THE NEWS Windellama Progress Association Hall lnc. Vol. 23 no. 6– August 2019 Editorial & Layout: Gayle Stanton & Ros Woods Sec/Treas: Ray Plant

Published Monthly Hard Copy Distribution 400 - Website : 6,000 average/month Windellama, , Nerriga, Bungonia, Mayfield, , Lake Bathurst, & Tarago



th Date: Saturday10 August 2019 LOCATION: WINDELLAMA HALL Cnr Windellama Rd & Oallen Ford Rd Start: 10.30am Cake Auction: 12.30pm Hot Food from 10.30am Note: All monies raised/collected is for Can-Assist Goulburn. For further information please contact:

Di Andrews 48445127 or

Harry Simm 48447061

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Coming Events… Annual Subscriptions - please send your details and $30 (cheques payable to ‘Windellama News’) to cover the annual cost of postage. All cheques please post to: August The Secretary, PO Box 705, Goulburn. 2580 10 Cake Auction * Unpaid subscriptions will be cancelled after one month 19 Progress Meeting 4.00pm @ the Hall If you have any short articles, anecdotes, or something 24 Windellama RFS Training & Meeting else interesting about yourself, your family, or the community; please write it down and drop it in our letterbox at the Hall. We will edit it and publish it in the September Windellama News. 22/23 Landcare Busy Bee A LOCKED POSTAL BOX IS AT THE FRONT OF THE HALL, 3444 OALLEN FORD RD, IN THE STONE October WALL FOR THE COLLECTION OF ITEMS FOR PUBLICATION Items left in the box after the deadline will not be November collected or included in the News 16 Windellama RFS Anniversary Day Articles, adverts, etc may also be sent by email to: [email protected]

Adverts sent by email will not be inserted unless payment is received by the deadline.

Our Policy on Receipts Inside this Issue….. The Windellama News makes out a receipt for all advertising payments made to the paper. We don’t post Community Noticeboard 3 out receipts to save cost and we assume that the appearance of the advertisement in the paper could Windellama Garden Club 5/7 normally be taken as proof of payment. If you require a SES / 7 posted receipt please include a stamped self-addressed envelope with your payment. School 9 Nerriga 11 It would be greatly appreciated if anyone sending money to the Windellama News would include their Historical 13 name and address and a note saying what it was for Windellama RFS 15 and put it in a sealed envelope. This would avoid a lot of confusion and uncertainty . Landcare 17 WIRES 19/21 Notice to advertisers, article Willowglen Gardeners 21/23 submitters & readers In Your Garden 23 The Windellama News is published and authorised by the Windellama Mens Shed 25/27 Progress Association Inc. Whilst every care has been taken in the STARC 29/31 production of the News & publishing to the web page on the community website, the editor takes no responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or Classified Ads 32/34 omissions. All such contributors by forwarding advertising, notices, & articles, agree to indemnify the publisher & warrant that the material is Church Information 33 accurate & neither deceptive nor misleading, in breach of copyright, Community Information 35 defamatory or in breach of any other laws & regulations. Calendar 36 The responsibility for advertisements complying with the Trade Practices Act lies with the person, company or agency submitting such for publication. Original material appearing in this newsletter is copyright. It may be reproduced in part or in whole for the benefit of the community, provided that the source of the material is fully acknowledged. If you have any queries about using material from the Windellama News, please contact the editor.


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Community Notice Board

On Saturday 25th August there will be a special service at St Bar t 's to celebrate 160 years of worship. The 24th August is the feast day of Saint Bartholomew which seems a good reason to have a celebration the next day and invite the Bishop (the Right Reverend Mark Short) to be with us. The Church Society report of 1859 records the beginnings - “On the 15t h October 1859, the Rev E.B. Procter commenced a School-Church at as serving at St Barthomew's. Some of them Windellama in the District of Bungonia to ministered here for less than a year. The which the Society contributed 40 pounds." longest ministry is that of the first Rector, the The church wasn't officially consecrated until Reverend E.B. Procter, closely followed by the 1868. The Bishop was the Right Reverend Reverend G.Soars (1904/1915). Mesac Thomas, our 1st Bishop. On Sunday What a wealth of history is associated with St 25th August our 11th Bishop will be with us Bartholomew's Windellema! Prior to the building of St Bart' s services Reverend Canon Peter Bertram

VALE PER RUDY ANDERSEN Windellama Progress Association recently lost a hard working and dedicated Committee member/maintenance person. Per (Pete) had only been living in Windellama since 2015 but on arrival to area his sense of helping others and community feeling he quickly joined Progress and helped whether he was needed. To watch Pers on the ride on Bishop Mark Short and Mrs Monica Short mower keeping the oval and grounds in shape was poetry in motion. were held at various homes. The first We at Progress will miss him for his help, Baptism was Jane Ann Muffet, daughter of jokes and contributions to discussion and his Robert and Louisa Muffet by the Reverend friendship. George Wood on 23rd September 1840. On He was a good man and a good friend to us the 13th April 1846, Mr Wood celebrated the all. marriage of Samuel Matthews and Barbara Our deepest sympathies to Joanne and Squires. The first recorded burial was Henry Family. Grose on the 21st December 1856 (the Rev Edmund Procter). Leanne There have been more than 40 clergy listed On behalf of Windellama Progress Association

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Windellama Garden Club Incorporated News June 2019 Rainfall At our place we received another 5.5mm of rain giving us a healthy drop of 60mm for June. The dam is full and so are the tanks. July 2019 Rainfall So far for July we have received 7mm. Better, not by much than 2018 where we received only 6.5mm for the whole month of July. 2016 in July was good as we received 65.5mm. As we are only in the middle of July, lets hope we get some more rain as similar too 2016. For the week up to 16th of July we have had some very strong winds with some really cold (freezing) days. The fire has been gobbling up the wood very quickly just to keep warm. I was looking out the glass doors at our place when we had a decent shower of quite heavy rain but unfortunately the tail wind was blowing so fiercely horizontally across our property that none of the rain touched the ground. I suppose the upside of this rain was the bush next to our place caught it. When I checked the rain gauge nothing was recorded. In our garden After the good rain in June the garden is looking quite good. The daffodils are shooting up and the pansy we planted are just starting to flower. The rows between the garden beds are looking really green - from the weeds! Where we put the black plastic over our future tomato bed has worked quite well and this bed will be weed free when time to plant tomatoes out. It might be time to get the scissors out and cut black plastic strips for between the garden beds. Will just need to gather plenty of rocks to keep the plastic strips from flying away. Now that we have our grow tunnel covered, water connected to it and plants now living in it, we might have a chance to have early tomatoes this year. We will start the seeds of in small starter pots and transplant in larger pots before transplanting outside. We are going to try planting tomatoes this way mainly because as they do, frosts persist at our place up to November. Actually, will try some tomatoes in much larger pots and leave them in the grow tunnel. There are plenty of tomatoes types now that can be grown in pots. The fruit trees that have lost all their leaves will receive their winter prune shortly. All branches growing downwards will be removed as will some of the middle, especially the apricots that grew quite vigorously last year. I won't have to worry about the height as I cut this off in late summer – maybe a bit of tidying up with the height. Once the pruning is completed I will be painting all the trunks from ground level to first branch/ s with a Kaolin Clay wet mixture. This I hope will stop the unwanted insects reaching the canopy. Probably, will need to do it a few times through the season. Kaolin clay is suppose to irritate what is crawling over it and hopefully prevent them reaching the canopy and fruit. Bird Life The bird life at our place is really spectacular at present with at least 10 pairs of Robins in the top paddock, the wrens have returned and the free loaders in numbers are increasing. The free (Continued on page 7)

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Page 6 Windellama News - August 2019 (Continued from page 5) loaders normally just the Crimson Parrots are now competing with the Magpie gang for the layer pellets. Cake Auction Saturday10th August Just a reminder that the cake auction is on Saturday 10th August. Gates will open at 10.30am with the canteen fired up and ready to serve. Some of the ways we raise funds at this event is through sales at the canteen, Chocolate Wheel and Raffle tickets. Once again we have some great Needle Work prizes on offer in the raffle and as always more than one prize. A food hamper will also be a prize. Donations of cakes etc., will be greatly appreciated and can be brought to the Windellama Progress Hall on Friday 9th August between 9.30am and 11am or Saturday 10th August after 9.30am. Auction starts at 12 noon approximately. Set-up will be on Friday 9th August between 9.30am and 11am, maybe a bit longer and preparation for the auction will be from 9.30am on the Saturday. Help for this event will be greatly appreciated on the Friday or Saturday. Harry Simm Secretary Windellama Garden Club Inc. Windellama SES First Aid & CFR The usual callout rate for the SES has been few, CFR has been more active. We are going to hold an Open Day in the spring, so shall hope to see many people. SES has flexible volunteering, come and see how that works. SES has many opportunities for people to participate in varied activities, one of which was, as part of the observer team in the Aircraft looking for signs of the missing Airliner, somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Remember that the SES 'phone number is 132500 for help when needed. The CFR side is activated by the Ambulance Service, which is of course 000. Kevin Muffet Deputy Unit Commander Windellama SES/CFR

Windellama Progress Association Windellama Progress Association Meeting All Welcome Craft @ Windellama Hall Monday 9th August 2019 at 4.00 pm at Craft meetings are suspended for the cold Windellama Hall. months of July and August. Come along and have a say! Well be back in September. For more information please call Irene Turner

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Goulburn – Southern Highlands and Surrounding Areas 24 hours – 7 Days Great Rates

$$$$$ CASH$$$$$PAID FOR Unwanted Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Trailers and Machinery We will cart anything If we can fit it we will move it CALL GRAEME ON 0403 673 167 WINDELLAMA PLAYGROUP at Windellama Public School

Each Thursday 9.30am – 11.30am

BYO snacks - tea & coffee supplied

Qualified art teacher visiting each fortnight

Bring your bubs & toddlers for a fun morning Music, stories, sand-play, free-play, art, craft.


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Nerriga Progress & Sporting Association

NERRIGA HALL fees for Hire of Hall and Supper Room

Hall - Nerriga Garden Club Full Day $200 Half Day $100 What a difference a day makes from high Supper Room - $60 winds to a beautiful day that made one think Spring had Sprung. Mind you the plants are Supper Room & already confused enough. Kitchen $100 We met at Di’s in Nowra for morning tea and a * GST to be added to all fees look at her garden Security/Cleaning Fee $100 which is sprouting Refundable on inspection like mad and she has transformed the To book please contact Helen Rolland 02 4845 9115 miserable grassed [email protected] space that was there a couple of years ago. The only sad thing is the Avocado tree which has taken a step backward each year recently and looks ready for The foxglove the chop. There is no obvious reason but possibly there is one below the ground. Her hardenbergias are blooming or covered in bud and she has the most solid looking foxglove I have ever seen, just gorgeous. The orange tree is loaded but The Butter Factory unfortunately the Seville Orange did Then on to The Old Butter Factory for lunch not reflower after where the menu was very tempting and a the cold snap and variety was ordered. All meals were lovely and has just one the $15 specials were very good value. A few expanding hardy souls managed desert or a coffee and fruit. Only a jar or so we would recommend it to anyone needing of marmalade this somewhere to go to entertain family or year ( does anyone visitors. It was so warm we sat outside beside have some lush grass and grazing cows while we waited unwanted fruit from for the doors to open and several of us shed The Orange Bush one???? ). our top layers. The cows do look to need a (Continued on page 13) Page 11 Windellama News - August 2019

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Hello Everyone, The Royal Australian Historical Society has done a review on “Some Windellama History” If you still haven’t picked up your copy, we have them available at the Museum. Windellama History is preserved in our wonderful museum, with lots to look at and lots to talk about, so come and visit at the next Market Day. We have a very great selection of Windellama history books by local Authors Tom Bryant & Rex Hockey, for sale as well as the ever popular “Wild Windellama” by Carina Clarke. Our museum is open on Market Days - every third Sunday of each month, from 9am till 1pm and by arrangement. Next Meeting will be on Saturday 10th August 2019 10am at the Museum NEW MEMBERS and GUESTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME For any enquiries please contact: Rex Hockey: 48 445147 Marcia Tatam: 0423283514 Julian Woods: 48 44 5270

(Continued from page 11) good feed but were just standing contemplating the world and enjoying the sun. With the low price at the farm gate feed is getting too expensive which is further squeezing the farmers in the area so please support them and buy brand rather than the supermarket variety. There were a couple of pyrostegia vines in full bloom as they raced across the shrubs and trees on a property nearby and the huge orange splash does make one envious of the growing conditions. Still they can’t grow raspberries or garlic! Happy gardening …really tidying up in the present season but a few seeds are germinating and lots of catalogues appear and tempt one. Next meeting in August on 15th is still to be finalised but a suggestion was Nirvalley and then lunch at the Loaded Dog as the weather can still be fickle then. Further info etc Kay Hamer on [email protected] and our meetings are very informal all welcome. Page 13 Windellama News - August 2019

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Make a difference- Volunteer with the NSW RFS Windellama Rural Fire Brigade Be a part of Windellama Rural Fire Brigade’s proud history. For 77 years Windellama fire brigade volunteers have been protecting our families, friends, neighbours and our properties. We are looking for new members who live in the Windellama area. Join and be part of a wonderful tradition and an organisation that makes a difference. No experience necessary as general and specialised training and education opportunities are provided to all members free of charge, giving you the knowledge and skills to work safely. As a Registered Training Organisation, the NSW RFS offers nationally accredited qualifications, which means you can also take those qualifications and use them in your day to day life. You will also be provided with all the personal protective clothing and equipment required. Windellama volunteers are also regularly called on to assist in major fires across NSW and interstate. Whatever your reasons, joining is a great way to give back to your community, learn important life skills and develop friendships that last a lifetime – and we have great tankers! We have organised a fast tracked recruitment and training program that will get dedicated applicants qualified as Bush Firefighters ready to respond to incidents by December this year.

Sounds like you want to get involved and volunteer? Call Captain Paul Alessi on 4844 5149 or message us on Facebook for more information.

Save the date! 16 November 2019 Celebrations for the 25th anniversary of the opening of Windellama fire station 5-7pm Get Ready day 12-5pm. More details in next Windellama News. Contact us via Facebook us NSW RFS – Windellama Brigade or ph4844 5359. Next Training: Sat 24 August 1.00 pm. Next General Meeting: Sat 24 August 4.00 pm

Brigade Enquiries 4844 5359 Facebook: NSW RFS – Windellama Brigade Captain – Paul Alessi 4844 5149 Fire Control Centre Yass 6226 3100 President Rex Hockey 4844 5147 Snr. Deputy – Brett Vilnis 0416 222 747

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Rainfall Stats

16 April to 15 May Rosewood, Windellama Road Windellama 18.5mls / 6 days

Gar-Den, Oallen Ford Rd, Oallen 12.5 mls / 8 days Corang Cottage, Braidwood Road Nerriga 28.75 mls / 10 days


Pub opens at 10am, 7 days. Meals – Kitchen open for lunch (12-3pm), 7 days & dinner (6-8pm) Fri, Sat and Sun Coffee shop – Open Friday & Monday (6-11am) Saturday & Sunday (7-11am) Accommodation – self-contained cabins available Live music – on the last Sunday of every month in the afternoon and every now and then on a Friday night. Check out our facebook page for details of upcoming gigs. Functions – We can cater for special events, give us a call to discuss. Beer garden Open fires in winter Take away alcohol available

6124 Nerriga Road, Nerriga NSW 2622 [email protected] Like us on Ph 02 4845 9120 Facebook

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Windellama Landcare has received some LLS funding to run a course on Windellama soils.

Do you know your soil, its potential and its constraints – would you like to explore the possible uses and soil management options? Windellama Landcare is putting together a series of talks and discussions with experts on soils, with special emphasis on the characteristics of Windellama soils. The purpose of the course is to provide information helpful to both recreational Windellama landholders and land managers, through a series of talks with a number of experts and field visits. It is planned to run the course from later in 2019 and early 2020. To help us put together a course that you would find useful and could attract you to the course please let Tony Greville know at [email protected] of the issues that are of special interest to you and information you would like to see covered by the course.


Later this year – in September – Windellama Landcare will be joined by Willoughby Bushcare Group members from Sydney, to help with some tree planting. The dates for this busy bee are the weekend of the 22-23 September. The Willoughby Bushcare Group helped us a few years ago at the Chain of Ponds.

WILD WINDELLAMA The publication that should be on the shelves of every Windellama home! These two books are a collection of Carina Clarke’s articles which were published in Windellama news over a number of years. The articles, accompanied by Carina’s black and white drawings of the plants, birds and animals of Windellama, are beautiful and the articles are delightful too. Each of the two volumes has an index. Wild Windellama is $15 for the set of two volumes. Please let us know if you would like a copy of the set - call 0418 412 460 or email – [email protected]

PLANTING EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE FROM WINDELLAMA LANDCARE Windellama Landcare has a direct seeder and other equipment for hire. If you are interested please contact the President, Henry Detjen, on 02 4844 5030 or 0408 601 016.

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Homemade Jams & Preserves Pre loved toys, books & tools Locally produced honey Lots for the sewing enthusiast Hand made baby treasures Locally grown plants Rawleigh Healthcare Scented candles Hand made knitted goods Alpaca clothing Food and refreshments Enquiries Lloyd Turner 4844 5214 Plenty of parking Museum open

Page 18 Windellama News - August 2019 CONNECTING THE FRAGMENTS By Kay Muddiman – Media Officer The WIRES mission is to actively rehabilitate and preserve Australian wildlife and inspire others to do the same. However, as any wildlife carer will tell you, it’s one thing to save and raise injured or orphaned wildlife to the point that they are ready to be released back into the wild, but it’s entirely another thing to have sufficient safe habitat in which to release them. Such areas are dwindling by the day due to human development. Habitat loss is the primary cause of decline and extinction of native species in , with habitat fragmentation a related process. Within NSW alone, there are approximately 360 threatened species and 25 threatened ecological communities under threat from habitat loss and fragmentation. Fragmentation occurs when remaining vegetation is broken up into small, isolated patches through clearing of land or the construction of barriers such as roads, fences or buildings. In the past, animals could move quite easily from one place to another in search of homes, partners and food because their habitat was well connected – but not any more. This results in populations of a species becoming isolated in small pockets of land, where they are more susceptible to inbreeding and the impacts of natural disasters like droughts and floods. This can lead to the loss of species from some areas and the interruption of important ecosystem functions, such as pollination and food webs. How can we reconnect habitat? We can reconnect habitat to enable wildlife to move more easily through the landscape like they did in the past by protecting habitat in national parks. encouraging landholders to conserve native vegetation on their properties, controlling feral animals and weeds, planting native trees and shrubs and removing barbed wire fencing. This is where the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative comes in - the Great Eastern Ranges is the longest and least fragmented north -south mountainous landscape in Australia. A chain of core conservation and protected areas such as national parks and reserves dotted along the Great Dividing Range and Great Escarpment make the idea of reconnecting the landscape a real possibility. The Initiative brings people and organisations together to protect, link and restore healthy habitats over 3,600km, from western Victoria through NSW and the ACT to far north Queensland. Our WIRES branch area covers part of the Kanangra Boyd to Wyangala (K2W) Link corridor, which is vital to the long term survival of many species that are native to the Great Eastern Ranges. It provides a natural corridor used by migratory species as they move between the temperate woodlands of the central and southern slopes and tablelands, and the forests of the Greater Blue Mountains and beyond. The K2W Link project works with other environmental and land management organisations, along with landholders and interested community members to restore and maintain this vital corridor. The latest K2W project is the Glideways ‘Petaurus Connections’, which will be launched over two days – at Bigga on the 30th August, 2019 and at on the 31st August. Petaurus Connections will focus on three NSW listed threatened species including; the Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis), the Spotted-tailed quoll (Dasyurus Maculatus) and the Scarlet robin (Petroica boodang) that occur in the Bigga and Tuena districts. Landholders and interested (Continued on page 21)

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Changes to Waste Management Centre Opening Hours

Changes to Waste Management Centre opening hours. From Monday 2 May 2016 Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s Waste Centres will operate different hours. Goulburn Waste Management Centre open 7 days per week from 8am to 4pm. Waste Management Centre to be open from 8am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday, plus 8am to 12noon on Friday and Monday. Tarago Waste Management Centre to be open from 8am to 4pm on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. All Waste Management Centres will be closed on public holidays and from 12 noon on Christmas Eve. Marulan and Tarago Waste Management Centres will also be closed from 12noon to 12.30pm on opening days to enable the operator a dedicated lunch break.


◼ Photo Copiers

◼ Fax Machine

◼ Cash Registers

◼ Computers

◼ Stationery

◼ Consumables

Ph: 4821 5109 E: [email protected] 10 Russell Lane, Goulburn Printer of your Windellama News

Page 20 Windellama News - August 2019 (Continued from page 19) community members in these regions are invited to participate in the launch events and meet the team of ecologists and other experts who will be working on the program, and help by sharing your knowledge of the areas, sightings of any of the target species and also to find out how you can get involved. The launches will be an informal conversation style format, with the ecologists staying on to host an evening spotlight after both events for those who are interested. A Scarlet Robin near Tuena. (Photo: Kay Muddiman) The Tuena launch will be held at the Tuena Hall (on Bathurst Street, Tuena) commencing at 10am, followed by a BBQ lunch. The Bigga launch will be at Bigga Golf Club, (Keverstone Street, Bigga) at 4pm, followed by dinner. These are free events (funded by through the NSW Government Saving our Species Program in partnership with the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife) – please register for catering purposes through link to Eventbrite on website, email [email protected], or ‘phone 045 935 2892. Should you need advice or help with injured or distressed wildlife, please ring the WIRES Rescue Number 1300 094737. Your call will be logged and directed to the appropriate branch electronically when, as always, our volunteers will be only too happy to assist. Until next time, take care all - Kay. Willow Glen Gardeners Expectation was high as I arrived at the Arboretum for our monthly Willow Glen Garden Club meeting. Several had canoed in, one had parachuted in, two had caught the ferry, one arrived by bike and the rest had walked. We all had on our official garden club uniform. This consisted of a nude body stocking with our choice of flower arrangement in the front (what true dedicated gardeners). We all headed to the tuck shop where we all selected our favourite bark sandwiches, sheep drench soup and then sat down for a round table discussion on worms and weeds. Irene’s ‘Narrow’ Beans are going well and she has also placed some netting over the cabbages to keep them warm. Liz Anne and Peter were having trouble with their potatoes eating their silver beet and bulbs. Robyn and Robert explained that they were training their lillypillies to spread lime to improve the ph factor of the soil. The parrots at Kevin and Margaret’s place have been cooking up blossoms and barley seed to make cakes that they are selling at the roadside stall. Judy and Warren had one of their clematis with the flu but is now going well thanks to the (Continued on page 23)

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Goulburn & Newest Winery Cellar Door Upcoming Open Days Hours – 11am to 4:00 pm Sunday 4th August Sunday 11th August Sunday 18th August ~check website for any changes or ELECTRICAL LICENCES: call prior for a drop in visit or purchase anytime ~ NSW Lic.No 198855C 25 kms down Windellama Road from Goulburn turn left into Muffets Road NSW Lic.No 498875S email: [email protected] ACT Lic.No 2009576 web: QLD Lic.No C13290

ACCREDITATIONS ACT Type (B) Gas Appliance #200732 NSW O.H.&S. General Induction #03655

Page 22 Windellama News - August 2019

August in Your Garden By Irene Turner

Prepare both the flower and vegetables gardens for spring. Dig in compost or any clean animal manure dig in into the gardens with a generous handful of complete fertilizer and lime per metre. Growing vegetables can naturally be a drain on the soil, we add mushroom compost, plus chicken poo. VEGETABLES TO SOW Seeds;- Carrots, parsnip, lettuce, silver beet, onions, peas. Asparagus crowns and rhubarb crowns. You can dig up and divide your rhubarb plants now. Plants;- Cabbages, lettuce, silver beet, onions, FLOWERS Seeds;- petunias, phlox. Seedling;- pansy, viola, stocks, snapdragons, aquilegia, carnations, dianthus, primula, dwarf sweet Williams, alyssum, poppies, larkspur. Pruning of roses and fruit trees can occur. This is one of the most important months to commence spraying both roses and fruit trees to control many of the insect pests that can do a lot of damage later on. Spray apple, pear, plum, quince and your roses with Winter Oil, this controls mite and scale. Spray peaches and nectarine with Lime Sulphur or Bordeaux to control leaf curl, must be done before pinking of the buds. Things to do this month Prune camellia after flowering and feed with camellia and azalea fertilizer. Plant bare rooted roses and deciduous trees as soon as you can, before the weather heats up. Plant summer-blooming bulbs, such as sprekelia, jockey`s cap lilies and gladioli. Do not trim off frost-damaged sections from plants until you are confident that frosts have finished for the year. Handweed small patches of lawn or use a suitable herbicide to remove severe weed infestations.

(Continued from page 21) broad beans and peas helping out. Peter and Maria had to trim their peach tree to let a ship pass by ‘containing’ new bulbs and a hint of cheese. After all this chatter it was out the door to inspect the bonsai which had been lined up for our inspection. After all this excitement, food and cross pollination of information we decided it was time for a nap. We mounted our bikes, trams, submarines, planes and billy carts and headed home. Yours not so truly, PeTr

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Page 24 Windellama News - August 2019 Since local, Guy Flissinger OF ATLAS MECHANICAL SERVICES supplied and installed the reverse cycle AC in the recreation room, things have been a considerably warmer at our regular 10AM to 2PM meetings on each Wednesday and Saturday. To further improve the retention of the “hot air” in the rec room, Lou Alaimo and Terry Dunn went to Sydney to pick up a load of used flooring. This is now temporarily laid out on the mezzanine. At this time of the year few members have also been enjoying other activities, ie tripping to warmer climates or entertaining/being entertained by grand kids. Jon Gough. The past few “members interests” articles have focussed on “executive” members. Member, Jon Gough agreed to be the first non-executive member to open-up on his interests. Jon was born in the south of England and went to a trade school in Portsmouth where the focus was more on trades skills rather than book learning, so he was taught book binding, painting and decorating including sign writing, brickwork and plaster moulding as well as metalwork and woodwork. He did go on to complete year 12 (6th form as it was then called) then, with a gap year, to a Polytechnic to do a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. Unfortunately, there was not much work in the late 70’s for engineers due to an economic downturn. So, he took the easy option and went into computers and worked for IBM. After all he had done one unit on using a mobile computer (1K system memory, 1K data memory, paper tape reader and teletype printer) to help with a surveying practical. So how hard could it be? Jon enjoyed surfing in Devon and Cornwall, even in winter, with no or minimal wetsuits, scuba diving the south coast of England and the north west coast of Scotland (still with minimal wetsuits), sailing, and generally being out and about. After 9 years with IBM and restoring two houses he finally saw the light (slow learner perhaps?) and moved to Australia. The weather had to be better didn’t it? Jon stayed in the ICT industry doing a multitude of roles working for both private industry and the Federal Government. Finally, his numerical age caught up and he retired. But during the 30 years working in Australia he also built a house (fixing them up gave him an idea of how to do it), took another degree, did multiple trips around and across Australia in a Toyota Troop Carrier and a couple of Land Rover Defenders, doing most of the deserts on the way, with just his wife, Lyn, for company. There were no backup vehicles, tow trucks, GPS’s or even EPIRB’s (to start with anyway). He also went around Australia with a small group of like-minded people, on old motorcycles in 2000 (what else would you do to get away from the Sydney Olympics?). He carried on with scuba diving, started snow skiing and snowboarding, learnt to fly light aircraft, and bought an old yacht which he and Lyn have sailed up and down between Brisbane (where it is berthed) and Cairns. As flying got expensive, he built a kit ultralight 15 years ago which he continues to fly today. Whilst he has stopped skiing and snowboarding (too crowded and expensive) he water skis and wake boards instead. To keep fit he does a Korean sword martial art and two years ago competed in the world championships in South Korea. Oh, and to fill in the few hours a day he has nothing to do he is involved in building navigation software for boats which is free for anyone in the world to use, which they do by the thousands. Having time on his hands he is now involved in two Men’s Sheds, Tarago and Bungendore. He is also the founder member of WCAG, a small group of people trying to get fibre internet (Continued on page 27)

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Tarago Waste Management Centre FEES & CHARGES

Tipping Charges Residents Only. Small trailer is 1800mm x 1200mm x up to 350mm height. All Fees x 2.5 for Non-Residents. Fee Basis Fee Household Recycling (up to a small trailer) Per Entry $4.00 General Waste: Small quantity (small car boot) Per Entry $10.00 General Waste: Twin cab ute / small trailer (max height Per Entry $20.00 350mm) General Waste: Twin cab ute / small trailer (max height Per Entry $27.00 450mm) General Waste: 1 tonne flat top ute (max height 450mm) Per Entry $35.00 General Waste Per Cubic Metre $110.00 Garden Organics: Car/station wagon/dual cab ute/small Per Entry $10.00 trailer (max height of 450mm) Car Bodies Per Item $85.00 Fridge, Freezers, Air Conditioners Per Item $20.00

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(Continued from page 25) connections for NSW rural locations, ie and . So Jon brings to the sheds a knowledge of how to fix most things, and a hatred of throwing things out that have simply broken. If he finds things not working he tries to get them going again, or re‑purposes truly buggered stuff to be useful. Bullyology & Health. We are planning a ‘Bullyology’ talk and no it’s not about cattle breeding. The event will be at the Shed on a market day near the end the year. A speaker recommended by AMSA will be giving us some insights to contemporary issues in society and business - resilience, culture, entrepreneurship, mental health, workplace bullying. More on this in the next issue. Membership Fee/Fundraising. Our membership fee is $10pa. We have found many Sheds ask $50 and some request an additional dollar or two for each attendance. Our Shed membership covers about half of our insurance costs and none of the operational costs. We wish to keep the membership fee as low as possible and to achieve this we have committed to run fundraising events. The first event was at Bunnings Goulburn. Members and a few ladies (wives) ran a BBQ sausage sizzle on Sunday 7 July, from 9 to 4. We had 3 shifts of 4 people and exceeded our fund-raising goal. The next event is catering at the Tarago Markets on Saturday 31 August from 8am until 2pm. We will be running a BBQ outside and plan to provide casserole/soup inside the Hall. We need 4 members for two hours each: 8-10, 10-12 and 12-2. Grants (Shed projects). While we have been unsuccessful in a couple of grant applications, further applications or commitments have been made for: solar panels, a patio/pergola on the north side of the shed, two woodworking benches, men's health and wellbeing DVDs and a hazardous materials storage unit. Hi Quality Quarries, have generously offered to assist with supply and laying of car parking road base. The Tarago District Progress Association have also kindly offered to support the use of Village Discretionary Funds to buy materials for completion of our recreation/meeting room. Visits. Members visited the Nerriga pub for a social get-together lunch. Four made a trip to Bowral to pick up a Joiner/ edger and pedestal drill donated by Moira Hamilton of Moss Vale. Lunch at the Sutton Forrest hotel was enjoyed on the way home. Also thanks to Barry O’Neill and Denise Johnson for the wood heater flue materials. Wanted. A normal household carpet vacuum cleaner for our recreation room. Now that you’ve bought that new Dyson, perhaps we can have the old vacuum to tuck away in our, rather than your, shed. Men’s Shed rec room humour. At the 2019 Windellama sheep dog trials how many were found guilty? Once again support from our locals is much appreciated. There is lots happening and we hope to see you at the shed or for info you can contact the Secretary, Owen Manley on 0409 041 783 or at [email protected] Plenty happening! See you at the shed or you can contact the Secretary, Owen Manley on 0409 041 783 or [email protected]

Page 27 Windellama News - August 2019

Page 28 Windellama News - August 2019 We attended the ACT Little Athletics (ACTLAA) Gala Dinner and were absolutely delighted that our club was awarded the Small Centres Award in our first season awarded to the Centre with less than 100 athletes who amongst other criteria performs best at the ACT State Championships is an honour indeed. The credit must go to our athletes who represented us at the championships, Aydan Saad, Seth Saad, Lucy Henderson, Kaylee Henderson, Victoria O’Donnell and Toby Roberts and to all their parents and supporters who helped them. Our AGM was held on 28th April at the Tarago Town Hall and the new committee is President Ian O’Donnell and President: Ian O’Donnell Victoria O’Donnell Vice President: Greg Lewis one of our STAC athletes who Secretary: Linda Hallam competed at the Treasurer: Neil Shepherd ACT State Championships with Equipment Officer: Noel Henderson the ACT Little Coaching Co-ordinator: Marina Wenban, Athletics Small Centres Cup. Canteen coordinator: Lee Lewis Registrar: Gill Shepherd Photography/Committee member: Megan Alcock Committee member: Sabine ’O Donnell

We met with ACT Athletics and have lodged our application to become a Senior Athletics Club so watch this space. More Great news! Our fundraising Manager Megan Alcock has been successful in our application to the Veolia Mulwaree Trust for High Jump mats and trolley. Congratulations Megan on and a Huge Thank You to the Veolia Mulwaree Trust for granting us $7119 towards the purchase. The Tarago Sporting Association Inc (TSAI) has donated $500 to the project and we will be making up the balance. Megan Alcock, Linda and Bonnie Hallam along with myself attend the cheque presentation on th27 June to receive the cheque on behalf of the club and this has been our largest grant to date. Along with the VMT grant, we have been very fortunate to have STAC Fundraising Manager received funds from many different sources this my last report. I Megan Alcock, Veolia returned 722 cans and bottles for a whopping $72.20, banked Woodlawn Facility Manager Henry Gundry, STAC Secretary $66.50 from the Tarago Shop donation tin, received a deposit of Linda Hallam and Athlete Bonnie $850 from the Windellama Garden Club Fair and Auction Day that Hallam with the VMT cheque. we catered for in April, received $100 from the Tarago Bingo Ladies group and we made a profit of $648 catering at the CAP Market in Tarago on 29th June! Phew a very busy time. Many thanks to; Mick McQuillan one of our athletes dads for donating his stash of cans and bottles to the value of $49.70, Cee and Dee and the lovely staff at the Tarago Shop for the donation tins, the wonderful ladies from the Tarago Bingo Group and everyone who helped out with the catering at the Windellama Fair and Auction Day and Tarago Markets catering in any

Page 29 Windellama News - August 2019

MICK’S MULTI TRADES ABN: 90 178 544 738 Multi Skilled Tradesman Windellama NSW Lic # MVTC 126573 Mob: 0413 059 587 Email: [email protected]

Proudly supporting the Windellama community is Mick A multi skilled tradesman and handy man. So if you’ve got a problem, we can help you sort it out. We can help you with building a shed too renovating your home, Fitting a water tank or swinging a farm gate. We looked after our locals, and turn a hand to any job. So shoot me an email or phone anytime, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at our down to earth rates.

Page 30 Windellama News - August 2019 way, cooking, serving and cleaning up. A special mention to our champion athletes Victoria O’Donnell (who is an awesome passionfruit slice baker as well as a fantastic helper) and Seth Saad as both of these athletes did a sterling job helping us all day at the markets. Also thanks to our youngest athletes Charlie and Bonnie Hallam who came after Charlie’s soccer match and helped us clean and pack up. Also huge thanks to the Windellama Community and the Tarago & District Progress Association Inc for allowing us to cater at their events. The other exciting news is that we have been handed the keys to our shed at the Windellama Progress Association grounds which was officially opened at the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 7th July 2019. Many thanks to the Windellama Progress Association, Goulburn Mulwaree Council and the NSW Government – Building Greater Communities Program for providing the opportunity, funds, project management and implementation for our shed. (l—r) STAC President Ian O’Donnell and th Windellama Progress Assoc (WPA) WE NEED YOUR HELP – CLOSING DATE 15 AUGUST 2019 President Mick Still at the official opening of the STAC shed at the WPA And speaking of new sheds, we need your help to obtain AGM. funding for our new shed at the Tarago Grounds. The TSAI has applied for a grant from the NSW My Community Project to duplicate the existing shed for our club to use for equipment and general usage. We are very excited that the application was accepted to the next stage of community voting. We need as many people as possible to go to the initiatives/my-community-project/ website and click on the Vote Now link. You will need a current ServiceNSW account and your medicare card handy. Once you have logged in search for the Goulburn Electorate projects and vote number 1 for our shed project which is titled New storage shed and walking track extension (you will need to vote for 2 other projects too). The more votes we get the more chance we have of securing the funds and getting the shed built asap. Closing date for voting is 15th August 2019, please share with your family and friends and help us to build the shed. STAC President Ian O’Donnell hoists th the sign onto our new Shed at the Fees will remain the same as $105 per athletes and open on 14 WPA grounds. August with ACTLAA are again offering the early bird registration competition where early registrations go into the draw to win their registration fee back. Registrations can be done either online at or by visiting us at our stall at the Windellama Hall Markets on 18th August from 9.00am to 1.00pm or the Tarago Markets at the Tarago Town Hall on Saturday 31st August 2019 9.00am to 2.00pm or by contacting me on the contact details below. If you would like to be a part of the Club or have any questions please contact our registrar (me) on 0419639254 or email [email protected] and please do follow us on Facebook, Southern Tablelands Athletics Club for more information. Come and join us to encourage fun, fitness and a healthy lifestyle in your local community. Gill Shepherd Registrar STAC Page 31 Windellama News - August 2019

Classified Advertisements All personal classifieds are FREE & also included in the Tarago Times We run your advert until you let us know when you have sold it or gained it


Microwave oven shelf ,wall mounted $15.00 . Orders taken now for supply of nucleus bee Phone Bob 48445001 evenings. hives for spring /summer 2019 4844 5001 Electric/Folding Bike, “Smartmotion Vista” Collapsible wire crates 2 medium $50ea 250w, 36v10.4ah Lithium Battery, 1large $70. 2 wooden export crates fox terrier 90cmLx62cmHx43cmW folded, as new, never size $40ea. 2 vinyl crates– as new $100ea used, $1200contact Neil, 0400405866 (cost $250). Medium size whelping box Folding double bed good condition $30.00 or (electric)$150. Clean double blankets $40ea. near offer. Phone Shirley 48445287 evenings. Call 4844 7143 ask for Margaret Water Tanks 1000 Litre ICB B Grade(not for Budgie breeding cages $50 ono. 48459147 drinking water) $60 each Phone Bruce Parrot Cage on stand, good cond. $150 ONO. 0498232448 Ph 0429 006 745 Bosch Induction Cook top 3 elements very good condition $200 0419445863 Saddles, good condition, $350 & $200. ONO. Riding helmets $30 and $20. Also other gear: Vinidex 13 x 50mm x 4.0 m bridles, leather straps, etc. Ph 0434 286311. orange electrical conduit $12.00 per length or $145.00 the lot. Ph Bob 48445001 after Miniature Shetland Gig well balanced, hardly 6.00pm . used, some harness, pneumatic tyres, lightweight $730 ono Ph 62301774 or Wooden T.V. Console in VGC. Size 0417749064 W=186cm, H=147cm, D=59cm. Contains a glass cabinet each side, 2 drawers, DVD & ANIMALS FOR SALE T.V. Area. $250.00 or O.N.A. Details Adult ducks for sale. Peking x breed. In 48447061. laying season at present. $10 each. Ph High grade quality woollen yarn rugs cream 48459147 after 7pm or 0405499186 and deep red both matching in great condition 2 black plump good looking Australorp small 150 x 239 large rug 250 x 350. $400 Roosters to give away.48447061 ono. Call Elisha 0403542471 Boar Goats for sale Male and females $120 Teak entertainment unit, with two glass door each Contact Frank on 0418282931 display. 6x4 foot. $75.00 ONO. Muscovy Ducklings & 4 Mothers 4844 5108 Double bunks, Metal, with ladder, new innerspring mattresses. $125 ONO Murray Greys 2 Bulls—make an offer. Two wooden bed side tables with cane 0414616960 draws.$50 for two. Ph. 4849 4480 Lowline Bull approx 18 months old $2000 1 x King Single bed $200;1 x Single bed o.n.o 02 48459147 $150;1 x Single bed $100;Dressing table/ Part Arabian horse 4 years old , 13hh chest of drawers (8) $150; 1 x Glass TV chestnut gelding. $1,500 ph 0421996795 table $150; 1 x Glass coffee table $50 Ph Alpacas - lots of different colours & ages. 0411 421 416 From $250 each Phone Jacki 0428 298 157 Lounges - 1x3, 1x2 + ottoman - yellow fabric, Horse part Arabian, 3 yrs old, regd, 14.2 hh, Matching chair in navy blue. All GC. Offers chestnut mare. $3,000 Ph 0429 461 490 over $500 considered. 4849 4222 Alpaca Wethers Variety of Colours, ages 12 Desk - large timber , 2xdraws/storage under. months – 3 years.Halter Trained Wethered, Leather inlay + matching 2drawers file cab. Needled & Shorn. $400.00 each. Phone 4844 Ergo office chair. All VGC. $400 ONO 4849 7267. Faye & Keith. Quialigo.

4222 Firewood. 2 tonne truck load $430, ½ truck AGISTMENT load $250. Ph 0401 241 646 Horse Agistment available at 41 Burrabinga Road Tarago. Please phone 0429 461 490 for enquires

Page 32 Windellama News - August 2019


Catholic Church Services

Parish Priest: Fr. Dermot McDermott Assistant: Fr. Assin Deacon: Chris Van Gessel

Presbytery & Parish Office

Phone 4821 1022 ******** Sunday Mass will be at 8am on the 2nd & 4th Sunday at St. Patrick's Marulan. Mass Times in Goulburn are: CHURCH SERVICES

Saturday Vigil Mass: St Bartholomew’s Windellama 6pm at St. Peter & St. Paul's Sunday: 7am. at Our Lady of Fatima, Services for August Nth. Goulburn Sunday: 10am. at St. Peter & St. Paul's 25th St. Joseph’s Church, Tarago August at 10.30 am Mass: 3rd. Sunday 8 am Reverend Canon Peter Bertram St. Michael’s, Bungonia Rosary: 7 pm. Thursdays Enquiries: 4821 1022 St. Andrews (Anglican) - Tarago 2nd Sunday 9am Fees for Hire of Hall St. John’s - Lake Bathurst or Supper Room 4th Sunday 9am at Windellama Hall

*HALL ALL DAY $200 DAY 4hrs or less $100 EVENING/NIGHT** $200 NERRIGA ANGLICAN CHURCH SERVICES *Includes Supper Room & Kitchen ** $2 per hour for heating Held at Nerriga Church 2nd Sunday each month at 2pm SUPPER ROOM (Includes Kitchen) (Except Easter & Christmas) ALL DAY $80 All Welcome DAY 4hrs or less $40 EVENING/ NIGHT $100 # Use of the premises prior to your booked function will incur a surcharge of Supper Room Fee To Book please ring W. P. A. Secretary, Leanne Lourigan on 4844 5545

Page 33 Windellama News - August 2019

10yrs . cont Classified Advertisements I have a miniature pony stud and also breed and show guinea pigs. I will feed Horses , Dogs, Cats, CARS, BIKES, TRAILERS, etc. FOR SALE Goats, Sheep, Chickens Ducks,. Medicate Nissan Pathfinder, very good condition, new animals daily if needed . tyres - excellent vehicle to drive and well maintained - V6, 250,000 Ks, Recent full Servicing Windellama , Bungonia, Quialigo and airconditioner service - Compliance plate late Goulburn. 1999, $6,000. Phone 48459147. Contact Belinda on 48447168 or 0490814131 20 inch 7 spoke mag wheels in great condition For hire:- gyprock sheet lifter, one man near new tyres 95% tread on them. Ideal for operation , 3 metre lift height .Makes sheeting Commodores. $800 ONO call Richard on walls and ceilings easy. Cheap rates . Phone 0403542471 Bob 48445001 evenings . Camper Trailer Queen sized bed with large CLEANING room. Plenty storage room. Comes with zipon Needing a house cleaner? I clean homes weekly, canopy/shelter. Easy to erect/store/transport. $3500 ono Ph 62301774 or 0417749064 fortnightly or monthly. Will service Windellama, Quialago, Bungonia area. I am currently the RURAL RELATED FOR SALE school cleaner for Windellama Public School, Seed Spreader. As new $1000 o.n.o. Post hole which I have been cleaning for the past 6 years. Driller. As new $600 o.n.o Quad Bike for Sale - Contact Belinda 4844 7168, or mobile recent fully Serviced - $2000 o.n.o. Tri Motor Bike 0490814131 with attached Trailer. great for using around stables . Not registered for road use. $2000 o.n.o. LAND FOR SALE Water pump for sale. Never been used. $1000 35.5 acres bush block, 3 bedroom house, out ono. 48459147 after 7pm or 0405499186 buildings, Creek and dam, Oallen Ford Rd Free standing drill press single phase power Windellama. Please call 0427 5560 69 and adjustable speed. Comes with vice $300 ono call Richard 0403542471 Lucerne Hay Prime soft green small bales $15 8 x 3 x 3 bakes of lucerne or beardless wheaten available phone 0428493194 Our Advertising Charges

Stanbury Electrical 75 amp battery charger - Classifieds- Personal FREE new condition, used twice only for Solar batteries (maximum 2 lines) - $1200. Pho 48459147 after 6P.M. Month Year 11 issues) Sherwood hydraulic log splitter 3 point linkage, Small advertisement $ 6.50 $ 65.00 horizontal and vertical operation. $3,500 ONO (business card size) Ring Grahame 0403499068 Quarter page advertisement $12.00 $120.00 Half page advertisement $25.00 $250.00 WANTED Full page advertisement $50.00 $500.00 Holden one Tonner HQ to HZ. Any condition Double page discount $90.00 running or not Ph Garry 48445980 Small Quad Bike for kids phone Garry 48445980 Inserts - $40.00 for 400 inserts into hard Australian Silky Terrier Female Pup (will pick copies up) phone Sharon 48445980 0438879355 Typesetting of adverts: $50 Info on star picket straightening service. Call PAYMENT: Margaret 0459142230 / 48445566 Cheques: payable to Windellama News Horse agistment for mini mare from November PO Box 705, Goulburn. 2580 to May to avoid coastal itch. Please call Tanya Direct Deposit or EFT: IMB Ltd; BSB 641.800; 4456 5589 A/c 200045794 with Name & advert as detail

SERVICES * Unpaid adverts will be cancelled after one month Belinda's pet minding * All advertising copy must be Why stress your pets out by putting them in accompanied with payment Kennels or boarding and saving on having to get All advertising enquiries to them vaccinated to put them in boarding. I will come to you . Leaving your animals in their Ray Plant 4844 5156 own homes. I have Vet Nurse experience of Page 34 Windellama News - August 2019

COMMUNITY INFORMATION Windellama Progress Association FOR ALL EMERGENCIES Michael Still (President) 0413 059 587 Leanne Lourigan(Secretary) 4844 5545 eg. FIRES / ACCIDENTS

Windellama Rural Fire Brigade PHONE 000 Paul Alessi Captain) 4844 5149 For Mobile users & Landlines Rex Hockey (President) 4844 5147 Peter Pokorny (Secretary) 4844 5759

Windellama News Ray Plant (Secretary/Treasurer) 4844 5156 Gayle Stanton (Editor) 4844 5156

Windellama Garden Cub Inc. Important Phone Numbers Harry Simm (President/Secretary) 4844 7061 Sharon King (Treasurer) 4844 5980 Rural Fire Brigades

Windellama Hall Country Markets Windellama Paul Alessi 4844 5149

Lloyd Turner 4844 5214 Tarago Warren Seymour 0419 665 393 Windellama Historical Society Taylors Creek Dave Elward 4849 4240 Rex Hockey (President) 4844 5147 Mt Fairy/Boro Tony Hill 0412 128 755 Julian Woods (Secretary) 4844 5270 Bungonia Terry Lewis 0408 223 380 Windellama Landcare Tony Greville (President) 0418412460 Tony Kent 0437298200 Sandra Greville (Secretary) 0418412460 Nerriga Justin Parr 0438459129/ 48459129 Windellama CFR Charleyong Michael Marston 0409 120 450 Kevin Muffet 4844 7143 Bushfire Information 1800 NSW RFS Windellama School P&C Ian O’donnell 4844 5927 or 1800 679 737

Willow Glen Gardeners or Warren Yates 4844 5350 WINDELLAMA PH: 4844 5359 or

Wires (wildlife rescue) CHANNEL 21 Southern Tablelands WIRES 1300 094737 AMBULANCE 000 Justice of the Peace Ambulance Booking 13 12 33 Linda Shannon 0490041167 Goulburn Ambo Station 4827 0444 Geoff Burns 4849 4330 Leanne Lourigan 0427201469 Windellama SES 132 500 Suzanne Robens 0490774981 Kevin Muffet 4844 7143 Poison Info. Service 13 11 26 Southern Tablelands Athletics Club Goulburn Base Hospital 4827 3111 (STAC) Police Gill Shepherd 0419639254 Tarago Station - Nerriga PSA Snr. Constable Gary Handseker 4849 4411 Helen Rolland (President) 4845 9115 Goulburn 4824 0799

Other Goulburn Railway Station 4828 5816 Train info & bookings 13 22 32 Country Energy - interruptions 13 20 80 Lifeline 13 11 14

Page 35 Windellama News - August 2019

August 2019

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1 2 3 4 Tarago & District Men’s Shed 10 am-3 pm

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Tarago & Tarago & District Men’s District Men’s Shed Shed 10 am-3 pm 10 am-3 pm Cake Auction @ Hall 12.30 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SES Meeting Tarago & Tarago & Markets District Men’s District Men’s @1830 Shed Shed @ 10 am-3 pm 10 am-3 pm Hall 9am-1pm 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SES Meeting Tarago & Tarago & Service at @1830 District Men’s District Men’s St Shed Shed Bartholomew Progress 10 am-3 pm 10 am-3 pm 10.30am Meeting Brigade 4.00pm @ Meeting and Training Hall 26 27 28 29 30 31 Tarago & Tarago & District Men’s District Men’s Shed Shed 10 am-3 pm 10 am-3 pm

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