The New Geneva Study describes Micah as “A book of judgment proclaimed. The prophet declares that the holy and righteous God will no longer tolerate the persistent evil of His people (1:3). Many of Israel’s sins are mentioned, ranging from idolatry and sorcery (5:12–14) to deceit and fraudulent dealings (6:10, 11).”1 Additionally, and perhaps more importantly to New England ’s ministers in 1680, was the covenant aspect of Micah. “Fundamental to Micah’s proclamation of both judgment and restoration are the terms of the covenant relationship between God and His people. While God faithfully fulfilled His responsibilities under the covenant (6:1–5), the people wallowed in disobedience, and now the covenant curses were to be applied (6:13–16).” 2 Foster ’s December 15 sermon is another Jeremiad, an exhortation to the people of Hartford that the rod of God awaits a backsliding people. (Wednesday) December 15, 1680. Mr. Foster : (6 Micah 9) “The Lords voyce cryeth unto the citie, and the wisdome shal se thy name: Heare the rod, and who hathe appointed it.”3 The Lord ’s voyce cryeth to the city and the man of wisdom shall fear they name. Hear the rod and who hath appoynted it. This [cap] is the begining of the prophets 2nd sermon . In the beginning of the [cap] there is the preface of the sermon in the 1 and 2. 2 God ’s Expostulation in 3, an account of God’s benefit verse 5, then hipocracy verse 6. Y our duty to return to God verse 8, and the way of it the text. The preface in the verse 1.2 it is not frequently used but in extraordinary occasion to set forth the stupidity of the people. They will not hear God’s voyce. Speake to the moun- taines. The like preface in (32 Deuteronomy 1 ) and (1 Isaiah [2] )4 Hear oh heavens and give ear oh Earth . 2 The Expostulation of God with his people. (verse 3) Wherein have I wearyd you what have I don to you. Have I Layd any burthen upon you? Testify against me.

1 TheNew Geneva Study Bible, 1422. 2 Ibid. 3 The Geneva Bible, 1560 Edition. 376. 4 (1 Isaiah 2) King James Bible , 765. 294 part three: the sermons

3 Here is the enumeration of the benefits God had don for them. (Verse 4.5) I brought you out of Egipt and redeemed you out of the house of Bondage. This is often spoken of as being a fruit of the prom- ise of God made to Abram and it was a shadow of spirituall deliver- ance and God did lead them by the hand of Moses, Aron, and Miriam. 2 God delivered them from the plots of their enemies. Remember what [ ] he would have Balam5 curss Iserell, but what did he Answer he did bless you (Numbers 6:22) or els the counsell he gave to Balack to Intice them to idolatry and fornication: he puts a stumbling block before Iserell, and that from Shittim 6 to [Ballpeor]: This was the place where they began to fall to Idoalatry to [Gih gah]. (5 Joshua 2) That is the place where they entered into covenant with God. That you may know the righteousnes of the Lord, how faythfull he is to keep covenent with his people. 4 Here is the hipocrasy of that people in a fained show of returning to God. Wherewith shall I com before the Lord, with burnt offerings or calves of a year old. By these they would make a show of a desire to com before God. 5 The duty God requires of his people set forth negatively in the (8 verse), will God be satisfyed with sacrifices with Thousands of bullocks or with his first born? Ahaz7 made his son to pass through the fire (106 Psalm 37.38 ), but will the Lord be pleased with this? No this will not doe, but this is 2 set down affirmatively. Now this thy God doth require the, that thou doe justly show mercy and walke honorbly with God. 6 In this chapter here is the voyce of God to press them to this duty. In the text, the voyce of God cryes to them to put them upon the performance of the duty. The text is the means that God useth with a sinful and backsliding people to bring them to repentance and that is his word. They that have wis- dom they will heare the word, but if that do not doe then hear the rod. 1 There is the warning God gives. 2 The description of [those] that take the warning they are men of wisdom. God by his word cryes to the city, to the head city, to Jerusalem . It cryes it is loved and lifted up. Those that take this warning, [their] property, priviledg, the men of wisdom shall see they name. God will reveale himself to them. 3 Here

5 Balak is a reference to the king of “who sent for Balam the prophet to pronounce a curse on the ”. , however, spoke no curse; and Balak was denied a victory over Israel. Holman Bible Dictionary, 163. 6 Shittim is a large area in Moab , directly across the Jordan from Jericho. It is where Israel camped before crossing into the . Holman Bible Dictionary, 1495. 7 Ahaz was an evil king of Judah (735–715) who participated in “monstrous of idolatrous practices”. Holman Bible Dictionary, 37.