1 of 73 ELECTRIC UTILITY BOARD AGENDA May 18, 2021 11:00 A.M.

Via In-Person and Video/Teleconference Lubbock Power & Light

OPEN SESSION: Citizens Tower City Council Chambers 1314 Avenue K Lubbock, 79401

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Citizens Tower Conference Rooms 201A and 201B 1314 Avenue K Lubbock, Texas 79401 The public may also listen to the meeting by calling any of the following numbers: (346) 248 7799 (669) 900 9128 (253) 215 8782 (301) 715 8592 (312) 626 6799 (646) 558 8656 877 853 5247 (Toll Free) 888 788 0099 (Toll Free)

Webinar link: https://zoom.us/j/96040457667?pwd=Tml0K1NRTDhycU1VWFlnSkpCZU44UT09 Webinar ID: 960 4045 7667 Password: 364925

Pursuant to Executive Order of Governor Abbott, the Electric Utility Board will convene in-person and via video and/or teleconference

1. Call to Order.

2. Public Comment. Public comment is an opportunity for the public to make comments and express a position on agenda items.

a. This period, of up to thirty minutes, is dedicated to public comment. Each member of the public will have three minutes to speak. Any member of the public that requires the assistance of a translator will have six minutes to speak. Comments must be limited to only those items posted on the Electric Utility Board agenda. Any member of the public wishing to speak shall sign up on the public comment sheet on the day of the Electric Utility Board Meeting. The Electric Utility Board shall follow the order of persons wishing to speak as listed on the sign-up sheet. If everyone who signed up to speak has been given an opportunity to speak and the thirty minutes designated for public comment has not been exhausted, the Electric Utility Board may, at its discretion, open the floor to anyone else wishing to address the Electric Utility Board, subject to all the same procedures and guidelines. 2 of 73 b. Alternatively, any member of the public wishing to address the Electric Utility Board, regarding any matter posted on the Electric Utility Board Agenda, may submit a public comment by email at [email protected] beginning at the time this agenda is publicly posted and no later than 9:00 a.m. on May 18, 2021. Each comment will be read aloud for a period of time not to exceed three minutes, in accordance with the practices and procedures of the Electric Utility Board.

Executive Session

3. Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code § 551.086, to discuss and deliberate, on the following competitive matters of Lubbock Power & Light, reasonably related to the following categories:

a) generation unit specific and portfolio fixed and variable costs, including forecasts of those costs, capital improvement plans for generation units, and generation unit operating characteristics and outage scheduling;

. Discuss and deliberate generation unit matters.

b) bidding and pricing information for purchased power, generation and fuel, and Electric Reliability Council of Texas bids, prices, offers, and related services and strategies;

. Discuss and deliberate issues regarding Electric Reliability Council of Texas prices and related services and strategies.

c) effective fuel and purchased power agreements and fuel transportation arrangements and contracts;

. Discuss and deliberate purchased power matters.

d) risk management information, contracts, and strategies, including fuel hedging and storage;

. Discuss and deliberate risk management strategies.

e) plans, studies, proposals, and analyses for system improvements, additions, or sales (other than transmission and distribution system improvements inside the service area for which the public power utility is the sole certificated retail provider);

. Discuss and deliberate plans, studies, proposals, and analyses for system improvements, additions, or sales.

f) customer billing, contract, and usage information, electric power pricing information, system load characteristics, and electric power marketing analyses and strategies. 3 of 73 4. Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code § 551.071, seeking the advice of its legal counsel about pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers and hold a consultation with the attorney on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the Electric Utility Board under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: (i) legal advice and counsel regarding the Application of the City of Lubbock, acting by and through Lubbock Power & Light for authority to establish initial wholesale transmission rates and tariffs before the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the State Office of Administrative Hearings, PUC Docket No. 51100, SOAH Docket 473-21-0043, and associated Tariff Filing No. 52011, proceeding before the Public Utility Commission of Texas; (ii) legal issues regarding contract(s) herein listed on the agenda; (iii) power purchase agreements; (iv) legal issues regarding customer choice and Texas Utilities Code, Chapter 40; (v) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket Nos. ER16-1341, EL17- 2, and EL18-9, related to SPP attachment Z2; (vi) legal advice and counsel regarding matters identified in Section 3(a)-(f) of this Agenda; (vii) legal advice and counsel regarding potential statutory changes regarding ERCOT and/or electric utility regulation; (viii) Chapter 22 of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances.

5. Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code § 551.074(a)(1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, and duties of a public officer or employee (Director of Electric Utilities and General Counsel).

12:00 p.m. – Approximately - Following completion of the Executive Session, the Electric Utility Board will reconvene in open session to discuss the items listed below. It is anticipated that the open session will begin at 12:00 p.m. However, this is an approximation and the Board may begin the open session earlier or later depending on when the Executive Session is complete.

Open Session

6. Approve the minutes from the Regular Electric Utility Board Meeting of April 20, 2021 and the minutes from the Special Meeting of the Electric Utility Board on May 4, 2021.

7. Presentation and discussion of the update/report by the Director of Electric Utilities, or his designee, regarding customer service, business center practices, procedures and policies, customer concerns and complaints, billing forms and procedures, status of transmission and distribution projects, mutual aid, weather events, outage, and restoration efforts, staffing levels, regulatory matters, and operational performance metrics.

8. Presentation and discussion of financial and capital statements, financing options, audits, and financial policies of Lubbock Power & Light relating to debt issuance issues, reserve account funding, cost allocation, revenue and expense projections, power cost recovery factor, customer metering, tariff and billing, service and administrative issues.

9. Presentation and discussion by the Director of Electric Utilities or his designee, regarding the status of Lubbock Power & Light’s transition to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (“ERCOT”), and public education regarding same.

10. Presentation and discussion by the Director of Electric Utilities, or his designee, regarding updates on the legislative and regulatory matters regarding ERCOT and/or the electric utility industry, and the status of any legislation, legislative hearings, rulemakings, and/or regulatory or administrative action regarding same. 4 of 73 11. Consider a resolution recommending City Council amend Section 22.02.103 of Title I, Chapter 22, Article 2.02, Division 3 of the Lubbock Code of Ordinances to permit Lubbock Power & Light to update the fee structure for recovery of the cost of providing underground electric distribution service as part of the annual review and approval of the LP&L Electric Rate/Tariff Schedule.


12. Consider a resolution authorizing the Director of Electric Utilities, or his designee, to execute a Public Works Contract by and between the City of Lubbock, acting by and through Lubbock Power & Light and Primoris T&D Services, LLC, RFP# 7126-21-ELD, regarding LP&L Construction Services for Feeder Redesign at Chalker Substation.

13. Consider a resolution authorizing the Purchasing Manager, or his designee, to execute Purchase Orders by and between the City of Lubbock, acting by and through Lubbock Power & Light, and Iljin Electric USA, Inc., RFP# 7119-21-ELD, for LP&L Substation Power Transformers for fiscal year 2021-22.

14. Adjourn.


Posted on the bulletin board outside the south entrance of Citizen’s Tower, 1314 Ave. K., Lubbock, Texas, on the 14th day of May 2021, at 11:00 .M.

By: ______Beatrice Duenez______

***************************************************************************************************************************** CITY OF LUBBOCK ELECTRIC UTILITY BOARD MEETINGS ARE AVAILABLE TO ALL PERSONS REGARDLESS OF DISABILITY. IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY SECRETARY AT 775-2026 OR WRITE P. O. BOX 2000, LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79457, AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. ****************************************************************************************************************************** 5 of 73 ELECTRIC UTILITY BOARD AGENDA April 20, 2021 11:00 A.M.

Via In-Person and Video/Teleconference Lubbock Power & Light

OPEN SESSION: Citizens Tower City Council Chambers 1314 Avenue K Lubbock, Texas 79401

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Citizens Tower Conference Rooms 201A and 201B 1314 Avenue K Lubbock, Texas 79401 The public may also listen to the meeting by calling any of the following numbers: (346) 248 7799 (669) 900 9128 (253) 215 8782 (301) 715 8592 (312) 626 6799 (646) 558 8656 877 853 5247 (Toll Free) 888 788 0099 (Toll Free)

Webinar link: https://zoom.us/j/96040457667?pwd=Tml0K1NRTDhycU1VWFlnSkpCZU44UT09 Webinar ID: 960 4045 7667 Password: 364925

Pursuant to Executive Order of Governor Abbott, the Electric Utility Board will convene in-person and via video and/or teleconference

EUB City Council LP&L Staff Dan Odom Mayor Dan Pope David McCalla Jane Henry Mayor Pro Tem Steve Massengale Andy Burcham Butch Davis Councilwoman Latrelle Joy Jenny Smith Don Boatman Councilman Juan Chadis Matt Rose Gwen Stafford Blair McGinnis Eddie Schulz City Staff Felix Orta Solomon Fields Jarrett Atkinson Ranu Manik Kevin McMahon Becky Garza Joe Jimenez Greg Taylor Chad Weaver Hunter Harrison Blu Kostelich Beatrice Duenez Brandon Miller 6 of 73 1. Call to Order.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 11:04 a.m.

2. Public Comment. Public comment is an opportunity for the public to make comments and express a position on agenda items.

a. This period, of up to thirty minutes, is dedicated to public comment. Each member of the public will have three minutes to speak. Any member of the public that requires the assistance of a translator will have six minutes to speak. Comments must be limited to only those items posted on the Electric Utility Board agenda. Any member of the public wishing to speak shall sign up on the public comment sheet on the day of the Electric Utility Board Meeting. The Electric Utility Board shall follow the order of persons wishing to speak as listed on the sign-up sheet. If everyone who signed up to speak has been given an opportunity to speak and the thirty minutes designated for public comment has not been exhausted, the Electric Utility Board may, at its discretion, open the floor to anyone else wishing to address the Electric Utility Board, subject to all the same procedures and guidelines. b. Alternatively, any member of the public wishing to address the Electric Utility Board, regarding any matter posted on the Electric Utility Board Agenda, may submit a public comment by email at [email protected] beginning at the time this agenda is publicly posted and no later than 9:00 a.m. on April 20, 2021. Each comment will be read aloud for a period of time not to exceed three minutes, in accordance with the practices and procedures of the Electric Utility Board.

No speakers signed up for public comment and there were no comments submitted.

The Board recessed into Executive Session at 11:05 a.m.

Executive Session

3. Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code § 551.086, to discuss and deliberate, on the following competitive matters of Lubbock Power & Light, reasonably related to the following categories:

a) generation unit specific and portfolio fixed and variable costs, including forecasts of those costs, capital improvement plans for generation units, and generation unit operating characteristics and outage scheduling;

. Discuss and deliberate generation unit matters.

b) bidding and pricing information for purchased power, generation and fuel, and Electric Reliability Council of Texas bids, prices, offers, and related services and strategies;

. Discuss and deliberate issues regarding Electric Reliability Council of Texas prices and related services and strategies.

c) effective fuel and purchased power agreements and fuel transportation arrangements and contracts; 7 of 73

. Discuss and deliberate purchased power matters.

d) risk management information, contracts, and strategies, including fuel hedging and storage;

. Discuss and deliberate risk management strategies.

e) plans, studies, proposals, and analyses for system improvements, additions, or sales (other than transmission and distribution system improvements inside the service area for which the public power utility is the sole certificated retail provider);

. Consider and take possible action regarding the construction of electric transmission infrastructure, and real estate acquisitions regarding same, ordered integrated into ERCOT.

. Discuss and deliberate plans, studies, proposals, and analyses for system improvements, additions, or sales.

f) customer billing, contract, and usage information, electric power pricing information, system load characteristics, and electric power marketing analyses and strategies.

4. Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code § 551.071, seeking the advice of its legal counsel about pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers and hold a consultation with the attorney on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the Electric Utility Board under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: (i) legal advice and counsel regarding the Application of the City of Lubbock, acting by and through Lubbock Power & Light for authority to establish initial wholesale transmission rates and tariffs before the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the State Office of Administrative Hearings, PUC Docket No. 51100, SOAH Docket 473-21-0043; (ii) legal issues regarding contract(s) herein listed on the agenda; (iii) real property processes and acquisitions; (iv) power purchase agreements; (v) legal issues regarding customer choice and Texas Utilities Code, Chapter 40; (vi) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket Nos. ER16-1341, EL17-2, and EL18-9, related to SPP attachment Z2; (vii) legal advice and counsel regarding matters identified in Section 3(a)-(f) of this Agenda; (viii) legal advice and counsel regarding potential statutory changes regarding ERCOT and/or electric utility regulation; (ix) claim regarding alleged property damage occurring on or about May 30, 2019; and (x) claims related to alleged property damage on or about February 13-19, 2021.

5. Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code § 551.072, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, and value of real property, regarding Lubbock Power & Light transmission and distribution easements (Electric Utility Easements).

6. Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code § 551.074(a)(1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, and duties of a public officer or employee (Director of Electric Utilities and General Counsel).

1:00 p.m. – Approximately - Following completion of the Executive Session, the Electric Utility Board will reconvene in open session to discuss the items listed below. It is anticipated that the open session will 8 of 73 begin at 1:00 p.m. However, this is an approximation and the Board may begin the open session earlier or later depending on when the Executive Session is complete.

Open Session

Greg Taylor and Gwen Stafford left the meeting.

7. Approve the minutes from the Regular Electric Utility Board Meeting of March 30, 2021.

Eddie Schulz made a motion and seconded by Butch Davis to approve the minutes as presented. The motion passed 7-0.

8. Presentation and discussion of the update/report by the Director of Electric Utilities, or his designee, regarding customer service, business center practices, procedures and policies, customer concerns and complaints, billing forms and procedures, status of transmission and distribution projects, mutual aid, weather events, outage, and restoration efforts, staffing levels, regulatory matters, and operational performance metrics.

Jason Avent informed the Board the Yellow House Substation and Yellow House Tap project were two weeks behind schedule. Jason Avent also informed the Board that Oncor was experiencing construction delays on two substation projects and four transmission line projects. Construction on the Dunbar substation and Dunbar Tie-in and Line Build projects were ahead of schedule. Overall, the project remains on schedule despite individual delays.

Jason Avent also reported that ERCOT approved LP&L’s cutover dates for the Memorial Day weekend.

9. Presentation and discussion of financial and capital statements, financing options, audits, and financial policies of Lubbock Power & Light relating to debt issuance issues, reserve account funding, cost allocation, revenue and expense projections, power cost recovery factor, customer metering, tariff and billing, service issues, and administrative, operational, and financial impacts caused by or related to the COVID-19 pandemic and/or Winter Storm Uri, including but not limited to disconnects, efforts to work with customers, payment plans, and community resources available for assistance.

Ranu Manik presented the LP&L financials, including the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows.

10. Presentation and discussion by the Director of Electric Utilities or his designee, regarding the status of Lubbock Power & Light’s transition to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (“ERCOT”), and public education regarding same.

Matt Rose reviewed media communication plans beginning May 1st to inform both customers and the public of the May 29th transition to ERCOT. Solomon Fields asked staff what its plans were to reach out to customers with chronic health conditions or other at-risk customers. Matt Rose informed Solomon Fields that staff is planning to work with emergency management to inform to those customers. Mr. Rose acknowledged it was possible that not all customers would be reached, but has the goal of reaching as many customers as possible to inform them of the cutover. 9 of 73 11. Presentation and discussion by the Director of Electric Utilities, or his designee, regarding updates on the legislative and regulatory matters regarding ERCOT and/or the electric utility industry, and the status of any legislation, legislative hearings, rulemakings, and/or regulatory or administrative action regarding same.

Matt Rose reviewed legislative updates and progress on bills relating to ERCOT and other relevant electric utility proposed legislation since last month. Matt Rose also discussed recent PUC appointments by the Texas governor over the course of April.


Don Boatman made a motion and seconded by Eddie Schulz to approve consent items 12-17 as presented. The motion passed 7-0.

12. Consider a budget amendment, amending the FY 2020-21 Capital Program to amend or establish the following Capital Improvement Projects (CIP): CIP #92474, Yellow House Canyon 345/115kV Transformers; CIP #92475, Dunbar 345/115kV Transformers; CIP #92609, Blackwater Draw to Folsom Point 345kV Line; CIP #92610, Blackwater Draw to Double Mountain 345kV Line; CIP #92661, Posey to Oliver 115kV line; establish CIP #92710, Fiddlewood to Farmland 345kV Transmission Line, and recommend approval of same to the City Council of the City of Lubbock.

13. Consider a resolution authorizing the Director of Electric Utilities, or his designee, to execute that certain Fourth Amendment to TMG Utility Advisory Services Professional Services Agreement, by and between the City of Lubbock, acting by and through Lubbock Power & Light, and TMG Utility Advisory Services, Inc., regarding professional consulting services related to implementation of various systems for LP&L.

14. Consider a resolution authorizing the Chairman of the Electric Utility Board to execute that certain Settlement Agreement and Release, by and between the City of Lubbock, acting by and through Lubbock Power & Light, Associated Supply Company, Inc., and Federated Insurance Company, regarding a claim of alleged property damage on or about May 30, 2019, and ratification and approval, as applicable, of the receipt of insurance funds regarding same.

15. Consider a resolution authorizing the Director of Electric Utilities, or his designee, to execute a Professional Service Agreement by and between the City of Lubbock, acting by and through Lubbock Power & Light and Black & Veatch Corporation, RFQ# 7116-21-ELD, for LP&L Professional Services for Engineering Design for Various Substations.

16. Consider a resolution authorizing the Purchasing Manager, or his designee, to execute Purchase Orders by and between the City of Lubbock, acting by and through Lubbock Power & Light, and Iljin Electric USA, Inc., RFP# 7119-21-ELD, for LP&L Substation Power Transformers.

17. Consider a resolution authorizing the Purchasing Manager, or his designee, to execute a Purchase Order by and between the City of Lubbock, acting by and through Lubbock Power & Light and Techline Inc., ITB# 7124-21-ELD, for LP&L Spare Transmission Conductor and Shield Wire.

18. Adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m. 10 of 73

Prepared by: Approved by:

______Gwen Stafford, Secretary Dan Odom, Chairman 4/21/2021 11 of 73

Electric Utility Board Meeting Agenda Item #8 April 20, 2021 Director’s Report – Transmission Update

3 4

115kV Program Executive Summary –April 2021

Agenda Item #9 February Financial Presentation 5

1 4/21/2021 12 of 73

Balance Sheet – February (Page 59) Balance Sheet – February (Page 60)

Income Statement –February (Page 61) Cash Flow – February (Page 62)

ERCOT Communications

Owned Media Communications: • LPandL.com • Front Page Scroll • Front Page Searchable Tool for Affected Customers • ERCOT Dedicated Page (LPandL.com/ERCOT)

• Social Media Campaign • LP&L Facebook • LP&L Twitter

Beginning on May 1, LP&L social media will continuously direct customers to the Agenda Item #10 website for more information. ERCOT Migration Communications

2 4/21/2021 13 of 73

Website Lookup Tool Facebook and Twitter Posts

ERCOT Communications ERCOT Communications

Earned Media Communications: Paid Media: • Press Releases (May 1 and May 15) • ¼‐page Print Ads (Lubbock AJ, El Editor, Southwest Digest, Latino Lubbock) • Media Interviews (Multiple interviews will be given starting May 1) • Webpage Banners (Lubbock AJ, KCBD, EverythingLubbock, Fox 34, • Radio Show Appearances (Multiple interviews will be given starting May 1) Telemundo) • Radio Spots (KFYO, KQBR, KKCL, KLLL, KMMX, KBTE, KONE, KXTQ/Spanish) Speaking Opportunities: • City Council District Meetings Direct Billing Communications: • Lubbock Organization Meetings (Chamber of Commerce, LEDA, Rotary, etc) • Bill Onsert (Will begin running 30 days out) • Lubbock Religious Organizations • Direct Mail Piece to Affected Customers (May 1) • Eblast to Affected Customers (May 1, May 15, May 28) Chamber of Commerce will partner to send information to their membership • Onsite Signage (Citizen’s Tower) • Upfront Message on IVR (775‐2509)

ERCOT Communications

Key Takeaways: • Goal is to reach as many customers as possible • Tools such as the “Affected Customer Search Tool” will be heavily promoted in order to cut down on calls in to the Call Center • Utilizing all forms of media and communication (Owned/Earned/Paid/Billing) is important • Repetitive communication is important • Communication with larger, more complex customers underway

Every single affected customer may not be reached but repetitive, clear communications that inform customers of what, why, and importantly when, can Agenda Item #10 mitigate confusion during the cutover weekend Texas Legislative Session Update

3 4/21/2021 14 of 73

Legislative Update Legislative Update

April 2021 Legislative Update • LP&L works closely with Texas Public Power Association (TPPA) and our legislative • Recap of Legislative Bill Tracking consultants (HillCo) to track bills of interest to the utility industry

• Analysis of House and Senate Bills of Interest • The track list for HillCo and TPPA 350 filed bills.

• Expectations of Future Legislative Action • Bills of interest are broad in range and cover topics such as: • Cybersecurity/Grid Protection • Transmission/Generation • Eminent Domain • Environment/Renewables • General Municipal Utility Governance • Regulatory Oversight/Public Information

Legislative Update Legislative Update

Bills of Interest House Bills of Interest • Most important topic to be addressed is ERCOT reform HB 10: Restructures the ERCOT board so that the unaffiliated member positions are eliminated, replaced by appointees of the governor (three), the lieutenant governor • Over 50 filed bills address topics specifically related to reforming the ERCOT market (one) and the speaker of the House (one), all of whom must be Texas residents and and addressing the issues at the root cause of market problems unpaid, except for expenses. ACTION: Passed H 149‐0

HB 11: Requires the Public Utility Commission of Texas to require each generator to • SB 3 (Schwertner) designated as an important vehicle for ERCOT reform legislation, prepare to provide sufficient power in an extreme weather emergency, summer or however several other bills contain important fixes winter. ACTION: Passed H 149‐0

• Anticipated that House and Senate bills will be combined before final passage of HB 12: Establishes a statewide disaster alert system for events such as widespread reform bills power outage lasting longer than 24 hours. ACTION: Passed H 147‐0

Legislative Update Legislative Update

House Bills of Interest Senate Bill 2 (Hancock) HB 13: Establishes a Texas Energy Disaster Reliability Council to prevent extended • Requires ERCOT Board of Directors to live in Texas power outages caused by disasters, manage such emergencies, coordinate fuel delivery to electric generators, monitor supply chains for the electric grid, and • Adds requirement for some board members to be unaffiliated with electric recommend methods to maintain grid reliability, including maintaining gas supply generators networks. ACTION: Passed H 149‐0 • Requires major procedural changes at ERCOT be reviewed by PUC HB 16: Prohibits the sale of wholesale indexed electricity products to residential consumers. ACTION: Passed H 116‐31 • Requires ERCOT Chair to be appointed by Governor and confirmed by Senate

HB 17: Prohibits any regulatory authority or political subdivision from banning, ACTION: Approved by Senate 30‐1 on April 14 limiting or discriminating for or against a utility service based on the type or source of energy to be delivered to the end‐user. ACTION: Passed H 116‐29

4 4/21/2021 15 of 73

Legislative Update Legislative Update

Senate Bill 3 (Schwertner) Senate Bill 3 (Schwertner) • Strengthens reporting related to on‐site generation to ensure the Electric Reliability • Requires power utilities and retail electric providers to inform consumers about Council of Texas (ERCOT) has a full picture of power generation in Texas load‐shedding procedures and how to be considered a critical‐care customer

• Requires a reliability monitor certified by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas to • Requires intermittent generation (wind and solar) to buy ancillary services and check for compliance with weatherization standards and directs the PUCT to set replacement power sufficient to manage net load variability potential noncompliance penalties • Requires load‐shedding exercises to be conducted at least once a year • Requires gas supply chain facility operators to prepare to operate during a weather emergency, with the potential fine of up to $1 million/offense for noncompliance • Establishes an "emergency pricing program" – compensating generators based on actual costs ‐‐ which would become effective if the $9,000/MWh high systemwide • Prohibits the sale of wholesale indexed electricity products to small commercial offer cap, known as the HCAP, has been in effect for 12 hours within a 24‐hour consumers period

Legislative Update Legislative Update

Senate Bill 3 (Schwertner) Senate Bill 2109 (Schwertner) • Limits the price of ancillary services to 150% of any HCAP or emergency pricing • Originally a bill addressing demand response programs

• Limits the low systemwide cap ($2,000/MWh or 50 times a natural gas fuel index • Committee substitute incorporates Berkshire Hathaway language regarding price) to no more than the HCAP establishment of reserve generation fleet managed RFP selected provider for use during emergency • Requires registration for non‐residential distributed generation • Requires unit to be ready at all times with a 7 day fuel reserve onsite ACTION: Approved by Senate 31‐0 on March 29 • Funded by line item on all ERCOT ratepayer bills

ACTION: In Senate Committee

Legislative Update

Public Utility Commission Appointments • Will McAdams appointed to PUC Commissioner by Gov. Abbott on April 1

• McAdams unanimously approved by Senate Nominations Committee on April 12 and received full Senate confirmation on April 16.

• Peter Lake appointed to PUC Chair by Gov. Abbott on April 14

• Lake unanimously approved by Senate Nominations Committee on April 15 and will now go before full Senate for vetting and approval


5 16 of 73


Via In-Person and Video/Teleconference Lubbock Power & Light

OPEN SESSION: Citizens Tower City Council Chambers 1314 Avenue K Lubbock, Texas 79401

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Citizens Tower Council Chambers Workroom 101A 1314 Avenue K Lubbock, Texas 79401

The public may also listen to the meeting by calling any of the following numbers: (346) 248 7799 (669) 900 9128 (253) 215 8782 (301) 715 8592 (312) 626 6799 (646) 558 8656 877 853 5247 (Toll Free) 888 788 0099 (Toll Free)

Webinar link: https://zoom.us/j/93739996289?pwd=MFBNbnpXZnlJSGpocGxHOEZnWDNxZz09 Webinar ID: 937 3999 6289 Password: 952469

Pursuant to Executive Order of Governor Abbott, the Electric Utility Board will convene in-person and via video and/or teleconference.

EUB LP&L Staff City Staff Dan Odom David McCalla Jarrett Atkinson Greg Taylor Jenny Smith Clifton Beck Butch Davis Gwen Stafford Solomon Fields Kevin McMahon 17 of 73

1. Call to order.

Mr. Taylor called the Human Resources Committee meeting to order at 11:00 am. The Chairman called the meeting of the Electric Utility Board to order at 11:01 am.

2. Public Comment. Public comment is an opportunity for the public to make comments and express a position on agenda items.

a. This period, of up to thirty minutes, is dedicated to public comment. Each member of the public will have three minutes to speak. Any member of the public that requires the assistance of a translator will have six minutes to speak. Comments must be limited to only those items posted on the Electric Utility Board or Committee agenda. Any member of the public wishing to speak shall sign up on the public comment sheet on the day of the Electric Utility Board Meeting or Committee Meeting. The Electric Utility Board and the Committee shall follow the order of persons wishing to speak as listed on the sign-up sheet. If everyone who signed up to speak has been given an opportunity to speak and the thirty minutes designated for public comment has not been exhausted, the Electric Utility Board or Committee may, at its discretion, open the floor to anyone else wishing to address the Electric Utility Board or the Committee, subject to all the same procedures and guidelines.

b. Alternatively, any member of the public wishing to address the Electric Utility Board or Committee, regarding any matter posted on the Electric Utility Board or Committee Agenda, may submit a public comment by email at [email protected] beginning at the time this agenda is publicly posted and no later than 9:00 a.m. on May 4, 2021. Each comment will be read aloud for a period of time not to exceed three minutes, in accordance with the practices and procedures of the Electric Utility Board.

No speakers signed up for public comment and there were no comments submitted.

The Human Resources Committee of the Electric Utility Board and the Electric Utility Board recessed into Executive Session at 11:01 am and 11:02 am, respectively.

3. Attend meeting of the Human Resources Committee of the Electric Utility Board and hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code § 551.074(a)(1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, and duties of a public officer or employee (Director of Electric Utilities and General Counsel).

4. Adjourn

The meeting of the Human Resources Committee and the Electric Utility Board adjourned at 12:19 p.m.

Prepared by: Approved by:

______Gwen Stafford, Secretary Dan Odom, Chairman 18 of 73

Lubbock Power & Light

Electric Utility Board

Report by the Director of Electric Utilities Meeting: May 18, 2021

Public Communication Recap Owned Media CityofLubbockUtilities.com With the temporary closure of the customer service center, we continue to point customers to additional ways to pay.

After a spike in February and March due to the new customer account numbers and customer service center updates, website traffic is returning to previous averages.

% change from previous Pages Pageviews* month (3/1-3/31) Homepage 90,988 -40% One-Time Online Payments 9,506 -36% Ways to Pay 5,927 -38% Contact Us 2,955 -50%

LPandL.com April saw overall declines in visits to the website, likely due to not posting new Plugged In content.

The updated LP&L website launched in late April, including updated ERCOT information and a new ERCOT cutover lookup tool on the homepage. We began promotion for the tool May 3, and anticipate increased traffic.

% change from previous Pages Pageviews* month (3/1-3/31) Homepage 24,264 -42% Contact 2,749 -57% Power Outages 853 -57% Plugged In 505 -62% (main page)

COLU monthly sessions and pageviews LP&L monthly sessions and pageviews • Total Sessions: 90,985 • Total Sessions: 36,335 • Total Pageviews: 124,805 • Total Pageviews: 46,726 19 of 73

Owned Media Highlights: Top Performing Content Below are the three top-performing Plugged In stories over the past six months, based on reach.

Earned Media LP&L Topics: • ERCOT - 3 • Fitch A+ Bond Ranking - 2 • Safe Digging Month - 1

COLU Topics: • Customer Service Center Storm Damage - 2

20 of 73

Social Media LP&L social posts focused on outage reminders and energy savings tips.

City of Lubbock Utilities social posts focused on the customer service center temporary closure and account management tips.

Social Media Follower Growth

LP&L new likes (+13 net) The LP&L Facebook page following increased to 4,767 likes in April, 13 more than March.

LP&L new followers (-3 net) LP&L ended the month with 1,253 total followers, 3 less than March.

COLU new likes (+5 net) The COLU Facebook page gained 5 net followers in April. COLU ended the month with 657 total likes.

COLU new followers (+2 net) COLU ended the month with 224 total followers, 2 more than March.

Social Media Highlights: LP&L Facebook From April 7-13, we promoted work from home energy savings tips. The post received the highest engagements (268) with 4,061 impressions, 21,565 3-second video views and 259 post clicks. From April 22-28, the Earth Day post featuring Powerful Pointers received the highest impressions (6,052) with 98 engagements and 91 post clicks.

21 of 73

Social Media Highlights: LP&L Twitter The April 14 outage reminder tweet received the highest engagement rate (11.1%) with 505 impressions, 56 engagements and 35 link clicks. The Happy Easter tweet received the highest impressions (549) with 15 engagements.

Social Media Highlights: COLU Facebook The April 23 customer service center update received the highest engagements (8) with 146 impressions. The April 1 pre-Easter closure update received the highest impressions (565) with eight engagements. In May, we are continuing to update customers on the status of the customer service center and promote ways to pay other than in-person.

22 of 73

Social Media Highlights: COLU Twitter The April 1 tweet informing customers the call center will be closed for Good Friday received the highest impressions (556) with 15 engagements and 11 link clicks. The April 23 customer service center update received the highest engagement rate (3.6%) with 84 impressions and three engagements. 23 of 73

Commercial Construction LP&L

Status: Inactive – I, In Design – ID, Dirt Work – D, Building In Construction – BC, Completed – C (In Bold). Active date based on site review date or engineering contact if not going to site review.

GENERAL ACTIVE PROJECT NAME ADDRESS CONTRACTOR DATE STATUS KVA Commercial 5-Story Office Building 5107 82nd St CMS Properties 3/15/2019 BC 750

North Park Apartments 5205 Auburn St NRP Group 3/22/2019 BC 2800 Distribution International Distribution Warehouse Phase 2 1115 S Loop 289 International 6/21/2019 C 1000 Police Department East Substation 1901 MLK Jr. Blvd Lee Lewis 8/2/2019 BC 225 Signature at Elm Park 2810 & 3010 Apartments Milwaukee Ave Tigris 8/16/2019 C 1670 Stellar Apartment Complex 3905 114th St Development 10/11/2019 C 2800 Metro Tower Lofts & 4 parking lots (Revise ST LTs) 1220 Broadway Admire, L.P. 10/18/2019 BC 0 City of Lubbock Elevated Storage Landmark Tank 3418 50th St Structures 1/3/2020 BC TBD Trinity Hughes Clovis Road Apartments 3701 Clovis Rd Const. 1/17/2020 BC 1670 Yellow House Canyon (XFAB) Substation 2706 N Loop 289 Higher Power 1/24/2020 C 100

Shipley Donuts 5911 19th St Pharr & Co. 3/6/2020 C 75

TTU - East Oil Field Training Site 1225 E Loop 289 TTU 3/6/2020 BC 2500 Carlton House Apartment and Parking Garage 303 Detroit Ave Tienert Const 3/13/2020 BC 2500 Sdira Wealth - Main St Blue Creek Apartments 2007 Main St Homes & Land 3/20/2020 BC 334 Oncor Folsom Point Switching 2701 N University Station (XFAB) Ave Oncor 5/15/2020 C 100

LCU Tennis Courts Addition 2509 Eileen Blvd TBD 5/22/2020 BC TBD

New Shopping Center 10315 Ave TBD 5/22/2020 ID TBD Plains Capital Bank Express Drive-Thru 5004 University Ave TBD 6/5/2020 ID TBD South Plains Telephone Coop Addition 2425 Marshall St TBD 6/12/2020 ID 75 Trinity Hughes Bacon Crest North Apartments 6111 71st St Const. 6/12/2020 BC TBD Christ In Action Student Ministry Remodel 2406 Broadway TBD 6/19/2020 BC 112.5

24 of 73

GENERAL ACTIVE PROJECT NAME ADDRESS CONTRACTOR DATE STATUS KVA McCutchin Miguel's Restaurant 2002 Broadway Const. 6/19/2020 BC 150 Trinity Hughes La Salle Apartments 2001 Milwaukee Ave Const. 6/26/2020 BC 1400 HTeaO 2618 50th St TBD 7/10/2020 BC 75 6306, 6314, 6316 & Bolton Office/Warehouse Sites 6318 19th St TBD 7/17/2020 ID TBD Dutch Bros. Coffee Shop 5923 19th St Stovall Const. 7/24/2020 C 75 Plant 1 Building Renovation for Restaurant/Retail 411 Ave J TBD 7/24/2020 ID TBD Light of the World Church & Office 406 N University Ave TBD 7/31/2020 ID TBD 904 Lubbock Business Lubbock Logistics Center Bldg B Park Blvd Lee Lewis 7/31/2020 BC 1500 JH Masonry Office Building 4805 N TBD 8/7/2020 D TBD Talkington School Auditorium Addition 415 N Ivory Ave Lee Lewis 8/7/2020 BC 500 Convenience Store & Fuel Station (Henry Patel) 5845 Ave Q South Dr TBD 8/21/2020 ID TBD City of Lubbock Police Teinert Headquarters 1205 15th St Construction 9/25/2020 BC TBD Amazon Sorting Facility 1110 E Hunter St Okland Warehouse (LBK Business Prk) Construction 10/9/2020 BC 4500 McDonald's 5008 Milwaukee Ave TBD 10/16/2020 ID TBD Jackson Pediatrics 11410 Savannah Ave DM Construction 10/16/2020 BC 150 City of Lubbock Municipal Teinert Parking Garage 1401 Ave L Construction 11/6/2020 BC 0 Boulevard 29 Apartment Homes Phase 1 - Clubhouse 6110 29th St Oliver Naisell 12/4/2020 ID 2750 Despenas Go Garden Office 5721 82nd St TBD 12/18/2020 BC 75 The Center for Orthopedic Surgery Office 301 Utica Ave Collier Const. 12/18/2020 BC 150 Spec's Wine & Spirits - Shopping David Wood center addition 5510 4th St Commericial 12/29/2020 ID 500 Carpet Tech Restoration Warehouses 6530 19th St TBD 1/8/2021 ID TBD South Plains College Downtown Lubbock Center 1625 13th St Lee Lewis 1/11/2021 BC TBD Warehouse Lease Spaces 707 E 50th St Scott Turner 1/15/2021 ID TBD Circle K Convenience Store 6601 Milwaukee Ave TBD 1/15/2021 ID TBD Circle K Convenience Store 3402 Milwaukee Ave TBD 1/22/2021 ID TBD Circle K Convenience Store 7202 Indiana Ave TBD 1/22/2021 ID TBD 25 of 73

GENERAL ACTIVE PROJECT NAME ADDRESS CONTRACTOR DATE STATUS KVA Office Warehouse 1001 S Loop 289 TBD 1/29/2021 ID TBD The Retreat RV Park Phase 2 8901 Highway 87 Dale's Electric 1/29/2021 ID TBD 4409 Marsha Sharp Drive-Thru Restaurant Fwy TBD 2/12/2021 ID TBD Circle K Convenience Store 103 W Loop 289 TBD 2/19/2021 ID TBD Skilled Nursing Community 6101 66th St SCI Construction 2/19/2021 ID TBD City of Lubbock Low Head C Pump Station 7310 Milwaukee Ave Walsh Group 2/23/2021 BC 750 Yates Retail Center 5807 19th St TBD 2/26/2021 ID 150 Madewell Dollar General 514 N MLK Jr Blvd Construction 2/26/2021 ID 112.5 Dutch Bros. Coffee Shop 8231 University Ave TBD 2/26/2021 ID 75 Affordable Self Storage 5010 Erskine St TBD 3/12/2021 ID TBD Bayer (formerly Monsanto) Seed Storage Expansion 11613 N Interstate 27 Kel-Tex Electric 3/19/2021 BC 1000 Douglas-Cook Arby's (Former Schlotzky's Site) 5204 Slide Rd Const. 3/22/2021 BC 0 Green Workshops 9411 Avenue P Goertzen Const. 3/26/2021 ID TBD Allstate Distribution Storage Dave's Metal Facility 1904 Marshall St Bldgs 3/26/2021 ID 75 4401 Marsha Sharp AT&T Booster Station Addition Fwy TBD 3/26/2021 ID 5000 Simflo Testing & Distribution Facility 605 26th St TBD 4/9/2021 ID 2000 Dutch Bros. Coffee Shop 11201 Quaker Ave TBD 4/9/2021 ID 75 Brad Douglas Retail Shell Building 301 N University Ave Homes 4/9/2021 ID TBD Murphy Express Store & Fuel Station 5113 82nd St TBD 4/16/2021 ID TBD Homestead Townhomes 310 Homestead Ave TBD 4/30/2021 ID TBD StarCare Specialty Health System 2024 Avenue C G Electric Inc 4/30/2021 ID 112.5 Dutch Bros. Coffee Shop 6312 82nd St TBD 5/7/2021 ID 75

Total KVA = 37,962 Lubbock Power & Light Distribution/Production Recap April 2021 26 of 73

Engineering Projects Issued Engineering Projects Completed 30 20

25 15 20

15 10

10 5 5

‐ ‐

Overhead Underground Street Light Overhead Underground Street Light

April 2021 Transformer Statistics Service Orders Worked 60 2,000 50 50 1,500 40 37 35

30 26 1,000

20 500 10 3 0 ‐

Tested / Repaired New Receipts Oil Sampled Recycled Removal

Outage Orders Non‐Outage Orders Streetlight Orders

Outage Causes System Average Interruption Duration Index 1 100 50.00 Average Number of Minutes of Outage per Customer 160.00 140.00 80 40.00 120.00 100.00 60 30.00 80.00 40 20.00 60.00 Monthly SAIDI 40.00 10.00 20 20.00 ‐ ‐

0 Rolling 12‐Month Average SAIDI Feb‐21 Mar‐21 Apr‐21 Vegetation Planned Construction Maintenance Weather Monthly Rolling 12 Average Animals Public Other Unknown System

*February's rolling outage counts related to the winter storm are in the "Planned" column. The March weather increase is mostly related to high wind. April Production Data ‐ Daily System Load

Massengale was available and dispatched 14 days and generated 8.65 GWh. Base Load Peak Load Low Temp High Temp Brandon is unavailable and expected to return to service 5/28/2021. Cooke GT2 was available and dispatched 4 days and generated 0.54 GWH. Cooke GT3 is unavailable and expected to return to service 12/31/2021.

387 359 338 332 339 344 320 325 316 308 293 308 302 297 284 295 287 294 291 270 270 283 279 270 274 260 268 274 256 307

216 221 224 208 195 203 209 209 214 207 208 197 187 200 193 199 189 187 195 194 197 188 199 194 Megawatts 188 185 191 188 186 186

88 86 91 89 88 82 75 81 83 81 75 74 74 65 70 73 73 71 63 65 65 72 64 71 50 50 60 55 53 56

64 66 55 57 59 51 55 51 56 53 54 43 43 45 41 47 48 41 47 45 45 44 46 39 37 38 36 36 33 29 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 1 Reliability for outages is measured by the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI). SAIDI is measured in units of time, often minutes or hours. It is usually measured over the course of a year, and according to IEEE Standard 1366‐1998, the median value for North American utilities is approximately 1.50 hours. Lubbock Power & Light Rates and Communications Statistics 27 of 73 April 2021 Residential Bill Amounts Using 1000 kWh (Excluding Taxes and Franchise Fees) $130









$85 Mar‐20 Apr‐20 May‐20 Jun‐20 Jul‐20 Aug‐20 Sep‐20 Oct‐20 Nov‐20 Dec‐20 Jan‐21 Feb‐21 Mar‐21 Lubbock (LP&L) $102.74 $102.74 $102.74 $91.70 $91.70 $91.70 $91.70 $108.26 $108.26 $108.26 $108.26 $108.26 $108.26 Lubbock (SPEC)* $94.03 $94.03 $104.01 $104.01 $104.01 $104.01 $104.05 $104.02 $99.03 $99.05 $99.07 $109.08 $109.20

*Non‐LP&L data from: SPEC Residential Bill.

Media Coverage Type of Article Media Topics Publications 50 # of Stories


30 4 2 Fitch A+ Bond Rating 2 KCBD (NBC) 20

10 Safe Digging Month 1 Fitch Ratings 0 ‐ 1 2 3 Feature Mention 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

LPandL.com Sessions/Pageviews New vs. Returning LPandL.com LPandL.com Pageviews Website Visitors by Page 120,000

100,000 % Chg Page Pageviews from prior 80,000 *February does not include rolling outage counts related to the winter storm and the March month increase 60,000 includes outages related to high wind. 35% 65% Home 24,264 ‐42% 40,000 Contact Us 2,749 ‐57% 20,000 Power ‐ 853 ‐57% Outages Plugged In 505 ‐62%

LPandL.com Pageviews LPandL.com Sessions LPandL.com New LPandL.com Returning

New vs. Returning COL Utilities cityoflubbockutilities.com cityoflubbockutilities.com Sessions/Pageviews Website Visitors Pageviews by Page 300,000 % Chg Page Pageviews from prior 250,000 month 200,000 Home 90,988 ‐40% 150,000 59% 41% Ways to 9,506 ‐36% 100,000 Pay One‐Time 50,000 5,927 ‐38% Payments ‐ Contact Us 2,955 ‐50% cityoflubbockutilities.com New cityoflubbockutilities.com Pageviews cityoflubbockutilities.com Returning cityoflubbockutilities.com Sessions City of Lubbock Utilities Customer Service Recap 28 of 73 April 2021 Project Helping Hand Number of Customer Payments by Payment Type Catholic Charities of Lubbock administers this fund to assist qualifying 120,000 All Utilities 4,500 customers in paying their utility bills. $5,000 4,000 $4,500 100,000 3,500 $4,000 3,000 $3,500 80,000 $3,000 2,500 $2,500 60,000 2,000 $2,000 40,000 1,500 $1,500 1,000 $1,000 20,000 500 $500 0 $‐ 0

Number Of Pledges To PHH Billed charges To Project Helping Hand Cashiers Mail Electronic *Pledges increased in March due to charity and round-up amounts not being auto adjusted. Lobby Customer $ Customer Payments Surveys (5,206) by Payment Type All Utilities Call Center Activity Cumulative since 09/2016 Electronic Very Satisfied 5,041 $19,214,568 35,000 14:24 13:15 76% 30,000 12:06 10:57 Satisfied 138 25,000 09:48 08:38 20,000 07:29 06:20 Neutral 13 15,000 05:11 10,000 04:02 02:53 Unsatisfied 4 5,000 01:44 00:35 0 Very Unsatisfied 10 Mail ‐ 2,000 4,000 6,000 $5,953,392 Customer Calls Taken By Call Center 24% Call Center Average Wait Time (min.) Call Center Average Handling Time (min.) Payment Arrangements

07:03 46.88%



05:20 20.44% 04:45 32.68% 04:11

03:36 % of CSR Pmt Arrangements (No Fee)

% of IVR Phone Pmt Arrangements (No Fee)

% of Web Pmt Arrangements (No Fee)

● Center calls for April totaled 18,118, a 18.7% decrease from the prior month's volume. Key Performance Indicators were as follows: average wait me of 13:00 (goal < 0:30); service level of 3.25% (goal > 85.0%); and an abandon rate of 59% (goal 3‐7%). "Service level" is an algorithm that runs in the IVR that looks at number of calls waiting, wait time, times busy, etc. ● We sent 188,931 email noficaons and 18,175 text messages, added 2,597 new subscribers, and added 211 customers to paperless billing for a total of 50,389 paperless billing customers. ● 3,194 Kiosk payments were submied throughout the month. ● 2,473 customers were served in the lobby by CSR with an average wait me of approximately 9.5 minutes (tracked using the WaitWhile lobby waing service). LP&L 115kV Program Executive Summary - May 2021 29 of 73

Summary Schedule (Construction & Commissioning)

/ LP&L 115kV Program Executive Summary - May 2021 30 of 73

Project Name Phase Status Update 

92469 - Substation Rebuild – Holly 08 Issues / Risk Failed factory test for the second time of the Current/Potential Transformer will delay the ability to bring Holly generation back online by mid June.

92533 - Posey to Southeast 115kV Line 08 Issues / Risk Due to LP&L's needing to keep the 230kV source at the Southeast Substation until the ERCOT cutover, Oncor will not be able to fully complete this transmission line until early June.

92661 - Posey to Oliver 115kV Line 08 Issues / Risk Fiber splicing is expected to complete 5/14/2021. Remaining construction completion activities are scheduled to complete 5/12/2021. Energization is scheduled for 5/15/2021.

92681 - ERCOT Conversion Work 08 Issues / Risk EPS Meter testing is ongoing and is targeted for completion of initial certification of the tie-meters on 5/15/2021.

Monthly Forecast Contains current Voltage Conversion and 4ow projects Cumulative Forecast Contains current Voltage Conversion and 4ow projects

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast

40M 300M

200M 20M

100M 0M

0M 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 31 of 73 92473 - Posey Substation Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$19,900,000 $18,116,906 $274,683 $1,508,411 7.58 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 01-Apr-20

03 - PROCUREMENT 01-Dec-20

07 - CONSTRUCTION 01-Feb-21

10 - COMMISSIONING 01-Apr-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast

6M 20M

4M 15M

10M 2M

5M 0M

0M 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021

Phase Status Update  07 Construction Oncor has completed construction, as well as, testing and commissioning. Energization is scheduled for 5/15/2021.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 32 of 73 92610 - Blackwater Draw to Double Mountain 345kV Line Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$58,091,522 $48,995,252 $201,522 $8,894,748 15.31 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 19-Jun-20

03 - PROCUREMENT 17-Oct-20

05 - RIGHT OF WAY 26-Oct-20

07 - CONSTRUCTION 14-Mar-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast


10M 40M

5M 20M

0M 0M 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022

Phase Status Update  07 Construction Construction of the Blackwater Draw to Double Mountain 345kV Line has completed. Energization is scheduled for 5/11/2021.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 33 of 73 92464 - Yellow House Canyon Substation Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$13,560,000 $11,101,382 $1,396,258 $1,062,360 7.83 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 01-Apr-21

03 - PROCUREMENT 29-Jan-21

04 - SUBCONTRACTS 15-Dec-20

07 - CONSTRUCTION 21-Apr-21

08 - OUTAGES 15-Apr-21

10 - COMMISSIONING 15-Apr-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast

4M 10M

2M 5M

0M 0M 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Phase Status Update  07 Construction Construction of Yellow House Canyon has completed. Testing and Commissioning is ongoing. Energization of the 345kV side of the station is scheduled for 5/16/2021 to soak the autotransformers. Energization of the 115kV side of the yard is scheduled for 5/19/2021. 07 Construction Utility Construction Services, LLC has completed the majority of their scope of work and demobilized. They will remobilize on 5/17/2021 to complete the remaining jumpers to tie the 115kV transmission lines into Yellow House Canyon Substation.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 34 of 73 92663 - Yellow House Canyon Station Work Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$1,000,000 $961,754 $11,826 $26,421 2.64 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 01-Apr-21

03 - PROCUREMENT 29-Jan-21

04 - SUBCONTRACTS 16-Sep-20

07 - CONSTRUCTION 15-Apr-21

08 - OUTAGES 15-Apr-21

10 - COMMISSIONING 15-Apr-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast

1.0M 0.3M

0.2M 0.5M


0.0M 0.0M Jan 2020 Jul 2020 Jan 2021 Jul 2021 Jan 2020 Jul 2020 Jan 2021 Jul 2021

Phase Status Update  07 Construction Construction of Yellow House Canyon has completed. Testing and Commissioning is ongoing. Energization of the 345kV side of the station is scheduled for 5/16/2021 to soak the autotransformers.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 35 of 73 92474 - Yellow House Canyon 345/115kV Transformers Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$11,260,000 $9,515,707 $16,840 $1,727,453 15.34 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

03 - PROCUREMENT 27-Jan-21

07 - CONSTRUCTION 27-Jan-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast



1M 5M


0M 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021

Phase Status Update  03 Procurement Energization of the autotransformers is scheduled for 5/16/2021.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 36 of 73 92478 - 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Holly-Slaton Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$6,570,000 $5,375,026 $753,767 $441,207 6.72 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories 8 Q3 2018 Q4 2018 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 21-Sep-20

03 - PROCUREMENT 15-Jan-21

04 - SUBCONTRACTS 30-Nov-20

05 - RIGHT OF WAY 29-Apr-20

07 - CONSTRUCTION 19-Mar-21

08 - OUTAGES 15-Mar-21


Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast


6M 1.5M

4M 1.0M

0.5M 2M

0.0M 0M 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Phase Status Update  07 Construction Coordinating with LP&L to install structure T30 engineered davit arm mount. 10 Closeout Construction contractor's insurance handling two property damage claims. Construction retention will remain on hold until these claims are resolved.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 37 of 73 92666 - Dunbar Substation Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$10,302,434 $7,382,902 $2,307,849 $611,684 5.94 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 03-Mar-21

03 - PROCUREMENT 29-Jan-21

04 - SUBCONTRACTS 02-Dec-20

07 - CONSTRUCTION 06-May-21

08 - OUTAGES 26-Apr-21

10 - COMMISSIONING 03-May-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast

2.0M 10M


1.0M 5M


0.0M 0M Jan 2020 Jul 2020 Jan 2021 Jul 2021 Jan 2020 Jul 2020 Jan 2021 Jul 2021

Phase Status Update  07 Construction Construction and Testing and Commissioning of Dunbar has completed. Energization of the 345kV side of the station is scheduled for 5/12/2021 to soak the autotransformers. Energization of the 115kV side of the yard is scheduled for 5/11/2021.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 38 of 73 92475 - Dunbar 345/115kV Transformers Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$11,840,000 $10,182,962 $21,997 $1,635,040 13.81 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 01-Apr-20

03 - PROCUREMENT 02-Jan-21

07 - CONSTRUCTION 16-Nov-20

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast

2M 10M

1M 5M


0M 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Phase Status Update  03 Procurement Energization of the autotransformers is scheduled for 5/12/2021.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 39 of 73 92662 - Dunbar Station Work Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$1,000,000 $885,586 $34,482 $79,932 7.99 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 03-Mar-21

03 - PROCUREMENT 29-Jan-21

04 - SUBCONTRACTS 16-Sep-20

07 - CONSTRUCTION 15-Apr-21

10 - COMMISSIONING 03-May-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast

1.0M 0.5M

0.5M 0.0M

0.0M Jan 2020 Jul 2020 Jan 2021 Jul 2021 Jan 2020 Jul 2020 Jan 2021 Jul 2021

Phase Status Update  07 Construction Construction and Testing and Commissioning of Dunbar has completed. Energization of the 345kV side of the station is scheduled for 5/12/2021 to soak the autotransformers. Energization of the 115kV side of the yard is scheduled for 5/10/2021. 07 Construction November 2020 actuals contains a reallocation of costs to align with the shift in cost allocations between LP&L and Oncor.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 40 of 73 92611 - Double Mountain to Fiddlewood 345kV Line Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$24,980,000 $16,001,935 $143,777 $8,834,288 35.37 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 19-Sep-20

03 - PROCUREMENT 17-Jan-21

05 - RIGHT OF WAY 25-Jan-21

07 - CONSTRUCTION 08-May-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast

6M 20M


10M 2M

0M 0M 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022

Phase Status Update  07 Construction Construction of the Double Mountain to Fiddlewood 345kV Line has completed. Energization is scheduled for 5/13/2021. 09 ROW Of the 16 tracts on the Double Mountain to Fiddlewood transmission line, Oncor acquired rights to construct via Possession and Use Agreements on 6 of them. As of 5/5/2021, 4 of the 6 tracts have settled and the remaining 2 have condemnation hearings scheduled.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 41 of 73 92533 - Posey to Southeast 115kV Line Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$7,400,000 $4,313,274 $258,871 $2,827,855 38.21 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 19-Sep-20

03 - PROCUREMENT 17-Jan-21

05 - RIGHT OF WAY 25-Jan-21

07 - CONSTRUCTION 20-May-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast

1.5M 8M

1.0M 6M

0.5M 4M

0.0M 2M

-0.5M 0M 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Phase Status Update  03 Procurement September 2020 actuals contains a reallocation of ROW costs to 92661. This is to true up the budget as Oncor is tracking both CIP's ROW costs within a single project. 07 Construction Fiber splicing is expected to complete 5/14/2021. Final construction completion activities are scheduled to complete 6/1/2021 to remove the existing 230kV line to Xcel. 08 Issues / Risk Due to LP&L's needing to keep the 230kV source at the Southeast Substation until the ERCOT cutover, Oncor will not be able to fully complete this transmission line until early June. 09 ROW All easements have been acquired and finalized.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 42 of 73 92661 - Posey to Oliver 115kV line Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$18,470,000 $10,641,139 $77,990 $7,750,870 41.96 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 19-Sep-20

03 - PROCUREMENT 17-Jan-21

05 - RIGHT OF WAY 25-Jan-21

07 - CONSTRUCTION 20-May-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast


10M 2M



0M Jan 2020 Jul 2020 Jan 2021 Jul 2021 Jan 2022 Jan 2020 Jul 2020 Jan 2021 Jul 2021 Jan 2022

Phase Status Update  08 Issues / Risk Fiber splicing is expected to complete 5/14/2021. Remaining construction completion activities are scheduled to complete 5/12/2021. Energization is scheduled for 5/15/2021. 09 ROW All easements have been acquired and finalized.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 43 of 73 92609 - Blackwater Draw to Folsom Point 345kV Line Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$43,820,000 $30,702,581 $144,265 $12,973,153 29.61 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

02 - ENGINEERING 31-Oct-20

03 - PROCUREMENT 28-Feb-21

05 - RIGHT OF WAY 08-Mar-21

07 - CONSTRUCTION 27-Apr-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast


40M 15M

10M 20M


0M 0M 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022

Phase Status Update  07 Construction Construction of the Blackwater Draw to Folsom Point 345kV Line has completed. Energization is scheduled for 5/16/2021. 09 ROW Right of way restoration activities have started; anticipated completion is 5/28/2021.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 44 of 73 92681 - ERCOT Conversion Work Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$450,000 $13,468 $0 $436,532 97.01 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

There is no data to display

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast

0.20M 0.4M

0.15M 0.3M

0.10M 0.2M

0.05M 0.1M

0.00M 0.0M Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 Jul 2021 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 Jul 2021

Phase Status Update  08 Issues / Risk EPS Meter testing is ongoing and is targeted for completion of initial certification of the tie-meters on 5/15/2021.

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 45 of 73 92682 - Program 69-115 Voltage Conversion Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$1,075,000 $484,568 $0 $590,432 54.92 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

WBS Categories Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021

08 - OUTAGES 06-Apr-21

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast

0.3M 1.0M




0.0M 0.0M Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021 Nov 2020 Jan 2021 Mar 2021 May 2021

Phase Status Update 

/ CIP Project Financial Reporting Date: 01-Apr-21 46 of 73 92331 - Fiberoptic Communications Schedule and Status Date: 30-Apr-21

$1,600,000 $303,582 $18,202 $1,278,216 79.89 Appropriation to Date Expenditures Commitments Funds Remaining % Funds Remaining Schedule Roll Up

There is no data to display

Monthly Forecast Cumulative Forecast

Actuals Monthly Forecast Monthly Cumulative Actuals Cumulative Forecast



0.2M 0.4M

0.2M 0.0M

0.0M 2016 2018 2020 2016 2018 2020

Phase Status Update  07 Construction Installation of OPGW from Vicksburg to McDonald scheduled to start on 05/12/2021. 07 Construction Vicksburg to McDonald OPGW installation substantial completion date of 06/04/2021.

/ Lubbock Power and Light 47 of 73 Monthly Management Report Statements of Net Position March 31, 2021

March September 2021 2020 ASSETS Current assets: Pooled cash and cash equivalents $ 90,650,651 $ 125,107,721 Receivables, net 27,393,419 25,932,868 Interest receivable ‐ 355,966 Prepaid expenses 25,000 25,000 Inventories 1,935,797 1,799,535 Total current assets 120,004,868 153,221,090

Noncurrent assets: Restricted investments 59,514,940 68,247,391 Prepaid expenses 1,144,442 1,211,109 60,659,382 69,458,500 Capital assets: Construction in progress 226,974,107 94,805,793 Production Plant 86,360,706 86,360,706 Transmission Plant 112,212,444 112,212,444 Distribution Plant 353,656,721 351,827,191 Regional Trans Market Oper Plant 2,767,780 2,767,780 General Plant 38,105,961 38,105,961 Less accumulated depreciation (275,228,598) (267,696,947) Total capital assets 544,849,123 418,382,929 Total noncurrent assets 605,508,505 487,841,429

Total Assets $ 725,513,373 $ 641,062,519

DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCES Deferred charge on refunding $ 434,331 $ 458,924 Deferred outflows from pensions 2,898,488 2,898,488 Deferred outflows from OPEB 1,815,403 1,815,403 Total Deferred Outflows of Resources $ 5,148,222 $ 5,172,815 Lubbock Power and Light 48 of 73 Monthly Management Report Statements of Net Position March 31, 2021

March September 2021 2020 LIABILITIES Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 47,013,073 $ 26,794,660 Deferred Revenues ‐ PPRF/FFE Over Collection 4,912,585 12,507,627 Accrued liabilities 834,461 1,838,586 Accrued interest payable 3,059,654 3,085,945 Customer deposits 6,909,365 6,151,612 Compensated absences 2,122,549 2,122,549 Notes Payable 194,600,000 120,600,000 Bonds payable 10,155,000 10,305,000 Total current liabilities 269,606,688 183,405,978

Noncurrent liabilities: Hold Harmless Payment 24,000,000 24,000,000 Compensated absences 1,170,405 1,170,405 Post employment benefits 20,661,185 20,661,185 Net pension obligation 15,566,804 15,566,804 Bonds payable 161,601,340 164,743,302 Total noncurrent liabilities 222,999,734 226,141,696

Total Liabilities $ 492,606,422 $ 409,547,674

DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES TMRS actual vs assumption 5,123,839 5,123,839 OPEB actual vs assumption 1,717,609 1,717,609 Total Deferred Inflows of Resources $ 6,841,448 $ 6,841,448


Net investment in capital assets$ 223,141,967 $ 176,054,976

Restricted for: Debt Service 15,300,087 14,726,286

Unrestricted (7,228,329) 39,064,949

Total Net Position $ 231,213,725 $ 229,846,212 Lubbock Power and Light 49 of 73 Monthly Management Report Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position March 31, 2021

March March March March 2021 2020 2021 FYTD 2020 FYTD OPERATING REVENUES Charges for services $ 16,937,611 $ 14,961,501 $ 106,236,647 $ 98,179,372 (Over)/under collection (3,168,052) (135,283) 7,251,392 (2,057,191) Provision for bad debts ‐ (34,028) (141,357) (142,627) Total Operating Revenues 13,769,559 14,792,190 113,346,682 95,979,554

OPERATING EXPENSES Personal services 1,512,680 1,479,813 9,522,475 9,788,050 Supplies 73,189 94,769 695,892 723,286 Maintenance 292,441 398,564 1,582,995 1,742,089 Purchase of fuel and power 10,433,217 9,181,403 76,261,614 59,532,970 Other services and charges 1,319,327 1,072,997 6,308,496 4,215,917 Depreciation and amortization 1,265,889 1,243,584 7,598,318 7,472,082 Total Operating Expenses 14,896,743 13,471,131 101,969,789 83,474,394

Operating income (1,127,184) 1,321,059 11,376,892 12,505,160

NON‐OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Interest income 101,113 223,643 571,558 1,669,292 Disposition of assets ‐ 2,194 14,283 29,232 Miscellaneous (778,926) (822,471) (6,108,717) (4,993,576) Interest expense on bonds (645,725) (871,845) (3,845,322) (4,509,524) Total Non‐Operating Revenues (Expenses) (1,323,539) (1,468,479) (9,368,199) (7,804,576)

Income(Expenses) before contributions and transfers (2,450,723) (147,421) 2,008,693 4,700,584

Capital contributions ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

Transfers (In) 133,343 224,724 800,057 1,348,346 Transfers (Out) (240,206) (200,509) (1,441,236) (1,203,054) Transfers, net (106,863) 24,215 (641,179) 145,292

Change in Net Position $ (2,557,586) $ (123,205) $ 1,367,514 $ 4,845,877 50 of 73 Lubbock Power and Light Monthly Management Report Statement of Cash Flows March 31, 2021

March March 2021 2021 FYTD CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from customers $ 128,081,028 $ 104,291,088 Payments to suppliers (103,851,030) (65,013,218) Payments to employees (1,512,680) (9,522,475) Other receipts (payments) (778,926) (6,108,717) Net cash provided (used) by operating activities 21,938,392 23,646,679

CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Transfers in from other funds 133,343 800,057 Transfers out to other funds (240,206) (1,441,236) Net cash provided (used) by noncapital and related financing activities (106,863) (641,179)

CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Purchases of capital assets (48,322,664) (133,997,848) Sale of capital assets ‐ 14,283 Principal paid on bonds ‐ (3,190,000) Issuance of notes 5,000,000 73,898,038 Interest paid on bonds and capital leases (29,847) (3,871,613) Net cash provided (used) for capital and related financing activities (43,352,511) (67,122,547)

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Sale (Purchase) of investments 1,609,787 8,732,451 Interest earnings on cash and investments 101,113 927,524 Net cash provided (used) by investing activities 1,710,900 9,659,975 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (19,810,082) (34,457,073) Cash and cash equivalents ‐ beginning of period 110,460,733 125,107,724 Cash and cash equivalents ‐ end of period 90,650,651 90,650,651

Reconciliation of operating income (loss) to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: Operating income (loss) (1,127,184) 11,376,892 Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 1,265,889 7,598,318 Other income (expense) (778,926) (6,108,717) Change in current assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable 110,952,827 (1,460,551) Deferred Expenses ‐ PPRF ‐ ‐ Inventory 52,131 (136,262) Accounts payable (92,037,031) 20,218,413 Deferred Revenues ‐ PPRF 3,358,642 (7,595,042) Hold Harmless Payment ‐ ‐ Accrued liabilities 322,863 (1,004,125) Customer deposits (70,819) 757,753 Net cash provided (used) by operating activities 21,938,392 23,646,679 Lubbock Power and Light 51 of 73 Monthly Management Report Budget Comparison ‐ Unaudited as of March 31, 2021

FYTD Annual % of Budget 2020 Budget Variance Realized

FUNDING SOURCES Interest earnings $ 562,872 $ 776,689 $ (213,817) 72.47% Rentals and recoveries 243,247 217,829 25,418 111.67% Sale of equipment/recycle scrap 14,283 127,603 (113,320) 11.19% Metered Revenues Uncollectable Metered Revenues 141,357 (1,320,343) 1,461,700 ‐10.71% Base Rates 28,269,838 68,740,838 (40,471,000) 41.13% Purchased Power (excl. over/under recovery) 78,653,813 163,088,007 (84,434,194) 48.23% Franchise Fee Equivalent 5,184,039 12,150,820 (6,966,781) 42.66% Transmission Cost of Service (TCOS) ‐ 14,526,582 (14,526,582) 0.00% SPS Hold Harmless Reserve Revenue Recognition ‐ 24,000,000 (24,000,000) 0.00% ERCOT Hold Harmless Payment ‐ (7,333,333) 7,333,333 0.00% Fees and charges 769,784 2,555,100 (1,785,316) 30.13% Outside work orders 320,166 865,098 (544,932) 37.01% Tampering fees 600 52,299 (51,699) 1.15% Miscellaneous 351,373 183,661 167,712 191.32% Capitalized Asset Restricted Funds 1,511,525 3,103,050 (1,591,525) 48.71% Transfer from Other Funds 800,057 2,744,855 (1,944,798) 29.15% TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES $ 116,822,955 $ 284,478,755 $ (167,655,801) 41.07%

COST CENTER EXPENSES Administration 7111 ‐ Administration $ 1,381,531 $ 2,900,179 $ (1,518,648) 47.64% 7112 ‐ Regulatory Compliance 347,287 907,411 (560,124) 38.27% 7113 ‐ Legal 1,038,887 1,933,299 (894,412) 53.74% 7211 ‐ Conservation & Education 145,338 630,292 (484,954) 23.06% Purchased Power 7315 ‐ Purchased Power 76,261,662 176,432,584 (100,170,922) 43.22% Production 7311 ‐ Operations 405,893 943,823 (537,930) 43.01% 7316 ‐ Cooke Station 347,688 956,566 (608,878) 36.35% 7317 ‐ Brandon Station 296,089 1,683,170 (1,387,081) 17.59% 7318 ‐ Massengale Station 1,795,230 7,063,946 (5,268,716) 25.41% Distribution 7411 ‐ Supervision & Engineering 338,355 613,539 (275,185) 55.15% 7412 ‐ Underground Lines 1,459,867 2,961,222 (1,501,355) 49.30% 7413 ‐ Overhead Lines 1,533,389 2,745,301 (1,211,912) 55.86% 7414 ‐ Load Dispatching 799,151 1,928,667 (1,129,516) 41.44% 7415 ‐ Customer Service 1,734,283 3,504,973 (1,770,690) 49.48% 7416 ‐ GIS 325,804 870,777 (544,973) 37.42% 7417 ‐ Substations 560,945 1,295,248 (734,303) 43.31% 7418 ‐ Engineering & Construction Mgmt 218,081 490,445 (272,364) 44.47% 7419 ‐ Meter Shop 369,845 687,887 (318,042) 53.77% 7421 ‐ Street Lights 825,783 1,469,088 (643,305) 56.21% Transmission 7611 ‐ Supervision & Engineering 900,236 1,127,787 (227,551) 79.82% 7613 ‐ Overhead Lines 87,040 124,630 (37,590) 69.84% 7614 ‐ Load Dispatching 458,455 1,530,827 (1,072,372) 29.95% 7617 ‐ Substations 160,036 456,775 (296,739) 35.04% Customer Service 7423 ‐ Field Services 963,311 2,292,957 (1,329,646) 42.01% 7512 ‐ Customer Information Systems 2,429,216 5,662,617 (3,233,401) 42.90% 7514 ‐ Customer Service 1,553,887 3,599,816 (2,045,929) 43.17% 7515 ‐ Collections 639,821 1,481,522 (841,701) 43.19% Reimbursement ‐ City utilities & credit cards (2,900,382) (5,800,763) 2,900,381 50.00% TOTAL COST CENTER EXPENSES $ 94,476,726 $ 220,494,585 $ (126,017,859) 42.85%

FUND LEVEL EXPENSES Debt service $ 5,463,127 $ 17,695,538 $ (12,232,411) 30.87% Capitalized Interest 1,511,525 3,103,050 (1,591,525) 48.71% Note Program fees 141,716 134,519 7,197 105.35% Transmission System Inventory (0) 1,570,016 (1,570,016) 0.00% Transfers: Indirect cost allocation 871,176 1,742,355 (871,179) 50.00% Payment in lieu of property tax 1,068,773 2,558,288 (1,489,515) 41.78% Payment in lieu of franchise fee 5,343,866 12,791,442 (7,447,576) 41.78% Cash funded electric capital 12,086,798 22,023,600 (9,936,802) 54.88% Transfer to Debt Service for General Fund 570,060 1,140,119 (570,059) 50.00% Miscellaneous Expense 39,140 78,218 (39,078) 50.04% TOTAL FUND LEVEL EXPENSES $ 27,096,181 $ 62,837,145 $ (35,740,964) 43.12%

TOTAL BUDGET $ 121,572,907 $ 283,331,730 $ (161,758,823) 42.91%

Budget surplus/(deficit) $ (4,749,953) $ 1,147,025 $ (5,896,978) LP&L Funds 52 of 73 Finance Department Budget Comparison As of March 31, 2021

Adopted Funds % of Description October-20 November-20 December-20 January-21 February-21 March-21 FYTD 20-21 Budget Remaining Budget Spent


ADMINISTRATION COMPENSATION$ 102,643 $ 126,496 $ 120,827 $ 184,779 $ 121,125 $ 124,361 $ 780,231 $ 1,522,361 $ 742,130 51.25 BENEFITS 34,940 42,119 40,681 65,649 42,773 44,668 270,830 553,503 282,673 48.93 SUPPLIES 2,720 1,844 1,775 432 2,222 1,754 10,747 26,841 16,094 40.04 MAINTENANCE 3,345 2,262 669 911 519 1,453 9,159 22,000 12,841 41.63 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 30,841 15,549 32,998 16,906 33,168 18,400 147,863 354,413 206,550 41.72 OTHER CHARGES 531 569 933 727 483 485 3,728 7,540 3,812 49.45 SCHEDULED CHARGES 28,583 28,038 28,063 26,901 27,681 19,709 158,974 413,521 254,547 38.44 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 203,604 $ 216,877 $ 225,946 $ 296,304 $ 227,970 $ 210,830 $ 1,381,531 $ 2,900,179 $ 1,518,648 47.64

REGULATORY COMPLIANCE COMPENSATION$ 14,781 $ 20,489 $ 17,737 $ 27,996 $ 18,486 $ 18,361 $ 117,850 $ 219,433 $ 101,583 53.71 BENEFITS 5,675 7,375 6,727 10,352 6,908 7,781 44,818 85,097 40,279 52.67 SUPPLIES 775 3,040 219 272 430 (2,379) 2,356 10,136 7,780 23.24 MAINTENANCE 166 126 126 66 106 186 777 2,295 1,518 33.87 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 3,318 28,209 21,912 55,359 39,208 6,395 154,400 535,494 381,094 28.83 OTHER CHARGES 12 14 14 21 14 14 88 250 162 35.18 SCHEDULED CHARGES 4,526 4,502 4,525 4,375 4,576 4,494 26,998 54,706 27,708 49.35 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 29,252 $ 63,755 $ 51,259 $ 98,441 $ 69,728 $ 34,851 $ 347,287 $ 907,411 $ 560,124 38.27

LEGAL COMPENSATION $ 16,425 $ 21,423 $ 22,160 $ 35,123 $ 22,169 $ 22,169 $ 139,469 $ 286,516 $ 147,047 48.68 BENEFITS 5,525 6,426 7,086 11,968 10,832 8,483 50,321 101,511 51,190 49.57 SUPPLIES 319 155 100 25 248 - 847 3,080 2,233 27.51 MAINTENANCE ------PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 15,265 171,464 419,146 81,973 62,593 84,823 835,263 1,516,410 681,147 55.08 OTHER CHARGES - - - 239 - - 239 1,000 761 23.90 SCHEDULED CHARGES 2,136 2,139 2,051 1,937 2,374 2,110 12,748 24,781 12,033 51.44 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 39,671 $ 201,607 $ 450,542 $ 131,265 $ 98,216 $ 117,585 $ 1,038,887 $ 1,933,299 $ 894,412 53.74

CONSERVATION & EDUCATION COMPENSATION $ 2,704 $ 3,981 $ 3,181 $ 4,772 $ 3,181 $ 3,181 $ 21,002 $ 218,478 $ 197,476 9.61 BENEFITS 939 1,307 1,101 1,653 1,102 1,280 7,381 88,900 81,519 8.30 SUPPLIES 53 53 53 53 53 53 321 1,150 829 27.87 MAINTENANCE ------750 750 - PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 18,151 15,544 16,901 17,727 24,646 20,719 113,688 314,935 201,247 36.10 OTHER CHARGES ------2,500 2,500 - SCHEDULED CHARGES 334 297 297 249 297 297 1,770 3,579 1,809 49.46 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 22,182 $ 21,182 $ 21,534 $ 24,454 $ 29,280 $ 25,531 $ 144,163 $ 630,292 $ 486,129 22.87


PRODUCTION OPERATIONS & ENG. COMPENSATION$ 30,645 $ 42,069 $ 38,821 $ 59,756 $ 36,222 $ 34,149 $ 241,661 $ 586,207 $ 344,546 41.22 BENEFITS 11,298 15,023 14,217 21,755 13,252 13,203 88,747 213,811 125,064 41.51 SUPPLIES 270 171 112 - 614 446 1,613 7,750 6,137 20.82 MAINTENANCE 496 496 496 496 496 496 2,974 7,298 4,324 40.75 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 125 14,890 125 20,882 1,172 7,315 44,508 76,400 31,892 58.26 OTHER CHARGES 334 403 406 606 393 383 2,525 3,900 1,375 64.75 SCHEDULED CHARGES 3,971 4,009 4,009 3,804 4,009 4,061 23,864 48,457 24,593 49.25 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 47,138 $ 77,060 $ 58,187 $ 107,298 $ 56,157 $ 60,053 $ 405,893 $ 943,823 $ 537,930 43.01

PURCHASED POWER COMPENSATION$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - - BENEFITS ------SUPPLIES 10,259,800 9,729,482 11,128,064 11,659,137 23,051,915 10,433,217 76,261,615 176,432,584 100,170,969 43.22 MAINTENANCE - - - - - 47 47 - (47) - PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING ------OTHER CHARGES ------SCHEDULED CHARGES ------CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 10,259,800 $ 9,729,482 $ 11,128,064 $ 11,659,137 $ 23,051,915 $ 10,433,264 $ 76,261,662 $ 176,432,584 $ 100,170,922 43.22 LP&L Funds 53 of 73 Finance Department Budget Comparison As of March 31, 2021

Adopted Funds % of Description October-20 November-20 December-20 January-21 February-21 March-21 FYTD 20-21 Budget Remaining Budget Spent

PRODUCTION COOKE STATION COMPENSATION$ 4,202 $ 5,660 $ 3,212 $ 4,387 $ 21,480 $ 10,942 $ 49,883 $ 156,190 $ 106,307 31.94 BENEFITS 1,592 2,019 1,166 1,475 7,606 3,775 17,633 58,314 40,681 30.24 SUPPLIES 1,386 654 905 1,052 1,608 1,237 6,842 18,544 11,702 36.90 Fuel - 156,939 156,939 - MAINTENANCE 700 1,145 34,301 (771) 3,642 10,597 49,615 55,354 5,739 89.63 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 195 189 125 - 425 125 1,059 45,650 44,591 2.32 OTHER CHARGES 9 1 - 3 33 15 61 4,500 4,439 1.36 SCHEDULED CHARGES 37,830 37,813 38,006 38,095 38,095 32,755 222,594 461,076 238,482 48.28 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 45,913 $ 47,481 $ 77,715 $ 44,242 $ 72,890 $ 59,447 $ 347,688 $ 956,566 $ 608,878 36.35

PRODUCTION BRANDON STATION COMPENSATION $ 11,618 $ 6,360 $ 11,169 $ 22,689 $ 3,532 $137 $ 55,504 $ 287,288 $ 231,784 19.32 BENEFITS 4,534 2,637 4,451 8,745 1,643 386 22,398 108,611 86,213 20.62 SUPPLIES 648 198 2,494 3,209 1,038 296 7,883 20,900 13,017 37.72 Fuel - - - - 784,695 784,695 - MAINTENANCE 3,066 7,338 5,314 476 3,575 3,250 23,019 88,821 65,802 25.92 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 198 2,601 195 - 350 3,241 6,585 45,400 38,815 14.50 OTHER CHARGES 3 2 2,148 2 - - 2,155 2,500 345 86.20 SCHEDULED CHARGES 27,207 25,366 28,594 23,189 23,232 23,327 150,916 344,956 194,040 43.75 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 1,484 3,570 6,396 16,181 27,630 - (27,630) - REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 47,274 $ 44,502 $ 55,849 $ 61,881 $ 39,765 $ 46,818 $ 296,089 $ 1,683,170 $ 1,387,081 17.59

PRODUCTION MASSENGALE STATION COMPENSATION $ 113,943 $ 151,270 $ 131,523 $ 220,688 $ 120,831 $ 142,595 $ 880,849 $ 2,023,743 $ 1,142,894 43.53 BENEFITS 41,797 53,770 48,287 76,398 43,525 55,411 319,189 736,611 $ 417,422 43.33 SUPPLIES 13,216 6,235 15,278 10,378 20,898 11,718 77,723 151,858 $ 74,135 51.18 Fuel ------2,790,348 2,790,348 - MAINTENANCE 17,586 15,742 16,400 3,831 15,822 10,702 80,081 178,320 98,239 44.91 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 5,243 11,646 4,368 4,786 3,113 5,950 35,106 228,620 193,514 15.36 OTHER CHARGES 61 57 55 54 5 2,327 2,558 8,100 5,542 31.58 SCHEDULED CHARGES 83,277 58,535 60,847 72,653 72,760 51,654 399,724 946,346 546,622 42.24 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 275,123 $ 297,254 $ 276,759 $ 388,787 $ 276,953 $ 280,355 $ 1,795,230 $ 7,063,946 $ 5,268,716 25.41


DISTRIBUTION SUPERVISION & ENG. COMPENSATION$ 17,756 $ 27,275 $ 29,717 $ 47,157 $ 31,284 $ 32,035 $ 185,224 $ 308,194 $ 122,970 60.10 BENEFITS 7,058 10,513 11,538 18,387 12,152 13,459 73,108 121,539 48,431 60.15 SUPPLIES 1,154 878 1,210 2,171 1,564 988 7,967 22,711 14,744 35.08 MAINTENANCE 386 475 376 565 3,175 425 5,402 16,680 11,278 32.38 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 935 6,335 4,988 2,740 421 2,833 18,252 49,635 31,383 36.77 OTHER CHARGES 840 605 755 152 1,579 455 4,386 8,400 4,014 52.21 SCHEDULED CHARGES 7,361 7,361 7,361 7,151 7,391 7,392 44,016 86,380 42,364 50.96 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 35,491 $ 53,442 $ 55,946 $ 78,323 $ 57,565 $ 57,588 $ 338,355 $ 613,539 $ 275,185 55.15

DISTRIBUTION UNDERGROUND LINES COMPENSATION$ 69,321 $ 120,914 $ 103,601 $ 149,697 $ 74,689 $ 80,458 $ 598,680 $ 1,407,738 $ 809,058 42.53 BENEFITS 28,479 44,605 40,639 57,358 29,742 38,162 238,985 570,306 331,321 41.90 SUPPLIES 32,570 59,080 26,301 13,415 17,541 17,261 166,168 209,268 43,100 79.40 MAINTENANCE 57,863 52,900 70,286 66,361 35,386 40,858 323,654 518,098 194,444 62.47 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 408 3,339 8,425 1,972 9,551 3,207 26,902 66,597 39,695 40.39 OTHER CHARGES 221 322 220 69 480 263 1,575 2,500 925 63.00 SCHEDULED CHARGES 16,741 17,432 19,006 18,990 19,389 12,345 103,903 186,715 82,812 55.65 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 205,604 $ 298,592 $ 268,477 $ 307,862 $ 186,778 $ 192,554 $ 1,459,867 $ 2,961,222 $ 1,501,355 49.30

DISTRIBUTION OVERHEAD LINES COMPENSATION $ 46,318 $ 116,437 $ 81,768 $ 113,078 $ 53,144 $ 46,617 $ 457,361 $ 1,082,959 $ 625,598 42.23 BENEFITS 21,573 43,253 32,228 44,557 21,290 25,734 188,635 452,259 263,624 41.71 SUPPLIES 18,227 56,926 37,495 13,662 21,206 14,619 162,136 241,351 79,215 67.18 MAINTENANCE 105,672 77,027 62,171 104,326 48,942 92,784 490,922 659,912 168,990 74.39 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 1,201 1,805 4,173 13,229 4,073 (1,784) 22,697 117,446 94,749 19.33 OTHER CHARGES 112 113 12 21 102 90 449 500 51 89.75 SCHEDULED CHARGES 16,103 16,107 16,222 15,691 16,182 15,724 96,029 190,873 94,844 50.31 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - 115,161 - - 115,161 - (115,161) - REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 209,207 $ 311,667 $ 234,068 $ 419,724 $ 164,938 $ 193,783 $ 1,533,389 $ 2,745,301 $ 1,211,912 55.86 LP&L Funds 54 of 73 Finance Department Budget Comparison As of March 31, 2021

Adopted Funds % of Description October-20 November-20 December-20 January-21 February-21 March-21 FYTD 20-21 Budget Remaining Budget Spent

DISTRIBUTION LOAD DISPATCHING COMPENSATION$ 40,484 $ 56,812 $ 47,097 $ 91,592 $ 54,493 $ 55,893 $ 346,372 $ 781,821 $ 435,449 44.30 BENEFITS 13,591 18,296 16,046 30,016 25,778 19,972 123,700 279,140 155,440 44.31 SUPPLIES 581 1,599 1,225 216 1,067 243 4,932 8,291 3,359 59.48 MAINTENANCE 1,429 770 745 759 1,424 883 6,011 10,397 4,386 57.81 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 19,133 51,215 85,260 45,548 38,175 21,116 260,447 748,550 488,103 34.79 OTHER CHARGES 213 455 301 1,200 1,518 328 4,014 2,000 (2,014) 200.70 SCHEDULED CHARGES 8,499 8,662 8,443 9,017 8,443 10,611 53,676 98,467 44,791 54.51 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 83,931 $ 137,811 $ 159,117 $ 178,348 $ 130,899 $ 109,045 $ 799,151 $ 1,928,667 $ 1,129,516 41.44

DISTRIBUTION CUSTOMER SVC. COMPENSATION$ 72,900 $ 111,358 $ 84,180 $ 128,130 $ 85,564 $ 88,647 $ 570,778 $ 1,222,082 $ 651,304 46.71 BENEFITS 26,137 36,905 30,198 45,406 30,068 33,253 201,966 441,174 239,208 45.78 SUPPLIES 30,962 13,032 8,857 6,718 8,455 6,492 74,517 129,541 55,024 57.52 MAINTENANCE 26,768 14,015 11,906 20,245 10,961 21,157 105,051 248,719 143,668 42.24 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 1,381 1,781 1,176 1,464 818 1,071 7,691 27,333 19,642 28.14 OTHER CHARGES 74,196 141,548 86,169 121,497 100,429 102,154 625,994 1,150,600 524,606 54.41 SCHEDULED CHARGES 23,856 23,836 24,130 23,586 24,123 28,756 148,287 285,525 137,238 51.93 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 256,199 $ 342,476 $ 246,616 $ 347,045 $ 260,418 $ 281,529 $ 1,734,283 $ 3,504,973 $ 1,770,690 49.48

LP&L GIS COMPENSATION $ 27,936 $ 37,068 $ 34,480 $ 51,585 $ 33,832 $ 31,281 $ 216,183 $ 488,710 $ 272,528 44.24 BENEFITS 11,605 15,080 14,864 21,946 14,301 14,541 92,337 203,610 111,273 45.35 SUPPLIES 669 227 301 294 414 415 2,321 17,695 15,374 13.11 MAINTENANCE 30 23 219 - 24 20 315 500 185 63.09 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 84 264 802 - 294 1,024 2,468 26,724 24,256 9.23 OTHER CHARGES 26 106 1,572 43 2,474 28 4,249 121,414 117,165 3.50 SCHEDULED CHARGES 1,475 1,248 1,248 1,352 1,362 1,248 7,932 12,124 4,192 65.42 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 41,826 $ 54,016 $ 53,485 $ 75,220 $ 52,701 $ 48,557 $ 325,804 $ 870,777 $ 544,973 37.42

DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATIONS COMPENSATION $ 15,320 $ 29,681 $ 21,011 $ 29,723 $ 13,875 $ 29,598 $ 139,207 $ 358,502 $ 219,295 38.83 BENEFITS 5,961 10,592 7,541 11,336 5,296 11,922 52,648 145,585 92,937 36.16 SUPPLIES 7,613 6,520 4,162 10,940 6,766 4,579 40,581 90,047 49,466 45.07 MAINTENANCE 8,078 4,187 2,521 3,986 4,309 4,263 27,344 92,450 65,106 29.58 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 94 8,083 9,356 690 2,186 8,036 28,445 47,726 19,281 59.60 OTHER CHARGES 306 29 4 - 404 59 803 1,000 197 80.34 SCHEDULED CHARGES 44,786 44,428 44,428 44,400 44,571 44,428 267,042 533,939 266,897 50.01 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - 4,875 - - 4,875 26,000 21,125 18.75 REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 82,158 $ 103,520 $ 89,024 $ 105,951 $ 77,407 $ 102,885 $ 560,945 $ 1,295,248 $ 734,303 43.31

DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION & ENGR COMPENSATION$ 13,326 $ 16,254 $ 20,228 $ 31,481 $ 18,873 $ 15,468 $ 115,630 $ 211,013 $ 95,383 54.80 BENEFITS 5,784 6,528 8,255 12,715 7,997 7,947 49,226 91,767 42,541 53.64 SUPPLIES 1,831 2,569 1,027 908 2,172 1,530 10,037 15,208 5,171 65.99 MAINTENANCE 250 544 483 245 40 381 1,943 9,000 7,057 21.59 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 726 15,163 2,327 2,079 3,840 1,483 25,618 130,420 104,802 19.64 OTHER CHARGES 349 225 152 152 152 342 1,372 3,565 2,193 38.50 SCHEDULED CHARGES 2,367 2,396 2,366 2,182 2,502 2,442 14,255 29,473 15,218 48.37 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 24,633 $ 43,679 $ 34,839 $ 49,761 $ 35,576 $ 29,593 $ 218,081 $ 490,445 $ 272,364 44.47

DISTRIBUTION METER SHOP COMPENSATION$ 26,129 $ 34,406 $ 34,362 $ 51,547 $ 35,043 $ 34,361 $ 215,848 $ 409,453 $ 193,605 52.72 BENEFITS 9,859 12,531 13,218 19,700 13,371 14,297 82,976 157,073 74,097 52.83 SUPPLIES 14,963 2,445 771 3,459 3,762 750 26,151 29,386 3,235 88.99 MAINTENANCE 4,023 1,529 3,076 530 1,777 4,172 15,107 35,360 20,253 42.72 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 30 110 476 345 444 132 1,537 5,707 4,170 26.93 OTHER CHARGES 37 154 118 114 1,936 190 2,549 1,900 (649) 134.16 SCHEDULED CHARGES 4,421 4,226 4,182 4,018 4,713 4,118 25,678 49,009 23,331 52.39 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 59,463 $ 55,401 $ 56,204 $ 79,712 $ 61,045 $ 58,019 $ 369,845 $ 687,887 $ 318,042 53.77 LP&L Funds 55 of 73 Finance Department Budget Comparison As of March 31, 2021

Adopted Funds % of Description October-20 November-20 December-20 January-21 February-21 March-21 FYTD 20-21 Budget Remaining Budget Spent

DISTRIBUTION STREET LIGHTS COMPENSATION$ 35,635 $ 46,209 $ 46,859 $ 63,947 $ 45,112 $ 48,287 $ 286,048 $ 674,758 $ 388,710 42.39 BENEFITS 13,651 17,528 18,301 25,643 17,889 20,044 113,055 282,159 169,104 40.07 SUPPLIES 25,820 7,868 6,880 1,505 2,626 1,480 46,179 41,867 (4,312) 110.30 MAINTENANCE 38,214 78,272 71,495 40,697 39,379 87,945 356,002 412,333 56,331 86.34 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 990 111 788 546 770 220 3,425 17,072 13,647 20.06 OTHER CHARGES 74 84 28 37 22 21 266 - (266) - SCHEDULED CHARGES 3,397 3,481 3,515 3,384 3,519 3,512 20,808 40,899 20,091 50.88 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 117,780 $ 153,553 $ 147,866 $ 135,758 $ 109,316 $ 161,509 $ 825,783 $ 1,469,088 $ 643,305 56.21


TRANSMISSION SUPERVISION & ENG. COMPENSATION$ 27,117 $ 29,478 $ 29,705 $ 34,118 $ 21,565 $ 20,579 $ 162,562 $ 396,525 $ 233,964 41.00 BENEFITS 10,720 11,224 11,266 13,275 4,865 9,065 60,415 145,422 85,007 41.54 SUPPLIES 416 385 247 120 328 753 2,248 5,585 3,337 40.26 MAINTENANCE 90 90 90 67 134 392 863 1,200 337 71.95 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 24 128,277 203,212 108,374 39,543 160,532 639,961 508,609 (131,352) 125.83 OTHER CHARGES - 56 - - - - 56 1,450 1,394 3.89 SCHEDULED CHARGES 5,706 5,706 5,706 5,597 5,706 5,707 34,130 68,996 34,866 49.47 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 44,073 $ 175,217 $ 250,226 $ 161,551 $ 72,142 $ 197,027 $ 900,236 $ 1,127,787 $ 227,551 79.82

TRANSMISSION OVERHEAD LINES COMPENSATION$ - $ 5,765 $ 4,253 $ 550 $ 2,290 $ 11,496 $ 24,354 $ 47,331 $ 22,977 51.46 BENEFITS - 1,877 1,427 193 749 3,907 8,153 17,048 8,895 47.83 SUPPLIES 995 245 4,389 - 10,153 4,772 20,554 30,251 9,697 67.94 MAINTENANCE - - 107 - 4 817 929 30,000 29,071 3.10 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING - 6,995 16,148 2,613 7,269 - 33,024 - (33,024) - OTHER CHARGES ------SCHEDULED CHARGES - - - - - 27 27 - (27) - CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 995 $ 14,882 $ 26,324 $ 3,357 $ 20,465 $ 21,018 $ 87,040 $ 124,630 $ 37,590 69.84

TRANSMISSION LOAD DISPATCHING COMPENSATION $ 29,311 $ 33,589 $ 30,811 $ 44,527 $ 35,270 $ 38,385 $ 211,894 $ 496,622 $ 284,728 42.67 BENEFITS 9,643 10,943 10,068 13,726 11,081 12,041 67,502 186,628 119,126 36.17 SUPPLIES - - - - 46 - 46 - (46) - MAINTENANCE - - 2,295 - 1,089 - 3,384 10,000 6,616 33.84 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 1,153 33,156 59,631 27,500 25,386 5,439 152,265 792,750 640,485 19.21 OTHER CHARGES 137 162 162 989 1,052 162 2,663 1,500 (1,163) 177.53 SCHEDULED CHARGES 5,576 - 5,725 - 4,627 4,774 20,701 43,327 22,626 47.78 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 45,821 $ 77,849 $ 108,691 $ 86,743 $ 78,550 $ 60,800 $ 458,455 $ 1,530,827 $ 1,072,372 29.95

TRANSMISSION SUBSTATION COMPENSATION $ 14,582 $ 19,622 $ 17,538 $ 14,009 $ 9,665 $ 19,098 $ 94,515 $ 268,601 $ 174,086 35.19 BENEFITS 5,326 7,161 6,339 5,149 3,358 6,937 34,271 106,135 71,864 32.29 SUPPLIES 289 2,096 (170) 4,019 253 5,035 11,522 17,700 6,178 65.09 MAINTENANCE 4,107 3,621 3,050 48 1,636 5,211 17,672 36,500 18,828 48.42 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING ------27,590 27,590 - OTHER CHARGES - - 61 - - 1,806 1,867 250 (1,617) 746.72 SCHEDULED CHARGES - 38 38 38 38 38 190 - (190) - CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 24,303 $ 32,539 $ 26,855 $ 23,264 $ 14,950 $ 38,125 $ 160,036 $ 456,775 $ 296,739 35.04


FIELD SERVICES COMPENSATION$ 64,829 $ 97,744 $ 69,984 $ 112,115 $ 75,900 $ 75,892 $ 496,464 $ 1,200,387 $ 703,923 41.36 BENEFITS 37,297 47,804 39,607 59,545 40,288 45,705 270,246 658,865 388,619 41.02 SUPPLIES 4,104 3,329 6,047 14,047 6,560 5,813 39,899 129,481 89,582 30.81 MAINTENANCE 5,722 6,777 3,915 18,242 21,296 6,403 62,355 113,918 51,563 54.74 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 744 1,574 983 - 2,309 738 6,349 18,270 11,921 34.75 OTHER CHARGES - 2,526 - - - - 2,526 2,000 (526) 126.29 SCHEDULED CHARGES 13,969 13,971 15,259 13,410 14,386 14,477 85,472 170,037 84,565 50.27 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 126,666 $ 173,725 $ 135,796 $ 217,359 $ 160,738 $ 149,027 $ 963,311 $ 2,292,957 $ 1,329,646 42.01 LP&L Funds 56 of 73 Finance Department Budget Comparison As of March 31, 2021

Adopted Funds % of Description October-20 November-20 December-20 January-21 February-21 March-21 FYTD 20-21 Budget Remaining Budget Spent

METER READING COMPENSATION$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (0) $ - - BENEFITS ------(0) - - SUPPLIES 4,593 3,773 - (8,365) - - (0) - 0 - MAINTENANCE 3,474 3,887 5,666 (13,012) (15) - - - - - PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 2 - (2) ------OTHER CHARGES ------SCHEDULED CHARGES 411 433 (845) ------CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 8,480 $ 8,092 $ 4,820 $ (21,378) $ (15) $ - $ (0) $ (1) $ 0 0.00

CUSTOMER INFO. SYSTEMS COMPENSATION $ 29,347 $ 29,101 $ 44,342 $ 40,973 $ 29,474 $ 38,490 $ 211,727 $ 500,677 $ 288,950 42.29 BENEFITS 11,769 11,881 16,403 17,115 12,810 18,082 88,059 227,336 139,277 38.74 SUPPLIES 81 183 87 61 530 219 1,161 3,766 2,605 30.83 MAINTENANCE ------4,500 4,500 - PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 510,344 174,519 662,586 165,864 (696,104) 597,426 1,414,635 3,515,137 2,100,502 40.24 OTHER CHARGES 1,752 199 1,253 - - - 3,204 4,500 1,296 71.20 SCHEDULED CHARGES 128,213 128,203 128,203 69,381 128,229 128,203 710,430 1,406,701 696,271 50.50 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 681,507 $ 344,085 $ 852,873 $ 293,394 $ (525,061) $ 782,419 $ 2,429,216 $ 5,662,617 $ 3,233,401 42.90

CUSTOMER SVC. COMPENSATION $ 105,711 $ 139,717 $ 146,403 $ 207,042 $ 142,578 $ 146,321 $ 887,771 $ 2,021,837 $ 1,134,066 43.91 BENEFITS 53,481 65,899 72,502 109,940 70,450 79,662 451,933 1,118,694 666,761 40.40 SUPPLIES 651 1,100 371 177 1,654 593 4,546 15,766 11,220 28.83 MAINTENANCE 368 - - - - - 368 9,300 8,932 3.96 PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 718 443 880 23 915 791 3,769 26,208 22,439 14.38 OTHER CHARGES - 199 - - - - 199 2,000 1,801 9.95 SCHEDULED CHARGES 34,328 34,210 33,969 34,111 34,247 34,436 205,301 406,011 200,710 50.57 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 195,257 $ 241,569 $ 254,124 $ 351,292 $ 249,844 $ 261,802 $ 1,553,887 $ 3,599,816 $ 2,045,929 43.17

COLLECTIONS COMPENSATION $ 44,025 $ 61,729 $ 54,742 $ 84,056 $ 56,447 $ 58,956 $ 359,955 $ 803,436 $ 443,481 44.80 BENEFITS 22,705 28,860 27,569 42,600 27,350 32,814 181,897 416,291 234,394 43.69 SUPPLIES 65 71 292 95 313 229 1,064 6,124 5,060 17.37 MAINTENANCE ------500 500 - PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 501 14,948 6,727 10,002 9,495 7,765 49,438 159,000 109,562 31.09 OTHER CHARGES - 241 - - - - 241 2,000 1,759 12.03 SCHEDULED CHARGES 7,855 7,855 7,855 7,779 7,912 7,970 47,227 94,171 46,944 50.15 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 75,150 $ 113,704 $ 97,184 $ 144,532 $ 101,517 $ 107,733 $ 639,821 $ 1,481,522 $ 841,701 43.19

LP&L FUND OPERATING EXPENSES COMPENSATION $ 977,006 $ 1,390,908 $ 1,249,712 $ 1,855,517 $ 1,166,122 $ 1,227,758 $ 7,867,022 $ 17,980,860 10,113,840 43.75 BENEFITS 400,940 532,157 501,724 746,603 476,475 542,530 3,200,429 7,567,387 4,366,960 42.29 SUPPLIES 10,424,774 9,904,157 11,248,493 11,738,001 23,164,437 10,512,110 76,991,972 177,686,881 100,694,909 43.33 MAINTENANCE 281,835 271,226 295,704 248,068 193,720 292,441 1,582,995 2,564,205 981,210 61.73 Fuel - - - - 3,731,982 3,731,982 - PROF. SERVICES/TRAINING 611,804 708,207 1,563,706 580,622 (385,940) 956,995 4,035,393 9,402,096 5,366,703 42.92 OTHER CHARGES 79,214 148,070 94,363 125,924 111,076 109,121 667,768 1,335,869 668,101 49.99 SCHEDULED CHARGES 512,927 480,293 493,204 431,289 500,363 464,614 2,882,690 6,000,069 3,117,379 48.04 CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 1,484 123,605.62 6,395.80 16,180.70 147,666 26,000 (121,666) 567.95 REIMBURSEMENTS ------TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 13,288,500 $ 13,435,019 $ 15,448,390 $ 15,849,628 $ 25,232,650 $ 14,121,749 $ 97,375,935 $ 226,295,350 $ 128,919,415 43.03 Lubbock Power and Light Capital Program - Unaudited 57 of 73 Management Report March 31, 2021

TOTAL EXPENDITURES & COMMITMENTS Appropriation Funds % Funds % of Budget Project To Date Expenditures Commitments Remaining Remaining Spent 8625 Field Asset Inventory & Data Verification$ 2,350,862 $ 262,379 $ 119,143 $ 1,969,340 83.77 16.23 8626 Distribution Planning 680,000 88,030 249,752 342,218 50.33 49.67 8657 Street Light Audit 250,000 267 - 249,733 99.89 0.11 92282 Downtown Redevelopment Underground1 4,850,500 4,848,715 - 1,785 0.04 99.96 92331 Fiberoptic Communications 1,600,000 303,582 18,202 1,278,216 79.89 20.11 92380 Feeder Circuits - Northwest 1,384,200 990,810 - 393,390 28.42 71.58 92402 Substation Capacity Upgrade - Chalker 9,417,590 9,116,508 25,113 275,969 2.93 97.07 92403 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Thompson-Vicksburg 4,175,000 3,581,403 184,131 409,465 9.81 90.19 92404 115kV Line Construction – Northwest to Mackenzie 17,964,247 17,843,063 65,508 55,676 0.31 99.69 92405 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Chalker-Thompson 5,770,000 5,707,895 47,714 14,390 0.25 99.75 92406 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Chalker-Oliver 3,365,000 3,268,238 33,802 62,960 1.87 98.13 92407 Southeast Substation Expansion 2,955,000 2,782,879 76,411 95,710 3.24 96.76 92457 Customer Service Info. and Workforce Management System1 33,485,000 31,764,374 1,390,029 330,597 0.99 99.01 92460 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Erskine-Mackenzie 4,280,000 3,939,195 73,018 267,787 6.26 93.74 92462 Substation Capacity Upgrade - McDonald 6,899,710 6,813,716 60,025 25,969 0.38 99.62 92464 Yellow House Canyon Substation 13,560,000 11,101,382 1,396,258 1,062,360 7.83 92.17 92466 Autotransformer - Co-op 5,150,000 4,924,562 215,651 9,787 0.19 99.81 92467 Autotransformer - Vicksburg 4,510,000 4,458,798 21,848 29,354 0.65 99.35 92468 Autotransformer - Mackenzie 6,000,000 5,664,433 200,336 135,231 2.25 97.75 92469 Substation Rebuild - Holly 7,150,000 6,831,048 150,624 168,327 2.35 97.65 92470 Substation Rebuild - Oliver 6,800,000 6,726,558 1,648 71,794 1.06 98.94 92473 Posey Substation 19,900,000 18,116,906 274,683 1,508,411 7.58 92.42 92474 Yellow House Canyon 345/115kV Transformers 11,260,000 9,515,707 16,840 1,727,453 15.34 84.66 92475 Dunbar 345/115kV Transformers 11,840,000 10,182,962 21,997 1,635,040 13.81 86.19 92477 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Holly-Southeast 9,500,000 8,282,069 425,609 792,322 8.34 91.66 92478 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Holly-Slaton 6,570,000 5,375,026 753,767 441,207 6.72 93.28 92480 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Southeast-Oliver 4,900,000 4,721,861 142,286 35,852 0.73 99.27 92484 Substation Upgrades 5,350,000 2,021,253 965,723 2,363,024 44.17 55.83 92485 Substation Breaker Replacements - Transmission 1,205,000 77,188 - 1,127,812 93.59 6.41 92523 Distribution Capacitor Banks 1,880,000 1,728,077 - 151,923 8.08 91.92 92533 Posey to Southeast 115kV Line 7,400,000 4,313,274 258,871 2,827,855 38.21 61.79 92537 GIS Software Upgrades and Interfaces1 1,765,000 1,422,829 292,343 49,828 2.82 97.18 92560 115kV Line Construction - Red Raider Tap 1,585,000 1,570,371 - 14,629 0.92 99.08 92564 Cooke Station Gas Turbine #3 (GT-3) Repairs 3,009,755 2,776,020 92,852 140,883 4.68 95.319 92586 Dunbar-Manhattan Heights Underground Conversion 1,210,000 134,936 991,558 83,505 6.90 93.10 92594 Call Center IVR 620,000 546,547 - 73,453 11.85 88.15 92595 Citizen's Tower FF&E 955,000 33,896 - 921,104 96.45 3.55 92602 Substation General Plant Equipment 375,000 367,162 - 7,838 2.09 97.91 92603 Substation Switchgear and Breaker Replacement 1,335,000 10,516 - 1,324,484 99.21 0.79 92604 Overhead/Underground Training Facility 255,000 178,815 36, 500 39,685 15.56 84.44 92605 Operations System Upgrades 815,000 324,018 87, 279 403,703 49.53 50.47 92606 South Plains Mall Expansion 835,000 14,929 - 820,071 98.21 1.79 92608 Red Raider Substation Distribution Feeders 4,000,000 564,872 248,237 3,186,892 79.67 20.33 92609 Blackwater Draw to Folsom Point 345kV Line 43,820,000 30,702,581 144,265 12,973,153 29.61 70.39 92610 Blackwater Draw to Double Mountain 345kV Line 58,091,522 48,995,252 201,522 8,894,748 15.31 84.69 92611 Double Mountain to Fiddlewood 345kV Line 24,980,000 16,001,935 143,777 8,834,288 35.37 64.63 92632 Truck Barn Expansion 235,000 128 - 234,872 99.95 0.05 92634 LP&L - GIS Office Renovations 1,115,000 67,986 - 1,047,014 93.90 6.10 92635 Substation Rebuild - Northeast1 1,800,000 1,704,127 75,563 20,310 1.13 98.87 92636 Doud Breaker Replacement 70,000 2,078 - 67,922 97.03 2.97 92645 Street Light LED Upgrade - Pilot Project 275,000 253,913 9,060 12,027 4.37 95.63 92646 FY 2019-20 Vehicles and Equipment 2,635,000 2,385,283 - 249,717 9.48 90.52 92647 Broadway Tunnel Lighting and Control Box Upgrades 105,000 50,800 - 54,200 51.62 48.38 92661 Posey to Oliver 115kV line 18,470,000 10,641,139 77,990 7,750,870 41.96 58.04 92662 Dunbar Station Work 1,000,000 885,586 34,482 79,932 7.99 92.01 92663 Yellow House Canyon Station Work 1,000,000 961,754 11,826 26,421 2.64 97.36 92664 Oliver Station Work (to accommodate 115kV lines) 750,000 678,534 53,811 17,655 2.35 97.65 92665 Southeast Station Work (to accommodate 115kV lines) 750,000 666,489 30,532 52,979 7.06 92.94 92666 Dunbar Substation Work 10,302,434 7,382,902 2,307,849 611,684 5.94 94.06 92667 Cooke Station Gas Turbine #2 (GT-2) Repairs 1,770,000 1,254,925 46,433 468,642 26.48 73.52 92668 Wadsworth Relay Upgrade 1,100,000 854,461 127,460 118,079 10.73 89.27 92680 Substation Capacity Upgrade - Northeast 600,000 - - 600,000 100.00 - 92681 ERCOT Conversion Work 450,000 13,468 - 436,532 97.01 2.99 92682 Program 69-115 Voltage Conversion 1,075,000 484,568 - 590,432 54.92 45.08 92683 FY 2020-2021 Service Distribution Meters 226,000 68,498 27, 008 130,495 57.74 42.26 92684 FY 2020-21 Distribution Transformers 3,500,000 54,264 2,312,257 1,133,479 32.39 67.61 92685 FY 2020-2021 Distribution System Upgrade 5,625,000 1,289,177 1,612,843 2,722,979 48.41 51.59 92686 FY 2020-21 Overhead Lines 2,424,000 1,333,652 - 1,090,348 44.98 55.02 92687 FY 2020-21 Street Lights 484,600 266,798 - 217,802 44.94 55.06 92688 FY 2020-21 Underground Distribution 2,876,500 1,216,955 34, 700 1,624,845 56.49 43.51 92689 ERCOT Transmission/Distribution Service Provider System 2,700,000 - - 2,700,000 100.00 - 92690 East Broadway Series Street Light Conversion 420,000 1,667 - 418,333 99.60 0.40 92691 FY 2020-21 Vehicles and Equipment 2,667,500 187,464 2,237,416 242,620 9.10 90.90 92692 FY 2020-21 Transmission Crew Vehicles & Equipment 2,150,000 91 2,016,384 133,525 6.21 93.79 92693 Distribution System Upgrade-Improvements-Expansion 4,936,674 236,912 1,450,976 3,248,786 65.81 34.19 92694 Substation 25kV Capacity Upgrades 4,030,000 182 - 4,029,818 100.00 0.00 92695 Downtown Redevelopment 650,000 66,561 26, 074 557,365 85.75 14.25 $ 442, 246,094 $ 332,007,204 $ 21,919,987 $ 88,318,902 19.97 80.03 1 Commitments have been reduced due to known savings. Lubbock Power and Light Capital Program - Unaudited 58 of 73 Management Report March 31, 2021

BOND DETAIL Bond Bond Bond Funds % Funds Project Funds Expenditures Commitments Remaining Remaining 8625 Field Asset Inventory & Data Verification $ 2,350,862 $ 262,379 $ 119,143 $ 1,969,340 83. 77 8626 Distribution Planning - - - - - 8657 Street Light Audit - - - - - 92282 Downtown Redevelopment Underground1 3,635,500 3,635,500 - - - 92331 Fiberoptic Communications 1,350,000 303,582 18,202 1,028,216 76.16 92380 Feeder Circuits - Northwest 690,000 690,000 - - - 92402 Substation Capacity Upgrade - Chalker 9,417,590 9,116,508 25,113 275,969 2.93 92403 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Thompson-Vicksburg 4,175,000 3,581,403 184,131 409,465 9.81 92404 115kV Line Construction – Northwest to Mackenzie 17,964,247 17,843,063 65,508 55,676 0.31 92405 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Chalker-Thompson 5,770,000 5,707,895 47,714 14,390 0.25 92406 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Chalker-Oliver 3,365,000 3,268,238 33,802 62,960 1.87 92407 Southeast Substation Expansion 2,955,000 2,782,879 76,411 95,710 3.24 92457 Customer Service Info. and Workforce Management System1 33,485,000 31,764,374 1,390,029 330,597 0.99 92460 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Erskine-Mackenzie 4,280,000 3,939,195 73,018 267,787 6.26 92462 Substation Capacity Upgrade - McDonald 6,899,710 6,813,716 60,025 25,969 0.38 92464 Yellow House Canyon Substation 13,560,000 11,101,382 1,396,258 1,062,360 7.83 92466 Autotransformer - Co-op 5,150,000 4,924,562 215,651 9,787 0.19 92467 Autotransformer - Vicksburg 4,510,000 4,458,798 21,848 29,354 0.65 92468 Autotransformer - Mackenzie 6,000,000 5,664,433 200,336 135,231 2.25 92469 Substation Rebuild - Holly 7,150,000 6,831,048 150,624 168,327 2.35 92470 Substation Rebuild - Oliver 6,800,000 6,726,558 1,648 71,794 1.06 92473 Posey Substation 19,900,000 18,116,906 274,683 1,508,411 7.58 92474 Yellow House Canyon 345/115kV Transformers 11,260,000 9,515,707 16,840 1,727,453 15.34 92475 Dunbar 345/115kV Transformers 11,840,000 10,182,962 21,997 1,635,040 13.81 92477 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Holly-Southeast 9,500,000 8,282,069 425,609 792,322 8.34 92478 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Holly-Slaton 6,570,000 5,375,026 753,767 441,207 6.72 92480 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Southeast-Oliver 4,900,000 4,721,861 142,286 35,852 0.73 92484 Substation Upgrades 5,350,000 2,021,253 965,723 2,363,024 44.17 92485 Substation Breaker Replacements - Transmission 350,000 77,188 - 272,812 77.95 92523 Distribution Capacitor Banks 1,880,000 1,728,077 - 151,923 8.08 92533 Posey to Southeast 115kV Line 7,400,000 4,313,274 258,871 2,827,855 38.21 92537 GIS Software Upgrades and Interfaces1 1,215,000 1,215,000 - - - 92560 115kV Line Construction - Red Raider Tap 1,585,000 1,570,371 - 14,629 0.92 92564 Cooke Station Gas Turbine #3 (GT-3) Repairs - - - - - 92586 Dunbar-Manhattan Heights Underground Conversion 1,210,000 134,936 991,558 83,505 6.90 92594 Call Center IVR - - - - - 92595 Citizen's Tower FF&E - - - - - 92602 Substation General Plant Equipment - - - - - 92603 Substation Switchgear and Breaker Replacement 1,335,000 10,516 - 1,324,484 99.21 92604 Overhead/Underground Training Facility - - - - - 92605 Operations System Upgrades - - - - - 92606 South Plains Mall Expansion 835,000 14,929 - 820,071 98.21 92608 Red Raider Substation Distribution Feeders 4,000,000 564,872 248,237 3,186,892 79.67 92609 Blackwater Draw to Folsom Point 345kV Line 43,820,000 30,702,581 144,265 12,973,153 29.61 92610 Blackwater Draw to Double Mountain 345kV Line 58,091,522 48,995,252 201,522 8,894,748 15.31 92611 Double Mountain to Fiddlewood 345kV Line 23,780,000 16,001,935 143,777 7,634,288 32.10 92632 Truck Barn Expansion - - - - - 92634 LP&L - GIS Office Renovations 1,115,000 67,986 - 1,047,014 93.90 92635 Substation Rebuild - Northeast1 1,800,000 1,704,127 75,563 20,310 1.13 92636 Doud Breaker Replacement - - - - - 92645 Street Light LED Upgrade - Pilot Project - - - - - 92646 FY 2019-20 Vehicles and Equipment - - - - - 92647 Broadway Tunnel Lighting and Control Box Upgrades - - - - - 92661 Posey to Oliver 115kV line 18,470,000 10,641,139 77,990 7,750,870 41.96 92662 Dunbar Station Work 1,000,000 885,586 34,482 79,932 7.99 92663 Yellow House Canyon Station Work 1,000,000 961,754 11,826 26,421 2.64 92664 Oliver Station Work (to accommodate 115kV lines) 750,000 678,534 53,811 17,655 2.35 92665 Southeast Station Work (to accommodate 115kV lines) 750,000 666,489 30,532 52,979 7.06 92666 Dunbar Substation Work 10,302,434 7,382,902 2,307,849 611,684 5.94 92667 Cooke Station Gas Turbine #2 (GT-2) Repairs - - - - - 92668 Wadsworth Relay Upgrade 1,100,000 854,461 127,460 118,079 10.73 92680 Substation Capacity Upgrade - Northeast 600,000 - - 600,000 100.00 92681 ERCOT Conversion Work 450,000 13,468 - 436,532 97.01 92682 Program 69-115 Voltage Conversion 1,075,000 484,568 - 590,432 54.92 92683 FY 2020-2021 Service Distribution Meters - - - - - 92684 FY 2020-21 Distribution Transformers - - - - - 92685 FY 2020-2021 Distribution System Upgrade - - - - - 92686 FY 2020-21 Overhead Lines - - - - - 92687 FY 2020-21 Street Lights - - - - - 92688 FY 2020-21 Underground Distribution - - - - - 92689 ERCOT Transmission/Distribution Service Provider System 2,700,000 - - 2,700,000 100.00 92690 East Broadway Series Street Light Conversion - - - - - 92691 FY 2020-21 Vehicles and Equipment - - - - - 92692 FY 2020-21 Transmission Crew Vehicles & Equipment - - - - - 92693 Distribution System Upgrade-Improvements-Expansion 4,936,674 236,912 1,450,976 3,248,786 65.81 92694 Substation 25kV Capacity Upgrades 4,030,000 182 - 4,029,818 100.00 92695 Downtown Redevelopment 650,000 66,561 26,074 557,365 85.75 $ 405,058,539 $ 317,604,900 $ 12,865,160 $ 74,588,478 18.41 1 Commitments have been reduced due to known savings. Lubbock Power and Light Capital Program - Unaudited 59 of 73 Management Report March 31, 2021

CASH DETAIL Cash Cash Cash Funds % Funds Project Funds Expenditures Commitments Remaining Remaining 8625 Field Asset Inventory & Data Verification $ - $ - $ - $ - - 8626 Distribution Planning 680,000 88,030 249,752 342,218 50.33 8657 Street Light Audit 250,000 267 - 249,733 99.89 92282 Downtown Redevelopment Underground1 1,215,000 1,213,215 - 1,785 0.15 92331 Fiberoptic Communications 250,000 - - 250,000 100.00 92380 Feeder Circuits - Northwest 694,200 300,810 - 393,390 56.67 92402 Substation Capacity Upgrade - Chalker - - - - - 92403 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Thompson-Vicksburg - - - - - 92404 115kV Line Construction – Northwest to Mackenzie - - - - - 92405 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Chalker-Thompson - - - - - 92406 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Chalker-Oliver - - - - - 92407 Southeast Substation Expansion - - - - - 92457 Customer Service Info. and Workforce Management System1 - - - - - 92460 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Erskine-Mackenzie - - - - - 92462 Substation Capacity Upgrade - McDonald - - - - - 92464 Yellow House Canyon Substation - - - - - 92466 Autotransformer - Co-op - - - - - 92467 Autotransformer - Vicksburg - - - - - 92468 Autotransformer - Mackenzie - - - - - 92469 Substation Rebuild - Holly - - - - - 92470 Substation Rebuild - Oliver - - - - - 92473 Posey Substation - - - - - 92474 Yellow House Canyon 345/115kV Transformers - - - - - 92475 Dunbar 345/115kV Transformers - - - - - 92477 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Holly-Southeast - - - - - 92478 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Holly-Slaton - - - - - 92480 69/115kV Line Rebuild: Southeast-Oliver - - - - - 92484 Substation Upgrades - - - - - 92485 Substation Breaker Replacements - Transmission 855,000 - - 855,000 100.00 92523 Distribution Capacitor Banks - - - - - 92533 Posey to Southeast 115kV Line - - - - - 92537 GIS Software Upgrades and Interfaces1 550,000 207,829 292,343 49,828 9.06 92560 115kV Line Construction - Red Raider Tap - - - - - 92564 Cooke Station Gas Turbine #3 (GT-3) Repairs 3,009,755 2,776,020 92,852 140,883 4.68 92586 Dunbar-Manhattan Heights Underground Conversion - - - - - 92594 Call Center IVR 620,000 546,547 - 73,453 11.85 92595 Citizen's Tower FF&E 955,000 33,896 - 921,104 96.45 92602 Substation General Plant Equipment 375,000 367,162 - 7,838 2.09 92603 Substation Switchgear and Breaker Replacement - - - - - 92604 Overhead/Underground Training Facility 255,000 178,815 36,500 39,685 15.56 92605 Operations System Upgrades 815,000 324,018 87,279 403,703 49.53 92606 South Plains Mall Expansion - - - - - 92608 Red Raider Substation Distribution Feeders - - - - - 92609 Blackwater Draw to Folsom Point 345kV Line - - - - - 92610 Blackwater Draw to Double Mountain 345kV Line - - - - - 92611 Double Mountain to Fiddlewood 345kV Line 1,200,000 - - 1,200,000 100.00 92632 Truck Barn Expansion 235,000 128 - 234,872 99.95 92634 LP&L - GIS Office Renovations - - - - - 92635 Substation Rebuild - Northeast1 - - - - - 92636 Doud Breaker Replacement 70,000 2,078 - 67,922 97.03 92645 Street Light LED Upgrade - Pilot Project 275,000 253,913 9,060 12,027 4.37 92646 FY 2019-20 Vehicles and Equipment 2,635,000 2,385,283 - 249,717 9.48 92647 Broadway Tunnel Lighting and Control Box Upgrades 105,000 50,800 - 54,200 51.62 92661 Posey to Oliver 115kV line - - - - - 92662 Dunbar Station Work - - - - - 92663 Yellow House Canyon Station Work - - - - - 92664 Oliver Station Work (to accommodate 115kV lines) - - - - - 92665 Southeast Station Work (to accommodate 115kV lines) - - - - - 92666 Dunbar Substation Work - - - - - 92667 Cooke Station Gas Turbine #2 (GT-2) Repairs 1,770,000 1,254,925 46,433 468,642 26.48 92668 Wadsworth Relay Upgrade - - - - - 92680 Substation Capacity Upgrade - Northeast - - - - - 92681 ERCOT Conversion Work - - - - - 92682 Program 69-115 Voltage Conversion - - - - - 92683 FY 2020-2021 Service Distribution Meters 226,000 68,498 27,008 130,495 57.74 92684 FY 2020-21 Distribution Transformers 3,500,000 54,264 2,312,257 1,133,479 32.39 92685 FY 2020-2021 Distribution System Upgrade 5,625,000 1,289,177 1,612,843 2,722,979 48.41 92686 FY 2020-21 Overhead Lines 2,424,000 1,333,652 - 1,090,348 44.98 92687 FY 2020-21 Street Lights 484,600 266,798 - 217,802 44.94 92688 FY 2020-21 Underground Distribution 2,876,500 1,216,955 34,700 1,624,845 56.49 92689 ERCOT Transmission/Distribution Service Provider System - - - - - 92690 East Broadway Series Street Light Conversion 420,000 1,667 - 418,333 99.60 92691 FY 2020-21 Vehicles and Equipment 2,667,500 187,464 2,237,416 242,620 9.10 92692 FY 2020-21 Transmission Crew Vehicles & Equipment 2,150,000 91 2,016,384 133,525 6.21 92693 Distribution System Upgrade-Improvements-Expansion - - - - - 92694 Substation 25kV Capacity Upgrades - - - - - 92695 Downtown Redevelopment - - - - - $ 37,187,555 $ 14,402,304 $ 9,054,827 $ 13,730,424 36.92 1 Commitments have been reduced due to known savings. 60 of 73

Power Cost Recovery Factor $37,500,000 Threshold Low Threshold High Total Over Collection Total (Under) Collection



















$(10,000,000) Jul‐16 Jul‐17 Jul‐18 Jul‐19 Jul‐20 Jan‐17 Jan‐18 Jan‐19 Jan‐20 Jan‐21 Sep‐16 Sep‐17 Sep‐18 Sep‐19 Sep‐20 Nov‐16 Nov‐17 Nov‐18 Nov‐19 Nov‐20 Mar‐16 Mar‐17 Mar‐18 Mar‐19 Mar‐20 Mar‐21 May‐16 May‐17 May‐18 May‐19 May‐20 61 of 73

FY 2020-21 Purchased Power Monthly Analysis 20.00%




0.00% Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep



-15.00% AVERAGE ACTUAL % % BY MONTH 62 of 73

Lubbock Power & Light

Electric Utility Board

Agenda Item Summary

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Summary: Consider a recommendation to amend Section 22.02.103 of the City of Lubbock (City) Code of Ordinances to the City Council of the City of Lubbock (City Council) relating to the review of the fee structure of utility cost recovery fees.

Background/Discussion: For any new development project within LP&L’s service territory, engineering staff must collaborate with developers to determine the best route to deliver electricity. Doing so requires underground line extensions through easements or public right of way. Utility cost recovery fees are assessed to permit the utility to re-coup a portion of costs incurred during construction of such extensions. The intent of any assessment is to balance the initial investment to increase meters with actual installation costs.

The last change to the fee structure for utility recovery of fees occurred in 2004 for commercial developments and in 2006 for residential developments. In addition to increases in construction costs since that time, residential subdivisions without alleys have been introduced, which significantly increases construction costs.

Staff proposes that the EUB recommend to the City Council the amendment of Section 22.02.103 of the City Code of Ordinances to permit LP&L to make changes to the fee structure through the LP&L Electric Rate/Tariff, which is updated at least annually as part of the LP&L Electric Rate/Tariff review and approval process.

Fiscal Impact: Utility cost recovery fees are dependent on new development projects and vary annually. A proposed increase will be submitted as part of the FY 2021-22 operating budget to recoup a portion of these costs.

Recommendation: Staff requests that the EUB recommend amendment of the applicable City ordinance to permit utility cost recovery fees to be updated or revised in the LP&L Electric Rate/Tariff, or such alternative action as the EUB may deem appropriate. 63 of 73


WHEREAS, Section 22.02.103, of Title I, Chapter 22, Article 22.02, Division 3 of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances authorizes Lubbock Power & Light (“LP&L”) to collect fees from a developer to recover of the cost of providing underground electric distribution service to certain developments (“Fee Structure”) and provides that the Electric Utility Board (“EUB”) of the City of Lubbock may request by resolution that the City Council of the City of Lubbock (“City Council”) alter the Fee Structure;

WHEREAS, the Electric Utility Board (“EUB”) finds that the review and request for alteration of the Fee Structure will be more expeditiously accomplished as part of LP&L’s annual review and approval of the LP&L Electric Rate/Tariff;

WHEREAS, the EUB finds that it is in the best interest of ratepayers for the Fee Structure amounts to be reviewed annually by the EUB to reflect actual costs;

WHEREAS, the EUB desires to recommend amending Section 22.02.103 of the Lubbock Code of Ordinances as provided in the attached draft ordinance, labeled Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein; NOW, THEREFORE:


THAT the Electric Utility Board recommends that City Council take actions necessary to amend Sections 22.02.103 of Title I, Chapter 22, Article 2.02, Division 3 of the Lubbock Code of Ordinances in accordance with Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein.

Passed by the Electric Utility Board this 18th day of May, 2021.

Dan Odom, Chairman ATTEST:

Gwen Stafford, Board Secretary


______David McCalla, Director of Electric Utilities


______Hunter Harrison, LP&L Electric Utilities Attorney 65 of 73 EXHIBIT A



WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lubbock, Texas deems it in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Lubbock to update certain portions of the City of Lubbock code ordinances by proposing certain amendments to Section 22.02.103 of the Code of Ordinances with regard to the City of Lubbock’s electric utility;

WHEREAS, the Electric Utility Board is charged with approving and submitting an electric rate schedule (“Rate Schedule”) for Lubbock Power & Light to the City Council for approval, and is responsible for the proper implementation of the Rate Schedule pursuant to § 2.03.415(a) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock;

WHEREAS, as part of its review of the tariff, it is in the best interest of the citizens of Lubbock for the Electric Utility Board to annually review fees for certain undergrounding activities as provided in Section 22.02.103 of the Code of Ordinances; NOW THEREFORE


This article shall be in full force and effect on or after July 1, 2021.

SECTION 1. THAT Section 22.02.103(a) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows:

Sec. 22.02.103 Fees

(a) The utility shall collect the following fees from the developer to recover the cost of providing underground electric distribution service to developments subject to this division. The developer shall be required to pay to the utility in advance of construction as an aid to construction for underground electric distribution the following fees with all measurements being taken per the centerline of the alley, easement or right-of-way:


7/1/2003: twelve dollars ($12.00) per linear foot.

7/1/2004: fourteen dollars ($14.00) per linear foot.

7/1/2005: sixteen dollars ($16.00) per linear foot.

7/1/2006: eighteen dollars ($18.00) per linear foot. 66 of 73

7/1/2007: City council will review the fee structure outlined above and may by resolution alter the fee structure that applies to all electric utilities, as defined herein, to reflect the actual costs incurred in providing underground utility service.

1/1/2012: The electric utility board will review the fee structure outlined above and may by resolution request that the city council alter the fee structure as it applies to the city’s municipally owned electric utility, Lubbock Power and Light, to reflect the actual costs incurred by Lubbock Power and Light in providing underground utility service.

07/1/2021: The electric utility board will annually review the fee structure outlined above and may alter the fee structure as it applies to the City’s municipally owned electric utility, Lubbock Power & Light, to reflect the actual costs incurred in providing underground utility service by: (i) resolution to the city council requesting such alteration(s) to the fee structure as provided above, or (ii) review, approval, and recommendation of approval of the Electric Rate/Tariff Schedule to the City Council to include such fee structures and make alterations thereto.

SECTION 2. THAT should any paragraph, section, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of the Ordinance shall not be affected thereby.

SECTION 3. THAT the City Secretary of the City of Lubbock, Texas, is hereby authorized and directed to cause publication of the descriptive caption of this Ordinance as an alternative means of publication provided by law.


Passed by the City Council on first reading this ____ day of ______, 2021.

Passed by the City Council on second reading this ____ day of ______, 2021.



______Rebecca Garza, City Secretary 67 of 73


______David McCalla, Director of Electric Utilities


______Hunter Harrison, LP&L Electric Utilities Attorney 68 of 73

Lubbock Power & Light

Electric Utility Board

Agenda Item Summary

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Summary: Consider and award Request for Proposal (RFP) 7126-21-ELD, LP&L Construction Services for Feeder Redesign at Chalker Substation.

Background/Discussion: This RFP is for the construction of four (4) new feeders which includes overhead and underground distribution, upgrading and replacing conductors, poles, and other necessary equipment. The Chalker Feeder Redesign project is necessary to increase capacity and provide greater operational reliability.

A proposal evaluation committee was established to review and rank the proposals based on the following six (6) categories: price, 30 points; adherence to specifications, general conditions, and insurance requirements, 20 points; contractor qualifications/references, 20 points; project/construction schedule, 15 points; safety record, 10 points; quality control plan, 5 points.

Two (2) offerors responded to the RFP. The committee evaluated the proposals, made their final selections and ranked the finalists as follows:

Score: Lump Sum Cost: Primoris T&D 92.93 $263,803 Power Line Services, Inc. 86.24 $419,777

Fiscal Impact: A total of $4,936,674 is appropriated and $3,212,451 is available in account number 92693 (Distribution System Upgrade-Improvements-Expansion) for this purpose.

Recommendation: Staff recommends award of RFP 7126-21-ELD, LP&L Construction Services for Feeder Redesign at Chalker Substation, to Primoris T&D Services, LLC, of Fort Worth, Texas for $263,803 or such alternative as the Electric Utility Board may deem appropriate. 69 of 73 Lubbock Power and Light Capital Project Project Cost Detail May 18, 2021

Capital Project Number: 92693 Capital Project Name: Distribution System Upgrade-Improvements-Expansion

Budget Total Appropriation $ 4,936,674

Expended Contract or PO Number Pcard - Advertising Expenses $ (1,022) Inventory Issue (42,551) Staff Time (24,349) Wesco Distribution - INPVC Conduit (7,700) Anixter - Materials (11,678) SGS Engineering - Engineering Services (82,296) Parkhill Smith & Cooper - Engineerong Services (128,272) Deerwood - Construction Services (30,160) Expended to Date $ (328,027)

Encumbered Contract or PO Number TEC - Elastimold 21403182 $ (68,264) PSC - Engineering Wadsworth PSC2019-8 (85,624) PSC - Engineering Yellowhouse PSC2019-9 (451,510) PSC - Engineering Erskine PSC2019-10 (126,095) PSC - Engineering Feeder Upgrades PSC2019-11 (428,000) SGS - Engineering SGS2018-10 (3,698) SGS - Engineering SGS2018-11 (1,060) SGS - Engineering SGS2018-12 (51,947) SGS - Engineering SGS2018-13 (180,000) Encumbered to Date $ (1,396,197)

Agenda Item May 18, 2021 Contract or PO Number Primoris T&D Services - Chalker Feeder Redesign RFP 7126-20-ELD $ (263,803) Agenda Items for Consideration $ (263,803)

Estimated Costs for Remaining Appropriation Staff Time $ (50,651) Southeast Distribution Construction Labor (99,794) Southeast Distribution Construction Materials (59,364) Chalker Distribution Construction Materials (170,921) Wadsworth Distribution Labor (139,433) Wadsworth Distribution Materials (400,902) YellowHouse Distribution Labor (1,100,000) YellowHouse Distribution Materials (406,882) Contingency (485,000) Estimated Costs for Remaining Appropriation $ (2,912,947)

Remaining Appropriation $ 35,701 70 of 73


WHEREAS, Lubbock Power & Light is the municipally owned public power utility of the City of Lubbock (“Lubbock Power & Light”); NOW, THEREFORE:


THAT the City of Lubbock, acting by and through Lubbock Power & Light, award RFP #7126-21-ELD (the “Proposal”), respecting the project described as Lubbock Power & Light Construction Services for Feeder Redesign at Chalker Substation, as more particularly described in the Proposal (the “Project”), to Primoris T&D Services, LLC of Fort Worth, Texas.


THAT the Lubbock Power & Light Director of Electric Utilities or his/her designee, BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of Lubbock Power & Light, the public works contract and any related documents regarding the contracting of the Project pursuant to the Proposal, as awarded herein.

Passed by the Electric Utility Board this 18th day of May, 2021.

Dan Odom, Chairman ATTEST:

Gwen Stafford, Board Secretary


David McCalla, Director of Electric Utilities


Jenny Smith, LP&L General Counsel 71 of 73

Lubbock Power & Light

Electric Utility Board

Agenda Item Summary

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Summary: Consider and award Request for Proposal (RFP) 7119-21-ELD, Substation Power Transformers, for fiscal year (FY) 2021-22.

Background/Discussion: LP&L is installing seven (7) new 23 kilovolt (kV) substation type power transformers in existing substations to increase capacity and provide greater operational reliability.

On April 20, 2021, the LP&L Electric Utility Board awarded RFP 7119-21-ELD to Iljin Electric USA, Inc., of Houston, Texas for $2,785,000 for three (3) transformers.

The agenda comments provided at the April Board meeting did not include the description of additional costs of $3,751,900 that will occur in FY 2021-22 for four (4) additional transformers. Since this fact was omitted from the comments, the item is presented for reconsideration with the full details provided.

Fiscal Impact: A total of $4,030,000 is appropriated and $4,029,818 is available in account number 92694 (Substation 25kV Capacity Upgrades) for the purchase of three (3) power transformers totaling $2,785,000. The remaining four (4) power transformers totaling $3,751,900 will be purchased next year in the respective capital project for each substation.

Recommendation: Staff recommends award of RFP 7119-21-ELD, Substation Power Transformers – Option 2 for various substations, to Iljin Electric USA, Inc., of Houston, Texas for $3,751,900 or such alternative action as the Electric Utility Board may deem appropriate. The $2,785,000 approved on the April 20th, 2021, Board meeting will be spent this fiscal year and the remaining units will be purchased next fiscal year for an overall total of $6,536,900. 72 of 73


WHEREAS, Lubbock Power & Light is the municipally owned public power utility of the City of Lubbock (“Lubbock Power & Light”);

WHEREAS, on April 20, 2021 (the “April Meeting”), the Electric Utility Board previously awarded RFP #7119-21-ELD (“RFP”) for fiscal year 2020-2021 (“2021 Proposal”) to Iljin Electric USA, Inc. (“Iljin”);

WHEREAS, the RFP agenda comment for the April Meeting set out the 2021 Proposal award amount to Iljin, but did not set out the RFP proposal award amount of three million seven hundred fifty-one thousand nine hundred dollars and no/100 dollars ($3,751,900) for fiscal year 2021-2022 (the “2022 Proposal”).

WHEREAS, Lubbock Power & Light desires to approve the 2022 Proposal as originally intended in the RFP. NOW, THEREFORE:


THAT the City of Lubbock, acting by and through Lubbock Power & Light, award RFP #7119-21-ELD, respecting the project described as Lubbock Power & Light Substation Power Transformers, as more particularly described in the 2022 Proposal (the “Project”), to Iljin Electric USA, Inc., of Houston, Texas.


THAT the Lubbock Power & Light Director of Electric Utilities or his/her designee, BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of Lubbock Power & Light, the purchase orders and any related documents regarding the award of the Project pursuant to the 2022 Proposal, as awarded herein.

Passed by the Electric Utility Board this 18th day of May, 2021.

Dan Odom, Chairman ATTEST:

Gwen Stafford, Board Secretary


David McCalla, Director of Electric Utilities


Hunter Harrison, LP&L Electric Utilities Attorney