Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL — Wednesday, 6 December 2017] p6665a-6665a Hon Robin Chapple; Hon Stephen Dawson

LANDS — CARLTON HILL STATION PASTORAL LEASE 492. Hon Robin Chapple to the minister representing the Minister for Lands: I refer to Carlton Hill Station in the Kimberley owned by Kimberley Agricultural Investment (KAI), and ask: (a) (a) what is the maximum amount of cattle allowed on the station; (b) (b) when was the station last inspected to determine if it was complying with its obligations regarding ecologically sustainable management and not exceeding its cattle quota; (c) (c) have any erosion problems been identified on Carlton Hill Station; (d) (d) if yes to (c), where is erosion an issue and what has KAI been asked to do to solve the problems; (e) (e) is the Minister aware that there are heavy infestations of calotropis procera, a declared weed in on Carlton Hill Station; (f) (f) has the department taken any measures to ensure this declared weed is being managed by the station owners, KAI; (g) (g) if no to (f), why not; (h) (h) how many hectares of land has been estimated to be infested with calotropis procera; (i) (i) is the Minister aware of the Priority 1 ecological community “Assemblages of the wetlands associated with the organic mound springs on the tidal mudflats of the Victoria–Bonaparte Bioregion” north of Carlton Hill Station; (j) (j) is the Minister aware that these threatened ecosystems are currently being damaged by cattle and the likelihood of the cattle being from Carlton Hill Station due to the station not being properly fenced to these areas; (k) (k) will the Minister ensure that KAI will fence the boundary of the station to ensure that mound springs and the Ramsar listed wetlands are not damaged by cattle; and (l) (l) if no to (k), why not? Hon Stephen Dawson replied: (a) There is no maximum limit. The Pastoral Lands Board may from time to time determine the maximum livestock numbers on a pastoral lease. However, no such determination has been made in relation to Carlton Hill Station. (b) The last rangeland condition assessment (RCA) on Carlton Hill Station was carried out by the then Department of Agriculture and Food in 2004. A follow up inspection occurred in 2008. (c) Yes. (d) Severe erosion was noted in the Ivanhoe land system as part of rangeland condition assessments conducted in 2004 and 2008. The lessee at the time was required to submit a management plan to address land management issues. (e)–(h) Management of declared weed species is regulated under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007, which is administered by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. (i)–(l) This relates to a conservation matter managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. The Land Administration Act 1997 does not empower the Minister for Lands to require pastoral lessees to construct boundary fences.
