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The Official Newsletter of Col THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF COL. CHARLES DEMORSES’ 29TH TEXAS CAVALRY CAMP The standard “ Long Shall our Banner Brave The breeze - The standard of the free “ VOL.4……………………………………………….……………Issue NO. 2 Charles demorse editor & Proprietor Grand Saline, Texas Saturday, February 10, 2018 Saturday March 10, 2018 7:00 pm 29th Texas Cavalry SCV Camp # 2269 Page 1 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF COL. CHARLES DEMORSES’ 29TH TEXAS CAVALRY CAMP Col. Charles DeMorse’s Col. Charles DeMorse’s th 29 Texas Cavalry 29th Texas Cavalry Sons of Confederate Veterans Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp # 2269 Camp # 2269 EVERYONE WELCOME Commander Bobby W. Smith Adjutant Russell Volk Commander Bobby W. Smith 1st Lt Johnny M. Moore Chaplin Robert C. Huff Fellow Compatriot’s, On the 8th day of April 1864, So many nd Meeting every 2 Saturday 7:00 pm lives were lost at the Battle of Mansfield, Van Community Center, Louisiana, and as most battles of the era, many 310 Chestnut Street Van, Texas. of the soldiers were buried on the battlefield Newsletter Published Monthly sites. So, many have unmarked graves. In this Newsletter, we will cover much of the history about the battle in depth. The Battle of Opinions expressed by individual writers are their Mansfield, kept the Union Forces during the own and do not necessarily reflect official positions Red River Campaign from invading Texas. The of the Col. Charles DeMorse’s Confederate Battle Victories’ in Louisiana th 29 Texas Cavalry Camp # 2269. detoured the enemy in Louisiana, and keep the war out of Texas for the time. In which, was the Letters and articles may be submitted to: goal of the Confederate Government. [email protected] st Mean while in Arkansas, just one day after ( Cut off for articles is 1 of the month.) th the Battle of Mansfield, the 29 Texas was Editor- Compiler engaged at the Battle of Prairie D”Ane on the th Bobby W. Smith 9 April 1864, and onto the Battle of Poison th Spring on the 18 of April 1864, for another Confederate Victory. Happy Reading! See you all, at the next Camp Meeting! Deo Vindice UÉuuç jA fÅ|à{ Copyright © Bobby Wayne Smith Sr. , All Rights Reserved, 2017-2018 Page 2 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF COL. CHARLES DEMORSES’ 29TH TEXAS CAVALRY CAMP The Battle of Mansfield Louisiana THE RED RIVER Campaign of 1864 Situation: After the fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson in July 1863, the Mississippi River was controlled by the Union. President Lincoln and his staff decided that the next objectives in the Trans-Mississippi area should be the capture of Texas and the Confederate Trans-Mississippi Headquarters at Shreveport, Louisiana. The Red River was selected as the best approach to Texas. A combined Army-Navy advance was planned with an army of 35,000 Troops led by General N. P. Banks and naval support under the Command of Flag Officer D. D. Porter. The Union Command believed that a successful Red River Campaign would accomplish the following goals: . Confiscation of cotton for mills in New England . Destruction of Confederate supply plants . Prevent a French-Mexican army from joining forces with the Confederates . Prevent supplies from Texas reaching Confederate Troops . Provide protection for Union loyalists in Texas and facilitate Texas rejoining the Union The Union Army and Navy had progressed with little opposition on their route along the Red River to Alexandria and Natchitoches. In early April 1864, the army veered away from Red River at Natchitoches and proceeded toward Shreveport via Mansfield. This move left the army without naval support. Copyright © Bobby Wayne Smith Sr. All Rights Reserved, 2017-2018 Page 3 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF COL. CHARLES DEMORSES’ 29TH TEXAS CAVALRY CAMP The Battle of Mansfield, Louisiana Battles in Campaign: Commanders: Union: Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks Fort De Russy, LA - March 14, 1864 B Confederate: Maj. Gen. Richard Taylor Mansfield, LA - April 8, 1864 A Pleasant Hill, LA - April 9, 1864 B 1 Principal Forces: Blair's Landing, LA - April 12-13, 1864 C 1 Union: Banks’ Red River Expeditionary Monett's Ferry, LA - April 23, 1864 D Force Mansura, LA - May 16, 1864 C1 Confederate: District of West Louisiana Yellow Bayou, LA - May 18, 1864 C1 (two divisions) Description: Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks' Red River Expedition had advanced about 150 miles up Red River. Maj. Gen. Richard Taylor, without any 1 instructions from his Commander, Gen. E. National Park Service Summary. Kirby Smith, decided that it was time to try 2 Please click on the image to enlarge it. You may and stem this Union drive. He established a copy the images if you include the following note defensive position just below Mansfield, and link with each image: "Courtesy of “: near Sabine Cross-Roads, an important communications center. th On 8 April 1864 Banks’ men approached, 3 Classification: driving Confederate Cavalry before them. For the rest of the morning, the Federals A - having a decisive influence on a campaign and a direct impact on the course probed the Confederate Lines. of the war In late afternoon, Gen. Taylor, though outnumbered, decided to attack. His men B - having a direct and decisive influence made a determined assault on both flanks, on their campaign rolling up one and then another of Banks’ C - having observable influence on the Divisions. outcome of a campaign Finally, about three miles from the original D - having a limited influence on the contact, a third Union Division met Gen. outcome of their campaign or operation but Taylor’s attack at 6:00 pm and halted it achieving or affecting important local after more than an hour's fighting. objectives That night, Gen. Taylor unsuccessfully 4 Casualties are someone killed, injured, wounded, attempted to turn Gen. Banks’ right flank. captured or missing. Banks withdrew but met Taylor again on the 9th at Pleasant Hill. Mansfield was the decisive battle of the Red River Campaign, influencing Banks to retreat back toward Alexandria. Copyright © Bobby Wayne Smith Sr. , All Rights Reserved, 2017-2018 Page 4 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF COL. CHARLES DEMORSES’ 29TH TEXAS CAVALRY CAMP From New Orleans Banks traveled up the Mississippi and on the 27th May 1863 he began to attack Port Hudson, Louisiana. This was the first time that African American Troops participated in a Civil War Battle. The 1st and 3rd Louisiana Native Guard fought under the Banks’ Command suffering numerous casualties. After an unsuccessful first attempt the Union Troops attacked again on the 14th June 1863. This too ended unsuccessfully; however, Banks was determined to break through because of the need to join Gen. Ulysses S. Grant’s Siege on Vicksburg, Mississippi. The initial attacks had now progressed into a siege with strong artillery bombardment. On the 9th July 1863 the Confederate Forces surrendered having run out of supplies and receiving word that Vicksburg had also surrendered. During the Red River Campaign of 1864 Banks was ordered to capture Mobile, Alabama. However, Banks never made it to Mobile, following a loss at the Battle of Mansfield, in De Soto Parish, Louisiana Banks and his men were forced to retreat. Arriving in Alexandria, Louisiana Banks’ army attempted to continue their retreat on Dixon Porter’s Union: Major General fleet. With water levels low in the channel the men Nathaniel Prentice Banks were forced to build dams under heavy fire. In two days the dams were completed raising the water DATE OF BIRTH - DEATH level high enough to continue the retreat. With the January 30, 1816 – September 1, 1894 Confederates holding the Red River until after General Robert E. Lee ’s surrender in 1865, the Red Nathaniel Prentice Banks, a lifelong politician River Campaign was considered a failure. and former governor of Massachusetts, was Following the Red River Campaign, Banks was appointed as one of the first Major Generals of the removed from command and sent back to volunteers by President Lincoln. Washington, DC on leave for the remainder of the During the 1862 Peninsula Campaign the two war. Divisions under the Command of Banks were assigned the task of preventing Confederate Commander, Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, Major General: Nathaniel Prentice Banks from reinforcing the defenses of Richmond, Virginia. Banks and his men were unsuccessful; on Birth 30 Jan 1816 Waltham, 25th May 1862 Banks lost the Battle of First Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA Winchester in Winchester, Virginia to “Stonewall” Death 1 Sep 1894 Waltham, Jackson and the Jackson Brigade. On 9th August, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA Banks met Jackson and his men for a second time in Burial Grove Hill Cemetery Waltham, the Shenandoah Valley at the Battle of Cedar Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA Creek; an indecisive winner to this battle led both GPS Latitude: 42.3763, Longitude: -71.22207 sides to claim Victory, with no real outcome. Find A Grave Memorial ID 18558 In December 1862 Banks traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana to Command the Department of the Gulf. Copyright © Bobby Wayne Smith Sr. , All Rights Reserved, 2017-2018 Page 5 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF COL. CHARLES DEMORSES’ 29TH TEXAS CAVALRY CAMP Promoted to Major General, Taylor was sent to Command the District of West Louisiana. Northern activities had left that region crippled; Taylor’s job was to organize forces to defend the state. Union goals at the time included establishing control of Louisiana in order to maintain a presence in Texas. Shreveport was their target. After an unsuccessful attempt to recapture New Orleans, Taylor embarrassed US General Nathaniel Banks during the 1864 Red River Campaign. Banks suffered defeat at Mansfield (April 8) and Pleasant Hill (April 9) forcing Banks to abandon his plans to take Shreveport.
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