FIRST LADY OUT Written by William Richert
[email protected] Shooting Draft, undated. FADE IN: EXT. BROOKLYN NAVAL YARD - NEW YORK CITY - DUSK A Liberian Oil Tanker half the size of Rhode Island is lashed by the 160 MPH WINDS and RAINS of HURRICANE DUNBAR. Oceans Away THE TANKER CABLES: Break their ties to the immense dock. CAPTAIN'S BRIDGE: Lights go out as the vessel is thrust towards Long Island Sound. IN THE DISTANCE: The STATUE OF LIBERTY is almost obliterated by the cutting rain. EXT. AIR FORCE ONE - DUSK Somewhere over the Atlantic, tossed by the same storm. INT. AIR FORCE ONE - CONTINUOUS PRESS SECRETARY CYRUS WHITNEY hurries through the cabin towards the curtained aft section passing TWO STEWARDS struggling with dinner trays. INT. AIR FORCE ONE - CHIEF EXECUTIVE SECTION PRESIDENT ANDREW CRIGHTON sits in his famous pose with his reading glasses almost falling off the tip of his nose, ignoring the shakes of his giant aircraft, reading a dense report. CYRUS Mr. President, there's been an accident. President Crighton turns to his Press Secretary. CYRUS A Liberian oil tanker has broken loose and crashed into the Statue of Liberty. There's a half million barrels of oil leaking into Long Island Sound and the East River in Manhattan. president crighton When did this happen? CYRUS About two hours ago. I have the Mayor of New York on the line. He holds out a small portable phone. The President looks at it, then puts it to his ear. His face is grim. 2. OUT THE WINDOW: LIGHTNING FLASHES across the thunderclouds.