Iniversity of Minnesota
THE INIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA eap and gOWII :Day eonvocafiOII 1961 NORTHROP MEMORIAl AUDITORIUM THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 25 AT ElEVEN-THIRTY O'ClOCK Universitg of Minnesota THE BOARD OF REGENTS Dr. 0. Meredith Wilson, President Mr. Laurence R. Lunden, Secretary Mr. Clinton T. Johnson, Treasurer Mr. Sterling B. Garrison, Assistant Secretary The Honorable Ray J. Quinlivan, St. Cloud First Vice President and Chairman The Honorable Charles W. Mayo, M.D., Rochester Second Vice President The Honorable Daniel C. Gainey, Owatonna The Honorable Richard L. Griggs, Duluth The Honorable Bjarne E. Grottum, Jackson The Honorable Robert E. Hess, White Bear Lake The Honorable Marjorie J. Howard (Mrs. C. Edward), Excelsior The Honorable A. I. Johnson, Benson The Honorable Lester A. Malkerson, Minneapolis The Honorable A. J. Olson, Renville The Honorable Herman F. Skyberg, Fisher SMOKING AND USE OF CAMERAS-It is requested, by action of the Board of Regents, that in Northrop Memorial Auditorium smoking be confined to the outer lobby on the main floor, to the gallery lobbies, and to the lounge rooms. The use of cameras in the auditorium by members of the audience is prohibited. ~lt1s Js Vour Universitv CHARTERED in February, 1851, by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota, the University of Minnesota this year celebrated its one hundred and tenth birthday. As from its very beginning, the University is dedicated to the task of training the youth of today, the citizens of tomorrow. How well it has succeeded is indicated by the number of physicians, lawyers, engineers, social workers, educators, journalists, dentists, veterinarians, farmers, business men--community and civic leaders in all fields-who have gone from its several campuses to participate actively in the upgrading of the welfare of the citizens of our state.
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