 1 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%)

Report outcomes are based on the 4th quarter (October to December) of 2011. Page 3 of 4 Full me/full quarter defined as earning at least minimum wage for 13 weeks ( $3,801 ). 10/5/2012 Full quarter earnings displayed only when 10 or more graduates are employed full me/full quarter. Total Grad Freq represents the total number of degrees awarded. N:\Reports_Data\ICUF\1011\Annual Reports\2008-09 ICUF PgmsByDegBySchl.rpt 2010-2011 Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida Graduates

Full Qtr Full Qtr Full Qtr Full Qtr Grad Total Employment Average Total Grad Total Employment Average Total Freq Employed (% Employed) Earnings Cont. Ed. Freq Employed (% Employed) Earnings Cont. Ed.

Counseling 422803 Barry University 5 3 (60%) 2 (67%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Educ. Leadership 139999 Masters 12 10 (83%) 10 (100%) $16,770 0 (0%) Public Admin 440401 Educat'l Leadership 139999 68 58 (85%) 55 (95%) $19,826 9 (13%) 20 17 (85%) 17 (100%) $14,021 1 (5%) Public Health 512201 Montessori Education 131202 15 9 (60%) 8 (89%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 1 1 (100%) 1 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Reading 131315 Reading 131315 83 79 (95%) 76 (96%) $11,736 0 (0%) 9 6 (67%) 6 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) School Psychology 422805 School Psychology 422805 8 4 (50%) 3 (75%) $**,*** 0 (0%) 2 1 (50%) 1 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Social Work 440701 Total49 38 (78%) 37 (97%) $14,576 1 (2%) 172 121 (70%) 112 (93%) $9,790 2 (1%) Sport Management 310504 23 15 (65%) 14 (93%) $10,445 0 (0%) Total986 701 (71%) 645 (92%) $15,372 25 (3%)

PH.D. Counseling 422803 9 6 (67%) 6 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Curriculum & Instruction 130301 9 9 (100%) 9 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Educat'l Leadership 139999 3 2 (67%) 2 (100%) $**,*** 0 (0%) Leadership & Edu. 130499 19 17 (89%) 17 (100%) $18,747 0 (0%) Nursing PhD 513802 14 13 (93%) 13 (100%) $22,015 0 (0%) Nursing Practice 999999 11 11 (100%) 11 (100%) $27,740 0 (0%) Total65 58 (89%) 58 (100%) $21,130 0 (0%)


Report outcomes are based on the 4th quarter (October to December) of 2011. Page 4 of 4 Full me/full quarter defined as earning at least minimum wage for 13 weeks ( $3,801 ). 10/5/2012 Full quarter earnings displayed only when 10 or more graduates are employed full me/full quarter. Total Grad Freq represents the total number of degrees awarded. N:\Reports_Data\ICUF\1011\Annual Reports\2008-09 ICUF PgmsByDegBySchl.rpt Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida 2010-2011 Bachelor Graduates

2011 Fall Findings

Continuing Employed Full Qtr % Full Qtr FQ Avg. University Graduates Education # % Employed Employed Wages Ave Maria University 114 1 1% 23 20% 1565 % $5,585 Barry University 1,347 79 6% 838 62% 71786 % $12,191 27 0 0% 5 19% 240 % $**,*** Bethune-Cookman University 642 46 7% 329 51% 19860 % $7,454 Clearwater Christian College 114 3 3% 31 27% 2684 % $7,124 557 31 6% 195 35% 13469 % $10,531 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ, Daytona 927 12 1% 191 21% 13169 % $8,537 925 68 7% 525 57% 37872 % $8,202 44 3 7% 18 41% 1056 % $6,817 Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences 478 10 2% 169 35% 16497 % $15,914 Florida Institute of Technology 603 24 4% 199 33% 14472 % $10,417 Florida Memorial University 228 20 9% 118 52% 7261 % $8,314 476 26 5% 263 55% 20176 % $10,906 329 19 6% 217 66% 18485 % $10,711 844 26 3% 369 44% 30783 % $11,794 414 13 3% 158 38% 10868 % $10,721 Nova Southeastern University-Ft. Lauderdale1,346 95 7% 792 59% 65883 % $11,547 Palm Beach Atlantic University 484 33 7% 264 55% 18871 % $8,958 Ringling College of Art and Design 262 3 1% 68 26% 3450 % $6,657

Note: Graduates represent a total count of individuals by school with valid Social Security Numbers. 10/5/2012 All employment outcomes contained in this report are based on the October - December quarter of 2011. All continuing education outcomes are based on enrollment data for the fall semester of 2011 and preliminary winter/spring semester of 2012. Page 1 of 2 :\Reports_Data\ICUF\1011\Annual Reports\2009-10 ICUF_FQ Earnings ByDegBySch Quick Summary.rpt Continuing Employed Full Qtr % Full Qtr FQ Avg. University Graduates Education # % Employed Employed Wages 617 36 6% 255 41% 17769 % $8,464 1,112 68 6% 701 63% 58583 % $10,066 Southeastern University 506 22 4% 219 43% 15772 % $8,403 St. 286 24 8% 166 58% 12978 % $13,514 582 41 7% 274 47% 16861 % $9,006 2,488 135 5% 721 29% 49268 % $9,793 1,257 52 4% 542 43% 39373 % $8,615 320 18 6% 201 63% 17989 % $11,411 Webber International University 92 5 5% 56 61% 3664 % $7,007

Totals 15,901 913 6% 7,907 50% 5,98776 % $10,381

Note: Graduates represent a total count of individuals by school with valid Social Security Numbers. 10/5/2012 All employment outcomes contained in this report are based on the October - December quarter of 2011. All continuing education outcomes are based on enrollment data for the fall semester of 2011 and preliminary winter/spring semester of 2012. Page 2 of 2 :\Reports_Data\ICUF\1011\Annual Reports\2009-10 ICUF_FQ Earnings ByDegBySch Quick Summary.rpt Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida 2010-2011 Masters Graduates

2011 Fall Findings

Continuing Employed Full Qtr % Full Qtr FQ Avg. University Graduates Education # % Employed Employed Wages Ave Maria University 4 0 0% 00% 00 % $**,*** Barry University 986 20 2% 585 59% 53291 % $15,309 Bethune-Cookman University 14 2 14% 9 64% 889 % $**,*** Clearwater Christian College 2 0 0% 2 100% 150 % $**,*** Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ, Daytona 189 1 1% 44 23% 3989 % $13,760 Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences 17 0 0% 13 76% 13100 % $30,132 Florida Institute of Technology 983 13 1% 226 23% 21193 % $15,851 Florida Memorial University 49 1 2% 34 69% 2985 % $13,081 Florida Southern College 68 2 3% 51 75% 4894 % $15,535 Hodges University 98 3 3% 57 58% 5698 % $14,145 Jacksonville University 196 2 1% 124 63% 11794 % $18,362 Lynn University 208 5 2% 101 49% 8180 % $12,843 Nova Southeastern University-Ft. Lauderdale 4,211 75 2% 2,156 51% 2,01493 % $14,676 Palm Beach Atlantic University 174 4 2% 102 59% 9391 % $11,811 Rollins College 329 3 1% 225 68% 20993 % $14,652 Saint Leo University 8 0 0% 4 50% 4100 % $**,*** Southeastern University 105 3 3% 53 50% 5196 % $10,371 St. Thomas University 260 9 3% 163 63% 14790 % $12,912 Stetson University 306 1 0% 203 66% 19496 % $13,155

Note: Graduates represent a total count of individuals by school with valid Social Security Numbers. 10/5/2012 All employment outcomes contained in this report are based on the October - December quarter of 2011. All continuing education outcomes are based on enrollment data for the fall semester of 2011 and preliminary winter/spring semester of 2012. Page 1 of 2 :\Reports_Data\ICUF\1011\Annual Reports\2009-10 ICUF_FQ Earnings ByDegBySch Quick Summary.rpt Continuing Employed Full Qtr % Full Qtr FQ Avg. University Graduates Education # % Employed Employed Wages University of Miami 926 19 2% 402 43% 37293 % $17,427 University of Tampa 335 6 2% 202 60% 19999 % $14,957 Warner University 22 0 0% 19 86% 1895 % $13,625 Webber International University 38 3 8% 28 74% 2796 % $9,125

Totals 8,734 172 2% 4,803 55% 4,46393 % $14,856

Note: Graduates represent a total count of individuals by school with valid Social Security Numbers. 10/5/2012 All employment outcomes contained in this report are based on the October - December quarter of 2011. All continuing education outcomes are based on enrollment data for the fall semester of 2011 and preliminary winter/spring semester of 2012. Page 2 of 2 :\Reports_Data\ICUF\1011\Annual Reports\2009-10 ICUF_FQ Earnings ByDegBySch Quick Summary.rpt Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida 2010-2011 PH.D. Graduates

2011 Fall Findings

Continuing Employed Full Qtr % Full Qtr FQ Avg. University Graduates Education # % Employed Employed Wages Barry University 65 0 0% 42 65% 42100 % $21,073 Florida Institute of Technology 35 2 6% 12 34% 12100 % $17,413 Lynn University 11 0 0% 2 18% 2100 % $**,*** Nova Southeastern University-Ft. Lauderdale 741 9 1% 223 30% 20391 % $18,922 St. Thomas University 12 0 0% 6 50% 6100 % $**,*** University of Miami 274 2 1% 110 40% 10192 % $19,819

Totals 1,020 13 1% 395 39% 36693 % $18,943

Note: Graduates represent a total count of individuals by school with valid Social Security Numbers. 10/5/2012 All employment outcomes contained in this report are based on the October - December quarter of 2011. All continuing education outcomes are based on enrollment data for the fall semester of 2011 and preliminary winter/spring semester of 2012. Page 1 of 1 :\Reports_Data\ICUF\1011\Annual Reports\2009-10 ICUF_FQ Earnings ByDegBySch Quick Summary.rpt Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida Employment Data 2010-2011 Bachelor Graduates Findings, Fall 2011

Earning at Employed Earnings Least $22,000 Graduates #%Mean* Median #%

Ave Maria University 11430 26.3% $16,475 $17,990 6 20.0 % Barry University 1,347981 72.8% $43,000 $37,716 754 76.9 % Beacon College 275 18.5% $13,918 $**,*** 1 20.0 % Bethune-Cookman University 642421 65.6% $21,402 $18,104 162 38.5 % Clearwater Christian College 11437 32.5% $25,322 $26,424 26 70.3 % Eckerd College 557230 41.3% $31,697 $25,720 129 56.1 % Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ, Daytona 927220 23.7% $26,057 $23,040 116 52.7 % Flagler College 925632 68.3% $26,282 $24,132 361 57.1 % Florida College 4420 45.5% $18,763 $18,618 7 35.0 % Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences 478203 42.5% $62,250 $61,512 189 93.1 % Florida Institute of Technology 603225 37.3% $32,164 $30,104 134 59.6 % Florida Memorial University 228152 66.7% $23,799 $18,634 66 43.4 % Florida Southern College 476305 64.1% $34,295 $33,888 203 66.6 % Hodges University 329244 74.2% $37,940 $33,362 189 77.5 % Jacksonville University 844452 53.6% $40,115 $34,460 312 69.0 % Lynn University 414186 44.9% $31,261 $28,022 105 56.5 % Nova Southeastern University-Ft. Lauderdale 1,346938 69.7% $39,841 $36,236 699 74.5 % Palm Beach Atlantic University 484306 63.2% $28,070 $25,392 175 57.2 % Ringling College of Art and Design 26278 29.8% $17,694 $15,668 26 33.3 % Rollins College 617295 47.8% $26,008 $23,944 158 53.6 % Saint Leo University 1,112806 72.5% $34,925 $31,060 583 72.3 % Southeastern University 506256 50.6% $26,490 $27,464 151 59.0 % St. Thomas University 286190 66.4% $43,710 $34,122 126 66.3 % Stetson University 582338 58.1% $25,095 $20,960 164 48.5 % University of Miami 2,488839 33.7% $29,183 $26,664 481 57.3 % University of Tampa 1,257668 53.1% $27,179 $26,974 395 59.1 % Warner University 320236 73.8% $41,784 $38,094 190 80.5 % Webber International University 9266 71.7% $21,400 $22,172 34 51.5 % Total Valid SSN's: 15,901 7,907 49.7% $33,343 $29,984 5,067 64.1%

*Mean earnings display only when 10 or more graduates are employed.

N:\Reports_Data\ICUF\1011\Annual Reports\2010-11 ICUF_Gte22k.rpt 10/5/2012 Source: Florida Education & Training Placement Information Program (www.fldoe.org/fetpip/)