The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin ORDER OF THE DAY FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL ON TUESDAY, MAY 24th, 2016 @ 7:30 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page

Roll Call

Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof

Adoption of Minutes 5-13 Adoption of Minutes from the Regular Meeting of Council dated May 9th, 2016.

Employee Recognition 1. Non Union and Unionized Employees 10 Years Glenn Golem Sam Gustavson

20 Years Ron Hall

30 Years Mike Harkness 2. Volunteer Firefighters 10 Years Bradley Drake

15 Years Kenneth Ball Brent Crocker Gary Houghton Verlin Lanning Jr. Joe Ward

20 Years Bruce Graham Stacey Willand Steve Willand

35 Years Al Hurst

40 Years Gordon Farquhar

Page 1 of 154 Page


Correspondence (Action) 14 1. 2016 Great Lakes International Air Show - Special Occasion Permits Correspondence received from 2016 Great Lakes International Air Show respecting three (3) Special Occasion Permits for the Event.

Correspondence (for Council's Information) 15-20 1. Regulating Fuel Prices Correspondence received from the City of Timmins requesting the Government of to regulate fuel prices. 21-22 2. Lyme Disease Copy of correspondence sent from Niagara Region to The Honourable Dr. Jane Philpotts, Health Canada and The Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins, Ministry of Health and Long Term Care respecting Lyme Disease. 23 3. Bill 180, Workers Day of Mourning Act Correspondence received from the Town of Tillsonburg respecting Bill 180, Workers Day of Mourning Act. 24-25 4. BIA Board of Management Copy of minutes from BIA Board of Management meeting dated Wednesday, April 20th, 2016. 26 5. ERTH Corporation - AGM Notice of ERTH Annual General Meeting on Thursday, June 23rd, 2016 at Elmhurst Inn, Ingersoll 27-32 6. Bill 158 Correspondence received from The Municipality of Marmora and Lake and the Township of Champlain indicating support for Bill 158 - Saving the Girl Next Door Act. 33 7. Fort McMurray Wildfires Correspondence received from the Township of Killaloe-Hagarty-Richards seeking municipalities to donate to Fort McMurray wildfires. 34 8. Scotiabank - Belmont Correspondence received from Scotiabank advising that Scotiabank in Belmont will be moving services to St. Thomas effective January 2017. 35 9. Conference Series Correspondence received Elgin County advising of Elgin County Conference Series - "Selling Elgin" - Wednesday, June 8th at Kettle Creek Golf Club, Port Stanley. 36-37 10. City of St. Thomas - Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Notice of an Application and Public Meeting for a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment - All of the City - Road Widenings and Placing existing properties and structures to be in compliance with the by-law


Page 2 of 154 Page

Chief Administrative Officer 38-40 CAO 32-16 BIA Board of Management - Vacancy 41-66 CAO 33-16 March and April 2016 Monthly Building Reports 67-68 CAO 34-16 ERTH Corporation Director Appointment 69 CAO 36-16 Steering Committee, Fire Station No. 1 Development

Director of Physical Services 70-72 PW 31-16 Supply & Apply Surface Treatment 73-75 PW 32-16 Beach Cleaner Purchase 76-77 PW 33-16 Heat Exchanger Belmont Arena 78-80 PW 34-16 Roof Top Heating Units - Belmont Arena 81-83 PW 35-16 Butt-Free Beach Campaign 84-86 PW 36-16 Port Stanley Waste Water Project - Procurement Process

Director of Financial Services/Treasurer 87-90 DFS 04-16 Resident Director Replacement - Kettle Creek Villa

Director of Fire Rescue Services/Fire Chief 91-102 FS 05-16 Monthly Alarm Activities Report

By-laws 103-110 By-law 2024 ZBA - 6008 Yarmouth Centre Road 111 By-law 2025 Confirmatory By-law 112-113 By-law 2026 Supply & Apply Surface Treatment 114-116 By-law 2027 Being a By-law to Establish a Pay Schedule for Employees covered by the Job Evaluation Scale 117 By-law 2028 Being a By-law to Execute a Development Agreement with Robin Ridge Estates Ltd. - Phase 4 Plan of Subdivision 34T-04002 118-151 By-law 2029 Building Permit By-law 152-154 By-law 1913 Removal of "H" Holding Symbol - Robin Ridge

Public Notice


New Business

Unfinished Business

Page 3 of 154 Page

Unfinished Business 1. Public Garbage Can Policy

Closed Session CS1 Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations (s.239(2)(d)) and/or Personal Matters about an Identifiable Individual (s.239(2)(b)) - Central Elgin Fire Rescue CS2 Security of Property (s.239(2)(a)) - Port Stanley Harbour CS3 Security of Property (s.239(2)(a)) - Dominion of Canada Building CS4 Security of Property (s.239(2)(a)) - Elgin County Administration Building


Page 4 of 154 mm;m

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.. Page 6 of 154 Page 7 of 154 Page 8 of 154 Page 9 of 154 Page 10 of 154 Page 11 of 154 Page 12 of 154 Page 13 of 154 May 5, 2016 RECEIVED

Donald Leitch Chief Administrative Officer MAY 16 2016 Municipality of Central Elgin Municipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive PER: TIME: St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1

Dear Mr. Leitch:

Please be advised that the Southwestern Ontario Wings & Wheels Association has made application for three (3) Special Occasion Permits for the Great Lakes International Alrshow with all licensed areas located at the St. Thomas Municipal Alrport throughout the weekend of June 17 —June 19, 2016.

Applications are as follows:

1. Private VIP Reception No Sale Permit Serving Spirits, Wine and Beer Corporate Hangar, St. Thomas Municipal A irport Date & Time: Friday, June 17, 2016 3: 00 p.m. to 10:00 p. m.

2. Flight Deck Chalet & Sponsor Chalets Sale Permit —Serving Spirits, Wine and Beer See Attached Diagram Date & Time: Saturday, June 18, 2016 11: 00 a. m. —10:00 p.m. Sunday, June 19, 2016 11: 00 a. m. — 10:00 p. m.

3. Beer Garden for use by Show Patrons Sale Permit— Serving Beer and Wine See Attached Diagram Date & Time: Saturday, June 18, 2016 11: 00 a.m. — 8:00 p• Sunday, June 19, 2016 11: 00 a. m. 91064arP Dam Rea.: other, File M Dir. Finance Respectfully, other: NamrlSubject: Dir. Physical

other: other. Jim Banma? l Dir. Fire President other. Council Agenda Phone: 519 -913 -1879 Email: jimbanmanl2 @gmail. com

Cc: Municipality of St. Thomas Municipality of the County of Elgin St. Thomas Public Health Unit Ontario Provincial Police Central Elgin Fire Department St. Thomas Municipal Police Department Emergency Medical Services St. Thomas Municipal Fire Department Central Elgin Building Department

Page 14 of 154 i i



220 Algonquin Boulevard East, Timmins, ON P4N 1 B3 www.timmins. ca

May 4, 2016


Dear Sir/Madam:

Re: City of Timmins Resolution —Regulate Gas Prices in Ontario

Attached hereto please find a certified true copy of City of Timmins Resolution 16- 154 passed on April 27, 2016 for your review and support.

If your municipality supports this resolution, please forward a copy of your resolution to the City of Timmins.

Thank you.

Yours truly,




I' PA It;. t f' Y TIENS.

OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Telephone: ( 705) 360- 2602 Fax: 705) 360-2674 Page 15 of 154 E- mail: steph. palmateer& timmins. ca The Corporation of the City of Timmins


Councillor Wawrzaszek Moved by 16- 154

Councillor Doody Seconded by

Whereas the price of fuel is critical to the day to day cost of living for all residents of Ontario;

And Whereas the price of fuel plays a large role in establishing a competitive business climate;

And Whereas some regions in Ontario have consistently experienced higher fuel costs that go beyond the cost difference of transporting fuel;

And Whereas the fuel sales industry is quick to raise fuel prices as the price of oil increases but fuel prices do not adjust as quickly when the price of oil decreases;

And Whereas history has shown that fuel prices increase for long weekends and holidays;

And Whereas the Province of Ontario has the ability to regulate fuel prices;

Now Therefore Be it Resolved that Council for the City of Timmins hereby petitions the Government of Ontario to regulate fuel prices to the levels that are affordable and profitable as in jurisdictions within Ontario that have lower fuel prices;

Be it Further Resolved that this resolution and the background information are forwarded for support to all Municipalities in Ontario;

And Further That all resolutions of support are returned to the City of Timmins for submission to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Finance, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Timmins - dames Bay MPP Gilles Bisson and the Ontario Good Roads Association.


YEAS NAYS MAYOR S. Black Steph ealmadteer, City Clerk COUNCILLORSoRs arne P. Bamford

J. Campbell Defeated M. Doody R. Dubeau A. Grzela Deferred or Tabled A. Marks N. Rinaldo Date_ April 27, 2016 W. Wawrzaszek Page 16 of 154 D n m

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Q D p p. Ln cr c mi vii[ 3 Ln p 1+3 7 " C) a d f` n m r S w W rt Ln n @ ro rD 0 07 , . rt O t w Z=,O - 0 Ocu Price Regulation

The Canadian government has constitutional authority to regulate gasoline prices only in an emergency. However, provinces and territories can regulate prices, and Quebec and the Atlantic provinces do so.

Provinces regulate gasoline prices to reduce price volatility -- high up or down price changes -- and to protect small independent retailers.


Quebec sets minimum prices weekly based on its estimate of the acquisition cost of gasoline. The price includes an estimate of transportation costs and can include a minimum retail margin at the discretion of the regulating body, the Regie de 1' energie du Quebec.

New Brunswick

In New Brunswick, the Energy and Utilities Board sets the maximum price every Thursday based on a formula that links the price to the New York Harbour price, with allowances made for other factors such as retail margins. No minimum price is set.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia also uses New York Harbour spot prices to set a benchmark price. Wholesale prices are set 6 cents a litre higher than the benchmark, and a transportation allowance is included in the price, ranging from 0. 2 to 2. 0 cents per litre, depending on the zone, Retailers are allowed a margin of 5, 5 cents per litre and cannot sell below a margin of 4 cents per litre.

Prince Edward Island

In Prince Edward Island , prices are set by the Island Regulatory Appeals Commission. The Commission has full discretion in setting prices and tracks a wide variety of trends in determining the price level. In practice, it also uses New York Harbour prices to drive changes in the regulated price. Prices on the New York Mercantile Exchange ( NYMEX) are averaged over a two week period and the new maximum and minimum prices are usually announced on the first and 15th of every month. Wholesalers have the right to apply for a decrease in their wholesale price. In theory, this could result in different prices from one brand to another. In practice, any such differences are rare and short- lived.

Newfoundland and Labrador

In Newfoundland and Labrador, the price of gasoline is set by the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities. The Board sets a benchmark price based on spot market prices and adds on various factors such as wholesale and retail margins, transportation and taxes to arrive at a maximum price. The province is divided into 18 zones to accommodate differing transportation costs. Prices are revised monthly.

Page 18 of 154 Background information:

13th Lowest Gasoline Price on Wednesday April via Gasbuddy. com ( NEOMA region) ( 20 cent volatility within region)

Timmins 111. 6

Hearst 102. 9 Kapuskasing 102. 9 Smooth Rock Falls 102. 9 Cochrane 102. 9 Iroquois Falls 102. 9

New Liskeard 92. 9

Kirkland Lake 91. 9

Other Northern Communities ( 21 cent volatility compared to Timmins) ( 15. 6 cent volatility within region)

Sudbury 105. 9 Sault Ste Marie 99. 9 Thunder Bay 91. 9 North Bay 90. 7 Parry Sound 98. 6 Kenora 92. 9 Sturgeon Falls 92. 9

Espanola 90. 3

Other communities in Southern Ontario ( 26 cent volatility relative to Timmins) ( 13. 2 cent volatility within region)

Ottawa 98. 5

Kingston 97. 9

St Catharines 97. 9

Hamilton 94. 6

Niagara Falls 93. 9 Windsor 93. 9

Toronto 92. 9

London 86. 3 St Thomas 86. 3 Peterborough 85. 6

Sarnia 85. 3

Page 19 of 154 Background information:

Lowest 25th Gasoline Price on Monday, April via Gasbuddy. com ( NEOMA region) ( 16. 6 cent volatility within region)

Timmins 109. 6

Hearst 112. 5 Kapuskasing 111. 7 Smooth Rock Falls 106. 9

Cochrane 109. 9

Iroquois Falls 106. 9

New Liskeard 96. 9 Kirkland Lake 95. 9

Other Northern Communities ( 21 cent volatility compared to Timmins) ( 13.0 cent volatility within region)

Sudbury 104. 9 Sault Ste Marie 96 Thunder Bay 91. 9 North Bay 94.7 Parry Sound 98. 6 Kenora 98. 5 Sturgeon Falls 95.4 Espanola 97. 3

Other communities in Southern Ontario ( 26 cent volatility relative to Timmins) ( 11. 2 cent volatility within region)

Ottawa 97. 9 Kingston 94. 9 St Catharines 97. 9 Hamilton 98. 6 Niagara Falls 98. 5

Windsor 92. 7 Toronto 94. 9

London 97. 9

ST Thomas 9S. 2

Peterborough 87. 6 Sarnia 98. 8

Page 20 of 154 Administration Office of the Regional Clerk 1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way, PO Box 1042, Thorold, ON L2V 4T7 Telephone: 905-685-4225 Toll-free: 1-800-263-7215 Fax: 905-687-4977

May 9, 2016

The Honourable Dr. Jane Philpotts The Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins Health Canada Ministry of Health and Long Term Care 70 Colombine Driveway 10th Floor, Hepburn Block Tunney’s Pasture 80 Grosvenor Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9 Toronto, ON M7A 2C4

Sent via email: Sent via email: [email protected] [email protected]

RE: Lyme Disease Minute Item 9.3, CL 6-2016, April 28, 2016

Dear Ministers:

Regional Council at its meeting held on April 28, 2016, passed the following resolution:

Whereas the number of cases of ticks positive for Lyme disease is increasing throughout Ontario and specifically in Niagara Region;

Whereas the laboratory testing for and diagnosis of Lyme disease is sub-optimal; and

Whereas there are chronic sufferers of long term consequences of this disease.


1. That Niagara Region REQUEST the Province of Ontario to increase funding for research aimed to enhance the testing for Lyme disease;

2. That Niagara Region REQUEST the Government of Canada to increase funding for research aimed to enhance the testing for Lyme disease and determine better treatment for long term outcomes of Lyme disease;

3. That this resolution BE FORWARDED to all Municipalities in Ontario for their endorsement; and

4. That this resolution BE FORWARDED to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Health and local Members of Provincial Parliament.


Page 21 of 154 The Hon. Dr. J. Philpotts and The Hon. Dr. E. Hoskins Lyme Disease May 9, 2016 Page 2

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Yours truly,

Ralph Walton Regional Clerk cc: The Honourable K. Wynne, Premier of Ontario Sent via email: [email protected] W. Gates, MPP (Niagara Falls) Sent via email: [email protected] The Honourable R. Nicholson, MP (Niagara Falls) Sent via email: [email protected] T. Hudak, MPP (Niagara West) Sent via email: [email protected] D. Allison, MP (Niagara West) Sent via email: [email protected] The Honourable J. Bradley, MPP (St. Catharines) Sent via email: [email protected] C. Bittle, MP (St. Catharines) Sent via email: [email protected] C. Forster, MPP (Welland) Sent via email: [email protected] V. Badawey, MP (Niagara Centre) Sent via email: [email protected] All Ontario Municipalities Sent via email

Page 22 of 154 5/la—-'<77/ 5 The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg

Date: May 10, 2016 From: Donna Wilson, Town Clerk RE: Bill 180, Workers Day of Mourning Act

Please be advised that Tillsonburg Town Council at its meeting held on May 9, 2016, passed the following resolution:

THAT the Town of Tillsonburg supports Bill180, Workers Day of Mourning Act, 2016; AND THAT a copy of this support resolution be sent to MP, Dave MacKenzie, MPP, Ernie Hardeman, AMO, all Ontario Municipalities and the Oxford Regional Labour Council. Carried

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely, /47 "“""’—” Donna Wilson Town Clerk

Cc: The Honourable MP Dave MacKenzie Sent via email: dave.mackenzie.c1a@par| The Honourable MPP Ernie Hardeman Sent via email: [email protected] Association of Municipalities Ontario Sent via email: [email protected] Ontario Regional Labour Council Sent via email

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The Annual General Meeting of ERTH Corporation will be held as follows:

Date: Thursday, June 23, 2016

Social: 6:15 PM ERTH Awards: 6:45 PM Meeting: 7:15 PM

Location: Elmhurst Inn 415 Harris Street Ingersoll, Ontario

Lower Level - Grand Ballroom

(Light refreshments will be provided)

An official notice will be forwarded to you at a later date, requiring your list of attendees and voting delegate.

Contact: Eustacia Young ERTH Corporation (519) 518-6117 x 255 [email protected]

Page 26 of 154

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The Hon urable Kathleen Wynn remler ntarl

aun ott M.P allburton

E upport r ill 5 avi gtheGiINextDaorAct,2016

T e T i ofC hamplain c nsi ere t e above matter at its meet‘mg of May

Please ?nd ' attached a copy of resolution 2016 215 passed by ChampalnI Townshnp uncl

' a d a req est fors rt‘ b g il dto all municipai I‘:ies ‘n O t ‘o.

Yourst ruIy

Alson olla d Ie k

c ra t ack,M Ie g P escott R ssel l

Page 29 of 154 RECEIVED 1 3&1? om.-mo LEGISLATNE ASSEMBLY

LaurieS0011,MPP Oueen’ s Park Ot?ce: C Haliburtun~KawarlhaLakes-Brock R"‘~434, MainLegislativeBldg. 14 LindsaySI.North Dueen'5Park L1ndsay.0nlarioK9VIT-1

Tnronto.OntarioM7AIIAB - :el.170S-324-665-1 Tel.(415) 325-2771 L800-424-2499 Fax(416) 325-2904 Fax(705)32-5-B938 E-mail laurie.sco|l@pcolamg E-mail‘lauviesconco@pcnlam g

pn , O16 Mayor Anna—MaricFosbrookc Township of Southgate 185667 Grey Rd 9 RR 1 Dundalk, ON NOC lBO

Dear Mayor Fosbrooke.

I write to you today to ask you to support my efforts as MPP and PC Critic for Women’s Issues, to call on the provincial government to take immediate steps to combat human trafficking in Ontario and to raise public awareness of this horrid crime.

Human trafficking is a heinous crime that has been referred to as nothing short of modern day slavery. It is one of the fastest growing crimes.and starts and stays in Canada — over 90 percent of victims are Canadian-born.Worse.Ontario is a major hub for human trafficking in Canada, as the proximity to cities along the Highway401 corridor provides an accessible thoroughfare for traffickers, and the ability to keep victims isolated.Victims are lured over the internet, meaning that this crime is in our neighbourhoods, our communities and our towns.

— Victimspredominantly girls averaging the age of 14, and shockingly as young as ll — are lured into a nightmare that they can almost never escape on their own. Traf?ckers recruit, transpon. harbour and control the girl next door for sexual exploitation or forced labour.

On February I8. 2016, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario unanimously supported Bill 158 on Second Reading, which aims to take immediatesteps against human trafficking in Ontario.

The bill provides as follows:

0 Declare February 22"“as Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Ontario; 0 Allow for an applicationto be brought by a parent ofa traffickingvictim under the age of I8, a trafficking victim aged 18 or over or an authorized agent such as Covenant House to obtain a protection order from ajudge to prohibit the traf?ckcr from contacting or approaching the victim. Such an order would remain in place for a minimum of three years;

1 I

Page 30 of 154 0 Create a tort or civil action of human trafficking,allowing victims to sue their traffickers for damages and an accounting of pro?ts; and o Amendthe de?nition of "sex offender" underChristopher'5Law (Sex 0__f/iznderRegistry) 2000 to includecriminal offences for traffickingofvictims under the age of 18 years.. In May of last year, I also received unanimoussuppon for a motion asking the Governmentof Ontario to immediatelycreate a provincial task force to combat human trafficking in Ontario.

The task force would have a similar structure and funding model to the Guns and Gangs Task Force. A multi-jurisdictional task force made up of specially»trained police officers, Crown prosecutors. judges, and frontline workers would coordinate informationsharing. and collaboratively work to apprehend criminals and rescue victims. Training and education would also have to be specialized not only for law enforcement and thejusticc system. but for victims’ services, health care workers.schools and businesses.

The task force was endorsed by the Select Committeeon Sexual Violence and Harassment, which I had the honour of co-chairing.

The two recommendations are as follows:

57. The Ontario govemment provide resources for the development of a coordinated approach to help victims of human trafficking,allowing providers of support services and the criminal justice system to share informationand work collaboratively.

58. The Ontario government develop a multi—ministerial,province-wide strategy on human trafficking.

Ontario is far behind other provinces when it comes to combatting human trafficking and taking signi?cant action. For Manitoba, they have enacted legislation as far back as 2012. which has seen multiple victims rescued and traffickers put behind bars for breaching protection orders.

I ask that you and your cotlncil members consider putting forward a resolution to support the following attached draft resolution.

I look forward to your support.


Laurie Scott, MPP

2 I


lTEMNO. 13.3 DATE May 11, 2016 1,RESOLUTIONNO. 2015-215

MOVED BY C) Troy Carkner Paul Emile Duval C) Jacques Lacelle C) Helen MacLeod C) Gérard Miner 0 Pierre Perreault C) Normand Riopel C) Marc Séguin

SECONDED BY 0 Troy Carkner C) P ul Emile Duval C) Jacques Lacelle C) elen MacLeod C) Gérard Miner Pierre Perreault C) Normand Riopel Marc Séguin

WHEREAS human trafficking is a heinous crime that has been referred to as modern day slavery; and

WHEREAS traf?ckers recruit, transport, harbour and control the girl next door for sexual exploitation or forced labour; and

WHEREAS it is one of the fastest growing crimes that starts and stays in Canada, targeting victims - 90 percent of which are Canadian-born and predominantly female, averaging the age of 14; and

WHEREAS Ontario is a major hub of human traf?cking in Canada, and victims are lured, manipulated and coerced, often over the internet from every part of Ontario; and

WHEREAS human traf?cking is in our neighbourhoods and our communities;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Township of Champlain support Bill158, Saving the Girt Next Door Act, 2016, support MPP Laurie Scott's motion for multijurisdictionaland coordinated task force of law enforcement agencies, Crown prosecutors, judges, victims‘services and frontline agencies; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all Members of Provincial Parliament and municipalities. 1: Cetrid Carried Defeated as amended

Gary J. Barton, Mayor Page 32 of 154

<,\ i John Street, P. O. Box 39 Killaloe, ON KOJ 2AO Telephone: ( 613) 757 -2300 —Fax: ( 613) 757- 3634 Email: [email protected] Web Site: kilialoe- hagarty-

May 12, 2016

To: All Municipalities in Ontario

As we are all aware, Fort McMurray in northern Alberta Is starting its recovery from the destruction left by the wildfires that destroyed homes and businesses last week. More than 88,000 people had to leave their homes in and around Fort McMurray. Many have lost everything in the fire, and many don't know whether they have a home to go back to.

The Township of Klllaloe, Hagartty and Richards has made a $ 200 donation to the Red Cross Alberta Fire Appeal, and challenges all municipalities in Ontario to help the residents of Fort McMurray by matching or bettering this donation. The federal government and the Alberta government will match individual donations made to the Canadian Red Cross to help those affected by the fire, so your contribution will make a tremendous difference.


Lorna Hudder, CMO, Dipl. M. M. CAO /Clerk- Treasurer f' ulGl

Page 33 of 154 May 12, 2016

Mayor of Central Elgin David Marr 450 Sunset Drive St Thomas, Ontario, N511 5V1 Scot Your Worship,

I am writing to let you know about some changes that we are making to our branch network in your riding. On January 12th, 2017 at 11: OOam, our branch at 14104 Belmont Road will be moving to our existing Scotiabank location at 472 Talbot Street in St. Thomas. All Scotiabank accounts will move to the new branch automatically and there will be no interruption in service or access to accounts.

In order to best serve our customers in modern, competitive and viable branches we regularly review our network, with input from our local team. In some cases, we adjust the branch network to improve efficiency and provide improved facilities. Our review shows that by bringing these two branches together into the St. Thomas branch, we can continue to invest in a facility that will serve our customers well.

We recognize our customers may have questions about their banking and I wanted to let you know about our effort to communicate this decision. We have reached out to all affected customers by mail and have posted notices in the branch. We are committed to addressing customer and community questions and concerns to make the transition as smooth as possible. Customers are being directed to visit us or call for information at 519- 631 -8660.

Account numbers will remain the same; the ability to access accounts at an ABM, by telephone or Internet will be uninterrupted; and all pre- authorized payments and direct deposit arrangements will be automatically redirected to our St. Thomas branch. In addition, the receiving branch offers a full range of services including: two ABMs, investment and lending professionals on site and small business services. We will also make every effort to enable direct deposit for customers currently receiving cheques, as well as educating customers on the use of internet and mobile banking. We will work one -on -one with customers who may have concerns with the change.

If customers have questions or concerns about the branch relocation they may also contact the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada ( FCAC) at 1- 866 -461 -FCAC ( 3222). The FCAC requires that the bank hold a public meeting with the FCAC and members of the community, this will be held on June 2 "d, 2016 in the Community Room at the Belmont Arena.

We look forward to delivering an excellent experience at your community' s Scotiabank branch location. If you have any questions, or if I can be of assistance, please feel free to call me directly 226 -984 -8097.

Yours truly,] Dam Roc,; Flle tl Du. Finance other: Name/ Subject: Dir. Physical

Andrew J. Smith other. other. Du. Fire District Vice President a.£ ,,( lam ^, g—( 2 c Other Council Agenda Page 34 of 154 lllliilviillilllliillol?yllilllillli

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join us to learnabout the realestate and For more informationand to RSVP developmentclimatein ElginCounty. The [email protected] -keynotepresentation willfeature Gregory or register online@ Klump,ChiefEconomistof the CanadianReal http:/ / EstateAssociation.discussingmarkettrends. E

‘ Alsofeaturedwillbe a presentationon farmland Pleasepre—registerby 1st, in order priceoutlookin our region andother engaging June to confirmnumbersfor the free presenters. Come hear whyElginCounty is oised for breakfast.Thankyou I T develomentl

Page 35 of 154 Allcorrespondencein be addressedto: PatrickJ. C. Keenan Director ofP|nnning & Building Savicc.-J City of St. Thomas Planning 54Building Serviou Depnrtrnent 9 MondaminSttcet St.'l'homns.ON NSF2T9 Tel: (519) 633-360

THl£llJllPURA1"|UN Ul‘1'HE(.Tn'Ul' Fllx?(519) 533-553‘ ST.THOMAS

MEMO DATE: May 11"‘,2016 MAY14 2018

Munlcl of Camnlzlgia SUBJECT: Planning Notice — City of St. Thomas PER: _nM.E_

Attached is a notice for the followingapplicationwithin the City of St. Thomas, whichwillbe appearingin the St. Thomas Times Journal today, Wednesday, May 11"’,2016.

I Notice of Application and Public Meeting — City Amendment to GeneralProvisions — File No. 2-06-16

Ifyou have any questions, please contact the Planning & Building Services Of?ce.

Regards, '

Crystal Penney Planning Assistant


Applicable to all lands within the City of St. Thomas TAKE NOTICE that: a) pursuant to Subsection 34(l0.7)(a) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, the City of St. Thomasis pursuing an application for approval of a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. Access to the information and materialprovidedunder subsections(10.1) and (10.2) in support of the applicationis available for public access, and

b) a PublicMeeting, pursuant to Subsection34(12) of the Planning Act, 115.0. 1990, as amended, willbe held by the Council of the Corporationof the City of St. Thomas on the 13'“day of June, 2016 at 5:45 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 545 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. The purpose of the Public Meeting is to afford any person that attends, an opportunityto make representationwithrespect to thezoning proposal.

The Planning Act gives the City the power to require, whereit has been identi?ed in the Official Plan, lands for road widenings as a condition to the approval of a site plan applicationor draft plan of subdivision or condominium approval. Occasionally, where there are existing buildings and structures on a lot from which a road widening has been taken, the result may be that the existing development is placed into a non-confonning situation relative to regulations of the by-law. An amendmentor minorvarianceto the by-law wouldbe necessary to bring the existing building or structure back into compliance.

In order that the taking of road widenings does not further burden land owners, an amendment to the General Provisions sectionof By-Law 50-88 is proposed that would recognize the existing buildings and structures to be in compliancewiththe by-law wherea widening has beentaken.

ANY PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY may attend the Public Meeting and/ormakewrittenor verbal representation either in support of, or in opposition to the proposedZoning By-law Amendment.

If a person or public body doesnot make oral submission at the public meeting or make written submissionsto the Corporation of the City of St. Thomasbefore the By-law is passed, the person or publicbody is not entitled to appeal the decisionof the Council of the Corporationof the City of St.Thomas to the OntarioMunicipalBoard

If a person or publicbody doesnot makeoralsubmissionat the publicmeetingor makewrittensubmissions to the Corporation of the City of St. Thomasbefore the by-law is passed, the person or publicbody may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appealbefore the OntarioMunicipalBoard unless, in the opinion of the Board, thereare reasonable grounds to do so.

PUBLIC ACCESS TO INFORMATION relating to the proposedZoning By-law Amendment is available for inspection daily, from Monday to Friday, between 8:30 A.M. and4:30 P.M. at the Planning Office, 9 Mondarnin Street, St. Thomas, or may be accessed on the City’s websitehttg:// the City’s Facebook page'I'homas-Ontario/120624024692752.

DATED at the City of St. Thomas,this 11"‘day of May, 2016.

Patrick Keenan Director of Planning & Building Services City of St. Thomas 9 MondaminStreet St. Thomas, Ontario NSP 2T9

Page 37 of 154 The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin

DATE: May 18th, 2016 REPORT: CAO 32 -16

TO: His Worship Mayor Marr and Council

PREPARED BY: Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk on behalf of the Port Stanley BIA Board of Management

SUBJECT: BIA Board of Management - Vacancy

TO COUNCIL May 24th, 2016

THAT: The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin approve the appointment of Deb Kussmann to fill the vacancy on the Port Stanley BIA Board of Management effective immediately.

REPORT: At the BIA Board of Management meeting dated April 20th, 2016, the BIA Board of Management accepted with regret a letter of resignation from Troy Vedova ( copy attached). At that time it was identified that one (1) individual from the business community, Deb Kussmann, was expressing interest in becoming involved to serve on the Port Stanley BIA Board of Management. The Board members were pleased to receive a letter of interest from Ms. Kussmann (copy attached) to fill the vacancy created and they believe Ms. Kussmann will be a good addition to the BIA Board of Management.

The Port Stanley BIA Board of Management recommends and respectfully requests that Council approve the appointment of Deb Kussmann to fill the vacancy on the Port Stanley BIA Board of Management.

Respectfully submitted:

Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk on behalf of the BIA Board of Management

Page 38 of 154 March 31' x, 2016 To Michelle Fournie, chair of the Port Stanley Business Improvement Area and to the Council of the Municipality of Central Elgin: Please accept this as my letter of resignation. I am proud to have served on the board of the BIA and really enjoyed my time spent on it. However, I believe now is the time for me to step down. The BIA has achieved many great things and I know it will continue to do so. It was an absolute pleasure to have worked with all the members of the board past and present. Best of luck in the future.


Troy Vedova

Page 39 of 154 The BIA Board of Management /Municipality of Central Elgin c/ o Michelle Fournier, Chair Village Square Coffee House Port Stanley ON

April 26, 2016

Port Stanley BIA Board,

BIAPleaseBoard.accept this letter in consideration for filling the current open position on the Port Stanley

As a business and now building owner in Port Stanley, I am keenly interested in supporting the commercial, environmental and community efforts ofthe BIA and Central Elgin to continually improve Port Stanley as a thriving Port town and destination for years to come. 1 have actively participated in several board meetings and assisted where possible since opening our second location on Colborne Street in 2013. With over 15 years experience in Operations Management and Customer Relations as well as a Masters in Business majoring in Marketing and Strategy, I believe I have much to offer in a more active role within the BIA. Port Stanley is a great community with immense potential and while I have a lot to learn, I would be very happy to assist in any small way on the journey to reaching that potential. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Debbie K. Kussmann,

Page 40 of 154 The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin

DATE: May 18' h, 2016 REPORT: CAO - 33 -16

TO: His Worship The Mayor & Council

PREPARED BY: Leon Bach, Chief Building Official and By -Law Enforcement Officer

SUBJECT: March and April 2016 Monthly Building Reports

TO COUNCIL: May 24th, 2016


THAT Council receive this report as information.


By -Law Enforcement The By -Law Enforcement Statistics for the months of March & April 2016 is attached.

Building Permits Building Permit Statistics for the months of March & April 2016 Is attached.


Chief Building Official and Chief Administrative Officer /Clerk By -Law Enforcement Officer

Page 41 of 154 The Municipality of Central Elgin By -law Enforcement Statistics Month of March 2016


Issued Waming( s) Courtesy Cancelled Invalid

0 0 0 0 0

O.P. P. Issued:

Issued Warning( s) Courtesy Cancelled Invalid

0 0 0 0 0

Doa By -Law 1139 —Tickets Issued:

Issued Warning( s) Courtesy Cancelled Invalid

0 0 0 0 0


Complaint(s) Warning(s) Enforcement/ Written Site Visits Verbal Written Resolved Fine( s)

3 3 0 0 0 0

Respectfully submitted,

eon Bach hief Building Official and By -Law Enforcement Officer

Page 42 of 154 The Municipality of Central Elgin By -law Enforcement Statistics Month of April 2016


Issued Waming( s) Courtesv Cancelled Invalid

0 0 0 0 0

O. P. P. Issued:

Issued Waming( s) Courtesv Cancelled Invalid

0 0 0 0 0

Doa By -Law 1139 — Tickets Issued:

Issued Waming( s) Courtesv Cancelled Invalid

0 0 0 0 0


Complaint(s) Waming( s) Enforcement/ Written Site Visits Verbal Written Resolved Fine( s)

2 2 0 0 3 0


Chief Building Official and By -Law Enforcement Officer


Permit value for March 2016 2, 211, 000.00 Permit value for March 2015 1, 491. 730. 00 Increase 719,270.00

Permit value for year to date (2016) 3, 418,446.00 Permit value for previous year (2015) 1, 898.273.00 Increase 1, 520, 173.00

Total permits for present year (2016) to date 55 Total permits for previous year (2015) to date 41 Increase 14

Total New Homes for present year (2016) to date 10 Total New Homes for previous year (2015) to date 8

Page 44 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin piPA jr BP5020 Page: 1 Date : May 18, 2016 Time : 10: 35 am Building Permit Listing j SINGLE HOUSE, DETACHED, TOWN o ` ra2 Permit Type : All - - ylRAL Block: All Permit No.: All Section : All District: All Town : All Area: All District Lot: All Plan: All Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit wl No Inspections Since Issue Date : 01 Mar 2016] To [ 31 Mar 2016] Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date: All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016024 14- Mar -2016 185,000. 00 8, 049.67 Address: District: Zone: R1 - 76 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 14 -Mar -2017 Project Address: 10214 TURNER RD Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Construct Foundation and install Factory- Built Home with Legals: unfinished basement.

2016025 01- Mar -2016 000 00437100.0000 35,000. 00 1, 554. 40 Address: District: Zone: Fit Area: 000 Expiry Date: 01- Mar -2017 Project Address: 342 SUNSET DR Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Addition to existing attached Garage and a Covered Front Legals: Porch

2016026 07-07- Mar Mar- -20162016 000000 0071160 0071160. . 00000000 6,6, 000.000. 0000 515.515. 0000 Address: District: Zone: OS1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 07- Mar -2017 Project Address: 46092 NEW SARUM LINE Contractor Name: WALL -EX INC. Construction Purpose: New Septic System for New Single Family Dwelling. Legals:

2016028 07- Mar -2016 000 00711603. 0000 6, 000. 00 515.00 Address: District: Zone: OS1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 07- Mar -2017 Project Address: 46096 NEW SARUM LINE Contractor Name: WALL -EX INC. Construction Purpose: New Septic System for New Single Family Dwelling. Legals:

2016030 07- Mar -2016 000 00711602. 0000 6, 000. 00 515.00 Address: District: Zone: OSt Area: 000 Expiry Date: 07- Mar -2017 Project Address: 46100 NEW SARUM LINE Contractor Name: WALL -EX INC. Construction Purpose: New Septic System for New Single Family Dwelling. Legals:

2016032 11- Mar -2016 000 00109302.0000 74, 000.00 1, 301. 14 Address: District: Zone: 052 -55 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 11 - Mar -2017 Project Address: 5699 SUNSET RD Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Convert Garage to Master Bedroom and Interior Renovations Legals:

2016033 15- Mar -2016 016 00321561. 0000 320, 000. 00 13, 142.51 Address: District: Zone: R1 -5 Area: 016 Expiry Date: 15- Mar -2017 Project Address: Unit 5 - 132 ROBIN RIDGE DRIVE Contractor Name: DOLMAGE DESIGN BUILD Construction Purpose: One Storey Home, 2 Car Garage, 3 Bedrooms, 2. 5 Baths, Legals: Finished Walkout Basement, Front Covered Porch, Rear Upper Deck

Page 45 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin BP5020 Page: 2 G1PALlry.. Date : May 18, 2016 rime: 10: 35 am Building Permit Listing T SINGLE HOUSE, DETACHED, TOWN o0 AL 0 Permit Type: AAll ,

2016034 14- Mar -2016 300, 000. 00 12, 753. 59 Address: District: Zone: R1 -5 Area: 016 Expiry Date: 14 -Mar -2017 Project Address: Unit 11 - 132 ROBIN RIDGE DRIVE Contractor Name: DOLMAGE DESIGN BUILD Construction Purpose: One Storey Home, 2 Car Garage, 2 Bedrooms, 1. 5 Baths, Legals: Unfinished Basement, Front Covered Porch, Rear Upper Deck

2016039 15- Mar -2016 000 01002038.0000 28, 000.00 1, 375.48 Address: District: Zone: R1 -67 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 15- Mar -2017 Project Address: 16 JACKLIN CRT Contractor Name: CEDAR RIDGE CONSTRUCTION Construction Purpose: Frame in Open Railing, Add Closet, Change Patio Door to Legals: Garden Door and Add Kitchen in Lower Level

2016040 15- Mar -2016 00000708700. 0000 25, 000.00 1, 362.88 Address: District: Zone: OS1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 15- Mar -2017 Project Address: 9648 TOWER RD Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Remove Existing Garage and Replace with New Accessary Legals: Building.

2016041 14- Mar -2016 000 00609001. 0000 2, 000. 00 100.00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 14 -Mar -2017 Project Address: 168 CENTENNIALAVE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Connection to Sanitary/Storm Sewers and Septic Tank Legals: Decommission

2016045 16- Mar -2016 000 00627601. 0000 18, 000. 00 500. 00 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 16 -Mar -2017 Project Address: 116 COULTER AVE Contractor Name: LINCOLN CONSTRUCTION Construction Purpose: Install a Roof -Mounted Solar Array on a SFD. Legals:

2016048 22- Mar -2016 026 00260300.0000 45,000. 00 1, 145. 32 Address: District: Zone: OS3 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 22- Mar -2017 Project Address: A- 385 EDITH CAVELL Contractor Name: ADELPHOS CONSTRUCTION Construction Purpose: Build a Three -Season Room on Existing Upper Deck Legals:

2016049 23- Mar -2016 016 00321430.0000 300, 000. 00 14, 560. 27 Address: District: Zone: R1 -4 Area: 016 Expiry Date: 23 -Mar -2017 Project Address: 126 ROBIN RIDGE DR Contractor Name: WILLSIE CONSTRUCTION INC Construction Purpose: One Storey Home, 2 Car Garage, 4 Bedmoms, 3 Baths, Legals: Partially Finished Basement, Front and Rear Covered Porches

Page 46 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin BP5020 Page : 3 a,G}PALjjF Date : May 18, 2016 rime: 10:35 am Building Permit Listing SINGLE HOUSE, DETACHED, TOWN

Permit Type : All tpt , Block: All Permit No.: All Section: All District : All Town: All Area : All District Lot : All Plan: All Zone: All Lot: All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : 01 Mar 20161 To [ 31 Mar 2016] Print Name and Address: No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date: All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016050 22- Mar -2016 000 00621600.0000 8,000. 00 608. 32 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 22- Mar -2017 Project Address: 222 CENTENNIALAVE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Addition of Wood Deck at rear of SFD. Legals:

2016051 23- Mar -2016 026 00208300.0000 5, 000. 00 375. 00 Address: District: Zone: OS3 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 23- Mar -2017 Project Address: 129 BESSIE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Construct an Ornamental Dormer over Front Door, Replace Legals:Legals: Windows, Siding, Eaves and Fascia

2016052 22- Mar -2016 000 00623600.0000 4, 000. 00 100.00 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 22- Mar -2017 Project Address: 175 CENTENNIALAVE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Connection to Sanitary/ Storm Sewers and Septic Tank Legals: Decommission

2016054 23- Mar -2016 000 00639600.0000 5, 000.00 50.00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 23- Mar -2017 Project Address: 139 COULTER AVE Contractor Name: AMBROSE PLUMBING Construction Purpose: Sanitary/Storm Sewer Hookup and Septic Tank Legals: Decommission

2016056 30-Mar -2016 000 00130800. 0000 50, 000.00 1, 670.50 Address: District: Zone: OS1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 30 -Mar -2017 Project Address: 44605 FRUIT RIDGE LINE Contractor Name: RYSALA PROPERTIES Construction Purpose: Interior Renovations to Existing SFD. Legals:

2016058 31- Mar -2016 026 00248400.0000 2, 000. 00 350. 00 Address:Address: District: Zone: Rt Area: 026 Expiry Date: 31- Mar -2017 Project Address: 417 TOWER HTS Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Replace Columns for Porch Roof and Close In Porch on Two Legals: Sides

2016060 31- Mar -2016 000 00609300.0000 5, 000. 00 100. 00 Address:Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 31- Mar -2017 Project Address: 142 CENTENNIALAVE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Sanitary/Storm Sewer Hookup and Septic Tank Legals: Decommission

Summary For This Run: No. of SINGLE HOUSE, DETACHED, TOWN Listed: 21 Total Construction Value : 1, 429,000. 00 Total Fees : 60, 644. 08 Page 47 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin 1PACI);h BP5020 Page: 4 Date: May 18, 2016 Time: 10: 35 am Building Permit Listing J p SINGLE HOUSE - CONDOMINIUM

AL.: Permit Type: All Block: All Permit No.: All Section : All District: All Town: All Area: All District Lot : All Plan : All Zone : All Lot: All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : 01 Mar 2016] To [31 Mar 2016] Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date : All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016035 21- Mar -2016 200, 000.00 12, 933. 79 Address: District: Zone: R1- 45 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 21- Mar -2017 Project Address: Unit 2 - 355 EDITH CAVELL BLVD Contractor Name: PRESPA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Construction Purpose: Three Storey Detached Condo, 2 Car Garage, 2 Bedrooms, Legals: 3. 5 Baths, Elevator Covered Front and Upper Porches, Sun Terrace

2016036 21- Mar -2016 200, 000.00 12, 933.79 Address: District: Zone: R1- 45 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 21- Mar -2017 Project Address: Unit 3 - 355 EDITH CAVELL BLVD. Contractor Name: PRESPA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Construction Purpose: Three Storey Detached Condo, 2 Car Garage, 2 Bedrooms, Legals: 3. 5 Baths, Elevator, Front and Upper Covered Porches and Sun Terrace

2016037 21- Mar -2016 200,000. 00 12, 933. 79 Address: District: Zone: R1- 45 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 21- Mar -2017 Project Address: Unit 4 - 355 EDITH CAVELL BLVD. Contractor Name: PRESPA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Construction Purpose: Three Storey Detached Condo, 2 Car Garage, 2 Bedrooms, Legals: 3. 5 Baths, Elevator, Front and Upper Covered Porches and Sun Terrace

Summary For This Run: No. of SINGLE HOUSE - CONDOMINIUM Listed: 3 Total Construction Value : 600, 000. 00 Total Fees : 38,801. 37

Page 48 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin ctPAlir BP5020 Page: 5 a * Date : May 18, 2016 Time: 10: 35 am Building Permit Listing APARTMENT - BUILDING, DUPLEX, o ` . 2 TRIPLEX, 1ALjF0

Permit Type: All Block: All Permit No.: All Section : Ail District : All Town: All Area: All District Lot : All Plan: All Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date: 01 Mar 2016] To [ 31 Mar 2016] Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date: All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016042 14- Mar -2016 016 00321400.0000 5, 000. 00 2, 035. 00 Address: District: Zone: RM1 -3 Area: 016 Expiry Date: 14- Mar -2017 Project Address: 14180 BELMONT RD Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Interior Renovations to add one new Apartment Legals

Summary For This Run: No. of APARTMENT - BUILDING, DUPLEX, TRIPLEX, Listed: 1 Total Construction Value : 5, 000. 00 Total Fees : 2, 035. 00

Page 49 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin etPAti BP5020 Page: 6 Date : May 18, 2016 Time : 10: 35 am Building Permit Listing g o ROW HOUSE - CONDOMINIUM tf 0z y til,,, Permit Type: All At - -' Block: All Permit No.: All Section : All District: All Town: All Area: All District Lot: All Plan: All Zone: All Lot : All Permit Status: All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : 01 Mar 20161 To [31 Mar 2016] Print Name and Address: No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date : All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016053 24-Mar -2016 026 00260623.0000 2, 000. 00 225.00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 026 Expiry Date: 24- Mar -2017 Project Address: 23 - 374 FRONT Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Kitchen renovation - Remove wall, relocate kitchen sink Legals:

Summary For This Run: No. of ROW HOUSE - CONDOMINIUM Listed : 1 Total Construction Value : 2, 000.00 Total Fees: 225. 00

Page 50 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin SP5020 Page: 7 p1PAl,j7f... Date : May 18, 2016 Time : 10: 35 am Building Permit Listing m STORAGE BUILDING

Ati- Permit Type : All Block: All Permit No.: All Section : All District: All Town: All Area: All District Lot: All Plan: All Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date; 01 Mar 2016] To [31 Mar 2016] Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date: All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2015339 30-Mar -2016 000 00130800. 0000 75, 000.00 3, 016.00 Address: District: Zone: OS1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 30- Mar -2017 Project Address: 44605 FRUIT RIDGE LINE Contractor Name: RYSALA PROPERTIES Construction Purpose: Construct 48' x 100' Storage Building Legals:

2016038 14- Mar -2016 000 00723000. 0000 75, 000.00 1, 400.00 Address: District: Zone: OS1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 14 -Mar -2017 Project Address: 45558 RON MCNEIL LINE Contractor Name: GOERTZ FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Construction Purpose: New Steel Grain Bin constructed on Re- inforced Concrete Legals:Legals: Pad.

2016043 15- Mar -2016 00000714202.0000 15,000. 00 1, 128.00 Address: District: Zone: OSt Area: 000 Expiry Date: 15 -Mar -2017 Project Address: 46595 HELKAA LINE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Pole Barn for Storage Legals:

Summary For This Run: No. of STORAGE BUILDING Listed: 3 Total Construction Value : 165,000. 00 Total Fees : 5, 544. 00

Page 51 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin` BP5020 Page: 8 iPAkrj, Date : May 18, 2016 Time : 10: 35 am Building Permit Listing 0 RESTAURANTS 0- Permit Type: All AL - Block: All Permit No.: All Section : All District: All Town: All Area: All District Lot : All Plan: All Zone : All Lot: All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : 01 Mar 2016] To [31 Mar 20161 Print Name and Address: No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date : All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016055 24- Mar -2016 026 00214800.0000 10, 000.00 625. 00 Address: District: Zone: B6 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 24- Mar -2017 Project Address: 174 WILLIAM Contractor Name: J. R. ROBERTSON Construction Purpose: Install 8 foot Custom Stainless Steel Exhaust Hood Legals:

Summary For This Run: No. of RESTAURANTS Listed: 1 Total Construction Value : 10, 000. 00 Total Fees : 625. 00 04' Page 52 of 154 APRIL 2016 - MONTHLY BUILDING SUMMARY

Permit value for April 2016 3,407,605.00 Permit value for April 2015 2, 326.500.00 Increase 1, 081, 105. 00

Permit value for year to date (2016) 6, 826,051. 00 Permit value for previous year (2015) 4,224.773.00 Increase 2,601, 278.00

Total permits for present year (2016) to date 107 Total permits for previous year (2015) to date 78 Increase 29

Total New Homes for present year (2016) to date 22 Total New Homes for previous year (2015) to date 14

Page 53 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin BP5020 Page : 1 Date : May 11, 2016 Time : 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing g , SINGLE HOUSE, DETACHED, TOWN tire o Permit Type : All AL .' Block: All Permit No.: All Section : All District : All Town : All Area: All District Lot : All Plan: All Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : 01 Apr 2016] To [ 30 Apr 2016] Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date: All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2015346 04-Apr -2016 000 00323001. 0000 45, 000. 00 375.00 Address: District: Zone: OS1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 04- Apr -2017 Project Address: 46314 NORTH ST Contractor Name: COUNTRY POOLS AND SPAS Construction Purpose: Inground Swimming Pool and Fence Legals:

2016044 01- Apr-2016 02600228400.0000 14, 000.00 1, 372.00 Address: District:District: Zone:Zone: R1R1 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 01- Apr -2017 Project Address: 404 GEORGE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Repair Existing Storage Building Legals:

2016059 01- Apr-P 2016------020210300. 60------0000 ------1, 000. 00 ------300. 00 Address: District: Zone: OS3 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 01- Apr 2017- Project Address: 136 BESSIE ST Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Add Deck and Steps to Front of House Legals:

2016061 12-Apr-2016 026 00141200.0000 350, 000. 00 4,013. 50 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 12- Apr 2017- Project Address: 4497 EAST Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Two Storey Home, Two Car Garage, Three Bedrooms, 2. 5 Legals: Baths, Front Covered Porch, Rear Lower Covered Porch and Upper Open Porch

2016062 04- Apr -2016 000 00436800.0000 50,000. 00 1, 670. 50 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 04 -Apr -2017 Project Address: 336 SUNSET DR Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Interior Renovations and addition of Covered Porch Legals:

2016063 11- Apr-2016 000 01021100. 0000 4, 500. 00 412. 74 Address: District: Zone: RI Area: 000 Expiry Date: 11- Apr -2017 Project Address: 32 CRESCENT AVE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Addition of Deck at rear of Dwelling Legals:

2016064 06- Apr -2016 000 00108100.0000 5, 000.00 765.00 Address: District: Zone: OS2 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 06 Apr- -2017 Project Address: 42164 ROBERTS LINE Contractor Name: BROWN ENTERPRISES Construction Purpose: Install new Class 4 Septic System with Infiltrators for shop. Legals:

Page 54 of 154 BP5020 Page: 2 Municipality of Central Elgin PAt.jrP J' Date : May 11, 2016 Time : 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing f i l° SINGLE HOUSE, DETACHED, TOWN rfi0 ) 1a Permit Type : All AL - -' Block: All Permit No.: All Section : All District: All Town : All Area: All District Lot : All Plan: All Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : [ 01 Apr 2016] To [30 Apr 2016] Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date : All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016065 08- Apr 2016- 145, 000. 00 2, 261. 76 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 08- Apr -2017 Project Address: 40 VINEDEN DRIVE Contractor Name: PRESPA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Construction Purpose: One Storey, 2 Car Garage, 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Finished Legals: Basement, Front Covered Porch, Rear Deck

2016066 08- Apr-2016 150, 000.00 12, 688.26 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 08- Apr -2017 Project Address: 42 VINEDEN DRIVE Contractor Name: PRESPA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Construction Purpose: One Storey, 2 Car Garage, 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Finished Legals: Basement, Front Covered Porch, Rear Deck

2016067 11- Apr-P------2016 155, 000.00 12, 734.92 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 11- Apr 2017- Project Address: 44 VINEDEN DRIVE Contractor Name: PRESPA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Construction Purpose: One Storey SFD, 2 Car Garage, 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Legals: Finished Basement, Front Covered Porch, Rear Deck.

2016068 14- Apr -2016 160, 000.00 12, 767. 82 Address: District: Zone: Rt Area: 000 Expiry Date: 14 -Apr 2017- Project Address: 46 VINEDEN OR Contractor Name: PRESPA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Construction Purpose: One Storey, 2 Car Garage, 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Finished Legals: Basement, Front Covered Porch, Rear Deck

2016069 18-Apr -2016 016 00110350. 0000 254,760. 00 14,315. 25 Address: District: Zone: R2 Area: 016 Expiry Date: 18- Apr 2017- Project Address: 176 BORDEN AVE Contractor Name: DESUTTER HOMES INC. Construction Purpose: Two Storey, 2 Car Garage, 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Legals: Unfinished Basement, Front Covered Porch, No Deck

2016072 15- Apr-P 2016 300,000. 00 15, 196. 36 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 15- Apr 2017- Project Address: 78 SYMPHONY CRT Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: One Storey, 2 Car Garage, 4 Bedrooms, 2, 5 Baths, Finished Legals: Basement, Covered Front Porch and Covered Rear Deck

2016073 14- Apr-P 2016— 250, 000. 00 5, 324.79 Address: District: Zone: OS3 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 14 -Apr -2017 Project Address: 423 B EDITHCAVELLBLVD Contractor Name: VANDER MOLEN HOMES INC. Construction Purpose: Two Storey, 2 Car Garage, 3 Bedrooms, 2. 5 Baths, No Legals: Basement, Front Sundeck and Lanai

Page 55 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin yctPAfrr BP5020 Page: 3 Date : May 11, 2016 Time: 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing g SINGLE HOUSE, DETACHED, TOWN 0y - c Permit Type : All Block : All Permit No.: All Section : All District: All Town: All Area: All District Lot : All Plan: All Zone: All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit wl No Inspections Since Issue Date: 01 Apr 2016] To [ 30 Apr 2016] Print Name and Address: No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date : All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016075 11- Apr -2016 000 00402122.0000 50, 000. 00 375. 00 Address: District: Zone: R2 -1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 11- Apr -2017 Project Address: 1 APPLEGATE LANE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Inground Swimming Pool and Fence Legals:

2016076 19- Apr 2016- 02600244000.0000 95,000. 00 1, 352. 38 Address: District: Zone: R1, OS3 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 19 -Apr 2017- Project Address: 544 UPPER SPRING ST Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Replacement of Rear and Side Deck Legals:

2016077 11- Apr -2016 026 00242200.0000 5, 000. 00 166. 74 Address: District: Zone: R1, OS3 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 11- Apr -2017 Project Address: 506 LOWER SPRING ST Contractor Name: ELDER DESIGN & BUILD Construction Purpose: New Deck Legals:

2016078 11- Apr -2016 026 00265900. 0000 7, 000. 00 476. 00 Address: District:District: Zone:Zone: OS3,OS3, DBSDBS Area: Expiry Date: 11 - Apr -2017 ProjectProject Address:Address: 458458 WESTWEST EDITHEDITH CC BLVDBLVD Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Repair existing deck, and construct a 10' addition onto Legals: existingexisting deckdeck

2016081 12- Apr -2016 000 00609006.0000 4, 600. 00 100.100. 0000 Address: District:District: Zone:Zone: Area:Area: 000000 ExpiryExpiry Date:Date: 12-12- AprApr - -20172017 Project Address: 156 CENTENNIAL AVE ContractorContractor Name:Name: STREWSTREW TRUCKINGTRUCKING LTDLTD Construction Purpose: Connection to Sanitary/Storm Sewer and Septic Tank Legals: DecommissionDecommission

2016082 25- Apr -2016 026 00139905.0000 6, 580.00 501.501. 2020 Address: District: Zone: RI- 6 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 25- Apr -2017 Project Address: 317 SELBOURNE DR Contractor Name: IAN THOMAS Construction Purpose: Replace Deck with New Deck at rear of SFD. Legals:

2016083 25- Apr -2016 000 00627401. 0000 3, 000. 00 417. 96 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 25- Apr 2017- Project Address: 110 COULTERAVE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: New Deck at rear of existing SFD. Legals:

Page 56 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin BP5020 Page: 4 Date : May 11, 2016 Time : 12: 03 pm BuildingBuilding Permit Listing g M


Permit Type: All braAL fV-: " Block : All Permit No.: All Section: All District: All Town : All Area: All District Lot: All Plan: All Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : 01 Apr 20161 To [30 Apr 2016] Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date : All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016084 21- Apr -2016 026 00140600.0000 2, 000. 00 225. 00 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 21- Apr -2017 Project Address: 358 HIGH ST Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Bathroom Renovation Replace Tub, Toilet, Shower and Legals: sinks - Plumbing Permit

2016085 19- Apr -2016 000 01001901. 0000 18, 000. 00 765.00 Address:Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 19 -Apr -2017 Project Address: 10194 TURNER RD Contractor Name: EXACT SEPTIC INSTALLATIONS Construction Purpose: Install Whitewater Aerobic Wastewater Treatment System to Legals: replace old Septic System

2016086 22-22- AprApr - -20162016 026026 00244700.00244700. 00000000 2,2, 500.500. 0000 250.250. 0000 Address: District: Zone: Area: 026 Expiry Date: 22- Apr -2017 Project Address: 497 LOWER SPRING ST Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Extension to Deck Legals:

2016088 19-Apr -2016 000 00617208.0000 268,605. 00 7,263. 01 Address: District: Zone: R1 -68 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 19 -Apr -2017 Project Address: 9601 TOWER RD Contractor Name: DONWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Construction Purpose: Two Storey Home, 2 Car Garage, 2.5 Baths, Unfinished Legals: Basement, Front Covered Porch, No Deck

2016089 15- Apr -2016 000 00637900.0000 5, 800. 00 100. 00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 15 -Apr 2017- Project Address: 62 LOIS AVE Contractor Name: AMBROSE PLUMBING Construction Purpose: Sanitary/Stone Sewer Hookup and Septic Tank Legals: Decommission

2016090 20-Apr 2016- 000 00617208.0000 15, 000. 00 515. 00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 20- Apr -2017 Project Address: 9601 TOWER RD Contractor Name: MCCOLL LTD. Construction Purpose: New Septic System for New Home Legals:

2016092 18- Apr 2016- 026 00245202. 0000 5, 000. 00 375. 00 Address: District: Zone: R1 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 18 -Apr 2017- Project Address: 466 VALLEY Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Repair, Replace, Bolster Floor Joists Legals:

Page 57 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin SPS020 Page : 5 Date: May 11, 2016 Time: 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing o: SINGLE HOUSE, DETACHED, TOWN CO ' $

Permit Type : All ` – A Block: All Permit No.: All Section: All District: All Town: All Area: All District Lot : All Plan: All Zone: All Lot: All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : [ 01 Apr 2016] To 130 Apr 20161 Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date: All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016093 15 -Apr 2016- 000 00619700.0000 2, 000. 00 100. 00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 15 -Apr -2017 Project Address: 176 CENTENNIALAVE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Sanitary/Storm Sewer Hookup and Septic Tank Legals: Decommission

2016094 28-Apr 2016- 000 00503450.0000 10, 000.00 515.00 Address: District: Zone: OS1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 28 -Apr -2017 Project Address: 47212 PLEASANT VALLE RD Contractor Name: STREIB TRUCKING LTD Construction Purpose: Install New Class 4 Trench Bed Septic System Legals:

2016096 25 -Apr -2016 000 01001626.0000 1, 000.00 175.00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 25- Apr -2017 Project Address: 42 OWEN CRT Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: On Ground Pool and Fence Legals:

2016097 26-Apr -2016 000 01011602. 0000 30, 000.00 1, 638.40 Address: District: Zone: RI Area: 000 Expiry Date: 26 -Apr -2017 Project Address: 124 ST GEORGE ST Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: 40' x 30' Pole Barn Storage Building Legals:

2016099 26-Apr-P 2016— 290,000. 00 14, 048. 17 Address: District: Zone: R1- 4 Area: 016 Expiry Date: 26 -Apr 2017- Project Address: 252 SNYDERS AVE Contractor Name: KERR DEVELOPMENTS Construction Purpose: One Storey SFD with 2 Car Garage, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Legals: Unfinished Basement, Front Covered Porch, No Rear Deck.

2016100 22- Apr -2016 000 01000118.0000 15, 000. 00 875. 00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 22- Apr -2017 Project Address: 23 TIMBERLANE CRES Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Renovate existing kitchen, remove wall, new cupboards and Legals: flooring

2016102 28- Apr -2016 000 00129000.0000 7, 500. 00 515. 00 Address: District: Zone: OS1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 28- Apr 2017- Project Address: 6454 CENTENNIAL RD Contractor Name: STREIB TRUCKING LTD Construction Purpose: Class 4 Trench Bed Septic System for Garden Suite Legals: IyV Page 58 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin BP5020 Page: 6 Date : May 11, 2016 Time: 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing SINGLE HOUSE, DETACHED, TOWN 1


Permit Type : All 9pL .,. Block: All Permit No.: All Section : All District: Ail Town: All Area: All District Lot: All Plan: All Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date: [ 01 Apr 20161 To [30 Apr 20161 Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date : All

Penult No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016103 26- Apr -2016 000 00644200. 0000 10, 000. 00 375.00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 26 -Apr -2017 Project Address: 874 ELM ST Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Above Ground Pool and Fence Legals:

2016104 25- Apr -2016 000 00628300. 0000 3, 000.00 100.00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 25- Apr -2017 Project Address: 57 COULTER AVE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Sanitary/Storm Sewer Connection and Septic Tank Legals: Decommission

2016105 28-Apr-2016 000 00121700.0000 6,000. 00 125. 00 Address: District: Zone: R2 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 28- Apr 2017- Project Address: 42622 MEADOW WOOD LANE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Replace Pool Fence Legals:

2016106 26-Apr-2016 026 00230100.0000 500. 00 150. 00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 026 Expiry Date: 26- Apr 2017- Project Address: 494 GEORGE ST Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Replace Guards on Existing Deck Legals:

2016107 28- Apr 2016- 016 00321481. 0000 6, 000. 00 425.00 Address: District: Zone: R1- 4 Area: 016 Expiry Date: 28- Apr -2017 Project Address: 26 BRENMAR CRES Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Building Garden Shed attached to House Behind Garage Legals:

2016110 28- Apr -2016 026 00268800. 0000 12, 000.00 850.00 Address: District: Zone: OS3 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 28- Apr -2017 Project Address: 436C EDITH CAVELL Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Interior Renovations Legals:

2016111 29- Apr -2016 000 00724701. 0000 15, 000. 00 884. 40 Address: District: Zone: OS1 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 29 -Apr -2017 Project Address: 11392 BELMONT RD Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Addition to Existing Detached Garage Legals:

Page 59 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin BP5020 Page: 7 Date : May 11, 2016 Time: 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing f GiPAitroff r SINGLE HOUSE, DETACHED, TOWN O

AL - Permit Type : All Block: All Permit No.: All Section : All District: All Town: All Area: All District Lot : All Plan: All Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : 01 Apr 2016] To [ 30 Apr 2016] Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owners Phone #) Completed Date : All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016113 29- Apr -2016 000 00640900.0000 5, 760.00 100. 00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 29- Apr 2017- Project Address: 67 LOIS AVE Contractor Name: AMBROSE PLUMBING Construction Purpose: Sanitary/Storm Sewer Hookup and Septic Tank Legals: Decommission

Summary For This Run: No. of SINGLE HOUSE, DETACHED, TOWN Listed: 43 Total Construction Value : 2, 786, 105.00 Total Fees : 117, 956. 16

Page 60 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin ` c1Fa BP5020 Page : 6 Date : May 11, 2016 Time: 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing J a


Permit Type: All AL' Block: All -- Permit No.: All Section : Ad] District : Ail Town: All Area: All District Lot: All Plan : All Zone: All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code: All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : 01 Apr 2016] To [ 30 Apr 2016] Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date: All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016079 21 -Apr 2016- 01600321549.0000 290, 000. 00 12, 655. 81 Address: District: Zone: RI- 5 Area: 016 Expiry Date: 21- Apr -2017 Project Address: Unit 23 - 132 ROBIN RIDGE DR Contractor Name: DOLMAGE DESIGN BUILD Construction Purpose: One Storey Condominium, 1 Car Garage, 2 Bedrooms, 1. 5 Legals: Baths, Unfinished Basement, Front Covered Porch

2016101 26-Apr 2016- 016 00321548.0000 300, 000. 00 12, 782. 14 Address: District: Zone: R1 -5 Area: 016 Expiry Date: 26 -Apr -2017 Project Address: Unit 21 - 132 ROBIN RIDGE Contractor Name: DOLMAGE DESIGN BUILD Construction Purpose: One Storey, 2 Car Garage, 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Unfinished Legals:Legals: Basement, Front Covered Porch, No Rear Deck

Summary For This Run: No. of SINGLE HOUSE - CONDOMINIUM Listed: 2 Total Construction Value : 590, 000.00 Total Fees: 25, 437.95

Page 61 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin ctPd jj BP5020 page : s J Date : May 11, 2016 Time: 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing a.


Permit Type : All Block: All Permit No.: All Section: All District : All Town : All Area: All District Lot : All Plan: All Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status: All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : 101 Apr 2016] To [ 30 Apr 20161 Print Name and Address: No ( Hide Owners Phone #) Completed Date : All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016074 OB- Apr 2016- 000 00411100. 0000 0. 00 125. 00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 08- Apr -2017 Project Address: 467 SUNSET DR Contractor Name: SCHOUTEN EXCAVATING INC. Construction Purpose: Demolition of Duplex Residence - B12140 Legals:

Summary For This Run: No. of APARTMENT- BUILDING, DUPLEX, TRIPLEX, Listed: 1 Total Construction Value : 0.00 Total Fees : 125.00

Page 62 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin ( G1PAL %j \ BP5020 Page: 10 Date : May 11, 2016 Time: 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing

PRIMARY INDUSTRY BUILDING c 2 lpAi_EMS Permit Type : All Block: All Permit No.: All Section : All District: All Town : All Area : All District Lot: All Plan: Ail Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : 01 Apr 20161 To [ 30 Apr 20161 Print Name and Address: No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date : All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016071 11- Apr 2016- 000 00109300.0000 5,000. 00 515. 00 Address: District: Zone: OS2 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 11- Apr -2017 Project Address: 5680 SUNSET RD Contractor Name: BROWN ENTERPRISES Construction Purpose: Addition of Staff Washroom and installation of new Septic Legals: System

2016091 15- Apr -2016 000 00123600.0000 0. 00 125. 00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 15- Apr -2017 Project Address: 43337 FRUIT RIDGE LINE Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Demolition of Bam as per Condition of Severance E127/ 15 Legals:

Summary For This Run: No. of PRIMARY INDUSTRY BUILDING Listed : 2 Total Construction Value : 5, 000. 00 Total Fees: 640.00

Page 63 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin c1PALIj BP5020 Page: 11 Date : May 11, 2016 Time : 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing m RESTAURANTS

Permit Type: All At., Block: All Permit No.: All Section : All District: All Town: All Area: All District Lot : All Plan : All Zone: All Lot: All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date : 01 Apr 20161 To [ 30 Apr 2016] Print Name and Address: No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date : All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016057 01- Apr -2016 02600225000.0000 10, 000. 00 792. 74 Address: District: Zone: B1 - 13 Area: 026 Expiry Date: 01- Apr 2017- Project Address: 324 SMITH ST Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Repair Wrap Around Parch - Columns and Deck Boards Legals:

Summary For This Run: No. of RESTAURANTS Listed: 1 Total Construction Value : 10, 000. 00 Total Fees : 792. 74

Page 64 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin G1PALlj },. BP5020 Page : 12 gDate :May 11, 2016 Time : 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL BUILDING 0, ` z kr tiro- Permit Type: All RAL -' Block : All Permit No.: All Section : All District: All Town: All Area : All District Lot : All Plan: All Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date: 01 Apr 2016] To [ 30 Apr 2016] Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date: All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016080 11- Apr -2016 000 01102600.0000 0.00 125.00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 000 Expiry Date: 11- Apr 2017- Project Address: 10518 DALEWOOD RD Contractor Name: HOLLANDIA GARDENS LIMITED Construction Purpose: Demolition of Pool Shed Legals:

2016095 25- Apr -2016 000 01102600. 0000 15,000. 00 375.00 Address: District: Zone: OS3 Area: 000 Expiry Date: 25- Apr -2017 Project Address: 10518 DALEWOOD RD Contractor Name: HOLLANDIA GARDENS LIMITED Construction Purpose: Construct 14' x 12' Pool Shed and Pool Fence Legals:

Summary For This Run: No. of OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL BUILDING Listed: 2 Total Construction Value : 15, 000. 00 Total Fees: 500. 00

Page 65 of 154 Municipality of Central Elgin BP5020 Page: 13 J@ G1PAUr0.. Date : May 11, 2016 Time: 12: 03 pm Building Permit Listing f m LIBRARY, MUSEUM, ART GALLERY o 2

Permit Type: All A4- ` Block : All Permit No.: All Section: All District : All Town: All Area: All District Lot : All Plan: All Zone : All Lot : All Permit Status : All Project Code : All Print Permit w/ No Inspections Since Issue Date: [ 01 Apr 2016] To [ 30 Apr 2016] Print Name and Address : No ( Hide Owner's Phone #) Completed Date : All

Permit No. Owner Name Issue Date Roll No. Project Value Fee

2016070 06- Apr 2016- 016 00108200.0000 1, 500. 00 200. 00 Address: District: Zone: Area: 016 Expiry Date: 06- Apr -2017 Project Address: 14134 BELMONT RD Contractor Name: Construction Purpose: Exterior Facade Signage on Belmont Library Legals:

Summary For This Run: No, of LIBRARY, MUSEUM, ART GALLERY Listed: 1 Total Construction Value : 1, 500.00 Total Fees: 200. 00

Page 66 of 154 450 sunset Drive, I St noor, SLThomas, Ontario NSRSVI P: 519.631. 4860 r: 519b31. 4036

DATE: May 18, 2016 REPORT: CAO. 34. 16

TO: Her Worship the Mayor and Council

PREPARED BY: Donald N. Leitch, Chief Administrative Officer

SUBJECT: ERTH Corporation Director Appointment

TO COUNCIL: May 24, 2016

RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council authorize staff to proceed with advertising for a person to serve as a director of ERTH Corporation, representing the Municipality of Central Elgin as a shareholder, for a four year term AND THAT Council require applicants to be eligible for appointment under the Business Corporations Act and eligible to be an elector in the Municipality of Central Elgin.

REPORT: The Municipality of Central Elgin is a shareholder in ERTH Corporation ( formerly Erie Thames Power Corporation). As a shareholder, the Municipality is entitled to appoint one director to the corporation' s board. ERTH' s predecessor was established in 2000 as a result of the amalgamation of several municipal electric utilities including the former Central Elgin Hydro - Electric Commission.

In 2012, Council re- appointed David Rock as a director representing the Municipality of Central Elgin. Mr. Rock' s appointment was for a four year term to conclude with the corporation' s annual meeting to be held in June 2016. Council decided at that time, the appointment would expire in 2016 to ensure that each Council had the opportunity to make its appointment to the Board, while staggering the start of the term part way through the municipal council term to ensure there is some continuity on the ERTH board immediately following each municipal election. A number of directors from other municipalities are elected representatives so there can be a significant turnover of the composition of the Board after every municipal election.


Page 67 of 154 ERTH Corporation has been established under the Business Corporations Act. Directors must be eligible for appointment under this legislation ie a resident of Canada and not otherwise be disqualified for having the status of bankrupt or being a person who has been found under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 or under the Mental Health Act to be incapable of managing property or who has been found to be incapable by a court in Canada or elsewhere.

At the time of previous Director appointments, Council invited applications from the public. In the past, applications were sought from persons not currently serving on Council as it was thought that the director would avoid any potential conflicts between his or her corporate responsibilities and obligations to the Municipality.

Chief Administrative Officer

Page 68 of 154 The Corporation of the Municipality of

CentralElgin 4505unset Drive, lSt Floor, St. Thomas, Ontario N5135VI P: 519.631. 4860 F.519.631.4036

P'l Report

DATE: May 19, 2016 REPORT: CAO. 36. 16

TO: His Worship Mayor David Marr and Council

PREPARED BY: Donald N. Leitch, Chief Administrative Officer

SUBJECT: Steering Committee, Fire Station No. 1 Development

TO COUNCIL: May 26, 2016

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Council pass a resolution to appoint two Council members to a Steering Committee to make recommendations to Council respecting the planning and development of a new fire station to be located at 4980 Sunset Road.

REPORT: Council has approved an agreement of purchase and sale to acquire lands at 4980 Sunset Road for the development of a new fire station to replace Station No. 1 on Joseph Street in the community of Port Stanley. Plans for development of the station were prepared several years ago, however these plans should be reviewed to ensure that they adequately reflect needs for fire equipment based on the station' s service area and the recommendations within the recently completed Central Elgin Fire Master Plan. For example, the plans were based on the storage of three vehicles, while the Fire Master Plan recommends that the station be sized to accommodate four vehicles for longer term requirements.

Staff is recommending that Council establish a Steering Committee composed of two members of Council, supported by staff, to review existing plans and recommend to Council any modifications to the plans to address current and future needs.

Chief Administrative Officer

Page 69 of 154 4505unset Drive, l St Floor, StThomas, Ontario N5R5V1 F.519.631. 4860 F: 519.631. 4036

DATE: May 16, 2016 REPORT: PW -31 - 16

TO: To His Worship the Mayor and Council

PREPARED BY: Geoff Brooks, Assistant Director of Physical Services

SUBJECT: Supply & Apply Surface Treatment

TO COUNCIL May 24, 2015

RECOMMENDATION. THAT the Council of the Municipality agree to participate in the County of Elgin' s Micro Surfacing and Surface Treatment Tender, Contract No. 6250 -16

AND THAT that the Municipality of Central Elgin enter into an agreementwith Duncor Enterprises Inc. of Barrie, to supply and apply surface treatment as per the terms and conditions of the County of Elgin's Contract at the price of $ 2. 55 /m' for single surface treatment and $ 2.73 for Type 3 Microsurfacing.

REPORT: The County of Elgin closed tenders for the Micro Surfacing and Surface treatment for county roads in early spring. The low tender bid for surface treatment was received from Duncor Enterprises Inc of Barrie for single and double surface treatment

The $ 2.73 price for microsurfacing is for the parking lot at the Belmont Arena, microsurfacing will extend the life of the pavement for another few years before the lot needs paving. The total cost is estimated at $ 20,448 for the arena and will come from the parks and recreation budget. Single surface treatment will be completed as outlined in the 2016 budget.

Staff would recommend that the Municipality enter into an agreement under the terms and conditions of the County of Elgin's Micro Surfacing and Surface Treatment Tender, Contract No. 6250- 16, for a tendered price of $255 /m1for single and $2.73 for Type 3 Microsurfacing.

Page 70 of 154 Respectfully Submitted: Approved for submission Apggij tqd for


rooks Lloyd Pekin \\ Mnald N. Leitch f sistant Director of Director, ysi al Services CAO /Clerk Physical Services

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Page 72 of 154 YOuoic; aO1iiQNaMaM The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin


DATE: May 18, 2016 REPORT: PW -32 -16

TO: To His Worship Mayor Marr and Council

PREPARED BY: Lloyd J. Perrin, Director of Physical Services

SUBJECT: Beach Cleaner Purchase

TO COUNCIL: May 24, 2016

RECOMMENDATION. THAT Council of the Municipality of Central Elgin authorize the purchase of a BeachTech 2800 Beach cleaning machine to Kassbohrer All Terrain Vehicles Inc, in the amount of $62,000 USD.

REPORT Background Included in the 2016 Beach Capital Budget is an item for the replacement of the existing beach rake. The existing beach rake was purchased as a used piece of equipment in 1976. This rake has been rebuilt twice since 1998 and is well beyond iYs useful life.

Given the foregoing, staff started a search for supplier of equipment to replace the existing beach rake. During our search it was identified that there are two different types of equipment for the cleaning of beaches. They are as follows:

Rake - this is the type of equipment that is currently utilized by the municipality. The rake type of equipment has tines attached to a circular conveyor belt that rakes the beach and deposits debris into a hopper. This equipment is relatively effective for larger debris such as sticks and large pieces of garbage such as drink containers and paper. It will not pickup anything that is smaller in size.

Rake/Sifter —This type of equipment actually digs into the sand approximately 150 mm and the sand runs across a vibrating, rotating screen that sifts the sand and picks up not only larger material similar to a rake but also small refuse such as bottle caps, cigarette butts, and hypodermic needles. I

In light of trying to provide proper maintenance of the beach and protecting public health and safety staff are recommending the purchase of a Rake /Sifter type unit.

Page 73 of 154 There are two suppliers of this type of equipment in North America.

Staff obtained pricing from both suppliers. A summary of the equipment specifications and pricing is attached to this report. Staff are recommending purchasing the BeachTech 2800 Model Beach cleaning machine. This machine is wider that the other two units priced by an additional 0.6m by using the wider machine it would reduce cleaning time by approximately 2 hours per cleaning on Main beach and therefore be more efficient with staff's time. As well, the Model 2800 also cleans deeper (250mm vs. 150mm) than the other two models. This will assist in removing any unwanted items that could be buried at deeper depths.

Prepared By: for

Lloyd P in, Donald N. Leitch, Director f Physical Services C. A. O. and Clerk

Page 74 of 154 BeachTech 1000 BeachTech 1800 Carrington

Rake /Sifter Yes Yes Yes Width of pass ( m) 1. 8 2. 44 1. 8

Depth of dig (mm) 150 250 150 Screen Size ( mm) 19 and 12. 7 Dump Height (m) 2. 59 2. 59 2. 44 Warranty 1 -year 1 -year 1 -year Local Distributor Barrie Barrie Seaforth Price of unit in USD 52, 500.00 62, 000.00 Price of unit in CD 64, 575.00 76,260.00 79, 860.00 Freight 5, 200.00 5,200.00 0. 00 Duty and /or fees 300.00 300:00 0. 00 Subtotal 70,075.001 81,760.00 79, 860.00 Taxes 3, 503. 75 4,088.00 10, 381. 80 Total Cost 73, 578.75 85,848,00 90,241. 80

Page 75 of 154 The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin

DATE: May 18, 2016 REPORT: PW -33 -16

TO: To His Worship Mayor Marr and Council

PREPARED BY: Lloyd J. Perrin, Director of Physical Services

SUBJECT: Heat Exchanger, Belmont Arena

TO COUNCIL: May 24, 2016

RECOMMENDATION. THAT Council of the Municipality of Central Elgin award the contract for the replacement of the Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger at the Belmont Arena to Black and MacDonald for a total cost of $9, 300 exclusive of HST

REPORT Background Included in the 2016 Recreation Capital Budget is an item for the replacement of the Heat Exchanger in the Belmont Arena Ice Plant at a budgeted cost of $21, 000. This heat exchanger recovers heat from the refrigeration plant and then uses this heat for heating of domestic hot water.

Staff obtained quotations from two reputable firms that do work on Arena Ice Plants to complete the work. Summary of the prices obtained are attached for Council's review.

Staff would respectfully suggest that the work be awarded to Black and MacDonald for a total cost of 9, 300 exclusive of HST

Prepared By: 0", Lloyd Pe n, Director of Physical Services C. A. O. and Clerk

Page 76 of 154 O N > r "O > O C N N N D Y


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Page 77 of 154 wo The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin


DATE: May 18, 2016 REPORT: PW -34- 16

TO: To His Worship Mayor Marr and Council

PREPARED BY: Lloyd J. Perrin, Director of Physical Services

SUBJECT: Rooftop heating unit replacement, Belmont Arena

TO COUNCIL: May 24, 2016

RECOMMENDATION. THAT Council of the Municipality of Central Elgin award the contract for the replacement of the Roof Top Heating units at the Belmont Arena to Pro -Tech Mechanical.

AND FURTHER THAT Council approve the replacement of 3 Roof Top units at a total cost of 23, 210.00 exclusive of HST

REPORT Backgroun d Included in the 2016 Recreation Capital Budget is an item for the replacement of one of the Rooftop heating units at the Belmont Arena at a budgeted cost of $10,000. There are four units located on the roof of the Belmont Arena that provide heat to the westerly part of the building including the lobby area and community hall. One of the units was replaced in 2012. The remaining 3 units are of similar age and will require replacement within the next 2 years. Given the location of the heating units it is necessary to install them utilizing a crane to hoist them onto the roof. Given the foregoing, staff sought pricing to replace one unit as well as the other two units that will require replacement in the next 2 years. Therefore all three of the remaining units would be replaced in 2016 if Council chose to proceed in this fashion.

Staff would respectfully suggest that by replacing all three units now there is a savings to the overall project of approximately $1000 as a result of savings on mobilizing a crane.

The lowest bid received for either the supply of one unit or all three units was received from Pro- Tech Mechanical. Pro-Tech have done considerable work for the municipality in the past and have provided excellent workmanship and service.

Page 78 of 154 The total cost to replace the remaining three roof top heating units is $ 23,210.00 Staff would note that this is $ 13,210 over the budgeted amount for the replacement of one of the units as originally intended. We would note the Heat Recovery Unit project is $ 11, 070 under budget and these savings could be directed towards the Roof top heater project therefore softening the cost increase over the budgeted amount. Staff would suggest that this would eliminate the need to mobilize a crane for the replacement of the other two heaters in the immediate future.

Prepared By:

Lloyd P i , Director of Physical Services C. A. O. and Clerk

Page 79 of 154 j j 2 a a N / \ jo 2




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Page 80 of 154 The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin

DATE: May 18, 2016 REPORT: PW -35 -16

TO: To His Worship Mayor Marr and Council

PREPARED BY: Renee Kendel Parks and Recreation Superintendent

SUBJECT: Butt- Free Beach Campaign

TO COUNCIL May 24, 2016

RECOMMENDATION. THAT Council of the Municipality of Central Elgin give permission to Elgin St Thomas Public Health ESTPH) and the students of Central Elgin Collegiate Institute (CECI) Environmental club to initiate a beach cleanup day as per report PW 35 -16.

REPORT Background To meet Blue Flag criteria as set out by Environmental Defence the Municipality is to engage in public education initiatives throughout the beach season, one of these proposed initiatives is a Butt Free Beach Campaign. Members of the Beach Management Committee and the youth engagement coordinator from Elgin -St Thomas Public Health ( ESTPH) have developed a proposed campaign to educate beach goers on the environmental impact littering cigarette butts has on beach and water quality. The campaign is a collaborative effort between Central Elgin, Port Stanley Businesses, Kettle Creek Conservation Authority and ESTPH.

The initial kick off of the campaign is to take place on May 31" being World No Tobacco Day" with volunteers from the community and students of CECI picking up litter and distributing educational materials supplied by ESTPH to beach goers. The littered butts will be made into impactful art by the students of CECI and displayed during the second Initiative taking place on Canada Day weekend. The campaign will be promoted on Central Elgin, ESTPH website and partner websites. Participating businesses of Port Stanley will also host table cards that direct the public to a web based poll to have their say and become further informed.

This campaign will assist the Municipality in meeting Blue Flag criteria for public education. Data collected from the poll will be shared with the Municipality of Central Elgin for use in the Blue Flag

Page 81 of 154 Prepared By: Approved for Council by: D )-- - Renee Kendel, Lloyd J. P 4in Parks & Recreation Superintendent Director of Physical Chief Administrative Services Officer

Page 82 of 154 1230 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, ON N5P 1 G9

eu; iH sT. THOmAs p: 1. 800. 922.0096 1 f: 519.633.0468 PUBLIC HEALTH elginhealth.on. ca

May 18, 2016

Elgin St. Thomas Public Health and the students of Central Elgin Collegiate Institute (CECI)' s environmental club are requesting Council' s permission to arrange a beach cleanup day for the afternoon of May 31, 2016, World No Tobacco Day. Cigarette butts have been identified as a problem on beaches as they leach harmful chemicals into the soil and waterways. This clean -up is part of a summer campaign included in Central Elgin's blue flag beach application for 2016 summarized below. The campaign is a collaborative effort between Central Elgin, the Port Stanley Business Improvement Association, Kettle Creek Conservation Authority and Elgin St. Thomas Public Health.

ACTIVITY 8: a. Name of the activity: Butt Free Beach Campaign b. Goal of the activity: Educate Beach users on impact of smoking and littering cigarettes on the beach c. Target Group: Tourists, locals, beach users d. Content/message of activity: Environmental impact, alternatives to littering e. Method used to get the message across: Blue Flag Butt Free Beach signage, partner with Health Unit

The garbage collected on May 31 will be used by the students of CECI to create impactful garbage art to visually show how many butts are disposed of on the beach. The garbage art will be used in the campaign during the Canada Day weekend celebrations on the main beach area. Youth and our partners will also be distributing disposable ashtrays to smokers, water bottles, sunscreen, sunglasses, frisbees and other promotional items to beach goers to encourage proper disposal of their butts and to obtain their opinion on smoke free beaches. The campaign will be promoted on the Elgin St. Thomas Public Health website and hopefully partner websites. Participating businesses of Port Stanley will also host table cards that direct the public to the webpage to have their say and become further informed.

Data collected will be shared with the Municipality of Central Elgin for their use in the Blue Flag status report and to move forward with further conversations around the Butt Free beach campaign and potentially a smoke free beach.

Thank you for your consideration in this proposal. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


Jessica Austin Health Promoter, Tobacco Prevention Elgin St.Thomas Public Health 519 -631 - 9900 x.1315 laustin(a)

Page 83 of 154 The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin


DATE: May 19, 2016 REPORT: PW -36 -16

TO: To His Worship Mayor Marr and Council

PREPARED BY: Lloyd J. Perrin, Director of Physical Services

SUBJECT: Port Stanley Waster Water project —Procurement Process

TO COUNCIL: May 24, 2016

RECOMMENDATION. THAT Council of the Municipality of Central Elgin accept report PW -36 -16 and authorize staff to alter the municipality's procedures typically used for the Port Stanley Waste Water Project as outlined in said report

REPORT Backaround As Council is aware, the municipality is undertaking the upgrade of the Port Stanley waste water treatment facility, construction of a new waste water pumping station at Carlow and Bridge St., and the refurbishment of Pumping station 51 which is located on Carlow Road across from the public school. This is a very large project. The construction of the Waste Water treatment plant is able to run concurrently with the pumping station work. Typically, the construction of a waste water treatment plant similar to what is being proposed takes approximately 30 months from design to commissioning of the new plant.

The municipality was successful in obtaining funding from the Provincial Government in the amount of $2 million for this project. One of the requirements and conditions of obtaining the funding is the project has to be substantially completed by December 31, 2017. That is 18 months away. In an effort to fulfill that time requirement the municipality will be required to moved away from our typical procurement process while still being mindful of maintaining the spirit of financial competition for the procurement of contractors.

Standard Procurement Typically, the municipality would prepare the design of the project with the assistance of a

Page 84 of 154 contract to the successful bidder which met the specifications of the tender call. This tender would include all components of the project. This process can be taxing on time as well as may not necessarily yield the best contractors for the job when it comes to experience etc.

Proposed Procurement process To complete this project in the time required, staff and the consultant have looked at ways to shorten the procurement process, construction process and reduce any impacts of the winter season of 2016/ 2017 for constructability. As a result, we are recommending that two processes be altered from the standard procurement process that the municipality currently utilizes. We have summarized these proposed changes below. Prequalification of General Contractors and Subs - Staff are proposing that we issue a " Request for Prequalification of Contractors" immediately. This process will be advertised publicly in local papers, the national construction publication Daily Commercial News, as well as BIDINGO digital procurement website. This process will require any General Contractors that are interested in the project to submit documentation on prescribed forms outlining experience in similar projects, experience in environmental works, history with respect similar projects and meeting deadlines and budgets. This document will be a comprehensive submission for both the General Contractor as well the sub -contractors for Electrical, Mechanical, and Civil works that are proposed for the project. Once these documents have been submitted they will be reviewed by the consulting team and staff and short listed to no more than 4 or 5 contractors that will be invited to proceed to the next stage of procurement. The next stage of procurement will be the actual tender that will require the selected contractors to price the project. It is proposed that the tender closing will happen at the end of August 2016 and the award will occur in September. This process will allow the municipality to only deal with contractors that have a proven track record on projects with similar size, scope and timing constraints while still being a competitive process.

Pre- ordering of Building Package.ackage. - In an effort to reduce construction delays the project team is trying to complete work in favourable weather and be able to mitigate impacts from the winter months. One way of doing this is to strive to have the treatment plant building up and weather tight by the end of December 2016. If this can be achieved, the work within the building such as process piping, electrical, mechanical, and treatment equipment installation can be worked on during the winter months of January, February, and March 2017. This would leave the outdoor work that could be completed commencing in the spring of 2017. The proposed building is a structural steel framed building. The manufacturing of the steel building package is approximately 12 to 15 weeks to complete from the date of the issuance of a purchase order. Therefore, to have the building package ready for erection and be weather tight it will be necessary to secure the building manufacturer by mid July of 2016. This will need to be done prior to the tender for the overall project is completed. Therefore, the municipality will go out for competitive tenders for the building package and issue a purchase order for the building prior to the overall tender closing. The information for the preferred building will be included in the tender for the overall project and the General Contractor will then carry a cash allowance in their bid for the payment for the building package. This will allow the construction window to be reduced by approximately 8 weeks because the manufacturing of the building package will already be underway while the overall project is being tendered.

In closing, we would confirm that while there are some modifications to the standard process the municipality utilizes for procurement of products and projects the proposed alterations still permit

Page 85 of 154 for a competitive process to complete the project. Staff would recommend that Council approve the proposed alterations to the standard procurement process noted above.

Prepared By:

Lloyd Perr , Director of Phy ical Services C. A. O. and Clerk

Page 86 of 154 The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin

DATE: May 18, 2016 REPORT: DFS 0416

TO: His Worship the Mayor and Council

PREPARED BY: Karen DePrest Director of Finance/ Treasurer

SUBJECT: Resident Director Replacement —Kettle Creek Villa

TO COUNCIL: May 24, 2016

RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin receives report DFS O4 -16 as information;

AND FURTHER THAT Council accept the appointment of Willa McDiarmid as Resident Director for the Kettle Creek Villa Board of Directors.

REPORT: The Kettle Creek Villa Board of Directors accepted with regret the resignation (letter attached) of previously Council- appointed Resident Director, Jill Coull on or around March 2, 2016. Ms. Coull has been thanked for her service on the Board.

In order to fill its vacancy, the Board accepted applications from residents of the Kettle Creek Villa Interested in replacing Ms. Coull on the Board. At Its meeting of May 9, 2016, the Board of Directors resolved that an application from Willa McDiarmid be accepted and recommended for presentation to the next Central Elgin Council meeting for approval. Please find the resolution and email application attached for Council' s reference.

Respectfully Submitted By:

A . l r -40e/.

Karen DePrest Director of Finance/ Treasurer CAO /Clerk

Page 87 of 154 MAR 0 3 2016

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Moved: _ D Ua t r Seconded: D 1 tr cc

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the application for Resident Director from Willa McDiarmid be received and approved by the members. O V' cz1 cl. C` c 00 ryr-rAi Me- rg


Page 89 of 154 Nettie Froese

From: Willa McDiarmid [ willmcdiarmid @gmail. com] Sent: April -26 -16 4: 06 PM To: Nettie Froese Subject: Villa rep

I am willing to be a representative for the tenants at the K ettle Creek Villa I come from a teaching background and graduated from the University of Waterloo. Thanks Willa McDiarmid

This message has been scanned by LastSeam e- mail security service. Ce message a ate verige par Is service de securite pour courriels LastScam.

Page 90 of 154 DATE: May 191, 2016. REPORT: FS -05 -16

TO: His Worship Mayor David Marr & Council

PREPARED BY: Fire Chief Don Crocker Director of Fire Rescue Services

SUBJECT: Monthly Alarm Activities Report

TO COUNCIL- May 241, 2016.


THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin receive this Report as information.


Please find attached Monthly Alarm Activities Reports for all Stations. Also, please note that all alarms may not have been entered Into the computer system as of this date.

Time Period No. of Incidents For ALL Stations) Nov. 23/ 15 - May 22/ 16 287 Nov. 24/ 14 - May 21/ 15 232

March 23/ 16 - May 22/ 16 Total Incidents Yr. to Date /Station

For Port Stanley Station) 22 74 For Union Station) 15 71 For Yarmouth Centre Station) 32 94 For Belmont Station) 17 48

Page 91 of 154 2-

Prepared By:

Fire Chief Don Crocker, Director of Fire Rescue Services Chief Administrative Officer

Page 92 of 154 Central Elgin Fire & Rescue Fire Chief :Don Crocker 450 Sunset Drive, First Floor St. Thomas ON St. Thomas ON N511 5V1 PH : 6314860 FAX: 631. 4036

Totals by Type From Nov 23 15 to May 22 16

of % of staff Average # of Average $ Loss

Response Type Incidents total Hours Responding Response Time Personnel

8 2. 79 0 h Om 9. 07 01 Fire 11 3. 83 326h 54m 11. 82 6. 98 213,000 03 NO LOSS OUTDOOR fire (see 3 1. 05 25 h 34m 15. 00 8.00 exclusions) 21 Overheat ( no fire, e.g. 2 0. 70 27 h 5m 12. 50 8. 77 engines, mechanical devices) 24 Other 4 1. 39 22 h 46m 10. 75 6.55 Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam no fire) 29 Other pre fire conditions ( no 1 0. 35 21 h 14m 13. 00 8. 30 fire) 31 Alarm System Equipment - 10 3. 48 80 h 36m 9. 10 7. 68 Malfunction 32 Alarm System Equipment - 2 0. 70 6 h 14m 9. 00 4. 19 Accidental activation ( exc. code 35) 34 Human - Perceived 1 0. 35 4 h Om 12. 00 7.23 Emergency 37 CO false alarm - perceived 3 1. 05 32 h 28m 11. 67 7.59 emergency ( no CO present) 38 CO false alarm - equipment 10 3. 48 95h 18m 11. 60 7.53 malfunction ( no CO present) 39 Other False Fire Call 3 1. 05 24h 24m 11. 33 6. 96 41 Gas Leak - Natural Gas 1 0. 35 5 h 45m 5. 00 6. 77 50 Power Lines Down, Arcing 1 0. 35 51 h 31 m 11. 00 6. 02 53 CO incident, CO present (exc 1 0. 35 37h Om 12. 00 6. 10 false alarms) 61 Vehicle Extrication 3 1. 05 81 h 6m 14. 00 7. 77 62 Vehicle Collision 20 6. 97 254 h 47m 15. 15 8. 04 64 Commercial /Industrial 1 0. 35 32h 48m 16. 00 5. 38 Accident 701 Oxygen administered 29 10. 10 138 h 55m 8.28 7. 02 702 CPR administered 2 0. 70 13h 44m 9.00 6. 88 703 Defibrillator used 1 0. 35 4h 6m 6.00 5. 13 71 Asphyxia, Respiratory 22 7.67 88h 34m 7.68 7. 75 Condition 73 Seizure 7 2.44 41 h 10m 10. 71 7. 06 76 Chest pains or suspected 29 10. 10 143 h 58m 9.00 8. 84 heart attack 84 Medical Aid Not Required on 7 2.44 22h 51 m 6. 14 6. 80 Arrival 85 Vital signs absent, DOA 5 1. 74 38h 36m 11. 60 5. 59 86 Alcohol or drug related 5 1. 74 16h 7m 6.80 7. 31 88 Accident or illness related - 66 23. 00 346 h 24m 9. 53 7. 83 50, 000 cuts, fractures, person fainted, etc. 89 Other Medical /Resuscitator 18 6. 27 93h 11m 9.67 7. 57 Call 898 Medical /resuscitator call no 1 0. 35 6 h 36m 12.00 4. 95 action required Page 93 of 154 Central Elgin Fire & Rescue Fire Chief :Don Crocker 450 Sunset Drive, First Floor St. Thomas ON St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 PH : 631- 4860 FAX: 631 -4036

Totals by Type From Nov 24 14 to May 21 15

of % of staff Average # of Average $ Loss Response Type Incidents total Hours Responding Response Time Personnel

01 Fire 3 1. 29 126h 23m 15. 00 15. 14 405,500 Saved: 250,00 03 NO LOSS OUTDOOR fire (see 2 0. 86 38h 1 m 14. 50 10. 52 exclusions) 21 Overheat (no fire, e.g. 1 0.43 40 h 22m 14. 00 7. 45 engines, mechanical devices) 23 Open air burning /unauthorized 7 3. 02 54h 34m 14. 57 6.87 controlled burning (no uncontrolled fire) 24 Other 7 3. 02 41 h 37m 8. 57 11. 20 3, 000 Cooking /toasting /smoke /steam no fire) 29 Other pre fire conditions (no 2 0. 86 25h 47m 12. 50 8.48 200 fire) 31 Alarm System Equipment - 11 4.74 107 h 9 m 9. 73 9.28 Malfunction 32 Alarm System Equipment - 4 1. 72 19h 2 m 8. 50 7. 30 Accidental activation ( exc. code 35) 34 Human - Perceived 3 1. 29 25 h 33m 9. 00 6.59 Emergency 37 CO false alarm - perceived 5 2. 16 42h 9m 9.80 7.86 emergency ( no CO present) 38 CO false alarm - equipment 4 1. 72 52 h 41 m 12. 00 11. 63 malfunction ( no CO present) 41 Gas Leak - Natural Gas 1 0. 43 24 h 22m 17. 00 11. 13 50 Power Lines Down, Arcing 1 0. 43 311 h 50m 17. 00 8. 90 53 CO incident, CO present (exc 3 1. 29 72h 31 m 13. 67 9. 54 false alarms) 61 Vehicle Extrication 3 1. 29 64h 34m 13. 33 7. 03 62 Vehicle Collision 19 8. 19 244h 9m 13. 11 9. 08 68 Water Ice Rescue 1 0. 43 4 h 30m 15. 00 701 Oxygen administered 9 3. 88 39h 58m 6.89 6. 83 71 Asphyxia, Respiratory 20 8. 62 87h 29m 7.60 7. 69 Condition 73 Seizure 3 1. 29 14h 38m 8. 33 6. 71 76 Chest pains or suspected 39 16. 81 170 h 46m 8.85 7. 85 heart attack 85 Vital signs absent, DOA 2 0. 86 18h 20m 11. 50 6. 65 86 Alcohol or drug related 2 0. 86 4 h 50m 5.00 8. 15 88 Accident or illness related - 41 17. 67 174 h 56m 8. 34 8. 17 cuts, fractures, person fainted, etc. 89 Other Medical /Resuscitator 23 9.91 105 h 17m 8.30 8. 76 Call 898 Medical /resuscitator call no 3 1. 29 11h 20m 7.33 10. 55 action required 910 Assisting Other FD: Mutual Aid 1 0. 43 7 h 2 m 2.00 21. 30 911 Assisting Other FD: Automatic 1 0. 43 50h 13m 23.00 10. 43 Aid Page 94 of 154 Central Elgin Fire & Rescue Fire Chief :Don Crocker 450 Sunset Drive, First Floor St. Thomas ON St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 PH : 631 -4860 FAX: 631 -4036

Totals by Type Port Stanley From Mar 23 16 to May 22 16

of % of Staff Average # of Average $ Loss

Response Type Incidents total Hours Responding Response Time Personnel

01 Fire 2 9. 09 33h 1 m 7.00 4.48 32 Alarm System Equipment - 1 4. 55 3 h 10m 10. 00 4.00 Accidental activation ( exc. code 35) 39 Other False Fire Call 1 4. 55 10h 38m 11. 00 4.67 701 Oxygen administered 2 9. 09 7 h 44m 9.00 6. 50 702 CPR administered 1 4.55 6 h 24m 8.00 6. 78 71 Asphyxia, Respiratory 2 9. 09 6 h 0 m 7.00 5. 83 Condition 76 Chest pains or suspected 1 4.55 2 h 48m 6.00 6. 82 heart attack 84 Medical Aid Not Required on 3 13. 64 12h 0 in 6.67 7. 05 Arrival 86 Alcohol or drug related 2 9.09 5 h 4 m 5. 50 6. 56 88 Accident or illness related - 7 31. 82 28h 11m 8. 00 4.63 cuts, fractures, person fainted, etc.

Total Number of Responses 22 h m 115h 0 in 7.64 5. 57 Saved:

Page 95 of 154 Central Elgin Fire & Rescue Fire Chief :Don Crocker 450 Sunset Drive, First Floor St. Thomas ON St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 PH : 631 -4860 FAX: 631. 4036

Totals by Type Union Stn From Mar 23 16 to May 22 16

of of Staff Average # of Average Loss

Response Type Incidents total Hours Responding Response Time Personnel

6 40. 00 0 h Om 9. 67 01 Fire 1 6. 67 47h 29m 14.00 2. 77 120,000 03 NO LOSS OUTDOOR fire (see 1 6. 67 5 h 28m 8.00 11. 75 exclusions) 701 Oxygen administered 2 13. 33 3 h 41 m 4.50 4.53 73 Seizure 1 6. 67 8 h 6m 18.00 5. 13 76 Chest pains or suspected 1 6. 67 11h 12m 14.00 18. 22 heart attack 89 Other Medical /Resuscitator 3 20. 00 19h 23m 13. 00 5. 52 Call

Total Number of Responses 15 h m 95h 19m 6.80 7. 86 120, 000 Saved:

Page 96 of 154 Central Elgin Fire & Rescue Fire Chief :Don Crocker 450 Sunset Drive, First Floor St. Thomas ON St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 PH : 631 -4860 FAX: 631 -4036

Totals by Type Yarmouth Centre From Mar 23 16 to May 22 16

of % of Staff Average # of Average $ Loss

Response Type Incidents total Hours Responding Response Time Personnel

2 6.25 0 h 0 m 7.87 01 Fire 3 9.38 113h 33m 17.00 9.08 75, 000 50 Power Lines Down, Arcing 1 3. 13 51 h 31 m 11. 00 6.02 62 Vehicle Collision 3 9.38 41 h 32m 16. 67 12. 01 73 Seizure 1 3. 13 7h 56m 17. 00 11. 28 85 Vital signs absent, DOA 1 3. 13 8h 13m 17. 00 5.28 88 Accident or illness related - 16 50. 00 66 h 23m 8. 81 7.52 50, 000 cuts, fractures, person fainted, etc. 89 Other Medical /Resuscitator 3 9. 38 11h 12m 8. 00 10.07 Call 911 Assisting Other FD: Automatic 1 3. 13 55 h 44m 16. 00 2.77 Aid 99 Other Response 1 3. 13 49 h 0 m 14. 00 6.07

Total Number of Responses 32 h m 405 h 4 m 10. 66 8. 18 125, 000 Saved:

Page 97 of 154 Central Elgin Fire & Rescue Fire Chief :Don Crocker 450 Sunset Drive, First Floor St. Thomas ON St. Thomas ON N5R 5VII PH : 631 -4860 FAX: 6314036

Totals by Type Belmont From Mar 23 16 to May 22 16

of % of Staff Average # of Average $ Loss

Response Type Incidents total Hours Responding Response Time Personnel

01 Fire 2 11. 76 92h gm 12.00 7. 42 10,000 24 Other 1 5. 88 7h 48m 13. 00 6. 08 Cooking /toasting /smoke /steam no fire) 29 Other pre fire conditions ( no 1 5. 88 21 h 14m 13. 00 8. 30 fire) 41 Gas Leak - Natural Gas 1 5. 88 5h 45m 5. 00 6. 77 61 Vehicle Extrication 1 5. 88 40 h 50m 10.00 8. 35 701 Oxygen administered 3 17. 65 15h 19m 8. 67 4.92 71 Asphyxia, Respiratory 1 5.88 5 h 20m 8. 00 4.45 Condition 73 Seizure 1 5.88 8 h 51 m 9. 00 5. 88 84 Medical Aid Not Required on 1 5.88 2 h 40m 5. 00 5. 18 Arrival 88 Accident or illness related - 2 11. 76 15h 18m 12.00 5. 13 cuts, fractures, person fainted, etc. 89 Other Medical /Resuscitator 1 5.88 9 h Om 9. 00 4.93 Call 899 Medical /resuscitator call false 1 5.88 1h 5m 5. 00 2.82 alarm 93 Assistance to Other Agencies 1 5.88 6h 40m 8. 00 5.90 exc 921 and 922)

Total Number of Responses 17 In m 231 h 59m 9. 35 5. 79 10, 000 Saved:

Page 98 of 154 Central Elgin Fire & Rescue Fire Chief :Don Crocker 450 Sunset Drive, First Floor St. Thomas ON St. Thomas ON NSR 5V1 PH : 631 -4860 FAX: 631. 4036

Totals by Type Port Stanley From Nov 23 15 to May 22 16

of % of Staff Average # of Average $ Loss

Response Type Incidents total Hours Responding Response Time Personnel

01 Fire 3 4.05 55h 56m 8.33 4. 61 24 Other 1 1. 35 3h 15m 3.00 8. 63 Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam no fire) 31 Alarm System Equipment - 5 6. 76 35h 7m 7.40 7. 36 Malfunction 32 Alarm System Equipment - 2 2. 70 6h 14m 9.00 4. 19 Accidental activation (exc. code 35) 34 Human - Perceived 1 1. 35 4h Om 12.00 7. 23 Emergency 38 CO false alarm - equipment 4 5. 41 25h 38m 9.25 7. 59 malfunction (no CO present) 39 Other False Fire Call 1 1. 35 10h 38m 11. 00 4. 67 62 Vehicle Collision 1 1. 35 4h 30m 10. 00 7. 60 701 Oxygen administered 5 6. 76 20 h 13m 7.80 11. 75 702 CPR administered 2 2. 70 13h 44m 9. 00 6. 88 71 Asphyxia, Respiratory 14 18. 92 43h 44m 6. 79 6. 83 Condition 73 Seizure 2 2. 70 6 h 17m 8. 00 7. 22 76 Chest pains or suspected 8 10. 81 27 h 48m 7.38 6. 53 heart attack 84 Medical Aid Not Required on 4 5. 41 13h 18m 5. 75 6. 82 Arrival 85 Vital signs absent, DOA 1 1. 35 5 h 1 in 7.00 6. 47 86 Alcohol or drug related 4 5. 41 13h 26m 6. 75 6. 85 88 Accident or illness related - 15 20. 27 57 h 43m 7.80 5. 66 cuts, fractures, person fainted, etc. 89 Other Medical /Resuscitator 1 1. 35 4 h 16m 8. 00 7. 68 Call

Total Number of Responses 74 h in 350h 48m 7. 59 6.84 Saved:

Page 99 of 154 Central Elgin Fire & Rescue Fire Chief :Don Crocker 450 Sunset Drive, First Floor St. Thomas ON St. Thomas ON N511 5V1 PH : 631 -4860 FAX: 631 -4036

Totals by Type Union From Nov 23 15 to May 22 16

of % of Staff Average # of Average $ Loss

Response Type Incidents total Hours Responding Response Time Personnel

6 8. 45 0 h Om 9.67 01 Fire 3 4. 23 65h 16m 10. 00 6.97 128,000 03 NO LOSS OUTDOOR fire ( see 3 4. 23 25h 34m 15. 00 8.00 exclusions) 21 Overheat (no fire, e.g. 1 1. 41 5h 25m 5. 00 6. 17 engines, mechanical devices) 24 Other 2 2. 82 11h 43m 13. 50 5. 74 Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam no fire) 31 Alarm System Equipment - 4 5. 63 40 h 59m 11. 00 7. 45 Malfunction 37 CO false alarm - perceived 1 1. 41 4 h 40m 5. 00 8. 67 emergency ( no CO present) 38 CO false alarm - equipment 3 4.23 28 h 36m 13. 33 5. 32 malfunction ( no CO present) 39 Other False Fire Call 2 2. 82 13h 46m 11. 50 8. 10 53 CO incident, CO present (exc 1 1. 41 37h 0m 12. 00 6. 10 false alarms) 62 Vehicle Collision 6 8. 45 94h 11m 15. 50 6. 40 701 Oxygen administered 12 16. 90 44h 3m 8. 17 5. 79 73 Seizure 1 1. 41 8h 6m 18. 00 5. 13 76 Chest pains or suspected 7 9. 86 43 h 27m 10. 14 10. 80 heart attack 85 Vital signs absent, DOA 2 2. 82 14h 44m 11. 50 5. 85 86 Alcohol or drug related 1 1. 41 2h 41 In 7. 00 9. 13 88 Accident or illness related - 2 2. 82 18h 47m 15.00 8. 93 cuts, fractures, person fainted, etc. 89 Other Medical /Resuscitator 12 16. 90 58h 38m 10. 17 7. 09 Call 898 Medical /resuscitator call no 1 1. 41 6 h 36m 12.00 4. 95 action required 910 Assisting Other FD: Mutual Aid 1 1. 41 8 h 6m 3.00 11. 22

Total Number of Responses 71 h m 532 h 18m 9.97 7. 37 128, 000 Saved:

Page 100 of 154 I -.. A^ A^ n A -[ A Central Elgin Fire & Rescue Fire Chief :Don Crocker 450 Sunset Drive, First Floor St. Thomas ON St. Thomas ON N511 5V1 PH : 631 -4660 FAX: 631 -4036

Totals by Type Yarmouth Centre From Nov 23 15 to May 22 16

of % of Staff Average # of Average $ Loss Response Type Incidents total Hours Responding Response Time Personnel

2 2. 13 0h 0m 7.87 01 Fire 3 3. 19 113h 33m 17. 00 9. 08 75, 000 21 Overheat (no fire, e.g. 1 1. 06 21 h 40m 20. 00 11. 37 engines, mechanical devices) 31 Alarm System Equipment - 1 1. 06 4h 30m 10. 00 10.22 Malfunction 37 CO false alarm - perceived 1 1. 06 13h 48m 18. 00 5. 13 emergency (no CO present) 38 CO false alarm - equipment 3 3. 19 41 h 4m 13. 00 9.68 malfunction ( no CO present) 50 Power Lines Down, Arcing 1 1. 06 51 h 31 m 11. 00 6. 02 61 Vehicle Extrication 2 2. 13 40h 16m 16. 00 7. 48 62 Vehicle Collision 11 11. 70 126 h 48m 15. 82 9. 32 64 Commercial /Industrial 1 1. 06 32h 48m 16. 00 5. 38 Accident 701 Oxygen administered 1 1. 06 3 h 36m 6.00 7. 68 71 Asphyxia, Respiratory 4 4. 26 20 h 40m 9.50 11. 52 Condition 73 Seizure 2 2. 13 13h 36m 13. 50 9. 55 76 Chest pains or suspected 11 11. 70 57h 42m 9.82 9. 41 heart attack 85 Vital signs absent, DOA 1 1. 06 8 h 13m 17.00 5. 28 88 Accident or illness related - 42 44.68 219 h 0 m 10.02 8. 60 50,000 cuts, fractures, person fainted, etc. 89 Other Medical /Resuscitator 3 3. 19 11h 12m 8.00 10. 07 Call 910 Assisting Other FD: Mutual Aid 1 1. 06 22 h 30m 6.00 911 Assisting Other FD: Automatic 1 1. 06 55h 44m 16. 00 2. 77 Aid 913 Assisting Other FD: Other 1 1. 06 85h 4m 8. 00 11. 87 99 Other Response 1 1. 06 49h 0 m 14.00 6. 07

Total Number of Responses 94 h m 992 h 15m 11. 23 8. 83 125,000 Saved:

Page 101 of 154 AA L. Central Elgin Fire & Rescue Fire Chief :Don Crocker 450 Sunset Drive, First Floor St. Thomas ON St. Thomas ON N5R 5V7 PH : 631 -4860 FAX : 631 -4036

Totals by Type Belmont From Nov 23 15 to May 22 16

of % of Staff Average # of Average $ Loss

Response Type Incidents total Hours Responding Response Time Personnel

01 Fire 2 4.17 92h 9m 12. 00 7. 42 10, 000 24 Other 1 2. 08 7 h 48m 13. 00 6. 08 Cooking/ toasting/smoke/steam no fire) 29 Other pre fire conditions (no 1 2. 08 21 h 14m 13. 00 8. 30 fire) 37 CO false alarm - perceived 1 2. 08 14h Om 12. 00 8. 97 emergency (no CO present) 41 Gas Leak - Natural Gas 1 2. 08 5h 45m 5. 00 6. 77 61 Vehicle Extrication 1 2. 08 40h 50m 10. 00 8. 35 62 Vehicle Collision 2 4. 17 29h 18m 13. 00 6. 09 701 Oxygen administered 11 22. 92 71 h 3m 8.82 6. 16 703 Defibrillator used 1 2. 08 4h 6m 6. 00 5. 13 71 Asphyxia, Respiratory 4 8. 33 24 h 10m 9.00 7. 24 Condition 73 Seizure 2 4. 17 13h 11m 7.00 5. 38 76 Chest pains or suspected 3 6. 25 15h 1 in 7.67 8. 31 heart attack 84 Medical Aid Not Required on 3 6. 25 9 h 33m 6.67 6. 76 Arrival 85 Vital signs absent, DOA 1 2. 08 10h 38m 11. 00 4.77 88 Accident or illness related - 7 14. 58 50h 54m 8. 71 7. 65 cuts, fractures, person fainted, etc. 89 Other Medical /Resuscitator 2 4. 17 19h 5m 10. 00 6. 39 Call 899 Medical /resuscitator call false 1 2.08 1 h 5m 5. 00 2.82 alarm 910 Assisting Other FD: Mutual Aid 2 4. 17 22 h 41 in 2.50 13. 57 93 Assistance to Other Agencies 1 2.08 6h 40m 8. 00 5.90 exc 921 and 922) 96 Call cancelled on route 1 2.08 4h 35m 11. 00

Total Number of Responses 48 h m 463h 46m 8.75 7.03 10, 000 Saved:

Page 102 of 154

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THIS IS SCHEDULE "2" TO BY-LAW No. 1913 PASSED ON this 24th day of May, 2016.

MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELGIN Donald N. Leitch, CAOIClerk David Marr. Mayor