Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-08-18
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IT 17, 19., ~ Ration Calendar 8UGAR •• UpOIl III ""ph., Au,. lSI Cooler 8VOAR coupon 14 expire" Oct.. 31: M8AT .taI1lP'" T, V. V and W ."plr. Au,. al: paOOESSED FOODS ~eup'0.' ."plr. S.pl. 21; i' VEL OlL por. G ,o.pan" IOWA: Somewhat warmer eft '11- 48 ••"plre Sepl. 80; SUOAR il.mp, 15 ana 16, hom • THE DAILY IOWAN • unln,. expl •• 0.1. 81; 801>1118 , lamp 18 ..:,1 ... 0.1. loday. II; 'VEL OIL p ••• 1 .OU ...... '48-'44. uplro Ja•• 4. , STOvle •• rllll •• I.. no' valid .1I.r Au,. 23. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper -------~Ion FNECENTS= THE ASSOCIATED paJl88 IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDJ\Y. A~GUST 18, 1943 THE ASSOCIATED ..a, 8 VOLUME XLIII NUMBER 2:17 Wile lIe of Erie • ned a tbird army ·Corp. of the 11ll. Roosevelt, ··Arrives Quebec to Confer the flYin 'isiting lee! I ty campus Ok!, Part in • n s work. ht S:~Ul\d a ~as killed With C.hurchill on War In Dutch Allied Stra.tegy mry. Mrs n Pleasan; TJ.lIS CONFAB SEEMS TO HAVE ACHIEVED ITS GOAL CAR IN WHICH TWO MET DEATH Leaders Begin rviewtd Talks on Plans, IeI' student university ver wsui n 12:45 UJ , aeties Today :oys in the I is horne X., visiting Mrs. rtea Global War Expected ne road. To Be Theme Of 6th Conference her Q EBE " Que. (AP)-Prl'!I iospital ident Roo. ('vell came to historic, cheering QUl'b cIa. t night to , who has ('e-examine allil'd stratcf!y for 11 hOSpital global war with Prim MiniRtcr I, has been to resume hUI'chill of Britain and tran, yesterday. late it into a mastel' war plan 10 assual~ to blast the axis out of existence. .I care lOr Thus began the final phase of the Quebec war conference, the sixth formal meeting of two statesmen who hold the fale of the allies, and perhaps of a slag gering enemy, in their hands. lareng'o With them was Prime Minister Mackenzie King of Canada, whose t Marengo troops have played a vilal role in lening to the conquest of Sicily and appear 1939 cOljl destined to take on an even big )len e,nl, ger assignment in tremendous n 703 7(h smashes at the Nazi fortress on found out the European continent. IfIl garage. Tonight they were at their ease. is Forrest They were honor guests at a din ner party given by the Earl of Athlone, Canada's governor-gen eral, in Quebec's citadel, a grim fortress which towers over the Charge city, the St. Lawrence and spots "'FORMAL CONFERENCE, above, ot Allied mlUtary chiefs on an alrpe1d somewhere In Sicily seems to w her e British arms defeated ked three have achieved Its goal because now the Allied forces are cleaning up the remnants ot the AxIs de American Invaders in the Revolu ng intoxl- tenders. Lett to right are Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgome~y, commander of the British EIg)1th Army; tionary war. General Berell-Smlt; L1eut. Gen. George I! Patton~ Jr.. cOnultu4er oL.tb.e.l1_Sr.8IwMDtl\. AnIIy,_........ "", The battle then d t.ermined that n Houser, G!ln. Sir Harold Alexander. commander ot Allied nound torces In Sicily. nntIlT'!stinn"f) Canada would be a British do ; H. W. PICTURED ABOVE Is the ba.ttered car in which Mr. and Mrs. Carroll 500 feet along the tracks before It was huded Into a dUcIt. One side minion. Now, as friends, Britain, Itreet, alld Colony were killed last night by a. Cedar Rapids-bound interurba.n. Canada and the United States The Colony car was struck at a crossing one and one ~ half mUe north oC the car was caved III so that It almost touched the other side. (See have pooled all their fighting of North Liberty. The Interurban draned the automobile nearlly story on page 6.) Photo by S. J. Davis, forces and resources in a mighty M~ssi;,o Ffolls t9 Alli,es ' as·' right -------------------------------------------------~!~--_r----------------------------------~~--~--r-- war effort which will help de I termine the destiny of all the world. Nazis Worry Russian Army Gains To day Mr. Roosevelt and F0r Sicily' Ends · A.ft~":3B ·:· D.ays Allied Flyers Kill 1,500 Japs, ChurchJll will plunre full tilt LONDON, ( A P )-German . , Jroadcasters asserted yesterday 4 Miles on Bryansk Into a survey of the combat lac- • that the axis retreat from Sicily - Ucs and operational schemes on which their "pick and shovel was a great feat, but they be ,Bag 170 Planes:in Wewak Raid 10,000 Nazis Die Resistance Ceases L dE ' t Alii d·L trayed their anxiety by specula- men" have been lolllnr for a week. As Yank Doughboys on on ~pec . s . le unge ling where the allies would •1,000 tons of bombs in recent As Reds Advance .trike next. 10,000 Bombs Dropped Their decisions will be backed The Rome radio said a large 0 N G' B weeks. , On Smolensk, Kharkov by the advice of what was offi allied invasion fleet had been n ew ulnea ase The raiders or Wewak struck at cially described as "one of the Contact British Troops As F9IJOW .. Up 10 Fall .of .Sicily LONDON, Wednesday (AP) greatest gatherings of military ex sig hted off Catania on the east In Biggest Raid to Date night and "the wrprise was (om- :oast of Sicily. plete." The Red army smashed through perts ever held." 'Stirring Finish Sets LONDON (AP) -The atmos- This was .emphasizd by Britain's Capt. Ludwig Sentorius, Ber- ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN "Over 10,000 fragmentation and stiUening Gcrman resistance Tues Among those experts were the phere in this oldest and greatest emptym' g beaches as ,the' govern- I' 'l't d t 'd incendiary bombs caused vast day to make gains up to tour miles chiefs 01 staffs of Britain and the Stage for Forthcoming allied forward bases in the Euro- 10 mIl ary correspoD en, sal THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, havoc in and around the al'rdromes toward Bryansk and improved United States and experts on ean theater was heavy last night ment began clearing all non-resi- concentration of allied vessels W d d (AP) 0 h d d P . 'In North Afr'c d S· '1' e nes <JY, - ne un re and disp-ers"1 areas," the com- their positions in the drives upon every theatre of war and every Operations in Europe with speculation that anotper and d en ts f rom b arncaded coastal areas I an an ICI Ian u 'ed . d porls suggest new landing oper- seventy Japanese planes were des- munique said. Smolensk and Kharkov in tighting type of battle enterprise. more fateful lunge against .the axis and the f u ry. of th eat]1 roun- that killed more than ~O,QOO Ger ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN was coming now that the conquest the-clock atr assaults. ations in the Mediterranean troyed and 1,500 Japanese killed "The whole peninsula was en- Disclosed upon the presi mans, Moscow announced today. dent's arrival was the presence NOR'rH AFRICA (AP)-The 38- of Sicily had made the first breach Renewal or Second Front Cries theater, possibly in the Naples, in a big allied air raid on Wewak compassed by [ires visible for 150 The Germans were falling back in the enemy's continental' wall. ' There was a renewal, .too, of. Leghorn or Florence areas of · ' miles, The attack was continued In Quebec of Darry L. Hopkins, day battle ,lOt' Sicily ended yes . f It I ' t New GU,!.nea, the high command tht'oughout the mornJ'ng by attack from position after pOsition in the chairman of the munitions as Only the allied high command cries or a second front In both a Y s west coas . ,. terday with the fa 11 of Messina Bryansk area, where the Red slmment board; Averill lIarrt ,.. had knowledge of where the next Britain and Soviet RussIa, He continued, however, that announced today. bombers and fighters at low aIti- troops were last reported 15 miles " to A m.e r j can doughboys who man, American lend-lease IIU ~w stormed through the hillside streets blow or blows would be struck, It was quite possible, l'j0wever, "The wholesome coup or a land- Ten thousand bombs were drop- tudes. east of the great German defense bit: but a :feeling persisted that a that future operations, regardless ing on the Italian west coast" ped on Wewak, which is about 60 Planes Destroyed center. Ovel' 60 towns and villages pervisor hl London; lsadore of the ancient city and then es denouement in the war was ap- of whethe)' they tall on southern was unlikely and that "more 350 miles northwest of the Sala- "At Borum, the motors of 60 Lubin, who aaslsta HoplillUl and 10 t&blished contact with the British wet·c taken and the Moscow radIo )lid proaching. Italy, the B a I ~ a n s, northern modest" operations were poss- maua ground front in New Guinea, fighter planes were being warmed reported thai "fierce fighting does Lewis Dourlas, deputy war Eighth, army coming up trom the France, the low countries, northern ible. in the heaviest raid yet staged (See PACIFIC, page 5) shlpplnr administrator. ,00. south, allied headquarters an not slacken lor a mllment.'! Germany, Denmark or Norway, "From this angle there SE'em in the southwest Paci(ic area. The Germans, dislodged from Mr. Roosevelt came to Quebec la nounced last night. would I;>e delayed for a few weeks. to be only two possibilities, The raiders destroyed the great- by special train directly from Axis Resistance Ceased, their main line, were said to be This might be done, not only to namely either a landing on est part of the Japanese air iorce in full retreat, covering their rear Washington, where he had gone The stirring finish, however, U.