Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Since 1977 Lighted to Enlighten

MYLAPRA, 689 653

Tel: 0468 - 2222455, 2223055 (Office) www. email: mbehss1 @

SCHOOL DIARY 2017 - 2018


Roll No...... Class...... Division......

Bring this Diary to School Everyday

1 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten SCHOOL UNIFORM K.G. Section LKG & U.K.G : Boys : Blue Half - Sleeve shirt and Brown check shorts with 1.5” belt loops & tie. Girls : Blue Half - Sleeve shirt andBrown check pinafore 1.5” belt loops & tie with 1.5” belt loops & tie.

LP Section Boys : Blue half sleeve shirt and Brown Check shorts with 1.5” belt loops. Girls : Blue half sleeve shirt andBrown Check Pinafore ( it should reach below the knees) with 1.5 “ belt loops. UP Section Boys : Blue half sleeve shirt and Brown Check pants

SCHOOL UNIFORM with 1.5” belt loops. Girls : Std V & VI Blue half sleeve shirt and Navy Blue Half - skirt ( it should reach below the knees) with 1.5 “ belt loops. H S / Hr Sec. Section Boys Std V - X : Blue half sleeve shirt and Brown Check pants with 1.5” belt loops. Girls : Std VII - X Blue Top (Kemeez) and Brown check Bottom (Pant) and Brown check Over Coat Boys Std XI & XII : Brown check trousers with 1.5” belt loops. (Trousers should have double pleats in front) Girls : Blue Top (Kemeez) and brown check pants and over coat. All Section (for Boys and Girls) School belt, black shoes ad navy- blue socks. Students should come in white uniform on Wednesdays, Mass P.T. days and on other days announced by the school authorities.

2 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

SCHOOL HOURS 8.30 am to 4.00 pm Visiting Hours

Office hours : 8.30 am to 4.00 pm

School Timing

Staff Prayer : 9.00 am First Bell : 9:05 am Second Bell : 9:10 / Assembly SCHOOL HOURS Prayer : 9.15 am I Period : 9.20 am to 10.05 am II Period : 10.05 am to 10.45 am Recess : 10.45 a.m. to 10.55 am III Period : 10.55 am to 11.35 am IV Period : 11.35 am to 12.15 pm Lunch Break : 12.15 to 12.40 pm Prayer before meal : 12.15 pm Prayer after meal : 12.40 pm V period : 12.40 pm to 1.20 pm VI Period : 1.20 pm to 2.00 Recess : 2.00 pm to 2.10 pm VII period : 2.10 pm to 2.50 pm VIII Period : 2.50 to 3.30 p.m. National Anthem : 3.30 pm

3 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


The specimen signature of the Parent/Guardian who signs the Progress Card, Remarks etc.

Signature Relationship to the student TICULARS

AR 1......


STUDENTS P Postal Address of the Parent / Guardian




...... This is to certify that we have gone through the diary for the year 2013 - 14. We will abide by all the regulations and do our best to improve the discipline and standard of the school.

Name & Signature Name & Signature of the of the Student Parent / Guardian

4 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


(To be filled in by Parent/Guardian in block letters)

Full Name...... Admission No...... Class...... Div...... Roll No...... House ...... Club...... TICULARS

Date of Birth ...... Sex...... AR Blood Group...... Religion ...... Community...... Height ...... cms. Weight...... kgs. STUDENTS P Aadhaar No...... Father’s Name ...... Occupation...... Mobile No...... Telephone No. Residence with Code...... Tel. No. Office with Code...... Mother’s Name...... Occupation...... Mobile No...... Tel. No. Office with Code......

“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” 5 (Alfred Lord Tennyson) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

Parent’s Address......


Guardian’s Name ......


Mobile No...... TICULARS Telephone No. Residence with Code...... AR Tel. No. Office with Code......

Name of brothers/sisters in this school

STUDENTS P 1...... Class...... Div......

2...... Class...... Div......

Mode of Conveyance

Bus boarding point (If availing school bus)......


Bus No......

Signature of Parent /Guardian

6 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


(To be filled in by Parent/Guardian in block letters)

Full Name...... Admission No...... Class...... Div...... Roll No...... House ...... Club...... TICULARS

Date of Birth ...... Sex...... AR Blood Group...... Religion ...... Community...... Height ...... cms. Weight...... kgs. STUDENTS P Aadhaar No...... Father’s Name ...... Occupation...... Mobile No...... Telephone No. Residence with Code...... Tel. No. Office with Code...... Mother’s Name...... Occupation...... Mobile No...... Tel. No. Office with Code......

7 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

Parent’s Address......


Guardian’s Name ......

Occupation...... TURE Mobile No......

Telephone No. Residence with Code......

Tel. No. Office with Code......

Name of brothers/sisters in this school SPECIMEN SIGNA 1...... Class...... Div......

2...... Class...... Div......

Mode of Conveyance

Bus boarding point (If availing school bus)......


Bus No......

Signature of Parent /Guardian

8 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


1. CLASS TEACHER : ...... 2. ENGLISH : ...... 3. : ...... 4. HINDI : ...... 5. MATHS : ...... 6. SCIENCE/EVS : ...... 7. SOCIAL SCIENCE : ...... 8. IT : ......

9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE : ...... MY TEACHERS 10. ARTS & CRAFT : ...... 11. PHYSICAL EDUCATION : ...... 12. MORAL SCIENCE : ...... 13. BIOLOGY : ...... 14. PHYSICS : ...... 15. CHEMISTRY : ...... 16. HISTORY : ...... 17. GEOGRAPHY : ...... 18. ACCOUNTANCY : ...... 19. BUSINESS STUDIES : ...... 20. ECONOMICS : ...... 21. COMPUTER SCIENCE : ...... 22. LIBRARY : ......

“Most men pray for power, the strength to do things. Few people pray for love, the quality to be someone.” 9 (Robert Foster) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

Mount Bethany Schools Mount Bethany group of Schools consists of two unaided , recognized schools under two different Boards of Education , namely, Mount Bethany English Higher Secondary School situated at Mylapra, Pathanamthitta under the State Board Education and Mount Bethany Public School , Senior Secondary school, situated at , Pathanamthitta, affili- ated to Central Board of Secondary Education , New Delhi. Both the Schools are owned and managed by Navajeevan Province Of Bethany Ashram, a Monastic Order , Order of GLANCE the Imitation of Christ (OIC) . The Provincial is the Manager A of the Schools. Mount Bethany English Higher Secondary School Mount Bethany School was started in 1977 as an unaided English Medium School recognized by the State Government of Kerala as a minority educational institution. The outstanding academic record consistently maintained by the school under the SSLC Board and its achievements in the cocurricular activities ever since its inception has made it one of the most reputed schools in the state. It was later upgraded to Higher Secondary School in 2002 with Science -2 batches and Com- puter streams in standards XI and XII. Mount Bethany Senior Secondary (CBSE) In the meantime the Management started this school in a Na- tional Curriculum in 2002 under the Central Board of Second- ary Education. It was started in the new campus adjacent to Bethany Ashram, Kumbazha on a beautiful hillock facing the

10 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten river ‘achenkovil’. Soon the School got affiliation from the CBSE Board and added Science, Computer and Commerce Streams to make it a Senior secondary school. Objectives As a Bethany Institution , the school regards education as integral to the formation of the human person for the fulfillment of one’s individual and social responsibilities. The school aims at forming leaders who are intellectually com- petent, spiritually mature,morally upright,and socially acceptable ,who are open to growth and will champion the cause of peace,truth and justice. We also encourage our children to GLANCE A respect life and uphold human dignity. Our students also are promoters of National Integration and protecters of the poor and the marginalised. The school is open to all students irrespective of caste or creed; they are accepted and cherished as they are and helped to grow in their cultural, social and religious tradition. Our motto The CROSS, the symbol of universal love and the message of brotherhood. The BOOK represents the source of knowledge. The LOTUS, our national flower , which symbolizes the source of happiness, peace and harmony. The LAMP ,represents the the source light which is very essen- tial to eradicate the darkness of ignorance.

11 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

VERITAS VOS LIBERABIT means “Truth shall liberate you”, a Bible verse from John’s Gospel 8/32. The salient features of the school The School stands for excellence in academic and co-curricu- lar activities of the students.. It has professionally competent and morally upright teachers, who are committed to their lofty vocation of forming the future citizens of our country as per our objectives. It provides enrichment programme to high achievers, special coaching to the promising students, remedial coaching to the SCHOOL weak students and counselling facilities to all the children. The School doesnot encourage outside tuition for the students as it deprives them of their learning time and their creative learning abilities and confines them to spoon feeding. There are various programmes in the school to help the stu- dents to develop the creative and aesthetic talents along with their academic growth. All relationship in the school are characterized by love, justice, truth, partnership and mutual respect. The integrated develop- ment of every student is the concern of all. Academic year The academic year is of twelve months duration from May/ June to March/April. It is divided in to three terms. The first term is from May to August, the second term is from Septem- ber to Decamber and the third term is from January to April.

12 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

General Rules The Pupils of this school are expected : 1. To Participate fully in all the activities of the school. 2. To observe fully the school rules of disciplines and obey all duly constituted authorities. 3. to cultivate loyality and devotion to home, school and country. 4. to develop healthy habits of mind and body by constant self- discipline. 5. to acquire qualities of leadership and competency in the art of expression and persuasion. 6. and to strive to be gentlemen and ladies and learn to serve and be helpful to them.

Disciplinary Rules SCHOOL MANAGEMENT The School time is from 9.00 am to 3.30 p.m. All Saturdays except the Second Saturday are working days. Pupils must be in their classrooms by the first bell at 9.00 a.m. At the second bell, on the days when there is school assem- bly, all should reach to the place assigned to their respective classes on the asembly ground; on the other days they sit in their class- rooms in silence. At the third bell all stand up for prayer. At the end of the day before the students disperse, there will be a thanks- giving prayer led by one of the senior class leaders. It is strictly insisted that pupils should speak English while in the campus. If no teacher comes to the class for three minutes after the bell has been given for that period, the classleader should send his assistant for reporting the matter to the principal.

Earth is crammed with heaven. (Elizabeth Barrett Browing) 13 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

In the absence of the teacher the class leader assumes the responsibility for the order and discipline of the class. During intervals and playtime pupils should not go out of the school campus. They should avoid unwanted shouting or quarrelling or the use of discourteous language. Students should bring their Handbook to school daily. For the en- tries made in the column intended for parents in the Handbook, the students should obtain the parent’s acknowledgement by sig- nature the very next day. When the teacher enters or leaves the class, all pupils must stand up. Students may not be called to the phone during class hours. Visitors will not be permitted to see any pupil during class hours. No student shall be called to the office without the written

SCHOOL MANAGEMENT permission of the Principal. Every student is expected to be courteous in talk and behaviour at all times. He/she should speak honestly and frankly and be cheer- ful. He must use polite expressions and show good manners in conversation. Students should never forget to greet the teachers and el- ders. They should also greet one another. Students should not damage school property. They should not write or disfigure the walls, furniture or library books. Any damage caused through inadvertence or otherwise should be brought to the notice of the school authorities. Those who cause the damage will be liable to repair it at their own cost. Each class will be responsible for looking after the class property. Any exchange of articles or money transaction between stu- dents is forbidden.

14 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

The school is not responsible for books, notebooks, tiffin boxes, or any valuable item lost on the school premises. Every student is responsible for the safe keeping of his/ her own belongings. It is not advisable to bring valuable items like jewellary to the school. Students must be clean in their habits and be neatly dressed. The uniform must be clean, well - pressed and complete. Students coming in untidy dress, with shabby hair, improper footwear, etc, may be refused admittance to class. Wearing school uniform is obligatory under penalty of exclu- sion from classrooms. Full School uniform should be worn on all days and on solemn occasions. On Wednesday students should wear white uniform. Inattentiveness, indifference to studies, discourtesy towards any member of the staff or any act which affects the discipline SCHOOL MANAGEMENT and tone of the school will be seriously viewed and in extreme cases they are sufficient reasons for dismissal from school. Students are not permitted to bring cell phones and motor vehicles (two wheelers) into the school campus. This will be treated as a punishable offence. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt for authority, wilful damage to school property, malpractice in examinations, etc, are sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal. Admission Students are admitted to the school at the beginning of every academic year. New admissions are made on the basis of the student’s performance in the school they studied last and also on the basis of their performance in the entrance test.

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As a rule new students are admitted to LKG UKG, Stan- dard 1 and V. Pupils seeking admission to LKG, UKG and Stan- dard 1 for any academic year should register their names before the end of December and to Standard V before the first week of January of the previous academic year. Admission to other standards may be given according to the availability of seats based on an entrance test in the last week of April or in the first week of May. Application forms for registration will be available at the school office from 15th November to the first week of January. Leave of absence Regular attendance is expected of every student. No stu- dent shall absent himself/herself from the class without the prior permission of the class - teacher or Principal. If prior permission cannot be obtained for reasons beyond control, an application for leave (in due form) signed by the parent / guardian should be sent to the Principal on the first day of absence. No leave of absence will be granted for monthly or terminal examination. Absence from test paperss and examinations will be considered a serious breach of school regulations. In case of illness, a medical certificate should be sent in. No student will be sent home, even in urgent need unless a duly authorized person comes to take him/her home. Promotion Promotion is granted on the basis of the general progress of the pupil during the academic year, not merely on the results of the annual examinations. The records of periodic tests. monthly tests, terminal examinations will be taken into account at the time of promotion.

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In the terminal examination ranks are given only to those who pass in all the subjects. The students who secure 80% and above in all the subjects get gold star, the students who secure 70% and above in all the subjects get the silver star and those who secure 60 % and above in all the subjects get the blue star. These medals are ever rolling and will not become the bearers’s prop- erty. A minimum attendance of 75% of the total working days of the academic year is compulsory for promotion. Results declared at the end of the year are final in all cases and will not be reconsidered. The Grades Students are given the following grades in the final examina- tions according to their overall performance in the exams. The mark equivalents of the grades are as follows : A+ Outstanding between 95 % & 100 % A Excellent between 85 % & 94 % B+ Very Good between 80 % & 84 % B Good between 70 % & 79 % C+ Above Average between 60 % & 69 % C Average between 50 % & 59 % D Satisfactory Between 35 % & 39 % with moderation E Not Satisfactory below 35% Students who absent themselves from classes for 15 con- secutive days or more without intimation, will have their names removed from the rolls; they may be charged a fee of Rs. 350/- for readmission.

17 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

A student who fails twice consecutively in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/ her study in the school. The School Library We have a good school library with more than 5000 books and more than 15 periodicals. The Reference Section has a vari- ety of standard encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books There are well qualified librarians and assistants as library staff, who are always ready to render any help to the users of the library. The library has a photocopier. The students can take cop- ies of any relevant article from the reference section of the li- brary. Students are permitted to borrow only one book at a time and should retain it only for a period of one week. The librarian may call for the return of a particular book even before the expiry of the due date. Reference books and periodicals should not be taken out out of the Reading Room. A borrower who does not return a book by the due date will be allowed a grace period of one week. If he fails to return the book even after the grace period, he will be liable to pay a fine at the rate of Rs.10/- per week. Borrowers should report any damage, loss of pages, pictures etc to the librarian before they accept the books. Books borrowed are non - transferable. It is the responsibil- ity of the borrowers to take care of the books borrowed by them. If any book is lost, damaged or badly handled, the actual cost for replacement of the book will have to be paid by the borrower. Every book borrowed should be returned by the end of Feb- ruary every year. The actual cost for replacement will be realized fromdefaulters.

18 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

Strict silence should be maintained inside the Library. School Office The School office is open to the public from 8.30 a.m to 4.00 p.m Fees The school collects fees for twelve months, in three instalments. The first term fee can be remitted from April to the end of May. A fine of Rs. 50 will be charged after June 15 and Rs.100/- in July. If the fee is not remitted, the name of the student will be removed from the roll and he will not be readmitted without spe- cial permission of the principal, and payment of a readmission fee of Rs. 350 /-. The second term fees may be remitted without fine in Sep- tember, with a fine of Rs. 50/- in October, with a fine of Rs. 100/- in November, and thereafter with a readmission fee of Rs.350/-. For the third term, fee can be remitted without fine in January with a fine of Rs. 50 /- by Ferbuary 15 and with a fine of Rs. 100/- by February 28. For new admission registration fee of Rs. 100 will be col- lected at the time of admission towards PTA fund. The fee rates and other details of the fees will be published on the notice board. Co - curricular Activities To develop the varied interests and different talents of the pupils we provide ample opportunity through several co - curricu- lar activities. Students are given training in music, painting and

19 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten other art forms. Besides formal coaching in music and art, they are given opportunity to get involved in artistic, cultural and social activities through various associations and clubs. Participations in one of the co -curricular activities is compulsory. In the continu- ous and the comprehensive evaluation of the students the perfor- mance in one or two co -curricular activities will be observed and the grades will be entered in the progress card / mark transcript. Literary Association One of the most important methods for developing creative talents in the literary, artistic and cultural fields is the weekly meet- ing of the Literary Association. The class-teacher gives neces- sary guidance and directions to the students for conducting these meetings in the most useful way. The elected secretary of the association organizes the meeting in consultation with the class - teacher. Besides the regular weekly literary associations in classes, students are expected to join and participate actively in at least two of the following organizations. The Social Service League We live in a world where there are very rich and utterly poor people. The poor are often neglected. We often forget our duty towards the poor and the needy. This league will try to incul- cate in the minds of our young ones our responsibility towards the neglected poor and a love for serving them in their need. The Science Club This is meant to create in our students increased interest in, and love for, the day - to - day scientific achievements of the

20 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten modern world. This would help to tickle their curiosity to know more about the thrilling and marvellous contributions modern sci- ence has offered to humanity. Ultimately, this would help the stu- dent to equip himself with the creative mind to eradicate poverty and misery from the face of the earth. Quiz Forum This is a special forum which prepares students for various quiz competitions. Students are enrolled in it after a preliminary test. School - band Troupe and a Choral Society Those who have a taste for, and interest in music, can be members of the band with due permissions from the Principal and the parents. The students who are gifted with musical talents can be mem- bers of the Choral Society. They are given special coaching in Western and Carnatic music besides the regular classes in music under expert teachers. Manuscript Magazines Every division of a class from V to XII is to provide during the year a hand written class magazine in which articles in various languages, drawings, cartoon paintings etc., of these students are published under the guidance of the class teacher. The selections from these may appear in the School Annual Magazine. They will provide a forum for our budding poets, writers and artists for de- veloping their creative talents. Study Tours and Field Trips Educational tours and excursions to places of historical or national importance are conducted for seniors and juniors separetely

21 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten during the academic year. Small children are taken picnic spots for one- day trips. School Bus The school provides transportation facilities to students. The parents who want to sent their children to school by school bus should apply for it to the Principal at the beginning of the aca- demic year. The bus fees will be collected in three instalments along with the school fees. The school bus facility should be availed for a entire term. One month’s notice in writing shall be given for discontinuance of the bus facility. Requests for change of boarding points shall be made in writ- ing one month in advance. Nobody without a valid bus pass will be allowed to board the bus. Loss of the pass shall be reported promptly to the office. Commuting by school bus is an occasion for the pupils to cultivate good habits like patience, forbearance, tolerance, sym- pathy, team spirit, co - operation and consideration for others. Gentlemanly and exemplary behaviour is expected of all the stu- dents in the bus and at the boarding points where they wait for the bus. Strong and prompt discipilinary action will be taken against the students who misbehave. If the school bus fails to ply on any day on account of some unforeseen difficulty, the students should come to school by other means. No complaint will be entertained on such issues. We have an interactive website where all the details regading the progress in the studies, discipline etc of the wards will be avail-

22 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten able for the parents. To the Parents Parents are requested to be in contact with the teachers regu- larly. At least once in a term they should meet the teachers in person, but on no account are they allowed to go to the class- rooms and meet the teachers during working hours. Parents are not allowed to meet the students during class hours, without the permission of the Principal Reports of students, their conduct, Punctuality, progress in studies, marks in the monthly tests and terminal examinations are indicated from time to time on the pages of the Handbook. Par- ents are requested to take note of these reports, to duly sign with date and to take necessary remedial action. An interactive website has been created for Mount Bethany schools, where the parents will have pesonal access to all th e details of their wards regard- ing their progress in study, behaviour, attendance, etc…. No parent should fail to attend the class-wise Parent- teacher get together and open house meeting after the terminal exams, the date of which will be duly communicated to the parents. Parents are requested not to compare a child with another as the students are of different backgrounds, abilities and interests. It is quite natural that at times children may take complaints to their parents concerning school matters. Parents are to bring such cases to the notice of the Principal or the class – teacher before coming to a hasty judgement. It is upto the parents to bring to the attention of the Principal and the teachers their child’s habits or traits of character or any other matter that needs special attention and care.

23 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

Parents are to see that they do not withdraw their children from the classes for mere social functions, as a rule, so as not to break the continuity of study which is essential for progress. All the activities of the school are envisaged and executed in the best interest of the students. Hence parents must see that their children actively take part in all the school activities setting aside all other consideration. All the parents are requested to co-oprerate with the school to liberate our children from the slavery of tuition. Parent Teacher Association( PTA) It is constituted of the Parents and the Teachers on the staff of Mount Bethany School. The aim of the Association is to help the Management in the smooth running of the school and in planning and executing the developmental and other innovative activities of the schhool so that it may best achieve the the lofty ideals of education. The parents shall pay membership fee of Rs 100.

24 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Our father in heaven, holy be your name, your kingdom come. Your Will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to test, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, the power and glory forever and ever. Amen HAIL MARY

YER SONG Hail Mary, full of Grace The Lord is with you

PRA Blessed are you among women And blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus Holy Mary, mother of God Pray for us, sinners Now and at the hour of our death Amen

MORNING PRAYER O God our father, we praise thee and we adore thee, we thank thee for all thy blessings in the past. And we pray thee to help us to study our lessons well and be good children at all times. Bless our school, parents, brothers and sisters, teachers and all our dear country- men. Amen

“Prayer requires more of the heart than the tongue.” Adam Clarke – 25 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

PRAYER BEFORE MEALS Heavenly father we thank you for this food given to us. We understand there are thousands in this world without food everyday. You are kind to us by giving us this opportunity to have our food. Lord Bless this food and all those who have worked for preparing this food. Amen PRAYER AFTER MEALS God we thank you for the blessings, you have showered upon us by providing this food. Help us to grow physically and mentally for thy glory. YER SONG Amen PRA TEACHER’S PRAYER

Almighty Heavenly Father, We thank you for this beautiful day We thank you for all the blessings You have showered upon our lives- O Divine master, give us sincere love for our students and deep respect for each one’s unique gifts- Help us to be faithful and devoted teachers With our eyes on the good of those we serve May we impart knowledge humbly, listen attentively and collaborate willingly May we be quick to understand, slow to condemn eager to affirm and to forgive Give us strength to admit limitations and the courage to start each day with hope.

“There are people in the world so hungry, 26 that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.” (Mahatma Gandhi) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

This morning, we commit the managment, the staff, the children and the entire school into Thy throne of Grace. May your wisdom and knowledge fill each child to grow up in Thy ways. We ask you to bless our dreams and hopes of Jnanena Muktihi liberation through wisdom and help us in making difference Amen


PRA O God of wisdom and power We beseech you, To look kindly upon us, As we are about to face our examination Enlighten our minds, So as to recall to our memory, All that we have learnt and grasped We have made every effort, used every given talent, So we plead, For your strength, and your guidance As we stand imploring your help We humbly ask you to accept The fruit of our hard work. Amen

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.” (Soren Kierkegaard) 27 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Father we thank Thee for the night And for the pleasant morning light For rest and food and loving care And all that makes the world so fair, Help us to do the things we should To be kind and good to others In all we do, in work and play To grow more loving every day.


There shall be showers of blessing PRA This is the promise of love There shall be seasons refreshing Sent from the saviour above. Showers of blessing Showers of blessing we need; Mercy drops round us are falling But for the showers we plead. There shall be showers of blessing Send them upon us, O Lord! Grant to us now a refreshing Come and now honour Thy word (showers of Blessing) There shall be showers of blessing Oh, that today they might fall, Now as to God we’re confessing Now as on Jesus we call (showers of Blessing)

“I think God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability.” 28 ¯ Oscar Wilde Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


ssZhta k®n-Zm-\µm ssZhta `‡ h’em ssZhta \n≥ Ir]mhcw Rß-fn¬ sNmcn-tb-Wta ]pe-cp-tºmƒ apX¬ R߃ ImWp∂p Fßpw \n≥ Iem ssh`hw Ccp-fp-tºmƒ t]mepw tXtPm tKmf-߃ \n≥ hnc¬Øp-ºn¬ Xncn-bp-∂p. _p≤nbpw k¿∆ i‡nbpw \nXyw R߃t°-IoSpw ssZhta YER SONG hn⁄m-\-Øn¬ {]Zo]ta \√ _p≤n R߃°cpftW!! PRA

\n≥kvt\l kq{Xn-I-fm-sW-∂-dn-bp-tºmƒ am\-h h¿W-ß-fn¬ \ns∂m∂v (A-‘....)

PRAYER SONG - 4 \∑-cq]n-bmb ssZhta \n\°p hµ\w (2) _p≤nbpw hnip-≤nbpw kz`m-h-ip-≤nbpw alm `‡nbpw hnth-Ihpw Xtc-Wta Zbm-\nt[ (2) (\-∑-cq-]n) Cu hnZym-ebw \n\°p \nXyhpw hkn-®n-Sm≥ F{Xbpw at\m-⁄amw kZ-\-ambv `hn-t°Ww (2) (\-∑-cq-]n)

“I think God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability.” ¯ Oscar Wilde 29 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

PLEDGE is my country All Indians are my brothers and sisters I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect and treat everyone with courtesy To my country and my people. YER SONG I pledge my devotion

PRA In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness JAI HIND NATIONAL ANTHEM

Jana-Gana-Mana- adhinayaka jaya he Bharatha bhagya - Vidhatha Punjab- Sindhu- Gujarath maratha Dravida - Uthkala-Banga Vindhya - Himachala - Yamuna Ganga Uthkala Jaladhi taranga Tava Subha na-me Jage Tava subha ashish mange Gahe Tava Jaya gatha Jana-gana-mangala dayaka jaya he Bharatha bhagya vidhatha Jaya he, Jaya he, Jaya he, Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya he.

“God doesn’t require us to succeed, he only requires that you try.” 30 (Mother Teresa) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

JUNE - 2017 1. Thu School re-opens after summer vacation 2. Fri 3. Sat 4. Sun 5. Mon (Holiday), World Environment day 6. Tue 7. Wed 8. Thu 9. Fri 10. Sat 11. Sun 12. Mon (Holiday), World day against child labour JUNE 2016 CALENDAR 2013 13. Tue 14. Wed World Blood donor day 15. Thu 16. Fri 17. Sat 18. Sun (Holiday) 19. Mon 20. Tue 21. Wed 22. Thu 23. Fri 24. Sat 25. Sun (Holiday) 26. Mon International day against drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking 27. Tue 28. Wed 29. Thu 30. Fri Last date for remitting the ist Instalment of fees

31 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten JULY - 2017

1. Sat National Doctor’s Day 2. Sun (Holiday) 3. Mon St. Thomas Day (Holiday) 4. Tue 5. Wed 6. Thu Id - Ul - Fitr (Holiday) Ramzan 7. Fri 8. Sat 9. Sun (Holiday) 2016

Y 10. Mon 11. Tue World Population Day JUL 12. Wed Malala Day

13. Thu CALENDAR 2013 14. Fri 15. Sat Mar Ivanios Day (Holiday) 16. Sun (Holiday) 17. Mon 18. Tue 19. Wed 20. Thu 21. Fri Formative Assessment - 1 (FA -I) 22. Sat 23. Sun (Holiday) 24. Mon 25. Tue 26. Wed 27. Thu 28. Fri World Nature Conservation Day/ World Hepatitis day 29. Sat Bethany Day (Holiday) 30. Sun (Holiday) 31. Mon Total working days

“Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows 32 with the ability to say no to oneself.” (Abraham Joshua Heschel) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten AUGUST - 2017 1. Tue 2. Wed Karkkadakavavu (Holiday) 3. Thu 4. Fri 5. Sat 6. Sun (Holiday) 7. Mon 8. Tue 9. Wed 10. Thu 11. Fri 12. Sat AUGUST 2016

CALENDAR 2013 13. Sun (Holiday) 14. Mon 15. Tue Independence Day (Holiday) 16. Wed 17. Thu 18. Fri 19. Sat 20. Sun (Holiday) 21. Mon 22. Tue 23. Wed 24. Thu Sreekrishna Jayanthi (Holiday) 25. Fri 26. Sat 27. Sun (Holiday) 28. Mon 29. Tue National Sports Day 30. Wed 31. Thu Total working days

33 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

SEPTEMBER - 2017 1. Fri 2. Sat 3. Sun (Holiday) 4. Mon 5. Tue Teacher’s Day & International Day of charity 6. Wed 7. Thu 8. Fri International Literacy Day 9. Sat Onam Celebration 10. Sun (Holiday) 11. Mon 12. Tue Id -Ul- Azha (Bakrid Holiday)

SEPTEMBER 2016 13. Wed 14. Thu Hindi Day, World First Aid Day 15. Fri Thiruvonam Holiday 16. Sat World Ozone Day, Sree Narayana Guru Jayanthi Holiday 17. Sun (Holiday) 18. Mon 19. Tue 20. Wed 21. Thu Sree Narayana Guru Samadhi (Holiday) 22. Fri 23. Sat 24. Sun 25. Mon (Holiday), Social Justice Day 26. Tue 27. Wed World Tourism Day, First Summative Assessment (SA -1) 28. Thu 29. Fri 30. Sat

Total working days “Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect 34 is the chief element in courage.” (Thucydides) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten OCTOBER - 2017 1. Sun (Holiday) 2. Mon Gandhi Jayanthi (Holiday) 3. Tue World Nature Day 4. Wed 5. Thu World Teacher’s Day 6. Fri 7. Sat 8. Sun (Holiday) Indian Air Force Day 9. Mon 10. Tue Maha Navami (Holiday) 11. Wed Vijayadasami (Holiday) / International day of the Girl child 12. Thu Muharram (Holiday) CALENDAR 2013 13. Fri OCTOBER 2016 14. Sat 15. Sun World students Day 16. Mon (Holiday), World Food Day 17. Tue 18. Wed 19. Thu 20. Fri 21. Sat 22. Sun (Holiday) 23. Mon 24. Tue 25. Wed 26. Thu 27. Fri 28. Sat 29. Sun Diwali (Holiday) 30. Mon Last date for remitting the IInd Instalment of Fees 31 Tue Total working days

35 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

NOVEMBER - 2017 1. Wed Kerala Piravi 2. Thu 3. Fri 4. Sat 5. Sun (Holiday) 6. Mon 7. Tue 8. Wed 9. Thu 10. Fri World science day for peace and development 11. Sat 12. Sun (Holiday) CALENDAR 2013 NOVEMBER 2016 13. Mon 14. Tue Children’s Day 15. Wed 16. Thu 17. Fri International students Day 18. Sat 19. Sun (Holiday) 20. Mon 21. Tue 22. Wed 23. Thu 24. Fri 25. Sat 26. Sun (Holiday) 27. Mon 28. Tue 29. Wed 30 Thu Flag Day Total working days

“When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to 36 educate their hearts.” (Dalai Lama) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten DECEMBER - 2017

1 Fri 2. Sat World Computer Literacy Day 3. Sun (Holiday) 4. Mon Navy Day 5. Tue 6. Wed 7. Thu 8. Fri 9. Sat 10. Sun (Holiday) Human Right’s Day 11. Mon 12. Tue Milad -Un-Nabi (Nabi Dinam) Holiday CALENDAR 2013 13. Wed DECEMBER 2016 14. Thu World Energy Day, Formative Assessment -3 (FA -3) 15. Fri 16. Sat 17. Sun (Holiday) 18. Mon 19. Tue 20. Wed 21. Thu 22. Fri 23. Sat 24. Sun (Holiday) 25. Mon Christmas (Holiday) 26. Tue 27. Wed 28. Thu 29. Fri 30. Sat 31 Sun (Holiday) Total working days

37 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten JANUARY - 2018 1. Mon New Year’s Day 2. Tue Mannam Jayanthi (Holiday) 3. Wed 4. Thu 5. Fri 6. Sat 7. Sun (Holiday) 8. Mon 2017

Y 9. Tue 10. Wed 11. Thu 12. Fri

13. Sat CALENDAR 2014 JANUAR 14. Sun (Holiday)Pongal 15. Mon Last date for remitting the IIIrd instalment of fees 16. Tue Army Day 17. Wed 18. Thu 19. Fri Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi 20. Sat 21. Sun (Holiday) 22. Mon 23. Tue Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanthi 24. Wed National Girl Child Day 25. Thu 26. Fri Republic Day (Holiday) 27. Sat Annual Day celebration 28. Sun (Holiday) 29. Mon 30. Tue Gandhi Samadhi 31 Wed

Total working days :

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live 38 forever.” (Mahatma Gandhi) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten FEBRUARY - 2018

1. Thu 2. Fri 3. Sat 4. Sun (Holiday) World Cancer Day 5. Mon 6. Tue 7. Wed 8. Thu 2017

9. Fri Y 10. Sat 11. Sun (Holiday) 12. Mon Darwin Day 13. Tue FEBRUAR 14. Wed 15. Thu 16. Fri 17. Sat 18. Sun (Holiday) 19. Mon 20. Tue 21. Wed International Mother Language Day 22. Thu World scout Day 23. Fri 24. Sat Maha Sivarathri (Holiday) 25. Sun (Holiday) 26. Mon 27. Tue 28. Wed National Science Day Total working days :

39 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

MARCH - 2018 1. Thu 2. Fri 3. Sat 4. Sun (Holiday) 5. Mon 6. Tue 7. Wed 8. Thu Women’s Day 9. Fri 10. Sat 11. Sun (Holiday) 12. Mon CALENDAR 2014

MARCH 2017 13. Tue Holi 14. Wed 15. Thu 16. Fri 17. Sat 18. Sun (Holiday) 19. Mon 20. Tue 21. Wed 22. Thu World Water Day 23. Fri 24. Sat 25. Sun (Holiday) 26. Mon 27. Tue 28. Wed Maha Shivaratri (Holiday) 29. Thu 30 Fri 31 Sat School Closes Total working days :

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to 40 change the world.” (Nelson Mandela) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten APRIL - 2018 1. Sun (Holiday) 2. Mon 3. Tue 4. Wed 5. Thu 6. Fri 7. Sat 8. Sun (Holiday) 9. Mon 10. Tue 11. Wed

12. Thu APRIL 2017 13. Fri 14. Sat 15. Sun (Holiday) 16. Mon 17. Tue 18. Wed 19. Thu 20. Fri 21. Sat 22. Sun (Holiday) 23. Mon 24. Tue 25. Wed 26. Thu 27. Fri 28. Sat Maha Shivaratri (Holiday) 29. Sun (Holiday) 30 Mon

41 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


To, The Class Teacher

Dear Sir /Madam Please grant leave of absence to ...... of Std ...... for the number of days specified below.

Date No of Reason of Absence Guardian’s Initial of Application days Signature ClassTeacher VE RECORD LEA

There is no shortcut to success

42 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten RECORD OF LATE COMING

Date Jun July Aug Sep Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan Feb Mar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total

43 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Date Jun July Aug Sep Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan Feb Mar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total

44 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Date Remarks Sig. of Guardian

To serve humanity is to serve God

45 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Name Std. Communication / Message Parent’s Date with the signature of the teacher Signature

There is no shortcut to success

46 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten TEACHER’S PAGE

Name Std. Communication / Message Parent’s Date with the signature of the teacher Signature

A good laugh drives away poisons from our body

47 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Name Std. Communication / Message Teacher’s Date with the signature of the Parent Signature

Make hay while the sun shines

48 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

Principal’s Parent’’s Date Principal’s Remarks / Warning Signatuire Signatuire ’S REMARKS AL PRINCIP

“I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well” (Alexander the Great) 49 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

Principal’s Parent’’s Date Principal’s Remarks / Warning Signatuire Signatuire ’S REMARKS AL PRINCIP

50 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

Teacher’s Parent’’s Date Class Teacher’s Remarks Signatuire Signatuire CLASS TEACHER’S REMARKS

Respect for self is the beginning of cultivating virtue in men and women. (Gordon B Hinckley) 51 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

Teacher’s Parent’’s Date Class Teacher’s Remarks Signatuire Signatuire CLASS TEACHER’S REMARKS

In order to succeed, your desire for success 52 should be greater than your fear of failure. (Bill Cosby) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten INTIMATION TO PARENTS Principal / Parent’’s Date Intimation Teacher’s Signatuire Signatuire ARENTS O P T TION INTIMA

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. Save Water!! 53 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

INTIMATION TO PARENTS Principal / Parent’’s Date Intimation Teacher’s Signatuire Signatuire ARENTS O P T TION INTIMA

54 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten INTIMATION TO PARENTS Principal / Parent’’s Date Intimation Teacher’s Signatuire Signatuire ARENTS O P T TION INTIMA

Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink Just think about it. 55 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

INTIMATION TO PARENTS Principal / Parent’’s Date Intimation Teacher’s Signatuire Signatuire ARENTS O P T TION INTIMA

56 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten INTIMATION TO PARENTS Principal / Parent’’s Date Intimation Teacher’s Signatuire Signatuire ARENTS O P T TION INTIMA

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. (Socrates) 57 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

INTIMATION TO PARENTS Principal / Parent’’s Date Intimation Teacher’s Signatuire Signatuire ARENTS O P T TION INTIMA

58 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten INTIMATION TO PARENTS Principal / Parent’’s Date Intimation Teacher’s Signatuire Signatuire ARENTS O P T TION INTIMA

When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other 59 represents opportunity. (John F. Kennedy) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

INTIMATION TO PARENTS Principal / Parent’’s Date Intimation Teacher’s Signatuire Signatuire ARENTS O P T TION INTIMA

60 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten HOLIDAY NOTICE

Holiday on Reason Teacher’s Signature NOTICE Y HOLIDA

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” 61 Mahatma Gandhi Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Holiday on Reason Teacher’s Signature NOTICE Y HOLIDA

62 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

COMMUNICATION FROM PARENTS Principal / Parent’’s Date Intimation Teacher’s Signatuire Signatuire ARENTS TION FROM P COMMUNICA

“The poetry of the earth is never dead.” John Keats 63 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

COMMUNICATION FROM PARENTS Principal / Parent’’s Date Intimation Teacher’s Signatuire Signatuire ARENTS TION FROM P COMMUNICA

64 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten HOME WORK & COMMUNICATION

Teacher’s Parent’’s Date Home work and communication Signatuire Signatuire TION TION WORK & COMMUNICA WORK & COMMUNICA HOME HOME

65 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Teacher’s Parent’’s Date Home work and communication Signatuire Signatuire TION TION WORK & COMMUNICA WORK & COMMUNICA HOME HOME

66 “People would rather believe than know.” ? Edward O. Wilson Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten HOME WORK & COMMUNICATION

Teacher’s Parent’’s Date Home work and communication Signatuire Signatuire TION TION WORK & COMMUNICA WORK & COMMUNICA HOME HOME

67 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Teacher’s Parent’’s Date Home work and communication Signatuire Signatuire TION TION WORK & COMMUNICA HOME HOME WORK & COMMUNICA

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even 68 touched - they must be felt with the heart. (Helen Keller) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten HOME WORK & COMMUNICATION

Teacher’s Parent’’s Date Home work and communication Signatuire Signatuire TION TION WORK & COMMUNICA HOME WORK & COMMUNICA HOME

69 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Teacher’s Parent’’s Date Home work and communication Signatuire Signatuire TION HOME WORK & COMMUNICA

70 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Teacher’s Parent’’s Date Home work and communication Signatuire Signatuire TION HOME WORK & COMMUNICA

71 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Teacher’s Parent’’s Date Home work and communication Signatuire Signatuire TION HOME WORK & COMMUNICA

72 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten TEXT AND NOTE BOOKS NOT BROUGHT TO THE CLASS

Sr. Date Details Teacher’s Parent’s/ No. Signature Signature TEXT & NOTE BOOKS

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. (Martin Luther) 73 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


Sr. Date Details Teacher’s Parent’s/ No. Signature Signature TEXT & NOTE BOOKS


No. Date Details Teacher’s Parent’s/ Signature Signature ASSIGNMENTS BOOK &

75 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


No. Date Details Teacher’s Parent’s/ Signature Signature ASSIGNMENTS BOOK &

I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. 76 I have put my heart near your heart. (Pope John XXIII) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten HOME WORK NOT DONE

No. Date Details Teacher’s Parent’s/ Signature Signature HOME WORK NOT DONE

77 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


No. Date Details Teacher’s Parent’s/ Signature Signature HOME WORK NOT DONE

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection 78 of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.” (Mahatma Gandhi) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten Initial Librarian’s No. Book Title of the book SCHOOL LIBRARY RECORD Return Date of Issue Date of Sl. No.

79 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten Initial Librarian’s No. Book Title of the book SCHOOL LIBRARY RECORD Return Date of Issue Date of Sl. No.

80 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten LEAVE NOTE Date Principal/ Sl. Date and Parent’s/ Class Reason No. Dura- Guardian’s Teacher’s tion of Signature Leave Signature VE NOTE LEA

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. (Rabindranath Tagore) 81 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten



82 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten PORTION FOR FIRST SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Signature Portion Date Teacher Parent ASSESSMENT


I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. 83 I have put my heart near your heart. (Pope John XXIII) Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten Parents Signature Date of est Paper T Y Portion JUL APER HELD ON Subject P TEST Date Parents Signature Date of est Paper NOTICE FOR TEST PAPERS T Portion JUNE Subject Date

84 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten Parents Signature Date of est Paper T Portion SEPTEMBER APER HELD ON Subject P TEST Date Parents Signature Date of est Paper NOTICE FOR TEST PAPERS T Portion AUGUST Subject Date

Diligence is the mother of good luck. (Benjamin Franklin) 85 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten Parents Signature Date of est Paper T Portion NOVEMBER APERS HELD ON Subject P TEST Date Parents Signature Date of est Paper NOTICE FOR TEST PAPERS T Portion OCTOBER Subject Date

86 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten Parents Signature Date of est Paper T Portion JANUARY APERS HELD ON Subject P TEST Date Parents Signature Date of est Paper NOTICE FOR TEST PAPERS T Portion DECEMBER Subject Date

Persevere in virtue and diligence. (Plautus) 87 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten Parents Signature Date of est Paper T Portion MARCH APER HELD ON Subject P TEST Date Parents Signature Date of est Paper NOTICE FOR TEST PAPERS T Portion FEBRUARY Subject Date

88 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten Parent’s Signature Issue TURE ON: Date of A AUGUST Subject ANSWER SCRIPTS APER Parent’s Signature P Y TEST Issue Date of JUL Subject Parent’s Signature ANSWER SCRIPTS SENT HOME FOR SIGN APER Issue Date of JUNE TEST P Subject

The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools. (Confucius) 89 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten Parent’s Signature Issue TURE ON: Date of A NOVEMBER Subject ANSWER SCRIPTS APER Parent’s Signature P TEST Issue Date of OCTOBER Subject Parent’s Signature ANSWER SCRIPTS SENT HOME FOR SIGN APER Issue Date of SEPTEMBER TEST P Subject

90 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten Parent’s Signature Y Issue TURE ON: Date of A FEBRUAR Subject ANSWER SCRIPTS APER Parent’s Signature P Y TEST Issue Date of JANUAR Subject Parent’s Signature ANSWER SCRIPTS SENT HOME FOR SIGN APER Issue Date of DECEMBER TEST P Subject

Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence. (Buddha) 91 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten FEBRUARY JANUARY T T DECEMBER REPOR TEST NOVEMBER Y Y OCTOBER MONTHL TEST REPOR Y SEPTEMBER AUGUST Y MONTHL JUL JUNE SUBJECT English Malayalam Hindi Maths Science/EVS Social Science IT GK Moral Science Biology Physics Chemistry History Geography Accountancy Business Studies Economics

92 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

A MODEL STUDENT v One who is pure in thought, word and deed. v One who has Guru Bhakti and therefore respects all the teachers of the school v One who never cheats or is unfair at play. Cheating is contemptible anywhere and at any age. Play should strengthen, not weaken character. v One who never calls bad names no matter what others call him. You cannot throw mud and keep your own hands clean. v One who is never cruel. You must not hurt even a fly needlessly. Cruelty is the trait of bully; kindness is the mark of a gentleman. v One who never tells lies, Even white lies leave a black spot on the character. v One who never quarrels. When your tongue gets unruly, lock it in. v One who is always ready to lend a helping hand at home to his parents, in school to his teachers and his companions.

“The poetry of the earth is never dead.” John Keats 93 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten

AS A TRUE CITIZEN OF INDIA AND A GOOD STUDENT OF MBEHSS I PLEDGE THE FOLLOWING v I will come to class in time with decent attire; v I will always bring the required text books and note books; v I will respect the teachers by rising while they enter and leave the class; v I will kneely listen to the lecture and interact with the teacher; v I will maintain silence in the class room; v It is my duty to keep the class room neat and litter free; v I assure to switch off the lights and fans when the class is dispersed. v I will make use of the assets of our school safely; v I will strive to maintain dignify and decorum of the institution. v I will maintain cordial relationship with everyone; and v Above all, I assure that I will learn, excel and make a difference.

Signature of the student

94 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten


95 Mount Bethany E.H.S.S Lighted to Enlighten to 3.35 p.m. 2.55 p.m. to 7 8

2.15 p.m. 2.55 p.m.

2.15 p.m. 2.15


.m. to .m. P 2.05 to 1.25 p.m. 2.05 p.m. ABLE 2014 - 2015 T to 1.25 p.m.

12.45 p.m.


12.45 P.m. 12.45


.m. to .m. P 12.15 PERIOD & TIME to 1.30 a.m. 1 12.10 p.m. to 3 4 5 6

1.30 a.m.

1 10.50 a.m.

10.50 a.m. 10.50 BREAK 1 BREAK 10.40 a.m. to a.m. 10.40 TIME TABLE 2017- 2018 to 2 10.00 a.m. 10.40 a.m. to 1 9.20 a.m. 10.00 a.m. Y FRI TUE THU DA MON WED

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, 96 but not every man's greed.” Mahatma Gandhi