, Buxworth and Brownside Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 23rd June 2016, 7.30pm at the Parish Office, 3 Lower Lane, Chinley

Present: Councillors Cllrs M Walton(Chairman), R Drabble, G Hewitt, Mrs J Pettitt, Mrs C Rofer, and P Wilson. In Attendance: Clerk Mrs B Wise, HPB Councillor John Kappes and Mr Mike Travis.

16/06/36 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mrs A Bramah, A Knox, and W Smith. Also noted apologies of PCSO Karen Green and HPB Councillor Caroline Howe.

16/06/37 Registration/ Declaration of Members Interests

Member Agenda Item Interest

Cllr G Hewitt 8(c) Accounts for Payment Married to Rosena Bankole

16/06/38 Com munity Police

Apologies and the following crime figures for May 2016 were received from PCSO Karen Green.

Crime Figures This year last year

Violence against the person 2 10 Sexual offences 0 1 Theft offences 19 12 Criminal damage/arson 4 3 Crime against society 2 2

All seems to have gone quiet regarding non dwelling breaks. No ASB in Chinley area.

16/06/39 County Councillor - None

16/06/40 Borough Councillor

HPB Cllr John Kappes reported that the issue with dog fouling bags in litter bins had been resolved.

16/06/41 Open Forum - None

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16/06/42 Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 26th May 2016.

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 28th April 2016 be approved for signature of the Chair as a true and correct record.

16/06/43 Chair’s Progress Report

Cllr Walton expressed thanks to Cllr Wilson for his time as Chairman of the Parish Council and all his input to ensure the progress achieved during that time.

He advised that the last report from Cllr Wilson had formed the basis of his first liaison meeting with the clerk to establish his ‘to do list’ system, to target clearance of one outstanding issue per month. These meetings have been scheduled for Tuesday morning a fortnight after the council meeting to assess progress with meeting decisions and set any priorities required.

16/06/44 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk’s report was received.

16/06/45 Playgro und Inspection Reports

The weekly playground and cycle facility Inspection Reports were received. It was noted that the Chinley car park litter bin had been relocated to the playground and was being used for its correct purpose. Weeds need spraying.

At Buxworth the pathway from the car park requires sweeping and the playground area grass needs cutting.

The clerk reported having visited the sites serviced by the County Council Grounds Maintenance contract with DCC’s Corporate Property team leader Geoff Smith two days before the meeting. He had gathered information, from the team responsible, regarding dates when visits had been made so far in respect of the contract work for 2016/17. Whilst the most recent dates for grass cutting were largely supported by the situation noted on the day, the previous dates did not correspond to the information received by the clerk from residents about rampant vegetation not having been cut, which had prompted arranging the visit. It was also discovered that the playground area at Buxworth and New Road telephone box area had not been cut recently if at all this year. The Buxworth verge had also not been cut – it was confirmed that the cost quoted would only cover one cut of this area in addition to the DCC Highways annual verge cut. An equipment malfunction had caused cutting of the banking at Chinley playing fields to be interrupted the previous week and a re-visit to finish the work was scheduled for that afternoon, but this had not taken place.

It also transpired that the weekly/fortnightly litter collection services were only logged as coinciding with the less regular grass cutting visits and not as regularly as listed on the contract. Mr Smith had suggested the Parish Council litter contract needs might be better served and more cost effectively by the Borough Council or alternative contractor.

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16/06/46 Co -Option

RESOLVED: To co-opt Mr Mike Travis as a member of Chinley Buxworth & Brownside Parish Council.

16/06/47 Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Mr Travis thanked members, signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was welcomed to the council.

16/06/48 Community Centre Car Park

It was noted that Mr Phil Manford had reported wear to the car park and access road surface producing loose material and potholes. The loose material particularly causing a potential slip hazard on the sloped access road.

The clerk had arranged a one off sweep of the area with the High Peak Borough Council Street Cleaning team for an anticipated cost of £20 - £40 to be carried out on their next visit. A quote for a regular sweeping service had been requested.

Cllr Walton agreed to investigate and assess the potholes.

16/06/49 Communi ty Centre

Cllr Wilson reported that the Community Right to Build was progressing as planned with the Neighbourhood Area designation application currently under consultation until 30th June 2016 following which a joint decision by the planning authorities is expected in July 2016.

Cllr Walton reported attending a meeting to bring Community Association committee members not directly involved in the Community Centre Project up to speed with what is happening to try to secure replacement of the Community Centre to take it into the future. The architects ‘dream’ version which had costed out at £1.6m for the centre alone and £2.6m including the surrounding facilities needs to be scaled back and two versions prepared for funding application submission. Consultation is scheduled to start soon. Information will be displayed in the Parish Room window and at the Village Fete. Information gathered will be used in production of more detailed design and costings to follow for moving the project forward.

Cllr Walton also reported that indications from the plans currently under consideration require all of the land including the parcel in which interest to purchase has been shown. He will therefore be excluding this parcel from the valuer’s instruction. He will be preparing letters to Derbyshire Association of Local Councils and Fields in Trust setting out what needs to be done regarding making provision for the community to proceed with the project.

Cllr Wilson stressed the importance of the consultation and the need for support and consultation involvement to enable the project to reach successful fruition.

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16/06/50 Buxworth Allotments

It was noted that: Work on the car parking provision is complete subject to final checks regarding any discharge of conditions issues and clarification of whether any replacement trees need to be provided; The invoices for final payment settlement had been presented; The project manager had invested additional hours to those charged; No significant amount of quality top soil had been available.

Settlement of the contractor’s account and the proportion of the quoted cost appropriate to deal with discharge of condition and replacement tree issues was discussed.

RESOLVED: To retain the quoted allowance for replacement trees of £486.52 and a further £1,000 against discharge of condition issues and pay an interim settlement of £5638.48 to the contractor.

RESOLVED: To enquire whether Phil Lomas would be prepared to assist with the discharge of conditions issues.

16/06/51 Seat at Rosey Bank

The meeting discussed a letter from Belinda Longson (nee Marchington) requesting Parish Council support for a wooden seat to be placed on the grassed verge near the bus stop at Rosey Bank. The family will take full responsibility for installing and maintaining the seat in memory of their brother Phil.

RESOLVED: To acknowledge support for the proposed memorial seat at Rosey Bank and take ultimate responsibility for it in the event of the family ceasing to do so. 16/06/52 Chinley Summer Fete

A request for use of Chinley Playing Fields for Chinley Summer Fete from 0700hrs to 1700hrs 17th July 2016 was received.

RESOLVED: To approve use of Chinley Playing Fields for Chinley Summer Fete Chinley Buxworth & Brownside Community Association subject to all the usual necessary procedures being followed and documentation provided in accordance with the agreement for use of Parish Land.

16/06/53 Planning Applications

The following planning applications were received and comments approved:

1. HPK/2016/0293 – Demolition of existing single storey side garage, reinstatement of ground floor windows to side elevation, introduction of ground floor rear opening and proposed single storey detached garden house, 4 Lyme Park, Chinley for Mr & Mrs R Foulkes. No objections

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2. NP/HPK/0516/0424 – Alteration, extension and change of use of redundant agricultural building to use class B1 business units, including ancillary facilities, removal of part constructed building and provision of parking spaces, Barn, Stubbins Lane, Chinley for Mr & Mrs Paul Miller. This application is welcomed. It would tidy up the site, clear the unsightly half- built garage, make good use of a reasonably attractive redundant building and provide workspace for a couple of small businesses to the benefit of the village and the local economy without causing any adverse effects

3. HPK/2016/0294 – Extension of existing conservatory and installation of buried LPG tank in garden, Meadows Farm, Gow Hole, for Mr & Mrs Andrew Gilbart. No objections

4. HPK/2016/0284 – Demolition of existing single storey timber changing facility and erection of replacement single storey changing facility. Buxworth Football Club, Western Lane, Buxworth. The Parish Council strongly supports this application for this much needed changing facility to replace the current inadequate facilities. However, the proposed materials of construction are unclear. The Council requests that the new building be constructed in stone to match the nearby cricket pavilion and to ensure it is in keeping with the area.

16/06/54 Buxworth Old Allotment

The meeting noted that a significant amount of additional roofing material had been discovered during the clearance work. This required specialised disposal, incurring substantial cost not allowed for in the quote, as its presence had not been apparent prior to commencement of the work.

RESOLVED: To approve expenditure of £680 plus VAT for the specialised disposal of the roofing material.

16/06/55 Mole Eradication

RESOLVED: To approve a contract with Phil Johnson for mole eradication at Buxworth Park and Chinley Playing fields for twelve months for a cost of £450.

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16/06/56 Accounts for Payment

RESOLVED: That the accounts listed below be accepted for payment.

June 2016 accounts

Chq no. Payee Description Amount DD Fleur Telecom Broadband (June) 22.00 SO Jackson Carpets Ltd Rent 3 Lower Lane (June) 277.00 DD Npower Light/power 3 LL (June) 44.00 002547 Mrs B Wise Clerks Account (June) 1,018.98 002548 HM Rev & Customs PAYE & NI (June) 240.33 002549 Plantscape Hire Summer Planters x 5 1,074.00 002550 2commune Website Annual licence 510.00 002551 PA Lomas Project management 1,000.00 002552 Rosena Bankole Parish Room Cleaning 20.00 002553 Goddard Plant Services Buxworth Clearance work 4,416.00 002554 Phil Johnson Mole control for 12 months 450.00 002557 e-on Electricity Squirrel Green 26.08 002558 Peartree Print Stationery 7.19 002559 DP Hague 2nd p'nt B'worth car park 5,638.48

TOTAL £ 14,744.06

July 2016 accounts

Chq no. Payee Description Amount DD Fleur Telecom Broadband (July) 22.00 SO Jackson Carpets Ltd Rent 3 Lower Lane (July) 277.00 DD Npower Light/power 3 LL (July) 44.00 002555 Mrs B Wise Clerks Account (July) 992.58 002556 HM Rev & Customs PAYE & NI (July) 240.33

TOTAL £ 1,575.91

16/06/57 Buxworth Park Flail Topping

RESOLVED: To notify Angie Seymour of the need for vegetation control at Buxworth Park and invite her input on wildlife requirements.

RESOLVED: To accept the quote of £475 plus VAT from Steve Goddard for flail topping at Buxworth Park according to instruction from the Clerk, subject to receipt of information regarding wildlife requirements from Angie Seymour.

RESOLVED: To consider an end of season flail at the September/October meeting.

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16/06/58 DALC – June 2016

E02-16-NALC and SLCC Salary Scales 2016-18 Final Version (Circulated)

Circular 09/2016: General – Pay Scales 2016 2018; New Financial Regulations 2016; Transparency Fund for Smaller Authorities; Community Resilience – How Parishes Can Be Involved; Community Payback Contact Details; Courses - Cemeteries Management, The Local Councils Award Scheme, Understanding The Planning Process; Vacancies (Circulated)

16/06/59 Correspondence

The following items of correspondence were received: 1. David Goodman – e-mail reporting grass at Wash parking not cut and enquiring about cost and whether a couple of locals could do it. 2. HPBC – recycling campaign. 3. Chapel-en-le-Frith Mobile Physiotherapy Service – Annual report, notice of AGM on Wednesday 15th June 2016 and request for continued support of the Parish Council in considering a grant. 4. HPBC – E U Referendum notice of poll and situation of polling stations (Displayed) 5. HPBC – notification of consultation on application for Neighbourhood Area designation. 6. Cllr Bramah – enquiry from Buxworth Cricket Club members regarding ownership of the land at the side of the Navigation Pub. 7. Phil Lomas – e-mail regarding completion of Buxworth Allotment parking work. 8. DCC – cancellation of Parish and Town Council Liaison Forum on Monday 27th June 2016 9. Bruton Knowles – provision of information regarding need for National Grid to occupy a small area of the car parking area at Wash for weeks between August and October to facilitate proposed gas pipeline replacement. 10. DCC – copy of reply letter from Isobel Mulligan to Rowan Sutton about HGV issues on B6062. 11. Field in Trust – April Update. 12. NALC – request for article on ‘How the council manages its street furniture’ 500 words by 5th July deadline for next NALC magazine issue. 13. Lynda Layland – request to reinstate the No Dogs notice to the gate of Buxworth playground. 14. High Peak CVS – requesting completion of DCC consultation on proposals to stop grant funding to voluntary and community sector (VCS) providers. Closing date for responses Sunday 24th July 2016. 15. Tony Brackenbury- Giant Hogweed locations

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16/06/60 ReportsR from Working Groups/Council Representatives

It was noted that Friends of Chinley Park had met.

It was noted that parking problems had now extended to Stubbins Bridge and Stubbins Lane and the problem was only set to get worse as the development at the Forge Mill site becomes inhabited.

It was agreed that council would need to lobby for more parking for Station Road and raise the issue with PCSO Karen Green. It was suggested that a ‘Please Park Courteously’ notice on the station noticeboard might help.

16/06/61 Clerk’s Salary

The meeting received the NALC and SLCC Salary Scales 2016-18 Final Version.

RESOLVED: To approve Salary Scales 2016-18 as presented with the rise of 1% for 2016 and payment of this increase to the Clerk’s Salary backdated to 1st April 2016.

RESOLVED: Cllrs Walton and Pettitt to carry out the Clerk’s Appraisal to enable an increment to be considered at the next meeting.

The Clerk’s appraisal was arranged for Monday 11th July 2016 at 5.00pm.

There being no further business, the meeting was concluded at 9.35pm

Signed as a true and correct record of the meeting.

Chairman …………………………………………………………


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