St. Mary’s Academy Will Move to Cherry Hills Site

Member of Audii Bureau of Circulation Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1951— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Fourth Building for School Since 1864 Articles Otherwise Marked, Given A fter 12 M. Friday Following Issue. + + + + + Historic St. Mary’s academy, Denver, which the Sisters of . Loretto established in 1864 as the first New Site of St. Mary's Academy high school of any kind in Colorado, was preparing this week to occupy the fourth successive building DENVER CATHaiC in its long career. Barring unforeseen complications, a contract for sale of the present St. Mary’s acad­ emy at E. 14th avenue and Pennsylvania street to the F. W. Woolworth Co. was to be signed on Thursday morning, Aug. 23. Provided there is no delay in completing the sale of the REGISTER present property, classes will open Sept. 17 in the former Hickerson estate, 4545 S. University boulevard, which has been purchased by the Sisters of Loretto. The residence. VOL. XLVIl. No. 1. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1951 DENVER, COLORADO erected by the late A. R. Hicker­ + + T son, Denver automobile dealer, is Y being remodeled to provide some 10 or 12 classrooms as well as From School to Office Building quarters for the sisters. Building 2 Changes Made plans are in the making for next year.. The site contains 10 acres. Bus Service Hoped For In Personnel at Sister Georgette, superior and principal of St. Mary’s, said that it is hoped to arrange with the Tramway Corp. for bus service to Loretto Heights the school mornings and evenings to provide easy transportation for TWo personnel changes in the pupils. administrative positions at The City council has granted Loretta Heights collie, Den­ permission to convert the Pennsyl­ ver, were announced this week by vania street school building, in a Sister Frances Marie, president. residence D zone, into an office Sister Mary Florence, dean o f the building for a one-firm occupancy. college for the past five years, The academy, which ha* grade tchool claiie* at well at will become assistant to the presi­ high tchool, had an enrollment dent, and Sister Eileen Marie, of tome 150 in the tecondary dean of students, will become dean clattet latt year, at well at more of the college. The office of dean than 90 in the grade*. Tuition of students is incorporated in that THE HICKERSON ESTATE, of which remodeled foi classroom use, on Sept. 17. The build­ and feet are $315 per year, of dean of the college. It has been decided to follow the pattern of ing is situated'-on a 10-acre estate at 4545 S. Uni­ St. Mary’s academy was a view is shown above from the front en­ college organization where there founded *by three Sisters o f Lo­ trance, will be the new home of St. Mary’s academy, versity boulevard in Cherry Hills village.— (Register is but one dean. In order to effect Denver, this year. Classes will open in the residence, photo by Smyth) retto who arrived in Denver from Santa Fe on June 25, 1864. They this change. Sister Pauline Ma­ rie’s duties as registrar will be + + + + - f + were greeted J)y the Rev. greately expanded, and Sister Ann P. Machebeuf, who had been labor­ ing in Colorado since 1860. He was Frances will become the assistant First Lorettines Arrived by Stagecoach to be named Vicar Apostolic of to the dean of the college. Colorado and Utah in 1868, and Detpite a prediction of a na­ IN 1864, FIVE YEARS after to have them work in Coloaado. vation, for we were poor, and the first Bishop o f the Diocese of tional 20-per-cent decreate in gold had been discovered near Mother Joanna described in a A house was unfurnished till the im­ Denver when it was established all college enrollmentt, figure* Pike’s peak, three years after Fa­ early letter the arrival of the nuius mediate opening of school.’’ Aug. 16, 1887. indicate that the ttudent body of Loretto Height* college for ther Joseph P. Machebeuf had been in Denver: “ The coach haltr/d The first school, called the As the first site for the school. “ White House,” was on California 1951-52 will equal or exceed sent to Denver as Vicar General, at the church. The Vicar General/s Father Machebeuf had purchased street. When this building was that of 1950-51. Latt year Lo­ three Sisters of Loretto arrived to residence was close by. And w hit a two-story white house on Cali­ almost destroyed by fire in April, retto Height* wat one of the establish a school for girls. They an unpretentious one it was! B it fornia street between E and F 1869, it become evident a new were Mother Joanna Walsh', first it spoke volumes of his missionary streets, paying the owner, George IS college* in the entire coun­ superior; Sister Ignatius James, spirit of self-sacrifice. . . We re­ school was needed. In 1872 a brick W. Clayton, $4,000. Here in the try that experienced an in- and Sister Beatrice Ryan. It took ceived a hearty welcome, but /so building was constructed on Cali­ convent chapel, as priest and create in enrollment. five days to make the journey by fornia street. It was the home of Bishop, he offered Mass whenever fatigued were we that we Were of its purchase by the F. W. Woolworth Co. for Four Sisters stagecoach from New Mexico St. Mary’s academy until 1911 he was in the see city. For the FORTY YEARS OF SERVICE as the unable to enjoy it. . . We Were use as an office building. The school was moved through Indian territory. then escorted to our field of labor, when the present modem school chapel he donated a bell which home of St. Mary’s academy, Denver, con­ To Join faculty was constructed. Now St. Mary’s to the Pennsylvania street building in 1911 from its where we could look down on the still intones the Angelus each day Four sistdJs will join the 1951- The Sisters of Loretto had gone is moving once more to a 10-acre ducted by the Sisters of Loretto, end for the building California street site, where classes had been con- to Santa Fe in 1852, and after he mere nucleus of the magnificent at Loretto Heights college. 52 faculty. They are Sister Kath­ site south of Denver. at 1870 Pennsylvania street with the announcement ducted since the founding of the siAool in 1864. had come to Denver it was Bishop city you behold today. . . And for » » » Old Building Was erine Therese, head o f the music some time we had to suffer pri- (then Father) Machebeuf’s desire THE ORIGINAL SCHOOL had Showploce of City defartment; Sister Mary Louise, in the English department; Sister a host of memories, how Bishop The academy building that re­ Gushursts Married 73 Years Ann Francis, who will act in the Machebeuf used the chapel for placed the original “ White House” $4,500 Paid on Newman Club Chapel daily Mass and how he would chop was erected in three wings at capacity of assistant to the dean wood to fill the convent fuel box; intervals, and when completed was of the collew; and Sister Mary Covered-Wagon to Plane— memories, too, of the many fine a showplace of the fast-growing Karen, in the sociology depart­ I superiors of the institution, espe­ Queen City o f the Plains. This Debt Now $1,000-on Boulder Building ment. I *' ' cially the famed educator and con­ building housed the academy The sum o f $4,500 was paid olic students on the campus. In­ care of the running expenses of Sister Katherine Thdrese was This Couple Has Tried All vert, Mother Pancratia Bonfils, boarding and day students from its on the debt of the St. Thomas dividually a dollar does not the chapel and rectory, but “ ex­ formerly a music teacher in Louis­ who supervised the build­ erection in 1872 (four years be­ mean much, but a dollar from tras” and debt payment can ville, Ky. She is a graduate of By L ettie M orrow choose. Mr. Gushupt traveled from Aquinas student e'hapel at the ing of the Pennsylvania street fore Colorado achieved statehood), University of Colorado, Boulder, each member of a large group come only with outside help. Websti/r college, Webster Grove,*, FROM TRAVELING via slow, Rochester, N. ,■ Y., by covered- building. But Denver is growing until Nov. 2, 1891, when the on Aug. 16 to bring the total will soon bring the completion Catholics throughout the state Mo., and received her B.M. degree laborous covered-wagon train to wagon train /when he settled in and so is S t Mary’s, and it will resident students were moved *to debt down to $1,000. Of the o f the chapel into sight. are urged to join the DollaV-a- from the Chicago Musical college. going via swift, comfortable air­ Lead, S. Dak., in 1876; and Mrs. have plenty of room to expand in the newly opened Loretto Heignts amount paid, $3,200 was raised At the present time the base­ Month club and thus help com­ The announcement was made last plane; from helping settle a fron­ Gushurst r,ode from -a farm in its new Cherry Hills home., ajademp, six miles south of the through the efforts of the Dol- ment is used for services. Fold­ plete a much-needed project at month that Sister Teresa Marie, tier mining community to living Sibley codnty, Minnesota, when city. Loretto Heights attained the lar-a-Month club, which was ing chairs serve as pews. It is t h e university. Prospective former music department head, in a populous, modern city; from she went'to Lead in 1877 to visit statue of a senior women’s college started last November. The sec­ hoped that enough money can members should merely send a will become community supervisor witnessing primitive In.dian war­ her t]wo uncles, Fred and Enters Brothers MR»uel, the original discovers of in 1918.. ond collections taken up at the be raised during the next year dollar and return address to Fa­ of music in Loretto schools in the fare to living through two horri­ In California Day ttudentt continued to at« to purchase pews in or,der to ther Edward 'Vollmer, O.S.B., West. ble modern World wars— all these the famous Homestake mine, she Sunday Masses fior the retire­ tend clattet at old St. Mary’t ment o f the debt amounted to accommodate more students. St. ’ chapel, have been the experiences of Mr. Says. Sister Mary Louise When'there she met, fell in love on California ttreet until 1911, $1,166. Other donations made The students are able to take 904 14th street, Boulder, Colo. and Mrs. P. A. Gushurst of 737^ when the new academy building with, and married P. A. Gushurst, up the balance o f the payment. Editor of Anthology Filmore street, for 19 years parisb- wa* opened at 1370 Penntyl- ioners of St. John’s, Denver, y and that marriage, the first Cath­ The chaplains thank all who Sister Mary Louise is the editor olic ceremony performed in' Lead, vania ttreet. Even then a trie helped to make this achievement of Over the Bent World, a Cath- The couple— she is 90, ana he of titter* continued for nine Auditorium Becomes Church a mission o f Deadwood, has lasted year* to conduct clattet on possible, under the patronage of lic anthology. She received her celebrated his 98th birthday Aug. these 73 years. The date of the St. . M.A. and Ph. D. from St. Louis 21— recently flew via Western Air­ California ttreet in the old con­ wedding was May 26, 1878. vent building, which wat utilized Club of Great Help For St. Francis' Parishioners university and before coming to lines to Deadwood, S. Dak., where ♦ ♦ * the Heights was head o f the Eng­ Mr. Gushurst took part in a cere­ at St. Leo’t parochial tchool. The DollAr-a-Month club has The members of St. Francis de the Feast of the Assumption of the THE COUPLE MADE THEIR Part of the original California Sales’ parish, Denver, have gone Blessed Mary fell in mid­ lish department at Webster col­ mony dedicating a statue to Wild home in that once-rollicking min­ been a great help in the pay- v lege. street property was sold in 1901 “back to the catacombs” tempo­ week, and it would greatly have Bill Hickok, famed frontier fig­ ing town o f Lead, where Mr. Gus­ ipent of the debt. Since it was ure. Mr. Gushurst is the only man to furnish a site for the Temple rarily for daily Masses. Because held up the laborers if the church Sister Ann Frances has been hurst was engaged in the grocery started last November, more were used for Masses, the people teaching at the Bishop Toolen high living who saw Wild Bill killed in Court building. In 1920 the sisters the complete interior redecora­ business and in mining activities, leased the remaining 12 lots to the than $5,000 has been paid on tion of the church is now in. pro­ fulfilled their obligation in the school in Mobile, Ala. a Deadwood saloon, 75 years ago. until 19 years ago. It was then he * » » Home Public Market company, and the debt by members of the club. cess, daily Masses are offered in school basement chapel. To make Sister Mary Karen will rejoin retired and the couple decided to It has had a steady growth in the basement auditorium o f the up for the small seating capacity the Heights faculty after a year’s BOTH MR. AND MRS. GUS­ sold this property to the company move to Denver. 'The fact that in 1945. It has since been pur­ membership and now numbers grade school building, next dDor of the temporary chapel, 11 Masses leave of absence for study at St. HURST, who have taken two other their home in Lead was among chased by the Denver Post and is more than 500 members who to the church. were celebrated. Louis university. airplane trips to Minneapolis, those condemned because it was the site of the Post’s new building. contribute $1 every month The church building Improve­ Minn., and are believed to be the situated on top of the caving-in Now, ?8 years after the toward paying off the debt and ment program, part of the project oldest married couple to travel Homestake mine aided the decision academy was first established, and completing the chapel. Every envisioned in the summer funds by air in the United States, like to move. I after 40 years in the Pennsylvania month a stamped, self-addressed campaign, will be completed in Two Loyola Parish Girls airplane travel. It is easy, com­ Of the eight children born to street building, Color^o’s first envelope, along with the chap­ about two weeks. The phase o f the fortable, and swift; and compared Mr. and Mrs. Gushurst, only four high school is moving again to lain’s Newsletter, is sent to redecoration that necessitated the to stagecoach or covered-wagon are living. They are Mrs. L. D meet the , changing demands of every member. The letter serves use o f scaffolding will close this travel— well, these oldsters will (Clare) Mulligan and Fred Gus­ expansion and progress. to keep members posted on the week end, and all that will remain To Enter Religious Life take an airplane any day! hurst of Denver,' Edward of Min­ (Additional Picture* Page 3) work being done for the Cath- to be done then is the finishing of Regina Reischman and Jeanne And they are competent to neapolis, and Albert of Lead. Joseph Paul Valencia, son the sanctuary and part o f the wall Roach, members o f Loyola parish, plastering and painting. A new of Mr. and Mrs, Philip Val­ Denver, are entering the convent public address system has already encia, 2805 Lawrence street, Classes Will Open at Regis Sept. 12 Miss Reischman will become a Burse Can Help to Provide members o f Sacrted Heart parish, been installed and is being used Announcement of registration will be required to be present member of the Sisters o f Charity Denver, left for Los Angeles, on Sundays, when Masses are said of Leavenworth, Kans., and Miss Calif., Aug. 1 to enter the dates for Regis college, Denver, these three days to take pre-en­ in the church. One new confes­ was made this week by the Rev. trance math, English, and psycho­ Roach is joining the Sisters of Needed Teachers of Religion Brothers of St. John of God. He sional has been provided and a Charity o f Cincinnati, 0. attended school Louis G. Mattione, S.J., dean of logical exams and to receive medi­ single confessional has been doub­ With the approach of the open­ Mother of God parish, Denver, re­ studies at the northside Jesuit cal examinations. Members o f the led, so that the church now has Regina Reischman, the daughter through the eighth grade and en­ o f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Reisch­ ing o f the new school year comes ported a total increase of $117.18 tered Cathedral high school, where school. Classes for all students, sophomore, junior, a n d senior four double confessionals. in its burse. man of 2219 E. 24th avenue, was a deeper realization of the neces­ he was graduated in June. He was whether formerly they attended classes will regi|ter for their 11 Matte* Offered sity of keeping Catholic schools classes on Sept. 10. born in Denver Oct. 3, 1933. She Burse gifts may be sent to Arch­ a member of the Just Kids and Regis or not, will begin Sept. 12. The parishioners are bearing well staffed with priest-instructors attended Loyola grade school for bishop Urban J. Vehr, Chancery Cathedral high school bands and Frethman Day* Sept. 5-7 ' Any further information desired patiently the torn-up condition of of religion. The Little Flower eight years and upon graduation building, 1536 Logan street, belonged to the Third Order of Freshman days ^will be held may be oHlained by calling Fa­ the church while it is in the burse, which increased in the past was given a four-year scholarship Denver. St. Francis. Sept. 5, 6, and 7. All freshmen ther Mattione at Regis college. process of being done over. Because week from $5,509 to ^$5,576.50, is to Cathedral high school. In June, a palpable aid toward' that aim in 1951, she was awarded a scholar­ its designation to assist students ship to Loretto Heights college preparing for the priesthood. _ from Cathedral high. Miss Reisch­ New contributors to the priest­ man has been organist for the hood burse of the Denver arch­ St. Dominicks New School Opens Sept. 4 Loyola adult choir for three years. diocese are as follows: N. N., Den­ Her outstanding playing of several ver, $25; John and Mary Zermat- o f the Txe Ore “ Words” on Good + + + + + ten, Boulder, $25; Mrs. Mary Friday, 1951, was particularly ac­ Angerer, Denver, $10; Lt. Joan Eight Grades, Kindergarten claimed. She has been a member Wissing, serving in Japan, $2.50; o f the chorus o f many o f the and Mrs. Margaret Archer, Den­ Ready for Northside Parish Classes R t Rev. Monsignor Joseph J. ver, $5. Will Be Housed in Building Bosetti's operas. During the past Regina Rcitchman several years she has been active Two Parish Burses Grow The new school that has been in process of erection in the Dominicanettes and served Two parish burses figure in the for St. Dominic’s parish, Denver, will be completed in time as president of this orgranization news this week. The burse of St. for the formal opening of school on Tuesday, Sept. 4, ac­ for one year. Her sister, Mrs. Peter’s parish, Fleming, was cording to an announcement of the new pastor, the Rev. George F. Sullivan, lives in New swelled by $56 represented by two J. G. Forquer, O.P. Registration day will be Friday, Aug. York, and a brother, Joseph, is donations, $50 from Ted Wems- a student at Regis high school. man, and an anonymous gift of $6. 24,, from 9 to 11 a.ra., and from the children from neighboring par­ Jeanne Catherine Roach is the 1 to 2 p.m. Only the new students ishes. daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Leo Msgr. Kerr Investiture are required to register. Twelve Clettroomt Roach o f 2109 E. 24th avenue. She was born in Denver on Tk« tchool will contain the The school building, which ad­ To Be Held on^ept. 16 joins the church on Federal boule­ Aug. 25, 1934. She attended full eight grade* in addition to Loyola grade school and upon a kindergarten. The kindergar­ vard, contains 12 classrooms, in­ The investiture of the Rt. Rev. cluding the kinderg;arten, and is graduation in 1948 she was ten it to arranged in the new awarded a scholarship to Cathe­ Monsignor Arthur R. Kerr in the tchool that it a teparet* unit, planned to care for all the pa­ rochial children in the parish. A dral high school. As an eighth robes of a Domestic Prelate will talf-contained and not in any take place in St. Patrick’s church. playground separates the church grade pupil at Loyola school she way connected with the tchool and school, and will be enclosed was prefect o f the sodality and La Junta, Sunday, Sept. 16. Bishop proper. It hat it* own entrance Joseph C. Willging of Pueblo will with a six-foot ornamental fence had the honor o f crowning the and exit, it* cloak room and ac- (not shown in the photograph). statue o f the Blessed Mother at officiate. The ceremony will take cattertet. place at a Solemn Mass eoroffi On days that are inclement the the May crowning. She completed Episeopo at 12 o’clock noon. Mon­ Sister Agnellus, principal, said children will recreate in the spac­ her high school course in three signor Kerr is pastor of St. Pat­ that she expects a large enrollment ious church auditorium. years, and received her diploma in rick’s church. La Junta, and dean in the kindergarten and many new Sitter* Retain Convent June, 1951. She has been an active Of the La Junta deanery. He was pupils among the various grades. It is planned ultimately to have member of the Legion of Mary in awarded the Papal, honor in mid- Preference will be given, however, the sisters reside near the school. iKiyola parish and served as cor­ Julv this year. ■ ST. DOMINIC’S NEWSCHOOL, which hood, who are seemingly so anxious to enroll that in the enrollment of children who At present they,will maintain their responding secretary _ for the The date of the investiture ,of they are on the grounds constantly.) Left to right reside in the parish. If any space residence at 3026 26th. avenue Dominicanettes. Her sister, Mrs, the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph will open in September, is pictured above. are Johnny Marino (in doorway), his sister, Jerry; is available after the parish chil­ until such lime fs permanent plans Ruth Mally, is a member o f St. Walsh has not yet been decided. (The children in t)^ picture are from the neighbor­ and Jean Stai^.— (Photo by Bill Brown) dren register, it will be alloted to can be made. Jsanna Roach ’ parish, < PAGE TWO Offict, 938 Bannock StrMt' THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telophone, KEyitone 4205 Thuriday, August 23, 1951

Heidelberg Girl Is Colorado Visitor Polio Expense Insurance Family Policy $10 for 2 Y ears . Former Member of Hitler Youth Camp Keeps Faith FRANK P. O’DONNELL music By L ettie M orrow CHerry 6525 FLorida 3916 A VPUNG WOMAN who man- ers’ college and is now working an AmeHcan university is most take time out—too much, some­ 1522 California St. aged to keep her Catholic faith de­ for her ooctotate in psychology, interesting and illuminating. times, Elisabeth feels.—for Cokes, spite service in a Hitler Youth for she hopes to become a child In Heidelberg students live, for hikes, football, and basketball camp at the early age of 17— when psychologist in the schools, a new the most part, in rented rooms by games, campus politics^ and a Bond Instruments - Pianos - Organs ^ practicing one’s religion was made profession in Germany. themselves; they are lucky to have hundred and one odd activities. ill difficult and worship of Der Although the course she took two or three friends at the school: * * * Radios - Records - Accessories Fuehrer was substituted, wher­ this past year at I.S.T.C. will not they are chiefly interested in, and WHILE THIS SOCIABILITY ever possible, for a belief in God— count toward her doedorate at busy with, their books and studies; makes for a broader type of edu­ , AC. 1635 DENVER, COIO. „ simply cannot understand ■ how Heidelberg— the only degree is­ their social Jife is confined to at­ cation, Mies Lehmann believes Americans seem to find so many sued by that university— Elisabeth tending infrequent and formally that it is overdone on American reasons for staying aw ay' from says she came here primarily to isscheduled social functions. There campuses— for book learning suf­ Sunday Mass. get a better understanding oi theH 8 no opportunity to meet in­ fers because of it— and underdone "Why, they use the flimsiest ex­ United States, how its people live, formally and get acquainted with in Germany. cuses!’’ exclaimed pretty, golden­ how they work, how they play^ and fellow students. One thing that Elisabeth noted In the United States students haired, blue-eyed Miss Elisabeth how they conduct their educational especially, and highly approves of, live together in dormitories or Lehmaon of Heidelberg, Germany, institutions. is that students and teachers in • ♦ * , sorority and fraternity houses who the past week was a guest in American universities are on a Tollefson Furniture HER COMPARISON OF life at where they make many friends the home of Mr. and Mrs. John very informal footing, mingle so­ fast. Elisabeth likes this friendly Rusche, 875 S. Williams street. the German University of Heidel­ cially, and make lasting friend­ 2749 SOUTH BROADWAY mode o f living. Here, too, students An exchange student from the berg with life on the campus of ships. This they do not do in Ger­ University of Heidelberg to the many, where there is a definite Iowa State Teacher’s college at social and professional .barrier Cedar Falls this past year. Miss Editor Visits in Denver between (Student and teacher to ALL OUT SALE Lehmann, a sparkling personality the loss of both, Elisabeth feels. and wit, has lived through many That religion is completely di­ tumultuous experiences in her vorced from education in the EVERYTHING REDUCED 24 years of life. * * * United States except in private OPEN EVENINGS— 7 :3 0 .9 P.M. SU. 1-1441 schools and colleges is wrong, in SHE WAS BORN April 27, Elisabeth’s opinion. In Germany, 1927, in Bruchsal, but a year later priests and nuna teach religion not moved to Heidelberg, where her fa­ only in private Church schools, but ther, Julius Lehmann, became pro­ in state schools as well. Is that fessor of art, a position he holds way the children learn about God to this day. ana their duty to Him. In the learned and cultural at­ mosphere of that famed old uni­ Perhapi this compUt* separa­ versity town little Elisabeth lived tion of raligion from education the usual life of a child— attend­ in the United States might help ing Mass and religious services in account for the lack of evidence beautiful St. ’s church, of a Christian belief among the where she made iner First Com­ people here, unlike what is found munion and was confirmed; and everywhere in Germany and going to Catholic elementary other European countries. There schools and the gymnasium, the are statues to tho Blessed Mother equivalent of hiyh school and jun­ and the , and shrines along ior college combined in the United the roadsides; end many large States. and beautiful' churches in the The Nation's TOP Bronds But the turbulent political forces towns and cities, churches which that were shaping Germany’s des­ now, owing to a revival of reli­ tiny were to uproot the d r l from gion among the people since the I And Fall's TOP Styles her quiet homelife. Like other end of the war, are filled to( youths all over Germany under the overcrowding every Sunday, In Our Greatest Advance-'^ Hitler regime, she was forced to said Elisabeth, “ People who had go to a composite labor camp for boon away from the Church for boys and (rirls when "she was just years are now going back. On 17 years old. Sunday the churches simply Terms to Suit « • * can’ t accommodate them.” TOPCOAT THERE SHE WAS AT FIRST * * * assigned as a farmer’s heljie'r, “ IN THE UNITED STATES I working long days in the fields. miss the church bells and the Your Convenience But later— undouotedly because of church towers,” she told us. “ The SALE her education and superior intel­ church towers are the first thing ligence— she was made a Red one sees when approaching a Ger­ This annual Advance Topcoat Sola is a tra­ (iross assistant, helping in air man town. Here it is— well.” she dition with Cottrell's and this year the sav­ raids, in hospitals, etc. laughed, “ the water tower!” ings are more important thon ever! You'll During her service at this camp, After attending Iowa State find big selections in models— both regular Elisabeth and her Catholic friends THE REV. G. JOSEPH GUSTAFSON, S.S., co-editor Teachers’ college, Elisabeth spent WE’RE PAYmG TOP PRICES were never actually forbidden to of The Priest magazine and literary editor of 0?

L ■ ■ ■ ■ Thursday, August 23, 1951 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystene 4205 PAGE THREE Salvage Bureau Needs Clothes, Furniture Santa Fe Prelate Former Homes of St. Mary's Academy To Bless Churc jj Colorado's First High School Dates to Civil Wor Days ■ f sr''* In Albuquerque I Albuquerque, N. Mex. — The new church of the Blessed Sacra­ ment Fathers will be dedicated here Sunday, Aug. 26, by Arch­ bishop Edwin V. Byrne, assisted by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Sig­ mund Charewicz. The Very Rev. Romain -Cyr, S.S.S., Assist­ ant-General of the community, will sing the Solemn Mass. The Rev. Emile P. Herbert, S.S.S., su­ perior, will greet the congregation, and the Archbishop will deliver the dedicatory sermon. The Rev. Henry J. Foley, S.S.S., former chaplain of St. Anthony’s hospital, Denver, will be deacon; and the Rev. Ernest. Carrier, S.S.S., sub­ deacon. Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament will close the morning ceremony. A Eucharistic rally will take place in the evening. There will be a solemn procession followed by Benediction. Knights of St. Th* Archdiocese of Denver was present when the picture was As a result of the wholesale Gregory and Fourth Degree quick and effective with its aid to taken. The committee first queried shipment of needed local stocks to Knights of Columbus will act as a the Kansas and Missouri areas pastors and St. Vincent de Paul the disaster victims, the local sal­ guard of honor. stricken by floods recently. The society workers in Kansas and Mis­ vage bureau has exhausted its The Blessed Sacrament Fathers arm of the Church’s charity setup souri to ascertain specifically the supplies of men’s, women’s, and came to Albuquerque in 1950. used to aid the refugees was the needs which were most urgent. children’s clothing, shipping to the Their new church, built in Spanish local unit of the St. Vincent de Some cities had local situations Kansas City and Topeka areas all Southwest style, will seat 450 Paul society, the warehouses of adequately cared for. Others ex­ of the usable clothing in stock. people. which were quickly emptied of pressed shca'tages of shoes, cloth­ Large quantities of these stocks ' shoes, clothing, and furniture. ing, and furniture. are going to be required to replen­ Shown above planning the ship­ The Colorado Motor Carriers’ ish the Denver warehouse so that Denver Loretto Sister ments are (left to right) Joseph association transported the mer­ they can continue to give personal Loeffel, Paul Murray, and Leo chandise free of cost. Riss & Co. and household items to the impov­ , Kelleher of the St. Vincent de Paul of Denver took care of the ship­ erished persons who are referred Gets Notre Dame Honor society's committee on assistance ments to Topeka, and the Denver- to the society every day, and who to the flood victims of Kansas and Chicago Trucking Co. line trans­ are cared for without regard to Sister Nerinckx Marie Carr, a Missouri. A fourth committee ported the relief goods to Kan­ race, color, or creed.— ( “ Register” Sister of Loretto from Denver, was sas City. photo by Jerome) among the 166 undergraduate and member, C. F. Wibel, was not graduate students at the Univer­ sity o f Notre Dame who received degrees Friday, Aug. 10, at the For Wholesome Recreation 106th annual commencement ex­ ercises. Eighty-nine students re­ ceived bachelor degrees at the Priest Is Building Youths' Clubhouse ceremonies, which marked the close of the summer session. Seventy-seven students in the B y R ev. R aw i.e y M yebs jCity, which the priest has visited. You have to feed his soul as 1 Parents in the parish are enthu-' well, put high ideals before him, Notre Dame graduate school re­ MANY PEOPLE DISCUSS ceived advanced degrees. many theories about juvenile de­ siastic about the project. They and tell him how much you expect of him. He will never let you The Rev. Leo R. Ward, C.S.C., linquency. One can find a plethora are going to help the milk bar, recreation rooms, and down,” Father McMahon said. professor of philosophy at Notre structed in 1872, it was located at 14th and California streets, thfr of articles and pamphlets on the Dame and noted Catholic author, THE BELLS OF ST. MARV’S called academy girls subject. But few people do any record room. “ There are some boys and girls of early Denver to class in this imposing building. Con- present site of the Denver Post. It served the Sisters of Loretto until ♦ » * who are not able to learn ea.sily delivered the commencement ad­ more than deplore the situation. 1911. (See story on page one) in school, but who can find out dress at the ceremonies in the uni­ - f + . + + + There is, however, an energetic THE ANNUNCIATION PRIEST versity drill hall. young priest in Northeast Denver has worked with the youth of the how to transact business or learn ■^ho is doing something. parisn and of Denver for more the art of leadership by taking It is hard to find Father Don­ than seven years. His annual All- an active part in club manage­ ald McMahon these days, A per­ Parochial play is a highlight in the ment.” * ♦ * CKolce-fer ^kool son must duck under ladders, step school year. He is popular with around workers nailing boards, the young; they enjoy being with FATHER McMAHON wishes to and be careful not to rub the paint. him. He teaches religion in the use the building later on as a Father McMahon is supervising parish high school, and the noto­ meeting place for the Junior New­ the decoration and renovation of a riety of his classes has spread far. man club, with “ religion first, new clubroom building. It is lo­ Because he is a natural actor, and a get-together afterward.” cated on Humboldt street, just a there is never a dull moment. The The building will be open twice Hockmeyer Cords $ J .9 8 block north of .Annunciation catechism not only comes alive; a week. It is hoped that it will be ready before school starts. and Tweedroys ...... church, .At one time the building the words jump right o ff the page. Sizes 4 to l i was a grocery store, and for a “ The club will give the youth an On the first floor of the youth time, before the parish built its opportunity to develop. It is not center a soda fountain already has Western Style Jeans— $ 4 .8 9 new high school, it housed tempo­ enough to give a boy a bag of been installed. The walls are rary classrooms. Now, under the painted a cheerful pink. There will Sizes 6 to 16...... I up marbles and to tell him to go play. Jean JackeU to Match expert direction of Father Mc­ be Ping-pong and shuffleboard Mahon, it will soon become the here. And the Denver Post has do­ Card club, named for the Cardi­ nated a fine pool table. Upstairs, T-Shirts QQ^ nals, as Annunciation’s teams are on the upper deck, is a room called All Sizes and Colors...... 0 3 up called, the “ Deck of Cards,” painted at­ » * ♦ tractively in polyshades o f green. JACKETS — SWEATERS THE TIME TO STOP juvenile The room represents a French delinquency is before it starts. Fa­ sidewalk restaurant. There are Sturdy Oxfords $Q.98 ther McMahon says, “ and our new booths with red and white striped clubrooms will keep the neighbor­ overhanging awnings. On the walls Reg. $4.98...... O S im 8 H to 12 and 12 H to 3 hood youngsters away from bad are scenic drawings o f Old France, influence.” given by a travel agency. This Mrs. Peter Jonke — RA. 6060 . “ The young people in this sec­ room is for dancing and cards and tion are fine,” he said, and checkers. the way he said it one knew that Most o f the work on the club he meant it sincerely. “ They are has been done by volunteers. Some willing to work, appreciate every­ who could not work have donated thing, and are really good kids gifts. Few people know much "WAere CJuldn^ RpOn" But they have no place to get to­ about the theories of interracial M gether to have fun under super­ justice out that way, but it is vision, There are one small theater, practiced at the Card club, where a pool hall, and some taverns in youths of Polish, Negro, Irish, THE FIRST HOME of St. Mary’s academy, shown the neighborhood— that is all. And Spanish-American, German, and here, dates from Civil war days. It was the old Clayton most of the homes are too small Austrian descent play and work home on California street. The Sisters of Loretto came to Denver and pray side by side. for gatherings.” in 1864 and established in this building the first high school in Colo­ * * * The new teen-age canteen long rado.— (See story on page one)______desired by Father McMahon, is FATHER McMAHON WAS based on similar successful ven­ ReT. Donald A. McMahon found in his office at the club. tures in Leavenworth apd Kansas Some of the young boys, Phil, Louis, and John, had dropped Black Hills Passion Play, around. The padre was rehears­ Serving Denver ing Phil for a number he was to sing at a youth program. Father Over 42 Years McMahon, amid the laughter of the Mammoth Biblical Drama, ekJer boys, was demonstrating how to sing the song, complete with ges­ tures. At City Auditorium Sept. 8 D R Y C U A N im Someone has called the North- side priest the Father Lord of Col­ BERNARD C. FINNERTY, Owner The Black Hills Passion Play 1617 California street, AC. 2444. orado. He smiles when you men­ Reserved seat prices are $3.60, (Members of St« James' Parish) tion it. But, when one thinks of of South Dakota will be brought to the Denver city auditorium Sept. $3.00, $2.40, $1.80, and $1.20, tax the plays that he has written and included. RUGS . . . FURNITURE . . . DRAPERIES directed, the songs he has turned 8 for a 10-day engagement under the sponsorship of the Sertoma Robert L. Hansen Dale Stiles Stephen J. Monaghan out, and his ski trips and picnics - f “T + Charity foundation as a civic pro­ WEARING APPAREL for youths and the genuine inter­ ject with all proceeds to go to PIcknn «nd D«liTery est he has in them, it would seem •Plays Role of Mary 1228 E. Colfax AC 6755 charity. , that the name as applied to Fa­ ther Don McMahon, according to Josef Meier is the seventh of a once-popular song, “ ain’t so very his family to play the Christus. HANSEN & MONAGHAN Rx OPTICIANS far from wrong.” He led his people to America from Dispensing Opticians in . . . SHOPPERS!! ATTENTION!! the small city of Luenen, Westpha­ lia, Germany, after coaching them EYE PHYSICIAN'S OPTICAL SERVICE Solve your Parking Problems Creighton Teacher in their lines in English. The first recorded Passion Play was presented at Luenen in 1942 c Use Our Indoor Parking Visitor in Denver by monks of the Cappenburg mon­ astery. Later the civilians played • have your child's eyes checked and glasses adjusted V2 Hour 25c ^ 1st Hour 35c Leo V. Jacks, Ph.D., noted Mid­ the roles and in many cases tried western author, linguist, and liter­ Additional Hours 15c to emulate the lives of the char­ now before school^ ary critic, was in Denver this week acters. This Biblical drama, after on vacation from classes Dr. almost 700 years in Germany, was Jacks is a prflfessor of Greek and DENVER GARAGE moved to the United States in 1932 4 experienced technicians and Latin in the department of classics and, in 1937, established its home 1437 California CHerry 1601 at Creighton university, Omaha. Jim Batler • Ror Bntler (S t Jo*«ph’i Pariib) in Spearfish, S. Dak., to be re­ highest quality materials At present he is working on the named the' Black Hills Passion translation from Greek of St. John Play. Chrysostom for the new English version of the Fathers of the Twenty-two mammoth scenes Religious Articles Church series. are created, one blended into an­ Out of town replacements given The Nebraskan has a half-dozen other to k e ^ intact the age-old 4 Statues * Rotaries * Medals * Books story of the (Jross. Artistic costum­ • prompt attention. • • Prayer Books • Pendants* Pictures books to his credit. His first, Clare Hume w ill portray published by Scribners in 1929, ing and colorful sets form a back­ V ir ­ 4 Plaques was Service Record, a journal of ground for a portrayal of the life the part of the Blessed of the Man of Galilee. gin Mary in the Black Hills Pas­ Complete Line of Rcligiouj Article* for Church and Home his experiences as a soldier in World war I. His later books have There will be student and adult sion Play. Josef Meier is the been biographies. matinees. Student tickets are 60 Christus, with a supporting cast Catholic writing is on the up­ cents, adults $1.80, tax included, of 125 to be seen in the City aU' A. P. Waj^iiei* grade, the Creighton professor be­ for general admission. Reserved ditorium, SeJ)t. IS. There will be AComo 6433 lieves, but there is still much room seat tickets will be on sale at the special student matinees Sept. 10- for improvement. To be a suc­ Denver Dry Goods company on 14 and Sept. 17 and 18 at 2 p.m. Denver 2, Colorado <111 lU ii <.ooi»s < <>. cessful author. Dr. Jacks feels, a the main floor, beginning Aug. 24. for all parochial and public school .'A' person must have a keen insight Ticket mail orders are now being students. Tickets for these two 335 14th Street 606 14th St. Between California & Welton TA, 8331 into human nature— and be willing accepted at the Passion P l ^ head­ matinees will be on sale at all pa­ to work and work and work. quarters, Knight-Campbell* store. rochial schools.

H ave YO U Contributed to Regis D rive? MAIL IX GIFTS XOW TO REGIS COLLEGE, DEXVER, COLO. PAGE FOUR Office, 938 Bannock Streef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Teleplient, KEystene 4205 Thursday, August 23, 195T

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH Legion of Mary Before Shrine of Our Lady CATHEDRAL PARISH Patronise These Friendly Firms These Friendly Firms Deserve Your Patronage

No Down Payment k V - M ' j i p , ■' ; Hstor Ovsrluvllnt DOYLE’S LEN’S Pharmacy Bodr A Fsndtr Bspslrs La 0. FKHR, Prop. ( Hawes Food Store ) Tsllarsd Stit Covtn PHARMACY Maa>S*r 8 t Vincent da Paol’i Pariah Uotar Tnna-ap # Booker Hewea—Gayle Hawea % Uiad Cars Tha Ptrttenlar Dmteist Hava Your Doctor Phone An IGA Store f Ui Your Praacription 1 Cathedral Motors 17th AVE. AND GRANT 2707 E. Louisiana RA. 3739 C Quality Meats — 1 JO l OAFFNEF, Prop. KB. IM7 FKEB DELIVERT At Laolalana and Smith Clartoa 1 G roceries % 17U U ian K l. MU Washington Park Mkt. J Fresh & Frozen Fruitg i f and Vegetables 1 R ed & White Food Store 1 Louisiana and Clayton I BILL HUGHES, Prop. ( SP- 5717 ) PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED J Open 7 to 7 Weak Days % Complete Food Service FOR AND DELIVERED 1 Closed Sundays J 598 South Gilpin Colfax at Downing Denver I t ’a Smart to Ba Thrifty” KEystone 3217

Hatchett Drug Store NOB HILL INN nONNlE BRAE 420 EAST COLFAX **Tha gtora at Qnalltj and Sarvtca" COCKTAILS Shopping Center GRANT Delicious Dinners Compoandlnc prMcrt0ttoiu !■ tli« raotl HOT AND COLD LUNCHES Important part of tor boainoM Tanr Bnsiness Is Appradated Bara Bonnie Brae FR E S H MOUNTAIN. BABDWABE Free Prompt Delivery THE DENVER CURIA of the Legion of Mary, with D.D., conducted the exercises. With the legionnaires before the shrine Komac Coiorizer Points its several praesidia from nearby Longmont, Greeley, and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are Thomas Kelly, treasurer (front The Shirley Garage Houaewaraa • Toys • Sport Goods row, right o f center); and Wallace Dee, president (right). Mr. Evans WINES a a . REER OFFICIAL AAA GARAGE Colorado Springs, held its annual day of recollection Sunday, Aug. of the new praesidium in Longmont appears at the extreme left. Each PHONE TABOR 6911 2324 B. Exposition 8P. 1545 19, at Regis college chapel. The Most Rev. Bernard J. Sullivan, S.J., year sees a large number gathering for this annual event. CORDIALS Daj and Nixht Storage Kcpalrinx Wishint and Grtaiins Gasolins and Oils COMPLETE LINE Preisser's Red & White Fresh Shrimp 1631-J7 LINCOLN ST. 8, 9, and 11 o’Clock Grocery and Market Y Full Line of AHERN'S The firms listed here de­ V. S. Choice Meats Gifts of Bazaar MART Mother of God serve to be remembered FANCY MEATS. VEGETABLES. AilD ESQUIRE MARKET Three Masses Are Slated MEMBEB OF ST. PHILOMENA’S QUALITY GROCERIES PARISH when you are distributing 723 So. Univenity RA. 1984 Free Delivery SPmea 4447 Are Presented 333 East Colfax TA. 3304 your patronage in the dif­ 2331 EL Ohio Avo. (So. Univ. and Ohio) Parish Burse For St. Joseph's, Golden ferent lines of business. CONOCO PROBUaS Bonnie Brae At Annunciation Golden.— (St. Joseph’s Parish)— A new^«Mass schedule Receives J117 Lubrication, Car Washing, Batteries Dru^ To. (Annunciation Pariih, Danver) adding a Mass has been announced beginning the first Sun­ Recharged, Tire Vulcanizing (Mother of God Parish, Denver) Alfred C. Andereon, Owaer-Uenfgtr At the close o f the parish bazaar day in September for St. Joseph’s church: The Masses will BONNIE BRAE Have your Doctor phone us the Hudson car was driven away be at 8, 9, and 11 o’clock. The sum of $117.18 has been ST. JOHN'S PARISH added to the Mother of God par­ your Prescriptions by John Sims, 3539 Vine. The The time and date for catechism instructions will be Patronise These Friendly Firms CONOCO SERVICE Been, Winei, Etc. hope chest was presented to ish preseminary burse, which will announced at a later date. 724 So. University PE. 9909 763 So. Univenity RA. 2874 Teresa Martinez, 3414 Franklin. go toward the education of a vigil, Carl Bieniewski; resolutions young man for the priesthood. The The following gifts were New HNS committee, Ernie Waters; litera­ U Permanent Waving awarded from the Altar and burse’s total is now almost $550. SIXTH AVE. Officers ture, Joe Kovacich; publicity, John a Specialty Rosary society booth: Mrs. Francis Polosky; and big brother, Ray This latest addition is made up MEAT&POULTRY Konecny, 2355 Gaylord, qiiilt; New officera for the Holy Name Harry. of a gift of $25 from Nellie Burke, SOUTH CAYLORD Mrs. Rose Farley, 4817 Milwaukee, society were recently elected: $5 from Mrs. Charles Fellows, and M y Lady Edith This summer the society spon­ Choice Meats and blanket: Mrs. Edward Bender, George Kenney, president; George the remainder from anonymous sored an all-parish picnic at Genes- Beauty Shoppe 3651 High, bedspread; and Mrs. Bator, vice president; Carl Bie- gifts and small donations placed Fresh Dressed Poultry see park. Shopping Distriet Lenore Stockwell, 3116 Perry, niewski, secretary; and W. L. Mc­ in a special box in the rear of the Ulnnls Ktssslsr, Hrr. Free Delivery icheon cloth. Cauley, treasurer. The following Representatives from the so­ church. 2804 E. 6tb Are. EA. 0788 2720 E. 6th Ave. DE. 4233 Mrs. William Condon, chairman committee chairman were ap­ ciety, George Kenny and John Po­ Julio Ricardo Matheu, son of Mr. of the dinner, thanks all who Con­ pointed to work during the year: losky, have been attending meet­ and Mrs. J. P. Matheu of 940 E. CLAYTON TEXACO GAYLORD Menibership a n d attendance, ings securing information regard­ Fifth avenue, was baptized by the “ BOB’S IGA ing the new blood donor oraniza- ner. George Bator; retreat, Ed Ander- Rev. John Regan Aug. 15. His spon­ PE. 2464 V, tion. Further data will be gathered WiihJnf Tiref CLEANERS Sunday, Aug. 26, is Communion son; program. Bill Colburn; ar­ sors are Mrs. Mercedes Duchez and at coming meetings to give the Capitol Drug Co. PICKUP A DELIVERY day for the Altar and Rosary rangements, Lou Bolis; sick and Jose Matheu. Father Regan bap­ Greailnf AccetiorlM parishioners an idea o f the work- Panl 0. Schneider, Prop. ir« Give “ S&H" Green Stamps tized Jacqueline Ann Mira Juzaitis, SUPER MARKET inw and to see whether they can dftllTcr (Member of St Philomena’i Pariah) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse W« pick op A Meats • Groceries • Vegetables PE. 13S0 - 1025 So. Gaylord help in the new system. Fisil Our Modern Belter Quatiiy for Less Juzaitis, Aug. 19. Her sponsors are Andy Marion, Lessee Englewood Parish Plans Interested parishioners met Lawrence Bohan and Doreen Baker. Oth a Clsrton FR. 7510 Prescription Dept. Mobiloil - Pennxoil - Mobifgaa Monday, Aug. 20, in the parish Marie Belmar and Anne and Kodak Films and Cameras Lubrication ft W a ih in g Top Grade Meats Shoes for the Family hall to learn how to make ro­ Erma Kattau attended the Legion 24-Hour Developing Tuna Up - Clutch & B rake saries. A program is hoped to of Mary day of recollection Aug. Monarch - Crosse & Blackwell Weatherblrd Shoes for Children Feast-Day Observance 19 in the Regis college chapel. Fancy Groceries be worked out for future les­ Playtex Baby Sultplies X-ray Fitting So. Gaylord Service (St. Louis’ Pariih, Englewood) playground. The scouts are also The Clifford Welch family has Fresh & Frozen Vegetables sons, and rosaries may then be returned from a two-week trip to Sendel Shoe Store The Feast o f St. Louis, patron assisting the scouters with the TROLTMAN’S FREE DELIVERY Center and Garoge of the parish, will be observed with erection of a fence on the prop­ made at regular society meet­ Southern Colorado, Arizona, and 1023 So. Gaylord RA. 6087 a High Mass at 8 o’clock Satur­ erty adjoining the greenhouse. ings in the parish. Mexico. Miss Emma Dannecker of Circle Drive Market 6th Ave. at Fillmore FR. 2741 toot So. Gaylord SP. 6443 day, Aug. 25. The parishioners are Enrollment of new pupils for Falls City, Neb., is visiting with 2422 E. 6th Ave. FR. 8071 Baptized Sunday, Aug. 19, was her nephew, Leonard Tangney, and also asked to receive Communion the parish school can be taken Charlla Marie Hruz, daughter of on Saturday and Sunday in ob­ care of now by contacting the his family. ( Quality Cleaning 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hruz. servance of the feast. sisters in the convent at 3301 Godparents are Juan and Mar­ Sisters Transferred S. Grant street. The phone num­ garita Villarreal. |[ommunity Floluerl) Washington Park ( BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH Sisters teaching in the parish ber is SU. 1-6761. St. Agnes’ circle met Aug. 15 K f n r n N)43 SOUTH 6RYLORO < > Cieaners < school who were affected by the Father Victor Koegel o f the in the home o f Mrs. Charles Fo­ Loyola Students' Patronise These Friendly Firms ( / l U l C PHONE SPnicc7318 ) \ N. W. CHRISTENSEN ) recent changes made by their Cincinnati archdiocese, a former garty. Cohostesses were Mrs. Wil­ community are Sister Herman Jo­ ^ VAN ZIMMERMAN, Msnsfcr ^ ^ 1087 S, Gaylord SP. 7898 ^ assistant in the parish, was a visi­ liam Korosec and Mrs. Carl seph, who was transferred to St. Lamed. The business meeting tor at the rectory in the past Mary’s school, Littleton; Sister was conducted by the president, Registration Set “ The Sign Rose Augusta, now stationed at week. Mrs. Joe Kovacich. Mrs. Ed Tait, ROSS VARIETY STORE Thai Sells" St. Catherine’s school in Denver; The parish recently installed Mrs. William Colburn, and Mrs. NOTIONS . INFANT WEAR and Sisters Anna Mary and Mary curbing and gutter around the John Polosky were appointed as ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH Loyola, who went to St. Louis, For August 31) Hardware - Toys Per To, Mirkit Frln parking lot at Floyd and South a nominating committee to pre­ Lilt Yoir rroMrtj Mo. New teachers will be Sister 2214-16 Kearney Patronise These Friendly Firms Sherman street. A cut was also sent a slate for next year’s elec­ (Loyola Parish, Denver) WItb Ui Guadalupe, first grade; Sister made in the curbing on the South tion of officers at the next meeting. Registration for children enter­ DE. 4488 Mary Ann, sixth grade; Sister Grant street side, so » s to allow Father Albert Puhl talked in­ ing Loyola grade school for the Mary Patrick, seventh grside; and easy access to the lot. formally to the group. Alameda Drug Store Sister Rose Dolores, eighth grade. first time will be held on Thurs­ Herman H. Bissett and Norma day, Aug. 30, from 9:30 a.m. to BUCHANAN’S V. 0. PETERSON, Prop. an Arnold were united in mar­ 11:30 a.m. The book lists will be Christian Bros. Wines Cat Rate Drugs riage Tuesday morning, Aug. 21, Sister Juanita Is Superior available on Friday, Aug. 31. BACK TO SCHOOL prior to a Nuptial Mass offered by Children who wish to sell used Fountain Service Sundries All Popalar Baan the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph P. textbooks or buy them should be With school days here again, it’s time to take the children’s Wa Dallvar Your Business Appreciated O’Heron. Witnesses were Mr. and at the school at 9:30 a.m. on warm coats, skirts, and sweaters out of the closet and send PE. 1777 377 So. Bdwy. Alameda & So. Broadway Mrs. Robert Bissett. Miss Ruth Of Christ the King School Aug. 31. The sisters will be in them in to us for quality dry cleaning. We will carefully and Flierl assisted at the organ. Miss the classrooms to facilitate the thoroughly clean them— to give them longer life and to freshen exchange o f bool^s. Arnold is a recent convert to the (Christ the King Parish, Denver) hospitality of her home at a bridge- them to new wearability. Phone DE 8888 for pick-up. Church. Girls from thaN^econd to the CONOCO PRODUCTS Sister M. Juanita of the Sisters luncheon on Aug. 15 to the Mary Infants baptized Sunday were Immaculate circle. Bridge awards eighth grades inclusive must Lubrication • Delco Batteries of the Most Precious Blood of Day- William Joseph, son of- Mr. and wear uniforms. Th\ uniform $ 0 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 ton, 0., who came to Christ the were given to Mmes. J. J. Jaco- Car Washing Mrs. Alfred L. Jackson, with bucci and Richard Mulligan. pattern is McCalls 734]^, and the CHARM CLEANERS Harry and Mary Atkinson as spon­ King school when it was opened material may be obtained at the Cleaners & Dyers two years ago, has been named su­ St. John’s circle enjoyed the (Personalized Service) W. A . (Dutch) THOMAS sors; David Paul, son o f Mr. and hospitality o f Mrs. Leonard Ram­ Denver Dry Goods. Uniform DE. 8888 Mrs. Francis Culver, with John perior and principal to succeed day will be Oct. 1. / 2839 FAIRFAX Sister M. Theophane, who has been sey at a bridge-luncheon in her Alameda ft Logan PE. 9840 J. H. Boltinger - Dick Tremlett Shuster and Anna Vranesie as home on Aug. 9. The high award Regina Reischman, Accompanied sponsors; Thomas Wayne, son of assigned to an Eastern school. Sis­ 328 Broadway ter Juanita will teach the fourth was made to Mrs. Eugene O’ Meara. by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. McCand- Mrs. Helen Nowack of Eastlake, seph Reischman, and her brother, Temptation less, with Calla a n d Thomas grade. The other faculty mem­ Phones PE. 3753 & 3754 bers and their respective assign­ the mother of Stanley Nowack of Joe, left Denver Aug. 19 for Bridges as sponsors; and Dennis this parish, has been ill in Mercy Leavenworth, Kans., where she ST. JAMES' PARISH Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ ments are Sister M. Hilary, grades seven and eight; Sister M. Alexia, hospital for the past seven weeks will enter the convent of the ICE CREAM thur Byrne, with Edward and Sisters of Charity. She has been Please Patronise These Friendly Firms grades five and six; Sister M. Ho- and is still in serious condition. Ruth Melchior as sponsors. the guest of honor at several Quality Eggs selma, grade three; Sister M. Ju­ James Clynes o f Pueblo, the JACKSON'S The Altar society is entertain­ parties, including those given by dith, grade two; Sister M. Evelyn, father o f Mrs. E. J. McCabe of And Butter ing with a pard party in the cafe­ Mrs. S. C. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. DANSBERRY'S grade one; and Sister M. Marilyn, this parish, died in Pueblo Aug. 15 NIAGARA SERVICE Cut Rate Drugs teria of the new school Thursday and was buried from St. Patrick’s E. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright, kindergarten. Sister M. Roselma Bowsrd Brown, Prop. PRESCRIPTIONS afternoon, Aug. 23, at 12:30 Cathedral Aug. 17. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hesse, Mr. and PHARMACY Broadway Creamery o’clock. will have charge o f the music de­ FOUNTAIN SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. George E. McCad- Mrs. Emil Frei, Mary Weber, Ruth GAS & OILS^ Prescription! —• Sundrie* FREE PROMPT DELIVERY partment. ® 66 So. Broadway SP. 2665 Brother Ernest of Mullen high don and their daughters, Marilynn Hill, and Jean Kohut. GIFTS . FOUNTAIN SERVICE Call SP- S44S Downing A Alimeda school addressed the Englewood There will be registration at and Marshal, have returned from Sheila Buckley, daughter of Mr. Lubrication ft Washing FREE DELIVERY Lions club at its regular meeting. the school Thursday and Friday, a two-week vacation at Phantom and Mrs. Robert Buckley, cele­ WS Csll For Hid Dellrer Csrs St. Louis’ PTA will serve din­ Aug. 23 and 24, for all those E. Colfax & Olive FL2337 ner in the St. Louis school cafe­ Valley ranch. brated her fifth birthday with a 6700 E. COLFAX FR 9226 children who did not register in Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ramsey party in her home Aug. 18. teria this coming Tuesday, Aug. the spring. The hours for regis­ 28, for the Englewood Lions club. have had as their guests Mr. Ram­ Mrs. R. R. Rupp and Mrs. M. W. ST. CATHERINE'S PARISH tration on both days are 9:30 Saya attended an organizational W ALT BADGER SAYS: This will be a father-son dinner sey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. until 11:30 in the morning and Ramsey, and his brother, E. R. meeting o f the Community Chest Patronise These Friendly Firms for the members. Mrs. F. Weith It’ s time to get the Kiddies’ Clothes 2 until 4 in the afternoon. Ramsey, Jr., all o f Larchmont, in the home of Mrs. J. D. Sitton will have charge of the arrange­ The children of parishioners and Aug. 17. The Loyola PTA will Ready for School ments. N.Y, prospective students living out­ again take an active part in the St. Louis Girl Scout troop 404 Ta Be Married Why Pay Carfare? side the parish not registered in drive. spent the past week at Twisted the spring must register on either Miss Theresa Jean Dee, the Pvt. Thomas Sardakowski has BOB & TED’S Our Every Day Pricef Pine, Girl Scout camp. Mothers of these two days. After all the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert returned to Camp Rucker, Ala., Associated Cleaners Save You Money who accompanied the troop were Red & White Grocery & Market parish school children are accom­ Hurt Dee, and Donald James Meis, following a 10-day visit with his Prescriptions Carefully Filled Mrs. Gordin Bell, Mrs. John Rice, modated, as many as possible of son o f Dr. and Mrs. Lee Francis FINE SELECTION and Mrs. Elmer Vogt. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 6736 E. Colfax DoIlTcnr Sorrlco EA. 5462 51EATS. FISH. AND POULTRY those living outside the parish, Meis o f Sioux City, la., will be Sardakowski of 2625 Monroe. St. Louis Boy Scout troop 136 “ Once Tried . . . Satisfied" Guido Shumoke Drugs who have registered, will be ac­ married before the Rev. John W. will construct a bridge across the cepted. Christ the King parish be­ Scannell prior to a Nuptial Mass The Loyola PTA will sponsor 2707 W . 38th GR. 2773 G L 1073 ' 38th ft Clay the sale of Christmas cards and City Park ditch, which adjoins the gins with the east side of Colorado at 9:30 on Saturday, Aug. 25. wrappings. Parishioners are in­ boulevard and extends to Jasmine Miss Dee will have as her only at­ vited to buy from this group. street, inclusive; and from the tendant her sister, Mary, and Mr. north side o f Alameda to the south Meis’ best man will be his brother. Miss Evelyn Betterton o f Colum­ HOLY FAMILY PARISH side o f 14th avenue. Dr. Lee Meis, Jr. bus, Neb., returned to her home ST. PHILOMENA'S PARISH At the registration the sisters Out-of-town guests coming for after a visit with her* sister and Patronise These Friendly Firms will distribute the new book lists, the wedding, in addition to Mr. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Patronise These Friendly Firms and the children who registered in Meis’ parents, will be his grand­ Rupp. the spring should pick up their father and aunt. Dr. William Meis All workers of the 1951 Loyola REPAIRS STORAGE book lists. Parents are requested and Miss Betty Meis o f Chicago. bazaar are invited to a party to be FANNING’ S to study these carefully before Dr. and Mrs. Lee Francis Meis mven tonight, Aug. 23, at 8 p.m. BILLY’S INN TEXACO SERVICE ARTISTIC CliAmS purchasing books as several new will entertain at a prenuptial din­ in the school hall. COENEB 44TH LOWELL BLVD. CROSLEY BBOPt SP. IJM TIRES - BATTERIES ^‘Personal Attention RES] BP. i m texts are being adopted in each ner for the wedding party in the Dalicious Foods • Waakday grade. Cosmopolitan hotel Friday eve- Lnnehaons • Steaks • Chiekanz ACCESSORIES Given Each Garment’* BRICKEY ft COMPLETE SERVICING Refrigeration MOLLOT Mrs. Alton Kerr extended the ning, Aug. 24.______MT. CARMEL PARISH • BEER • WINE • mXED DRINKS REASONABLE PRICES Delivery Service I Frank Hollit. Owntr Patronlas These Friendly Firm* Frsnk Wsinsr - Uonsl Zlan. Prop#. 44th ft STUART GR. 9824 2135 EAST 12ti> AVE. EAit t ill R adios (Htmbcr 8 t Vincent de PauTi Parbb) ST. CATHERINE’S PARISH 665 Sa. Pearl Sf. Complete Motor Specialists in SCIENTIFIC Complete Selection For Quality Bakery Goods The firms listed here de­ Watch Repairs Expert Workmanship Repairing Spot Work ft Enamels Electrical Appliances lONDON MARKET serve to be remembered V n Dunbar-Andrewi HANK’S AIJTO RODY Try AND GROCERY when you are distributing JEWELERS Body and Fender Repairs and Painling The BLARNEY SHOP 08CAB TUNHELL. Prop. 3339 E, Colfax CRANE WEISS BAKERY your patronage in the dif­ 38th Avenue and Parry Street Quality Meats and Groceries 3209 Eaat Colfax PHONES] MA. MSI, TA. » 4 I ferent lines of business. Where Parking If No Problem Quality Materials Phono GRand 0142 3800 WAU^T 4024 Tennyson St. HENRY yECCHlARELLl DENVER, COLORADO i Thursday, August 23, 1951 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystoiie 4205 PAGE FIVE Mary Stuart Is Married Sf. Philomena's WHI Have 3 New Faculty Members St. James' Golf-Picnic Set, (St. Pbilomena’t Parish, Denver) + + + + + + Evergreen-Bergen Aug. 26 > At St. Mary's, Littleton Three new faculty mem­ bers will be present for the Gather News for 'Register' (St. James’ Parish, Denver) nally and temporally every 1951 opening of St. Philo- Final plans have been com­ member of the parish from all Littleton.— ,(St. Mary’s Parish) enthood.” The publication date danger. The prevalence of polio mena’s school, 10th and Fill­ pleted for the golf tournament and — Miss Mary Elizabeth Stuart, is as yet unknown. Her sop, family picnic sponsored by the St. makes it advisable that we be­ daughter o f Mrs. Frederick G. Walter Scott, is attending Camp more streets, on Tuesday, James men’s club, to be held this seech God for protection during Stuart of Winnipeg. Man., Can­ St. Mato this week. Susan Scott, Sept. 4, Sister Mary Godfrey, Sunday, Aug. 26, at the Ever­ these days. ada, was married to George her daughter, was named Gar­ school principal, announced this green golf course and at Bergen Members of the Martha circle Kinkel, son of the late Mr. and den champion for Arapahoe week. The largest enrollment in park. All parishioners are invited. met in the home of Mrs. F. W. Mrs. George Kinkel of Littleton, county at (he recant Arapahoe the history o f St. Philomena’s Golfers may call John P. Gutrie Gold the evening of Aug. 13. High Aug. 11. Their wedding was held County fair and was the recipi­ school is expected this year, owing of 1590 Quebec street at FL. 0605 scores were won by Mrs. J. E. at 4 p.m. in St. Mary’s church, ent of the Nate Burt trophy to a large primary grade enroll­ to register for the golf tourna­ Powers and Mrs. Charles Jones. with the Rev. Frederick McCallin award. ment. ment. Coffee, soft drinks, and Mrs. A. Kuhl-is caring for the officiating. The altar was deco­ Mr. and Mrs. George A. Carroll, Sister Mary Henrica, former other refreshments will be fur­ albs during August. Those who rated with arrangements of glad­ who reside on the Coal Mine road, ioli and candelabra. Louis Neff principal of Our Lady of Sorrows nished by the men. Picnickers will took care o f the altars and sanc­ celebrated their 10th wedding an­ school, Bernalillo, N. Mex.; Sister bring their own supper. A soft- sang an “ Ave Maria” and “ On niversary by entertaining relatives tuary during July are Mmes. This Day.” He was accompanied Antonella Marie, formerly of Lor­ ball game will be a feature o f the John Brennan, Leonard Stuart, at dinner. Their guests included etto Heights college;' and Sister afternoon. on the organ by Miss Barbara their two sons, Mark and John C. M. Noll, Walter Bastedo and Heckethorn. Carolyn Ann, formerly of Holy Baptized Sunday were Linda John Evers. Mrs. Kuhl cared for Edward; Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ann, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Bemis gave the bride Name school, Los Angeles, Calif., the albs in July. Carroll and their daughter, Diane, Lewis L. Husch, with Howard and in marriage. She wore a are the new faculty members. of Denver; and Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Hunker as sponsors; gown of mauve lace over pink Sister Mary Godfrey, principal, George E. Brennan and their son, Cheryl Ann, daughter o f Mr. and taffeta fashioned with a shawl col George, of Littleton. announces the appointment of sis­ ters to the following grades: Mrs. Anton J. Beringer, with A l­ SPECIAL lar effect. She wore a matching Miss Dolly Cecchin has as her Eighth grade. Sister Mary God­ fred and Florence Le Bois as hat, gloves, and shoes, and car­ guest her cousin. Miss Elma Michi- frey; seventh. Sister Agnes The- sponsors; Geraldine Elizabeth, ried an arm bouquet of white eli, ol Sterling. Mrs. Joseph Fa- rese; sixth. Sister M. Henrica; daughter o f Lawrence E. Jansen, roses centered with an orchid. nelli and her daughter, Jeanette, fifth. Sister M. Thomasine; fourth. with Ralph and Thelma Lilley as CHEVROLET The matron of honor was Mrs. who have been visiting with the Delbert Withers in fawn lace over Sister Agnes Marita; third and Monroe street, FR. 8430; Mrs. M. Blake Vifquain, sponsors; and Lawrence Edward, Cecchin family for the past two ST. PHILOMENA’S REGISTER Press son o f Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. pink taffeta and navy accessories, months, plan to return to their second. Sister Antonella Marie; committee for 1951-52, which meets each 966 St, Paul street, EA. '2912; and Mrs. John E. Her bouquet was of pink roses. second, and first. Sister Carolyn Jansen, -with Adolph Jansen and home in Detroit, Mich., by train Tuesday morning to assemble the varied parish news Gardell, 1326 Milwaukee street, FR. 1517. Special Delbert Withers was best man, Ann; kindergarten. Sister Marga­ Veronica Robb as sponsors. on Saturday, Aug. 25. Mrs. Fanelli for the weekly column, is shown above. From left, news of interest to parishioners may be phoned to MOTOR and the ushers were Robert and ret Anne; and music. Sister Jane Parishioners were urged last and Mrs. Cecchin are sisters. the members are Mrs. John H. Majerus, 1073 Madi­ any committee member. The Rev. Joseph M, O’Mal­ Howard Kinkel, brothers o f the Marie. Sunday to attend the weekly de­ Mr. and Mrs. B. O’Brien re­ son street, EA. 1084; Mrs. Richard C. Frisbie, 1020 ley is spiritual adviser. bridegroom. F. Enrollment Sept. 4 will open at votions in honor of the Sacred cently entertained Mrs. Earl Mc­ Greeting reception guests at the 9 a.m. and close as eoon as all chil­ Heart. The intention weakly is TUNE-UP Namara and her daughter, Mary home of the bride and bridegroom dren have been enrolled. Parents that God might protect spirit- Ellen, their cousins, who reside in after the wedding were Mrs. of the children are requested to Galesbprg, 111. Mr. and Mrs. At Elk Falls Guest Ranch Stuart, wearing a gown of gray be present for the enrollment. O’Brien and their guests visited NOW crepe trimmed with matching lace, St. Thomas' Graduates with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanks, Scholarships awarded St. Philo­ with a corsage of pink rosettes, Jr., in Deer Trail, and with Mr. mena’s graduates by competitive Mr. Bemis, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben­ St. Joseph's Parish Picnic on Aug. 26 Are Visitors in Denver COMPLETE ONE-STOP and Mrs. C. P. Hoffman in Little­ examination last June are; Regis, ton Kinkel of Arvada. Houston ton. Mrs. McNamara and her Andy Dixon; St. Mary’s, Misses (St. Joseph’* Redemptoriit two will be devoted to skull prac­ The bride was given in marriage Waring gave the toast to the The Rev. Jerome Murray and SERVICE INCLUDING daughter also visited Estes Park, Kay Harrington and Betty Bell; Parish, Denver) tice and lectures, and there will by her father, Roy J. Shipman, at bride. the Rev. Emmett Lowney, former Mount Evans, and Colorado Cathedral, Misses Carolyn Mabney Sunday, Aug. 26, is the day for be light workouts in the gym also. the double-ring ceremony. Mrs The bride is a graduate of St. students of St. Thomas’ seminary, 24-HOUR Springs before returning to their and Marjorie Somers; and St. the parish picnic to be held again Mary Frances Berger returned Betty Brown and Mrs. Jane Osh Mary’s academy and the College of are visiting in Denver. Father home on Tuesday, Aug. 21. Francis’, Miss Mary Kay Nelan. this year at Elk Falls Guest ranch. home from St. Anthony’s hospital ier, cousins, attended the bride. Winnipeg, and is the linotype op­ Murray, a member of the Lincoln TOWING SERVICE Francis O’Brien has returned Sister Mary Godfrey stated that Elk Falls grounds are spacious and after a siege of acute tonsilitis. Philip Farley of Pendleton, Ore., erator at the Littleton Independ­ Mrs. Julia Young o f 602 W. 4th was best man, and the ushers were diocese, has recently been ap­ from his vacation trip to Califor­ the high percentage o f winners in will accommodate all the parish­ pointed to assist in the Chancery ent. nia, where he visited with friends competition was a credit to St. ioners. Father Bernard Kramer, avenue and Mrs. Sadusky of 347 Edward Walsh of New York and The bridegroom is a graduate of Inca street are also on the sick list Francis Farley of Greeley. George office and be part-time chaplain and relatives in San Francisco, Philomena’s school. Of the 10 city­ C.SS.R., has planned a large pro­ at St. Elizabeth’s hospital in Lin­ the Littleton high school. He is in their homes. Kellogg played the organ. Mrs. Los Angeles, Long Beach, Santa wide scholarships from Cathedral gram of events for young and old coln. Father Lo'wney is stationed engaged in the plumbing trade. Father Henry McKeever, Shipman, who is a convert, is the Barbara, and Santa Monica. En high school, two were won by St. with valuable awards. Anyone who at St. Peter’s church in Anaconda, After a week’s wedding trip the C.SS.R., officiated at Benediction route to San Francisco he visited Philomena’s graduates. has room in his car is asked to daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mont. couple will live in their new home Aug. 19 in the Mother Cabrini Shipman o f 759 Galapago street. in Salt Lake City, Utah., and on Fifty new desks have been added leave his name and the number he at 5640 S. Galapago street, Little shrine. Nick Haring and Tony his return trip he visited with to the upper and lower grades in can accommodate at the rectory The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. ton. Kerr were the servers from this Mary Muldoon of New York city. friends in Gunnison, Colo. Misses the past several weeks. Approxi­ with Joe Rapp. The route to Elk East Evans Article in 'Groil' Ruth Arriola and Mary Contreras mately 120 o f the older type desks Falls ranch is through Morrison, parish. These devotions are held The couple 'will make their home in Greeley. Mrs. Irene Scott, who resides are leaving this week for their have been sent to Mora, N. Mex., thence the new highway to Schaef­ every Sunday. HARDWARE vacation trip to Los Angeles, Calif. on the Ridge road, has had ac­ where the Sisters o f Loretto are fer’s Crossing, and there turn right Frogman Receives 'Fins' Mr. and Mrs. Rick McNicholas Gmtral Lias *( PE. 4641 Sister Albertina, a Domihican cepted for publication in the opening a new school. and drive three to four miles to the Among the service men from and family of 80 Fox street are nun, a sister of Mrs. B. F. O’Brien “ Grail” magazine her article ranch. the parish are Seaman Paul P. Hardware - Garden Tools 455 BROADWAY of this parish, has been appointed Parish societies, organiza­ enjoying a vacation in Eldorado entitled, “ Panning Planned Par- Ertle, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ regent of studies at the Dominican tions, and clubs are requested Plan Fall Festival Springs. cus Ertle of 546 Gslspago street, 1742 E. EvaiML.— (SP- 3277 mother-house in St. Catherine’s, to clip the following news brief: There was a large attendance and Carl Nelson, son o f Mr. and St. Thomas' Auxiliary Ky. Mrs. O’Brien was able to see The Parish “ Register” commit­ of parishioners at the second fall her sister recently when they met tee includes Mrs. Richard C. festival meeting Aug. 16. Lee Ce­ Mrs. Carl Nelson, now o f Golden, To Plan Seminary Fete for a reunion with their mother Frisbie, 1020 Monroe street, rise, chairman, presided. Plans but formerly o f this parish. Sea­ and other relatives at the family F.R. 3430; Mrs. John E. Gardell, were worked out for the festival man Ertle received his “ fins” and The St. Thomas Seminary home in Nebraska. 1325 Milwaukee, FR. 1517; slated Oct. 5, 6, and 7. All attrac­ is a member of an underwater de­ Auxiliary, Denver, will hold its Six members represented Our Mrs. John H. Majerus, 1073 tions will be indoors in the parish molition team at the naval am­ next meeting Tuesday, Aug. 28, Lady o f the Miraculous Medal Madison street, EA. 1084; and hall and gym. A 1951 Buick spe­ phibious base in Coronado, Calif. at 8 p.m. All members are in­ praesidium o f the Legion o f Mary Mrs. M. Blake Vifquain, 966 St. cial will be on display. Ertle received his grade school ed­ vited to attend. Plans will be in St. Mary’s parish at the annual Paul street, EA, 2912. Mrs. Lee Miller announced she ucation at Annunciation school and oompleted for the seminary ba­ day of recollection held at Regis is donating $10 to help defray was graduated from West high. His zaar to be held in September college in Denver on Sunday, Aug. St. John's Takes the expense of the fish pond brother, Mark, is with the U.S. at St. l^omas’ seminary. The 19. 'They were Misses Anna Mar­ Softball Battle which is a project of the Parent- army, and, after receiving his meeting will be held in the tin and Joan Nick and Mmes. Teachers’ association. Lee Cerise training at Camp Haugen, went St. Philomena’s Men’s club was to Japan in January o f this year. Catholic Daughters of America Harry Fritz, Joe McElroy, Jose­ edged out of a softball victory by donated a supply of butter chips hall, 1772 Grant street, Denver. Seaman Ertle expects to be home phine Ohrel, and Margaret Stege- a powerful St. John’s Men’s club and paper cups. man. Bishop Bernard J. Sullivan, on leave in about two weeks. team with a score of 10-8. Led by Faculty Changes Listed Carl Nelson who was in the air S.J.. presided during the day. the Rt. Rfev. Monsigrnor John P. Changes in the teaching facul­ force reserve since September, BURNS • RIPS The annual women’s retreat Moran and the Rev. Francis Syri- ties in the grade and high school 1948, went into regular service in at Loretto Heights college, anney, the visitors rallied to score which begins on Thursday eve­ have been announced; September, 1950. He was trained OR TEARS in the last inning and defeat the ning, Aug. 23, will be attended Sister M. Ardian, who taught at Fort Bragg, N. Car., and Camp combined efforts of St. Philo­ Eliminated by by several women from St. second grade last year, has been McCoy, Wis. He is now with the mena’s softball ten. The Rt. Rev. French or Inweaving Mary’s parish. They include transferred to Marshall, Mo, Her 199th combat engineers. Carl is Monsignor William M. Higgins, S4 Hour Serrlce^ReuonabU Priret Miss Anna Martin and Mmes. place will be filled by Sister M a graduate of the 1948 class. April pastor, threw out the first ball of Harold V. Craig and Earl C. Francesca. Sister M. Edith, who of this year, he took a six-weeks HOSIERY MENDING the game. The surprise turnout Meader. taught a section of the juniors course in rigging at Fort Belvair, of St. Philomena’s Men’s club was Mrs. Frederick G. Stuart has last year, is transferred to Indep­ excelled only by the grroups’ play­ Va. returned to her home in Winnipeg, endence, Mo. She is replaced by ing. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Musso and Manitoba, Canada. She was the Sister M. Leocadia, •who is well Mrs. Annie Madden of 562 Kala- Inweaving Co. guest of her daughter, Mrs. George Sitter Ann (Mar­ known in the parish. math entertained John Madden Phone KE. *4409 Kinkel, at her home on South tha Ann Dyer) made her final Sister M. Blanche, who was sta­ of Rolling Hills, Calif. John is the 304 McClintock Bldg, Galapago street in Littleton dur­ vows Aug. 15 at Loretto col­ tioned last year at St. John’s, son of Mrs. Madden and a brother 1554 Calif. — ing the summer months. lege. She it a guett for a few Omaha, Neb., will replace Henry of Mrs. Musso. Mrs. Madden is en Food Shower Succeiiful days at St. Philomena’s con­ Corbacho. Sister M. Patricus, the route with him to his home and The parish food shower for the vent, 1361 Detroit street, EA. fourth grade teacher, goes to St. will visit Yellowstone, Glacier Na­ new sisters’ convent was most 6988. Peter’s school, Omaha, Neb'. Her tional park, Canada, and other WBGHS successful, and Father Frederick Her former classmates of the place will be filled by Sister M. points of.’interest before returning D. McCallin thanks everyone year 1941 are cordially invited Paschal, principal, who has been home in two months. Swim appointed as principal; and Sister for his support and contribu to an informal reception at the Father Kramer is enthusiastic YOUR tions. The three sisters who will convent Saturday, Aug. 25, M. George, formerly stationed at about the new uniforms for the P r o g r e s s teach the six primary grades being from 6:30 to 8 in the evening. St. Peter’s, Greeley, has been as­ football and basketball teams P lu n g e offered in St. Mary’s school this There is to be no presentation signed to 'the high school faculty that have bean received. For the CLOTHES year are to arrive this week, and of gifts. Sitter Ann Genevieve Sister M. Calista has been reap­ first time, since the teams have Open Daily classes will begin on Wednesday, will enjoy a reunion with the pointed to the position as prin­ been uniformed, the colors will 1 to 5 p.m. Sept. 5. If there is any family in members of her class. cipal in the high school. be the actual silver and blue. the parish whose children have not Sister Mary Clement, a former 7 to 10 p.m. St. Philomena’s Men’s club will A sample of the band uniform* TO SAVE yet been registered, they are superior at St. Joseph’s, is visit­ have a special meeting Thursday, ha* been received. 3300 W. Florida Westwood 386 asked to contact Father McCallin ing at the local convent, en route Two out-of-town games have Aug. 23, at 8 p.m. in the school to her new assignment in Grass Look for the “SWIM” Sign on immediately so that the necessary hall. The monthly meeting will be been arranged for the '62 Bull­ YOUR arrangements may be completed Valley, Calif. Sister Bernadette Federal Boulevard Aug. 30 at 8 p.m. dog season. They will play St. before the opening of school. Marie of St. Peter’s, Greeley; Sis­ Sister Mary Julia, Benedictine Mary’s at Colorado Springs on ter M. Patricia of St. John’s, Oct. 6. Canon City Abbey War­ MONEY nun o f El Rosa, Minn., arrived in Omaha, Neb.; Sister M. Edward of Denver Aug. 17 to celebrate her riors have chosen the Bulldogs as When you Buy Cleaneri and Wax Presentation school, Denver, are their homecoming opponent on golden jubilee in religion with her also visitors. Be Sure to Specify the Best . . . nephew, George A. Schwartz, and Sunday, Nov. 18. Just place clothes to be The first call for football prac­ Muldoon-Shipman §IIPER SPEED-O-LITE CLEANER family of 1127 Garfield street. tice has been issued by Father washed on the Laundromat’s Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz motored Kramer, athletic director, and the Nuptials ezclusive Weigh-to-Save ZIP-A-SHINE WAX AND to Cheyenne to meet Sister Mary newly appointed coach, Paul Vin- Father McKeever officiated at Julia. It is her first trip to the Door. The Indicator-Scale KEM-O-SOL MAINTAINER nola, for Monday, Aug. 27, at 6 p.m, the marriage ceremony of Miss West. Sister Mary Julia has taught in the locker room. Because of the Ruth Marie Shipman and James quickly shows the exact load We manufacture and repair Floor Machine.^ music in various schools in the threat of polio, there will be no Patrick Muldoon prior to a Nup­ size. Set the Water Saver Dial Midwest for the past 50 years. CALL LS FOR ANY FLOOR PROBLEMS scrimmaging. The first week or tial Mass on Saturday, Aug. 18. Prayers were requested for the to correspond to load size and seriously ill. Miss Minnie Duray, you save soap, hot water and 1273 Cook, and Joseph Hankey, money. f . i . SCARRY & coMPDiiir LAtmOBOMAT I* s Tt»d* lUrk 1474 Josephine street, both pa­ Presentation Students R«g.U.8.Pst.OII. 1620 Market TA. 4488 tients in Mercy hospital; Mrs. James H. Morgan, 2915 E. 10th avenue, in St. Anthony’s hospital; and for the deceased, John T. To Register Sept. 4-6 Gleason and Mrs. George Bake- m m o F well. (Presentation Parish, Denver) An nthUtic committe* has Those who have acquired resi­ Registration for Presentation boon formed by the Holy Name dence in this parish recently are school will be held Sept. 4, 6, and society end is to bo beaded by See the difference asked to supply name, address, 6 from 9 a.m. to 12 o’clock. Stu­ Albert Hoelsken, Jr. The com- and phone number. Cards are dents who attended Presentation mitteo will assist with the Pres­ inclined woshing action mokei ONLY $2.50 A WEEK -handy for this information and school last year must register, as entation school athletic pro­ weekly contribution envelopes are well as new students, at this time. gram. Only the Lanndro- All the sisters who taught at available on the cabinet trays in Our Queen of Heaven circle Is mat washes eowy gar- the church vestibule. Presentation last year wilj return, meeting in the home of Mrs. Mary A h w tmall down paym»al ^ ment in mmy load St. Philomena devotions are with the exception of Sister M. Cooper Thursday, Aug. 23, at held Wednesdays at 7 :45 p.m., Sta­ Patrick. The sisters returning are 12:30 o’clock. \ ^.UNIFORMLY Sister M. Edward, superior; Sister tions o f the Cross Fridays, and Our Lady of Fatima circle, mem­ c l e a n . M. Cecile, Sister M. Francetta, Sis­ MJOY TODAY Holy Hour Saturdays at 7 :45 p.m. bers were recent^ guests o f Mrs. ter M. Casimlr, and Sister William Banns of marriage were an­ Jean. "Two new sisters to be added Forest Rushlp. \ ‘ Ask us to wash a nounced for the first time for to the faculty are Sister Mary Our Lady of the Presentation load of your dothee TAKE 24 MONTHS TO PAY Franklin Arthur Ruckman of Fair- circle members 'wer^ entertained Linus and Sister Mary Dolorine. in the Laundromat. field, Calif., and Miss Eleanor Mae The sisters are in residence at the past week in the home o f Mrs. Hale o f S t Philomena’s. Buy on Proof; : ; Sek Mercy Grove until their convent Gus Ibold. Mr. and Mrs. M. Blake V if­ at 665 Irving street is ready. Instruction classes for Catholics the Difference. quain and family left last week Father James L. Ahern I* and non-Catholics are held every for a vacation in California and visiting in Ireland. He want as Monday evening at 7:46, immed­ to visit their son, Victor, who is the guest of hi* father, Capt. iately after Rosary devotions. stationed at Camp Pendelton. Daniel Ahern of Chicago, who Uniform material can now be YOU oMi M sw esn otO ifestii^lK H ise Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foy and is making his first visit to his obtained by contacting Mrs. Ed' daughters returned recently from native land in 40 years. mund Reardon. a month’s trip in Montana. Rosary services are held every Newly baptized are Fred Mi­ i Nothing But the Finest Mr. and Mrs. Ted Conway re­ evening at 7:30. Benediction and chael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ w m m turned home Aug.. 19 after spend­ Rosary are held each Sunday even- mond Soucie, with Mary and Mar­ ing two weeks at the ranch home ing. tin Krusnik, Jr., as sponsors; pTHITE of Mr. Conway’s brother in Glen- Pfc. Richard Kerstiens, son of Monica Louise, daughter of Mr. HAVE A PACKAGE OF JOE ONOFRIO wood Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerstiens, is and Mrs. Lawrence Troudt, with WHITE KING I king Mr. and Mrs. Roy Struck and stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany. Mary and Gerald Filloon as spon daughters spent the past week end He is in copimunications with the sors; Mary Louise, daughter of GRANULATED SOAP MUSIC CO. ON HAND WHIN THE in Glenwood Springs. air force. Mr. and Mrs. Fasqual DeBell, with Member o f St. Catherine’s Parish ' Mr. and Mrs. B. Ahem o f Kan­ DOOBIEll aiNOII Two sons o f Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carrie and Lucien Barry as spon­ COMES AND.. sas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Lee were home on a short furlough sors; Pamela Josephine, daugnter 1805 Broadway Walter Zaucha o f Kansas City, and the past week. Don is now sta­ Of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hiscock, ... W I N A OWKK SIISaiVINS Dr. and Mrs. Carl Majerus of tioned in Minneapolis, Minn., and with Anita and Alfred Boning as WISTINOHOUSB **Home o f Teleriniofi” Falls City, Neb., visited during Jim has returned to his base in sponsors; and David Kene, son of ELECTRIC SOAP. the past week in the home o f Mr, Rapid City, S. Dak. A third son, Mr. and Mrs. George Haberkom, ' ’nnKBsoumr M A . 8 5 8 5 and Mrs. John Majerus, 1075 Bud, is stationed at Elgin field, with Florine Crawford and Killian a p p l ia n c e Madison. Fla. Haberkom aa sponsors. z Teliphene, KEyitone 4205 Thuriday, August 23, 1951 PAGE SIX Office, 938 Bannock Sfreef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Married at Holy Ramily Miss Jane Cuthbertson Is Accepted Archbishop Guild Circles Fried eWfk*® Pictured fol- lowing their by PHONE marriage in Holy Continue Summer Activity “ ’•rVrTn.rfnrfi By Kappa Gamma Pi Sorority Unit Family church, I *DelWered ".* 7 BOiHOT to 'yonr door. Denver, July 21, (Archbithop’f Guild, Denver) enjoyed by Mr. and' Mrs. Daniel Fried Shrimp Gamma Pi keys by Loretto Heights for Catholic women’s colleges, are Mr. and Mrs. Miss Jane Cuthbertson o f 4744 Our Lady of Fatima Circle; Hankins. r riUD« ASO EVEBY DAY ^ college, is the only one now re­ Jane duplicated in 1951,the dis­ Ronald J. Thaler. Federal boulevard, Denver, vras St. Teresa’s Circle siding within range o f the Denver tinction won by her sister, Ann, The bride, the Sister M. Siena, sister of Miss Flying Chicken | welcomed as a new member o f the Mrs. Joan Polteras recently re­ Mile High chapter of Kappa chapter. who was elected to Kappa by the former Joanne Mary Tor ley, is in Denver visiting 3220 E. CoHo* Loretto Heights faculty in 1949 Barbara Scrig- with her family. turned from a visit with her fam-i Gamma Pi sorority when the group Second in Family ily in Minneapolis, Minn. met Aug. 14 in the home o f Miss for outstanding leadership and noli, is the daugh­ Mrs. Patricia Hynes motored to To Be Honored scholarship. Ann, now Mrs. R. E, ter of Mr. and Nerinx, Ky., to be present at the Miss Margaret Seigmund is re­ Mary Patricia McGlone, 1236 Mil­ cuperating in her home following waukee street. A member of one of the few Beck, resides in Chicago, where Mrs. Nick Scrig- reception o f Miss Sally^ Pimpl into a recent operation. Miss Cuthbertson,’ one of five sister teams on record in the na­ her husband attends the Stritch noli of 3860 R e ^ the order pf the Sisters o f Loretto. Mrs. Julia Larche is vacationing 1951 graduates awarded Kappa tional honor and activities society School of Medicine in the Loyola street, and the St. Gerard’s Circla medical school, bridegroom is the Miss Bettylee Marriott and Mrs. in Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milner re- Denver may claim another mem­ son of Mrs. Anna Elaine Fielding are new members turiied recently, follow ing's vaca­ ber of one of these rare sister Thaler of 3811 o f the circle. tion with their son, who is a stu­ combinations. Mrs. Gordon Mc' Wi 46th avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Collins re­ Dr. F. A. Smith The Rev. William cently moved into their new home dent at Siena college in Albany, H. Jones cele­ at 7650 E. 23rd avenue. N. Y. __ Optometrist brated the Nup­ Z IP .„ 4 m d Mr. and Mrs. Paul MeSheehy St. Luke’s Circle. tial Mass and of­ 1010 S. Gaylord Herman Wachter, Prop. SPruce 4469 have purchased a new home at Sue Ellen Dunn, infant daughter ficiated 1 at the 4101 Brentwood. o f Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn, was ceremonies. Miss Margaret Egan returned baptized recently in Christ the Ford Optical Co. Given in mar­ * DEIICIOUS FRIED CHICKEN DINNER from a vacation at Sun Valley, Ida. King church. riage by her fa- Tour Choice of Potatoe*. Salad and Rolla, Served Hot Right At Your Door. thip, the bride St. Frances Cabrini's Circle Holjr Family Circle Eyes Examined e Visual Care One Order Plenty For Three. was attended by The meeting Aug. 21 was held Mrs. Alta Brodhag will be host­ Individually Styled Glasses Louise Monica as in the home of Mrs. Helen Roberts, ess to circle members on Thursday Our chicken! are freihly dressed every day at our own Mrs. Peggy Sweeney and Mrs. 1558 Broadway MOUNTAIN VIEW CHICKEN RANCH maid o f honor, afternoon, Aug. 23. and fotty Orion Helen Roberts recently returned Mrs. Grace and daughter, Mary, Wo also serve FRENCH FRIED JUMBO SHRIMP Fridays A Every Day from a week’s vacation in Idaho TAbor -^295 Booth Service lor Your Convenience Closed Mondays and Cecilia Vera returned home following a short of Denver and Springs. They were accompanied visit in Omaha, Neb. Virginia Van by their children. St. Thomaa Mora’i Circle toif°W ya, as^ bridesmaids. Flower girls were Jean Hale and Diane Miss Rita Moore plans to sjjter- tain circle members at a potU(ck SEND ^ Ray Bresnehan was Mr. Thaler’s best man, and Bud Van supper in her home, 1000 She We Don't Want All the Veslon of Riverton and Henry Pose and Bill Denser of Denver were street, on Thursday evetfing, THEM BACK-TO-SCHOOL USll6TS • Aug. 23. A wedding breakfast was held in the Olin hotel, and a reception Stella Maris Circle Business in the World - followed in the home of the bride. Following a wedding trip to Mrs. Di'rothy Sever entertained Colorado Springs, the couple will make thei^r home in Denver. at a dinner party honoring Mrs. The bride was graduated from Wheatndge high school and the Mary Lou Masler of Meriden, WITH EXTRA ENERGY Just Yours! bridegroom from Holy Family high school.— (Photo by Jerome) Conn. Circle We are members of St. Louis’ Parish. We have 12 Notarianni Is Chairman On Thursday evening, Aug. 16, Jane Cuthbertaon courteous salesmen to give you personalized service. circle members had dinner in a Gloshen of 3510 Vine, the former University Club to Have group at a restaurant in Engle­ Give Your Children Jeanne McNulty, named a Kappa wood. CALL US ANYTIME SU. 1-6671 by Mundelein college in 1946, has Mrs. Helene Washburn recently learned that her sister Judith of Picnic at Bergen Park returned from a vacation at Al­ Chicago received the honor from must be in by Friday, Aug. 24, buquerque, N. Mex. Delicious, Energizing Mundelein in 1951. (St. Thomas Uniyersity Club, Miss Agnes Montgomery visited Denver) can be made by telephoning Mr The four other young women Notarianni at Glendale 0662, Bar­ recently with her sister. Sister Concurrent with the announce­ Agnes Regina, at Manrovia, Calif. WILSON & WILSON, Realtors designated as Kappas by Loretto ment of the appointment of Aldo G. ney O’Kane at Belmont 3-4581, or Rosemary Dollaghan at Race 3261. A vacation at Grand Lake was Heights’ in June are Ethel Buck- Notarianni, Denver attorney, as 2868 South Broadway ley, now in radio broadcasting in Casper, Wyo.; Patricia San­ Nurses Are Given Reminder ^ der of Topeka, Kans.; Twila Pride of the West Benedict of Yampa, who will ACCN Schedules Retreat Colorado Graded and teach home economics in Tker- Walter's Drug Store mopolis, Wyo.; and Antoinette Tagged Velasquez of Pueblo. At El Pomar on Sept. 23 HOMOGENIZED MILK 801 Colorado Blvd. At the Denver chapter’s busi­ health nurse in Hayes, Neb., spent ness meeting, conducted by Mrs. (Archdioceian Council of Catholic ■Thursday and Friday in the home Prescriptions Carefully James C. Kenna, president, plans Nurses, Denver Chapter) POULTRY of Mrs. Mary Baker, 930 Magnolia Filled— Gifts were laid for a city-wide project. The ACCN annual retreat Details will be announced in the will be held at El Pomar, Colo­ street. . . . and Remember Cameras— Film Mr. and Mrs. John Lawless of Ernie & Larry's near future, according to Miss rado Springs, Sept. 23. Nurses Duncan Hines Ice Cream are requested to make plans to Pasadena, Calif., arrived Aug. 20 West 38th Aye. Poultry Minnie Ann O’Dorisio, chairman Be^rs, Wines, Etc. of the new project. attend. to visit in the home of Mrs. Cele For That Special NO CHANGE IN PRICES Miss Euphrosine Staat, public Geiger, 361 Fairfax. Mr. Lawless is a brother o f Mrs. Geiger. Free Delivery FR. 5391 Reservations Available Ann Tapkin, director of nursing Wonderful Dessert It's North Denver and Globeville Only service in St. Joseph’s hospital, Free Delivery Paramount Club Amarillo, Tex., is spending her GR 7727 1221 W. 38thAve. For Mt. Carmel Retreat vacation with her parents, Mr. Summer Schedule and Mrs. William Tapken, 2701 Pride of There are still reservations Race street. Miss Tapken will be The West for the retreat at El Pomar remembered as the program ICE CREAM Aug. 24 through Aug. 26, which Proves Busy One chairman of the Denver chapter of the ACCN in 1949-50. is being sponsored by the YPC Past and future activities are of Mt. Carmel parish. Catherine Mae Naughton, St. keeping busy these summer Joseph’s graduate of ’^3, who has Reservations can be made by Aldo G. Notarianni months the members of the calling Miss Carmela Zarlengo, made her home in Portlana, Ore., Catholic Paramount Social club arrived Aug. 18 for a short vaca­ GL. 2050, chairman, or Mrs. program chairman of the St. — an organization composed of WHEATRIDGE Rose Somma, GE. 0012, cochair­ tion in Denver and Ft. Morgan. Thhomas University club for the Catholics from all the parishes Sister Ann Genevieve, Sister of man. A small deposit is re­ ensuing year, was the disclosure in Denver, single, at least 40 quired, and transportation will Loretto, of St. Louis is visiting The Beer That by the new chairman that the last years old, and desirous of hav­ her sister, Mrs. Tess Donahue of FARM DAIRY be provided to and from the El club picnic of the summer will be ing a good time. Pomar. ■951 Fairfax. i Pride O’ the West Made Milwaukee Famous held at Bergen park, Sunday, Aug. Planned for this coming Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Chenia Abegg are The chartered bus will leave 26. The largest turnout of the day, Aug. 26, is a picnic to be the parents of a boy, John Fred­ G L 1719 MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. Mt. Carmel church, W. 35th year is anticipated at the affair, held in Washington park. Tables erick. Mrs. A bigg is the former 8000 W. 44th Ave. PHONES: ARV. 220 aVenue and Navajo, promptly at which, according to Mr. Notari­ will be reserved for members of Caroline Wright, St. Joseph’s ^Robert M. — Paul V. — M. T. Murray; 1:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 24. anni, will launch the 1951-52 the club and their guests. Al­ graduate of ’43. membership drive. All Catholic though coffee will be provided Sister Agnes, director o f St. Former Head of Mullen men and women with at least two by the club; individuals are Joseph’s hospital nursing service, 01832719 years of college training or the asked to bring their • own has returned from Billings, Mont., ELEVATORS Given New Mexico Post equivalent thereof (a prerequisite lunches. There will be plenty of where she attended a retreat. DENVER to being admitted to membership) fun and entertainment, with Brother 0. Paul, former princi­ are invited to the picnic. softball, croquet, and other To Attend Fort Morgan Flour Mills pal of Mullen high school. Ft. Lo­ Those attending will meet at games featured. ^ Silver Jubilee 12;.30 p.m. at the Knights of Co Those attending are asked to Mrs. Jeanette Stark o f 2961 gan, is among the newcomers to lumbus home, 1575 Grant street, FORT MORGAN meet at the south side of the Federal has left for Adrian, St. ’s college, Santa Fe, and transportation will be pro­ park at the flag pole at 3:30 BRANCHES AT— vided. A charge of $1.25 is being Mich., where she will attend the N. Mex. He will be a member of Sunday afternoon, and the pic­ silver jubilee of Sister Helen, a made to members and $1.50 to the faculty when the school term nic lunch will be served at 4 Dominican. Sister Helen is a sis­ LONGMONT . . . YUMA non-members. Reservations, which gets under way Sept. 18. o’clock. ter of Mrs. Stark. HUDSON . . . HILL ROSE Information concerning the Mr. and Mrs. Peter Golden and Father John Jolln, S.J., event’ may be had from the children of 1929 Niagara have MILLERS AND HANDLERS club’s president, Mrs. Amelia returned from Phieblo, where'they OF FLOUR, WHEAT,'CORN, WESTERKAMP'S To Be Guest Speaker .Desmond, DE. 1940, or Mrs. visited the parents of Mrs. BARLEY, OATS, AND MILL KE. 9435 5106 Wash. Lillie Robinson, CH. 1055. Golden. Mrs. Golden was influ­ FEEDS At Fatima Lunch Club One pf the most successful ential in organizing the Catholic EVERYTHING A GOOD GROCERY outings sponsored by the club Nurses Council of Pueblo. Country Shippers! SHOULD HAVE The Rev. John Jolin, S.J., of was the visit to the Mother Mr. and Mrs. Burton Jay held a BEST FOODS AT LOWEST PRICES Regis college, Denver, will be Consign Your Shipment To Us - WE DELIVER - Cabrini shrine recently. A large birthday party, for their eldest the guest speaker at the meet­ number of the members made daughter, “Peewee,” who is seven AMERICAN BEAUTY ing of the Saturday Luncheon the pilgrimage, whicli was fol­ years old. “ Peewee” just returned club of Our Lady of Fatima lowed by a picnic held at Gene­ from Beatrice, Neb., where she MACARONI PRODUCTS Saturday, Aug. 25. The lunch­ see park, where a lunch was visited her grandparents. Dr. and eon will be held in the Mural served and entertainment pro­ Mrs. A. J. Nelson. room of the Albany hotel at vided. 12:45 p.m. Women who wish to The next regular meeting of make reservations may do so by the group will be held at 8 calling Mist Rita LaTourette, o’clock Tuesday evening, Aug. i«k t. SMeNAY U r ... FR. 1062, or Mrs. R. H. Lucken- bach, RA. 6442. 28, in t l^ Catholic Charities an­ nex, ld6p Grant street. The eve- nins^ywill consist of cards, dancing, and refreshments. Irish Social Club Sets Members and those eligible for membership are urged to at­ Picnic at Bergen Park tend. The Irish Social club of Colo­ rado will hold a picnic at Ber­ Holy Ghost Altar Unit gen park Sunday, Aug. 26, be­ a a d e v e i f i s j u m n t e e d C O O P t ginning at 3 p.m. Supper will Plans Party August 30 he served at 5 o’clock. There No guesswork when you buy eggs at Safeway. Grading plus will be a charge of 50 cents The Altar and Rosary society each, which will cover the cost of Holy Ghost parish, DenTer, special care permits us to guarantee you good eggs every time. of the supper. Everything will will sponsor a dessert-lunch and be fumished.e Transportation card party Thursday, Aug. 30, may be arranged by calling beginning at 1 o’clock. Mrs. When you buy your eggs at Safeway, you’re sure to EA. 3515. John Mullen is chairman. enjoy them. To have the full delicacy of an egg, it must have traveled to the table as speedily as possible, carefully pro­ Double-Ring Ceremony tected in transit from heat, moisture, and strong odors. Hugh F. and his bride, the That is just what happens to Safeway eggs—our method former Beatrice Ann Miller, a r e of transportation eliminates all three of these spoilage making their factors. When you are at Safewjiy, note that all eggs are home in Denver following their kept in refrigerated boxes, well away from the window, at recent marriage in St. Frances de just the right temperature to insure quality. All eggs at S a 1 e s’ church, Safeway are graded according to government standards— Denver. The Rev. John L. Aylward no hit and guess method, but by accurate grading as to of St. Louis’ Par­ is h, Englewood, size, shape and age. When you get ready to enjoy your officiated at the double-ring cere­ breakfast, be sure it is a Safeway egg in front of you, and mony. you’ll be sure t^ be satisfied. A garden re­ ception was held a t t h e home of the b r i d e’s mother, Mrs. Charlotte B. Mil­ ler, following the ceremony. T h e bridegroom is the son of Mr. and BRfWID WITH PURC ROCKY MOUNTAIN SRRIN6 WATBR Mrs. Lawrence F. SAFEWAY Adams of Den­ ver. J I-IB W \

Thursday, August 23, 1951 Offict, 938 lonnoch Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitohe 4205 PAGE SEVEN Wheotridge Ahor Unit 'Catholic Literature' Is Fr. Stauffen's Topic Married at Annunciation Roaaf Beef Dinner * Holds Meet in Rectory The marriage Seminary Bazaar Scheduled (Sti, P«t«r Pkul’t Pkrith, Regis Jesuit to Address Library Society of Pauline Kinds- Whaatridga) father, 2726 Gay­ By Auxiliary for Sept. 15 The Altar and Rosary society * (Catholic Inforwation and Library Society, Qenyar) Aug, 12 for their home in Fresno, lord, and Tony A, met last Wednesday night in the Father E, A. Stauffen, S.J., profeaaor of English in Cenf., after a two weeks’ visit Dreiling, 1 8 0 9 With mounting enthusiasm, members of the St. Thomas’ Sem­ rectory. Guests for the evening with the William Brechmann, Jr„ Marlon, s o n of inary auxiliary are preparing the second annual bazaar. The data ' were Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Bon­ Regis college,,will be the initial speaker for the fall series family. Mr, a n d Mrs. is Sept. 15, A roast beef dinner will be served from 4 p.m. until ham, who represented the Com­ of lectures sponsored by the Catholic Information and Li­ Mr. and Mra, Burton Jay and John Dreiling of 8 p.m. Many gifts will be awarded. munity Chest and ask^d for vok brary society, which will start Sunday, Sept. l6, in Holy childi^n, 2823 Poplar, are spendt Morland, K a n s ., Profiting by last year’s experience, bazaar orgtnizers hava * unteers to help in the coming Ghost hall at 3 p.m. Father Stauffen has chojsen “ Cajholie ing a week at Manitou Springs. took place Aug. .decided to give each person a number, and after one nonp is campaign. Also present was Mrs. Literature” as his topic. Father They were accompanied by Mrs. 11 in Annuncia­ Mable Neff, who ia visiting here Felia at Large,” and “ Candles served a new block of numbers will be called out over the loud­ Stauffen is well known as a for Tkerese” received from Jay'a parent*. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. tion church be- from Wisconsin. Nielsen, Beatrice, Neb. speaker. teacher for his courses in marriage Joan Roberts, 832 S. Pearl. f 0 r e t h e Rev. The members of 'the Altar and Theresa Kiely waa a week-end The new tables in the seminary dining hall were bought with and in ‘‘great books,” which are Miss Roberts is entering the James F. Moyni- Rosary society received Com­ offered at Regis college. i;uest o f her brother Karl Kiely han. T h e bride the proceeds of last year’s bazaar. The funds raised this year munion in the 7 o'clock Mass last Little Sisters of the Poor con- will he used to furnish the basement gymnasium at the seminary. Volunteers for the rental li­ n Fort Collins. was given in mar- Sunday morning. vent neat weak. Finished only recently, this badly needed recreation place will brary located at Clarke’s Church Week-end guests o f M/Sgt. and r i a g e by her Sacristy workers for Aug. 25 One of the workers at the rental Mrs. Lawrence Cavanaugh, 6226 help a great deal to provide for future priests necessary relaxa­ Goods house, 1633 Tremont, are: library Mrs. Thomas Sheehan, uncle, John Reis- are Alice Brachle and Frances Ma- is E. 20th avenue, were Capt and tion from studies. Aug. 24, Katherine M. Harsch; 1162 Kearney, member of St. wig, and was at­ roney. Mrs. M. Dietrieks, Keleen, Tex. The anticipated funds from the bazaar have bought the fur- Aug. 25, Mrs. Blanche Swan; James’ parish. .Mrs. Sheehan be- tended b y M rs . Aug., 27, Mrs. Thomas Sheehafi; Lauretta Dwyer attended the Gordon Cook of nishhigs for the new gym. Mary Larkin Receives and Aug. 29, Mrs. Vilma Moore. show in Central City Tuesday eve­ Platteville as Tickets for the dinner, at $1,26 for adults and 60 cents for Individuals interested in donating ning. ' matron o f honor, children under 12, may be secured from Mrs. Joseph R. Mc(}owan, Benedictine Novice Garb Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Bruhn Mary Larkin of Denver was one four hours a month to this project Mrs. A1 Horoda 3250 Race street, CH. 1291, or at the seminary.Itself on Sept. 15. may call Mrs. Howard Sleeper, eft Friday for Durango, where 0 f Chicago a s of four postulants who received they will fish. the garb and white veil of a Bene chairman of volunteer workers, at maid o f honor, PRE-FALL' DE. 5988. Major and Mrs. Charles Miller, and Miss Joyce dictine novice Aug. 12 at Mt. St. and son, William, returned Thurs­ Scholastica’s convent, Atchison, Donations for the rental li­ Wambolt of day from a two-weeks’ trip to W in dsor a* Kans. She will be known in re­ brary this weak includa three Santa Cruz and Novato, Calif. ligion as Sister Vincent. current books, “ Inuk,” “ Friar bridesmaid- Mrs. Earl F. Baker entertained The best man at a breakfast Friday, Aug. 17, in was Edwin Drei­ SALE! moor o f Euphrosine Staab, public ling, and BilV For back-to-school apd business, lovely fabrics jealth nurse from Hays, Kan*. Knoll and J o e in luscious shades. This sale made possible thru Guests included Mrs. Richard Rohleder of Denver were ushers. a special purchase from our manufacturer's . , . Needham, Jr., Peg Allen, Lauretta Sizes 7-18. Dwyer, Hfelen Yeaggy, and Mrs Following their return from a wedding trip in Glenwood Springs, Mr. and Mr*- Dreiling are living in Denver.— (Photo by Jerome) ? I Jean Jacobucci. • Suits (Heg. $29.95)...... 15 Ths W»" ‘"j? ? '''' Roggen Festival Is Scheduled Sept. 3 • Sbrmcoats (Reg. $65)... ®45 • Better Suits (Reg. $45 to $65) > 3 2 Roggen.— The annual festival Lee, and Loretta and Lorraine 1, the Feast of the Precious Blood. up sponsored by the Sacred Heart Al­ Milan; They made the trip safely, but re- Agree tar and Rosary society will be held Dishes, Edna Vigil, Frances lorted that some o f the roads were • Dresses (Reg. $25 to $45).,. Vi oft in the church hall Labor day. Sept. Erker, Mary Viola Erker, and looded and closed after they 3. The event will start o ff this Emma Rodriques; tickets and ad­ had passed through. • Fur Trimmed Coats.... ’/ 3 off Mr*. Tbomai Sbeebsn vertising, Martha Klausner,^ Ber­ Nolan Robert, infant son of Mr. Because the Horan Plan is a real year at 12 noon with a sausage ''i came interested in the volunteer dinner and all the “ trimmings,” tha Linnebur, and Aurora San­ and Mrs. John E- Epple, born July chez; linen booth, Mrs- George • Untrimmed Cloth Coats...... off //A protection in bereavement to both hus­ program as her hobby is reading for which this affair has become 17, was baptised Aug. 12 by the Catholic literature and in turn try­ famous, and will be followed, from Sigg, Kate Howard, Annie Linne­ Rev. C. P. Sanger. Roberta Knox bur, Lona Linnebur, and Mrs. bands and wives, it is one on which they ing to interest others in the hooka 2 p.m. on, by other festival activi­ and Ivan Linnebur were his spon­ • Formals (Reg. $32.95 to $69).. up alw has read. Mrs. Sheehan ia the ties. A lunch will also be served Charles Buchhols; and games and sors. 1 0 will both readily agree. It provides for daughter o f Mr- and Mrs. Henry in the evening beginning' at 5 ;30 fish pond, Magdalene Shoeneman Ben Linnebur, who has been ser­ M. McCarthy, Sr., Pueblo, and the p.m. At 10 p.m. 'announcement and Betty Erker, cochairmen; Cyn­ iously ill from complications after • Bridals (Reg. $49.95 and up).. t9 up sensible prearranging of the funeral, at wife of Thomas Sheehan, who is will be made of the presentation of thia Matthews, Margaret Erker, he fell and broke his hip several A U SALES FINAL employed at Paxton and Gallagher. the many beautiful and useful Aurora Sanchez, Rita Buchholz, weeks ago, returned home from a time well in advance of need when Mrs. Sheehan attended school at gift* that are a feature of the Bertha Linnehur, Elaine Sigg, Mercy hospital Aug. 18. All Summer Apparel Mt. St. Joseph’s on the Ohio, Cin Myrtle Buchholz, and Bernice evening. Mr, and Mrs. Tony Cordes and cinnati. Milan. DRASTICALLY REDUCED . both parties can approach the necessary Bertha Dyess, general chairman Janice, Lois, and Rosemary, from Each Monday morning finds In addition to the fine electric for the festival, announced the fol- Conway Springs, Kans., arrived Mrs. Sheehan at the rental library. percolator and electric razor, decisions without emotion. They there­ ! owing committees, the first named Aug. 19 for a visit in the home of The hours are Monday, Wednea- which will be given in the evening, being chairman: Kitchen, Bertha his brother, Ben Cordes. fore make selections which often save day, Friday, and Saturdays, from Dyess, Dorothy C o r d e a , Agnes two beautiful religious gifts — s 11:30 to 3:30 p.m $30 family Bible and an heirloom Mrs. Miles Milan returned home m them money, and record their wishes so Blick, Marie Buchholz, Mary Ker- from Greeley Aug. 18. While still The library at Holy Gho*t hall, sen, and Martha Linnebur; salad rosary—also are being offered. 515 SIXTEENTH* that neither has to wonder what the 625 19th street, will he open from Everyone is invited to come and in Greeley on Thursday evening, room, Alberta Sigg, Regina Aug. 16, she and Mrs. Ernest Tegt- MoMt to the Parimoiiat 3 to 6 p.m., the remainder o f the Schmidt, Rose Ackerman, and spend the holiday at Sacred Heart other would have wanted. week while Edna Hartman, li­ festival, four miles south and two man of Prospect Valley, who also Marian Fpple; dining room, Mary was a student at the summer ses­ brarian, is on vacation. The library Ann Buchhols and Agnes Evers, miles east o f R oggen.' is staffed by volunteer workers The fameu* sausage dinner sion at CSCE, attended the grad­ DR. JAMES P. co-chairmen; Helen Sauter, Eileen uation exercises and saw Miss while Mias D^rtman ia on vaca­ ecMts |1.$0 per plates 75 cents Linnehur, Florence Duran, Julia Bessie^onway, a former teacher tion. Mrs. Earl P. Baker will he in for children. There will al«o he GRAY Horan & Son Chapels Pigg, Ann Robertson, Lois Buoh- in Roreen, receive her bachelor of charge Thuradi^; Mary Shurman, ‘ ols, Shirley “ ■hols, Rodriquez, Jessie game* for the children. KEgsi«n« 6297 Friday; and Minerva Maiere, Sat­ arts degree in elementary educa­ OptometrUt Sittar ln«« tion. . 1527 Cleveland Flaee urday. Miss Hartman will return VISUAL c a r e Monday, Aug. 27, and the library Day at Lake Enjoyed Home an Jubilee EYES EXAMINED will resume its usual hours o f be­ On the occasion o f her silver Restyling • Repairing • VISUAL TRAINING ing open from 3 to 8 p.m. except By Boulder Newmanites jubilee as a member of tho Order Fur Coats Made to Order w Wednesdays, when it is closed. of the Sisters Adorers of the most Optometrist Sk. Thamai Ak|U(nM’ CircU IPrecious Bloody Sister M- loes, thinwVs FLU SHOP ■ ... ..v..,, ..... Boulder, --t- (Colorado U. New­ 212-iai Colo. Bldg., 1616 Calif. Ann Tapken, Amarillo, Tev- man Club)— On Aug. 19 a group daughter o f Mr, and Mr*. Charles ALpine 8124 S i waa honored guest at the St. from the Newman club spent the Buchholz, iz spending a few days Sll Tsbor Theatre Bldg. Phone for Appointment Thomas Aquinas circle o f the Cath­ day at Brainard’s lake. The proup at home with her parents. Sister DcnTtr, Colo. 7 A . 8883 olic Informktion and Library so­ left the Newman house at 9 in the Inez has just finished a special RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. ciety, which met Tuesday, Aug. morning. After lunch, the after­ course in hospital work at St. Jo­ 21, in the home o f Mra. Earl noon was turned over to hiking. seph’s hospital in Kansas City. GENERAL TIRES F. Baker, 930 Magnolia street. For many it was the first mountain Three of her sisters, members of Boy** & Girls* High score was won by Mrs. Rich hiking they had done. The usual the same order, also are visiting S E B m s B U d G E M R m , General Batteries ard Needham, Jr., in bridge; and numbers of sunburns were col­ with their parents on this happy by Sibyl Ann Parmenter in lected by members of the group. occasion, just one year after Mr. BICYCLES canasta. Other guests included Mrs On Sunday afternoon. Father and Mrs. Buchholz celebrated their S U K PROJECTOR HERE! KRAFT RECAPPING George Arno, Major Lucile Bao- Columbia...... 3 8 “®p Edward Vollmer, O.S.B., con­ golden wedding anniversary— Sis­ GENERAL] chieri, and Sibyl Ann Parmenter, ducted .Vesper services at Chau­ ter M. Regina, who has now fin­ Roconditiongd.... 15*®p Kraft Intpecigd The next meeting will be the third tauqua, the Bolder summer colony. ished h ^ graduate work in art at ,«S 9 U EfG EE Tuesday in September in the home Alex Chavez and Mrs. Shaffer sang Columbia university; Sister M. Terms If Desired Used Tires o f Mrs. Charles Miller, 624 Gar several numbers, and were accom­ Ferdinand, wbo is superior at tbe Bike Accessories field. panied on the piano by Mrs. hospital in Stillwater, Okla.; and G.T,A.C Ea*y Pay 1401 W. Colfax TA.6G04 Mr- and Mra. H. M. Jones, Kan Richards. Sister Dominica, wbo teaches in A. Le sas City, who have been visiting This is their final week at Colo­ Alva, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. Buch­ their son abd daughter-in-law liv rado university and the students holz made the trip to Wichita to GLODT ing at 7440 E. 21st avenue, left will be leaving for home this he present a(; the special celebra­ for home Friday after a week’- week end. tion for the silver jubilarians July 283 Brnadway SPruc* 6438 w it . ’5 1 J o ju t J m u c I l l Mrs. Richard Needham, chair­ man of the speaker’s committee o! tke Catholic Information and Li­ Glenwood C. D. of A. Court ^With Power-Pilot Economy brary society, returned home last On Display at Sunday after » »ix weeks’ visit KODASLIDE MERIT PROJECTOR with her mother in Clear Lake, la. Has Large Number at Meet This brand-new projector boosts features you'd expect to She stopped at Mayo’s clinic in Glenwood Springs.— The Catholic Daughters of America, Court Rochester for a checkup on the o f St. Theresa 1084, held the monthly meeting in St. Stephen’s find only in far more costly modcli. With it, you can enjoy return trip home. hall Aug, 13. A la ^ e number attended, including all members brilliant screenings of your 2 x 2-inch color transparencies. Ruth Gree*on, Hugo, is visiting from Minturn, Red Cliff, and Qillman. Comes with lumenized f/3.5 lens, 150-wqtt lamp, I Ufool MAin 3111 Margaret Brown, 844 Downing Highlights of the meeting were the appointment of Mrs. An­ cord, and has a built-in elevatioA device. 1335 Broadway gelina Tonso as prophetess, to fill the vacancy left by Mjs. Esther Mr. and Mrs. William F. Brech­ Dumont, and the appointment o f Mrs. Mary C. Frost as 'lectureri mann, Sr., and son, John, left to fill the vacancy left by "Mrs. Betty Hubbard, who left Glenwood Springs to be with her husband, who is back in the army. Mrs. EASTM AN^^i^STjORES Helen Pedersen, grand regent, presided at the meeting. At the end of the meeting refreshments were served by INC. Mrs. Mae Mullen, Reketta Pretti, and Rose DeMaestri. 1633 California St. KE 6321 Modern Fibre Glass Lamp Shades /Tv-V' The next meeting will be held Sept. 10 in Gillman. Members from Minturn, Red Cliff, and Gillman have invited all members P. O. Box 1648, Denver \yill Fit Any Floor or Table Lamp of Court of St. Theresa 1084 to be their guests at the monthly MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY meeting in September, at which time they will serve the annual dinner. Mrs. Mary Shuster and Mrs. Bert Zancanella are in charge of plans to procure transportation for all members going to Gillman We Offer the Most Complete on that night. Selection of Lamp Shades Principals In IN DENVER Arvada Wedding * Compare Our Prices * Mr. and Mra. | Michael Jerry Peace a r e pic- ] When it’s school-bell time, our children’s store is tured following their wedding in the logical destination of clothes-minded children the Shrine o f St. and their mothers! Here, you’ll find all the fash* Complete Lamp Parts Anne, Arvada, before the Rev. i ions and fixins’, so dear to young hearts . . . all, Forrezt Allen right up the mark in style, fabric, quality, and Don't discard your old Aug. 11. T h e to bride ii the form­ value! * lamp. We have just the er Lucille Lillian Lotito, .daughter part you need. of Rocoe. Lotito, 0 Sr., o f Ridae. Mr. Peace ii the aon p o f Mr. and Mr*. p Jeaeph Peace of Use Our Open Every Design Your. Own Lamp I Chioago. He aerv- Lay Away Evening R ed for four years in the air force in If Yan Wish Till 9 F.M, I World wer IL W e will help you design yonir own N The bride, who lamp. W e have ever^iD ^ neces­ Q waa given in mar^ ritge by her fa- lYe sary and you will really enjoy your THI ther, waa attend- ; Feature own lamp. •1 ST ed by Mra. Vin- ^ Nationally Fomoui cent Lotito of . IN Ridge aa matron Brands. DINVIR of honor and Clarabell Caron OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. ~ " • - 6 f Arvada a ■ Shop Here and Save! I maid o f honor. Mr, Pesce chose , „ . as hii best man *iwnwa»M;)wWi^wi'i Vincent Lotito of Ridge, and the usher was Rocco Lotito, Jr., of Wasinger's Electric Store Denver. IS Orgen muaie was provided by Helen Jinacio, and Mrs. Joseph MARY U f Young Moderns sang, A wedding dinner was served on the lawn of the 4315 TENNYSON ST. Sales # R epair # Service residence o f Mrs. John Spencer, 4888 Wadsworth, and a reception 3156 W. 38th Ave. GLendale 8946. followed in St. Anne’s hall. Members of Holy Family Parish Mr. and Mrs. Pesce will make their home in Ridge.— (Photo by Jerome) tS^tSS*

PAGE EIGHT Offlet, 938 Bannock Stroof THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitene 4205 Thursday, August 23, 1951 Summe/L OtlaM. Sdtsdule, Promotion Is Given Minnie Woznick Named Faculty of 47 W ill Teach (Clip pnd Sato Thit Schedule for ST. CATHERINE'S. 4200 Federal bonla- CALHAN: S t Mlehatfs, odd Sundays, MEEKER; Holy Family, 1st and 8rd To Father of Priest Queen of Mercy Nurses Handy. Reference) vard, 6. 7:16, 8:16, 9:16, 10:16, 11:16, 8:80; even Sundays. 11:80. Sundays, 9; 2nd and 5th Sundays, and 12:16. CAMP ST. MALO: St. Catheriat’s 11:30. Crowned • queen of the senior ST. DOMINIC'S, 2906 Federal boulevard, chapel. 10 (also 8 in July and Archdiocese of Denver MONUMENT: St Peter's, last Sunday of The father of the Rev.' Rawley class o f 1951 at Mercy hospital, 6:30, 7:30, 9, 10, 11, and 12. August). month: 9, August and October; 11. 72 College Study Courses DENVER Myers, who is studying at the Reg­ ST. ELIZABETH'S, Curtis and lltb CASCADE: July and August, 8:80 and 10. July and September. Denver, was Miss Minnie Woznick. CATHEDRAL,^ E-. Colfax and Logan streets, 6, 8, 9:15, 11, and 12:16. CASTLE ROCK: St. Francis', 1st and ister College of Journalism, was She is in nurses’ training and will atreet, Sundays; 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11:30, MOUNT HARRIS: 3rd Sunday, 10. ST. FRANCIS DE SALEIS', Alameda and 3rd Sundays:.11, August, and October; promoted this week to the rank o f be graduated in October. Miss end 12:30; Holy days: 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, S. Sherman street, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 9. July and September. NEDERLAND: St. Rita's chapel. 8 and lieutenant colonel. A member of 11:30, and 12:16, CENTRAL CITY: Assumption. 10. 9 (through Labor day). Woznick is the daughter of Mr. and 12. the air force, Lt. Col. M. F. Myers In Regis Evening School ANNUNCIATION, E, 36th avenuo and ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA'S, E. 23rd ave- CHEYENNE WELLS: Sacred Heart. 7, 8. NEW CASTLE: Precious Blood, 2nd and and Mrs. Joe Woznick o f Ravenna, Humboldt atreet, 5:16, 7:30, 8:30, nue and York street, 6, 7, 8:30, 10:30, and 9:80. 4tb Sundays, 9. is stationed at Scott air force Neb. 9:30, 10:46, and 12. and 12. CRAIG: St. Michaal’ s, 9:80. OAK CREEK; 2nd and 4th Sundays. 10. base, Illinois, where he is execu­ Faculty appointm^s for the Regis college evening di­ CRIPPLE CItEEK: St. Peter’ s, July 8. BLESSED SACRAMENT, Eudora street ST. JAMES' 1284 Newport street, 6, tive officer of the 3310th technical 7:16. 8:30. 9:46, 11, and 12:16. 7:80; July 15. 9; July 22, 7:80; July PARKER: 1st Sundays: 9, August and vision, released recently by John V. Coyne, director, include and Montview boulevard, 7, 8, 9 :30, October; 11, July, September, and training group. Lt. Col. Myers, a Modern Medical Practice 10:46, and 12. ST. 'S, E. 29, 9; Aug. 5, 7:80; Aug. 12. 9; Aug. 47 teachers for 72 c o u ^ s . Continued expansion of the num­ Fifth avenue and Josephine street, 19, 7:80; Aug. 26, 9; Sept. 2. 7:80. November. veteran o f two world wars, was PEETZ: Sacred Heart, 8:80. Requires New Buildings CHRIST THE KING, E. Eighth avenue Sundays: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. CROOK: St. Peter’s, 8 and 10. with the Eighth' air force in Eng­ ber and type of courses offered has enabled the Jesuit insti­ and Elm street, 6, 7:30, 9, 10:30, ST. JOSEPH'S (C.SS.R.), W. Sixth ave­ PLATTEVILLE: St Nicholas’, 9. Expecting old hospital buildings and 12 15. DEERTRAIL: S t Joseph's, 1st Sundays, land during World war II. He was tution to offer an evening division program unexcelled any­ nue and Galapago street, 6:30, 7, 8:30, 11:30; 3rd and 6th Sundays, 7:80. - RANGELY; S t Ignatius', 4th Sunday, 9. and equipment to compete with presented the Bronze Star while in where in the countiy. HOLY FAMILY, W. 44th avenue and 10. and 11:30. DERBY: S t Catherine’s, 6:30 and 8:80. RED CLIFF: Mission, 4th Sundays, 9. modern concepts of treatment is Utica street, Sundays: 6. 7:30, 9, 10, ST. JOSEPH'S (Polish), OW E. 46th RAMAJfl: Sacred Heart, 10. England. Students in the Regis college will be Floyd E. Beyers, traffic avenue, 6, 8:30, and 10:30. EAST LAKE: Mission, 8:80. like expecting a jet pilot to com­ 11:15, and 12:16. RIFLE; S t Mary’s, 841 E. Fifth street. management; Mrs. Mary O’Con­ ST. LEO'S, W. 10th street and Colfax. EATON: 2nd Sunday, 8. evening division are .now able to HOLY GHOST, ' California and 19th 1st and 8rd Sundays, 11:30; 2nd and STRASBURG: St. Gertrude',, 2nd Sun- promise with a 20-mule team. This nor Casey, advanced dressmaking streets, 6, 7. 8:16, 9:15, 10:16, 11:16, 7, 9. 10:30, and 12:16. ELBERT: Sacred Heart, 2nd, 4th, and receive certificates in general edu- 5th Sundays, 9. dare, 11:30: 4th Sunday,, T:30. theme constitutes the subject of and 12:15. ST. 'S, W. 28th 5th Sundays. Second Sundays. 8; and tailoring; Marie Maron H off­ August, and October, 11; July. Sep­ ROGGEN: Sacred Heart, 1st. 3rd. 4th, STRATTON: St. Charles'. 7 and 10:80. pation and business, and associate HOLY ROSARY. 4672, Pearl street. 6. 8, avenue and Zenobia atreet, 6:20, 8, the final program in the “ At Your man, public administration and po­ tember, and November, 9; July 22, 10. and 6tb Sundays, 8; 2nd Sunday, .10. VICTOR: St. Victor's. July 8, 9; July 15, degrees in accounting, business ad­ and 10. ' 10, and 12. 7:30; July 22, 9; July 29, 7 :30 ; Aug. Service’’ series of transcribed dra­ sition classification; Robert J. ELIZABETH: Mission, 2nd Sundays: 10. SANTA MARIA: 10. (to September ministration, English, and philoso­ MOTHER OF GOD, Speer boulevard at ST. PATRICK'S, W. 33rd avenue and 6. 9: Aug. 12, 7:30; Aug. 19, 9; Aug. matic shows heard every Sunday Howerton, descriptive astronomy; Pecos street, T, 9, 10:30, and 12 ENGLEWOOD: S t Loais’, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10. 2, inclusive). phy. Bachelor degrees also ate Logan street, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 11. and 12. 26. 7:30; Sept. 2, 9. between 6:30 and 6;45 p.‘m. over Raymond Alfred Hutchinson, 10:30. and 11:30. ST. PHILOMENA'S, E. 14th avenue and SHERIDAN LAKE: St Cletus’. lit and W ELBY: Aseumption, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30. awarded to those desiring to con­ Detroit atreet, 6 :45, 7, 8 :16, 9:30, 11 ERIE: St Scholastiea'o, 8:80. 3rd Sundays, 8:30; 2nd and 4th Sun­ radio station KTLN. Shakespeare’s later plays; John J. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, W. 36th ESTEIS PARK: Our Lady of the Moun­ and 12. tinue beyond this. and 12:15. days. 10:30. WESTMINSTER: Holy , W. 72nd The “ At Your Service’’ series, Mays, federal recruitment and avenue and Navajo street, 6, 7, 8, 9, ST. 'S, 1320 W. Nevada tains, Big Thompson highway, 7, 9, 10, and 12. and 11: (winter, 12). SILT: I.O.O.F. hall, 1st and 3rd Satur­ avenue. 7 ;30 end 9, produced by the American Hos­ DivLsion accounting teachers in­ placement procedure; Francis place. 6, 8, 10. and 12. days, 9. WESTWOOD: St. Anthony's, 3801 W. OUR LADY OF GRACE, 48th avenue ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S, E. Ariiona EVERGREEN: Christ the King, 8 and 10. pital association for its members, clude Joseph Brandiger, B.S., R.A., Morriss, advanced composition and and Columbine atreet, 7 and 9. STEAMBOAT SPRINGS: Holy Name, 8 Ohio, 6:30, 8. 9:30. and 11:30. and S. Josephine. 6, 7, 8, 9:30, 11, and FAIRPLAY: Mission, 3rd Sunday, 9:30. WHEATRIDGE; Sts. Peter and Paul'a, is presented as a public ser\'ice report writing; Edward _S. Mur­ OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE. 3601 12 FLAGLER: St. Mary’ s. 8:45. and 10. who will teach oil production ac­ Kalamath street. 8 and 11. STERLING: St Anthony’s, 827 S. Third W. 39th and Pierce. 7, 9, and 11. feature o f station KTLN and is phy, M.D., vertebrate histology; FT. COLLINS: S t Joseph’s. 308 W. W RAY; St. Andrew's, 412 Dexter street, counting; William J. Carson, OUR LADY OF LOURDES. Iliff and S. Mountain avenue. 6:15, 8, 9. and 10. street 6. 7:30, 8:80, and 10. sponsored by the Denver Council John O’Hayre, modem American COLORADO, SPRINGS STONEHA^! St. John the Evangelist’s, 7:30 and 9:30. M.B.A., whose classes will be Logan, 7, 8:30, 10. 11, and 12. FT. LOGAN: S t Patrick’s, 6. 8, and 10. of Hospitals and Blue Cross serv­ 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sundays. 8; 3rd and YUMA: St. John’s, 708 S. Cedar atreet, and British writers; Dr. and Mrs. OUR LADY OF VICTORY chapel. 1904 CORPUS CHRISTl, 2330 N. Cascade ave- FT. MORGAN: S t Helena’s. 781 SUte mathematics of accounting, gov­ 4th Sundays, 10. 7:30 and 9. ing this community. John A. Pollice, the art o f dis­ W. 12th avenue, 9:30. nue, 7, 8:16, 9:30, 11, and 12:10. street. 7:80 and 9. ernmental accounting, and per­ PRESENTATION, W. Seventh and Julian DIVINE REDEEMER, 1620 E. Cache FOUNTAIN: St. Joseph's, 1st and 3rd cussing the “ facts o f life;” Peter la Poudre, 8. 10, and 12. sonnel management; 0. M. Cordle, street; Sundays: 6, 8, 9:30, 10:30, Sundays, 9; other Sundays, 10. C.P.A., and W. -Barney Paul, A. Rotar, industrial management, and 12. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE. 404 S FREDERICK: S t Therese’s, 7 and 10. Tejon street, 8 and 11:30. Pianist Don Minson Entertains LL.B., C.P.A., who will handle marketing, and shorthand; Walter SACRED HEART, 28th and Larimer GEORGETOWN; Our Lady of Lourdes, 8. Rountree, Jr., color photography: streets, 6:30, 7:30, 9, 10:30, and 12. PAULINE chapel, Broadmoor, Sundays: GILCREST: l i t and 3rd Sundays, 8; C.P.A. review problems; Joseph 7. 9, and 11; weekdays, 7:30. Gertrude Mary Scott, who will ST. CAJETAN’S, 1166 Ninth street, 6:30, 2nd and 4th Sundays, 11. Stephens, C.P.A., auditing theory 8 :30, 10:30, and 12:15. SACRED HEART, 2026 W. Colorado ave- GLEN WOOD SPRINGS: St Stephen’s, conduct the writers’ workshops nue, 6:30, 8, 10, and 11:80, Friiday Luncheon Club and practice; Claude Yeager, 1010 Colorado street, 7 and 9 (June and will teach five types o f ST. MARY'S, 22 W. Kiowa street, 6, 7. 1 to second Sunday of September, B. S.C., C.P.A., whose class will be 8. 9. 11, and 12:10. writing; and Thomas Kent, adver­ inclusive). intermediate accounting; John GOLDEN: S t Joseph's, 8 and 10. tising principles. Daly, B.S.C., R.A., teaching prin­ OTHER CHURCHES GOLD HILL: Chapel, 7. July aiM Au­ gust. ciples of accounting and account­ Jesuit members of the staff are AKRON: St. Joseph’ s, 8 and 10:30. GOOD SHEPHERD HILL. Westminster: Fathers Louis A. Bloomer, the art ARTESIA: Theater building. 4th Sunday, ing lab.; Sidney J. Feig, B.S., 10. f,?’ ^ St V. ^ ^ of enjoying music; C. L. Bon­ 11. C. P.A., principles o f accounting; GRAND LAKE: St Ann's. 8, 9:80, and 1 r*' net, general ethics, philosophy o f ARVADA: St. Anne’ s. 160 Grant place, 11:80. Douglas Knox, C.P.A., in income 6, 8. and 10. GREELEY: S t Peter’ s. 1125 Ninth ave­ tax accounting; Thomas Murphy, being, theology for the layman; ASPEN: St. Mary’ s, 7 and 9. nue, 6:30, 8, 9, and 10. B.S.C., C.P.A., in’ cost accounting; Lucius Cervantes, the family; Jo­ AURORA: St. Thercse’s, E. 13th and GREELEY: Our Lady of Peace, 8 and Kenton, 7. 8:30, 10. and 11:30; holy and the Rev. Joseph A. Ryan, S.J., seph V. Downey, introduction to 10:30. geology; William B. Faherty, his­ days, 6:30, 7:30. 9, and 10; wdek- GROVER: St. Mary's, 1st Sundays, 10; M.A., who will teach mathematics days, 8. 1 * 5 ', 3rd Sundays, 8. of accounting, basic accounting pro­ tory o f Western civilization, BASALT: St. Vincent’s. 10:30. ■American social reform move­ ST. DOMINIC'S BOULDER: Sacred Heart of , 2323 HAXTUN: Christ the King, lit, 3rd, and m cedures, and report making. 14th street. 6:30. 8, 9, and 10. 5tb Sundays and holy days, 9:30; 2nd k fd ments, and Rerum Novarum insti­ Patronize These Friendly Firms BOULDER; St. Thomaa Aquinas’, 7, 9, and 4th Sundays, 8. Business law will be taught by tute; Mark S. Gross, English rhe­ and 11. HOLYOKE: St. Patrick’s. 1st. Srtf. end Edward C. Day, B.S., LL.B., toric, compo.sition, a n d apolo­ BRECKENRIDGE: Mission. 3rd Sun­ 5th Sundays and holy days, 8; 2nd days 9. and 4th Sundays, 9:30. and James Delaney, B.S.C., LL.B. getics; John J. Jelinek, survey of BRIGGSDALE: St. Joseph’s. 2nd and 6th HUGO: St. Anthony’ s, 1st Sundays, 9:15; Patrick J. Coursey, B.S., will teach metaphysics and history o f modern Sundays. 10: 4th Sunday. 8. 2nd Sundays, 7:30; 3rd and 5th Sun­ days, 11: 4th Sundays, 11:30. a in insurance. philosophy; Charles F. Kruger, .es­ BRIGHTON: St. Augustine’ s. 112 S. sentials of effective speaking, pub­ Sixth avenue, 6, 8, 9 (Spanish ser­ IDAHO SPRINGS; S t Paul’s, 9. Other lay members of the staff mon). 10:30, and 11:30. ILIFF: St. Catherine’ s, 8 and 10. lic speaking for business men, BRUSH; St. Mary's, 8 and 10. JOHNSTOWN: 3rd and 4th Sundays. 8. public speaking and debate, and Established 1916 BUFFALO: 10 o’clock, every Sunday JULESBURG: St. Anthony’ s. 606 W Catholics May Oppose reviews of best books and articles; through September. Third street, 7:30 and 9. Fathers Bernard J. Murray, life 3160 Tejon GLendale 022S BURLINGTON*: St. Catherine's. Sundays. KEENESBURG: Holy Family, 1st, 3rd, 7 and 9 4th, and 6tb Sundays, 10; 2nd Sun­ One Another in Race of Christ; Raphael C. McCarthy, day, 8 general psychology; John J. KIOWA: 3rd Sundays, .11. July and Quirk, logic; Joseph A. Ryan, September; 9, August, and October. For Senate in Wyoming KIT CARSON; S t Augustine's. 1st and mathematics of ae'eountin^, pro­ cedures, and report making; J. 3rd Sundays, 10:30; 2nd and 4tb An unusual situation is develop­ ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH Sundays and holy days. 8:80. Clement Ryan, appreciation of KREMMLING: St Peter’s. 9. ing in the Wyoming political pic­ English literature and 18th-cen­ Please Patronize These Friendly Firms LAFAYETTE: S t Ida's. 7 and 9:30. LAKEWOOD: St, Bernadette’s. 7280 12tb ture. Both men expected to run tury writers; Harold Stansell, his­ avenue, 6, 7:35, 9:35, and 11. for the Senate seat that will be up tory of the^ U.S. to 1865 and LEADVILLE: Annunciation, 609 Poplar Latin-American history; Ervin A. to the voters in 1952 are Catholics. street, 7 and Stauffen, Catholic literature and Santa Fe Shoe Hospital The firms listed here de­ LEADVILLE; St. Joseph's. 424 W. Sec- The incumbent. Democratic Sen­ Catholic marriage; Bishop Bernard serve to be remembered ond street, 6:30 and 8:30. We Redrett Suedes f LIMON: Our Lady of Victory, 1st Sun­ ator Joseph C. O'Mahopey, a two- J. Sullivan, English rhetoric and We Refinish Leather -1 Any Color when you are distributing days, 7:30; 2nd Sundays, 9:15; 3rd time winner at the polls, is the composition; and 5th Sundays, 9:30; 4th Sun­ Fathers Elmer J, Trame, sur­ We Dye Shoes 1 your patronage in the dif­ days. 10. man on whom the Democratic LITTLETON: S t Mary's, 186 N. Nevada party has pinned its hopes. The vey of life science; James F. ferent lines of business. street, 6, 8, 10, and 11:30. Republicans are expected to draft Walsh, introduction to sociology 742 SANTA FE DRIVE LONGMONT: St. John the Beptist's. 816 Governor Frank A. Barrett to op­ and preprofessional social work; Fourth avenue, 6:80, 8, 9. and 10. and E. H. Wintergalen, principles group, according to Bill Smyth, chairman of the pose O’Mahoney. The Senator’s LOUISVILLE: S t Louis’, 601 Walnut MEMBERS OF the Knights of Colum­ previous record as a “vote-getter” of economics and money and bank­ atreet, 7 and 9. recent meeting. OPEN ’TIL MIDNIGHT EVERY NIGHT bus Friday Luncheon club are shown above is respected by both parties. Gov­ ing. LOVELAND: S t John’s, 225 W. Fifth A member of the club. Pianist Minson has been street. July and August, 7 :30, 9:30, in a musical mood inspired by the pifno technique ernor BaiTett’s present term in Further information about and 11. of Don Minson, papular entertainer. The Friday featured on a number of network radio shows. Al­ office will not expire until 1954, any of the evening claite* or NORM'S TEXACO SERVICE MANITOU SPRINGS: Our Lady of Per­ petual Help. July and August, 8:30 Luncheon club is made up of a group of Catholic though he is a familiar figure to the dance set of but he is considered by the GOP other data may be obtained by NORM ENGBLOM. Prop. and 10 men who get together every Friday for lunch at Denver, as a member of the John Roberts band, Mr. as the one man able to meet calling John V. Coyne, or the Ttxan ind Flrtstoni Proditti SPEER BLVD. AT BANNOCK MATHESON: St. Agnes’, odd Sundays, the Knights of Columbus home, 1575 Grant street. Minson’s regular is that of a teacher in the “ Senator Joe” at the polls on an Rev. Joseph A. Ryan, S.J., at librieatlon and Wsihlnt TABOR 9222 11:30; even Sundays, 8:30. Aurora public schools. (Photo by Smyth) even if not better footing. Regis college, GL. 3633, Denver. MEAD: Guardian Angel, 8:30. All Catholic men interested are invited ^to join the New Regis Classroom Building Is Nearing Completion

Drive for Funds Lags as Campaign Nears Windup at Jesuit College

NortK Side from Northwest Corner Main Entrance I ’ A few bricks purchased by you today (at $1.00-a brick) will accomplish the job. If you ore not able to buy 100 or mere bricks—buy 5 or 10—or 25. NOW is the time to act. •w*

$70,000 needecd to pay for completeid job. America's future rests in the youth of today-Regis must grow with Denver and Rocky Mountain,Wfest.

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« Generosity Urged to Defray Cost of Enlarging Only ’4' Catholic College for Men in the Rocky Mountain Empire. 9 -1

West Side from Northwest Corner I* Li


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PAGE TEN Office, 938 lan n eek Str«tf THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thursday, August 23, 1951

* In Order of Arrow < Sr. Anthony Payne, Author, St. Dominicks Sodalists PARENTS OF SCHOOL CHILDREN i No parent -wants his child to* be at the foot of the class. Perhaps his eyes will put him there. Glasses now, if Cathedral Graduate, Dies To Visit at Fitzsimons needed, may mean so much to his advancement in (St. Dominic’t Pariih, Denver) Sister M. Anthony Payne, a Born in Cameron, Mo., Sister Sodalists will make a monthly trip to Fitzsimons ho^i- school and in later life. ' . “ Penver Cathedral high school Anthony, the former Kathleen « graduate who won acclaim for her Payne, was the daughter of Mr.’ pital Thursday evening, Aug. 23. The practice of visiting the sick at Fitzsimons was initiated several years ago as a high school biology textbooks, died and Mrs, Benjamin Payne. The TOM WALKER PIANOS recently in St. Margaret’s hospital family moved to Denver in 1904 work of the apostolate. The sodalists, under the direction Representativs of Kimball. Sohmer, SWICERT BROS. in Kansas City, Kans., after un­ and resided, at 1600 Cook. Fol­ of Mary Farrell, prefect, provide amusement and refrei^- Hardman, SUrr and JeM# French Pianos C G. Conn Connsonata dergoing surgery. Professor and lowing lier mother’s death, Kath­ ments for the sick soldiers. 'The ------leen returned to Cameron when Electric Organ 1550 California O p t O l l t C t T i s t S KEyitona 7651 Ijead of the biology department following will go to Fitzsimons this rowing at City park during the Fine Reconditioned Pianoe she was 13, but completea her high at Doimelly college in Kansas Thursday; Mary Farrell, Agnes band concert on Saturday night, 1345 8. BROADWAY SPnice 7354 Better Vition school course at the Cathedral Good Service City, Kans., she was a member of Carey, Eileen Conboy, Viola Davis, and enjoy a box lunch social on for Every Age here in the class o f 1918. At Right Prieee the Benedictine order o f Mt. St. Bette Thomas, Theresa Pelligreen, Sunday morning at 10:30. For all Scholastica in Atchison. Funeral She entered the Benedictine GLASSES INDIVIDUALLY STYLED and Patricia Farrell. Any young these events they leave from -the services were held in the mother- order in September, 1918, and, church at 7:30 p.m. and welcome ■1 ______after her final profession of vows woman who would like to partici­ 1 house. pate in this work is invited to ac­ any young persons between the in 1923, taught in the parochial giuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiM^ company them. They will leave ages o f 18 and 28 who would like schools in Seneca, Blaine, Horton, from St. Dominic’s church at 6 to join them. Ttetv and Purcell, Kans. From 1932 to p.m. A PTA meeting was held Aug. 1946 she headed the biology de­ ** 21 in the home of Mrs. Joseph iisefum auiL jul f i a c e . partment at Mt. St. Scholastich’s Blessed Martin YPC THEODORE Bonnell, president. A program for WIBOW i I college in Atchison. The Blessed Martin Young Peo­ When the pioneer Benedictine the ensuing year was discussed. KATHERINE EDGREN, 84. Little Sii- Fay, Denver. Requiem Mass was cele­ ples’ club will make Twin Chim­ foundation was established in Mrs. Myron DeFrancia, vice pres­ • ... ters of the Poor. Mother of Mr«, W. C. brated Aug. £0 in-St. Dominic’ s cfaurchf neys in Bear Creek canyon the ident, Mrs. Charles Roland, secre­ sK des (Betty) Hart; and sister of Mrs. John Interment Mt. Olivet^ Mexico City, Mexico, infl946, Sis­ ■ • |HACKETHAL| scene of a steak fry next Wednes­ tary; Mrs. William Re'ed, treas­ Farrell, Dumont. K. J. Requiem Mass JOHN DUANE R n F E R N , 22. of 46 ter Anthony was one o f its mem­ was celebrated in St. Joseph’s church day night at 7 :30 o’clock. Joseph urer; and Mrs. Dale Lamb, his­ Ogden street. Son o l Mr. and Mrs. John bers. She returned to the motKer- • Aug. 22. Interment Mt. Olivet. Horan H. Redfem; and brother of Robert liec, Keeley, Mildred Easter, Pat Sheer, torian, were also present. mortuary. hodse in Atchison in 1949 and and Joann Coursey will plan the I MORTUARY | Marilyn, and Ralph Redfern. Requiem The Legion of Mary, under 'S'*;' 1 ;■> WILLIAM F. KINNEY. 56, of 1125 Mass was celebrated Aug. 21 in St. went to Donnelly college, where event. This week end will be a the direction of Father George S. Clay street. Requiem Mass was cele­ Francig de Sales' church. Interment Mt. shO'taught nurses at both St. Mar busy one for the Blemars. They g 1449-Sl Kalamatb St. 1 brated in S t Rose of Lima’s church Olivet. garet’s and St. Mary’s hospitals, will dance at Tulagi’s Friday, go Forquer, O.P., pastor, will picnic Aug. 17. Interment Mt. Olivet. Horan VAL J, SCHLITZER, 51. of 829 W. at Nederland Sunday afternoon. g Phone MAin 4006 1 mortuary. Irvington place. Husband of Katherine for two years. The two praesidia of the legion GENEVRA DELL STANLEY. 54, of Mullin Sehlitzer; father of William Among her books, Biology for Grier and Barbara Lee Sehlitzer; brother 4920 Green court. Wife of John 0. High School and Biology— Season Chest, Red Cross Plan at St. Dominic’s join forces each Stanley; and mother of John and Henry of Sehlitzer, Minersville, Pa., and year for an outing. Freshen up that tired window Mrs. Nell Stevenson, Denver; and uncle by Season,'sponsored by the Cath^ Stanley, Mrs. Agnes Beckman, and The Cub S«outs, under the di­ with a new crisp Volker Douglas and Norman Stanley. The Ro­ of Pauline Lewis, Pottsville, Pa. The olic University o f America and Campaign for Employes sary is being recited Thursday, Aug. 2S, Rosary will be recited Thursday, Aug. used extensively in Catholic high rection of Edward McCtine, will Cloth Window Shade HARTFORDALCORN at 8 p.m. in the Boulevard mortuary 23, at 8 p.m. in the Stevens mortuary meet in the church auditorium drawingroom. Requiem High Mass Will schools, were especially praised Representatives of the Denver chapel. Requiem High Mass will be Monday, Aug. 27, at 8 p.m. Available in all the new pastel MORTCARY celebrated Friday. Aug. 24, in St. Cath­ be celebrated in St. Francis de Sales’ for their philosophical interpreta­ Area Community Chest and Den­ erine’s church. Interment Mt. Olivet, church Friday, Aug. 24. Interment will ver chapter of the Red Cross have colors. White, Ivory, Tan. . be in Mt. Olivet. tion and natural approach to sub­ Family Group Insurance Boulevard mortuary. ject matter. agreed on plans for co-operative ADAM A. LELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Prices range $ ^ 59l $ 2 4 8 ROCCO BELASCO, 76. of 3 2 ^ Sho­ solicitation of large employe Call a RA. 0335 shone. Husband of Rose Belasco; father Pete Lell of Ft. Lupton. Requiem Mass Sister Anthony received her from. A lam eda at lAigan of Lucille Payne of Los Angeles, Calif.; was celebrated in St. Augustine’ s church, bachelor’s and master’s degrees groups, according to a statement Brighton, Aug. 21. Clyde Belasco of Denver, Nettie Jenkins from St. Louis university and her made jointly by heads of both or­ t A B of Los Angeles, Calif.; Angelina Allen JOHN F. PETRAS of Frederick. Re­ doctorate degree from Kansas ganizations. At of Denver, Heler\ Fehiberg and Virginia quiem Mass was celebrated Aug. 22 in Harold F. Silver, president of MAin 7171 FALBY'S M o n u m e n t s Love of Hammond, La.; and Jerry Dolce St. Theresa’s church, Frederick. university at Lawrence. Survivors III special ceremonies at of Denver; survived also by eight grand­ include her father and a sister, the Denver Area Community Chest, Prompt Conrteooi Serrics 32 Broadway PH. P L 2940 We have erected many beauti* children. Services conducted Aug. 17 JOSEPH COMNILLO Camp Tahosa Aug. 17-19, CHEAPER RATES both of Kansas City, and a brother and Mason Knuckles, president of 2-WAY RADIO ful monuments m Mt. Olivet by the Rev. Regis F. McGuire. Inter­ Joseph Comnillo, 54, co-owner of the Explorer Scout John Garbella of the Denver chapter of the Red CLEAN NEW CABS ment Mt. Olivet. Olinger mortuary. in Milwaukee. Cemetery. Silver Dollar grill, died Aug. 16 in St. St. Dominic’s parish troop was Cross, made the announcement. MRS. PEARL RICHIE. 54, of 3858 Joseph’s hospital following a heart attack invested in thd National Honor 1749 Tr.mont PI. Kalamath. Mother of Priscilit Ztmbo, only five weeks after his partner and The jnintfiction will permit man­ //k Camper society of the Boy Scouts A. T. THOMSON Charles Richie, and Mary Rosyop, all brother, Brooks R. J^smnillo, died after a agement and employes of larger DENVER’S MOST (08 I4(h 8L of Denver; and Bernice Gies of Ft. heart attack. Requiem High Mass was of America, “ the Order of the business firms in the Denver area 600 Sherman St. TA. 8018 Morgan; sister of Edward Bennett of celebrated Aug. 22 in St. Dominic’s PROGRESSIVE Arrow,” as an ordeal honor 425 E. 17th A ts. Denver, and Frank Bennett and Flor­ church, followed by interment* in Mt. Requiem Sung to conduct a single annual payroll member. solicitation of employes. The plan ence Lindstrom. both of Los Angeles, Olivet. 604 E. I8th A t,. Calif.; survived also by eight grand Co-operator of the grill for the past The Order of the Arrow, has been advocated by many em­ children. Requiem Mass was celebrated 18 years, Mr. Comnillo was born in founded in 1915 at the Philadel­ ployes, labor union officials, and Msrkct St. 618 E. 16th A ts. Aug. 23 in St. Patrick’ s church. Inter­ Denver June 14. 1897. He attended For Girl Killed phia Boy Scout camp, Treasure business heads. ment Mt. Olivet. Olinger mortuary. Bryant school and Manual Training night TAbor 6379 KELLY, 81, of 1460 S. school. Island, grew out o f a desire to The Red Cross will conduct its Sherman street Husband of Mary Kelly. emphasize the fact that the good Survivors include his wife, Eloise; a annual territorial solicitation, as W W W W W W ' Requiem Mass was celebrated Aug. 17 sen, Joseph, Jr.; three brothers, John, scout camper not only is profi­ well as solicitation among all busi­ in Our Lady of Lourdes church. Inter­ Michael, and James, all of Denver; and In Auto Crash cient in the skills of scoutcraft, ness groups not participating in ment Mt. Olivet. Day mortuary. four sisters. Mrs. R. Pertto, Mrs. J. CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING DOMINGO J. GEVARA, 64, of 1760 Carpinelio, Mrs. Joseph Perito. and Mrs. A Requiem High Mass was cele­ but also practices the principles of the united in-plant campaign plan. scouthood. It was intended as a W. Pacific. Husband of Martina Gevara; C. Mafleo. Boulevard mortuary. brated Aug. 22 in St. Dominic’s The organization will also be free father of Ray, Henry, and Billy Gevara. device to glorify the scout promise church for Mary Janet O’Gara’, 19, to conduct such additional emer- Dora Martinez, Priscilla Martinez, and JOSEPH M. P E I^ O and the scout law in the mind of Classified Ads Mary Cisneros; and stepfather of Mary of 9215 Lombardy lane, who was •gency campaigns as may be re­ Requiem High M«bb was celebrated the boy who is a scout camper. It Fitting MEMORIALS Espinoza. Sadie (Gutierrez, Louise Mar­ IQ Holy Family church Aug. 22 for fatally injured in an automobile t ir e d by disasters or other emer­ It will pay you^o read ALL of the following adyertisementi. tinez, Irene Gregory. Lucy Martinet, Joseph M. Perko, 47» of 4376 Xavier, accident near Evergreen Aug. 19. focused particularly upon cheerful gencies. Filbert Lucero, and John 'Trujillo. Re­ an electrician for tha Rio Grande railroad service as an essential to a happy ^ ^ A A.A A A AAAAA A A A .A A A A. A.A. For Lasting Tribute quiem High Mass was celebrated Aug. Interment was in Mt. Olivet. and a member of the Knights of Colum­ camping experience and sought to 20 in St. Cajetan’s church. Interment bus. Interment was in Mt. Olivet. The 61 classmates of Miss APARTMENT FOR RENT REAL ESTATE Mt. Olivet. Capitol mortuary. reveal the true brotherhood that Mr. Perko was born June 27. 1904, O’Gara in the class of 1950 at St. Jupiter Show Scheduled We have a large selection of CANDIDO PACHECO, 75, of 757 TRADE 2-bedroom Brick house with garage , in Crested Butte and came to Denver e x ^ atjiong those who exhibit 3 room* furnished basement apartm«nt for Irving. Husband of C. Pacheco; father Joseph’s high school, with the ex­ atUched. 853 Elm St. near Christ the fine monuments. Choice me­ in 1943. He died Aug. 18 in his home. such tfa its/ working couple. GR. 8695. of Mrs. Joe Romaret, Brighton; and Mar­ ception of those in the service, at­ In Denver Park Aug, 24 King church and school for similar value morials for a tribute to de­ garet Teltz, Amelia Montoya, Mri. Survivors include h!s wife. Josephine; of this historic background, near public school in East or Wheatridga two daughters, Mrs. John Conway of tended the Rosary and funeral MISCELLANEOUS parted ones. Albert Acosta, Mrs. Helen Gallegos. the purpose of-^he Order of the The planet Jupiter and four of location. Mrs. John Maynes, and Rosadelle and Oklahoma City, Okia., and Mary Jo services together. Perko of Denver; a aon. Joseph M. Arrow has been set forth as fol­ its brightest moons should be 1201 S. COLUMBINE, by S t Vincent's.^ Josephine Pacheco, Denver; brother of The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TREES REMOVED — SPRAYED - New, nearly completed. Sec it now. 2 Twin Juanita Lucero. Alamosa; Mrs. Albert Perko of Denver; two sisters. Mrs. lows: visiWe Friday night, Aug. 24, at TRIMMED br licensed, insured, experienced Alden Johnson of Paonia and Mrs. Stuart Charles Lavington, Miss O’Gara size b^rooms upstairs with large closets, • Convenient terms may be Lucero, Trinidad; and Secj^indino Pacheco, 1. To recognize those campers the 'astronomical lecture and dem­ men. Heavy power equipment for any size Linen closet. Large, Tile 4 piece bath. Denver; survived also by 43 grandchil­ Wahl of White Fine; and four brothers, was born on Dec. 14, 1932. She (scouts and scouters) who best ex­ job. Fertllixera of all kinda. Call MILE arranged. John, Michael, Frank, ahd William onstration scheduled in Cheesman Entrance hall with Guest closet. Large dren and 17 great-grandchildren. Re­ was returning from a two weeks’ emplify the scout promise and law HI FORESTRY TREE SERVICE, AC 6684. living-room and Dinette. Kitchen has eat­ quiem Mass is being celebrated Thurs­ Perko, ail of Crested Butte. park, Denver, at 8 and 9 p.m. The stay at her summer home in Indian in their daily lives and, by such ing space. Garbage Disposal, plenty of day, Aug. 23, at 9 o'clock in St. Caje­ Hills when the accident occurred. lecture-demonstration is the second Complete set of Slingerland Radio King cabinets. Full basement with extra bed­ tan’ s church. Interment Mt. Olivet. recognition, to cause other camp­ Drums. Also, man’s all>w(x>l Sport Coat, Miss O’Gara, who was driving a in a series being presented jointly room and.bath. Breeze-way between house Capitol mortuary. ers to conduct themselves in such figur^ blue and gray. Sue 36. Like new. and single garage. Stop in or call. RA. 5063. jeep down the -Bear Creek canyon by the municipal recreation de­ DE. 9648. Liesveld Memorial Co. NORBERTO A. DURAN, 88. of 8650 CPA Forum Slated manner as to warrant recognition; Delgany. Husband of Marie T. Duran; road, apparently lost control of it partment and the Denver Astro­ 2. To develop and maintain Antique cuckoo clock for sale—make offer. TOWELS & LINEN SUPPLY 13000 West 44th Ave. father of Delores Zaragoza, Sandra Mae, and was thrown from the car in nomical society. camping traditions and spirit; Also one Oak Dreeaer 58. FL. 2977. Lorene, and Louis Duran; son of Pedro its wild swerving. Her death re­ Dr. W. Recht, Denver uni­ MOUNTAIN rOWEL & SUPPLt CO. Directly Across From Duran; brothel of Susie Cruz and Nora Wednesday,Aug.29 3. To promote scout camping, Service furnished for Offices, Barbers, sulted from a 2,700-pound boulder versity astronomer and director of Kitchen Cabinets built to measure. Re­ Mt. Olivet Cemetery Cox; and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. which reaches its greatest effec­ modeling. First Class Carpenter work. Restaurants. Stores, and Banquets Pablo Garcia. Requiem Mass was cele­ Final arrangements were* falling on her from the edge Chamberlin observatory, will de­ B. W. BECKIUS. Manager tiveness as a part of the troop’s PE. 6241. Phone ARVADA 0499-R-3 brated Aug. 22 in Holy Rosary church. of the roadway after being dis­ liver two lectures, which will be 1227 Curtis St. HA. 7965 Trevino mortuary. completed this week for an in­ camping program; vitational accounting forum on lodged by the car. followed by demonstration periods SOCIAL SUPPLIES PFC, DON CHAVEZ, killed in action 4. To crystallize the scout habit BRICK REPAIRS in Korea, Sept. 7. 1950. Son of Mr. and the amended experience require­ At St. Joseph’s Miss O’Gara at 14 telescopes to be provided for of helpfulness into a life purpose Wedding invitations, $7 a hundred tip; Mrs. Benedfeto Martinez of 1648 Fed­ the public. The lectures, each ap­ BRICK REPAIRS: Specializing in brick ments for the Colorado CPA had served as managing editor of o f leadership in cheerful service Personalized napkins, $1.50 a hundred; eral boulevard; brother of Lawrence and the Santa Fe, the school paper, proximately 20 minutes, will be ac­ pointing and repairing, aiso caulking and Diana Chavez, and Betty Mayorga; certificate, to be held at 8 p.m. to others. painting. BE. 3-0444. WALTER EVANS. Persenalized matches, $1.50 for 60. 24 hour and was a cheerleader. She also companied by a short film entitled service if desired, free delivery. grandson of Caspar Martinez, Eleanor Aug. 29 in the Knights of Co­ Many qualifications are required 8177 Benton St Bernardinelli; and uncle of Anthony Ma­ had been a Register correspondent The Solar Family. POWELL CO., 748 So. Broadway, SP. 1294 (<5oman^detifnf! lumbus hall, E. 16th avenue and of the scout or scouter before he yorga. The Rosary will be recited Thurs­ for her alma mater’s news column. During the demonstration pe­ PAINTING & DECORATING day, Aug. 23, at 8 p.m. in the Trevino Grant street, Denver. is elected by his fellow scouts to DRUGGISTS . . . more than a hundred! All Surviving besides her parents riods, members of the Astronomi­ memorial chapel. Requiem Mass will be A 11 recommendations dis­ become a candidate to the Order FOR paperhanging and painting call Anton celebrated Friday, Aug. 24, at 9:30 are her grandmother, Mrs. Mary cal society will be at the telescopes of them carved with the same cussed at the forum by the at­ of the Arrow, and an extended Beringer, 158 Madison, EA. 2285. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS skill and care. There’s one to o'clock in Annunciation church. Trevino M. ■ O’Gara, and an aunt, Miss tending accountants will be period of exemplary service to to point out Jupiter and four of its meet every particular wish mortuary. Frances O’Gara. Boulevard mor­ formulated by the special ex­ scouting. moons, double stars, star clusters, W A L L P A P E R Hanging. Painting, Re- will b. fUim comctljr .t and requirement. See them. RICHARD THOMAS LUCERO of 819 tuary. * and the constellations. All these modeling. Call K£. 5793. Compare values! 27th street. Son. of Mr. and Mrs. Mike perience requisite committee The four main parts of the or­ WASHINGTON PARK PHARBIACY Lucero and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. and will in turn be presented to subjects will be covered by Dr. Sixto Ramirez and Mr. and Mrs. Jose deal honor and their respective HOUSE FOR SALE JACQUES BROTHERS the state board o f accountancy purposes are: Recht in his lecture. Ph. SP. 9766 1096 Sooth Gaylord St. Since 1902 Lucero. Services will be held Thursday, St. Elizabeth's Looted Mtnimints of Dlstlnetlon Aug. 23. in Sacred Heart church. Inter­ for approval and enforcement. ■ A night of camping alone under 6-room Brick with full, finished basement and single garage. S t Philomena’s dis­ Jist off Broadwty ment Mt, (Jliifet. Trevino mortuary. Because the fomim is the only the heavens, to prove self-reli­ ROSE ANN FAY. 70, of 2846 Fed- By Nonchalant Thieves Sacred Heart '51 Picnic trict $9,800. Call FL. 2977. eral boulevard. Mother of Bertha M means of obtaining information ance; a day of arduous toil, to in­ Home Appliances for the committee on formula­ Denver detectives are still look­ dicate the scout’s willingness to Set at Rockies Aug. 26 HELP WANTED— FEMALE tion o f requirements for the serve others; 24 hours of scant ing for two nonchalant thieves who Companion wanted for semi-invalid lady Chipped refrigerators; used Bendix and (Sacred Heart Pariah, Denver) Maytag!: Electric Range like new; also profession, it is urged that as food, to demonstrate the scout’s S:00 to 4:30 Five days a week. FR. 6506. broke into St. Elizabeth’s church, The annual Sacred Heart par­ good gas range—PE 2758, 436 S. Broadway. JERRY RREEN many members as are able to at­ 1060 Eleventh street, Denver, power o f self-denial; and a 24- ish picnic will be held Sunday, tend be present. This attend­ wandered through the monastery, hour period of silence to test the WANTED— REAL ESTATE Florist ance will enable committee scout’s self-control. Aug. 26, at Our Lady of the raided the ice box, descended to Rockies. RESPONSIBLE couple wish to buy equity GARY’S 1004 15lh St. members to judge more accu-, the church basement, hammered At the ceremonies. Scoutmaster in house and assume payments. Good rately the feelings of the profes­ Lawrence D. Gray was elected to Bus transportation ..will be . references. Write box JR, care Register. , 1500 S. Broadway 4 open tubes leading down from the provided. Tickets are on sale at MAin 2279 sion’s members in general. poor box, and stole some $50 in receive the second recognition rank in the Order of the Arrow, the rectory at $1.25 for the bus ► We Pay Tash] 28 E. 6th ^ve. AL. 2019 Information may be obtained coins. the brotherhood honor, at Camp and 25 cents for each car, for by calling Father Joseph A. The culprits also wandered SALES LADY Ryan, S.J., at Regis college or by Tahosa in September. (Photo by those who have their o.wn trans­ For Used Furniture ^ through the monastery rooms, tear­ Jerome) portation, All who attend will between mge of 30 to 40 for making contact with other com­ ing up drawers in search of money a n d “ t mittee members. They are Vic­ bring their own lunche.a. Free part time work; preferably and valuables, and stayed for quite Mitcellanevut Item, ^ tor 'E. Troukfetter, Paul L. ice cream will be furnished. from South Denver. Answer some time in the church sacristy, Lady of Grace I’ arish Wednesday, Aug. 22, the par­ personally. The Bonnie Shop, PE. 4014 RA. 6423 ^ Well-Knoum Catholic Personjnd Schmttr, C. Boyd Neville, Ckarles examining the sacred vessels and A. Zarni, William B. Paul, and ish school PTA held its annual 751 South University. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 p.m. i vestments, which they finally de­ Plans Social Aug. 25 picnic at City park. \ J. W. Hailpern. cided to leave. In the upper rooms they also took several sets of keys (Our Lady of Grace Parish, 3-Bedroom Family Home ' Denver) whifh were later found hanging 1 block from S t John’s Parish • . . a t Application Deadline on clothes hooks. ' Our Lady of Grace parish will hold a card party Saturday, School. Livable home with full dining room and large homey Set for Nurse Course Manager Aug. 25, in the church hall, PRINTING COMPANY 48th avenue and Columbine kitchen. Full basement and two ear garage. MA 1304. Applications will be taken until street. The proceeds will be 1454 Welton (Rear) Sept. 10 for practical 'nurse added to the building fund. Monte Carroll KEy'tone 4054 coursds, according to Miss Mar­ Tickets are 50 cents. FL 1631 Realtor ' PE 2453 guerite Paetznick, director of nursing service for the Denver der partment of health and hospitals, Miss Paetznick warned that only 25 students can be accepted for the one-year course, which is tu­ T re rn e n d ou s BOOK SAL'E! ition-free for Denver residents, MR. C. WOODROW JACKSON Miss Paetznick urged all inter­ ested women to apply immediately at the information desk at Oppor­ New, original editions published at 1.00 to 3.50 tunity school, 13th and Welton streets, or call AC. 4561. FICTION, originally published of 2.50 to 3.50 12,800 in Capitol Hill Romances, adventure, historical novels, mysteries . . . best-sellers by Taylor Caldwell, 3 FOR Are Given Chest X-Rays Stefan Zweig, Sinclair Lewis, Quentin Reynolds, y Robert Payne, Gene Fowler and many others. The Largest Catholic Stoff,ot The number of persons who have received free chest x-rays in .Any Mortuary in Coiorado the Capitol hill section of the city NONFICTION, originally published at 2.00 to 3.50 reached the 12,800 mark on Sat­ urday, according to Dr. Fred R. Hobbies, science, history, humor, travels, Harper, president of the Denver The world’s largest non- sports, biography and musik. Also psychology, Tuberculosis society. Figures show scheduled airline, Transocean health, religions, art, nature, drama, sdf-help that the average number of per­ Air Lines, with headquarters in and others. Fine books for every reading sons x-rayed each day last week San Francisco, has established o f­ taste and interest, was 409 as compared with 339 fices in Denver and will serve this persons x-rayed each day the first city with three to six flights each week o f the survey. CHILDREN'S BOOKS, originally published at $1 to $2 week east and west. Night flights single copies 39e The unit will be at the Colfax now Connect Denver with San For tots to teenagers— picture books, fairy tales, market, com er of East Colfax and Francisco, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Downing street, Aug. 20 through Kansas City, and New York at air adventure, sports, mysteries, history, M ortv-aries Aug. 25. It will be at Skelton’s “ coach” rates. Service to Seattle biography, playbooks, etc. Entertaining and Dry Goods store Aug. 27 and 28, and Los Angeles is contemplated educational, many in large formats with full • 16th at Boulder # Speer at Sherman # E. Colfax at Magnolia and from Aug. 29 through Sept. 1 in the near future. Transocean color pictures. (under conttmetion) it will be at the Lincoln street en> uses twin-engined, 36-passenger trance of the Sears-Roebuck com­ Martin 202 transports. D5nn D. pany. Plans are being made to Garson (above) formerly of San Books— Street Floor 'W hvn Dvnrvr Shopi wilh Confidtne.'-Klystoi** SUl nave an additional mobile unit Francisco, has been appointed dis­ located at the state capitol Aug. trict traffic and station manager 27, 28, and 29 for the benefit of o f the company, with offices at state employes. Stapleton airfield.


L S i mm i Thursday, August 23, 1951 Office, 938 Bannock Sheet THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE ELEVEN Seeking Glomour? To Make Good Look Better Strange But True By Rev. Robert E. Kekeisen Look for It Hefe THOUGH THE EXPANSIVE WEB of Cath­ ibqhioA kLL olic. schools and colleges in the United States By Rev. John B. Ebel THERE ARE MANY gallant and self-sacri-' makes up a complex and intricate educational ficing, souls in the world, as is evident at this system, one siipple aim can be attributed to all: time of year when hundreds of youths across the To show to each student moraI*good in’ its true land are preparing to enter seminaries and,- Woman's Club on Wrong Track perspective— as better than moral evil. It may seem an unambitious aim merely to brotherhoods, matched in their eagerness only By Paul H. Hallett glands and sex offenses, the incidence pf sex paint good better than evil, but on that principle by the other hundreds of young women who SIMPLE _ANSWERS are attractive; and if crimes would hardly be affected by asexualiza­ is based the moral life o f the human person. A leave home for the convent. There is only one they are sensational they are more than apt to tion. Too many other factors enter into the prob­ study of Catholic philosophy presents the picture difficulty; There should be more! be given immoderate publicity. The Woman’s lem. Instead o f trying to push through the du­ of a free will, with no discerning power of its It has been said that modern youth is blinded Club of Denver was sincere when it demanded bious legislation it proposes the Woman’s Club own, bMndly choosing what rational perception to spiritual things by the artificial glitter of the the “unscxing” of sex offenders as a measure to would have been better occujiied in giving more depicts as the better of.,two choices. Man’s will glamour fostered by movieland, press, and radio. reduce sex crime. But it did not take tne trouble of its attention to the long, hard, but inescapable depends on his intelligence for its course of ac­ It is up to us to reveal to them the much more to determine whether the simple answer in this business of raising the general level of morality tion. When a man is confronted, for example, bright and lasting glamour of a life of self-sacri­ case is the correct one. and removing the many enticements to sin that with the opportunity to do what his conscience fice and service for Christ. Here are persons— Seemingly, the officers of the club had in . are the first part oM he road down wAich the sex priests and religious— really doing things, serving memory some vague impression of the Catholic offender trods. tells him is wrong, the will chooses the wrong others, educating for life, aiding those who need Church’s condemnation of sterilization when they only if tlje intelligence adorns the wrong with aid, and fll in all definitely changing the world said: “ There will be some who will talk about the brighter colors by way of motivation. for the better. What other calling has such high inviolability of the human body, and others will The Bii)le and a Movie The will, of its nature, elects good; it cannot purpose, such meaning, such power? even present religious objections.” Because mod­ elect what is bad. And only if a misinformed or By Ljnus RiORDAjf perturbed intellect makes. evil more desirable IT HAS ALSO BEEN SAID that modern ern society has so largely lost view of man’s, ' WIDE PUBLICITY is being given in news­ youth has not responded because it has not been origin, dignity, and destiny, any opposition to than good can the will desire that -evil. The basic paper and magazine advertising to the movie facts are as simple as that. A demanded of modern youth. Naturally idealistic, the state’s unlimited control o f his body is put David and Bathsheba. The spectacular production OURLAOX youth will certainly respond to the highest ideals into the category of “the religious,” with the THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL, teaching as it has already caused much comment in the cities does the nature of God, and man’s relation to brtUianHtj tUumuuxUd. air if they are properly presented. It was said implication that “ the religious” has nothing to where it has been shown. for years that American youth was not at­ God, gives the student the proper motivation in tuaWr.sbatuls ‘^OOjeet do with making life liveable. ' The story concerns King David and his in- tracted to the Trappist life, that such sacrifices the pursuit of moral good. A normal Catholic oho^ tivc CHIUAN CAPITAL. AS A MATTER OF FACT, no Catholic au­ trig;ue with Bathsheba, the viife of Uriah the Hit- pupil sees evil in its basic ugliness because that r SANTIAGO. and hardships were not suited to the American thority has ever condemned the “unsexing” of tite. Although the film is taken partly from the nature, that Americans enjoyed life too much. is what he is taught. And so when he is tempted grave offenders as a punishment. Since for a Second Book of (Second Book of Kings), Then American youth finally discovered _ the to do wrong, he will have a better chance of proportionate crime the state can take away life it must never be forgotten that the interpretation Trappists— and they are swamped with vocations. choosing the good course of action, because the it can, for a proportionate crime, also take away o f the play is the work of Philip- Dunne, who The same was said of U. S. youth and the foreign good looks better to his intellect than the evil. a member of his Jaody. Does the Wbman’s Club wrote the screenplay. This is an important point. missions. But once acquainted with the need, A person who is deeply imbued with correct want this as a punishment? In one place o f the Alpiough the movie is based on a Biblical inci­ American youth responded with all the light­ moral principles is obviously more likely to be resolution it seems to say this, but in other place? dent, the film David and Bathsheba is the brain hearted courage and self-sacrifice character­ an upright citizen, an industrious -worker, and a it apparently regards the sex criminal as unable child of Philip Dunne. No one, therefore, should istic of their pioneer forefathers in the winning faithful spouse than is one who had no opportu­ to control his acts, and it recommends “ unsex­ think of the movie as the complete Biblical ac­ of the West. nity to learn about right and wrong. The mere ing” as a means of incapacitating the delinquent count o f the life of David and Bathsheba. It is The great opportunity for ^If-sacrifice, for knowledge of right and wrong, however, possessed >' A n h e r b a r i u m with 6 0 0 0 COtORED ORAWINfiS IN from repeating his offense. If “unsexing” is an important distinction. Only a few facts have service, for a really meaningful life work is there fundamentally by all, will not insure righteous­ MADRID BOTANi#

A Offiet, 938 lannock SfTMf THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN / Thunday, August 23, 1951 Colorado Sprinqs Couple Jubilarions Denverites Exchange Vows Tenth Annual Silver Dollar Benefit Mr. a n d Mrs. CJolorado Spring!. — Mr. and son, Jerry. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sherman William Frank Mrs. Steph«n Langdon 'will hold Robert Hastings, Jr., will return will be honored Sunday, Aug. 26, are pictured fol- Set for Pike's Peak Region Aug. 31 open house starting at 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26, after a month at a family dinner in the home of lo'wing their mar­ in Carmel, Calif. He plans to leave Mrs. Sherman’s parents, Mr. and Tuesday, Aug. 28, in their home. riage at St. John Mrs. Joseph Sziich, Mr. and Mrs. early in September for Lincoln, Mrs. David Wilson, on the occa­ Colorado Springs.— (Sa­ Aug. 31, in the new 'VFW building, The Langdons are observing their the Evangelist’s William Vandenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Neb., where he will attend the sion of their fifth wedding anni­ cred Heart Parish)— The an­ N. Cascade avenue. 25th wedding anniversary. church, D en ver, John Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A guest o f Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. University of Nebraska. versary. July 29. Mrs. nual Silver Dollar Benefit The Silver-Dollar dance, an an­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dietz will Marian Wichman Marries nual social event for the past 10 Cusack, Mr. a n d Mrs. Edward McCullough, Sr., Mrs. Frances Frank is the for- dance and social sponsored by Smithlin, Mr. and Mrs. James Ci- Rine, sister of Mr. McCullough, entertain a group of 20 at a buf­ m e r Therese years in the Pike^ Peak region, Williom G. Crandall Sacred Heart, Lady of Per­ mino, Mt . and Mrs. Edward left Aug. 20 for her home in fet supper in their home Saturday, Sweeney, daugh­ has been patronized by hundreds Miss Marian Frances Wichman, petual Help, and Holy Rosary Chonka, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rogers, Tucson, Ariz. Aug. 25, to honor Mrs. Dietz’s daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Harry ter of Mr. and of parishioners and guests. The brother, the Rev. Robert Barak, of guilds will be held Friday evening, Rev. Joseph Kane, O.M.I., heads Mr. and Mrs. John Sherbak, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mueller ■Wichman, became' the bride of Mrs. James J. and Mrs. Joseph Rockers, Mr. and have named their son Michael Chicago, who is en route to Cali­ William G. Crandall, son of Dr. Sweeney, 556 St. the committees for the benefit. fornia for a month’s vacation. Mrs. Joseph Sand, Mr. and Mrs. John. The couple have another and Mrs. William G. Crandall, Paul street. Wil-1 Invitations have been sent William Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Vin­ Aug. 4 in St. Mary’s church. Mon­ liam Frank, son the officers and enlisted men 0^ cent Micbi, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard signor William Kelly witnessed the of Mr. and Mrs. Janice O'Brien the region and their guests. Ray Cheslock, Mr. and Mrs. William Kranz and his orchestra will play ceremony. The bride was given Matthew F ra n k Kocina, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rie- in marriage by her father. Miss of 3629 Zuni for the dancing. chert, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van Dorothy Lierz of Pueblo was maid street, is a gradu­ The evening’s entertainment will Dyke, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vidmar, of honor. Mrs. Viola Wichman Becomes Bride ate of Cathedral offer a large dancing party, spec­ Mr. and Mrs. Orville Trainor, Mr. and Mrs. Dorothy Wichman were ^ Colorado Springs high school. Mrs. ial entertainment, novelties, and and Mrs. Al Densmore, Mr. and I bridesmaids. Regis V. Wichman Florence R anke refreshments. Mrs. William Logue; and John Mc- was best man, and ushers were w a s maid of Of James West The Silver Dollar awards to be Grady, George Proffitt, Harold Maurice Wichman and Leonard honor, a n d Mrs. Wichman. Following the ceremony given at the pgrty include a Sun­ Cusack, Joseph Graham, John Geraldine Haupt-' Brighton. --- (St. Augustine’s beam Mixmaster, silver service for Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Austin, dinner was held in the Candle Parish)— Miss Janice O’Brien, man was brides­ eight, women’s and men’s wrist Lawrence Strauch, and Joseph light inn. After a wedding trip daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J." L. MAY REALTY maid. Best m a n watches, hams, and other gifts. Lacey. Glenwood Springs and Grand was Donald E. O'Brien o f Brighton, became the The Brown School o f Dancing will The sodality guilds participa­ Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Crandall are Cullen. Donald R. bride of James E. West, son of present specialty dances by mem­ ting in the Silver Dollar dance R E A L T O R making their home in Colorado Hauptman, Rob­ Mr. and Mrs. William D. West of bers of the school and by mem­ committees under the presidents, Springs. ert Scheldt, a n d Barr Lake, in St. Augustine’s bers of the OYC youth club. There Mrs. William Cox and Miss Alice Miss Mary Murray left Aug. 20 William Burke church Aug. 18. The double-ring INSURANCE • LOANS will be two hours of dancing fol­ McCurdy, will include Mrs. Jesse for Kansas City, Mo;, where she were ushers. The ceremony preceded a Nuptial High lowed by a short intermission, for Perkins, Mrs. P. J. Kaler, Mrs. will visit two weeks with Mrs. Ce Rt. Rev. Monsignor John P. Moran, pastor of St. John’s, officiated at Mass. The Rev. Roy Figlino of­ ficiated. the entertainment and the annual Nora Huff, Mrs. Arnold LaFeve, cile Walters and Miss Sarah Hau the ceremony.— (Photo by Smyth) Ute Theater Bldg. her, ■frequent visitors to Colorado Miss Marie O’Brien of Dexter, awards at 11 p.m. Dancing will be Mrs. Lawrence Strauch, Mrs. H. Springs. la., sang an “ Ave Maria” and open to the public. Patrons and Knowles, Mrs. E. Ehrlich, Mrs. Colorado Springs, Colo. “ Mother, At Your Feet Is friends o f the building fund bene­ Charles Seeberger, Mr^. Joseph Janice Kloer Marries ACCN of Colorado Springs Kneeling.” fit are invited to attend. Lacey, Mrs. J. LaCamera, Mrs. ‘ MAIN 1898 Walter W. Gillette The bride was given in marriage Tickets for tha annual Silver John Sherbak, Mrs. F. Todaro, Mrs. George Bohrson, Mrs. John ■■I. I ■’ Miss Janice Helen Kloer, daugh To Hold El Pomar Retreat by her father. She was attended Dollar dance are available at ter o f Mr. and Mrs. William Kloer, by Miss Joan Wagy, maid of honor, Sacred Heart rectory, th e Pitts, Mrs. E. R. Smithlin, Mrs. Anna Maestas, Mrs. F. Torgen^^ became the bride of Walter Wil­ Colorado Springs. — (Archdiocesan Council of Catholic and by Miss Mary Jane Hoffman “ Pike’s Peak Journal,” Manitou THE MURRAY DRUG CO. WILLIAM C. CRARON liam Gillette, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Nurses)— The Colorado Springs chapter, ACCN, will hold a pot- and Miss Beverly Campbell, brides­ Springs, from Mrs. Lucille San­ rude, Mrs. A. E. Van Malder, Mrs. Walter Gillette, Aug. 10 before a luck supper and hobby exhibit in Margaret Reed gymnasium at maids. Larry O’Brien, brother of born, Cascade post office; and J. Graccio, Misses Nora Sullivan, ■til S. BAI» AA* Optometrist Nuptial Mass in St. Mary’s church. 5:30 p.m. Tuesday evening. Sept. 11. Members are asked to bring the bride, was best man, and Rich­ Saidy’a linen shop; and 1 E. Nellie Sullivan, Vernie Murphy, iwtb 5 t « —8J2 «. tilw—«*l» Monsignor William J. Kelly wit­ one dish and to pay 50 cents for each guest. ard Stinnett and Chet Congdon Pike’s ' Peak. Tickets will be Madeline Schaffer, Alice Murphy, Professional Pharmacy 111 North Ttjoa S t nessed the ceremony. Mrs. Bar­ The*annual retreat for the ACCN will be held at El Pomar, were ushers. Jack O’Brien and mailed to patrons who phone Frances Graham, Mrs. Theresa PHONB MAIN MIS Dale West were junior ushers. bara Thomas, sister o f the bride, Broadmoor, starting at 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21, and ending on Mrs. Lucille Cox, MAin 5333-W Graham, Mary Ferris, Nellie Fer­ No. Tojon MAia 1088 Carol Jean Davidson was flower SOI COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. was matron of honor. The best Sunday evening. Sept. 23. Room accommodations will be assigned or Mrs. Marie Kaler, MAin ris, Mrs. Vern Hake, Mrs. Gilbert man was Bertrand Thomas, and girl, and Gary O’Brien was ring- Hesse, Mrs. Betty 'Veit, Mrs. Ar­ in the order in which reservations are made. Sixty-five retreatants 9591. Patrons are requested to William Esch was usher. A recep­ bearer. nold Shupe, Mrs. J. S. Nichols, h .can be accommodated. The customary offering for the retreat is get their tickets early because Get Bourns (o f Denver) PETE BEROM tion was held in the home o f the Immediately following the cere­ Mrs. Berfiard Hesse, Mrs. Law­ $12.50 and the customary offering for one day is $6.25. All appli­ of limited apace at the VFW Candy and Ice Cream at bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gil­ mony a reception was held in the ^FURM IURE s h o p ; cations must be returned not later than Sept. 17. building. rence Smith, Mrs. Catherine , UPHOLSTERING. ^ lette will make their home in Bi­ parish hall. O’Connell, Mrs. Thomas Higgins, Johnson-English ' RE-UPHOLSTERING AND loxi, Miss. The bridegroom is now After a short wedding trip to The members o f the Silver Dol­ Mrs. Nick Sanborn, Mrs. Frank y REPAIRING Buffalo, Colo., the couple will re­ lar committee under the direction . Slip CoTcro ond Dropotln with the U.S. army air forces at Cusack, Mrs. Joseph Engler, Miss Drug Co. ’ Hod* to Order Keesler field, Biloxi, Miss. side at 519 E. Babb street, Okla­ of Father Kane will include Mr. Netta Nichols, Miss Sada Shabouh, October T I, 28 Are Dates homa City, Okla. LENTHERIC Toiletries t Fnmitare Hade to Order Mrs. Pauline Anderson o f Holly­ and Mrs. James Riley, Mr. and and Mrs. Joseph Shabouh. . wood, Calif., arrived by plane T.J.B »t Bl|«» S t______Phon. lie s tZM l Bo. Wohutcb Ato. UAhi SISH Columban Priest Aug. 17 to visit her cousin, Mrs. The Heyse Sheet “ If Your Needs Are Electrieel G. Killian La Mothe. For Louisville Fall Bazaar Speaks for Missions Metal and Roofing On Sunday, Aug. 19, the Rev. Call Main 939" Maurice Quinn, S.S.C., offered the INCORPORATED Mt. St. Vincent’s Unit Louisville.— The St. Louis par­ considered one of the big affairs WIRING—FUTURES AND REPAIRS and 8 o’clock Masses and spoke HEATING ROOFING ish annual fall bazaar wil be held of the community and anticipated SHEET METAL Thanks Benefit Patrons Oct. 27 and 28 this year. The as a homecoming for the town at all the Masses on the foreign Berwick Electric Co. missions and the St. Columban S » SO. NEVADA St. Cecilia’s sewing group of St. dates fall on the last week end in and friends o f the parish. The din­ J. D. BERWICK Phono t MAIa 111 Vincent’s home, Denver, ■ thanks October as has been customary in ner will be served in the church Foreign Mission society in partic­ Colorado Bprlnf*. Colopmda ular. Hot IMS ail who donated their time and past years. The bazaar will be held basement. money to make the card party in the basement o f the school The Spanish bazaar was held On display will 'be a four- on the parish grounds the nights ^ ZECHA & ADAMS held recently a success. Special house, which has been prepared piece bedroom suite donated by thanks is tendered especially to for use this summer. of Aug. 18, 19, and 20, A ^ Conoco Service Station J. J. Steinbaugh and Toney 'W. variety of games and awards Aley Drug Co. ► the business firms that donated A big chicken dinner, discon- La . Salle, Louisville furniture prizes and merchandise to this drew a large crowd. PRESCRIPTION ► ijinued for the past three years, dealers. Another display, pre­ worthy cause. > will again be served. This was long Mr. Peter Bollig is a patient in ► sented by Oscar and Joseph Beau- St. Joseph’s hospital. DRUGGISTS prez, will be a 450-pound calf. ► LEGAL NOTICE Phon. Mtln 25* US So. T*Jaa BL ► NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Some work has been done by COLORADO SPRINGS No. 8I70S Evergreen Women the advance soliciting committees ^ N .T .S . At., at Caeh. la PoaSra ESTATE OF B. C. HOUGH, DECEASED. NoUeo ii hirtby dT«n tlict on tho 4th with the hope that an early start day o t September, 1951, I will preaent to will make for a bigger and better Annual Picnic tha County Court of the City and County Elect New Officers bazaar. This will be St. Louis’ BUCK SPORTING of Danver, Colorado, my aecoonta for FINAL S i^ L E H E N T of the adminiatra- 16th annual affair. tion of aaid aatatc whan and whtro all Evergreen.— The women o f the The opening of school will parsona In Interaat may appaar and objact Supper Held by GOODS CO. Altar and Rosary society o f Christ take place Tuesday, Sept. 4, with to them if they ao dealrt. the King mission at Evergreen laarT th lB i lar Erary Bpart" B. C. HILLIARD, Jr.. Sister M. Lusina teaching the Phone Main 9S0 Adminlatrator d.b.n. met in the home of Miss Margaret sixth, seventh, and eighth Jennings Aug. 16. A dsSsert-lunch 19 NO. TEJON ST. Firat insertion, July 21, 1951 grades; Sister M. Renilde teach­ Boulder Knights Last insertion, August 29, 1951 was followed by a business meet­ ing the fourth and fifth grades PUBLIC SALE OF P 2 ctns. glssawsra ing in which these new officers and supervising music and sing­ Boulder.— On Aug. 15, the mem­ etn. fibre glass sir filler UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Q were elected; President, Mrs. Mar­ ing for all the grades; and Sister bers of the Boulder K. of C. council 1 ctn. paper cups tin Grabfan; vice president, Mrs. BY R Mary Joan teaching the first, and their families enjoyed a picnic 1 pkg. auto gear J. J. Murphy; secretary. Miss Mae supper at Buckingham park in Left THE DENVER A RIO GRANDE Rosen Furniture Co., Denver, Colo., 18 1 bdlf twine second, and third grades. Sister Francis; and treasurer, Mrs. J. J. I > WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY chairs. Begone, Edith, Oak Creek, Colo., 2 etna, chain M. Eugene will again be in Hand canon, near Boulder. This an­ 1 bag gypsum and 1 bag alum. Ripley, R., etn. paper cans Hagan. nual event was attended by more RIO GRANDE MOTOR WAY, INC. charge of the household and Farmington, New Mexico, 1 bdl. bed rails. 1 water plug The Rev. Albert Puhl gave a 7 etna, food eontainan cooking. than 150 persons. The location is Notica is hereby given that Th# Denver short talk at the meeting. Mrs. a new one for this event and turned A Rio Grande Weatem Railroad Company, 3 1 bag rock wool Registration for school will be 1 bdl. copper wire a A. M. Hetz became a new member out to be completely satisfactory and Rio Grande Motor Way, Inc., common Shaffer, Fred, Alamosa, Colo., 1 ctn. held Wednesday, Aug. 29 from carriers of freight and paaaangera for hira, alnmimun paint. Scoggins. Al., Steamboat 1 steel easting of the society. Twelve women for convenience in both parking 1 bdl. moulding will sell tha goods and property herein­ Springs, Colo., 2 etna., 1 trunk and 1 box 9 to 12 a.m. 2 bdla. ateel were present ab the meeting. and serving. after described at public auction to tha household goods. Soaah, L E„ Steamboat Next Saturday, Aug. 25, will be Grand Knight Tom Hagerty’s highest bidder for cash at its salvage Springs, Colo., 1 empty animal crate. 1 etn. sprayer LEGAL NOTICE 1 bdl. pipe depot. 1671 ISth street, Denver, Colorado, Shepards Market, Alma, Colo. 1 ctn. book NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT the feast o f the patron of the par­ committee for this affair included 1 wheel wnneh commencing at 9 :80 o'clock a.m. Monday, safety matehea. Stevens Chevrolet Go., No. 90101 ish, Stt Louis, and there will be a John Reinert and James Mooney, August 27. 1961, and continuing from day Steamboat Springs, Colo., 1 box int. comb, 1 table ESTATE OF HENRY J. HEALY, Sales Service 1 bdl. pipe High Ms^ss sung in his honor at 7 eochairmen, assisted by John to day until all of aaid proparty, or suf­ auto angina and 1 ctn. parts. DECEASED o’clock. '■ ■ ficient thereof to pay chargas, is sold. I 2 boxes f i n brick Notica is hereby given that on the 4th Spreitzer, James Neeson, Leo Lae- Said property either has not bean aeeapted, T 2 pea. soil pipe day of September, 1951, I will preaent ser, and Joe Morrato. After the 2 ctns. tils The Knights of St. John will re­ taken away and charges thereon paid by Turner, C. R., Antonito, Colo., 1 bag to the County Court of the City end ceive Holy Communion in a body supper, the Rev. Edward Vollmer, Ables-Hem phill the conelgneea or persona authoriiad to re­ 2 ctns. tomato juiea County ot Denver, Colorado, my accounts saw mill parts. Taguc Bulldera Supply, 1 clutch aaaembly in the 7 o’clock Mass Sunday, O.S.B., led the group in community UPOA n - i f ___ M. n o OI7C- ceive the aarae within ninety days after Vamal, Utah, 1 crate Neon sign. ' for FINAL SETTLEMENT of the adminis­ 3520 East Colfax FR. 2761' arrival at place of consignment, or has I oxygen tank tration of said estate when and where Aug. 26, in honor of St. Louis. singing. been left with said company to await ship­ U 1 etn. wire trays all persons in interest may appear and Their monthly meeting will be ment without any shipping inatructions 1 quart varniih object to them if they so desire. Social Slated PACKARD HEADQUARTERS Urquhart Sarvice Co., Denver, Colo., 1 1 etn. dafroater boas held Tuesday evening at 7:30 in being given or shipment being made for box chlorlnator. THOMAS M. -gMITH ninety days, and has remained In poasaa- 1 pc. pipe Executor the church basement. For Sept. 19 V 1 chute aion of the aforesaid company, unclaimed First insertion, July 26, 1951 2 etna, juices The grand knight announced Sales & for more than ninety days from the time Last insertion, August 23, 1951 thatzhe nexf social on the calen­ of arrival at the points of eonsignntent ctn. bMka De Soto-Plymouth or from the time of its delivery to aaid Welch Induitries, Colorado Springs, 1 pe. plow NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT der for the council would be Service company for shipment. Colo., 2 easaa Anti Fraers. Western Sani­ 1 bdl. machine parts AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP Wednesday evening, Sept. 19. tary Supply Co„ Colorado Springs, Colo., 2 pcs. pipe ESTATE OF FRANK J. KNOPKE. All of aaid property or as much thereof 2 etna, cleaning compound, wax and mops 1 ctn. tub. ell 25 Happy Years At that time an electric razor, , DECEASED. No. 878S3. ss may be necessary, will be sold to pay and 1 bdl. handles. Warren, Harold, Dil­ All Late Model Used Cars 1 ctn. achool supplies Notica is hereby given that on the 18th an electric roaster, and a bicycle freight, back charges, storage, handling lon, Montana, 1 rug pad. Wilion Texaco crate over head door parts day of September. 1951, 1 'wiU preeent to will be displayed for the coun­ and cost of removing same to place of sale. Settee, Maryavale, Utah, 1 bag plaster. 1 ctn. mirror Carry 5,000 Mile Guarantee Wayne Motor Co., Price, Utah, 1 water the County Court of the City and County cil’s charity fund. DENVER A RIO GRANDE 1 ctn. paint of Denver, Colorado, my accounts for final Factory Trained Mechanics on All Chrysler Made Cars heater. 1 etn, paint Are Noted by A complete schedule of socials WESTERN RAIROAD COMPANY settlement of the adminiatration of said RIO GRANDE MOTOR WAY, INC. 1 ctn. glider eatate, when and where all persona in will be drawn up by the officers 1 ctn. switch boxaa ntereat may appear and object to them, for the coming year and presented L. F. DICKINSON, 1 pe. maehina part Freight Claim Agent. if thay ao desire. to the council for approval on the GRIFFITH MOTORS, Inc. 2 cans wax and soap temovar , Notice is also hereby given that there Nun in Boulder 1 ctn. drugs next regular meeting night. Sept. bale bags has been filed in said estate a petition ask­ 2770 N o. Speer B ird . G R . 3313 NO MARKS ing for a judicial ascertainment and 5. 1 ctn. wall signs ' South Boulder.— (Sacred Heart 2 etna, paper cups determination of the heirs of such deceased, On Aug. 5, some 300 parishioners B 1 ctn. folding laundry basket 86 etna, paper cups and setting forth thzt the namee. addreaaea of Mary Parish)— The annual re­ Bate, L. E., South Fork. Colo., 1 etn. 1 pkg. Dutch oven made four visits to the Sacred 1 etn, end. spaghetti with meat balls and relationship of all persons, who are Venetian blinds. Buebannon, Robert, e/o 2 etna, electric beaten treat o f the Benedictine Sisters of Heart church and the Newman 1 ctn. toys or claim to be heirs of aaid deceased, ao Notional Auto Body & Radiator Co. Montgomery Ward A Co., Denver, Colo., 1 ctn. light fixtures chapel in a Holy Year pilgrimage ctn. household goods. Begay, Joa S-, e/o 4 etna, tools far as known to the petitioner, are as St. Walburga’s convent ended on FRANK J. NASTLEY, Member St, Frzncif do Sileo Porioh 1 saw 1 case eigarattea Moab Transportation Co., Farmington, 1 cheat follows, to-wit; festive note Aug. 14. Sister for the indulgences, led by the RADIATORS, BODIES, HOODS AND FENDERS New Mexico, 1 bdt. tires. 2 shovels Francis J. Knopke, also known as Roch Rev. Paul Fife, O.S.B. The Boulder 1 box tools 5 pea. harrow avanen with cable REPAIRED AND MANUFACTURED 1 crib and play yard Francis Knopke, O.F.M., St. ’s Blandina celebrated the comple­ Fourth Degree sponsored this C J bdl w in baskets College, St. Bonaventure, New York, Son; Repairing Wrecka a Specialty Quality Painting 1 ctn. end. tortillas 1 length lumber tion o f 25 fruitful years in the event and made arrangements for Carpenter, B. S., San Luis, Colo., 1 etn. paper eupe Joseph C. Knopke, 355 Brannon Street, pails paint. Central Chevrolet Wrecking 1 ctn. tinael San Francisco 7, California, Son: Helen religious life, and renewed her a police escort. The procession and Phone TA. 2918 12 E. 8th Ave. 1 etn, trays 1 bdl. rollen l^rd. Delta, Colo., 1 pe. engine part. 1 roll wrapping paper R. McDonald. 637 Circle Drive West, Cody, profession in a private ceremony turnout were most edifying. 1 etn. clothes hamper Wyoming, Daughter; John P. Knopke, also D 1 pc. copper pipe 1 bdl. auto seat atetl at the end o f the retreat. She had 1 bdl. onion lacks known as Kenneth Anthony Knopke, Delta Farm Supply Co., Delta, Colo., 1 1 ctn, earthenware O.F.M., Padres Franciscanos Catalao, Est requested that all preview recog. 1 box bed ends . ILETFlMGIiMAEIUM Joe Buckmoster Motors bdl. spud digger and 1 pe. bdl. shovel, 1 bdl, binders de Goiaa, Brtizil, Son; Florentine A. nition o f this importapt event be Diamond Market, Price, Utah, 8 bdla. seal' 1 bdl. bed rails 1 ctn. adjuateble ateel posts ()dembor S t Vineont de PznI Parish) 1 etn, auto parts Cronin, 4686 Beach Court, Denver. Colo­ kept within the confines o f “ the PARTS ing tape. Don's Service. Fairviaw, Utah, 1 ctn. oil rado. Daughter: Theodora M. Knopke, 949 W/VD Expert Auto Repairing 1 tranamiasion case. 1 ctn, paper cups 1 etn. display racks family” o f her sisters in religion, 8 pcs. steel Ninth Street, Denver. Colorado, Daughter; REPAIRY«(AR 1 bdl. paper bags Albertina M. Knopke. 949 Ninth Street. and her wishes were respected. SERVICE MOTOR ANALYSIS AND TUNE-UP E 1 sack fertiliser 2 pet. pipe CHRYBUR-fCVNUXITH' _ 1 pc. conduit Denver, Colorado. Wife. The abbey sisters joined th# South Ex-O-Lite, Inc., c/o Lemar Davis, Salt 1 pkg. legs for Bollywood bed AOcordingiy, notice is also hereby given uprornr M iforoR CA LUBRICATION — WASHING — SKELLY GAS AND OILS Lake City, Utah, 1 sack ore ^mple. 2 bars ateel 1 bdl. handles for power mower Boulder community for their an­ 4 pci. 8. H, toil pipe that upon the date aforesaid, or the day to East Bayaud jand So. Madison FR. 8711 1 ctn. lamp bnlba which the hearing may be continued, the nual spiritual exercises conducted 1908 BROADWAY CH.5M 6 F 2 doll cribs 1 braekst for auto bumper 8 boxes light fixtures Court will proceed to receive and bear this year by the Rev. Gerard Frederick, ^Cerl., Craig, Colo., 5 etna, 1 gas burner proofs concerning the heirs of such de­ 2 bags crushed rock 1 crate stone Goetz, O.S.B., novice master of machinery, 1 flywheel, 4 bdla, legs and ceased, an^ upon the proofs submitted, 1 ctn, paint applicator! 2 ctns. toy! DODGE-PLYMOUTH OWNERS frames. will enter a decree in aaid estate de­ Holy Cross abbey. G 1 bdl, mop handka 1 pc. reinforesmint ttetl 1 pe. Steel pipe 1 rail cable termining who are the heirs of such de­ In order to give proper recog­ H 1 ctn, facial soap 1 box macaroni ceased t>enon, at which hearing all persons nition to the Feast of the As­ EXGIXE TEXE-EP Hopkins, Gpl. Richard E., Grand Junc­ 1 etn. paint 8 ctns. end. soup T claiming to be heira at law of such deceased tion, Colo., 1 foot locker personal affeeta. 1 pe. faucet 1 eta. paint pete ] may appear and present their proofs. sumption of Our Lady, Misses A BinpU **tone-Qp'* h j onr triined mechanics costs surprisingly little, yet. Howell. Ross, Denver, Colo., 1 ctn. cloth' 1 mixar 1 etn. Scotch tape ALBERTINA M. KNOPKE, Mary and Alice Ciyncke an­ assures quicker starting faster pick > up smoother performance and greater ing. Hutchinson, 8. E., Cortes, Colo., 1 1 refrigerator unit 1 tea plate for apsrtaant tiaa rangt Administratrix nounced to the pastor the dona­ economy. etn. lub oil and 2 palls grease. 1 box nrabrallaa 2 ctns. adrertislng matter Firat publication, Augiut 2, 1961.' tion of a new altar Missal. The 1 Roll-A-Way bad and mattresg 1 manora spraader Last publication, August 30, 1951. I 1 pe. pipe 1 etn. radio battery gift of a new Missal fulfills a JAMES MOTOR CO. International Harvester Co., Durango, 1 etn. book matebai 1 etn. end. chill long felt want, particularly in 1 auto taOpipa 1278 Dodge A Plymouth Sales & Service- KE. 8221 Colo., 1 bdl. axles. 1 ctn. glue view of the new feasts of recent Lincoln 1 etn. fittings 1 ease gingcrale 1 tirs 8 etna, toys years. I cans syrup 1 bdl. chain AURORA Jepaen, A. R., Pueblo, Colo., 10 boxes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pancost 1 etn, fibreboard 1 bag implamsnt parts household goods. Jensen, Ted, Denver, will celebrate their golden wedding 1 pe. ateel 1 rail wira Colo., 2 crates household goods. Jockey 1 ctn. stove pipa 2 pcs. steal machine parte anniversary Aug. 26 in their home, Club Cafe, Durango, Colo., 1 drum soap 4 school desks 1 bale cotton bags route 1, Boulder. Mrs. Paacost, the and 1 bdl. brooms. 1 tire 1 bdl. th r^ old s PURSE BROS. former Catherine Magee, was bom 1 pc. window aaah . 2 tubas aluminum 1 bag dried molaeeei * 1 bdl. welding rode in Tama City, la., and moved to 4 auto riitu 1 bdl, galv. iron GROCERY & MARKET Boulder county in her youth. Mr. 1 rail roofing Lambert, W. H., Saguache, Colo., 1 pe. machine part Pancost is a native of Colorado 1 bdl. fork In d ies GBOCERIES - HEATS - FRUITS waah tub. Lott, M. S,, Lehi, Utah, 180 1 bag insulation and a well-known farmer in the 8 etna, household goods 1 tali asbestos insuiition VEGETABLBS pails roofing camant. 1 etn. ditpiay rack county. He wa* received into the 1 ctn. paint mixer ITII last Calftz Are, Ph. A aron 82! M 2 etna, heater fans , 3 boxta adrartising matter Church at Eastertide. 1 etn. ntllitx bars and bracketl 1 steel beam Morland, L. 0 „ Durango, Colo., 1 kag 1 tabla 1 pc. galv. pipa and 1 etn. cement and 1 etn. cloth. Mc­ 1 bdl. comer poaii 2 pcs, pipa Donalds Floral Shoppe, Denver, Colo., 1 jack _ 1 bdl. coal tongs and pokar ' BEST PLACE IN TOWN FOR etna, candles. McNamara, H., Grand Junc­ 1 bdl. draw ban 1 etn. books tion, Colo., 4 suitcaaaa panonal affeeta. 8 trailer hitehea 1 pe. flat mstal UNCOLN-MERCURY SERVICE 1 gas can 1 sack soil pipe fittings • DR. JOHN R. COYLE We Wf “ Uaeoln-lleiMiT Heidqratteii.” O n m c^ke. mtei hter-wln*. hetorw 1 bdl. woven wire 1 crate boiler pipe dmltiied te.lni at. knov ran cw tasMe l a ! rat u * u . cetdr I. icrfke It qeleUr Nelson Brothers, Craig, Colo„ 1 box 1 bdL bad/rails and alats •m t. thenerhlT.fwiwteaaaje BCO 00 tOdST . • , u 4 em v tUcte S e n . . . (er eemolcte ibeebip primed matter. Nelson, Sam, Poablo, 1 etn, bandagaa 1 crate motor (auto) u t Moemarytm a m tt ■atntenance b — ------asA, )» Colo., 1 ctn. bench saw. .1 door aaaembly / 1 bdL paper OPTOMETRIST 1 water cloaat tank THE KUMPF MOTOR CAR CO. 1 PC. steal easting 4 etna. Sugar cure salt i m AXP AGOMA ALpiM « e u O'Neals Applianct A FumitUM Co., Dao- 1 brass bstriag 1 bag gaakato ’ 9355 E.COLFAX'AURORA 1204 var, Colo., 1 ciata mirror. 1 pkg. radiator has* 1 ate. enndr F

PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 936 Bannock Street THE OENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitene 4205 Thuridoy, August 23, 1951 T I / - I Kelly-Morrissey Wedding Rite Is Held St. Anthony's Circle Leader I I 3 New Teachers I H omemaker’s I (Bleaaed Sacrament Parish, Neb., was made in a princess style ried an old-fashioned nosegay. Moves to Parish in Derby I I Denver) with a Cathedral train. The yoke, The bridegroom, who is the son (St. Apthony’s Parish, Westwood) Mr. ai^ Mrs. P. H. Gerlets and Are Assigned to In a double-ring ceremony Aug. sleeves, and a fan-shaped panel of Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Kelly, I Mr. and Mrs. Jensen have moved children ^are on a vacatipn in Cali­ Department I down the front of the skirt were was attended by his brother, Wil­ 18, marriage vows were exchanged from St. Anthony’s and are now I I of French imported Chantilly lace. liam F. Kelly, as best man, and the fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schuster Patronise These Reliable and Friendly Firms by Miss Patricia M. Morrissey and members of St. Catherine’s parish I I Her heirloom veil of tulle and rose- ushers included Curtis Clark, and sons, Bruce and Raymond, are Bernard Stephen Kelly, prior to a in Derby. .Mrs. Jensen was the ■dl St. John's School Nuptial Mass celebrated by the Rt. point, belonging to her aunt, Mrs. Charles Jeffers, Frank Day, and vacationing in Iowa. chairman of St. Anthony’^ circle. R. J. Fordham of Pelham Manor, A. Bruce Awenius. The Altar and Rotary society (St. John’d Pariah, DenveV) Rev. Monsignor ■ Harold V. Camp-^ ,bell. N.Y., was made in an Ursuline con­ The soloist, James L. EitemiL Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sole and is sponsoring a card party at Three new sisters have been as-. The bride, daughter of Mr. and vent in Ireland 40 years ago. She ler, was accompanied by Miss daughter, Anita of Lindsborg, Public Serrice institute, Friday, Bacon & Schramm signed to St. John’s school. They J. A. Jolinson4^ Son Mrs. Thomas J.- Morrissey, was carried white orchids. ' Claire O’Keefe at the organ. Kans., were visitors in the A1 Sole Sept. 7, at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are Sister Georgine, Sister Marie Established 35 Years given in marriage by her father. " Miss Kathryn Morrissey, her sis­ A wedding reception at the Top home the past week. are 50 cents and-may be secured COMPOSITION ROOFING Dolores, and Sister Ruth Marie. Her bridal gown of ivory Duchesse ter’s only attendant, wore a bal- of the Park followed the cere­ Mr. and Mrs. Willis Harvey and from Mrs. Nider. TILE ROOFING • Gutters • Sheet Metal Sister has Wen lerina-lengfth