Hi everyone,

What an exciting day! I am including a few great tweets from leaders across the country praising Biden’s decision at the end -- and I hope you have seen our great “what they are saying” releases from across the country about her historic nomination.

I wanted to reiterate that:  There is no doubt that could take over as President at any time if needed, she is ready to lead on day one.  She’s the right person to take on and on the campaign trail. And as Vice President, she’ll be in the Situation Room and the Cabinet room, asking the hard questions about what’s broken in our government and our country, and helping get the answers.  Harris joining Joe Biden on the ticket will energize Democrats and help ensure we beat Donald Trump in November. The stakes have never been higher and Harris is an exceptional nominee who will be a historic Vice President.

ACTION ITEMS  Join us for our Social Security Anniversary Event featuring Jill Biden and Lou Gossett Jr.! Register HERE.  Text SENIORS to 30330 to join our Movement and become a Seniors For Biden Voter o This will connect you to our on-line community where you can sign up to make calls, send text messages, or host a Seniors For Biden Voters event.  Text VOTE JOE to download our campaign’s organizing app to receive daily actions you can do to get Joe Biden elected and connected with volunteers in your neighborhood.  Click HERE to sign up to make calls for Biden today!



Also, today Vice President Biden authored an op-ed in the Tampa Bay Times titled “Trump’s ‘deal’ hurts Floridians and Social Security.”

In the op-ed, Vice President Biden discusses how last week, instead of rising to the moment, President Trump just added more economic strain and stress to seniors and communities across Florida when he issued several executive actions. Specifically, one of his orders would immediately shut down a large portion of the funding Social Security relies on to provide retirement security to tens of millions of Americans— including nearly 4 million Florida Seniors.

Please amplify with your networks!


Today, Biden for President also announced a new ad exclusive to Florida, which slams Trump’s cuts to Social Security funding in response to the economic impact of the pandemic. The ad is targeting seniors across the Sunshine State, saying “nearly 4 million Florida seniors rely on social security and once again Donald Trump’s failed leadership is hitting seniors the hardest.” The Tampa Bay Times reported on the ad this morning, saying “the ad marks the second time in two weeks that Biden’s campaign has attempted to drive a wedge between Trump and Florida seniors. A previous ad featured a senior couple who criticized Trump’s response to the coronavirus.”


After Trump announced that he would permanently eliminate the tax that funds Social Security and Medicare if he wins reelection, the tried to walk back his comments, but then Trump doubled down last night, making it clear what he plans to do.

 Last night, Trump doubled down on his plan to make the payroll tax cut permanent if he’s reelected saying o TRUMP: “After the election, on the assumption that it would be victorious for an administration that’s done a great job, we will be ending that tax. We will be terminating that tax.”

 On Saturday, Trump vowed three times to make the payroll tax cut permanent if he won reelection. o TRUMP: “If I’m victorious on November 3rd, I plan to forgive these taxes and make permanent cuts to the payroll tax. So I’m going to make them all permanent.” o TRUMP: “But if I win, I may extend and terminate. In other words, I’ll extend it beyond the end of the year and terminate the tax.” o TRUMP: “And this is deferral payroll tax obligations. So this is your payroll tax obligations, which we’re going to end up terminating eventually, right?”

 In April, Trump said twice that he wanted to permanently cut the payroll tax. o TRUMP: “I would love to see a payroll tax cut. There are many people that would like to see it as a permanent tax cut -- payroll tax cut.” o TRUMP: “I mean, there are a lot of people — I’m one of them — that would have liked to have seen the payroll tax cut as a permanent cut.”

 In March, Trump was privately encouraging Republican lawmakers to permanently eliminate the payroll tax cut. o Wall Street Journal: “Following the meeting, Mr. Trump told reporters he had discussed stimulus measures with Republicans, but offered few details. Mr. Trump wants to suspend the payroll tax through Dec. 31, an administration official said, though he has also said privately he wants the tax to be permanently eliminated.”


Today Vice President Biden released a statement on the importance of democracy in Puerto Rico. Below are topline points:

 For decades, elections in Puerto Rico were known for high participation rates and transparency.  It was a process that many took pride in.  It is unacceptable that the people of Puerto Rico, who waited in line on Sunday in the midst of a global pandemic, were denied the right to vote.  Their voices must be heard. Our democracy only works when every citizen has the ability to exercise their right to vote. Every vote must count.




President https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/1293295296819220481

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer https://twitter.com/chuckschumer/status/1293284297332469762

Secretary https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1293286127386927104

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid https://twitter.com/SenatorReid/status/1293295491938041856

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn https://twitter.com/ClyburnSC06/status/1293308447925075969

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer https://twitter.com/StenyHoyer/status/1293301067636244485

Secretary of State John Kerry https://twitter.com/JohnKerry/status/1293312039423823872

Virginia Senator Tim Kaine https://twitter.com/timkaine/status/1293284207834345472

California Governor https://twitter.com/GavinNewsom/status/1293282588560257024

New Jersey Governor https://twitter.com/PhilMurphyNJ/status/1293300340847251457

Michigan Senator Gary Peters https://twitter.com/GaryPeters/status/1293283207992037383

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