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A New Species of Schizomyia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a Pest of pandurata () in Central America

Raymond Gagne Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, c/o U. S. National Museum NHB 168, P.O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA, [email protected]

Rafael Menjivar

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Gagne, Raymond and Menjivar, Rafael, "A New Species of Schizomyia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a Pest of Fernaldia pandurata (Apocynaceae) in Central America" (2008). USDA Systematic Entomology Laboratory. 24.

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PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 110(2), 2008. pp. 284-291



(RiG) Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, do U. S. National Museum NHB 168, P.O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013- 7012, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]); (RM) P.O. Box 3110, Depto. Protecciôn Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Final 25, Av. Norte, Ciudad Universitaria, San Salvador, El Salvador (e-mail: rafaelmenjivarrosa(&

Abstract—A new species of gall midge, Schizoinyia loroco Gagné (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is described from loroco, Ferna/clia pandurata (A. DC.) Woodson (Apocynaceae), from El Salvador. Females lay eggs in flower buds that then produce characteristic galls. The new species is described, illustrated, and compared to its congeners. Key Words. loroco, flower gall, gall midges, Neotropical

Fernaldia pandurata (A. DC.) Wood- characteristic galls (Fig. 1). Two to seven son, or loroco, is a tall, herbaceous , orange larvae can be found in each gall endemic to lowland wet forest of Central in separate elongate chambers. Full- America and southern Mexico. Flower grown larvae drop to the soil and spin buds are commonly used in Salvadoran a cocoon in which they pupate. The cooking and to a lesser extent that of infested buds rot and fall to the ground other Central American countries. Until after larval drop. Since at least 1965 in recently the was grown on small the experience of one of us (RJG), galls farms and home gardens in El Salvador, in shipments of loroco from El Salvador but is now being extensively bred and have been intercepted by APHIS inspec- developed as a commercial crop for tors at United States ports-of-entry and domestic consumption and export to sent to the Systematic Entomology Lab- the United States and Canada. A more oratory (SEL) for identification where ancient common name for the plant is they were identified as Schizoniyia sp. or "quilite," still used instead of loroco in Schioinyia n. sp. Since 1993, when some parts of El Salvador. The plant computerized records were begun of normally flowers in the wet season from SEL identifications, to the present, lar- June to October, but with irrigation the vae from galls were submitted to the SEL season can be extended somewhat 57 times, once each from Costa Rica, (Anonymous 2002). Guatemala, and Honduras, the remain- Flowers of this plant are host to a gall der from El Salvador (unpublished). One midge that has several generations dur- of us (RM) succeeded after several years ing at least the main growing season of of attempts to rear adults, a task the plant. Eggs are laid among scales of hampered by the high level of parasiti- flower buds that soon after turn into zation by micro-Hymenoptera. Adults


VOLUME 110, NUMBER 2 285

Figs. 1-2. 1, Deformed flower buds of loroco, one cut open to show larval chambers, the freed larvae crawling away. 2. Adult female Schi:omyia 1010(0.

are confirmed to be a new species of genus of 49 described species (Gagné Schiomjia and are described here. 2004). The 43 species for which the host is known come from 23 families of MATERIALS AND METHODS (Gagné 2004, Maia & Fernandes 2005). Full-grown larvae leaving galls were Fabaceae host eight species, Vitaceae collected and kept in plastic containers to five, the remaining families host one to obtain pupae and adults. Specimens of three species each, and only Schiornjia immature stages and adults were pre- cryptostegiae Gagne from Madagascar is served in 70% isopropyl alcohol and sent recorded for more than one genus within to the Systematic Entomology Labora- a family. The new species is the first tory for identification. Some samples record of Schiom ia from Apocynaceae. were mounted on microscope slides using SchL-oniyia is distinguished from other the method outlined in Gagne (1989, cecidomyiids by the combination of the 1994). Some pupae and larvae were dried following features: adults with four- and placed on stubs for scanning elec- segmented palpus; male flagellomeres tron microscope study. Terminology for (Fig. 3) cylindrical with short necks and adult morphology follows usage in anastomozing, raised circumfila; female McAlpine et al. (1981) and for larval flagellomeres (Fig. 4) cylindrical with morphology that in Gagné (1989). Spec- short necks and progressively shorter imens and information on the life cycle from antennal base to apex, the last were obtained by RM. The taxonomic two flagellomeres abruptly so, with investigation in this paper was the appressed circumfila, basal circumfilum responsibility of RiG. of each flagellomere deeply arched; first tarsomere without spur (except with spur DIAGNOSIS OF ScHJzot1Y74 on the three species from Vitaceae); Schioinyia (Cecidomyiinae: Asphon- tarsal claws hooked and with long dyliini: Schizomyiina) is a cosmopolitan empodia (Fig. 6) or falcate with short PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON F86 empodia (Fig. 5); gonocoxite produced sensilla on anterior margin, and other- posteroventrallY and with proximome- wise evenly covered with scales. Sixth dial, setose lobe; gonostylus with discrete tergite as for fifth but additonally with denticles (Figs. 10-11); ovipositor distal several lateral setae on each side. Seventh half elongate, needleform, flexible, with tergite as for sixth but with only partial greatly reduced cerci (Figs. 7-8); third single row of posterior setae, many more instar with 6 lateral papillae in two lateral setae, both setal groups nearly triplets on each side of the spatula contiguous. Eighth tergite membranous, (Fig. 13), eighth abdominal segment with not pigmented, its only vestiture the anterior pair of trichoid sensilla demar- a mediodorsal lobe on the posterior cating anterior margin. Second through margin, terminal segment with four pairs sixth sternites with double row of setae of terminal papillae, three of them seti- posteriorly, separated from a horizontal form, one corniform (Figs. 14-16, 20). In group of setae at midlength, and with addition the larvae share the feature of anterior pair of closely approximated leaving the gall to pupate in the soil. trichoid sensilla. Seventh and eighth Schizomyia loroco Gagné, new species sternites similar to preceding except with more numerous setae near midlength and (Figs. 2-5, 7-14, 17-20) the anterior pair of trichoid sensilla of Adult (Fig. 2).—Color: Scape and eighth sternite widely separated from one light brown; flagellomeres each another. Genitalia (Figs. 10-12): cerci fuscous on basal three-fourths, white long with large apical setae; hypoproct beyond; thoracic sclerites brown; wing narrow, apically divided into 2 lobes, covered with black scales, membrane each tipped with a seta; aedeagus grad- fuscous; legs covered with mostly black ually tapering from wide base to narrow, scales but white on middle tenth of femur, acute apex, longer than hypoproct; and adjacent to all leg joints; legs dull gonocoxite greatly produced posteroven- white when scales rubbed off; abdomen trally, proximomedial lobe setose; go- covered with dark brown scales, beneath nostylus broad in dorsal view, bilaterally scales tergites and sternites brown and flattened, apical tooth covering about intersegmental areas orange. half of apical edge, and with short-setose Head: Eyes large, connate, eye bridge apicoposterior lobe. about 10 facets long; facets hexagonal, Female abdomen (Figs. 7-9): First closely adjacent throughout. Occiput through sixth tergites as for male. without dorsal protuberance. Frons with Seventh tergite with single, full row of 8-12 setae per side. Antenna: male third posterior setae, these well separated from flagellomere as in Fig. 3; female third the numerous lateral setae. Eighth tergite flagellomere as in Fig. 4. Labella hemi- with anterior pair of trichoid sensilla the spherical in frontal view, each with 8-10 only vestiture, posterior margin deeply lateral setae. concave on lateral third and more Thorax: Wing length, male 1.8- shallowly concave medially, the concav- 2.0 mm (n = 5), female 1.8-2.2 mm (n ity accommodating pair of small dorsal = 5). Acropods with claws falciform, lobes between tergite and ovipositor. empodia and pulvilli about 1/4 length of Second through sixth sternites as in claws (Fig. 5). male. Seventh sternite enlarged, shield- Male abdomen: First through fifth like, more stongly scierotized than pre- tergites entire, rectangular, each with ceding and completely covered with single, uninterrupted, posterior row of setae. Ovipositor elongate, protrusible, setae, no lateral setae, a pair of trichoid distal half needleform, about 4.3 times

VOLUME 110, NUMBER 2 287

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Figs. 39. Schi:o,ntia loroco. 3, Male third flagellomere. 4, Female third flagellomere. 5, Acropod 6, S. ipomorue, acropod. 7-9, S. lOro(0. 7, Female abdomen, sixth segment to cerci (lateral). 8, Detail of female cercj (dorsoventral). 9, Detail of female sixth and seventh tergites. 288 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON

10 11

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Figs. 10-16. 10-14, Schi:omia loroco. 10. Male genitalia, one gonopod removed (dorsal). 11. Same, with cerci also removed (dorsolateral). 12, Hypoproct, gonocoxal lobes, and aedeagus (dorsal). 13. Larval spatula and adjacent papillae. 14, Larval eighth and terminal segments (dorsal). 15, S. impatientis, larval eighth and terminal segments (dorsal details not visible on preparation). 16, S. eupator .f7orae, larval eighth and terminal segments. VOLUME 110, NUMBER 2 289


I . 7- 20. 5c/iiwijyici torou. 17, Pupal anterior segments (ventral). 18. Same (lateral). 19. Pupal scutellum through fourth abdominal segment (dorsal). 20, Larval eighth and terminal segments (dorsoposterior)

length of seventh sternite; cerci separate Lateral papillae in 2 triplets on each side for at least distal two-thirds with setae at of spatula, each triplet with 2 setose midlength, at two-thirds length, and at papillae and 1 asetose papilla. Eighth apex. abdominal segment with two pairs of Pupa (Figs. 17-19).---Base of antenna lobes, medial pair conical and bearing obtusely triangular at apex in ventral dorsal pair of papillae ventrolaterally, view, carinate in lateral view. Cephalic the other pair less prominent, situated pair of setae nearly twice as long as between pleural papillae on each side. distance between them. Frons smooth Terminal segment with papillae as fol- with pair of setae anterior to labrum. lows: one pair recurved, corniform, but Prothoracjc spiracle elongate. Second to diminutive; one pair with short setae eighth abdominal segments each with situated below medial lobes of previous anterodorsal field of several large spines. segment; two pairs with setae shorter, no Larva.—Third instar (Figs. 13-14, longer than wide, one pair situated 20): Bright orange in life, elongate, between corniform papillae, other pair cylindrical, tapered anteriorly, broadly laterad of corniform papillae. rounded posteriorly. Integument com- Holotype.—Male, from larva in flower pletely verrucose. Spatula robust, with galls of Fernaldia pandurata, Chalate- pair of pointed anterior lobes. Papillar nango, Nueva Concepción, El Salvador, Pattern typical of supertribe Cecido- from larva collected VIII-23-2006, myiidi and Schi-om;ia (Gagne 1994). emerged IX-16-2006, R. Arce, M. Cas- 290 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON tellón, & J. Martinez, deposited in the color of his specimens because they had National Museum of Natural History in been stored in alcohol. Nevertheless the Washington, DC (USNM). flagellomere banding, where it exists, is Other material examined.-3 S, 4 ?, usually retained in alcohol-stored speci- same pertinent data as holotype; 7 mens. It is obvious in cleared, slide- larvae, same pertinent data as holotype, mounted specimens of the other three collected IX-6-2006; 1 S, I , Valle de species, so Tavares would probably have Zapotitán, La Libertad, El Salvador, noticed it had it been there. For present from larvae collected VII-12-2006, purposes, we suppose that the flagello- emerged VIII-2-2006, R. Arce, M. Cas- meres of S. manihoti are unbanded. tellón, & J. Martinez. All deposited in Schi:omyia rivinae is known from only USN M. one specimen, a female, and the tip of its Etymology.—The specific name is a ovipositor is lost. Its abdomen differs noun in apposition and the common from that of the other two species only in name of the host plant. having two complete rows of posterior Remarks.—The new species is the first setae on the seventh tergite rather than Schizomyia recorded from Apocynaceae. one complete row (as in Fig. 9). No Twenty-one species of this genus were differences are apparent between females previously known from the Western of S. impatientis and those of S. loroco. Hemisphere. They are listed with their The male is distinguishable in these two hosts in Gagné (2004), except for the species only from the shape of the recently described Schizomyia microca- gonostylus that in S. loroco has a pillata Maia from Bauhinea brevipes narrower apical tooth (Figs. 10-1I). (Maia & Fernandes 2005). Based on The tooth of S. impatien tis extends along features of the acropods, these species the full width of the gonostylus. can be divided into two groups, one of Larvae of Schizomyia offer more 10, the other of 11. In the first group the effective distinguishing characters than tarsal claws are hooklike and the empo- adults, chiefly in the makeup of the dia nearly as long as the claws (as in eighth and terminal abdominal segments. Fig. 6); in the second group, to which S. Larvae of S. loroco differ from those of iinpatien (is loroco belongs, the claws are falcate and both S. eupatorflorae and S. the empodia no more than one-third the in having pointed instead of rounded length of the claws (as in Fig. 5). This lobes between the spiracles of the eighth latter group also includes SchLomyia segment and in having an additional pair caryaecola Felt, Schizomyia eupa tori- of lobes on the eighth segment just florae (Felt), Schizomyia impatien (is laterad of the spiracles and between the (Osten Sacken), SchLomyia maniho ti lateral pairs of pleural papillae (Figs. 14, Tavares, SchLomyia raceniicola (Osten 20). In addition, the corniform papillae Sacken), Schizomyia rivinae Felt, Schi:o- on the terminal segment are much more myia rubi Felt, Schi_omyia speciosa Felt, diminutive in S. loroco than in the other Schizomyia viticola (Osten Sacken), Sc/u- two species (Figs. 15-16), no longer than :omyia vitiscoryloides (Packard), and the hind spiracles and not so conspicu- Sch&omyia vitispomum (Osten Sacken). ously recurved. The eighth segment lobes Only two of these 11 species, S. impa- of S. imp atientis are not so deeply lien tis and S. rivinae, have light and divided as in the other two species, and dark-banded flagellomeres similar to S. those of S. cup atorijlorae are deeply loroco. loroco (Fig. 2). Possibly S. manihoti also divided but not so pointed as in S has banded flagellomeres, but Tavares Ideally, collections of new SchLomyia (1925) wrote that he did not describe the should include for comparative purposes

VOLUME 110, NUMBER 2 291

pinned adults with vestiture intact and ogy Laboratory; John Plakidas, Pitts- slide mounted larvae, pupae, and both burgh, PA; and Makoto Tokuda, Insti- sexes. Specimens destined for slide tute for Biological Resources and mounting can be kept in 70% ETOH. Functions, Tsukuba City, Japan. To obtain the holomorph, of course, requires knowledge of the host plant. LITERATURE CITED Only then is it possible to compare Anonymous. 2002. El Cultivo de Loroco (Fernaldia species properly, which one needs to do panaurata) en El Salvador. Manual Técnico. when describing new species. It is, of Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad course, fortunate that in recent years no Agropecuaria - OIRSA. 35 pp. Gagne, R. J. 1989. The Plant-Feeding Gall Midges one has described any species of this of North America. Cornell University Press, genus from only trap- or net-caught Ithaca, New York. xi + 356 pp., 4 pls. specimens. 1994. The Gall Midges of the Neotropical Region. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New ACKNOWLEDGMENTS York. xv + 352 pp. 2004. A catalog of the Cecidornyiidae We are grateful to Nit Malikul, (Diptera) of the world. Memoirs of the Systematic Entomology Laboratory Entomological Society of Washington (SEL), for preparing the microscopic No. 23. 408 pp. slides; Marie Metz for arranging the McAlpine, J. F., B. V. Peterson, G. E. Shewell, H. drawings and photos onto plates; John J. Teskey, J. R. Vockeroth, and D. M. Wood. Plakidas, Pittsburgh, PA, for kindly eds. 1981. Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Vol. 1. Research Branch, Agriculture, -Canada supplying an adult of S. eupatorij7orae, Monograph No 27. vi ± 674 pp. a species previously known only from its Maia, V. C. and G. Wilson Fernandes. 2005. Two larval stage; and for their helpful com- new species of Asphondyliini (Diptera: Ccci- ments on drafts of the manuscript: Keith domyndae) associated with Bauhinea brevipes M. Harris, Woking, Surrey, United (Fabaceae). Zootaxa 1091: 27-40. Tavares, J. S. 1925. Nova contribuIcao para o Kingdom; Stuart H. McKamey and conhecimento da cecidologia brazileira. Bro- Allen L. Norrbom, Systematic Entomol- téria, Série Zoológica 22: 5-48.