Sophia Gallia Ne wsletter

One, two, three, four, five! Quintuplet lambs herald the spring at . The

Buckland Newton, , and Minterne and Godmanstone Abbas, Cerne Newton, Buckland March 2020 £1

Benefice CA Theatre Club 15 Cerne Valley NOW Cerne 26 Benefice Services 3 Coffee, cake, chat 11 Artsreach 20 Short Mat Bowls 23 From the Vicarage 5 Friends of St Mary’s 11 CA CE VC First School 20 Godmanstone 28 26 Other village news 15 CA Surgery 18 Minterne 26 Cerne Abbas St Mary’s Church 7 CV Cricket Club 21 Snippets 28 CA Historical Society 13 CA Village Cinema 13 CV Parish Council 18 CA Soc for Horticulture 13 CA Village Hall 11 CVYPT 23 2 Services in the Benefice 1 March Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-11 Lent 1 Godmanstone 9.30am Matins BCP Minterne Magna 9.30am Holy Communion BCP Cerne Abbas 11am Holy Communion CW Buckland Newton 11am Matins BCP Cerne Abbas 6pm Taizé

8 March Genesis 12:1-4a; John 3:1-17 Lent 2 Cerne Abbas 9.30am Come Celebrate Godmanstone 9.30am Matins BCP Buckland Newton 11am Holy Communion CW Cerne Abbas 6pm Evensong BCP

15 March Exodus 17:1-7; John 4:5-42 Lent 3 Buckland Newton 9.30am Family Service Cerne Abbas 11am Holy Communion CW

22 March Exodus 2:1-10; Luke 2:33-35 Lent 4 Godmanstone 9.30am Holy Communion CW Cerne Abbas 11am Matins BCP Buckland Newton 11am Holy Communion CW

29 March Ezekiel 37: 1-14; John 11: 1-45 Mothering Sunday Cerne Abbas 11am Benefice Service CW (one week late)

5 April Matthew 21:1-11 Palm Sunday Minterne Magna 9.30am Holy Communion BCP Godmanstone 9.30am Matins BCP Cerne Abbas 11am Holy Communion CW Buckland Newton 6pm Evensong BCP

Weekday Jane Tearle Services. Morning Prayer. 9am Cerne Abbas (Tues); 9am Minterne Magna (Weds).

3 4 From The Vicarage

Dear Friends Jane Still The ‘Vestry’ is a Victorian term which still carries a certain resonance. It was the organ of local government in rural areas up until the Local Government Act of 1894. Churchwardens and the Church Vestry had wide responsibilities – civic and ecclesiastical – for the entire community. With the population and urban industrial expansion of the 19th century such a traditional organisation could not cope with the pressing national need for transport, sewerage and other infrastructure. The 1888 Local Government Act set up Local Authorities for Counties and We celebrated Candelmas and the ancient County Boroughs. festival of Imbolc at St Catherine’s Well in In 1894 these reforms came to February. each rural parish. There was a strong Non-Conformist lobby within the Liberal Party which objected to Church of influence over the creation of Church Schools, and the collection of tithes from the whole community to be disbursed for public projects under church patronage and direction. The 1894 Act therefore set up Councils, specifically separated from the ecclesiastical interests which remained with the Churchwardens and Vestry. This may have been temporarily a relief to Churchwardens, but it cut them off from the general life of the Village and made church life an exception. Previously the maintenance and use of the church was considered together with the need of a new bridge, a village school, or of a sewage scheme. It was all part of the social fabric put to the common charge and interest. After the Act, the church became more exclusive, more isolated from common life. The Vestry evolved into the Parochial Church Council (PCC) which considered matters from a purely church perspective. I think this was a negative development in rural life, one which our current congregations are keen to bridge at every opportunity. 5 Absolute Great news if you beginners to are looking for Improvers... something Just Like You! exciting, fun and creative to do! Learn to Paint & Draw People & Places Over the 14 week course you will explore four different media: Drawing, Painting with Watercolour, Acrylics, & Oil Pastels. Discover how to paint faces, figures, friends, family and stunning landscapes. Learn artists’ secrets needed to create beautiful pieces of original art.

Step By Step Easy Lessons Meet New • Fun part-time course Friends, • 14 Week course, 3-hour classes, once a week Learn New • Morning or afternoon sessions Skills • Beginners to improvers • Fun, easy, social event • We supply everything for you Easy, Fun, We Make it easy for you now you can Even if you have never picked up a brush before, we will guide you through to make it easy and get really fun! On completing the course you will have creative. 12 pieces of original art. This is an extremely enjoyable way to develop your creative side, and really enjoy the next few months. Strictly Limited Places To maintain a high standard of tuition, our classes are kept small, available places are strictly limited!

Places Limited. SA0636 19 Please Call Now for more details and A friendly chat.

NEW Course 01747Weymouth 828 Avenue 296 Pavilion Starts Soon! DORCHESTER 6

SA06236 Dorchester A5 bw.indd 1 04/06/2019 8:48 pm Cerne Abbas NEWS St Mary’s Church TAIZÉ FOR LENT Service at St Mary’s on Sunday 1st March at 6pm. There will be a candlelit evening service with songs and prayers for Lent in the style of the Brothers of the ecumenical community of Taizé in France. Come and rejoice in the worship of Taizé by singing the songs, saying the prayers, hearing the music and deepening the value of silence together. CANTAMUS CONCERT Chamber choir Cantamus returns to Cerne Abbas in March to give a concert of music for Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Since the choir’s last visit to St Mary’s it has appointed a new musical director, Martin Schellenberg, who is a musician and choir director with many years of experience. Their programme, ‘Miserere’, is named after Allegri’s masterpiece, which is sure to be one of the highlights of the concert. The choir will also sing movements from the Mass in G minor by Vaughan Williams and the Missa ‘O Magnum. Join us on Saturday 21st March at 7pm. Tickets £10 from Cerne Abbas Stores or on the door. Jane Tearle MOTHERING SUNDAY Mothering Sunday this year will be celebrated on Sunday 29th March at 11am when all the Benefice will meet together for a service in St Mary’s Church. Come to celebrate all our mothers and to receive a posy for your mother. PCC PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE ST MARY’S CHURCH IMPROVEMENT PLAN Over the past year, the PCC has been meeting regularly to prepare the paperwork required to advise the Diocese of the works we wish to do to update and improve the church’s facilities. This work has Looking forward to Mothering Sunday. In been made possible thanks to the Cerne we will celebrate this one week late bequest from the Margaret Mann this year on 29th March. estate, whose generosity is providing an opportunity to develop the current facilities throughout the building and gardens. The aim is to develop a more inclusive church, which the current entrances into the church are preventing. A new ramp will enable those using wheelchairs to enter the church independently. The current kitchen, used for catering, storage and flower preparation, is not functioning easily for those volunteers who 7 The New Inn 14 Long Street,The Cerne New Abbas, Inn DT2 7JF 14 Long Street,01300 Cerne341274 Abbas,/ 07889 646Dorset 856 DT2 7JF 341274 / 07889 646 856 of the Year 2015 Dorset Dining InnPub of of the the Year year 2015 2012, 2014 & 2015 Dorset DiningLandlord Pub of theof the year year 2012, 2012 2014 & 2015 LandlordMichelin of theGuide year 2015 2012 TASTE OF THEMichelin WEST GOLDGuide MEDAL2015 2013 & 2014 InspectedTASTE OF and THE Selected WEST byGOLD Sawday’s MEDAL - a 2013Special & 2014 Place Inspected and Selected by Sawday’s - a Special Place

8 manage the coffee mornings and other functions. Therefore, an alteration to improve the kitchen area is being thought through. The PCC is working closely with the Diocese-approved architect, who has developed options and plans to build a ‘Statement of Needs’. This document has been submitted to the Diocese’s Advisory Committee (DAC) and will become an agenda item for discussion at its next meeting. Following this, we hope that the relevant professionals will make a visit to the church within six months. We all benefit from the church being available for the Cerne Valley community and others outside it. The PCC hopes that the planned improvements will encourage the community and worshippers to use the church into the future. It is important to keep this ancient and beautiful building for future generations. Throughout history the church has responded to changes in culture, as can be seen through the patchwork of alterations in the building. There is evidence that rural churches are struggling to remain open, so the PCC wanted to consider how to keep St Mary’s Church thriving. The community will be updated as the PCC is informed on DAC discussions. SAFEGUARDING IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS It takes a community to support our next generation and those in a vulnerable situation. The Church of England has developed clear guidelines on the part it plays when maintaining the safety of our children and vulnerable adults. Training is provided to Safeguarding Officers and those working within the church community. A copy of the Diocese policy is displayed on each church notice board. I am writing to introduce myself to you as Safeguarding Officer for the Benefice and to let you know that if there are any concerns around someone’s safety, please get in touch with me, with Rev Jonathan Still or with the following official bodies: The Dorset Safeguarding Children’s Bureau [email protected], 01305 251814; Dorset Safeguarding Adults Board [email protected], 01305 221016. The NSPCC has produced booklets on ways in which parents can talk to their children about staying safe. These can be found on the website. NSPCC professionals can provide informal discussions, tel 08088 005000. Parish Safeguarding Officer Valerie Champion,[email protected] , 342124. TOOLS WITH A MISSION is a Christian Charity that for the over 30 years has been sending tools across the world. Every year over 20 containers containing 14,000 tool kits (carpentry, mechanics, electrical, agricultural, builders, sewing and knitting) power tools, computers, sewing and knitting machines, school books and scholar packs are sent out. The charity works with over 400 partners including churches, schools, orphanages, vocational training centres and development charities. Tools that you no longer want or use can transform lives enabling folk to learn a trade and support their families. Donated tools are sorted, repaired, sharpened and packed into kits. The requests for tools are many and the waiting time can be very long. For further information or to arrange a collection please call your local collectors, Clive and Lesley Horn on 341996. 9 10 Friends of St Mary’s (CONTACT Richard Warren 341518, [email protected]) THE AGM will be held on Wednesday 29th April at 6.30pm in the church. There will be a swift AGM after which clarification of the roll of Friends supporting the PCC in its re-ordering, re-wiring and lighting church projects will be presented. The church is used in many ways apart from weddings, baptisms, funerals, and religious services. It is a community space where many events in the village take place. If you enjoy this building and want to help preserve it for future generations, please come along to the AGM. As always there will be wine and nibbles to enjoy. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION is £10. Further information is available from the Membership Secretary Richard Warren (as above) or Secretary Peter Smith on 341740. Coffee, cake and chat (CONTACT Moira Pinder 341255) The next coffee cake and chat will be held on Wednesday 4th March at 10.30am to 12 noon in St Mary’s Church. Be assured of a warm welcome at this cheerful gathering; meet up with friends old and new while enjoying delicious home made cake. For further information or to arrange transport please contact Moira (as above).

Cerne Abbas Village Hall (BOOKINGS 07508 039280, [email protected]) We have been asked to clarify the evolving management structure of the hall. George Mortimer is presently acting Chairman as well as Secretary. Despite the plea in a previous Newsletter, this remains the position. The hall urgently needs someone publically-spirited enough to volunteer for either of these important roles in this vital community asset. Please speak to George Mortimer 341396( ) or John Lee (341375) if you like to know what is involved. John Lee remains the Treasurer and Janine Ryan is the Booking Secretary. Users of the hall will have noticed that Tom Kirkham and Clive Horn have also become active in managing its day-to-day affairs. Tom is the hall manager and Clive the caretaker. Clive is the Jane Tearle man you will see most as he deals directly with hirers. He prepares the hall for each event, such as setting out chairs and tables, and clears away afterwards. He also keeps an eye on cleanliness

EuCan cleared scrub behind the Village Hall in January. 11 Providing First Class Care For All Your Pets

12 between the times of the contracted hall cleaners. Waste that can be recycled he takes home. He also carries out maintenance and repair tasks around the hall and advises Tom of any defects. Tom keeps a close eye on the general management and maintenance of the hall and its fittings, and oversees the many contractors who are used by the hall. He also looks at ways for continual improvement, such as the recent fitting of the solar panels. Andrew Popkin keeps a close eye on our up-to- date audio-visual systems. Finally, with marketing the hall now imperative in order to increase income, we are grateful to Paul Moon and his team for leading on this. The community is fortunate that the team effort of these volunteers keeps the show on the road so successfully. If you are interested in helping to keep this vital asset alive in any capacity, please contact George Mortimer or John Lee. Cerne Abbas Historical Society (CONTACT Gordon Bishop 341478, [email protected]) The Society’s next talk, on Thursday 26th March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, will be given by the distinguished archaeological historian and writer, Michael Hill, whose two books on Dorset Country Houses (2013 and 2014), are now considered the standard works on the subject. His talk, “Revising the Dorset Pevsner”, is about his latest book published in May 2018 which is a revised edition of the Buildings of England series for Dorset. The talk will provide a background to and explain the research processes involved in his seven year task in bringing the 1972 edition up to date. He will also explain why some buildings are included now which were not previously and will conclude with a resumé of the best buildings of the county. Cerne Abbas Society for Horticulture (CONTACT Gill Ringrose 341583) The next meeting is not until Tuesday 24th March, in the Village Hall 7pm for 7.30pm talk. Our speaker is Sally Nex who you will be talking about Heritage Vegetables (this time we are sure!). Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available, and also wine. The spring Discount Shopping Visit to Castle Gardens is on Friday 3rd April at 6.45pm. So come along and take advantage of their very useful advice and buy your Spring and Summer bedding plants.

Cerne Abbas Village Cinema (Moviola) (CONTACT Julia Wildin 345632; ticket enquiries341375 ; [email protected]) A reminder from the erstwhile CAVC: a modest sum remains available until 1st April 2020 for anyone who wishes to organise another community cinema. The CAVC committee members are happy to advise interested residents; please email [email protected] if you have any queries. Be assured that all contact data currently held by CAVC will be deleted on 1st April 2020. 13 Selling a car? Can’t face the... hassle? Halcyon Motors (Milborne St Andrew) buy cars, bikes, vans & campers for cash. We will happily come to you. See for photos of all our vehicles. Call Don MacLeod on: 01258 839209 or 07782 189555

Selling a car? Can’t face the... hassle? Halcyon Motors (Milborne St Andrew) buy cars, bikes, vans & campers for cash. We will happily come to you. See for photos of all our vehicles. Call Don MacLeod on: 01258 839209 or 07782 189555 14 Cerne Abbas Theatre Club (CONTACT Yvonne 341421, or Ron and Christine342072 ) NIGHT MUST FALL a psychological thriller, at the Swan Theatre, Yeovil, on Thursday 19th March. Cost £22 (£1 extra for non-members). LET IT BE ME at the Swan Theatre, Yeovil, on Thursday 14th May. Cost £22 (£1 extra for non-members). Transport for both of the above shows will be at the New Inn at 6.30pm for a prompt departure at 6.45pm. TO ORDER TICKETS please put your cheque in a sealed envelope with your name, telephone number, the name of the show and the number of tickets required on the front and leave this at the Cerne Abbas Village Stores. AGM NB this will be held at the coffee morning on Monday 11th May (NOT in April as previously advertised). COFFEE MORNINGS are held at the New Inn on the second Monday of the month at 10.30am for 10.45am. The next dates are 9th March, 13th April, 11th May, 8th June and 13th July. All new members are most welcome, so do come and join us. Bring your friends, make some new ones and help us to decide our future programme. Other village news OPEN GARDENS 2020 RECIPIENTS Over the Christmas period the garden openers of 2019 voted on where the proceeds of this year’s event should go. The outcome was that the village school should receive support to enhance its library facility and, outside the village, Stuart Ware’s Restore Community Care in Dorset should receive the other half. Many thanks to those who made suggestions for the openers to consider. The rain should have stopped by 20th and 21st June when the event will take place. SHAMIC JOURNEY CIRCLE on Thursday 26th March. Held monthly in the Village Hall, everyone is welcome. Doors open 6pm ready to start at 6.30pm. Please contact Maria Baggaley on 341972 or 07363 456085 for more information. CERNE GIANT FESTIVAL 13TH APRIL-3RD MAY Events lined up so far include: Jeremy Mackenzie running senior and junior fly-casting workshops; Caroline Tisdall leading a walk about the science and symbolism of trees; Kate Adie on VE Day in Dorset; a local expert speaking about otters; an archaeological look at Cerne valley churches; Tom Horsington on ‘what you’d like to know about farming but are afraid to ask’; Peter Knight on how local legends give us insights into the way our forebears related to the land; the AONB project to collect stories from locals about the landscape; and Will and Pam Best’s talk and walk about farming to save the planet. You may wish to consider this a ‘stay-cation’ or inviting friends or family to stay during this time. Please contact Caroline Ford 341554( ) with offers of food (cakes, biscuits, sandwiches, soup). And Val Champion (342124) with other offers of help eg. on the door or stewarding the flower and needlework exhibition. 15 A brand new purpose- built cattery just outside Cerne Abbas Call 01300The Log341881 Man to view or HardwoodHardwood LogsLogs Topbook Quality your Firewood feline friendDelivered to allstay. Sizes Cubic Metre £80 VariousVarious loadsloads -- CutCut toto sizesize 2 Cubic Metres £140 Contact: Simon Trim email: [email protected] Cubic Metres £260 Contact: Simon Trim March to August receive 5% discount 0797707977 668848668848 Call 01935 83127 / 07900111920

JTM Garden Landscaping Landscaping, fencing, hedge DOMESTIC The Royal Oak cutting and shrub pruning APPLIANCE CENTRE Sales & Service 16th century pub built in 1540. Call James at Warm welcome, 01305 757077 or 07879 491479 MOST MAJOR BRANDS Prompt & Effi cient Service friendly atmosphere. Spare Parts & Accessories Great quality pub food. Telephone Engineer Vacuum Repairs Beer garden. We Deliver. We Install, We Care Locally sourced food. Trevor Winter Live music. Extensions, faults and rewires. Open daily from 10.30am. Road, Dorchester DT1 2PJ Food served from 12 noon Tel: 01963 210511. Mbl: 079700 12046 Tel: 01305 264951 to 2.30pm, 6pm to 8.30pm Monday to Saturday, and DOMESTIC REPAIRS Anna B Designs Curtains - Blinds - Wedding Garments Sundays from 12 noon to 5pm No call out charge SECURE STORAGE PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE Alterations - much more and 6pm to 8.30pm. Washing machines, Cookers, Dishwashers, AdvisoryUNITS & Design service Tumble dryers, Fridge-freezers. Fabric Samples available Last orders 15 minutes before 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK 160Carefully sq ft made (garage to your size) pattern upwards or design end of service. Tel: 07572918745 (local) short01300 or long341623 term LeWe Petitlook forward Canard to monthly rental welcoming you. access 24/7 Dorchester Road, Quince Art School 23 01300Long 320536 Street, learn how to draw and paint secure CCTV 2 miles from Cerne [email protected] Abbas, DT2 7JG Open Tuesday to Saturday for Dinner PDF The Old Saw Mills, Middlemarsh 1st and 3rd Sunday for Lunch Drawing and painting CallCall 07966 01300 396587345525 forfor details details 01300 341797 16 Listed in all major guides 2016 workshops for adults

Cerne Abbas 01300 342151 TheThe LogLog ManMan Hardwood Logs Top QualityQualityThe FirewoodFirewood Log DeliveredDelivered Man allall SizesSizes HardwoodHardwood LogsLogs TopHighly Quality experienced Firewood local Delivered teacher all offering Sizes HardwoodHardwood LogsLogs 11 CubicCubic MetreMetre £80£80 one-to-one1 tuition.Cubic Metre Beginners £80 to Diploma. VariousVarious loadsloads -- CutCut toto sizesize 22 CubicCubic MetresMetres £140£140 Various loads - Cut to size 2 CubicFirst Metreslesson free. £140 Various loads - Cut to size 44 CubicCubic MetresMetres £260£260 Contact:Contact: SimonSimon TrimTrim 4 Cubic Metres £260 Contact: Simon Trim March toto AugustAugust ordersorders receivereceive 5%5% discountdiscount Contact: Simon Trim MarchDavid to August Price ordersLRAM, receive 01300 5% 341555 discount 0797707977 668848668848 CallCall 0193501935 8312783127 // 0790011192007900111920 0797707977 668848668848 Call 01935 83127 / 07900111920

JTM Garden Landscaping Rosemary Rogers Catering JTM Garden Landscaping Landscaping, fencing, hedge AnythingDOMESTICDOMESTIC from sandwiches to weddings, Landscaping, fencing, hedge includingAPPLIANCEAPPLIANCEDOMESTIC corporate, crockery/cutlery CENTRECENTRE hire. cutting and shrub pruning APPLIANCE CENTRE cutting and shrub pruning T:Sales Sales07788 && ServiceService 436797 Call James at Charminster Sales & Service 01305Call James757077 ator Charminster 07879 491479 MOSTMOST MAJORMAJOR BRANDSBRANDS 01305 757077 or 07879 491479 E: [email protected] MAJOR BRANDS 757077 or 07879 491479 PromptPrompt && EffiEffi cientcient ServiceService Prompt & Effi cient Service SpareSpare PartsParts && AccessoriesAccessories Spare Parts & Accessories VacuumVacuum RepairsRepairs Telephone Engineer Vacuum Repairs Telephone Engineer WeWe Deliver.Deliver. WeWe Install,Install, WeWe CareCare LocalWeAre Deliver. youWindow We losing Install, Repair/ Weout? Care Trevor Winter Trevor Winter Locksmith Service Extensions, faults andand rewires.rewires. More than 80% of us search for products Extensions, faults and rewires. andPoundburyPoundbury services Road,Road, on theDorchesterDorchester internet DT1DT1 and 2PJ2PJ yet Tel: 01963 210511. Mbl: 079700 12046 PoundburyTel: Road, 01305 Dorchester 264951 DT1 2PJ Tel: 01963 210511. Mbl: 079700 12046 DORSETTel: WINDOW 01305 264951 REPAIRS is yourover 50%friendlyTel: 01305of small local 264951 businesses window and still don’t have a website! DOMESTIC REPAIRS AnnaAnnadoor repair BB DesignsDesigns service. DOMESTIC REPAIRS CurtainsCurtainsAnna -- BlindsBlinds B -- Wedding WeddingDesigns GarmentsGarments No call out charge • Reliable, professional service at PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE CurtainsFor a FREEAlterationsAlterations - Blinds consultation - -Wedding- muchmuch to moremorediscuss Garments your PROMPTNo call RELIABLE out charge SERVICE Advisory & Design service WashingPROMPT machines, RELIABLE Cookers, SERVICE Dishwashers, needsAdvisoryAlterations affordableor review & Design- yourmuch prices. current servicemore site WashingTumble machines, dryers, Cookers, Fridge-freezers. Dishwashers, AdvisoryFabricFabric SamplesSamples & Design availableavailable service 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK call• All / text work Geoff is (01300 guaranteed. 346146) Tumble24 HOURS dryers, 7 Fridge-freezers.DAYS A WEEK CarefullyCarefullyFabric mademade Samples toto youryour patternavailablepattern oror designdesign Tel: 07572918745 (local) email [email protected]• OAP discounts. 24 Tel:HOURS 07572918745 7 DAYS (local)A WEEK Carefully made0130001300 to your 341623341623 pattern or design Tel: 07572918745 (local) or• visitWindows and 341623 doors supplied and fitted. Quince Art School • Windows and doors serviced. Quince Artlearn School how to draw and paint Quince Artlearn School how to draw and paint • Replacement locks, handles, John Tite Carlearn how Repairs to draw and paint letterboxes, hinges,AMBER mechanisms. DOG • WindowDAY repairs. CARE ‘Lochinvar’,Drawing Lyons Gate, andDorchester, painting Dorset DT2 7AZ Drawing and painting • Double glazing replacements. DrawingTel: (01300) and 345236 painting “Whilst Mum’s away the dogs will play” workshops for adults • Cat flaps fitted. workshops for adults •Human Fully and Qualified canine specialization Locksmith Competitiveservice. rates AnnaCerne B DesignsAbbas Carpet Fresh Cleaning Services Cerne Abbas Reduction for multiple dogs CurtainsKNOTT - Cushions01300 ROOFING- Lampshades 342151 - and more SLATING 01300-Cerne TILING 342151Abbas - LEADWORK Carpets,Phone Jamesupholstery on Weddings - Proms -- Alterations - Mending Police checked staff/insured/fi rst aid trained NEW 01300- RE-ROOFING 342151 & REPAIRS 01305and 897891 general or cleaning07976 935460 Advisory & Design service available www.quinceartschool.comCSCS Registered Carefully made to your pattern or design Contact01305 Maureen 826221 07496 033069 IAN KNOTT 07985435847 01300 341623 email: cf cleaning:btinternet.com17 Humphries Kirk FOR YOUR LOCAL LEGAL NEEDS 01305 251007

AnnaBDesigns.indd 1 04/06/2018 14:49:52 Cerne Valley NEWS Cerne Valley Parish Council (CONTACT Wayne Lewin, Clerk, 07419 136735, [email protected]) Your Councillors have been very busy during the past month. ALLOTMENTS Cllr Keating has distributed some allotments flyers. There are only two vacant plots. We are very pleased to hear that individuals from Godmanstone are using this facility. Cllr Beresford is organising a working party to set down a load of gravel on the allotment path. BURIAL SITE those on the burial committee have planned tree and vegetation works to be done soon. The wall will be fixed, but on the advice of the contractor, this work will be done when it gets warmer. KETTLE BRIDGE LANE work is completed with a nice new sign. PLAYGROUND Cllr Heron has ordered a new swing for the playground. If you would like to suggest new equipment please let Wayne (as above) know. HIGHWAYS DC Highways have fixed the pot holes on Long Street and will fix the Piddle Lane sign. They have also installed the dropped curb on Abbey Street. GIANT NOTICE BOARD Cllrs Wilkin and Bishop continue to work with the National Trust on the new notice board at the Giants View Car Park. GODMANSTONE PHONE BOX has been adopted by the Parish Council. NEXT CVPC MEETING is on Thursday 12th March in Cerne Abbas Village Hall.

Cerne Abbas Surgery (APPOINTMENTS 341666) We all have a responsibility to look after our own health by living well. Part of the NHS choices website is focused solely on ‘living well’ and provides a huge amount of help and advice that is directly from the NHS. There is help to stop smoking, get running, support your mental well-being and eat a better diet: all things that will help you stay healthier longer and reduce the need to visit your doctor. The website is There are over 100 topics, some of which won’t apply to you, but others that are definitely worth a look at. For a more personal touch, Dorset has its own ‘Live Well Dorset’ team who can help you. You can contact them via their website or by phone and work with an advisor who can help you to identify and achieve your goals. They can be contacted free of charge on 08008 401628, Monday to Friday 9am – 6.30pm or look at their website where you can register or contact the team by email. The website includes several success stories from people in Dorset who have been supported by ‘Live Well Dorset’. Why not give it a go? Finally, you will be pleased to know that Dr Bubb has returned to work at the surgery and is usually available on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. 18 JOHNJOHN BUTLERBUTLER MASTERMASTER THATCHERTHATCHER PROMPTPROMPT ATTENTIONATTENTION HELPFULHELPFUL ADVICEADVICE

55 StreetwayStreetway LaneLane

Jane Tearle CheselbourneCheselbourne DorsetDorset DT2DT2 7NU7NU

Telephone:Telephone: 0125801258 837538837538

WASHING MACHINES G.B. NEVILLE TUMBLE DRIERS, COOKERS, G.B. NEVILLE TUMBLE DRIERS, COOKERS, fullyfully qualifiedqualified FRIDGES and TWIN TUBSTUBS REPAIRS and SALES PLUMBERPLUMBER 12 months guarantee forfor allall domesticdomestic on all repairs to allall 2424 hourhour PLUMBING, HEATING service PLUMBING, HEATING makes of domestic service AND BATHROOM appliances AND BATHROOM appliances INSTALLATIONS,INSTALLATIONS, £5 off repair onon productionproduction OILOIL FIREDFIRED BOILERBOILER of this advertisment of this advertisment SERVICINGSERVICING ANDAND PREMIER ELECTRICS MAINTENANCEMAINTENANCE Tel: 01305 360300 Tel: 01305 360300 Tel:Tel: 0130001300 320344320344

PICTUREPICTURE FRAMINGFRAMING The Old Saddler •• YEARSYEARS OFOF EXPERIENCEEXPERIENCE •• LARGELARGE 1 Duck St, Cerne Abbas, Dorset DT2 7LA RANGERANGE OFOF FRAMEFRAME MOULDINGSMOULDINGS && MOUNT COLOURS • 5 TYPES OF GLASS Unique hats and clothing . Fabrics . MOUNT COLOURS • 5 TYPES OF GLASS NeedlepointNeedlepoint andand TapestriesTapestries stretchingstretching && Haberdashery . Susie’s watercolour cards framing.framing. MirrorsMirrors mademade toto order.order. and gifts . Exclusive craft kits . Workshops . ForFor personalpersonal attentionattention toto youryour PicturePicture A Co-educational Diamond Model School Giant souvenirs . China and cards by Two FramingFraming needsneeds telephonetelephone 0130501305 265137265137 toto from Nursery to Sixth Form Bad Mice and Dunoon . Watch This Space arrangearrange anan appointment.appointment. We can visit you if required. jewellery . DPD pickup . WeDaily can Buses visit youfrom if Dorchester required. Come and join us at our next Open Doors Tel: 01300 341238 CHESTCHEST OFOF DRAWERSDRAWERS 44 MANOR ROAD, DORCHESTER [email protected] 44 MANORCall 01963ROAD, DORCHESTER 211015 II amam aa FineFine ArtArt GuildGuild commendedcommended framer.framer. The Old Saddler 19

OldSaddler.indd 1 02/12/2019 10:45:25 Cerne Abbas CE VC First School (CONTACT [email protected] or 341319) We continue to enjoy a busy and engaging curriculum here at school. So far this year we have visited Shire Hall, taken part in a dance festival and had a smugglers day. We are also preparing for our HISTORY DAY on Tuesday 24th March. We will change our school into an experience of what it would have been like in the 1940s and ’50s. Thank you to all of the members of the community who have helped so far and those who plan to help on the day. We have a number of different people from our village coming in to talk to the children about their own school experience at that time. We also have a sewing planned for the girls, playtime games to play of that time and a re-enactment from a school mistress that used to work at the school. Thank you also to the Historical Society who have provided photographs and helped towards the cost of transporting Abbey Class to visit the History Centre in Dorchester. It is here they will learn about how we find out about the past. They are also looking forward to learning from Kate Adie about how to interview people who went to our school in the past. As part of the day we will eat a lunch that would have been popular in the 1940s and ’50s, it will consist of meatloaf and jam sponge and custard. Why don’t you join us for lunch? We will be advertising this very soon but please do consider eating with us and we can share our learning about our school with you over lunch. Finally, we are also looking forward to working with local artist Sasha Constable and puppet master Jig Cochrane to make a Giant Queen Bee puppet and a colony of smaller worker bees. This will culminate with a procession as part of the May Day celebrations that take place annually on Giant Hill. We are very excited about this and will let you know more nearer the time. THE BIG BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER for Cerne Abbas Village School will be held at Cerne Abbas Village Hall on Sunday 8th March, from 9am to 1pm. Come and join us for a full English or Continental breakfast of croissants, toast, juice, tea and coffee.

Artsreach (CONTACT Eleanor Gallia 07779 299541, THE LITTLE PRINCE What a joy to host Luca Sylvestrini and his ‘Protein Dance’ team for their spellbinding performance of The Little Prince in January. Turning the Village Hall and our expectations back to front and upside down, they brought wonder, joy, tears, laughter, love and hope to all our hearts. A big thank you to Artsreach for bringing music, song and dance into our midst and also special thanks to all those who helped host and provide for this very special crew of prince, pilot, fox, king, scientist, mathematician, snake and rose... ARTSREACH 30 YEAR CELEBRATION Artsreach is Dorset’s rural touring arts charity which in 2020 celebrates 30 years of partnering with volunteers in 20 Jane Tearle communities across rural Dorset to present a programme of professional arts and cultural events, including in Cerne Abbas and Buckland Newton. To mark its 30th Anniversary, Artsreach is celebrating with a Ceilidh at Ashton Barn in Martinstown, on Friday 20th March at 7.30pm. Step into spring and enjoy a night of dancing to toe- tapping tunes brought to Protein Dance’s Little Prince in January. you by an energetic band of musicians on strings, wind and percussion. Caller Angela Laycock will guide us through some traditional dances in this celebratory ceilidh. Tickets £18 to include a tasty supper of local fayre by Dike & Son of Stalbridge. Cash bar available. For more information or ticket sales please contact01305 269512 or visit

Cerne Valley Cricket Club (CONTACT Philip Spray 341603, [email protected]) JUNIOR CRICKET will continue to be a big part of our 2020 season’s schedule. We are hoping to enter teams into the usual age groups of U11, U13 and U15. There are moves afoot to run U10 games for children in years 4 and 5. Alternatively we could even run two U11 teams. Our teams are made up of a mix of girls and boys. After a two year break, we are going to run “All Stars” again. This ECB programme introduces 5-8 year olds (roughly years 1 to 4) to cricket and the skills involved in a fun and dynamic way, avoiding technical language (and barely even using the word “cricket”!). Enjoyment is the key – and is our ethos throughout the club. As ever, the more helpers we have on a Saturday morning, the better quality of cricketing session we can give our youngsters, so please make yourselves known to our Youth Co-ordinator, Edward Gallia, on 341833 or edward@ Meanwhile, 10 of our junior players (half of whom are girls) have been training with their respective District squads through the winter. 100 CLUB WINNERS for February were Kate Daly, Prue Chalker and Alex Lowe. IT IS WITH GREAT SADNESS that we report the death of Angie Green, wife to Mark (who co-reformed the cricket club), and also leading light of Dorset Artsreach. Our thoughts are with Mark, Matthew, Nick, Simon and all the Green family. There will be a Thanksgiving Service at 2pm on Monday 23rd March at St Georges, Fordington. 21 OilOil heatingheating andand breakdownbreakdown specialistsspecialists ConventionalConventionalOil heating condensingcondensingand breakdown andand specialistscombicombi boilersboilers ConventionalOil heatingPressurePressure condensingand jet jetbreakdown cookercooker and serviceservice combispecialists boilers ConventionalAllAll workworkPressure carriedcarried condensing jet outout cooker byby and aa fullyservicefully combi insuredinsured boilers AllOftecOftec workPressure registeredregistered carried jet out oiloilcooker byheatingheating a fullyservice engineerengineer insured AllOftec work registered carriedNoNo callcall out oiloutout heatingby chargecharge a fully engineer insured Tel:Tel:Oftec 0130501305 registered 853600No853600 call outoil heatingMob:Mob:charge 0776024430807760244308 engineer Tel:[email protected] 01305 853600No call out Mob: charge 07760244308 Tel:[email protected] 853600 Mob: 07760244308 [email protected] Lawrence Electricals Domestic,SouthfieldSouthfield commercial, security Southfield (including VETERINARYVETERINARY alarms/CCTV) CENTRECENTRE ProvidingProvidingFromSouthfield extra FirstVETERINARYFirst ClassClasssockets CareCare to CENTREfor for full all all rewireyour your Pets Pets Providing First VETERINARY Class Care forCENTRE all your Pets ProvidingSpecialistsSpecialists in Firstin Dermatology, Dermatology, Class Care Surgery, Surgery, for allHomeopathy, Homeopathy, your Pets SpecialistsAcupunctureAcupuncture inLawrence Dermatology, and and Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy.Surgery, Dolan Homeopathy, SpecialistsAcupuncture inTel: Dermatology, 01935 and Physiotherapy. Surgery,891090 Homeopathy, AcupunctureTel:Tel: 0130501305 and Physiotherapy. 262913262913 Mobile:Tel: 01305 07889 262913 511576 SouthSouthTel: Walks, Walks, 01305 Dorchester, Dorchester, 262913 DT1 DT1 1DU 1DU, Dorchester, DT1 1DU Walks, Dorchester, DT1 1DU City 24& Guilds EmergencyEmergency ServiceServiceFree hour Emergency Serviceestimates 24 hour Emergency Service

22 2121 21 21 Cerne Valley Young People Trust (CONTACT Helen Smith 341995) At its Annual Meeting Wendy Charman on 11th February the Trust enjoyed a presentation by Ellen Cheeseman, Ben Richardson, Dan Scott and Dan Horne. They described their trip last year to Costa Rica organised by Camps International which Above (L-R): Dan Scott, Ellen Cheeseman, Dan Horne and Ben they undertook with Richardson. the help of funding from the Trust. During the trip they gave practical help to improve local facilities in rural communities as well as attaining a scuba diving qualification. The Cerne Valley Young People Trust supports young people and youth organisations in the Cerne Valley by making financial grants to help them develop their capabilities, broaden life experiences and grow to full maturity as responsible individuals and members of society.

Short Mat Bowls (CONTACT Eugene and June Balbinski 341714, [email protected]) In Division 3 of the Blackmore Vale League, Cerne Abbots continued their run of poor results, losing 0-6 at home against Sturfries of Sturminster Newton. After a good start to the season, Abbots have slumped to sixth out of seven, but, with three matches remaining, can still avoid finishing in the bottom two. In Division 1 of the Blackmore Vale League Cerne Giants have picked up points from each of their last three matches; two away against OkeLeaves at Okeford Fitzpaine, a magnificent all six at home against a strong Templecombe Gnats team, currently topping the table, and a welcome further two away against Gnats. The Giants’ match at home against Gnats was a very exciting affair. Gnats were keen to win all the points in their bid to regain the title from Hazelberries who have held it for the last few years. Giants needed all the points they could gain to avoid relegation. Gnats started well. By the half-time refreshment break Giants had fought back and there was little in it on either mat. After half-time Giants pulled away and were several shots ahead. However, Gnats are full of quality and both mats were tied. Giants held their nerve, though, to win all of the last few ends and clinch the victory. They are now on 50% with just two matches left, well- placed to avoid relegation. 23 LYONS GATE LYONS GATE GARDENINGL SERVICES GARDENING(DORSET SERVICES) GARDENING(DORSET SERVICES) Colin Arnold (D ORSET) 07870 213417 Colin Arnold 07870 213417 * Gardening Colin Arnold * Weeding *Landscaping07870 213417 * Mowing * Gardening * Weeding *Landscaping * Mowing *Tree * Gardening Work *Fencing* Weeding *Hedgecutting*Landscaping *Rotavating* Mowing *Strimming *Tree Work *Pond *Fencing work *Leaf*Hedgecutting sucker available *Rotavating*Scythe work *Tree*Strimming Work *Fencing*Pond work *Leaf*Hedgecutting sucker available *Scythe *Rotavating work *Strimming *Pond work *Leaf sucker available *Scythe work

Winter Firewood/Logs delivered Winter Firewood/Logs delivered Winter Firewood/Logs delivered

24 SOUTH WESTERN OUTDOOR CLUB (NATURIST) THE MAN ANDharminster HIS WIFE WERE BOTH NAKED AND WERE NOTarage ASHAMED – GEN 2: 25 And CJesus said:harminster - ‘Come with me to a quiet place andG get somearage rest’ – Mark 6:31 THE FRIENDLY, PROFESSIONAL & RELIABLE SERVICE It was THEGod’s intention FRIENDLY, that we should PROFESSIONAL be able to enjoy His wonderful & creation RELIABLE in the same way SERVICE as Adam and Eve did. At SWOC youServicing will find a cross section ◊ MOT’s of men and women & Preparationincluding couples, widows ◊ and Repairs widowers who have found a delightful tranquil countryside retreat of 4 acres in a wood near Cerne Abbas. We have a few vacancies, and also some Diagnostics - Alternatorspitches - Radiators for camper - Clutchesvans. - Brakes - Batteries We relax together, withoutExhausts clothes - Welding when the weather - Timing suits, Belts play boules, - Tow and Bars there & are Accessories games courts. Facilities are clean and adequate, butAll not Makes luxurious. &There Models is a clubhouse – New with log & fire, Old, cooking Cars, facilities, 4x4’s, a fridge, Imports toilets, but no noise! And a Sports &bunch Light of friendly Commercial people, including Specialist vicars, teachers, in and Japanese shop workers. vehicles For more info or if you would like to enquire about joining us go to, emailFree [email protected], Courtesy Car & Collection or call Christine Service on 07534 Available 091443. 01305 268858 Unit 1, Wanchard Lane, Charminster DT2 9RP VISA,VISA, VISAVISA ELECTRON,ELECTRON, MASTERCARD,MASTERCARD, MAESTROMAESTRO ANDAND SOLOSOLO WELCOMEDWELCOMED

Logs cut to size, deliveredC andharminster Garage stacked at yourTHE homeFRIENDLY, PROFESSIONAL & RELIABLE SERVICE Servicing ◊ MOT’s & Preparation ◊ Repairs

Diagnostics - Alternators - Radiators - Clutches - Brakes - Batteries Exhausts - Welding - Timing Belts - Tow Bars & Accessories All Makes & Models – New & Old, Cars, 4x4’s, Imports All fencingSports & Light Commercial Specialist in Japanese vehicles Free Courtesy Car & Collection Service Available supplied and01305 erected 268858 Unit 1, Wanchard Lane, Charminster DT2 9RP VISA, VISA ELECTRON, MASTERCARD, MAESTRO AND SOLO WELCOMED

Trees pruned, topped and felled

WINDOW CLEANING Stump grinding SERVICES Unsightly stumps removed Also Gutters cleaned out and Soffi t/Fascia cleaning. Cleaning up to 80ft using For competitive quotes the Reach and Wash system. phone Properties cleaned:Commercial, David Pomeroy Domestic and Industrial. Local recommendations available. 01258 817734 Please contact – JAMIE 01305821134 OR 07977106487 25 NOW Cerne (CONTACT Marion Lee 341375, [email protected]) At NOW’s next meeting, on Tuesday 3rd March, Dan Scott will tell about his adventure and the trip of a lifetime. He raised funds to get him to Costa Rica where he took part in an exciting volunteering project. Several of Cerne Valley’s young people have done something similar. We will have a cake stall run by Annabella, who is raising funds for her trip. NOW would like to remind members that subs of £15 will be renewed at the meeting on 7th April.

Minterne NEWS MINTERNE GARDENS Season tickets are available for visitors to Minterne Gardens. The tickets include free entry to the 27 acres of wild woodland garden and free parking opposite the church. Dogs are welcome. Gardens are open daily February to November from 10am to 6pm. Family season ticket £27.50; single season ticket £17.50. Enquiries: 341370, [email protected],

Buckland Newton NEWS Church of The Holy Rood, Buckland Newton (CONTACT Churchwarden Jon Sulkin 07971 277584) LENT LUNCHES will be held in Holy Rood Church on Saturday 7th March and on Saturday 21st March, 12 noon to 2pm. Please come and share a simple lunch, with home-made soup, bread and cheese. The church will be warm and welcoming! CHURCH SPRING CLEAN On Saturday 14th March from 9.30am. All helpers warmly welcome to join the regular church cleaning team for a church spring clean. Just bring yourselves, polish, brooms and dusters, stay for as little or as long as you wish. Coffee and buns will be served to sustain your labours. Thank you. OPEN THE BOOK the team will visit Buckland Newton School on Wednesday 25th March at 10.30am with a dramatisation of a story from the Bible ‘God’s Friend’. MATINS FOR ST DAVID’S DAY on Sunday 1st March at 11am (the first Sunday in Lent. This will be led by David Bowen. FAMILY SERVICE on Sunday 15th March at 9.30am. Songs, stories, activities for all ages. Refreshments served. MOTHERING SUNDAY SERVICE of Holy Commion on Sunday 22nd March. Posies for everyone. OTHER SERVICES are listed on page 3. Coffee and bisciuts are now served after most services in Buckland Newton Church. 26 27 Lydden Vale Gardening Club (CONTACT Amanda McKenna 345367, [email protected]) On Wednesday 18th March at 7.30pm, Buckalnd Newton Village Hall, award- winning garden designer, Marion Dale will takl on ‘Designing with Plants’. She will help inspire us while we wait for Spring to arrive, and will show us how to achieve our ‘dream garden’ using plant colour, texture, shape and garden style. Visitors welcome (£3).

Godmanstone NEWS Godmanstone church (CONTACT Churchwarden Diana Bladon 01305 757589) The snowdrops in the churchyard have been a wonderful white carpet throughout February and the primroses are now in flower. Do walk up and see them. Church attendance has dwindled over the last year and recently there was a service when there were no villagers and another when there was only one. Those who did attend were from outside the Cerne Valley. We need to remain viable and it would be lovely to see you. Godmanstone Village Hall (BOOKINGS John Sinnamon 341908, [email protected]) THE TABLE TENNIS CLUB continues to flourish, having kindly donated over the years some £3,200 towards the upkeep and maintenance of Godmanstone Village Hall. We thank the organisers, Margaret and John Cooper, as well as our regular players most sincerely for their generosity. If you wish to join in, do not hesitate to come along, regardless of whether you are a beginner or expert. You will always be very welcome. The club meets on Thursday evenings at the Village Hall from 7pm until 9pm. Thanks, letters and other SNIPPETS JEREMY PARKINSON-SMITH AND DAUGHTERS SONIA AND MANDY would like to thank the whole Cerne Abbas community for the warmth of their very special support in their time of need, following the passing of Joanna on 29th December. DOGS IN MILL LANE Do you let your dog off the lead in Mill Lane or by the river? This is a gentle request from the residents of The Mill House that dog owners kindly keep their dogs on the lead when walking a. along Mill Lane and b. between the river footbridge and the Mill House. The residents’ young cats have been attacked three times with significant injuries. Dogs often climb through the gates and roam into the downstairs of the home. If dogs injure the cats from now 28 COACH TOURS WITH A DIFFERENCE picking up in , and DORCHESTER. NORWAY'S SCENIC FJORDLAND & BERGEN May 14th, 2020 13 DAYS JUST £1699 Join us for a magnificent 13-day tour to one of the most amazing places in the World – Norwegian Fjords. You will be visiting the famous stave churches, Vermork Power Station, a Norwegian Wild Salmon Centre and going on countless breath- taking ferry journeys with miles of amazing scenery to watch go by from the comfort of our executive coach. You will even have a chance to book the famous tour of Norway in a Nutshell which includes a once-in-a-lifetime boat and train trip. Don't miss out, book now.

For your copy of our NEW Brochure CALL US ON 01305 851697

Weekly delivery days for produce: Fresh & locally caught fish - early each Friday. Brace of Butchers meat - Monday & Thursday afternoon. bread - Daily, except Sunday. Selection of cheeses & other dairy - Thursday lunchtime. and.. Croissants, Pain au chocolat, Sausage rolls, Cornish pasties, Cheese & Onion pasties, Sandwich baguettes - All baked Shop: fresh in the shop each morning. 8am - 6pm Every day (except Christmas Day) Did you know? You can call us to set aside bread, meat, cheese or fish. Post Office: We can take special orders for planned events. 9am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri We offer same-day free delivery in the village 9am - 12:30pm Sat (minimum order £20, otherwise £1 charge). Our Post Office offers both personal and business banking services, foreign currency, cheque & cash deposits, mobile 01300 341 395 phone top-ups and of course, free cash withdrawals. 29 on, owners will be politely asked to help with vets’ bills. Please take care to keep your dog on the lead by the Mill House. Thank you. Jess and Den (The Mill House) COUNTRYMEN UK IS SEEKING DONATIONS OF TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT This local charity would be grateful for the following items (new or used): Chairs (comfy, high-backed, with arm rests – like they use in care homes); bar stools (with padded seats and back rests to help the Countrymen to work at some of the higher work benches); floor covering (rubber if possible as it’s as much for insulation as it is for comfort); safety wellies (sizes 9+); woodwork tools (anything you can help with); pyrography kits (keep it simple!); warm outdoor clothing (including hats, gloves, jackets, trousers); jogging bottoms (four pairs of large size needed); storage units (anything you think might be useful); trampers and mobility scooters (preferably if controls can be switched from side to side); kitchen items (especially stick blenders of a catering grade); outdoor games equipment (eg. croquet sets, etc); gardening (grass rakes, seeds, bulbs, peat, etc). Please check your garages, lofts, offices, store-rooms, etc, and don’t be shy about passing our shopping list on to friends, family and colleagues. We would also like tickets to local county and agricultural shows so that the Countrymen and carers can attend. Please contact [email protected] if you can help. THE OBSERVANT (DOG) WALKER Walking our hills and valleys with dogs ‘off leash’ (lead) is what we enjoy most: the freedom we have in the UK is unparalleled. While in Seattle last month I walked with a new golden retriever puppy and wondered how other countries deal with the management of dogs in the environment. There were notices that it is a fineable offence not to ‘pick up’, which we have; there were many more readily supplied dog pick up bags attached to posts, which we don’t have; there were rules for beaches, which do we have; and from my observations on walk ways and in the parks I visited, there was an expectation that ‘it’ will always be picked up. People carried bags in their pockets at all times. Perhaps we could learn something from our stateside friends! Also, ‘on-leash’ walking is a requirement in many places there (with reference to last month’s comment in the magazine). And as we see on the front of this magazine the lambs are arriving! So, it’s vital to keep dogs on leads near livestock as we go looking for more signs of spring now that lighter evenings approach. Hurrah! Jane Tearle DORCHESTER CHORAL SOCIETY SPRING CONCERT featuring Stabat Mater – Antonín Dvořák; O Radiant Dawn – James MacMillan; Cantus in Memoriam Benjamin Britten – Arvo Pärt. With full orchestra and Jennifer Thomas (soprano), Stephanie Franklin (mezzo-soprano), Edward Rimmer (tenor) and Samuel Lom (bass). Director of Music: Colin Howard; sung by Dorchester Choral Society. At St Mary’s Church, Dorchester, 7.30pm on Saturday 21st March. Tickets £16 (reserved centre aisle) or £12 (side aisles), available online via www.dorchesterchoralsociety. org or from Harmony Music, 3-4 Forum Centre, Trinity Street, Dorchester, or on the door on the night. 30 QuinceSteve’s Art ClocksSchool Steve’s Clocks WeSteve’s repair andlearn serviceClocks how tovintage draw and paint We repair and service vintage WeSteve’sclocks repair at reasonableand serviceClocks prices.vintage clocks at reasonable prices. Weclocks repair at andreasonable service prices.vintage clocksWe also at reasonable sell vintage prices. and We also sell vintage and We also sell vintage and antique clocks. DrawingWe alsoantique sell and vintage clocks. painting and Annette and Julian welcome you to Give someoneantique an clocks. unusual gift! AnnetteGive someoneand Julian an unusualwelcome gift! you to Give someoneantique an clocks. unusual gift! Annette and Julian welcome you to If youGiveworkshops have someone that old an for familyunusual adults heirloom gift! AnnetteIf you have and that Julian old welcomefamily heirloom you to THE NEW INN thatTHE needs attention NEW please give INN us a call. thatIf needsyou have attention that old please family give heirloom us a call. Wine and Cheese evenings on Monday & Tuesday If you have that old family heirloom WineTHE and Cheese NEW evenings on Monday INN & Tuesday that needs attention please give us a call. THE NEW INN Wine & Steak evening on Wednesday that needs attention please give us a call. Wine andWine Cheese & Steak evenings evening on onMonday Wednesday & Tuesday Wine and CheeseTel: 01935evenings on 83450 Monday & Tuesday Selection of Roasts on Sunday Tel: Cerne01935 Abbas 83450 WineSelection & Steak ofevening Roasts on on Wednesday Sunday WineThere & Steak is an evening answerphone, on Wednesday ThereTel: is01935 an answerphone, 83450 Selection of Roasts on Sunday Tel:01300 01935 342151 83450 please leave your number and Tel: 01300 341274 pleaseThere leave is an your answerphone, number and SelectionTel: of 01300 Roasts 341274 on Sunday There is an answerphone, email: leave your number and email:I will get 01300 back 341274 to you. pleaseI will leave get your back number to you. and I will get back to you. Tel:[email protected] 01300 341274 Email: [email protected] email: Email:I will [email protected] get back to you. Email: [email protected] TheHelen Giant Furness Inn HelenHelen AbbotsFurnessFurness HelenCatering TeaFurness Rooms Ltd. & Garden Catering Ltd. CateringBed &Ltd. Breakfast Breakfasts and morning coffee Lunches - homemade soups, specials & main meals AfternoonEvent Tea - homemadecatering. scones, Event catering. cakes and biscuits Charming Victorian bar with 15th century ReadyEvent meals catering. and Pies Ready meals and Pies ReadyPrivate meals Dining cateredand Pies for availableopen fireplace andfrom peaceful, the scenic kitchen garden. availableReady5 en-suite meals from letting theand rooms kitchen Pies Serving home-cooked food. available from the kitchen 01300 341212/342128 available0130001300 341212/342128 from 341349 the kitchen Long Street, Cerne Abbas, Dorchester, 7 Long01300 Street, 341212/342128Cerne Abbas, Dorset DT2 7JF Dorset DT2 7JF Tel: 01300 341441

HARDY TREE SURGEONS LTD NACS/HETAS, QUALIFIED/INSURED.30 YEARS NACS/HETAS, QUALIFIED/INSURED.30 YEARS All chimneysTHE & flue-ways PROFESSIONAL swept inc. stoves ARBORICULTURAL SERVICE NACS/HETAS,All chimneys QUALIFIED/INSURED.30& flue-ways swept inc. YEARSstoves NACS/HETAS, QUALIFIED/INSURED.30 YEARS Aga, Rayburn, Wood/multi-fuel, Gas & Oil. AllAga, chimneys Rayburn, & Wood/multi-fuel, flue-ways swept Gasinc. &stoves Oil. All chimneys & flue-ways swept inc. stoves Birds’ nestsDORCHESTER removed, repointing, new pots etc. • Private / Commercial Birds’Aga, nests Rayburn, removed, Wood/multi-fuel, repointing, new Gas pots & Oil. etc. Aga, Rayburn, Wood/multi-fuel, Gas & Oil. Bird guards, wires & cowls fitted. Fire cementing. • Consultancy BirdBirds’ guards, nests wiresremoved, & cowls repointing, fitted. newFire cementing.pots etc. 01300 341471 Birds’ nests removed, repointing, new pots etc. Grates, guards, tools, stoves, kiln dried logs. • Reductions – Reshaping BirdBirdGrates, guards,guards, guards, wireswires &tools,& cowlscowls stoves, fitted.fitted. kiln Fire dried cementing. logs. MOBILE 07774 477435 HTS Grates,Grates, guards,guards, tools,tools, stoves, kiln dried logs. • Felling – Pruning Taking pride and doing the job in a proper manner TakingWishing pride and Welldoing theCottage job in a proper •manner Stump Removal CerneTakingTaking and pridepride Piddle and Valleys. doing . . theall towns job in and a proper villages manner in Dorset. Cerne andGodmanstone, Piddle Valleys. . . all Dorset towns and villages •in Logs Dorset. and Woodchips 7 days/evenings, all year 01929 554700 7 days/evenings, all year 01929 554700• Fully Insured and Free Quotations CerneCerne andand PiddlePiddle Valleys.Valleys. . . all towns and villages in Dorset. Established 77 days/evenings,days/evenings, all year 01929 554700 • 24 Hour Call Out Since 1988 COVERING THROUGHOUT DORSET 31 Cerne Valley Lambs Sophia Gallia

Proud local farmer, Jim Horsington, was thrilled early last month when one of his flock of Lleyn ewes gave birth to five lambs. “Quintuplet lambs are very rare,” explained Jim. “I’ve never had a ewe give birth to five live lambs before.” He has also had a number of quadruplets this spring and plenty of triplets and twins. What’s the difference this year? “It might be the new ram!” He’s rather virile apparently... Perhaps he has taken inspiration from the Giant or just the weather. All five lambs were born healthy and the ewe is also doing well and is in cracking condition considering carrying all five to full term. Jim is now nearly through the bulk of his lambing and many of the lambs are already out in the grass fields. As we look forward to Easter it is a fantastic sight to see them gambolling about in the meadows! These meadows are best at growing grass and are not suitable for ploughing up to grow other crops for human consumption. When you buy your food and perhaps wonder at its environmental impact, please look at the fields around this area – particularly the meadows and steeper hill ground – and consider what they are best suited for growing and who or what can eat their crops including the grass. Buying meat such as lamb from local producers will keep your environmental footprint to a minimum – rather more so than shipping or flying in food products from abroad! 32 The Log Man HardwoodHardwoodAre you losing LogsLogs out? Top Quality Firewood Delivered all Sizes Are you losing out? 1 Cubic Metre £80 MoreVariousVarious than 80% loadsloads of us search -- CutCut for toto products sizesize 2 Cubic Metres £140 More than 80% of us search for products and Contact:servicesContact: on theSimonSimon internet TrimTrim and yet 4 Cubic Metres £260 and services on the internet and yet March to August orders receive 5% discount over 50%07977 of small 668848 businesses Call 01935 83127 / 07900111920 over 50% of small businesses 07977 668848 still don’t have a website! still don’t have a website! Gas (Propane, Butane & Patio) JTMFor a FREEGarden consultation Landscaping to discuss your For a FREE consultation to discuss your Landscaping,needs or review fencing, your current hedge site DOMESTIC needs or review your current site We are stockists of Calor Gas cuttingcall / text and Geoff shrub (01300 pruning346146) APPLIANCE CENTRE call / text Geoff (01300 346146) Sales & Service and Camping Gaz and keep a full emailCall [email protected] James at Charminster email [email protected] MOST MAJOR BRANDS range of bottle sizes in butane, or01305 visit 757077 or 07879 491479 or visit Prompt & Effi cient Service propane and Patio types. Spare Parts & Accessories Please contact us for a full details Vacuum Repairs John Tite Car Repairs TelephoneAMBER Engineer DOG John Tite Car Repairs on what type ofAMBER gas you require DOG We Deliver. We Install, We Care and any further information DAYTrevor CARE Winter ‘Lochinvar’, Lyons Gate, DAYDorchester, CARE Dorset DT2 7AZ ‘Lochinvar’, Lyons Gate, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 7AZ needed. Tel: (01300) 345236 “Whilst Extensions, Mum’s away faults the dogs and will rewires. play” Tel: (01300) 345236 “WhilstHill eMum’sld, Dorc hawayester , theDor sdogset DT will2 7B Aplay” Poundbury Road, Dorchester DT1 2PJ Tel: 01963 210511. Mbl: 079700 12046 Tel: 01305 264951 Giants Head Caravan Park, Human and canine specialization Old SherborneHuman and canine Road, specialization, Competitive rates Competitive rates CarpetDOMESTIC Fresh Cleaning REPAIRS Services Anna B Designs Cerne Abbas, Curtains - Blinds - Wedding Garments CarpetKNOTT Fresh CleaningROOFING Services ReductionNo call for out multiple charge dogs KNOTT ROOFING Dorchester,Reduction for multiple dogs Carpets, upholstery Alterations - much more SLATINGCarpets, - TILING upholstery - LEADWORK Police checkedPROMPT staff/insured/fi RELIABLE SERVICE rst aid trained SLATING - TILING - LEADWORK PoliceDT2NEW 7TRchecked ROOFS -staff/insured/fi RE-ROOFING rst & REPAIRSaid trained Washingand machines, general Cookers, cleaning Dishwashers, Advisory & Design service NEW ROOFS - RE-ROOFING & REPAIRS and general cleaning CSCS Registered Tumble dryers, Fridge-freezers. Fabric Samples available CSCS Registered Contact24 HOURS01305 Maureen 7 826221 DAYS 07496 A WEEK 033069 Contact01305 Maureen 826221 07496 033069 Carefully made to your pattern or design Visit01300IAN the KNOTTWhole 341 Hog Cafe 242 for snacks, 07985435847 all day breakfast, email: 07572918745 (local) 01300 341623 IAN KNOTT 07985435847 email:light lunches, drinks and homemade cakes. Locally raised fresh and frozen meat and fresh produce. Homemade cakes and ready meals. HumphriesCelebration cakes to order. Kirk QuinceHumphriesTo advertise Art School here Kirk Prowles Cross. Dorchester Road. and reach all 650 householdslearn how to draw in Cerne and paint Yeovil. Somerset. BA22 9RF FORAbbas, YOUR Minterne, LOCAL Up Cerne, LEGAL Nether NEEDS Cerne, FOR YOUR Tel:01935LOCAL 873303 LEGAL NEEDS Godmanstone and Buckland Newton 01305 251007 01305Drawingring John and 251007on 341861painting workshops for adults Gas (Propane, Butane & Patio) Cerne Abbas We are stockists of Calor Gas and 01300Camping 342151 Gaz and keep a full range of bottle in butane, propane and Patio types. Please contact us for a full details on what type of gas you require and any further information needed. Giants Head Caravan Park, Old Road, Cerne Abbas, Dorchester, DT2 7TR

01300 341 242 33 The New Inn RHÔNE WINE TASTING EVENING

Thursday 19th March  Wines:  Crozes Hermitage ‘Pontaix’ Blanc Laurent Fayolle 2017 (£20/bottle) – a rich palatte of nutty and honeyed stone white fruit flavours.  St Joseph ‘Gloriette’ Rouge Lionel Faury 2017 (£23.96/bottle) – deep and spicy red fruit flavours but there is a freshness and herbaceous element as well.  Rasteau Village Domaine La Soumade 2017 (£14.38/bottle) – deep, rich, porty with dark fruit flavours and gamey characteristics.  Chateau Neuf du Pape Le Telegramme 2017 (£31.67/bottle) – from the most famous house in the most famous village of the Southern Rhône, this is the “second” wine of the estate.  Muscat de Beaumes de Venise Domaine des Bernardins 2018 Full bottle (£19.79/bottle) Probably one of the best know dessert wines. Tropical fruit and candied flavours.  Canapés:  Goats’ cheese and confit shallot  Chorizo and manchego beignet with smoked paprika oil  Lemon grass and lime fishcake  Main: Roasted lamb rump, leg hash, with buttered fondant and parsnip purée  Pudding Mulberry jam roly poly with ginger anglais  Petit fours.  £45 per person to include wine tasting and dinner.

TO BOOK or to contact the New Inn, please telephone 341274, email [email protected] or visit

(The newsletter thanks the New Inn for its support.)

34 The UPVC Repair Company • Broken or misted sealed units replaced into UPVC • UPVC door and window repairs • Hinges, handles, locks, barrels & rubber gasket replaced • UPVC windows and doors refurbished Mobile: 07415 579988, Tel: 01935 83430 or 01305 559975 Email: [email protected] - No Call Out Charge -

ElementumE Gallery Specialising in works and publications inspired by the natural world.

South St, Sherborne, DT9 3LU 01935 813776 @elementumgallery 35

UpstairsDownstairsThird.indd 1 12/06/2018 13:10:01 Advertisers in this magazine Name Page Abbots Tea Room (Cerne Abbas) 31 Angel Cake Co 14 JOHN BUTLER Anna B Designs 17 MASTER THATCHER Apex Prime Care 2 Bathroom Inspirations 36 Carpet Company, The (Poundbury) 39 PROMPT ATTENTION Casterbridge Manor (carehome) 8 Cerne Abbas Stores 29 Cerne Abbas Taxi 17 HELPFUL ADVICE Charminster Garage 4 Chest of Drawers picture framing 36 Crossways Travel 29 5 Streetway Lane Domestic Appliance Centre 16 Domestic Repairs 33 Dorset Carpet Care 31 Dorset DT2 7NU Dorset Cattery 16 Dorset Window Repairs/Locksmith 17 Dorset Planning Consultant (Jo Witherden) 31 Dorset Wine Co 14 Telephone: 01258 837538 Downton, Peter (decorating) 22 Elementum Gallery, Sherborne 35 Frost, Alex & Butler, John (thatchers) 19 Gardens Group, The 12 GBC Electrical 19 Giants Head Caravans Calor Gas 33 GrassbyWASHING Funeral Service MACHINES 37 Halcyon Motors 14 G.B. NEVILLE HardyTUMBLE Tree Surgeons DRIERS, Ltd COOKERS, 27 Harris, M (builder) 33 fully qualified HelenFRIDGES Furness Catering and Ltd TWIN TUBS 33 Hendrick,REPAIRS Clint (stove fitter/chimneys) and SALES 29 PLUMBER Horn, George (house clearance) 22 Humphries Kirk legal12 months guarantee 33 for all domestic Jaspers (hairdressers) 22 JTM Garden Landscapingon all repairs to all 24 hour17 PLUMBING, HEATING Jurassic Computersmakes of domestic service8 Knott Roofing 33 AND BATHROOM Lawrence Electricalsappliances 22 Leweston School 19 INSTALLATIONS, Lyons Gate Gardening£5 Services off repair on production 24 Minterne Gardens 16 OIL FIRED BOILER Neville, G B (plumber) of this advertisment 19 SERVICING AND New Inn, The/Palmers Brewery 34 Oil Heating Services Ltd 22 MAINTENANCE OldPREMIER Saddler, The ELECTRICS 19 Tel:PDF 01305 Secure 360300Storage Units 16 Pomeroy, David (logs, fencing, etc) 25 Tel: 01300 320344 Poundbury Wealth Management 10 P R Elford Ltd (boilers, plumbing) 24 Price, David (violin/viola lessons) 17 Quince Art School 31 Rogers, Rosemary (catering) 17 Royal Oak, The (Cerne Abbas) 16 PICTURE FRAMING Seasons Art Class 6 • YEARS OF EXPERIENCE • LARGE Small Holding Maintenance Dorset (Roy Attfield) 37 Sooty the Sweep 31 RANGE OF FRAME MOULDINGS & Southfield Vets 12 South Western Outdoor Club (naturists) 25 MOUNT COLOURS • 5 TYPES OF GLASS Steve’s Clocks 31 Needlepoint and Tapestries stretching & Taking the lead (dog care services) 16 framing. Mirrors made to order. Tite, John (car repairs) 17 Trim, Simon (hardwood logs) 17 For personal attention to your Picture Upstairs Downstairs Interiors 35 Framing needs telephone 01305 265137 to UPVC windows 35 Carpentry and Builders 12 arrange an appointment. West Dorset Mobile Foot Clinic 25 We can visit you if required. Window Man 14 Winter, Trevor (tel engineer) 17 WML (plumbing, heating, electr.) 19 CHEST OF DRAWERS Woods Funerals 24 44 MANOR ROAD, DORCHESTER NOTE: PLEASE MENTION ‘BENEFICE NEWS CERNE ABBAS’ I am a Fine Art Guild commended framer. WHEN YOU RESPOND TO ADVERTISEMENTS. 36

BathroomInspirations18third.indd 1 12/06/2018 11:54:18 37 Who’s Who Vicar: The Revd Canon Jonathan Still RNR, 341251 Churchwardens: St Mary’s: Mrs Helen Smith, 341995 Holy Rood: Mr Jon Sulkin, 07971 277584 Holy Trinity: Mrs Diana Bladon, 01305 757589 St Andrew’s: Lord Digby, 07974 399384; Heather Smith, 341711 Benefice Safeguarding Officer:Val Champion, 342124, [email protected] Clerk to Cerne Valley Parish Council: Mr Wayne Lewin, 13 Stileham Bank, Milborne St Andrew, Blandford DT11 0LE. Tel: 07419 136735 email: [email protected] Headteachers: Buckland Newton CE VC Primary School, Mrs Nicola Ralph, 345393 Cerne Abbas CE VC First School, Mrs Catherine Cresswell, 341319

Editorial note CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEWSLETTER We request that all letters/contributions for this newsletter are from an identifiable,bona fide organisation or person. We are happy not to disclose name and address, but any letter should include these details. Letters purporting to be from fictitious organisations or office holders will not be published. Small ads PRICE FOR SMALL ADS 20p per word per issue. Contact Sophia Gallia editor@ if you would like to take a small ad in this space for one issue or more of the Benefice News.

Your Newsletter This newsletter is proudly brought to you by the Church of England Benefice of Buckland Newton, Cerne Abbas, Godmanstone and Minterne Magna. Editor and Production: Sophia Gallia, 341833, email [email protected] Distribution: Angela Lowe, 341889 Advertising: John Bradshaw, 341861, [email protected] Printed by: Epic Printing Services, Dorchester, 01305 266055 Photographs: Jane Tearle’s local photos can be seen at The Newsletter Post Box, The Shelter, 21a Long St, Cerne Abbas DT2 7JF © The Newsletter Buckland Newton, Cerne Abbas, Godmanstone and Minterne Magna 2020. All rights reserved. The Newsletter is published 10 times a year. The opinions expressed expressed in this publcation are not necessarily those of the Benefice or the Editor. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the Benefice and in no way implies endorsement of the goods or services by the Benefice or its officials. The Benefice and the Editor have taken all reasonable care in the preparation of The Newsletter, but do not accept any liability for the consequences of errors or omissions. 38 39 Dates FOR YOUR DIARY MARCH 20 May Benefice News deadline 1 CA St Mary’s Church Taizé service 7 29 CA Friends St Mary’s AGM 11 1 BN Matins 26 MAY 3 CA NOW Cerne talk 3 Cerne Giant Festival ends 15 4 CA Coffee, cake, chat 11 7 CA Squibblers 7 CA NOW Cerne evening of revelry 9 CASH Plant swap and sale, Little Acre 7 BN Lent Lunch 26 11 CATC AGM and coffee morning 15 8 CAFS Big Breakfast fundraiser 20 12 CA Watermeadows Working Party 9 CATC Coffee morning 15 13 Minterne Parish Council meeting 10 CA Watermeadows Working Party 14 CATC Let it be me 15 12 CA Squibblers 18 June Benefice News deadline 12 CVPC meeting 18 JUNE 14 CA fundraising Barn Dance 4 CA Squibblers 9 14 BN Church spring clean 26 8 CATC Coffee morning 15 15 Deadline for villages photo comp 9 CA Watermeadows Working Party 15 BN Family Service 26 15 July Benefice News deadline 16 April Benefice News deadline 20 CA Open Gardens 15 18 BN LVGC talk by Marion Dale 28 21 CA Open Gardens 15 19 CATC Night Must Fall 15 28 CVCC Village Match 19 CA The New Inn Rhône wine tasting 34 JULY 20 Artsreach 30 Year Celebration ceilidh 21 2 CA Squibblers 21 CA St Mary’s Cantamus Concert 7 9 CA Music Festival starts (until 12th) 21 BN Lent Lunch 26 13 CATC Coffee morning 15 21 Dorchester Choral Society concert 30 14 CA Watermeadows Working Party 22 BN Mothering Sunday Service 26 18 Weldmar Moonlight Walk 24 CAFS History Day 20 AUGUST 24 CASH talk by Sally Nex 13 3 September Benefice News deadline 25 BN Open the Book 26 6 CA Squibblers 26 CAHS talk by Michael Hill 13 8 CASH Home and produce show 26 CA Shamic Journey Circle 15 11 CA Watermeadows Working Party 29 CA St Mary’s Mothering Sunday service 7 SEPTEMBER APRIL 3 CA Squibblers 2 CA Squibblers 8 CASH Disc’t shopping, P’dbury GC 3 CASH Discount shopping Castle Gdns 13 8 CA Watermeadows Working Party 7 CA Watermeadows Working Party 14 October Benefice News deadline 13 CATC coffee morning 15 15 CASH talk by Pauline & David Wright 13 Cerne Giant Festival starts 15 April issue copy deadline: VIA THE POST BOX Monday 16th March 5pm. Tuesday 17th March IF YOU HAVE DIARY DATES... VIA EMAIL 12 noon. DISTRIBUTION DATE: Please email them to The Newsletter 27th March. to be added to this page.

The Editor and Production Team are not responsible for errors in copy supplied by contributors.