Seafood ASA

How to bake a Bigger cake?

Is the world leader of constraints to the industry? As a globally integrated pelagic fishery and seafood specialist, Austevoll Seafood ASA (AUSS) operates through subsidiaries and associated companies, fishing vessels with licensed quotas in three of the world’s most important fishery countries - Norway, Chile and Peru. Committed to providing quality products to our customers, AUSS employs sophisticated fishing technology and responsible fishing strategies that harvest ocean resources without compromising the sustainability of such.

Through our activities in fishing fleet, fishmeal and oil plants, canning plants, frozen fish plants, Omega-3 oil refining, salmon farming and sales, AUSS's integrated operation ensures a high level of freshness is maintained in our products - from fishing waters to finished products.

Over the last decade, AUSS has acquired a significant number of companies of a complementary nature to its existing business areas. Our success lies in the integration of these businesses and creating synergies and value-added businesses through co- operations across all our business areas.

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 2 Operational Focus

Market consolidation

Sustainability • Positioning Value adding

 Supply control • Certification • Integration  Market access • Participation • Productivity  Environmental • Product policies development  Environmental/ • Traceability Social commitment

Combining de-centralised operation management system with centralised strategic values and goals.

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 3 Austevoll Seafood ASA

Constrains and Operational Focus

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 4 Austevoll Seafood ASA Objective and Strategy

 Established in 1981 as a family owned fishing company.

 Fully integrated fishing company with licenses to participate in the world's largest pelagic fisheries.

 Among the world’s leading producer of; Canned fish products Fishmeal and Fishoil products Salmon High Concentrate Omega 3 Fish oil products

 Listed on the Stock Exchange (since Oct.2006)

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 5 Company Overview

North Austevoll Seafood Peru Chile Atlantic (Group)


7% of Anchovy quota 9.1% of pelagic fishing 600-700,000 tons of Harvesting 2 vessels* centre-north quota pelagic fish capacity - 37 vessels - 5 vessels (44 vessels)

Salmon 105 salmon licenses 120.000~130.000 tons Operation 7 salmon licenses* of salmon

9 meal & oil plants 2 meal & oil plants 10 meal & oil plants 41 processing plants 1 storage/blending Primary 2 canning plants 2 canning plants Handling over 2 freezing plants 1 freezing plant 4 freezing plants 1.41 mill tons of Processing 8 salmon processing plants pelagic fish annually

Secondary High Concentrate 2000mt of HCO3 Processing Omega-3 Fish Oil Plant

Sales & Wholesale with global Own sales organisation Own sales organisation Own sales organisation Distribution distribution

* Associated company

Austevoll Seafood ASA NASF 2010 - 6 Value Chain Austevoll positioning

Blue Agri-Feed whiting Fishmeal Anchoveta & Fish feed Salmon Fishoil Omega-3 Mackerel Sales & Consumer Horse mackerel Distribution

Herring Freezing Canning Fresh

Raw materials Processing Distribution Products

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 7 Access to Resources – CHILE

• Legal fishing framework established by the “General fishing and aquaculture law” (Sep 1991).

• To protect stocks, this law allows establishing global quotas by specie and geographical areas.

• From 1992, the fishing of horse mackerel in the centre- south region of Chile started to develop. With a record of 4.4 million tons landed in 1995.

• Up to 2001 – ”Olympic Race” system

• January 2001, the Individual Quota(IQ) law was passed. The annual global quota was divided into individual quotas per shipowner, based in a combination between history and licence hold capacity for each vessel.

• The only way to transfer a quota is by the sale of the vessel associated to it.

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 8 The Pelagic Fishing Industry in Chile

• 12 Industrial companies all with own fleet and processing plants

• Regulated through Individual Quota System: Total Allowable Catch (TAC) established annually for all species – TAC is established by authorities based on technical and scientific research. – INPESCA is the private internationally recognized research institute of which FoodCorp is shareholder, who acts as a counterpart to official IFOP.

• Each company has an individual fixed quota

• It is a closed system, the growth should be through acquisition of extra quota and/ or purchasing the “Artesanales” catch Individual quotas were confirmed in 2002

• Fishing within 200 miles from the coast is exclusive

• Free Trade Agreements with main market nations.

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 9 Consumer demand for pelagic fish

Use of Chilean Jack Mackerel • Norway: All landings of Atlantic mackerel and ca.90% herring goes to human consumption

• Chile, horse mackerel: Strong shift towards human consumption due to high demand

• Expect Peru to follow same trend

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 10 Operation in Chile

Two Fishmeal & fishoil plants 2.000 tons of raw material capacity per day

5 vessels 9.1% of Chilean total Canning plant Canned tuna, mussels Horse Mackerel and seafood. quota (South) Over 2 million cases (48 million cans) Presence in all major yearly production supermarket chains and capacity wholesale distributors. Excellent brand awareness

Freezing plant 6,100 tons of hold capacity Fish freezing plant, 550 ton/day capacity

+30 coastal vessel contracts

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 11 Access to Resources – PERU

• Legal fishing framework established by the General Fishing Law.

• Key drivers of the regulation;  to assure responsible exploitation of hydro-biological resources  by the promotion of the sustainable growth as a source of food, employment and income.

• The administration of the captures is the responsibility of the Ministry of Production.

• To protect the fish stock; Source: SGS  annual anchovy quotas (avg. of 6~7 mil tons) in two seasons: Mar~Jun and Oct~Dec  regulates fishing season and bans during the year.  There are certain areas reserved for artisanal fishing.

• Free Trade Agreements with main market nations.


• All 1,200 vessels in the Peruvian fleet are satellite controlled by the Ministry of Production



• Since January 2004, the private,

international survey company SGS CABO BLANCO TALARA monitor fish unloading in every PAITA processing facility of the nation. PTA. AGUJA

PIMENTEL ETEN • This system was promoted and CHICAMA designed and is now funded by the SALAVERRY industry with an annual budget of CHIMBOTE approximately $6.5 million. HUARMEY







Sustainability Conference of the Peruvian Fishing Industry, Sept 2005, Lima-Peru

“Peru manages the anchovy fishery in a sustainable manner and places adequate attention to important issues such as illegal fishing, quotas, environmental processes, and fishing/ unloading monitoring”. (Final conference document conclusion)

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 15 Operation in Peru

Austral Group S.A.A.

 9 fishmeal and fish-oil plants

 2 cannery plants

 2 frozen-fish plants

 27 active vessels – 7% Quota

 Incl. 11 RSW-equipped vessels

Austral is fully ISO14001 certified Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 16 EPAX Value Chain


Marketing Company

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 17 Norwegian Pelagic Industry

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 18 Access to Resources – Norway

• All commercial fishing activities are govern by the Norwegian;

 Raw fish regulation (råfiskloven) - Sales  Salt water regulation (Lov om saltvannfiske) - Operations  Participator regulation (deltaker loven) – License / Quota

• These regulations are primarily set up to regulate fishery in Norway.

• Quotas are issued to fishing vessels.

• All first hand sales and purchase have to go through the Norwegian Herring Association (Norges Sildesalglag).

• The Norwegian quota is divided between the; • Coastal Fleet • Trawl Fleet • Purserseiner Fleet

• Limitations on quota ownership up to 5%

• The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is the main advisor with regards to the annual TAC quota setting.

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 19 Norwegian Pelagic quotas 2003-2010

• Stable fisheries over the last years

• Increase Value Added Production.


Source: NSS

* Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 20 Norwegian Pelagic Human Consumption Industry 2008

Source: Nordea Markerts

• Pelagic purseiner fleet consolidated latest 25 years • Daily blast freezing capacity 15 760 mt over 45 plants

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 21 North Atlantic Fishmeal Producers (2009)

• Norway – 8 facilities – 9 300 mt • Iceland – 13 facilities – 11 550 mt daily capacity

• UK & Ireland – 4 facilities – 2 400 mt daily capacity

• Denmark – 3 facilities – 7 100 mt daily capacity

• Faroe Islands – 1 facility – 1 900 mt daily capacity

Map from CIA World Factbook Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 22 Pelagic fish – a sustainable resource

Stable volume development over the last 18 years

Source: Kontali Analyse

• Annual catches expected to remain at 35-37 mill tons globally • Most important species for Austevoll Seafood Group; * Anchoveta (Peru) * Jack mackerel (Chile and Peru) * Atlantic Herring, Mackerel and Blue Whiting (North Atlantic)

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 23 Long-Term Outlook 2004-2010 and later

• The long term outlook for marine capture fish remains stabile (est 2030) • Aquaculture is predicted to continue to grow with the future outlook looking strong. By 2010, it is expected to be at 53 million tonnes. • It is worth mentioning that the consumption of fishmeal is not expected to decrease by 2010 as forecasted by this study 26% 25% 18% 15% 23% 15% (2004). • Food fish production is shown by all the study groups to be on a growing path.

Source: FAO The state of world fisheries and aquaculture - 2006

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 24 Summary

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 25 Summary

• “Is Norway the world leader of constraints to the fishing industry?”  Sustainable Resources ?  Quota policy ?  Special designated regulation ?

• Is the industry structure optimized to add value?  Fishing sector ?  Fishmeal and oil ?  Human Consumption ?

• Market access to meet future demand ?  Market constraints ?  New markets ?  Product development ?  Funding ?

To bake a good cake we need the right mix of the best ingredient.

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 26


Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 28 Fishmeal

World Fish Meal Production Major Producers

Fishmeal-price (64/65% c&f Hamburg) Ratio Fishmeal/Soyameal 1800 7,00

1600 6,00 1400 5,00 1200

1000 4,00

800 3,00 600 USD/tonne USD/tonne 2,00 400

200 1,00

0 0,00 mai/00 mai/01 mai/02 mai/03 mai/04 mai/05 mai/06 mai/07 mai/08 mai/09 jan./00 jan./01 jan./02 jan./03 jan./04 jan./05 jan./06 jan./07 jan./08 jan./09 jan./10 sep./00 sep./01 sep./02 sep./03 sep./04 sep./05 sep./06 sep./07 sep./08 sep./09 mai/00 mai/01 mai/02 mai/03 mai/04 mai/05 mai/06 mai/07 mai/08 mai/09 jan./00 jan./01 jan./02 jan./03 jan./04 jan./05 jan./06 jan./07 jan./08 jan./09 jan./10 sep./00 sep./01 sep./02 sep./03 sep./04 sep./05 sep./06 sep./07 sep./08 sep./09 Source: Kontali Source: Kontali

Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 29 Fishoil

World Fish Body Oil Production Major Producers

Source: Kontali

World Fish Oil Usage

Source: IFFO Source: IFFO Austevoll Seafood ASA FHL 2010 - 30