National Albanian American Council March 2013 Newsletter

NAAC Meets with Ambassador Philip Reeker, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State In this issue The Board of Trustees of the National Albanian American Council met with Am- bassador Philip Reeker, Deputy Assistant NAAC Meets with Secretary of State, to discuss the latest de- Officials P.2 velopments in the Balkans, and to ex- change ideas on working together to help Photos: Recent Events P.3 promote economic growth in the region. HF Alumna In Action P.6 Ambassador Reeker confirmed unwaver- Alumni Network Launch P.8 ing US support for Kosova. With respect to the Kosova – dialogue, he stressed From left: Bekim Sejdiu, Consul General of , Phillip that the US fully supports the EU’s efforts Reeker, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Harry - and continues to stand behind the Ahtisaari tari, NAAC Board Member and Martin Shkreli, Chairman of NAAC’s Board Upcoming Events plan, which is enshrined in Kosovo’s legal framework, and the full independence, sov- We expressed our concern to Ambassa-

ereignty and territorial integrity of Kosova. dor Reeker about the recent interethnic ten- It was agreed that the June 23 elections sions in Macedonia, and the need for the  Hope Fellowship Kosovo in are critically important for the Macedonian government to fully implement Leadership Program, country’s EU ascension process. While Al- the Ohrid Framework Agreements. April 9 bania made progress, its EU member- NAAC informed Ambassador Reeker of ship process could be hindered by the on- our efforts in Montenegro to promote a ref-  Hope Fellowship going political gridlock and the failure to erendum on the municipality this year Washington Leadership adopt new laws as requested by the EU. as promised by the Montenegrin govern- Program, June 2 NAAC members have also met with US Am- ment. bassador to Albania Arvizu to discuss areas For more photos of the meeting, please of cooperation for the upcoming elections. see page 4.

Connect With Us 2013 Good Governance Hope Fellows Announced

Recruitment has ended for the first group of research site visits, public events, one-on- of the 2013 Hope Fellowship program. Se- one consultations, and networking opportu- lected candidates have been notified, and in nities. The participants will develop individ- -country trainings (KLP) will begin April 9th. ual project proposals, learn about project Washington Leadership Program (WLP) management and implementation and imple- candidates will arrive in Washington D.C. on ment them in their respective institutions June 2. upon returning to Kosovo. Additionally, each KLP trainings focus on diplomacy, de- group will develop an initiative that is related mocratic state building, and economic devel- to their professional expertise, community

opment policies. The WLP trainings consist needs, and is sector-specific. Page 5

1 March 2013 Newsletter

NAAC Meets with Montenegro Ambassadors Dermanovic and Jankovic

NAAC Board members Martin Shkreli, exact date to be announced soon, to de- Chairman, Harry Bajraktari, Halil Mula cide on Tuzi having its own municipality. Honorary Co-Chairs and Avni Mustafaj, Executive Director, As required by law, a feasibility study on

The Honorable Eliot Engel and Cafo Boga, Albanian American Cul- Tuzi’s sustainability is being finalized, The Honorable Peter King ture Foundation, met with Montenegro’s however 15 other municipalities in Monte- The Honorable Mark Kirk Ambassador to the US Srdjan Dermano- negro continue to receive financial sup-

Honorary Board vic, UN Consul General Ambassador port from central government. Zoran Jankovic and Consul Selim Lika to Additionally, both Ambassador’s Honorable Anthony Athanas R.I.P. discuss recent developments in Montene- agreed that Tuzi’s municipality would help Honorable Bret A. Clesi gro. improve relations with living Thomas Christo, Esq. Ferid Murad, M.D., Ph.D. At the meeting, Ambassador Der- there. They also expressed gratitude to Dr. Sami Repishti manovic and Ambassador Zoran Jank- the Albanians for the critical role in Mon- Ambassador William Ryerson ovic stated that a referendum will be held tenegro’s referendum for independence Mr. Ekrem Bardha in Montenegro in September 2013, an from Serbia. Bardhyl R. Tirana, Esq. Ambassador William Walker

Executive Officers NAAC Calls for Free and Fair Elections in Albania By Silvana Tase, NAAC Program Intern Martin N. Shkreli, Chairman Ilir Rusi, Vice-Chairman Albania’s parliamentary elections on tance to the Albanian authorities on elec- Nino Pjetri, Secretary June 23 are another opportunity for Alba- tion issues as one of the main areas of its nia to demonstrate that it is ready to be- mandate.” Board of Trustees gin the EU application process. Albanian After a prolonged transition from the

Harry Bajraktari citizens overwhelmingly support Euro- most isolated country in Europe to a Fadil pean Integration, and these elections will fledgling democracy, Albanian politicians Paul Kolaj be a key factor for Albania to receive EU must commit to ensuring that the voting Halil Mula Jerry Rexha candidate status. process meets international standards. It US Ambassador Alexander Arvizu is also vi- also stressed that it is important to ensure tally impor- Washington, D.C. Team that this election will be transparent, free tant that the

Avni Mustafaj, Executive Director and fair. At a conference on youth, edu- election re- David Scotton, Senior Advisor cation and employment, Ambassador Ar- sults be ac- Amelda Beluli, Program Manager vizu added that Albanian democracy will cepted by Allegra Panetto, Program Assistant be stronger by providing a more active all political Silvana Tase, Program Intern Nejvi Bejko, Program Intern civil society, encouraging younger partici- parties and pants in politics and ensuring transparent that a new government is established im- institutions and free media. mediately so that Albania can continue Prishtina Team The Commissioner for Enlargement toward EU integration.

Laura Kryeziu, Program Manager and European Neighborhood Policy, Šte- NAAC will continue to promote Alba- Myesere Hoxha-Lamaxhema, fan Füle, stated that these elections will nian issues in Washington DC. However, Senior Program Officer be a crucial test for the functioning of Al- politicians in Albania must demonstrate to Shqipe Breznica, Program Officer Ardiana Maraj, Program Assistant bania's democratic institutions. Addition- the international community, and espe- ally, the Head of OSCE presence in Alba- cially to their electorate, that Albania is nia, Ambassador Eugen Wollfarth, stated committed to free and fair elections. that “The OSCE Presence provides assis-

2 March 2013 Newsletter

Photos from Meeting with Prime Minister Hashim Thaci Photos by Beqir Sina

From left: Behxhet Pacolli, Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, From left: Behxhet Pacolli, Avni Mustafaj, Enver Hoxhaj and Bekim Sejdiu, Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avni Mustafaj, Executive Director of NAAC and Consul General of Kosovo Enver Hoxhaj, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Kosovo

Halil Mula, NAAC Board Member, Behxhet Pacolli and Hashim Thaci

Michigan’s Albanian Cultural Club Visits NAAC

Avni Mustafaj talked about NAAC’s work with Michigan’s Albanian Cultural Club, Jr. during their visit to the NAAC offices in Washington, D.C.

3 March 2013 Newsletter

Photos from Meeting with Ambassador Phillip Reeker Photos by Halil Mula, NAAC Board Member

Contact Information

National Albanian American Council (NAAC) 1133 20th Street, NW Suite 210 Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 466 - 6900 Fax: (202) 466 - 5593

NAAC Hope Fellowship Office — Prishtina Sejdi Kryeziu From left: Bekim Sejdiu, Consul General of Kosovo, Phillip From left: Ambassador Phillip Reeker, Chris Carver, Desk Reeker, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Harry Bajrak- Officer Albania, Bekim Sejdiu and Harry Bajraktari No 5 Pejton Place tari, NAAC Board Member, Martin Shkreli, Chairman of Prishtina, Kosova NAAC’s Board, Avni Mustafaj, Executive Director of NAAC Tel: +381-38-609-220 and Fadil Barisha, NAAC Board Member Fax: +381-38-609-220

About NAAC

NAAC is a not-for-profit organi- zation dedicated to advocating for Albanians and promoting peace and economic develop- ment in the Balkans by foster- ing democratic policy, promot- ing respect for human rights, and conducting educational and Ambassador Phillip Reeker shakes hands with Fadil Bekim Sejdiu and Ambassador Phillip Reeker developmental programs. Barisha as Harry Bajraktari and Martin Shkreli look on

Recent NAAC Other Recent Events Press Releases:

NAAC Strongly Condemns United Macedonia Dias- pora Press Release

NAAC Deplores Violent Protests over Appointment of New Defense Minister David Scotton, Senior Advisor of NAAC, James Hooper, Amelda Beluli, Hope Fellowship Program Manager and in Macedonia Managing Director of the Public International Law & Policy Allegra Panetto, HF Program Assistant (Third and second Group and Avni Mustafaj during a reception for Kosova’s from the right) attend the Women’s Democracy Network’s Independence Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Award ceremony honoring those who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of women in politics and civil society. 4 March 2013 Newsletter

2013 Good Governance Hope Fellows Announced

Continued from Page 1 KLP/WLP Program Recruitment The group projects will be implemented at a Glance: Contact Information within 6 months of the fellows’ return to Kosovo and will make an impact on their Total Applications Received: 63 NAAC Hope Fellowship Office communities or workplaces. Total KLP Participants Selected: 30 Washington, D.C. To date, over 1,500 fellows have com- Total WLP Participants Selected: 8 1133 20th Street, NW pleted the program (180 of the fellows Suite 210 Washington, DC 20036 were trained in Washington, D.C.) and are Candidates from Tel: (202) 466 - 6900 actively engaged in leading new initiatives Central Government 37% Fax: (202) 466 - 5593 in their jobs and communities. Among Local Government 24% these alumnae are 6 Members of Parlia- NGOs 15% NAAC Hope Fellowship Office ment, a mayor, advisors to the President Educational Institutions 5% Prishtina and Prime Minister of Kosovo and a nomi- Sejdi Kryeziu Private Sector 5% nated Ambassador to . In total, No 5 Pejton Place Political Parties 5% Prishtina, Kosova the Hope Fellowship program has trained Professional Associations 3% Tel: +381-38-609-220 310 women in Kosovo, and 138 women in Media/Public Institutions 6% Fax: +381-38-609-220 Washington, D.C.

To see a full list of the selected participants, please click here.

About Hope Fellowships

HF Alumni Network Committees Launched The NAAC Hope Fellowship On March 12, the Hope Fellowship plaining how each group can provide a Program is created and admin- program launched the Alumni Network platform for women leaders in Kosovo istered by the National Alba- nian American Council and Committees to engage its active alumnae society to bring positive change and im- sponsored by the United in professional development and volunta- pact Kosovo’s development. In her States Agency for International rism. The event took place at Cafe speech on behalf of the Economy Net- Development (USAID). Filikaqa, and about 60 alumnae of the work Committee, Lejla Sadiku empha- program attended. Also in attendance sized, “We count on the support of each were representatives from USAID/ of you in shaping policies that define the Kosovo, including Mission Director Mau- opportunities and life of every woman and reen Shauket, Denise Manning, James girl in Kosovo.” Peters, Gene Gibson and Luljeta - Through a more structured Alumni Connect With Us balaj. Laura Kryeziu, Program Manager of Network, alumnae will be better able to the Hope Fellowships, gave opening re- influence public policy-making processes, marks, followed by Maureen Shauket. support reforms towards more account- The chairs of the three committees, able public institutions and create an en- which will focus on good governance, vironment for HF alumnae to practice vol- health and education and economy, also untarism. In addition to these activities, gave speeches about why alumnae of the the Network Committees will have the Hope Fellowship program should con- opportunity to propose grants to fund tinue to participate in professional devel- small-scale projects pertaining to their HF opment and voluntarism. Shqipe Hajred- group’s theme. ini, Violeta Zefi and Lejla Sadiku spoke on To see photos from the event, please behalf of their respective committees, ex- see pages 8 and 9. 5 March 2013 Newsletter

Alumna in Action: Anamari Repić

Anamari Repić, a 2011 Hope Fellow AR: The establish- and Deputy Director General of Radio ment of a Serbian Television of Kosovo (RTK) recently es- TV channel, RTK2, tablished a Serbian-language TV channel was envisaged by “Our world is about differ- as part of the RTK system, called RTK 2. President Ahti- ent codes, and those vis- We asked Anamari questions about her saari’s plan for Kos- experience with HF and her project. ovo and the Consti- ual ones have the most tution of Kosovo. powers. Therefore, Hope Fellowship: What surprised you Based on this legal women need to show that most about being a Hope Fellow? framework, I made they are intellectually im- Anamari Repić: Being an active partici- a strategy for RTK on how to develop pant! That means you do your project, you RTK2, build its programming, define edito- portant, and they need to learn, watch, observe, evolve and make a rial policy and integrate people through prove that all the time.” change. Imagine the scene: first, you media. Serbs and other minorities in Kos- walking around D.C. cultural sightseeing, ovo do not have a unique 24 hour TV seeing neighborhoods, enjoying crowded channel in their languages with national places; second: you and your paper, go- frequencies, and currently the RTK chan- -Anamari Repić ing from one institution to another, meet- nel has limited time and has not techni- Hope Fellow - 2011 ing a few dozen people, reading as many cally reached all Serbian places because Diplomacy & Democracy documents analyses as possible, giving of limited frequencies, even though media speeches at conferences, asking ques- representation is important for interethnic tions; third: writing and re-writing your pro- dialog. Therefore, the objective of my HF ject. It is not just program and you are not project was to create professional and To read more of Anamari’s just a fellow. You are an active learner technical environments for the creation of interview, please click here. and cultural envoy. the TV channel, which promotes civil val- ues, multicultural orientation of Kosovo HF: What do you find most challenging and becomes a democratic tool. about being a woman leader in Kos- Want more insight and ova? HF: What might others be surprised to first-hand information AR: The challenge is in how women are know about you? from Hope Fellows? represented in their families, companies, AR: My great personal and professional institutions, political parties, and media. In life-switch was in 2009, when I was pro- Please visit our blog by this traditionally male society, where poli- ducing and moderating the TV talk show clicking here. tics, economy, science and social dis- named “Sve je moguce. Sa course are reserved for men, it’s easy to Anom” (Anything is possible. With Ana). convince the public of these stereotypes The show dealt with very serious issues and to exclude women. Our world is about such as integration of Serbs, their future in

different codes, and those visual ones Kosovo, reconciliation and dialog between The NAAC Hope Fellowship Program is created and admin- have the most powers. Therefore, women Serbs and Albanians. Even though it was istered by the National Alba- need to show that they are intellectually only broadcast for 1 year, since then nian American Council and important, and they need to prove that all many Serbs and Albanians talk about it, sponsored by the United the time. remember its messages, and when they States Agency for International meet me on the street or in a cafeteria, Development (USAID). HF: How did you come about your de- they say this kind of show was a necessity cision to create a in Kosovo. That is the biggest reward to channel for RTK? me. 6 To read more of the interview, click here. March 2013 Newsletter

Klan Kosova Features Eliza Hoxha’s New Book

Architect, singer and 2012 Hope Fel- tion and reflec- low Eliza Hoxha published a book titled tions about the “It is important to under- “Qyteti Dhe Dashuria” or “The City and city issues is stand that the debate Love.” The book is a compilation of vari- from a storytel- about the city [Prishtina] ous articles and columns that Ms. Hoxha ling perspec- published in newspapers in Kosovo from tive,” explains we live in should be 2007 to 2011. Eliza. “This ap- open, should reflect hon- “Given that all my articles took place in proach was estly about the prob- a Prishtina context, unfolding through used in order to escape from multiple dimensions, these stories were the technical professional language, to lems, setbacks and chal- compiled in a book and arranged in three tell city stories that can be readable and lenges that lie ahead.” thematic chapters to give a comprehen- understandable by all community groups.” sive picture of what Prishtina is today, But she says that the unusual title is -Eliza Hoxha why it is the way it is, and ideas on how to not accidental. “This is because this town advance it further,” said Eliza. lacks a sincere love, true love of either Hope Fellow Messages from “The City and Love” those in power or of the community that Diplomacy & Democracy relate to different dimensions of life in the lives or experiences Prishtina. So for a 2012 city. Eliza writes about urban plan- city to offer us love and serve us better, ning, principles of good governance visa love is the first parameter that must be vi local government structures in nurtured and invested,” said Eliza. “It is To read an article about Prishtina, the image of the city, the city important to understand that the debate Ms. Hoxha’s book, Qyteti and its identity, the social dimension of about the city we live in should be open, Dhe Dashuria, in Albanian the city, and other themes. “The focus in should reflect honestly about the prob- please click here. all of the articles is the city of Prishtina, lems, setbacks and challenges that lie while the approach of research, articula- ahead,” she advised. Lirie Lokaj Talks about HF on Klan Kosova

Hope Fellow Lirie Lokaj, a psycholo- To watch the full segment, please gist currently working at the Foundation click here. Together Kosova, was part of the TV pro- gram “Ora e pasdites” in Klan Kosova. The interview took place on International Women's Day, and Lirie talked about her

experience participating in the Hope Fel- The NAAC Hope Fellowship Program is created and admin- lowship Program. istered by the National Alba- Considering herself one of the lucky nian American Council and women who has benefited from this pro- sponsored by the United gram, she explicitly said that Hope Fel- States Agency for International lowship Program is one of the greatest Development (USAID). opportunities available for women of Kos- ovo. Lirie acknowledged the positive im- pact that the program has had on her; from the way she manages her work, to the way of thinking about how one should lead an organization. 7 March 2013 Newsletter

Photos from Alumni Network Committee Launch Photos by Berat Murina

Hope Fellowship staff Shqipe Breznica, Laura Kryeziu, Luljeta Gjonbala, Guests assembling Ardiana Maraj and Myesere Hoxha

Hope Fellows Anamari Repić and Vjosa Berisha Hope Fellows of Phase IV and Members of Network Committees

Laura Kryeziu, Program Officer of the Hope Fellowships gives an introduc- Hope Fellows Suzana , Teuta Hyseni, Jetmira Berdynaj, Brikenda tory speech Rexhepi and Merita Maliqi

Hope Fellows Burbuqe Grajqevci, Vera Rexhepi, Arberie Nagavci and Shpresa Kika For more photos from the launch, please click here

8 March 2013 Newsletter

Photos from Alumni Network Committee Launch Photos by Berat Murina

Hope Fellows of Phase IV and Members of Network Committees Myesere Hoxha (far left) talking to Hope Fellow Eliza Hoxha (center), Maureen Shauket and Luljete Gjonbala

Maureen Shauket, Mission Director, USAID Kosovo, gives a speech on Hope Fellow Shqipe Hajredini gives a speech on behalf of the Good Gov- behalf of the USAID Kosovo Mission ernance Network Committee

Hope Fellow Violeta Zefi gives a speech on behalf of the Health and Edu- Hope Fellow Lejla Sadiku gives a speech on behalf of the Economy Net- cation Network Committee work Committee

For more photos from the launch, please click here

Gene Gibson, Maureen Shauket, James Peters (USAID), Hope Fellows Nora Binishi-Dushi, Merita Emini-Sadiku and and Hope Fellows Arjeta Sahiti and Kaltrina Ademi Adelina Nura share a toast 9 March 2013 Newsletter

Quotes from Alumni Network Committee Launch

“When it seems like society is focused on getting more, spending more and achiev- ing more, it helps to think about the importance of volunteerism. It can get us to think beyond ourselves and focus also on the needs of others...I am sure that with each other’s experiences and expertise we can make noticeable progress as we have envisioned it for the best of our society.”

Shqipe Hajredini Chair, Good Governance Alumni Network Committee Hope Fellow, Diplomacy & Democracy - Spring 2011

“I was lucky to be part of the Hope Fellowship Program in 2010. As a beneficiary, when I was informed about the Alumni Network Committee initiative that the Fellowship is cre- ating to activate its alumni network, I was glad and happy to respond to it positively. This is a great opportunity for me to return to the Hope Fellowship all the expertise and experience that I have gained during the program in Kosovo and Washington, D.C.”

Violeta Zefi Chair, Education Alumni Network Committee Hope Fellow, Education - Fall 2010

“Our presence here today shows that we are conscious of the potential in our so- ciety, have recognized the challenges in our male dominated public space, and that we want to dedicate our limited time, away from our friends and families, knowledge and good will to create conducive conditions for women to pursue their goals and careers without having to sacrifice family, without fear of hitting glass ceilings or facing discrimination.”

Lejla Sadiku Chair, Economic Alumni Network Committee Hope Fellow, Economy & Energy - Spring 2012

Want to share an idea, story or photos for inclusion in the next NAAC/Hope Fellowship Newsletter? Please email Allegra Panetto at [email protected] by Friday, April 26. 10