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MRADMC Jim Stewart’s Mercury 1949 ISSUE: V35-03— January 2018 THE VOICE OF THE MACEDON RANGES & DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB A0003800S MOTOR MOUTH The voice of the Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Committee Reports 4 Prez Secretary Treasurer I had no Membership 9 clue I Merchandise 11 could do Library this. Midweek 12 Dates to remember 13 OMG Beechworth 14 One What's happening 15 Christmas Cars & coffee 16 Rileys up the Birdsville Pt 1 21 Holiday, About computers 25 and I’ve Remember me 26 become a Make me laugh 28 kitchen Buy & Sell 30 goddess Notes 31 The End 2 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne VIC 3438 Po Box 84, Gisborne VIC 3437 www.mradmc.com.au MOTOR MOUTH The voice of the Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Inc. www.mradmc.com.au Clubrooms 10 Webb Crescent New Gisborne Correspondence PO Box 84 Gisborne Ph.: 03 5420 7683 President – Alan Martin e: [email protected] Phone: 0402 708 408 Vice President—Bob Walters e: [email protected] Phone: 0407 546 000 Secretary –Hanging Rock e: [email protected] Graham Williams Phone: 0419 393 023 Treasurer – Adam Furniss e: [email protected] Phone: 0404 034 841 Membership Officer /Members Rep e: [email protected] Michael Camilleri Phone: 0432 718 250 Head Scrutineer Officer– Editor– Deb Williams Brian Jayasingha Mob: 0404 020 525 Sales Officers– Lena Bragato Welfare / Grievance Officer– John Parnis Phone: 0432 583 098 Phone: 0425 802 593 e: [email protected] [email protected] Catering Officer– Property Officer– Boyd Unwin 0403 371 449 Clara Tine Licensee/Librarian Webpage Administrator – Andrew Parnis Alec Mead AOMC Delegates – Mid-Week Run Committee – Pam, Shirley, Vivian, Elizabeth, Barbara, Diane Robert Green Phone: 0408 532 603 Phone: 0427 804 803 (Pam) Don MacGregor [email protected] Club Objective: To encourage the restoration, preservation and operation of motorised vehicles. Meetings: First Wednesday of every month (except Jan) at 8:00 pm. Disclaimer: The opinions and ideas expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the club or the committee. No responsibility can be taken for accuracy of submissions. 3 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne VIC 3438 Po Box 84, Gisborne VIC 3437 ww.mradmc.com.au MOTOR MOUTH The voice of the Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club President’s report Welcome to 2018. I hope everyone has had a restful break and is all geared up for the 31st Picnic at Hanging Rock this weekend. To those rostered to work thank you for your ongoing support and to all club members I hope it is a day out we can all enjoy. As you will be aware Council commissioned A DRAFT Environmental Manage- ment Plan for the local area last year and has released it for community con- sultation. Over the break the Executive has been hard at work reviewing the draft plans specifically around the Steam Park's future development and maintenance and considering how it may impact the club's ongoing use of its facilities. The plan – copies of which are in the clubrooms - cover 3 areas with the Steam Park being the only one that impacts the Club. The club Executive met for several hours with representatives of Council and the Gisborne Vintage Machine Society onsite in January to seek clarification of the status of the plan and the placement of proposed capital works such as toilets, gates and playgrounds as they may impact our use of the Steam Park. The Execu- tive also was keen to understand the plans for the compound and our clubroom leases and was reassured that these would remain as leases rather than be converted to licenses. 4 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne VIC 3438 Po Box 84, Gisborne VIC 3437 www.mradmc.com.au MOTOR MOUTH The voice of the Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Council is inviting feedback by Friday 16th February (week after Hanging Rock) and the club will provide a formal and written response. Council has also re- leased an online survey and I encourage you all to respond to ensure that our collective feedback is recorded. The survey includes questions about your personal use of the spaces as well as questions regarding the Environmental Plan that covers the Steam Park As a way of background the Council manages the lease of the Crown Land (Steam Park and surrounds) for the State Government. The club has a lease over its current clubrooms (expiring next year) and is cur- rently working to renew this with Council for a further 9 years. Council has confirmed they see no issue with our renewal as the club has fulfilled its lease obligations and is viewed as a well managed and good community group. The Compound area and Steam Park are leased to the Gisborne Vintage Ma- chinery Society and their lease extends for a further 9 years. For some reason their current 21 year lease is not aligned with the MRADMC one. At the club meeting we will provide members with some information to sup- port the question by question completion of the online survey. This is a key opportunity to inform Council of our club’s plans to stay in the park area and I encourage you to take a few minutes to complete the survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Gisborne-Racecourse-Marshland Keep on motoring Alan Martin President – for the Executive 5 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne VIC 3438 Po Box 84, Gisborne VIC 3437 www.mradmc.com.au MOTOR MOUTH The voice of the Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club MACEDON RANGES AND DISTRICT MOTOR CLUB MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING 6st December 2017 Secretary Graham Williams called the meeting to order at 7:10pm Members were reminded to scan in near the Committee Room. Members reminded that when buying raffle tickets they would be issued with a ticket for their first drink from the bar for free and that after that members were welcome to pur- chase further drinks. Apologies: Adam Furniss, Joan Miles, Lina & Fred Bragato New Members/Visitors: Nil Minutes of November General Meeting: Chairman asked if everyone had read the minutes of the last General Meeting. Moved by Brendan Martin Seconded by Ian Buckingham “ that they be accepted” PASSED Business Arising: Thank you to Boyd for provisioning the Wheel Chair as requested by members Thank you to Adam for organising the Christmas party which was a great success President’s Report: Alan’s report was read to the wishing all members a safe Christmas break and thanking everyone for their support this year and in the last few days in particular 6 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne VIC 3438 Po Box 84, Gisborne VIC 3437 www.mradmc.com.au MOTOR MOUTH The voice of the Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Vice President’s Report: Nil Secretary’s Report: Correspondence Newsletters & Magazines: Passed to Librarian Membership Officer’s Report: Michael reported 1 new member since last meeting and currently 292 memberships were current . Michael wished all members a safe and happy Christmas break Treasurer’s Report: Adam has advised that the clubs finances continue to look healthy Moved Adam Furniss Seconded Rob Bryant “that the bills be paid” PASSED Sales Officer’s Report: Nil . Editor’s Report: Deb reminded members to submit photos and stories of events they had been on – or things they would like the club to make a run to. Librarian’s Report: Nil 7 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne VIC 3438 Po Box 84, Gisborne VIC 3437 www.mradmc.com.au MOTOR MOUTH The voice of the Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club Mid-Week Run Co-Ordinators Report: - Pam provided a quick update on the November run and reminded members there WAS NOT a December run due to the Christmas period. The next run is 24th Jan to Tylden and Kyneton– there has been a core of around 50 members attending the mid- week runs in 2017 AOMC Delegate’s Report: - Nil Welfare Officer’s Report: Nil to report Web Master’s Report: Nil to Report Hanging Rock Coordinator: Reminder that the refresher training course for Traffic controllers is on the 14th De- cember at 6pm. For any further details please catch Rob Bryant after the meeting. Kate was still looking for some 25 roster places to be filled – please contact her directly [email protected] Property Officer’s Report: Nil to report Technical Officer’s Report: Nil to report Catering Officer’s Report: Nil to report Bar & Licencing Officer’s Report: Keen to hear from members prepared to undertake an RSA course to allow them to as- sist with Bar activities for meetings and events. Please see Alec Cars and Parts for Sale or Wanted A range of items were raised by members Members were reminded to complete the advertising pro-forma and forward to the Editor 8 10 Webb Crescent, New Gisborne VIC 3438 Po Box 84, Gisborne VIC 3437 www.mradmc.com.au MOTOR MOUTH The voice of the Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club General Business: Ian Buckingham reminded members of the Grand Prix event and Club display for next year Deb indicated that a pictorial Year that Was will be sent out – asked members for any photos to include. Thanks from members involved in the Romsey Swap Meet – it had been one of the best Cars and Coffee – Calder BP Sunday 10th December Reminder of Traffic Controller Course 14th December There was no guest speaker for the evening 9 raffle prizes were drawn and collected by members There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7:40 pm and asked members to pack away the chairs and then enjoy the Christmas BBQ – please keep the rooms tidy.