: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of January 2015 )

2.7 million people are still in need based on 2015’s humanitarian Strategic Response Plan for the Central African Republic. The relative severity requirement by sub-prefecture 1 2 shows that the humanitarian situation one year after the outbreak of the crisis is still 438,538 424,707 important and continuing to be despite the progress of humanitarian actors Internal CAR refugees in deployment on the field and sectoral response already made over of 2014. Displaced neighbouring People countries SUDAN Displacement (Refugees and IDPs) Chad Sudan Vakaga

1,526 93,474 CHAD -Bangoran South Sudan Ouanda-Djallé 2,740 Haute-Kotto Nana- Ouham Gribizi 15,091 Ndélé Pendé 48,283 22,278 77,527 Haut- Bamingui- 7,447 Nana- Kémo 44,957 Bangoran Mambéré 12,209 Mbomou 61,887 10,758 SOUTH-SUDAN Ombella M'Poko Basse- Cameroon Bamingui 58,368 Kotto Mambéré Kadéï 6,422 16,545 ^! Haute-Kotto 64,169 Sangha- 38,014 Kaga-Bandoro Democratic Republic Mbaéré 241,517 of Congo Nana-Gribizi 2,945 68,165 Nana- Republic Bakassa Mbrès of Congo Ouham Bria Djéma 21,554 Ouham Pendé Bakala Est. number of displaced Ouaka people by province Dékoa Mala Baboua Haut-Mbomou CAR Refugees Bossemtélé Kémo Nana-Mambéré Mbomou Rafai Yaloké Displaced Peoples and Refugees Trend (December 2013 to 12 January 2015) Bossembélé Zémio Ombella M'Poko Ndjoukou Abba Basse- 923,000 Kotto IDPs (Jan. 2014) Damara 1000 Amada-Gaza Carnot Gambo Mambéré-Kadéï Kembé Boganda Ouango Satéma 800 Berbérati Lobaye Bimbo !^ Boda Sosso-Nakombo Mbaïki 600 Dédé-Mokouba DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Sangha-Mbaéré OF CONGO Zone Bangui Town Nola PK-12 400 REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON CONGO 200 Population in need by gender per province Bimbo 0 100 200 300 400 500 8e Arr. 0 4e Arr. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov.Dec. Jan. Bangui Ouham 13 14 14 15 Camp Beal Ouham-Pende Partners presence in CAR 105 Ombella M’poko 5e Arr. Aéroport partners Relative severity of needs Ouaka + - 0 Manbere Kadei Bangui M'Poko 7e Arr. 100 Basse Kotto 3e Arr. 1er Arr. Nana Manbere Bimbo 80 Areas accessible with Kemo 2e Arr constraints Lobaye 2.7 M PK0 60 Potential Camp Beal Nana-Gribizi people in need 6e Arr. explosion impact Mbomou 40 Partners presence by Sangha Mbaere Haute Kotto Men Women Zongo 20 province Vagaka Haut Mbomou Republique Democratique 0 du Congo Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Bamingui Bangoran 13 14 14 15 The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation date: 20 January 2015 Sources: 1:CMP, 2:UNHCR, OCHA, Clusters, HNO and SRP Feedback: [email protected] www.unocha.org/car www.reliefweb.int car,humanitarianresponse.info