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Vol. 22/2014 No. 4 MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS Fig. 7: Derelict buildings of the textile factory in Kreenholm island Narva (Estonia) (Photo: J. Tintìra) Fig. 8: Former textile factory in Kreenholm island (Narva, Estonia) - view from the East (Photo: J. Tintìra) Illustrations related to the paper by J. Tintìra, A. Ruus, E. Tovhri and Z. Kotval Vol. 22, 4/2014 MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS SCIENTIFIC BOARD Articles: Bryn GREER-WOOTTEN (Editor-in Chief), Pavel KLAPKA, Marián HALÁS, Martin ERLEBACH, York University, Toronto Petr TONEV, Marek BEDNÁŘ Pavel CHROMÝ, Charles University, Prague A MULTISTAGE AGGLOMERATIVE APPROACH FOR DEFINING FUNCTIONAL REGIONS OF THE CZECH Marina FROLOVA, University of Granada REPUBLIC: THE USE OF 2001 COMMUTING DATA … 2 Jan HRADECKÝ, University of Ostrava (Vícestupňový aglomerační přístup k vymezení funkčních Karel KIRCHNER, Institute of Geonics, Brno regionů České republiky: využití údajů o dojížďce z roku 2001) Sebastian LENTZ, Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, Leipzig Jakub CHMELÍK, Miroslav MARADA Damian MAYE, University of Gloucestershire ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF A NEW MOTORWAY Ondřej MULÍČEK, Masaryk University, Brno CONNECTION ON THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION Jan MUNZAR, Institute of Geonics, Brno AND INTENSITY OF TRAFFIC FLOWS: A CASE STUDY Philip OGDEN, Queen Mary University, London OF THE D47 MOTORWAY, CZECH REPUBLIC ……….. 14 Ján OŤAHEL, Institute of Geography, Bratislava (Hodnocení vlivu nového dálničního spojení na prostorovou distribuci a intenzitu přepravních proudů: příklad dálnice D47) Michael SOFER, Bar-Ilan University Metka ŠPES, University of Ljubljana Jiří TINTĚRA, Aime RUUS, Epi TOHVRI, Zenia KOTVAL Milan TRIZNA, Comenius University, Bratislava URBAN BROWNFIELDS IN ESTONIA: SCOPE, Antonín VAISHAR, Institute of Geonics, Brno CONSEQUENCES AND REDEVELOPMENT BARRIERS Dan VAN DER HORST, University of Edinburgh AS PERCEIVED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENTS …………. 25 Miroslav VYSOUDIL, Palacký University, Olomouc (Urbánní brownfieldy v Estonsku: rozsah, dopady a revitalizační Maarten WOLSINK, University of Amsterdam bariéry z pohledu městských samospráv) Jana ZAPLETALOVÁ, Institute of Geonics, Brno Marek HAVLÍČEK, Renata PAVELKOVÁ, Jindřich FRAJER, Hana SKOKANOVÁ EDITORIAL BOARD THE LONG-TERM DEVELOPMENT OF WATER Bohumil FRANTÁL, Institute of Geonics, Brno BODIES IN THE CONTEXT OF LAND USE: Tomáš KREJČÍ, Institute of Geonics, Brno THE CASE OF THE KYJOVKA AND TRKMANKA Stanislav MARTINÁT, Institute of Geonics, Ostrava RIVER BASINS (CZECH REPUBLIC) ……………….. 39 (Dlouhodobý vývoj vodních ploch v povodí Kyjovky a Trkmanky Martina Z. SVOBODOVÁ, (Linquistic Editor), BM v kontextu využití krajiny (Česká republika)) Business Consultants, s.r.o., Brno Jana NÉMETHOVÁ, Alena DUBCOVÁ, Hilda KRAMÁREKOVÁ PRICE THE IMPACTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION’S 280 CZK (excluding VAT) per copy plus the postage COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY 800 CZK (excluding VAT) per volume (four numbers ON AGRICULTURE IN SLOVAKIA ………………….. 51 per year) plus the postage (Dopady společné zemědělské politiky Evropské unie na zemědělství Slovenska) PUBLISHER The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Institute of Geonics, v. v. i. Identification number: 68145535 MAILING ADDRESS MGR, Institute of Geonics ASCR, v. v. i. Department of Environmental Geography Drobného 28, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic (fax) 420 545 422 710 (e-mail) [email protected] (home page) Brno, December 31, 2014 PRINT NOVPRESS s.r.o., nám. Republiky 15, 614 00 Brno © INSTITUTE OF GEONICS ASCR, v.v.i. 2014 ISSN 1210-8812 (Print) ISSN 2199-6202 (Online) 1 MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS 4/2014, Vol. 22 A MULTISTAGE AGGLOMERATIVE APPROACH FOR DEFINING FUNCTIONAL REGIONS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC: THE USE OF 2001 COMMUTING DATA Pavel KLAPKA, Marián HALÁS, Martin ERLEBACH, Petr TONEV, Marek BEDNÁŘ Abstract The issue of defining functional regions in the Czech Republic is presented in this paper, which contributes to both theoretical discussions (e.g. the modifiable areal unit problem) and practical applications (e.g. spatial administration, regional planning). A multistage agglomerative approach to functional regional taxonomy is applied, which has been used in Czech geographical research for the first time only recently. The regionalisation algorithm provided four optional solutions for this issue, based on the analysis of daily travel-to-work flows from the 2001 census. The resulting regions correspond to the micro-regional level and two additional tiers were identified at this level. The basic statistics for all variants are presented. Shrnutí Vícestupňový aglomerační přístup k vymezení funkčních regionů České republiky: využití údajů o dojížďce z roku 2001 Článek se zabývá problémem vymezení funkčních regionů na území České republiky a přispívá jak k teoretické diskusi (např. problém modifikovatelné územní jednotky) tak k praktickým aplikacím (např. prostorová správa, regionální plánování). Je aplikován vícestupňový aglomerační přístup k funkční regionální taxonomii, jenž byl v české geografii použit poprvé zcela nedávno. Regionalizační algoritmus poskytl čtyři variantní řešení založené na analýze denních toků do zaměstnání z censu z roku 2001. Výsledné regiony odpovídají mikroregionální úrovni a v rámci této úrovně byly identifikovány další dva stupně. Ke všem variantám jsou rovněž uvedeny základní statistiky. Key words: functional region, daily urban system, local labour market area, regional taxonomy, multistage agglomerative method, labour commuting, Czech Republic 1. Introduction Correctly-defined functional regions can contribute not The recognition of functional regions has a wide potential only to statistical and regional geography, but also to spatial for development of both geographical theory and practice. planning, regional economics, or administration (most One primary and underlying consideration rests in a belief recently acknowledged by Coombes, 2010; Casado-Díaz, that administrative or political divisions of territories often Coombes, 2011; and Farmer, Fotheringham, 2011). Based tend to ignore basic functional geographical logic, asking for on travel-to-work flows, functional regions can be used some kind of organisational unity and functional similarity of for the assessment of regional disparities, labour market a region, expressed for instance by labour commuting flows. policy, allocation of investments, planning of transport As Baumann et al. (1996), Cörvers et al. (2009) and Mitchell infrastructure, etc. – actually everywhere where there and Watts (2010) point out, delineation of functional regions is a need for some kind of spatial units with an internal is a part of the modifiable areal unit problem – MAUP (as geographical logic, in order to reduce possible spatial bias addressed for example by Openshaw, 1984, or Unwin, 1996). caused for instance by political decisions or by the modifiable MAUP is an inseparable part of almost any spatial analysis areal unit problem. in cases when arbitrary and modifiable objects (spatial units) This paper contributes to the issue of the definition of the are grouped into larger areas. There is the question of the regional system of the Czech Republic by the application of aggregation or zoning problem (i.e. which way of aggregation a sophisticated regionalisation algorithm using daily travel- is used in order to amalgamate functional regions out of to-work flow data. Thus, it touches upon both aspects briefly basic spatial units), and the question of the scale problem presented above. This report has the following objectives: (i.e. how many functional regions there should be). first, it attempts to produce four variants of the regional Theoretical considerations are closely related to a practical system of the Czech Republic, based on the size of regions point of view. Administrative or political divisions do not and on a predominant principle for their delineation (i.e. reflect the rapid changes in geographical reality; thus, self-containment – see below); and, second, to provide basic they can manifest a considerable degree of inefficiency. information on the regions and their spatial differentiation Correctly-defined functional regions (i.e. those based on for each variant, using the same dataset as for their informed choice) can serve better as a geographical tool for delineation. The variants can serve several purposes – normative use (a virtue acknowledged by Haggett, 1965, such as a framework for spatial analyses of various human and by Dziewoński, 1967) than administrative regions. geographical phenomena, or as a correction for the existing 2 Vol. 22, 4/2014 MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS administrative divisions. A third objective is to apply an et al., 1979; Ball, 1980; Coombes, Openshaw, 1982). In the acknowledged method for defining functional regions, which case that the region-organising interactions (i.e. travel-to- was applied in Czech geographical research for the first time work flows) are oriented at an urban core, the functional only recently (see Klapka et al., 2013b and Tonev, 2013), regions can be denoted as daily urban systems (DUS). Daily and presents several methodological refinements. Thus, it urban systems were discussed, for instance, by Berry (1973), contributes to a wider discussion on the behaviour of applied Hall (1974), and Coombes et al. (1978). regionalisation methods under different geographical Functional regions are identified by a set of approaches, conditions. As an outcome fourth aim, this paper offers an procedures and methods