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j1112J13W Page Z, Hawaii atket, Match '7, 1975

CPI- CONNIE MALDONADO SGT, JAMES MOON HOUSING OFFICE MACSel RADAR I think I think %my 2 cents worth swimming awe they've got petition would everything be worth having. coveted petty Also, pool well as fax as the this isstis*? tournaments for majority is and is the many of coacerned, Of Dear 3k, *keys that are course, thew is eonstandy Pay- 1416' always the 10% On Pabitualey 13,1 *wowed in tratik 4.Nourt not as an offender but A% u pool at the rectestion room that want some** dinette*, a witness. I also We would be Moe, would During a one hour period on a t4VelVt Slav*? alt*Ma0a, I Ottemd see some wrestling, to violators of the ZO mph speed limit in the homing atea. After a call to EARL (DUKE* MIKAN severe Wit- a very help hil and polite De Sgt, at Pe410, I was ineormed of the prottdur* LCPL. DARREL JULIAN K 1112 tor loving a traffic citation enrol, I then otesetved a light blue convertible 3RD MOTORS I would daMn by a '"young auk," spool by so tut I was unable to get the license like to see number, &veal minutes later, the same car sped by and tamed onto Pond swimming Road, I &Bowed it and floind it peaked at the Pond Road beach patting Horse become a sport polo. rd like to I note of the lionise number and *Aided it in to the Desk Sgt, He because it gixs ma, took become involved was very actiNCCOlit\ilt and gave me the aforementioned court date. aloes with the in the sport, It Upon appearing at traffic covet, I was quite surprised to be confronted seems like a lot Marine Corps' the *sent the program for by an officer whom I suspect to be of "'meg adult," th of One his car had been used by any *Auk" on that day and physical fitness: denied that 'pone described his car as a dark blue viva a lied blue convertible, Although the besides>, it a lot of flue license number I repotted did match that of a ear oivneti by this officer, the lank judge, a Marine Mejor, round the defeostant not guilty because of the disparity concerning the color of the ear and also the feet that I admitted that this officer was not the drive, of the ear, Upon my own initiative,. I took the time to check Oft the color of said In my opinion vehicle and, in my honest opinion, the color of the convertible is tight blue or aqua, One question: why couldn't the Wilt judge have taken the time to settle the disparity in color desctiptionsl In cave some people might interpret this as a pipe against officers per What sport maid yew Nke to see se, my husband it also an officer, Statiemee, Kathy O'Iasay added to the intramural chaplain% edam sporti program? Inettintlig mistru By Chagdais CS Rkevear One of the must disturbing things happening today, in human Why? relationship is the immesh% aWattilefa of mistrust. Dmbt wed suspicion ate being cast on the (minim of being honest, having integrity, assuming 1013 RONALD NICKEL MK. VINCENT WILLM rsponsibilities, flalfilling obligations, being relied upon and having BAS 1/3 s confidence in someone, Some would be qukk to say "what else is !OW History is Wed with one man not keeping faith with another," I would P o o 1 ' Chubs &buttes papier comic strip, Peanuts, has depicted for us like to see shooting is a smut of the dynamics involved in tivistmg with several episodes of Charlie volleyball good spud, very &OVA arid Lucy with a tbotbale On one occasion Charlie decides that he has become a mote relaxing and is been fooled enough, This time he stops just before melee* the ball. But competitive popular among Luc) does not pull the ball away and looks at Charlie and says: "You sport among the most of the thowlitt I was soh* to pull the ball away, didn't you Why. Chas-fee Brown, units. troops, I'm Wanted of you. I'm aho insulted. Don't you trust anyone anymore, Has your mind become so &domed with mistrust that you've lost your ability to believe in people." So Charlie, Wing guilty, backs up to make PFC EDWARD !.ENTER PFC RONALD SMITH aught ton, Lucy does the expected and pulls the ball away and Charlie 1/3 B I/3 Brown flies through the air and lands on his back with a WIMP! Lucy then leans over him with, "Isn't it better this way, Charlie brown. Isn't it totter to Wrestling, trust people? because a lot of Most of us are quick to sympathize with Charlie Brown because people in the we Karate, have had similar experiences. A lot of people have been hurt because because some of their units are trust has either been betrayed or abused and this leads to serious doubt are paying for interested. us Some about ever trasting again. As a result, people are becoming more classes and Marines and MOM the wrestled httattilt about trusting others, One of the serious effects this is should get of the we in high school avoidance of areaningflal relationship, even in marital and family the opportunity and probably relationships. to show our would like to This is one reason the concept Of God is so important to all skills. participate in the sport again, religions, patticulatly Christianity, God is the ultimate Trustworthy One. Therefore, he can always be trusted. Since we can depend on Him, then we in turn can begin to trust others, wisely of course, 41% TM Nona 1440. a fo*44 woletv et POW/ tot ~tot. t4441_,rOlawat, attotollo% HAWAII MARINE 4444 0.044 sooty" O 140444 Como temo440 to 04%4. It a 1,44144 vets ootootOol c000mfot, t44044 Coot goo Patiltt Mew LK Vaasa O. °Mott Coto ,C441, It. IMO ti".lOat POOt" ""*"4"*$ Attain Onto,.1".."="e'iOrar*Ft4o".*41tol"4"410411t4.141).6"44tewo"1144%lort: It tato Cooltmoot of as Noy 440 is Colo WOO1414OPO old MottM OONWAtoto...garo Anstabot Wets, *farts rift; ivsylav Hoott 144,144 potato et Ow *mot Molok OW* aualle. Woo C41014004 0**1 aw obt aotosult. Won at Mao Outgo COM, TM Neweit 044444 a OttgOOTIO4 tot tato Ovao, Ws Doi (asp,e4s)i httevoutter.961== ==1.414 4.110 14,4441 as Ottotto to Tor WON of sum WOW so Ton Mon tall/11 WO C W .Ilwywolog.' All tulmatt44 to aarmw.7.-40 iribtimilr""Vhs:4111UA Coro Solth Coonf0000t Sgt"4416ott ail) aa My 4 040. =d11V Othit rttaw`t 04111141Mon ONO 44144t *Moo** ~woe Or Coop Swot% Comsoomom Co, SO Welts14Thalial) two onahOol wit tss tawsw mom, to sees 46* t*****4 41.4 WA.* .****** wits olltettal 11411tY. 111111111% S Ammo° jo gnat oMoiduss mein 9414* lonri pining *rum /*MD Poo Auto1011 seqs petupp atpnosuosse lkmoA Ilulputscino *se eA 3110111' 011011 xp pug 14114102 =RI '01110PS '3 PI0P/11 60 400011 11***11 014 up Jo sequoias tulputpsno wenn 000 101111P4 %at% sip jo *Malthus mom en poptqoul imam 10141111 '1 41009 *1010101010 Jo wimps uopeasnuoo Alum **pot Run zwspothosto ohs MOWN souoq *pow ma 'a Pula emea qqqf ***dot° View 4**1 tq AV0111 sulPutPloo pay leuuousd '9 10101113 1010001d %mum 08 Jo tP*0 tit o014,4S 11V 014 upon= 3Lovf pseaps *mom am suouudes of pomp *A stto mV wow papal ***** OLt 1010141PP* tsuopuquaou *sap ukud imam 0004103 *PM 'M */***ki IVO .1* 100)410 **ma sot nadv 0WInd spew 04/ RI^ st**Aoldwe tostql101 401113111 oPotls0 wend suptIllaq 410110410 VIM 04 saw% 1**.Pk4 ,t1k4Puivano. lunt04MY11 4,P*3 good 11V Pus uopoluoad 101 *Imam is III" 0101901d *MAW :Annus) wesuochuoo *mew up sue uup WOW 11 Jo 140/010toott nd *Mold*s etsa sW xki swot ulArepr whoa 0190P4 mem tt1 %PIO '064010 'WU 'SI sVi VORettullte03 103 MIMS Cu MOOM0011 plump spowsndio -um *send* ats ul Atpuopq &AIN tAsoltsno nputevico up as mama% pus postmouut '`sass` *9 4011 *VIA ****4140* ppm tuoptiqusou tuptlwo e4ottally Pap *we sgi ul twain 10 00,4014410104 nuomppt toe 103 q 01041 asspuuno spstay %IWO *01 `tort P1*10) 010)1101411 411030S AsiV *MN '9 HOLONIHSVM 9SWESLE/PESCISZ ie 001110 00tiotq SIlL - AV11-1 map sum *nm Aunt assa Puttomod 1011.40 00 P*4013 spasm dos we Jo num& sopa.* wool pins p seMaidun ostultuou winulload Swum sum maw some ovum **1.010a* ao11104P uortmedttS Paw wow re 101 vAlooV no 'mpg sqs wrosustadum setpurnuusto mem moPsald 30 01P**101.,, Jo up sou pus itiddra sopa 01014101114o0o 141 101P111011 puma up poounouu* zits% 'fl no *wenn ISM w `1411040* tesepodsuoN Ilulputssino spido% 411 00011010°,1 1010Pated 103 * put WA ttl 10010m111P *APR alio* 044 paw* weds am NOLONIIISVM sow* Inn jo onquoduns jo *Maiduss padtkolputH u! pun *5 WIMP 1104114 011 **PM** 15* (P*010/4 titqP**4000 I401001 10 emou logs0 put MittOtt 30 *ups omi spool tato mat 103 sal vAia Maul Pm *OP luZZ 0 *PP VP* P*004/1 *00 radon 114 ie Aing spl& a sun ptuopumutuon Jo 001P001 VIM "1 uv 'wow uotomoq ammo *WO 00011 110 010 null ogi - tai PloPtod*P pus kVA lust's spew *mg p4onputo* eqs wq two padto outage° WOO nagopi uo Tom* maul louttostol tte stun *woo 1310t1 V** PUS 1113**4 444 10 APO 'a% 00 tto *GP** Stuoll *Ind GRA sl *011, "01*dr* poouowe a lakOMON Inn going atom Arnow Aq panuopp sq soutupto MMOIM MAGMA§ 01 WO MOS oft*f.04 OT Ion on 41V '40x* ogs 111 **Point! *PM "01111 0141001 *AO SIM 3I0 p 4014 ttolleIS 08 *to so *on ono 4 JO 010MIRM mst *pup an tamp mot * *on Inv* maw OS OM pus meg poqso ANA tummy* *MUM= *nu 'env no dun *up Row ressit Wane w Aq sow susos AM404 One 10 U2242 Mut, sioult! es 044 t0 Pull **IR 400 **01 51541 In 44130 moo *Rau aspunit pout put tte pus **1* S*01004 014 tt1 P*011 suPoldtte &PPR *** *soup eldoad own ts****ati 30 up 00 stilt Immo sons le put WM 00 pool 30 Istospiou wan fly put a% 01) %pap nun 30 Atm 'WM 0004040o 0011,41 %1amp `190001 4**Il viva 06 161:11 "knot lean ogi vit sPlAP pus muum Imam amtsw 901 **400 Puy 9tsZ *PIP*, lolgtallo* of won up et suotord sum mom* up sed amid ou Aluppeo Jo 4411141sed eqs JO 440,304 Mtn ind maint ourAtma azoloanoo snoprio 03 iaBusp asod spiv

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STEP THREE -Ensign Gayle Plato, Communications Watch Officer at the SLOW DOWN SOME - Air Force SSgt, Clifton *Award seems to be saying CornmO,nter, saws message request (wins a double check for accuracy prior he's having a hard time keeping up with his computer tape. Actually, ho has to Wilier processing, things well under control as he accepts a computerized message at the ConunCenter,

CAMP SMITH The Tek Communication through with all of the procedures. A Center (CommCenter) here-an important cog at distribution copy is then printed over a medium the nerve center of the Pacific-is connected speed printer, with internal distribution already with every work section within this command printed at the bottom of the message, through its message distribution capabilities. The message is then relayed to the The Telt CommCenter serves the two multi-lith or reproduction (repro) MM, where major commands in the Pacific, that being getting the prescribed number of copies are run off for Commander in Chief, Pacific, (CINCPAC) and internal distribution. Upon completion of this, the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific (FMFPAC), The the copies of the finished message are hand 24-hour operation is carried and put into the appropriate "puke" for maintained by more than 100 people each respective office. The finished message representing the Marine Corps, Navy, Army and remains in the box until a representative ftom an Air Force, office comes to pick up the well known "We handle approximately fifty to sixty the "message traffic" for his section, at which time thousand messages a month," stated Major Harry the message is delivered through the Fetich, assistant Officer in Charge at the window- -where it started. CommCenter, A little quick arithmetic reveals The incoming message procedure is much that this breaks down to 2,000 messages the same. A message comes into the LDMX processed a day,' According to FeriCh, this figure system by way of the computer. If it needs surpasses that of Headquarters Marine Corps. message distribution, it is forwarded to the inrouter, The next question which comes to mind is where he identifies the 'subject, and deciphers exactly how does a message originate, get and assigns distribution by utilizing the subject processed and distributed? by Sgt. hob 'Peeling of the message. A guide number is then assigned The procedure for an outgoing message to the message, enabling the computer system to begins when an individual delivers the message Message Exchange (LDMX) System, the system automatically assign the appropriate on the appropriate form through the window at employed by the CommCenter, Should there be distrubition. `Seventy-five per cent of all the Commenter. "Ninety per cent of all the a mistake at this point, such as incorrect address, incoming messages are handled automatically by outgoing messages come through the windows," name, etc., the system will not accept it and will the computer system because of information Chit= Fetich, "The other 10 per cent are describe the nature of the problem, previously fed into the system," noted Ferich. usually channeled through suction tubes If everything checks out positive, the "The other 25 per cent have to be channeled via connected directly to offices such as Admiral message is then read over a Video Data .Irminal the inrouter." Noel Gayler's admin office,"" (VDT), This step involves a visual double check The message then makes its way to the The message request form is then assigned of the message and a review; then, on to repro room for copying and on to the puke a date, time, group number, and logged in. The transmission. The message is automatically storage bins, to be picked up by individual Communications Watch Officer (CWO) then transmitted into the Autodin Message Network. sections. visually checks the form for accuracy and The first stop under this system is at the All in all, from the time a message hits the format. Automatic Switching Center in Wahiawa. This front window, or is conveyed over the The form is then run through the optical center then distributes the message to the computer, and is ready for distribution, only a character reader (OCR). The OCR automatically respective commands throughout the world. matter of a few minutes has elapsed. enters the message information into the "For some reason, if the message could not be "Our goal at the CommCenter is to handle computer system. A printout is then processed transferred to Wahiawa," added Ferich, "we are all outgoing immediate messages within 10 over the outgoing monitor log. This printout dualhomed with a center in Guam as well." minutes, and all flash messages within three checks for acceptance into the Local Digital The message, at this point, is not quite minutes," concluded Emrich. March 7, 1975, Hawaii Marine. Page 5 Navy Relief courses K-BAY - Most Marines and their spouses probably don't know all they should about Champus, military pay and allowances, education loans and other valuable benefits. Now interested persons have the opportunity to attend informative sessions where their questions can be answered. Beginning March 18, the Navy Relief Society is sponsoring two AN ACCOMPANIED MESS NIGHT Staff NCOs and their ladies await - the first dinner course to be served at a courses. One is a mini-course for "Dining In" Friday at the Camp Smith Staff NCO Club. The event was the first ever at the club. military personnel held at the

Station Theater beginning at 1 p.m. on the 18th. Department heads and Many people are concerned experts, fire detectors activated by officers-in-charge are urged to today with the possibility of fire in heat are not capable of detecting provide maximum participation of the home...and with good reason. these type fires and should not be all company grade officers and staff Fire is a reality which everyone used to provide the earliest possible NCO's, persons who normally deal wants to avoid. alarm, with personnel problems. Various fire detection and The following guidelines Another course, starting on alarm systems are on the market should Ize used when purchasing March 18 at the 19th Puka, is household fire warning equipment. today, some of which are geared especially for the military a false sense ' Minimum requirements inadequate and offer wife. The classes will provide of security. should include at least one smoke detector located in the immediate information for personal use, as Many calls have been received area of, but outside of, the well as a basis for volunteer work in by housing officials from occupants Navy Relief. of Navy housing condo bedrooms. In the usual housing home fire configuration, the smoke detector Classes will run =amino, guidance in purchasing household fire warning equipment. According should be located on the ceiling just from 8 a.m. to noon, in four-day to these callers, various sales inside the corridor leading to the increments, from March 18-21 and representatives have been using high bedrooms. In any case, folloiv the from March 24-27. Besides general pressure scare tactics, making false manufacturer's recommendations. military subjects, health benefits. detectors device is statements, and quoting Make sure the and survivor benefits, participants approved by Underwriters' unreasonable prices in attempts to will also learn about Navy Relief Laboratories, Inc. as a smoke distribute their products. and has detector and that the unit is what it to offer. A partial system of smoke guaranteed. Persons desiring to attend the not safe detection can provide some degree The cost of a smoke detector eight-day course must register by of life safety for sleeping should range between 160 and March 14 at the Navy Relief Office occupants. This is not the case $100. Contact various companies to in the Family Service Center, where detectors are of the type compare prices. 254-1327 or 254-1328. which are activated by heat. The Beware of salesmen using So that a maximum number majority of dwelling type fires are scare tactics and excessive pricing. of persons can attend, a free of the slow smoldering type Smoke detectors should be baby-sitting service will be provided heat but large producing little simple to install and capable of at the Child Care Center. volumes of smoke and lethal gases being removed for future use upon The classes are a great which are responsible for the relocation. For further information, majority of fatalities. contact the Station Fire opportunity to check out your According to fire prevention Department at 257 -2022. benefits and learn about Navy Relief. Wives of Marines and Navy men of all ranks are invited. Corps starts accelerated installments WASHINGTON - A White Immediate full payments of and only for Marines who prove upset the Marine's future annual House decision to knock off lump the SRB have always been handled they're really strapped for extra payments, officials here say, sum reenlistment bonuses has selectively by the Corps anyway dollars due them from their SRB. because a year from his date of spurred the Marine Corps into and through November, 420 okays There is only $318,000 available reenlistment, the Marine will formulating a plan that can get were given for one-shot payment for the program for the rest of FY receive his third installment extra shipping over money into the while another 677 installment 75. payment, instead of the second one hands of Marines entitled to it who payments were authorized for Under the program, a Marine for which he was scheduled. have valid financial emergencies. Marines. Under the installment reenlists and receives his first SRB The accelerated installment The White House directive system, SRB dollars are paid Installment that day. He is due his plan isn't just for Marines shipping affects lump sum payments of the annually on a Marine's reenlistment next payment a year to the day, over now or in the future. Anyone Selective Reenlistment anniversary, over a three- to but if he gets into a financial hassle on the old VRB or SRB installment Bonus-which could total as much six-year stretch. six months later he can apply to plan now is eligible. as S12,000 in some cases-at least With the lump sum out at HQMC, through the chain of HQMC officials say it is through Fiscal Year 1976 as least temporarily, the Corps is command for his second possible, but unlikely that the interpreted by Headquarters Marine Moving to an accelerated installment. accelerated installment procedure Corps officials. installment plan on a limited basis HQMC approval will not can be repeated at a later date. Story and photos by GySgt, Dak Dye ABOARD THE USS MORTON AT SEA - It was a perIct match: the sleek, deadly Navy destroyer lurking off the darkened txustline and the r war-painted reconnaissance Marines silently paddling their black rubber boats to shore. Marini To an enemy, the combat the men and combat machine dattlii represented death at close quarters. five For the sailors aboard USS Morton demo (DD-948) and the men of Alpha marks' Company, 3d Recon Bn., the scene five -In a represented unique opportunity into I to test their silent, swift and deadly confid skills despite a peacetime put gt environment, spot la Since boarding the Morton at Pearl Harbor Feb, 25, the region Motto' Marines had been visibly impressed into sr by the no-nonsense configuration of the of the man-of-war,with her fore and of tf aft-mounted five inch, destro; high-performance guns and 30-knot sight o speed and maneuverability, It was in the just the sort of ship they could an ex relate to easily as combat men and Oratio just the sort of vehicle they needed for a three-day training operation off the coast of the Big Island, ship The order sending the region thentst Marines to sea said conduct area the reconnaissance and rubber boat Thirty, training, but the men got much small more out of the voyage, thanks to and tt the professional seamanship and reconn comradery displayed by the Morton A crew. moon" breaks over the BEACH IN SIGHT - Two of Recon's four rubber boat crews stroke hard for the beach as a pale dawn While chopping through unusua the quickly into cover beyond the beach. Big Island. As each passed the surf line, oarsmen leaped out to carry craft Pacific rollers which kept the held 1

DESTROYER GUARDIAN - The USS Morton lurks Just off the horizon as a boat full of Recon offShore to receive simulated naval gunfire mission Marines begins the back-breaking trip to the beach. During the entire minion the Morton stood March 7, l975, Rowel Marine, Pope 7

for simulated gunfire missions, Each of the patrol's inexperienced men was required to all a mission himself, with gunnery teams join destroyer specialists on the Morton correcting their technique, It was a long exercise and the Marinas didn't get econ: back to their beach embarkation for taste of real thing site until nearly midnight, Surf had risen during the Marinas clutching for handholds, about two miles offshore, Deck The sun had a good position in the night and French stood examining the destroyer crew put on a crewmen lowered the Marines' sky as the men scrambled onto the the breakers on the beach as the dateline fire display happily placing boats into the water with barely a sand and hid their boats, preparing Morton maneuvered for pickup five Marines in each turret to ripple as the camouflaged Marines to take off on their 'scouting position offshore early the next demonstrate their offshore climbed down the side and into missions. morning. Despite the pro -dawn dark marksmanship. Watching the their assigned craft. French, who remained on the and some fairly heavy surf, the five-inch bench monitoring radios in contact rounds splash harmlessly Paddles flashed as the boat decision was made to exit the beach with his roaming recon teams, had into the sea, the Marines grew coxswains whispered orders and and proceed to the destroyer for time to reflect on the boat confidant in the Morton's ability to directions and the looming bulk of trip to pickup. Soon weary paddlers had the beach. "This is absolutely groat put gunfire on targets they would the Morton grew smaller. As the the rubber craft nestled next to the for the men," he indicatod."In war- spot later ashore. surf line hove into view, recon Morton and line-handlers on deck time they didn't go in to the After the firing exorcise, Marines rested their aching limbs if hauled the rafts aboard while the beach by submarine or chopper, Morton crewmen split the Marines and two scout-swimmers slipped recon Marines scrambled up a they'd go off of a destroyer, so into small groups for a guided tour into the water, Their job was to ladder, of their seagoing home. For many they're getting a taste of the real swim to the beach and look around thing." Morton, a strange of the moan men this first before signalling the boats into ago, His sentiments wore echoed. environment just hours destroyer ride was spiced with the but some local sea creatures land, by platoon commander Staff seemed like home to the wet and sight of dolphins playftilly splashing had other ideas, weary Marines. Rend, wits in the ship's high bow wave, It was Sergeant Gary Waddle as he "We were holding on the enthusiastic about his outfit's an experience they ate up like consulted a map in his platoon's other side of the surf line," said harbor site. "The whole landing accomplishments during the C-rations after a long forced march. operation, Sergeant Gail Victory, "and I went off like clockwork," he said, As evening descended on the spotted three shadowy things in the "and I think the guys are really "We had no idea as we ship the Marines waterproofed water shortly after we put the enjoying it, I know I learned approached that beach what the themselves and their equipment for scout-swimmers in, I looked again something about destroyer surf would he like or what we the next morning's landing, and I could make out three operations out here and the men might encounter ashore," he said, Thirty-seven men would row four good size sharks circling. Right then are getting some good, hard patrol "That's the way it would be during small rubber boats into the shore I made the decision to stroke ahead experience," the real thing and that's the biggest and then split up to do in-depth and get those two men out of the Walking through the rugged, value of the training." reconnaissance the of area. water." volcanic. terrain was an The Recoil Marines, who will A huge, brilliant "sniper's When the swimmers were ankle-wrenching experience for the let you know their feats can't he moon" cast its gleam on the wifely back in a boat, company recon men as they reached equalled anytime you, ask, had met unusually calm water as the Morton commander Captain Richard observation positions and prepared their match in the USS Morton, held her darkened bulk steady French ordered his men into shore, to call the Morton, lying offshore And the match was perfect.

FIRE FOR EFFECT - With USS Morton visible on the noontime skyline, Sergeant Joe Cook spots a simulated target while Lance Corporal Conrad Rodrigues radios firing data to the ship's two five -inch guns. re missions sent by the Marines, Pic 14. 10wrior, 11,4srati 7, ti `t) 7$ Marine boxers clash at HIC By V. Gorky Ow on to Win tht Ethoon4e medal in the II 900 kNOvalOie$;.. 1141-1kae boxins IthioNd14, on 10* olthea nand, onareNtidi bosom IfitonoOklimoka of flok101t in 10* 1147Z Olpaptio: inn a and ifaipan, kvallriettnag inn 10* way oontroveisjiall 10010 4tS Gok1lent Glows ;smug Itavoan knocked down his Russian 1tommannent 4dood4w and Itttodo oprovient tour times and still aft 10* How411111k4 managed to get a thanes doom, ()mita 0110 klittiontliiin at p..4n, MM. Appittliciwukt NO invaltvri QJf 'last rear'" This 'tea" e"* t a4nn eem4silb; Oaf teach Oft ASO* this yeses wine fklanneT.,, %ova of whom are Golden Gloves conigetition, but Own Okinawa, Price commented, "We hot some istsit Four, in a4.1011Mion to real fine talent anal pOltAltial avid I having tsar otabitandivog boxer of the Whew we COI pat on a good tOkklIVO!, Cite team was marked *owing,' number Olitt foT MO.* on Itht best Sonny Bice, a heavyweight snow of any tarn in the division fighter tor the team, tournament, In all the team won 'Move people watch amateur 111 Nuns; of the 14 they lowthlt boxing than any other watt," If the koucts that wii1111 whoa he says is true, then the HIC itve fighting, the team's trainers art should have a fall home Bice Percy Met and Raymond Russell, fought least year at the AU-Matitst two Marines that Marine Vows Championships and lost out on a boxing fasts should wait Met, in Wry dose decision, ftekb W W., Worn *titomasm 1960 fought Muliammed Ali Ohm LOOKING THEM OVER -Titailiwrs Ivey Pike kid,* and Raymond Riissell Cassius Clay) in a four round bout For snore intonation look over two of their fighters that will be in the tins on Monday mid to &Mt who would fight in the 0mm-truing the exact time of the Tersilay at the HIC, heavyweight division, Price event, contact Wild Services at defeated Ali by deeision and went 37-313S, station runners jog for special olympics The K-ftay Chapket or the Gurmery Sergeant Joseph Interested personnel planning which will be held May 23 and 24, Noneogankitliiined Ottitee% Shields., W04%. Cooninvetot of the to attend the twat awl area Sip avla shootd moue% Pliottig Rue at NwocAtaioo toolk ismt the mu, omannottva, "1 think r crstont otlicvatrit, tIalwm that are vidwattIrtia 2144440 a* to tho (aktion aaaatFl times NCOA R111149 for the who rottivirotodi did a Wall 011tjitttt, in April and the State Games of the events, ji`k,64(1 Satantl*'.. but them, toutd leave been more Many ?ilarines aboard the Air representation Own other units, Station did their part in tuniiiqz the With the people we did have and widespread protect into a gnat with the twiny **vs that nkre StIKXVSS, willt to Os; we were able to raise vounam rannors ',tom 10 over S500, which is over our goal different Units departed *WM the which wss set for K-Itay," Clagriale ill float of Ittigaile/StMioo Headquarters, Nodding 2115, at MORE PLEDGES NEEDED APPro\imatek$, 7 asiffis (04491sti Man Matto, An Station Commander, rain the first kg of the 3 mike It isn't too late for people to 4:014rS44.`, Carryittf the Olynipic torch, send their pledges in, The cutoff h was then passed 36 times date kw vending is March IS, and thereafter to complete the run at donations should be sent to: NCOA 1331 North Nirnits Highway, Run Cur Special Olympics, P,0, hos NCOA HeadqUarters ut Hawaii, SI II, Honolulu, Hawaii basketball WMs win pair Rebounding; from a week of detachment to a sink Owe throw consecutive losses, the Hawaii in the first period, Woman Marines basketball team In their come from behind netted a pair of victories as the final victory over Pearl harbor, the WMs week of competition in the Inter- were tied, 4-4, at the end of the SerVire Association for Women first period but fell behind at the basketball (MAW') league drew half, 10-5. drier' The Wt.'s tried to dose the 'The Woman Marines outlasted pap during the third quarter on Ft Shatter Feb, 25, 19-16, and baskets by Thompson, Joseph and came from behind to beat Pearl Phelps, but still fell short by three Harbor, 19-17, in a dose contest at 11-14. IlWato W 110,1010 /Woo* Feb, 28 at Camp Smith, Joseph scored two baskets BEGINNING RUN -Gametal Joseph Koler (caster), Coatraavidir4 Gaeta, During the Ft. Shatter game during the final period, while of the Fist Maria. Itrigisde, accompaaied by Calomel Dean Macho, Alt the Woman Marines controlled the Thompson and Maldonado each Stade. Clovaraseder passes the Special Olympic torch to a stades* of lead throughout the contest. The dumped in one, to bring the WMs Kabala Eleamestary School March I at the start of the row, Approximately WMs were able to hold the WAC victory. 1300 revasers participated. Mardi T._ 1975 Hawaii Marine, Pahte volleyball produces big upset 111044110k41:14 volley ball entered its wood half of the season at Camp Smith last week with an WWI and a change in the knot standings. The Disbursing Skyhawks de- fated a highly-favored Hate) Street Gang 1644, 15-$ in a match played Feb. 26 while the Spikers II drew a victory over the Arts and 9IPIM1t0 0* SAlt 101~, Serviets .Branch, 154, 17-15, to remain undefeated, SHOT -Geotge Beards* 0118%0 aod Hawaii Marime teammate Al Claw block the shot of Bin Johnson of All Navy volleybell team *arks Gnat action of the Hawaiian Aimed Seniors Athletic Oiarapionships MASAO Disbursing, connecting largely on a weak Hotel at the Mama Mt Pam Dm Gymnasium Feb, 2547, The Marines beat Navy, 15-8 1S-11, for the Iamb* Street Gang defense, led throughout both gam& Bill Hilderbrand Wink over Army, Navy, Air Force Wilkerson and Carl Romero did the spiking Par Disbursing with the aid of Bob Greene and Craig Wopowiea, Hank Tones did the senior setting for Disbursing doling both Marines win title games. Bill Stratton, Eddie kalai and Frank Sales did an outstanding The Hawaii Marine Volleyball The 'second day of 15-10, The Navy victory assured job for team the Hotel Street Gang but eaptuted first plane in the competition, Feb, 26, saw the mrtain tournament victory fee the to no avail. 1975 Hawaiian Armed Services Marines hold on, althoueli Army Marine team, Strong serves by INgli Athletic. Championships MASAO split a pair with the touniantent The final match of the Mikaele, Bobby Tyler\ Gone Luke owes the Army, Navy and Ale leaders, The Marines took the first touniameat saw the Army and and John Peeples brought an easy For at Camp Smith, game, 15-7,. but Army struck back Marines split another pair of *arms, win for the Spikers U in their first The victory was the first time with a second game 15-10 victory, The Army won the first, 15-1Z, and game over Arts and Service Brandi, a Marine team had won the HASAC The woad match-up of the the Marines took the second gante 15.4, title, as the Leathentecks garnered a evening had the Marines pegeed I $-1 2, and the HASAC tournament However Arts and Services 9-3 record to top runner-up Air against the Air Force once again, title, attempted a comeback diming the Force, who moulted a 7-5 mond, This time the Marine volkyballers NINE AL L.MARINES second game, soaring nine points The tournament began Fab, controlled both games, 15 -11, Of the 13 team members on before the hikers U were able to 25 with the Marines Mattilfte the I SA 3, the Hawaii Marine squad, nine were pia access, to the ball, Wesley Air Force in the opening pair The The final day of competition 1974 MI-Maxine Volleyball Walker aced five of his eight serves tournament was played on strictly a saw the Air Force down Army two Champions, Hawaii Marine Coach for Arts and Services early in the games won basis, Air Faroe claimed straight games in the opener, 154, Di& Dodge described the Marines" *vend game, the first victory, 16-14, but the I$ -12, ptay as excellent. "Joe Pagan is ("Vining from behind for the Marinas came back for a S-S win The Marines volleyed against probably the best volleyball setter victory Will Henson aced two of in the woad games the Navy in the second lineup of in the Marine Corps" Dodge said. his last three serves against the Arts Their net opponent for the the. evening and controlled both He listed the team's best hitters as and Services defense, evening was Navy, The pmes 15 .',15 -11, Al Chant, Chuck 'Ember, Geoff/4'c hard-charging Leathemeas easily Navy upset the Air Force in Render, Mack Mona and Misi MAKEUP GAME ,controlled both games 154, 1S-10, the opening pine of the third vet, Main, In a makeup game held last Friday, the Internationals knocked the G-3 Bombers loss and out and fora how to float hoe up and down of a three way tie for the league and the how to control breathing lead. Gordy's sportline basics of the American crawl. The Internationals won the will teach you Advance &OWN first game of the match, 15-13, and POWERUF11NG -The King an ABA current league average of to strengthen your swimming *ill easily controlled the second game, Itamehameha Open Powealifting 180 or better. Women must have an and the bask survival technique, 15-S, Championships will be held avenge of 14S, For Slather For more information, call the Red Hans /kW and Neal Brallank Saturday at 3 pm, in the information and registration, Cross office at 257-2606. did the setting for the Inter- LIIIIICIUMWASI Schools Fieldhouse contact IMSgt, lessee at 257-597 or nationals during the first game, Tickets will be on sale at the door Mike Lynch at 257-3135, CAMP saw while Larry lariosa did the setting or in advance from Larry Viscount FOOTBALL CLINIC - The for the victors in the second game, at $ for adults and $1 for Hawaiians will sponsor a free DISCOUNT TICKETS Monday% games saw the G-3 students, A team will represent the Football Clinic tomorrow Mardi 8, Special Services has recently Bombers take the best two out of Marine Oorps from K-Bay, Call at Cook Field, University of established a contract to finnish a three for the win over the Arts and 257-3167 fix Whet information, Hawaii between 8 am,-noon, wide variety of entertainment Services Branch, 9-15 15-8, 15-5, SOFTBALL - A softball The Clinic is open to parents tickets, and the Spikers II easily dekated clinic will be held at Pollack Field and children of all ages and will Discount tickets for such the G-I Jets, 15-9, 15-4, March 12 at 4:30 pm, for all Stature such Hawaiian Stars as things as sports events, the arts, Richard Chandler paved the interested personnel and coaches, Calvin Hill and Randy Johnson, dinner shows, island tours, cocktail way fix Arts and Services" only BOWLING -- A roll-off will be shows and concerts are available, victory over G-3, Cross Tickets will be on sale from I - held March 17, 18, and 20 to select SWIMMING CLASSES -Red George Allerton, Chris dames for 4:3t0 Monday through Friday members of a Hawaii Marine is offering a series of p.m, Bourque, Mann and Queen control- is (1 S from in Bldg 14, or from 11:45 am, - Bowling Uam, Entry deadline adults and up) Apr. 7 to led the second and third games of is open to doss consists 12 :45 Tuesday, Wednesday March 13 and the roll-off May 29, Beginner of pan, the match for the victorious G-3 possessing and Friday at Pollock Theater, all island-based Marines blaming how to to under water, team. paw I Writms March 711975 By SSgt. Mergarette Chaves the next day at Bellows Air Fame Base. The Johnsons, who had Nowadays when someone /031 already wired home for money to loses money they almost $1.31 but not were extremely immediately return to Oregon, chalk it up as a rip-off; The paper, instrumental in DuChene. "It was he who returned happy to get their funds back. gone forever. locating Johnson, was a commissary the purse." That's exactly what Lance and exchange authorization form Although the form identified In return for their good deed, Corporal J. R. Johnson and his for Mrs. Johnson signed by Captain Johnson as a Marine reservist from the DuChenes received a tour of wife, Donna, did Feb. 15 when she Mery Sebens, Personnel Officer. Portland, Ore., it didn't indicate his K-Bay Feb. 28 and lunch on the lost her purse in Waikiki. "We called Capt. Sebens whereabouts. After much effort Marine Corps. They were escorted For the Johnsons, however, about 5:30 p.m.," explained Mr. Sebens finally found the Johnsons by the Sebens resigning themselves to doing without that money was hard indeed. It was their last 96 dollars. The Fates must have realized the Johnsons' situation because despite the couple's seemingly bad heck, those ladies of destiny graced the Johnsons twice that day. First in the form of Mr. and Mrs. & A. DuChene of Newport Beach, Calif., who found the purse.

"We were walking . past the bias stop near the zoo Saturday about 3::30 in the afternoon and there it was laying on one of those square electrical units that look like a bench," commented Mrs, DuChene, "'Someone least her purse,' I said to my husband, I really felt terrible for whoever hist it . , At that moment fate again took a turn fox the better "We opened the purse and found a paper that had some corporal's name on Photo by S. Ken Johnson it. Having been a corporal once, GOOD GUYS - Captain Mery Sebens, MCAS Personnel Officer, and his wife, Nita, give Mr. and Mrs. B. A. DuChene myself, I knew the money was (mkt) a grand tour of the air station, including a panoramic view from Kansas Tower. The DuChenes found and sorely missed," explained Mr. returned 96 dollars beacon** to Lance Corporal J. R. Johnson, a Marine Reservist from Portland, Ore., and the tour DuChene, was a note of thanks.

remained senior enlisted men but was to be utilized as "first or rankly speaking drew only $23 per month, or $2 leading noncommissioned officer in less than the first sergeant and the organization to which By GySst, Dale Dye sergeant of the guards at sea." drum major. attached." They were not common ranks What followed was a 'hazy By the beginning of World First, let me say that the first (in fact there were only 33 men period of NCO command War II, first sergeants shared the time you find yourself standing originally appointed to She two relationships and pay inequities second pay grade with gunnery first in line in front of the first titles) but they did have some that kept everybody stumbling over servants, technical sergeants, drum sergeant's desk, you'll be the first monetary benefits. The 33 Marines their beakers of ale. Finally, in majors and supply sergeants. one to realize why he's called first who first received the ranks in 1833 1899, following the war with Spain, among sergeants. In 1943 the Corps advanced drew $16 per month. a law was enacted which partly the first sergeant to the first That crusty old composite of Just a year later, a billet untangled the mess. Legislators set stern features, stripes, ribbons and arrangement at Headquarters pay grade along with the sergeant forth enlisted grades and the major, even though the latter took diamonds will probably tell you Marine Corps in Washington set th umber of men who could occupy he's got more salt in his socks than precedence over all other NCOs in stage for usage of first sergeants m. At this point , first sergeants the you've got in your seabag and specialists in administration. top pay grade. The first laced in the second pay grade sergeants newfound you'd better shape up or he'll ship orderly sergeants were emplo prestige was with the first gunnery short-lived, however, and in 1946 you out, First sergeants have been 1834 by the Colonel Corn created just a year earlier. doing that for a long time. Since all first sergeants found themselves the Adjutant and Inspe master shortly after the war of 1812, in Quartermaster. beginning of World sergeants under the Corps' most-recent rank fact. While the ac rgeants were firmly shake-up. During that early combat orderly and first set d operating as the Congress enacted the Career period the Corps, had exactly 115 referred to them by in many commands. Compensation Act in 1949 which men serving as sergeants, some by far the most con ar, however, first turned the pay grade numbering working with line units and others for senior NCOs found themselves on system upside down, placing the wrestling with garrison life. When sergeant. Over the y of the promotion private in the lowest level at E-1 the war ended and the Navy took Marines who found and-the master sergeants at the top over the primary job of national deal with three syl is major and level at E-7. In 1954 two additional defense and showing the flag fast-paced barracks- sergeants were the rank titles were established in the around the navigable world, most sessions began to refe ranks, but both Corps and the sergeant major and ships with Marines aboard had no NCO at their station 1 technical ability and first sergeant were resurrected. officer and the 1Leathernecks were "first sergeant." sergeants watched with Then, in 1958, the Career commanded by a sergeant. By July 1872 the to of frustration as junior Compensation Act was amended Under that system you had orderly sergeant was almost sergeants were jumped over them and two new pay grades were added sergeants tieing pirates and unheard throughout the Corps and for promotion to the most senior to the top of the enlisted structure. privateers at sea drawing the same Headquarters decided to link reality NCO ranks. The first sergeants found salary as sergeants dealing with with the official record by dropping In 1926 the problem was themselves upped a pay grade to laundry hang-ups at the Washington the title in favor of first sergeant. solved when the Commandant E-8, but still second in the overall Marine Barracks. Since there was no First sergeants remained in indicated all sergeants major would picture to the sergeant major and special "combat pay" to reward the the second pay grade until 1893, be selected only from the list of master gunnery sergeant. tlueeetriper getting shot at, when they received a three dollar eligible first sergeants and gunnery Finally, let me say while the Congress in 1833 finally realized monthly raise in salary. This threw sergeants. In the same year first sergeant is officially not first, it the situation was unfair and created some smelly substance into the headquarters spelled out for the would not be wise for you to the intermediate rank of "orderly rank/rate game, since the sergeant first time in official black and white consider him second in your sergeants of the post" and "first major and quartermaster sergeant the duties of the first sergeant. He command. Not even for a second. local locomotion

COMPUTEJt SCIENCE COURSES and bee, Al dome "OM be held to tire Red ENLISTED CHUB Roosevelt Graverrity of Clacaja, 111 is (ions Winos. Ear waft information, please oat TODAY - Listen to a variety of sounds by offering a oeciaprehmtrive aeries of courses Red Cross 751-2606. K AY the Velvetemes front 6 p.m, irate midnight about emayating and latermatioa systems. This O'CUO SATURDAY - Mixed Emotion will series is offered throe* Control Data teatime present the latest in rock and soul Malik from of Hawaii, and cements of lecterralaboratety aerses mewled TODAY Regular Happy Hour veil p.m. until midnight. (hisses taught by and featuring reakinve - everts Registered maws who era voloutels free WEDNESDAY - ceamtry- lime prevail from 4 to 6:30 p.m. STEAK-OUT on access to CYBURNET computers, cortoders, special assignmetits are urgently needed. Heise with 110 Country Crown 7 to 11 p.m, the tower Lanai from 6:30 to 9 p.m. World, assemblers and application programs. leave name and gloat numbs by calling the Inc. wit entertain frem 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 Additional information, ierchntivig course Red Cross Office at 231-2606 he ietersiew. Lek titles, dates, locations and pekes may be SATURDAY - Candlelight Dining -out Family Semites obtained from Mt, Y.E. Kim, Director, litteeii new menu - Prime Rib, Newberg, Program at 8334333, Labatt CHANGE IN LOCATION Chens Special with all trimmings, from MR lettere the 6 to Registration for all classes will now be p.m. Please make reservations. 9 held the Vanity Services Center, Bldg, 433. "hand Catisao by Dote wit be Hawaii SUNDAY new Ate Carte Breakfast at PTA mews - Ost The times for maims* MC es fellows; Mope Geographic Society's kentred Mach film will be served from 9:30 a.m. to I p.m, King Oom lecture, Mt. Mattis Little*, as authority on the Monday from 9 awl, to 2 p.m.., Venda/ The Parent Teacher Association of SICAS etab & beef from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Main 8:30 and Wednesday and canyon and the Colorado Riker, traces the Dining Room. make resetvations. 3:30 to p.m KNIVOGht will hold a general meeting Tiresday, Mean Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. dirsciorvery, exploration, and settbenveat of this MONDAY -Hot sandwiches are available in the school cafeteria, Relitellmeelats and SMALL SIGN UPS awesome area, climaxing in a rot* coaster too in the Taps Lounge from l 1 a.m. to I p.m, The MSS baby-sitting vial be provided, Little League resist/Mien begins Saturday of the teibutear rivet *rite wooden dories like Dining Room is closed. The Committee on Discipline has been those mud by the fatefal Powell Expedition of TUESDAY - Mongolian Barbeque ftom 6 from 9 a,m, to 3 pat, and Sunday from I to 5 compiling inforinatioe on the situation in the p.m. at Coleman held, Little League Shack, 1869. to 9 p.m. with the Rebid Brothers' Hawaiian school and has prepared moommendatioos to All shows are at 7;30 pat, Malt eatertaiumeat. No 'estimations required, SNOOP AND POOP present to the PTA. The Nominating house at the Fatuity admission is LIU and $1 for children wader WEDNESDAY -At New - highs'h style Them will be an open Committee MR present its date of nominees tor Services Center March 2S from 9:30 a,ni In 18, fish & chips or flied chicken night with salads officers for the next year, The election will be For additional information and rinthet won. Refreshments will also be available, held and bread board nom 6 to 9 p.m. Please make in May, details, telephone the Geographic Society at reservations. We arc planning a school-wide Alai Shaw ritS-6144. THURSDAY - New - Spaghetti night April 8 and 9, An exam* of each art four different types of sweet to choose from, decades work will be as display. Parents, teachers, and children are planning an eliciting including Garlic Bread and salads. Please make During the upcoming smogs and months. two days, Still wives mews reservations. a tun range of twermiesifvotational conesa level courses will begin aboard the Air Station under The Staff Wives' Annual Friendship Orgies College, Information and registration SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT are available at the Joint Education Center or voesp-mp Coffee wit be held Mardi 13 at 9;30 a.st.,* FOR MARCH: by caning 257-2061 or 257-3572, the Staff NCCI Club Balhoons. Brandy's of Navy and Marine hops personnel in limelight will give a fashion show and all IVA KINIMAKE SHOW Saturday ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Hawaii contributed $619,342 to the 1975 service wives of E6 and above are invited. Mardi Combined Federal Campaign, according to the THE FABULOUS PLATTERS 14 Principles and Procedures and All This months social will be Mau March Reservations and tickets available at the Criminal Investigation begirt March 24 and meat Navy. The agave represents an increase of 20, at 6 p.m. at Ft DeRussy. Reservations are "0" Club, Mondays and Wednesdays until !one 4. AJ5 $23,533 aver 1974, doe by Match 17 mid the cost is $9 pet parson, Polloe/Cornmunity Relations and AJ11 Records A total of $1,192,161 was collected tram A tout will be arranged Met this month K4AY and Report Writing begins March 25, and meet federal employees, both mats* and civilian, STAFF NCO CLUB Tuesdayand Thursdays until May a% to watch the film* of the Diamond Head with sailors and Marines contributing more than Game at the Kudima Hotel on the North Shove, AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY SO per cent of the total. Sevenly4Ive per cent TODAY -The great may Young Show The date and time wit be available soon, For of, Hawaii's 42,266 Sailors and Marines each Anther Wifotwation, contact the social and the Yowl; Musicians all perform from 9 The next Automotive Technology course year, begins April 24, meeting on Mondays and gam an average of $19,51 during the coschaitenas at 2541783. para. to I a.m. Candecbcd annually by 73 federal SATURDAY - Rarablin' Country will be Wednesdays until July 7. Advanced courses begin May 6. with sessions held Tuesdays and agencies in Hawaii, the CIA"' raises hinds for S8 The K-Bey Staff Wives Usti is ordering on hand front 8 p.m. to I a.m. plus the bra Thursdays until Duly 10. The classes featuve separate agencies. Among them are SO local three ireholumbiga of %SOO each to the 1974-73 Kimikeekit Show at Lo p.m. Reserved scat fully equipped cianroomphop area which orgentaations Makatea with The Aloha limited tickets for sale at the Staff Club Office now. ethers the student maximum "hands an" Melt sehool gradattiagelms. Apptiemris may be expenence. Way, emu National Health Agencies and Cour a member of any WO school in Hawaii but TUESDAY -Them will be a Mongolian International Service Agawam Bar -b.que on the lanai with music by Buddy AVIATION REVIEW must be a dependant of a Staff NCO stationed aboard KMCAS, Application deadline is Apr. Yarnell from 6 to 10 p.m. 700 Airframes begins March 20, meeting WEDNESDAY -A special show will be Tuesdays and Thursdays until May 16. Red toss mews XL mewed featuring the Platters hem 8 p.m. to Staff Wires CM members will participate midnight. Debts will be on sale at the door on CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY The Red Clow will be having a elms in the is the Easter Seals Sit--Thoo at the Waikiki Wed, only! lIesbudng at 6 p.m The Construction Technology class begins near (triune called "Tice Groovy Groomer " for Shell Apr, 11 and 12 and sponsors are needed. A Childree's Easter Party is planned for Aprit 1, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays until the teen who would like to /earn the art of Sponsors can be either individuals or units. For all Staff NCO Club members and dependents 12 June 26 with the Advanced course (Exteriors) makeup, walking, talking, styling her hair and (Writer information on Staff Wives news, beginning April 14, ending July 7, and meeting how to apply for a job, This is a glamour class contact Mrs. G. Knopf at 234.3027. years and under. The party is planned for on Mondays and Wednesdays. Again, student March 30 at 2 p.m. Parents may pick up tickets practical skills are enhanced by use of actual jpa at the Staff Club Office. (Limited number) application. DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY ENLISTED CLUB Both the introduction and Advanced classes begin March 25, meeting Tuesday and TODAY -The Sky Train will perform Thursday evenings until June 5. movie memo from 8 p.m. to midnight, SATURDAY - Entertainment will be SPEECH AND HEALTH BOONDOCKER Fri Sat Soo Moo Tau Wed Their 8 6 p.m. provided by the Loving Soul from p.m. to Both of these courses are requirements In 8 17 18 11 12 13 16 midnight, the °Amnon College Associate Degree program. 7 p.m. (Thursday) MONDAY - The Hi Country will be on Speech begins May 3, and meets nine Saturdays FAMILY THEATER hand from 7 to I I p.m. until July 26. Health meets for nine Fridays beginning March 7, and ending May 2. 7:15 p.m, TUESDAY - The Cecil Urban Show 14 IS 8 11 12 13 entertains from 6 to 10 p.m. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT CAMP SMITH THURSDAY - Tonight is soul night Now the good news for all those 7 p.m. 4 9 10 5 6 7 8 featuring Bro. S wi gs D.J. show fr o m 7 to I i electronic nuts around the area, Caviler% College MARINE p.m. is starting an Electronics course on May S. to meet on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays BARRACKS. during the noon hour! Lab time for practical CAMP SMITH application of skills learned in the classroom .7 p.m. I 2 3 4 S 6 7 SNCO CLUB will be held Thursday evenings. This course will 1. HOMEBODIES TODAY - It's "Shipwreck party" time end Jufy 16, Judging from the volume of - Ian Wolfe, Frances Fuller, PG, horror comedy-drama for membership night; plus, a special show with requests for information regarding Electronics, 2. SLITHER - James Cain, Sally Kellerman, PG, suspense this should be one of the most popular courses Iva Kinimaka beginning at 9 p.m. Membership offered by Davila'''. Registration for this class 3, THE DEADLY TRAP -Faye Dunaway, PG, suspense night is by reservations only, $3, The Majesties will begin April 14, so mark your calendar. 4. BIG BAD MAMA - Angie Dickinson, Tom Skerritt, R, crime will also present the latest in the entertainment This is the most comprehensive schedule of Oases offered to date in the S. HOW TO SEDUCE A WOMAN Angus Duncan, R, comedy field itom 10 p.m. until I am, Also, you can - technical/Vocational fields by Gavlian College. 6. BLACK GUNN Jim Brown, Martin Landau, R, drama cook your own steak beginning at 6:30 p,m. All courses are for college credit lo be applied - SUNDAY - Dinner served from S to 8 toward the requirements for an Associate 7. *MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS - Lauren Beall, PG, mystery pan, Degree. A certificate program Is also available. 8, DR. JEKYLL This Is an excellent opportunity to start AND SISTER HYDE - Ralph Bates, PG, horror THURSDAY - Go-Go Girls will be or continue bettering your professional and 9. NEPTUNE FACTOR - Ben Genera, Yvette Mimieux, G, science-fiction featured from 8 :30 to 10:30 p.m. Dinner academic standing for application In either the 10. NIGHT WATCH Elizabeth Taylor, served from 6 to 9 p.m. military or civilian environment. - PG, mystery 11. LADY LIBERTY - Sophia Loren, William Devone, PG, drama 12. LAW AND DISORDER - Carroll O'Connor, Ernest Borgnine, R, crime POD says . dramas 13. SISTERS Margot Kidder, Jennifer Salt, R, murder mystery police in quarters, an offense has to - Do the military require abuse 14. SQUARES - Andrew Prime, Gilmer McCormick, PG, drama an arrest warrant to extract a be consummated in fact, and there IS. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL - Chuck Berry, PG, musical from his own quarters on a suspect must be probable cause for the MPs 16. *THE TRIAL OF - Tom Laughlin, PG, action drama government reservation? No, they 17. HIRELING Sarah Miles, Robert quarters. - Shaw, PG, drama don't. However, it is required that to remove a subject from 18. LADY ICE - Donald Sutherland, Jennifer O'Neill, PG, action drama the MPs receive a complaint and The UCMJ does not cover arrest *Extra long running time. that the complaint be legitimate. warrant: simply probable cause. The children's matinee at the Family Theatre will be SAD SACK. For example, in the case of spouse (PC Sec. 709-906) or peonoty wing 1**All4d 4111114ineO %WV

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