The 2013 Legislative Session convened on January 8, 2013, for its biennial organizational day, and then reconvened in regular session on February 4 and adjourned sine die on May 24, 2013, a week earlier than the constitutionally mandated date. The Senate welcomed eight new members to the 54th Legislature: Senators , , , Kyle Loveless, , , Jabar Shumate and . The leadership team of Senator Brian Bingman, President Pro Tempore, Senator Mike Schulz, Majority Floor Leader and Senator Sean Burrage, Democratic Floor Leader, was reelected. The Legislature considered 2,557 bills and joint resolutions, of which 188 Senate measures and 235 House measures became law. Governor vetoed 17 measures.

General appropriations for state government for fiscal year 2014 were included in HB 2301. The Legislature also passed significant reforms relating to workers’ compensation (SB 1062) and state infrastructure planning (HB 1910), as well as an income tax measure that included tax relief and apportionment of income tax revenues to a fund to repair and renovate the State Capitol.

Other Senate leadership agenda items passed in 2013 include:

Job Creation and Economic Development

1. Enact wholesale reform of Oklahoma’s workers’ compensation system a. SB1062 by Sen. Bingman (Signed by Governor) – Oklahoma’s workers’ compensation system is transformed from a judicial to administrative system. 2. Reduce the tax burden on families, individuals, and businesses a. HB2032 by Sen. Bingman (Signed by Governor) – Reduces the top income tax rate from 5.25% to 4.85% in phases starting in 2015. b. SB330 by Sen. Sykes (Signed by Governor) - Allows for individuals and businesses affected by tornados in May 2013 to claim various tax credits in their effort to recover from the disaster. 3. Reform Oklahoma’s pension system to ensure we can meet our commitments in the future a. HB2078 by Sen. Mazzei (Signed by Governor) – Changes retirement age and vesting period for the Firefighters Pension and Retirement System. Also increases the employer and employee contribution amount as well as Insurance Premium Tax collections. The changes result in actuarial savings to the system.


1. Support and fund historic education reforms a. HB1658 by Sen. Jolley (Signed by Governor) – Modifies the A-F school grading system in an effort to provide a complete accounting of school performance.

1 b. HB2301 by Sen. Jolley (Signed by Governor) - Allocated an additional $91M to common education. 2. Promote efficiencies in education a. HB2131 by Sen. Ford (Signed by Governor) - Allows school districts to request from the State Board of Education to be exempt from most regulations which charter schools are exempt. Requests must include a plan outlining goals, educational and fiscal benefits, and anticipated outcomes. 3. Increase the number of Oklahomans with post-secondary degrees and industry certifications a. HB2301 by Sen. Jolley (Signed by Governor) – Allocates an additional $33M for higher education and Career Technology. A portion of the funding will be used to support the goal of awarding more degrees and career certificates.

Health and Human Services

1. Increase the number of doctors and health care professionals in underserved areas throughout Oklahoma a. HB2301 by Sen. Jolley (Signed by Governor) - Allocated $13M to OSU Medical Center for residency program and for continuing hospital operations. 2. Continue working with the Department of Human Services to ensure healthier and safer lives for families, children, the elderly and disabled a. HB2301 by Sen. Jolley (Signed by Governor) - Allocated $32M to the Pinnacle Plan and an additional $1M to the DDSD waiting list. Also allocated $8.4M for a DDSD rate increase. b. SB181 by Sen. David (Signed by Governor) - Extends the Oklahoma Suicide Prevention Council until 2020 and adds an additional 6 members to the council including representatives from the military, Native American/Tribal, and the medical community. c. SB587 by Sen. Justice (Signed by Governor) - Allows for patients in nursing homes or their guardians to place cameras in their rooms for monitoring purposes. 3. Return the Medical Examiner’s office to full accreditation a. HB2301 by Sen. Jolley (Signed by Governor) – Allocates $1.5M for lease payments on a new facility for the Medical Examiner’s office.

Public Safety

1. Protect our families and children from violence. a. SB283 by Sen. Brecheen (Signed by Governor) Requires district attorneys to notify the State Board of Education when a school employee is charged with a felony or violent misdemeanor and when the employee has been convicted or receives a suspended sentence or probationary term for a sex-related crime for which a teaching certificate would be revoked.

2 b. SB460 by Sen. Griffin (Signed by Governor) – Person with prolonged knowledge of ongoing child abuse who fail to report it to the authorities are subject to a felony conviction. c. SB679 by Sen. Griffin (Signed by Governor) - Allows for the prosecution of an individual engaged in transmitting or causing a transmission to originate within the state containing obscene material or child pornography.

2. Combat the sale and use of illegal drugs and illicit prescription drugs a. HB1419 by Sen. Standridge (Signed by Governor) – Addresses fraud and doctor shopping by strengthening the prescription drug monitoring program. b. HB1781 by Sen. Griffin (Signed by Governor) – Gives ODMHSAS and the Dept. of Health access to central prescription drug repository information gathered and kept by OBNDD. c. HB1783 by Sen. Griffin (Signed by Governor) – Prohibits a written or oral prescription containing the painkiller hydrocodone from being refilled.

3. Combat the manufacture and distribution of illegal drugs. a. SB580 by Sen. Brinkley (Signed by Governor) - Allows for a report from OSBI or the methamphetamine precursor tracking service provider to be admissible as evidence in court.

4. Continue to defend the Second Amendment rights of Oklahomans a. HB1622 by Sen. Treat (Signed by Governor) - Allows private schools to set their own policies regarding firearms on campus. b. SB173 by Sen. Griffin (Signed by Governor) - Allows a peace officer to carry a weapon unconcealed when off-duty. Also allows a person who has been granted a permanent victim’s protective order to be issued a temporary handgun license.

Veterans Issues

1. Pursue restructuring and additional oversight of the OK Dept. of Veterans Affairs a. SB228 by Sen. Simpson (Signed by Governor) - authorizes the Oklahoma Department of Veteran’s Affairs (ODVA) to contract with accredited institutions to establish education and training programs for positions critical to the quality of care of veterans residing with ODVA institutions. b. SB235 by Sen. Simpson (Signed by Governor) - places the OK Veterans Centers under the management and control of the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs. c. SB629 by Sen. Simpson (Signed by Governor) - makes nursing facilities operated by the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs (ODVA) subject to the requirements of the Nursing Home Care Act.

3 Transportation and Infrastructure Improvement

1. Remain committed to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation’s eight year plan. a. HB2301 by Sen. Jolley (Signed by Governor) – Allocated $60M for an increase in the ROADS fund and $2M in additional money for the state transportation fund. 2. Responsibly repair and maintain taxpayer-owned capital assets a. HB1910 by Sen. Bingman (Signed by Governor) – Establishes the Long Range Capital Planning Commission to oversee the state’s infrastructure needs. b. HB2032 by Sen. Bingman (Signed by Governor) - Allocates $120M for the repair and renovation of the State Capitol. c. HB2301 by Sen. Jolley (Signed by Governor) – Allocates $30M for the Maintenance of State Buildings Revolving Fund.

The following list shows all measures signed into law or vetoed by Governor Fallin during the 2013 session. To access additional information or the text of any measure, please see http://newlsb.lsb.state.ok.us/basicsearchform.aspx.

Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Intoxicating liquors; providing immunity 05- from prosecution for certain persons if APPROVED SB1 Branan Jackson 07- person needs medical assistance due to BY GOV 2013 alcohol consumption. Effective date.

Temporary help firms; allowing denial of 04- APPROVED SB5 unemployment benefits under certain Stanislawski Watson 22- BY GOV conditions. Effective date. Emergency. 2013

Waste disposal; application of fees for 04- APPROVED SB25 non-hazardous waste disposal. Marlatt Hickman 24- BY GOV Emergency. 2013

04- The Oklahoma Medical False Claims APPROVED SB27 Brecheen Hulbert 22- Act. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

4 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Hazardous waste fuel recycling; 04- APPROVED SB33 modifying certain exemptions. Effective Justice Armes 08- BY GOV date. 2013

Oklahoma Sunset Law; re-creating the 04- APPROVED SB35 Oklahoma Sorghum Commission. Schulz Jackson 22- BY GOV Emergency. 2013

Allowing the Chief Medical Examiner to 04- issue burial-transmit permits for out-of- APPROVED SB37 Anderson Ritze 24- state transportation of deceased persons. BY GOV 2013 Effective date.

Oklahoma Mutual Aid Compact; 05- APPROVED SB49 authorizing certain universities to Sparks Virgin 06- BY GOV participate. Effective date. 2013

Aerial luminaries; making it unlawful to 04- APPROVED SB64 sell, distribute, possess, ignite or use Barrington Joyner 29- BY GOV aerial luminaries. 2013

Fireworks; authorizing certain inspections 04- APPROVED SB66 by certain local governing authorities. Barrington Joyner 29- BY GOV Emergency. 2013

Rural fire protection; modifying 04- composition of certain rural fire APPROVED SB79 Bingman McNiel 12- protection coordination districts. BY GOV 2013 Effective date. Emergency.

National Day of the Cowboy; declaring APPROVED 04- SB88 Barrington Kouplen certain date National Day of the Cowboy. BY GOV 30-

5 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Emergency. 2013

Littering; modifying certain fines and 05- APPROVED SB89 providing for deposit. Effective date. Ballenger Wesselhoft 13- BY GOV Emergency. 2013

School district boards of education; 04- modifying instructional requirements for APPROVED SB91 Fields Casey 10- new board members. Effective date. BY GOV 2013 Emergency.

Provisional driver licenses; authorizing 05- Department of Public Safety to enter APPROVED SB97 Brecheen Nelson 14- certain agreements to allow limited BY GOV 2013 driving privilege. Effective date.

Precious Metal and Gem Dealer 04- Licensing Act; modifying recordkeeping APPROVED SB107 Ballenger Armes 24- and regulatory requirements; specifying BY GOV 2013 fines. Effective date.

Director of the Department of 04- APPROVED SB162 Corrections; modifying and adding Anderson Billy 12- BY GOV certain powers and duties. Effective date. 2013

05- Motor vehicles; various special license APPROVED SB164 Shumate Matthews 30- plates. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

05- Ad valorem tax; property related oil and APPROVED SB166 Mazzei Sears 31- gas disposal systems. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

6 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Education; directing schools to report 04- APPROVED SB169 certain information for virtual students. Ford Casey 22- BY GOV Effective date. Emergency. 2013

Schools; allowing secondary teachers to 04- APPROVED SB170 teach fifth grade. Effective date. Ford Casey 08- BY GOV Emergency. 2013

Firearms; concealed handgun definition; authorizing private property owners to 05- APPROVED SB173 prohibit certain conduct; requiring Griffin Newell 30- BY GOV signage; immunity from certain liability. 2013 Effective date

Fraud; making certain check or order a 04- APPROVED SB177 check of order given in exchange for a Coates Newell 23- BY GOV benefit or thing of value. Effective date. 2013

Mental health; extending the Oklahoma 04- Suicide Prevention Council until 2020; APPROVED SB181 David Ortega 23- increasing membership to include BY GOV 2013 military personnel. Effective date.

Oil and gas; modifying notice delivery 05- APPROVED SB191 process for negotiation of surface Marlatt Jackson 20- BY GOV damages. Emergency. 2013

Tourism and recreation; naming the 04- APPROVED SB196 Henry J. Heflin Pavilion at Lake Wister. Ellis Lockhart 12- BY GOV Effective date. Emergency. 2013

SB197 Municipal police chiefs; requiring certain Griffin Turner APPROVED 05-

7 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status CLEET training; providing penalty. BY GOV 10- Effective date. 2013

School district employment; prohibiting 04- APPROVED SB199 districts from inquiring about an Brooks Denney 08- BY GOV applicant's children. Effective date. 2013

Foster care; directing the Office of 04- Juvenile Affairs to develop a foster care APPROVED SB200 Griffin Nelson 23- program for children. Effective date. BY GOV 2013 Emergency.

Schools; modifying the frequency of 04- APPROVED SB207 evaluating certain teachers. Effective Ford Coody 08- BY GOV date. Emergency. 2013

Education; providing for remediation and 05- APPROVED SB226 intervention for students who fail end-of- Ford Coody 30- BY GOV instruction requirements. Effective date. 2013

Creating Quality Workforce for 05- APPROVED SB228 Oklahoma's Heroes Act; requiring ODVA Simpson Hardin 07- BY GOV to establish programs. Effective date. 2013

05- Election recounts; modifying procedures. APPROVED SB233 Griffin Watson 14- Effective date. BY GOV 2013

Soldiers and sailors; updating and 05- repealing statutes; specifying duties of APPROVED SB235 Simpson Hardin 10- Department of Veterans Affairs. Effective BY GOV 2013 date.

8 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Nursing Facilities Quality of Care fee; 04- APPROVED SB237 exempting ODVA facilities. Effective Simpson Hardin 30- BY GOV date. Emergency. 2013

04- Schools; modifying criminal history APPROVED SB244 Jolley Coody 12- record searches for certain teachers. BY GOV 2013

Appropriations; Constitutional Reserve 05- APPROVED SB249 Fund; matching federal disaster funds and Bingman Nelson 24- BY GOV disaster-related assistance. Emergency. 2013

Workers' compensation provider 04- reimbursement; modifying APPROVED SB250 Bingman Derby 12- reimbursement requirements for certain BY GOV 2013 procedures. Emergency.

Education; allowing superintendents of certain schools to make certain 04- APPROVED SB251 determinations under the Achieving Garrison Hulbert 08- BY GOV Classroom Excellence Act. Effective 2013 date. Emergency.

Schools; requiring school districts to 04- APPROVED SB256 conduct certain drills. Effective date. Bingman Shannon 17- BY GOV Emergency. 2013

04- Schools; Oklahoma School Security APPROVED SB257 Bingman Shannon 17- Institute. Effective date. Emergency. BY GOV 2013

SB258 Schools; emergency response Bingman Shannon APPROVED 04-

9 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status organizations. Effective date. Emergency. BY GOV 17- 2013

Schools; requiring school authorities to 04- APPROVED SB259 report discovery of firearms. Effective Bingman Shannon 17- BY GOV date. Emergency. 2013

Schools; creating the Statewide Virtual 05- APPROVED SB267 Charter School Commission. Effective Stanislawski Quinn 07- BY GOV date. 2013

Public health and safety; Health Care 04- Authority; feasibility study on dual APPROVED SB272 David Cox 22- eligibility for Medicaid and Medicare. BY GOV 2013 Effective date. Emergency.

Absentee ballots; modifying absentee 04- APPROVED SB276 ballot procedures for physically Bass Dorman 22- BY GOV incapacitated voters. Emergency. 2013

05- Elections; authorizing appointment of APPROVED SB277 Bass Dorman 06- volunteer precinct officials. Emergency. BY GOV 2013

Schools; modifying dates for application 04- APPROVED SB280 and notification of student transfers. Stanislawski Casey 30- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

Voter identification; modifying 04- APPROVED SB282 documents constituting proof of identity. Ford Quinn 12- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

10 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status School employees; directing the State 05- Board of Education to be notified upon APPROVED SB283 Brecheen Thomsen 13- the filing or adjudication of certain BY GOV 2013 charges. Effective date. Emergency.

Authority of district attorney; authorizing 05- APPROVED SB285 destruction or storage of certain records. David Hulbert 16- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

Candidacy for office; requiring certain 05- APPROVED SB287 criminal history information on Paddack Floyd 31- BY GOV declaration of candidacy. Effective date. 2013

04- Property; property tax resales; providing APPROVED SB292 Crain Sanders 24- for release of certain liens. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

Voluntary emergency services; limiting 05- APPROVED SB294 liability for certain emergency Coates Jordan 14- BY GOV professional services. Effective date. 2013

Mental health; community-based 05- structured crisis centers; requiring centers APPROVED SB295 Ivester Derby 07- to comply with certain standards. BY GOV 2013 Effective date.

Juvenile affairs; creating the State 05- Council for Juvenile Supervision; APPROVED SB301 Standridge Nelson 30- defining membership; stating powers and BY GOV 2013 duties.

Podiatry; authorizing use of certain APPROVED 04- SB302 Jolley Grau exams for licensing; providing standards BY GOV 30-

11 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status for issuance of licenses; updating fees 2013 and standards for licensure. Effective date.

Presidential electors; providing 04- APPROVED SB309 procedures if elector fails or refuses to Holt Banz 12- BY GOV vote for party nominee. Effective date. 2013

Council on Law Enforcement Education 04- and Training (CLEET); requiring certain APPROVED SB315 Crain Cooksey 23- training on issues related to dementia or BY GOV 2013 Alzheimer's disease.

05- Revenue and taxation; gross receipts tax APPROVED SB321 Mazzei Sears 30- on mixed beverages. BY GOV 2013

Game and fish; allowing certain game 04- APPROVED SB324 fish to be taken by noodling. Effective Wyrick Glenn 12- BY GOV date. 2013

Tax credit for owners of property 05- APPROVED SB330 damaged or destroyed in a natural Sykes Sears 30- BY GOV disaster in 2012 or 2013. Emergency. 2013

Gross production tax; eliminating certain 05- reporting requirements and procedures APPROVED SB332 Mazzei Sears 14- relating to release of information. BY GOV 2013 Effective date.

Revenue and taxation; expiration date for 05- APPROVED SB343 credit related to use of coal and zero- Mazzei Hall 30- BY GOV emission facilities. Effective date. 2013

12 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Fire Extinguisher Licensing Act; 04- transferring all authority to the State Fire APPROVED SB347 Ballenger Sanders 22- Marshal; providing for adoption of rules. BY GOV 2013 Effective date.

Records of persons requiring treatment; 04- APPROVED SB369 authorizing inspection of certain records Ivester Sherrer 02- BY GOV by certain persons. Effective date. 2013

Solicitation of Charitable Contributions 04- Act; modifying information required to APPROVED SB372 Paddack Thomsen 02- be provided by charitable organizations. BY GOV 2013 Effective date.

05- State parks; requirements for boat rental APPROVED SB374 Brown Brumbaugh 13- businesses. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

Civil rights enforcement; transferring 05- APPROVED SB396 duties to the Attorney General's Office of Jolley Osborn 07- BY GOV Civil Rights Enforcement. Emergency. 2013

Council on Law Enforcement Education 04- APPROVED SB398 and Training (CLEET); making personnel Paddack Thomsen 22- BY GOV eligible for academy. Effective date. 2013

Animals; prohibiting allowing certain 05- animals to run at large; allowing seizure; APPROVED SB402 Justice DeWitt 14- providing penalty. Effective date. BY GOV 2013 Emergency.

13 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Personal injury trusts; creating the 05- APPROVED SB404 Personal Injury Trust Fund Transparency Jolley Jordan 07- BY GOV Act. Effective date. 2013

Revocation of driving privileges; adding 05- APPROVED SB406 certain exception to a mandatory Anderson Hickman 14- BY GOV revocation. Effective date. 2013

Council on Law Enforcement Education 05- and Training (CLEET); modifying APPROVED SB408 Paddack Thomsen 20- training requirements for certain inactive BY GOV 2013 officers; waiving certain requirements.

04- Public water supply systems; removing APPROVED SB413 Schulz DeWitt 08- date restrictions for permits. Emergency. BY GOV 2013

05- Memorial highway and bridge APPROVED SB418 Loveless Schwartz 30- designations. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

Schools; providing a definition of 05- "educationally appropriate" as it relates to APPROVED SB419 Stanislawski Quinn 06- certain online courses. Effective date. BY GOV 2013 Emergency.

Professions and occupations; removing certain requirements for licensure of 05- electrologists; expanding countries APPROVED SB422 Griffin Grau 14- applicants may receive postgraduate BY GOV 2013 medical training in certain programs. Effective date.

14 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Teacher evaluations; modifying deadlines 05- under the Oklahoma Teacher and Leader APPROVED SB426 Ford Sears 30- Effectiveness Evaluation System. BY GOV 2013 Effective date.

Judgments; requiring certain approval; 04- Johnson APPROVED SB440 clarifying party eligible for award of Grau 10- (Rob) BY GOV certain costs and fees. Effective date. 2013

Electronic court filings; authorizing 04- APPROVED SB450 entering of certain pleas by electronic Anderson Grau 08- BY GOV method. Effective date. 2013

Public assistance fraud; Department of 04- Human Services to provide information APPROVED SB456 Brecheen Hulbert 19- on fraudulent acquisition and use of BY GOV 2013 public assistance. Effective date.

Child abuse; requiring DHS to 05- APPROVED SB460 electronically record hotline referrals. Griffin Nelson 30- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

State purchasing; prohibiting certain 04- purchasing cooperatives bidding on APPROVED SB461 Holt Brumbaugh 30- certain public construction contracts. BY GOV 2013 Effective date.

Federal Superfund sites; application of 04- APPROVED SB478 laws governing disposition of certain Wyrick Glenn 16- BY GOV properties. Effective date. Emergency. 2013

Jury duty; increasing certain time period. APPROVED 04- SB484 Mazzei McCullough Effective date. BY GOV 29-

15 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status 2013

Public records; authorizing certain 04- APPROVED SB489 information relating to radiation to be Simpson McNiel 08- BY GOV kept confidential. Emergency. 2013

Higher education; directing the State 05- Regents for Higher Education in Martin APPROVED SB495 Jolley 07- investing certain fund. Effective date. (Scott) BY GOV 2013 Emergency.

Counties retirement systems; eligibility 05- McDaniel APPROVED SB498 for benefits; clarifying membership. Mazzei 14- (Randy) BY GOV Effective date. 2013

Public Health; designating all buildings 04- APPROVED SB501 and properties owned by public entities as Simpson Ownbey 30- BY GOV nonsmoking. Effective date. 2013

Revenue and taxation; motor fuel 05- APPROVED SB519 taxation; collection of tax on liquefied Standridge Derby 30- BY GOV natural gas. Effective date. 2013

Oklahoma Racketeer-Influenced and 05- Corrupt Organizations Act; adding to APPROVED SB549 Treat Grau 10- definition of racketeering activity. BY GOV 2013 Effective date.

Unfair Sales Act; limiting unfair sales 05- APPROVED SB550 provisions of covered merchandise. Holt Newell 24- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

16 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status 05- Ethics Commission; promulgation of Martin APPROVED SB557 Jolley 30- rules regarding lobbyist. Emergency. (Scott) BY GOV 2013

Schools; state academic content 05- APPROVED SB559 standards; allowing certain scores to Ford Casey 31- BY GOV demonstrate mastery. 2013

Public health; creating the Oklahoma 05- APPROVED SB578 Department of Health Civil Monetary Crain Cox 13- BY GOV Penalty Revolving Fund. Effective date. 2013

Admissibility of evidence; providing for 04- APPROVED SB580 admissibility of report of certain provider. Brinkley Derby 02- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

Proceedings for persons requiring 05- APPROVED SB581 treatment; requiring certain notice to Ivester Sherrer 07- BY GOV treatment advocate. Effective date. 2013

05- Railroads; modifying procedure for sale APPROVED SB584 Schulz Joyner 30- of a short line railroad. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

Nursing facilities; permitting use of 05- electronic recording devices in nursing APPROVED SB587 Justice Wright 06- facilities; requiring resident approval. BY GOV 2013 Effective date.

Assisted living facilities; creating 04- informal dispute resolution panel for APPROVED SB592 Holt Schwartz 16- assisted living centers; providing BY GOV 2013 membership. Effective date.

17 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

State government; state agency program 05- APPROVED SB596 management and performance report. Holt Murphey 07- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program Act; 05- APPROVED SB613 incentive payments; modifying definition Brinkley McNiel 30- BY GOV of basic industry. Effective date. 2013

04- Cigarette and tobacco dealers; adding APPROVED SB619 Brooks Biggs 10- cause to cancel license. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

State energy agencies; consolidating 04- functions of Oklahoma Bioenergy Center APPROVED SB621 Justice Watson 30- into the Oklahoma Energy Initiative. BY GOV 2013 Effective date. Emergency.

Public health and safety; relating to the Nursing Facilities Quality of Care Fee; 05- APPROVED SB629 Oklahoma Department of Veterans Simpson Hardin 30- BY GOV Affairs; complaints and investigations. 2013 Emergency.

Sole source purchase contracts; 05- authorizing substitution for certain APPROVED SB630 Jolley Murphey 07- products; prohibiting geographical BY GOV 2013 restrictions. Emergency.

Low-point beer; application for permits; 05- APPROVED SB633 providing revocation of license for certain Brooks Biggs 06- BY GOV cause. Effective date. 2013

18 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Aircraft excise tax; exempting the 05- APPROVED SB645 purchase of specified aircraft from tax Schulz Ortega 30- BY GOV levy. Effective date. 2013

Driver licenses; providing for certain 05- exceptions for certain classes of licenses; APPROVED SB652 Barrington Armes 13- providing for a commercial learner BY GOV 2013 permit. Effective date.

Turnpikes; modifying location of certain 05- APPROVED SB655 turnpike in Tulsa. Effective date. Mazzei Jordan 14- BY GOV Emergency. 2013

Motor license agents; requiring certain 05- APPROVED SB659 procedures for state agency online Justice Jackson 06- BY GOV transactions. Effective date. 2013

Public assistance; prohibiting use of 05- electronic benefit cards at certain APPROVED SB667 Standridge Echols 13- establishments; providing definitions. BY GOV 2013 Effective date. Emergency.

County purchasing; modifying 04- APPROVED SB670 procedures for processing county Griffin Murphey 23- BY GOV purchase orders. Emergency. 2013

Motor vehicles; exempting certain 05- APPROVED SB678 transfer of title from excise tax levy. Sparks Cleveland 14- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

Children and Juvenile Code; modifying APPROVED 05- SB679 Griffin Nelson provisions. Effective date. BY GOV 31-

19 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status 2013

Fire service training; providing duties and 05- responsibilities of Oklahoma State APPROVED SB682 Barrington Billy 07- University Fire Service Training. BY GOV 2013 Effective date.

State Board of Dentistry; modifying 05- qualifications for certain penalties; APPROVED SB684 Jolley Derby 31- permitting Board to waive certain fees. BY GOV 2013 Effective date. Emergency.

Insurance; annual audit; report subject to 05- APPROVED SB692 Oklahoma Open Records Act. Effective Marlatt Kirby 16- BY GOV date. Emergency. 2013

Insurance; allowing for property and 04- APPROVED SB696 casualty policies to be posted on insurer's Brown Mulready 19- BY GOV website. Effective date. 2013

Insurance; Federal Home Loan Banks; 04- APPROVED SB697 modifying powers within a security Brinkley Mulready 22- BY GOV agreement. Emergency. 2013

Crimes and punishments; making it 05- APPROVED SB708 unlawful to cut or damage fence. Sparks Hardin 14- BY GOV Effective date. Emergency. 2013

Beekeepers; exempting certain 04- beekeepers from regulation and APPROVED SB716 Fields Condit 10- inspection by Health Department. BY GOV 2013 Effective date. Emergency.

20 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Mental health; designating licensed drug 04- APPROVED SB725 and alcohol counselors as licensed mental David Derby 12- BY GOV health professionals. Effective date. 2013

04- Public finance; providing exception for APPROVED SB738 Sparks Kirby 16- investment authorization. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

Election emergencies; requiring Secretary 04- APPROVED SB745 of State Election Board and Adjutant Sykes Johnson 22- BY GOV General to develop plan. Effective date. 2013

Elections; allowing certain identification 04- APPROVED SB752 issued by military to be used for voting. Ivester Banz 12- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

Treatment advocates; authorizing access 04- APPROVED SB755 to certain information by treatment Ivester Sherrer 24- BY GOV advocates. Effective date. 2013

Student transfers; creating the Deployed 05- APPROVED SB759 Parents School Act of 2013. Effective Sykes Coody 14- BY GOV date. 2013

04- Insurance; requiring certain coverage for APPROVED SB765 Treat Derby 22- cancer treatment. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

Oil and gas production; transferring 05- Commission on Marginally Producing APPROVED SB767 Marlatt Jackson 03- Oil and Gas Wells to the Committee for BY GOV 2013 Sustaining Oklahoma's Energy

21 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Resources. Effective date. Emergency.

Driver licenses or identification cards; 04- APPROVED SB772 adding a certain form of proof of service Ivester Banz 12- BY GOV for a certain designation. Effective date. 2013

Electric utility vehicles; authorizing DPS 05- APPROVED SB779 to issue permits for movement of electric Barrington Denney 07- BY GOV poles. Effective date. Emergency. 2013

Game and fish; raising fine for improper 05- APPROVED SB780 disposal of wildlife; one-day fishing Brecheen McCall 14- BY GOV license; fee. Effective date. 2013

Contractors; proof of identification 05- APPROVED SB788 numbers and workers' compensation Newberry Osborn 30- BY GOV policy. Effective date. Emergency. 2013

Intoxicating liquors; allowing wholesalers 05- to sell certain quantities of alcoholic Johnson APPROVED SB789 Jackson 30- beverages at agreed upon prices in certain (Rob) BY GOV 2013 circumstances. Effective date.

Wildlife; prohibiting use of certain 05- APPROVED SB819 hunting aids; defining term; specifying Shortey Bennett 13- BY GOV penalty. Effective date. 2013

Courts and judges of the district courts; 05- APPROVED SB820 modifying certain electoral districts. Marlatt Osborn 31- BY GOV Effective dates. Emergency. 2013

SB838 Fair board; modifying fair board election Justice Sanders APPROVED 04-

22 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status procedure. Effective date. BY GOV 15- 2013

Creating Oklahoma Pension Stabilization 05- Martin APPROVED SB847 Fund; providing for transfer and Jolley 06- (Scott) BY GOV allocation of certain surplus funds. 2013

Counties; modifying duties of 04- Commission on County Government APPROVED SB848 Justice Jackson 30- Personnel Education and Training. BY GOV 2013 Effective date. Emergency.

Public health; permitting the State 05- Commissioner of Health to require APPROVED SB853 Treat Moore 10- facilities providing cancer treatment to BY GOV 2013 report certain data. Effective date.

Tax administration; modifying certain tax 05- APPROVED SB864 assessment and appeal procedures; Sykes Johnson 14- BY GOV providing exception. Effective date. 2013

Voting; modifying procedures relating to 05- APPROVED SB869 absentee ballots and conduct of elections. Bingman Watson 03- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

Towing of vehicles; clarifying roadways from which vehicles may be towed; 05- APPROVED SB886 prohibiting the release of certain vehicles Barrington Biggs 07- BY GOV under certain circumstances. Effective 2013 date.

Poor persons; prohibiting transfer of food APPROVED 05- SB887 Holt Grau stamp benefits to certain persons; BY GOV 07-

23 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status modifying penalties. Effective date. 2013

Sex offender registration; requiring 04- certain recommendations; requiring APPROVED SB889 Holt Schwartz 30- additional registration requirement under BY GOV 2013 certain circumstances. Effective date.

State Capitol building; modifying space 05- APPROVED SB899 under management and control of Bingman Shannon 30- BY GOV Legislature and OMES. 2013

Public health; creating Prioritization of 05- Public Funding in the Purchasing of APPROVED SB900 Standridge Grau 30- Family Planning and Counseling Services BY GOV 2013 Act. Effective date.

Gifts to the state; modifying persons 05- APPROVED SB908 authorized to accept gifts to state. Bingman Sears 16- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

Child care facilities; modifying various 05- APPROVED SB917 provisions relating to child care. Effective David Nelson 16- BY GOV date. 2013

Animals; allowing use of fixed wing 05- APPROVED SB919 aircraft in the depredation of animals. Justice Armes 13- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

Motor vehicles; expanding registration 04- APPROVED SB924 requirements to include construction Marlatt Jackson 16- BY GOV machinery. Effective date. 2013

24 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Powersports vehicles; providing for powersports vehicle dealer option; 04- APPROVED SB925 providing sales authority and restrictions; Marlatt Newell 30- BY GOV removing certain definition. Effective 2013 date.

Recycling; Oklahoma Recycling 05- Initiative; priority for certain energy Johnson APPROVED SB926 McNiel 13- intensive industries to achieve energy (Rob) BY GOV 2013 efficiency. Emergency.

Marriage certificate; authorizing 04- APPROVED SB928 reissuance of certificate under certain Brinkley Derby 30- BY GOV circumstances. Effective date. 2013

Agriculture; relating to the Oklahoma 05- Limitation of Liability for Farming and APPROVED SB931 Justice Biggs 10- Ranching Land Act; modifying BY GOV 2013 definitions. Effective date.

Revenue and taxation; providing for 04- Martin APPROVED SB945 applicability of provision relating to Bingman 15- (Scott) BY GOV interception of tax refunds. Emergency. 2013

05- Civil procedure; attorney-client privilege; APPROVED SB951 Shortey Kern 20- modifying term. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

Oklahoma Water Resources Board; 05- APPROVED SB965 modifying appointments based on Marlatt Jackson 31- BY GOV regional representation. 2013

SB966 Identification cards; modifying Schulz Ortega APPROVED 04-

25 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status requirement for certain identification BY GOV 22- cards; modifying requirement for certain 2013 application. Effective date.

Insurance; dental plan; specifying certain 04- Johnson APPROVED SB975 contract requirements for services Kirby 19- (Rob) BY GOV rendered by a dentist. Effective date. 2013

04- Sales tax; modifying criteria in Quality APPROVED SB976 Newberry McNiel 24- Events Incentive Act. BY GOV 2013

Multiple versions of statutes; amending, 04- APPROVED SB977 merging and repealing multiple versions Sykes Osborn 08- BY GOV of statutes. Effective date. Emergency. 2013

State employees; requiring OK 04- Compensation and Unclassified Positions APPROVED SB979 Sykes Murphey 22- Review Board meet by certain date. BY GOV 2013 Emergency.

Attorney training; modifying persons 04- APPROVED SB988 required to have certain training. Sykes McCullough 10- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

05- Insurance; specifying authority of car APPROVED SB1000 Jolley Grau 07- rental limited lines license. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

Office of Privatization; creating 05- Oklahoma Office of Privatization Act; McDaniel APPROVED SB1008 Treat 13- authorizing rulemaking; requiring (Randy) BY GOV 2013 Governor approval.

26 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Circuit Engineering Districts; modifying 04- APPROVED SB1009 certain objectives of districts. Effective Marlatt Murphey 30- BY GOV date. Emergency. 2013

Agriculture; repealing and amending 04- APPROVED SB1011 certain boards and commissions. Fields DeWitt 22- BY GOV Effective date. 2013

Bail Enforcement and Licensing Act; 05- APPROVED SB1013 modifying provisions relating to licensing Shortey Joyner 31- BY GOV and regulation. Effective date. 2013

Consumer lawsuit loans; modifying 05- APPROVED SB1016 procedures for certain loans. Effective Crain Osborn 30- BY GOV date. 2013

Construction Industries Board; modifying 05- APPROVED SB1022 provisions relating to membership, duties Newberry Echols 24- BY GOV and administrator. Effective date. 2013

Solicitation of employees; authorizing 04- APPROVED SB1031 certain contractual provisions. Effective Sykes Stiles 30- BY GOV date. 2013

05- Child welfare case records; APPROVED SB1034 David Cleveland 30- confidentiality. Effective date. BY GOV 2013

Sentencing proceedings; modifying 04- APPROVED SB1036 sentencing proceeding requirements for Sykes Biggs 02- BY GOV certain convictions. Effective date. 2013

27 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Alarm and Locksmith Industry Act; 04- reducing age for licensure; making APPROVED SB1042 Newberry Schwartz 10- revocations public. Effective date. BY GOV 2013 Emergency.

Workers' compensation; creating the 05- APPROVED SB1062 Administrative Workers' Compensation Bingman Shannon 06- BY GOV Act. Effective date. 2013

Postjudgment interest; modifying 04- requirement for calculation of Johnson APPROVED SB1080 Trebilcock 15- postjudgment interest under certain (Rob) BY GOV 2013 agreements. Effective date.

Corporate liability; providing certain 05- protections to members and managers of Johnson APPROVED SB1083 Jordan 13- limited liability companies. Effective (Rob) BY GOV 2013 date.

04- Workers' compensation; jurisdiction. APPROVED SB1090 Bingman Nelson 30- Effective date. BY GOV 2013

Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement 04- APPROVED SB1096 System; modifying provisions relating to Brown Moore 08- BY GOV Internal Revenue Code. 2013

Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and 05- APPROVED SB1101 Retirement System; modifying various Barrington Armes 30- BY GOV provisions. Emergency. 2013

28 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement 04- APPROVED SB1115 Board; deleting requirement for COLA Brown Moore 22- BY GOV assumption. Effective date. 2013

Department of Human Services; 05- Martin APPROVED SB1120 budgeting in certain categories; lapse Jolley 31- (Scott) BY GOV dates. Effective date. Emergency. 2013

State Department of rehabilitations 05- Martin APPROVED SB1121 Services; budgeting in certain categories; Jolley 30- (Scott) BY GOV lapse dates. Effective date. Emergency. 2013

Department of Transportation; setting 05- Martin APPROVED SB1122 budgetary limitations. Effective Date. Jolley 31- (Scott) BY GOV Emergency. 2013

Office of Juvenile Affairs; budgeting in 05- Martin APPROVED SB1123 certain categories; lapse dates. Effective Jolley 30- (Scott) BY GOV date. Emergency. 2013

Appropriations; Regents for Higher 05- Education, Commerce Department and Martin APPROVED SB1125 Jolley 30- Mental Health and Substance Abuse (Scott) BY GOV 2013 Services. Effective date. Emergency.

Appropriations; State Board of Career 05- Martin APPROVED SB1128 and Technology Education. Effective Jolley 30- (Scott) BY GOV date. Emergency. 2013

Appropriations; Corporation 05- Martin APPROVED SB1130 Commission; creating a budget limit. Jolley 31- (Scott) BY GOV Effective date. 2013

29 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Appropriations; Oklahoma School of 05- Science and Mathematics; enrollment of Martin APPROVED SB1131 Jolley 31- students residing outside of state. (Scott) BY GOV 2013 Effective date.

04- Joint Resolution; designating state's APPROVED SJR4 Anderson Jackson 30- official Vietnam Memorial. BY GOV 2013

Joint Resolution; requesting the 04- President, Vice-President and Congress to APPROVED SJR8 Bingman Shannon 16- reform 's tax BY GOV 2013 provisions.

Department of Human Services; directing 05- APPROVED SJR32 use of savings from closure of NORCE Treat Nelson 13- BY GOV and SORC. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED SJR35 rules of the Department of Environmental Justice Armes 10- BY GOV Quality. Emergency. 2013

State government; creating the Cost 05- APPROVED HB1002 Reduction and Savings Act of 2013; Holt Murphey 13- BY GOV effective date. 2013

05- Torts; limitation on landowner liability; APPROVED HB1009 Burrage Brown 13- modifying definitions; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Game and fish; specifying Upper Illinois APPROVED 04- HB1010 Wyrick Brown River bowfishing season; effective date. BY GOV 29-

30 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status 2013

Public lands; allowing for the purchase of 04- McDaniel APPROVED HB1022 and investment of permanent school Jolley 22- (Randy) BY GOV funds in certain real property. 2013

Labor; modifying various sections of the 04- McDaniel APPROVED HB1023 Employment Security Act of 1980; Newberry 22- (Randy) BY GOV effective date. 2013

Public health and safety; extending date 04- APPROVED HB1031 of supplemental hospital offset payment David Cox 24- BY GOV program fee; effective date. 2013

Professions and occupations; modifying 04- APPROVED HB1032 definition under the Respiratory Care Brinkley Cox 22- BY GOV Practice Act; effective date. 2013

Schools; modifying certain curriculum 04- APPROVED HB1038 requirements for high school graduation; Ford Casey 22- BY GOV effective date; emergency. 2013

04- Revenue and taxation; sales tax special APPROVED HB1039 Fields Casey 24- event permits; effective date; emergency. BY GOV 2013

Human trafficking; providing for the 04- APPROVED HB1058 expungement of records under certain Dahm Kern 22- BY GOV circumstances; effective date. 2013

Civil procedure; declaring certain rulings, APPROVED 04- HB1060 Stanislawski Kern decisions, contracts and contract BY GOV 22-

31 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status provisions to be in violation of public 2013 policy, void and unenforceable; effective date.

Crimes and punishments; directing peace officers to provide certain notice to 04- APPROVED HB1067 human trafficking victims; providing Griffin Denney 22- BY GOV presumption for certain persons charged 2013 with prostitution; effective date.

Criminal procedure; creating the Postconviction DNA Act; providing 05- APPROVED HB1068 eligibility requirements for Halligan Denney 24- BY GOV postconviction DNA testing; effective 2013 date.

Substance abuse treatment; modifying 04- manner in which certain courses and APPROVED HB1069 Brecheen Denney 29- treatment programs may be paid; BY GOV 2013 effective date.

Schools; excluding the testing and academic performance and results of 04- APPROVED HB1071 certain online students in certain Paddack Renegar 22- BY GOV determinations; effective date; 2013 emergency.

Motor vehicles; prohibiting manufactured 05- APPROVED HB1078 home manufacturing facilities from Marlatt Sanders 06- BY GOV conducting certain transactions. 2013

Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974; 04- APPROVED HB1081 change orders to public construction Marlatt Sanders 29- BY GOV contracts; effective date. 2013

32 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

04- Driver licenses; modifying certain APPROVED HB1082 Simpson Ownbey 22- renewal requirement; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Public health and safety; modifying 04- definitions under the Oklahoma APPROVED HB1083 Simpson Ownbey 15- Emergency Response Systems BY GOV 2013 Development Act; effective date.

Private process servers; directing 04- APPROVED HB1084 applicant to give notice of license hearing Holt Grau 22- BY GOV in certain publication; emergency. 2013

Criminal procedure; modifying pretrial 04- release conditions to include various APPROVED HB1085 Sykes Grau 22- monitoring and testing methods; effective BY GOV 2013 date.

Liens; mechanics' and materialmen's 04- liens; providing for lien filing to include APPROVED HB1087 Crain Grau 22- payment of profit and overhead costs; BY GOV 2013 effective date.

Counties and county officers; county 04- APPROVED HB1089 commissioners' account requirement; Treat Grau 23- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Motor vehicles; removing daylight 05- APPROVED HB1092 operation restriction; effective date; Stanislawski Nollan 13- BY GOV emergency. 2013

33 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status 04- Public health and safety; creating the Roberts APPROVED HB1094 Simpson 15- Home Bakery Act of 2013; effective date. (Dustin) BY GOV 2013

Motor vehicles; allowing all-terrain 05- APPROVED HB1098 vehicles operation on county roads under Ballenger Shoemake 13- BY GOV certain circumstances; effective date. 2013

Motor vehicles; allowing Tax 05- APPROVED HB1103 Commission to require employees submit Mazzei Sears 24- BY GOV to criminal history inquiry; effective date. 2013

Revenue and taxation; relating to taxation 05- of tobacco products; fines; sales tax APPROVED HB1104 Mazzei Sears 24- exemptions; notices to sales tax vendors; BY GOV 2013 effective date; emergency.

State employee benefits; claims against state income tax refunds; modifying 05- benefits employee may opt out of; APPROVED HB1107 Brecheen Mulready 14- modifying certain flexible benefit BY GOV 2013 allowance credit disburse schedules. Effective date.

Insurance; modifying definitions under 04- APPROVED HB1108 the Oklahoma Captive Insurance Stanislawski Mulready 15- BY GOV Company Act; effective date. 2013

05- Mental health; peer recovery support APPROVED HB1109 David Coody 24- specialists; effective date. BY GOV 2013

HB1113 Counties and county officers; establishing Garrison Rousselot APPROVED 04-

34 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Wellness Council for county employees; BY GOV 24- effective date. 2013

Schools; adding public school nurse to 04- APPROVED HB1117 vision screening advisory committee; Garrison Rousselot 24- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Schools; directing the State Board of Education to issue a one-year provisional 05- APPROVED HB1233 certificate in certain special education Halligan Coody 24- BY GOV areas; certificate; effective date; 2013 emergency.

Professions and occupations; Osteopathic 05- Medicine Act; allowing State Board of APPROVED HB1235 Crain Derby 13- Osteopathic Examiners to issue certain BY GOV 2013 special licenses; effective date.

04- Crimes and punishments; clarifying scope Martin APPROVED HB1241 Allen 24- of certain prohibited act; effective date. (Steve) BY GOV 2013

Courts; authorizing district court judges 05- Martin APPROVED HB1242 to carry firearms under certain Sykes 14- (Steve) BY GOV circumstances; effective date. 2013

Crimes and punishments; updating 04- Martin APPROVED HB1243 description of handgun license; effective Barrington 29- (Steve) BY GOV date. 2013

Real estate brokers; modifying conditions 05- Martin APPROVED HB1245 which make certain contracts invalid; Marlatt 13- (Steve) BY GOV modifying definition; effective date. 2013

35 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

04- Motor vehicles; limiting towing to certain APPROVED HB1247 David Christian 24- entities; effective date. BY GOV 2013

04- Revenue and taxation; tax credits for Martin APPROVED HB1248 Stanislawski 22- rearing canines; effective date. (Steve) BY GOV 2013

Roads, bridges and ferries; creating the 04- APPROVED HB1257 Historic Chisholm Trail Bike Route; Barrington Moore 15- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Schools; extending the Rethinking Special Education, Competency and Transition Task Force; Early Intervention 05- APPROVED HB1264 Act; modifying and updating language; Jolley Nelson 20- BY GOV changing administrator of the Interagency 2013 Coordination Council for Early Childhood Intervention; emergency.

04- Revenue and taxation; ad valorem APPROVED HB1265 Holt Moore 29- taxation; procedures; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Schools; adding the Military Department 04- APPROVED HB1294 to certain school dropout report Burrage Sherrer 29- BY GOV information distribution; emergency. 2013

Crimes and punishments; modifying 04- APPROVED HB1297 penalty for lewd or indecent proposals or Ivester Sherrer 24- BY GOV acts; effective date. 2013

36 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Schools; allowing submission of reading 05- APPROVED HB1303 proficiency tests from other states; Burrage Hoskin 24- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Crimes and punishments; modifying 04- APPROVED HB1314 certain training course requirement; Griffin Enns 24- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; 05- Internal Revenue Code requirements; McDaniel APPROVED HB1324 Sykes 13- limitations; effective date; reference of (Randy) BY GOV 2013 certain health insurance premiums; emergency.

Public retirement systems; Oklahoma 04- Public Employees Retirement System; McDaniel APPROVED HB1325 Brinkley 29- definitions; final average salary; (Randy) BY GOV 2013 contributions; effective date; emergency.

Criminal procedure; relating to 04- sentencing powers of the court and APPROVED HB1328 Sykes Biggs 22- supervision fees; payment of fee to BY GOV 2013 district attorney; authorizing waiver.

Public libraries; modifying membership 04- appointment criteria for governing boards APPROVED HB1331 Ellis Lockhart 24- of multicounty library systems; BY GOV 2013 emergency.

Schools; requiring company to provide 04- APPROVED HB1335 refund to teach candidates under certain Ballenger Lockhart 24- BY GOV condition; effective date. 2013

37 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

05- Criminal procedure; modifying certain APPROVED HB1340 David Biggs 24- definition; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Intoxicating liquors; allowing holders of 04- Johnson APPROVED HB1341 brewer licenses to provide samples; Mulready 22- (Rob) BY GOV effective date. 2013

Insurance; providing exemption from 04- prohibition from issuing certain insurance APPROVED HB1343 Brown Kirby 22- license or certificate to certain tribal BY GOV 2013 governments; effective date

Public health and safety; creating 04- APPROVED HB1347 Fayelen's Law; effective date; David Kirby 22- BY GOV emergency. 2013

Motor vehicles; converting Deer Creek 05- School District License Plate to a APPROVED HB1351 Treat Cooksey 06- fundraising license plate; Lupus BY GOV 2013 Awareness license plate; effective date.

Professions and occupations; The 04- Oklahoma Real Estate License Code; APPROVED HB1355 Paddack Cooksey 29- modifying eligibility for certain licenses; BY GOV 2013 effective date.

05- Animals; requiring animal shelters to be APPROVED HB1359 Ballenger Renegar 16- licensed and inspected. BY GOV 2013

38 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Public health and safety; parental notice 05- APPROVED HB1361 and consent requirements prior to Treat Grau 14- BY GOV abortion; effective date. 2013

05- Amusements and sports; Oklahoma State APPROVED HB1364 Bass Kirby 16- Athletic Commission; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Public retirement systems; Oklahoma 05- McDaniel APPROVED HB1383 Law Enforcement Retirement System; Stanislawski 24- (Randy) BY GOV benefit computations; emergency. 2013

Schools; changing certain references to 04- APPROVED HB1385 low performing and high challenge Holt Coody 22- BY GOV schools; effective date; emergency. 2013

Schools; maximum number of 05- APPROVED HB1397 professional development hours during Stanislawski Johnson 13- BY GOV each year; effective date. 2013

Revenue and taxation; modifying 04- APPROVED HB1399 eligibility to obtain direct payment Sykes Johnson 24- BY GOV permit; effective date; emergency. 2013

Cities and towns; Oklahoma Town 04- Meeting Act; modifying population APPROVED HB1402 Barrington Johnson 15- requirements for certain elections; BY GOV 2013 effective date.

Public health and safety; creating the 04- APPROVED HB1403 Nondiscrimination in Treatment Act; Sykes Johnson 29- BY GOV effective date. 2013

39 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Professions and occupations; authorizing 04- armed private investigators to openly APPROVED HB1413 Treat Hall 23- carry a firearm under certain BY GOV 2013 circumstances; effective date.

State government; repealing sections of 04- APPROVED HB1414 the Oklahoma Personnel Act; effective Holt Hall 22- BY GOV date. 2013

05- Poor persons; creating the Josephine APPROVED HB1418 McAffrey Morrissette 24- Meade Anti-Hunger Act; emergency. BY GOV 2013

Public health and safety; directing written notification be sent to practitioners under 05- APPROVED HB1419 certain circumstances; agreements and Standridge Morrissette 24- BY GOV contracts regarding data in central 2013 repository; effective date.

04- Schools; adding certain basis for an APPROVED HB1422 Brecheen Hardin 22- emergency transfer; emergency. BY GOV 2013

Crimes and punishments; expanding 05- APPROVED HB1423 scope of certain prohibited act; effective David Biggs 13- BY GOV date. 2013

Game and fish; modifying wildlife check- 05- APPROVED HB1426 in procedures and penalties; effective Justice Biggs 24- BY GOV date. 2013

HB1431 Public finance; Electronic Resource Act Standridge Turner APPROVED 04-

40 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status of 2013; State Governmental Technology BY GOV 23- Applications Review Board; effective 2013 date; emergency.

05- Motor vehicles; ignition interlock APPROVED HB1441 Standridge Turner 24- devices; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Electronic court records; providing for defendant to enter plea using an 04- APPROVED HB1449 electronic method in certain proceedings; Anderson Murphey 22- BY GOV providing for juror oath to be taken 2013 electronically; effective date.

State government; creating the 05- APPROVED HB1455 Streamlining and Savings Act of 2013; Treat Murphey 13- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Professions and occupations; prescriptive 05- APPROVED HB1461 authority recognition by endorsement; Jolley Ownbey 13- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Crimes and punishments; providing for 04- APPROVED HB1462 ten-year registration certificates; effective Simpson Ownbey 22- BY GOV date. 2013

State government; creating the 05- APPROVED HB1464 Innovation, Efficiency and Reform Act of Brecheen Murphey 13- BY GOV 2013; effective date. 2013

05- Health; modifying various provisions; APPROVED HB1467 Griffin Murphey 13- effective date. BY GOV 2013

41 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Commission on Interstate Cooperation; 05- APPROVED HB1469 clarifying composition; repealing Jolley Turner 13- BY GOV committee; effective date. 2013

State government; powers and duties of the Director of the Office of Management 05- APPROVED HB1477 and Enterprise Services; Public David Murphey 24- BY GOV Employees Retirement System; adding 2013 board members; effective date.

Public finance; repealer; Oklahoma 04- APPROVED HB1481 Linked Deposit Review Board; effective Dahm Murphey 22- BY GOV date. 2013

Waters and water rights; repealing the 04- formation and duties of a high-hazard APPROVED HB1482 Dahm Murphey 22- dams study group; effective date; BY GOV 2013 emergency.

Public health and safety; expanding scope of subpoena powers for the Director of 04- APPROVED HB1508 the Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics David Peterson 24- BY GOV and Dangerous Drugs Control; effective 2013 date.

Civil procedure; hearsay; modifying 04- APPROVED HB1509 certain age limitation; defining term; Crain Peterson 15- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Public libraries; disclosure of records; 04- APPROVED HB1511 requiring certain information not be Simpson Peterson 15- BY GOV disclosed; emergency. 2013

42 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

05- Insurance; modifying various sections; APPROVED HB1512 Brown Mulready 14- effective date. BY GOV 2013

04- Crimes and punishments; repealer; APPROVED HB1522 Standridge Cleveland 22- effective date. BY GOV 2013

04- Crimes and punishments; repealer; APPROVED HB1523 Standridge Cleveland 22- effective date. BY GOV 2013

04- Crimes and punishments; repealer; APPROVED HB1524 Standridge Cleveland 22- effective date. BY GOV 2013

Petroleum storage tanks; clarifying statutory language relating to the 05- APPROVED HB1525 Oklahoma Petroleum Storage Tank Branan Cleveland 24- BY GOV Release Indemnity Program; effective 2013 date.

Aircraft and airports; enacting the Aerospace and Defense Development Act 05- APPROVED HB1526 of 2013; renaming Center for Aerospace Schulz Banz 24- BY GOV Supplier Quality; effective date; 2013 emergency.

Schools; modifying number of temporary 04- APPROVED HB1528 contracts on which a teacher may be Ford Banz 22- BY GOV hired; effective date; emergency. 2013

43 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Amusements and sports; modifying distribution of unclaimed prize monies to 04- APPROVED HB1532 Department of Mental Health and Fields Banz 29- BY GOV Substance Abuse Services; effective date; 2013 emergency.

04- Probate procedure; modifying summary APPROVED HB1547 Sykes McCullough 24- administration process; effective date. BY GOV 2013

04- Employment Security Administration APPROVED HB1554 Stanislawski Wesselhoft 22- Fund; appropriation; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Public health and safety; creating the 05- APPROVED HB1588 Parental Notification for Abortion Act; Griffin Hamilton 24- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Officers; dual office holding; Oklahoma Open Records Act; providing exemption 05- APPROVED HB1594 for certain information; disclosure of Brecheen Vaughan 15- BY GOV certain deer harvest information; 2013 emergency.

04- Game and fish; changing exemptions APPROVED HB1597 Fields Vaughan 29- from the Sandhill Crane permit. BY GOV 2013

Banks and trust companies; Oklahoma Banking Code; authorizing Board and 04- Martin APPROVED HB1599 Commissioner actions; Oklahoma Jolley 22- (Scott) BY GOV Financial Transaction Reporting Act; 2013 requiring display of license certificate;

44 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Sale of Checks Act; modifying exempt transactions; emergency.

04- Public health and safety; application for APPROVED HB1614 Boggs Cannaday 22- disinterment; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Firearms; authorizing the carrying of 05- handguns onto private school property; APPROVED HB1622 Treat Kern 24- providing immunity from liability; BY GOV 2013 effective date.

Agriculture; enacting the Oklahoma 04- APPROVED HB1638 Agritourism Activities Liability Justice Biggs 15- BY GOV Limitations Act; emergency. 2013

Professions and occupations; Oklahoma 04- Health Spa Act; modifying definition; Johnson APPROVED HB1639 Jordan 22- adding exception for certain facility; (Rob) BY GOV 2013 effective date.

04- Agriculture; modifying notice and Johnson APPROVED HB1640 Jordan 23- hearing requirements; effective date. (Rob) BY GOV 2013

Public health and safety; requiring State 05- Board of Health to amend rules regarding APPROVED HB1641 David Jordan 13- notification of communicable disease risk BY GOV 2013 exposure; effective date.

Corporations; Oklahoma General 03- APPROVED HB1646 Corporation Act; deleting mandate of Bingman Jordan 05- BY GOV dividing board of directors into classes 2013

45 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status for certain type of corporation; emergency.

Schools; deleting certain testing 05- APPROVED HB1658 improvement component used to Jolley Denney 24- BY GOV calculate school grades. 2013

Schools; modifying the Education 05- Leadership Oklahoma program; APPROVED HB1660 Ford Denney 24- modifying the Oklahoma Commission for BY GOV 2013 Teacher Preparation; effective date.

Schools; modifying the School Bullying 05- APPROVED HB1661 Prevention Act; effective date; Halligan Denney 20- BY GOV emergency. 2013

Insurance; health benefit plan to notify 05- APPROVED HB1672 enrollees of prescription drug formulary; Holt Blackwell 13- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Sunset; State Board of Examiners of 05- APPROVED HB1683 Psychologists; re-creating Board; Treat Blackwell 24- BY GOV modifying termination date. 2013

Sunset; Oklahoma Oilseed Commission; 05- APPROVED HB1684 re-creating Commission; modifying Treat Blackwell 16- BY GOV termination date. 2013

Sunset; Committee of Home Inspector 04- APPROVED HB1685 Examiners; re-creating Committee; Treat Blackwell 15- BY GOV effective date. 2013

46 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Sunset; Construction Industries Board; 05- APPROVED HB1686 re-creating Board; modifying termination Treat Blackwell 16- BY GOV date. 2013

Sunset; Sheep and Wool Utilization, 05- Research and Market Development APPROVED HB1687 Treat Blackwell 16- Commission; re-creating Commission; BY GOV 2013 modifying termination date.

Sunset; Advisory Committee on 05- APPROVED HB1688 Pedorthics; re-creating Committee; Treat Blackwell 24- BY GOV modifying termination date. 2013

Sunset; Advisory Committee on Orthotics 05- APPROVED HB1690 and Prosthetics; re-creating Committee; Treat Blackwell 24- BY GOV modifying termination date. 2013

Sunset; Oklahoma Energy Resources 05- APPROVED HB1691 Board; re-creating Board; modifying Treat Blackwell 16- BY GOV termination date. 2013

Sunset; Domestic Violence Fatality 05- APPROVED HB1693 Review Board; re-creating Board; Treat Blackwell 20- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Sunset; Archives and Records 05- APPROVED HB1694 Commission; re-creating Commission; Treat Blackwell 16- BY GOV modifying termination date. 2013

Sunset; Scenic Rivers Commission; re- 05- APPROVED HB1695 creating Commission; modifying Treat Blackwell 24- BY GOV termination date; emergency. 2013

47 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Sunset; Oklahoma Real Estate 05- APPROVED HB1696 Commission; re-creating Commission; Treat Blackwell 16- BY GOV modifying termination date; emergency. 2013

Sunset; State Accrediting Agency; re- 05- APPROVED HB1698 creating Agency; modifying termination Treat Blackwell 16- BY GOV date. 2013

Sunset; Oklahoma Partnership for School 04- APPROVED HB1699 Readiness Board; re-creating Board; Treat Blackwell 15- BY GOV modifying termination date. 2013

Sunset; State Board of Medical Licensure 05- APPROVED HB1700 and Supervision; re-creating Board; Treat Blackwell 24- BY GOV modifying termination date. 2013

Sunset; State Board of Cosmetology; re- 05- APPROVED HB1702 creating Board; modifying termination Treat Blackwell 16- BY GOV date. 2013

Sunset; Oklahoma Abstractors Board; re- 05- APPROVED HB1703 creating Board; modifying termination Treat Blackwell 24- BY GOV date. 2013

State government; providing for determinations of salary amounts for 05- APPROVED HB1717 certain chief executive officers; Jolley Osborn 24- BY GOV modifying provisions related to salary 2013 amounts; effective date; emergency.

Compressed natural gas; authorizing the APPROVED 04- HB1718 Justice Osborn Corporation Commission to inspect BY GOV 22-

48 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status compressed natural gas fueling stations; 2013 modifying tax credit; emergency.

Prisons and reformatories; providing 04- application requirements for reprieves, Johnson APPROVED HB1722 Osborn 23- commutations, pardons and acts of (Rob) BY GOV 2013 clemency; repealer; effective date.

Scrap metal dealers; requiring all scrap 05- metal dealers to be licensed by the APPROVED HB1740 Griffin Wright 13- Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, BY GOV 2013 Food, and Forestry; effective date.

Elections; modifying information 04- APPROVED HB1741 contained on declaration of candidacy; Fields Wright 22- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Criminal procedure; providing definition 04- APPROVED HB1743 for victim impact panel program; Sykes Wright 29- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Public health and safety; requiring 05- APPROVED HB1745 disclosure of certain providers prior to Ivester Wright 13- BY GOV delivery; effective date. 2013

Motor vehicles; providing for a restricted 04- APPROVED HB1751 manufactured home park dealer license; Justice Billy 24- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Schools; modifying appeal process for 04- APPROVED HB1756 students denied a standard diploma; Ford Nollan 23- BY GOV emergency. 2013

49 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

School employees; providing for monthly 04- APPROVED HB1757 payment of wages to school district Stanislawski Nollan 15- BY GOV employees; effective date; emergency. 2013

05- Road and bridge dedications; various APPROVED HB1759 Barrington Shelton 14- designations; effective date; emergency. BY GOV 2013

Burn bans; emergency drought 05- APPROVED HB1762 conditions; modifying definition; Brooks Hardin 16- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Prisons and reformatories; establishing 04- reporting requirement for inmates APPROVED HB1766 Griffin Wood 24- assigned to electronic monitoring; BY GOV 2013 effective date.

Title insurers; title insurance or certificate 04- APPROVED HB1767 of title; modifying who is authorized to Newberry Russ 22- BY GOV countersign certain policy; effective date. 2013

Public Health and Safety; central 04- repository information; adding certain APPROVED HB1781 Griffin Russ 29- state departments that may access certain BY GOV 2013 information; effective date.

Public health and safety; allowing first 05- responders to administer certain medicine APPROVED HB1782 Griffin Russ 24- without prescription; signs of overdose; BY GOV 2013 prescription medicine; effective date.

HB1783 Prescription drugs; prohibiting more than Griffin Russ APPROVED 05-

50 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status two refills for any product containing BY GOV 24- hydrocodone with another active 2013 ingredient; effective date.

Uninsured motorists; creating the 04- Oklahoma Temporary Motorist Liability APPROVED HB1792 Brooks Christian 29- Plan and providing certain penalties; BY GOV 2013 effective date.

Professions and occupations; Funeral 04- APPROVED HB1826 Services Licensing Act; modifying Barrington Armes 22- BY GOV licensing procedures; effective date. 2013

Professions and occupations; Oklahoma 04- Secure and Fair Enforcement for APPROVED HB1828 Newberry Armes 22- Mortgage Licensing Act; modifying BY GOV 2013 various provisions; effective date.

Consumer credit; modifying various provisions of the Uniform Consumer 04- Credit Code; enacting the Oklahoma APPROVED HB1829 Newberry Armes 22- Private Student Loan Transparency and BY GOV 2013 Improvement Act; effective date; emergency.

Counties and county officers; modifying 05- APPROVED HB1830 residence requirement for county Ballenger Armes 16- BY GOV commissioners; effective date. 2013

05- Crimes and punishments; modifying APPROVED HB1871 Paddack Billy 13- definition of peace officer; effective date. BY GOV 2013

51 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status 05- Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma Tax APPROVED HB1874 Simpson McCall 24- Commission; municipal lodging taxes. BY GOV 2013

Space flight; creating the Space Flight 04- APPROVED HB1882 Liability and Immunity Act; effective Schulz Russ 29- BY GOV date. 2013

Public lands; modifying requirements and 05- APPROVED HB1883 procedures of the Commissioners of the Ford Armes 13- BY GOV Land Office; repealer; emergency. 2013

Amusements and sports; race meetings; 05- authorizing fair associations to exceed APPROVED HB1886 Sparks Armes 24- certain race-days limitation under certain BY GOV 2013 circumstances; effective date; emergency.

Volunteer fire departments; Oklahoma Volunteer Firefighters Act; allowing 04- APPROVED HB1904 volunteer fire department to increase Sparks Cleveland 24- BY GOV membership if serving certain area; 2013 effective date.

Social services; creating a public service 05- announcement campaign to promote APPROVED HB1908 Holt Shannon 13- marriage as a tool against poverty; BY GOV 2013 effective date.

Food stamps; requiring certain 04- individuals to be engaged in work APPROVED HB1909 Holt Shannon 29- activities to be eligible for food stamp BY GOV 2013 benefits; effective date.

52 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status State government; relating to the Oklahoma State Government Asset 05- APPROVED HB1910 Reduction and Cost Savings Bingman Shannon 07- BY GOV Program;state-owned property; building 2013 bonds; effective date; emergency.

Labor; modifying various provisions of 04- APPROVED HB1911 the Employment Security Act of 1980; Newberry Shannon 24- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Criminal procedure; changing applicability of certain protective order 05- APPROVED HB1912 requirements; counseling services; Bingman Shannon 06- BY GOV arrests; modifying procedure for setting 2013 certain bond; effective date.

05- Revenue and taxation; income tax APPROVED HB1919 Griffin Shannon 24- deduction; foster children; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Game and fish; relating to a permit to 04- engage in the management of depredating Roberts APPROVED HB1920 Allen 24- animals by use of aircraft; permit; (Dustin) BY GOV 2013 effective date.

Cities and towns; modifying requirements 04- for municipal ordinances regulating APPROVED HB1921 Fields DeWitt 23- amateur radio antenna or support BY GOV 2013 structures; effective date.

Environment and natural resources; 05- creating the Emergency Drought Relief APPROVED HB1923 Justice DeWitt 24- Fund and Commission; effective date; BY GOV 2013 emergency.

53 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Counties and county officers; authorizing 05- APPROVED HB1924 board of county commissioners to solicit Griffin DeWitt 24- BY GOV certain bids; effective date. 2013

04- Game and fish; modifying age restrictions APPROVED HB1928 Fields DeWitt 22- for apprentice licenses; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Energy; granting incumbent electric transmission owners the right to 05- APPROVED HB1932 construct, own and maintain certain Marlatt Jackson 24- BY GOV electric transmission facilities; effective 2013 date.

State property; creating working group to study automobiles managed by the state; 05- APPROVED HB1984 Fleet Management; modifying duties of Brecheen Brumbaugh 16- BY GOV the Director of the Office of Management 2013 and Enterprise Services.

Counties and county officers; authorizing 05- APPROVED HB1987 use of state purchase card program; Brown Brumbaugh 13- BY GOV effective date. 2013

Records; creating the Student Data 05- Accessibility, Transparency and APPROVED HB1989 Treat Brumbaugh 24- Accountability Act of 2013; effective BY GOV 2013 date; emergency.

Public buildings and public works; Public 05- APPROVED HB1990 Building Construction and Planning Act; Treat Brumbaugh 16- BY GOV creating the Department of Real Estate 2013

54 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Services; effective date.

04- Meat inspection; modifying horsemeat APPROVED HB1999 Fields McNiel 01- regulation; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Public finance; Oklahoma Community 04- APPROVED HB2000 Economic Development Pooled Finance Brinkley McNiel 29- BY GOV Act; effective date. 2013

Cities and towns; changing certain 04- references and definition relating to a APPROVED HB2003 Anderson McNiel 22- private company providing solid waste BY GOV 2013 collection service; effective date.

05- Revenue and taxation; tax credit; clean APPROVED HB2005 Brinkley McNiel 13- burning fuels; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Public health and safety; adding certain 05- Roberts APPROVED HB2015 questions to the Individual Abortion Loveless 16- (Sean) BY GOV Form; effective date. 2013

05- Revenue and taxation; modifying income APPROVED HB2032 Bingman Shannon 13- tax rates; effective date; emergency, BY GOV 2013

Crimes and punishments; construing 04- APPROVED HB2045 provision relating to certain prohibited Brinkley Henke 22- BY GOV acts; effective date. 2013

HB2048 Schools; making charter schools eligible Jolley Jackson APPROVED 05-

55 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status for grants from the State Public Common BY GOV 14- School Building Equalization Fund. 2013

Schools; modifying grades in which 04- APPROVED HB2052 character education programs may be Halligan Jackson 29- BY GOV offered; effective date; emergency. 2013

Administrative Procedures Act; omnibus 05- APPROVED HB2055 legislation to approve proposed state Treat Jackson 24- BY GOV agency permanent rules; effective date. 2013

Technology; county purchasing procedures; updating language and modifying duties of the Information 05- APPROVED HB2062 Services Division of the Office of Jolley Derby 24- BY GOV Management and Enterprise Services and 2013 the Chief Information Officer; effective date; emergency.

04- Motor vehicles; removing salesmen APPROVED HB2068 Justice Jackson 29- bonding requirement; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Civil procedure; Rachel's Law; 05- prohibiting recognition or enforcement of APPROVED HB2072 Dahm Fisher 14- foreign defamation judgments; effective BY GOV 2013 date.

Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement 04- System; definitions; normal retirement; McDaniel APPROVED HB2078 Mazzei 29- Deferred Retirement Option; employee (Randy) BY GOV 2013 contributions; employer contributions; insurance premium tax revenues;

56 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status effective date.

Public retirement systems; Teachers' 04- McDaniel APPROVED HB2079 Retirement System of Oklahoma; Brinkley 22- (Randy) BY GOV definitions; benefit; effective date. 2013

Children with disabilities; creating the 05- Children with Disabilities Comprehensive APPROVED HB2099 Treat Nelson 24- Systems of Services Revolving Fund; BY GOV 2013 effective date.

05- Schools; Epinephrine pens at schools; APPROVED HB2101 Jolley Fourkiller 24- effective date. BY GOV 2013

05- Schools; establishing the School District APPROVED HB2131 Ford Hickman 20- Empowerment Program. BY GOV 2013

Schools; requiring the award of court 04- costs and attorney fees to prevailing APPROVED HB2160 Jolley Nelson 29- students or parents in an action filed by a BY GOV 2013 school district.

Trust accounts; Multistate Trust 05- Institutions Act; providing exception for APPROVED HB2164 Sparks Echols 24- trust account used to facilitate aircraft BY GOV 2013 registration; effective date.

Telecommunications; prohibiting 05- reimbursements from the Oklahoma APPROVED HB2165 Standridge Echols 16- Lifeline Fund for certain carriers until BY GOV 2013 certain conditions are met; emergency.

57 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Child support; contempt; permitting judge to order willfully unemployed 04- APPROVED HB2166 obligor complete certain community Crain Echols 15- BY GOV service program, if available; effective 2013 date.

04- Bail bondsmen; modifying licensure of APPROVED HB2167 Marlatt Echols 24- bail bondsmen; effective date. BY GOV 2013

Crimes and punishments; deleting certain 04- APPROVED HB2170 knife from list of prohibited weapons; Dahm Echols 22- BY GOV effective date. 2013

05- County clerks; modifying fees for copies APPROVED HB2182 Marlatt Blackwell 24- of certain records; emergency. BY GOV 2013

Motor vehicles; relating to the Trucking 05- One-Stop Shop Act; modifying APPROVED HB2186 Stanislawski Joyner 24- apportionment for certain fiscal years; BY GOV 2013 effective date.

Torts; access to medical records; 05- modifying certain fees and procedures for APPROVED HB2188 David Schwartz 14- parties requesting medical records; BY GOV 2013 effective date.

04- Insurance; employer wellness programs; APPROVED HB2191 Stanislawski Schwartz 22- effective date. BY GOV 2013

58 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Waters and water rights; granting the Water Resources Board powers and 05- APPROVED HB2193 duties relating to the Water Infrastructure Schulz Schwartz 24- BY GOV Credit Enhancement Reserve Fund; 2013 obligation bonds; effective date.

Public finance; prohibiting State of 05- Oklahoma from incurring obligations in APPROVED HB2195 Brecheen Shannon 24- excess of specified amount; effective BY GOV 2013 date.

Motor vehicles; exempting certain 04- APPROVED HB2198 individuals from commercial driver Brecheen Hardin 22- BY GOV license requirements; effective date. 2013

Workers' Compensation; creating the 05- APPROVED HB2201 CompSource Mutual Insurance Company Bingman Grau 13- BY GOV Act; effective date. 2013

Public health and safety; adding certain 04- substances to Schedules I and II; relating APPROVED HB2217 Brooks Derby 29- to the Oklahoma Methamphetamine BY GOV 2013 Offender Registry Act; effective date.

Health benefit plans; establishing requirements of certain forms; prohibiting 05- APPROVED HB2226 certain emergency contraception to be Griffin Schwartz 24- BY GOV available to certain individuals without a 2013 prescription;date.

Civil emergency management; creating 05- APPROVED HB2231 the Oklahoma Disaster Relief Materials Anderson Dorman 24- BY GOV Price Stabilization Act; effective date. 2013

59 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

05- Appropriations; General Appropriations; Martin APPROVED HB2301 Jolley 20- purposes; effective dates. (Scott) BY GOV 2013

Department of Public Safety; authorizing expenditures; authorizing Patrol 05- Martin APPROVED HB2303 Academy; authorizing transfers of funds Jolley 24- (Scott) BY GOV reappropriating certain funds; effective 2013 date; emergency.

State Department of Health; 05- Martin APPROVED HB2304 appropriation; budget procedures; Jolley 24- (Scott) BY GOV effective date; emergency. 2013

Oklahoma Health Care Authority; 05- Martin APPROVED HB2305 appropriation; budget procedures; Jolley 24- (Scott) BY GOV effective date; emergency. 2013

Department of Mental Health and 05- Substance Abuse Services; appropriation; Martin APPROVED HB2306 Jolley 24- budget procedures; effective date; (Scott) BY GOV 2013 emergency.

University Hospitals Authority; 05- Martin APPROVED HB2307 appropriation; budget procedures; Jolley 24- (Scott) BY GOV effective date; emergency. 2013

05- Tax credits and incentives; repealers; Martin APPROVED HB2308 Jolley 24- effective date. (Scott) BY GOV 2013

60 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Revenue and taxation; sales tax; 05- modifying time period during which Martin APPROVED HB2310 Jolley 24- exemption for rolling stock is applicable; (Scott) BY GOV 2013 effective date.

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1047 rule of the Real Estate Appraiser Board; Treat Blackwell 24- BY GOV distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1048 rules of the Oklahoma Board of Newberry Blackwell 24- BY GOV Examiners in Optometry; distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1051 rules of the Construction Industries Newberry Blackwell 24- BY GOV Board; distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1053 rules of the Department of Labor; Newberry Biggs 24- BY GOV distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1054 rules of the Oklahoma State Board of Standridge Derby 24- BY GOV Pharmacy; distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1056 rules of the Oklahoma Funeral Board; Anderson Armes 24- BY GOV distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1057 rules of the Department of Labor; Newberry Schwartz 24- BY GOV distribution. 2013

61 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1058 rules of the Oklahoma Insurance Marlatt Blackwell 24- BY GOV Department; distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- rules of the Council on Law Enforcement APPROVED HJR1061 Paddack Thomsen 24- Education and Training (CLEET); BY GOV 2013 distribution.

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1062 rule of the Oklahoma State Athletic Bass Blackwell 24- BY GOV Commission; distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1063 rules of the Oklahoma State Department Griffin Hulbert 24- BY GOV of Health; distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1064 rules of the Oklahoma State Department Griffin Hulbert 24- BY GOV of Health; distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1065 rule of the Oklahoma State Department of Griffin Hulbert 24- BY GOV Health; distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- rules of the State Board of Licensure for APPROVED HJR1068 McAffrey Floyd 24- Professional Engineers and Land BY GOV 2013 Surveyors; distribution.

Joint Resolution approving permanent APPROVED 05- HJR1069 Newberry Mulready rules of the Oklahoma Real Estate BY GOV 24-

62 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Approved by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status Commission; distribution. 2013

Joint Resolution approving permanent 05- APPROVED HJR1070 rules of the Board of Chiropractic Standridge Floyd 24- BY GOV Examiners; distribution. 2013

Measures Enacted by Legislature and Vetoed by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Mental health; establishing the Task Force 05- on State Services for Adults with SB101 Anderson Enns VETOED 06- Asperger's Syndrome and Autism. 2013 Effective date. Emergency.

Consumer Credit Code; modifying loan 04- SB817 finance and handling charges on certain Newberry Armes VETOED 08- loans. Effective date. Emergency. 2013

Collective bargaining; prohibiting 04- Martin SB854 collective bargaining agreements for certain Crain VETOED 24- (Steve) police terminations. Effective date. 2013

State government finance; creating the Joint 05- SB907 Legislative Committee on Accountability. Treat Osborn VETOED 13- Effective date. 2013

Taxes; modifying administration of, and 06- procedures relating to, certain appraisal SB954 Justice Jackson VETOED 06- system; modifying documentary stamp tax 2013 levy. Effective date.

63 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Vetoed by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status

Public finance; enacting the Pension 05- Improvement Act; creating the Oklahoma SB1111 Anderson Thomsen VETOED 06- Pension Improvement Revolving Fund. 2013 Effective date. Emergency.

Sunset; Domestic Violence and Sexual 05- Assault Advisory Council; re-moving HB1701 Treat Blackwell VETOED 20- Council from Oklahoma Sunset Law; re- 2013 creating Council; effective date.

Schools; changing the categories and 05- HB1742 general fund balance carryover allowable Stanislawski Wright VETOED 13- percentages; effective date; emergency. 2013

Militia; relating to Military Department 05- personnel; providing certain employees be Roberts HB1763 Sykes VETOED 24- classified service; requirements; effective (Dustin) 2013 date.

04- Schools; creating the School Transportation HB1881 Stanislawski Coody VETOED 16- Task Force; emergency. 2013

05- Public finance; federal funding; contingent HB1917 Bingman Shannon VETOED 24- budgets. 2013

05- Waters and water rights; modifying the HB1922 Fields DeWitt VETOED 24- Scenic Rivers Act. 2013

HB1941 Professions and occupations; bail Allen Bennett VETOED 04-

64 Measures Enacted by Legislature and Vetoed by Governor, 2013 Session Measure Short Title S Author H Author Current Date Number Status bondsmen; effective date; emergency. 15- 2013

04- Roads, bridges and ferries; creating the HB1985 Stanislawski Brumbaugh VETOED 16- Oklahoma Port Task Force; emergency. 2013

Public retirement systems; Sooner Save Special Act; defined contribution 05- McDaniel HB2077 retirement plans; employee contributions; Brinkley VETOED 13- (Randy) employer matching; vesting schedule; plan 2013 accounts; procedures; effective date.

Juvenile justice; reestablishing the 04- HJR1023 Oklahoma Juvenile Justice Reform Griffin Nollan VETOED 29- Committee; emergency. 2013

Joint Resolution disapproving permanent 05- HJR1060 rules of the Oklahoma Department of McAffrey Floyd VETOED 24- Labor; distribution. 2013