Spartan Daily Serving the San Jose State University Community Since 1934

VOLUME 65 NUMBER 4 I .TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1975 PHONE 277-3181 Psych prof's license revoked in sex case

By Keith Muraoka and another formal hearing would be handed down, we are to make no Dr. Ben Finney, a psychology held on that petition. comment." professor at SJSU, has been found Richard Sensenbrenner, associate These instructions came from the guilty of sexual misconduct with his general counsel for the chancellor, SJSU administration, Stoker said. patients by a state examining board. could not be reached for comment. Finney's license to practice will be On Oct. 22, Sensenbrenner said that Dr. Ronald Rabedeau, chairman of revoked effective Dec. 15, subject to Finney could be dismissed from his the Psychology Department, and Dr. appeal. position at SJSU because of a February Hobert Burns, academic vice Finney, 56, admitted during shearing conviction on the same charge. president, had no comment about the in early October to having sex with 12 Finney pleaded nob o contendere, case. women patients in his Palo Alto clinic which differs from pleas of not guilty or during the last seven years. He called it guilty and signifies that a person "It's a personnel matter and I just "innovative therapy." charged with an offense chooses not to can't comment," Burns said. The board made its decision Thur- contest the charges. sday from facts involving two of the 12 The psychology examining com- cases. Finney contacted mittee's decision to revoke Finney's Five members of the psychology Finney was unavilable for comment, license was rendered from Finney's examining committee, under the but Dr. David Stoker, counseling sexual activities with patients Susan Board of Medical department chairman, said that he had Lopes on July 23, 1974 and Elizabeth Examiners, charged Finney with talked to Finney yesterday morning. Kennedy on either Aug. 25 or 26 of 1973. "unprofessional conduct involving "Retold me that he hasn't gotten any Finney was licensed by the moral turpitude." formal decision yet," said Stoker. board of examiners on Dec. 15, Appeal possible Wogoman said Finney was informed 1958. There has been no prior disciplinary Finney has until Jan. 14, 1976 to ap- of the decision last Thursday. action taken on his license. Ray Laskow t peal, according to Susan Wogoman, "I mailed the decision to him last Harold McGuire, head mover for Buildings and Grounds, offers "Harold's Pet" a bite. assistant executive secretary of the Thursday and I also read the decision to He was appointed to the psychology board. him over the phone," said Wogoman. department in 1961 and serves as a half- Three-ton pet wears flea collar She added that a petition for rein- Stoker also said that "the instructions time professor of psychology and statement may be made after a year we have is that when the decision is student counselor. Rock finds campus home Old minority policies questioned; By Sy dale A. VS, aUS011 The creature appeared next to feed the animal," a box complete Owners of pebble-sized pet rocks Buildings and Grounds' with airholes, and an electrical can eat their hearts out. headquarters in the early hours of cable "flea collar." Harold McGuire has a pet rock Friday morning. McGuire, the head What will become of the pet rock? kenneled on Seventh Street that, mover for Buildings and Grounds, Although it is doubtful it will ever may be inconsistent, Burns says according to his estimate, weighs brought his rock and some others outgrow present living quarters, about three tons. like it up from the Almaden Valley McGuire said he'll eventually move To make sure his pet doesn't overnight. it. By Allan Lonzo The policies, which originated in 1969 hiring and minority faculty and student wander off and mess up anyone's Embellishments were added A controversy has arisen over two under President Robert Clark, were representation on university decision lawn, he has it staked to a heavy throughout Friday including signs "It probably would make a good recently unearthed university policies never actually implemented, according making bodies. choke chain. reading "Harold's pet rock," "Don't stud rock," he said with a grin which concern minority input into to three administrators. Affirmative Action Coordinator university decisions. The policies concern minority faculty Stephen Faastina has sent memos to deans asking that the policies be im- plemented. Academic Vice President Hobert Burns is challenging the policies 'considering' Gridders win! because he said he believes they con- Bunzel tradict Title V of the California Education Code. The two policies call for a representative chosen by the minority faculty to participate with the council appearance professional standards committee of the Academic Senate in forming college policies governing minority faculty By Jim Mackossski in the semester with the preparation of hiring. President John Bunzel is "con- a "reliable" account of the economics That policy also provides for minority sidering" explaining his actions controversy. The committee recently faculty and student representation on regarding the controversy in the appointed Dr. Harris Martin, professor all departmental recruiting com- Economics Department to the A.S. of history, to prepare the senate's mittees. Council, he told a campus news con- account. Participation called for ference Thursday. The second policy called for depart- "I think that one of the things I'm ments and schools with minority During the conference, Bunzel also going to consider is whether to wait students and faculty to develop policies said: until the chronology of the Academic for the participation of minority a student representative on the Senate has been completed before students in decisions which affect them. California State University and College going to the council," Bunzel said. Both of these policies, the direct system CSUC ) should come from result of a special meeting of the Harris is not working under a time outside the system. Academic Council on Feb. 12, 1969, limit, but is charged with preparing the were signed by Clark two days later students should have a "variety of senate account "as soon as possible." and were to take effect immediately. perspectives" to choose from. "We've had an informal judgment Bunzel said he may also consult with from legal counsel and they didn't think the university is making a A.S. President John Rico or the the policies were consistent with "genuine and serious" search to seek president of the council before ad- trustee's action," Burns said. qualified minorities and women for dressing the council. The action Burns was referring to positions in the university. was the institution of Title V by the Mind open board of trustees in 1972. "I'm going to give it some thought "But at this point, my mind is very One section of the code stipulates that before coming to a decision" whether to much open and I've always enjoyed only tenured faculty "may participate speak before the council, Bunzel said. going before the council. I did the last at any level of consideration in th,. time I volunteered to go and I love to do vote on recom Council requested deliberations or it." mendations relating to appointment The A.S. Council recently requested retention, tenure or promotion o: that Bunzel "present himself and ac- Bunzel last spoke before the council faculty." count for his actions and the present after the controversial showing of the condition of the department." X-rated movie "Deep Throat" by the Richard Sensenbrenner, SJSU legal A.S. Program Board. counsel in the chancellor's office, The Economics Department lost its declined to comment on the policies "I appreciate being invited," Bunzel IL. self-governance rights in September saying, "A reply would have to come added, "but I don't know that there's a the \ 1974 after committee recommendations from the administration, and when great deal that hasn't already been said said it was torn with internal problems. get it, they'll tell you. - Si) many times." Bunzel partially refranchised the Implementation questioned department early this semester. Bunzel also said that when a student In a memo to Faustina. Burns said, is appointed to the CSUC Board of "I'm not sure the policies were ever He did not "really have anything new Trustees, the student should come from implemented and certainly not in the say" about the controversy, he said, to outside the system. way they were originally intended, but because of all the publicity and at- that's not the point." tention the controversy received during If the policies are inconsistent with "It seems to me that a student who is the last year. Title V. "nothing was ever done to not part of the system would have a verify that assumption or to reconsider better chance to be a responsible Bunzel said he had already produced the policies," Burns said. trustee than one who is a spokesman for a "rather long chronology" of events in "Consequently they are still on tlo a given campus." the department in his newletter, For books' and remain official policies. Your Information, which appeared Burns said. According to University Relations Paull Sakt.,,,o the semester. confusion with Title early in director James Noah, Bunzel later Because of the asked Dr. Robert Sasseen, dean pointed out that all of the trustees come Burns Football coach Darryl Rogers is carried off of the field Rick Kane rushed for 144 yards in 24 carries en route of faculty, to send copies to legal mentioned from outside the CSUC system. Chronology by Pat Markey (54), Walt Robinson, and Dan Durbin to becoming SJSU's first player ever to rush for over counsel and secure a judgment. also mentioned the Bunzel (67) after the Spartans 31-7 victory over San Diego 1,000 yards in a season. "If they are inconsistent, then the coming out of the Bunzel said a student from outside "chronology State. It was the first time since 1971 that the Spartans had matter ends. If they are not in- Senate." the system could be more objective, Academic The Spartans won the PCAA championship in that defeated the Aztecs. consistent, then it would be proper to according to Noah. ask the senate for its judgment," Burn, committee of the game which saw SJSU's record increase to 9-1 and 4-0 in See details on pages 6 and 7 The executive said. Academic Senate was charged earlier Continued on Page 8 conference.

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Page 2, November 18, 1975 Spartan Daily opinion

A.S. closed sessions questionable

Considering disclosures of what was said during most of the A.S. Council's recent closed session, it is obvious the council either has little regard for its duty to hold open meetings for the public and press or it does not understand editorial the law regarding executive sessions. The council was apparently in violation of California Code 1121.5, which allows such bodies as the council to hold closed sessions when certain personnel matters and personalities trivial and could have been handled outside of the council by A CHOICE WILL CHOICE are involved. the persons involved. OISEVATIVE GI /E: YOU TROUBLE IN THE SENATE, A LIBERAL WILL However, that law requires open meetings during most Rico said he told the council "at least five times" it was GIVE YOU MBLE FROM REAGAN- NNE) IF ltU DONT CHOOSE AMMAN, I'LL MAKE 1OUR LIFE HELL' other discussions. getting into areas that belonged before the public and the The closed meeting was called for by Councilman Michael meeting should be opened. Switzer to discuss a personal matter he thought was not the However, A.S. adviser Louie Barozzi told the Spartan Daily public's business. no one had asked for the meeting to be opened prior to the end Tower chimes make lots That occurred just after A.S. President John Rico came of the session. of noise forward to deliver his report. Rico later told the Spartan Daily personnel matters had not After a few minutes of discussing the "personal" matter. been discussed in the executive session. But he then reversed the council then discussed for about 10 minutes the vacant himself at a press conference by saying such matters were council seats, according to persons present. discussed and that he warned the council against discussion The day prior to the council meeting the Spartan Daily of anything else. that is usually called 'Muzak' informed Rico those discussions should be held in public and Clearly, both of Rico's accounts cannot be accurate. not in executive session as he said they would be. The Spartan Daily asks each council member to become Not only is filling of the vacant council seats of importance familiar with the law covering council meetings and asks By Keith Miley The trade name for this sound is from a cathedral-like structure and to the student body, but it is the public's business since it did that each council member require the council to use the There is a kind of music in this world Muzak and the man who created it once radiates out to tree-covered walkways not involve personalities per se. or other areas covered by power of the law sparingly. that is often referred to as something said it was not designed for listening, and serene lawns. law. lame excuses of "personality conflicts" do not justify you hear in a dentist's office or while only hearing. The absurdity is not uncommon One council member said the "personal" matter was hiding public information behind closed doors. you're grocery shopping. Muzak is alive and well on the SJSU Muzak, in equally preposterous forms. campus. seems to be everywhere. At 12 and 5 p.m. anyone near the Whatever happened to Gothic Tower can hear contemporary tunes melodies and classical funeral tunes? being played on a set of 25 bells located Instead of hearing Burt Bacharach's Proposed at the top of the building. Most of the "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head," tunes are on recorded rolls like those why not Johann Sebastian Bach's other ideas used in player pianos but occasionally chorale preludes? the selections are played live on a Such a change in the musical format fall schedule keyboard. of the Tower's program would tm- doubtedly add to the mystique of the I have heard numerous responses to building and the immediate surroun- the music ranging from, "Oh, how dings. bad idea nice" to "What's that noise?" Also a hunchback or two occasionally I wholeheartedly agree with the swinging around the Tower's ivy- Trustees are just playing games latter sentiment. covered walls would add even more Editor: I'm as tolerant of this ineffectual charm to the late afternoon per- I would like to bring a point to the music as the next person. It will always formance, as would a flight of white attention the Academic Senate con- be present in places like coffee shops, doves for the noon selections. cerning the proposed fall calendar. 'F' shoe stores and bus depots. Until these changes are brought with administrative policy But to suppose that it can be passed about we will continue to hear pieces What about us poor students who are off using bells with only 16 different which sound like warped banjo ballads planning to work this summer? Those tones is a bit ridiculous. If Muzak must and-or a person mumbling underwater. of us who are planning to apply for Editor: But the policy remains the same. "academic performance" which means exist, it should meet a minimum of But though the sounds may be un- work, the Park Service in my case, Another executive order has come to With an "F" the grade points equal it will still hurt students in all kinds of sophistication, something quite im- pleasant we can take comfort in the fact must be able to work through Labor us from the "Great Gatsby's" of our zero; with a "U" the grade points equal ways. possible in my estimation, and cer- that they're also humorous. Day college system, the Board of Trustees. zero. weekend. The important thing is to change the with only 16 different I have asked myself for days on end, An "administrative F," or now a tainly unfeasible The other day I stepped out of a Starting the semester Sept. 1 means policy, not the alphabetical notations. tones. building to be greeted by a molasses what is it about students that ad- "U," is still averaged into one's grade having to quit work by Aug. 28 or so, a The Lawmakers of our institutions inherently wrong and My ministrators don't understand? point as if it was a part of one's There is nothing tempo rendition of "Just Me severe handicap in my opinion. Con- must wake up and realize that students Why is it that everytime students with Muzak's la-dee-da nature. But like Gal." trary to what the article states, I are aware of the game. attempt to display the depth of the cowboy boots and blowing one's nose, Someone told me the selection was believe the new schedule would be a education they have received, they are there are instances where it is inap- being played live, and I assumed the many students. drawback for a great confronted with such uneducated David Piper propriate. musician was enthralled with his Gerald Nordheim nonsense at their minds expense. Write us! Advisor. Black Students One such instance is a campus en- performance. Recreation Junior There will never be any way in which Organizing committee vironment where the sound originates But I still had to laugh. The Spartan Daily encourages your corn Editor's note: The Academic Senate anyone can make me believe that ments Best -read letters are short (250 words) Monday endorsed a plan to have the fall changing an F to a U can be an to the point semester begin Sept. 1 instead of Sept. educated attempt at a solution. Letters may be submitted at the Daily office iandi iC 2011) between 9 am and S pm Monday 1, the date it started this year. The It only takes a closer look at the facts. through Friday or by mail Personnel committee member's race The Daily reserves the right to edit for proposed ealender, which was sent to The only thing being changed in this length, style, or libel. President Bunzel for his approval, mechanized lie is that instead of calling All letters must include author's signature. would include a holiday. Labor Day, an unofficial withdrawal a "failure," major, address, and phone number. sJSU students did not get off this year. they call it an "unofficial withdrawal." not important in making decisions

Editor: make the decisions. system, justice must mean "just us" I would like to clarify an implication I have placed the option before and not "me too!" Put football on the front page made in the Nov. 11 Spartan Daily council and Rico that they may be P.J. Wade concerning the racial make-up of the present during any interviews that are Personnel Officer Personnel Selection Committee. conducted. The committee and I feel Editor's note: The implication Wade It was stated that my staff had "too doubly confident in our work since at no mentions concerning the racial make- Editor: just doesn't make it. school team any front page support for many minorities." This is a very time has Rico or any councilmember up of the Personnel Selection Com- The selection of news articles that Sure, there may be more"important" the championship game! misleading statement. My staff has an chosen to take up that offer. mittee was in a Daily story containing appear on the front page of the Spartan articles, but in terms of pure interest Any page one coverage after the extremely well-balanced racial make- As the Chairperson of the Personnel charges by two A.S. Councilwomen that Daily has always griped me. it's tough to beat a championship game in the Daily would only be anti- up. There are two Anglo Committee Selection Committee, and speaking for A.S. President John Rico wanted to But the clincher occurred all last football game featuring the home team climactic, to say the least. It should've members one of which is a coun- my committee, the implication that we bypass the committee in filling two week, with not so much as one word against the nation's No. 2 quarterback been there last week. cilmember 1, one Chicano and one black may fall short of any of the vacant council seats. A.S. Coun- about the upcoming championship with 10 million TV viewers and a krazy Knowing that there's no written rule member. qualifications necessary, particularly ('ilwoman Kim Baskett quoted Rico as football game against San Diego State. cheerleader! against front page sports coverage in This is most well-balanced if you the one of objectiveness, is an unfair saying he did not want to use the If there was ever front page material The Sunday Examiner the Spartan Daily, I can only figure out consider the basic racial make-up of the and unjust statement. committee because it has too many for the Spartan Daily, that was it. and Chronicle and the San Jose Sunday that the editors made a big mistake. university. However, "race" was not a Or am I forgetting that in the power "minorities." Since there were thousands of Mercury News both gave credit to the Almost as big a mistake as Craig qualification for membership on the students at the game and countless Spartan victory on the front page of Penrose made when he came to San Personnel Selection Committee. more watching on TV, the classic ex- their news sections. It seems ridiculous Jose to play football. I selected the members on the cuse of "not enough student interest" that the Spartan Daily wouldn't give its Dermid Eagen grounds of their maturity, educational Fraternity takes step back Advertising Senior experience at this institution, willingness to work long, hard hours- with no payand above all, to be capable of interviewing dozens of flick students with great objectiveness. by sponsoring porno I would like to believe I was hired by John Rico on those very qualifications: Editor: showing of "Emmanuel" earlier this that I was the most qualified to handle I was rather surprised by Alpha Phi semester and "The Devil in Miss the jobnot because I am a woman and Omega's endorsement of the por- Jones" this week) raise serious

not because I am black. I feel ex- nography film, "The Devil in Miss questions about the merits of this tremely confident of my capabilities, Jones," as described in the November organization.

particularly so because of the total lack 12 Daily front page. I believe this act by First, does Mr. Walker exemplify of interference by John Rico. the fraternity needs examination. sound leadership? My personnel committee members Alpha Phi Omega, the service Quoted by the Daily, he said, "The fraternity that sponsers the Friday fraternity does not condone the content Flicks, is showing the film, because of the film, just recognizes its according to John Walker, the responsibility to show it." Spartan Daily fraternity's film chairman, the A.S. The nature of this statement is l'rogram Board "was misguided in its analogous to a leader who endorses `ieiving lye San tow State University could be drug abuse, because he presumes to Community Since 1931 decision to cancel it." Nothing further from the truth. recognize his responsibility to give the ditor Terry LaPorte people what they want. Advertising Manager Bob Young If Mr. Walker was observant, the duel Photographer II Lorren Au, Jr board wisely canceled the film, ac- Secondly, is the fraternity adhering News Editor Karen Minkel towards service to the Assignment Editor Chris Smith cording to 93 student responses of which to its goal Opinion Page Editor Jeff Menses a majority (681 was against the campus and the coinmunity? To what Layout Editor Cheryl DOwney positive service, is it contributing Col,/ Editor Mark Stellar ini showing. Contrary to Mr. Walker's flits Editor Ray Manley statement, the board did not fail to through the showing of pornography Sports Editor Nick Nasch reasons? P0010 Editor Den A Sparks recognize the majority will. films, except for monetary P etal) Advertising Manager Kathi JonrS What concerns me is the reputation of Pornography is unintelligent and National Ad Manager Dermid Eagen to an Classified Ad Manager Allison Edwards Alpha Phi Omega, which claims three debasing to humanity, especially Art Direr tOr Marilyn galley and academic milieu (i.e., the university ), purposes: leadership, friendship, Business Manager Diane Crosby which fosters an intelligent and 71-IIS HERE IS MY KIND OF RACE " assistant Editor John Bodle service to the campus and community. Assistant Editor Doug Ernst I am puzzled by these principles realistic view of life. Assistant Editor Carl MarinuCci Stall Car toonist John Kant which govern the fraternity's actions, Ran w jang for their recent actions t e.g., the Physical Education Senior November 18, 1975, Page .1 Nuclear power plants: benefit or risk? Talk praises Nuclear plants still unsafe, atomic power author Paul Ehrlich says

Holding before him a half- economic advantages of By Paul Doty precautions were insured. only because there are now discuss his support of the inch by half-inch pebble, nuclear power are great. Nuclear waste storage, Fission and fusion are the only 56 nuclear power plants Nuclear Safeguards Howard K. Summers, a It is the only practical plant safety and security two basic ways in which operating in the country. Initiative. chemical engineer working energy alternative besides against sabotage are the nuclear power is used to If the number of plants The initiative, to appear on for General Electric, said a coal, he said. While the three major problems which create energy. increases to about 1,000, as the June 1976 California comparable amount of "initial cost of a nuclear must be solved before In fission, an atom with a planned for by the year 2000, ballot, proposes a limit to nuclear fuel would equal the power plant is a little more nuclear power plants high atomic weight, such as cancer deaths will increase nuclear power plant energy produced from three than coal, after that it pays become widely used in this uranium or plutonium, is accordingly, he said. operation until safety barrels of oil or a ton of coal. for itself." country, according to Dr. split giving off heat. "There won't be outright standards are approved by Summers, speaking Paul Ehrlich. In fusion, two atoms with a deaths until there's a big the legislature. before The only possible the Ehrlich, author of "The low atomic weight, such as accident," Ehrlich said. The initiative, according to campus Geology Club problems Summers said he Thursday, said Population Bomb" and a hydrogen, are forced Such an accident, he said, Ehrlich, will give the voters he supports could see with nuclear power the use of nuclear power for biology professor at Stan- together to give off heat. could take the form of a say in the development of were thermal pollution and four ford, made the statement at There are currently no terrorist sabotage, an air- nuclear power. reasons. nuclear waste storage. First, uranium, the fuel for a taped television interview nuclear power plants using plane crashing into a plant or "It's wrong to deny people. a nuclear reactor, is readily Thermal pollution occurs in San Francisco Wed- fusion reactors. This is a nuclear-core meltdown. the option. The initiative will available in the en- when water, used to cool the nesday. because the fusion principle Such a meltdown could give them that," he said. vironment, he said. There is nuclear core of a plant, is An opponent of nuclear has not, as yet, been occur if both the core-cooling currently, he added, almost re-released into the en- power in its present form, adequately developed. All system and the emergency as much of it as there is coal vironment. Its temperature Ehrlich said he favored nuclear power plants, both core-cooling system failed. in the . is higher than normal and energy conservation and completed and planned, use The core would then become Second, it is en- can be harmful to water life. development of alternative fission reactors. so hot it would melt through PLATIONtlAt 1TALIC 5E7 energy sources as a solution The problem with fission its encasement and release vironmentally sound Nuclear power plants, as a CMIT11.1, ,1 roi to the nation's dependence plants, Ehrlich said, is that large amounts of radiation because not as much by-product of creating uranium needs to be mined on oil and natural gas. they routinely introduce low- into the environment. energy, produce radioactive 'Of $c These alternatives, he level radiation emissions "The social consequences as coal, he said. wastes which must be sealed said, included solar power, into the environment. of a radiation disaster would Third, the safety record of and stored for thousands of geothermal, coal, fusion and These emissions, he be greater than any plague," the nuclear industry is ex- years. cellent. Summers said. Since fission. believes, increase the he said. He clarified deaths. Calling the nuclear the 1940s there have been Summers said there are Dave Whaley the use of number of cancer only "13 people killed as a ways to deal with thermal fusion and fission, both Although he said the use of question "a decision that result of reactor accidents," pollution, which is also a nuclear processes, by saying fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural cannot be left to the ex- he said. problem of fossil fuel ( oil, they would be acceptable gas) is causing more cancer perts," Ehrlich went on to Fourth, he continued, the coal, natural gas) plants. Howard Summers discusses the benefits of nuclear power. only if adequate safety deaths via pollution, this is 'Jones' shows tomorrow 1 LOW COST ( spartaguide Porno protest may lessen Auto Insurance "The Devil in Miss Jones" president's SJSU President tomorrow night by Alpha Phi spokesman. Project Survival is holding Psi Chi, the psychology showing tomorrow night John Bunzel ) views on porno Omega, the service They are still undecided a panel discussion on nuclear honors club, is sponsoring may not equal the uproar films have not changed." fraternity which sponsors whether or not to draw at- energy at 8 tonight in Hoover Carol Kelly at 7:30 tomorrow for College Students caused by "Deep Throat." Bunzel had objected to the the Friday Flicks. tention to the film by Hall. night in the S.U. Guadalupe speak on Jim Noah, director of showing of pornographic protesting it, Tippets ex- Room. Kelly will 289-8681 The Latter Day Saints university relations, ex- films on campus, but said he plained. There will be a meeting of her sex compatibility scale. Mormon) Student Eastern Streams artists at plained the administration's would defend the A.S. Also, he said, the showing CAMPUS INSURANCE Program Board's right to Association had protested 3:30 this afternoon in Art viewpoint in a memo. may just be a "one-shot show "Deep Throat." the showing of "Deep Building 239. After talking to Executive deal" by the fraternity to Three attorneys will an- SAN JOSE "The Devil in Miss Jones" Throat" in a letter to A.S. Vice President Burton protest the program board's swer questions from pre-law was originally scheduled to President John Rico. The 404 S 3rd St. )2nd flour, 3rd Brazil, Noah wrote, "He said cancellation. Circle K, a service students at 2 tomorrow af- be shown tonight, but the letter questioned the place of that the law is the same in organization, will meet at ternoon in the S.U. program board cancelled it such films on a university The Mormon group will & San Salvador) this situation as in the 6:30 tonight in the S.U. Umunhum Room. Joyce after the Sept. 23 showing of campus. probably just contact the showing of 'Deep Throat,' so Montalvo Room. Anyone Nedda, deputy district at- "Deep Throat" brought The organization has no fraternity and express their the university must allow the planning to attend the fall torney for Santa Clara definite plans concerning displeasure, in case the showing of the film." student and community training conference should County, will appear along FREE FREE FREE complaints. ’Miss Jones," according to fraternity has any other such The memo concluded, "I be there. with lawyers Russell The movie will be shown Mark Tippets, a group films planned, Tippets said. am certain that the Roessler and Arthur Lund. Knit Body Shirt "r1 Ss There will be a free in- vry , X troductory lecture on the . Transcendental Meditation A "turkey trot" will be ' 1-11 Bookstore thefts increase, program at 8 tonight in ED held at noon Friday starting : 311. at the steps of the Tower. The footrace with turkeys awarded as prizes will cover A relaxation workshop will approximately one and one- lit, 41' say Spartan Shops reports be held from 3 until 4 this 1 14 fourth miles. Six turkeys in afternoon in the S.U. Diablo all will be awarded. Signups i ri .1:g $10 value tri Room. With $15 minimum purchase. tri Since the beginning of this resulted in convictions with bookstore employs two plain plus a bad bump on the head are outside the recreation office, PER 111 through i 5 days onlyTues. 11/18Sat. 11/22. semester, 33 people have sentences ranging from fines clothes officers from the San within a matter of ten days HurryWhile they last. Bring in this ad been cited for shoplifting in to probation. The remaining Jose Police Department who while trying to apprehend Inter-varsity Christian Thursday. i the Spartan Bookstore, 20 still have their cases are familiar with shoplifting shoplifting suspects, Fellowship is holding a Bible or show student I.D. Come check them said. Pr! according to Harry pending. tactics. Wineroth study from 12:30-1:30 this I WI out. Thefts have always been a Officer hurt Some of the most com- ie Wineroth, manager of afternnon in DH 505. Project 75, a tutorial i cg oirt* Where $10-20 Shirts and problem for the bookstore. The undercover job is not monly pilfered materials Spartan Shops Inc. assistance program, will Sweaters are still only rn reported that 13 Because of the increasing easy. One officer received include books, womens pre-med meeting from I Wineroth hold a 2, $5.95 & 87.95. rvlL of these citations have number of pilferers, the various scrapes and bruises, cosmetics and art supplies. The Sierra Club will meet 7 until 9 tomorrow night in i Um 4 Open MF 10.6, Sat. 10-5 i Because of this, some at 7:30 tomorrow night in the the Afro-American Studies i 510 S. 10t0 St. (10th & Williams) . 295.0144 cosmetic items have been S.U. Pacifica Room. Building i discontinued and art sup- Nominations for next Bank cards welcome - Christmas Gift certificate A- S.. Campus blood donors set plies are now kept behind a semester's officers will be counter to reduce temp- held. tation, said Wineroth. Despite methods to Science discourage shoplifting. The Political is sponsoring pint record in SJSU drive Wineroth said the bookstore Honors Society appearance of three staff and undercover officers the Name It! speak YOU who will bust an average of three and grand jurors 800 to 1,000 pints," Biechman donors" may be another tomorrow afternoon The American Red Cross four people a week. at 12:30 said. Two drives are held reason, Bieclunan said. Almaden R00111 had probably its most suc- And, Wineroth said, "we in the S.U. yearly, he said. and cons of the cessful blood drive in 20 never drop charges." He on the pros -CONTEST- Blechman said he was not "The whole thing really Clara County grand years at SJSU last week, added that many public Santa sure what triggered more went well," he said. "I would system. according to John Blech- defenders have called his jury Anybody can use a little extra test to name the new students to donate at this expect to do over 1,500 man, regional director of office requesting that the money, right? Especially stu- center with $25 being He said the heightened ( pints) this year." blood donor resources. drive. bookstore drop charges. dents. Well, here's your awarded to the winning en- Diego A men's liberation session "Very close to 700 pints" excitement for the San make a fast, try. Fill in the coupon be- Blechman said a single- One standard exploring masculinity will be chance to were donated during the State football game may and turn it in "I don't want any double held from 7 to 9 tomorrow easy $25. January 26 is low three-day drive, Blechman have accounted for the in- day drive is scheduled for standards," Wineroth said, night in the S.U. Diablo the opening date for the to the Student said. crease. February and a two-day "so we do what any store Room. It is sponosored by Associated Students very Programs and Ser- "We probably average A "growing awareness for drive sometime in late April downtown %%mild do. the Peer Drop-in ('enter. own equipment rental center. vices office next to the from SJSU per year about the need for volunteer blood or early May. We hope to carry in our stock Pub in the old cafeteria a good selection of equipment building. The winner will for a variety of activitiesevery be selected by the Associated %purism Dail:y 7th ANNUAL ALL-CAMPUS TABLE TENNIS TOURNEY thing from ski poles to camping Students Council. No entries equipment to ice cream freezers. will be accepted after Novem- s v mg the San Jose Stale What more ber 24, so act fast! Be University Community And inexpensively Sone, 1C34 Friday, November 21, 12:30 pm, could you ask? But we need a creative! Let your imagi- and class postage prod a, name! So the Associated Stu- nation run wild! Enter C al dor na Member a con - today! Itia Newspaper Publ is, , (in the Ballroom) dentc are sponsoring ation and the Osseo PubIrshed clady by San J. Unversoty. evc eat &atm,. , my and Monday, dorm., a p year The oprnions Al necesso, DIVISIONS YF hereof a( P not NAME ..d MEN'S & WOMEN'S .. of he Assoc ated Slum pileup Adminsfration nr P linen! of Journalism r. . ...f tosono Sobs,' lotions SINGLES & DOUBLES IADDRESS 41 only on 0 rernainder ...ter basis toll aced' p information & signups at the desk STUDENT ID # PHONE Semester . Tpf so .. r 000th pp, price per r opy. 10 ' TT? 1181 Advertisinu SUGGESTION_ Press of F r icke r entry deadline Nov 24 STUDENT UNION GAMES AREA 277-3226 cow entry per student 111

Page 4, November 18, 1975 Camera 1 Pakzad adds class mixes art, to First St. giving

By By Ellen Unseat' Lieberman Judy Gire Jack Nyblorn, a former Most students only care SJSU film student and self- about what our school can do what they avowed movie fanatic, used for themnever to resort to screening films can leave behind to show says for people in his living room. their appreciation," But now that he's opened artist Mohsen Pakzad. senior his own theaterright in the Pakzad, also a industrial studies major heart of downtown San at left one Jose's "porno row" SJSU, has already intention Nyblom doesn't have to go to gift behind with the more before he so much trouble. of leaving Nyblom, 24, and four graduates. his paintings. school friends who manage His gifts are sunset in oils, was the Camera One Theater at One, a Health 366 S. First St., aren't donated to the Department last semester showing skin flicks, tore, Mohsen Pakzad however. and currently decorates a gave this seascape to the university. Last September, they first floor wall there. opened a movie house that "I became sick for two the they believe offers a little bit months and three of the University of San paint but wants a job in- MS, FREE ; of class for San Josewith doctors there did an ex- helped put him through ex- Francisco where he attended volving some facet of in- its screenings of old classics, Bob Conrad cellent job for me," he school, he said. Beverage ! one year before SJSU. dustrial studies. Academy Award winners, plained. "The painting was Pakzad started painting at and dessert Jack Nyblam age "A picture is symbolic of and foreign and art films. my way of thanking them." seven and has completed human feelings toward Pakzad hopes to give a with the purchase "This theatre gives people Pakzad plans to dedicate 450 oil paintings and over of a 4,000 others," Pakzad explained. showing of his work here as who like to view movies films" of the Kung Fu "Every college campus another painting to the sketches. He sells much dinner and this coupon I of his He stressed the fact that his soon as he has permission. three or four times a week a variety, but he said he thinks and small theatre in the Industrial Studies Depart- work at individual art Monday thru Friday only I paintings are not directed He tried to donate a large oil place to go." it's better than hard core country must be showing ment honoring the shows in San Francisco and Ending Nov. 26, 1975 I toward the school but the painting to the Student Union Nyblom admits he's one of pornography. that one now," Nyblom said. professors who helped him Oakland. 1415 S. First St., S.J. I At age 17, Pakzad professors. several months ago but those people. "If anything it's nice to Many of the films selected during his studies here. 294-7716 "They educate our minds nobody contacted him, he "Before I would go up to have more legitimate are drawn from a suggestion "Everyone should leave a published a book on art and train our hands, not the said. Berkeley or San Francisco theatre on the street," book on a table in the lobby, part of themselves behind, techniques in Iran called buildings." twice a week. I don't have to Nyblom said. according to Nyblom. physically, mentally and "Ashafi" although he has Pakzad has a wide variety do that anymore," he said. One special aspect of Three film festivals are emotionally," Pakzad said. never taken an art class in skills as well as art. Despite a recent break-in, Camera One is the at- scheduled for next year The painting entitled "The his life, he said. of other Fruity Rudy's He taught mountain climb- which closed the theatre for mosphere, which is casual. including a Shakespeare Last Wave" is Pakzad's "My father never liked ing for nine years in Iran. a week while new equipment There are no high school fesitval in February, a tribute not only to the any of my work until I won photographs nature was being installed, the girls in uniform selling women's festival in March professors of his department first prize in a contest of He also wild-life in his spare theatre has been playing to a tickets, candy and popcorn. and a student-made film but those in other schools on artists in Iran," he ex- and Just opened on 7th and San Carlos supportive group of regulars "People have commented festival in May, he said. campus as well, he said. plained. Pakzad was 14 time. living in Iran he Fresh Fruit Drinks . which is growing all the that they like the plants, old Special daytime showings Pakzad, 32, came to the years old at the time. While for several magazines time, according to Nyblom. furniture and background of any film for groups of at U.S. from Iran six years ago "After that my father said wrote Fresh squeezed orange and grapefruit on the When Camera One showed music," usually low key least 75 can be arranged by to study. He was interested he would do anything for me and newspapers juice as you wait. "Oliver" and "Camelot" jazz, playing in the lobby, he calling the theatre, ac- in architecture, but decided and he has ever since." subject of mountain climb- missions. Try a Smoothie: A combination of fresh people were sitting in the said. cording to Nyblom. to major in industrial Pakzad said he adopted his ing and rescue banana and aisles," Nyblom said. Camera One is also hoping Nyblom said he and his studies, combining both art own style entirely, never Pakzad also appeared on pineapple blended with your "People are surprised and to expand, adding a coffee partners have not yet made a and construction design, he copying another artist. He is several television shows choice of one of the following: mango, he excited that something like house next door where profit but "we are getting said. interested in classical rather giving similar talks, papaya, apple, pomegranate, boysen- noted. this is happening," he said. people can sit and talk, close to giving ourselves Industrial studies, he than modern art. berry, coconut, orange, or pineapple. Camera One charges $2 according to Nyblom. salaries." explained, involves the One painting, a skeleton Married seven years, Pak- general admission, $1.50 for "We always have people Camera One has been designing of man-made wearing an army helmet, zad has a five-year-old students and senior citizens milling around at closing picketed because of its objects. Everything from the now hangs in the White daughter who also paints. and $1 for children. time," he explained. failure to hire a union body of a car to a coca-cola House Pakzad said. Richard She works in five hours stints Two other theatres near A bulletin board on one projectionist. can was designed by Nixon accepted it four years and doesn't talk to anyone, Camera One, the Jose and wall gives information about Picketing has since someone in that field, he ago as a symbol of Pakzad's he said. to the Studio, charge about 85 films being shown and films stopped when Nyblom said. anti-Vietnam War efforts. Pakzad plans to return Iran after graduation next .6 6co1ar Double cents for what Nyblom calls Camera One can't get like agreed to hire a union Painting, one of Pakzad's Other paintings have been 'farmitiv "exploitive low quality "King of Hearts." member. first and major interests, dedicated to professors of semester. He will continue to Lighter t , 15 seconds later $ WORKS LIKE )A CHAMP? 1 A sunny day \EVERYTIME! .. A i and Kevin ; .. talents in Palo Alto show / der ides it's Women combine time to ( c." light up...

By Ellen Linscott Lieberman it won't be any measure of With 43 women artists students were invited to attitudes about women, Smullen said her etchings ii A question being debated quality. each contributing three contribute. specifically for the show. are inspired by the poetry C 6 kA 4.41.13-40 in the art world is whether And quality is what is works, it is the first all- "We wanted to get people They are dark, ragged and she reads, most recently that 1 The Solar Doobie Lighter ignites all women's show of its size, out of the closet, kitchen, seem to explode thun- of Ann Sexton, Adrienne icigarettes and most pipes! These folding women artist express currently being exhibited in steel and chrome lighters are pocketsize themselves differently than a women's invitational art according to Judith garage, etc.," Wasserman, derously on the canvas with Rich and Silvia Plath. and lightweight. They will work as long their male counterparts. But show at 510 Emerson, Palo Wasserman, member of the herself a printmaker said. outrage. Using a press, she said she ias the sun is shining. Easy-to-follou instructions included. whatever answer experts Alto. The show will continue coordinating committee. "So many women never "I don't usually go in for has been able to emboss eventually, if ever, agree on through Nov. 30. Four former SJSU art get a chance to be shown all women shows," Sher- some of her designs i SUN KING ENTERPRISES into the paper, "making my 1258 La Playa because they don't know how wood said, "but this one is i San Francisco, or don't have the energy to very good." ideas more visually in- Calif. 94122 A look at the movies Sherwood named SJSU fluential." go through the process of 1 0 Please send me Solar Lighters at $ 2 00 paying entry fees on the instructors Jackie Thurston, "I love talking with women each plus .13c Calif. sales tan chance that they might get Steve French and Ken Anvil in the show who are so dedicated 0 Deal: Order S and we'll send you one free! rejected. as most influential in her to their art that 6 for $10.00 plus .65t sales tan. Although the works shown work, saying "state (SJSU) they get up and do it before It's love, spies and a dog were all done by women, it is was the best place I ever the dishes," Smullen said. 1 Name Address not a political feminist show, went." The Women's Fine Arts City, Stale

according to Wasserman. She now teaches art Invitational will be on 01511 &MI 0 Although entirely a shoot gore. inost definitely not the kiddie "We invited women whose classes at De Anza, Foothill display through Nov. 30. 'em up spy thriller, "Three For the must part, movie it sounds like from its work we knew to be con- and West Valley Colleges. Days of the Condor" is good however, the search for the title. This movie, based on sistent; professional, "I could make a living entertainment. Holy Grail is much too long one of the spacy stories by reliable artists who work from selling my work if I had Boasting two real and the audience is rescued Harlan Ellison is an un- Artist in Residence Chairperson for everyday," she said. to," she said, "But I love Hollywood heavies, Robert only occasionally by a few typical story about a typical Nancy Lawton, a 1972 teaching." Associated Students Program Board Redford and Faye Dunaway, geniune bits of humor. ' theme, the Destruction of the graduate of SJSU in print- Printmakers Jackie the movie is a mixture of Ss Earth. making, is showing three Kansky and Mercy Smullen, love, killing, humor and the "Mahogony," a million Yes, it is an old shopworn intricately detailed pencil who share a studio called good old theme of the "little dollar fashion show, displays topic. But this movie adds a drawings depicting her Ariel Editions in Sunnyvale, man being picked on by the Diana Ross' ability to rise new twist. images of women. met while attending art 1. Responsible for booking artist in residence for campus programs big organization." above a story book plot and lasting more than one day. One, a paper doll figure classes at SJSU. Redford plays a CIA the film's many weak points. "A Boy and His Dog" is programming. Will be a superimposed over a pat- Kansky, whose pastel 2. Must have experience in entertainment employe who reads books for She gives a somewhat about a young man, Vic and voting and working member of Program Board. chwork quilt, only gives serigraphs seem to move the master spy group and unrealistic portrayal of a his telepathic dog Blood, 3. Must be able to attend meetings at 2:30pm every Thuisday. away her feelings by the behind their glass frames programs their contents into department store sales girl both of whom are rovers, slightly resentful looking like living cells, earned her Deadline for application and interview appointments is Nov. 25, a computer. Suddenly he ambitious to become a dress wandering across America. arch of her brows. M.A. here in 1974. finds himself in a life and designer. Blood, a wisecracking dog Contact A.S. Personnel Officer, Pamela Wade was "I think it's a very im- Serigraphy is a silk death struggletrying to Despite her meager salary if ever there one, has 3rd Level, Student Union or call 277-3201 portant step that all these screen process, using A.S. Offices save his life by stopping his as a clerk, she always trained Vic, forcing him to women got together to put on photographic images within death. manages to look like a learn history, philosophy, the show," Lawton said. the concept of the design, Just a bookworm, not a Macy's mannequin with and to read. She makes her living doing Kansky explained. real spy, Redford battles a clothes any model would be Vic's mind is centered on illustrations for super-slick spy ring after his proud to own. And she commercial more earthy thingswomen. magazines and books. neck. Of course he outwits becomes a model when Blood's job in the part- Pat Sherwood, who said them at every corner, baf- photographer, Anthony nership is to sniff out women, she has been taking classes S ProsernA feling his pursuers, amazing Perkins, offers her the first food and danger. Vic, in at SJSU "on and off since the audience. big break in her success Wednesday Cinema return, offers Blood shelter 1965," painted three semi- It's cinematic escapism at story. and protection. abstract portrayals of her its best and if that's what you She has some very moving like you'll enjoy "Three parts and several scenes Days of the Condor." prove dynamic despite the pj(yttt "Cinderella" quality of the TIRED OF PAYING Monty Python and the plot. Worth seeing but Frp,:[, with F ruttish subtitles Holy Grail begins with some certainly not crying over. ingeniously funny 5 A COPY? Wednesday, Nov. 19 momentsthe hilarious "A Boy and His Dog" is opening credits. CAMIRAON1, g , qt); OPY-SAVE ShoW starts at But that's where the fun 3:30, 7:00 arid 10.00

A k rest .I, ends in this spin-off of a from Origonal , XEROX copies 3 CENTS popular British television Tue. 8 x it size (through Nov 26, 1975) series. The violence that Morris Dailey Auditorium I.F. Stone's Weekly BOOKS 60 Film duration- 101 minutes dominates this medieval. and King-Arthur-type farce just Little Murders 100% Rag Lancaster Bond. / doesn't make good cinematic wen, World War I is coming to an end The VELO BINDING 85C $1 75 humor. Red Nightmare fleeing Germans attempt to delay their Hardcover $4 00 Some viewers may enjoy pursuers by planting an enormous bomb in Nixon's Checkers a small French town The tactic sends the the "knee-slapping" scenes: 8:30-5:30 Sat 9-3 residents packing, but in their haste tivy mutilation, a Speech Phone decapitation, 2939 Park Ave. Santa Clara forget about the inmates 01 the local encounter with a 247-4692 8.50 $.50 bloody STUDENTS $1.50 blk. South of U. Santa Clara ,!v;ano asylum man-eating rabbit and lots of {AY.


Most of you students "out there- know very little about the Program Board, how it functions, who its members are. etc It is not necessary that you do so. IT IS NECESSARY that you know that these students work hard for extremely long hours with little reward FOR YOU! In order to help us fulfill our goal of providing a well balanced schedule of pro- IT IS NECESSARY that you ;rams please take a few minutes to complete the survey's below. This information SUPPORT their efforts with some of your IDEAS because how else can they continue to SATISFY YOU. be used by the Program Board in determing future activities. THERE IS MORE TO SCHOOL THAN CLASSROOMS. BOOKS and STUDYING! TAKE A CHANCE and attend a classical or dance concert sometime. YOU MIGHT ENJOY IT! And you will know that San Jose State University Students just like yourselves booked, publicized and produced the event only because they thought YOU would enjoy it. Ted Gehrke, Program Advisor

Films Dance Forums WEDNESDAY films shown at 3:30, CINEMA: popular, contemporary A) In viewing dance performances. I prefer 7:00, & 10:00 at Morris Dailey every Wed. ballet 1 What types of speakers would you like 1 Do the three time slots for films give you an opportunity to see the film? modern to see on our campus? YES NO folk, ethnic; specify country. (female, male. non-political, political, a.) Which is the best time for you? 3:30 7:00 1000 jazz local. nation-wide, etc) b.) If none of the three choices, please recommend a time slot. other; please specify. 2 What is the time of day that is best for 2. Did you like the selection of the Fall films? YES No B) In taking master classes in dance. I prefer speakers? (12 noon, 3:00. 7:30 p.m., a.) If answer is no. please comment. _ _ _ballet etc) modern like Wed. Cinema to offer? (i.e. Western. 3 How do you feel b.) What type of films would you folk, ethnic; specify country: about paying admis- Musical. Foreign. sion for "Big Name" speakers? etc.) C) In types of movement classes, I prefer YES NO Alternative C.) What are some films (titles) you'd like to see on campus? _ _body awareness, self-exploration _. technique 4 Please list some speakers you would 3 Does the 50(Z-$ 1.00 per movie prevent you from attending? YES NO like to see on campus. Some sugges- a.) If yes, please further comment as to a possible price. _choreography or composition improvization tionsJack Anderson. Gene Rodden- 4 Which forms of publicity is most effective to inform you of FILMS? _lecture/demonstration berry, "Mo" Dean, Dick Gregory, a.) wallet size Wed. Cinema schedule other; please specify -- Germaine Greer, Julian Bond, Mel- vin Belli. Robin Morgan, Anais Nin. b.) posters on campus (classrooms, showcases, dorms) D) If I had my choice which specific dance company would be in Valery & Galina Panov, Geraldo Rivera, c.) Student Union schedule board residency at SJSU, I would choose d.) ads in Spartan Daily Red Auerback, Eliot Gould, Dixy Lee e.) Other source E) I have have not ___attended dance company activities at Ray, Stanton Friedman f.) Any suggestions for other forms of publicity for films? SJSU in the past. The activities I have participated in are: concert MONDAY FILMS New this year--a special film series focusing on class- master class Board Members ical and foreign films shown at 7:00 and 10:00 in the lecture/demonstration Morris Dailey Auditorium. other/please specify Suzanne Allayaud, Director F) I have a general interest in dance and would be likely to attend at Carl Blake, Classical 1. How did you like the idea of a specialized film series? least one activity during a dance residency. YES NO James Heidelman, Forums 2. What other specialized film series would you like to see? G) I have a specific interest in dance and would be likely to attend Steve Lester, Contemporary Arts COMMENTS: a dance event only if: Susanne McDonough. Dance I knew of the group ; I was impressed by a poster or news- Gary Windom, Drama X-RATED FILMS: paper article I was persuaded by a friend_ LaDonna Yumori, Films 1 Would you like to see x-rated films on campus. YES NO other; please specify' 2 What do you think of having "Cinema X" (x-rated films) in the near future H) COMMENTS: as a film series? YES NO Comments: 3 Would you attend the x-rated films? YES NO Comments: Contemporary Arts ETC... A What type(s) of musical activity do you enjoy attending? (1) Do you think there should be more coordination in scheduling films be- 1. a. indoor concert b. outdoor concert c. dance d. club tween the Program Board and other campus groups? 2. a. festival seating b. reserved seating f-or instance woman's Week, La Semana Chicana. etc. 3. a. small show b. large show Comments: 4. a. afternoon shows b. evening shows (2) Are there other days of the week that would be more convenient for 5. a. M-Thur b. Fri. or Sat. c. Sun. you? B Where would you like to have shows? a) What days? M T W Th F St S (a) men's gym (b) student union ballroom (c) Morris Dailey (d) Spartan Stadium (e) Perfor- b) What times? ming Arts Center (f) Fox theatre (g) 9th street (h) other Are you interested in the future of FILMS on this campus? Then sign up to C How do you hear about our shows? be on the Program Board films sub-committee. Leave your name and phone (a) school paper (b) outside paper (c) campus radio (d) outside radio flyers (f) other number at the A.S. Program Board office. (3rd floor of the Student Union). (e) source Additional comments can be on extra paper. Thank you for your interest. D Do you like having noon concerts? (a) YES (b) NO Coming Events E. How often would you like to go to a show? Tues Nov. 18 John Cage, guest composer Music Department Con- (a) cert Hall Music Department 7:30-9:20 p.m. F How much would you spend to see a show in San Jose? Tues Nov. 18 David Harris. lecture S.U. Ballroom 12:00 noon (a) show outside of San Jose (including gas money)? Wed Nov. 19 Pegusus, noon concert. S.U. Ballroom G. How much do you spend to see a Wed Nov. 19 "King of Hearts" film Morris Dailey 3:30, 7:00, 10:00 (a) Thur Nov. 20 Joan Benson, classical concert, S.U. Ballroom 8 p.m. H What type(s) of music do you like? Mon Nov. 24 "Cries and Whispers" film Morris Dailey 7:00 & 10:00 (a) jazz (b) soul (c) funk (d) blues (e) soft rock (f) hard rock (g) country (h) folk (i) latin Tues Nov. 25 Hank & Friends, noon concert, S.U. Ballroom (1) rock-jazz (k) country-rock (I) top 40 (m) other Tues Dec. 2 Carlos Chavez, guest composer. Concert Hall, Music Dept. 7:30-9:20 p.m. People Montrose Wed Dec. 3 Skycreek. noon concert. S.U. Ballroom America Hello Cat Stevens HooDoo Rhythm Devils Stills Wed Dec 3 "Papillon" film Morris Dailey, 330. 7:00 & 10:00 Average White Band Rick Nelson Stephen George Benson Larry Hosford New Riders Billy Swan Karl Berger Hot Tuna Don Nix Logo Contest Elvin Bishop Freddie Hubbard Ohio Players Richard Torrance & Eureka Blood, Sweat & Tears Its A Beautiful Day Pablo Cruise Tubes Call office for details David Blue Jefferson Starship Procol Harum Vance or Towers Camel Art Garfunkel Poco Weather Report Cecilia & Kapone J. Geils Richard Pryor Tim Weisberg Drop off Locations Cisum Jo Jo Gunne Bonnie Raitt Cris Williamson Billy Cobham Journey Linda Ronstadt Wishbone Ash Albert King Ruby w/Tom Fogerty Bill Withers You Can Drop Your Survey Off At These Locations Until 11/26 Cold Blood Kinks Rufus Neil Young 1. S.U. Information Desk Chick Corea Leo Kottke Leon Russell Frank Zappa 2. Administration Bldg.Info Desk Crusaders Daniels David Laflamme Savoy Brown Z.Z. Top 3. Library-1st Floor Charley Gordon Lightfoot Santana Other groups not listed 4. All Dorms Bo Diddley Little Feat Leo Sayer 5. Spartan Pub Earthquake Eli Loggins & Messina 6. Program Board Office Boz Scaggs John Fahey Lynyrd Skynrd John Sebastian / Walkway between gyms (W-F from 10-2 only) John Fogerty Nils Lofgrin Paul Simon Fanny Roger McGuinn Slade Man Snow Want to get involved? The program board is seeking responsible people Firesign Theatre Pheobe Fleetwood Mac Tel Mahal Skycreek assistance in the following areas: to lend Dan Fogelburg Melissa Manchester Sons of Champlin Dave Mason Publicity Peter Frampton Soundhole Dorm Relations Mark Almond Sorority Relations Graham Central Station Spirit Hospitality Marshall Tucker Tooth Graphic Arts Herbie Hancock Spooky Security John Hammond Steve Miller John Stewart Public Relations Fraternity Relations John Hartford Joni Mitchell

If interested, please call 277-2807 or come by our office in the Student Union. Program Board Office, Room 353 3rd floor Student Union. Hours M-F 8:00-- 5:00. Page 6, November 18, 1975 Spartans and Co. maul Aztecs, 37-7

By Tom Stienstra Do you know the way le San Jose? Daily The San Diego University [Spartan football squad found out the hard way. The SJSU football squad made certain the Aztecs will never forget their way to Spartan Stadium Saturday sports with a crowd-raising, body- ] crunching 31-7 win over San Diego to claim the PCAA title. Mike Gilbert ripped the Proffitt's one-yard plunge Oddsmakers figured San Spartan running game to giving the Spartans' a 9-7 * OLD TIME : Diego a two-point favorite shreds. Gilbert was never a edge in the third quarter, it : * * * based on comparative factor in this one with every was all San Jose. * DIXIELAND! * statistics. Spartan lineman getting a San Diego's only score What the oddsmakers shot at him. came in the opening quarter with didn't figure on, however, Gilbert was rotated into when a blocked punt was Emperor Norton's was the jampacked crowd of different spots in the Aztec recovered in the end zone. Dixieland Jazz 4( 20,399 led by fanatical line in hopes of finding a The Spartans blew the Group cheerleader Krazy George weakness among the game wide open in the * Wed night 811 Henderson. Spartan's blockers. closing minutes, scoring two Marty's Place Crowd energy He didn't find one. touchdowns and a safety in * 852 Park Ave. S J The crowd transfered its "Gilbert killed us last the final six minutes. ter erir*** energy to the players on the year," co-captain Ron field and the Spartans, now Collins said. "But this year awl 9-1 and 5-0 in the PCAA, he couldn't do nothing but respondedthrashing the get up off the ground." Within Without Aztecs in every phase of the I.ineman Collins. Tom hairstyling game. Cobey, Pat Markey, Timmy "We go out there and see Toews and John Blain were earpiercing all those people and we can't the primary men responsible for help but play great," said for opening holes in the Aztec men & women Darrell Jenkins, a senior defense. Total care for fullback. "Even in warmups. Running backs Kane, skin & hair Stewart drives through the San Diego defense in his last appearance at Spartan Stadium. Senior tailback Mary Anything we'd do and they'd Jenkins and Mary Stewart fitirmacklRedkett go bananas." bolted through the holes and 294-0629 294-0630 Flying high carried the offensive load for 480 So. 10th St. SJ Krazy George sailed into the Spartans. the stadium 15 minutes Jenkins had the top effort before kickoff in a in his three-year career, helicopter, leaning halfway rushing 93 yards on 17 out of the door and beating carries. his drum to a wild ovation. Stewart bolstered the The Spartans were also attack in the second half with flying high. 68 yards on 12 totes. The opening kickoff gave Pinching defense FL an indication of what was to The defense did the rest. follow. Reserve fullback Wilson Faumuina was a Louie Nelson of the kickoff doubtful starter on the squad splattered a San Diego defensive line, recovering man and knocked him out. from a dislocated elbow, but Out of the game and played the game in its en- practically out of the world, tirety. Faumuina combined that is. with Kim Bokamper and "He was knocked un- Fred Ford to form the line conscious," said Nelson, a 6- which helped pinch off the 4, 238-pound bruiser. "I was San Diego running game. a bit hazy myself." The Aztecs mustered only More of the same high- four yards rushing which intensity play followed by forced them to rely on the every member of the passing of Craig Penrose for Spartan squad. their entire offense. Tailback Rick Kane and Penrose, second in the defensive back Gerald Small nation in passing entering were the individual stand- the game, completed 21 of 41 outs. passes for 278 yards. Kane slashed for 144 yards Penrose was never a on 24 carries and became the mystery to the Spartan first 1,000-yard rusher in the defensive backs, however, Spartan's history with 1,101 and was intercepted four F. a yards. times. Small intercepted three In addition to Small's three One out of every three Marine Corps officers e passes, including a 53-yard interceptions, Vance Topps is in aviation. And we're looking for more touchdown return during the picked one off in last minute some s4 Spartan's 22-0 fourth quarter and returned it 22 yards for a good men to join them. Men who will fly of the world's most exciting aircraft, as 'N scoring burst. touchdown. 4 so But Kane's and Small's Heavenly sweet members of the world's finest air-ground performances were The Spartans, Krazy team. If you're in college now, look into our triggered by efforts by other George and the fanatical PLC-Aviation program. There's no better Spartans. crowd never eased the David Yarnold timeand no better wayto get started. pressure on San Diego. Once SJSU Cheerleaders, never ones to hide their emotions, In last year's 40-14 loss, Aztec defensive the ice was broken by Tailback Rick Kane expresses the sentiments of the team. appear at the point of crying here. lineman FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT MARINE CORPS OFFICER TRAINING CONTACT Defense key to Spartan win over Aztecs; YOUR LOCAL MARINE REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL San Diego running game stopped cold (415) 273-6126

By Dennis Wynne But once again turnovers "We were just playing our on an effective pass rush, games of their lives," Faumuina said. THE MARINES ARE LOOKING In football, the job of the hurt the Aztecs, quarterback best," said Small, recipient forcing Penrose to hurry his claimed Faumuina. He added he felt no pain FOR A FEW GOOD MEN. offense is to score points Craig Penrose being in- of defensive player of the tosses. The 6-5, 250 pound junior from the elbow. %slide the defense attempts to tercepted four times, three game honors. Behind them, linebackers left only one name off of that "I didn't feel anything. All shut out the opposition. by Gerald Small, including "We had a good practice Vance Topps, Carl Ekern, list of the starting defensive I feel is the championship of But in Saturday's game one for a touchdown. all week long. We wanted to James Hawkins and Jim players. the PCAA." against San Diego State But despite San Diego's play our best game. We Tardieu aided in the pass Wilson Faumuina. *iii/PLIF/$44*******WIP1**1.4- University the SJSU defense potent passing attack, which wanted to win it," he added. coverage and their blitzing Faumuina played the coaches said they was effective in shutting off game just three weeks after was playing both roles. has been netting the Aztecs "The Series The defense turned in- 33 points per game, the were great and we had to the ground game. suffering a dislocated elbow American Composer terceptions by Gerald Small defense never let up. play a great game to play "All I gotta say is Bo against Fullerton. and Vance Topps into touch- Shut out with them," stated safety Bokamperl and Freddy and However he vowed to be Nov 18, 1975 downs and then it added a San Diego was shut out by Rick James. "We just tried Topps and Ekern and ready for this game. safety on a kickoff, a total of the defense. to do our best." Hawkins, Tardieu, Small, "I wasn't gonna let these 15 points. The seven points that the -They were the best Ferguson and James and guys win the championship That alone would have Aztecs did put up on the receivers we faced all year," Glaspie played the best game without me." John been enough to outscore San scoreboard came as a result cornerback James Ferguson Diego, which garnered only of a plocked punt, they were said, "but we kept them out Cage seven points on the night. not scored off of the defense. of the end zone." (compose, lecturer) Defense tough Previous to Saturday's Playing an instrumental '33,500,000 The defense knew it would encounter the Aztecs lowest role in the defense was the be up against the second best point production had been 19, Spartans' front line. Unclaimed passing offense in the nation. yet that was in a winning Kim Bokamper, Fred Ford The Spartans knew they effort. It was the first time and Wilson Faumuina were Scholarships couldn't shut out the this the Aztecs year that their offense awesome in shutting off Over $33,500,000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and Concerts/Lectures through the air so they did had not scored. rushing attack and also pu fellowships ranging from $50 to $10,000. Current list of Tuesdays 7:30-9:20 pm the next best thing. these sources researched and compiled as of Sept. 15, 1975. They stopped the run. Concert Hall (Music Bldg.) Garen UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS Rushing game stopped M. Nock 11275 Massachusetts Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 San Jose State University A rushing attack was ! lam enclosing $9.95 plus $1.00 for postage and handling almost nonexistent against I ON III N/ Os the Spartan front line. Aztec backs carried 18 times for PLEASE RUSH YOUR CURRENT LIST OF 14, y S.J.S.U. Students Free four yards. ,1 UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS SOURCES TO: In addition the Aztecs All others $1. fumbled five times in the Sponsored by the Music Dept. .1,flur Name_ contest, losing two of them. ' 1n83 Address and the Associated Students San Diego, second in the nation in passing went to its ti City_ State . forte, gaining 280 yards Prudential ICaliforma res.detirs please add 6% sales lax I through the air. **********************************************4 November 18, 1975, Page 7 Women's hockey team heads to nationals

By Pablo Rozal time consuming penalties. a week schedule in preparing for the nationals. In September it was an optimistic prediction and last !twirl an IIaiuI "This is a very unusual type of play and teams will use this "The reason we practice only two days a week is that most Friday, the forecast became a reality. tactic only when they feel that they are not able to score of the girls work. However, the girls do running on their own, The SJSU varsity women's field hockey team is heading to freely," said Walters. as field hockey requires plenty of endurance. the nationals, just like coach Leta Walters said it opponent possibly. Toughest Our practice days are devoted to working on stick work and would. however, faced their toughest SJSU according to Walters, strategy." It's just great," said Walters in describing the national opponent of the tournament in the second game against participation honors. sports Stanford. Plenty of support "Fantastic," echoed team co-captain Linda Nichols. "This Once again, the league powerhouses tied 1-1 as they did in Walters further commented that the team has received has been the most together team that I've ever been on. an earlier regular season game. plenty of support from the alumnus and the student body. "We help one another both on and off the field. Our team However, SJSU was awarded the win based on penetration unity was shown when we learned to play when substitutes circumstances, this being our first tournament, we per- time, a three-minute span was the difference. No after game celebration was held as the women either were thrown in." formed excellently." "Actually this is a good deal of time, for much of field just wanted to get home and collapse or watch the San Diego "I never expected that we'd be this good," said Nichols. SJSU played three matches in a round-robin tournament hockey, like football is played in mid-field. State University football game, according to Walter. "It's just exciting to go to the nationals," said teamate format in which everyone eventually plays one another. Slow start The first two finishers from the regionals are going to Judy Hillyer. "It's just been fun playing with these girls, and Frustrating match The Spartans had their "usual slow first half," in their the nationals, Stanford will be the other squad. the coaching has been very good." SJSU's first match was described as frustrating by Walters third and final game against Golden West Community Nationals next due to the defense-oriented play of San Diego State College, but scored three second half goals to take a 3-0 win Because this is the first time that a national tournament "I knew that we were going into the nationals after our win University. and a first place in the first time ever held regional tour- has been held in collegiate field hockey, the coaches know over Stanford at the regionals, this guaranteed at least a The two teams battled to a 0-0 contest, but the Spartans nament. nothing of their future competion, so they made no predic- second place. I was never definite of a national spot," said were awarded the victory for longer penetration time. In reflecting over the season, thus far, Walters points out tions. Nichols. SJSU managed to possess the ball within its own offensive the keys to success as the team's "perserverance, deter- "We should improve our play in the national, because the Walters stated that one of the players was so ecstatic after side however only a minute longer than the Aztecs. mination, and never giving up." better competition should make us play even better," said co- the Stanford win, that "she must have flung her hockey stick -San Diego placed a majority of their players near our goal Fantastic coaching doesn't hurt either. captain Linda Nichols. 50 feet in the air." line making it very difficult to score. On Nov. 27-29 in Harrisonburg, Va., SJSU will join 60 other In describing the team's overall performance, Walter said, "At one point they even placed all 11 of their players at the schools in the first national tournament ever held. "We haven't reached our peak yet," agreed teammate "We improved in each progressing match. And under the goal line. With this type of strategy there are many resulting Walters does not plan to divert from the team's present two Hillyer, there is still room for improvement,

Divorce Corks fly in locker room foe those doing their own divorce Student rates 296 4197

Professional Typing ast. acurate Reports, Theses, 253 019' classified Sauna& massage Spartans rejoice win Student Rates 798 1603 St Claire Hotel

By Tom Stienstra down run in the fourth LeJay is a transfer from an automotive Crafts Wanted: Hand made things Happy Twentieth Birthday to the Best It would be difficult to quarter. Pasadena Community with Peas, love &scare, used books, Bear in the FoeeStiiii Beek a Beek. travel improve on the SJSU football Kane was sprung loose College, where he was one of awareness. Christmas items. etc On Pooh Bear consignment Thrift Craft & Recycle A Ten team's performance in through the right side with a the top junior college SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Percent Dsscount With this ad 379.2735. Skiers Share Winter Ski Chalet thru Reach over 23,000 people in the SJS for an Electronic Dynamometer Saturday's 31-7 win over San tremendous block by hit- quarterbacks in the state. He April 5 bdrm 4 bth. 2 I 'plc $ acres EUROPE -ISRAEL -AFRICA community in the SPARTAN Tune -Up at T tees -the Driver -Ice Cream, candy Mite. Goer' on Lake Tahoe, 10 min to Alpine, 15 Student flights year round CONTACT State University. Louie Nelson and Cobey was voted most valuable largest daily in Santa Automotive Tune up Specialists 1533 Diego man DAILY- -3rd earn Melody Ice Cream. Full or min to Squaw 19161 343 6925 !SCA 11687 San Vicente Blvd No 4, County W San Carlos Si Your cost will be , Not unless one can im- wiped out the one remaining player in the Metro Con- Clara part time 258 N Montgomery St Los Angeles. Ca 90049 12131026 5669, MWF 10 12 30 1 30 3 00 a cYI S3I 50 6 rift $33500 ref 535 10 794 4693 Alpha Phi Omega presents Friday 0260950 Southern (Most cars) Parts prove on perfection, that is. Aztec at the 20-yard line. ference in TTH 11 12 70 I 303 00 & labor included Flicks A Woman Under the In. Dept of Journalism and Advertising Guaranteed 6 months Takes about In view of 23,399 fans and "Rick Kane for Heisman California. Let our sterling silver, and turquoise licence. starring Peter Falk Show Men-Wement JOBS ON SHIPS! Floor 30 Minutes phone 2063566 Discount Second chokers and earrings sell them starts at 7 & 10 Admission $lop American, Foreign No experience West Coast television trophy," Dan Durbin yelled LeJay was switched to (mod through Novainner 1975 selves at your dorm, Office, or Morris Dailey Aud Friday, Nov 71. required Excellent pay Worldwide Sandwiches with tomato, viewers, the Spartans above the post-game uproar. wide receiver on the Spar- Sprout jewelry party. We consign to you Next week Law and Disorder Also, !ravel Summer job or career Send lettuce all kinds Milk and avocado and you keep 70 per cent of what you Wednesday, Nov 19. Alone Phi $3.00 for information Seals's, Dept dismantled the highly Kane credited the blocking tans in hopes of taking ad- fresh carrot ghee Food shakes, for sale sell Priced from S4 00 520.00 These Omega presents The Devil in Miss 15 9 Box 2049. or First and Laurel. 010 regarded San Diego Aztecs as well as the running of vantage of his 9.5 sprinter Stamps M rrrrrr ha's Sand. are the best prices in the area at 6. 7 & 10 p m in the Student Port Angeles, Washington 98362 with's. 126E San Salvador. between Check it out and call 354 1584 after 12 Union Ballroom Admission $LIM board by board until only Darrell Jenkins for 144-yard speed. 4th 3rd and 1100/1 PARIS. AMSTERDAM... "TURQUOISE RUGS 'N LEATHER" rushing total. He logged little playing MADRID LONDON CENTRAL rubble remained. Tye dye and India Bedspreads, S500 Ballet-For fun. agility, exercise and Good looting, athletic guys wanted for AMERICA. MEXICO .STUDENT "We pulled up bushes and "Darrell just went out and time for the Spartans, classes for the plus Bracelets, rings. chokers, $750 grace. Special modeling 510 per hr Send picture I.D. CARDS SHIPS RAIL now and over Incense, glasses. clothing, knocked down trees and ran like a champ," Kane however, and has caught college age beginner Classes and height. weight, age. and phone PASSES...LOW COST TRANS forming beginning and in Purses, rugs no to brought the Aztecs to their said. only one pass this year. for Al Patch, P0 Box 7, Gilroy ATLANTIC FLIGHTS _YOUTH terrnediate students Eutrazia HOSTEL CARDS FREE TRAVEL FUNKY JIM'S said James It was Jenkins' last home After the game, LeJay School of Ballet 241 1300 Teach English in . 45 page INFO...INTEREUROPEAN knees," 74E San Fernando 998 2181 guide 53.00 Ken May. 25 Lionel Ave FLIGHT BOOKINGS. WORK Ferguson, a defensive back game as a Spartan and he reflected many of the "Just an old fashioned head shop" Office Space Avallable-S75 per month Apt E. Wlatharn. Ma 02154 ABROAD...1NSURANCE...CON. who topped the Spartans in said he was happy just to get Spartans' sentiments: and up PASEO BUILDING. 210 TACT ROI B. DAVIS AT STUDENT First Street. San Jose Mr SAVE THIS AD!!! North Valley SecretarialService South L.S.A.T. Review Courseseeks Campus SERVICE WEST, 235 E. SANTA tackles with nine. to the game. "This is simply the Before you purchase any T v , Hi Fi, Teem papers resumes senior Owsley, Manager. 297 2737 Representative Will receive free CLARA NO. 710. SAN JOSE, CA. Car Stereo. or Tape Equipment, projects theses -letters. 75 cents The win culminated a 10- "I had a dream the night greatest moment of my life." course Call 885 5753 collect!! 14001 211741301 The Christian Science Organisation at Cheek with us for big discounts on Page and up. Fast Accurate. 262 week drive to the PCAA before that I overslept and invites visit with us on over 300 major brands We also 1923 CSUSJ you to SAN FRANCISCO TO NEW YORK Thursday evenings at 7:30 in manufacture a complete line of crown for the Spartans. The missed the game," Jenkins 0314.00 ROUND TRIP DECEMBER quality speaker systems and Experienced typist for SJSU students Memorial Chapel on campus or visit 21ST TO JANUARY 4. 1976 (only) lockeroom aftermath was a said with a big laugh. "The Round the recording tapes wholesale to the housing and business Short Notice 267 3119, .,ur study room above AMERICAN AIRLINES 707 JET 10th St , Public Nan wild scene, complete with an win makes up for last year Corner Pina", SOS So FIRST COME, FIRST SER suite SOUNDS UNIQUE 998 2693 102 VE...CONTACT: ROI B. overflow of champagne. losing to San Diego 40-14)." Getting Married? Discount Flowers Beautiful Rooms across campus- DAVIS...287.11240 23$ E. SANTA You Have A Loving Heart And A BOOKS NEW AND USED guarantees you the most beautiful "How good does this Every player said the kitchen privileges, ample parking, CLARA ST...NO, 710 SAN JOSE. Thin Wallet, come 8. browse at We're a left bookstore special lingo bridal bouquets and wedding util pd., cozy lounge, superb decor. CALIF. AVAILABLE ONLY TO champagne taste?" Wilson crowd provided the team Thrift. Craft & Recycle 176W Santa Marxist. women's, Afro America. decorations. Whether year wedding Located at 278 5 10th SI Double STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF Clara St San Jose 779 2735. You still Chicano and anti imperialist is a small one or a large formal one, Faumuina asked. "About with an electrical charge. Room 5/5 mu Single $115 ino 525 AND THEIR IMMEDIATE r an surprise your friends with an studies; poetry, fiction, biography, you should know that we have been deposit Call 268 1750 Leave message FAMILIES OF SJSU half as good as the PCAA "The crowd really helped ,iriginal gift as we say in France, -It children's books and lots more saving our customers 30 50 percent -s the intention which counts, not the Personal service, special orders off most florist prices! Why Pay championship." us," tailback Steve Bruce New and Beautiful Rooms; A Charter Flights from West Coast to price. - welcome Get on our mailing list for more? Call or a free estimate 12 delightful place to live S115 up 23/ Tokyo Taipei Hong Kong by KM Jet Prediction comes true said. "Krazy George gets us special events Drop by soon years experience 996 1252 South Eleventh 9900003 Cal PAA Call after 2 30 291 0902 Ron Collins, the boisterous off good." The Tower Saloon at 163 W Santa Browsers welcome Clara is now featuring the live grout/ Bread and Roses Bookshop Yoga -Meditation for EVERY -BODY! the best fans in Secluded, quiet, convenient 2 Sr Low Cost Charter Flights for 1976 team spokesman was his "We have Catfish with folk rock vocal har 136 South First Street Weight loss, figure control, good duplex in Monte Vista area, Oakland London R T 5339 San monies and flute every Thursday (between San Fernando 8, health, strength, energy. flexibility, usual ebulient self after the the world," said Freddy Cupertino Ready Ill 75. WW crpts, Francisco London on Pan Am and Friday night from 9pm to lam The Brick Mall? tranquility, my, peace of mind drps, stove rtrg, no wax kitch and Jumbo from 1349 Low Cost Camper game. Ford, part of the Spartans' 294 2930 FREE introductory classes Classes bth firs 5775 Singles OK No Fee Hire in Britain- Sleep 4 adults. 2 Student Dental Plan-Enroll "now- Bob and Barbara Lindsay held Mon thru Thurs, 7 30 Pm. "I went out on a limb last awesome down line. 247 8467 children, all equipped British Agent 747 3330 or Christananda Yoga Center, 977 was ,pptications and information European Travel 937 Saratoga Ave. week saying how we were Not every Spartan Associated Students office or 371 1969 Lincoln Cool, full power w air, Asbury St , SJ (Off the Alameda. Share 4 bd Home, own rm, S75. Pref San Jose, 95129 446 5252 iA II new tires. runs and looks great 0650 across from the YMCA/ Call us at gonna kick San Diego's ass," yelling in the lockeroom. mature. resp male non smoker or best offer Call 736 4193 2920359 Pat Markey was 'ARTISTS Home secure. of t street pkg . Quiet. Overseas Jobs-temporary or per. Collins said. Center Psychological Studies Institude-To clean 3 others. Call Don 7975376 manent. Europe, Australia. Shredded Foam Rubber Wedding Consultants will bring to you "I could of looked like a starstruck, walking around discuss its new Ph d degree America, Africa. etc All fields. 1,500 program in CLINICAL 45 cents per pound 7932954 No limit personal service at the lowest in a dazed condition after OILS" Quiet 16 2 BRCORM Porn Apt. 1700 monthly Expenses paid. fool but look what we did. We PSYCHOLOGY PS I will hold Open prices Fragrant bouquets and Carpet. prking. no pets or children 536 sighseeing Free info Write In had House for prospective applicants on Calculators, HP21.595, HP22.8155, mvely arrangements will create a are bad! -B-A-D! Period. being informed he Street, Mgr Apt No 9. ternational Job Center, Dept SB. HP15.$182. SOMA -Set. SRS1A.S135, 5 8th splendid look for your wedding You "offensive Fridays Nov 7. 14, 21 and 28 at 8 Boo 4490. Berkeley CA 94704 "I love San Jose so much received a vote as p m (catalog available by mail for Five Day Delivery All models new. can also design a special memory Female to share 4 bed, 2 ba house or the game" from the SI) 580 College Ave . Palo Alto, CA carry lull year guarantee and in With our invitations, custom veils, that next year I'm gonna player of Almaden Exp 8. Hillsdale 5601 old 44306 George Muench. Ph d clude all standard accessories Send and other wedding items Order one San Jose Mercury-News. Call Jack, Pam 7660017 come back here and be AQUATEC (Clinical Psychology I. director, check or COD request (for COD add or all A special gift with your floral aide." Kane won the award for Peter Koestenbaum. Ph .d 17) plus 6 per cent fax lo Cheap order Call Luv's Flowers tor in Krazy George's The Artistic Acrylic Share 3 BD Apt, Rec Rm. Patio, Oool entertainment (Philosophy), dean Calculator Conway, 636 Fourth St.. formation or appointment 269 4955 Spartans and Gerald View. nr, campus. coed Secure, Many players said the win the based Davos, CA 95616. If not satisfied, or 378 8044 eves. Water Quiet See moor. No 4 576 S 5th St Small captured defensive Annie Phi Omega presents Friday return within 15 dayS tor full refund was the apex of their football 000 Brilliant Flicks-The Stepford Wives. You too Fast, accurate typing: Theses. Alpha Phi Omega presents Friday as well as the honors. Four Day Show careers an be replaced by a machine Come Reports (IBM Carbon) Marcia I licks A woman Under the In. Permanent Nov 11 14 Roommate needed to share 7 BD Apt happiest moment in their Split votes in et 7 & 10 Admission 50cent, Reynolds 570 7584 fluecne. starring Peter Falk Show and Turquoise Indian Jewelry or SJSU Quiet, clean. area Move in Morris Dailey Aud . Friday, Nov 14 Silver starts at 7 8. 10 Admission SI 00 This reporter's vote would Fast drying Nov IS or Dec I. your share 190 lives. Next week . A Woman Under the Spartan Bookstore Quality Wedding Photography at low All the versatility of oil ma M or F 9900603 Richard Morris Dailey Aud Friday, Nov 21 "This is the greatest crowd have gone to 60 players, but influence. student rates Complete wedding Next week Law and Disorder. Also F S9S Olympus Pen FT colors that mix with Olympus Pen Package ot 60 color prints 5100 Call Wednesday, Nov 19, Alpha Phi greatest team," said the ballot lacked the Telephoto Lens S65. Wide angle and the Ii you need a new hobby or hobby 585 Lima Photography 5706151 Omega presents The Devil in Miss All for 5270. or offer 2934100 John Blain, a senior of- necessary room to write water. -fiat can earn you money and still be 550 personals at 6, 7. 8, 10 pm in the Student tun, try the wonderful world of Tro Unwanted Hair Removed Per- Union Ballroom Admission 51 fensive lineman. down all the names. Instead, 1975 Yamaha RT 250 and accessories St discount Chem liquid embroidery Free manently 235 E Santa Clara 20% 714 3785 "This was the best display Jenkins and Kane split the demon call 293 6190 eves. Suite 811 Phone 294 4499 A L Allman Brothers F Would like Single Adults Enrich your iite by at Nantelle Registered ElectrologiSt to tape a part of last week's live support I've ever offensive vote and Kim all year around Typewriters for Rent of crowd Want to leach a class or skill in your lending coffee. fellowship & Bible KSAN concert Have additional Small divided Electric 517 00 per month. Manual study. 8.45 to 10 IS am. Sundays. Bit Typing-Term papers, theses. etc seen," said linemate Tom Bokamper and 5AN JOSE ART ,ome, For further infor Call 289 material from same for taping Don 1617 or 356 7260 $5 00 per month. All full size, some 0 Sweden Restaurant (behind Sears. Experienced and Fast Call 269 8674 defensive vote. WALLPAPER 277 6431 Cobey. "We tore 'em up." the tAINT & with carb ribbons Call 758 0405 or San Carlos 8. Meridian) Provision Matador play keys drive Spartan unity Si VALLEY FAIR CENTER Four Day Show 259 5098 after a p vi tor children BRIDAL FAIRE PHOTOGRAPHY SAN JOSE 249-1700 '4 Pv 11 14. Silver and Turquoise In High quality Wedding Photography Cobey said a special called Wide receiver Jimmy 1963 Dodge Dart, 7 door, power 365 SAN ANTONIO ROAD tian Jewelry Spartan Bookstore SECS Sex Education 8. ling anywhere in the San Francisco Bay LeJay magnified the unity steering, runs good, 5198 or best Service. Free confidential help with Area One low price of 5101 includes "Matador" led directly to MT. VIEW 941-3600 A Spartan touch- present on the Spartans. Cross.Curriculum Workshop invites oiler Call 227 4564 questions or problems about sex the full service of a Rick Kane's 27-yard 'lie Recreation Dept to loin in the Gay and be welcome Step at Bldg K PROFESSIONAL tun at their Fro Nile. Nov 14. Ice Drurris.Caince. 5 piece. 5 7.1 cym Or call 7177966 PHOTOGRAPHER. sixty color finish 51200 Cream Social Featuring free ice Maple wood new WO prints of your choice, a gold and GASOLINE MOTOR cream. "new- games 8. lots Of fun now! Great cOncl See at Black Volunteers urgently needed for our white "Our Wedding" album, a Daily OIL 'Ides For more info, contact the CPRS Angus Rest San Jose. Tue.% Sat afternoon program Some openings complete set of color slides. and classified Booth. Per MO 9 I 30 in our morning sessions too sante BRIDE KEEPS ALL NEGATIVES. Children's Center ler Emotionally There is no extra charge for Peer Drop-in Center now sponsoring Disturbed Children. Good lob ex phOlography anywhere in Northern SPARTAN perience credit California. and no time limits or possible school group tor personal growth An on help wanted classified ad going experience Diablo Rrn 2953511 Additional retouched textured Buy it, sell it, Student Union. every Tuesday. 7 colorer ints may be purchased at any it, say it STATIONS pm fir" Coffee served Dear Jess, II you give up your control time. with 50 7.5 at S1.00each, and 8 see Need tutor for Physics 2A Call 1111W a, of others, you will have peace of x 10's at $200 each All work is with a Spartan YOUR GASOLINE SERVICE Annie. 161 (Contemporary SOcreiteS) 741 3085 allot 10 pin mind Don't seek me for the poser guaranteed to your satisfaction is for you if you are interested in Love Jane Make an appointment to see our is your Daily classified complete a. CENTER, UNSURPASSED problems of third world nations HELPWANTED samples then decide A ad -every day! including colonialism. starvation. Men 8. Women drivers or ice cream Trying to find some PEACE.. .7 Maybe line of wedding invitations and IN QUALITY AND PRICE Poverty. and population. planned candy, soft drink route Full or part we can help you find it. We're here accessories are available at a 20 7th & Phelan 10th & Taylor change, revolution. new religious time Arrange a work schedule We care We want to listen Peer percent discount Our professional movements 8. more compatible with classes 30 40 Drop In Center. Student Union. lions' will help you design your best 245 Keyes 4th & Williams percent room, Tropical Ice Cream Diablo am , Mon Thur 10 4 pm Cr, wedding bouquets and church Alpha Phi Omega presents Friday Co 330 Rare St San Jose 2974320 10 3 30 flowers Open every evening until 10 Flicks A Woman Under the In. yet For FREE BRIDAL PACKET flounce. starring Peter f all, Show Responsible students over le. Earn Four Day Show call 257 3161 starts at 7 IL 10 Admission 5t00 money Helping elderly. disabled Nov II 14 bet! Morris Dailey Awl Friday. Nov 71 Lora, tumble hours 964 4881 or 733 Silver and Turquoise Indian Jewelry Hair Removed Professionally By R N Associated Students Positions Not week Law and Disorder Also. 0773 Spartan Bookstore 761 1440 Wednesday. Nov 19, Alpha Phi Omega presents The Devil in Miss Classified Flates Each Jones, at 6. 7 IS 10 p m in the Student Print Your Ad How Communications Board Recreation Board Union Ballroom Admission SI add, V.:ttunl ,pprox 37 letters and spaces for each line) One Two Three Four F tional Attend three evenings of intr day days days days d nes day thought With a group studying 2 -Student -at Large POSIII0115 4 -Student at Large Positions Gurdnellian principals Call 379 4783 3 lines $1.50 2.00 2.25 2.40 2.50 .35 will recommend Modifications id I it ptesefil a recreation ',Metall, ltlf all slidi 4 lines 2.00 2.50 2.75 2.90 3.00 .35 niiiird New Courses in Physical Anthre. Anth 01,1)111011i. policy. Will re,,,,, 5 lines 2.50 3.00 3.25 3.40 .35 existing and students iii San Jose Slate tiniverso. ISI, Human Variation What are 3.50 in mend priravdures Pit hearing grievances I hics salliity recreation depatiblelll Ilinlfs human races, Do 10 stores really 6 lines 3.00 3.50 3.75 3.90 4.00 .35 tshich are registered differe between them / The study of complaints reitUltellient.) Each additional line odd: Print name college cosilimunicalti a, media 11111 ongoing human oval seeks the 50 50 .50 .50 .50 tecoMmetiLl mechanisms 1,, rookie consul- answers Anth 152 Fossil Man who were the ancestors of man/ How Address_ and advisory services lin Isebefil ol Minimum Throe Lines One Day tative long ago did they evolve, students :end taff tommunications media. Semester rats laii issues) $2500 Citv Enclosed es S For Days Checks Classification SEND CHECK. MONEY ORDER 'Deadline, two days prior to pub- Applications must be turned in and interview appointments made no later lost and found a Announcements cm Help Wanted ti Services OR CASH TO: lication than Nov. 18. o Automotive a Housing o Transportation SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIED Consecu t vs pub I 'cm t ion dates on. I tier. Pamela Wink 'oil fuel -I .,\', Perwrincl Of Lost -Serge-. tills tan, o Entertainment o Lost and Found LI Travel ly Dog long hoe! SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY .1 S. Offices 3rd Lepel, Student Union or call 2 77-32"! (man shep . Ige male nr SJSU 1/4...0 For Solo o Personals SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114 No refunds on cancelled ads.) 194 6161 or 292 4371 Page 8, November 18, 1975 Vet charges records false f By John A. Ytreus According to the before he entered the ward, print and mail it. An SJSU student has manuscript, Randolph was Randolph tried to contact Randolph said he believes charged that as a wounded not allowed to have a legal several attorneys and Rep. the move will "get me my Marine in 1968, he was sent representativewhich, Don Edwards, D.-San Jose, day in court. I have waited so to a psychiatric ward as according to Sower, is for help. long for this moment and it's punishment for' refusing to permitted by the hospitalto "I sensed that they knew pretty exciting. sign a medical board report protest the findings. what was going on, but were "I really don't know that described him as fit for "I can only believe that the afraid to get involved." what's going to happen duty. action was designed by a Since then, Randolph has nowall I want is the truth Terrey Randolph, 28, also conspiracy of doctors to send attended San Jose City to be known. alleged that doctors at Oak me back to Vietnam. All of College, SJSU and served as "But there's nothing they Knoll Naval Hospital in the other patients were a junior high school can do to me now. They've Oakland falsified his unaware of their rights and basketball coach. almost destroyed me once. medical report so he could be were ordered to sign their Publishers interested They won't do it again." returned to South Vietnam. medical reports. Hired last July as a special where he was wounded. "The reason why I wanted consultant for black HAIR REMOVED These and other ac- to read the report was veterans at the SJSU Office cusations are included in because I cared about my of Veterans Affairs, Ran- PERMANENRY Randolph's new book, condition and wondered dolph regained hope when "Conspiracy? -14 August what they're recom- publishers expressed in- Naval mendations would be," terest his first book, "The 111(.1. H111 1 96 8Oakland EYEBROW% Hospital." He has had 150 Randolph said. Randolph Report: LIGSARMS copies printed. Signature refused Educational Racism UNDIARIAS Terrey Randolph The manuscripts are When Randolph was or- Through Testing." currently arriving at the dolph dered to sign the report, he It has since taken him White House, Congress and Randolph, who obtained an refused on the grounds he more than a year of work to DARLENE M. MILLER newspapers and magazines honorable discharge before wanted to rebut the findings. write the manuscript and 292-3444 throughout the country. he was scheduled to return to After several days of raise the necessary $1,000 to DOWN12±!_s_ _241 N. 3,0 The book includes Vietnam, said his doctors meetings with doctors. photocopies of allegedly informed him in mid-1968 Randolph said he was denied falsified medical board that his disability would an attorney and was unex- reports for Aug. 14 and Nov. mean an early exit from the pectedly transfered to the 7,1968. Marines. hospital's psychiatric ser- Randolph, who received According to the vice ward for five weeks. these from a sympathetic manuscript, Randolph According to the doctor at the hospital, received word on Aug. 14, manuscript, Randolph was Lorren All contended they will prove his 1968, that a medical board released after a psychiatrist allegations. report on his condition was concluded that he was limping Official refutes student drawn up for doctor's judged as "compulsive," fit Skateboard beats Since receiving the signatures. for duty and was not suf- Mass transportation it's not, but Drew with an undeclared major, said he pulled manuscript, the Daily Limited duty O.K. fering from any medical McAlister, SJSU freshman, has his own a ligament in his ankle while climbing contacted Navy Commander -I was scared after I read disorder. During his stay, he was solution to the problem of getting a large bell in front of a bowling alley. Hubert Sower at Oak Knoll the cover sheet," he said. told by a around campus. McAlister, a freshman who refuted the allegations. The findings, included in the reportedly "We have outstanding manuscript, said Randolph psychiatrist that he would physicians here," he said. could return to limited duty not be allowed to leave until Our medical practice is up soon. the medical report was to civilian standards and we "I couldn't understand signed. nnouncing... Bill to allow war opponents don't use psychiatric con- why they were doing this to Student discharged early finement as punishment." me at first. I didn't even He said he continued to candlelight dinners Sower also said he would know that a medical board refuse and was discharged refuse "to get into a public existed or that I had the right nearly a year later on the You are cordially invited to enjoy our world-famous debate with him I Ran- to appear before it." promise that he would not cuisine with all the romance of candlelight to designate where taxes go file for disability. . .. perhaps even a little soft music. Before he entered the Since it's us, you know the cost will be extraor- ward, Randolph was writing dinarily modest. So bring your loved one(s) California. bill, that definition would be By Kathi McDavid a diary which is included in and join the fun. Reservations, credit cards introduced The bill would allow a expanded to include the A bill has been the manuscript. and tipping unnecessary. Dress informal. in Congress that would allow taxpayer to indicate con- opposition to "any activity or Board wants Dinner Nights. "I stopped writing it when McDonald's. special Candlelight to scientious objector status on program conducted, ad- a conscientious objector I entered the psychiatric We do it all for you.. his income tax form. The ministered or sponsored by designate that his federal ward," he recalled. "I for non- taxpayer would have to meet an agency of the government 3rd & San Carlos, San Jose taxes be spent thought there was no hope the meaning of conscientious which effects an augmen- TUESDAY EVENINGS military purposes. student input left. My family and friends The bill, introduced for the objector as defined by the tation of military forces, Nov. 1.8Dee. 9 were uninformed of what time, concerns in- Military Selective Service defensive and offensive 5:00pm-8:00pm fourth had happened to me for taxes Act. intelligence activities, or The AS. Program Board commuter campus: what mcDonaids come, estate or gift several weeks." I According to Ruby Seito, enhances the capability of says it is determined to get would bring the people Cindy Sindel, Hostess and stipulates that they be During mid-1968 and put into a special non- Selective Service field any person or nation to wage student input regarding its back?" military fund. supervisor for San Jose, this war and any actual ap- programming plans and is The program board Called the World Peace definition is "a religious, propriations for a military beginning a media campaign questionnaires will be Tax Fund Bill, it is being ethical or moral opposition purpose." to get it. collected through Nov. 26 at Associated Students Positions sponsored by among others, to both combat and non- Any taxpayer who actually "People don't come into the S.U. information desk, representatives Pete combat training and service qualified as a conscientious the office to tell us what they the Student Activities Office A.S. Council Positions McCloskey, Ron Dellums in the armed forces." objector for Selective Ser- want," LaDonna Yumori, information desk, the third One upper division student One graduate student and Don Edwards of For the purposes of this vice would automatically film chairwoman, said. level board office, the (Must be member of that class for majority of term in office) qualify to participate in the The Program Board at its library, and all seven dorms. Requirements: (1) Clear academic standing fund. Collection points will be Nov. 6 meeting unanimously (2) Must be carrying at least 6 units But other taxpayers who manned at the walkway voted to actively seek Pick up applications in A.S. government office. feel they come under the between the men's and Bunzel considers student input via Applications must be in no later than Nov. 19. objector women's gym and in the conscientious questionnaires in today's Contact ..1.S. Personnel Officer, Pamela Wade Pub. definition could indicate so and tomorrow's Spartan Spartan I.S. 11 hees 3rd Lew'. Student Umon or call .777-32,1, on their income tax return. Daily. Results will be People would pay the same collected at numerous A.S. appearance amount of taxes they had campus locations. always paid. That portion of The most important in- continued from Page 1 Mr. Faustina and I have their taxes that had formation being sought, in Bunzel also said a student had a discussion about this," previously gone for defense the opinion of Yumori and from the CSUC system could Bunzel said, and within six spending would be diverted Steve Lester, chairman of possibl serve as an ef- hours this office asked the to the peace fund to be spent contemporary arts, is the fective trustee for another executive vice president for non-military purposes. days and times students ONE DAY COURSE school system. i Dr. Burton Brazil to begin The money would be used would like to have TUITION $40.00 ENROLL NOW! Bunzel said there is "no some meetings and some for such things as: programming scheduled. Sunday, November 23rd attempt on the part of inquiries into the affirmative research directed "We need to know if When For more info., San Jose anyone to curb the right of action policy and procedures toward developing and students want programs on and State Univ. please call us at: students to have a choice of on the support staff of the evaluating non-military and Saturday or Sunday," Where Business Classroom No. 15 (415) 885-5753 courses they wish to take." university. non-violent solutions to in- Yumori said. "This is a San Jose (call collect) Student claims answered ternational conflict. Some students have "We are committed in this disarmament efforts. claimed that they cannot get university to the very serious international exchange a "balanced curriculum" in and genuine search for for peaceful purposes. the Economics Department quality individuals and improvement of in- because many of the leftist particularly trying to make ternational health, education Brain Burger Sale instructors were released. certain" the searches seek and welfare. "The notion of a balanced out qualified minorities and programs for providing curriculum is sometimes women, he explained. information to the public like the question of por- Bunzel said the university, about these activities. nography: it's in the eye of -in significant numbers," Problems seen the beholder," Bunzel said. has appointed women to The bill also provides for a "I believe that a student in -high and important" ad- board of trustees to oversee economics or political niinistrative positions in the the distribution of the funds. science or whatever last five years. discipline ought to have a "Basically it sounds like a variety of perspectives to Women 'best qualified' fairly good bill," said Bob choose from. The women in ad- Sampson, director of Variety will continue ministrative positions were veteran's affairs. "I think that it's fair to say appointed "because they "The concept is good, but that in the Economics were the best qualified of the how would you control or Department today, and in candidates" and not due to a administer the law?" the Economics Department quota system. Sampson asked. tomorrow, there will con- tinue to be a variety of perspectives." Bunzel was asked if the PSA tells university is investigating *Publisher's Overstock of charges of discrimination in the hiring of support staff for San Jose State to * Travel * Juveniles the university. * Cookbooks Affirmative Action Sports * Arts and Crafts * Americana Coordinator Stephen buzz off * Faustina had earlier charged the university with SALE BEGINS ON NOVEMBER 18. systematic discrimination ek .4""' against the support staff. That staff includes em- 17 1 ployes who are not directly times t'r /15-Spagtan connected with the academic a day. ,,- California'? Cali your campus loll them you nook/tow staff and do not instruct rep or PSA and Son Jowl Solo urdversity buzz off PSA gives you a lit? courses. ------want to