sarussarus .anytime.anytime k u tourstours . o c . s r u o t d r i b s u r a s . w w w

Bulgaria Hungary India Jamaica Japan Kenya Portugal South Africa Tanzania Trinidad & Tobago Uganda

and more ….. Thank you for requesting our brochure, or for picking it up from one of the shows. For many years now, we have been offering a range of Anytime Tours to destinations worldwide. These Anytime Tours have been aimed at couples and small groups, who want to visit some of the world’s top birding locations at a time of their choosing, rather than being restricted to the times of scheduled tours. These tours have been justly popular, as they not only allow for flexibility of dates, but their use of local birding guides has ensured that prices remain competitive with scheduled tours. This success now means that the Anytime Tours have been blessed with a brochure of their own. Since these tours are basically the same from year-to-year, this brochure contains an insert with current prices. This increases the longevity of the brochure, thereby allowing us to cover production costs over several years, rather than repackaging every year. This ensures that there is less waste in brochure production, and also provides cost-savings which mean that we can continue to offer excellent value for money. Prices on the insert are based on a group size of 2 people, travelling at the cheapest time of year. Larger groups will attract discounts on these rates, so please contact us if you are interested and we will provide the latest prices based on your preferred dates. The tours themselves are sample itineraries, and we are more than happy to adjust and alter them to cater for different tour lengths, or to concentrate on specific , or interests outside of birding. None of this would be possible without our network of local guides, many of whom we consider to be friends, as we have birded with them on many occasions, looking for new and exciting destinations. We hope that you enjoy browsing through the brochure, and please fell free to contact us with any queries. If a country you are interested in is not in the brochure, then we will almost certainly be able to arrange something similar through our extensive network of contacts across the world.


All photographs copyright Nigel Moorhouse, except for Rose-coloured Starling (Ivailo Nikolov), Great Bustard (Balazs Szigeti), Jamaican Tody (Hotel Mockingbird Hill), Shoebill (Brian Finch), Blue Crane (Adrian Binns), Little Bustard (Frank McClintock) and Sarus Crane (Luc Viatour). welcome to anytime tours anytime to welcome tour information , easy to accommodation moderate Good this refers to Tetanus, TB refers to a passport with 6 months 6 with passport a to refers , this refers to clean rooms, mostly Standard, Basic Standard refers to Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Yellow Fever Special Where stated as is stated, British Passport Holders require a visa, and a and visa, a require Holders Passport British stated, is The air holiday packages in this brochure are ATOL Visa Our tours use a mixture of hotels and lodges, but generally of a room is usually available at a supplement, which will be will which supplement, a at available usually is room a of Where Dates shown are from arrival in the country to departure inclusive. Tour prices in this brochure include international (from UK) and We provide an indication of the pace of the tour alongside each tour. means many sites with intensive birding, through where the pace is more sedate, and birding more relaxed. If in about whether a tour is any suitable for you, then please doubt feel free to contact our office. passport valid for 6 months from the date of entry. Details of how on provided obtain be will visas Documents: and Antimalarial prophylaxis. Consult your GP 3 months before travel for the latest recommendations. read please so strenuous, more are some but easy-going, fairly are tours Some with optional, purely is events day's any in Participation carefully. itinerary the the obvious exception of where location to another. activities take place en-route from one We take your safety seriously, and do whatever we can to reduce risks. This can mean anything from altering the itinerary, to ensuring we do not after drive dark. The chances of and advice, FCO being UK take do involved we but robbery, inor accident of risks terrorism the to pared are very small com- if we have any doubts while on tour, we consult the tour party to decide the best course of action. Pace: Fast and Polio vaccinations. validity remaining, waived if willing to share and a If tour. the to prior stated be will this suitableand rooms, single have not do properties room-mate can be found. Some a single room is expected, but unavailable for any reason, a pro-rata refund of the supplement will be made. Health, Fitness & Safety: with shared facilities, and we only use these types of accommodationwhere of types these use only we and facilities,shared with types Other available. else nothing with locations birding excellent in are they of accommodation may be used, and these are stated where appropriate. Prior to each tour, we details of accommodation used. provide pre-tour information which Occupation Sole includes fuller Accommodation: they are of good to excellent quality. The majority of has en suite rooms. Where we state Please note that the departure day from the UK may be a day earlier, and arrival back day a later than these dates. where days those only are tour each on stated days of number the clarity, For there are birding activities, and exclude transfer-only days often included in other companies’ durations. Durations: protected by the Civil Aviation Authority. Our ATOL number is ATOL 6563. Please see our booking conditions for more information. Consumer Consumer Protection: Inclusive: internal flights, three meals on full days, and other tour of meals services the and as accommodation arrangements, ground appropriate all part-days, for leader(s). Lunches (and other meals bottled on water occasion) is supplied may as be necessary. nature, e.g. insurance, laundry, telephone calls and tips. packed Excluded and are items of a personal guides & transportation r ocsoal ue fr vrih juny, hr w wl ue first-class use will we where available. if sleepers journeys, overnight for used occasionally are Trains appropriate. more are they if used be may taxis) (e.g. vehicles Other driver. alocal or leader tour Ground Transport following: When booking a holiday with us, either with or without flights, please note the flight. the without aprice provide can we and us, contact please then flights, own your book to wish you If UK. the Flights: upr lclybsd uds hrvr osbe i odr o nue local environment. local their of conservation of tance ensure impor- the understand to to come order and ecotourism, in from benefit communities possible, wherever guides locally-based support Guides Local travelled has He region. European Eastern world. the throughout extensively the in issues trade wildlife and conservation species on WWF for working been has since and veterinarian a as graduated He Hungary. in Danube the of floodplains the near up growing Attila Steiner years. 15 over for Iberia southern throughout guide professional in assist who wildlife. at finding excellent also are who and special, tour makingthe drivers, experienced have often we guides, our to addition In experience. similar of others several have do we but guides, principal our are below guides The people. local to income an providing ly, knowledge, and our philosophy of keeping down prices, and more important- Guides: Camps and Hotels. and Camps and Naturalist, as well as Ornithologist a Guest Relations Officer in Resident a number of the top the Lodges, as worked also has He to- birdwatching. geared wards primarily company, own his formed has and intimately, wildlife Mugambi Ben censuses censuses in his native Bulgaria, and now guides tours throughout the country. and studies ornithological numerous out carried has and graduate, zoology Nikolov Ivailo takes birdwatching excursions to seek out Iberian specialities. He has been a been has He specialities. Iberian out seek to excursions birdwatching takes he which from Daniela, wife his with lodge guest well-appointed a runs now built he and ago, years where 25 Portugal over in southern He settled widely. McClintock Frank Ÿ Ÿ ture date, especially during the northern summer months. summer northern the during especially date, ture possible, as flight prices can increase dramatically closer to the depar- as early as book to you advise We booking. on changes detrimental Flight prices are highly volatile at present, and we will inform you of any booked. are flights the when information full provide will We date. end brochure the than later day one back arriving date, start brochure the to prior day one is date departure the so return, on and out way the on flights overnight be will holidays African most UK, the From given. not are days departure Flight-only country. to destination the country from destination the in arrival from are given Dates The prices contained in the brochure include international flights from flights international include brochure the in contained prices The hrvr osbe w ty o s lcl uds bt fr hi local their for both guides, local use to try we possible, Wherever has has been a keen naturalist and birdwatcher since his childhood, is co-founder of his own nature tour agency in Bulgaria. He is a is He Bulgaria. in agency tour nature own his of co-founder is r te anty f h AYIE or. u piooh i to is philosophy Our tours. ANYTIME the of mainstay the are is one of Kenya’s best birders. He knows the country and its and country the knows He birders. best Kenya’s of one is is is usually by car, minibus or Landcruiser, driven either by the a br na te aaa n fia ad a travelled has and Africa, in Sahara the near born was bulgaria mountain & coast hungary kiskunsag Next, Next, we visit a true hotspot for Eastern Europe’s Rodopi Mountains, where more than 20 raptor species of prey - the can be seen during the breeding season. These include Black, Imperial and Booted Short-toed, Vultures, Egyptian and Griffon Eagles, Long-legged and Honey Buzzards and several smaller species. Additional encounters with Black Stork, Hoopoe, Blue Rock Thrush, Sardinian, Barred and Subalpine Rock and Warblers, Black-headed Buntings, Cirl, Rock Nuthatch, Olive-tree, Olivaceous and Eastern Bonelli’s Warblers, Woodchat Lesser Shrikes, Grey and and many more are guaranteed. Great In addition to the birds, there are several endemic wildflower spe- cies, including orchids, and we can also seek out Suslik, Roe Deer, Hare, Green Lizard and Southern Festoon. Swallowtail is also com- mon. A short drive away, we can look for some of the more sought-after species, including: Great Bustard, Stone Curlew, Short-toed Eagle, Imperial Eagle, White-tailed Eagle, Saker Falcon, Middle Spotted & Woodpecker.Black Stork Black is possible. We begin in the Western Rodopi Mountains – a famous site for Wallcreeper. On We also have the option of a short-trip over 3 days specifically to look for Wall- Lake Nakuru Lake Great Bustard Great Rose-coloured Starling Rose-coloured

This is an easy-going tour, available Kiskunsag reserve. as a week or a long-weekend, based around the On-site birding provides many excellent species within a short Woodpeck- Syrian and Lesser-spotted Owl, Tawny & Little Scops, Hobby, walk, Falcon, Red-footed like Roller, Bee-eater, Stonechat, Redstart, Black Hoopoe, Cuckoo, Nightjar, Pipit, Tawny Sparrow, Tree Wryneck, er, Whinchat, Wheatear, Nightingale, Hawfinch, Tree Pipit, Corn Bunting, Golden Oriole, Turtle Dove and many more. Depending on the season, alkaline lakes attract a wide variety of birds, including: Avocet, Redshank, Black-winged Stilt, Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Cormorant, Ferruginous Kentish Duck, Shoveler, Plover, Garganey, Bittern, Black-necked Grebe, Pygmy Squacco Heron, Purple Heron, Night Heron, Spoonbill, Spotted Crake & Little Crake, Montagu's Harrier, Pen- duline Tit, Bearded Reedling, Great Reed Warbler, Savi's Warbler, Moustached Warbler and Reed Warbler , Corncrake, Whiskered Tern and (during wet Tern,Black Red-crested Pochard and Mediterranean Gull. years) Black & White-winged the way we pass through Pazardzhik hills, where we will encounterhills,wherewillwe Bee-eater, Black-headed Pazardzhik pass wethrough way the Bunting, Long-legged Buzzard, Isabelline Wheatear, Calandra Lark, Short-toed Lark, Short- toed andEagle others. Spotted Cuckoo and Eleonora’s Falcon are also rare guests here. As we head towards the Black Sea Coast, we pass through the Sakar Mountains. The open conditions feeding perfect providing thus Suslik, European of colonies large house here areas for Booted, Eastern Imperial and Lesser Shrike, and Black-headed Buntings are quite numerous. SpottedMasked Shrike and Levant Sparrow- Eagles. Isabelline Wheatear, hills the to contrast a Woodchat offer Coast Sea Black the by wetlands The possible. quite also are hawk of the Sakar Mountains. Lagoons and lakes along the Via Pontica flyway are stop-over and nesting places for many waterbirds, such as Night, Squacco and Purple Herons, Glossy Ibis, Collared Pratincole, Dalmatian Pelican, Pygmy Cormorant, Slender-billed and Mediterrane- an Gulls, Avocet, Black-winged Stilt, Penduline Tit, Savi’s and Cetti’s Warblers. Weekend: allow also will trip This Bulgaria. in Gorge Trigrad the in sites regular most its of one at creeper, for time in the Rodopi Mountains looking for species as above. Week Tour:

Standard Documents: possible Hot. Rain Warm to Weather: Good Hotels: Easy Pace: 3 or 6 No Days:No Guides Local Guide: Apr- Jun Year: Hungary of Time

Standard Documents: possible Hot. Rain Warm to Bulgaria Weather: Good Hotels: Moderate Pace: 3 or 6 No Days:No Nikolov Ivailo Guide: Apr-July Year: Time of Time jamaica blue mountains india tigers and taj mahal can Crow and Black-billed Parrot. We finally spend a night in Kingston before flights home. flights before Kingston in anight spend finally We Parrot. Black-billed and Crow can Jamai- for good also and Blackbird, Jamaican for spot best the are which Mountains, Crow throated Blue Warblers and American Redstarts are common here. We will also visit the John Jamaican Oriole and and White-chinned White-eyed Thrushes. In the northern winter, Black- Dove, Caribbean Warbler, Arrowhead Streamertail, Black-billed Mango, Jamaican Oriole, will host us. The gardens here hold Chestnut-bellied and Jamaican Lizard Cuckoo, Jamaican Hill Mockingbird Hotel where Antonia, Port at coast the reach we here, from north Heading Royal and Forster’s Terns and several shorebirds. several and Terns Forster’s and Royal Frigatebird, Magnificent Pelican, Brown see should we lodge, our and airport the Between species. Caribbean localised many and endemics the all find to able be should we trip, the On Mountains. Blue the within and Mockingbird Hill, found we are well away from the main tourist areas, and on the be fringes of the can indeed, Farm and, Tree Lime country, the of find, east the in eco-hotels two at to Based lodgings. our of grounds easy are these of majority The Cuba. ing One of the larger Caribbean islands, Jamaica holds more endemic species than neighbour- may find Large-tailed Nightjar and Dusky Eagle-owl at night. NightjarEagle-owl Dusky Large-tailed and find may We Warblers. Leaf possible several and Courser Indian Lapwings, Red-wattled and wattled Storks, Black-headed Ibis, Black Bittern, Bronze-winged and Woolly-necked Pheasant-tailed Jacanas, Yellow- and Painted Black-necked, including; species, many have wetlands These Mahal. Taj the is must-visit a route, en However, Bharatpur. famed the is destination final Our Sarus. and Demoiselle Common, as such Cranes and Ducks, migratory of flocks Tern, Black-bellied Skimmer, Indian us bring can cruise boat noon after- an Here, Chambal. to transfer we train, sleeper air-conditioned by Delhi to Returning Laughingthrush Rufous-chinned Black Bulbul. and Barbet, Blue-throated Tesia, Chestnut-headed Accentor, Red-breasted Pheasant, Kalij Niltava, Rufous-bellied Woodpecker, Slaty-backed Rufous-bellied and Forktails, Spotted Griffon, Himalayan Lammergeier, as; such species, and Himalayan Minla Striated of variety Blue-winged a out seek can we up, Higher Yuhina. Whiskered and Pipit, White-throated, Upland Laughingthrushes, Redstart, Streaked Blue-capped Tits, Large Oriole, Maroon Yellow-browed & Black-throated Rufous-naped, Cuckoo-shrike, Jay, Black-headed Treepie, Grey oos, Cuck- Hawk Turtle Large and Oriental Indian, Oriental Bushchat, Grey Doves, and Spotted Parakeet, Yel- Slaty-headed include; Greater species including; Other Piculet. Speckled Woodpeckers, and Scaly-breasted lownape, several for look can we Here Lodge. Birding Lore Jungle for head we Corbett, After Leafbirds. Orange-bellied and Golden-fronted Shama, White-rumped Babbler, ed Fish Eagle, Great Slaty Woodpecker, Great Hornbill, Purple and Crimson Sunbirds, Puff-throat- Pallas' Hawk-eagle, Changeable Owl, Spot-bellied Nightjar, Long-tailed include: Birds Tiger. seeing for sites best the of one is This Park. National Corbett to head we Delhi, in arrival After Jamaican Tody Plain Pigeon should be about. be should Pigeon Plain seen. The northern side of the mountains has Red-billed Streamertail, and luck, be both with can Parrots Black-billed and, and Yellow-billed Flycatchers Blackbird. Jamaican Sad and Rufous-tailed Becard, Jamaican the of Dove, some Quail Crested Phoebe, for Jamaican including species, Gap scarce more Hardwar visit will we here, From Tody. for Jamaican excellent are nearby Areas Euphonia. Jamaican and Spindalis can Jamai- Orangequit, Woodpecker, Jamaican include endemics lodge, the around area the in and farm, coffee working a also is It eco-lodge. an is and Mountains, Blue the in hill a of top on up set is Farm Tree Lime Sarus Crane Jamaica India Documents: Documents: Moderate o. Rain Hot. o. Rain Hot. Standard am to Warm am to Warm Weather: Weather: No Days: No Days: possible possible Time of Time of Guides Guides Guide: Guide: Hotels: Hotels: Good Good Pace: Pace: Local Local Year: Year: Easy Visa Any Any 14 6 japan diy kenya coast & parks Vulturine Guineafowl Vulturine We begin on Kyushu, for the magical crane gathering, along with along gathering, crane magical the for Kyushu, on begin We the secretive Copper Pheasant, Green Pheasant, Saunders’ and Great Black-headed Gulls, the gorgeous Baikal Teal, Japanese Murrelet, Long-billed Plover, Crested Kingfisher, and, with Grey Bunting. luck, Heading to the frozen north, we visit shotsmany take to able bephotographerswhere Sanctuary,will the famous Akan Crane of dancing, fighting and bugling Red-crowned Cranes. Moving

Blakiston’s Fish Owl Fish Blakiston’s The trip begins on the coast. South of Mombasa is the forested Shimba Hills National Park, and Park, National Hills Shimba forested the is Mombasa of South coast. the on begins trip The then heading north, we reach the shore at Mida Creek and Sabaki Rivermouth, the mysteri- ous Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and the plains north of Malindi. Coast East and Sunbird Amani Weaver, Clarke’s Pipit, Sokoke Owl, Scops Sokoke forest, the In Green-headed Turaco, Fischer’s by accompanied are and range, in restricted all are Akalat Oriole, Madagascar and Asian Lesser Cuckoos, Four-coloured Bush-shrike and the strange Golden-rumped Elephant Shrew. Greater Plover, Crab Tern, Saunder’s Skimmer, African find can one shore, and creeks the On and Lesser Sandplovers, Madagascar Pratincole, Zanzibar Red Bishop and many more. The salt-flats north of Malindi are the home of the restricted-range Malindi Pipit. Heading inland, we go through Tsavo East National Park. Here White- Bustards, Buff-crested and Kori Ostrich, Somali found are throated Bee-eaters, Vulturine Guineafowl, Golden-breasted Starling, Orange-bellied Parrot, and Yellow-billed and Von der Decken’s Hornbills. Tsavo West is home to the restricted-range Red-naped Bush-shrike. En-route, we visit Taita Hills, with White-eye their and endemic Taita Apalis, Thrush, as well Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler and Striped Pipit. as Stripe-cheeked Greenbul, Finally, we visit Amboseli National Park, under the shadow of on Dependent Hippo. and Elephant Cheetah, Lion, including Mt. mammals, of range impressive Kilimanjaro, and with an season, waterbirds can be plentiful, larks abound, and it is one of the best places to find the scarce regional endemic, Taveta Golden Weaver. from here, another highlight awaits, the enigmatic Blakiston’s Fish Owl, which we can usually can we which Owl, Fish Blakiston’s enigmatic the awaits, highlight another here, from see from the warmth of a local minshuku. After this, we will skirt the coastline, with Eagles in excellent numbers, and concentrate on the alcids, which often gather in the harbours. These trips have included additions of trips to Ryukyu Islands, Karuizawa, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto and Tokyo, and visiting the famous Snow Monkeys. Everything is flexible dependent on time and budget. returning and find, to easier are speciesendemic several when time, popular a also is Spring summering species boost the numbers. Many independent birders are a little put-off barriers of and language, other logistical difficulties of booking accommodation etc. from visiting Japan, due to the perceived arranging trips, self-drive on groups small and couples many helped have we years, the Over everything needed to make the trip back-up of an English-speaker at the end of the as phone should there be any real difficulties. easy been have trips these Japanese, and the of nature polite and hassle-free helpful the and assistance, this as With possible, including the successes,winter.especiallypopular, word-of-mouthingreat very tripstheseand made has

Visa Documents: possible Hot. Rain Warm to Weather: Good Hotels: Easy Pace: 10 No Days:No Mugambi Ben Guide: Any Year: Kenya - Coast & Parks & Coast - Kenya of Time Standard Documents: Cold Warm to Japan Weather: Good Hotels: Moderate Pace: Any No Days:No Guided Self- Guide: Any Year: Time of Time portugal la quinta kenya rift valley Grey Shrikes, Roller, Chough and Peregrine Falcon. Peregrine and Chough Roller, Shrikes, Grey Blue include these and Rock Thrush, Rock area, Bunting, Linnet, Cuckoo, Great this Spotted Cuckoo, Woodchat and Southern in possible species of range the wide of a some is permits, There time coast. if south and, Sagres, near cliffs the to down south turning coast, west the to down drop we where from Monchique, near hills high the is explore we area next The Kestrel. Lesser and Kite Black-winged Red-crested Pochard, Purple Swamp Hen and Purple Heron. Purple and Hen Swamp Purple Pochard, Red-crested Bittern, Little Heron, Squacco Plover, Ringed Little Plover, Kentish Avocet, Flamingo, Greater After arrival, we will explore salt pans and coastal lakes near Faro; species in the area include families. for and partners, non-birding with birders for ideal it making lake, mosquito-free freshwater, vast, a of shores the on located is lodge of variety a in takes and Estrada, da habitats which provide excellent opportunities for a number Barranco of Iberian specialities. The guest do Quinta at based is weekend long This poe. D’Arnaud’s and Woodhoo- Green and Owls Eagle Greyish and Verreaux’s Red--and-Yellow Owl, Scops White-faced Barbets, Sunbird, Beautiful Weavers, Golden-backed Jackson’s and Little , Go-away White-bellied Starling, Bristle-crowned Hornbills, Helmetshrike, Jackson’s Grey-crested and Hemprich’s are habitat surrounding the In shorebirds. of variety a Lesser Flamingos are in their millions, accompanied by White and Pink-backed Pelicans, and Finally, we visit the Rift Valley lakes of Baringo and Nakuru, for waterside and acacia species. Pipit. Shaba. in found be Lark can William’s endemic The Golden and Fiscal Taita Eremomela, Yellow-vented Weaver, Sparrow Don- aldson-Smith’s Parrot, Orange-bellied Starling, Golden-breasted fowl, and Somali Bustards, Guinea- Vulturine Courser, Somali Bee-eaters, Buff-crested White-throated and Kori Ostrich, Somali Eagle, Martial as well as Leopard, and Cheetah Lion, Ele- phant, including mammal-viewing, best the provides Samburu species. other and sunbirds several Owl, Eagle Mackinder’s Francolin, Jackson’s Turaco, Hartlaub’s Sharpe’s Trogon, Narina Cisticola, endemic Aberdare and Longclaw the Woodhoopoe, White-headed zard, Buz- Mountain include specialities highlands, the into Moving found. allbe can Pipit Bush and Silverbill Grey-headed Cordon-bleu, Blue-capped Puffback, Pringle’s birdlife. with The Rift valley descends south of the park from the Ngong Hills, and this arid area is often filled Black Rhino. of chance best the well as and Athi Short-toed Larks, Jackson’s Pangani Longclaw, Northern Pied Pipit, Babbler and other grassland species, Nairobi for looking are and We White-tailed Northern Bustards, White-bellied and Hartlaub’s Widowbirds, White-winged Park. National Nairobi in begins tour The Little Little Bustard od Boe ad oel' Ege, otg' Harrier, Montagu's Eagles, Bonelli's and Booted toed, Short- for out eye Spanish an keep will and we Overhead, Sparrow. Pratincole, Starling Spotless Collared Wheatear, Hoopoe, Black-eared Calandra, and Crested, Thekla, including Wood larks, Red- of host a Bunting, Stilt, winged Rock Thrush, Black- Curlew, Stone Bushchat, Rufous Swallow, rumped Rock Black-bellied Blue Bustards, Little Sandgrouse, & Great sought-after Verde, the Castro of include species vicinity Possible Lobo. do Pulo the the and Mertola in principally is day This Alentejo. the of plains the in be will explorations first The Lake Nakuru Portugal Kenya Documents: Documents: McClintock Moderate Mugambi o. Rain Hot. Mar - Jun - Mar Standard am to Warm Weather: Weather: No Days: No Days: possible Time of Time of Guide: Guide: Hotels: Hotels: to Hot to Warm Good Good Pace: Pace: Frank Year: Year: Easy Visa Any Ben 10 3 south africa the cape tanzania birds & big game Blue Crane Blue We next head for Tarangire several species and endemic to this area, Manyara including Fischer’s and Yel- reserves. There are low-collared Lovebirds, Ashy Starling and Rufous-tailed Weaver. Crested Barbet could be found with Orange-bellied luck, Parrot, Heuglin’s and Courser more and likely Magpie are Shrike. night, At we may find both Freckled Mammals are plentiful and include good populations and of Lion and Slender-tailed Nightjars. Elephant. After some final birding at Manyara, we head to Ngorongoro

White-throated Bee-eater White-throated Mount Meru looms over the town of Arusha, and offers a range of birds which can include Abbott's Starling, Moustached Green Tinkerbird, White-eared and Brown-breasted Barbets, Red-fronted Parrot and Forest Batis. Lammergeier is a local, if scarce, speciality, along with the commoner Crowned Eagle and Mountain Buzzard. The lark plains north of the mountain hold the endemic Beesley's as Lark, well as Short-toed Athi and Short-tailed. Crater, famous for its concentrations of big-game. However, the forests around the caldera are also excellent for birding, with Hartlaub’s and Schalow’s Turacos, Brown-headed Apalis, Tambourine Dove, White-tailed Blue Flycatcher, Golden-winged, Tacazze, Malachite Bronze and Sunbirds, and the floor itself is excellent for Ostrich, Kori Bustard, Scaly Francolin and Rosy-breasted Longclaw. The West Usambaras, although degraded, feature , Usambara Ground Robin, Sharpe’s Akalat and Usambara Eagle Owl which are Woodland Yellow-throated and all Pipit Striped Greenbuls, Stripe-cheekedendemic. and Yellow-streaked Species such as and Mountain of races local the and Kenya, in than here seen easily more much are Warbler Shelley’s Greenbuls and White-starred Robin could be distinct species. The lower forests of the East Usambaras are better Swynner- Alethe, White-breasted Tailorbirds, protected, African and Long-billed and Sunbirds, Green Banded highlights possible here include Amani & ton’s Robin, Usambara Hyliota and Fülleborn’s Boubou. Black This is a birding adventure in which a large number of localised southern African endemics will be encountered, and big mammalsexciting distraction from birding. We start such with a couple of days around as Cape Town, where black-maned Kalahari Lion a plethora of fynbos will habitat endemics can be be found amid some an of Africa’s most splendid scenery. We then drive to Springbok in northern Namaqualand. From here, we can bird the endemic-rich, beautiful desert mountains of one of the most famous flower areas on earth - Namaqualand has a huge plant diversity and its spring flower shows are an impressive sight. In addition, we can also access the desert coast just south of the Namibian border. Then we head inland for some extremely localized birds inhabit- ing the region called “Bushmanland”. Further inland, we bird the surroundings of the impressive “waterfall in the desert” (Augra- bies Falls) and associated Park Transfrontier Kgalagadi vast the gorge – parks game great Africa’s before heading for one extending into neighbouring Botswana. This conservation area is of on a par with Kruger and Etosha National Parks, and is set in one between wedged areas wilderness remote most Africa’s South of Africa’s by inhabited park this is only Not Botswana. and Namibia charismatic megafauna such as Lion and Gemsbok, but it also hosts many vibrant southern African breasted endemic Shrike, birds Swallow-tailed (Crimson- Bee-eater, Southern Pied bler, Kori Bab- Bustard and Black-faced Waxbill). This Park is a truly phenomenal place for raptors trip a on add sometimes We roosts. day-time their at found be can which of many – owls and have also We seen.berecently-described whencanwinter pipits inespeciallyKimberley, to an excellent chance of seeing there. Aardvark Please note that the itinerary above is still flexible and we may opt according slightly change may itinerary the Also, request participants any if TownCape spend more time in to recent information, accommodation availability and other factors.

Visa Documents: possible Hot. Rain Warm to Weather: Good/Basic Hotels: Moderate Pace: 11 No Days:No Raphael Anthony Guide: Any Year: Tanzania of Time Standard South Africa South Documents: possible Hot. Rain Warm to Weather: Good Hotels: Easy Pace: 13 No Days:No Guides Local Guide: Any Year: Time of Time uganda birds & gorillas trinidad & tobago Lake Victoria, and include the best chance for the enigmatic Shoebill. enigmatic the for chance best the include and LakeVictoria, of shores the on are stops final Our possibility. a is Weaver Weyns' nomadic The Hylia. Tit and Bluebill Red-headed Seedcracker, Black-bellied Blue- Robin-chats, Red-capped sunbirds, and of shouldered plethora a Francolin, Nahan’s elusive the for Forest, Mabira visit next We species, papyrus several Warbler. White-winged and Gonolek Papyrus Warbler, Yellow Papyrus include could which are There Barbet. Red-faced restricted-range the luck, with and Spurfowl, Red-necked Mousebird, Blue-naped Parrot, Brown include species Mburo, Lake At Weaver. Strange and BlackFlycatcher Yellow-eyed Batis, Rwenzori Boubou, Black Mountain Tit, Stripe-breasted Warbler, Woodland Swallow- Cuckoo-shrike. Red-shouldered and Roller Abyssinian Hornbill, Ground Abyssinian tailed, Turaco, White-crested Pigeon, Green Bruce’s Bee-eater, Red-throated Nightjars, Mur- Long-tailed and Pennant-winged at out seek we country Shoebill, enigmatic the for open site a Falls, more chison In Lovebird. Black-collared and Batis Ituri Alethe, Fire-crested Hawk-eagle, Cassin’s Hornbill, Pied African and White-thighed include species Other Pitta. Green-breasted scarce very and the and African us Dusky bring may Luck Cuckoos. and Long-tailed Olive Crombecs, Lemon-bellied and Thick- Green Sunbird, Honeyguides, Willcock’s Tiny and Apalis, billed Black-capped Weaver, Yellow-mantled us Pigeon, bring should White-naped and tracking, Chimp for opportunity the give Forests species. Kibale restricted-range and for Budongo route en stopping Masindi, to north drive will we arrival, After Boobies, Red-footed and Brown include Frigatebird. Magnificent and Terns Sooty and Bridled Tropicbird, Red-billed Seabirds Flycatcher. Venezuelan and Antwren White-fringed Manakin, Blue-backed Chachalaca, Rufous-vented Sabrewing, White-tailed including Trinidad, on found not many include species where Marsh, Buccoo and Tobago, Tobago has pristine rainforest in the island's centre at Gilpin Trace, the offshore island of Little roost. Ibis Scarlet unforgettable the as well as Flycatcher Fork-tailed and Woodcreeper Straight-billed Ani, Greater Cuckoos, Mangrove and Dark-billed Gallinule, Azure Limpkin, Bittern, Pinnated and Red-capped Cardinal, Boat-billed and Cocoi Herons, Silvered Antbird, Pygmy Kingfisher, Cuckoos Mangrove and Little offer Caroni, and Nariva swamps, Two Cacique. low-rumped Yel- and Yellowthroat Masked Spinetail, Yellow-throated Parrotlet, Grey-rumped Blackbirds, Red-breasted and Yellow-hooded Beardless-tyrranulet, Southern Flycatchers, Bran-coloured bellied Macaw, Striped Cuckoo, Southern Lapwing, Sulphury and Hook-billed Red- Caracara, Yellow-headed Hawks, and Savanna and Grey Kites, Grey-headed Pearl, include Species Trinidad. in left area grassland rare a is Savannah Aripo Tropicbird. billed Red- and Frigatebird Magnificent perhaps Skimmer, and waders, Nearctic Black Pelican, Brown shore, nearby the At Ant-thrush. Black-faced and Gnatwren Long-billed Spinetail, Stripe-breasted White Hawk, Lilac-tailed Parrotlet, Little Tinamou, Green Kingfisher, and Vultures Turkey and Black both for excellent is Blanchisseuse Parrot, Blue-headed Owl, Spectacled Oilbird. bizarre the and Motmot, Blue-crowned and Bellbird Bearded Oropendola, Crested Honeycreepers, Green and Purple Tanagers, several Tityra, Black-tailed Trogons, White-tailed and Violaceous Collared, Woodpeckers, Chestnut and Golden-olive Hawk-eagle, Ornate Hawk, White Toucan, billed Channel- Manakins, White-bearded and Golden-headed include seen be can which birds Other Hummingbird. Copper-rumped and Jacobin White-necked Sapphire, Blue-chinned Coquette, Tufted including bring Asain hummingbirds, the many local The of Wright feeders Shoebill huh Muti Mse ad olrd plss Red-faced Apalises, Collared and Masked Mountain Thrush, and White-bellied Robin-chats, Red-throated Alethe, Kivu Ground Archer’s Bee-eater, Black Broadbill, Green rare very the Sunbirds, Regal and Purple-breasted Blue-headed, Warblers, Short-tailed and Grauer’s Francolin, Handsome include These endemics. Rift Albertine of host a and Gorillas, Mountain to home is Bwindi gra. Tcha- Marsh and Tinkerbird Speckled Cisticola, Croaking Eagle, At Queen Elizabeth National Park, we look for Beaudouin’s Snake Trinidad & Tobago Blue-headed Parrot Uganda Documents: Documents: Moderate o. Rain Hot. o. Rain Hot. Standard am to Warm am to Warm Weather: Weather: No Days: No Days: possible possible Time of Time of Guides Guide: Guide: Hotels: Hotels: Guide Good Good Pace: Pace: Local Local Year: Year: Easy Visa Any Any 15 11 booking conditions arise. In such cases, we shall inform you as soon as possible, and should such a sarus bird tours bird sarus Tel: 0161 761 7279 Fax: 0161 797 6243 797 0161 Fax: 7279 761 0161 Tel: Unfortunately, hotels may be overbooked or temporarily closed, and in such cases, we 12 Walton Drive, Walmersley, Bury, BL9 5JU, UK 5JU, BL9 Bury, Walmersley, Drive, Walton 12 force majeure We reserve the right to change any published itinerary or leader without notice, either before or during or before either notice, without leader or itinerary published any change to right the reserve We When you buy an ATOL protected air holiday package from us you will receive a Confirmation Invoice Confirmation a receive will you us from package holiday air protected ATOL an buy you When We reserve the right to cancel any tour eight weeks before the tour departure date, due to insufficient We reserve the right to modify the tour details as published, or to cancel and curtail any tour if unforeseen if tour any curtail and cancel to or published, as details tour the modify to right the reserve We We shall endeavour to keep prices to those stated in the brochure, and those confirmed to you on booking. e-mail: [email protected] web: web: [email protected] e-mail: You participate in our tours entirely at your own risk. We cannot accept responsibility for the actions and Cancellations by you of a confirmed booking must be made to us in writing, and will take effect from the date the from effect take will and writing, in us to made be must booking confirmed a of you by Cancellations In the unlikely event that you have cause for complaint, you must notify the tour leader as soon as possible, who possible, as soon as leader tour the notify must you complaint, for cause have you that event unlikely the In On tour, you are obliged to abide by the authority of the tour leader(s). If your behaviour, in the opinion of the tour the of opinion the in behaviour, your If leader(s). tour the of authority the by abide to obliged are you tour, On The relevant deposit must be paid at the time of booking. The balance is payable two months before the starting thebeforemonths two payable is balance The booking. of time the at paid be mustdeposit relevantThe Over 60 days before start of tour 60-31 days before start of tour Deposit only 30 days or less before start of tour ofDay start of tour or later 100% 50% 100% We cannot be held liable for any delay to your flights, or the consequences thereof. However, we will, at our 0161 295 2279. Sarus Travel's bankruptcy, or short notice cancellation by Sarus Travel. For full details, contact the Trustee, Dr. G. H. Heath; payments for your holiday are held in trust until you return from your holiday, providing full protection in the unlikely event of event unlikely the inprotection full providing holiday, your from return you until trust in held are holiday your forpayments Package Package Tours Regulations 1992, Sarus Travel operate a Trustee Account for your consumer protection. This means that all For bookings without flights for citizens of the UK or EC, in compliance with the Package Travel, Package Holidays and (APC) we pay to This(APC) the CAA. charge is included in our advertised prices The price of our air holiday packages includes the amount of £2.50 per person as part of the ATOL Protection Contribution have paid to us for an advance booking. For further information visit the website ATOL at Financial Protection: Financial event of our insolvency, the CAA will ensure that you are not stranded abroad and will arrange to refund any money you can assume no responsibility for loss or expense incurred by you in consequence of such dismissal. from us confirming your arrangements and protection under our Air Travel Organiser’s Licence number 6563. In the unlikely act, they have the right to dismiss you from the tour, with no right to any refund (for that tour, or any other booked tours). We tours). booked other any or tour, that (for refund any to right no with tour, the from you dismiss to right the have they act, Authority: illegal any commit you or tour, the of enjoyment their to or group, the of safety and/or welfare the to detrimental is leader(s), of the end of the tour. The complaint will then be fully investigated. We will not accept any complaints outside of this timescale. this of outside complaints any accept not will We investigated. fully be then will complaint The tour. the of end the of will try to rectify it or assist. If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved, then you must refer to our office in writing within 14 days14within writing officeinour refertosatisfactorily mustresolved,not isyou thenmatter assist.the Ifor it rectifyto try will Complaints: natural natural disasters. undertakings, and others. We can also assume no responsibility for loss or expense due to war, riots, strikes, terrorist activity or activity terrorist strikes, riots, war, to due expense or loss for responsibility no assume also can We others. and undertakings, omissions of those involved in your holiday over whom we have no direct control, such as employees of airlines, transport Our Liabilities: God, and other causes beyond our control. responsibility for expenses incurred by delays and changes of transport services, nor weather, strikes, quarantine, acts of change alter the nature of the holiday, we shall offer you either an alternative holiday, or a full refund. We accept no circumstances amounting to Alteration of Tour: of Alteration that accommodationthat and of the accommodation stated in the itinerary. the itinerary. If accommodation of a lesser standard is all that is available, we shall refund the difference in price between reserve the right to change accommodation from the published hotels to those of a similar standard. This may also affect Alteration Alteration of Accommodation: any loss whatsoever as resulta of these changes. Alteration of Itinerary: of Alteration countries, such as adverse weather, local bureaucracy, potential danger etc. In such cases, we will not be held liable for Delays: discretion, provide additional services in such an instance. the tour. Any such change will usually be due to circumstances such as illness, and uncertainties of travelling in foreign have the toright cancel the holiday, with full refund of moneyall paid. we will try to absorb small increases. Should any increase mean payment of 10% or more of the original holiday price, you Price Price Change: except in cases resulting from Government action, airfare increases and exchange rate fluctuations. Even in these cases, obviously try to keep any such deductions to the absolute minimum). Once booking confirmation has been received, we will guarantee that the price of your holiday will not be increased, the right to deduct from your refund, all reasonable expenses incurred by us in connection with your holiday (we shall war or threat of war, civil strife, terrorist activity, man-made or natural disasters, riot or severe weather conditions; we reserve we conditions; weather severe or riot disasters, natural or man-made activity, terrorist strife, civil war, of threat or war a tour for reasons beyond our control; for example, technical problems with transport, government action, industrial dispute, industrial action, government transport, with problems technical example, for control; our beyond reasons for tour a Tour Tour Cancellation: bookings. In these cases, a full refund (including the deposit) will be paid to you. In the event of the necessity of cancelling where cancellation is due to purely financial reasons or unwillingness to travel Comprehensive Travel Insurance will usually cover you for these cancellation charges (less any policy excess), excepting a percentagea of the total tour price), based on estimated losses suffered as resulta of your cancellation, will be levied. Cancellation: we receive this notification. The following scale of charges (payable by the person signing the booking form, expressed as cancel your holiday and retain any deposit paid. date of the holiday, a reminder of which will be sent. If the balance remains unpaid after this date, we reserve the right to Payment: the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. with Christopher Nigel Moorhouse, agreeing to these Booking Conditions in full. This agreement is subject to English law, and law, English to subject is agreement This full. in Conditions Booking these to agreeing Moorhouse, Nigel Christopher with Walmersley, Bury, BL9 5JU is the Sole Owner. Signing the Booking Form, or submitting it online, will enter you into a contract Below are set out the Booking Conditions of Sarus Travel, of which Christopher Nigel Moorhouse of 12 Walton Drive, HOW TO BOOK Read the Tour Details and Booking Conditions. If you have any queries, or require more details, please contact us. Complete the Booking Form, and send it to the address below, with £600/US$1200 per per- son deposit. Trekking Permit costs are also payable on booking. This payment should be by cheque, payable to SARUS TRAVEL. We will also accept transfers to our bank account, details of which are availa- ble on application, and can accept Paypal ( credit card payments to [email protected] for a 3% surcharge (note that a maximum of £1000 is payable through Paypal unless you register an account with them). If the tour is less than nine weeks away, please telephone/e-mail us to check availability. A final invoice will be sent as above, which must be settled by return. Final instructions and tickets will be dispatched about two weeks before the tour start. If, at any time, you require further information, or wish to check on availability, then please feel free to contact us.

Sarus Bird Tours, 12 Walton Drive, Bury, BL9 5JU, UK Tel: 0161 761 7279 Fax: 0161 797 6243 e-mail: [email protected]

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