© 2019 JETIR February 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)


1V. VIOLA, 2T. NICHOLAS 1Research Scholar, Assistant Professor, 2Former Principal, Associate Professor (Retd), 1PG Department of Mathematics, 1St.Jude’s College ,Thoothoor, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India. 1Affiliation: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abisekhapatti, Tirunelveli,Tamil Nadu, India.


A Radio Mean Dd-distance labeling of a connected graph G is an injective map f from the vertex set V(G) to the ℕ such 푓(푢)+ 푓(푣) that for two distinct vertices u and v of G, 퐷퐷푑(u, v) + ⌈ ⌉ ≥ 1 + 푑푖푎푚퐷푑(G), where 퐷퐷푑(u, v) denote the Dd-distance 2 between u and v and 푑푖푎푚퐷푑(G) denotes the Dd-diameter of G. The radio mean Dd-distance number of f, 푟푚푛퐷푑(f) is the maximum label assigned to any vertex of G. The radio mean Dd-distance number of G, 푟푚푛퐷푑(G) is the minimum value of f of G. In this paper we find the radio mean Dd-distance number of degree splitting graphs.

Keywords: Dd-distance, Radio mean Dd-distance, Radio Dd-distance number.

Subject Classification (2010): 05C78, 05C15

1. Introduction

By a graph G = (V(G), E(G)) we mean a finite undirected graph without loops or multiple edges. The order and size of G are denoted by p and q respectively.

The Dd-distance was introduced by A. Anto Kinsley and P. Siva Ananthi [1]. For a connected graph G, the Dd-length of a connected u – v path is defined as 퐷퐷푑(u, v) = D(u, v) + deg(u) + deg(v). The Dd-radius, denoted by 푟퐷푑(G) is the minimum Dd- eccentricity among all vertices of G. That is 푟퐷푑(G) = min{푒퐷푑(G) : v ∈ V(G)}. Similarly the Dd-diameter, 퐷퐷푑(G) is the maximum Dd-eccentricity among all vertices of G. We observe that for any two vertices u, v of G, we have d(u, v) ≤ 퐷퐷푑(u, v). The equality holds if and only if u, v are identical. If G is any connected graph then the Dd-distance is a metric on the set of vertices of G. We can check easily 푟퐷푑(G) ≤ 퐷퐷푑(G) ≤ 2푟퐷푑(G). The lower bound is clear from the definition and the upper bound follows from the triangular inequality.

We introduced the concept of radio mean Dd-distance colouring of a graph G. Radio mean Dd-distance coloring is a function 푓(푢)+ 푓(푣) ƒ : V(G) → ℕ such that 퐷퐷푑(u, v) + ⌈ ⌉ ≥ diamDd(G) + 1, where 푑푖푎푚퐷푑(G) is the Dd-distance diameter of G. A Dd- 2 distance radio coloring number of G is the maximum color assigned to any vertex of G. It is denoted by 푟푚푛퐷푑(G).

Radio labeling can be regarded as an extension of distance-two labeling which is motivated by the channel assignment problem introduced by W. K. Hale [6]. G. Chartrand et al.[2] introduced the concept of radio labeling of graph. Also G. Chartrand et al.[3] gave the upper bound for the radio number of path. The exact value for the radio number of path and cycle was given by Liu and Zhu [10]. However G. Chartrand et al.[2] obtained different values for them. They found the lower and upper bound for the radio number of cycle. Liu [9] gave the lower bound for the radio number of . The exact value for the radio number of

Hypercube was given by R. Khennoufa and O. Togni [8]. M. M. Rivera et al.[21] gave the radio number of 퐶푛 × 퐶푛, the Cartesian product of 퐶푛. In [4] C. Fernandez et al. found the radio number for Complete graph, Star graph, Complete , Wheel graph and Gear graph. M. T. Rahim and I. Tomescu [17] investigated the radio number of Helm graph. The radio number for the generalized prism graphs were presented by Paul Martinez et al. in [11]. In this paper, we fined the radio mean Dd-distance coloring of degree splitting graphs.

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2. Main Results

Theorem 2.1

Dd The radio mean Dd-distance number of degree splitting graph of path DS(푃푛), rmn (DS(푃푛)) ≤ 2n – 5, n ≥ 7.


Let V(DS(푃푛)) = {푤1, 푤2, 푣푖 : 1≤ i ≤ n }and E(DS(푃푛)) = 푣푖푣푖+1 ∶ 1 ≤ i ≤ n – 1, 푣1푤2, 푣푛푤2, 푤1푣푖 :

Dd Dd Dd Dd 2≤ i ≤ n – 1}.Then D (푣1,푤2) = n + 5, D (푣2,푣3) = n + 7, D (푣2,푤1) = 2n + 2. So diam (DS(푃푛)) = 2n + 2.

Without loss of generality, Let, f(푤1) < f(푣2) < f(푣3) < . . . < f(푣푛) < f(푣1) < f(푤2).

푓(푢)+ 푓(푣) The radio mean Dd-distance condition is DDd(u, v) + ⌈ ⌉ ≥ diamDd(G) + 1. 2

푓(푤 )+푓(푣 ) Now, DDd(푤 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 1 2 ⌉ ≥ diamDd(DS(푃 )) + 1 1 2 2 푛

f(푤1) + f(푣2) ≥ 1, which implies f(푤1) = n – 6 and f(푣2) = n – 5.

푓(푣 )+푓(푣 ) DDd(푣 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 2 3 ⌉ ≥ diamDd(퐷푆(푃 )) + 1, f(푣 ) + f(푣 ) ≥ 2n – 9. Therefore, f(푣 ) = n – 4. 2 3 2 푛 2 3 3

f(푣푖) = n + i – 7, 2 ≤ i ≤ n – 1.

푓(푣 )+푓(푣 ) DDd(푣 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 푛 − 1 푛 ⌉ ≥ diamDd(퐷푆(푃 )) + 1, f(푣 ) + f(푣 ) ≥ 2n – 7, which implies f(푣 ) = 2n – 7. 푛−1 푛 2 푛 푛−1 푛 푛

푓(푣 )+푓(푣 ) DDd(푣 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 푛 1 ⌉ ≥ diamDd(퐷푆(푃 )) + 1, f(푣 ) + f(푣 ) ≥ 2n – 3, which implies f(푣 ) = 2n – 6. 푛 1 2 푛 푛 1 1

푓(푣 )+푓(푤 ) DDd(푣 , 푤 ) + ⌈ 1 2 ⌉ ≥ diamDd(퐷푆(푃 )) + 1, f(푣 ) + f(푤 ) ≥ 2n – 5, which implies f(푤 ) = 2n – 5. 1 2 2 푛 1 2 2

Dd Therefore, rmn (퐷푆(푃푛)) ≤ 2n – 5, n ≥ 7. ∎

Dd Note: mn (퐷푆(푃푛)) ≤ n + 2, 4 ≤ n ≥ 6.


The radio mean Dd-distance number of degree splitting of a star graph DS(퐾1,푛) is

Dd rmn (DS(퐾1,푛)) ≤ 3n – 7, n ≥ 5.


Let V(DS(퐾1,푛)) = {푣0, 푣1, 푣2, . . . , 푣푛}and E(DS(퐾1,푛)) ={푣0푣푖, 푤푣푖: 1 ≤ i ≤ n }

Dd Dd Dd Dd Then, D (푣0, 푣푖) = n + 5, D (푣푖, 푤) = n + 5 and D (푣0, 푤) = 2n + 2. So,diam (DS( 퐾1,푛)) = 2n + 2. Without loss of generality, Let, f(푣0) < f(푤) < f(푣1) < f(푣2) < . . . < f(푣푛).

푓(푣 )+ 푓(푤) Now, DDd(푣 , 푤) + ⌈ 0 ⌉ ≥ 2n + 3, f(푣 ) + f(푤) ≥ 1, f(푣 ) = 2n – 8 and f(푤) = 2n – 7. 0 2 0 0

푓(푤)+ 푓(푣 ) DDd(푤, 푣 ) + ⌈ 1 ⌉ ≥ 2n + 3, f(푤) + f(푣 ) ≥ 2n – 5, which implies that f(푣 ) = 2n – 6. 1 2 1 1

푓(푣 )+ 푓(푣 ) DDd(푣 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 1 2 ⌉ ≥ 2n + 3, f(푣 ) + f(푣 ) ≥ 4n – 11, which implies that f(푣 ) = 2n – 5. 1 2 2 1 2 2

푓(푣 )+ 푓(푣 ) DDd(푣 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 2 3 ⌉ ≥ 2n + 3, f(푣 ) + f(푣 ) ≥ 4n – 11, which implies that f(푣 ) = 2n – 4. 2 3 2 2 3 3

Dd f(푣푖) = 2n + i – 7, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Hence rmn (DS(퐾1,푛)) ≤ 3n – 7, n ≥ 5. ∎

Dd Note: rmn (퐷푆(퐾1,푛)) ≤ n + 2, 2 ≤ n ≤ 4.

Theorem 2.3

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Dd The radio mean Dd-distance number of degree splitting of a bistar graph DS(퐵푛,푛), rmn (DS(퐵푛,푛)) ≤ 5n – 3, n ≥ 3.


Let V (DS (퐵푛,푛) ) = {u, v, 푤1, 푤2, 푢푖,푣푖 : 1≤ i ≤ n } and E (DS (퐵푛,푛) ) = {u푢푖,푣푣푖, 푤1푢푖, 푤1푣푖, 푢푣, 푢푤2, 푤2푣 : 1≤ i ≤ n}.

Dd Dd Dd Then D (푢, 푣) = 2n + 8, D (푢, 푤1) = 3n + 6, D (푤1, 푤2) = 2n + 6

Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd D (푢,푤2) = D (푤2,푣) = D (푢,푢푖) = D (푣,푣푖) = n + 9, 1≤ i ≤ n, D (푣푖,푣푗) = D (푢푖,푢푗) = 10, i ≠ j

Dd Dd Dd D (푤1,푢푖) = D (푤1,푣푖) = 2n + 7, 1≤ i ≤ n. So diam (DS(퐵푛,푛)) = 3n + 6

Without loss of generality, Let, f(푤1) < f(푢) < f(푣) < f(푣1) < . . . < f(푣푛) < f(푢1) < . . . < f(푢푛) < f(푤2).

푓(푤 )+푓(푢) Now, DDd(푤 , 푢) + ⌈ 1 ⌉ ≥ diamDd(DS(퐵 )) + 1, f(푤 ) + f(푢) ≥ 1, which implies f(푤 ) = 3n – 6 and f(푢) = 3n – 5. 1 2 푛,푛 1 1

푓(푢)+푓(푣) Now, DDd(푢, 푣) + ⌈ ⌉ ≥ diamDd(DS(퐵 )) + 1, f(푢) + f(푣) ≥ 1, which implies f(푣) = 3n – 4. 2 푛,푛

푓(푣)+푓(푣 ) DDd(푣, 푣 ) + ⌈ 1 ⌉ ≥ diamDd(퐷푆(퐵 )) + 1, f(푣) + f(푣 ) ≥ 4n – 5, which implies f(푣 ) = 3n – 3. 1 2 푛,푛 1 1

푓(푣 )+푓(푣 ) DDd(푣 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 1 2 ⌉ ≥ diamDd(퐷푆(퐵 )) + 1, f(푣 ) + f(푣 ) ≥ 6n – 7, which implies f(푣 ) = 3n – 2. 1 2 2 푛,푛 1 2 2

푓(푣 )+푓(푣 ) DDd(푣 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 2 3 ⌉ ≥ diamDd(퐷푆(퐵 )) + 1, f(푣 ) + f(푣 ) ≥ 6n – 7 which implies that f(푣 ) = 3n – 1. 2 3 2 푛,푛 2 3 3

so f(푣푖) = 3n + i – 4, 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ n.

푓(푣 )+푓(푢 ) DDd(푣 , 푢 ) + ⌈ 푛 1 ⌉ ≥ 3n + 7, f(푣 ) + f(푢 ) ≥ 6n – 7, which implies that f(푢 ) = 4n – 3 푛 1 2 푛 1 1

푓(푢 )+푓(푢 ) DDd(푢 , 푢 ) + ⌈ 1 2 ⌉ ≥ 3n + 7, f(푢 ) + f(푢 ) ≥ 6n – 7, which implies that f(푢 ) = 4n – 2. 1 2 2 1 2 2

so f(푢푖) = 4n + i – 4, 1 ≤ 푖 ≤ n.

푓(푢 )+푓(푤 ) DDd(푢 , 푤 ) + ⌈ 푛 2 ⌉ ≥ 3n + 7, f(푢 ) + f(푤 ) ≥ 6n – 3, which implies that f(푤 ) = 5n – 3. 푛 2 2 푛 2 2

Dd Hence, rmn (퐷푆(퐵푛,푛)) ≤ 5n – 3, n ≥ 3. ∎

Dd Note. If n = 2, then, rmn (퐷푆(퐵푛,푛)) = 8.


The radio mean Dd-distance number of degree splitting of wheel graph DS(푊 푛) is

Dd rmn (DS(푊 푛)) ≤ 3n – 7, n ≥ 6.


Let V(DS(푊푛)) = {푢, 푣, 푣1,푣2, . . . , 푣푛}and E(DS(푊 푛)) = {푢푣푖, 푣푣푖, 푣푖푣푖+1: 1 ≤ i ≤ n }

Dd Dd Dd Dd Then D (푢, 푣) = 3n + 1, D (푣1, 푣2) = n + 8, D (푢, 푣푖) = D (푣, 푣푖) = 2n + 5, 1 ≤ i ≤ n

Dd So, diam (DS( 푊 푛)) = 3n + 1. Without loss of generality, Let, f(푢) < f(푣) < f(푣1) < . . . < f(푣푛).

푓(푢)+ 푓(푣) Now, DDd(u, v) + ⌈ ⌉ ≥ 3n + 2, f(푢) + f(푣) ≥ 1, which implies that f(푢) = 2n – 8 and f(푣) = 2n – 7 2

푓(푣)+ 푓(푣 ) DDd(푣, 푣 ) + ⌈ 1 ⌉ ≥ 3n + 2, f(푣) + f(푣 ) ≥ 2n – 7, which implies that f(푣 ) = 2n – 6. 1 2 1 1

푓(푣 )+ 푓(푣 ) DDd(푣 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 1 2 ⌉ ≥ 3n + 2, f(푣 ) + f(푣 ) ≥ 4n – 13, which implies that f(푣 ) = 2n – 5. 1 2 2 1 2 2

푓(푣 )+ 푓(푣 ) DDd(푣 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 2 3 ⌉ ≥ 3n + 2, f(푣 ) + f(푣 ) ≥ 4n – 13, which implies that f(푣 ) = 2n – 4 2 3 2 2 3 3

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Dd so f(푣푖) = 2n + i – 7, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Hence, rmn (DS(푊 푛)) ≤ 3n – 7, n ≥ 6. ∎


퐷푑 The radio mean Dd-distance number of degree splitting of 퐾2 + m퐾1 is 푟푚푛 (DS(퐾2 + m퐾1)) ) ≤ 3m – 3, m ≥ 4


Let V (퐷푆 (퐾2 + m퐾1) ) = {푢, 푣, 푤1, 푤2, 푣1, 푣2, . . . , 푣푚},and E (퐷푆(퐾2 + m퐾1) ) = {푢푣, 푢푤2, 푣푤2, 푢푣푖, 푣푣푖, 푤1푣푖 : 1 ≤ i ≤ m }.

퐷푑 퐷푑 퐷푑 퐷푑 퐷푑 Then 퐷 (u, v) = 2m + 8, 퐷 (푣, 푣1) = m + 10, 퐷 (푣1, 푣2) = 12, 퐷 (푣푚, 푤1) = m + 8, 퐷 (푤1, 푤2) = m + 7

Dd So, diam (퐷푆(퐾2 + m퐾1)) = 2m + 8. Without loss of generality, Let, f(푢) < f(푣) < f(푣1) < . . . < f(푣푛) < f(푤1) < f(푤2).

푓(푢)+ 푓(푣) Now, DDd(u, v) + ⌈ ⌉ ≥ 2m + 9, f(푢) + f(푣) ≥ 1, which implies f(푢) = 2m – 6, f(푣) = 2m – 5. 2

푓(푣)+ 푓(푣 ) DDd(푣, 푣 ) + ⌈ 1 ⌉ ≥ 2m + 9, f(푣) + f(푣 ) ≥ 2m – 3,which implies that f(푣 ) = 2m – 4. 1 2 1 1

푓(푣 )+ 푓(푣 ) DDd(푣 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 1 2 ⌉ ≥ 2m + 9, f(푣 ) + f(푣 ) ≥ 4m – 7, which implies that f(푣 ) = 2m – 3. 1 2 2 1 2 2

푓(푣 )+ 푓(푣 ) DDd(푣 , 푣 ) + ⌈ 2 3 ⌉ ≥ 2m + 9, f(푣 ) + f(푣 ) ≥ 4m – 7, which implies that f(푣 ) = 2m – 2. 2 3 2 2 3 3

so f(푣푖) = 2m + i – 5, 1 ≤ i ≤ m.

푓(푣 )+ 푓(푤 ) DDd(푣 , 푤 ) + ⌈ 푚 1 ⌉ ≥ 2m + 9, f(푣 ) + f(푤 ) ≥ 2m + 1,which implies that f(푤 ) = 3m – 4 . 푚 1 2 푚 1 1

푓(푤 )+ 푓(푤 ) DDd(푤 , 푤 ) + ⌈ 1 2 ⌉ ≥ 2m + 9, f(푤 ) + f(푤 ) ≥ 2m + 3,which implies that f(푤 ) = 3m – 3 . 1 2 2 1 2 2

Dd Hence, rmn (퐷푆(퐾2 + m퐾1) ≤ 3m – 3, m ≥ 4. ∎

Dd Note. rmn (퐷푆(퐾2 + m퐾1)) ≤ m + 4, m = 2, 3.


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