April 5, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5685 will join the 17 that already have amended School for several years until his death, as I congratulate Flower Mound High School’s their constitutions to ban gay marriage. he sets out across the country to carry his performing arts department, under the leader- The was among message. ship of Danna Rothlisberger, Lewisville ISD di- numerous gay-rights organizations partici- ‘‘We seek the same rights and responsibil- pating earlier this month in a strategy ses- ities as all other Americans,’’ Solmonese rector of performing arts, and Mark Rohwer, sion aimed at competing effectively in said, upon his appointment. ‘‘Our job is to chair of the performing arts department, for upcommg state ballot campaigns regarding educate the American people as to what their outstanding achievement. Flower Mound gay marriage. equality means.’’ High School was only one of seven schools in Solmonese says he hopes f the nation promoted to the Gold List from their will demonstrate to Americans nationwide original recognition as a Grammy Signature that its pioneering legalization of same-sex HONORING THE AMERICAN AIR School. marriage has positive, not negative, results. POWER MUSEUM IN FARMING- Flower Mound High School received $7,000 ‘‘Massachusetts is still there, with loving, DALE, NEW YORK cash reward for its performing arts department committed families going on with their lives and experiencing the same rights and respon- as part of their promotion. Mr. Rohwer has sibilities that all Americans do,’’ he said. HON. STEVE ISRAEL promised to spend a portion of the money to ‘‘We want to shine a light on what happened OF NEW YORK hiring composers to write specific pieces for in Massachusetts, and tell the American peo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the band, orchestra and choir, and to buy new ple who we truly are.’’ Tuesday, April 5, 2005 equipment. He replaces another Massachusetts polit- Flower Mound High School’s performing arts ical activist, former state Sen. Cheryl Mr. ISRAEL. Mr Speaker, I rise today to rec- department is a stellar example from which Jacques, who stepped down as HRC president ognize the contributions of the American Air- Texas schools should model their performing late last year, citing differences with its power Museum in Farmingdale, New York to board. arts departments. Their commitment to edu- the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of cating students through the arts is to be ad- Her departure coincided with speculation the liberation of American POWs at the end of in the gay media, and elsewhere, about dis- mired and replicated. cord among the HRC and some other major World War II. I am proud of the education system in gay-rights groups. Solmonese said he has de- Sixty years ago this spring, over 100,000 Texas; especially our involved parents and tected no serious rifts since his hiring was American and Allied POWs were liberated by teachers at Flower Mound High School who announced. Soviet troops as they swept aside enemy commit their lives and time to fostering growth forces in Eastern Europe. This liberation in their students. [From the Sun Chronicle, Mar. 18, 2005] marked the end of forced marches, stinging f ATTLEBORO HONORED BY ANOTHER ACTIVIST cold, constant hunger and the everpresent Attleboro is honored by the appointment threat of summary execution by a collapsing HONORING THE LIFE OF WILLIAM of a city native to head the Human Rights Nazi regime. Simultaneously, advancing Allied ‘‘SLIM’’ SOMERVELL Campaign—the nation’s largest gay civil forces also discovered Hitler’s death camps rights group—and just days prior to a wel- and their wretched legacy of inhumanity. HON. MARILYN N. MUSGRAVE come loosening on the West Coast of the As we observe this anniversary, I am truly bans on same-sex marriage. OF COLORADO Joe Solmonese, 40, who is gay, brings to his proud to have the American Airpower Museum IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at the Republic Airport in Farmingdale in my new role a history of activism that began Tuesday, April 5, 2005 when he became student council vice presi- congressional district. The museum has estab- dent while a junior at Attleboro High School lished a new permanent tribute to honor those Mrs. MUSGRAVE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in the early 1980s. who endured the POW ‘‘stalags’’ and to sol- to honor the life and service of Willis ‘‘Slim’’ He later held an internship at the State- emnly mark the liberation of the death camps Somervell, who has dedicated his life to God, house while attending Boston University, built by the Third Reich for the purpose of his family, and the of America. then worked on successful reelection cam- murdering millions of European Jews. Slim has said, ‘‘You need to be true to your- paigns, first for Gov. and The museum’s tribute includes a recreated self and you need to have beliefs and a value then U.S. Rep. , D-Newton. He watch tower and barracks, a detailed diorama system. Without those, what are we?’’ These worked on a Senate campaign in Oregon, as are wise words. As I learned about the life of well. of a German ‘‘stalag,’’ the names of those Solmonese succeeds former Sen. Cheryl New Yorkers who were POWs during World service that Mr. Somervell has led, I am in- Jacques, who stepped down from her Attle- War II and a tribute to American POWs in spired by his beliefs and his values. boro-area district to lead the Human Rights other conflicts. This will mark the first perma- Service to America is one value Slim holds Campaign in January 2004. She resigned Nov. nent museum tribute to American POWs in the dear. He entered the United States Navy in 30. New York region. 1941. In 1944, Slim was commissioned as a Solmonese, whose mother and sister live in It is vital that we continue to remember the gunnery and navigation officer for the USS Attleboro, took the helm just days before a Landing Ship Medium 142. trial court judge in California ruled on horrors of the Holocaust and pay tribute to both the victims and the brave soldiers who In addition to having command of the Land- March 14 against that state’s same-sex mar- ing Ship Medium, he also commanded Patrol riage ban, calling it unconstitutional and contributed to the liberation of Europe from comparing it to archaic segregation laws. Nazi rule. I strongly commend the leadership Craft 1262, which conducted air and sea res- It’s a ruling that resonates in Massachu- that the American Airpower Museum of Farm- cues in the Caribbean. He was also Executive setts, which has been in the vanguard of the ingdale has taken on this issue and urge other Officer of the Patrol Craft Escort 877. struggle for equality. museums to follow suit. Slim worked in the Fleet Weather Center in It was the first in the nation, in November Washington, DC and conducted Navy weather f 2003, to give gay men and lesbians the same research in Norfolk, Virginia. He served on the access to marriage licenses as heterosexual RECOGNIZING FLOWER MOUND Forrestal, CVA–59. He was also the staff me- couples. HIGH SCHOOL’S NAMING TO THE teorologist for the commander of the U.S. Sec- Solmonese’ predecessor, Jacques, married her longtime partner in August in Boston, GRAMMY SIGNATURE SCHOOL ond Fleet, later for the Western Pacific 7th days after she addressed the Democratic Na- GOLD LIST Fleet and ultimately commanded the Navy Re- tional Convention calling for ‘‘marriage search Facility in Norfolk, Virginia. equality.’’ The couple were wed under Massa- HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Devotion to family is another value that is chusetts’ high court historic decision, a deci- OF TEXAS important to Slim. While on assignment in sion that was long overdue here and con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monterey, California, he met his wife Mary. tinues to be elsewhere. They married in 1949 in Kerrville, Texas. They Appeals are certain in California. But each Tuesday, April 5, 2005 had five children, four girls and one boy. Slim step forward brings closer what surely will Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to be the eventual right of gays and lesbians and Mary are now grandparents of thirteen. across the country to attain equal footing in commend Flower Mound High School, located Slim will often tell you, ‘‘What more can a the eyes of the law. in the 26th Congressional District of Texas, for person ask for than children and grandchildren We congratulate Joe Solmonese, whose fa- its recognition on the Gold List of Grammy who turn out to be good citizens.’’ As you can ther, Joseph, was principal of Norton High Signature Schools. tell, Slim is quite proud of his family.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:24 Jan 23, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00132 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK4\NO_SSN\BR05AP05.DAT BR05AP05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 5686 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 5, 2005 After 30 years of faithful service to our merous volunteer efforts with the PTA, the JEFF JACOBY SHOWS INTEGRITY country, Slim retired. But this did not slow him Community Board, and local housing associa- ON TORTURE ISSUE down. Slim took a job with the Bureau of Rec- tions. As such, she is more than worthy of re- lamation in their cloud seeding program. Later, ceiving our recognition today and I urge my HON. BARNEY FRANK Slim worked for the Department of Atmos- colleagues to join me in honoring this truly re- OF MASSACHUSETTS pheric Science at Colorado State University. markable person. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Slim spent 15 years in that department as a Tuesday, April 5, 2005 manager, researcher and also a teacher. f In addition to service to family and service Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, to our country, Slim also strongly believes in HONORING MSGT ROBERT F. one of the saddest aspects of our current po- service to God. Slim and Mary attend Saint GREEN, JR. litical dialogue is that partisanship has ex- Joseph’s Catholic Church in Fort Collins, Colo- tended into the intellectual sphere. That is, I rado. There, Slim serves as a lector and a very much agree that people should pick one communion minister. HON. JAMES T. WALSH party or the other as being more representa- Slim has been truly blessed with a great ca- OF NEW YORK tive of their views than the alternative and reer and a great family. I invite my colleagues IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES generally support that party. That is legitimate to join me in honoring Mr. Somervell. May partisanship. Excessive partisanship comes God continue to bless the Somervells for Tuesday, April 5, 2005 when people are never willing to admit that years to come. Mr. WALSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ‘‘their side’’ ever makes mistakes, or that the ‘‘other side’’ ever has any virtues. f recognize the accomplishments of MSGT Rob- It is for this reason, as well as the sub- ert F. Green. Master Sergeant Green, a resi- A TRIBUTE TO MAE CATHERINE stance of his well-reasoned articles, that I was dent of Ontario, New York is retiring from the GREENE very gratified to read Boston Globe Columnist United States Air Force after years of dedi- Jeff Jacoby’s two-part series on torture. Mr. cated service. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Jacoby is a strong, outspoken conservative OF NEW YORK His retirement allows for reflection on what who supports the war in Iraq. But unlike many, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES can only be considered a sterling career. He he does not let his general ideological position has admirably served his country without Tuesday, April 5, 2005 in this set of issues make him an apologist for question or reservation. His fellow soldiers will specific actions which go counter to the very Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of attest that Master Sergeant Green sets the moral values that the war in Iraq is supposed Mae Catherine Greene in recognition for her standard regarding attributes such as honor, to be vindicating. dedication to her community. respect, duty and country. In a forceful two-part series in the Boston Mae Catherine Greene fondly known as On behalf of my colleagues, and myself, I Globe, Mr. Jacoby makes a principled, ‘‘Cat’’ by family and close friends is almost a extend my gratitude, great appreciation and thoughtful, fact-based case against the use of life long resident of the east New York com- well wishes for prosperous retirement years. torture by Americans, even in the service of munity of which she has been an integral and Thank you for your service to our country. our entirely justified fight against terrorism. staunchly loyal advocate. She was born in Mr. Jacoby puts it eloquently in his first arti- Chadbourn, NC in March of 1957, the ninth of f cle: ‘‘Better intelligence means more lives ten children of a proud and independent work- saved, more atrocities prevented and a more ing mother. HONORING THE LIFE OF MRS. likely victory in the war against radical Islamist Mae obtained her education in the neighbor- ANNE DORA MOORE HALL fascism. Those are crucial ends and they jus- hood she so greatly loves and admires. She tify tough means. But they don’t justify means attended P.S. 149, I.S. 292 and William H. that betray core American values. Interroga- Maxwell High School in east New York. Mae, HON. JEB HENSARLING tion techniques that flirt with torture, to say who has been married for almost 27 years to OF TEXAS nothing of those that end in death, cross the her childhood sweetheart, Richard Greene, is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES moral line that separates us from the enemy the proud mother of six children who still live we are trying to defeat.’’ in east New York as well. Tuesday, April 5, 2005 In his second article, Mr. Jacoby argues that Having six children in the public school sys- Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, today I the case against torture is not only a moral tem and being a concerned, loving and dedi- would like honor the life of Mrs. Anne Dora one but also a pragmatic one, noting, among cated parent, Mae took a strong interest in the Moore Hall, 4 passed away on March 16, other things, ‘‘torture is never limited to just neighborhood’s public school system. She was 2005. Mrs. Hall was born in Cherokee County, the guilty.’’ very involved and an active presence in many Texas to Miles Cleveland and Madge Edwards Mr. Speaker, I salute Jeff Jacoby both for different capacities. She served as President Moore. She lived most of her life in Dallas and the force of his arguments and for the intellec- and Secretary on Community Board 19 and had a long, successful career as an insurance tual integrity he has shown in making them. President of the P.T.A. at P.S. 213, I.S. 171 executive. No issue confronting our Nation is more im- and I.S. 292. Additionally, she was Chapter 1 portant than how we deal with this set of Chairperson for the District for both P.S. 213 A mother to two children, Robert and Ste- ven, and wife to Bergen Hall, Mrs. Hall was questions and I therefore ask that Mr. and I.S. 171 as well as P.A.C. President for Jacoby’s very significant contribution be print- the Board for two day care centers, Georgia- also very active in her community. She was an officer in the Pierce Brooks Gospel Founda- ed here. Livonia and Einstein in East NY. [From the New York Times, Mar. 17, 2005] Mae is not only an advocate for education, tion, served on the Texas Safety Council, and worked with the Crippled Children’s Founda- WHERE’S THE OUTRAGE ON TORTURE? but she is also very involved in community (By Jeff Jacoby) and politically based issues and activities. She tion of America. She was also engaged in poli- In August 2003, when he was commander of has been a longtime advocate for senior cit- tics as a longtime member of the White Rock Women’s Republican Club, the Public Affairs the military base at Guantanamo Bay, Major izen, immigrant and housing rights. Mae has General Geoffrey Miller visited Baghdad served as Secretary to the Tenants’ Advisory Luncheon Club, and working at her local pre- with some advice for US interrogators at Board and Property Manager at Elva McZeal cinct during elections. Abu Ghraib prison. As Brigadier General Housing Development and as a Community As a mother, a wife, a businesswoman, and Janis Karpinski, the military police com- Advisor at Beekman Houses in the Bronx, NY. a community leader, Mrs. Anne Dora Moore mander in Iraq, later recalled it, Miller’s She also set up a parents’ rights advocacy for Hall’s life has embodied the values of family, bottom line was blunt: Abu Ghraib should be immigrant parents at P.S. 213, was a commu- community, and hard work that lie at the core ‘‘Gitmo-ized.’’ Iraqi detainees should be ex- posed to the same aggressive techniques nity liaison for Health Plus, and an advocate of American society. As her representative in being used to extract information from pris- for the senior citizens at Elva McZeal Houses. Congress, it is my distinct pleasure to honor oners in Guantanamo. Mr. Speaker, Mae Catherine Greene has her today on the floor of the United States ‘‘You have to have full control,’’ Karpinski strengthened her community through her nu- House of Representatives. quoted Miller as saying. There can be ‘‘no

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