Te tley 's Bitter is very proud to be entering its second year os the title sponsor of th e Tetley's Bi tte r County Championship. This sponsorship forms part of a comprehensive 4-year sponsorsh ip programme undertaken by Te tley's Bitter that benefits English at ailleveis of the game, from the national team right through to grass raots level.

The Tetley 's Bitter County Championship is one of the oldest competitions in Rugby Union . This year's final will be the 99th County Championship Final in a competition that continues to enhance player development and provide the opportunity to play rugby at a representative level.

The Cou nt y Championship has a strong and loyal following, is immensely competitive and every year the players relis h having the chance of playing in the Final at Twickenham .

Last season , Cheshire beat Cornwall in the Final of what once again proved an exciting and hard fought toornament. May 1wish ail the teams competing in this season's Tetley's Bitter County Championship the very best of luck . l À \~~ Doug Clydesdale M arketing Direclor Carlsberg-Tetley Brewing Ltd


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Team and officiais: 8ack row Jeft to right; Mike Bricrs (coach). Stuart Dodd s. Ll!n Davics (coach). Rad Elli s. Lukc Hc\\'so n. lan Ken nedy. Steve Dorrington. Mike Hill. Tim Wasdc ll. Dave Craddoc k. Mali Kirk, Stuart Beeley, Stcve Swindc ll s. An dy Whalle)'. Hefin O· Haré. Rogor Blake (Cha irman orSeleclors). Front rQw left to righti Cambel Bali, Man Hoskin s. Mike Blaod. Simon Wrighl. Richard Hughes. Kevin 8rookman (Capt.). Andy Yates. Alex Guesl, Murray King. Nick Briers. Geoff Joncs. Mark Dorringlon. RESULTS: v. Leicestershire Won 38- 18 v. Cu mbri a Wall 18 - 13 Quarter Fi nal v. Won 30- 10 v, Y~ k s hi rc Won 33 - 12 Semi Fi nal v. North Midlands Won 28- 12 v. Co'rnwall 11'011 21 - 14 Final Team Captain: Kevin 8rookman Cheshire


It is indeed a pleasure, on behalf of Cheshire to warmly welcome the President of Yorkshire Tony Williams, our friends on their Committee and team to this QuarterFinal of the Telley Bitter Championship. This is the second time in this campaign that we have played at Reeds Lane, the home of New Brighton who have generously offered their excellent facilities once more as weil as making a major contribution to our team . Ali the players are keen to play here again after we ran out winners against Lancashire 23-7 and a double victory against the White and Red Rose counties would be sweet indeed. 1 ;lm sure a tremendous contest will take place to secure a semi-final spot and Cheshire will be heartened by their victory last season at Olley 33-12 and we went on to win at Twickenham. We thank our officiais today from the R.F.U. Referee David Sainsbury, Touch Judges Mark Rose and Bob Ockenden and hope you ail have an enjoyable day both on and off the field and to Telley Bitter for their continued support of the County Championship. Next weekend involves a long journey for whoever wins today to Cornwall or Kent, one step away from Twickenham what an incentive that is for everyone concerned . 1 ask ail our supporters to get behind our'team today, with as much vocal encouragement as possible , they deserve it after winning their last three games this season. '.

DAVE WRIGHT President, Cheshire Rugby Football Union. CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION

Officers for Season 1998 - 99

President: D. P. WRIGHT Tynron Cottage, West Road, Noctorum, , Wimil L43 9UH

Senior Vice-President: D. 1. ADAMS

Vice-Presidents: J. N. LENTON, A. G. de B. MARRS, D·. EWING, M. J. LORD

R.F .U. Representative: G. C. COX

Hon. Secretary: D. 1. ADAMS 7 Beaumaris Drive, Thingwall, Wirral L61 7XP

Hon. Asst. Secretary: A. G. de B. MARRS 24 Westwood Road , Noctorum, Birkenhead, Wirral L43 9RQ

Hon. Treasurer: M. COHEN 10 Marlborough Drive, Tytherington, Macclesfield SK10 2JX

Chairman Schools Committee: B. DAVID Chairman Colts Committee: D. EWING Chairman U.21 Committee: J. M. YOUNG Chairman Youth Task Group: D. EWING Chairman Mini & Junior Committee: G. M.PUGH WE'LL TACKLE ALL YOUR . FINANCIAL NEEDS

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']lu.: So(" icry n,: pn.:,~c ll! .~ only Ct;U Marketing Group. 11Il:1lI!'W,;r.; of which :'lrC n:glll;ucd b)' the 1\:r:-;ol1:,1 Invcsllllcm Allthllrity and/or lM RO, [()r lili: a.~.~ I1r;l1lœ, pCnSi!)!lS :mJ ill\'C... tnK l lI .~. Ally !ill:lll..:i:l l :Hlviœ givcil will n:btc only 10 the prndl1("t .~ and .~c rv i(" c." nf th e 50\:ll.:ty ;md CCU. CHESHIRE YORKSHIRE Blue & White Hoops, White Shorts, Blue Socks White Shirts, Navy Blue Shorts, Blue Socks

15 Steve Swindells Manchester 15 Jon Ellis Doncaster 14 Sean Kay New Brighton 14 Richard Thompson Morley 13 Paul Brett New Brighton 13 Jamie Mor~ey SI;Jeffield 12 Richard Hughes Manchester 12 Andy Caldwell Harrogate 11 Robert Worsfold Altrincham Kersal 11 Steve Jones Middlesborough 10 lan Kennedy New Brighton 10 Simon Hawkins Olley 9 Nick Briers Camberley 9 Gary Cassidy Olley

1 Mark Dorrington New Brighton 1, Ronnie Kelly Harrogate 2 Luke Hewson Manchester 2 John Lawn Wharfedale 3 Steve Dorrington New Brighton 3 David Hall Olley 4 David Craddock Manchester 4 Dave Lister Wharfedale 5 Richard Bradshaw Manchester 5 Peter Taylor Harrogate 6 Geoff Jones New Brighton 6 Russ Buckroyd Wharfedale 7 Kevin Brookman (Cap!.) New Brighton 7 Hedley Verity Wharfedale 8 Stuart Beeley New Brighton 8 lan Kearney Rotherham

Replacements:- Replacements:- 16 Rod Ellis Manchester 16 Linas Penna Hull lonians 17 Simon Wright New Brighton 17 Simon Cowling Hull lonians 18 Andy y,ates . Bracknell 18 Phil.Horton Old Brodleians 19 lan Davies Winnington Park 19 Sam Middleton Huilionians 20 Tim Wasdell Chester 20 Steve Bates Hull lonians 21 Matt Kirk Manchester 21 Neil Dickinson Wharfedale Quarter Final

Referee: David Sainsbury (R.F.U.) Touch Judges: Mark Rose (lR.F.U.) & Bob Okenden (R.F.U.) Prel11ier Printers Tel & Fax 0151-630 6296

We are pleased to be associated with aIl sections of Cheshire R.F.U. and wish them every success today and in the future.

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For details contact Graeme Marrs Tel: 0151-236319/


The Individual Membership is open to ail and supports County Football at ail levels. It gives free entry to County matches and to the Finals of the Cheshire Cup, Plate and Shield Competitions and use of the Individual Members' bar. Members can also apply for International Tickets through the Cvunty.


Name ......

Address ...... Telephone No.

Membership Fee E1 2

Club (if any) ...... Complete and raturn to David Wrigh t, Tynron Cottage. Noctorum , Birkenhead , Merseyside L43 9UH or Denni s Western , White Cottage, 1181rby Raad. Heswall , Wirral L61 6Xa Cheshire Rugby Football Union FI XT-URE S SEASON.1998/99 COUNTY RESULTS March 24 N. Wate s (Friendly) at 7.30 p.m ...... wrexham \./ .... ~I .. :::.'J? .... . ·April 5 Lancashire ...... New Brighton "" ... '?,~... --::.. ? .. 10 Northumberland ...... Chester 'N ... 2...1... "... I..i' .. 24 Durham ...... Darlington W ... ..I. .?.::c-.19 .. UNDER 21's February 21 Northumberland ...... Home W .. 'l:: .Î. .:::.J:} .. . March 7 Durham ...... Hartlepool Rovers W ... h :I.. : . .'...... 17 Cumbria ...... Home W .... ~ . ~ . ~... I.. C; ...... 21 yorkshire...... Hull f... ..7 ..": J ':' .. . 31 Lancashire...... Home SCHOOLS (Under 18 and U16) October 19 Final Trial U16 .. November 15 Staffordshire U16 & U18 ...... Away 17 Yorkshire U18 ...... Away 22 Yo rk shire U1 6...... Away 29 Lancashire U1 6...... Away December 6 Cumbria U16 ...... Home 9 Lancashire U1 8...... Away 13 Durham U16...... Home 28 Durham U1 8 ...... Home January . 3 North & Midlands v Australia ...... Macclesfietd March 17 Seven s U16 & U18 ...... SCHOOLBOYS (Under 15) February . 1-4 Card iff ...... Home ·21 . Yorkshire ...... Ho me March 14 Cumbria ...... Âway , ·17 Lancashire ...... Home ...... April " 17 ' Cardiff ...... , ...Àwa y : .." 18 Newport ...... · ...... : ...... Away .. :i ..•. ·• . . COLTS Septemtier . 20 Middlesex...... •. Away L .: 1.2: .. -::-:..1:3...... '27 Gloucestershire ...... Home ...; .J:f..7.. .9::.... :·:: October 4 . :10 .. '17 · 24 ~iNf~it;re ::::::::::: ': · : : ·: ~f~~ S ~l2~~" November 7 Northumberland...... Away. 1.- .. , ..1.9 .:::1.1:...... Oxiordshire Qtr. Fin·al...... :...... W .. ..:?3 . ~ ..Ç? ...... North Mids. Semi Final...... /..- ...... '8.::-.:2.7. .. . UNDER 18.FIXTURES December . 13 Durham ...... : ... : ...... Away . 20 yorkshire ...... : ..... Home January 3 Lancashire ...... Away CLUBS UNDER 16's December 6 Trials ...... February . 14 Durham ...... Away 21 Nocth Midlands ...... Home ...... March 14 Lan cashire ...... Home ESTABLISHED 1867 MEADE - KING, ROBINSON & CO. LTD.


We wish to congratulate Cheshire on their Championship success and are looking forward to a return visit to Twickenham in the 1998-99 Season County Champions Season 1997-1998

Certiflcale No. FS 29002

501 Tower Building 22, Water Street, Liverpool L31BL Telephone: 0151-2363191 0 Fax: 0151-2364431

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