ED 104 797 95 SO 008 295

AUTHOR Capin, Thomas TITLE . Grade Ten, Unit Three, 10.3. Comprehensive Social Studies Curridulum for the Inner City. INSTITUTION Youngstown Board of Education, Ohio. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Jun 71 NOTE 116p.; For related documents see ED 070`693 and SO 008 272.through SO 008 300; Best copy available

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$5.70 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *Communism; Economic Education; * Role; Grade 10; Learning Activities; *Political Science; Politics; Secondary Education; *Social Studies Units; Teaching Techniques; *Urban Education IDENTIFIERS Elementary Secondary Education Act Title III; FICSS; Focus on Inner City Social Studies

ABSTRACT The third of the tenth grade sequence of the FICSS series (Focus on Inner City Social Studies -- see SO 008 271) examines the political and economic theories and realities of Communism as practiced it the . A brief. introduction to Communist China is also included in the unit. The intent of the unit is to enable students to grasp many of the economic and political theories that have made Communism such a viable-force in the twentieth century. In the unit, theory and practice are examined as two different elements, giving students an opportunity to determine the accuracy of both. The content of the unit includes an introduction to the unit; essential materials; knowledge, skill, and behavioral objectives; learning activities; and supplementary teacher and student resources. (Author/JR) .5-?.:5:--5-55",15n;s55 kat,e'vti. ,...4";,.; 51' -4- , -L., I , '; u f NATIONALaDUCATION INSTITUTE A WELFARE OF EDUCATION MEN' OF HEALTH R EL P ( -5.;" ; COMMUNISM r c D104797 `4, , 1.., :,, ATINGTHEID"UICSED PERSON IT POINTSEXAY OR AHSASREBC ORGANIZATION OF VIEW OR OP ON N Ic, -NS N DOCUMENT RECEIVED D F EE BEEN GM' 'Z'as,FAEop,- 111,-:X Offr-V,101304,., Itiwill"g ESTATED OW' AiiON DOENT POSITIONNOT OFFICIAL NECESSARIL OR NATIONAL POL C Y 4, kEE INS/ k( , T 'I OF ;cc (Focus : IaLSthdICL CU acàordinó-545-41.4#11.4.: 0-t'S44,.C'FIASS'i. Social Studies) ,'. J . 45e Melvin. Arhoff Associate Project DIrectcrProfèsso. ' 4 Unit4Authr `1: : , , , ',I; I 1-, 55 4 e , tJa. tiS Office of , - , - , ' t . INTRODUCTION mostOfsystem all pervasive the it babesis difficultand of demanding. power, to thoserecognize which the take freedoms the form and Of constraints economic and/or which politicalit allows the individual. Scope ofWe thewho Tenthcherish Grade freedom Curriculum must recognize that when one is'born into systems are the a persuasionThussoughtButthe itthesemore isby easilyisdifficulttheare necessary deviants.individual it isto changedandmodify or thus small thatsuch very groups systemas difficult with andbetter the thus tocurrent to not experiments demand national with modified In the case of:economics and politics, however, concensus or majority serve man. The smaller the Institution, concurrence to the values being family units. andallintricaciesSoforceri. longthingsweaknesses as human,out of political,theirof tendtheir functioning. to political functionand economic andand economicmalfunction,systems serve Thus it is incuMbent upon the sChoOls to prepare citizens who are The problem is, that all political and economic systems, like system, to he sure. as they areus affected well, there by internal is little and need external to know the But that is not sufficient. aware of the strengths governmentsconceptssystems.They must which also withwith appearbe aa knowledgeablemodifiedmodified to lead capitalisticsocialistic toward of the undesireable strengthseconomy. andresults. Only in that way can they intelligently accept the best of ''foreign' ideas 'FinallyAlso they they must must know know about about representative anweaknesses oligarchial of alternativeforM political economic Thus they must know about representative and reject Specificallyof communism thesuch units as might of this be practicedgrade are: in the 10.1 USSR or China. 10.510.410.310.2 World Trade (6 Weeks) Modifying,CommunismSocialismCapitalism our (8Political-Economic Weeks) Realities (4 Weeks) (6 Weeks) This unit on Communism examines the political and economic 2MDUCTION TO UNIT 10.3 examinedSoviettheoriestheir Union.accuracy. and anrealities attempt ofis Communismmade to determine as practiced and/or in verifythe Many of the ideologicalA brief theories introduction and myths to are Communist China is manyCommunismItalso isof included. thethe suchhopeeconomic athat viable andthis politicalforce unit inwill the enable tw:ratieth the student century; to yet grasp theories that have made CDCD andat the reality 'Same aretime, two to very 'build different an increasing things. awareness that theory MINIMUM ESSENTIAL (FICSS KIT) MATERIALS Resource On Politics and . New York: Teacher Pupil 2 $ Cost8.85 1.2. Daniels,Connor, James Robert E. V. Pegasus,D. C. Heath 1968. and Company, Lenin: The (paperbackStalin Revolution. $2.95 1965. (paperbackeach) $1.95 Lexington, each) Massachusetts: 1 3 5.85 CD 3. Goldman, Marshall Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., I. The Soviet Economy. 1968. (paperback $1.95Englewood Cliffs, each) NewNew York: 3 5.85 CDCD 4.5. Marx,Miller, Karl William and Engels, J. Appleton-Century-Crofts, The Meaning of Communism. Frederick. 1955. The Communist(paperback 604 each) Morristown, New Jersey:Manifesto. 1 62 12.00 1.80 6. Oliver, Donald. SilverAdapted Burdett from theCompany, Communist China. Harvard Social Studies Project 1968. Middletown,(paperback Connecticut: $2.00 byeach) 1 5 2.00 7. Oliver, Donald. AmericanAdapted Educationfrom the Publications, 20th Century Russia. Harvard Social Studies 1968. Middletown, Project(paperback by 404 Connecticut: each) 1 5 2.00 8. Salisbury, Harrison AmericanEncyclopedia Education Britannica Publications, Press, E. The Soviet Union. 1965. 1968. (paperbackNew York:$1.00)(paperback 404 each) 1 5 6.00 9. Schapiro, Leonard. Neweach) York: Vintage Books (Random The Government and House), 1967 (paperbackPolitics of the Soviet Union. $1.65 1 2 4.95 Resource New York: Teacher rupil Coat 10.11. Wallace,Schwartz, Robert. Harry. TimeEncyclopedia Incorporated, Britannica Silver Press, Burdett, RiseCommunist of Russia. China. 1965. New York: 1967. (paperback $1.00 each) (paperback) 1 5 $ 6.00 13.12. Ward, Barbara. W. W. Norton & Company, 1959. Periodical published Fivemonthly Ideas by Thatthe Chan ed the (paperback World. 1.50 each) Embassy of the New York: 1 1.50 CDCD - Soviet Life. Washington,Union of Soviet D. C. Socialist Republica (paperback 350 each) in the U.S.A., 1 9 3.50 CNCD 14.15. "TheChina and U.S. Far East PolicyAssociatesCongressional of Pleasantville, Quarterly,Rise Inc.,of NewCommunism". 1735York. K. Street, Soundstrip produced by Guidance 1945-1967. (price $35.00)Second Edition, 1967, N.W., 35.00 Washington, D. C. (paperback, $5.95) 1 TOTAL $100.00 5.95 4 Object....; TABLE OF CO.,;TENT3 1 Introductory ActivitiesAttitudesSkilliKnowledge 651 CommitteeFormationCategorizingRaising Questions toA -andQuestions Economic InstructionCommittees Theories to of 1011 9 CDCD Committee CB - EconomicCommunism Realities cr Political Theories of 352214 CD Committee ED - IntroductionChinaCommunism to Communist Political Realities of 7245 OverviewBibliographySuggestedGeneralizations CulminatingReporting Activities Activities 9594939291 KNOWLEDGE OBJECTIVES The pupil will know: 1. a.A practical working definition of the ''Bourgeoisiefollowing terms: f.e.d.c. AntithesisCommunismSynthesisThesis 2. Thath.g. 'Rail Marx was the author of' DaS CapitaiDictatorshipClass and StruggleThe Cotimunist Manifesto. tha Proletariat 4.3. TheThat Marxian theory was ofgreatly dialectical influenced materialism by the philosophy(see content). of Hegel. surplUalliduetheOrY (see content)'. 7.6. That,advancedMarx predictedMarx capitalistic wrote that very a littlecountry.proletarian about therevolution peasant's would vole, take in placea Communist in an Revolution.industrially 9.8. NhixIlid,notwasThat'Matx inevitable. predictedleave, a detailed that new 'outline machinery, of the '"New lSociety ". create unemployment and that 10. That'Marx saw capi6alist,government as merely a police' fc3rCe to protect property. 1 OEJECTIVES KNOWLEDGE(continued) of the proletariat and the State would 12.11. TheeventuallyThatto Communist hisMarx needs". predictedwither Golden away. thatRule: the "From each according to his ability, to eacb according 14.13: The Communistfollowers actiiiistwOrk.Rd,of Harz were divided feverishly into ato determinist expOae, the flaWs of the capitalist system.and activist wing. CD, 16.15.' That Lenin was an activist and dedicated hisThat life Lenin to proposed the fOrmation of a Amall disCiplined the cause of. revolution. secret and centralized party. la 441) 18.17. ProletarianThatThat Lenin Lenin's -1 greatest but denied innovation making manyin Communiemvas ideological to join the peasants innovations in Communist doctrine. to the '19. 20. Theand RussianSoviet Africa Union's economyare today. majorprior successto World has 'War been I wasin spacenot as technology. backward as the economies of Asia 22.21. TheThatof Communist thethere 19th was Century.Revolutioh tremendous did industrial not overthrow activity the inCzar bUt rather Russia in the last two decades that of kerensky, a 23. Thesocialist. ,greatest failure of the SoViet economy 2 has been' in agriculture. OBJECTIVES 24.AZAOWLEDGE(continued) The standard of livin3 in Russia has always been low compared to European countries. 26.25. ThatEurope consumerthe and standard the goodsUnited of are livingStates. still in scarce the Soviet in the Union Soviet today Union. is still low compared to 28.27. mythTheapartments.There thanpolitical is reality.a housing liberties shortage granted in theunder Soviet the Soviet'Union and ConstitutiOn that most Sovietsof live in 1936 are more 29.30. theTheresentThat Sovietto membersis forced much Union of evidencelabor minorityand 'camps,is toencouraged groupssubstantiate imprisoned, are by discriminated the 'theor government.sent charges 'to against anthat asylum. anti-Semitism by being fired is fromgrowing their in Jobs, 32.31. ThatJewishold Jewishand citizens infirm. people are aredenied consistently the right deniedto celebrate the right traditional tOeMigrate religious except forholidays the in Pussia. 34.33. people'ThatThe relationship the (Marxian official betweenterm). policy theof the'Communist Party and 'looks the Soviet upon religionGovernment. as the'opiate of 35. The Constitution of 1936 specifically encourages anti-religious activities. 3 OBJECT/NIES, KNOWLEDGE(continued) religious awl fablly customs 37.36. ThatLearngovernmentalcontinue people that to inhave.a prevail.spitepolicies. cultural of government heritage opposition, that is not easily changed by Soviet 38.39. ChineseSoviet Communism CoMmunism is is 'chiefly chiefly an a urbanruralmovement. movement. 40. Chinese.Know that an ideological, and political conflict of thethinese CommUnist economiy has been in agriculture exists between the.Russians and the 41.42. CommunistKnowand thatTrotsky.that ChinatheChina chief seemshashed failure more recent,periode interested in of the famine. activist Marximn of Lenin 44.43. The"Hitler-type" ChineseChineseCoMmuniste CommUnist regime. announcefeel that to RUps14 the world that Russia is has, betrayed . in the hands of a 4 Skills 1.The pupil will be able to: Make objective evaluations of controversial subjects. 3.2. LocateWork effectively and retrieve with relevant fellow materials.students as part of an instructional team. 5.4. DevelopOrganize andmaterials produce for audio-visual effective presentation.materialsto cupplemcnt oral reports. Attitudes7.6. GainPresent confidence written andreports skill in :n concise presenting and clearoral reports.language. The1. pupil will: Havethe anAmerican increased frame appreciation of reference of asthe evidenced terms by his abilityand to explain that freedom as applied within "democracy 2. andculturesDevelop freedom" anas honesthaveevidenced far tolerance different by his andability meanings understanding to 'withinwork with of theSoviet people"different" with Union diverseclassmates and OoMmunist China. customs and and his 3. CoMMUnistwillingnessformBe willing of government.people toto listenseparate and appreciating to peopleguests fromwho them representpolitiCal and a'culture other wayswhile of not life. by denying the myth of monolithic necessarily embracing their STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITIES MATERIALS 1. ActivitiesIntroductory 1. areindicatedSovietandReproduce reading.contain Union. byand excerptsthe distribute elision from symbol...) tothe the original class the1936 two Consititution pages which offollow the Ask them Allto readreferences the excerpts to the andUSSR guess have thebeen source. deleted. to not tell the class what they (as Whenofopportunityquestionto thethey find Soviet finally ifanswers thisto have guess Constitutionfor them concerningor askare othertoldis practiced.the "USSR",questions political they that andwill theyeconomic probabl* would systems like Union. Hire, then, is the 21 Tooffromto elicit Marx,the the content severalEngles,kit or of placeotherLenin, this rubber types unit,Stalin, ofbandsthe questionsTrotsky, teacher around Kosygin, shouldwhichthe pages, appearplace etc to markersessential expose inphotos books These books CDCD printedbrowsethelikecan booksbe to for such displayedhave thethe things answered purposeteacher on as one "Hegel",ofduringmight orgenerating more alsothe dialectical tablescoursehave more displayed and ofquestions materialism, theirthe students cardsstudy. that on etc. they allowedwhich would are to Spread among W 3. problemsHavethedeveloped theRussian orstudents inhave andearlier different Chineselist unitsthe economic-political problemsproblems uniqueof to systemstheir and systems. face the same, and have students consider whether or not I. Introductory ...Constitution: LEARNINC AL.M171ES I. A.Chapter X. withArticleto guaranteedits 118--Citizens...havequantity employment and Fundamental Rights and Duties quality. and payment for their work the right to work, that is, of Citizens In accordance the right B. Articledayto restfor 119 industrial,and -- leisureCitizens...have office, Is ensured by the establishment and professionalthe right workers, to rest and leisure.of an eight-hour the reduction and toThe right CDCD officebyoffour the hoursworking'andinstitution professional in dayshops ofto whereannualseven workers, or conditions of work are vacations withhomes full and paysix clubs forhours for for the arduousand trades by the provisions of a particularly'arduous; accomodatlon of industrial, wide CD C. Articlethenetworkalso working in of120--Cittzens...have case sanatoria,people. of sickness holiday or disability.the right to maintenance in old age and D. Articleensuredhigherdevelopment 121-:Citizens...have byas universalwell of ten-yearas secondary, compulsory education, by seven-year a system the right to education. by free education in of state grants foreducation; students by extensive This right is all. schools, E. economic,Articleof higher 122-TWomen...are government,schools who cultural,excel accorded in these rightstheir Is studies. ensuredpolitical, and-equal other rights public with men in all by women being activity. spheres of Theaccorded andpossibilityinterestleisure, unmarried an equalofsocial of mothermothers, exercisingright insurance and with child, menand tostate maternity leave with f:0 pay and education, and by state workaid ,to payment met:ers for of work,large rest protection of the the provisions families and of a wide network of maternity 7 homes, nurseries, and kindergartens. STRATEGYI. Introductory F. Article 123--Eq.:ality of rights of citizens...4rrespective of their Activity politicalnationalityorof anynationality,indirect direct and or restrictionother race,or asindirect public wellin all as activity, privileges' spheresany of the rights of, or advocacy of raCial or national of econo*,:government,isfor, an indefeasiblecitizens cultural, on accountlaw. of their race conversely, the establishment exclusivenessAny direct G. isArticleor separatedhatred 124--In and from contempt, order the state,to areensure to punishable byand law;. the school from the church. citizens freedom of conscience,propaganda is recognized for all Freedom of religious the church... citizens. H. worshipArticleto strengthen and 125--In freedom theconformity of ... anti-religious system, with the a) Freedom of speech. the citizens...are guaranteed interests of the working people, by law: and in order andThese their civil organizations rights are ensuredprinting by presses, d)c)b) Freedom of streetassembly,the processions including placing at the disposal of the stocks of paper, public and demonstrations.the holding of mass meeting. working peoplebuildings, the I. Articleexercisestreets, 127--Citizens...areofcommunications these rights. facilities, guaranteed and other material requisites inviolability of the person. for the No person J. Articlemayof bea procurator. placed128--The under inviolability arrest except of the by d.cision of a court or with homes of citizens and privacy the sanction of correspon- K. Ar'tic3edence are 132--Universal protected by law.military service is law. the sacred duty of every citizen...Treason L. Articleseverityimpairingto the I33--ToMotherland--violation ofthe the militarydefend law as the powerthe country most ofof theheinous is state, 8 the oath of allegiance, desertion of crimes. espionage--is punishable with to the enemy, all the STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITIES MATERIAL A.II. Forto studentsform aQuestionsRaising basis Union.abouteasilyIfteacher-initiated the the beclime politicalable has to beengenerate introductoryand well economic frommotivated 40activities,realities to by60 thequestions of abovethey the shouldSovietor The following are but a brief sample of the impliedvariousvestigateon which indimensionsto the thein- raise:kinds1. of questions which they might be Howexpected does theto economic system run? Do _they have B. questionsaskStudentstitle their of shouldthetoown unit. 2. inHowsupply(Economic practice? does and the demand?theory) economics of Communism really work Do the people really have what they How is the economy regulated? unit.student-structureddevelopmentfacilitate ofthe a 3. differandWhatneed Engles? andis from thewant? ourstheory or ofother Communism ? according to Marx How does their type of government 5.4. WhatDoto they theiris practicelife Constitution? really what.they like in preach? a Communist country such Do they live up Theactivitiesthe above students list have mightof succeededquestions ask based inare motivatingon only whether suggestedas the China? studentsintroductory ones that and (Or they may choose to select the U.S.S.R.) basedofstudentsincluded.arousing this on unitthe theirare naturehave permitted interest included of the toin contentthis makestudying listtheir materials of"COmmunism". own potential list that of arequestionsquestions- However, it is quite likely that if the The authors Thisasteacher they should should-additional to beguide encouraged student andpossibilitiesresearch it is inleft these toup explore toareas. each willindividual be suggested. 9 STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITIES MATERIALS A.III. numberTo determine of committees the QuestionsCategorizing A. studentsAlthough willone cannotraise andanticipate the categories the exact into questions which B. Toneededthe organize topics. to investigate basic onlylowingthethey categoriesstudy. willcategories place which them,will can beis usedpossibly for organizingthat the fol- Rather, they are those which the author The are not the C. Tobeideas explored.gain that experience should goriesunit.organizefeels suggestedare the plausible presentation by the and students. wouldof the serve content 83 onein thisway to Hopefully, the teacher will use thobc cate- in critical thinking. ormitteesTheto those contentconform coulddeveloped materialswith be formedthe by categoriestheof to thisclass. research unit listed arethese organizedbelow categories and com- EconomicEconomi, Realitieslheories ofof CommunismCommunism TOPICS Committee BACOMMITTEES CONTENT COLOR CODE BluePink PoliticalIntroduction RealitiesTheories to Communist ofof CommunismCommunism China Committee ECD YellowYellowGreen 10 STRATEGY LELRN1a3 P3TIVIT/ES A. Tasks of CONTENT Committees MATERIAL IV. InstructionsFornation of toand mightThethose students also topics may be revealed with moz' Ash to through a more1..^.;- work in groups est them. believe it of vraditional Theto pursue content 1. Organize a. Random teacher or student committee chou.f-f- 1-- 1. Tothe identify necessaryCommittees greatapproachThusthe problems importancethey do but the TICSS recommendassociated the with chat pupils unit writers committee as the agentlearncooperative the The committee skills and efforts. organi- b. Studentsc. Student's basison slips of oftheir paper. rank choiceschoice on interest to committees.tasks of the aszationfor it seeking is also perceived as allowsfactual forinformation. effecting grcupindividual excellence especially goals. d. Using sociograms beinachieve explored.subject balance matter (may be within to ActivitiesDISCU38 and decide on concerning: something lAce this: e. Number heterogeneous)homogeneousa committeestudents orin the selection 1.Class3.2. discussion TheHow rolestasks to find of a information.committee persons.committee. classroomon1,2,3,second committee, etc., countcommittee, off, all l's all 2's etc. 2. Utilize3. Add newclass questions sug- planningas starting committee point committee questions for work. 4. Assign research, members.gestedpate:reformation, information,by coordi- finJ 11 owelop and present. STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITIES B. Roles in a Committee CONTENT MATERIAL IV. FormationCommitteesInstructions of and to 1. b.Leadera. LetHelpa parteveryone make of everyone the have group. his become turn d.c. LetGetideasofat theideasthe nre groupgroup."good" from best. decide allgroup members whichjobs. e.f. Keepbestget itswayfromthe jobit groupbeing can.finished moving"bossy". in to the CDCD 2. Groupg. Members itsHelp job your is. group decide what b.a.c. WorkDoplans.Help your thewithout shareleader disturbingof carry the work.out. other e.d. helpideas.AskgroupSelect other themembers. onlygroup members those do itsfor ideas besttheir which g.f. Makework.groupCheerfully other wants members takeyou tothe of do. jobsthe the 12 group feel welcome. STRATEGYIV. Formation of and LEARNING ACTIVITIES 3. a.Secretary Record groupCONTENT decision MATERIAL 2. desiredTo determine rolesCommittees.Instructions to c.b. AiddecisionsVerifycoordinating committee motions in researchand inoperation. committee C. Finding1. Information (See Section 1) a.Textbooks and books Use of index 2. Encyclopediasb.a. Usemap oflists, glossary,key words;illustrations appendix, letters 4.3. PamphletsWorld Almanac referenceon volume, index, class 3. necessaryobtainingsourcesTo identify for 7.6.5. PicturesgraphsCharts,Filmstrips cartoons, posters, information. presentation:Discussion9.8. possibilities for CommunityRecords 3.2.1. PanelReportsShow andvisual round aids table discuscions 13 4. Makecharts and show graphs and STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITIES, V. 'RetrievalCommitteeInformation A 1. analyzeaboutInterview the their economicparents, answers. theoriesrelatives, of andCommunism. friends and ask them to tell you SUGGESTED INFORMATION RETRIEVAL ACTIVITIES See,to'what extent their statements are Record, tally, and CommunismTheoriesEconomic of 2 TallycanExpandtrue. be the #1given results.above to toclassmates develop aor test others of' inCommunist the school, economics relatives, which etc. Give the test after your committee reports to 3. doinginUsingdetermine an interviewanythinga tape haw recorder,effective worthwhile?",situation. recordyour reporting"Are the allanswers thewas. Communistof 'the man ideas in thewrong?". street' Ask such questions as "Are the Communists 4. U.S.S.R.Aftereconomiccopies obtaining ofmagazine and Communist political permission Soviet papers theoriesLife. from such andFindasthe the realities schoolarticles Daily authorities, Worker. ofwhich Communism. tell purchaseabout the Read the

14 STRATEGY I. _ire CONTENT Marx and MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation A A. TheOpeningthisEuropeWiumUnist Specter specter: linehave ManifeStoof -entered Communism."A Specter into isa holyhaunting alliance Europe to - Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, All the Powers of old exercise Manifestop.TheEngels 8 Communist CommunismTheoriesEconomic of(Cont.) Is this line B. MarxgrowingFrench offers radicalsforce this in coMMent andthe,World: German to provepolice that spies." Communismnot"Where been isdecreed the party as Communistic In opposition by itsthat has is a ManifestoThe Communist Americanpositioneverto theapplied op-in C. historyMarx1. offers (Dialectical some evidence Materialism) for the Mandan conceptBourgeoisieopponents of in (Capitalist) power". ManifestoThep. 8 Communist discussions?Political 4.3.2. minorities,AllConceptProletariat previous of theor(Workers) historical inClass the Struggleinterest movements of minorities.were movements of Thep. 9-20 Communist D. 1.Aims5. of the Communist Theindependent immediateProletarian movementaim movement of the of Communistsisthe the immense self-conscious is majority. the same as formation of Thep.Manifesto Communist21 E. ofThe property distinguishing generally, feature but the of abolitionCommunidm ,..)t is supremacy,thethatnot prcl.qtariatofthe all abolition conquestotht,r into proletarian of a politicalclass, parties:overthrow power by of bourgeoisie the proletariat. p.Manifesto 23 workers?force?Isthe this American true of labor The auto The F. 1.priceowned property.of labor i.e.,Theis absolutelyaverage that quantumprice requisite of of wage the to -labormeans keep oftheis subsistence thelaborer minimum wage, in bare which p.ManifestoThe 24 Communist, steelworkers?carpenters? The existence as a laborer. 15 p. 25. STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. RetrievalInformation theInthe bourgeoispresent; Past. insociety, Communist The Communists have not therefore, the past doruir,f--.7 society, the present invented the inter- dominates MarxManifestoTheEngels andCommunist CommunismTheoriesEconomicCommittee of(Cont.)A H. Education:Theventioneducationalter Communists theof societyfromcharaCter are the furtherin influence of that education; they do but seek to reproached intervention,with desiringof the andto rulingto rescue Class. p.Ibid. 2528 CzarshistoryDoes thehave of anythe J. Capitalism1.abolish1. countries and religion and Thescience, workingmenideas ofmerely religious have gave no expressioncountry. nationality. liberty and freedom of con- to the sway of p.Ibid. 29 me4ernDoesrelationshipclass RuSsia?'the have ruling anto K. byWe thehavethe working positionseen above, class, of rulingthat is tothe class, to free competition within, the raise the ,proletariatfirst step in to 'the domain of knowledge.establish democracy. revolution p.p.Ibid. 30Ibid. 31 Education?Sovietcontemporaryinfluence on L. TheseWhattake Measures measuresafter the. dOeswill, revolution? Marx of course,predict bethe different proletariat in countries, willdifferent Ibid. Nationalistic?CommunismIs Soviet thecountries. 2.1.following A 'heaVy will progressive be pretty or graduated Abolitionall rents of of property land to inpublic land purposes. Nevertheless in the most advanced generally applicable. and application of income tax. p. 31 -32. 'conflictnationalistIstween there Russia 'be-a 4.3.5. byConfiscationAbolitionCentralizationrebels., means of of aof allnational the ofright creditproperty of in of bank with state inheritance. the' hands Of the State, all emigrants and and and China? An exclusive monopoly. 16 STRATEGY CONTENT NATERIAL V. RetrievalInforma-Lou 6.7. ExtensiontransportCentralization inof thefactories of hands the meansofand the instruments of state. communication of production and TheoriesEconomicCommittee of A 8. wasteEqualinownedby accordance lands, obligation the and state; withthe of improvement atheall common bringing,to work. plan. of 43(331into cultivation Establishment of generally Communism (Cont.)differenceWhattween is theMares be- 9. populationOstries;Combinationindustrialtown and gradUalover country,armies, of theagriculture abolition country. especiallyby a more withof equableforthe manufacturing agriculture.distinction diotzibution in-between. of rantWeber'sOfstatement Ethic the concept"?"Prates- and 10. etc.AbolitionFreeCombination education of childof for education allfactory children withlabor industrial,in in public its present schools. production, form. munistsHaveinlished thethe estab- SovietdemocracyCom- N.M. geoisiesIfPoliticaltoorganized the organize proletariat is power, powercompelled itself properlyof during one asa,class;by classthe itsso force called, contestfor if,,by,means oppressingof iscircumstances,with merely the another.of bour-the a MarxThe'Engels and Communist HaveUnion?SovietIn China?the Com- andrevolution,awaythensweeps of theitclasses away will,conditions it by Makesgenerally,along force itself forwith the the and theseoldthe existence will conditions'ruling conditions, thereby claim,of of classhave have and abolished sweptas such, i production, antagonisms, Manifestop. 33 Aremunistsclassesoppression? there abolished inno the O. whichIts andInown the place classsuprethacy free ofantagonisms, developmentthe asold a claps.bourgeois weof shalleach society, ishave the an condition andassociation, with itsfor classesin modernSociety? Soviet the free development of all. 17 V.STRATEGY Information II. Marxist 11.eacy CONTENT MATERIAL CommitteeRetrieval A A. 1.Hegel and the "" Germana. philosopher: BerlinKarl Marx teacher at the University of George W. F. Hegel CommunismTheoriesEConomic of(Cont.) 2. b.Dialectic:a. Hegel'sDialectic:"argument" dialectic or "debate". was spiritual in nature. Key to Hegel's thought a technical philosophical term meaning TheMillerof MeaningCommunism managers?Military?WhatTheParty aboutproduction leaders? Thethe d.c. Hegel'soldTothe Hegel,dying,moving dialectic everythingsomethingforce sawof all conflict,newis history,constantlydeveloping. or thought,contradiction changing--something as and existence. p. 20-21 Didofstand Marxmodern the under- history"?"march f.e. containingFromfirst(thesis).anotherOne setthis setof clashthe ideas(antithesis), best arises (thesis) elements a new whichis ofcombinationviolently has developed opposed out both the thesis and (synthesis) by of the attendedcontemporariesHow many a university?of Mares h.g. ThisThroughagainantithesis. synthesis generating the clash becomes, its and own struggleas develops, of thesis and and closer to another thesis, haveDoesto theanythe generationrelationshipDialectic gap? i. withHegelperfection.ofantithesis, man'shis thought own history nature thein terms worldcould - as of movesbe understood closer as anthe comesspirit. to realize that To him, allman's conflict the Do you find that B. Marx1. and Marxa. thought that Hegel had things upsidespirit itself was reality. It was the world around man - his down. material MillerThe Meaning monetarymostgreatly people values? influencedare by Marx:determinessurroundings everything and the wayabout he man'sadapts to 18 life. them - that p.of Communists20-21 STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInfor.,:::Io.1 A C. Marx:1. "Theb. history of all hitherto existingThe class societypolitical, struggleEconomics is the socialis the- and key other to unde.aulnkLng human relationships. the history of MarxThe andCommunist Engel: EconomicCommunismTheories of(Cont.) 2. a.againstInhistory every anof era owningclass of the struggles".class: past, a working classSlave had struggledagainst master P-Manifesto 9 determines:Economic system1. Production a. Jobe 3. Marxb.systemsc. claimed would capitalism inevitably like destroy feudalism itself andownerFactoryFeudal because other (bourgeoisie) serf worker earlierit against (proletariat) lord against the factory TheMarx Communist and Engels 2. Distribution b.a. clasi standard rank of living - D. 1.Marxist4. view of history OutSlaverycontains of the thedestruction seeds of ofits capitalism own destruction. would come Communism. MillerManifesto'p. 16 5.4.3. ReligionSocial Political Status Power status 3.2. a.Feudalism LordMaster vs. vs. serf slave p.Theof 20-21 Meaning.Communism E. Marx4. and the labor theory ofivalue a.CommunismCapitalism (the everlasting thesis) EndBourgeoisie of 'class strugglevs. proletariat 2.1. makeTheLaborStatement ':hatvalue theory product. of of anydeveloped labor product theory by is Ricardo ofequal value: toand the classical value of economists. labor to Canany you other think items of b.Example:a. cuttingtrees (free down gift trees from - labornature) cost A book -- costs?besides labor d.c. machineryturning used wood - intolabor pulp cost - tolabor make cost machinery 4.9 STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITIES V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation A 1. analyzeInterviewabout thetheir parents, economic answers. relatives,, theories of and Communism. friends and ask them to tell you SUGGESTED INFORMATION RETRIEVAL ACTiVIT'77 See to what extent their statements are Record, tally, and 'TheoriesCommunismEconomic of 2. TallycanExpandtrue. be the given#1 results.above to classmateito develop ora testothers of inCommunist the school, economics which Give the test after your committee reports to relatives, etc. CDCD 3. Usingdoingindetermine an a interviewanythingtape haw recorder, effective worthWhile?",situation. record your thereporting"Are answers all thewas. of Communist 'the man ideasin the wrong?". street' Ask such questions as "Are the Communists cr; 4. U.S.S.R.Aftereconomiccopies obtaining ofmagazine and Communist political permission Soviet papers theoriesLife. 'from such theandas tLaschoolrealities Daily Authorities, Worker.of COmmUniem. purchase Find articles'which tell about the Read the V.STRATEGY Information CONTENT Marx and MATERIAL CommitteeRetrieval A A. EuropeTheOpeningthis Specter specter:have line ofentered - Communism."A Specter into a isholy haunting alliance Europe to exercise - Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, All the Powers of old 'p. Manifesto8TheEngels Communist CommunismTheoriesEconomic of(Cont.) Is this line B. MarxgrowingFrench offers radicalsforce this in comment andthe Germanworld: to provepolice that spies." Communismnot"Where been isdecreed thea party as Communistic in opposition by itsthat has ManifestoThe Communist Americanpositioneverto theapplied op-in C.. Marx offers some evidence for the historyMandan1. concept(Dialectical Materialism) Bourgeoisieopponents in (Capitalist) power". of ManifestoThep. 8 Communist discussions?political 4.3.2. minorities,AllProletariatConcept previous of or(Workers) thehistorical in Class the interestStruggle movements of minorities.were movements of Thep. 9-20 Communist D. Alms5.1. of the Communist Theindependent immediateProletarian movementaim movement of the of Communistsisthe the immense self-conscious is majority. the same asformation of Thep.Manifesto Communist21 E. ofThe property distinguishing generally, feature but theof Communismabolition issupremacy,of thethat notbourgeoisie proletariattheof all conquest other into proletarianof apolitical class, overthrowparties: power of by the proletariat. bourgeoisie abolition p.Manifesto 23 force?theIs this American true Oflabor The auto F. 1.Priceowned property.of labor isi.e.,The absolutely average that quantumpriCe requisite of of wage-labor the to meanskeep theisof thesubsistencelaborer minimum wage, in bare which p.ManifestoThe 24 Communist workers?steelworkers?carpenters? The The existence as a laborer. 15 p. 2. STRATEGY CONTENT dominates MATERIALMarx and RetrievalCommittee A G. H. InEducation:the bourgeoisthe present; past. society= in The Communists ; in education; they theiefOre, have not invented the the present y do but seek to dominates inter- ManifestoTheEngelsp. Communist25 TheoriesEconomicCommunism of (Cont.) I. vention:alterTheeducationabolish Communists theof societycharacter countriesfrom arethe and nationality.furtherinfluence reproachedof of that the intervention,ruling, with desiring to and to rescueclass. p.Ibid.Ibid. 28 DoeshistoryrelationshipCzars the haveof any to the j. 1.1.Capitalism and The science,Theworkingmen ideas merely of have religious gave religion within the doMain no country.expression to liberty and thefreedom ofsway knowledge. ofof con- p. 29Ibid. modernDoesinfluenceclass Russia? the have ruling onan K. byWeWhatthe havethe position measures workingseen above, ofdoes ruling free competition class, is to Marx predictthat the the first step class, t6 establish raise the proletariat proletariat in the revolution democracy. will to Pp.Ibid. 31 Education?Sovietcontemporary Thesetakecountries. after measures the will, Nevertheless in the revolution? of course, be most advanced different in applicable. countries, different p.Ibid. 31-32 Nationalistic?7^,sCommunism Soviet 1.the2. following will AbolitionAall heavy rents progressiveof of property land to be pretty, ,generally or ,graduatedpublic land andof inheritance. income tax.application of conflictnationalistIstween there be-Russia a 4.3.5. AbolitionConfiscationCentralization of all of right theof creditproperty national bank with in the hands of all emigrants state capital of the state, and and and China? byan means exclusive of a monopoly. 16 STRATEGY 6ONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation A 7.6. wasteExtensionCentralizationownedtransport lands, by of thein andfactories thestate;of the thehands improvement the meansand of bringing instruments theof communicationstate. into ofcultivation production and of soil generally CommunisinTheoriesEconomic of (Cont.) 9.8. CombinationindustrialEqualin accordance obligation armies,of Withagriculture of aespeciallyall common to withwork. plan. for manufacturing' agriculture. in- Establishment of differenceWhatstatementtween IS theMares be-and 10. FreepopulationduitriesItown education and gradualcountry,over for the abolition allbycountry. achildren more of equable thein publicdistinCtion distribution schools. between of ofWeber'stent the' Ethic"? "Protes,concept H. Political power, properly so called, is merelyAbolitionetc.Combination the of childof education factory withlabor industrial in its present production, form. Union?munistsRaveinlished thethe estab- SovietdemocracyCom- N. revolution,togeoisiesIforganized organizethe proletariat is power itcompelleditself makes of oneasduring itself by eclaips;class 'the its .the for fOrce contestif, rulingoppressing byof meanswith circumstances,class, theanother.of andabour- as such, ManifestoMarxTheEngels andCommunist HaveSovietIn China?the 'Comr and'awaythensweeps oftheit awayclasses will,conditions by along forcegenerally,, forwith the the theseold andexistence, conditions Willconditions, thereby of of'class havehave antagonisms,'abolishedSwept productioa, p. 33 Areoppression?=mistsclasses there abolished inno the O. whichtheandInits place free,ownclassthe supremacy free ofdevelOpmentantagonisms, the development old as bourgeoisaof Class. weall. ofshall each society, have is thean and association,condition with its for clasceain Modern,SoVietSociety? 17 V.STRATEGY Information Harslet Theory CONTENT MATERIAL EconomicCommitteeRetrieval A A. 1.Hegel and the Germana. philosopher: BerlinKarl Marx teacher at "Dialectic" George W. F. Hegel University of WhatCommunismTheories about of(Cont.) the 2. b.Dialectic:a. Hegel'sDialectic:"argument" dialectic or "debate". was spiritual in nature. Key to Hegel's thought a technical philosophical term meaning MillerofThe Communism Meaning Military?Managers?TheParty production leaders? The d.c. oldTotheHegel's Hegel,movingdying, dialectic everythingforcesomething of saw all new isconflict, hist,,ry, developing.constantly or thought, contradiction changingsomething as and existence. p. 20-21 ofstandDid modern Marx the under-history"march "? f.e. Fromfirst(thesis).anotherOne setthis setof clash ideas(antithesis), arises (thesis) a new whichis combinationviolently has developed opposed out (synthesis) by of the attendedcontemporariesHow many of a liarx..'suniversity? g. againThisantithesis.containing synthesisgenerating the becomes,best its elementsown asantithesis. it ofdevelops, both the thesis and another thesis, haveDoesto theanythe generationrelationshipDialectic gap? i.h. perfection.ofHegelantithesis,Through man's thought thehistory theclash in worldtermscould and movesstruggleof,be understoodthe closer spirit. as of thesis and and closer to To him, allman's conflict Do you find that B. 1.Marx and dialectical materialism Marx thought that Hegel had things upsidewithspirit his itselfown nature was reality.- as man comes to down.realize that the material TheMiller Meaning monetarymostgreatly people values?influenced are by a. Marx:determinessurroundings everything and the wayabout he adapts to It was the world around man - his 18 man's life. them - that p.of Communism 20-21 STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL v. COmmitteeRetrievalInformation A C. Marx:1. b."The history of all hitherto Theexisting class societystrugglepolitical,Economics is is thesocial Li and other human relationships. 4ey to understanding the history of MarxThe andCommunist Engel:. CommunismTheoriesEconomic of(Cont.) 2. historya.againstIn every of an eraclass owning of struggles".the class: past, a working classSlave had struggledagainst master Manifestop. 9 determines:Economic system1. Production 3. Marxb.c. claimed capitalism like feudalism and ownerFactoryFeudalother (bourgeoisie)earlierserf worker against (proletariat) lord against the factory Marx and Engels 2. Distribution a. standardJobs of living D. Marxist4. view of history Outcontainssystems of the would thedestruction seeds inevitably of ofits capitalism destroyown destruction. itself would because come Communism. it p.ManifestoThe 16 Communist 4.3. SocialPolitical Status Power b. class rank - status 2.1. a.FeudalismSlavery LordMaster vs. vs. serf slave p.ofTheMiller 20-21Communism Meaning 5. Religion 4.3. a.CommunismCapitalism (the everlasting thesis) EndBourgeoisie of class vs.struggle proletariat E. Marx2.1. and the labor theory of value TheLaborStatement value theory of of anydeveloped labor product theory by is Ricardo ofequal value: toand the classical value of economists. labor to Can you think of Example:makea. that Aproduct. book -- trees (free gift from nature) anycosts?besides other laboritems d.b.c. machinerycuttingturning downused wood trees- intolabor -pulp laborcost - tolaborcost make cost machinery 19 STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation A h.g.f.r. shipping the book - printingwritingdistributing thethe bookbook the - - book author'slabor - laborcost labor cost cost labor cost CommunismTheoriesEconomic of(Cont.) F. Theory3. of alwaysshouldTotal laborhigherequal costs the- 'profit' price divided per to bythebook, the capitalist butnumber the of price(Surplus books is Value) .ofWhat 'capital about invest-the risks 2.1. . PricepaidThe price tominus the of laborlaborers any productcosts to equal'produce is always surplus it. higher value: than the amount ments?What"profit" is the in role the of 4.3. workerThelaborer.In 'Capitalist effect(proletariat) the (bourgeOiae)capitalist less than "stole" makeshe deserves. athe profit profit by frompaying the the Miller outlawed?Shouldsystem?capitalist profits Regulated? economic be G. Marxist6.5. predictions: MarxUndercapitalism.thief; concedes the rather Capitalist that "stealing" the systemCapitalist is labor an isessential is not simply consciously element another of acommodity. Depressions and Deepening Crises. p.ofThe 22Communism Meaning businessWouldif startyou or could servicea not HighExpansionToBourgeoisie continue demand mequires toarefor compete competingworkers more requires drivesworkers; with eachupexpansion. wages other. and drives down wageWhatmake rates determinesa profit? in the the 6.5. Newmachinery.Highprofits. machinery wages lead creates 'bourgeoisie unemployment. to introduce labor saving Marx and Engles rateWhatAmerican ofdetermines pay economy? for anthe 9.8.7. TheUnemploymentCapitalistsgoods, Workersdiiplatedachiiies so consumption drivesscramble down to falls. wages.dump goods cannot on theafford market, to buy and the Manifesto'p.The 16-22 Communist autoworker? 10. whenThesmallersmaller, bigger,, they ones, fall.weaker stronger but capitalists the factorrgroupS 'bigger go they bankrupt. then,get, theabsorb bigger the they smash 20 STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL O. CormitteeRetrievalInformation A 12.11. DuringtogetherCapitalismthemselvesform protectivethese enormous stronger,wouldrepeated associations, eventuallycombinations incrises, relation, destroythe (unions)of toworkers money, theitself tryby to modern (prole'.1..v., bringing make TheMiller Meaning CommunismTheoriesEconomic of(Cont.) 13. machinery,ownershipDuringas to be the virtual. andfrom final workers the armies.crisis few organized owners. the army into of units so vast workers take for the p.of 2-23Communism newhighintroductionthe,Is machinery? Marxwages relationship right and of theabout between .14. Marxcapitalist felt that system revolution itself wasmade inevitable it so. depressionWhatArechiefIs thereunemploymentcaused cause otherin the of1930? U.N.factors?depression? the 1970? havethat'CapitalistDoself-destruction? you entered ,find any an countriesevidenceeranf supportWhattothe the is"hard-hat" oftheMarxist President relationship theorycampaign Mixon of ofin workerbeenHave Americanradicalrevolt? orlabor conservative? ,m?Vements 21 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation SUGGESTED INFORMATION relatives, and friendsLE4P.Ilo ALITIVTTTES RETRIEVAL ACTIVITIES and ask them to RealitiesEconomicCommittee ofB 1. statements.andtellInterview analyzeyou aboutparents, their the answeri.economic realities, Try 'to substantiate or of Communism. determine if what they say deny their Record, tally, Communism 2.3. ListenCollectis the to reality newsshortwave articles of life within the Sovietfrom the U.S.S.R. toabout economic life Union. in the U.S.S.R. and China. 4. Visitrealities'consumption the library of by the English- to COmMunisi,cOntriee. read Communist foreignreading audiences. the U.S. and other 'Determine thenewspapers printed western'economic for 6.5. nationsDetermineContact in the theresources embassiesareas that Russiaand leads the productionof U.S.S.R. and her of industrial goods.eastern European satellitesThe student mightoffor the want current same to economic data on production,communist figures with goods andworld compare trade, etc. U.S. and U.N. with thoseestimates 7. photosavailableObtainstations,fairer, ofphotographs sinceinelements art the museums,the U.S. ofU.S.S.R. U.S.S.R.the public consumeretc. sector(clothing, and compare autos, does not cater to consumer thesesuch asto roads,etc.).the U.S. To make the needs, obtaintrain and bus comparison 22 V.STRATEGY naformatlor. I. Asriculturc COVITENT kia1.2a12-211C,)-c.-::::;,..s Retrieval --lacks--employs efficiency one-third and of useSoviet of modernwork force techaology Wtein..Ii7:;n'cile.:: . RealitiesCommitteeEconomic ofB A.--moat deficient area of Soviet ccon3myI.Objectives of Soviet agriculture increasedIncrease sizeefficiency. of productive units to realize C.HarperLoucks,;; Whitney, N, N.Wild7= i.%-, Communism B. State4.3.2. Farms (over 12,000) iechanizeAdaptCollectivize modernagriculture science labor production. toto increaseagricultural efficiency. prOductioa. 1969.Sth Edition, 4.3.1. . AreAverage.ab..lutEmploy ownedrun over like by 8,000,000 the"agricultural 18,000 Soviet pebple.sown government acresfactories". per including farm. the tin5.4CZCD0 4 a.Rmployees have roughly the same benefit:;employees.Employland, as laborfactorymachinery, at a setequipment, vage on anden incentivelivestock. basis. 7. sultivaueEmployeesb.c.a. 1/3may ofbuild an acretheir for own their homes own or purposes. theSickOld-agePaid far andpensions. nay C. Collective1.14 FarmS QvOver 36,000 eollectig) 15,000,C0 7rnpi 4ork on collective farms. Farms. ...4tai,mo 4.4 1: .W.Aig&*tivele 100,rea00,c1)mment farms over Ike::Ir.:: 7,000 tit:!.e cfn,perativ4Ms. acres .::(1 of ".and. sown land. C011aetive :Jens tee:Awry avd agOrnent. :W8 m ti, to ON.lecti,/esCoklzetiv-..18kon6;zell sell governmentalure eeifChoir: mo.a,,iztiav ow:a contlxis Froduqts, witie. and is inflnreacm.Ilaita cl::: 23 coS: STRATEGY CONTENT' family. MATER_ AL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation B 5. Privet...v.16outputland(1964, but and privatewas 1/2 ofresponsible of1/2 plots to amounted the livestock production). farm workers2-1/2 have acresfor for almost each member1/3 of the gross to only 3% of the received a cultivated farm RealitiesEconomicCommunism of 6.7. AllguaranteedSinceSovietfarm are 1966,workers. designedagriculture wage collective rate to has increase whichproductivity places them on parbeen subject to many and efficiency. reforms since 1958.with State CD II. A.B.Soviet Industry ApproximatelyOrganizationally,are owned either 99% of Soviet natural by the state or by industry has passed and man-made Implements cooperatives. through three phases. of production C. 19653.2.1. organizational reform DecentralizationHighlyRe-centralization centralized under controlunder Khrushchev Kosygin from 1917 to 1957. 19651957 - 1965. 1. Problemsb.a. NewRatediminishing investment of growth returns. in of productivityRussian industry was falling.was what consumers yielding would buy. 2. Reformsa.d.c. CentralizedFactoriesIndustries failed plannedfailed. to managementproduce ministries (47) heading was strengthened industries by b.c. toCausingStrengtheningandrestoring be enhancing a majorthe national attainment the independentState stimulus to efficiency of profitsPlanning or Board. management of each surpluses(Libermanism) over cost industry. D. 1.Producers'2. Cooperatives furniture,PrimarilyImportant local toys,in fields industries. musical of 24 knit goods, textiles,instruments. shoes, hardware, STRATEGYV. information 3. Account for approximate.Ly 8% of the gross industrial output. CONTENT MATERIAL CommitteeEconomic B Retrieval III. Labor--Soviets have a shortageexpanding of skilled industries. labor4. as a result of rapidly Workers receive wages from the cooperatives. CommunismRealities of A.--Approximately 46% of total industrialLabor labor2.1. laws. force are women. NewestConstitutionally law passed determined in 1960 - bycalled Soviet the Government. 'Fundamental Principles b.a.ofc. the Labor Code'. ModificationsSpecifySets maximum health forhours and certain safetyof labor occupational, regulations. per day and age, week. and sex groups. "aCOCD f.e.d. v.1thRulesSpecifyGoverns their concerning functionshours schooling. and transferofvacations trade ofunions. ofemployees, youths who dismissal, combine workover B. 2.1.Trade Unions. UnionAlmost membership all industrial 'Ls not workers compulsory are union but certainmembers.time benefitsrates, length such asof lunch break and minimum wage rates, etc. 4.3. LocalDuesandsocial average restand insurance nationalhothe 1% ofprivileges benefits,annualleadership wages. make housing of membershipunions preferences, comes attractive. from and the vacation IV. --In--StrugglesDifferences theory, thebetweensuch state as Sovietcollective is the and employer Americanbargaining and Unions. theand workersstrikes areare theunknown state. in Russia. Communist Party. To themselves.strike for higher wages or shorter hours would be like striking against 25 STRATEGY CONTENT MATER/AL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation B A. 1.Functions of Trade Unions a.Provideactivities a variety for their of cultural, membership. educational,Local unions establish nurseries and nursery schools, and recreational' EconomicCommunismRealities of 2. b.Assist management in improving labor Nationalworkers'facilities. unionseducation build classes, rest homes and develop concerts, etc. performance and with vacation 5.4.3. SupervisionToHandleproblems criticize complaints' of ofabsenteeism, and social propose and insurancegrievanCes changes against manageMent. etc. system. at management level. CaCDCD B. 1.Collective6. Labor Contracts variousperiodicallyStandardizedSupplement enterprises. enforcementbetween basic the oftrade provisions unions andof Labor collective labor contracts are drawn up managements of Code. Of 3.2. Wagesb.Worka. week and vacations. VacationsStandard averagework week 18 isdays now (paid a five vacations). day week of 40 hours. b.a. 2)Types1)Soviet Timework Timework of wagewage Rates Ratessystemand'salary and based Bonuses rates.comparable to U.S. straight hourly rates. approximately 25% of wage earners, on productivity. - 4)3) ProgressiveDirect Piecework Piece RateRates COMparnbla,Comparable30% of base to totime timework U.S. rate. straisut rates withpdGCO bonuses roten. up to 4. Supplementary Labor Incentives b)a) Piece Compares rates to sometimes Q.S. incentive go as highwage 26 sr.:tem. as 3002 over s,orthe. STRATEGY CONTENT .ATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation B a. specialbicycles,Economictheaters, vacations, Incentivessmaller etc. consumertrips include to items, Moscow,cash prizes, tickets c.utcmci-les, to membership in 'Orders' better apartments, CommunismRealitiesEconomic of b. NoneconomicprovisionsofBadgesuch house asof OrderHonor.rental, incentivesunder of Lenin,thefree social-insurance includeuse,of Order Also, certain tax exemptions, streetcars,of thegenerous Red Banner of Labor, system. reduction A.PROBLEM #1 Myth:have rapidly increased production All sectors of the Russian economy and efficiency. including agriculture B. 1.productf_ln.Reality:the Soviet Unionhas been the Maur:, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were During the last five decades inadequacy of agricultural the biggest problem inoriented toward urban p.SovietSalisbury 37-44 Union 2. butByproblems,the collectivizingreal peasants' power not those ofability the of peasants.farms,, control food production. Stalin broke the That power stemmed funds needed for unorganized Stalin from 3. produceCollectivizationindustrializationmanagedfood production. accordingto squeeze offers butto out he ofno' was them encouragement not the to their abilities, and inefficiency successful in increasing farmers to 4. Theintensifiedresults. growthproblem rate of by low ofthe SoVietproduction scarcity ofper good agricultural production is farmer and farm isgrowingagricultural population, land. hasprovideraiseinsufficient beCome the a standard surplusnecessary to meet forof for theliving,use needsin foreign of a 27 the Soviets to import food. replenish reserves, aid programs. and It 'SIRATRWEV. Information C. The inability of the Soviet Union to make its faro system CONTENT MATERIAL EconomicCommitteeRetrieval B butwork1.Communist also is notdemonstrated system.only a dangerous the single element greatest in theKhrushchev's failureuprisings Soviet of economy, was theArgument based onagainst his idea Peking's that the demands appeal forbloody of CommunismRealities of 2. InownfarCommunism thepeople. the only Soviet wouldCommUrist Unionbe its countrieshas agility not been whichto fillable have achieveddo that fora high its But so 0 a.theonlevel underCommunist of theagricultural fullsystem: collectivization production, farmingusuallycountryIn is demandedBoland, not thatcarried whichby has SolVedis often its cited agricultural as the ComMUnist problems, I119 - b. wouldOnowned90% the of starve otherfarms. the totalhandto death Albania,production were whichit comesnot is for 100%from help collectivized,privately from A.PROBLEM #2 Myth: Soviet economicComMunisi success China is directly related to central whiCh is alsO starving. B. Reality:planning1916foundation decade and oftheof technology industrialcomplete absence andexpansion. factories of capitalistic built during economic the 1906 devices. From Czarist Russia the Soviet Union inherited an excellent Stalin combined these - p.SovietSalisbury 45-57 Union with1,,a backyard a large statelabor intosupply an andindnet:ial abundant power naturalIn second order onlyto get to the capitalU.S. necessary for industrial expansion, resources to turn workers.Stalin lowered the living standards of peasants and factory 28 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation 2. beAfterto made their abandoning to country,work solelythe theunrealistic throughgovernment love idea adopted of tbr.t labor harsh7-nple and measures devotioncould to COr MKT 1...41.1;A.1111, CommunismRealitiesEconomicCommittee ofB b.a.force greater production. was WorkersThefixed output as or a managersofproduction pace-setting who norm failed workersfor tothe meet (stakhavovites)average quotas worker. were 3. dutionLater,c. somebonuses reliance as incentives was placed for on workers higherMassive suspected andwagesfired, managers. purges and imprisoned, saboteurs. pro- were carried or executed. out to rid industry of C:CD 4. bombsatellite)surprisedDefectsthe in subject1949, of wheninthe sent of1957, theSoviet ridiculeup Soviet andits induStrial managedsputnik byUnion the toexploded (man'sWestsystem increase - firstwhich andits its capacity firstspacewas steel rudely atomic were Pl% C. problemsactivitieseconomicIn an attempt couldregions were to be put combat inspotted underwhich industrial' andmoreall solved agriculturallocal problems, morecontrol,production quickly. and Khrushchevso manufacturing thatphenomenally production set up between 1945 and 1960. D. manismEvseito1965announcedKhrushchev's a coat-priCehasJ. Liberman,many successors largeaspects and a supplyscaleprofessor of abolished free-enterprise conversiondemand who systemhisworked ofeconomic consumer-goods calledcapitalismout the regionsLibermanism idea). andfactories in(after Liber- p.SovietSalisbury 45-57 Union E. butthatSovietonBecause Otherpersonal has Union of backwardachieved theincentives, of introduction having nationsindustrial abandonedthe regard Chineseof supremacy Libermanism thetrue Communists Soviet Communism through and Union w.:1, th*- thefor as application capitalism,a country of 'emphasisthe Communist principles. 29 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation PROB1I-. CONTENT MATERIAL EconomicCommittee B u.A. Myth:Reality:backward country. Until the Communist Russia prior to World Revolution, Russia was a EconomyTheGoldman Soviet CommunismRealities of inferior1.ineconomy Isla towas ecause of the statistical and Africa today. asEngland, backward Germany, as those of France and the U.S., Warbut I was economically, most of the countries p. 9-13 2. veryPriorJaPalIturniait impossible andtern to World Warin I, 1913 Russia may have perhaps Italy. to make an unre 'rved been uncertainties involved,had a "dual it economy":_onomically superior to statement, but a 3. a g3' Etrilva sector growth between the sector existed siftultaneously 1 inproduction both industry and early 1880's and 1913 agriculture. with a very was c.b. Tletanitere railroad tt vas a unfold 193e. nal:work almost increase in the mining was five times largertripled in Ea -pal.- d. ?teinllYabutelgineerinlfiberIan 87. notabledustrial Railroad, zrowth inaccomplisiasents Russia was the building oqe of the most impressive inof the time.1890's averaged of the trans - 4. Prerevolttionaryscientiste. K 'Fjr41:D10.11925aSl. 1914 the average rate of ; as Lomano.,, slut 6; sia did give birth a year.the physicist and Pavlov, to such outstanding industrial physiologist. 30 the STRATEGY CONTENT litanIAL V. RetrievalInformationCommittee B 5. Prere.i..,...cluaarypresent-daymusicalgiants as geniuses Pushkin, U.S.S.R. likeRussia Gogol, has Moussorgsky also yetTolstoy gaveto produce birth andand to a Tchaikovsky.Dostoevaky, and the comparablebut suchlist. there literary were The PlayNutcrackerthe"Theor recorda Flowara" Dar.cetcpe of of CommunismRealitiesEconomic of 6. waspositionsignsRussiaas considerablyIndia of under and relationthe China Czarsbetter toto was thethanthe underdeveloped, developed Moreover, prerevolutionary Russia's developed world of the 1950'sthe relation of such countries countries of Europe Suite PROBLEM #4 and 1960's. adopted a Marxist Goldman A.B. Myth:blueprintandReality: problems for actionof a Communist which they society. have Upon coming to power. the BolsheviksMarx Emidom concerned himself With been followingHe was ever primarily since. a the operatiol Thep.Economy Soviet19-29 1.student of capitalism. Marx'sanddisintegration expansion. main concern of anwas economic the revolution system, andnot its constructiononlythe a rough 2.3. placeTemporarysketchTheencumbrances, Critique inof aexpedientsthe country ofnew especiallythe society. which Gothahave is aProgramwhen waynot theofamong provides Marxist becoming permanent the economically revolution takes 4. Evenadvanced.Institutionalthesteps thoughBolsheviks in the some direction forms wereof the adoptedmotivated measuresof ideological by primarily thethey Russians were purity;took could for thebe consideredmost bypart practical considerations. dictated as much by the needs of economic development as 31 ideological conformity. STRATEGYV. Information 5. Standard of living CONTENT TheGoldmanMATERIAL Soviet CommitteeRetrieval B a. hasTheabout risenaverage $126 from wagea monthabout of theIn$89 1970. Sovietper month in industrial worker 1955 to ' p.Economy 39-61 EconomicCommunismRealities of b.c. Productionprogram.KhrushchevMost Russians oflaunched majorlive inappliancesa massive3 or 4 room apartmentin theapartments. U.S.S.R. is building FordcarsCompare withor Russian U.S. PROBLEM #5 well below the level of production in the U.S. and by performance.StyleChevrolet-table.See production- - A.B. Myth:Reality:nature it is a slave state. The Soviet economic system is totalitarianAlthough conditions in the U.S.S.R. prior to those thereexistingStalin's have indeath been a state were'significant ofoften serfdom, hard improvement. tosince distinguish the from mid-1950's . 2.1. week.UntilIna total April 1966, of 1966, most41 hours. KosyginSoviet employeesannounced workedthe Five seven-hour days and one six-hour adoption of a six daysa day for 3. Educationhimself.hours,five-day but week. he now has two complete days free Each worker must still work about'41 for b.c.a. MostAllgrade.School education undergraduate attendance is tuition-free. studentsis compulsory receive through a small the tenth AssociatesTheSoundstripShow SovietGuidance stipend from the state. 32 Union Today Production of Major Appliances in the U.S.S.R. and the United States 1958 1960 SOVIET PRODUCTION 1962 (millions)1964 1966 Plan1970 U.S PRODUCTION1966 PhonographsRadiosAutomobiles and 3.90.122 4.20.139 4.30.166 4.80.185 5.80.230 7.5--8.00.7--0.8 19.0 9.0 CD r Refrigerators 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.1 2.2 5.4--5.6 6.0 AtriCn0 MachinesWashingSetsTelevision 0.51.0 3.91.7 2.9 4.43.9 7.5 - -7.7 12.3 aHow false might conclusion the data presentedon the part in ofthis the chart average be biasedreader? to enck.urage PageTheSource: Soviet54 Economy Goldman 33 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation d. U.S.S.R...1.ege to simply satisfy are the not need enough of universitiesthose who would in the CONTENT MATERIAL RealitiesEconomicComMittee ofB e. AmericanlikeschoolsSovietare tovery go. schools schools. graduaterigorous. stress more scienceengineers and each technology. year than do Application requirements in the U.S.S.R. Soviet, Communism (Cont.) A.PROBLEM #6 Myth: The Soviet Union is becoming capitalist, and in a few Goldman QuoteAmericanyears'there from economic Red will Flag besystems. (Communistno difference Chinese between newspaper) the Soviet and Writep.EconomyThe 137-141 Soviet an oftheNovember"The realizing Soviet new 11, leadersUnion Communism".1965. down of thethe Sovietpath of Communist capitalism Party in theare nameleading criticizingChineseeditorial,the Russians. style, B. inofusualReality: athe few sense means small of of servicethe production word. industries will ever or tolerated, except perhaps The Soviet Union is not turning capitalist in the It is unlikely that private ownership STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITIES V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation C 1. aboutInterview the politicalparents, relatives,theories of and Communism. friends and SUGGESTED INFORMATION RETRIEVAL ACTIVITIES Record, tally, and analyzeask them to tell you TheoriesPoliticalCommunism of 2. governmentExpandtheir answers. Suggestion which can #1 beto givendevelop to aclassmates test for or See to what extent their statements are true. Give the test again after your knowledge of Communist others in the school, 3. questionscommitteerelatives,Interview asreports etc.the "Does man todetermine Communismon the street allow how using for freea tape Tally the results. youreiections?"...private reportingrecorder...Ask was. such 4. whatReadoffice?"'ownership ways the are Communist "...ruleof somea business?" of by Manifestothese the peopleideas and and ?"the ,aims Constitution like those "...a campaign between candidates for of the U.S.S.R. of the U.S. and In 5. otherInterviewthe Declarationwestern or national? telephone of Independence a professor and at the a nearbyConstitution How are they different? university who specializesCompare them with of the U.S. 6. 'Communistic the Soviet thought. Embassy to request materials and With his permission, record the telephone speakers on the topic. 35 V.STRATEGY 'Information I. MarxianA. Politidal Theories' CONTENT MATERIAL CoinitteeRetrieval C The2..1. dictatorship of the proletariat merely a ofAccording"police, the ptoletariat: force"to Marx, to protectCapitalist property. Government A reign of the CoMmunilmTheoriesnIPolitical B. Marxianto4.1. each Golden according Rule: to his needs." Dictatorshipworking class ofand majority the the ,proletariat state over will the eventuallycapitalistwill not be "witherminority. oppressive. away". "From each according to his ability, p.ofTheMiller 24 CommunismMeaning 114Pci_Le#,,A. I.'Eddaictiernstein 1:4olutionarya. socialiei 1)DocUmented Industrial the workers failure were of Marxianlivingtheir fathers. . farpredi-:ions. bt :ter than Lenin:Revolution.Politics and On 4YMAtXian1)HI890'w,profit2)-BoUrgeOisie trinitrofimpoverishment, not rates contracting did not.revolution inevitable.fallbut polatization, could'economy no matured. longerand be tegarded as hiStorically p. XII -XVII. 2. b.a.Evolutionary socialism's ethical aims:11oW'caliablevOtketii.intoHelpingJusticev.eitUaIity, to a.Unified,'And" oftransform exacting andan economic OMOtphoUsdignity:for consc'i'ous and mass Politica1,ptessure allclasawhich'was of men. oppressed, d.c. ZOcialistahad-tOvisions0041.4:444'4000iiiInto better-itsorder of ato cataclysmic' continue ownget conditions.on,with,thesubitantiaI ,00,*0#441.08advancing, revolution. Socialists of a democratic,task, had toof dismiss society, Socialone which amities'. Woulthenefit,nOtnnly'theproletariat'but 36all STRATEGY CONTENT' MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation C B. 2.1. EuropeIdentifiedBrilliant late young twonineteenth tendenciesBolshevik century the and political early twentieth economy of century: LeninConnor CommunismTheoriesPolitical(Cont.) of C. Lenin 'b.a. GrowthTrendthe mosttoward of industrialadvanced . nations. and financial monopolies in p. XXIV undergoInAuthor'stherefore, the lit intensiveNote: decade roughly industrialof approximatedthe those which existed nineteenth 'century Russia had begun to deVelopment. Economic conditions, in Europe when Lenin wereMarxgrowing,on thehighlow.first workers and,the rapidlyset down in returns,and termshis a fewanalysis ofthey, individualsmiserable received of capitalism. living in wages and andworking material conditions goods Just se Marx had predicted, the Russian proletariat were swiftly accumulating vast The costs imposed was P. XVII WasOrganiiedThere'weidemocracy fortunes..the'PterogatiVe iegialativalittlehad With yet 40ortUnity theexistedof theexceptionor Czar,in 'for rigidly of PolitiCai autocratic hissome favorites local bodies,and his' no bureaucrats. trace of expression. let alone Russia.. Politics prosperityRussiaBefore. and1900, orthus Leninthe had potential hadnot spent all but seen direct'group evidence activity. of either increasingfor effective, political action,Withia the a few months of his life in .Bornestructure.hetoconfines diddisturbing be notrejected initiallyof pretensions theOAPitaiiitaYstaM., inAlrder perceive UblikeWropean to.preserve the, integrity of the Marxist tobelief factual 'accUracy,Evolutionary which! nevertheless Socialism had as a work with Marxists, therefore, pooition.Bet'pateiniaitcomponent ofilerFitit positiotunor thought 'be.could makenno Ror Lenin, Sinceto be Lenina 'Marxist considered meant revolution,to be to be the essential 37 could he tolerate' anyone wha espoused that compromise with the a Revolutionary. STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation C I. A.Lenin:- What Is To Be Done? Lengthy2.1. pamphlet Aim:Ignored problems raised by the failure of Marxiari predictions.Lenin wished to establish once and for all the primacy DealsCommunist with PoliticalCommunismTheoriesof(Cont.) 3. eachofa.Socialists the other. activist and view.labor movements had grownsuchSocialist independently as Marx thought and ofEngels had been whose developed social originsby intellectuals were LeninConnorProblems.Organizational b.c. comeThosemac,Socialistsindisputably workersto who appreciate,their claimed thought againstbourgeoisie. that hadcapitalist thenot historically proletariatemerged oppression. from ordained would the strugglespontaneously role p. 31-77 e.d. proletariatHistorySuccessfulas 'a revolutionaryhad couldshowneducation atthat bestclass ofleft theachieve simplyto proletariat their "tradedeluded own uniondevises,requiredthemselves. consciousness". theboth a g.f. RussianCzaristsspreadingcoherent conditions policedoctrinethe doctrine agents precludedand aneffectively.would organization an immediately open proletariat that identify was capableparty. proletariat of h.i. intellectualsLeninbyAmembers trulyharassments, shed anddemocratic no when spending.tears,at raids, the RussianRocialist time arrests,'thesome wasthought time right, andin of prisonPossibleparty destroya few would bysocialist the Siberianstupidly begroup. plagued exile.or j. beginning1iiks,betweenTherisknaively relativeof politicaldemandingto:he backwardneksworker'sforged. extinction,adherence And-socialistswere of to Russiathey democratic openly Meant onlyinvitedthatforms, justthe evenruin. crucial at the k. historyThesegoing Maki todeManded. develophad to be into Ifiroily the,conscious established revolutiopary if the workers class were that 38, STRATEGY 'CONTENT MATERIAL V. ,Information 1., For Lenin, , the Revolution was :paramOtuil: nothing could RetrievalCommittee C m. beBecausethemselvesdemocratic pirMitied of Marxists.thewhimsto delayCzarist of.n or few police,deter intellectuals it entailed who establishing fancied a Particularly not the 'TheoriesCoMMunismPolitical of n. partyandand,Itenough required through ofcentralized inprofessional the unionsthe conspiratorial formationparty and revolutionaries othercapable of 'front arts asmall,of operating toorganizations. who outwitdisciplined, were boththe skilled police.independently secret C: p.o. LeninFinallytospontaneitydemocratic mlitical argued it demanded platitudesthat ofsuicide. the any themasses. other orouster who course inanelyof allwould thosetrusted be tantamountfools in thewho mouthed G. q. pointfarLeninconditionseven a tightly-kilitovertlyoutwhere that Leninwhich denied it waswas permittedconspiratorial' any onlyundeniably, ,claiMa the a deviationpeculiarity to original, party,theoretical from he of.Russian as wasMarxist ininnovation quick his norms. callto r. ThepoweraitRussian second primarilyhad was not problems:stillproblem: yet agrarian in sone the through handscharacter of its a reactionary,ofBourgeoisie 6zaristsii*Et Revolttion-agrarian presented regime. $amtHhad-hotWhile Russia assignedwas industrializing the Peasantry a p.LeninConnor 31-77 2. Lenin:t. strategicLenincentral had ororto eventactical,purposes.take aaccount partiCularly of the significantpeasantsTwo if TacticsroleOnly infor ofhis Social formulations. Democracy in the Democratic . Lenin'for the,- linked:theBoirgeOilie peasantry. Revolution withRevolution.; * role p.Ibid. 79 -108 V. LeninBourgeoisie stated' Revolution.thattuigia was passing through the 39 STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation C d.c. withweaknessbetweenLeninBackwardness, the cautioned 'the forcesor cowardice,revolutionary hadofhis reaction. stuntedcomrades the experiences bourgeoisiethe to Russianexpect of mightcrucialBourgeoisie Russia compromise differences and -the through west. TheoriesPoliticalCommunism(Cont.) of f.e. becauserevolution.Socialists of its had effect good reasonon the totiming be concerned of the ptoletarian with a compromise g. aCapitalists,basisnecessaryMarx vast had for productive stated franticallyorder that network to a establishperiod chasingthat of would thebourgeoisieprofits, economicultimately would 'roleand exceedconstruct technicalwas C4Q119 h. that*mid,Intheir thewould alio processpower inevitablywhip of upof control. thatcreating engulf huge thiscapitalism.wave network,of social the'capitalists discontent J.i. TheoftherevolutionThus, itsRussian bourgeoisie bourgeoisiesocialists proletariatto fail. as couldrevolution. a class, was not small; allowthey therefore?,hadthe tobourgeoisie ensure help the was success Whatever their feelings toward k. Lenin,assistanceneededlarge therefore,fromenough was other tothe matterproposedgroups,peasantry. and andthe discOntented thecreation only oneof enough awhiCh,was "revolutionary to provide both m.1.* Once the bourgeoisie revolution bourgeoisiehad knewrunImnrtantdictatorship itsfull camp.course, wellsections ofthat Leninthe theof proletariat thecoalition peasants andwould would peasantry". disintegrate. defect to the At that point, the proletariat would peasantry.ofhave the to population, allywith the that mass is, ofwith semiproleiarian the poorer strata elements of the 40 STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. RetrievalInformation EDITOR'S1. NOTE: The adopted Lenin's proposal for a revolutionary dictatorship TheorieiPoliticalCommittee of C 2. Today,radicalof proletariat the segments Same andalliance of peasantrythe peasantry(proletariat in 1917 in orderwhenand peasants) theyto seize aligned formscontrol themselves the of basis Russia. with of Communism(Cont.) 3. ofThethroughrevolutionary a realMarxist importanceits Revolutioncapitalist Communist of Twostagein strategies aTactics country.of developaient. is inthat that underdeveloped has Lenin not suggestsfully countries. passed the possibility 3. a.Lenin: Monopolistic1)greatof Strongthe industrial 19th enough practicescentury tocombinations: suppresshad that resulted emerged competition. in in the the creation Imperialism,last quarter of the Highest Stage of CanitaUsm p.LeninConnor 111-146 c.b. Indudtria/enormousMonopolization2)-Ensure amounts monopoliesstable was of .profit paralleledcapital required: levels in bya regardlessfewthe largeconcentration of 'market of conditions. banks. e.& Financial institution's required 'undevelopedoutletsBoth2)1) 'MarketsReservesfor groups theirareas forsolvedor capital.of rawtheir the theirmaterials. world:products. problems by 'turning to the 1) At first privately, and laterareasfinanCial (whichthrough of Asia, monopoliesthe their capitalistsAfiicaE began and-SauthAMeries. controlled)to the industrial ominatc; and exploit vase the colonies and f. fallingandThe usemonopolies theseprofit funds ineitracted'"suPer highly to temporarily developed profits" 'counteracteconomies. from 41 Marx's lav of STRATEGY predictions V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation 'C h.g. capitalism.ColonialfulfilledofThese growing willer acquiSitionin impoverishment profitswestern Earope.was the and key polarization to the are the reason why Mar::'s survival of had net been CommunismTheoriesPolitical(Cont.) of i. Yet'2)1) TheBritainnot tardyall andof powers the France powers then acquired werehadworthwhilewhileGermeny, noequally theirschoice territories atbut enteredan to press thehad colonialbeen claimed. competition endowed with colonies: early date, after the for a 3) It Was this pressure for redivisioncapirllismWorldlierredivisionas the imperialist andthatsurvivedof thewhich brought colonial aswouldorder aon social cont;auestatus syStem. quo. to bring on wars flourished, - that is, as long as sothe long 4) Altho gh imperialism had delayed"theMarx'sthem permanentlypredictions,a) invalid' it had becausenot, Lenin argued, As colonies matured.economicely tge , fulfillment of rofits wo: rendered fall.' b)c) SuccessfuldestroyEven:beforen614 of some funds-to anti that of - the point colonial'the present wassurviving revolutionreached; powers. powers. we. weld cut struggle on a fare wcul off the 5) Lenin thus envisaged the Marxiengigantic class a)international scale: WouldOonirontpowerfulAn increasing imperialist a numberhandful states.of of exploited the 'richest and most proletarian nations 6) Thioagh iMPerialism,, Lenin ichangedMarXismb) into an bourgeoisieworldwideThe end resultdimensions and establishwould that be athewould proletariat classless overthrow industrialized areas of revolution of society. the thethat world. was relevant to backward non - 42 , THE SOVIET CONSTITUTION: Originally adopted in 1936 I. A.Chapter R. Article 118-Citizens of the U.S.S.R. have the right Fundamental Rights Ana Duties of Citizens to work, that is, the TheCrucibleHendel Soviet 'B. Articleitsright quantity 119-rCitiZens to guaranteed and quality. of, employment the U.S.S.R. and havepayment the right,for their towork rest in and accordance leisure. with The p. 321-323 vacationsdayconditionsforright .to industrial, tosever-A. withrest of fullandwork sixoffice, leisure payarehours forparticularly and for isindustrial professionalensured'arduous arduous: tradesbyoffice theworkers, andestabliehmentand professional by the institution of annual to four hoursthe inreduction shops where of the working of an eight -hour day C. Articleaccommodationthe provisions 120Citizens of of the a of wideworking the network U.S.S.R. people. of sanatoria,have,the rightholiday to homesmaintenance and clubs in oldfor agethe workers,. and by D. ofisArticleand ten-yearensured also 121 in by--edudation, caseuniversalCitizens of sickness by ofcompulsory thefree U.S.S.R. oreducation disability. have the seven-year education; by extensive development right to education. This right E. ofArticleby economic,a system 122--Women ofgovernment, State in grantsthe cultural, U.S.S.R. for students political,are accorded and equalother rightspublic withactivity. men in all spheres ofin higherall schools, schools higher who excel as well in theiras secondary, studies. The possibility Widemenfamiliesby of tostatenetwork exercisingwork, andprotection ofpayment unmarried maternity these forof rights mOthers,the work,homes, isrest and leisure, interest of mother and - child, ensuredstate aid by to women mothers beingmaternity of accordedlarge leavenurseries, an withequal andfull right kindergartens. Pay, with and the provision of social insurance and education, and a 43 it F. ofandnationalityArticle theother rights123--tqUality public or of, race, activity, or conversely,inof allrights is spheres an of indefeasiblethe citizens ofestablishment economic, of law. the government, 'U.S.S.R.of any direct irrespectivecultural, or indirect political, of theirprivileges Any direct or indirect restriction G. ,ArticleU.S.S.R.orfor, national citizens124rIn is separatedexclusivenessOrder on account to fromensure of orthe theirtohatred state, citizens race and and or contempt, freedom thenationality, school of are Conscience,from punishable as the well church. asthe by any churchlaw. advocacy in the of racial Freedom of H. Articlestrengthenreligious 125--In worshipthe conformitysocialist and freedom system,with ofthe theanti-religious interests citizens of of the propagandathe working U.S.S.R. ispeople, arerecognized guaranteed and in for order byall a) law: tocitizens. freedom of speech Thesetheir civil organizations rights are printing ensured presses,by placing stocks at the of disposalpaper, public of the buildings, working people the streets, andd)c)b) freedom of streetassembly,the press processions including and the demonstrations holding of mass meeting I. Articlerights.communications 127--Citizens facilities, of the andU.S.S.R. other arematerial guaranteed requisites inviolability for the exerciseof the person. of these J. ArticleNoareof person a protectedprocurator. 128 may --The be by placed inviolabilitylaw. under arrest of the excepthomes ofby citizensdecision andof aprivacy court ofor c.with the sanction 4ondence L.K. ArticleArticle. 133--To132--Universal defend military,the country service is the its sacredlaw. duty of every citizen of the U.S.S.R. ofTreasonimpairing to the the the Motherland military most heinous power-- violation ofof crimes. the state,of the oathespionage--is of allegiance, punishable desertion with toall the the enemy, severity 44 STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITIES V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation D 1. analyzeaboutInterview what their parents,Soviet answers. government relatives, is and really friends like. and ask them to tell you SUGGESTED INFORMATION RETRIEVAL ACTIVITIES See to what extent their statements are true. Record, tally, and RealitiesPoliticalCommunism of 2. committeegivenExpand to #1 classmatesmayreportsto developwork towith or determinea otherstestCommittee of in howCommunist theC). effective school, government relatives,your reporting which etc. can was. be Give the test after your (The 3. they"...haveasInterview "Do do younot political the thinklike?"... man the onfreedom?" peoplethe street of the using U.S.S.R. a tape like recorder. their government ?" "...can get the government to change policies Ask such questions 5.4. onContactEuropeanInterview political thecountry any Sovietlife local aboutin embassy theimmigrants their U.S.S.R. for experiences. information from the Soviet on current Union politicalor other Easterninformation 7.6. JewishThroughIdentifysuch asNews, the freedom, various ReadersThe Ohio justice,publications Guide...locate Chronicle, human fromHaddasah, rights, and the compile Jewish dissent,etc. recentandpress anti-semitism,compile sucharticles asarticles The on etc.Clevelandtopics whirl: 8. sources.Comparedescribeto emigrate the the versions plightto Israel ofof theorpolitical otherJews incountries. life the asSoviet described Union, in especially Soviet and those non-Soviet who wish 45 STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITIES V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation D 1. analyzeaboutInterview what their parents,Soviet answers. government relatives, is and really friends like. and ask them to tell you SUGGESTED INFORMATION RETRIEVAL ACTIVITIES See to what extent their statements are true. Record, tally, and PoliticalCommunismRealities of 2. committeegivenExpand to #1 classmatesmayreportsto developwork towith ordeterminea otherstestCommittee of inhowCommunist theC), effective school, government yourrelatives, reporting which etc. can was. be Give the test after your (The 3. they"...haveasInterview "Do do younot political the thinklike?"... man the onfreedom?" thepeople street of theusing U.S.S.R. a tape likerecorder. their government?" "...can get the government to change policies Ask such questions 5.4. OnContactEuropeanInterview political thecountry any Sovietlife local aboutin embassy immigrantsthe their U.S.S.R. for experiences. informationfrom the Soviet on current Union orpolitical other Eastern information 7.6. JewishIdentifysuchthrough asNews, freedom, variousthe The Readers Ohio justice,publications Chronicle, Guide...locate human from Haddasah,rights, the and Jewishdissent, compileetc. pressand anti-semitism,recent compile such articles as articles The etc. Clevelandon whichtopics 8. sources.Comparedescribeto emigrate the the versions plightto Israel ofof theorpolitical otherJews incountries. life the asSoviet described Union, in especially Soviet end those non-Soviet who wish 45 STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITIES V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation 10. 9. UtilizingBillEvaluate of Rights backthe rightsissues (U.S.). ofof SovietCurrent citizens History, as develop compared a chronologywith the of major PoliticalCommunismRealities(Cant.) of Soviet political changes in terms of policy and personnel changes.

46 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation I. A.General Nature of Soviet Govamenc Union of Soviet Socialist CONTENT MATERIALEconomicComparcve PoliticalCommittee D OverPopulationComposedFederal 180 nationalitynation. ofexceeds fifteen 240 groups(15) million "union with people. 150republics". languages. WhitneyLoucksSystems & CommunismRealities(Cont.) of B. 2.1.Federal Powers ArmedwithJurisdiction foreignforces. nations.over all political and commercial relations FormulationTransportationBasic laborcriminal of laws. nationaland and communication civil economic legal procedure.plans.facilities. C:dM 10. 9.8.7. enterprisesControlAdministrationCollection of andallof all-unionofdistributionindustrial, bankingnational importance. system. andagricultural,of taxes. btAgets. and trading ControlOperation of ofmineralbasicmonetary all landinsurance wealth, system. tenure forests,facilities. principles. waters, and other resources. ElectElectsAppointsUniform Chairmen Supreme systemProcurator-General ofCourt Councilnational of U.S.S.R. of statistics. (chiefMinisters law ofenforcement U.S.S.R. officer). II. MajorA. Governmental Institutions 1.Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R. Bicameral legislative body. See chart, a. --representation--considers national directly Sovietlegislation. proportionate of the Union to population. 47 41 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation b. --greater proportionatepopulated representation areas.Soviet of to NationalitieS less densely CONTENT MATERIAL PoliticalRealitiesCommittee ofD 2. b.a.Composition--considers and Functi regional /ngislation.InHighest theory, legislative it resembles body. the U.S. Congress. Communism(Cont.) f.e.d.c. SupremeSovietOverIn theory, 1500 deputiesSoviet elected it ismeets serve bicameral,deputies. twice 4 year a consistingyear.terms. of two chambers. h.g. LegislationEach2/3chambers vote). Soviet (except must has be power1Constitutional passed to initiateby Majority amendments legislation. vote ofwhich both require k.j.i. IfboardDisagreementsThe conciliationtwo (similar Soviets between tohaveboard a U.S.equal AndSoviets Congressional futurepower. are handled Conference by a conciliation Committee). consideration' by both 3. Procedure - Supreme Soviet aSupremeSovietS new election Sovietfail to ofdissolves resolve deputies. disagreement,the Supreme Soviet the Presidium and calls of for the 4 b.a. CentralPresidiumelectionAnnouncing EleCtiOn (chairman)rules. the 'Commissions'election of the date. Supreme for the Soviet Union issuesformulate' a decree d.c. withVotingCentralother administering is localCommission, secret. political the subsidiary . subdivision republic commissions commissions are chargedand activitieseducation,Votingage, "irrespectiveright ". domicile, possesseci,by ofsocial race, all origin, nationality,citizens property eighteen sex, status religion,years or of post 49 V.STRA. A RetrievalInformati f. beA citizenin on election may vote day. in any electoral area he happens to CONTENT MATERIAL PoliticalCLmmittee D h.g. Initiallyorganization,societyCandidates of there workingmay etc.). bemay nominated peoplebe many (trade nomineesby any unions, public for Onecooperative organization office of youth deputyor CommunismRealities(Cont.) of i. nominationThetheto (actual fielda variouschamber is meetingselection narrowed nominatingof the attendedtakes Supremeto bodiesone place bycandidateSoviet. inelectoralat thethis politicalfor stage). representatives each officesubdivision. through of k.j. butPurposevotersA oflist toCommunist Ofgain whoof all finalacceptas seleCted andnear ballot ornon-party 100% reject candidateki issupport not thepeople') to blocfor determineis eachcandidates.preparedand submittedbloc who (calledcandidate. will to be 'blocthe elected Soviet n.m.1. CandidatesInvotesIn practice, theory, cast income arejection hiscandidate from election all of must walksa district.candidate receive of life more,is and nonexistent. thansome oneare halfnot of the E. 2.1.Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R.ConsistsElected by of the a chairman,Supreme Soviet' fifteen at deputy a joint memberschairmen session. of representing the Communist the Party. 4.3. byA constituent smallday head group of republics, inthe continuous government. a secretary session thatand fifteenfunctions additional as the dal, members. 5'. Themattersof agencyPresidiUmhASlaw bUtwhen forpartially the making theSupreme poweroncurrent administrativeinatters.Soviet to decisionsissue is not decrees in chiefly session. having on legislativethe full force 6. PresidiumSoviet. actions are subject to ratification by the Supreme 50 ' STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation D C. 2.1.Council of Ministers executiveOrganizationally,In practice, body itin isthe also SovietCouncil a legislative government. of Ministers body is that the issueshighest RealitieSPoliticalCommunism of 4.3. ImportantofJt the'rders is Supremeresponsible ordersand decreesSoViet and for decrees andwith carrying the the are'Presidium. full outcountersigned forcethe legislative of law. by the dictates (Cont.) 6.5.7. ofMiniatersCoundilChairManTheCentral Chairman Committeemembership of Council fromis elected theof includes of theconstituent Ministers byCommunist thethe SupremeChairman, is republics,Party. national Soviet. fifteen andhead heads Chairmanof state. of CaC: D. 2.1.Supreme Court of the Soviet Union CourtSupervisesother workingof final all 'agencies appeal.judicial subordinateagencies and io activitiesthe 'Council. in country. 4.3. Lower'Membersa.five Courts'.year of Supremeterms. Court elected by SupremeelectedSupreme Soviet bycourtfor respective in each republicof the constituent supreme soviets. republics b. .Lowest courts called People's Courts.3)2)1) EstablishedCourtPeople's composed JuitidevhaVa in allof onecity legallyequal districts tworight trained IlAtrained' andto dissentruraljudge People's areas.and and Justices. E. 2.1.State Procurator General of the U.S.S.R.SupremeResponsible Soviet for appointsformal enforcement State Procurator of laws. General for can outvote judge. 3. ProcuratorsconstituentState7 year Procuratorterm. with republics'who State General ProcuratOr appointsin 'turn, General's state appoint procurators permission. local and ofdistrict 51 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation 4. Procuratorsconstituent function republics. tnrough Ministry of Justice in CONTENT MATERIAL RealitiesPoliticalCommittee of D III. A.Communist Party of the,Soviet Union (CPSU)party1. Membership a.Open to all Soviet citizens who Accept party program. Communism(Cont.) d.c.b.e. Work,AcceptCarry'Take in anrules out oneactive allof the partypart manyparty. partypromoting organizations. party objectives. 2. Mosth.f.g. members f011osi a normal route to fullPayGiveHave party priorityfaith dues. in tovalues party of considerations Communist society. in membership in all matters. 4.3. localQualificationsFullandthe the partypaktYand young district membershipthroOgh Communist of prospective partyjunior attainable League.officials. bodies member atsuch' age are as 23. scrutinizedthe young Pioneers by B. Party6'.5. Organization, C.P.S.U. areApproximately'Prospective party members. members 16 Million Must 'have'of the 2 or24O 3 MIllionparty sponsors. Soviet citizens 2.1. principleTheagencyOrganizational smalleat there that partyshallfor structure every unitbe a geographiciscorresponding of called the party aor cell. functionalbodyis based of the on government party.the 52 17 All Union Congress of the(1 Communistvotingbodies delegate Party ,for everyfrom subsidiary6000 party members) Central Committee of the(195 Communist votingorAll-Union 4 Partymonths),members Congress, elected meetsby the every 3 Secretariat of the Central 1 Committee of the .CommunistPresidium Party of the Central CoMmittee(Elected oforganization)secretaries;a `.'First bythe the Communist Central Secretary" 1n chargeCommittee;Party and of2 party (Elected by the Central Committee) V.STRATEGY Information 3. Theoretically, the highest governing body of the party is the CONTENT MATERIAL PoliticalCommitteeRetrieval. D Alla. Union Congress of the Communist Party.e.g.Supposed --no meetingsto meet everyheld betweenthree years 1538 tobut 1952. meets only--24th--23rd infrequently. Congress held in 1971.1966. CommunismRealities(Cont.) of C. 2.1.Central Committee of the Communist PartyBody195b. membersgives party and 125top alternatesdirection throughelected meetingsbyElects the All membersheld Union every ofCongress. the3 or Central Committee. 5.4.3. MembershipSometimesReceive4 months. and consistsdebate ratify and ofPolitburo modifytop party Politburo recommendations. and government recommendations. officials. D. Secretariat6. of the Central Committee b.a.Central Committee elects: The PolitburoSecretariat (Presidium) InstructionsFirstHasConsists day Secretary to of day 11 flow controlmemberscontrols downward ofelected subordinate party and byreportsorganization. the bodies. Central and information Committee. flow upward E. 2.1.Politburo (Presidium, Political Bureau FunctionsofConsiststhroughout the Central asof thethe11 Committee) memberspartytop policy-making structure. elected by executiveCentral Committee. committee. IV. A.Democracy Rationale and for the a Sovietone-party One-Party system. Political3. System issuePolitburo confronting discussions the Sovietyield theUnion. right policy for the party on any Asmeans"that time ofafter goes production theon theexpropriation social-politicalsociety gradually of large-scale unit moves of towardtheprivate new homogeneity. societyownership becomes of... the 54 CONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation D politicalbasisstronger for platforms,theand politicalstronger. let parties...alone In opposing thosehaving conditions differentplatforms. thereideological is no socialand The trend toward Soviet Union communismRealitiesPolitical of B. Major1.socialista one-party arguments society." system against can one-partytherefore systembe regardedmayNo bematter inas the quitewhat Soviet thenatural constitutionalsystem, in a in practice, provisions they fordo notcivil adhere liberties to them. Today,1966, Oct.p. 6 (Cont.) V. POLITICAL REALITIES #1 2. fullBy its and very true nature, democracy. inherently a one-party system cannot practice Myth:Reality:Revolution. The Russian revolutionIn was the the course world's of hisfirst life, successful Marx kept Marxist changing his mind about Does worldjustifyconflict a A.whatsomething he did inand Marx did fornot everyonewant. even if it'islwParetothey Thus contradictory. resemble- one"The can statements birds,see what while ofone Karl fromwants Marxanother to aresee view likein Marx, theybats, lookuninhibited from like one mice".angle by Therefore, it is possible to find a little Goldman weedpolice"forceastate out"secret tohaving 2. ownusuallyThisUsingwhat rules, reallyshouldsuch oppose whichleeway, mighthave authority; in been be Marx'sturn there. expected. appear inevitablyfollowers imposedbecause setthey authorityoffby tend theiron toall naturetosubstitute kinds younger revolutionariesof tangents.their p.EconomyThe 15 Soviet spies? ReferenceaConcept Frame of B. proletariatwasAsIn a virtuallyRussia,tactic, who Leninthis heretical would wasbroadened leadperfectly because the the Revolution. reasonable;Marxrevolutionary alwaysrevolutionaries. however,argued base tothat as include Marxism,it was the the this peasants. The peasants were usually thought to be too conservative. 55 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation C. Marxismfor predominantlymay have appealed agricultural to the Russian. countries. CONTENT AsMarxism a result, vie the character not intended MATERIAL PoliticalRealitiesCommittee ofp POLITICAL REALITIES #2 revolutionaryandof Communistneeds scdoctrine thatgovernment in ofthe and hadextreme for to 04be case, alteredpeasants it hasto than fit'become thelocal proletariat.more circumstances the Communism(Cont.) I.Czar and Commissar: throughRussia's a Communistsskillful conspiracy did not start carried the outrevolution with utmost of March secrecy, 1917 BrGth,.rs under the skin p.SovietSalisbury 9-17 Union some believe. ofpeople.The the (Keret:Sky)revolution Czar. wasgovernmen actually that a spontaneousbriefly held reaction 'Owe* after by the the Russian overthrow The Communist overthrew the weak, revolutionary B. vague1.theAfter unclearoutline the successful pronouncementsof Communist coup goals, ofof NovemberKarl his Marx. vagueness 1917,Marx's Lenin onlydirectly offeredplan reflectedwas only that'after a the bourgeoisie (middle class) 2. Whenforcessocietyrevolution(proletariat) the ended,'Leninstrugglein,whic overthrew wouldbetween had thetake not thefeudal power evolvedBolsheviks order,in itsany theownandclear workinghanisanti-Communist plan to orclass create method a all men were politically and socially equal. C. Cze:AstThe1. Soviet Russia. Union has 1 continuity of problemsAfterfor andachievingthe methodsB31shevik that with Revolution,egalitarian whichsociety. was supposed to emancipate Czaristsand dignify elite the were working carried class, ,over many into social Soviet customs society. of the 56 STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. RetrievalInformation 3.2. TheforIndustrialization purges, under thesecret Czars police,projects were adoptedand considered prison by thecamps necessary Soviet which government. andhad plannedbeen UnionTheSalisbury Soviet PoliticalCommunismRealitiesCommittee ofD POLITICAL REALITIES #3 eachcharacteristic successive ofSoviet Czarist regime. were maintained by p. 9-16 (Cont.) I.Bow The Soviet Union Is Ruled ThisPoweror transfer groupis vested uses authority. inno anclear-cut constitutional (rule Of 'the methods few). to confer p.Ibid. 17-27 B.A. The.CommunistthoseAlthough highest found thereParty inadministrative constitutionsisactually a constitution dominates and of policydemocratic with all makinc'provisionsgovernmental countries, organ similar ofactivities. thethe to party C. Anycourse,governmentSovietis changesthe Union. Presidium;no rtoughthandare indirectlyin itbymaking isthe the mysteriousthemannounced oligarchy - by such tomachinations thatthe subtle peopleactually means ofwho rulesthe'as have, the of D. Changesarestories,omitting arrayed of orthe membershipatchanging name public of theaevents:in hitherto theorder oligarchy in prominent which almost officials' figure invariably from portraits newspaper come,useabout any secretthrough means police, toa disorderlyline and up keysupport power party ofstruggle secretaries. thehand,Stalin big in power killing whichnamed groupings contenders theor imprisoningPresidium - and any ruled rival it or with opponent. an iron 57 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation 2. Khrushchev triumphed over the triumvirate that sought 'CONTENT 3RIAL PoliticalCommittee D Then,toMarshalretainto the hold havingKreMlin powerZhukov, power ain todemonstration afterwhoa overturn1957 brought Stalin's struggle a in'Preaidiumof death, centralZhukov'sin which and committeevote hemanaged against membersto Khrushchev. power, Khrushchev was aided by RealitiesCommunism(Cont.) of 3. Brezhnev.KhrushchevPartlyofdeposed the because grainhim.- out cropof powerthe in Cuban1963, in 1964 debaclethe and'presidium installedin 1962 secretly and Kosygin the and voted failure E. 1.theon,In world.withthe interimpotentially betteeen dangerous single effects rulers, fortheitsThere the struggleefficiency. isSoviet confusion for Union inand the top levels of govetament, power godsimpairing F. beRecently moving2. awaylfromthere,have this been medieval indications thatmayadvanceThere theplay Sovietis politics theira possibility Union personal with intercontinental thatdrives ambitious for missiles power. men in the Kremlin in order to miglIt 1. a.fromSoviet office. statesmen are no longer shot whenbeenKhrushchev they subjected to recriminations that was removed with some iegard for statutes And has system. are rather mild. are removed I.TERROR :Terror AS Ais SYSTEM the linchpin OF POWER of modern, .A. What diatinguishei twentieth. century totalitarianism -- Merle Fainsod from MendelArticleFainsod The by appears SovietMerle in butuseearlier rather of terror patterns their and high ofa secretmoredevelopment primitive police as dictatorship instruments isof notcontrol 58 as an organized system of power. the Crucible p. 354-376 V.STRATEGY Information B. W.u. 121:: ...pargence of totalitarianism, terror has become CONTENT hATERIAL PoliticalCommitteeRetrieval D C. Theelaboratelytotalitarianspreadcratic large-scale itsapparatus institutionalized,net terror organizationalover and themachine specialized whole introduces rationalizationhasrange professionalism,developed of society.a new its dimensionof ownthe and bureau- hasof (Cont.)CommunismRealities of D. Terrorwithofcold-blooded awhich spontaneotsis not even theefficiency the onlyand chaoticmethod and terror calculatedbyJacquerie. which takes a violencetotalitarianon the character in comparison regime maintains2.1. itself in power: controlsTheLoyaltyappointed skillful and in places.devotionwhich totalitarian indoctrination must alsodictator be andelicited. weaves incentives a complex have webtheir of 4.3. aggressionbeWhenAgitationappeals consolidated discontent toandmay self-interest propagandaexhaust byaccumulates, providing itself., may may scapegoats"loyalty"rally enlist fanatic the toon energies. thewhomsupport, regime frustrated andmay 5. criticismexpressionnonorganizedpermitThe shrewd ventilation of astotalitarian bureaucraticcharacter: the Soviet of grievances dictatorship dictatorshipmalpractice of a mayordoesnonpolitical inefficiency.go when further it,sanctions and and It may even institutionalize such II. Yet ultimately the totalitarian dictatorisoperative,instrumentsafeguard known must to depend his ofaboveexist. terrormonopoly onall, terror can even,when,notof always be found, visible ready by thefor mereuse whenfact needed,that it Behind the totalitarian facade, the III. Because the totalitarian regime provides no legitimateorthe eliminate expression channel its of illegrl forpolitical existence. dissent, its constant concern is to prevent 59 Bendelp.Soviet 354-376 Crucible The STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation D A.B. ofomnipresentThein society espionageiseCietPolice in and andan pervasiveominous terrorbecomes andcloud forcethe uses core--complishof which fearsuspicion of envelopstotqlitarianas thisapolitical and purpose, everyinsecurity. power, weapon.sector it anrecruits its specialist_ PoliticalRealities of C. earsThe taskof the of dictatorship,the secret police as well is toas serveits sword. as the eyes and , Communism(Cont.) IV. Violence is accepted as implicit inA. theclass Communist struggle: concept of the Assembly,As Lenin said"Violence in defending when it theis committeddissolution by ofthe the toiling Constituent and B. nameitsThisexploited sanctificationofinstrumental thetne masses party.working is attitude whenclassthe employedkind and toward ofby violencetheby violence theParty Communist of leadershipprepares which Partywe the approve."in inwaythe the for V. The A. Soviet rationalization1.The safety of ofthe terror revolution embraces as, twothe centralsupremeIn propositions.thelaw. words of Lenin, "The Soviet Republic is a fortress B. the secondrevolution, reason the 'emphasized necessity theof crushingintransigencebesiegedtheand them war."our completelyof byduty theworld toenemies mobilizecapital if of the whole population to a man for From this follows our right VI. beComeThethirties. real fully significance manifest' until of Stalin's the period theory of' ,theofthe Soidet revolutionGreat terror,Purge itself in did the notis not to be destroyed. A. Theleadership.servethat liquidation theas asalient bulwark of rolethe of Olddefenseof terrorBolsheviks for in his Stalinist made own itmonopoly altogetherideology of Partywas clear to 60 V.STkATEGY RetrievalInformation 1. theSince Party, this StalinIrwolc:d was establishing faced with thea regime problem of ofterror reconciling within CONTENT MATERIAL PoliticalRealitiesCommittee of 2. anyThehisforeignreserved problemwaainnovationform ofespionage. for opposition the'neatlywith class the and totraditionalenemy. Stalinruthlessly with notion solvedcounterrevoltion that by Identifyingterror was and Communism(Cont.) 3. Theoutside. toformula embrace of thecapitalist enemylong"It inside should encirclementas capitalist the be Partyremembered proved encirclementas well elasticand es the existsenough enemy there will be Stalin put it as follows: never forgotten that as INSTRUMENTS OF SOVIET TERROR behindwreckers,intelligence the diversionists,frontiers services of ofthe spies, foreign Soviet terrorists, states."Union of thesent II. I. LeninintimateIn(secret prerevolutionary quickly familiaritypolice). decided days,thatwith thethethe BolsheviksoperationsBolsheviks would ofhad the occasionhave Czarist to developto Okhrana acquire their an p.CrucibleTheBendel 354-476 Soviet B.A.own Okhrana. OnorganizationdecreeIn December a memorandum establishing 20, to 1917,move dated againstthethe December ChekaCouncil counterrevolution or 19-20, ofAll-Russian People's 1917, LeninCommissars Extraordinaryand sabotage.called approved for Commission. the a 2.1. AtisChekaWorkers, theharmful "aboutsame soldiers, totime, organizationsthe a.Revolution." and system peasants andof revolutionaryindividual were instructed persons tribunals to whose inform-the was activity characterestablished of tosabotage investigate and counterrevolution. and try offenses which bore the 61 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation 3. ChekaAs the spread White itsRussian net more'forces widely began and to turned rally to.their sterner strength, the CONTENT measures. MATERIAL RealitiesPoliticalCommittee of D C. aiaaasinatediOn August 30, and1918, Lenin Uritsky, was seriously the head wounded.of inseekOnthe oneFebruary Petrogradout, form arrest, or22, Cheka,another 1918, and shootthewith Cheka counterrevolutionaryimmediately ordered all members18bal organizations." soviets connected "to was 'Communism(Cont.) D. As1. the Cheka broadened the scope of its activities,Thea. attack onit Uritskyalso jealously and Lenin unleashedand'WhiteIn Petrograd Guards" alone, were more immediately than five shot.hundred "counterrevolutionaries mass reprisals. I.BolsheViktoresisted set itself cirolea.any interference above and beyond with Itsthe claimed 10 legalAfteraroused authority. limitsthe end,of and restraintsthe Civil War an effort on Cheka operations. was made to impose concern even in Its tendency III. AdminietiationtransferringissuedOn February a decree 8,its 1922, abolishingfunctions, the All-Russian theto aCheka newly andCentral created its localExecutive State Political Committee organs and A. 1.FirstThe mass Five incidence Year Plan of wasOGPU most arrosts widely during feltonThe involved 'theinthe commitment the groundperiod countryside.a decision that ofto the collectivizethey to wereliquidate inveterate and mechanizethe,kulas enemies agriculture of as a class, p.CrucibleTheHendel 354-376 Soviet 2. moreconstitutedStalincollectivization.Soviet than estimated powerone about3million and incould percentNovember,of thebe twenty-fivecountedof 1928the ruralthaton tOsabot4e million thepopulation peasant or families. 3. Northland,The and OGPU confiscatingSiberia. was assigned their the ,property task of ejectingand deporting them fromthem totheir the 62 V.,STRATEGY RetrievalInformation a. resistedSome of thearrest more or recalcitrant responded with were violence shot when to theyefforts CONTENT MATERIAL RealitiesPoliticalCommittee of D b. whichmines,sentencedTheto dispossess great thetor,On OGPU tomajority canals, forceddirected.them. becamerailroads,labor inward lumber andof theother camps OGPU public or and coal wereworks Communism(Cont.) B. IntroducedVASThe given powers authorityin of large the OGPUareasto enforce were of theconcurrently the Soviet obligatory Union c.enhanced. atpassport the end system of 1932. Atlargest one stroke, pool ofthe labor OGPU inbecaMe the Sovietthe master Union. of the The OGPU IV. A.ofIn Internal July, 1934, Affairs, the OGPUor NKVD. was transformedThe intofor enlarged statethe People's security, activities Commissariat all of penal the NKVDinstitutions, included responsibilityfire departments, B. FOroffices.internalpolice, the firstmilitia,security, time, convoy 'highway all institutionstroops, administration, frontier of detention guards, and civil troopswere registry placed of Bendel C. militaryTheformidableunder Gieat,Purge,(1934-1939) one formations jurisdiction.structure were of powerunited was with cemented. the ordinary police. A The secret police and their supporting p.CrucibleThe 354-376 Soviet 1. morestrikingthedisappeared1934 than'bite to one deCline 2,044,412of out thefrom ofoffink the everyinparty phasepartyApril, fourmembership ofrolls. 1936. membersthe purge from and is2,807,786 indicated in byJanuary, the In a little over two years, candidates 2. inmostTheleadership the Greatdrathatic course Purge was Ofexternal reached officiallywhich everymanifestationits discreditedclimax trace inof wastheOld and theperiod exterminated. series 1936-1938. 63 Bolshevik opposition of show trials Its V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation 3. phase,The crescendo which extendedof the Great from 'Purgelate September, was reached 1937, in secondwhen Yezhov CONTENT MATERIAL 'RealitiesCommittee of D a.eventualwhenwas appointedLavrenti successor. Beriahead ofwas the designated NKVD, until as Yezhov'StheterrorThe end period ofdeputywithout July, of and theparallel1938, Yezhovshchina 'in 'Soviet involved history. a reign of Communism(Cont.) b. notwasPartysubstantialAmong onlydestroyed. and those former government proportionarrested; oppositionists hierarchy. imprisoned,of the 'but leading manyand figuresexecutedof the mostin were the a The roll of Y2zhov's victims included The Bolshevik Old Guard D. Howorganize does one a bloodexplain bath the of Purge? such frightening proportions? lofty,withstalWart the was opposition. eepportereleft untouched. of Stalin in his protracted struggle No sphere of Soviet life, howeverWhat motives impelled Stalin to 1. wasfromandpartlyThe more forslaughterthis as probablyall direction.a, anydrastic of IA:Mende&possibility the reprisalBolshevik ai of preVentivefor resistanceOld past Guard insubordination; measure mayor challengebe toviewed end onceit p.CrucibleTheHendel 354-376 Soviet 2. systemPartytofathom.The Stalin extension andof denunciationsgovernmental was pUtof thein question,Purge apparatusin the to course the oris thatStalinistmuch of awhichmore number stalwarts difficulttheir were loyalty still into the It is possible that many fell victim to the 3. Implicitoppcsitionists,tracesinvolved ofin in independenceany official understandingthat some or in personalwere their of liquidated thedealings relationships Purge becausewithis a the theorywith they Supreme former ofdisplayed the Leader. role of terror in Stalin's formula of government. 64 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation a. Theorsystem consolidationpotential depends competitors on of the personal constant for rulesupreme elimination in apower. totalitarian of all actual CONTENT MATERIAL RealitiesPoliticalCommittee ofD b.c. Thebasetotal individuals tooof sway.powerstrongly is or byentrenched groups definition who official go a uncontrolledthreat with to anthe independentand 's Communism(Cont.) 4. Thea. function of terror is two fold: oppositionItconspiratorialundirected is designed in are the tointrigue. regardedbud. nip any as possiblt: fertile soilresistance for growth or of b. ofpersonalAslizationtoward anoffice instrument ensuring power holdersof autonomous of for perpetualinthe the'order dictator, islands reinforcement tocirculation forestall itof iscountervailing directed ofinthe the crystal- ranks force. E. As1.finally the fury became of the alarmed. Purge mounted, Stalinwas itselfEvidenceand being his and irretrievablyintimatesaccumulated that much talentthat lost. the sorely Purge needed was over-reaching by the regime 2. a.CentralresolutionThe first Committee. signalof the ofJanuary, a change 1938 of plenumpolicy Theofwas the resolutiongiven Party in a identified a new culprit, the Communist- p.CrucibleTheHendel 354-376 Soviet b. primarilybyItofcareerists, securing theirwas these responsiblesuperiors. promotions whocareerists, sought for through to sowingthe make resolutionprovocatory suspicioncapital outcharged, anddenunciations of insecurity the who purge were within Party ranks. 65 -4141CO STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL 02zits2"< V. RetrievalCommitteeIt D c. Thereinstatementstimea newimmediate thepurge Communist ofeffect ofso-called honest Pressof this CoCommunist-careerists.began to carry stories of the unists who 'had been the ,c..:-.14 -ou was to produce At the same 11, CommunismRealitiesPolitical of 3. pagingeuzers.a.The third and final phase of the Great PurgeInunfortunate' late involved July, victim* the1956, Yezhov'sof unjustified sun began denunciations. to set when Beria took (Cont.) b. Duringoffromover the aswhichtheNKVD his same and postdeputy. monthappointed he soon came disappeared Commissarthe sensational for unmourned Inland announcement Waterbut not Transport, forgotten.of the In DeceMber, Yezhov was ousted as head c. roleItandarrest,from was aof groupinnocentnow scapegoattrial, the of turnhisandprisoners. for examinersshootingof theYezhov excess of forand the ofextracting'his headthe collaborators Purge.of thefalse NKVD confessions toof playMoldavia the A wave of arrest opO sreetingforCedtorturedspreadfill their withlaborthrough by former fotmeithesecamps. the same NKVDtormenters examinersexaminers,organization. as hadcell many the mates prisoners welcome imprisons experiencewho had and been of The prisons began to d. methods.aThe 1)substantial "GreatPrisoners Change" ameliorationwere asreleased it was it wereby soonprison the restored,to thousands, conditionsbecome toknown, oldand and positioCs many wasexamining marked or byeven promoted. TheCrucibleBendel Soviet 4. a.ofStalin mercy now and presented justice. himself in the guisebreakwhoExcesses ofhad thethe exceeded indiesOlUbledispenserof the theirPurge linkauthority,were whichblamed boundsabOteurs on subordinate Leader who and had officialspeople, tried toand To7.-T5-47.576 subvertthemselvescareerists and intoandundermine coUnterrevolutiOnariesthe Party the Sovietand NKVD regime. organizations who had instituted in order to 66 V.STRATEGY Information EDITOR'S NOTE: .,,.ter died in 1953, Beria became CONTENT MATERIAL PoliticalCommitteeRetrieval D POLITICAL REALITIES #4 triedDeputy onPremier. charges of treason, and executed. He was arrested four months later, CommunismRealities(Cont.) of I.STALIN: A.Stalin:, PolitbureauA madeCASE majorSTUDY policyIN THE decisions.ACQUISITION OF POWERThe leader and the party. TheDaniels Stalin C.B. Fromandparty'sThe distributeOrgbureau1919, personnel, 'Stalin (Organizationthroughout wasit wasthe theonlyfree Bureau) army perMarteutto calland was theup, in liaison civildirectcharge service.officer toof work,the p.Revolution 1-7 LeninforStalin'sEditor's thissponsored post.Note:candidacy D. Aprilbetweencoordination.Secretaryimmersed 3, the1922 in ofPolitbureau the-the Stalin dailyCentral was affairsand Committee.elevated the ofOrgbureau the to party.the -post Stalin of Generalwas His chief job would be j F.E. moreThe1.In seventhematerial General member poWer Secretariatpolitbureau of management (Stalin'swas theand brainsdirections. newThe position) ofsecretariat the Soviet resided prepared Union. the the agenda for each session of 3.2. Theunderthe secretariat politbureau.debate. couldsupplied twist the the documentation practical execution on every ofpoint G. Leninists4.Stalin essentially power sources, interested not in thein theLeninist practicalrarelySimilarthe laboratory politbureau's acquire bodiesuse of independentexistofthe thought. decisions. in any authority. sovernmental machinery but H. Politburedunotto sothe with vigilant probably' Stalin--he and thrown astute no longerinto Lenin. disarray had to accountby Lenin's for death- what he- did 67 V.STRATEGY Information I. Stalin moves for more power. CONTENT MATERIAL 'CommitteeRetrieval D 3.2.1. WhenHeRelight packedexplained complaints of theparty actsoffides werestatutes of registeredrepressionwith of his the friends. withagainsttenth the and malcontentspolitbureau, eleventh partyin Stalin the congresses. (Cont.)'CommunismRealitiesPolitical of 4. Therecordspolitbureau andremindedPersonnel' the,Orgbureau of thethe was department membersparty'i to passwere of"key policykeptin the Chargemen". soliddivision decisions; offileavith'Most party of responsibilities:the personnel. General detailed Secretariat The b.a. theandItThethroughout had capitalpersonnelplace the ofpower to the residLce departmentthe wildernessorder at spreadmember:3'U)the shortestof aSiberia. network change notice, of theirbranches to occupationshift from 5.6. a.Revolution).CommunistprovincialThe General fearparty Secretary of leaders. a Russian was also usurper responsible (likeThe Napoleon usurperfor appointments wouldin the tIrObablY French of be a personality possessed of 'brilliance3)2)1) and legendry fame won in battles.TheStalin'sIt maskcertainly of strength Bonaparte didn't resulted fitseemed Stalin. fromto fit the Trotsky fact thatall toohe seemedwell. 7. .Stalin's chief characteristids (priorb.a. to gaining control of 'Ruseia) MOdest.Quiet - did not confide his innermost thoughtsharmless to -anyone. Stalin was disarming. f.e.d.c. GiftUnsurpassedSeeMedCultivated of one:1de.itvlack, athis the contacts.egotism. art of patiently listening. g. neitherhasPrivate no other sports,life vices.beyond nor woMen"...Brazhavov.reproach - "This passionate politician 68 Re loves neither money, nor pleasure, p.RevolutionTheDaniel 4 Stalin STRATEGY' CONTENT MATERIAL V. RetrievalInformation h.1. HemoreNor never didtolerant Stalseemed -1than toat imposebefitted4ny'time his aimpress viewsBolshevik onpeople his leader. colleagues.(wining RealitiesPoliticalCommitteeCommunism ofD II. uponIn 1929,her second five yearsrevolution, after Lenin'swhichj was death, directed Soviet solely Russia and embarked withBe checkedthe majority. which way the wind was blowing and voted (Cont.) ThePOLITICAL. Stalin REALITIESRevolution #5 exclusively by Joseph Stalin. II. I. TheA. strugglesproblem of with industrial the right' development. opposition.Stalin caught between Marxism and Russian backwardness. warfpoliticaldifferencesAre are? these policy or III. NewA. man in Soviet psychology. StalirciMposesepecialStalin's fight with the Controls Bukhanin on Group. intelleCtual life - TheDaniels Stalin IV. A.Economics and personality. Therewriters, is reasonartists, to scientistsdoubt that andStalin's communist high theorists.speed program p.Revolution. 1-73 V. A.The fate of workers. Destructionwasthe really ' the of mostlabor conditionseffective unions and pathof dismal working to industrialization. deterioration and living. in Hiragic sourawareness grapes? or VI. A.The crackdown on the Party. entitled,Excerpts fromThe Letteran anonymously of An Old published Bolshevik. lecter 69 in New York STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL v. RetrievalCommitteeInformation D POLITICALB. REALITIES #6 - CAS:: STUDY CommunistReveal e sense leader of intotal the disi,.:;u1.;i:xeurU.2.S.R. felt by a former CommrnismRealitiesPolitical(Cont.) of Academician:APPEALto the IN Sovit=t SOVIET governmentASKS FOR DEMOCRATIZATIONasking more Andrei D. Sakharov has written a 4,000 word appeal for intellectuals. administrativesuppresseslegitimate"The desire thisand of pressure,natural", desirethe intelligentsia - bydismissalsthe introducing letter to andContinued, have va#61.4seven greater- the "the restrictions,holding freedrymstate, of however,istrials." Source: POLITICALboundsmental"How caninasylums REALITIEStheone areajustifyof persons of#7 ideasthe whoseimprisonment, and convictions?"opposition the is detentionstill within An cawslegal and AprilcolumnpageNew York3,3, 21970 Times A.Anti-Semiciam in the Soviet Union Stanley Lowell, co-chairman of Ameri.m Jewish Conference on B. withincontinuingOtheragainstSoviet theJewish Jewry, the Soviet suppression risingleaders appealed Union. ride deplored ofto of Jewisha antiSemiismcongressional what cultural they indescribed andhearingthe spiritualSoviet wasfor thehelpUnion. rights pageAprilcolumnNewSource: 15, York14, 8 1970Times 70 V.STRATEGY I__urmacion POLITICAL REALITIES #8 CONTENT MATERIAL PoliticalCommitteeRetrieval D hungerstrikeTheSOVIET parents PARENTS-EID ofhe Yakovbegan SON Kazakovseveral END FAST appealeddays AT ago UNITED toon himtheir NATIONS today behalf to outside end a CommunismRealities(Cont.) of MeirSonia,UnitedIosif of Israel, NationsmadeKazakov, the requestingheadquarters. appealan unemployed in thata cablegram itMoscow be delivered engineeraddtassed andto to their hisPremier wife, son Golda by NewSource: York Times thatfastIsrael'sIn theirthiswould United will cablegram,help takeNationsthem time leavethe representative. andparents the 'f'rther Soviet expressed continuationUnion confidence- but theyof the added hunger that the columnpageApril 5, 1,1 1970 RIGAPOLITICALstrike JEW'S is REALITIESsenselessLETTERS CHARGE #9and will PERSECUTION only harm your health." howThreefrom he lettershiswas jobpersecuted writtenwere made forby public ahis 33 religiousyear here old this Sovietbeliefs weA. Jew and describing dismissed from NewSource: York Times proceedingsRiga,Thethwartedfor writer; YamLatvia Kipper. in for Mendel saidattempts "parasitism" he G. had Gordin,to beenemigrate if dismisseda hemedical todid Israel. not forlaboratory find asking a job forsupervisor and a He added that he had been threatened with The letters were addressed day offhad been criminal columnpageApril 60, 5,7 1970 to Secretary General Thant of the United Nations. 71 STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITY V. 'COMmitteeRetrievAlInformation E 1. copiesContact of the theirSUGGESTED Americar translated INFORMATIONConsulate series General, RETRIEMcovering Hong ACTIVITIES impOrtant Kong, for articles CommunistIntroduction China to 2. ofContactcopyfrom Communist of mainland Chinarecent Chinese Books BackgroundChina and books,newspapers Periodicals, Reports pamphlets, and magazines.San and Francisco, magazines forprinted catalog selected topics. Also ask for a 3. RepublicTime,Utilizein English Newsweek, magazinesof thatChina. e;:eetc. such forfor as salecurrent Current at reasonablearticles History, on Foreignprices. the Peoples Affairs, 5.4. MaorequestContactResearch Tse-tung, backgroundthe a biographical UnitedChiang papersStatesKai-shek, study andMission Suncurrentof theinformation Unitedleaders Nations suchabout as U.S.and 6. inSenateContactforeign American Foreignpolicythe foreignOffice towardRelations ofpolicy boththe Committee PresidenttowardChinas. the for and two information the Chinas. Chairman about of theshifts 72 STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. RetrievalInformation Traditional4China:. Confucian Ideals and Greeki4hileValues philosopher the Westernvoild 'Socrates, was the.coming Chinese under sage Chinese lords and scholars. the humanist influence of the Confucius (B.C. 551-479) ChinatoIntroductionCo- Communist Attee E A.B.was teaching ethics to the toTheprinciplesBy theirthe upper time position classesvereschOOledas' of theChrist, inbasic the the element.ofgovernment Chinese in thetheir value system. had come toof acceptChina, ConfucianConfucianism became Confucian anssies, and due C. ConfucianistsBetween1.thehasic the of third politicalbut and'tenthnever hadideology. centuries,a strong exturip/eConfudiam andidealswere through thepassed teaching on the of lowerupper class influence over Chinesethe economic Buddhists challenged classes through scholar officials. 'Political1.or political action. life, for Buddhism The guideruling for elites their continued decision-making to cling to Confucian values as a made no concrete proposals for process. EndFord, Four Tradition II.. B.A.The Sayings Of cppfucius. ConfuciusleariingConfucius said:, and Said:. practice "BY naturethat set men them are pretty much "A young manes duty is to be loyal to apart:" alike; it is his parents p.Societies 266-268 C. himselfConfuciusat with,home andhumanity.", said:, respectful to his elder and',, While overflOwingvith love for "My teaching contains one principle abroad, to be cautious and all men, to associate that rims through E.D. magnanimity.(generosity),ConfuciustoCOnfuciuslaid:it ,alldo to -- yOp." namesloyalty the and five reciproCity." goodvirtues: faith, not do to ,others what 'you would not want ConfuCiUs said: diligenceand kindness." "Courtesy, other's 'F. ,Confuciusin sOid: "TO be able. to 'thepractice Werld'ConstituteshuthavitY." 73 these five,v4rtued everywhere STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. 'RetrievalinformationCommittee E ThI. e Extended Family--ChinaA.Attheir a minimum, married.sons it included together the withparents, the latter'sOftentheirand thirditunmarried wivesincluded cousins. and children, achildren. fourth andand fifth generation as well as second GiantTheFitzgerald China ChinstoIntroduction(Cont.) Communist C.B. ThelandofconnectedEach extendedolder thesubordinate familymenby family aof common shouldten family was helped courtyard. runbuy, usually by settlewhich the lived professionssuchfather, inquestions its althougha ownthe assetsons what familyof should rooms,additional council follow, p. 16-18 O ofhaveextendedWhat a impactRevolutionaryon the family would,spread the E.D. Thesuperio::contributingInand family linewhom withto thefunctioned the sonstothe women, the teachingsand commonas daughtersand an the economicbudgetof olderConfuctus, should and unit,persons sharing.inmarry. thewith to men eachthe thewere younger. male lamily's considered member O Doctrine? I.COMMUNIST CHINA: The United States was not surprised when incomeCommunist and Chinaproperty. exploded its Introduction CommunistSchwartz A.:ieadlineRebellion)first atomic news. the bombfact inthat October the Chinese 1964. couldfromCommunist shoot Southeast straight China's Asia wasmilitary and India power to Siberiais now aand threat Japan. to all its neighbors, But in 1900 (during the Boxer p.,China 1-6 II. CommunistB. China teaches its people that KoreanThethe effectivenessU.S. War isin 1950its greatest- -51.of Che enemy.armed might was demonstrated in the III. ChineseA. Communist hostility to the U.S. hasChina,Anti-American a number and is of fosteredhatred is in instilled every way. in the nursery in Communist bases beyond conflicting ideologies. 74 sTslitEcy CONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInforMation E A.B. XhiangThethe CommunistsKai U.S.Chinese -speck Seventhgave Communieisinwhich Military late Fleet retreated 1948. helpsduringand financial toprotect the the Chinese Island thesupport anti-Communist civilof Taiwanto war,troops (Formosa) won fightingregime by the of China(Cont.)toIntroduction oMMuniSt p: AmericanJapanTheafter vreSence itsis imperialism. citeddefeat of by'American on Chinese the mainland., Communisttroops in propagandaSouth 'Vietnam, as "proof" South Korea, of current and IV. A..B.vastly EvenChina's asideimportant. 735 from milliOn'people the threat ofmake war up between almostIf East aCommunieit quarter and West, of China humanity. China is ableis to achieve its goal. of rising from C. -on weaknessAfrican,Chineseprofound; andAsirn,philosophy, poverty and Latin toliterature strength American andand underdeveloped artplenty, have thebeen psychological areasnotable will for be 4,000effect Communist China: andyears. printing'. Chinese InVentions, includeCHINA'S sunpowder, LAND AND paper,PEOPLE the compass, CommunistSchwartz I. and;MostA. Thedeserts. of U.S. China's and territoryChinaire consistsnot thesamesiZe. largelyThree of uninhabitable out of four Chinesemountains are thus concentrated in about 15Z of the Chinese territory is larger. p.China 7-14 'AgiiCUlturat 1.Yangtzeterritoryland is in liMited the east that end the south, typical in Chinesethe valleyssquaremile)Fopulation peasant of thefaritilydensity: Yellow and 1,000-2,000 per square mile(U.S. -- 50 per Mustaverage live farmoff onefamily) to three acres. 75 (U.S, 200--500 acres available to the. STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInf?rmation E II. A.citizens1.4 add.LtIon belong to tothe non-Chinese people we callminorities. Chinese500,000MongolsThe someminorities Kazakhsin35 Manchuriato consist and smaller and of Inner2.4 numbers Mongolia; of Kirzig more than Manchus In Manchuria; 1.5 million and Tadzhik in Sinkiang; 4C n 3.5 million Uigurs, Chinese ChinatoIntroduction(Cont.) Communist 1.areasthe bordering on Burma and Vietnam.Pekingnon-Chinese has accused iduorities Moscowople of ofofSinkiang. encouragingTibet; and 6.5reberton million among Chuang and 3.3 million Yi in the the III. B.A.About 100 million of China's population livePeking,city,Shanghair in with cities.with amore greata populationthan port 6 millionand of manufacturing 4.5 people. million, center,has is been the capital of China China's largest IV. China has had friction with its neighborsand onfor artthree most within of theits its last boundaries 700 years. than any other city (It legitimately claims to have more beauty in the world.) borders. Communist China: B.A.C. IndiaOuterThe Soviet Mongolia Union THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHINESE CIVILIZATION I. hasMuch survived in Chinese with civilization little change was until basically the last fixed two before decades. emphasis on good manners the birth of Christ and II. A.andThefemily--became ideasethical of conduct,Confucius the basisand (551.-479 his of theorygovernment B.C.) `This,that primarily inConfuciusthe was China. nation essentially, his held was that a codea ruler for shouldabsolute deal but with benevolentthe mass ofdictatorship. the people as essentially an expanded childrev. B. thatConfucianism everything proved important to be politicallywas already 'aknown. conservative 76 philosophy, assuming V.S1RATEGY informal:1.r-, C. Confucianism saw little place or need for th^ l'-a of God.' CONTENT haTERIALSchrartz IntroductionCommitteeRetrieval E III. A.Chinese.Confucianism contained elements that madecorrectThe CommunismChinese doctrine, were congenial accustomedthat powerto the tobelonged believe to that the therelearned, was andonly that one p.ChinaCommunist 15-20 .Doeswith thisthe coMpareMarxian Chinato Communist B. 4ri,crOatieg'aiih4OlophqMaoabsolute Tae,-tung obedience fused Marxismmust of beChinese withgiven such absoluteelements rulers.of Confucianism ofasconcept thette people"?"opiate of religion I.Communist China: htThe nmilli-ation victory byof theCommunism West. in China came after a century of Chinese A CENTURY OF CHINE3E HUMILIATION p.Schwartz 21 -28 II. A.profitableinBritain, the mid-19th Russia, trade century, andand'France investment. seeking battered territory dowmthemoreBritain andPorts walls opportunities won to ofthetrade. Chinese Opium for Warisolation of 1839-42 and Peking was forced to open B. indemandingThe1. every'United part permission 'States, of China. a for1atecoMeri,,called American businessmenMiSeioneries,China for an was to"open alsotrade and door" forCed-to toand acCepipOlicy, invest toleratetheliOrinciple, the activities of extra-territoriality. of,Christian D.C. ancientmentheyThe are famlaChinesecenvincedi'many prestigethe middlecarving Communists and - knife...weclasshonor. that triumphed reformer,they arewould in theSun partbe fish Yat-sen,able in and theto meat." restoreoncelate said 1940's that because "other China's III. A.stntngthDuring the and late drive 19th out century the foreign China invader.soughtships waysAs er andto We rebuildeffective bly!ie the only guna," one thing to learn from the barbarians, y as.1861, the Chinese statesman, Fenk Ruel-fen, declared: and that is strong nation's' V.STRATEGY Information IV. Theproclaimed revolution a Chinesewhich overthrew Republic thedid Manchunot live up the hopes 1912 ofand radical CONTENT MATERIAL introductionCommitteeRetrieval E A.reformers. brieflyThecommander. reformer before Sun turning Yat-sen office was Presidentover to Yuan of theShin-kai, Chinese a Republicformer army only (Cont.)Chinato Communist V. Germt4..*InB. 1919, toholdings China's in surprise, Shangtung theinstead Versailles ofbecame Yuangranting Treatytriedfragmented to unsuccessfully gaveChina amongJapan the rightsprovincialthe toformer be crownedwarlords. Emperor: instead, power B.A.the Germans hid enjoyed. birthpoliticalTheShocked Nationaliststo theChinese reforms nationalistic reaction lookedthat would to tookMay Sun restore Fourth theYat-sen form Movemeut.tha toof national bringa student about prestige riot, economic whichof China. and gave MAOI. AND THE LONG MARCH basedMaorespect: differed on the peasantsfrom most rather of his than fellow on theparty urban members workers. in one basic he believed that the China should be GiantTheFitzgerald China 24-6 A.B. FromWindstheyforce"The 1927-1934, and tarriedforcecan driving,rain. stand of on thei)easantr7,"while ina programits the Way."' communists of land Mao distribution, wrote,were holed "is likeup occasionally in that Kiangsi of the Province,combined raging it is rapidly increasing in violence. No with2.,1. the murder of landlords and rural moneyla,,1934,Communists, lenders. th:.,preasUre frequently attacked' from KOomintang by" forces became so strong de.lieed to migrate to the north. forces of Chiang Kai-shek. tha,: C. The1. Long 'March ,Aboutnow 100,000known as men the and Long women March. set out on the 78 sore than 4,000 mile trek STRATEGY InforMation 2. They traveled on CONTENT e...irsued by Kuomintang soldiers, attacked cold, hunger and disease. MATERIAL RetrievalIntroductionCommittee E 3. settledmanagedAfterbythey unfriendly twelveworked nearto reach themonths totribesmen gaintownan areaof nationalof incredible andYenannear subjected thecontrol.and northhardship,during to the next central frontier. about 10,000 strvivors fourteen years They Chlmato Communiet(Cont.) S.4. AfternothingThesubjectthe Long properthe is MarchofCommunists impossible attitude.innumerable explains gained if inplays,an partpowerindividual stories,the in Chinese or operas, a 1949, the Long March became the nationCommunist has developedbelief that paintings, and folk songs. 'CommunistI. China: Karl Marx and Friederich Engels, philosophic THE COMMUNIST CONQUEST ,OF' CHINA founders of modern Communism, ChinaCommunistSchwartz A.viewedrevolution the peasant would beclass born with among contempt, the urbanworkersLenin's proletariat. made skillful the victory unification of Communism cf the peasantrypossible and the believing that the Communist entirelyin Russia. on the peasantry, urban industrial p. 29-42 II. ChinaB. was receptive to the ideas and aid ThecapitalizingInof China,theintellectuals Soviet Mao On1%Ised-his their who founded'resentment revolutionary the ofThinese wealthy movement' Comimunist landowners and merchants. government.Party in 1921, B.A. unity.Bothdesperateimpressed China weaknessbyand Imin's the Sovietcould Succos3, beUnion cured ve.e,prepared recognized by Leninist theto believe In 1923 Stalin signed an agreement to methods.aid Sun Yat-sen'sdesirability Kuomintang of Chinese that China's 1.theto(N#tional !lay' plan the,groUndwOrkfor People's world revolution. Party), lor,aneventual believing-ItWith could Soviet money, Sun's young aide, 'poMMunist take-over as part ofChiang Kai-shek, founded an be used to unify China and srmy. 2. adviser.paititalTheacademy Russians to machine train Sent officerstOMichael fUkther Borodin.tofor thethe Kuomintang serve as His task was to turn' 79 ihe,Rummimtang intoCommunist an effective cause. Sun's chief political V.STRATEGY Information III. The Kuomintang accepted 'the Communists in its ranks, using their skills CONTENT MATERIAL 'RetrievalCommittee E propaganda enidhorganilatiOn to achieVeButfromWith political thenthehelp regionalChiang from and Chinese turned'military warlords onCommunists, theStrength.from Communists, 1926 Chiang to 1928. whoconquered had concentrated much of China themselves ChinatntrOdUction(Cont.)to Communist IV. ProvinceAso Tse-tung in northern gathered China the remnantsand began of executing the Communist*,themin the hisout. cities plan retreated .fromon Stalin's the to new Shensi advice, capital, and was almost successful:in wiping A.Yenan, to will all of,China's people to theHis1.and Communistformula effective was cause. militaryto build organization.compact areas among of support,sheIn the eachpeasants. peasantry. areastrong he localestablished government, order and introduCed reforms wanted by B. Mao's2. political penmen won him supporters,byHe treat buthelpedliving becausethem convincea simplefairly. he had the,peasentslife to himself,withstand ,that and bythe instructing Communists hiswere men sympathetic to 1.organizational2.the attacks of abilities superior hadKuomintang to be military forcesMaoRecognizing developed foras welltwenty-five asthesuccessful political. importance years guerilla his of propaganda warfare military success, he C. RepublicKuomintang,By October (Communist 1,and 1948, Mao China). proclaimedMao's troops the had formatiOn wrestedthedeveloped 'Communist ofmost the techniquesof Chinese Chinaside. fromPeople's that Chiang's persuaded Kuomintang soldiers to defect to V. 'BesidesA.Communists Mao's topolitical gain strength and military in China genius, duringThe three Warthe with lateother Japan1930's factors had and furtherhelped the 19401s. theweakened China, increasing the sort of B. decisiveestablishSovietinstability help attacks a afterthatstronghold against favorsthe Japanese in theChiang. Manchuria development surrender from of enabledwhich Communism. they the couldChinese launch Communists their to 80 V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation c. Thethe incompetence, Kuomintang made corruption, their defeat and lackinevitable. of fighting CONTENTspirit among MATERIAL Committee E. I.Communist China: The Chinese Communists rid' their country of all Western influence and CHINA UNDER COMMUNIST RULE (Phase 1) ChinaCommunistSchwartz . toIntroduction Communist made a great effort at "ideological remolding" (brainwashing). p. 43-54 China(Cont.) C.B.A. TheAlleffectiveIndoctrination Communistmedia of single communicationmonopoly through technique of small all are used organized "studydedicated by the groups" physical propaganda. is perhapsforce assures the most II. A.Under Mao's program the propertied classestotalitarian andInwere thepunishment eliminate. rural control. areas before the Land landlords Reform wereSquads destroyed that moved by from village to t.-..usations, trial, B. withvillagecompletelyBusinessmenfive the duringyears.government government and 1950-52. shopkeepers alld owned then enterpriseswere forcedat first toin terrorizedturnexchange their for intobusinesses dividends partnership into for III. IV. Maomaterials forcedused thein increased anvirtually attempt farm limitlessto productionachieve Chinese industrial in the manpower early power. and middleSoviet 1950'sknowledge to and V. agriculturecouldobtain be more expox wasfood collectivized and agriciutural in the raw mid-1950's materials, to and eliminate to provide the goodschance that of .d to Russia and other countries to pay for needed imports. I. After Communistthe Soviet China: Union sent up its Sputnik andpeasant agreed help China CHINA UNDER COMMUNIST RULE (Phase II) ChinaCommunistSchwartz beCome a nuclear power, Mao felt, confident that Communism would conquer 81 p. 55- V.STRATEGY Information the World, and that the time had CONTENT MATEPTAL CommitteeRetrieval E A.into progress and prestige. 1.Underto industrialize the slogan "walking in two Large, modern factories ways: on two legs" the Communistcome toChinese make itsattempted "Creap Leap Forward" .(Cont.)ChinatoIntroduction Communist B. a militarizedorganizedTo2. increase intolabor agriculture immense force-sent peoplels where , needed.Small, individual enterprises production, the '550 Million were constructed. were established. where they beCame, in effect, peasants were II. A.millioninsufficientThe "Great people Leap to each meet Forward" the nee:Ir!.:,f failed Mao offered various year. reasons for the failure including natural having agricultural aand population industrial that was increasing by 12 to 15 disasters and production C:C: 2.withdrawal1. ofSoviet techniCians fromuseTheWithoutpeasant ofbackward manpower his lost ownsmelters his andland incentive produced fromand otherwhich goods of to put forth the great effort Mao demanded. smallhe could scale reap industries his own the rewards,made industrialization inefficient the low quality. program. "theIsconditions better basic III. hasasThe B. bettered part'Chinese of theirtheir submit way to of Communist A great famine was a featurelife of theand economicbecause manyOrisis believe that followed.that rule because they accept poverty and the Communist regime hardship issue'? B.A. TheremoretrainingIn than isa landan 100and inexhaustible wheremillion energy, education youngsters withmt the existence. numberwas once of thejobs near for monopolythose with of thea small discriminationnow attend a primary against or women secondary school. requisite group, ideologyIs Communist similar 'C.D. CommunistfarSuchpreviously more signs a ideology, typical'.partof the of modern thewhich Chinese world as trucks,pictures books, a better and telephonesworld in the future scene than before. andare now experience?to a religious E. restoreTheglorifies Communists China the to appealcommon its ancient glory and man helps make82to patriotism,current tArdships portraying bearable. Mao as the leader power. who will V.STRATEGY Information 1. As an indication of its growing national strength, they point CONTENT MATERIAL IntroductionCommitteeRetrieval E 2. UnitedSovietToto.China's unite States Union the ofself-reliancepeorto dominate the after world. Russian Aug "stolen"against Taiwan an enemy,and of they plotting accuse with the the"imperialist" experts withdrew in 1960. Chinato(Cont.) ComMunist IV. A.theThe facte;criority that China' of the has Communist produced systeM.technologicalIn aft effort toand provide scientific a manpower source of national pride the nation'san atomic' best bomb dues not actually demonstrate was assigned to the job, and B. resonrces'uponpeopleTheexpense feat andwas proves theno aobject.resources thathigh-priority a government of objective- which has -and attain a large country can concentrate those complete command over the it. I.AN ASIAN'S IMPRESSION OF COMMUNIST CHINAA.The first impression is dress. Almost everyone - -men and women of all ages= -is dressed in blue FourChangeTraditionFord, Societies in & Mao's.2.1.trousers and abuttoned-Up-high collaredToAttaken leasta newcomer, to 95% ehort of men thebobs--the andpeOple women twinwear almost the bluelook uniform.alike for coat like Chairman women have 2A1-4 II. The second impression is the loudspeaker 3. isAlong bourgeoisie. with the blue, uniform go soiled shoes--to shine one's or single pigtail is out. shoe6 B.A. AndintheThe what villages,streetcar,,voice is ofbroadcast thetowns in loudspeaker Pullmanand cities-just sleepers is heard andabout indining b over the loudspeakers? that hardly anyone can escape. the bus, oneverywhere. the train, in cars, on street corners, I. EVerYthing"news"citizens. in thatChina. the government approves and wants It is the most important mass medium for the official 83 to convey to its V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation III. Thecleanliness third impression and neatness. of the country and the people is the extraordinary coNtENT MATER! 3L IntroductionCommitteeto Communist E A. Public2.1. health has a top priority. PeopleTherein China. areno longerpractically spit anywhereno flies, they no rats,like. no dogs, and (The sparrow were destroyed to save grain). The streets, the pavements, no sparrows Chive(Cont.) 3. andBoyThemorning,the !omitsYoungShout curbs, noon, Pioneersthrough,,And and and Girl the cardboard wearing,evening. sidewalksScouts) red'migaplionie, stand arescarves onall the kept "Don'tpaVelentimorning, clean, spit!" and they stay clean, The ,Communist version of the and evening IV. wholeA.The fourthnation aspectis at work,of the hard Chinese at work, nation twenty thatarequiredThree day-night-basii. shifts for inteen:deal a textile reasons. mill or 'steel plant or But, in China, people do everything -fourone cannot hours around*ape is the that clock. the a drug factory may be 1 on V. A.The fifth aspect of Communist China is 1.',!.613e0Y,Thethe Chinese woman has become the equal ofpaid Shemail toWorks withher. hard and long houri like any P?r413Y. new status of women. man, and a Vengeance--her 1 wages are Tradition,261-264Etc.Ford 2. Theretwotextilfather, -tonis factories,'heavY-toolno husband,haMMera, job that control'and is son. not raffiCopen plants, toin, her. big, operage cities, huge aiid,sometimei lathes, wield She is no longer under the supervision of her Women work in steelmills, 3. holdsrightist.ordenounceShenational candown obtain production.hera bourgeoisie'job, husband a farawaydivorce at tendencies.partyfromwithout hermeetings too husband much if shebother,in thesuspects Uterestand shehim of of can SIRKESGY BEST COPY AVAILABLE CONTENT VIATEICZAL V. PetrievalCommitteeInformation E 4. jewelry.allThethefeminine. verylgood.Chinese glorification of the state. She is disciplined,She uses noregimented, cosmetics, and and made not tothe work least for bit ofBut, on the other 'hand,has finally she has come ceased into to her be own. And this is IntroductionChinato(Cont.)' Communist VI. A.Th e last aspect of CommunistPeopleais changemore Chinese the impersonal product is their ofethics. fearhonesty of thein internalregime's affairs.severe punishment than become absolutely honest, though I am afraid this honesty with'MarkarticleCompare inthisGayn's Communist report 2.1. hisTherenationalinadvertentlyIn dutythe is stores,honor.isno nottipping leaves onlygiving anywhere.bourgeoisie a thetip--it proper isbut changereturned. a positive has become insult. a matter of Tipping a comrade worker for doing If one Ford, 00 StudiesChina (Harvard Project) Social p. 5456 3. beggars,pickpocketsaccomplishmentrealizedThe beggars once that haveso and prominent the for disappeared.bandits, Communistsan underdeveloped in thieves China, meant andseems business. Asianthugs, like country. prostitutesa major national and The bandits vanished when they Removing the Tradition,261-264Societiesinand Four Change 1 I.Communist China: Even though, both claim allegiance to MarxismTLeninism,,there has long THE SOVIET-CHINESE SPLIT ChinaCommunistSchwartz A.beenB. conflict and resentment between ChinaThereoverHistory and land isthe revealslingering theSoviet Chinese that Union. resentment forare centuriesstill toward trying the Stalin. toRussians recover. have been taking In the 1920's he advised. C. Inthantargetthe the CommunistsMao for1950's to Chiang. achieve Stalin to concentrate Chinese lent money unification. in to cities, China, wherestudents they were later sent made to anthe easy Soviet After World War II he wanted to use Chiang rather ' Uniontendedand tradefor to schooling, obscurebetween developingthe Soviet two countriestechnicians' tensions. vas helped increased. develop Chinese industries, 85 These factors STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation E 2.1. thatWhenhadThe believedSoviettheKhrushchey Russians Union to bevisited askedreturn given payment PekingOuteias gifts. Mongoliainfor 1954, military toMao China. apparentlysupplies the demanded Chinese IntroductionChina(Cont.)to Communist 5.4.3. Manchuria.atomicThe SovietsChinese bomb madeafterrenouncedeased it givingthe clear theirRussians aidthat pledgefor theyout less toofOpposed thanhelptheir twothe special years.Chinese Position comm'ines.make an in II. A.waysThe Sovietin which Union Communist and Communist domination China of differthecompetition:ofThe world the inSoviet theirworldbe achieVed.Union viewscan bestcurrently concerning be achieved seems tothrough believe peaceful that Communist coexistence domination and that Communism will inevitably '!bury" capitalism: and 'B. gainChinathethat voilesits nuclearwith objective. itspopulation. war immense must bePopulation,. avoided or ISit willingwill result to risk in nucleardestruction of China believes enough of its 735 million people war to C. EachwouldallegiancealignedSoviet sidesurvive Union itselfAccuses of to hasnon withmake theabandoned-white thetheother U.S.riskpeoples ofthe toworthwhile.Oink true adnisWeof racismAsia, world world Africa, asCommunist andomination. issueand movement'Latin to gain America. andthe hcs China claims that the III. Communist China: 'supporting,andThe neutralworld the Communist factions,Chinese view.movement with Albania, has been North split Korea,, among andpro-Chinese, North Vietnam pro-Soviet, now TAIWAN: A SECOND CHINA I. governmentThe Chinese was Communists set up on resent the island the fact of Taiwan,that a sepatateand still Nationalist exists there. Chinese 86 STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL .CommitteesInformatiOnRetrieval B. COMmUnistand4ina1teimativewaylofF4410,14Thisthe "Second:U.S. China anAnd-Chiang China"444041*,is ,afraisithai which Rai-she'will,someday 80v0r*44400 holds Taiwan UN peObershiP, will440TA4t4'000000ic serve launch-an offeri as a baseattackthe mainland,from on whichthe system, ChinatoIntrOduction(cont.) Communist C. mainland.reminderThe fact ofthat U.S. Taiwan power. is protected'by the,U.S., Seventh Fleet is a CommunistSchwartz ShouldChina Communistbe admitted II* 'Because ihetolMOniat Chinese may SOOn"haVeA.NationalistdeitrOY, nuClearv**sUfficienttO the Seventhgovernment Fleet should ,and'Taivien,,,SOule,:oblieryers now settle 'itsandThe seated"Twodifferences:with Chinas" in-the feet plan,Unitedthat the under Nations,ComiunIsts. which has both been governments rejected bywould both be Chinas redogniZed the 7780 to te UN? B. 004k,904becausefor all each government.China,, insists and thatbecauie its bothvantgovernment Taiwan is theand onlythe 'mainlandlegitimate to one be the two has'bysidesforIn the effect, avowedfinancial'from Communiats,.and hisAttacking';the intentionsupport ro*,of each the obliges of the other:'fact reconquering United himthat toStates Chiang's followU.S. 'the has mainland. armiesbeen policies., to depend keep onalthough the U.S. he the Seventh Fleet deters aggression III. oneof,i#0,bigheatA.TaiwanEven though is not' Chiang impossible. stalOards' has, with 9f, American' *14 14A#'4144),,,'ajCom:Oniat Aid,'bu4ltableCOminnistmilitarYairength to resist a prosperous it --even takenation with may -over the(withBoon helpof be. of'such' ,the thatUnited Taiwan States. may ,not be Communist China: S. 'whichhim.The reserves Takwanese key arepositions not entirely/content for those'whO camewith fromChiang's the mainlandone-party with dictatorship, THE FUTURE OF COMMUNIST CHINA ChinaCommunistSchWartz 81-89 1. withIt isother still nations, too early or whetherto tell Communist 87- whether ComMunist China will learn to China will continue to be dominated cooperate STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. CommitteeRetrievalInformation E' national pride and arrogance, fused leaderChinawith the offersof crusadingthe itself"have-not" zealin Asia, ofnations Africa, against and theLatin "haves". America as the would-be ChinatoIntroduCtion Communist 2.1. ThereThereadyChina influenceare' tohas jumppoliticians won aboardofAlbania, Chinese-trained inPeking's NorthBurma, Vietnam,,andHNorth bandwagon.'Thailand, Africans and has the already KoreaPhillippines appearedas allies. in (Cont.) B. Perhaps the most alarming element ire China'sTanzaniaoverthrowtie between current and governments the theStrategy Congo,Chinese inisand andpower.the in the Latin extreme America radicals there isWhotope a suspected to II. ChinaThecoMmunity,only debate will becomeon U.S. if a Chinapastresponsible injuriespolicy andis to between constructiveChinadeliberate arethose rectified, memberwho use believe ofof and racismthe thatthose world asCommunist whoa major believe political weapon. attack-intoFor ana nuclearinsight-have the A.resourcesthat CoMmunist once it China has sufficientwill deMand power. a majorwithChina;The redistribution orextreme withoutat the viewpoint oppositethe'union-= the onextreme world'sone side is theshouldsuggests suggestion act giving to destroythax. Taiwan the all toUnited Chinese CoMmunist States- - Hiroshima.class Teed lie.xie3i'IS C.B. TorU.S. China Chinese, Weapons:, policy the or is factories: hydrogen coextinction.currently tomtv undergoing poses the major same changesproblem underas for the all Nixon of I.NationaliaM:, Nationalism COMMUNISM'S BIGGEST CHALLENGE A.B. PowerproblemUnderlying of power.most issues in national and international relations is the 88

I 11,111.N NI I STRATEGY CONTENT MATERIAL V. CobmitteeRetrievalInformation E 2.1. underpeoplePowerIn the inado despoticmodern thewhat simplest theyworld, government want. sensethis final islargelYbyhforde; the power ability 'is 'exercisedof butmen into maketheby the lastother state: ChinatoIntrOductiOn Communiat C. If3. we are concerned with world affairs,The theitsanalysis State aspectpOlicies isAnYiind ofthus and thestate the toof achievefOCalgovernMent which pointits' we OitaWill.of all on our'its modern-problems. ability to Impose WardChangeIdeas - -Five Thatthe (Cont.) D. Themustrelatively1. terms'Here "state"lie new the concept. andtensions, "nation" the seem possibilities, interchangeable,international the whole but politics. nationvista ofis a is largely its relations with other states. World 13-44 2.1. TheinthepowerIn link 'thethesiXteepthPope exercised betWeen lasthimself.. three by nationalismcentury, adYnaarY,,hundred theyears. andor power bYhathe stateof,concitieror:; the has statemight come orinto arefer, freebeing city, toonly the or E. 3.2.1.Elements of Nationalism MemoriesSense ofreaching destinyhistorical ,back shared continuity into by aothers ,common past F. revolutions6.Eventually5.4. ilationaliam,beOmeof theifedt., united A commoncoon 'heritageculture44440' and economic G. 1.Exaggerated2.1. Nationalism InTheterrifying. addition economicpolitical to revolution enhancement drivedemocracy, for ofdemocracyof nationalism sciencehostility. and also industry led to a tremendous and a. atNofrom stake.sooner outside was domewhen interest, the whole of life the ofgroup the thoughtcommunity to be threatened 89 was fat tohe V.STRATEGY RetrievalInformation b. hatred,On these such fears a demonolOgycould be built of distrust so terrifying and enmity 4 battery that theof CONTENT MATERIAL IntroductionCommitteeto Communist E H. 1.The Ruisian Revolution and ideologicalThe Communist foundations 'Revolution alone. attempted to establishnationalismirrationality a stateof theof on Natignalnineteenth Socialism century' in led Germany. onto the total Nationalism China(Cont.) b.a. theInproletariatembattledThe thenewrevolution earlysociety proletarians had days, couldnowas country). neithernot succeed of Russian. the Lenin inworld. Rucsia nor Trotsky unless believedit spr ad that It was the vanguard of (According to Mar the ChineseIsthe Russian real nationalism causeversus of c. Under'simultaneously(2)(1) Stalin,TheRuSsian sense Russiaallnationalisthlqas of through Russian beeeme Europe, interests,a netionalistic stimulated and probablyofdefense Russian by Commu the aroof sowerpeo 'theirnd lesthe and homelandworld. pride, in Worldlier II. st country. heroic' tOCDz5., split?the Soviet-Chinese (3) Communism has become an instrumentis of fully R = =Tanas strong nationalism. now as any surviving rev lutionary principle. STRATEGY SUGGESTED REPORTING ACTIVITIES / . , 1 . . . I VI. Suggested 1 . t ActivitiesReporting Havethe thepolitical students and prepare economic a slide-tapetheories with presentation the realities. on Russia or China contrasting ; I / 3.2. Students may prepare annotateda vertical bibliographies file on communism on their in Russia committee and Chinatopibs. for 4. Studentspermanent might reference prepare in athe collage school using library. themes such ad: . . Freedom and Control; Communism 5. dialectic,governments,Studentsand Democracy; can Marxist preparethe relationships view visuals of history; illustrating, between etc. the thegovernments orgaaization and oftheir the CommunistRussian and Parties, Chinese the Youth and Revolution. PhCDCC:, 7.6. StudentsFuture".Stage a maydebate give for oral a schoolcommittee assembly reports on orthe written topic "Doesreports Russian that areCommunism distributed have a Chl 8. parent'sthisStudentsto allpresentation. opinions students.can compare with theirthe facts. "man on the street" interviews, student quizzes, and Portions of the tapes can be utilized in making 9] STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITY A.VII. posedTo review earlier the byquestions the Overviewclass students.differencesstudentThe purpose reporting ofwhen the compared activitiesoverview with is to toother note integrate examplestrends, the' likenesses,known findings by the andof the This should be a joint student-teacher effort with B. concerningToreportedand gaincompare aby perspective thethe partscommittees.answers of the questionsclassthe(Strategy teacher should generated II)' offering determine by guidancethe if classthe wherecommittees at the necessary. beginning have answered of the theunit. Initially, the aspectsunit as ofwell it. as the broader Then1. the teacher can pose some of the largerAreeconomic thequestions economic theories? such realities as: of Communism in concert with the At what points do they differ? Why? 4.3.2. AreAre economicthe the economic political realities? theories realities of capitalism"... in concert with the At what points do they differ? 04. 000 0.. Why?...?"...?" 5.7.6. MustEtc.CommunismIs lifecapitalism in than the seektheyU.S.S.R. towould destroy and have for Communistbeen China under better economies? capitalism? off with VIII.STRATEGY Generalizations 1. Although the official documents of nations provide direction and the spirit 2. Theofthat theconcentration dreampolitical and reality andof wealthsocial due indream,to thethe handsthereimperfections ofwill a fewalways inleads thebe toanature discrepancythe controlof betweenof man. 3. maytheThepower be possibilitygreater eitherby the theviolentfew of discrepancyand a orreactionworks non-violent to impolitical designedthe detriment means, to.correct and as of economicnecessary. the the masses. discrepancies.power, the greater This is CD 4. latterand/orIndividual isprofessional believed' effort to 'to pride, achieve be the national isstrongest enhanced patriotism, force. by reasons or personal of altruism, gain. personal The crtCDlabc: 5. Peopletheiris not whogovernment interested have a lowto in Communism standardtheir welfare, ofand living are have thus and little unwillinga high to belieflose to fightin that the rotheshifting stave it of off. government 93 IX.STRATEGY LEARNING ACTIVITIES ActivitiesCulminatingSuggested 2.1. Right'sconditionsStudents11314 ttstDay. may classin writeRussia prepare letters with a reference programor send for petitionsto presentation topics tosuch Soviet toas thelack officials whole of school concerning on Human 3. discrepanciesHaveanti-semitism, the students between etc. develop the politicala "Joke-a-thon" and economic, in which theories and they show some of the realities.dissent,'persecution, 5.4. Theaudio-visualaPresent bookletcartoons the for can classclass distribution be findingsproduction. orthrough sale: a series of put on transparencies and used as the basis for a narrated cartoons. The class may make

94 BEST COPYBOOKC' AVAILABLE BIBLIOGRAPHY New York, 1968 Connfr, James, Lenin. Excellentcontributions primary to Marxism. sourcematerial'onOn Politics and Lenin. Revolution. D. C. Heath and The editor's Pegasus: Company: introduction clarifies many Lexington, Massachu3etta, of Lenin's 1965 problems of Daniels, Robert. Aninterpretation, outstanding bias, The StalinMarxist Socialwork that enables and conflict. Revolution. Thought. the student to Harcourt, Brace & learn to cope with World, Inc.: the eternal historical New York, 1968 theories, selected Freedman,Fitzgerald, Robert. C. P. Primaryfrom his source own writings The Chinamaterial, Giant: a comprehensive and the writings Perspective oh Communist of Engels. and systematic statement China. Scott, Foresmanof Marx's and social Company: Glenview, CDC: AnIllinois,foreigndeal excellent with policies1967 the series history, of ofChina. articles that the leaders, the originally appeared political system, in the Christianindustrial growth, Science Monitor. agriculture, education, New York, 1968 The articles and 'b.1 Ford, Richard. EnablesCommunists. students to Tradition and ChangeAn outstanding contrast and compare presentation of materials in Four Societies. China's traditional Holt, Rinehart, for use with the society with the new and Winston, Inc.: inquiry method. Jersey, 1968 China under the Goldman,Griffith, Marshall. William. The author accepts The ContemporarySoviet Econorm. Civilization. the task of separating Prentice-Hall, Inc.: what is economicScott, Foresman, Englewood Cliffs,myth from New economicand Company: primacy of the Chicago, 1964 reality in the Communist party, U.S.S.R. Hamilton, Howard. Dealsexploitation with such of minorities: Political Institutions.diverse elements as the intellectual life, the superiority Houghton-Mifflinstruggle Company:for succession, the military, the of Communism as Soviet Economy,Boston, and 1962 exemplified by the foreign policy. Soviet Union and Presentsofexpressed 1936. Stalin's in Stalin's Commumst views of speech on the occasion 95 of the adoption of the Russian Consitituion Bendel,BOOKS (continue} Samuel. Tremendous help for the student who wants new insights into the theory and practices of Communism. The Soviet Crucible. D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.: New York, 1959 Kerensky, Alexander. A tofirst-handcomprehensive behUMan. report work by that a man includes who lived many through items thata fateful cannot turning be found point in otherin history. recommended sources. Factual enOUgh tO be history. Russia and History's Turning Point. Duell, Sloan and Pearce: New York, 1965 Subjective enough Janeway,Inman, Raymond.Eliot. Excellent reader in economic concepts including prices, consumer buying, distribution, and wages. TheThe Economics Economic ofProcess: Crises. Inquiry and Challenge. Weybright and Talley: Scott, Foresman and Company: Chicago, 1969 CD' Kublin, Hyman. McNamara'sShows the Mirageimpact isof especiallya mobilized interesting. economy on international affairs particularly war. China. Houghton Mifflin Company: New York, 1968 New Yprk, 1968 Article entitled 0ie0GO Kublin, Hyman. EditedChinaTraces underonthe the historicalthe assumption red flag. development that of China from the ancient world, through the Manchu Dynasty to Russia. Houghton Wfflin Company: heroes and ordinary citizens as well as Czars and commissars play Boston, 1969 Marx and Engles. Primarycannotimportant sourcebe inferredparts material in fromnation-building; that political propaganda. and that poetry yields insights into a people's motivations which The Communist Manifesto. must be included in any scholarly unit on Communism. Appleton-Century-Crofts: New York, 1955 Enables the student Miller, William. andPossiblyto colorfulread theand picturesmostmake outstandinghis blendedown value tohigh judgments.make school learning text interestingon Communism. and informative. The Meaning of Communism. Silver Burdett Company: Scholarly details conbint Morristown, New Jers:7 1968'th authentic Nordskog, John. Contemporary Social Reform Movements. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York, ' willFxaminesRecommended never be foroutdated. the student reading on the college level. Soviet Btll of Rights, Stalin's anA of the ,"recting arparatus of the NKVD-MVD. 96 it explores issues that Oliver,BOOKS (continued)Donald. Another outstanding product of the Harvard Social Studies Project. Communist China. American Education Publications: Middletown, Connecticut, 1963 Case studies enable the student Oliver, Donald. Moreofto inquirybecomefrom the personallyteaching. Harvard Socialinvolved Studies in the Project. historical and social evolution of Communist China. 20th Century Russia. Sees Russia through Ivanis eyes. American Education Publications: Asks many thought-provoking questions. Middletown, Connecticut, 1968 Excellent source Rieber,Salisbury, Alfred.. Harrison. Basically an historical presentation of Russia and the Soviet Union. A Study of the USSR and Communism. The Soviet Union. Encyclopedia Britannica Press: Scott, Foresman, and Company: New York, 1965 Chicago, 1966 C: Schapiro, Leonard. CommunisM.Superlative preeentation. Interpretative history rarely found in highThe Governmentschool materials. and Politics of the Soviet Union. Scholarly. Salisbury knows the SOviet Union. Vintage: A must for Aany college study courseNewof SovietYork, in 1967ninety pages. 0latDCD Schwartz, Harry. study.A heavy political readerlaunching with an pad historical for the studybent. of China. An exceptional source for creating mini-experts on Communist CommunistChina. China. Encyclopedia Britannica Press: Good history 'that reads well and raises questions for further Dry but informative. New York, 1965 Soule,Schwartz, George. Harry. materialClear presentation is outdated, of the economic concepts concepts.. are timely. Outstanding charts and graphs. Ideas of the Great Economists.The Soviet Union. Scott, Foresman and Company: Mentor: New York, 1952 Chicago, 1963 While some of the factual Sulzberger, IC. L. KarlContains Marx, the Robert thinking Owen, of Henrymost ofGeorge, the great John economicStuart Mill, writers John including Maynard Keynes.sdam Smith,and others. David Ricardo, Unfinished Revolution. Atheneum: New York, 1965 ofA "third scholarlyself-determination,the world". presentation ofrevolution the relationship of Communism between and havethe revolutionand have-not of 97 Deals with the revolution Concentrates on the BCO(S (continued) Tucker,Swearingen, Robert. Rodger. AAn scholarly historical work analysis that deals of Russian with Marxism and Soviet in two history fundamental from an aspects: American frame of reference. The Marxian Revolutionary Idea. The World of Communism. Houghton Mifflin Company: W. W. Norton & Company: Boston, 1966first, asNew a theory--asYork, 1969 a body Wallace, Robert. A philosophyofhuman theory"about history offering crammed man, ahistory, visionwith beautiful ofsociety, the good color and society and directions for its attainment. Rise of Russia. Time Incorporated: New York, 1967 Secondly, ideology--asExcellent a radical sections social on Russian architecture. Ward, Barbara. oftheStresses revolutionary history the of impact theferment--war-weariness world. of nationalism, industrialism, and the peasant's , longing Communismfor land. and internationalism on Five Ideas that Change the World. Sees Communist as a tactical exploiter of two major causes W. W. Norton & Company: New York, 1959

9 8 PERIODICALS Armstrong,Berkhin, Illya.R. "Military-Industrial "PostwarComplex: Decade". Soviet Life, September, 1967, p. 25-29 Russian Style". Vol. 20. No. 7, July,Fortune. 1970, p. 445-448 August 1, 1969, p. 84-87 Fischer,Critchlou,Chamberlain, L. J. John. "Russia's Road from Peace"Ins andto War".Outs of De Stalinazation". "Marx and the Intellectuals". Saturday Review. Freeman. Commonwealth. JulyMay 2,19, 1969, 1969, p. p. 191-192 31-32 Jefferies,Gromyko, A. J. 1969, p. 590 "Soviet Foreign Policy"."Dear Stalin, Dear Brezhnev, Dear..." Vital Speeches. "Two Letters: 1938-1968".August 1, 1969, p. 618-628 National Review. June 17, CDCD Nutter,Miller,Karlinsky, G.Arthur. W.S. "Hosting"Strange Russian World ofPoetry". Ivan"In Ivanov". Russia". Harper's. September,Nation. 1969, p. 37-78 National Review. July 7, 1969, p. 28-30 April 22, 1969, p. 394-95 Salisbury,Pearson, D. H. E. Russia and China?" "Kennedy, Khruschev and Cuba". "Urgent Question that Dominates the Asian Heartland Today Is:New York Times Magazine. Saturday Review. July 27; 1969, p. 10-14 March 29, 1969, p. 12-15 Will There be War Between "CloseSutton,Sorensen, Ranks,A.C. Theodore. The Chinese Are Coming!". "Are We In A Pavlovian Box?". "Report From Moscow". New Republic. Holiday.National Review. August, 1969, p. 12-13September 20, 1969, p. 18-19 July 15, 1969, p. 692-94 "Good"East-West Life". Relations". U.S. News. New Republic. November 24, 1969, p. 51 January 3, 1970, p. 17-18 99 PERIODICALS"Power"Moscow Was Report:(continued) Lying in the The More It Remains Street, We Picked It the Same". Up". New York Times New York Times Magazine. Magazine. May 18, 1969, p. September 28, 1969, p. 28-29 30-31 "Russian-made"Russia's Fast Aircraft". Growth Eases Nation. Off". March5usiness 24, 1969, Week. p. February 8, 1969, p. 357 12-15 June, 1969, p. 61-64 "Shifting"Soviet Defenses".Great Power Time. Politics: May 4, 1970, p. The End of U.S. 35-40 Soviet Hegemony". October, 1969, p. Current Histor.214-219 "Stalin's"Soviet Economy Successor". in the 1970'sr.Foreign Affairs. Current History. April, 1970, p. 509-524 Time. May 4, 1970, p. 33-47 "Soviet"Union"U.S. and Union:of Russia:Soviet Socialist Leadership at the Dawn of a New Era". Republics". Crossroads". !k'tionalU.S. News. Geographic. January 5, 1970, p. December, 1970 34 100 FILMS "Meet"Ivan ComradeIvanovich" Student" AnA film examination that shows of howthe aSoviet typical primary, family secondaryin Russia andlives trade today. school educational systems. 29 minutes/color/$16 rental, $360 purchase/ McGraw Hill 54 minutes/b & w/$25 rental, $250 purchase/McGraw Hill "The"Khrushchev Soviet Woman"and Berlin" andThis isolates film probes it inside the reasons East Germany. for Khrushchevs' building the wall that now encircles West Berlin 17 minutes/b & w/$100 purchase/McGraw Hill 54 minutes/ b & w/ $25 rental, $250 purchase/McGraw Hill "The Death of Stalin". Fromthetracking Madamefilm createsstations Khrushchev a tolook ato motherat a theconstruction heroinelife of withthe worker, Sovieteleven from woman. off the springs, woman infrom charge students of Sovietto fashion satellite models- - 54 minutes/b & w/$25 rental, $275 purchase/McGraw Hill CaO "Russian CentersThisdreaded film on dictator's shedsthe events light death. duringon the theera yearsof Stalinist 1914-1920 tyranny when theand BolsheviksdetailsCzar tothe Lenin," seized events control leading of up the to Russianthe 30 minutes/b & w/ $11 rental, $190 purchase/McGraw ItHill is documented with first hand reports. "The Kremlin" government.seatIn magnificent of Russian color,authority, this duringhighly fivepraised centuries--from film re-creates early events Moscow that princes took placeto Czar in Peterthe Kremlin, the Great. the 54rinutesicolor/$35 rental, $490 purchase/McGraw Hill "Who"Revolt Goes in There--AHungary" Primper upMade to from the footagerebellion taken and byreveals a member the ofsavagenessuf the Hungarian the underground. Russian army in crushing the revolt. 27 Minutes/b & w/$11 rental, $135 purchase/McGraw Hill The film documents the events leading StalinThethe film days with traces of his Genghis thetotalitarianism; evolution Khan to ofthe Communist Khrushchevpresent. thought with his - -Marx,imperialism. his ideology, Lenin, with his revolution; on Communism" 54 minutes/b & w/$25 rental, $300 purchase/McGrawAn NBC'News Hill Production. 101 Includes a history of Russia from FILMS (continued) Britannica Educational Corporation "MacBeth;"The Soviet Challenge" HowA documentary is it possible of the to industrialportray MacBeth revolution as a brutalin Russia. murderer The Politics of Power" 26 minu:es/color/$167.50 purchase/Encyclopedia 28 minutes/color/$390 purchase/Encyclopedia who remains a tragic hero through the Britannica Educational Corporation play? " MacBeth: humanbelieve"Everyman", heart that sums hisin MacBeth'suplife Shakespeare's signified words, nothing, "ismessage. the forsecret'st there remainsman of blood,"this thusThe we Secretestcannot Man" 32- minutes/color/$390 purchase/Encyclopedia Britannica Educational Corporation capacity for good and evil within the same hate MacBeth, nor can we "China's Villages in Change" Shows the Communists' attempt to change centuries--old tradition 20 minutes/color/$265 purchase/ Encyclopedia with the introduction of modern improvements. Britannica Films Britannica Films "China"China's Under Industrial Communism" Revolution" nationShows withhow theworld Communists power. are trying to change a land Of artisans and peasants 22 minutes/color/$265 purchase/Encyclopedia Britannica 15 minutes/color/$200 purchase/Encyclopedia Films into a modern industrial '1011 CCD photographAn uncensored, Communist eye-Witness methods report of forcing by Hohn radical Strohm; and the sweeping first U.S.changes newsman in traditionalpermitted patterns to oftravel living. in Red China to Films "Major"People Religionsof Western of China" the World" PicturesFilms. the traditional way of life in a valley of western China in the days Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 11 minutes/b & w/$70 purchase/Encyclopedia BritannicaDevelopment and Rituals 20 minutes /color /$265 purchase/Encyclopedia before the Communist Regime. Britannica "China: The film points particularly to Manchuria as a key TheAto Portrait theSocial nation's Revolution"of the agricultural Land" and 17 minutes/color/$21018 minutes/color/$232.50 purchase/$12.50 purchase/Encyclopedia rental/McGraw Britannica Hill industrial progress. Films Tee Tung, DescribesChiang Kai-shek, in detail as the well take as overthe socialof the effects Communist this Party type andof governmentthe men who has were had involvedMao on 102 the people of China. FILMS"Red (continued)China" The rise of Mao Tse Tung--the savage civil war--the "great leap forward". 54 minutes/b & w/$300 purchase/$25 rental/McGraw Hill "The Cherry Orchard" Chekhov: Innovation of modern drama--internal actions often produce the sharp edgePart ofIII truth. 2122 minutes/color/$265 minutes /color /$265 purchase/Encyclopedia purchase/Encyclopedia Britannica Britannica Films Films "Chinese Painting: expression.thisHong ancientKong artist tradition demonstrates and explain the principlesthe symbolism atd thattechniques motivates that the underlie Appreciation and enfoyment.ofIts Tradition Chinese and painting. Techniques" 15 minutes/color/$165 purchase/Bailey Film Association Los11559 Angeles, Santa MonicaCalifornia Boulevard 90025 CD "RussianSLIDES Art" 18 color slides - -$22 --American Library Color Slides Company, Inc. 305 E. 45th Street Cutit "TheFILMSTRIPS Soviet ANDUnion SOUNDSTRIPS Today: Its People and Their Way of Life"--Guidance Associates (Soundstrip)/$35.00 New York, New York 10017 PartPart I:II--BeginsI-- Your classes with a meetcolorful Russians, look intoTartars, Russia's workers, past artists,from legendary children, times party to themembers Soviet as the Regime.they Soviet explore 125113Union's frames/20frames/15 vast geographyminutes/color/records/scripts and cultural diversity. "The Rise of Communise--Guidance Associates (Soundstrip)$35.00Partcolor/records/script :: 105 frames/21-1/2 minutes--Defines Communism historiCallY through the theories of Karl Marx, Part II: 118the frames/16 methods ofminutes Lenin, and the twenty-eight year regime of Josef Stalin. - -Helps students identifymilitary, key geographic,economic, social,reasons ideological,for Cc:It...mist personal, revolution. 103 "ComMunism:FILMSTRIPS AND SOUNDSTRI?S (continued) Challenge to Freedom"-Society for Visual and Economics, Communism and Human Education /4 filmstrips/2 Rights. records/$33.00/Soundstrip "Living in China Today"--Sociy for Visual AgricultureGroup II--TheI --What and Years isrural Communism, of life, Struggle,'the cities Communism and Cold city Education/color/4 filmstrips/2War, records/$31.00 the Communist, resources, industries, transportation and communications. "China In Crisis: EastFeaturing Asian-Pacific exclusive Affairs, comment and Professoranalysis by Ambassador Confrontation or Coexistence" John K. Fairbank, Director, Harvard Marshall Green, Assistant Secretary Center for East Asian Studies. reform instituted after of State for PartandForward;Communist Iachievements reviews analyzes takeover, conditions in causes helpingprobes precedingand theChina effects "Hundred controlCoMmunist of theFlowers" hunger, Cultural Revolution;rule, reviews examinesPart far-reachingII examines theagrarian experimentSino-American disease,with dissent; illiteracy, failute civil of thewar; Chairman Mao Tse-tung's career considersrelations the in futurelight ofof Great Leap PartProgramTibetantheChina's "TwoI: featuresand revolutionaryChinas" Indian rareproblem campaigns, andleadership andexclusive continuingacquisition and photos. purpose. of nuclear arms, 123 frames/18 minutes consequences of the:Korean War. ProducedPart II: in cooperation with The 95 frames/16 minutes isolationism and desire for super-power Program considers China's Associated Press. status. 0'4 "China In Perspective: Featuring2 filmstrips; exclusive 2 cassettes/$39.00/C-40312" commentLPs/$35.00/C-403 and analysis 475 483 by author Pearl Roots of Civilization Buck and Professor John K. Fairbank, Director, HarvardofConfucianismProgram'then dynastic Center rise emphasizesandof EastandBuddhism, fall,Asian the explorestracesStudies.key role formation characteristicsof the peatjantof the Chinesethroughoutand Empire Part first offers a clear goo- demographic achievements of the important Han, 'Chinese 'history, explains the in 221 B.C., describes basic European traders, opium portrait of China. Tang, Sung, impact of patterns MongolRebellions,thetrade andJapanese and Ming ManchuSun dynasties.invasion, Yat-Sen's opium leadershipwars, "revOlutiOni" describes of Maopost resulting Tse-tung Marls' EuropeanWarand I allied Program features rare and exclusive photos. Part II begins with arrival of the 17th century Chiang K'ai-shek, establishment of "spheres of influence," the Taiping betrayal of ProducedChina, decades in cooperation of with the People's Theciviland BoxerAssociated wart Press.Republic2Part filmstrips; I:of China. 2 12" LPS/$35.'00/C-403 491 104 frames /16 minutes, Part II: 2 filthstriOs; 1282 frame6/17 minutes104 cassettes/$39.00/C403 509