Introduction A: Recent Advances in Cytometry Instrumentation, Probes, and Methods—Review

y y y Arkadiusz Pierzchalski,*, Anja Mittag*, and Attila Tarnok*, *Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Heart Centre, University of Leipzig, Germany

y Translational Centre for Regenerative Medicine (TRM), University of Leipzig, Germany

Abstract I. Preface II. Image Cytometry A. Seeing Is Believing B. Image Cytometry Applications III. New Instrumentations A. Multiparametric Capabilities of Image Cytometry B. The Merge of Systems C. Modifications of the Well-Known – The Microcytometers D. Better – Easier – Affordable E. Off the Beaten Track – Non-fluorescent Analyses IV. New Probes, Components, and Methods A. Let There Be Light B. More Colorful World C. Revealing Cell Fates V. New Strategies for Data Analysis VI. Perspective References


Cytometric techniques are continually being improved, refined, and adapted to new applications. This chapter briefly outlines recent advances in the field of cytometry with the main focus on new instrumentations in flow and image cytometry as well as new probes suitable for multiparametric analyses. There is a remarkable

METHODS IN , VOL 102 0091-679X/10 $35.00 Copyright 2011, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1 DOI 10.1016/B978-0-12-374912-3.00001-8 2 Arkadiusz Pierzchalski et al.

trend for miniaturizing cytometers, developing label-free and fluorescence-free analytical approaches, and designing ‘‘intelligent’’ probes. Furthermore, new meth- ods for analyzing complex data for extracting relevant information are reviewed.

I. Preface

Cytometry is the art and science of measuring phenotypical and functional characteristics of thousands to millions of cells in complex cell systems. Just a few decades ago, it became evident in cellular sciences that the scientific and diagnostic value of analyzing single-cell constituents that may be genes or gene products reached its limits. Cellular systems rely on a multitude of pathways reacting on external or internal stimuli and perturbations. This cognition gave rise to new disciplines in biomedical science with the ‘‘wholistic’’ approach of determining system-wide pattern alterations, termed ‘‘’’. The first omics approach was soon followed by , , , etc. Since the entire pattern of cell features changes in response to particular stimuli, the observation of the system in its totality (the ‘‘omics’’ approach), whether it is genome, , etc., is closer to reality than the investigation of individual parameters alone. Investigation of complex cell systems by the ‘‘bulk’’ techniques such as Western immunoblotting not allowing for the distinction between properties of their individ- ual (cellular) members runs into the pitfall of overlaying specific signals of single highly relevant cells with that of an overbearing background (Szaniszlo et al., 2006). Furthermore, the information on heterogeneity of cell populations, which is critical in many situations (e.g., to identify individual cells that are drug-resistant), is not available. This means that the system-wide determination also needs to recognize and analyze individual cells. Techniques that allow for obtaining information for cytomics or single-cell genomics and proteomics of hundreds to millions of indi- vidual cells would be advantageous. This perspective received particular attention by the progress in stem cell research, which opened new vistas to revolutionize in near future cellular therapy and regenerative medicine. The potential of applications of stem cells in clinical medicine, in particular, distinctly exemplifies why there is a need for multiplexed and high-speed single- cell analysis. Each organ appears to have its own specialized stem cells type essential for its regeneration. However, these cells are extremely rare and can only be unequiv- ocally identified by the characteristic expression pattern of a multitude of markers (Tarnok et al., 2010b). Nowadays, stem cell characterization covers practically all possible progenitor cells from many tissues, for example, liver, cornea cells, hemato- poietic cells, endothelial cells, very small embryonic stem cells, vascular progenitors from adipose tissue, and others (Adams et al., 2009; Challen et al., 2009; Mobius-€ Winkler et al., 2009; Porretti et al., 2010; Takacs et al., 2009; Zimmerlin et al., 2010; Zuba-Surma et al., 2008). Although presently not yet uniformly accepted in the whole scientific community, even tumors seem to have their own stem cells (Fabi an et al., 2009), which may evoke new therapeutic strategies for curing cancer. 1. Recent Advances in Cytometry Instrumentation, Probes, and Methods 3

Cytometry is the technology and science of choice for precisely identifying rare cells and describing the heterogeneity of cell populations in mixed systems. With all its different facets like (FCM), image cytometry, or chip-based technology, it quantitatively scrutinizes individual cells. This is based on binding of or reacting with a plethora of specific detecting molecules but is also realized by technologies that rely on physical properties such as electrical impedance or Raman light scattering. Although the foundations of cytometry date back to the mid-1960s, ongoing technological advances make a regular upgrade of the state-of-the-art technologies, new assays with all their advances, and consequently novel perspec- tives in cell analysis necessary. Single-cell and multiplexed analyses are presently the shooting stars of biotech- nology and they will alter our view on many mechanisms of biological processes, enforce completely innovative ways for diagnosis and treatment, and will improve the development of new drugs. This will be briefly outlined in the following and detailed in specific sections within this and the following chapters of this book.

II. Image Cytometry

Image cytometry, also termed slide-based cytometry or laser scanning cytometry (LSC) or image-assisted cytometry, is a high-content screening method. It is char- acterized by high reproducibility, capability of high-throughput analysis, and it can be standardized similar to FCM (Mittag and Tarnok, 2009). Image cytometry was used for many different applications and a wide range of biological, preclinical, and clinical materials (Gerstner et al., 2009; Harnett, 2007; Pozarowski et al., 2006; Rew et al., 2006). While FCM is unsurpassed in routine analysis of blood specimens, the analysis of solid tissue possesses unique challenges for which this technology is less suited. Most important in tissue analysis is to investigate cells in their spatial and topo- logical context. Most often there is only limited amount of sample material available for the detailed functional and/or phenotypic analysis of specific cell subsets. In this context, image cytometry is a valuable tool for clinical analysis. It is feasible to perform diagnosis even from extremely small and/or hypocellular specimens such as body fluids and fine-needle aspiration biopsies (Gerstner et al., 2002; Mocellin et al., 2001, 2003; Pozarowski et al., 2006). Cells or cell consti- tuents of interest are generally tagged and identified by fluorescence labels. Measurement is comparable to FCM and fluorescence microscopy. This is making obtained data and its analysis familiar for users of these instruments. It is also possible to automatically image whole slides in multiple colors (Varga et al., 2009). Also chromatically stained tissue, more familiar in pathology and immu- nohistochemistry (IHC), can be quantitatively analyzed by image cytometry. Advanced image analysis was also applied for automated classification of inflam- mation in histological sections (Ficsor et al., 2008). LSC has been shown to be a reliable and efficient, relatively high-throughput, and high-content automated 4 Arkadiusz Pierzchalski et al.

technology to quantify morphological endpoints in IHC labeled and nonfluores- cent tissue samples (Peterson et al., 2008).

A. Seeing Is Believing Data analysis based on images allows for unambiguous identification of cells, cell aggregates, or biological constituents of interest based on morphology or fluores- cence labeling. Data seem to be more reliable if one can verify results by eye as ‘‘a picture is worth a thousand dots’’ (Bisha and Brehm-Stecher, 2009). Morphometric image analysis allows for extracting a list of numerical parameters. Identified objects can be described in rates for shape, texture, size, intensity, etc. It is possible to train classification algorithms to discriminate between cell phe- notypes (Pepperkok and Ellenberg, 2006) with high accuracy. However, these algo- rithms are limited in recognizing new phenotypes. Suitable for that purpose are ‘‘intelligent’’ classification systems that automatically learn and define new classes with similar characteristics (Pepperkok and Ellenberg, 2006). It is a valuable tool in location proteomics, for quantitative classification of intracellular structures (Huh et al., 2009; Newberg et al., 2009; Shariff et al., 2010). Also live cells can be imaged and monitored over time. Cell motility complicates direct retrieval of cell informa- tion from single captured images, but improved cell tracking algorithms allow for connecting objects in time, tracking of object splitting (cell division), or merging (cell fusion). Analysis of time-lapsed data sets provides information of individual cell cycle progression (Chen et al., 2006), cell migration (Brown et al., 2010; Degerman et al., 2009), or cell motility behavior (Fotos et al., 2006; Kamgoue et al., 2009).

B. Image Cytometry Applications Detection of apoptosis and cell proliferation by labeling DNA strand breaks was the first reported biological application of LSC (Li and Darzynkiewicz, 1995), demonstrating that simultaneously different information can be obtained by labeling intracellular DNA (nuclear and cytoplasmic DNA). Fluorescence labeling enables to determine DNA content, cell-cycle states, and cellular abnormalities. This repre- sents the easiest way to identify abnormal, for example, tumor cells (Darzynkiewicz et al., 2010; Tsujioka et al., 2008; Zhao et al., 2010b) and distinguish them from ‘‘normal’’ cells. Moreover, cell-cycle-specific markers highlight only cells in a certain development phase (Chakraborty and Tansey, 2009; Halicka et al., 2005). Similarly, DNA condensation and chemical modification such as phosphorylation status of many proteins are also important parameters to study certain aspects of proliferation and death (Halicka et al., 2005; Zhao et al., 2008). Further examples of fluorescence-based LSC applications are spatial resolution of nuclear versus cyto- plasmic fluorescence (Bedner et al., 1998), cellular morphometry and cell-cycle analysis based on maximal pixel intensity (Haider et al., 2003; Schwock et al., 2005; 1. Recent Advances in Cytometry Instrumentation, Probes, and Methods 5

Pozarowski et al., 2004), analysis of enzyme kinetics (Smolewski et al., 2002), drug uptake (Rew et al., 2006), ligand binding (Nagy and Szollosi,€ 2009), evaluation of cytoplasmic/nuclear translocation (Peterson et al., 2010; Usuku et al., 2005), fluo- rescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) analysis (Ikemoto et al., 2004; Smolewski et al., 2001), and quantification of fluorescent IHC labeling in tissue sections (Peterson et al., 2008). Furthermore, LSC represents a powerful tool for qualitative and quantitative analysis of tissue sections in preclinical drug development (Peterson et al., 2008). The high-throughput capability makes this instrument as well as other image cyto- metry systems suitable for single-cell analyses in drug-screening exercises (Esposito et al., 2007; Galanzha et al., 2007; Lovborg€ et al., 2005). In drug discovery, high- throughput analyses are essential for excluding nonefficient or toxic and identify the (very rare) active agents (Tarnok et al., 2010a). Therefore, a multitude of simple assays have to be run to test thousands of chemical compounds. Most often only one or two cellular parameters or functions are investigated at the same time. This may lead to neglect of potential drug candidates not able to induce the expected moni- tored biological effect but would pop-up with another more appropriate assay. The constructive approach, therefore, is to concurrently test for several cell functions (O’Brien et al., 2006) using progressively more sensitive and specific probes (Tarnok et al., 2010a).

III. New Instrumentations

A. Multiparametric Capabilities of Image Cytometry In FCM, a multiparametric analysis has to rely on different labels, that is, different colors for different cellular properties, which have to be separated for unequivocal identification of the desired cell type or some functional aspect. There is a plethora of fluorescent dyes available, which are suitable for multicolor analysis, including ‘‘classical’’ and new organic dyes (Wessels et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2009) with broad emission and low Stoke’s shift as well as quantum dots that have a relatively narrow emission spectrum and higher Stokes’shift (Brown et al., 2010; Mathur and Kelso, 2010; Smith and Giorgio, 2009). However, although up-to-date cytometers are capable of highly multiplexed multicolor analysis, limitations in hardware (excita- tion sources and detectors) and particularly spectral cross-talk between colors are often main hindrance in establishing multicolor panels in many laboratories. Only image cytometry is able to circumvent these limitations. As the same cells can be repeatedly analyzed, their restaining and sequential measurement enhance the depth of information manifold. With highly sophisticated techniques such as the MELC (multi-epitope-ligand cartography) technology, up to 100 different proteins have been investigated in (the identical) single cell enabling efficient target search for drug discovery (Schubert et al., 2006). Multiparametric analyses do not have to be multicolor. If the same cells can be interrogated a second time, different information can be obtained from the same 6 Arkadiusz Pierzchalski et al.

fluorescence channel even if targets are labeled with the same color. The multipa- rameter single-cell analysis is of immense complexity but can be substantially simplified by the use of a single photobleachable fluorochrome (Mittag, 2008; Mittag et al., 2006a, 2006b). Cell microwell arrays or regular microscope slide assays may be used for intracellular and surface antigen staining to a practically unlimited complexity (Hennig et al., 2009; Tajiri et al., 2009). The emergence of powerful probes and dyes as well as fluorescence microscopy techniques, such as fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) (Noda et al 2010, Mochizuki et al 2001), fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) (Roszik et al., 2009), total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) (Angres et al.,2009;Weber et al., 2006), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) (Allen and Thompson, 2006; Gombos et al., 2008), or fluorescence uncaging (Warther et al.,2010),has made fluorescence microscopy an indispensable tool for cell biology. They particu- larly have opened opportunities for quantitative measurement of molecules in vivo. Although most of the above technologies are presently still low-throughput, large efforts are being made to increase sample analysis speed for large-scale screening (Bruns et al., 2009). For high-content and high-throughput cytometric analysis, new tools like automatic stations (robots) are being introduced, which are the part and parcel of modern and future cytometry development (Naumann and Wand, 2009).

B. The Merge of Systems Basically, there are two different cytometry systems: flow- and microscope-based. Both have advantages and disadvantages. So, why not combining their virtues? Image cytometry and also FCM are capable of high-content analyses by multiplexed assays. The link between image cytometry and FCM represents the image stream cytometer (Zuba-Surma et al., 2007; see also Chapter this issue). It combines conventional FCM with single-cell image acquisition and analysis. Thereby, the advantages of image analysis, mainly the fluorescence localization in the cell, are added to the high-throughput capability of cell suspension analysis of FCM for quantitative analysis of receptor internalization, phagocytosis, or nuclear transloca- tion (Elliott, 2009). Imaging FCM incorporates certainly some very useful features of image analysis, but, nevertheless, continuous cell monitoring with high structural resolution can only be done with microscope-based imaging systems.

C. Modifications of the Well-Known – The Microcytometers Tracking and understanding cell-to-cell variability is fundamental for , cytomics, and computational modeling. The rapid augmentation of instru- ment complexity allows an increased number of parameters to be analyzed simulta- neously. Increasing velocity for multiparameter measurements is of key importance for time-efficient data acquisition and subsequent meaningful data analysis (Roederer, 2008). Reduction of sample volume for analysis leads to cost reduction of reagents and reduces the time needed for analysis (Zagnoni and Cooper, 2009). 1. Recent Advances in Cytometry Instrumentation, Probes, and Methods 7

Measurement at the bedside (point-of-care testing) is the goal of today’s clinical diagnosis approaches. Limitations of conventional cell-based techniques, such as FCM and single-cell imaging, however, make the high-throughput dynamic analysis of cellular and subcellular processes tedious and exceedingly expensive. Hence, downsizing of high-tech instruments for their broad availability is the key goal of modern diagnostics. The concept of sample downsizing is realized by lab-on-a-chip, an approach which requires new developments of microchips including microflui- dics, signal creation, and detection microdevices (Zagnoni and Cooper, 2009). The development of microfluidic lab-on-a-chips is one of the most innovative and cost- effective approaches toward integrated cytomics. These devices promise greatly reduced costs, increased sensitivity, and ultrahigh throughput by implementing parallel sample processing (Wlodkowic and Cooper, 2010). It is largely anticipated that advances in microfluidic technologies should aid in tailoring investigational therapies and support the current computational efforts in systems biology. is an emerging technology with a multitude of applications in high-throughput drug-screening routines, high-content personalized clinical diagnostics, and diagnostics in resource-poor areas (Wlodkowic and Cooper, 2010). Chip-based devices enable precise cell phenotype identification. With such systems, it is possible to analyze a virtually unlimited number of intracellular and surface markers even on living immune cells (Hennig et al., 2009).

D. Better – Easier – Affordable FCM has become essential for CD4 cell count monitoring in HIV patients and leukemia diagnosis. Challenging are the relatively high instrument costs, which make FCM unaffordable for those regions of the world that need it most. One factor for high costs is the hydrodynamic focusing of cells in flow. The introduction of a novel flow cell that uses ultrasonic acoustic energy to focus small particles to the center of a flow stream has clearly increased sensitivity and speed of analysis (Goddard et al., 2006). Such features offer the possibility of a truly versatile low- cost portable flow cytometer for field applications (Goddard et al., 2007). An alternative method for particle positioning in FCM was presented recently (Swalwell et al., 2009). Three position-sensitive photodetectors can be used to create a virtual core in the sample stream eliminating the need for sheath fluid. Furthermore, costs for preparation of blood samples should not be neglected and with no-lyse, no-wash flow-cytometric methods it is possible to significantly reduce costs per sample (Cassens et al., 2004; Greve et al., 2003). Beside FCM, image cytometry with simplified optics, low-cost detectors, and data analysis tools may also lead to affordable cytometers and therewith appro- priate diagnosis and health care in resource-limited countries (Shapiro and Perlmutter, 2006). An example for such an affordable HIV diagnostics device utilizes immobilized anti-CD4 antibodies, a CCD sensor, and an automatic cell- counting software (Moon et al., 2009). Image cytometry as technique may even be 8 Arkadiusz Pierzchalski et al.

more appropriate for affordable cytometers than FCM as it is normally of low- maintenance and easier to use.

E. Off the Beaten Track – Non-fluorescent Analyses FCM at its beginning provided only information on unlabeled cells (before fluo- rescence dyes were developed and linked to antibodies). Nowadays it is almost forgotten that also ‘‘untouched’’ (label-free) cells can provide relevant information on cells’ quality and condition. Label-free approaches have the main advantage that cells are less affected by sample preparation (mainly labeling procedures). Such assays may be important for preparative stem cell applications in cell therapy as medicinal products. Technologies on the horizon include impedance cytometry, Raman spectroscopy, near-infrared spectroscopy, multiple angles light scatter, and photoacoustic cytometry (Cheung et al., 2005; Galanzha et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2006; Rajwa et al., 2008; Rappaz et al., 2008; Steiner et al., 2008).

1. Electrical Impedance Cytometry Flow system measurements of cell impedance properties have been performed for many decades (Coulter, 1956; Hoffman and Britt, 1979). In impedance measure- ment, the electric field in the detection volume is perturbed by each individual cell while the cells are passing through a capillary. This perturbation results in the creation of positive and negative signals, which are processed to provide the imped- ance (Cheung et al., 2005). Also impedance-based cytometric systems exhibit the potential to become point-of-care blood analysis systems (Holmes et al., 2009). Microfabricated impedance analysis devices offer high sensitivity combined with reduction in sample size. Impedance cytometry has been widely used to measure the dielectric properties of cells, determining membrane capacitance, membrane resis- tance, cytoplasmic conductivity, and permittivity (Cheung et al., 2010; Holmes et al., 2009; Holmes and Morgan, 2010). Differential leukocyte identification based on dielectric properties of cells is one application of impedance cytometry (Holmes et al., 2009). The dielectric properties of cells in impedance analyses are sensitive to stimuli arising from exposure to drug molecules and a variety of mitogens derived from bacterial and viral products. Hence, the technology may also find applications in cell-cycle analysis, apoptosis, and toxicity/viability assays. Impedance analysis may be further refined through the development of dielectric labels to identify cells with similar impedance properties (e.g., for determination of CD4+ T-cell counts for HIV diagnostics). To this end, a new approach for impedance-based antibody identification was proposed by Holmes and Morgan (2010) using small antibodies conjugated to beads for CD4+ cell identification and enumeration. Furthermore, DNA content can be estimated label-free based on the linear relationship between the DNA content of eukaryotic cells and the change in capacitance that is evoked by the passage of individual cells 1. Recent Advances in Cytometry Instrumentation, Probes, and Methods 9

across a 1-kHz electric field (Sohn et al., 2000). This technique is termed ‘‘capac- itance cytometry.’’ Nowadays, it is possible to analyze dynamic mechanisms involving cells in real time and label free by microelectromechanical systems (BioMEMS) (Debuisson et al., 2008). The concept of nanoscale devices has developed over the last decade with successful applications for monitoring cell-membrane conductivity, cell monolayer permeability, morphology, migration, and cellular micromotion. In addition to these efforts, some researchers have worked on the monitoring of cellular consequences of ligand–receptor interactions and ion channel activities (Debuisson et al., 2008). Another highly sensitive and label-free method for characterizing cells is aimed at cell-surface receptors and is called protein-functionalized pore. It measures cell retardation while the cell is passing a pore. The retardation of the cell is caused by interaction with a pore-coating protein and indicates the presence of a specific marker on the cell surface (Carbonaro et al., 2008).

2. Raman Scatter Cytometry There is an increasing interest in alternate, nonfluorescent probes since spectral overlap of various fluorochromes limits simultaneous measurement of multiple para- meters. New methods for multiplex analysis are at the reach. One such alternative involves Raman-based probes (Goddard et al., 2010). Intrinsic Raman scattering from molecules is orders of magnitude less intense than fluorescence from commonly used fluorochromes. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering provides a partial solution of this problem. Raman scattering can be enhanced by many Raman-active compounds in the presence of a metal surface such as gold or silver (Watson et al., 2008). Raman vibrations based optical probes are inherently suitable for advanced multiplexed analysis. However, there remain significant challenges realizing Raman-based multi- plexing in flow (Goddard et al., 2010). Instruments have been developed for full Raman fingerprint region signal acquisition (Goddard et al., 2010; Watson et al., 2008). These instruments are modified in a way that the Raman spectrum from cells labeled with nanoparticles can be acquired and used as additional parameter (Watson et al., 2008). Raman FCM opens up new possibilities for multiplexing using a simple optical configuration with a single detector and light source (Watson et al., 2008) and can be applied even for whole organisms and large particles (Watson et al., 2009).

3. Mass-Spectrometry Cytometry With the advent of multimodular systems combining advantages of well-established modules, the capability of simultaneously measured parameters increased. The intro- duction of inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) fulfills the expectations for nonambiguous antigen identification. If many different metal-iso- tope-tagged antibodies are used for simultaneous staining of antigens, complex immu- nophenotyping is possible (Ornatsky et al., 2008). ICP-MS possesses several advan- tages that can enhance the performance of immunoassays. It exhibits high precision, 10 Arkadiusz Pierzchalski et al.

low detection limits, and a large dynamic range, both for each antigen and between antigens. There are lower matrix effects from other components of the biological sample, that is, contaminating proteins in the sample have no effect on elemental analysis. Moreover, there is a lower background since plastic containers do not cause interference on elemental detection as they can with fluorescence. Another advantage is the absence of ‘‘unspecific’’ background, that is, there is no autofluorescence. Likewise, an analytical response from incubation or storage times is irrelevant as protein degradation does not affect analysis of an elemental tag. Problems with changing signal intensities such as bleaching of fluorochromes cannot be observed in ICP-MS. Furthermore, ICP-MS exhibits a large multiplexing capability (potentially up to 167 isotopes, realistically around 100 distinguishable tags) and there is a better spectral resolution (abundance sensitivity) (Ornatsky et al., 2008). Since signals from element tags are essentially nonoverlapping, there is no need for compensation. Recently, the introduction of flow system with MS detection unit (FL-MS) has brought the technology closer to common use (Ornatsky et al., 2008). More than 20 antigens in the same sample have been successfully measured by FL-MS technology (Bandura et al., 2009), and still there is a high potential to increase the amount of simultaneously measurable antigens (with different elemental tags) to 30–50, which allow for complex analysis of the cellular status. It is believed that the determination of the cellular status of patients suffering from different diseases will enable fast and accurate diagnosis and new therapy. It may even guarantee therapy success, as proposed by the cytomics approach used for individualized therapy (Tarnok et al., 2010a). Also drug discovery will be much more effective once dozens of parameters are estimated on the single-cell level. Alternatively, the ability to highly multiplex cell authentication by image cytometry can be combined with the high molecular resolution of MS to detect specific cellular products in single cells as shown by Brown et al. (2010). This method combines single-cell capillary electrophoresis for quantitation and separation of analytes with MS for analyte identification.

IV. New Probes, Components, and Methods

Over the last decade, many improvements have been implemented to increase sensitivity, refine sorting, miniaturization, and many others. Cytometric techniques are being adapted to new applications and concepts such as cytomics. Complex multi- parametric analyses are developed as well. New lasers (or even diodes nowadays) and filters are implemented or an assortment of different scatter angles – not to mention new fluorescence dyes, ‘‘intelligent’’ probes, or the increasing capabilities of software.

A. Let There Be Light Appropriate laser selection for accurate dye excitation is crucial in multiparameter analysis. There is a bunch of lasers tailored for numerous applications. New devel- opments like fiber optics technology, improved green lasers (550 nm) (Telford et al., 1. Recent Advances in Cytometry Instrumentation, Probes, and Methods 11

2009a), or a super-continuum white light laser (Telford et al., 2009b) practically extend the range of usable excitation wavelengths. The advantages of flexible laser selection are reduction in cellular autofluorescence and improvements in signal-to- noise ratio and detection sensitivity of fluorochromes. By selective filtering the wavelength range of interest of a white laser, almost any laser wavelength can be separated and used for cytometric analysis. This means, if almost any wavelength range can be made available for excitation, virtually any fluorescent probe can be analyzed (Telford et al., 2009b).

B. More Colorful World The portfolio of accessible dyes is still growing. With an appropriate combination of detecting molecules labeled with different colors as well as site-specific structural and functional targeting, it is possible to quantify different functional aspects of cellular response in a single experiment. Fluorescent tags such as the already mentioned quantum dots (Chattopadhyay et al., 2006, 2007, 2010; Michalet et al., 2005), a plethora of fluorescent proteins (Shaner et al., 2005), and switchable molecular colors (PS-CFP, PA-GFP) (Ando et al., 2004) are beneficial for imaging selectively labeled cells and their interaction in vitro and in situ with an excellent signal-to-noise ratio. If molecular targets are stained with a multitude of fluorescent molecules, single-cell-based analyses will be more specific and sensitive (Giuliano and Taylor, 1998). Another group of dyes named NorthernLights has been introduced recently to the market. These dyes are excitable at different wavelengths, very stable, almost unbleachable, and importantly exhibit a very interesting feature: under red light excitation, the NorthernLight NL637 increase fluorescence intensity (excitation max) over excitation time (Wessels et al., 2010). As this is in contrary to photo- bleaching, it can be combined with bleachable dyes. The combination of Alexa dyes (known to be stable, e.g., Alexa633), bleachable dyes (e.g., APC), and NL637 is suitable for triple differential fluorochrome identification in the red channel adding new parameters to hyperchromatic image cytometry (Mittag et al., 2006b).

C. Revealing Cell Fates The best way to investigate cellular behavior is to do that in their natural envi- ronment, that is, in vivo. However, a main challenge in fluorescence in-vivo imaging is tissue penetration and subsequent signal detection of fluorescent dyes. New solutions are now available for improving in-vivo single-cell signal detection for a wide range of applications comprising of red and far red emitting fluorescence proteins (Morozova et al., 2010; Piatkevich et al., 2010; Subach et al., 2010, 2009). With the possibility to track and trace cells in vivo, not only information on biodistribution of administered cells (e.g., in stem cell therapy) can be obtained but also the investigation of the interaction of different cells is possible. Functional 12 Arkadiusz Pierzchalski et al.

analysis with a specific metabolic insight has much developed, thanks to new enzyme-specific fluorogenic substrates. Together with extensive phenotyping, it enables precise estimation of the activity of cells in vitro or in vivo (Packard et al., 2007; Packard and Komoriya, 2008; Telford et al., 2002). Development of fluorescent, organelle-targeted probes has been driven by dis- covering new dyes that excite and emit in the visible spectrum. These dyes possess specific subcellular localization features so that they can be used as organelle markers or physiological biosensors (Giuliano and Taylor, 1998; Merzlyak et al., 2007; Subach et al., 2010). One of the outstanding examples of fluorescent proteins was presented recently by the group of Allan Waggoner. They developed protein reporters that generate fluorescence from otherwise dark molecules (fluorogens) (Szent-Gyorgyi et al., 2008). Eight unique fluorogen-activating proteins (FAPs) have been isolated by screening a library of human single-chain antibodies using deriva- tives of thiazole orange and malachite green. These FAPs bind fluorogens with nanomolar affinity, resulting in a thousand-fold increase in green or red fluores- cence, up to brightness levels typically achieved by fluorescent proteins. Visualization of FAPs on the cell surface or within the secretory apparatus of mammalian cells can be achieved by membrane-permeant or impermeant fluoro- gens, respectively. This enables live cell imaging and the analysis of subcellular locations of interest as well as surface proteins (Holleran et al., 2010). Still another feature of fluorescent bioimaging probes is based on chemical address tags namely styryl compounds derivatives (Shedden and Rosania, 2010). Upon chemical modification, they tend to luminesce at different wavelength and provide therewith cell- and compartment-specific information. These probes seem to possess internal sensitivity for cellular states and cell types enabling accurate cell identification in heterogeneous cell populations (Shedden and Rosania, 2010). Yet more permeable probes are being introduced enabling control of RNA and DNA synthesis for life cell imaging. The approach is based on ‘‘click’’ chemistry, which relies on efficient nucleotide analog (EdU) incorporation in activated or proliferat- ing cells, respectively, and then subsequent detection by a fluorescent azide (Zhao et al., 2010a). The small size of azides allows the staining of whole-mount prepara- tions of large tissues and organs (Jao and Salic, 2008; Salic and Mitchison, 2008).

V. New Strategies for Data Analysis

Multiparametric analyses produce a vast quantity of data. If the data are analyzed in terms of cytomics by a hypothesis-free approach (which is preferable to gain insights into heterogeneous systems over purely hypothesis driven approach), pow- erful data analysis software and algorithms are needed. Multicolor analysis leads to creation of huge databases. Multidimensional view of data allows to determine and understand cellular complexity, but it requires new tools for data analysis (Lugli et al., 2010; Novo and Wood, 2008). Supervised or unsupervised data-mining algorithms allow for an effective analysis of multiparametric datasets (Pyne et al., 2009). One step 1. Recent Advances in Cytometry Instrumentation, Probes, and Methods 13

in this direction is the analysis of FCM data analogous to gene expression studies. This approach represents cytometric profiling and enables identification of significant parameters for classification of several groups (Steinbrich-Zollner€ et al.,2008). Clustering helps to arrange multidimensional datasets based on differences and sim- ilarities between analyzed objects (Lugli et al., 2010; Steinbrich-Zollner€ et al.,2008; Zeng et al., 2007). Application of cluster and principal component analysis to FCM data may promote the human cytome project (Kitsos et al., 2007; Steinbrich-Zollner€ et al., 2008) and will lead to more efficient panel development and detection of suitable biomarkers for diagnosis and (Pierzchalski et al., 2008). The data need to be properly organized according to international standards and be comprehensible for a wider audience. To this end, much effort has been done by introducing improved cytometric data standards (FCS 3.1) (Spidlen et al., 2010), gating descriptors (Spidlen et al., 2008), and minimal experimental requirements for cytometric data publication called MIFlowCyt (Lee et al., 2008). The latter has been for the first time implemented into a study for B-cell identification (Blimkie et al., 2010). Growing multidimensionality requires new display tools, which have been proposed and are being used by many cytometry leaders (Appay et al., 2008; Apweiler et al., 2009; Pedreira et al., 2008; Roederer and Moody, 2008; Steinbrich-Zollner€ et al., 2008). Such display tools are polychromatic plots and a ‘‘super’’ multicolor staining display for a virtually infinite number of colors. Further analysis tools are under development and of high importance for understanding and interpretation of complex multiparametric analyses. Automation in complex data analysis, that is, implementation of automatic processing tools, makes it easier to tease out the requested data from a vast amount of information collected (Jeffries et al., 2008).

VI. Perspective

Cytometry is by nature a multidisciplinary field of science aimed at quantitative cell analysis. Over the last half century, cytometry has been maturing and is catching the attention of diverse scientific fields. Nowadays, instruments are capable for truly multiparametric analyses and the creation of very complex data. For the interpreta- tion of these data and the understanding of the complexity of cell subsets and their interaction, new data analysis tools are mandatory. A few software tools for handling analysis of complex data have been released or are under development. Nevertheless, development of analysis tools for the illustration of multiparametric data sets and automatic or at least semiautomatic gating and analysis tools will be a trend in the upcoming years. Unlike the progressive increase in complexity of cytometric analyses, the last years have also introduced simplification of instruments for the use in resource-poor areas. Approaches for instrument simplification are being introduced to the market (Cossarizza, 2010; Greve et al., 2009). This goes hand-in-hand with the increasing demand for cheap, reliable instruments in HIV high-incidence areas for accurate 14 Arkadiusz Pierzchalski et al.

diagnosis and therapy control. This progress is still going on and is hopefully making cytometric technologies available for those who desperately need it. Another trend points toward label-free approaches for cell analyses. Presently avail- able label-free technologies are regaining attention for on-site cellular sample quality control. Taking into account the pace of development, these technologies are expected to reach the market within next 5 years (Cheung et al., 2010). Also multiparametric but non-fluorescent analyses (e.g., FL-MS) may gain importance as data interpretation should be easier without the bothersome spillover problems of fluorescence dyes. There are not only developments and refinements in cytometric technologies and instrumentation but also the bunch of applications is steadily growing. More and more biomedical questions are addressed by cytometry, for example, in the field of nanotoxicology (Tarnok, 2010). Hence, the next years will provide a lot of new applications for FCM and image cytometry.

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