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Canada Commission Geologique Du Canada GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE DU CANADA CURRENT RESEARCH 1996-A CORDILLERA AND PACIFIC MARGIN RECHERCHES EN COURS 1996-A CORDILLERE ET MARGE DU PACIFIQUE 1996 ....... Natural Resources Re880urces naturelles • ~ Canada canada Canada NOTICE TO LIBRARIANS AND INDEXERS The Geological Survey's Current Research series contains many reports comparable in scope and subject matter to those appearing in scientific journals and other serials. Most contributions to Current Research include an abslract and bibliographic citation. It is hoped that these will assist you in cataloguing and indexing these reports and that this will result in a still wider dissemination of the results of the Geological Survey's research activities. AVIS AUX BIBLIOTHECAIRES ET IPREPARATEURS D'INDEX La serie Recherches en cours de la Commission geologique contient plusieurs rapports dont la portee et la nature sont comparables aceux qui paraissent dans [es revues scientifiques et autres periodiques. La plupart des articles publies dans Recherches en cours sont accompagnes d'un resume et d'une bibliog­ raphie, ce qui vous permettra, on l'espere, de cataloguer et d'indexer ces rapports, d'ou une meilleure diffusion des resultats de recherche de la Commission geologique. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE DU CANADA CURRENT RESEARCH 1996-A CORDILLERA AND PACIFIC MARGIN RECHERCHES EN COURS 1996-A CORDILLERE ET MARGE DU PACIFIQUE 1996 ©Minister of Natural Resources Canada 1996 AvaiJable in Canada from Geological Survey of Canada offices: 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Canada K 1A OE8 3303-33rd Street N.W. Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7 100 West Pender Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B IR8 or from Canada Communication Group - Publishing Ottawa, Canada K1A OS9 and through authorized bookstore agents and other bookstores A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public libraries across Canada Cat. No. M44-199611E ISBN 0-660-16287-3 Price subject to change without notice Cover description Kshwan Glacier rock avalanche, Cambria Icefield, 25 km southeast of Stewart, British Columbia. Photo by Charlie Greig in August 1993. See paper by T.E. Mauthner, this volume. GSC 1995-361 Avalanche de pierres survenue dans la region du glacier Kshwan, champ de glace Cambria, 25 km au sud-est de Stewart, en Colombie-Britannique. Photo prise par Charlie Greig en aoGt 1993. Voir I'article de T.E. Mauthner du present volume de «Recherches en cours». CGSC 1995-361) Separates Tires apart A limited number ofseparates ofthe papers that appear in On peut obtenir un nombre limite de «tires apart» des this volume are available by direct request to the individual articles qui paraissent dans cette publication en s'adressant authors. The addresses of the Geological Survey of Canada directement achaque auteur. Les adresses des differents bu­ offices follow: reaux de la Commission geologique du Canada sont les suivantes : Geological Survey of Canada Commission geologique du Canada 601 Booth Street 601, rue Booth OTIAWA, Ontario OTIAWA, Ontario KIA OE8 KIA OE8 (FAX: 613-996-9990) (facsimile: 613-996-9990) Geological Survey of Canada (Calgary) Commission geologique du Canada (Calgary) 3303-33rd Street N.W. 3303-33rd St. NW., CALGARY, Alberta CALGARY, Alberta T2L 2A7 T2L 2A7 (FAX: 403-292-5377) (facsimile: 403-292-5377) Geological Survey of Canada (Victoria) Commission geologique du Canada (Victoria) 100 West Pender Street 100 West Pender Street VANCOUVER, B.C. VANCOUVER, British Columbia V6B 1R8 V6B 1R8 (FAX: 604-666-1124) (facsimile: 604-666-1124) Commission geologique du Canada (Victoria) Geological Survey of Canada (Victoria) PO. Box 6000 PO. Box 6000 9860 Saanich Road 9860 Saanich Road SIDNEY, British Columbia SIDNEY, B.C. V8L4B2 V8L4B2 (facsimile: 604-363-6565) (Fax: 604-363-6565) Commission geologique du Canada (Atlantique) Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic) Institut oceanographique Bedford Bedford Institute of Oceanography PO. Box 1006 PO. Box 1006 DARTMOUTH, Nova Scotia DARTMOUTH, N.S. B2Y 4A2 B2Y 4A2 (facsimile: 902-426-2256) (FAX: 902-426-2256) Centre geoscientifique de QuebeclINRS Quebec Geoscience Centre/INRS 2535, boulevard Laurier 2535, boulevard Laurier C.P.7500 C.P.7500 Sainte-Foy (Quebec) Sainte-Foy (Quebec) G1V 4C7 G1V 4C7 (facsimile: 418-654-2615) (FAX: 418-654-2615) CONTENTS Carlin-type gold deposits and their potential occurrence in the Canadian Cordillera KH. Poulsen ...........................................1 Middle Triassic (Ladinian) volcanic strata in southern Yukon Territory, and their Cordilleran correlatives C.J.R. Hart and M.J. Orchard 11 Structural evolution and rock types of the Slide Mountain and Yukon-Tanana terranes in the Campbell Range, southeastern Yukon Territory H.E. PHnt and T.M. Gordon 19 Late Tertiary to Quaternary volcanism in the Atlin area, northwestern British Columbia B.R. Edwards, T.S. Hamilton, J. Nicholls, M.Z. Stout, J.K Russell, and K Simpson 29 Kshwan Glacier rock avalanche, southeast of Stewart, British Columbia T.E. Mauthner ......................................... 37 Bedrock geology of north-central and west-central Nass River map area, British Columbia e.A. Evenchick and P.S. Mustard .............................. 45 Nechako Project overview, central British Columbia L.e. Struik and W.J. McMillan 57 Vanderhoof Metamorphic Complex and surrounding rocks, central British Columbia S. Wetherup and L.C. Struik 63 Geology near Fort St. James, central British Columbia L.C. Struik, e. Floriet, and F. Cordey 71 Conodont biostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, and correlation of the Cache Creek Group near Fort St. James, British Columbia M.J. Orchard and L.C. Struik 77 Scope and preliminary results of radiolarian biostratigraphic studies, Fort Fraser and Prince George map areas, central British Columbia F. Cordey and L.C. Struik 83 Time-domain electromagnetic surveys in drift covered regions of the Fawnie Creek map area, British Columbia M.E. Best, V.M. Levson, and L. Diakow ........................... 91 Albian-Cenomanian conglomerates along the IntermontanelInsular superterrane boundary, Canadian Cordillera, British Columbia: a critical test for large-scale terrane translation? J.B. Mahoney, J.W.H. Monger, and C.J. Hickson 101 V-Pb zircon ages of the Island Copper deposit intrusions, northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia KV. Ross, RM. Friedman, KM. Dawson, and C.H.B. Leitch. ............. 111 Diachronous low-temperature Paleogene cooling of the Alberni Inlet area, southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia: evidence from apatite fission track analyses L.D. Currie and A.M. Grist ................................. 119 Quaternary stratigraphy of Taseko valley, south-central British Columbia A. Plouffe, V. Levson, and T. Giles ............................. 129 New stratigraphic and tectonic interpretations, north Okanagan Valley, British Columbia RI. Thompson and KL. Daughtry ............................. 135 Neotectonic stress orientation indicators in southwestern British Columbia J.S. Bell and G.H. Eisbacher ................................ 143 Shoreface of the Bearpaw Sea in the footwall of the Lewis Thrust, southern Canadian Cordillera, Alberta T. Jerzykiewicz, A.R Sweet, and D.H. McNeil ...................... 155 A re-evaluation of the paleoglaciology of the maximum continental and montane advances, southwestern Alberta L.E. Jackson, Jr., E.c. Little, E.R Leboe, and P.J. Holme. ............... 165 Author Index 174 Carlin-type gold deposits and their potential occurrence in the Canadian Cordillera K. Howard Poulsen Mineral Resources Division, Ottawa Poulsen, K.H., 1996: Carlin-type gold deposits and their potential occurrence in the Canadian Cordillera; in Current Research 1996-A; Geological Survey ofCanada, p. 1-9. Abstract: Carlin-type deposits are characterized by pyrite and micron-sized gold particles disseminated in de-calcified zones in otherwise carbonate-bearing rocks. Silicification in the form of stratabound jasperoid replacements of bedded rocks and as discordant hydrothermal breccias is a common affiliate of ore. Carlin-type deposits are commonly enriched in arsenic, antimony, and mercury and this is reflected in part by the presence of coarse stibnite and orpiment / realgar in late-stage veins. Carlin-type deposits are controlled structurally by thrusts, upright folds and, most important, high-angle normal faults. They occur in distinct mineral belts in the Paleozoic miogeocline of the western United States where they co-exist with Paleozoic sedex deposits and Mesozoic through Cenozoic intrusion-related porphyry Cu-Mo, skarn Cu, skarn Au, skarn Pb-Zn, and vein and manto Ag-Pb-Zn deposits. Although definitive examples ofCarlin-type deposits are unknown in Canada, analogous geological environments exist in the Omineca Belt of the Canadian Cordillera. Resume: Les gisements de type Carlin sont caracterises par la presence de pyrite et de particules microniques d'or disseminees dans les zones decalcifiees de roches autrement carbonatees. La silicification, sous la forme de substitutions en jasperoYdes strato'ides de roches stratifiees et sous la forme de breches hydrothermales discordantes, accompagne souvent la mineralisation. Les gisements de type Carlin sont habituellement riches en arsenic, en antimoine et en mercure, ce qui s'explique en partie par la presence de stibine et d'orpiment-realgar (grain grossier) dans les filons tardifs. Les gisements de type CarJin sont contr6les structuralement par des chevauchements, des plis droits et surtout des failles normales apendage fort. IIs
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    MAY 2014 41 ISSN 0619-4324 ALBERTIANA 41 • MAY 2014 CONTENTS Editorial note. Christopher McRoberts 1 Executive note. Marco Balini 2 Triassic timescale status: A brief overview. James G. Ogg, Chunju Huang, and Linda Hinnov 3 The Permian and Triassic in the Albanian Alps: Preliminary note. 31 Maurizio Gaetani, Selam Meço, Roberto Rettori, and Accursio Tulone The first find of well-preserved Foraminifera in the Lower Triassic of Russian Far East. 34 Liana G. Bondarenko, Yuri D. Zakharov, and Nicholas N. Barinov STS Task Group Report. New evidence on Early Olenekian biostratigra[hy in Nevada, Salt Range, 39 and South Primorye (Report on the IOBWG activity in 2013. Yuri D. Zakharov Obituary: Hienz W. Kozur (1942-2014) 41 Obituary Inna A. Dobruskina (1933-2014) 44 New Triassic literature. Geoffrey Warrington 50 Meeting announcments 82 Editor Christopher McRoberts State University of New York at Cortland, USA Editorial Board Marco Balini Aymon Baud Arnaud Brayard Università di Milano, Italy Université de Lausanne, Switzerland Université de Bourgogne, France Margaret Fraiser Piero Gianolla Mark Hounslow University of Wisconson Milwaukee, USA Università di Ferrara, Italy Lancaster University, United Kingdom Wolfram Kürschner Spencer Lucas Michael Orchard Univseristy of Oslo, Norway New Mexico Museum of Natural History, Geological Survey of Canada, Vancouver USA Canada Yuri Zakharov Far-Eastern Geological Institute, Vladivostok, Russia Albertiana is the international journal of Triassic research. The primary aim of Albertiana is to promote the interdisciplinary collaboration and understanding among members of the I.U.G.S. Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy. Albertiana serves as the primary venue for the dissemination of orignal research on Triassic System.
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