Present: Councillors: Shannon DS (Chairman), Mason WM (Vice Chairman), Kirby AK, Lilwall JL, Mallen JM, Mr G Bambridge (District Councillor), Mr B Borrett (County Councillor) and Mrs H Moore (Clerk) + 9 parishioners.

1.2.13 Apologies : None. 2.2.13 Minutes of Meeting : The minutes of the previous meetings held on 3rd December 2012 and 7 th January 2013 were agreed and signed. 3.2.13 Declarations of Interest : None. 4.2.13 Public Participation and County/District Councillor/Police Reports : None.

Matters Arising Not Covered Elsewhere on Agenda 5.2.13 Bus Services To/From Bawdeswell : In opening the discussion and welcoming Liz Edwards and Sean Asplin from NCC Transport, DS explained that, while the village had the benefit of a well-utilised X29 to bus service, there was a crucial need for a regular north/south service between Reepham, Bawdeswell and , given that Bawdeswell parishioners either needed access to medical services in Reepham and/or and its satellite centre in Swanton Morley. While the village did have a thriving and well-utilised community car service, this could only be used for medical-related journeys where no alternative transport was available. Moreover, while access to Norwich and Fakenham was readily available during the day, there was no late evening X29 service, and parishioners, particularly the young and elderly, wanted/needed access to the shopping and social activities in Bawdeswell’s 2 adjacent market centres. These needs, which had been well established in past and very recent village surveys, had seemingly been accepted by NCC officials, but previous efforts to establish a Foulsham/Bawdeswell/Dereham feeder service or a dial-a-ride service to meet these needs had apparently failed. If the seemingly under-utilised Konnect 04 service, which currently runs between the N&N Hospital, Dereham and Swanton Morley, could be extended by 2.5 miles to Bawdeswell it would access 850 potential users in Bawdeswell, and would offer these passengers easy access to other bus services passing through Dereham. Bearing in mind that other local villages (Billingford, , Lyng,) also suffered from minimal bus services, GB pointed out that if the 04 service were extended to include Lyng and Sparham etc there would be an additional 1000+ potential user market. JM suggested that, to ease the cost penalties, maybe the 04 service would not need to be extended on every run, perhaps just alternate ones. Mr Asplin responded that NCC officials had championed the idea of a Foulsham feeder service, but this had failed because a lack of support from Foulsham. Moreover, his evidence suggested that the existing weekly market day services to Dereham were not well-utilised. The current financial situation would also preclude any new feeder or dial-a-ride service, and any additional service would probably need to be subsidised by the NCC due to the number of bus pass holders likely to use the service. NCC officials were also wary of introducing any trial service only to withdraw it later. However, Mr Asplin saw the efficacy of an extension of the 04 service and would therefore consult with Konnect Buses about the associated business case and would report back to the Clerk. 6.2.13 Update on the Possibility of a Footpath Bawdeswell Heath : Detailed assessments from Highways had revealed that a Trod (maintained natural surface) path along Dereham Road would cost £7,700 and a similar path along Billingford Road about £1,500. Match funding, possibly covering up to 75% of the costs, could be applied for with the NCC. Highways suggested keeping both possible routes within the initial application, but noted that if Dereham Road were to be a chosen route then the hedges would need to be cut back further than they are generally. AK will consult with the landowner regarding hedge cutting and would circulate a new business plan and an associated matched funding application prior to the next meeting. ACTION: AK 7.2.13 To Discuss the Best Course of Action for the Churchyard Trees: The cost of a full tree survey would be about £300, excluding the cost of any subsequent work. However, while there is a clear need to remove some dead branches and to clear ivy around the trees, the need for a full survey and other major tree surgery work had not been established. WM agreed to consult with the PCC to ensure that it would be content for minor works to go ahead, and the Clerk will seek any necessary permission from BDC for minor work given that the trees are within the Conservation Area. ACTION: WM/Clerk 8.2.13 Old Dereham Road – Overgrown Verge : The PC decided that the verge was in an acceptable condition given the limited traffic using the Old Dereham Road. 9.2.13 Cemetery Condition : The PCC is seemingly unable to fund more work to be done than is carried out under the new contract already. However, parishioners are at liberty, and indeed encouraged, to look after their family graves. Any further concerns parishioners may have should be directed to the PCC. 10.2.13 Emergency Plan : The draft Plan, which had been formulated by the local coordinator Dan Taylor in conjunction with the Breckland Emergency Planning Officer, was fully endorsed by the PC, and a special note of thanks was given to Dan Taylor for all his hard work. BDC will now offer local maps and an emergency box for the Village Hall containing lights, radios etc. Area Wardens were now required to help with the implementation of the Plan, but potentially these roles could be associated with the required additional Home Watch officers. Notices will be issued with the minutes and in the Reeves Tale to invite Area Wardens to come forward. There is a seminar being held by BDC on the 27 th March regarding Emergency Planning – DS and/or Dan Taylor will try to attend. A version of the plan that does not contain individual’s names will be uploaded to the village website. ACTION: Clerk


Village Hall Committee and Project Bawdeswell 11.2.13 JL asked that future Village Hall minutes be forwarded to the Clerk and circulated to the PC in advance of its meetings. He reported that the VH Committee was now well established with all duties covered. Following on from the Police Report and the PC allocation of funds in FY13/14 towards VH security, research was now being carried out into equipment and costs that will enhance security and the user experience of the Village Hall. Options are also being looked at to incorporate and fund the driveway and car park into the plans for the new hall. The new VH constitution, which is vital for the Lottery funding application, was proving to be a major task, but it would hopefully be circulated to the PC in advance of the March meeting for endorsement at that meeting. Congratulations were due to all concerned for a successful outcome to Stage 1 of the Lottery Application. Stage 2, relating to the funding of the new hall, would now be submitted by 11 th April. Should the Lottery funding application be successful, an extra £130k would be required to finish the project, and the Lottery Commission will need to know where these additional funds, in the form of a loan, will come from. The Clerk will investigate possible options for the PC to assist with the additional funding required, for discussion at the next meeting. A date for an open meeting on the new hall in the March/April timeframe would be established shortly. DS noted that the PC was responsible for necessary repairs to the fencing along the driveway of the Recreation Ground and for the establishment of low fencing around the car park to prevent cars and scooters accessing the sports fields, as advocated in the Police Report. The advice of a local fencing contractor would be sought prior to the next meeting. GB reported that Bawdeswell had been removed from the Police priority list due to the absence of ASB reports in recent weeks. However, DS noted that the Clerk had received a letter from parishioners who had recently been victims of harassment by youths in the village; but the Police had apparently dealt with the offenders. ACTION: Clerk

Clerks Report 12.2.13 Copies of the Register of Title and Plan related to the Folland Court Jubilee Garden had been received via email, indicating the transfer was now complete. However, there is an apparent discrepancy between the plan received and PC expectations on the land to be transferred. The Solicitor and Clerk is looking to resolve this with Land Registry. The crime figures for November included 1 ‘other’ and 2 ‘criminal damage’ offences, and for December they included 1 ‘other’, 1 ‘criminal damage’ and 1 ‘violence against a person’ cases. Swanton Morley Parish Council has informed the PC they have 3 vacant allotment plots that can be offered to Bawdeswell residents. They are next to their village hall and cost £52 per year, plus a share of water mains costs. The Clerk will inform BALGA. ACTION: Clerk

Finance 13.2.13 Payments : Payments approved at the meeting by the Parish Council: cheque no. 100792 £176.68 to Helen Moore for January clerk’s salary and expenses, cheque no. 100793 £40 to HMRC for January clerk’s tax. Payments Approved Prior to the Meeting by the Parish Council : None. 14.2.13 Other Finance Business : None.

Planning 15.2.13 i) Application - 3PL/2012/1079/F Land at Cherry Tree Farm for a single wind turbine maximum height 77m – the PC decided by majority not to comment on this application as the development concerned did not lie within the Parish. ii) Application – 3PL/2013/0070/A land south of Billingford Road, west of Fakenham Road for a retrospective application for a freestanding advanced directional sign – the PC had no objection. iii) Decision Notice - 3PL/2012/1117/F Bell View, Old Dereham Road for replacement of existing conservatory with a single storey rear extension and erection of detached garage – planning permission granted. iv) Decision Notice – 3PL/2012/1242/F Bawdeswell Garden Centre, Norwich Road for construction of a new workshop building – planning permission granted.

Any Other Business 16.2.13 Items Notified in Advance to the Clerk for Agenda: None. 17.2.13 To Discuss Items Raised at the Meeting : WM raised the issue of the lack of gritting along The Street and the area near to the school during the recent bad weather which had helped to prevent the school from opening. AK also noted that the footpaths to the school were unusable during the recent snow and ice, and pointed out that it was a misconception that if you clear any snow/ice that you are therefore liable for any subsequent falls on the cleared areas. DS noted that some worthy citizens had helped to clear paths, and these were to be applauded; however, the issue of clearing paths should be covered within Bawdeswell’s new Emergency Plan. Meanwhile, the Clerk will ask Highways to include the bus route from the A1067 through The Street on its priority gritting plan. AK recently attended a consultation in Reepham regarding its future economic strategy, and there is a possibility of Bawdeswell inking up with Reepham to take some advantage of any subsequent projects. Website gives more information. DS raised the issue of goalpost safety, following a letter received detailing the requirement to have them secured correctly. The Clerk will write to the football club to forward on this information. ACTION: Clerk

18.2.13 To Receive Agenda Items for the Next Meeting : The Village Hall constitution and future security works will be discussed, along with a proposal put forward by a village group for a community orchard at the Eastern end of the recreation ground. The date and style of the Annual Village meeting will also be agreed.