
My name is Ashraf, but everybody calls me Ashi. I am from Iran. I am a mother of three children and have a lifetime of experience working caring for infants and toddlers. I have completed a 65-hour course education certificate and have CDA qualifications, as well as CPR and First Aid training.

I am very excited to work at the World Bank Children’s Center so I can put into practice my experience, and learn from my colleagues.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

I think it is a wonderful opportunity to be able to help children through their stages of development. Each day is a learning experience not just for the children but for me as well.


My name is Atefeh but everyone calls me Ati. I am originally from Iran. I have one son and a lifetime of experience. Over the course of my life, I pursued many careers. In the last nine years I enjoyed caring for infants, toddlers, two’s and three year olds.

I have completed the 90-hour course certificate in Early Childhood Education and look forward to pursuing more educational opportunities. Before I joined WBCC, I worked for KinderCare in Maryland and gained valuable experience.

Why did you Choose Early Education as your career?

First and foremost, I am very happy to work at the World Bank Children’s Center and I look forward to taking care of your children. I chose to be a teacher because I like the field of education. Most importantly, I love children and I enjoy working with them.


I was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. My mother tongue is Amharic. I am a mother of three daughters, and I am proud of my children.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

When working at a family daycare I discovered how much I enjoyed working with children. I love children that is why I choose early childhood as my career.


My name is Aynalem and I was born and raised in Addis Abba, Ethiopia. I grew up in a large family where social values and communication are important. I graduated from college in Electronics and Computer science, later I went to United Arab Emirates and worked at a childcare center for 3 years before I came to America in 2013.

It would be a blessing for me to work with the children and families at WBCC. I am currently working on getting my Early Childhood Development degree, CDA.

Why did I choose Early Childhood education as your career?

When I came to America I wanted to continue my career working with children, they have made an impact on my live and I want them to feel the joy of learning that’s why I chose to work with children.


My name is Caio Geraissate. I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil and moved to Washington D.C. when I was eight years old. I attended local public schools. During high school, I volunteered at John Eaton Elementary School in their afterschool program, a school in which my mother was a special education teacher. This was my first experience working with kids but would not be my last.

I attended 11th and 12th grade at a school in Cairo, Egypt, due to my step-father’s job with the U.S. government. During twelfth grade I shadowed a 2nd grade teacher for a week during the schools’ Week without Walls program.

My most recent experience working with children was in Taiwan, where I taught ESL English for three years. I taught classes for kids as young as four and adults. I was also a substitute teacher at the Kindergarten, sometimes for months at a time depending on the school needs.

Why did you Choose Early Education as a career?

Working with children has proven rewarding in the past. After not working with children for a year, I thought it was a good time to give it a go once more. With the possibility of working on my CDA through the school, I thought this was an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge in the field.


My name is Carmen. I am originally from Venezuela, but moved to the United States in 1995. I have been a master swimmer for over 16 years.

I went to medical school at Universidad Central de Venezuela before moving to Washington, DC. In the US, I decided to explore the field of education and I fell in love. I have worked as a preschool teacher for more than 17 years, completing my CDA certification and have furthered my knowledge by attending several professional trainings on education worldwide.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

I listened to what my heart told me to do…love, hope and support our children for their future and because I just love being around children.


My name is Carole Moukoudi Ndema. I was born and raised in Cameroon and moved to the United States of America in 2014 to join my husband.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career? I love children. My desire is to pursue my career in Education and to take advantage of my passion and love for children. I was working as a pre-school teacher in Cameroon for over two years and gained experience in childcare. God blessed me with two adorable little girls of my own.


Studio Teacher

I am from Montevideo, Uruguay. I came to the United States in 1993 with my two daughters and my husband, in order to fulfill his desire of obtaining a Ph.D. In 1994, I started working as an assistant teacher in the Infant Room at the Harvard University-affiliated center, completing a Massachusetts’ certificate for infant teachers. In 2000, I also received my Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. Work was also a learning experience for me as I observed other teachers being creative, energetic, loving, and well organized in their work with children and families.

We moved to Washington, DC in 2000 and I began at the WBCC in 2001. This environment gives me the opportunity to be surrounded by a very diverse community which is greatly appealing to me. In 2016 I completed my BA from George Mason University in “Creative Art in Early Childhood Education”. Understanding that life gives you the opportunity to continue learning and growing, I hope to share what I have learned with the wonderful teachers here.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

Learning was the reason I chose this career. The first years of life are truly amazing. Every moment is a learning opportunity. It is so enjoyable to see how much energy children have; it is contagious and at times exhausting. However, it does not matter how tired I am at the end of the day, the children’s smiles, and their joy for life energizes me again for the next day.


My name is Daditu. I come from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I have lived in the United States with my husband and three children for five years and counting. My oldest daughter, Ayantu, is currently in her second year of college majoring in biochemistry. My son, Robera following after her is his first year in college planning on majoring in electrical engineering. The youngest of all, Natai, is in his sophomore year in high school. All three of my children are aiming for success, and nothing less. That makes me confident in seeing them succeed in life. My family, myself included, is all from Ethiopia. Hence, we speak Amharic in the house. In Ethiopia I was able to receive my Teachers Training Institute (TTI) certificate. I was able to receive a certificate in Home Health Aide (HHA) from the department of health in the United States. I have a Child Development Associate (CDA) credentials.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

Back home, in Ethiopia, I was able to achieve teaching children for eighteen years. Being with children for this long has given me the experience and knowledge on how children are developed. Therefore, having this skill would be a great use In Early Childhood Education.


My name is Debora but I prefer people to call me Debby. I got married to the most wonderful man on the planet. I was born and raised in a Christian household, in small town in Indonesia. I'm the middle child of five. I have three brothers and one sister whom I love so dearly. I have a wonderful mom who raised us so well on her own, after my father passed away.

In 2008, I had an opportunity to come to the United States to continue my studies. After trying my hand at nursing college, I heard about an Early Childhood Development Program that Northern Virginia Community College (Nova) offered. I just had to attend. I finished the CHD classes in four semesters and I got my Associate Degree in Early Childhood Development in May of 2013. I have been working at World Bank Children’s Center since that time.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

I have always loved children even when I was little girl. I watched and taught my neighbor’s children often. Children are honest and silly, which gives me joy to work with them. I look forward to working at WBCC and using my passion to add to these children’s lives.


Hi, my name is Dori. I was born in Northwest, Washington D.C. I spent four years living in New York, and four years in Germany. I now live in Prince George’s County, Maryland where I’ve been living since returning back to the States from Germany in 1994.

I’ve been working with infants and young toddlers for nine years now. I have a Child Development Associate since 2016. Working with children is something that I’ve always wanted to do, even when I was young. This career has taught me patience and how to be more understanding.

I began working at the World Bank Children’s Centers in September of 2007. I’ve had the pleasure of working with and learning from great teachers. I enjoy working at the WBCC because of the friendly and homelike environment. The Reggio Emilia approach inspires my creativity in the classroom.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

I’ve always had a passion for working with children, and I enjoy being a positive role model for children to look up to.


My name is Elisa Temesgen. I'm from Ethiopia and I'm married. I come from a small family. I have only one sister. I was a second year computer science student before I came to the USA. I like reading, watching movies and playing tennis.

Why did you Choose Early Education as a career?

I believe that all children can learn and I am there to help and show them the best they can be. Teaching children's means teaching the world, because they will be the next generation. I’m really happy that I'm a part of it.


Hi, my name is and I was born and raised in Iran, Tehran. My Mom was a teacher for more than 18 years and I was always interested in working in this Field. I studies Teaching German Language in my Country and used to translate Children Books to my mother Language “Farsi”. I also worked as a Tai chi instructor with children ages 3 to 6 for a year.

In 2014 I traveled to United States but stayed only few month and in April 2016 I moved here. In July 2017 I started working in this Center and I’m currently working toward my CDA Certification.

As an educator I feel responsible to do my best to be a good Role Model for the children and make them a happy and safe environment.

Why did you Choose Early Education as a career?

As a child I was always playing the Teacher Role and it was my passion to work with little children because I believe early childhood is the most important stage in each person’s life. Teaching children physical, social, emotional and intellectual skills will help them to build their Future successfully.


My name is Eva, I was born and raised in Poland where I received my Master’s Degree with a specialization in teaching. I started my teaching career as an educator in the Foreign Language Department at the University. After getting married and having our first child I decided to join my husband in his international journeys and job assignments in Libya, Italy, and Chicago and eventually in the Washington, DC area where he was offered a position at the Voice of America and later on at The State Department.

I put my teaching career on hold to raise our three daughters. When the youngest, Alexandra was three- years-old I decided to apply for a teaching position at an Early Learning Center in Maryland. I enjoyed seventeen wonderful years there working with young children, two to four years of age. My childhood dream to become a pre-school teacher came true. I was open to study and learn more about Child Psychology, Developmental Stages and age-appropriate curriculum and hands-on activities. In addition to being an early childhood educator, I have been working at the Polish Saturday School in Maryland, teaching children ages three to fourteen Polish Language, History and Geography. I was also the director of this school for ten years.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your Career?

I believe that being an Early Childhood Educator is a unique profession with a great opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life. “Children have an extraordinary wealth of inborn abilities and potential, strength and creativity.” Teachers are able to “open the door to new possibilities, help the children to think about their thinking to facilitate new learning.”


Hello, I am Firehiwort. I am originally from Ethiopia where I lived with my family. I moved to the United States in 2013 and now live in Silver Springs, Maryland. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education, which I earned attending Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. Upon graduating I began working as an Educator with children ages five through 11. For them, I taught music theory and song, a subject that is near and dear to my heart. I also taught one-on-one piano lessons for children who also have a passion for music.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

I chose this profession due to my love of music, children, and learning. Teaching music to children truly opened my eyes to the wonders of mentoring young minds. I enjoyed watching their progression as well as their excitement each time we met. I plan to continue my education in child development as I work with the wonderful teams in the WBCC.


My name is Frenchie. I was born in Winston Salem, NC and raised in Washington, D.C., where I raise my teenage daughter Simone. I feel as if I have been involved in child care my whole adult life. I began by working with my mother in our Family Child Care business. In 1989, I went to work at HUD as a clerk for six months. While working upstairs I noticed that there was a child care center in the HUD building. I realized my heart was in child care so I applied for the job. I was hired as an assistant teacher for the HUD child care center. I am currently holding my CDA in Early Childhood Education. I have worked with all ages of children ranging from three months to six years. I have been at the World Bank Children’s Center since October, 2002.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

I enjoy working with children. I feel we learn from children and through children’s relationships and interactions. I believe that children learn and grow with teachers around them. I love to walk into work every day and see the children’s smiles.


Hello, my name is Genevieve. I was born and raised in Cameroon where I obtained my High School Diploma. In 2014 I moved to the United States of America and I decided to pursue my career in the education of young children. I am currently holding my CDA in Early Childhood Education.

Before I traveled to the United States, I worked in a childcare program as a teacher to fulfill my passion of working with children. A few weeks after my arrival to the Unites States of America, I was fortunate to take care of three children at a private house in Virginia for two over years.

Why do I choose early childhood education?

I love children and taking care of them. Childcare has always been my passion since my childhood. I look forward to improving myself as a professional through the valuable services I bring into the lives of young children.


My name is Huluagre Zegeye, but I go by Hulu. I have always loved working with children. When I was 18 years old, I helped to raise my cousins when my aunt was terminally ill. Under UNICEF, I helped teach a classroom with 20 children when I was 20 years old. After I had settled in the United States from Ethiopia, I babysat neighbors and family members children. This continued even after my children were born, and I still do so, to this day. I am a Certified Nursing Assistant, and I have been taking care of the elderly people for 15 years. Moreover, I am also a Sleep Technician.

Why did I choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

I chose Early Childhood Education as my career because ever since I was young, I have always loved working with children and teaching them skills that would help them grow.


Hello, my name is Isabelle. I was born and raised in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I pursued my academic studies at Centre d' Etudes Commerciales et d' Imformatiques (Center of Commercial and IT Studies). I specialized in Secretariat de Direction (Executive Secretary), in the D. R Congo and obtained my degree in 2002.

After obtaining a certification in education, I worked for 10 years at an elementary school in Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo. Later, I took a class to specialize in Kindergarten in 1996 where I worked for a few years after. I moved to the United States in December 2011. In 2012 and 2013 I took classes in Early Childhood Education and got certified in Montgomery County. I worked in a child care center in Bethesda for two years before I joined the World Bank Children's Center.

Why did I choose Early Childhood Education as my career?

I choose to work in this field because I love to work with children. My passion is to help support their social-emotional development, language/literacy development and math development.


I prefer Jeannie, but the children sometimes call me Ne-Ne. I am originally from Philadelphia, PA. All of my schooling has been in Pennsylvania and I am continuing my education in Washington, DC. I entered child care in 1986 and after six years I left the field. I worked for a time as a preschool teacher’s assistant in the DC Public Schools. When I re-entered child care it was with the WBCC. I have worked at WBCC since 1994, and have learned to adapt to many changes. Most importantly, I have grown and been given many opportunities.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

This field was not chosen, but instead was instilled in me at an early age. As a young child, I watched my mother teach and nurture relatives, neighbors’ children, as well as me and my two sisters. My environment was one I will never forget. I knew it took lots of TLC and hoped one day in the future it would be me. Well, that time is now and I feel as though I am a replica of my mother. Thanks, mom!


My name is Katherine, I was born and raised in Chile. I live with my family and I strongly believe in the importance of an upbringing with good values and family ties.

One of my goals is to become a Spanish Teacher. I am currently finishing my Early Childhood Associate Degree to transfer to George Mason University where I can continue with my education. I love the experience of working and learning along with the children. Their smiles and warm hugs brighten my days.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

I chose Early Childhood Education as my career, because children are the future of our world. Loving, nurturing and encouraging children in their life and education is a privilege.


My name is Kayoko. I grew up in Japan, where I studied and worked in early childhood education. After moving to Seattle, Washington, I taught Pre-K for fourteen years and also taught Japanese language and culture to older students. My husband and I have two children in college, and we all speak English and Japanese. I am enjoying my new life in Washington, DC and am very pleased to be working at The World Bank Children's Center.

The Chinese characters in my name, Ka-yo-ko, mean "good," "world," and "child." I like to think that my parents wanted me to do good in the world, and that I have been blessed to be able to do good through educating young children in both Japan and the United States. It is very exciting and rewarding for me to have the opportunity to continue this work at the international World Bank community, using the wonderful Reggio Emilio philosophy.

Why did you choose Early Child Education as your career?

First, I love and respect children. Each child has unique potential and capabilities. Second, I am a people person, and enjoy being with children and their parents. Third, I have a strong passion for teaching young children, and believe that the early stages of development and social interaction are the most important for forming their personalities. I enjoy helping children to build confidence, self-responsibility, and self-motivation, develop social and emotional skills, and develop the cognitive bases for academic learning. I am very pleased and honored to be able to share my experience and love with many families and create a healthy and stimulating environment for children to grow.

Kidist Aga

My name is Kidist, I was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I grew up in a large family where social values were the center of our upbringing. I did my BA in Economics and my Masters in public health. I moved to the US in 2013 and I am currently studying towards my CDA certification.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

I strongly believe that a person's entire knowledge and behavior is shaped at the early stages of development. That's why I choose to make early childhood my career; I want to work where I can make the greatest impact in people. In addition to that I think children bring out the joy in people through their untainted love, openness and purity. It would be a blessing to be part of that.

Kidst T.

My name is Kidst and I am originally from Ethiopia.

I came to the United States 2014 from Dubai, where I was working as a nanny.

I come from a large family and we learned early on, to share and take care of each other.

After High School, I took computer training classes. Once in the United States I completed Home and Health Training and became a care giver. I am happy to be part of the World Bank Children’s Center. Currently, I am working on getting my Childhood Development Associate certificate.

Why did I choose early Childhood Education as your career?

I like to be around children, they give me lots of happiness. I enjoy seeing children grow and learn.


Hello everyone! My name is Krystal. I was born and raised in Washington, D.C but I currently live with my husband and two sons in Brandywine, Maryland. I have worked in early childhood education for over 10-years, receiving a Child Development Associate in 1996.

I truly enjoy being a researcher and investigator of children’s work. I enjoy learning from them each day and look forward to challenging their creativity the next level. I plan to continue my education and pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Education.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

I have a passion for working with children and learning how each child is unique. Learning and understanding what motivates them as well as what inspires their thoughts and theories. I truly enjoy supporting children’s thoughts through observations and documenting these experiences. Through working with children, I have a more in-depth understanding of their learning and believe that as caregivers, we need to respect children and understand that it is important to be a good listener.


My name is Laurice. I am a native Washingtonian and grew up in Upper Northwest. My younger sister and I were raised by loving parents in a nurturing home. I obtained my education in early childhood from the University of the District of Columbia. Today, I reside in the Fort Washington area raising my teenage daughter. I enjoy listening to all types of music, reading mystery novels, and being a good listener.

I am a versatile individual that can bring the good out of any situation. This can be contributed to over six-years of experience working with students with special needs. With this experience comes the knowledge in knowing different techniques to make the classroom a cohesive learning environment. It has also allowed me to work with students of various ages in many different settings.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

I chose early childhood education as my career because I wanted to observe how children grow and experience life. As I am learning more about the Reggio Emilia philosophy, it is challenging me to become more creative, and open-minded. I also now see that learning has no boundaries.


My name is Lemlem. I was born and raised in Ethiopia. I am the second child for the family. I live in Silver Spring, Maryland. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and I have experience working with the children. I am currently working toward my CDA certification.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

Why would I like to work with kids? There are thousands of reasons why I choose this career. I admire children’s endless energy, honesty, and creativity. Children make me a more knowledgeable person. It is a rewarding job. I also enjoy the fact that every day is a different day.


My name is Lida. I was born in Iran. I graduated psychology and education. I have been teaching in the United States for the last two years, and taught in Iran for more than ten years before relocating. At the present I am pursuing my Child Development Associate credentials.

Why did I chose Early Childhood Education as a career?

As I studied educational psychology, I loved to know about the phases of child development and discover new methods of teaching that can be more useful for them.


My name is Manuela. I am from Cameroon. I went to school at University of Dschang in Cameroon where I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in accounting. I started to take care of my nieces and cousins when I was fifteen. After I got my Bachelor’s degree, I went to Gabon where I taught accounting in high school. After I relocated to the United States, in October 2013, I worked as a nanny. Currently, I earned my Child Development Associates (CDA).

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

Children are wonderful; this makes me fall in love with them whenever we are together. In addition, watching children learn is fascinating. Each time I succeed in helping them acquire and improve a new skill, idea or word, I am so fulfilled. Furthermore, I like to listen to them and interpret their words and actions. I am sure that I’m teaching the leaders of tomorrow. The feeling that I get when I realize I’m improving the future lives of children always warm my heart.

Maria E.

My name is Maria Elena and I am originally from Lima, Peru. I am a mother of two lovely daughters and I have lived in the United Stated since 2008. I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from the National Peruvian Police School.

Upon coming to the United States, I obtained my Child Development Associate for the Infant and Toddler groups as well as for Preschool. I am currently enrolled in a Child Development class to get an Associate’s Degree in Education with a specialty in Early Childhood.

I have worked at the Work Bank Children’s Center since 2009 in infant, toddler and two’s classrooms.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

I have a passion for working with young children and I have experienced that each day is a new day with many wonderful learning opportunities. As an educator, I provide children comfort and I believe that teachers and children learn together.

Maria N.

I was born and raised in Washington, DC where I also earned my Child Development Associates Certificate (CDA). I am continuing my education in Early Childhood through courses at the University of the District of Columbia. I have thirty years of experience working with young children.

Also, as an educator, I have attended many Reggio Emilia workshops and have been studying the Reggio-Emilia approach since 1999.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

Reminiscing my life, I remember my first summer job at a camp for six-to-eight year old children. From that experience, I knew I would love being involved in the lives of children. I also felt, within my heart, that I had a special gift to give children: love, respect, and understanding.

Therefore, I believe that all children should be given a chance to be respected, to be themselves, and to explore the world and environment in which they live. As an educator, I feel that I am learning and building new relationships with children and their families every day.

“Each child is unique and the protagonist of his or her growth. Children desire to acquire knowledge, have much capacity for curiosity and amazement, and learn to create relationships with others and communicate.” -Malaguzzi


My name is Martha and I was born in Ethiopia. I am a mother of four, and married to a wonderful husband. I moved to the United States in 1999 to Rockville, Maryland with associate's degree in accounting, from Entoto Technical and vocational Education in Ethiopia and with 15 years’ work experience. Shortly after moving to US, I started working for Montrose Christian School. I worked with infant as a senior staff teacher in Montrose Christian School Child Development Center for 15 years. Then I was later employed by Quality Time learning Center as infant and toddler teacher for about three years, before joining the World Bank community. Meanwhile I was able to obtain the following certifications; CDA, Maryland Child care Credential program level 4, CPR & First Aid, Medical Administration, and MMSR Maryland Model School Readiness Certification. Also 90 hours of early childhood course education along with 45 hour of CDA 13 functional areas. I’m very happy and pleased to be a part of the World Bank Community and look forward working with infants and toddlers and sharing my experience.

Why did you choose early childhood education as a career?

I love and respect children. I believe early childhood development is the most critical time in child life and being a part of a child life at this critical time gives me greater pleasure.


Hello, my name is Marzieh and I am originally from Iran, I came to the United States in 2016. I am a mother of a son, his name is Ojan. I am an artist painter, I had an art gallery in Iran and an exhibition of my artwork in the US. Currently I give private painting classes to children and adults. I have a Bachelor Degree in Physical Education from University of Fordosi Mashhad, Iran and I am working on getting my CDA in Early Childhood.

Why did I choose Early Childhood education as your career?

I am a mother and I love to work with children because they give me positive energy, I work from my heart. Children are “special”, they make my life so beautiful and so happy, they give me happiness.


My name is Mister Ketebo and I grew up in Ethiopia.I moved to the U.S. just about a year ago and lived in Atlanta GA for a couple of months. I recently moved to Maryland and really enjoy it here. I have raised two of my brother’s beautiful children whom I’ve cared for as my own. After their mother passed away not too long after giving birth, I took on the responsibility as their mother and provided all the care a mother had to provide for her children. This experience changed my life and allowed me to learn about child development as well. In addition, I studied in Ethiopia and have my Bachelors in Economics and my Masters in International Business Administration. Although my educational background is in business, I truly love caring for kids, enjoy my time interacting with them and love seeing them grow.

Now that I am more settled here in Maryland, I plan on taking Early Childhood Education classes. I have enjoyed my experience here and have no doubt that I will continue to have a great experience. I love working with the kids and appreciate the supportive and friendly environment.

Why did you choose Early Child Education as your career?

I chose this career because it is very rewarding to me and I am passionate about teaching and supporting children early in childhood. Young children learn things at a rapid rate and it makes me happy to know that I am there for that important part of their life.


My name is Mojgan, and I go by Moji. I have always loved children and working with them. When my children were little we volunteered for years at a local orphanage as a family. After moving to the United States, I worked in a family day care for a few years before opening and running my own in-home daycare. I work for KinderCare now in DC and love my job, the kids, and my co-workers. I have several certifications in Early Childhood education and am currently working on getting my CDA.

Why did I choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

I have a very nurturing personality, and love helping children grow and develop. I enjoy empowering kids and teaching them how to express themselves in creative ways.


Hi, my name is Nilmini but everybody calls me Nelum. I was born and raised in Sri Lanka. My husband and I moved to the USA in 1995 with our two sons when they were toddlers. We lived in Washington, DC from 1995 till 2003 and moved to Rockville, Maryland and have been living there since.

Being with young children is always a joy for me. My love of working and being with small children inspired me to join the WBCC team. I began working at the WBCC in October of 2014. I am holding teaching credentials from Montgomery College, Maryland.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

"A child's brain is like a blank page. It is up to us as educators, and the environment what these pages will read in the future"

What thought processes are behind those bright eyes? Children are like sponges, soaking up the world around them. I delight in their curiosity, imagination, sense of adventure, playfulness, and the questions they ask. Their deductions about the world are brilliantly entertaining. Children make me think outside the box and make me look closer at things I take for granted as an adult. I am wiser because of them. Nesmely

My name is Nesmely. I am from Venezuela and I am bilingual in Spanish and English. I have previously worked as a Child Development Assistant with Family Services, Inc. at the Family Discovery Center in Rockville, MD. I started with KinderCare in February 2017 but left for the first half of 2018 to take care of my newborn son, Evan, before returning in August 2018. I am now pursuing CDA, Child Development Accreditation certificate.

Why did I choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

I enjoy learning about life together with children.


I was born in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. My mother tongue is Amharic. I have a bachelor degree in Nursing from Ethiopia. After completing my nursing Degree, I worked for a year in Ethiopia. I am a Preprogram CDA Candidate at the moment.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

I understand that teaching in Early Childhood education is an opportunity to serve the coming generation. I love children that is why I choose early childhood as my career.


My name is Ngatcheu Odette, and I was born Bana, Cameroon. I am married. I graduated from the University of Yaoundé with a Bachelor’s Degree in French Modern Languages and a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management from the University of Douala. My first job in Cameroon was to work as a kindergarten teacher. When I relocated to the United States in September 2012, I worked as a French teacher in an Early Childhood Center.

Why did I choose Early Childhood education as your career?

There are many reasons that made me choose to be teacher. To begin with, I love children. Children are wonderful, and are comparable to beautiful flowers blooming. They have an unimaginable sense of listening, learning, teaching, and having open mind. They are also the brilliant builders of the future. Being part of their life as an early educator, has a value that I didn’t find anywhere.

Oritoke (Toke)

My name is Oritoke (Toke) and I am originally from Nigeria. I moved to Maryland about twenty years ago to join my husband. Together we have two children. My daughter graduated from college with honors and is currently working in administration. My son is enrolled in a four-year college and looks forward to graduation. I am also bilingual. I speak English and Yoruba.

I earned a National Certificate of Education from Nigeria. I also have 90-Hours of Early Childhood Education Certification as well as a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. I have been privileged to work with toddlers in two private centers in Maryland for over fifteen years before joining the WBCC.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

I love nurturing and caring for children because they are friendly, endearing, and they bring lots of fun and curiosity to their environment.


My name is Rachel. I was born in Bethesda, Maryland but grew up in many places including Gaeta, Italy and Cheltenham, England. I’ve spent most of my adult life in Northern, Virginia where I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in English from Virginia Commonwealth University. I plan to become a creative writing teacher or an English teacher and hope to take my expertise toward a field involving troubled youth, specifically, at American-Indian schools.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

There is a certain fulfillment that comes from working with children that I do not believe one could find in any other profession. I enjoy teaching, in any aspect. However, when it comes to children, there is no bias and no pride. I also find joy in the amazing balance of when children teach me.


Hello! My name is Rawa. Originally from Iraq, I speak Arabic and English. I am a mother of two beautiful children, the oldest is a boy and the youngest a girl. I have graduated from high school. I am extremely passionate and experienced in taking care of children. I enjoy doing activities with children and my favorite part is helping them to master skills on their own, and learning game activities. I am very happy to work for the World Bank Children’s Center, and am committed to doing my very best. I have a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

I love how honest children are. Giving them love and care, brings happiness to my life.


Studio Teacher

My journey here has been a joyous adventure. I started one path and soon after added another. It wasn’t until many years later that I discovered they were both intertwined and part of the fabric of my life. They are my passions; they are my heart.

I first completed my Early Childhood Development and Education courses while still attending high school and working in the local childcare center. I spent thirteen years working with infants and toddlers for the House of Representatives Child Care Center in Washington, DC. After taking time off for my own family, I began teaching as a Primary Art Teacher and Pre-K Teacher for a private school in Maryland for the last twelve years.

I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, majoring in both Drawing and Painting, at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. I entered regional and national juried shows in Drawing, Painting and Mixed- Media and completed three murals in the community. I have also been teaching Fine Arts classes in Drawing, Painting, Mixed-Media, Sculpture, and Fibers at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Education Center in Frederick, Maryland for the last twelve years.

My research and studies into the Reggio Emilia approach, over the last fifteen years, are finally giving me the opportunity to combine my two paths into one larger well-paved path.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

I now know that I did not choose, but that it chose me. I love sharing my passion for creating art and expressing through a variety of medium and tools. Children communicate and understand with their hearts as they express themselves freely and openly. They are so trusting, open and naturally curious about the world. They embody my favorite quote, “. . . the beauty in simplicity, and the simplicity in the natural.”


Hi my name is Ruth. I am a graduate from the University of Maryland College Park with a Bachelor’s Degree in English literature and a minor in English as a second language or TESOL. I have several years of experience with teaching and working with children of all ages and backgrounds. Next, I will be attending Graduate School in order to get my Master’s in Special Education focusing on working with elementary school-aged children. As always, I look forward to fostering a positive relationship with both students and parents in WBCC.

Why did you choose early childhood education as a career?

Of all the courses I took at the university, the courses on early childhood education were the most rewarding and spurred an interest in me to work with young children. I feel that early childhood education will give me the opportunity to make a significant impact in the children’s lives. With my background in education, my experience working with children of different ages and backgrounds, my knowledge of the physical, social and cognitive development of a child: I will be able to aid a child during their most critical years.


Hi, my name is Saowanee. I was born and raised in Thailand. I have experience babysitting my two beautiful nephews. I have loved working with children ever since. I moved to the United States in 2015 to marry my husband. I have a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (Marketing) from Thailand.

Why did I choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

I love nurturing and caring for children because they are friendly, endearing, and they bring lots of fun and curiosity to their environment.


My name is Selam, I was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I grew up in a large family where social values were the center of our upbringing. I moved to the US in 2013 and I am currently studying towards my CDA certification.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

I strongly believe that a person's entire knowledge and behavior is shaped at the early stages of development. That's why I choose to make early childhood my career; I want to work where I can make the greatest impact in people, especially my son who is 3 years old now. In addition to that I think children bring out the joy in people through their untainted love, openness and purity. It would be a blessing to be part of that.


My name is Shahla. I am from Iran. I have two children; a daughter, and a son. I have been living in the United States since 2014. I have a Bachelor’s in Psychology. I also hold certificates in Enhancement of Knowledge and Skills for teaching children in kindergarten. I have experience working in a kindergarten for many years and volunteered working with children with special needs.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

The love I have for children motivated me to choose childcare as my career. I am very happy working at WBCC because I believe we create a safe, calm and friendly environment that motivates children to develop and make new discoveries.


I am Shalita. I was born and raised in Washington, DC where I earned my Child Development Associates (CDA) for Infant and Toddlers. I am happily married with two wonderful sons. I have worked in the field of early childhood education for 13 years.

I have a great interest in working with young children and observing their development from the infant to toddler stage. I find it very important to nurture as well as support children’s learning and development through meeting their needs as well as offering many opportunities to sing, read, communicate, and interact.

Why did I choose Early Childhood Education as my career?

It is always inspiring to see the children take their first steps, begin to develop language and form a close friendship with their teachers and peers.


My name is Sonia. I was born and raised in Ciénaga (Magdalena) Colombia. I studied Industrial Relations at Universidad del Norte and Business Administration at Universidad Autónoma del Caribe in Barranquilla, Colombia, South America. Additionally, I worked as Administrative Assistant at Inter-American Defense College and Inter-American Development Bank.

Right now, I am taking classes in Early Childhood Development at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) where I got my certificates.

I have been working at WBCC since 2015 as a Pre-K and Preschool teacher.

Before, I worked in an elementary school, (kindergarten to 5th grade), in Fairfax County Public School, where I passed ETS Para-Pro Assessment.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

For first time in my life I feel I am on the right track. I feel happy and I know I want to do something that makes a difference. Teaching is so rewarding.


My name is Tania. I was born and raised in Brazil. I first thought about working with children when I graduated from high school. My special interest was in child development, and I earned a two-year degree in Additional Studies in Pre-School Education and Physical Education.

I have been working with children in a school environment for fifteen years, providing care and education to children between the ages of two months and ten years. In 1997, I enrolled in a full-licensing program of Child Educational at FAFIC, in Brazil, and completed three of the four year program. In my spare time, I enjoy shopping, baking, going to restaurants, watching movies and spending time with my friends.

Why did I choose Early Childhood Education as my career?

I truly love being a part of the children’s growth and development. Being around kids makes me happy. They are fantastic! I love to see the joy and wonder in their faces. I also love helping children find ways to express what they are feeling, thinking, and needing. I am amazed that such little people can have such big personalities!


My name is Thilini. I was born and raised in Sri Lanka. After I finished my high school, I selected my career in nursing. I completed my nursing diploma and became a Registered Nurse in Sri Lanka. I worked three years in the Pediatric department taking care of newborns, infants and toddlers. I also have a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credentials.

Why did I choose Early Childhood Education as my career?

I enjoy taking care of little children and watching them grow. It is rewarding to become a part of their lives.


Hello, my name is Yemenor and I am originally from Ethiopia, I came in the United States since 1996. I am married and have two wonderful girls. I graduated from High Point High School and have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from University of Stayer. Since 2010, after my first baby was born, I decided to stay home. I opened my own Home Daycare and have a Prince William County license. Currently I am working on my CDA.

Why did I choose Early Childhood education as your career?

My experience as a mother taught me that being around my children gives me lots of happiness and joy; an incredible feeling. I decided to become an educator, to appreciate Gods children, they are all precious and they give me lots of love.


Studio Teacher

I was born in Arequipa, Peru and spent most of my life there. I come from a large family. As soon as I finished high school, I decided to go into the field of education and enrolled in college at the Catholic University of Arequipa. After receiving my degree in Education, I taught in an elementary school for two and a half years. Shortly after that, I came to the U.S. and started at the WBCC. I have been a teacher at the WBCC since 1996. My experiences at the WBCC have been wonderful and have affirmed my decision to be a teacher.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as a career?

I know I have chosen the right profession for myself because it allows me to learn, especially from the children, as much as I teach. In this field, I get to give and receive all the joy learning brings.


My name is Zarqa. I am from Pakistan, where I was a school teacher. I first received my Bachelor’s of Education and later obtained my Teaching License. Afterwards, I started to teach in Government Girls School. Furthermore, I pursued my Master’s Degree in History.

I moved from Pakistan to the United States in December 2011. Before coming to the World Bank Children’s Center, I worked as a teacher in Chesterbrook Academy Preschool.

Why did you choose Early Childhood Education as your career?

Throughout my university career, I had taken courses in education that I feel relate well to early childhood teachings. I believe that children are the future and it is essential for them to get the necessary tools, starting from infancy, to succeed. It is rewarding to help shape their future.