Extract from the National Native Title Register
Extract from the National Native Title Register Determination Information: Determination Reference: Federal Court Number(s): QUD6021/2001 NNTT Number: QCD2005/002 Determination Name: Victor Nona, John Whop, Pili Waigana, Nelson Gibuma & Phillip Bigie on behalf of the Saibai, Dauan, Mabuiag, Badu & Boigu Peoples v The State of Queensland Date(s) of Effect: 15/08/2005 Determination Outcome: Native title exists in the entire determination area Register Extract (pursuant to s. 193 of the Native Title Act 1993) Determination Date: 15/08/2005 Determining Body: Federal Court of Australia ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Not Applicable REGISTERED NATIVE TITLE BODY CORPORATE: Maluilgal (Torres Strait Islanders) Corporation RNTBC Trustee Body Corporate C/-Badu Island Community Office Badu Island via, THURSDAY ISLAND QLD 4875 Note: current contact details for the Registered Native Title Body Corporate are available from the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations www.oric.gov.au COMMON LAW HOLDER(S) OF NATIVE TITLE: The Saibai, Dauan, Mabuiag, Badu and Boigu peoples, being: (a) the descendants of one or more of the following apical ancestors: Au, Sapal, Ausi Waria, Maigi, Apaga, Panetha, Ganume, Aki, Nadai, Gumaroo, Anu, Tom Ober, Gebadi, Sigai, Migui, Piapi, Sam, Zaber, Dawaoo, Asse, Whap, Goa, Madua, Jawai and Garmai, Siwia and Seik, Saba, Naiama and Boingan, Peid, Maku, Bari and Pitu, Getawan, Sagul, Uria, Baira, Inor, Zimoia, Newar, Sagigi, Jawa, Wairu, Paipe, Waria, Kamui, Mabua, Laza, Gainab, Zaua, Walit, Namagoin, Alageda, Mariget, Bazi, Ugarie, Karud, Duawadi, Gizu, Aupau, Zarzar, Mau, Umai, Gabai, Tabu, Nadai, Agirri, Abai, Daleku, Ganagi, Gibuma and Namai; and National Native Title Tribunal Page 1 of 3 Extract from the National Native Title Register QCD2005/002 (b) Torres Strait Islanders who have been adopted by the above people in accordance with the traditional laws acknowledged and traditional customs observed by those people.
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