The Increased Scientific Activity in During the Pandemic

Prof. Guntis Bārzdiņš University of Latvia, IMCS AI-Lab

The 17th Baltic Conference on Intellectual Co-operation: Mathematics for Society 28 June 2021, Tallinn, Estonia ~80% Complied with COVID-19 Lockdowns SAAS Enabled Relocation Cities  CountrySide

Increased activity Decreased activity Data source: Latvian Mobile Telephone (LMT) A new class of high-skill service workers, the digital nomads, is emerging Outline

• There are two "pandemies" ongoing o COVID-19: efficient mRNA vaccines available, will be forgotten soon o SAAS (Software As A Service): will genuinely change the course of history

• COVID-19 pandemy accelerated the SAAS adoption o 80% of population can work/study from home (using SAAS), and economy survives o Online shopping and delivery services cover basic needs (depend on SAAS) o International travel and physical meetings can be avoided (thanks to SAAS) o Consequences: SAAS providers accumulated BIG DATA on all activities of 80% of population

• BIG DATA drives the progress of Artificial Inteligence o Google, , Apple, Amazon, Tesla, , Twitter all are SAAS companies (↑52% in 2020) o These companies realized they can grow faster by sharing AI research results (fortunately) o Shared AI research enables cloud-in-the-box alternative to SAAS: from Latvia Transformers & Knowledge 28 May, 2020 (OpenAI) 175B parameters GPT-3 0.5T words training text Graphs 10,000 GPUs + 300,000 CPUs E=mc2 GPT-3 Scaling Laws

Data Compute

Test error diminishes by increasing any of these

Richard Sutton "bitter lesson": Model 28 October, 2020 (OpenAI) GPT-3 has no inductive bias, scale wins over biases. size $1Bn $1Bn Tesla Microsoft Only small data required biases. (overparameterisation) Henighan T.,, Scaling Laws for Autoregressive Generative Modeling . 2020,

GPT-3: Translation

Eduards Mukans, PhD student: Trained only on "Farewell to Arms" (300KB, 7490 parallel sentences) achieves BLEU 12.5 for LV-EN translation 5 January, 2021 (OpenAI) GPT-3: Text-to-Image 12B parameters 250M text-image pairs Translation (DALL-E)

Unsupervised Visual concept discovery Supervised via text Visual concept ranking Dāgs Ādams Grīnbergs, MSc student: DALL-E and CLIP replicated KnowledgeGraph Editor31 May, 2020 (PiniTree) with TextComprehesion

Human-in-the-loop AI suggestions for: (a) linking to the KnowledgeGraph (b) enriching the KnowledgeGraph (c) inverse URL text comprehension Guntis Barzdins, Didzis Gosko, Karlis Cernas, Pini Language and PiniTree Ontology Editor: Annotation and Verbalisation for Atomised Journalism Open Problems in AI

Knowledge Transformers (language models) Graphs (schemaless database) The missing links of AI to achieve the CriticalMass

Concept Creation (discrete & compositional)

AI breakthroughs nowadays almost exclusively happen in industry and require vast resources not available in the academic environment Google FaceBook Twitter etc.

Data  SAAS  Money from users companies targeted advertising Google FaceBook Twitter etc.

Data  SAAS  Money from users companies targeted advertising

Fortune 500 companies represent 2/3 of U.S. GDP and have $22.6trn in market cap

Top 5 SAAS companies have $7.8trn in market cap Google FaceBook Twitter etc.

Data  SAAS  Money from users companies targeted advertising Misuse of SAAS Google FaceBook Twitter etc.

Data  SAAS  Money from users companies targeted advertising

FLoC Source:[Flock - a group of sheep,-floc goats,-terrible or- ideabirds ] Misuse of SAAS Google FaceBook Twitter etc.

Data  SAAS  Money from users Make companies targeted advertising free shareing Creative"SAAS Data Pandemy"easy and Regulation:CambridgeAnalytica (used to be monetised) • Music voter profiling • Publishing• GDPR • Software • Personal Data protection • Movies Brexit Trump • Thedemocrats E.U. AI Act autocrats undecided • A Risk-Based Policy Approach to AI Application COVID• -19The E.U. DigitalFew get Markets Act & Digital Sevices Act vaccines, $ and • Gatekeeperspower (large online platforms) Regulation creativity • Elections reduced to arithmentics, 3rd world Digitalintellectuals Europe business Programme low income (9.2B € ) countries lack If you are so smart, targeted advertising • COVID-19 pandemic highlighted20% ... for Europe not to be dependent on this then why are not to this group "inconvenient" yousystems rich? and solutions coming from other regions of the world group and 80% capacity• US&EUTax Trade / Universal and Basic Technology Income Inequality ofCouncil income Rousevelt plan for infrastructure • Focus(starting on cooperation during COVIDand cybersecurity-19) to create of middleclass platforms Three AI / SAAS uses

Misuse Productivity (targeted advertising /flock (secure, trusted) social division pandemy)

an EU company

Dual-use (police-state, AI cold-war)

Yearly % of productivity growth (AI boom anticipated) Cloud-in-the-box alternative *) Decentralised **) Good-enough to global SAAS ***) Eternal archiving PiniTreePlatform Ecosystem Video subtitling, translation, synchronous voice-over News enriched with Documents enriched with EnterpriseRegister data Dictionary data

STT / ASR KnowledgeGraph Editor Editor Translation Docker Medical speech Editor NewsWorkers translation and transcription and editing DeepLearning lifecycle clustering in 100 languages management Cloud-in-the-box: generic data&state backend + kubernetes AI containers = REST API frontends Thank You for Your Attention