Department of Marketing & Admission Surya University (SU) Lt. 1, Gedung SURE Center (Surya Research & Education Center) Jl. Scientia Boulevard Blok U/7 | Gading Serpong, | * P. (021)-71026562 - 63 | F. (021) - 71024811 | E. [email protected] surya university * akan dibangun follow us on: surya univ @suryauniversity 297C4F7F [email protected] Advancing Science & Technology, Fostering Innovation Academic Year 2013/2014 1 TABLE OF CONTENT daftar isi Education for A Changing World 02 Pendidikan untuk Zaman Yang Berubah Vision and Mission 04 Visi dan Misi Message from the Founder 06 Kata Sambutan dari Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. The Journey 08 Perjalanan Surya University About Summarecon Gading Serpong 10 Tentang Summarecon Gading Serpong Why Choose Surya University? 12 Mengapa Memilih Surya University? Visionary Founder 14 Pendiri yang Visioner Professional and Dedicated Faculty Members 16 Dosen-Dosen yang Profesional dan Berdedikasi Tinggi Superb Campus Facilities and Environment 20 Fasilitas dan Lingkungan Kampus yang Bermutu Tinggi Revolutionary Programs 22 Program Studi yang Revolusioner Cutting-Edge Research Centers 58 Pusat Penelitian yang Mutakhir Digital Learning, Paperless Campus 59 Digital Learning, Kampus Paperless Scholarship and Student Loan Program 61 Beasiswa dan Program Pinjaman Pendidikan Entry Requirement 62 Persyaratan Masuk Future Campus 64 Kampus Masa Depan 2 Introduction Pendahuluan 3

EDUCATION FOR A CHANGING WORLD The founding of Surya University marks the beginning of an innovative higher education in where pendidikan untuk science, technology and entrepreneurship intersect. zaman yang berubah Founded to nurture the nation’s future scientists and technopreneurs, we empower our students to successfully compete in the vibrant knowledge-based “SURYA UNIVERSITY WAS economy of today and tomorrow. As the new era dawns for Indonesia, Surya University answers the call to be DESIGNED WITH THE the beacon of excellence in cutting-edge knowledge and pioneering innovation. NEW DNA TO PROVIDE SURE (SURYA RESEARCH&EDUCATION CENTER) Be part of a modern and exciting hi-tech education and A DIFFERENT MODEL OF research enterprise in Indonesia. Berdirinya Surya University menandai paradigma baru dunia pendidikan tinggi Indonesia dimana ilmu pengetahuan, UNIVERSITY EDUCATION teknologi dan kewirausahaan melebur menjadi satu. Inovasi ini diharapkan akan melahirkan ilmuwan-ilmuwan IN INDONESIA” dan teknopreneur-teknopreneur masa depan yang mampu bersaing di era ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan yang semakin kompetitif. Mengemban visi untuk kejayaan “Surya University didesain dengan Indonesia di bidang sains dan teknologi, Surya University DNA baru untuk memberikan bertekad menjadi pusat keunggulan dalam memajukan ilmu model pendidikan tinggi yang pengetahuan mutakhir dan inovasi terdepan. berbeda di Indonesia” Bergabunglah dengan kami dan jadilah bagian dari universitas berbasis riset yang canggih, modern dan berwawasan global. 4 Vision & Mission Visi & Misi 5



Menjadi universitas riset terkemuka di dunia, kebanggaan bangsa menuju Indonesia Jaya.

- To provide a global research-based tertiary education GLOBAL: To become a prominent NATIONAL: To play a critical role in close - To be a leader in science and technology as well as cutting-edge global university in pursuit of the partnership with the government and research in the international level latest science and technology industry in making Indonesia the center - To be dedicated in addressing the mutual interests of local, national advancement in related areas. of excellence for science and technology and international society advancement. - To develop a good, clean and transparent management in the university

- Menyelenggarakan pendidikan tinggi berbasis riset kelas dunia GLOBAL: Menjadi universitas terkemuka NASIONAL: Memainkan peran kunci dalam - Menjadi pemimpin di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta penelitian terobosan di di dunia dalam mengembangkan ilmu kemitraan dengan pemerintah, dunia usaha level internasional pengetahuan dan teknologi mutakhir dan industri untuk menjadikan Indonesia pusat - Melaksanakan pengabdian untuk kepentingan masyarakat lokal, nasional dan internasional pada bidang-bidang terkait. keunggulan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. - Mengembangkan sistem tata kelola universitas yang baik, bersih dan transparan 6 Message From The Founder Kata Sambutan 7

Consequently, if Indonesia is not prepared for this MESSAGE FROM radical wind of change brought about by rapid technological advancement, the country is poised Karena itu, jika Indonesia tidak mempersiapkan diri sejak to lose out in the hypercompetitive competition and dini menghadapi berbagai perubahan yang radikal akibat kemajuan teknologi ini, maka bangsa ini niscaya akan THE FOUNDER be sidestepped in the next wave of technological terpuruk dilindas oleh arus kemajuan teknologi yang revolution. dahsyat ini. kata sambutan dari As the young generation, we bear the responsibility Sebagai anak bangsa, kita semua harus bangkit, kita harus to rise up to the challenge and participate in building ikut berpartisipasi membangun bangsa Indonesia menuju Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. Indonesia Jaya. the nation toward Great Indonesia.

Surya University didirikan sebagai ungkapan kepedulian Surya University was born first and foremost from kami terhadap perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan our concern and care toward the development of teknologi di tanah air. Segala upaya kami kerahkan untuk science and technology in the country. We dedicate membuat Indonesia berada di garis terdepan perkembangan teknologi. Kami mengajak para peneliti (Ph.D.) muda every effort and resources to put Indonesia back in Indonesia lulusan berbagai universitas terbaik di dunia ini, the frontier of technological advancement. We invite yang sekarang sedang meneliti di luar negeri untuk pulang the country’s young Ph.Ds who graduated from all kampung membangun Indonesia lewat Surya University. the world’s best universities and are currently doing Saat ini telah ada 90 Ph.D yang berkomitmen untuk research overseas to come home and take part in bergabung, dan kami berharap tak lama lagi 1.000 Ph.D building Indonesia through Surya University. muda dapat bergabung untuk bersama-sama memikirkan langkah dan strategi serta melakukan langkah konkrit untuk Currently, 90 Ph.D have dedicated themselves to the mencapai Indonesia Jaya yang kita impikan. cause and joined us, and we hope other 1,000 young Ph.Ds could soon join us to think about the winning Technology has been rapidly advancing in many strategies and take concrete actions to achieve fronts, especially in the field of Information Glorious Indonesia we all dream of. Technology (IT), Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, and Perkembangan teknologi dalam berbagai bidang khususnya Neuroscience. In the not-so-distant future we are Teknologi Informasi (IT), Biotechnology, Nanotechnology likely to see flying cars, flying humans, grapefruits dan Neuroscience makin lama makin pesat. Tak lama lagi blooming in arid soil, cures for almost any disease, kita akan melihat mobil terbang, orang terbang, anggur tumbuh di daerah tandus, lenyapnya berbagai penyakit, humanoids living among us, a 75-year-old grandma robot mirip manusia ada di mana-mana membantu who looks like she is just 25, longer life span, people pekerjaan kita, nenek berusia 75 tahun bisa tetap tampil able to communicate in foreign language they never awet muda layaknya gadis usia 25 tahun, orang bisa hidup LET US JOIN TOGETHER TO BUILD GREAT INDONESIA, AND learnt before, bountiful food and energy, smart sampai ratusan tahun, orang dapat berkomunikasi dalam MAY GOD ALMIGHTY HELP US IN OUR ENDEAVORS. LONG bahasa asing yang ia sendiri tak pernah pelajari sebelumnya, houses designed to provide all kinds of comfort and LIVE GREAT INDONESIA!!! makanan dan energi yang berlimpah, rumah pintar yang convenience for its inhabitants, young couples having membuat penghuninya sangat nyaman, pasangan muda MARI BERGABUNG DENGAN KAMI UNTUK BERSAMA MEMBANGUN their honeymoon on the moon and beyond, and other berbulan madu di bulan atau planet lain bukan di bumi amazing things we’ve never imagined before. lagi, dan hal-hal mengagumkan lain yang tak pernah kita INDONESIA JAYA. SEMOGA TUHAN YANG MAHA KUASA MEMBERKATI bayangkan sebelumnya. KITA SEMUA. HIDUP INDONESIA JAYA!!! 8 The Journey Perjalanan Surya University 9 THE JOURNEY Surya Institute began to focus its attention to underdeveloped regions like Papua. 2008 perjalanan surya university Surya Institute mulai memperhatikan daerah-daerah tertinggal seperti Papua.

2009 Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. pioneered the TOFI (Tim Olimpiade Fisika Indonesia) project to send Surya Research & Education Center (SURE) was founded as a center for research in education and technology. brilliant Indonesian students to compete in International Physics Olympiads. Their victory had put PT. SURE Indonesia was also established with a mission to develop and distribute products from SURE for the 1993 the country in the global map of prestigious science competitions. greater community and to support the non-profit programs of Surya Institute/STIKIP Surya.

Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. mempelopori Tim Olimpiade Fisika Indonesia (TOFI) untuk Surya Research & Education Center (SURE) didirikan sebagai pusat penelitian bidang pendidikan dan teknologi. Di tahun ini juga mengirimkan siswa-siswi Indonesia yang cerdas dan berbakat berkompetisi di Olimpiade Fisika berdiri PT SURE Indonesia yang bertujuan mengembangkan produk-produk dari SURE untuk dapat dinikmati masyarakat luas dan Internasional. Kejayaan Indonesia di percaturan global kompetisi fisika bergengsi pun dimulai. mendukung kegiatan non-profitSurya Institute/STKIP Surya.

An Indonesian student for the first time ever won a gold medal in the 31st International Physics 1999 Olympiads XXXI in Italy. 2010

Siswa Indonesia untuk pertama kalinya meraih medali emas dalam Olimpiade Fisika Internasional XXXI di Italia. Surya Research & Education Center (SURE) and STKIP Surya were founded as a premier center of training and research in the fields of physics and mathematics. STKIP Surya later served as the embryo of a new university. 2000 Surya Research & Education Center (SURE) dan STKIP Surya didirikan sebagai pusat pendidikan dan pelatihan Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. founded the Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) and unggulan di bidang fisika dan matematika. STKIP Surya began training physics and mathematics teachers in major cities, provincial kemudian menjadi embrio dari sebuah universitas baru. districts, and remote villages in the sprawling archipelago.

Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. mendirikan Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) dan mulai banyak melakukan pelatihan fisika dan matematika bagi guru-guru di berbagai kota besar, ibukota kabupaten, hingga desa-desa di seluruh pelosok Nusantara dari Sabang hingga Merauke. 2012 Indonesia became the champion of Asia by winning six gold medals 2003 Surya University was officially founded to become the pride of the nation. Indonesia juara Asia dalam APhO dengan merebut 6 medali emas Surya University resmi didirikan dan siap untuk menjadi kebanggaan negara Republik Indonesia.

Indonesia became the world champion in IPhO by winning 4 gold and 1 silver medals. This was also 2015 2006 the year when Surya Institute was founded to facilitate the training of physics and mathematics Surya University is expected to occupy a new, teachers from more than 250 districs across Indonesia. ultra-modern and sleek campus in the suburb of Sentul, Bogor. Indonesia juara dunia dalam IPhO dengan merebut 4 emas dan 1 perak. Di tahun ini juga Surya Institute didirikan untuk mewadahi pelatihan-pelatihan guru fisika dan matematika di lebih dari Surya University direncanakan menempati kampus baru 250 kabupaten di seluruh Indonesia. yang ultra-modern dan canggih di Kabupaten Bogor. 10 About Summarecon Gading Serpong Tentang Summarecon Gading Serpong 11 ABOUT SUMMARECON GADING SERPONG tentang summarecon gading serpong

Serpong, Tangerang as the center of residential area development by several top developers in recent years has shown a remarkable change. This can be seen in the aggressive housing and commercial development in a fantastic number of units, especially with the addition of several trade centers or malls, a golf course, a hospital, and educational facilities.

With the slogan “BETTER LIVING BETTER FUTURE”, Summarecon Serpong is committed to continuously improve and complete the facilities within Summarecon Serpong so as to create an ideal residential and commercial area for a better life in the future.

Serpong, Tangerang sebagai pusat dari pengembangan kawasan perumahan oleh berbagai pengembang (developer) berskala besar pada beberapa tahun belakangan ini telah mengalami perubahan yang sangat pesat. Hal ini terlihat dari tingkat pembangunan unit rumah serta bangunan komersial dalam jumlah yang fantastis, terlebih lagi dilengkapi dengan pembangunan sejumlah trade center ataupun mal sebagai pusat perbelanjaan, golf course, rumah sakit, dan berbagai sarana pendidikan.

Dengan slogan “BETTER LIVING BETTER FUTURE”, Summarecon Serpong bertekad untuk berkesinambungan membenahi dan melengkapi fasilitas yang ada di kawasan Summarecon Serpong sehingga tercipta kawasan untuk tinggal dan berbisnis yang ideal guna mencapai kehidupan yang lebih baik ke depan. 12 Why Choose Surya University ? Mengapa Memilih Surya University ? 13

With a modern campus in Gading Serpong, Tangerang, experience studying in a lush and green environment and dynamic cosmopolitan community perfect for academic stimulation and relaxation. We offers unique and futuristic programs tailored for the new era of competitive knowledge-based economy where you can take advantage of the trimester system and 16 credits of Master’s level electives near the end of your study, making you a highly sought-after graduate with great added-values.

Gearing for a world class research university, Surya University keeps on developing many sophisticated centers of excellence such as Virtual Reality Applications Center, Center of Robotics and Intelligent Machines, Brain Research Center, International Institute for Clean Energy and WHY Climate Change and Video Game Research Center. Immerse yourself in the new age of digital learning using the latest Tablet Computer, a great CHOOSE multimedia and interactive tool in collaborative learning, note-taking, and reading e-books. Each student will be given their own Tablet Computer preloaded with educational apps and multimedia contents such as video lecturers which they can access through the Learning Hub application.

SURYA For you high achievers, there is always a Scholarship program you can apply or Student Loan university facility that can give flexibility in tuition fee payment. Berkampus di Gading Serpong, Tangerang dengan lingkungan sekitar yang hijau dan komunitas dinamis yang sangat ideal untuk studi dan relaksasi, Surya University menawarkan berbagai program baru yang unik dan futuristik yang didesain untuk abad baru ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan yang kompetitif dengan Mengapa memilih Surya University? sistem trimester plus. Adanya tambahan 16 SKS mata pelajaran level Master pada setiap bidang studi menjadikan kamu lulusan dengan nilai tambah yang tinggi.

A new university with a grand vision, Surya University is a huge breakthrough in the world Dengan visi menjadi world class research university, Surya University terus mengembangkan berbagai pusat of higher . Founded by Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D., a brainchild of riset unggulan mutakhir antara lain Virtual Reality Applications Center, Center of Robotics and Intelligent TOFI who managed to put Indonesia on the global map of recognition in many prestigious Machines, Brain Research Center, International Institute for Clean Energy & Climate Change, and Video Game science competitions, Surya University is supported by more than 90 top lecturers with Research Center. Ph.D degree from prominent universities around the world, winners of science olympiads, as well as widely-recognized and highly experienced industry practitioners of various fields Selain itu, Surya University juga menerapkan sistim pembelajaran modern dengan Tablet Computer yang interaktif dan alat multimedia yang sangat berguna dalam belajar secara kolaboratif, membuat catatan, of expertise. dan membaca e-books. Setiap siswa akan dilengkapi dengan Tablet Computer yang diisi dengan aplikasi- aplikasi yang edukatif dan konten-konten multimedia seperti video-video kuliah yang dapat diakses Universitas baru dengan visi jauh ke depan, Surya University adalah terobosan besar dalam dunia pendidikan melalui aplikasi Learning Hub. tinggi di Indonesia. Didirikan oleh Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D., tokoh utama penggagas TOFI yang berhasil menjadikan Indonesia juara dunia di berbagai olimpiade sains bergengsi, Surya University didukung lebih dari Raih berbagai macam program Beasiswa untuk anda yang memiliki prestasi akademik terbaik atau 90 dosen top peraih gelar Ph.D. dari berbagai universitas bergengsi di dunia, para pemenang olimpiade sains dapatkan fasilitas Student Loan yang akan memberikan fleksibilitas dalam pembayaran biaya kuliah. internasional, serta para praktisi yang disegani dan memiliki pengalaman luas di bidangnya masing-masing. 14 Visioner Founder Pendiri Yang Visioner 15 VISIONER FOUNDER After graduating from the , he went on to pursue a master’s and doctorate in pendiri yang visioner physics at the College of William and Mary in the United States, where he received the highest honors possible for both.

Having completed his tertiary education, Prof.

Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. began working as a consultant Setelah menamatkan kuliah S-1 di Universitas Indonesia, in theoretical physics at the US Nuclear Physics Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. melanjutkan pendidikan master dan Center in Virginia before he returned home to teach doktornya di College of William and Mary di Amerika Serikat, nuclear physics. dimana ia lulus dengan predikat tertinggi.

Setelah lulus, ia sempat bekerja sebagai konsultan di bidang He was the brainchild of the TOFI project which trains Fisika Teori di Pusat Fisika Nuklir Amerika di Virginia sebelum talented Indonesian students to participate in the pulang ke tanah air untuk mengajar fisika nuklir. prestigious APhO/IPhO (Asian/International Physics Olympiads). As of today, Indonesian students had Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. adalah tokoh utama penggagas TOFI (Tim Olimpiade Fisika Indonesia) yang mengirimkan won more than 100 gold medals in various physics siswa-siswi terbaik Indonesia berkompetisi di ajang APhO/ and science competitions around the world. Prof. IPhO (Asia/International Physics Olympiad) yang bergengsi. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. also developed the “GASING” Sejauh ini sudah lebih dari 100 medali emas disabet oleh method to learn physics and mathematics which anak-anak Indonesia dalam berbagai olimpiade fisika/ sains Internasional. Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. juga make these two seemingly intimidating subjects mengembangkan Matematika dan Fisika GASING (Gampang, easily comprehensible. Asyik dan Menyenangkan) yang membuat kedua pelajaran ini menjadi sangat mudah. VISION FOR THE GLORY OF Many of them are now enrolled at prominent US institutions such as Princeton University, Banyak dari antara mereka kemudian mendapat beasiswa Visi untuk Kejayaan Bangsa dan Negara untuk melanjutkan studi di berbagai universitas terbaik di THE NATION Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), dunia seperti Princeton University, Massachusetts Institute of Stanford University, and California Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, dan California Institute of A dedicated teacher, a brilliant physicist and a strong Technology (CalTech). Technology (CalTech). believer in Indonesia’s people, Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. always holds the belief that education is the key to the Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. is convinced that Indonesia will win a nation’s advancements. Nobel Prize, once they begin conducting research under the tutelage

of Nobel Prize winners. Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. yakin sepenuhnya bahwa Seorang pendidik yang berdedikasi tinggi, fisikawan yang cerdas dan orang Indonesia akan mampu meraih hadiah Nobel, sosok yang selalu yakin pada potensi manusia Indonesia di bidang sains jika mahasiswa mulai melakukan penelitian di bawah dan teknologi, Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D. percaya bahwa pendidikan bimbingan para pemenang hadiah Nobel. adalah kunci untuk memajukan bangsa dan negara. 16 Professional and Dedicated Faculty Members Dosen-Dosen yang Profesional dan Berdedikasi Tinggi 17 PROFESSIONAL AND DEDICATED FACULTY MEMBERS dosen-dosen yang profesional dan berdedikasi tinggi

Surya University is currently supported by 90 full-time THE NUMBER OF Ph.D. IS EXPECTED TO KEEP INCREASING faculty members who hold PhD degrees from prestigious IN THE COMING YEARS, BY 300 AT THE END OF 2013 AND overseas universities, winners of international science 1,000 AT THE END OF 2015. THIS WILL CERTAINLY BOOST olympiads in physics, chemistry, and biology; renowned SURYA UNIVERSITY’S STANDING AND PRESTIGE IN TERM industry practitioners in agribusiness, economics, renewable energy, biotechnology, neuroscience, and ICT who command OF RESEARCH QUALITY BOTH IN THE NATIONAL AND authority and possess vast experience in their respective INTERNATIONAL LEVEL. fields of expertise. JUMLAH Ph.D. DIHARAPKAN AKAN TERUS MENINGKAT DI TAHUN-TAHUN MENDATANG, MENCAPAI 300 DI AKHIR 2013 DAN 1.000 DI AKHIR 2015. INI TENTU SAJA AKAN MELAMBUNGKAN PAMOR DAN REPUTASI SURYA UNIVERSITY Surya University saat ini didukung oleh sekitar 90 dosen top peraih TERUTAMA DALAM MELAKUKAN RISET-RISET TEROBOSAN DI LEVEL NASIONAL gelar Ph.D. dari berbagai universitas bergengsi di dunia, para DAN INTERNASIONAL. pemenang olimpiade sains internasional di bidang fisika, kimia, dan biologi, serta para praktisi di bidang agribisnis, ekonomi, energi terbarukan, bioteknologi, neurosains dan ICT (Information and Communication Technology yang disegani dan memiliki pengalaman luas di bidangnya masing-masing. 18 Professional and Dedicated Faculty Members Dosen-Dosen yang Profesional dan Berdedikasi Tinggi 19

Dr. Darmawan Prasodjo, Dr. Caesar Harahap, Prof Dr. Mustofa Usman, Dr. Teddy Mantoro, Dr. Zainul Abidin, Dr. Elisabeth Rukmini, Indranu Suhendro (peneliti Dr. Srilanawati, Dr. Nancy Susianna, consciousness), Dr. Agus Purwanto, Dr. Benyamin Lukas, Hokky Situngkir (peneliti Dr. Pudji Untoro, Dr. Johanes Siregar, SOME OF OUR PROMINENT FACULTY MEMBERS INCLUDE: complexities), Dr. Mauritsius Tuga, Dr. Sigit PS, Dr. Jong Anly, Dr. A Unggul Prianto, Dr. Ari Legowo, BEBERAPA STAF AKADEMIS TOP DI SURYA UNIVERSITY ANTARA LAIN: Dr. Lies Dwiarti, Dr. Endang Nina Sugiarti., Dr. Irawan Satriotomo, Dr. Niki Prastomo, Dr. Agung Hertanto, Dr. Ade Wijaya, PROF. YOHANES SURYA, Ph.D. Dr. Jutri Taruna, Dr. Bambang Widyantoro, Dr. Bayu Indrawan, Dr. Alexander Silalahi, Dr. Henry Njoo Liang Tik, Dr. Arief Budiman, DR. ONNO PURBO Dr. Rudi Irawan, Dr. Shobi Lawalata, Munasprianto Ramli M.Sc., Dr. Togu Manurung, Dr. Elfi Wardaningsih, Roy Adimulyo M.Sc., Dr. Martin Tjahjono, Dr. Leonard Rusli, Surya Wijaya M.Sc., DR. HENDRA KWEE (Ketua TOFI) Dr. Jon Respati, Dr. Anton Purnomo, Suhandri M.Sc., Dr. Agung Alfiansyah, Dr. Wanty Wijaya, Patmah Fatoni M.Sc., DR. EDDY YUSUF Dr. Luluk Sumiarso, Dr. Juita, Djukarna M.Sc., Dr. Lindawati, Dr. Tjipta Purwita, Yunianto Purnomo M.Sc., (Pendiri TOFI) Dr. Rifki Muhida, Dr. Chris Salim, Mariana Rajawane M.Sc., DR. JOKO SAPUTRO Dr. Michael Elias, Dr. Jerald Leung, Budi Chang M.Sc., Dr. Wikky F Almaki, Dr. Rossi Setiadji, Jaha Nababan M.Sc., DR. RIZA MUHIDA Dr. Afzeri, Dr. Ali Godjali, Nenden Shanty M.Sc., Dr. Jelita Asian, Dr. Topik Hidayat, Srisetiowati Seiful MBA. DR. GEMALA HATTA Dr. Handri Santoso, DR. JURIANTO JOE RESEARCH ASSOCIATE /ADJUNCT LECTURER/ADJUNCT PROFESSOR DR. HERRY KWEE (President WoPhO) PROF. HANS Dr. Darwin Saleh, Dr. Rukmantara, Dr. Tutun Nugraha, Dr. Aulia Parluhutan Aruan, DR. ARBI DIMYATI JORDEN Dr. Taufik, Dr. FX Nursalim Hadi , (President IPhO) Dr. Jerry Prawiroharjo, Dr. Andria Agusta, Dr. Hery Susanto, Dr. Muslinang Moestopo, DR. ALBERT KUHON Dr. Neni Shinta, Dr. Meida Mantoro, PROF. MING Dr. Oki Gunawan, Dr. Sadikin, Dr. Ary P Keim, Dr. Adison Wongkar, DR. YALUN ARIFIN JUEY LIN Prof. Dr. Adler Manurung, Dr. Yoga Dvipayana, (President APhO) Prof. Dr. Roy Sembel, Dr. Teguh Triono, DR. TARUNA IKRAR Ismail Rahman, Dr. Imam Hidayat, Dr. Wirawan Purwanto, Ellen Yuriaan MBA. Dr. Bedjo Santoso, 20 Superb Campus Facilities and Environment Fasilitas dan Lingkungan Kampus yang Bermutu Tinggi 21 SUPERB CAMPUS FACILITIES AND The campus comes fully equipped with ENVIRONMENT sophisticated facilites to support teaching and research, such as: fasilitas dan lingkungan kampus Kampus baru Surya University sendiri dilengkapi dengan berbagai sarana pendidikan dan penelitian yang bermutu tinggi yang canggih dan modern, seperti:

Surya University’s present campus will be built in the landmark Summarecon, Tangerang. The surrounding green environment and vibrant community provide a perfect backdrop to academic life and intellectual stimulation. The township offers unrivaled modern facilities and convenience for students to excel in their study and enjoy life at the same time.

Kampus Surya University akan dibangun di landmark Summarecon, Tangerang. Lingkungan sekitar yang LABORATORY LIBRARY hijau dan komunitas yang dinamis sangat ideal untuk studi dan relaksasi. Berbagai fasilitas modern - Hydraulic Lab lengkap tersedia sehingga menambah kenyamanan dan mendukung kegiatan akademis siswa untuk HOSPITAL belajar dan bertumbuh secara akademis dan non-akademis. - Technology Lab - Electric Lab SPORT CENTER - Control System Lab RESEARCH & - Ergonomic Lab By 2015, a futuristic new campus with modern and sophisticated LEARNING CENTER facilities is expected to be built in the suburb of Kabupaten Bogor and will serve as Surya University’s new home.

Tahun 2015, Surya University direncanakan akan menempati kampus baru yang futuristik dengan berbagai fasilitas yang modern dan canggih di Kabupaten Bogor. 22 Revolutionary Programs Program Studi yang Revolusioner 23 REVOLUTIONARY PROGRAMS program studi yang revolusioner

We are unconventional in every sense of the word. While most universities work to a semester system TRIMESTER SYSTEM AND (offering two study terms of around six months), Surya University works to a trimester system, offering Kami bukan universitas konvensional seperti yang MASTER’S LEVEL ELECTIVES three study terms of 4 months. Three trimester are the Anda kenal. Jika kebanyakan menerapkan sistem dua semester (2 x 6 bulan), Surya University menawarkan equivalent of two traditional semesters. sistem tiga trimester (3x4 bulan) yang lebih unggul. Sistem Trimester dan Peminatan Setara S2 Dengan sistim ini, beban kuliah akan semakin ringan Trimesters allow students to concentrate on fewer namun padat. Surya University offers many unique and futuristic programs subjects at one time (three to four versus six or designed to meet the demands of competitive knowledge-based seven) thus enabling them to learn in a more in-depth Sistem ini memungkinkan Anda berkonsentrasi hanya pada beberapa mata kuliah saja per semester (sekitar manner. It provides the best opportunity for students economy of today and tomorrow. We expand student’s knowledge 3-5 versus 6-7 di sistem semester biasa) sehingga Anda and empower them to become agents of change in the global to be more focused in their learning and thus enhance dapat belajar lebih dalam dan fokus. Kesempatan their chance for success. untuk sukses juga semakin besar. society who can find practical solutions to the most challenging, fundamental problems facing the world.

Surya University menawarkan berbagai program baru yang unik dan futuristik yang didesain untuk abad baru ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan yang kompetitif. Siswa akan dibekali dengan pengetahuan teoritis dan praktis yang mendalam dan didorong untuk menjadi agen perubahan di masyarakat global yang mampu mengatasi masalah- masalah pelik yang dihadapi dunia dengan mengaplikasikan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta menemukan solusi-solusi praktis. 24 Revolutionary Programs Program Studi yang Revolusioner 25

faculty of faculty of clean green economy energy and Teachers also have fewer subjects to teach, allowing Dosen juga memiliki lebih banyak waktu untuk persiapan and digital climate change them better preparation that results in a better sehingga dapat mengajar dengan lebih baik dan berinteraksi lebih intensif dengan mahasiswanya dalam kelas-kelas yang communication (cecc) learning environment. Students will receive individual lebih kecil. Dengan perhatian lebih, mahasiswa akan dibimbing (gedc) PHYSICS - ENERGY ENGINEERING attention and master the subject matter faster and untuk menguasai setiap mata kuliah dengan lebih baik. perform well on the course. Surya University mengkombinasikan berbagai metode belajar BIOCHEM - ENERGY ENGINEERING Surya University gives you lots of different ways to terbaik, mulai dari kuliah, seminar, tutorial, studio, praktek lab, diskusi dan kerja kelompok, tugas penelitian, presentasi di learn. Units are taught using a range of methods ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING depan kelas, studi kasus, dan magang industri. including lectures, seminars, tutorials, studio and laboratory sessions, group discussions and projects, Di akhir periode, anda juga dapat memilih berbagai peminatan individual research projects, class presentations, case dan mata kuliah selevel Master (S2) yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah yang sangat tinggi ketika kelak melanjutkan ke program methods and industry-based projects. pascasarjana atau terjun ke dunia kerja. AGRIBUSINESS With graduate (Master’s) level electives subjects and various concentrations at the end of the program, TECHNOPRENEURSHIP you will gain a huge competitive edge when pursuing graduate study or entering the workplace. GREEN ECONOMY


YOUR DEGREE WILL WORTH MORE THAN YOU BARGAINED FOR. GREAT, ISN’T IT? Lulus dari sini, gelar anda akan sangat dihargai dan kompetensi anda akan faculty of life sangat dicari. Hebat bukan? sciences (ls)



NUTRITION AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY 26 Faculty of Green Economy & Digital Communication Agribusiness 27

AGRIBUSINESS faculty of green economy Agribusiness Entrepreneursip, Agribusiness Trading, Agribusiness and digital communication Management, Agribusiness Finance (gedc) Most of Indonesia’s noveau riches make their money in the agribusiness sector, especially the palm oil plantation/estate. No wonder, nowadays this commodity is dubbed “green gold” because it can generate amazing wealth in a relatively short time (around FOSTERING ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT five years). Indonesia today is the world’s largest producer of palm Mengasah Jiwa Kewirausahaan oil with annual production of 20 million tonnes. Opportunity in this booming agricultural sector is almost limitless. Now is your chance! The business and entrepreneurship program at Surya University equip students with real-world, hands-on, and valuable experiences Jika anda perhatikan, kebanyakan OKB (Orang Kaya Baru) yang muncul belakangan that complement the rigorous instruction received in the classroom. adalah pemain-pemain di sektor agribisnis, terutama perkebunan kelapa sawit. Tak mengherankan, sekarang komoditas ini dijuluki “Emas Hijau” karena bisa The entrepreneurial spirit is ingrained in the curriculum and provide jadi ladang uang yang menggiurkan dalam waktu yang relatif singkat (sekitar a platform from which they can leverage their knowledge and skills lima tahun). Indonesia sekarang telah menjadi produsen minyak sawit nomor to launch new ventures or innovate existing ones. satu di dunia dengan total produksi 20 juta ton per tahun. Kesempatan di sektor yang sedang booming ini hampir tak terbatas. Sekaranglah saatnya anda masuk! Komoditi lain yang juga menjanjikan seperti kopi, teh, coklat, bunga-bunga serta Program Business and Entrepreneurship di Surya University tidak hanya berfokus produk turunannya. pada kegiatan perkuliahan di dalam kelas, tapi juga memperlengkapi siswa dengan pengetahuan praktis dan pengalaman yang langsung dapat diterapkan di dunia nyata.

Jiwa kewirausahaan terintegrasi penuh ke dalam kurikulum sehingga memberikan dasar bagi siswa untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keahlian mereka dalam mengenali dan menciptakan peluang-peluang usaha baru serta berbagai inovasi bisnis. 28 Faculty of Green Economy & Digital Communication Agribusiness 29

Agribusiness program at Surya University aims to produce global-minded business players Jurusan Agribusiness di Surya University bertujuan mencetak pemain-pemain bisnis di sektor pertanian in the agriculture sector who can compete in the increasingly interlinked global economy. atau perkebunan yang mampu bersaing secara global di perekonomian dunia yang semakin terhubung. Permintaan yang tinggi akan komoditas-komoditas pertanian/perkebunan serta ancaman kekurangan Higher demand for agriculture products combined with the rising spectre of food shortage in pangan yang semakin serius di masa depan menjadikan jurusan ini sangat menjanjikan dan diminati. the future make this program very alluring and promising. Jurusan ini akan mengajarkan anda berbagai aspek bisnis (keuangan dan manajemen) dari keseluruhan This program will train you on the business aspect (finance and management) of the food industri pangan dan komoditas pertanian/perkebunan bernilai komersial tinggi seperti kelapa sawit, industry and cash crop agricultural commodities such as palm oil, rubber, sugar and its karet, tebu dan produk-produk turunannya seperti biofuel (etanol), dan lain-lain. derivatives like biofuel (ethanol), etc. Lulusan jurusan Agribusiness diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan SDM yang sangat besar di sektor ini seperti dalam bidang agricultural finance (loan officer, financial planner, lending analyst), agribusiness You can expect to work in the fast-growing field as agricultural finance officer (loan, management (corporate management, commodity trading, grain elevator management), farm management, financial planning and lending analysis), agribusiness manager (corporate management, food industry marketing and management (food manufacturing sales, retail management, production management, brand management), dan sales dan marketing (professional sales representative, marketing commodity trading, grain elevator management), farm manager, food industry marketer manager). Bagi anda yang tertarik dengan karir jangka panjang atau ingin jadi entrepreneur di bidang and manager (food manufacturing sales, retail management, production management, pangan, inilah jurusan yang paling tepat buat anda! brand management), sales and marketing professional (sales representative and marketing manager), or be your own boss by becoming an agribusiness entrepreneur!

We offer several minors in Agricultural Finance, Agribusiness Management, Farm Management, Food Industry Marketing and Management, Qualitative Agricultural Economics, and Sales & Marketing. CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM Introduction To Agribusiness Farm Management Laboratory Managerial Accounting Agricultural History And Law Economics (Macro And Micro) Agricultural Policy Statistics Food Marketing Farming Technologies Horticultural Science Production Management Commodities And Futures Trading Farm Management Business/Environmental Law Agricultural Marketing Management Information Systems International Trade Business Communication Agriculture Finance e-Bussiness/ e-Commerce 30 Faculty of Green Economy & Digital Communication Technopreneurship 31

The Technopreneurship program is intended for students interested in pursuing a technology- based business in the fast-growing fields like ICT (Information and Communication Technology). TECHNOPRENEURSHIP They are trained to build a technology-based venture, revolutionize business through technology, purchase and develope a technology franchise, use technology for the benefit of technopreneurship the mass (social entrepreneur), and spread the entrepreneurship “fever”. Computer and Information Technology Technopreneurship, Smart Franchise You will gain valuable skills to create an extensive business plan, develop a sound business Technopreneurship, Smart Real Estate Technopreneurship, Life Sciences Technopreneurship, Energy Technopreneurship model, and transform the business landscape with revolutionary products and services. Join the business plan competition and obtain real-world experience by being a consultant for small and Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Zynga are tech giants who medium enterprises. flourished thanks to the leadership of visionary and revolutionary Jurusan Technopreneurship bertujuan menciptakan para entrepreneur di bidang teknologi tinggi yang technopreneurs. In this era where information and communication berkembang dengan pesat seperti ICT (Information and Communication Technology). Anda akan diajari technology reign supreme, those who invent connectivity will sit on cara membangun perusahaan teknologi yang sukses, menggunakan teknologi untuk merevolusi bisnis, membeli dan mengembangkan franchise technology, menjadi social entrepreneur yang mampu mengubah top of the world. Business nowadays are increasingly dependent on hidup orang banyak, dan menyebarkan “virus-virus” kewirausahaan. technological innovation. Thus, an entrepreneur must also possess Dapatkan keahlian yang berharga dalam membuat business plan, mengembangkan business model, high level understanding of how technology work or go out of dan mengguncang peta persaingan bisnis lewat produk-produk dan jasa-jasa berbasis teknologi tinggi business. The question is, “Are you ready to become the next Steve yang revolusioner. Sebelum lulus, anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk ikut serta dalam business plan Jobs or Bill Gates?” competition dan menjadi konsultan perusahaan kecil dan menengah.

Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook dan Zynga adalah perusahaan-perusahaan raksasa teknologi yang sukses berkat kepemimpinan para technopreneur yang CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM canggih dan visioner. Di era teknologi komunikasi dan informasi, mereka yang Foundations Of Technopreneurship Discovering the Entrepreneur Within menciptakan konektifitas akan menguasai dunia. Tak pelak, di tengah dunia usaha Living the Technopreneurial Experience Entrepreneurial and Family yang semakin bergantung pada ICT ( Information and Communication Technology), Business Management seorang entrepreneur mau tak mau harus menguasai teknologi atau tersingkir. New Ventures And Business Plan Entrepreneurial Marketing Pertanyaannya, siapkah Anda menjadi Steve Jobs atau Bill Gates berikutnya? Technopreneurial Finance Exploring The Entrepreneurial Managing A Growing Business Journey (Honors) Family Business Corporate Entrepreneurship Social Enterprise Management Emerging Enterprise Law Emerging Enterprise Consulting Investor Relations And Funding Dilemmas and Debates New Product Design And Development Strategic and Entrepreneurial Future Technology Trends Management e-Commerce/e-Business Entrepreneurship Field Experience 32 Faculty of Green Economy & Digital Communication Technopreneurship 33

financial analysis Risk Management, Forex Trading, Stocks and Shares Trading CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM Of all the 400 richest people in the planet, more than 50% of Foundations of Enterpreneurship them are stock brokers or traders. People like Warren Buffett Investor Relations and Funding and George Soros makes billions from the capital market, earning themselves tremendous power to sway the movement Enterpreneurial Marketing Risk and Insurance of stock exchange around the world. What’s their secret? Exploring The Entrepreneurial Working Capital Management Journey (Honors) Bank Management Corporate Entrepreneurship Dari 400 orang terkaya di dunia, lebih dari 50%-nya adalah pemain saham. Investments Orang-orang seperti Warren Buffett dan George Soros menjadi triliuner Entrepreneurship and Digital Commerce Accounting dari pasar saham dan sangat berpengaruh sampai setiap tindakan mereka Emerging Enterprise Law Introduction to Econophysics dapat mengguncang pergerakan nilai saham di seluruh bursa efek di dunia. Emerging Enterprise Consulting Apa rahasia mereka? Physics of Finance (statistical physics) Entrepreneurship Field Experience (through SU Abroad) Econometric Methods for Research Financial Management Mathematical Methods of Finance Step into the dynamic world of financial wizardry through the emerging field of financial engineering, also known as Econophysics where you can apply statistical mechanics or Financial Institutions and Markets Time Series probability theory used in physics to analyze and predict economic and financial data, such as Corporate Finance C++ Programming with Applications in Finance stock market prices. Futures and Options Financial Statement Analysis and Beside becoming high-flying stock broker, you can also run financial companies (bank and Portfolio Analysis Security Valuation securities), or high-risk insurance companies. See the bigger picture and seize opportunity International Finance Portfolio Selection and Management by analyzing interest rates, stocks and commodities fluctuations, options, etc. This major is Investment Banking equivalent to Master’s degree, meaning you are highly employable in the job market. Discrete Time Modelling and Real Estate Finance Derivative Securities Stochastic Calculus and Black-Scholes Masuki dunia Financial Engineering, atau Econophysics dimana anda dapat menerapkan metode-metode Theory statistik mekanik dan teori probabilitas yang umum dikenal di fisika untuk menganalisa dan memprediksi data-data ekonomi dan keuangan, contohnya harga saham di pasar modal. Modelling of Bonds, Term Structure, and Interest Rate Derivatives Selain menjadi pemain saham sukses, anda juga dapat mengelola lembaga keuangan (perusahaan sekuritas dan bank) atau perusahaan beresiko tinggi (asuransi). Di jurusan ini, anda dilatih menghitung berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan keuangan (bunga bank, naik turunnya saham/komoditas, opsi, dll). Level studinya setara dengan Master (S2), artinya anda akan langsung siap terjun ke dunia kerja. 34 Faculty of Green Economy & Digital Communication Green Economy 35

You will be equipped to work in the exciting field of business (e.g. investment banker, market GREEN ECONOMY researcher, business consultant) or in the government (economic policy maker). You can also continue to take the Master’s degree in law, business, public policy or Green Economy.

Accounting, Finance & Banking, Management, Global Trading, Global Economy Green Economy adalah cara mengolah sumber daya alam yang terbatas untuk menghasilkan benda atau jasa dengan memperhatikan aspek-aspek lingkungan seperti waste management, land management, clean transportation, green building, dsb. Lately, we often heard the adage “Green Business is Good Dalam ekonomi tipe ini, manusia akan mengambil keuntungan dari alam bukan dengan mengeksploitasinya Business”. Toyota Prius, Tesla Motors, and The Body Shop are just habis-habisan, melainkan dengan menjaga dan melestarikannya. Efisiensi sumber daya yang radikal, some examples of products which are highly successful because pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang ramah lingkungan, teknologi yang bersih, dan konsumsi yang berkesinambungan they portray an environmentally friendly image. It goes without akan menjadi tulang punggung dari ekonomi berbasis lingkungan ini. doubt that in future economy, sustainability issue will greatly Anda akan dipersiapkan untuk bekerja di bidang bisnis (seperti investment banker, market researcher, konsultan influence how business is run. bisnis) maupun di pemerintahan (pembuat berbagai kebijakan ekonomi) atau melanjutkan Master di bidang hukum, bisnis, kebijakan publik ataupun bidang Green Economy.

Semboyan “Green Business is Good Business” sering kita dengar belakangan ini. Toyota Prius, Tesla Motors, dan The Body Shop adalah beberapa contoh produk yang sukses dengan mengusung imej ramah lingkungan. Tak diragukan lagi, ekonomi di masa depan akan semakin bertumpu pada Green Economy, dimana manusia dan lingkungan akan hidup berdampingan dengan harmonis. CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM Principles of Microeconomics Health Green Economics Principles of Macroeconomics Law and Green Economics IT For Green Economics Economy of Asia (China, India, Korea, Jepang and Indonesia) Money and Banking Introduction to Statistical Analysis Business and Government Game Theory International Trade Economics of Taxation International Finance The Theory of Financial Markets Urban Green Economics Corporate Finance Investment Management Behavioral Finance Green Economy is about how we manage limited natural resources without disregarding Labor Green Economics the environmental impact through better waste management, land management, clean Economics of the European transportation, green building, etc. Public Green Economics Union and USA Industrial Organization Macroeconomic Policy In this kind of economy, human profits from nature not by exploiting it mindlessly, but Accounting Environmental (Green) Economics nurturing and protecting it. Bringing about a green economy is about radical resource efficiency, green jobs, clean technologies, and enabling frameworks for more sustainable consumption. Poverty And Discrimination 36 Faculty of Green Economy & Digital Communication Digital Communication 37

interaktif, iklan-iklan perusahaan, presenter TV, journalis, fotografer, eksekutif perusahaan-perusahaan dotcom. Atau sebagai entrepreneur, dengan mendirikan startup company dari mulai pengembangan media DIGITAL COMMUNICATION hingga servis konsultan.

3D Movie and beyond, Digital TV & Radio, Video Games, Digital Media

Technological advancement in the digital realm has radically changed the way we communicate. Now information is abundant CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM and easily accessible. With the push for digital TV by 2016 and the The Film Experience History of Media and Technology emergence of internet (smart) TV, there will be a huge demand Introduction to Media Studies From Gamer to Player: Theory and Practice of Player Research for capable human resources who understand how the digital Introduction to Videogame Theory Game Design communication works. Media Systems and Texts The World Made Digital Media and Methods: Performing Perkembangan teknologi terutama teknologi digital telah secara radikal mengubah Media Industries and Systems cara orang berkomunikasi. Kini informasi sangat banyak dan mudah diakses, apalagi Media and Methods: Seeing and Expression Creating Videogames dengan digitalisasi TV di tahun 2016 dan semakin populernya internet (smart) TV akan dibutuhkan banyak sekali sumber daya manusia yang mengerti komunikasi digital. Media and Methods: Sound Writing for Videogames Studies in Film Writing for Social Media Media in Cultural Context Identity and the Internet As the first and only digital communication major in Indonesia, Surya University plays a Introduction to Videogame Studies Games for Social Change key role in producing capable human resources who can utilize the latest technologies and Transmedia Storytelling: Modern Social and Cultural Facets of gadgets to produce quality digital contents. Science Fiction Digital Games Topics in National and Post-National Imagination, Computation, and Graduates of digital communication can work as game designers, producers or executives in Cinema Expression Studio top game studios around the world, producers or directors of documentary films at Discovery Silent Film Advanced Identity Representation Channel/National Geographic and 3D blockbusters such as Avatar and Transformer, designers Phantasmal Media: Theory and Practice of interactive websites and digital advertisement, TV presenters, journalists, photographers, Systems Visualization dotcom company executives, or entrepreneurs by creating their own start-up in content and The Social Documentary: Analysis Behind the Headlines: Current media development. and Production Debates in Media Innovation in Documentary: Worldbuilding Itulah sebabnya jurusan Digital Communication yang merupakan satu-satunya di Technologies and Techniques Indonesia ini sangat memegang peranan penting dalam menciptakan SDM yang Introduction to Gadgets and mampu memanfaatkan teknologi terdepan dan gadget-gadget terbaru dalam Intro to Civic Media Latest Communication System memproduksi konten-konten digital. Networked Social Movements: Communication Technologies Media and Mobilization and Social Change Lulusan dari jurusan komunikasi digital dapat bekerja menjadi Game Designer, producer atau eksekutif di studio-studio pembuat game ternama, producer atau Civic Media Collaborative Design Communication Technology – sutradara film-film dokumenter seperti Discovery Channel/National Geographic, film- Studio Philosophy and Ethics film yang berorientasi 3D seperti Avatar dan Transformer, pembuat website-website 38 Faculty of Clean Energy & Climate Change Physics - Energy Engineering 39


Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydro Energy faculty of clean energy Development of renewable energy especially in solar, wind, and climate change (cecc) geothermal and hydropower has seen a rapid growth in recent years. Strategically located in the equator and volcanic belt (ring of fire), Indonesia by all means hold tremendous competitive advantage in SAFEGUARDING THE FUTURE this sector. OF THE PLANET Pengembangan renewable energi yang bersih dan terbarukan (renewable energy) khususnya dalam bidang energi matahari (solar), energi angin (wind), energi panas Menjaga Keselamatan Masa Depan Planet bumi (geothermal) dan energi air (hydropower) berkembang sangat pesat di Indonesia. Apalagi mengingat potensi Indonesia yang sangat besar di bidang ini berkat letak geografisnya yang berada di garis khatulistiwa dan jalur gunung berapi (ring of fire). The country that harnesses the power of clean, renewable energy will lead the 21st century. As concerns rise about fossil fuel prices, energy security, and climate change, renewable energy like wind, geothermal, hydropower, solar, and biofuel can play a key role in the future.

Negara yang mampu memanfaatkan sumber energi yang bersih dan terbarukan (renewable energy) akan menguasai abad 21. Kekhawatiran akan tingginya harga minyak, pasokan energi dan perubahan iklim menjadikan energi terbarukan seperti angin, panas bumi, hydropower, matahari dan biofuel sebagai alternatif utama di masa depan.

Demand for human resources in this field is huge, from technicians, supervisors to managers. Not to mention the growing need for more research scientists. The program doesn’t just prepare students to understand the concept of renewable energy but also the technical aspects, from manufacturing, installation and application of renewable energy technology. 40 Faculty of Clean Energy & Climate Change BioCHEM - Energy Engineering 41


Graduates can find career as technicians/supervisors/managers of renewable energy companies Fluid Biofuels, Solid Biofuels, Microbial Fuel Cells or become academicians/researchers in the field of renewable energy, or further their graduate study in management, industrial engineering, or technology-based business. One day we may be growing our fuel instead of digging it out of the ground. A new type of fuel will Kebutuhan dari mulai level teknisi, supervisor hingga manager perusahaan-perusahaan renewable ini sangat besar. Bukan itu saja, kebutuhan penelitian untuk berbagai jenis energi ini juga sangat besar. be grown from plants such as palm oil, sugarcane, Jurusan ini tak hanya menyiapkan lulusannya untuk mengerti berbagai konsep energi terbarukan dari cassava, sorghum and castor oil. Biofuels, including kekuatan alam, tapi juga mampu menguasai berbagai hal teknis tentang pembuatan, pemasangan bioethanol, biodiesel, and biogas will become dan aplikasi dari alat-alat yang berkaitan dengan energi terbarukan ini. mainstream. With its rich biodiversity, Indonesia Lulusan dapat bekerja sebagai teknisi/supervisor/manager perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak should become a powerhouse in this sector. dalam bidang solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy ataupun hydro power, dosen/peneliti dalam bidang renewable energy, melanjutkan ke S2 bidang management, S2 teknik industri atau S2 bisnis berbasis teknologi. Di masa depan, kita tak akan lagi menggali, melainkan menanam bahan bakar. Semua ini dimungkinkan berkat teknologi Biofuels (fluid seperti bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas ataupun solid seperti arang) yang dapat menghasilkan bahan bakar yang berasal dari tumbuhan, misalnya kelapa sawit, tebu, singkong, sorgum, jarak dan lainnya. Dengan kekayaan biodiversitas yang luas biasa, Indonesia harusnya bisa menjadi pemain utama di sektor ini. CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM

Fundamental of Physics Advanced Materials Processing One of the fastest-growing types of biofuels is Microbial Fuel Cell. Here, an electrical current Calculus and Analytical Geometry Geothermal Technology is generated by mimicking bacterial interactions found in nature. This electrochemical process holds a great promise as an alternative source of energy. Quantum Mechanics (solar energy) Hydro Power Technology

Heat Transfer/Thermodynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics The environmentally friendly biofuels have grown into a very promising industry. Countries like Materials Science Industrial Project Management Brazil has relied more on biofuels than on fossil fuels (oil and gas). In the not-so-distant future, this renewable source of fuel will become the mainstream and preferred choice. Nanotechnology (solar energy) Industrial Systems and Management Integrated CAD/CAM Systems Fiber Optics The development of biomass energy from agricultural waste such as paddy stalk and waste Optoelectronics (solar energy) Mechatronics and Automation wood chips is very promising. The need for capable human resources, from technicians, Solar Power Engineering Project Management - Advanced supervisors, to managers in renewable energy companies are huge. Not to mention skilled Techniques and Strategies scientists to power the research in these two sources of energy. Introduction to Wind Energy Technology of Offshore Wind The program doesn’t prepare students to just understand the concepts of biofuels but Energy Course also the technical aspects from manufacturing, installation and application of renewable energy technology. 42 Faculty of Clean Energy & Climate Change Environmental Engineering 43

Graduates can find career as technicians/supervisors/managers of renewable energy companies in biofuels or become academicians/researchers in the field of renewable energy, or further their ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING graduate study in management, industrial engineering, or technology-based business.

Biofuels yang sedang berkembang pesat juga adalah Microbial Fuel Cell. Di sini orang meniru cara kerja mikroba Energy Management, Water/Wastewater Management, Smart/Green seperti bakteri dalam menghasilkan arus listrik. Diindikasikan bahwa energi listrik yang dihasilkan dari proses Building, Forest Conservation and Climate Change elektro-kimia bakteri sangat menjanjikan.

Biofuels yang ramah lingkungan telah menjadi bisnis yang berkembang sangat pesat. Negara-negara seperti Polluted and damaged environment resulting from Brazil lebih menggantungkan kebutuhan bahan bakar dari biofuels dibandingkan bahan bakar fosil (minyak overexploitation of natural resources will eventually have an dan gas). Ke depannya biofuels dipastikan akan menjadi primadona. adverse impact to human life ranging from health issues to

Pengembangan renewable energy dalam bidang energy biomass terutama limbahnya seperti batang padi, climate change threatens future generations. Thus, Environmental kayu yang tidak terpakai sangat menjanjikan. Kebutuhan dari mulai level teknisi, supervisor hingga manager Engineering holds a strategic importance. perusahaan-perusahaan renewable sangat besar. Bukan itu saja, kebutuhan penelitian untuk kedua jenis energi ini juga sangat besar. Lingkungan yang rusak dan tercemar akibat eksploitasi yang berlebihan dan tak Jurusan ini menyiapkan lulusannya untuk mengerti tak hanya berbagai konsep biofuels saja, tetapi juga bertanggung jawab pada akhirnya akan berakibat buruk pada kehidupan manusia mampu menguasai berbagai hal teknis tentang pembuatan, pemasangan dan aplikasi dari alat-alat yang berkaitan dengan energi terbarukan ini. sendiri, misalnya munculnya masalah-masalah kesehatan, belum lagi perubahan iklim yang dampaknya akan dirasakan sampai anak cucu kita. Karena itu, ilmu Pekerjaan: teknisi/supervisor/manager perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang biofuels, dosen/ Environmental Engineering menjadi sangat strategis. peneliti (program S2/S3, profesional dalam bidang renewable energy), melanjutkan ke S2 bidang management, S2 teknik industri atau S2 bisnis berbasis teknologi.

CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM Heat Mass and Momentum Transfer General Chemistry Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering Organic Chemistry Engineering Economics Physical Chemistry Energy Technology, Supply and Policy Physics Biomass and Fuel Cell Renewable Calculus Technology Computer Programming Advanced Materials Processing Hidrogen Energy Business Resources Management Students will learn how to preserve and rehabilitate the natural environment and use energy Microbial Fuel Cells Industrial Project Management efficiently in man-made environment, such as buildings. Biomass Energy Industrial Systems and Manage- ment Energy and Material Balances Integrated CAD/CAM Systems Di jurusan ini mahasiswa akan belajar bagaimana mempertahankan lingkungan agar tetap sehat dan pada saat yang sama merehabilitasi lingkungan yang rusak serta bagaimana melakukan penghematan- penghematan energi di berbagai gedung. 44 Faculty of Clean Energy & Climate Change Environmental Engineering 45

The major is divided into several specializations: Jurusan ini dibagi ke dalam beberapa peminatan:

Energy Management, including smart grid technology. Graduates can work CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM as managers/consultants in power plants or other industries to design the Environmental modeling and effective and efficient use of energy. methodology Energy Management, termasuk smart grid technology. Lulusannya dapat bekerja Fundamentals of Ecology sebagai manager/konsultan di perusahaan yang berbisnis energi (power plant/PLN) ataupun berbagai industri untuk merencanakan penggunaan energi yang efektif Hydrology and Water Resources dan efisien. Atmosphere and Weather

Smart/Green Building. Graduates can work in real estate companies to Population and The Environment Sustainable Built Environment design green future cities and high-tech energy efficient buildings. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Life Cycle Assessment of Green Buildings Smart/Green Building. Lulusan dapat bekerja di perusahaan real estate untuk Remote Sensing merencanakan kota masa depan (green future city) dan gedung-gedung yang Climatological Analysis Green Building - City Designing berteknologi tinggi namun tetap hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan. and Management Management of Forest Ecosystems Project Management - Advance Water/Waste Water Management. Graduates can work as manager or clean Environmental Impact Assessment Techniques and Strategies water technology consultants in water companies, companies with liquid Int. to Environmental Studies Advanced Energy Management waste, or government offices. They can also become entrepreneurs in clean water industry. Conservation Biology Energy Audit and Management

Water/Waste Water Management. Lulusannya dapat bekerja sebagai manager Environmental Politics Thermal Utilities and Energy Efficiency atau konsultan clean water technology di perusahaan-perusahaan air, perusahaan Environmental Health Energy Acts and Regulations in yang punya limbah cair, ataupun kantor-kantor pemerintah. Bisa juga menjadi Indonesia entrepreneur di industri air bersih, seperti air minum kemasan. Energy Technology, Supply and Policy New and Renewable Energy Sources Energy Efficiency in Green Buildings Forest & Climate Change. Graduates can work as consultants or civil Smart Grid and Energy Infrastructure servants in formulating policies for renewable energy, climate change, forest Smart Homes conservation and carbon trade. Geopolitics of Energy Security Forest & Climate Change. Lulusan dapat bekerja sebagai konsultan atau pegawai negeri dalam membuat kebijakan untuk renewable energy, climate change, Climate Change Policy in a konservasi hutan dan lingkungan, termasuk carbon trade. Globalizing World Carbon Trading: Risk and Strategy 46 Faculty of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Neuroscience 47


Genetics Engineeringin Agriculture, Fermentation Biotechnology, iPS cell/stem cell technology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Cloning and Genome Technology, General faculty of Neuroscience, Clinical Neuroscience life sciences (ls) Biotechnology is among one of the fastest growing life-changing sciences in the world. It opens the possibilities to conduct genetic ADVANCING HUMAN TECNOLOGY engineering in plant, animal and human organs. Meningkatkan Teknologi Manusia Jurusan ini mempelajari ilmu-ilmu yang sekarang sedang berkembang dengan dahsyat. Bioteknologi melakukan rekayasa genetika mulai dari tanaman, hewan hingga berbagai organ tubuh manusia. Technological advances and new discoveries have opened up exciting opportunities in the field of Life Science. Products and services related to pharmaceuticals, medical devices and biotechnology are in huge demand. Life science is a relatively new field in terms of career but has great job prospect in the near future.

Perkembangan teknologi dan penemuan-penemuan baru dewasa ini telah mendorong kemajuan-kemajuan besar di bidang Life Science. Kebutuhan yang tinggi akan obat- obatan, alat-alat medis dan bioteknologi menjadikan program studi ini salah satu yang paling bergengsi dan menjanjikan masa depan yang cerah.

Many modern biotechnology applications can be found in medicine, agriculture, forensics science; food science and environmental science, for example, to improve the quality and quantity of agricultural produces, create a drought resistant super plant, clean mining sites using bacteria, find cures for diseases, clone, improve the taste and appearance of food, slow the ripening of fruits, and identify the bodies of unknown victims. 48 Faculty of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Neuroscience 49

With biotechnology, what was once the fantasy of science fiction is now a reality. Career opportunities for students in biotechnology abound with many companies now looking for biotech experts.

Students can continue their study to graduate level or work as researchers in many research Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system and centers, become a directors/managers of pharmaceutical company, establishing their own brain from the aspects of anatomy (structure of the brain), biotech companies, become technicians, quality controllers, or sales in pharmaceutical physiology (function of the brain), biochemistry (chemical companies. properties and reaction of the brain), molecular biology (molecules and proteins of the brain), psychology (behavior and emotion) and Berbagai aplikasi bioteknologi dapat ditemukan dalam dunia kedokteran, pertanian, forensik, makanan dan lingkungan misalnya untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas hasil pertanian, menciptakan cognitive science (thought or mental processes). tanaman super yang mampu tumbuh di daerah yang tandus, membersihkan daerah bekas pertambangan dengan bakteri, mengobati penyakit dengan rekayasa genetika, menciptakan makhluk hidup tanpa Jurusan Neuroscience mempelajari cara kerja otak, seperti anatomi (bentuk dan melalui kelahiran pada umumnya (kloning), meningkatkan citarasa, bentuk dan penampilan makanan, memperlambat pembusukan buah-buahan atau sayuran, menganalisa DNA untuk mengenali korban tanpa struktur otak), fisiologi (fungsi bagian-bagian otak), biochemistry (sifat kimia dan identitas, dan sebagainya. reaksi kimia dalam otak), molecular biology (molekul atau protein yang membentuk otak) ditambah dengan ilmu psikologi (kelakuan dan emosi) dan cognitive science Dengan bioteknologi, apa yang dulu hanya dapat kita bayangkan semakin mendekati kenyataan. Begitu juga (ilmu tentang proses berpikir). dengan kesempatan kerja yang hampir tak terbatas. Ahli-ahli dalam bidang bioteknologi termasuk salah satu yang paling banyak dicari.

Lulusannya dapat melanjutkan S2/S3 menjadi peneliti di pusat-pusat riset atau universitas, direktur/ Graduates will understand how the brain works (how it memorizes, reacts and comprehends), manager pengembangan bisnis di perusahaan kimia/farmasi, mendirikan sendiri perusahaan berbasis bioteknologi, menjadi teknisi, quality controller, sales, di perusahaan obat/kimia/farmasi, dan sebagainya. various types of brain diseases and their prevention, and different types of human behaviors and personalities.

CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM General Biology Genetic Engineering Cell And Molecular Biology Genomics (Gene Function) Organic Chemistry Bioinformatics Biochemistry Proteinomics Developmental Biology General Microbiology Tissue Culture Methods Plant Molecular Biology Bioanalytical Techniques Molecular Genetics Plant Biotechnology 50 Faculty of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Neuroscience 51

They can work in government offices, such as the department of health or brain centers. In Lulusan juga bisa melanjutkan studi S2-nya dalam bidang lain misalnya marketing (untuk jadi neuromarketer), private sectors, they can work with pharmaceutical companies, or advertising and marketing webdesign (neuro-webdesigner), management (jadi manager yang mengerti banyak fungsi otak), fashion (jadi pembuat pakaian yang mengerti kelakuan dan pilihan orang), pembuat game (gamenya lebih disukai orang companies because they understand people’s habits and behaviors. Hospitals also need karena ia tahu apa yang disukai pasar) dan bidang-bidang lainnya yang sangat luas sekali. neuroscientists to take care patients (neurological nurse) and neurotechnicians to help diagnose patients. In the university they can work as researchers, authors, or lecturers (professors).

After finishing their graduate studies, students can go on to become neuropathologists (specialists on disease of nervous system tissue), neuropsychologists (psychologists that focus on brain functioning), neuropharmacologists (specialists on the effects of drugs on the nervous system), neuroanatomists (a specialists on brain anatomy), neurobiologists (specialists who study brain development), and neurosurgeons (a surgeons who specialize in operating on the brain).

Career options are also wide open in other fields such as marketing (as neuromarketer), or web design (as neuro-webdesigner), management (a manager who understand how the brain works), fashion (a fashion designer who understand people’s behavior and choice), game development (creating a popular games which the market craves) and other extremely wide range of career.

Lulusannya akan mengerti cara kerja otak (bagaimana otak mengingat, bereaksi, dan mengerti), berbagai penyakit otak dan pencegahannya dan berbagai kelakuan dan tingkah laku manusia. CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM

Mereka juga dapat bekerja di pemerintahan, misalnya di departemen kesehatan atau di pusat-pusat studi General Chemistry Cognitive Neuroscience tentang otak. Di swasta, mereka dapat bekerja di perusahaan-perusahaan farmasi (obat), atau perusahaan Organic Chemistry Systems Neuroscience periklanan dan marketing karena mereka belajar tentang kelakuan dan kebiasaan orang. Rumah sakit butuh ahli-ahli neuroscience untuk merawat pasien (neurological nurse), atau neurotechnicians yang membantu General Biology Neuropharmacology mendiagnosa pasien. Di universitas mereka bisa melakukan riset, menulis dan mengajar (menjadi professor). Calculus Sensory Neuroscience Setelah mengambil S2/S3 lulusan neuroscience dapat menjadi: Neuropathologist (ahli penyakit jaringan otak), Statistics Developmental Neuroscience Neurophysiologist (ahli fungsi-fungsi bagian otak), Neuropsychologist (ahli psikologi yang berkaitan dengan otak), Neuropharmacologist (ahli obat-obat untuk penyakit syaraf/otak), Neuroanatomist (ahli tentang bagian- Physics Brain Anatomy bagian otak), Neurobiologist (ahli tentang perkembangan otak), dan Neurosurgeon (ahli bedah otak). Int. Psychology Surgery Int. Neuroscience Ethics Neurobiology 3D Brain Computer Simulation Behavior Neuroscience 52 Faculty of Life Sciences Human Computer Interaction 53

Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality to create 3D visualization such as HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION holographic games, books, 3D animation for education, 3D virtual reality for medical surgery, etc.

Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality membuat visualisasi 3D seperti hologram Games Design & Programming, Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality, Robotic (Artificial untuk games, buku 3D, pendidikan (3D animation), rumah sakit (3D virtual Intelligence), Smart Building/Smart City, Simulator Machines/ Supercomputer. reality), dan sebagainya.

Artificial Intelligence (Robotic) to create intelligent robots that can perform The study of the relationship between humans and computers has many tasks previously done only by humans, such as playing musical quickly become one of the most dynamic and significant fields. instruments, caring for the elderly, and teaching our children. HCI is necessarily a multidisciplinary field, incorporating facets Artificial Intelligence (Robotics) untuk menciptakan robot-robot cerdas yang dapat of information science, computer science, design, and technical melakukan hal-hal yang sebelumnya hanya dapat dilakukan oleh manusia, misalnya bermain musik, merawat kaum manula, dan mengajar dalam kelas. communication among other fields to understand how human interacts with computer and to design a user-friendly interface. Smart Building/Smart City to design truly intelligent and integrated Surya University is aiming to become a leader in this exciting new area. buildings and cities where smart grid technology is at the core, for example in energy consumption, transport, and urban management.

Human Computer Interaction adalah bidang yang relatif baru namun berkembang Smart Building/Smart City untuk merancang bangunan dan kota pintar yang dengan sangat pesat. Ilmu multidispliner yang menggabungkan information science, saling terintegrasi melalui smart grid technology misalnya dalam konsumsi energi, transportasi dan manajemen infrastruktur perkotaan. computer science, design dan communication ini mempelajari bagaimana manusia berinteraksi dengan komputer dan mendesain sistem antar-muka komputer yang Simulator Machines to build various smart simulators; such as, flight user-friendly, gampang dimengerti dan digunakan. Surya University bertekad simulators, car racing simulators, etc. menjadi pemimpin di bidang yang sangat menarik dan dinamis ini. Simulator Machines untuk membuat berbagai alat simulator yang cerdas seperti simulator pilot, simulator balap mobil, dan sebagainya.

Supercomputer to create high power, high performance computer to be used The program is divided into several concentrations: in 3D visualization, intelligent machine and other simulation devices. Dalam jurusan ini terdapat beberapa peminatan antara lain: Supercomputer untuk menciptakan komputer yang super canggih sehingga bisa Computer Video Games to develop 2D/3D video games or Kinect X-Box and digunakan dalam visualisasi 3D, pembuatan intelligent machines, dan berbagai futuristic games that use the motion tracking technology. keperluan simulasi.

Computer Video Games untuk membuat video games dalam bentuk 2D, 3D ataupun Kinect X-Box dan futuristic games yang menggunakan mata sebagai pengontrol (motion tracking technology). 54 Faculty of Life Sciences Nutrition and Food Technology 55

Graduates can find jobs as programmers, animators, robot designers, simulator designers, game designers, supercomputer creators, or managers/directors in various companies that NUTRITION AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY deal with Human Computer Interaction.

Setelah lulus mahasiswa dapat berkarir sebagai programmer, animator, robot designer, simulator designer, Dietetics, Food Science, Nutritional Sciences game designer, supercomputer creator, ataupun manager/director berbagai perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan Human Computer Interaction. The need for everyone to eat means that the food industry is the largest industry in the world. The Nutrition and Food Technology CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM program aims to make food healthier, tastier, and safer for Fundamental of Software Human and Computer Interaction consumers. There is high and growing demand for graduates of Food Development Database Management Science and Technology in a range of professional areas. Int. to Computer science Computer Animation System Analysis and Design Karena setiap orang butuh makanan, industri pangan telah berkembang menjadi Fundamental of 3D graphics Programming language concepts (C++) industri terbesar di dunia. Jurusan Nutrition and Food Technology bertujuan menciptakan Matlab makanan yang lebih sehat, enak, dan aman untuk dikonsumsi. Kesempatan kerja yang Discrete Mathematics Int to Game Development luas tersedia di berbagai industri yang berhubungan dengan produk makanan dan Algorithm kebutuhan akan profesional di bidang ini meningkat dengan pesat. Game Design I, II Data Structures and Data Base Development Sound and Music for Games Imperative, Declarative, Object- Simulation Design Oriented Programming Digital Game Studies Calculus Programming for Games Basic Probability Theory and Physics of Games Statistics Data Structures and Algorithms Narrative Writing for Games The program is divided into several concentrations: Cognitive Science Story Development for Interactive Media Ilmu tentang makanan ini dibagi ke dalam beberapa bidang peminatan antara lain: Programming Game Culture Statistics Dietetics, the study of nutritional and healthy diet to prevent and cure Engine Based Design diseases. Graduates can work in hospitals, fitness centers, counselors, Operating System Game Production marketing specialists, food services or founders of their own healthy Electromechanical Control Systems restaurant chain. Game Criticism Machine Design Dietetics, yang mempelajari makanan-makanan yang bermanfaat untuk mencegah Multiplayer Network Programming atau mengobati penyakit serta menjaga kebugaran. Lulusan dapat bekerja di rumah Networking sakit, tempat kebugaran, tempat konseling, perusahaan penjual makanan (food Speech Communication service) atau mengembangkan restoran sehat. 56 Faculty of Life Sciences Nutrition and Food Technology 57

Food science, which applies chemistry, microbiology, engineering and nutrition to develop new food products and design new processing methods CURRICULUM / KURIKULUM with the latest technology to improve food quality and safety. Graduates can work as food managers/quality controls at supermarkets, product/ Int. to Food Science process managers in food processing industries, food technologists, food Agricultural Economics microbiologists, food chemists or Food and Beverage (F&B) entrepreneurs. Food Chemistry Food science, yang mengaplikasikan ilmu kimia, microbiology, engineering Food Engineering dan nutrition untuk mengembangkan produk makanan baru dan mendesain proses-proses baru dengan teknologi terdepan untuk meningkatkan keamanan Packaging and Distribution dan kualitas makanan. Lulusan jurusan ini dapat bekerja sebagi food manager/ Plant Foods Processing quality assurance di supermarket, product/process manager di industri pengolahan makanan, tenaga ahli (food technologist, food microbiologist, food Meat Processing chemist) atau sebagai entrepreneur di bidang food and beverage (F&B). Food Laws and Regulations Food Safety Nutritional Sciences is the study of the biological and physical properties Food Quality Control and of food and its health aspects. Students will learn about nutrients and food Management Field Studies in Food Processing and Handling substances such as protein, vitamin, and mineral and their dietary or clinical Unit Operations properties (herbal medicine). Graduates can work in the pharmaceutical Dairy Products Manufacturing Principles of Food Preservation industries, food industries, analytical laboratories, etc. Food and The Consumer Elementary Analysis of Foods Nutritional Sciences, yang mempelajari sifat biologi dan fisika makanan dan Introduction to Dietetics hubungannya dengan kesehatan. Di sini dipelajari bagaimana kandungan Food Microbiology protein, vitamin, mineral dari makanan yang berhubungan dengan diet maupun World Food Issues: Past and Present Advanced Food Analysis obat (herbal medicine). Lulusan jurusan ini dapat bekerja di industri obat Advanced Human Nutrition and (farmasi), industri pangan, dan sebagainya. Food Sanitation Metabolism Fruit and Vegetable Processing Nutrition in Growth and Development Foodborne Hazards Food Microbiology Dietetics Management 58 Cutting Edge Research Centers Digital Learning, Paperless Campus 59 CUTTING-EDGE DIGITAL LEARNING, RESEARCH CENTERS PAPERLESS CAMPUS pusat penelitian yang mutakhir



Dalam rangka menuju universitas riset berkelas dunia, kami terus mengembangkan berbagai pusat riset unggulan dengan merangkul berbagai pihak secara lintas disipliner, lintas kepentingan dan lintas industri. Diharapkan kolaborasi yang erat di antara berbagai stakeholder ini dapat menjadi motor utama yang mendorong inovasi yang berkelanjutan di Surya University.

Some of our cutting-edge research centers include: Beberapa pusat riset mutakhir kami seperti:

Virtual Reality Applications Center Agricultural Biotechnology Center Center For Econophysics

Center of Robotics and International Institute for Clean Center for Economics and Intelligent Machines Energy and Climate Change Business Research

Indonesia Brain Research Center Supercomputer Center Etc 60 Digital Learning, Paperless Campus Scholarship & Student Loan Program 61 SCHOLARSHIP & STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM beasiswa dan program pinjaman pendidikan

The Computer Tablet will be preloaded with apps and a specially optimized user interface with RFID (Radio-frequency Identification) functions that provide teachers with convenient tools Surya University offers 5 types of scholarship based for managing students. Teachers will also be able to use the tablets to communicate with their on ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, open for all majors/ students and track the progress of their learning. programs. The amount ranges up to 100% and cover tuition fee only. Computer Tablet learning platform dubbed “Learning Hub” will provide educational content for tablet PCs, including video lectures. Users of Computer Tablet can download them through the Surya University menawarkan Program Beasiswa Prestasi Learning Hub app. Akademik dan terbuka untuk semua jurusan/program studi. Adapun Program Beasiswa yang diberikan yaitu sampai dengan Beasiswa 100%. Tablet Computer tersebut akan diisi dengan aplikasi-aplikasi yang edukatif dan dioptimalisasikan dengan fitur RFID (Radio-frequency Identification) sehingga memudahkan dosen dalam pengelolaan pembelajaran mahasiswa-mahasiswanya. Dosen juga dapat menggunakan tablet ini untuk berkomunikasi dengan mahasiswa dan mengetahui sejauh mana kemajuan mereka dalam mengikuti mata kuliah tertentu. The scholarship will be evaluated each trimester based on students’ GPA: Program Beasiswa akan dievaluasi per trimester berdasarkan IPK minimum yang diperoleh mahasiswa, misalnya : Bekerja sama dengan perusahaan teknologi akan tersedia platform edukasi yang dinamakan “Learning Hub” The recipients of 50% scholarship, should their GPA in the semester is satisfactory, would be granted a yang akan menyediakan konten-konten multimedia untuk tablet PC seperti video-video kuliah. Pengguna much larger scholarship even up to 100%, depending on their GPA. Tablet computer dapat mengaksesnya melalui aplikasi Learning Hub. Penerima Beasiswa 50% , jika nilai IPK di trimester berikutnya bagus , maka bisa mendapatkan beasiswa lebih besar bahkan sampai dengan 100% (tergantung IPK yang diperoleh) pada trimester berikutnya. Regular Students are also entitled to a scholarship if they can achieve a minimum GPA of 3.00 or higher. Mahasiswa Reguler juga berpeluang mendapatkan beasiswa jika mencapai minimum IPK 3.00 atau lebih.

There is also Student Loan Program which provides flexibility in tuition fee payment.

Selain itu Surya University juga memiliki program Student Loan yang akan memberikan fleksibilitas dalam pembayaran biaya kuliah. 62 Entry Requirement Persyaratan Masuk 63 ENTRY REQUIREMENT persyaratan masuk FACULTY OF CLEAN ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE (CECC) Concentration Major in Senior High School Academic Degree Peminatan Jurusan di SMA Gelar Akademik PHYSICS - ENERGY a. Solar Energy IPA S.T. Admission to Surya University utilizes the Direct Entry Program (DE) ENGINEERING b. Wind Energy that is based on high school (SMA) report cards. c. Geothermal Energy d. Hydro Energy Prosedur Pendaftaran Mahasiswa baru di Surya University dapat dilakukan melalui BIOCHEM - ENERGY a. Solid Biofuels IPA S.T. jalur “Direct Entry (DE)” Program yang dilihat dari nilai raport SMA dan setara (Raport ENGINEERING b. Fluid Biofuels kelas 1 dan 2 SMA ). c. Microbial Fuel Cells FACULTY OF GREEN ECONOMY AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION (GEDC) ENVIRONMENTAL a. Energy Management IPA S.T. ENGINEERING b. Water/ Wastewater Management Concentration Major in Senior High School Academic Degree c. Smart/ Green Building Peminatan Jurusan di SMA Gelar Akademik d. Forest Conservation and Climate Change AGRIBUSINESS a. Agribusiness Entrepreneurship IPA / IPS S.E. b. Agribusiness Trading c. Agribusiness Management d. Agribusiness Finance FACULTY OF LIFE SCIENCES (LS) e. Agribusiness Marketing Concentration Major in Senior High School Academic Degree Peminatan Jurusan di SMA Gelar Akademik GREEN ECONOMY a. Accounting IPA / IPS S.E. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND a. Genetics Engineering in Agriculture IPA S.Si. b. Finance & Banking NEUROSCIENCE b. Fermentation Biotechnology c. Management c. iPS cell/Stem cell technology d. Global Trading d. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology e. Global Economy e. Cloning and Genome Technology TECHNOPRENEURSHIP a. Technopreneurship IPA / IPS S.E. f. General Neuroscience • Computer and Information Technology g. Clinical Neuroscience Technopreneurship • Smart Franchise Technopreneurship HUMAN COMPUTER a. Games Design & Programming IPA S.Kom. • Smart Real Estate Technopreneurship INTERACTION b. Virtual Reality/ Augmented Reality • Life Sciences Technopreneurship c. Robotic (Artificial Intelligence) • Energy Technopreneurship d. Smart Building/ Smart City b. Financial Analysis e. Simulator Machines/ Supercomputer • Risk Management • Forex Trading NUTRITION AND FOOD a. Dietetics IPA S.T.P • Stocks and Shares Trading TECHNOLOGY b. Food Science DIGITAL a. 3D Movie and beyond IPA / IPS S.E. c. Nutritional Sciences COMMUNICATION b. Digital TV & Radio c. Video Games d. Digital Media 64 Future Campus 65 FUTURE CAMPUS kampus masa depan

SU Campus, Kabupaten Bogor.