Page L the WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D. C. 7 : 50 9:01 9
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THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page l LOCATION DATE DECEMBER 1, 1986 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 7:50 a.m. MONDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY 7 : 50 The President and the First Lady had breakfast. 9:01 The President went to the Oval Office. 9: 03 9: 42 The President met with: George H. Bush, Vice President Edwin Meese III, Attorney General Donald T. Regan, Chief of Staff The President met for a national security briefing with: 9:42 9:56 Vice President Bush 9:42 9:56 Alton G. Keel , Jr. , Acting Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs 9:42 9:56 Rodney B. McDaniel , Special Assistant and Executive Secretary of the National Security Council (NSC) 9 : 46 9:56 Mr. Regan 9:56 9:59 The President met with Mr. Regan. 11:04 11:09 The President met with : Vice President Bush Attorney General Meese John G. Tower, former Senator (R-Texas) Edmund S. Muskie , former Senator (D-Maine) Lt. Gen . Brent Scowcroft , fo rmer Assistant for Nat ional Security Affairs to President Gerald R. For.d Mr. Regan 11:10 The President went to the Cabinet Room. 11:10 The President announced the newly established President's Special Review Board for the National Security Council. Members of the press. 11 : 10 11:40 The President participated in a meeting with the President's Special Review Board for the National Security Council. For a list of attendees , see APPENDIX "A." 11:40 The President returned to the Oval Office. 11:40 11:53 The President met with: Vice President Bush Attorney General Meese (continued) ntE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 2 LOCATION DATE DECEMBER 1, 1986 THE WHITE BOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON , D.C. 11: 40 a . m. MONDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY George P . Shultz, Secretary of State Caspar W. Weinberger , Secretary of Defense William J. Casey, Direct or of t he Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 11:59 12:00 R The President t alked with the First Lady. 12:07 The President went to the Roosevelt Room . 12:07 1:00 The President participated in a Issues Briefing luncheon. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX •B.• 1:00 The President returned to the Oval Office. 1:26 p The President telephoned Secretary of the Interior Donald P. Hodel . The call was not completed. 1 : 55 1: 58 The President met with his Deputy Principal Press Secretary, Larry M. Speakes. 2 : 00 2 : 53 The President met with: Richard B. Wirthlin, President of Decision Making Information , Washington, D. C. Mr . Regan 3: 00 3: 09 The President met with Mr. Regan. 3: 09 The President returned to the Cabinet Room . 3: 09 4: 03 The President participated in a 1988 Budget Review Meeting. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX •c. • 3: 25 R The President was telephoned by Senator Paul Laxalt (R-Nevada) . The call was not completed. 4 : 03 The President returned to the Oval Office. 4 : 06 The President went to the barber shop. 4:06 4 : 45 The President had a haircut . 4 : 45 The President returned to the Oval Off ice. 4:47 The President went to the Map Room . 4 : 47 5:26 The President met with: (continued) THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 3 LOCATION DATE DECEMBER l , 1986 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAV WASHINGTON, D. C. 4:47 p . m. MONDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY Frank c. Carlucci, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sears World Trade, Inc., Washington, D.C. Mr. Regan The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Mr. Carlucci ' s possible appointment as Assistant for National Security Affairs . 5: 27 The President returned to the second floor Residence. 6:04 6 : 08 p The President talked with Senator Laxalt. 7:00 The President had dinner with: The First Lady Maureen Reagan Revell, the President ' s daughter Ted Graber , decorator, William Baines Company, Beverly Hills, California 10:45 The President retired. : THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page l LOCATION DATE DECEMBER 2, 1986 TBE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON , D. C. 7 : 45 a . m. TUESDAY IN DUT PHONE ACTIVITY 7:45 The President and the First Lady had breakfast. 9:01 The President went to the oval Office. 9:02 9:03 R The President talked with the First Lady. 9:03 9 : 42 The President met with: George H. Bush, Vice President Edwin Meese III, Attorney General Donald T. Regan, Chief of Staff 9:42 9:58 The President met for a national security briefing with: Vice President Bush Alton G. Keel , Jr., Acting Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Rodney B. McDaniel, Special Assistant and Execut ive Secretary of the National Security Council (NSC) 10: 03 10:08 The President met with Mr. Regan. 10: 31 10:35 p The President talked with Elia at the Overland Shoe Company , New York, New York . The President met with: 11: 05 11: 17 Mr . Regan 11: 11 11 : 17 Attorney General Meese 11: 18 The President went to the Cabinet Room. 11: 18 11: 57 The President participated in a meeting to discuss investigations into the arms sales to Iran and the role of the National Security Council in the conduct of foreign policy with the Republican Congressional leadership. For a list of attendees , see APPENDIX "A." 11:57 The President returned to the Oval Off ice. 12:00 12:06 The President made an Address to the Nation announcing the Independent Counsel to investi gate the arms sales to Iran. The remarks were broadcast live over nationwide radio and television. Members of the press. 12 :09 ? · The President had lunch in the Oval Office study. THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 2 LOCATION DATE DECEMBER 2, 1986 THE WHITE BOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D.C. 1 : 00 p.m. TUESDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY The President met with: 1:00 1 : 05 Mr. Regan 1:02 1:05 Attorney General Meese 1:04 1:05 Alfred B. Kingon, Cabinet Secretary and Deputy Assistant 1 : 05 The President returned to the Cabinet Room. ' 1:05 2·: 05 The President participated in a Domestic Policy Council meeting to discuss the Family working Group Report. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B . " 2:05 .'.!:he President returned to the Oval Office. 2:15 2:20 The President met with Mr. Regan. 2:20 The President returned to the Cabinet Room. 2:20 3:35 The President participated in a 1988 Budget Review meeting. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "C." 3:35 The President· returned to the Oval Office. 3:35 3:36 The President met with Mr. Regan . 3:59 p , a resident had written to the Pr g e suicide of her father and foreclosure on the family farm last November . The call wa~ not completed. 4:32 The President went to the White House Library . 4:35 4:42 The President and the First Lady participated in a message taping session for a celebration in honor of Lew Wasserman's Golden Anniversary with MCA, Inc. 4:42 4:49 The President participated in a message taping session for the National Republican Congres sional Committee dinner honoring newly elected Republ~can Members of Congress . 4:50 The President went to the doctor's office. 4:53 The President returned to the second floor (continued) THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 3 LOCATION DATE DECEMBER 2, 1986 THE WHITE BOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON , D. C. 4: 53 p . m. TUESDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY Residence . 7 : 15 The President had dinner with: The First Lady Maureen Reagan Revell , the President ' s daughter Ted Graber , decorator , William Haines Company, Beverly Hills , California 10:05 The President retired. THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 1 LOCATION DATE DECEMBER 3, 1986 THE WHITE BOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON , D. C. 7 : 45 a.m. WEDNESDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY 7:45 The President and the First Lady had breakfast. 9:07 The President went to the Oval Office. 9: 07 9:30 The President met with: George B. Bush, Vice President Donald T. Regan, Chief of Staff 10: 05 11: 07 The President participated in a meeting to discuss investigations into the arms sales to Iran and the role of the National Security Council in the conduct of foreign policy with Republican Members of Congress . For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX ·A.· 11:10 The President went to the Cabinet Room. 11:10 11: 58 The President participated in a Cabinet Meeting to discuss the 1988 Budget. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX •s. • 11: 58 The President returned to the Oval Office. 12: 00? The President bad lunch. 1:14 The President went to Room 450 in the Old Executive Office Building. 1:14 1:38 The President participated in a briefing for women entrepreneurs. Members of the press. 1: 35 2:20 The President met with: George P. Shultz, Secretary of State Alton G. Keel, Jr., Acting Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Mr . Regan 1:38 The President returned to the Oval Office. 2:47 The President returned to the second floor Residence . 3:51 3:58 p The President talked with Richard M. Helms, President, Safeer Company, Washington, D.C. 7:15 The President bad dinner with: The First Lady (continued) THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 2 LOCATION DAT£ DECEMBER 3, 1986 TBE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON , D.C.