On June 29, the Feasts of Ss. Peter and Paul, the Diocese of Rome celebrates "Day of Charity for the Pope." All across the city, posters of Pope Francis are everywhere; in Church entrances, on the sides of buildings, taped up to taxi stands! So incredible is this expression of faith in the City of Saints for our Pope of the Peripheries.

While the initiative is to bring light and economical support to Peter's Pence- a way to donate to the Pope's charitable causes towards the universal Church- His Holiness would remind us that charity is not merely limited to the economic sphere. God works miracles through the Little Way, and very simple things; lest we forget, the multiplication of loaves and fish!

The definition, then, that we can use is from Pope Francis himself:

“In a word: charity cannot be neutral, antiseptic, indifferent, lukewarm or impartial! Charity is infections, it excites, it risks and it engages! For true charity is always unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous! Charity is creative in finding the right words to speak to all those considered incurable and hence untouchable. Finding the right words. Contact is the language of genuine communication, the same endearing language which brought healing to the leper. How many healings can we perform if only we learn this language of contact! The leper, once cured, became a messenger of God’s love. The Gospel tells us that ‘he went out and began to proclaim it freely and to spread the word.’ ”

With this definition, We Are A Mission presents acts of charity from across 34 Pallottine countries in honor of Pope Francis' special day, accompanied by quotes in accordance with our family's deeds and truth! Be with the Holy Father. Be Holy! India

"Catholic education gives soul to the world!"

In Nagaland, India, the children have come up with a new method of "Each One Teach One," whereby the community's bright students become mentors for the younger ones. During their holidays, they also go around to help the students who cannot afford to pay full tuition. As St. John Paul II says, "does not Jesus even look to children as models for adults?" Malawi

"True education enables us to love life and opens us to the fullness of life.”

Kabumba Primary School- founded by Catholic missionaries in 1945- is located on the Pallottine parish ground of Kaphatika. It's not an easy life; 4 classes are learning still under the tree, and most students are sitting on the floor. 240 boys are using 4 toilets, and the standard education policy is 1 toilet per 25 students. Yet while these challenges are great, it's charity is greater, and a reminder that God's greatest miracles are worked very simply by love alone.

“God loves us. May we discover the beauty of loving and being loved.”

At an altitude of 3,400 meters, you'll find our Pallottine mission in Vilcashuamán. While 89% of Peru's population is Catholic, this town had been left without the presence of priests until the Pallottine Fathers arrived 5 years. While the Fathers now administer the Sacraments and celebrate Mass, the Cenacle Sisters of India work at Casa Juan Pablo II; a home for children who have been abandoned by their parents, or suffered different forms of abuses. This is mercy. This is mission. Poland

"Caring for the sick requires professionalism, tenderness, straightforward and simple gestures freely given, like a caress that makes others feel loved."

In the fall of 1983, Fr. Eugene Dutkiewicz SAC opened Poland's first hospice, in the seaside town of Gdansk. At present, there is the Hospice Home for Adults and Children, the Home Hospice for Children, the Hospice Perinatal Care, and the Palliative Care Outpatient Clinic. Together, they serve over 1,000 people, staff of over 100 employees, and are blessed with an abundance of zealous volunteers who will one day have the glorious title of being an apostle in service of God and His people.

"The secret of Christian living is love." Love has no alibi. And it's our mission to set our as Jesus loved.

In Upata, our Pallottine Fathers and UAC family accompanies the disabled, both in their daily activities, as well as their most precious moments of life: like days when they receive the sacraments. Pictured above is from Confirmation at St. Anthony of Parish just three weeks ago! Hong Kong

"We must get out of ourselves and go toward the periphery. We must avoid the spiritual disease of the Church that can become self-referential."

For the past two years, in honor of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the 2-day “ICC Pilgrimage” draws people from all local parishes and Hong Kong’s overseas communities to the Immaculate Conception Chapel in Sai Kung Country Park. Organized by Fr. Rémy Kurowski SAC, its purpose was to gather as many of the country’s Catholics in one place, so as to symbolize that the People of God are one in Christ. So far, this is the first religious event of its type in Hong Kong; where Catholics represent only 5% of the population. Burkina Faso

“Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven.” The apostolate of prayer; the charity of accompaniment. True charity consists in walking with others; not for the sprint, but for the life-long race of faith, impelled always by the love of Christ. In Burkina Faso, Pallotti is now imbued in the hearts of the young ones, through days of prayer & other apostolic activities organized by our Fathers Dariusz and Stanislaw.

"A true missionary who never ceases to be a disciple, knows Jesus walks with him speaks to him, breathes with him, works with him.” By air, by boat, by foot; our Sisters in Bolivia traverse all the elements to reach God's people far from the city, to celebrate the Good News with God's treasures of the peripheries. As Pope Francis says, come down from the balcony, step off the threshold; the Church is mission. Mission is life itself.

"Children are the most beautiful gift and blessing the Creator has given man and woman. Children are never a mistake." In Bello, Colombia, our Pallottine Fathers run the Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II. These houses around the world care for orphaned or at risk children coming from broken families. It is a most tender act of love and mercy, charity and hope in the name of the Tiny Divine Child; in whom we must never forget our fragile identity. Zambia

"The Church fathers used to refer to Christ and His work of salvation with the title 'Christus medicus.' He is the Good Shepherd who cares for the wounded sheep and comforts the sick. He is the Good Samaritan who does not pass by the injured person at the roadside, but rather, moved by compassion, cures and attends to him." In February 2018, the Pallottine Missionary Sisters and Fathers opened the Marian Health Post in Westwood, Zambia. In a location where the average life expectancy is 35 years due to AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases, in the first 6 months the Post- run by one Sister, Sesilia, received over 1,000 patients. Cuba

"Jesus offers us something bigger than the World Cup! Something bigger than the World Cup! Jesus offers us the possibility of a fruitful life, a life of happiness; he also offers us a future with him, an endless future, in eternal life." For development to be real- St. Paul VI writes in Popolorum Progressio- it must be integral; promoting the good of every man and the whole man. Continuing on with another Papal St., John Paul II, development cannot merely be limited to economic growth. Even more, it must be linked to human dignity, because every person is a vocation. In Cuba, our Fathers are involved in all sorts of charitable acts, especially the growth of the youth through sports. Brazil

"A population that does not take care of the elderly and the young has no future, because it abuses both its memory and its promise."

In Sao Paolo, the Pallotti Social and Culture Center takes its youth to bring musical cheer to the elderly Pallottine fathers. These photos fulfill the Holy Father's quote above in its entirety; led by Fr. Vanderlei, our Fathers guide the youth at the Center, who then remind the old that without them, they have no key to the future.

"Has any one of us grieved for the death of these brothers and sisters? Has any one of us wept for these persons who were on the boat? For the young mothers carrying their babies? For these men who were looking for a means of supporting their families? We are a society that has forgotten how to weep." On November 18, 2018- Pope Francis' second World Day of the Poor- Fr. General Jacob was on Visitation to France, where he met 8 young migrant men, who- if not for our Parish priests and lay members- would have been sleeping on the streets of Paris. The men prepared a meal for the Fathers, and are extremely gracious and grateful for the hospitality shown unto them while they prepare their documents. They shared their stories, in which the inhumanity they were treated with renders unfathomable. South Africa

“It is not enough to say we are Christians. We must live the faith, not only with our words, but with our actions.”

In the Catholic Pastoral District of Whittlesea, in the Diocese of Queenstown, South Africa, members of the Pallottine family bring Jesus to the needy; "urged by the love of Christ!" Kenya

"Our only criterion of action must be selfless love for every human being, without distinction of language, culture, ethnicity or religion." Our Kenyan youth traveled across the border with Fr. Steven SAC to visit the Pallottine Children's Rehabilitation Center in Tanzania. Both countries are part of Ireland's Mother of Divine Love Province, and hence their charity is lived out in full together; sown together by the Spirit of our charisma. Sri Lanka

"We need to see each child as a gift, to be welcomed, cherished, and protected." Catholics represent 6% of the Sri Lankan population, and too fresh still in our minds is the attack on Easter Sunday in the capital city of Colombo. To raise children in today's world is difficult enough, but even more in a place where being Christian is a minority. At our Parish of St. Jude, one of its biggest acts of charity is the caring of the parish's smallest members through activities such as the photos above, a sports day. Slovakia

“Dear young people, be amazed by what is true and beautiful; what is of God!”

Our Slovakian Pallottine family has started, "Pôstna krabička pre Afriku" - a fast box for Africa - whereby whole families and their children renounce various things, so that they can support this missionary project. The children have formed such sensitivity to those their same age in developing countries, that some classes have even adopted a friend from the “Adoption of the Heart” project. South Korea

“We know well that with Jesus life becomes richer and that with him it is easier to find meaning in everything. This is why we evangelize.” In the words of Fr. Jaro, on the grace and charity of baptism:

Baptism is the biggest gift God gives us. We are only servants in it. God, without any payment- even without confession- gives us this Grace to become His Child for free, opening us the way to Heaven for us. I am too small to serve in it. Just recently, this man- after waiting 75 years- became a Child of God. For 30 years he attended Mass with his Catholic wife, and during our pilgrimage to Poland his life changed; and so he became a new apostle of mercy. Argentina

"Experience of communitarian salvation often generates creative ideas for the improvement of a building or neighborhood." "Make noise!" our Holy Father would say to the young people of today! In his home country of Argentina, the Pallotti Institute of Turdera organized a most unique event, in which they made artwork of faith and hope to revitalize and give life to their town. There were 1,150 youth!

Oh glorious apostle of the youth, St. Vincent Pallotti, guard your youth from on high!

“The measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing apart from their poverty.” Started in 1837, by our Holy Founder himself! Rome's Pia Casa di Carita is one of St. Vincent's most special charity works, to take care and educate abandoned girls. To this day, our Pallottine Sisters continue his dream, sharing it with all the youth who enter its doors, and part with a full heart towards their future. Vietnam

“Dear young people, you have many plans and dreams for the future. But, is Christ at the center of each of your plans and dreams?”

In Saigon, the Children of Mary Group and Fr. Adam SAC are involved in multiple concrete acts of charity across the major metropolitan city, as well as in the highlands. Pictured above are their services in which they help elderly people move, as well as visit the aging and sick in the hospitals and their homes. Taiwan

“If we want to advance in the spiritual life, then, we must constantly be missionaries." And as St. Vincent would tell us, all of us are called to be apostles! Each time we step off the threshold, we must see it as being sent. In Taiwan, Fr. Solomon makes sure to accompany his parishioners through house visits, prayers, and blessings. When done regularly, this is a precious charity. Indeed, one of Pope Francis' most precious "Mercy Friday" initiatives was his visit to the peripheries of Rome, blessing the houses of those in most need. Ivory Coast

“Christianity spreads through the joy of disciples who know that they are loved and saved.” During the Lenten season, our Pallottines in the Ivory Coast organize a youth pilgrimage to spread the mission of love, especially when it comes to our brothers and sisters who are most poor. In total, 513 youth participated in this years event. Accompanying our youth is one of the greatest acts of love we can give; to tell them that in their trials, there will be an end; and that no matter how small or big our cross is, God remains with us; and no difficulty will not be overcome! USA

“Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven.” At Bishop Eustace Prep High School in New Jersey, every week, students- for the entire year- help at the local Pediatric and Rehabilitation Center. Dear young people, keep staking yourselves on noble ideas! Nigeria

"To change the world, we must be good to those who cannot repay us." In Owerri, Nigeria, Pallottine priests and students visited the orphanage as an act of charity together. The Pallottines are in both the Diocese of Owerri and Awka. Owerri holds the Theologate and novitiate, whereas Awka is home to the postulate and philosophy houses. Ukraine

"There is also a need to protect those common areas, visual landmarks and urban landscapes which increase our sense of belonging, of rootedness, of “feeling at home” within a city which includes us and brings us together." As St. Teresa of Calcutta says, "if you want to change the world, go home and love your family." Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Ukraine heeds these words, creating a healthy and holy atmosphere for families young and old. So, too, do are they a representation of Poep Francis' concept of "integral ecology;" whereby we cannot think of nature and our community as separate. But rather, that we may all be one (cf John 17:21).

"When we speak of the environment, what we really mean is a relationship between nature and the society which lives in it." "Clean and green!" our Pallottine Parishioners of the Philippines are saying! Led by Fr. Sanju, they have started a new environmental push to beautify the parish grounds; making it a community event, and a safe and beautiful dwelling place for all the little children; many of whom come from broken families. As the Infant Jesus is the Philippine's Patron, may He bless all these precious kids, and the work being done!

“The Gospel responds to our deepest needs, since we were created for what the Gospel offers us: friendship with Jesus” The only life worth living, is a life in service of others. In Odivelas, Portugal, Fr. Juliano SAC took the youth from Lisbon to a missionary town called Alcoutim. In the words of our Pallottine Father, these young missionaries brought "light, hope, love and peace: virtues that every human being needs to live! They are truly precious to the joy of this Portuguese village." Mozambique

"Charity, patience, and tenderness are very beautiful gifts. If you have them, you want to share them with others."

Both our Brazilian Pallottine Sisters and Fathers are in Mozambique, and the above photos were sent by Sr. Lourdes in Inharrime, one of our 4 posts. There, their acts of charity promote to improvement of literacy. How precious the charity that gives growth to the dignity of every human being made in the image and likeness of God. Tanzania "Seeing and acting with mercy: That is holiness." And as St. Vincent Pallotti would say, "look at God and then look at yourself. Doing this you will never find that God is without mercy." Siuyu Village Children's Rehabilitation Center, located in Central Tanzania, is a beacon of hope for those with mild to severe physical and mental handicaps. Without this Pallottine work of mercy, these little ones would be without a right to education. Australia

"Very often it is a holiness found in our next- door neighbors, those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence." Perth, Australia's entire Youth Ministry- composed of multiple groups- came together to mark the launch of the Year of Youth, as well as make Christmas gifts in support of Pregnancy Assistance; a crisis pregnancy and outreach centre supporting bewborn babies and their families. USA

"We must restore hope to young people, help the old, be open to the future, spread love. Be poor among the poor. We need to include the excluded and preach peace. In the USA, the youth leaders at Our Lady of Grace started Week of Service. Inspired by St. Vincent Pallotti, it provides week-long volunteer opportunities for community members. In 2018, activities included These events a nursing home visit, reading to children at the library, helping with painting for the musical production. Siberia

“If I can help at least one person to have a better life, that already justifies the offering of my life.” In Russia, our Pallottine missionaries Fr. Jan and Fr. Siarhei have two concrete acts of charity per week. On Friday, clothes are collected- and then later distributed- to the poor, and on Saturday, there is lunch for the homeless. "Learn to do good, seek justice, correct oppression, defend the fatherless, plead for the widow" (Is 32:17). Rwanda

“The world tells us to seek success, power and money; God tells us to seek humility, service and love.” Students from St. Vincent Pallotti Nursery and Primary School in Maska, Rwanda, were spearheaded a day of service for the city’s most needy at a nearby hospital. Accompanied by their teachers, our young friends lived in flesh the words of Pope Francis’ recently released exhortation to the youth. Congo & Australia: Kids for Kids!

“The human heart desires joy. We all desire joy, every family, every people aspires to happiness. But what is the joy that the Christian is called to live out and bear witness to? It is the joy that comes from the closeness of God. From the moment Jesus entered into history, humanity received the seed of the Kingdom of God, like the soil receives the seed, the promise of a future harvest.” As Venerable Pope Pius XII would say regarding the importance of missionary childhood, "may it be a means of sowing the seed of a missionary vocation in their innocent hearts!" Each year, 6th graders from Perth, Australia, fundraise and support the Flame of Divine Love Orphanage in Keshero, Congo. www.WeAreAMission.org #Pallottines

“How marvelous it would be if, at the end of the day, each of us could say: today I have performed an act of charity towards others!”