RESOURCE PARTNERSHIP: MEMBERS BOARD 2pm on Thursday 09 July 2020 MS Teams Meeting

In attendance – Members Cllr Andrew Buchanan Cllr Neil Baker City Council Cllr Brian Garden Borough Council Cllr Nick Kenton District Council Cllr Tony Hills Cllr Derek Mortimer Borough Council Cllr Margot McArthur District Council Cllr Tim Valentine Cllr Robin Betts & Malling Borough Council Cllr Matthew Bailey Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

In attendance – Officers Mark Goodman Ashford Borough Council Dave Thomas Roger Wragg Dover & & Hythe District Council Daniel Welsh Dover & Folkestone & Hythe District Council Stuart Alford Borough Council David Beaver Kent County Council Nichola Hood Kent County Council Hannah Allard Kent County Council Paldeep Bhatti Kent Resource Partnership Kate McCall Kent Resource Partnership Adrian Rowbotham Council Martyn Cassell Swale Borough Council Mike Humber Council David Campbell-Lenaghan Borough Council Gary Stevenson Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence for councillors were received from Cllr Susan Carey - represented by Cllr Tony Hills (Kent County Council) Cllr Steve Brown - represented by Cllr Brian Garden (Dartford BC); Cllr Stuart Peall (Folkestone & Hythe DC); Cllr Lee Croxton (Gravesham BC); and Cllr Steve Albon (Thanet DC).

Apologies for absence for officers were received from David Ford & Sarah Randall (Canterbury CC); Jennifer Shepherd & Graham Gosden (Maidstone BC); and Robert Styles (Tonbridge and Malling BC).

2 Elections of Chair & Vice Chair

Cllr Nick Kenton (Dover DC) was unanimously nominated as KRP Chair.

Cllr Neil Baker (Canterbury CC) was unanimously nominated as KRP Vice-Chair.

3 Minutes of Meeting held on 27 February 2020

Minutes agreed.

4 PRESENTATION: Kent CC’s Waste Disposal Strategy

Members received a short presentation from Kent CC officers Hannah and David re. latest developments on their Waste Disposal Strategy. It was explained their Strategy had six priorities under the following headings: - the environment, working together, innovation & change, HWRC service delivery, customer service and commissioning.

It was outlined an ambition for the strategy was to enable Kent CC to dispose the majority of tonnage (if not all) within Kent – this to support Kent’s economy, reduce carbon and help create jobs etc. The target remained to send zero waste to landfill.

It was also noted Kent CC were working alongside councils’ local plans as Kent’s population was expected to increase, therefore housing demand would grow, along with recycling & waste management. Given the longer term impacts of COVID-19, it was highlighted the benefits of working together with districts via the Partnership was needed to find sustainable solutions.

Latest developments on key projects were also shared: -

- The new household waste recycling centre near Allington – expected in September 2021; - The redevelopment of a new transfer station near for the Dunbrik – expected in 2023; - Plans working with Folkestone & Hythe DC to open a new Waste Transfer Station. This to help relief capacity issues at Ashford – expected in 2023; - A new AD plant for food waste near Blaise Farm – contract expected to start in August 2020; and - Aspirations to build a materials recycling facility to serve the whole of Kent. This to take on board the impacts to tonnage from Government policies such as extended producer responsibility and deposit return scheme.

5 Round Robin Meetings: Summary & Next Steps

Members noted the latest summary on the recent round robin meetings. Key themes included: - a decision on whether to refresh Kent’s Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy (KJMWMS) now or in 2025; latest developments on the Government’s Resource & Waste Strategy; cutting carbon; tackling streetscene issues together (such as fly tipping & litter); insights into improving transparency, sharing information and improving accountability.

Members took forward a detailed discussion into the timing of the next KJMWMS refresh. Members considered the merits of taking forward such an exercise this year or alternatively, waiting until 2025 when greater clarity was expected from Government’s Resource & Waste Strategy. Members evaluated that it would be more beneficial to take a proactive approach – this was taking on board the current COVID-19 situation and hearing from Kent CC’s developments on its own waste disposal strategy.

Due to COVID-19, Members also agreed to postponed the KRP’s Annual Conference scheduled in September.

6 Partnership Action Plan (PAP) & Partnership Risk Plan (PRP)

Members received a draft PAP and PRP which covered planned activities over a three-year period up to 2023. It was explained the rationale for this was to provide the Partnership with a longer term vision on what it planned to delivered over the coming years.

Paldeep (KRP) and other council officers provided further details on the following: -

- COVID-19: Given the past few months, the 13 Kent councils planned to work together to manage the potential risks/impacts due to the global pandemic. - KJMWMS Refresh: It was agreed the refresh KJMWMS would take place this year, aligning to Government’s Resource & Waste Strategy and Kent CC’s Waste Disposal Strategy, where possible. - Residual Waste Audits: It was agreed the principle of carrying out Kent-wide audits would be helpful, especially ahead of services changes and proposed policy changes by Government. It was noted this exercise last took place over five years ago so was timely. - Kent Cluster/Councils updates: Officers provided last updates on recycling, waste and streetscene services to Members.

7 Partnership Budget

Members agreed the partnership’s budget for 2020/21 to 2022/23. It was explained the budget was underpinned by activities outlined with the Partnership’s Action Plan.

8 Partnership Performance

Members noted latest performance, up to Q3 for 2019/20.

Provisional data showed improved performance for South West Kent councils, given the recent roll out of their new services. Officers highlighted it was likely Q4 data would show a tonnage uplift due to COVID-19 restrictions with many residents working from home or on furlough.

9 Schedule of Meetings

Members noted meetings. It was understood future meetings would take place virtually until it was safe to meet face-to-face.

10 Any other Business

There was no further business and the meeting ended at 4pm.