Council Eyes Improvements;, Weekly Meetings Moved
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Freshman .Class .' ..~ . ,).\,.: ,( IRI TE'RION Soars. ·· ·NeClr ·500 · Mesa college began its thirty-fifth year this week with a record-breaking enrol'lmet\t that appeared almost OfMES~'" COLL£GE certain to approach the 800 mark by time registration rolls M are closed. _ Last year's record of ,,750 fall quarter students was Volume XXVII Grand Junction, Colorado, September .24, 1959 No. 1 topped Wednesday, and a few other late registrants. con tinued to . arrive. An official end-of-the-week tally was not availlable in time for this ·edition of the Criterion. ' The college scheduled pre library Slates Council Eyes Improvements;, registration dates for the first time this year to relieve orienta tion-week congestion and to pro ·weekend ·Hours vide better registration counsel ing for new students. More than This year the _Mesa College 350 students took advantage of library will be open from 9 Weekly Meetings Moved u·p the program. to 5 on Saturday and from 2 · The freshman class last year to 6 on Sunday. T~ese new had a total , of 481 students. The M.esa College Student rowdiness noted in meetings of game: Following •tpe game, a rec hours were adopted at the. re I Council, in a pair of pre-season previous years. ord dance will be held in the This year's frosh class is ex sess~ons, got the ball rolling on Special requisition slips have auditorium. with all students in pected to top 500 for the first , quest of students and faculty. several student activities and 1:)een prepared for the purpose of vited. time in the school's history. Miss Margaret Arbenz, chief took steps to correct sore spots controlling purchases for student The A WS picnic is slated for A slight increase ~lso is ex librarian, and Mrs. Edward La in the conduct of affairs noted activities. I Lewis said only com Friday afternoon in Lincoln Park. pected in the sophomore class, Munyan will be on . hand to in previous years. mittee chairmen would be auth All women students should at which had 255 members in help students with reference orized to make purchases and the 1958. The other students in materials. It is hoped. that Included in the changes are tend, membership in the organi last year's total were specials, · the tentative re-scheduling of requisitions would have to be ap zation is automatic upon enroll- these new hours will a'1so give proved by council officers. post-graduates, and unclassi towpspeople a chance to use regular Student Council meetings ment. ' fieds. at 12:30 p.m. on Mondays instead Past experience has shown that the library facilities. lack of an effective control sys- The AMS picnic is also sched An abbreviated schedule of of Wednesdays. uled for Friday although the. time classes was conducted Tuesday Dick Lewis, student body presi- · and. place had not been' set at afternoon to start the academic . dent, said. the change was made · .press time. , Richard Hopkins, year. Students settled down to primarily to .give more time for AMS president, said, it would serious business of schoolwork . Empi'~:e ·100,p organization of Friday and week probably be held on the Gunni- after a busy week of testing, end activities. By Wednesday, son River near. Whitewater. Ex counseling, registering and social the week is ·. already half over act time and :place will be - an- events. · Capsule .•. and ther~ is neither time nor . nounced over the ' college's public Activities during the week, enthusiasm to arrange activities aside from the registration rou Here's how other Empire properly, he said. address system just as soon as it tine, included the Mesa-Snow Conference football teams fared One of the main pr0oblems con- is confirmed, . Hopkins said. football game Friday night, a last week while Mesa was rout . cerned with the Wednesday meet Fried chicken, prepared by well-attended Mixer dance Mon ing Snow College 46-0: ing date has been the very short chef '~Mom" Cohen and her staff, day everiing, a . welcoming as Trinidad beat Weber 31.:20 time allowed for publicizing sembly for new students Tuesday in non-conference play, De weekend activities. Lewis had will be the featured item on the morning, followed by an outdoor fending champ Otero opened earlier pointed out that there menus for both picnic;,. faculty reception for students. , at 'Ft. Lewis with a 13-0 wip.. was once a time on the M~sa Homecoming day has been ten Other important events ·slated Pueblo squeaked over Scotts College campus when enrollment tatively designated on Oct. 24 during the. week include _the A WS bluff 25-21, and McCook beat was small enough to allow pub and AMS. picnics ·Friday and the Northeastern 36-18. · , licity of events to pass~ by word when the Mavericks take on Trini pep rally preceding the ball game See page 4 for an account of mouth. But, he said, the ever DICK LEWIS dad at Lincoln Park. Saturday night. ' of the Mesa' games. · · increasing number of students at . ASB President tending Me~a Coll'ege has made different procedure mandatory. tern results frequently in dupli The appointment of Sherry cate · purchases. FaCulty Has Six ·New MeffLbers Swanson, student council secre · ·Special activities planned for I tary, as chaplain was confirmed the social calendar included the New members of the Mesa Col year while the latter is on leave at the most recent council meet of years in Norman . as high "mixer dance" held Monday night lege fa"Culty this year are Mr. of absence to complete work . on school supervising ,teacher _for ing.- Miss Swanson's main duties in the auditorium, the Associated Earl H. Corry, Pueblo, music; a doctorate. · · ) in this capacity will be the con the University of · Oklahoma. Men Students (AMS) and the As Miss Bertha Mcintyre, Denver, Miss Mcintyre is a graduate She succeeds the former Miss ducting of ·inv.ocation at the start sociated Women Students (A WS) English; Mrs. , Maurine Leighton, of the University of Colorado and of each meeting. Pauline Batemari, who retired picnics, and a pre-game pep rally, · Norman, Okla., home economics; taught in the San Francisco Bay from ' teaching and ' moved to Lewis said he felt a prayer The pep rally will be held with Mr. James Simpson, Grand Junc area before joining rthe Mesa Meek;er after . her marriage to before eacb. session might tend to a bonfire o.n the. practice field tion, drama, English, and social . faculty. She Succeeds Miss Marie William McKean this summer. remind council members of the at the rear of tlie campus a1! 7 studies; Miss Margaret Arbenz, Killheffer, who has retired after serious· responsibility of tneir p.m. Saturday, immediately pre Mr. Simpson is a former super Boulder, librarian, and Mrs. Ed teaching at Mesa since 1938. intendent · of Plateau Valley work and eliminate much o..f the ceding .the Maverick-Fort Lewis ward LaMunyan, Salt Lake City, I Mrs. Leighton has been in schools. He also has taught in. assistant librarian. vocational homemaking work in California .and for the past thre.e Mr. Corry, well-known Pueblo Oklahoma for 1•8 years, includ years ·has been on the Grand 1 musician, instructor, and phil ing four years as public health Junction High School faculty. Caf e·feria Off ers Variety .of Plans harmonic concert master, suc nutritionist for the Oklahoma He holds BA and MA degrees ceeds Mr. Harry Hammer for one Because of the demand for only, dinner only, or any com health department and a number (continued on page 2) meal tickMs of various types, the bination of these meals. cafeteria this year is _offering a The combination may not be number of plans. changed during any one month Mrs. Marion Nydegger, fin and if a meal ticket is lost there l.1 ancial secretary, reports that stu can be no refund for meals not dents now may buy monthly meal consumed. tickets· on any of the following The following monthly · prices plans: bre~kfast only, lunch have been set: OCTOBER-Breakfast, ,$10. 70; lunch, $21.40; dinner, $21.40; t o ta I, $53.50. NOVEMBER Reporters. Needed. Breakfast, $9; lunch, $18; dinner, $18; total, $45. DECEMBER On Student · Pubs . Breakfast, $5.50; lunch, $11; din- ner, $11; total, $27.50. l- I Students interested in filling .The second payment for cafe any of several .· staff positions teria and dormitory charges is open on the CRITERION and the due bet. 19 and the fiqal payment MAVERICK are invited to con- is due Nov. 16. tact the publications department as soon a'S possible. Gaylord Kirkham; managing editor of the Criterion, Mesa Modern Chofr ·Tryouts College's bi-weekly newspaper, said Monday his staff is sorely · To B:e· Held . Monda1y in need of a business manager to handle the paper's advertising Mr. Darrell Blackburn, head accounts. Advertising salesmen . are also needed. A commission. of the music department and of 15 per cent' is paid to th~ sales director of choral groups, has · men on all ads sold, giving stu · announced that tryouts for· the dents ·a chance to earn additional Modern Choir will be. conducted . inco~e in thei.r spare time, he Monday, Sept. 28, at 18 p.m. in said. Both publications are in need the College band. room. of additional reporters, photogra Candidates for the Modern phers and copy readers. ' Choir must be mem.b~rs of the . The' MAVERICK, edited 'by . Pr~sident Horace J. Wubben welcomes new_ members of the faculty and• staff during ,Mesa- Col.Iege Choir, which is workshop which preceded the opening of school.