RED BANK REGIS! «*#! Iliutd WeAly, EnUrsd u Steond-Clals Mstter at.thn Foil, VOLUME XLVI, NO. 23. ofllcs at Bed Bank, N. J,, undir tti« Act of March 3d,.1879. RED BANK, N, J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1923. $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 1 TO 16$

JUDGING FOR PRIZES. FIND PR FIT IN WRECK JITNEY BUS HITS TRUCK. FAMILY SCRAP IS AIRED.Middletown TownsKip Boys at Agri- MEN FOLKS COOK SUPPER A SUCCESSFUL 25 YEARS. I ? ' OFF TO SEE THE WORLD. I NOT THE TOWN HE KNElf cultural Show. ! Seabriglit Boys Sell Iron and Cop- FOUR PASSENGERS INJURED IN LITTLE SILVER HAS ITS FIRST COLT'S NECK WOMEN TREATED HAPPY LINCROFT COUPLE Fourteen pupils of the agricul- per from Old Barge. THREE, LITTLE SILVER TRAV- AFTER 62 YEARS AN OLD VET«; ACCIDENT LAST WEEK. a CRIMINAL CASE. TO A FEAST. A large, barge came ashore at tural department of the Middle- HAVE SILVER WEDDING. I ELERS LEFT THURSDAY. , ERAN VISITS HERE. )^ Seabright during a heavy storm Mrs. Sylvia Bates and Mrs. Eliza- John Boyce and His Son-in-law, town township high school at Leon- "A Dinner Fit for a Queen" Served Mr. and Mrs. Ccorge McQueen, the j'»st winter and the greater part of For Ten Seasons They Have Roamed . George Marlcy Finds tho Town Sw bath Warren Taken to Hospital, John Franklin, Boat Each Other ardo left this morning for New to Them and to Their Children ; Parents of Ten „ Children, Had!th(! l)Oat »"ovc deck was demol- the Earth and Their Latest Trip Much Changed That He is Scare*- but Their Injuries Seem 'Less Up—Franklin Arrested and Held Brunswick to compete in the inter- and Women Friends Last Week— Nindy Gucst» at" Their ' Home '• ish

naturally "take to him" »nd 'are NOT THE TOWN Hi KNEW. glad to help him in any way that he EtUbliiW 1854 Teltphona 111 • ; will let them. (Continued from first page.), , Mr. Marley spent Saturday at beeri told that Mr. Foster, who had Mlddletown. He visited tha old ALEXANDER D. COOPER previously been discharged, was liv- tannery building, the old churches ing at Atlantic Highlands. and other ancient places in tho vil- lage. , He also spent some time on • Real Estate and Insurance Mr. Marley left the cemetery and , the Beekman farm with Edwin L. took a bus for Atlantic Highlands. Boekman, a brother of Alston Beck- 58-64 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. There he inquired where William man. On Sunday Mr. Marley re- Foster lived. The first three per- turned to his home in Maryland. Fire, Life, Accident, Tornado and •• sons he met had never heard of Wil- were mentioned, but none was f familiar to |hf stranper. He walked to the steamboat pier and sat there musing the rest of the morning. In iho afternoon Mr. Marluy took an automobile ride around town as the guest of a Register reporter. He > j seemed lost in amazement at the 3 | great changes which had occurred here since he left the town. "Oh, how I wish," said he, "that I had Such lovely things as to make any woman gaze upon them with located here instead of in Western Maryland. Things there are almost the same as they were sixty years keen desire, and practical, as well, so that one has no excuse for ago." not indulging:. *•••••' Mr. Marley is a Baptist and lie expressed much wonder over the changed conditions of that church. For gifts, one could ask nothing more. Exquisite SILKS that I When he was in Red Bank the Bap- tist place of worship was a little borrow their tints from the rainbow; French Voiles with a, silky soft- building on West Front street far different from the imposing church on Maple avenue. The changed ap- ness; Stitching Embroidery, Ribbons, Laces, all assist in the task of pearance of St. James's church, as compared with St. James's church making them attractive. And you will find the amount you can of civil war times, also interested him. Part of the trip was over East spend will buy even more here than you anticipated. A few examples: Front street, and near Throekmur- ton's gully the veteran scanned each property closely, lie said ho had once lived somewhre in that locality, Silk Shirts but he could not tell where. The Globe hotel was a place of $1.95 engrossing interest to Mr, Marley. Years ago he had worked in the liv- ery business for Hendrickson Bros., Bloomers aqd Stepins $2.75 who owned the hotel and connected it in connection with the livery busi- ness. It was these two Hcndrick-j Voile Combination sons that Mr. Marley onumernted among his friends when he was talk- ing with Mr. Imlay the night before. Stepins and Slipons The steamboat dock and the river Slightly Used-88-Note '"• 'ront also interested Mr. Marley. :Te found the shore less changed $3.50 'han any other part of the j 'own that he saw. Monmouth street •md the lands around the station, he . PLAYERS said, were a wilderness when he left Red Bank. The man who owned I ] this woodland, he said, in order to : Hosiery I get it cleared gave away trees for [ New Brarabach Baby firewood to anyone who would cut ; We have not yet discovered the woman who down the trees. Mr. Marley at one really has enough silk hosiery, so we have augmented lime worked as n painter.,[for the | father of the lute William A. Truex our stock with many new colors and designs, in i and he .looked with interest at tile GRANDS silk and wool, all-silk and fine lisle. ! site of the old Truex homestead on Always niodestly priced, we are offering a lirond street. t Holiday Special of Van Raalt Silk Hosiery in all the Mr. Marley, during tils stay nt i Guaranteed Red Bunk, cnllod nt the office of wanted colors, for Lawyer Alston Hce''man. He did not know Mr. Beekman, hut he had been "brought up" from childhood r SS.SO on the farm of Mr. Beekman'? UPRIGHTS •rranddaddy, Rev. TenBroeck Beek- a box of 3 pairs. mnn, a clergyman-farmer at Middle- Other guaranteed Silk Hosiery $1.50 to $3.50 a pair. tnv/n. Mr. Mailey talked about old other times on the Beekman farm and planoi Sport Hose, of Silk and Wool, from ;>.bout Alston Bekman's father, the 45-$68-$85-$135 • late Judge George Beekman. Mr. at Various prices including stool and delivery Marley said he had looked forward 98c up to $5.75 with much pleasure to meeting Judge Beekman. "The old man's disappointment was touching when | he learned that Judge Beekman wa3 New Branibach Baby; Grands dend.' Mr. Marley, during his ride > around town with the reporter, | briefly reviewed his life. He was -i $635 native of England and he tame to | this country when a child. Ilia par- Values that offer every rea. of certified quality only are With Extremely clevef in shape, they achieve individuality ents died siml Rev. TenBroeck •on for purchasing now, as offered. Also several very Duet l'eckmnn found a home for him on these prices hold B°°d only slightly used Baby Grandi at Bench in many becoming tilts, flares and droops. The newer hats his farm at Middletown. "Dominii1 during this eale. Instruments unusually attractive prlcei. Delivery Hi'iikinan," as he was familiarly of satin, taffeta and novelty fabrics, are truly beautiful, but called, preached at the Reformed church at Aliddk'town. Used 88-Note the cold months ahead will make a velvet or duvetyn hat Aftec he became of age Mr. Mar- ley quit working on tho farm Players—Well-Known. Makes equally appropriate, and ihese you can buy'at a fraction of foil ml employment at various kind their former price. of jobr Ht Red Hank. Ho mentioned $ $ $ $ tile presidential nimpi.ign of IKiiu and s',iid it was the hottest clcctw'i 265 290 315 345&»p that he can remember. He paid With Bench, fi Player Rolls nnd Free Delivery feeling ran very high in Rod Balk :u d that everyone was n strong par- New (iulbransen Players \l ,n one way or the other. Then1 IM20, ?4i).ri. WOO, $700 \ a-^ no middle ground. He said New Kiccn l'lnyevs $585 llmt after the election the iidhei-- New KehninK PluyeiH $975 i nt.i uf Abraham Lincoln, in this I own hail ii celebration nnd put a i''H Lincoln banner up en Hrrmil Liberal Allowance for YourOld Piano or Phonograph -'net bi'tweeij what i.s now I he Valiiulint church anil the WbitlbM iMiilding. Mr. Mailey nnid that the Convenient Terms AH LOW AS next night muno people who were lined up with thi' other parly rut the banner down and ilrnri;ed it through .00 .50 $3 .00 the mud leaving it In'iniiclietl in tho $2 The weather played a mean prank on those who already possess the warm winter i street. Mr. Marley said Lincoln wn-i not popular at Heil I Sank ill Weekly Weekly Weekly garments of wool. Hut the wise person always prepares for tomorrow. those days and that lie did not grt many vntei in thi* town, On On Mayers On Grands Surely, our winter is not yet beprun, but when it does come, you will be At I he oulnct of the war Mr. Miir- ley tried to rulldt In n New Jersey prepaid for all your forethought. A special Holiday Oiler of 25", reduction on all regiment. !Iu wimt In I''rn-|i-! rum* A milnr. tattr b« hmmtit n The Pearl Shop jm«ll f«rm nt Deor Y*tV, MaryUnd, Tuiting'i tend fn^thir deUlli of your itid ifigngwl In lumlnrln* »nd furm- ( Ing. Ill w*rrl»(l §ft»r iho w»r,'|iut, R«d Bank t Annlveruuy Bule offar. S Broad Street h» hu ltd « r«tlr«d )l(« «nd hi li»« - l<(>«n centtdtrtbl* ef « imveUr,; tht b»ttl«n«lil» wher* ho; Nun*

hti yttnTiiii rinirtMliI*. 1I» i»tt net wi »yi|Ui»«t Pin ef lilt »H«C4H In tnvtllR •to* ita dp u m im .:*» •. RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12,1923. Page Thrc»

made the Red Bank trust company MiddUtown VtlU(« New.. their Christmas entertainment Fri- DR. W.C NICHOLAS'SWILL the executor of her. will. '-She left The tecond of •-series of special day night'of next week. all of her property to her daughter, services will be held at the Re-' The ladies' aid society of the Re- formed church met yesterday after- SHREWSBURY tilAN * LEAVES Lillian'' C, Erdmann pf~Matawan. formed church Sunday night when an address will be made by Miss noon at Mrs. J. J. Dunlap's. * ESTATE 70 SISTER-IN-LAW. The will was made'Decembcr 4,1922 William Bastedo of Avon left Mary VanPelt, a returned mission- Miss M. E. Ayres is. spending a week at East Orange. 0'. Nicholai Had B«n M«rr«d $1,000' to Mrs. Anna Perdun, Jr., ary from Arabia. The service will Twice «od Both Wirw Ar« D««d and all-the rest of the estate was be under the direction of the mis- Mrs. A. Collins Root has recov- ered from sickness. —Will of Former Engliihlown left to Mary E. Pear'ce of Avon. sionary societies of the church. The Zion Methodists of Red Hill Mm—Olkar Will*. Mary E. Pc'arce was named as execj- John N. Hillyer has recovered will remodel the. Tilton house which Important Announcement from sickness and he has resumed Dr. William C. Nicholas ol utrix. The will was made July 8th, the management of his business. they recently bought. The house Shrswibury, who died about a 1022, with Thomas S. King anthed »U his entnto to his sis- '4 "tet^ff-Uwp Magji«"Allen7^nd h was »ppolnM exveutrix. He or- Day^otSale -Saturday, December dered that hl» body bo buried in his. t family plot at Easton, Pennsyl- vania, and that. his grave be be- tween those of his two wives, Ed- mund Wilson »nd Mrs. S. W. Psr- menticr were witnesses of the will. 9 Reduction will be given on all -John II. Sutphen of South Orange, i former resident of Eng- lishtowii, left a will which ho made 1 Purchases June 17th, 1918. He left $5,000 to 20$ his wlfo, Adelaide Grace Sutphen, nnd he also left to her all articles "The Greatest Treasure House of\ Linens in America" of clothing, furniture, household 1 furnishings of every kind, books, Fifth Avenue, 34th and 33d Streets, N. Y. pictures, paintings, bric-a-lirac and ' " . . Established 1855 all other porsonaleffeits, except a gold watch which had been given to Millinery, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, him by his uncle, Joseph C. Sutphen - of Ennlis)itown, and thin watch is to A Treasury of Fine Gifts $ (to to this uncle nnd also $500 in cash. He left to his wife the use Furs, etc., in fact every article in of his rehl estate at EtiRlifihtown as When, assortments of .Christmas Gifts are as alluring long as she lives or until she remar- ries, and at her denth or remarriage and varied as ours this year, searching for presents this property is 16 go to hi3 oldest living child. Mr. Sutphen's wife is becomes the most pleasant task of your busy December the store for Ladies, Misses also to have the use and income of 1 all the rest of his estate as long as daysr And your reputation as one who "always gives she lives or until'she remarries, and such original things" will grow with each dainty .trifle at such death or remarriage the property is to go to his oldest child. and each practical gift you select from our displays. and Children iShou'.d he have no children living at the time of hia wife's death or re- marriage, then the estate is to be For men there are Lounging Robes, Linen Handker- equnlly divided nmoni* his sisters, , chiefs, Silk Neckwear and many styles of Silk or Wool 'i Mary Ethel HulAs, wife of J. Laird at 20% discount from the former Hulse of Englishtown; Jennie Hose, Children can be holiday-clad from head to toe on Butcher, wife of William H. Butcher 9. of Englishtown; his mother, Ella our Second Floor. And how they will exclaim over Sutphen of Englishtown; and his uncle, Joseph C. Sutphen of Eng- the little Handkerchiefs with quaint bright figures! low prices lishtown. Mr. Sutphen's wife and his friend, George A. Helme, were A visit to McCutcheon's will evoke many other sug- made executors of the will. gestions for gifts that are sure to please. '4 Mrs.' Catherine F. Curran of At- Of cflurse, you have some hostess on your list to whom you lantic township, who lived between Vanderburg and Marlboro, made want to give a set of fine Damask. Or you may select House- her will in November of last year. hold Linens, exquisite hand'drawn Doilies, or Luncheon Sets. i 1923 1902 Sht left the use ami income of all her property to her husband, The Linen Store fairly overflows with beautiful Gifts. -And Oharles F. Currnn, as long as he Uni »nd at his death the estate is McCutcheon's Linens are recognized the country over for their U fo to her son, C. Joseph Curran. superior quality and their more than ordinary durability. Mil. Curran'» husband and her sis- 8 Broad Street, Red Bank, K J. Ur, Mr». Susan Jeffrey of Rumson, I o tsroad street, Keel Dank, n. j. lire the executors of the will. Mn. Caroline Zander of Matawan

•••••••~**~^ *>. To Encourage Early Christmas Buying We Will Give with Each Even Dollar Purchase Friday and Saturday 12 United Certificates Friday and Saturday Dec. 14 and 15 Holiday Suggestions Dec. 14 and 15 * RAZORS CANDY KODAKS PERFUMES and SETS ELECTRIC VIBRATORS 1—2—3—5 ft Boxes I A "Happiness in Every Box Most 1 Acceptable Gift i for mv/flw Men 5 PS® %ry^m 1 IIP Received Fresh Every Week A full line of high grade, both Imported and From Domestic Perfumes, Toilet Waters Also Page & Shaw's, Whitman's, 69c and Combination Sets. Sherry's and Schraffts. to ffxl From $6.00 to $27.50 HOUBIGANT'S WOODWOUTH Brownie Box Cameras COTY'N DJKIl KISS $6.49 We Issue United Retail Candy I VIVAUnoiI'S UIC.AUH'S STAR BRAND for the Beginner Stores Coupons. •.—•;-__, llUDNUT'S COl.GATK'fi Complete Selection at New MELTiA tfWlft ^ i ii i ii i ii.. $2.50 to $4.50 CAI'PI'S York Prices, $5.00 to 12.50 mSrt ft "HANDY POCKET PACKS FOR THAT BOY 10s Blackstone Londret. . UNITED CIGARS OF YOURS $1.20 All the leading brands Our reliable brands make buying Stratfold Watches . .$6.99 10s Orlando Londres $1,00 in Boxes of 25 safe for the Ladies Bristol Watches 1.33 10s Ricoro Corona ... .95c HAVANA AMERICAN $2.50 to $4.00 RICORO $1.88 to $3.75 Red Top Fountain 2.50 to 7.00 ROMEO & JULIET 5.50 to 6.75 FLOR DE MURIAS Pens ...' 1.00 PANCHO ARANGO 2.94 to 7.00 LA CAROLINA PERFECTOS 6.75 RECOLLECTION 2.50 to 3.50 LA CORONA 6.00 to 13.00 Pearl Handled Pen Complete New Stock of SPENCER ARMS 2.50 to 3.50 PARTAGAS 5.50 and 6.75 ADMIRATION 3.00 to 4.00 Knives 79a TAKING SMOKECRAFT 2.50 to 3.50 ORLANDO 1.80 to 3.75 PREFERENCIA 3.00 and 3.50 and DUBONNET 2.50 to 3.50 LADY CHURCHILL 1.88 BENEFACTOR 1NV. 1.88 SAVE YOUR RAZOR LORD STIRLING PIPES PIPES BLADES CIGARS With or without Complete Line Twin Plex Stroppers $5,00 CASES From 50c Philadelphia Hand-Mad, Si Get triple life from your All Shapes To $16.00 in boxes of 2Si and SOt •CASSIDY CO., Inc. WKSStmft v •• • 7 ^Formerly Cooper's Drug Store Page Four ,RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12,1023. NOTICE. SaJa o| Baal Estate tar Unpaid- THE RED BANK REGISTER.; T ••a. Expert Repairing Cement, Sand I, J. II. Ktough eollaetor of taxes to JOHN H COOK. Editor titd t^ibllihe •ad for tbe*orou GKUHKE. C. 1IANCE. AtioeiaU ; Edito OF ot Moommifli »nd and Gravel harabby ilvl a notlei Btiifne^a Manager: law requiring me THUiiAS HIVING BROWN. WATCHES, CLOCKS taxaa, amassment Sold at Lowest Prices •hanes, . assessed and JEWELRY baiadlutrruiui and TfAphonci;—SUd Bank 1>RICE OF BLOCKS. Red littnk Plain blockt 18° ouijh ot Rad Bank „.., Accuracy, skill and ex- an tha •Ighteanth day ot December, 1928, iu tho at Hfd HiiTitt. "I Love You" Half 12c Rock (ace : 2U at 2100 o'clock I'. M. ID U:O Uorough Hall, H. J., a. MTOIld-cll.e perience enable us to aall the landa, tenements, nemillUmcnts A crooning fox- H»lf l!e and raal aatata hereinafter1 described, to Subarripflo do the most delicate re- Enda , !S° make tha amount chargeable agalnit said ni . .Jl.f.u I trot ployed by The Chimney block fcSo The Holiday Assortment One y' pairing. We guarantee Solid, per ton 13.00 landa on the flrat da/ of July, 1028, ai Six mi'M Columbians on Gravel, Per l-.i M.OO computed In tha tax Hit, together with In. Three ulu taraat on laid amount from aulcl Ant day satisfaction. Our prices Sido Walk end Curbing done ot Lowaat —of— of July to tha date of aale and tlie coata of Columbia Record Prices. Bale, at public vendue to auch persons aa WEDNESDAY, DEC, 12, 1923. will please you. will purchase the earns subject to redemp- BENNETT BROS., tion, at the loweat rate of Interest, but In Silverware Repaired no eaae In excess of eight per cent per an- General ContrSctomnd num. Thli tale la made under tha provl- TOWN and Replated Like New. —:• Useful Gifts alone of an act of the legUlature entitled Builders. "An Act for the asitaiment and collection From what one hears, people,are ., 233 Shr«w«bury Ave., of taxes, revision ot 1918, approved March REUSSILLE'S 4th, 1018," and" the aotn supplementary getting jm-Uy li^-d of ••drives." Columbia RED BANK. . thereto and amendatory thereof Week alter week new "drives" are 36 Broad St., Red Bank NOW ON DISPLAY Telephone 427-J Tht aald lands, tenements, hereditaments , atoned to raise money for this, that and real estate to be sold and the names of the persona asain.t wham said taxes have and the other thing. Some of the —at— been lain on account of each parcel, an aa "drifts" are for charity, or for follows: UNPAID RIVrt. ESTATE TAX, 1BU. philanthropic enterprises, or for so- Gharlas P, Irwln, s lots on tht cial purposes, or for community oii- east »ldt of Wharf avenue .,.. I 8|,7> S° i.i'OQuerit have those CHROEDER' Edward J. Bellly, barn and lot. storehouse and lot, ham on tha "driven" IK.''that business or- north aide' of Mechanic street.. S41.01 ganizations .JIC been formed for PHARMACY Bridget Flna, house and lot, No. 76, the purpose of operating S S on tht tatt tide of Leluhtgn avenue 28.41 these "drives" for a percentage or Joseph DeCarlo, house and lot on tht north side ot Catherine street 68.11 r»ke-off of the funds raised, The holidays will soon be here and Christmas tiifts Vincent Flasconaro, houaa and lot on the north side of River street SI.M * • • will readily suggest themselves if you defer your pur- Eltatt of Sarah Boop, lot No. 16ft, on tht nortlv aide of Bunnet ave- .-i cou,)le of months ago a'collec- chases until the above date and, then visit our store. nue IM tor for an organization which had Delia Dwyer, houst and lot on tht west side of Shrewsbury avenue. 86.59 taken up the work of raising money This season we will feature a very choice selection, Leroy J, Heyer, house and lot on by a Vdrivc" visited The Kegister of Imported and Domestic Perfumes and an exception- the west side of Shrewsbury ave- oflice. After he had gone there was nu Samuel J. Flcot, Hoane nnd lot, No. found, among some literature he ally fine assortment of High Grade Stationery neatly, 207 on tht east nlde of Branch had left behind him, a (pur-page packed in attractive boxes for gift giving. avtmie 107.78 Charles F. Irwln. houne and lot, Ko.' circular which gave instructions in 21 on the north aide of Branch avenue! house and lot, No. 23 on the best ways of getting money out Our holiday assortment will also include Tpilet tht'north aids of lirnnal. avenue of the persons visited. The partic- Articles, Nunnally's High Grade Candies, etc ( Magglt Holmes, house and lot on ular object of this "drive" was a With our liberal terms tht north side of fit. Mary's place 1B.0S You Owe It David H. Cosby, houie and lot on charitable one, but never was there Our stock has been carefully selected and you can the south Bide of East Front a more mercenary proposition than to Her to there is no reason why •trett Ul.iO be fullv assured that your gifts, if purchased here, will Frank Kenton, Karaite and lot on the circular which that solicitor had tht north aide iof West Front left behind him. Get Her a you can't have this won- be of the highest quality and at very satisfactory prices. ttrett ...'. 206.65 Gulieppl Borelll, hotel nnd lot on * # * the north aide of West Front MAYTAG derful washer for Xmas. atrect The circular described the best Charles F. Irwin, building anil lot ways of approaching BO as on the north aide of Union »tr«ft 842.«J to get "big money." It told tho coir! Schroeder's Pharmacy UNPAID SPRINKLING ASSESSMENTS, lector to learn the special things a IT WILL indeed be a Merry Christmas for the woman who receives 'a EiUbliihcd 1S7O Samnel J. Plcot, houjq anil lot on person was interested in, and then the vast side of Branch avenue. .$ 1.40 Chnrlel i IV\ IrwinI , house amdi llot on told how to use this interest to work •* Maytag washer from Santa Cl aus. And every new year will be a H. C. HUBBARD, Proprietor. * the north Bide of Branch nv«?-» up toward a big cpntribution. It nuo; famine nnd lot on the'north happier one because this washer wi 11 give her more time and more rea- Telephone, 146 or r Telephon* 38 •Ide nf Branch five nun •,. 4,95 instructed the solicitor to learn what David H. Cosby, houtie and lot on deaths had taken place in well-to-do son to be happy. . •. tht south side of East Front families and how to work upon the 16 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J, •treat , |.Tl ' This is a sensible gift which, every w pek, will save the hardest work a Frank Ken ton. [garage and lot on feelings of the family so as to get tha west side' of West Front woman has to do. She will be espe dally pleased if it is a Maytag. _jt_ itreet .-*• H.t8 the biggest possible amounts from Gulspppl Bortfft$ hotel end lot on the relatives of the dead person. the north eid> of West Front It was a cold-blooded, mercenary, Demonstrated at 1 i street ', 4.79 Edward J. Rflilly, storehouse on financial proposition from start to ; the north Hide of Mechanic street, finish, with never a touch of human CHAS. H. ENNIS'S, 64 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. . house nnd lot on the north aids of Mechanic street S.M sympathy, except where sympathy CHARLES K. HOPPING, County Distributor Red Bank, N. J. Bella Dwyef, house and lot on the ' was to be employed to wheedle west flidn of Shrewsbury avenue .11 Leroy J. Heyer, hmim and lot on money out of those visited. th« west aide of Shrewsbury ave- * * • OTHER 'UNPAID 'ASSESSMENTS, 1922. James Arcerce, River street sewer Many of these "drives" are usual- asnnnKment , •$_ 6.01 ly operated from a central office, Charles Morris, Tilton avenue newer assessment ,,. 31,84 where tho work of raising money Delia W^ Dwy«r, Shrewsbury ave- for any purpose by "drives" has be- nue pfivinu Leroy J. Heyer, Shrewsbury ave- come a regular industry, whether nuo pavtnB . 80.B0 these drives are for charity, or for t. M. Conk, Linden place curb nnd tome somi-public enterprise, or for walk 14,6,6 Come In Now and 1b*)****** Estate of Dnlsey WentbruoV, River some philanthropic end. This in- afreet curb and walk *4.6ft dustry has even become specialized, Whin the ial« takei place payimnt of all taxei or assessments, epsts and interest »nd some concerns confine thom- OUR. NEW muBt be mail© by th« piirchnvr before the lelves solely to raising money for Join Our New - conclusion nf tha nnle otherwino the prop- erty will he immerlintely resold. certain kinds of objects. Some con- WitncHH my hnnd this nineteenth day of cerns are even said to send their November, 1023. ' CHRISTMAS J. M. KEOUGTT, agents to a community to work up __Col)«.cwfc a sentiment in favor of something NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT or other, and then to undertake to Estate ot Ellen P. Feme, deceased. raise the money for a percentage CLUB Notice It hereby nlven that the nccount* of the subscriber, executor of the estate of the funds collected. CHRISTMAS of said docenrteil, will he audited and atiipd by the Rurrounie of the County of Men- • a * mouth and reported for tettlrmont to t)f» Orphans Court of snid County, on Thumday, Probably the very worst feature the third dny of January, A. I). 1024, at which time application will bo made for of these "drives" is that they dry CLUB the allowance of commission* nml counsel up the fount of human charity and or human sympathy. Many men, and Dated November nth. A. TV 1923. • especially many business men, give will start you in ^ ALSTON 11EKKMAN. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT far more than they can afford under Eitntc of Adilie Kint^ilmrv, ilcccnscit, the fear that if they do not give. Notice i^ hrrcby jdven thnt tho nccnimtd And Have Money of tin1 milmrritiers, fxi'iMitorn of the en tat A liberally they will be regarded as of said deccantd, will tit* audited nnd stated mean end stingy, 'Many of them by the Surrogate of the Cininty <>f Mon- mouth and reported for aettlrnient to tha »re coerced into giving to objects Orphans Court of uttd County, on Thursday, in which they have not the slightest Next Christmas tht twenty-^aventh Hay of Drirmber, A, D. Interest under the hint that this pa_ 1!)2^, at wlnr'i lime np[>li^ntlot. will be nH(? for the allowance of comniissionB and ticular thing is endorsed by people unapl foun. who do a great deal of business with Datid November lEth, A. D. 102H, MKNRY MrDEHMOTT, them, and with the further hint that SIDNEY CIIA8EY. they will lose a good deal of busi- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT ness if they do not contribute. Kiuto t,t Fanny WcC«it«r liujlln, d«- Every hu-iness man is familiar vUh Money Earners Ct'HRCd. Business Men * Final iiOLMUitit.. this i, -.i-litior., i NKHL-O it lu'rt'liy civrn that the ncrnuntfi tit thl •ubneriber, executor of the cntnta of a * a • aid dBCeaitri, will bo nuillterl ond ntnteil b>^ Are you going to need money next Christmas? Will you have it? Business men are urged to encourage their employees to join our Christmas thp Hiirri»Ki!!i> nf tlw Cnuiity of Mnnmouth The man who cor.-.ri'.utei to these nr*«»r* hits Club. JOIN TODAY. Until dny of .Uiiu.iry, A. II. HIM, nt whli-h ; r tlm» a|ivllcttliill "III In' niailii fur tlie al- b^conw: comrr,**r :i lowanre nf rorninlmlnii* afid ooiimr-l feel, is rot so math f, DHICI] NnvenihiT Itlllli. A. I). IKS. and want ar/i I, '..";iS a< It il ''to JOHN I••IIKIiKKU K ZIKOI.AI1. provide fine ani r, MONMOUTII COUNIY OHI'IIAN.S COURT (or thn^e who cor, WHAT THE DIFFERENT CLUBS AMOUNT TO IN SO WEEKS (Ictnbvr Term, A. II. Win. i ', "drivej." bit ' llta inHttvr «f the entHtn of Franc*! «crpH of rn&[.ugi., •i »olici',fjr> s'.e- llawinii, dprpnitrd. Yo .can stall with lc, lie, w, 10c, and iucveasu your . . OltllKII HI HIIOW CAl/SK nograph«n and clerki tr« m»!n-1 Start with 25c, 50c, $1.00, 12.00, $5.00, $10.00, Allra Ilalinll. >itmlnl>lmtrll nf I'mnajl talncd, nil t,{ wk'.m •deposit the same amount each week. tUfflon, «««««d, hn»ln« •Oilkltril I.. Ihw $20,00, or more, and put in same amount each we3k. Court, lindar oatli. • juit and true nrrount out ill mo-, sy wtsl"'< Ihat ilm p«r- e jr for charity $12.50 l or 25a CLUB PAYS aonal ••l«t« nt laid il«ra>>rd U lin..nllc .nl j,..,.:- v !f»r*. • In ynf tier iMit*. Htirl rfretnl"«. I' '• Iherefnrt 1 cent CLUB PAYS $12.75 nnlerail that all tirfouti* lnUr>ale'l lit tha laniln, tMl»m«"t< mi'l h"ienlt«mniil« and rnueh $100 CLUB PAYS $50 ,,.„] ,«li,ls nf tha laid I'rfdMil aupaar In liuiii!:i,g Decreasing Clubs ou! its•.•...•}• i, u I I,„f,f r the Cnnrl, at Ilio Court ll»».t, In who him u 2 cenj I r..hnld. on Thilrailar, I'" tnlflr-Hral *intnta, liUtidM, «i in flndiirj r.ut It. i.fuilf CLUB haradDamaaK and >•••! '•'•'• nf Ilia «aM C»K«N of nccii ami in r< I < . u th» deposit and decrease your de- $5.00 PAYS $250 dtraalid ahuuld ""' !>• •"HI «• "III ha a«>< Mim1. In tht.ii tik*n the j[|v«r 5 cent CLUB PAYS $63,75 flcleflt Ift par >>tr delila, nr tha raildia tharauf, •• tha '•'• (nay rav«r b« fill by H»YU. 1* million lo prMlMI alalais thoie who "|M Cora, do H" wh*» Hfomxt U> rfllfvlng thOM ir torrow Come In and Get a Pass Book and Join the Club. Everybody Welcome thty, t«rn|tM if llu itmnit *t Mi** kna In nr* WMimt« Miuti 4f i» | l M HIED BANK TRUST COMPANY MBI •MMal Ik* uM a«ltl«, unit., «\ti, BANK, Ut'lftt. RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12,1923. Buy a Radio Receiving Set on the Club Plan •.*• .What could be a more delightful gift to the entire family tha^a radio? It will not only ada_rnucl][ to the ehjoymont of the Holidays but will be'a source of interesting entertain-,' merit the year'round. W© cany only the finest sets on the market. Prices range from $20 up to $350 with slight extra charge for installation. Our liberal Club Plan enables you to secure any radio by a _smalLinitiaLpay_raent ____: : __r_: , _L. ; ^ Further information and free1 demonstra- tion given by our Radio expert in the yictrola Salon—Third Floor. Three-Day Sale of

Thursday, Friday, Saturday American Oil (P. D. Co.), pints .' 69c Aspirin Tablets (Bayer), 5 gr., 100 for 80c, Amolin Powder, 60c size 40c Aniolin Powder, 30c size 21c In Steinbach's Toy Shop—Fourth Floor Rear, Baume Analgizique Bengue , 5ic Surprises there are un-numbered, Beecham's Pills 19c iAnd,girls and boys who love pretty toys, Bell-Ans, 75c size 52c Boal's Rolls ....l...... lie Will see them here by the hundred. California Syrup of Figs 43c rA soldier bold, 1 beat my drum . Carter's Little Liver Pills ...15c Santa You'll find here an hour each day, Cascarels, 25c size , 18c • To let folks know the King's Cascarets, 50c size '. 35c Then back to his workshop he rushes, Guards come. Doan's Kidney Pills 45c JVe tried very hard to persuade him to stay,, [With hat of fur and drum so yellow— Dioxogen, 5oc size ...... 38c But he's busy with paints and with brushes. Ely's Cream Balm .43c I really am quite a dandy fellqw, Energine Cleaning Fluid . 24c Ex-Lax, 25c size 19c Ex-Lax, 50c size .;.. 39c Father John's Medicine, $1.00 size 84c • Freezonc, 35c size .J 24c away tb Bambury, Glide's Pepto-Mangan !.94c Upon my spotted horse. Hill's Gascara Quinine ..20c His speed is sumpin' awful— Horlick's Malted Milk, §1.00 size '. 78c Jad Salts....: ': 57c , Though he never leaves his course. Lapactic Pills .-. ...28c Laxative Bromo Quinine (Grove's) 21c Gets-It, 35c size 24c Mentholatum, 25c size 19c Metholatum, 5oc size 39c . Mifflin Alkohol Massage, 75c size .53c Milk of Magnesia, Philips', 50c size 36c 1 Musterole, 35c size 24c I wish I were black as ink, *' ~t ' • , v < Musterole, 6oc size : 45c I much prefer an elephant, . Just like my Dinah dolly ^" ~ "" Nujol, 16 oz. size 69c That moves about so slow, And then I'd never have to wash- Ovoferrin : _.78c Poor little Kitty Phenolax Wafers, Upjohn, 3oc size ....21c To all the nifty autos ; Oh, wouldn't that be jolly? ^ So hungry are you Pluto Water, quart size ...... 33c ^ Honking loudly as they go. Pinoleum, 4 oz 78c Wait for your dinner Pinoleum with Atomizer 78c Don't lick my shoe. Piso's Cough Remedy, 30c size 24c • Poslam Ointment, 60c size 40c Scott's Emulsion, large size 78c Sal Hepatica, 6oc size ....:.... 42c 'Sal •Hepatica, SI.25 size ..". 85c Seidlitz Powders, I dozen :...:.-. 20c Mrs. Bunny Rabbit; •''" cv- Sloan's Liniment, 30c size ..,...: 24c Does a-lecturing go, Squibb's Liquid Petrolatum, pints 70c And tells young Duckie Daddle Syrup of Pepsin (Caldwell), large 83c Throat Discs (P. D. Co.) 20c Things he should know. Tanlac/ $1.00 size 72c Tanlac Vegetable Pills 21c Tonsiline, 35c size 24c Said Humpty Dumpty, "Old Giraffe, Vick's Vapo-Rub, 35c size :..24c !When I look at you I have to Vick's Vapo-Rub, medium size 56e Miss Teapot has a handsome friend laugh" Zinc Stearate (Merck), l oz 17c Zonite, 6 oz i 36c . His name is Mr. Spoon, Said old Giraffe, "My neck is funny, Zonite, 14 oz 69c -He comes each day for tea they say, ^ But I'd not be you for a bag of HAIR PREPARATIONS. And never leaves till noon next money." A little pig from market Pinaud's Eau de Quinine, 8 oz 98c !• day. With red and frozen nose Amami Shampoo, lSc size lie Comes dancing home a-cfying Auxiliator, large 90c 7 • Danderine. 6oc size :....•, :...... • 42c Upon his cold•"pink toesT Golden Glint Shampoo, 25c size 19c Hays' Hair Health, S1.00 size 70c Henna .Foam 40c Mulsitied Cocoaiwt Oil (Watkins1) 38c Newbro's Herpicide, SI.on size 78c Newbro's Herpicide, 6oc size : 38c 'A "ducky" wedding Packer's Liquid Tar Shampoo 38c. In spite of rain " Palm Olive Shampoo 36c Wild Root Tonic, SLOG size 76c When P'arson Gander Wild Root Shampoo, 5oc size 36c Makes one these twain. , DENTAL NEEDS. l-'urhan's Tooth Paste, ooc size . (»lyco-Thynioliiu\ ?1.20 size Ipana Tooth Pasle, 5oc size Over the moon we go— While big Miss Cat kolynos Tooth Paste, 30c size . My little book and I, Is busy at play, , l.avoris, 50c sire To visit children down below Bold Mr. Mouse l.avoris, SI.(Hi size l.isterine, I I oz ! To make them laugh and cry. Is fractious and gay. List^rine, 7 oz Although I'm just a little bear, Lynn's Dental Powder.«,.. I'm brave as I can be, Lynn's Denial Pasle Pebeco Tooth I'a^te I go to bed without a light Pepsmlent Tooth Paste SANTA IS HERE! COLUMBIA MEDALLIONS With the moon for company. Pyorrlioc'kle Tuoth Powder Sanitol Tooth Powder Of course every little boy and girl One of the interesting features of Squibb's Ik'iita! Cream , will want to visit Toylaml and see Christmas Shopping at Steinbaehs Alkolol, lariio , Santa. Because he is such a very is the fact that the shopper him- Alk.ilol, small busy man he can only be here an Hclf receives a gift in the form of SOAPS. Oh, a fine sailor lad am I—- V ' hour each day to greet his little a beautiful Columbia Medallion Jack in the box HO gaily dressed, Lite Buoy Soap, cake, friends. Between 10 :!K) and 11 :l«) As you will all agree ' reproduction of hi.s favorite photo- Cuticuia Snap v,'. Saturdays and between IJiIK) and graph! Free of charge when his Plays with little Brown Bear Woiulluiiy's Snap To heur me play my melodious flute, 4:30 weekdays. He will have a purchases total $20. Medallion He wants'to be good friends, you see Packer's Tar Soap "The fishes come out of the sea. present for every little visitor ac- Instead of causing a qcarc. Physicians' and Surgeons' Snap cards may be; secured in any de- RCMIKII (Soap companied by a grown up. partment. Sitymain Soap (Vegetable Oil) SHAVING NEEDS. Johnson's Shaving Cream Mention's Shaving CrMm CHRISTMAS CLUB CHECKS Palm Olive Shaving (-ream •; A VICTROLA lixtract Witch Hazel, '; pint In The Home By Xmai Christmas Club Checks can be lixlract Wild) Hazel, I pint. easily converted into cash ftt.Ktcin- I'xlurt Wikh Hazel, I quart The uaual shortage of vietrolas for bachs—simply Rivp them to any (illK'tte lllmU's I do/. the holiday season ha» already be- nalonpcrw)n or take them to the liver-Hculy Ka/tirn, complete come evident. Christmas shoppers Service Denk~~lli'nt floor. There SUNDRIES. will still find a complete selection will be no obligation to whop hero of console or regulation stylea In bflt patrons who have delayed holi- Brushes \ , ,..,,.,71* the Stelnbach vlctrola Salon- Cotton (tirade 11), 11h A ISi day ahonnlnif until receipt of I'ountttiti Syrln«je», 3 qt. «...... «».t~ third floor. Purchase on our con • check* will naturally want to take Hot Water Mottled, 3 qt <«..„„ venlant Club Plan otdeferred pay- advantage of th«l mnny Christmas ment*. l now in progtm _*' *. t; Page Six RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 1£, 1923,

NEPTUNE GETS STATE TITLE. Harry Larson of meeting of ex-chiefs of this state to semi-final. Jimmy ^ p be held at' Harrison tomorrow. BUtt Association Placet Aibury knockout in the secomtNai*'™ m the William Koebler is out after be- Park High School Fourth. opening hout with Jack llorncr. ing laid up a week with a strained I\c 111 >u ' « > -i ]i r ti ^chool ^a« back. HIGHLANDS NEWS. . The Daughters of Liberty lodge kuaii'c i l'i 'ati chimpiui hhip in AT THE HENNESSEY MARKET footlull ' \ tit \'L* Jen \ ntcr will hold a euchre party tomorrow Mr«. Freda Sampson Badly Burned night^it the borough hall." !c ,' i i li i n "in i itioii .it a by Lamp Explosion. 16 Monmouth Street Phone 1377 1 Mrst Frank Frazer spent Saturday rncr ' it! \tpiuiu torn A euchre' party \va? held Satur- plilut 1 ' ulc ul ti \ g.imc* at New York. day ujght at the Derby house by" the Mrs. Charles "Woolley has re- »it" m . 1 In IILKHK V KOR'SUT'S' ludce. Mrs. Henry Quasi DELIVERIES 8:OO A. M. AND 3:OO P. M. [u p rk JnJ> M li >ol fouith the turned from the Long Branch hos- r won tirM pinochle prize and George pital, where she had been under itati < t dtr i n' c ime in for Liming won first prize at euchre. 1 treatment several weeks. [o •= m i tii'itism \eptune n is Mr?. Freda Sampson, wife of John •niii t H ti r w -^i of 1 ft it Fred Johnson of Lakewood spent Samp.-on*, was hailly bu'nii'd on tiie Saturday and Sunday here. \t { \ i\ 1 in ti Pur r R "sr head and body last week when a 2 lbs Cod, 25c. 3 to 4 lbs each n Uj '> i -' i i"d Cist Oru ^c A radio outfit has been installed (Tiisolinc lamp exploded. Shi is re- in Edward.Hennessey's house. Shop where "he" shops! Hlf It! ] ll I ! ullO\t> \ ' 11V covering slowly. /•' --'MT?. .Henry Quast held a-euchre A dance will he held by : The pleasure of receiv- 2 lbs Pan Flounders, 25G party 'Saturday ni^hl. men at the firehouse on December ing wiU then match the 31st. BOEING AT CAMP VAIL. Mrs. Grover Mount gave birth to pleasure in giving. ' 1 lb Medium Eels, 2Sc a' daughter la.~t week. Mrs. Mount Mrs. William Conklin is laid up fir6t Exhibition of Season Held was formerly Miss Minnie Conoven with a heavy cold bordering on "Exactly what T Last Friday Night. Robert Liming is employed by pneumonia. wanted." Six boxing bnuls, 'A'- rounds in Wtiiiam Connor?. ,, The morning sermon topic Sun- ' Dreaslns gown, housecoat. house sltppers, shirts, gloves, four- til, were staged at the Camp Vail I'hc ladies' aid society of the day at the Methodist church will be ln-h&mls—hundreds of happy Phone Thursday for Prompt Delivery Friday gymnasium Friday night oefore a Methodist church met last week at "The Christian Pilgrim's Experi- hunches. ^ crowd- of fans that lomfortably Mrs. Charles Howell's on Fourth ence" and the serjnon topic at night Gift certlflcates. loo—lets them .filled the liuil'Jina. l:i ih-.' ?;aln street. will be.,"Christ Our Life." The Ep- -'choose for themselves. . fver,'. Aiidy Saclm-khz if Camp '/ml Otto B'.tz is having an addition worth League cleared nearly $110 at Mall Orders Tilled and Willie Smai-ka of S';w Vork built to his restaurant, its bazar and. fair held last week. Kent six rounds °.n a Jra'.v. K. 0. A banquet was held yesterday by The Christmas exercises of the R6QER8 PEET COMPANY Johnson finished MeAulifte in the business men's association at church Sunday-school will be held Peters & Bonnell Broadwaj Hsrald Sq. the third round

B M B E R, G E e is a Wise Old Bird! DATHF.R ungainly is the Crow, neither ornamental nor of very much known use, but ™ * he is wise! • • When he wants to go anywhere he flies instinctively in a straight line—the shortest way! Just so, the shortest route between the Producer jind your table is direct—over the American Stores' counters, liy going to the Source, we save time in transit, handling by middle hands, and all needless expense. The advantage is yours! Are you wise to your opportunity? Big Choice Mealy —the gift that lasts through 1-4 peck Potatoes (3 3-4 lbs) many Christmases ' y2bu. (30. lbs.) 55c One must, in time, perforce, cast away a flowerpor frothy, lacey scarf, or EGGS doz35c other temporary bits of loveliness, however reluctantly. Everg Egg Guaranteed iBut a gift of furniture is like a solid, trustworthy friend, always "standing by" ASC0 Sliced Bacon pk* 15C | ASC0Sliced Dried Beef pk810c 'when needed, as fine tomorrow as today—nay, growing dearer with the years.' The Most Appetizing of Breakfasts—Frizzled with ERKS! For gifts-one docs not * cast away"—for gifts that typify the | sweet? Buy Early for Your Christmas Baking ! mellower relations of a friend with a friendj one chooses from'the aisles Supply your needs now, to «»ve delay and annoyance. Forethought always pays! and aisles of lovely gift furniture on our Fourth and Fifth Floors. Such |ASCO Golden Pumpkin big can 14c ASCO Mince Meat ft 22 I ASCO Smyrna FIRI pkg 15c Selected California Walnuli tb 30c useful bits, indeed, as those pictured here:' California Seeded Rnisins pkg 12c Be.t Mixed Nut. ft 23c IVst Cleaned Currants .pkg 18c Baker's Grated Coconut can 16c | Finest California Almonds . . .^ . . lb 30c Baker's Shredded Cocoanut pkg 7c, 14c Gold Seal E"! f\I jp 5-ft OOc 12-ft 4Qc Family rUJUK bag LL bag ^ "Cou-nn" Mayflower ASCO Baking Powder, "" 5c, 10c, 20c Martha Washington Work Table Absolutely Pure! Extra Powerful Leavening Properties! Sewing Cabinet A solid mahogany ' affair which will charm away the (» Quality We're Proud Of! A quaint design which boasts sewing hours! The tray is convenient drawers and deep removable, ami the pockets side pockets for one's sciving are deep and dustproof places VICTOR BREAD !-' things. It is of solid mahog- to keep one's "pick-up" bits. any, beautifully finished. One may cany this "little Priced at 18.50. table, easily, to the sunniest Bread Supreme Extra Big Wrapped Loaf windi/A. ').bO. Our Master Baker*' Masterpiece! j Victor Raisin Bread lollf 10c Victor Whole Wheat l°*( 10c IMieious! i Healthful! ASC0 k DropleafTea Buckwheat P s 10c ASCO Butterine Fireside Chair AM;O PutKake Flour pUg 10c 25c F Wagon Or, if you prefer, a matching A 11 1 r l n !-lu^t iid.| i'. ,nr (•!• milk, stir in'•> a butter and I "' '- ' ' ' healthful butter-substitute. You'll rocker The well • turned l : The tray is removable* so b-ikr "n n li griildlc. \ like it! .Sold in many of nur .Stores! posts and legs are fashioned tli;it this sturdy cart,> which as only a patient cabinet- serves so well as "butler", Deliriously Superior—Blended and Roasted in Our Own Rnasteries—It's Convlne- maker can fashion them, and through a dinner, may play the upholstery is well-done in the rule (if bridge tablcf, niter- tapesty of charming design. wards, foi an eveninq's en- ASCO COFFEE lb. 29c Mahogany finish, j'nccd at tertainment Mahogany fin- 29,75.-/ You'll Taste the Difference ! ish. l':i ul ,u J1.50. ASCO Evaporated MILK tal1««» ASCO TEAS !i-t>> pk;: I«I O0c ll i-tii pfci cc_ PriJ.of tr.-tin er« ^0 •J«JC Kill«rn«y D»> Bonnet Top J tunnet 1 Jl icr for ^ "" Oranges' "25c,31c ';; Grape Fruit: 3 25c | Fashioned much as Grand- if-n y,nu Witnt Orangei—remember— we nre It • ii hard" to " determine Tim piquant, fresh, lirfning slsrt for «ysrj mother's tpinnet was fash- wherein the chief charm n( ioned, «ven to the turn- ' jhis lovely piece lie<, Is it in buck lid with iruiiihlr N. B. C. Cake Daintiet! the quaint top? In ihe fret' Big Soap Bargain! hirt|»e». >The writing bed IChoc. Graham Wafer* "> 32c i work doori of in roomy Ih k pulll out,' and pruvidei 1 Pantry Cookicu 19c Babbitt-. B«t Soap: 4 " " 19c 'bookcaw? In ih runvenirnt imple elbow space. Mn I Chocolate Snaps pl<« Be J little drup-lid dr^kC liog«ny venetr. 1'iited »t [•ny veneer, 09,50. f 39.50, rnki-* iiinkc n mint tempting e.U I with mir Fairy Soap 5c Rich Creamy Cheeie »> 33o IWlcr Iny In n »u|i|ily »t theio pricfi, WMBERGER S—FOURTH "AND; FIFTH FLOORS Now it the Time to Stock up on Canned Goodi! I ASCO Ciliffirnln Pc.tlnti ,„ 27« ll"! S»i.r Cor „„ , , \r A0* t'"1!'"'"'" •*•«!••• .«*n 20e 0<(UH g C«lir-.lnl« l> ,| jp, lnl« el tin AS1.0 liim«lnpi ,,,,,,.,... ,«„ i«. ., j.«,,.i, t,ush»4 p\n,»«p\ <„„ au w lt.w.ll.., StUsHi t'int*|ipl* tin 8St, 3»e i;:f ?•,;"••» •'.'.• V.;;:."* j K**!!jLrjKL*. l(rr't.("r« •• Wi •»«'« »*** »*'•• »"»»»t« , ttn U« 6 L. BAMIJERGER & CO. ot America*! Great Stores" ' . Newark, N.J. ^

•" * _• '„-• *:A


s&*"-:%fc?lsS'-JJ&"&J? i^t'T^fcL**: RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923. Page Sevg RUMSON'S GOOD PUPILS, Grade 4, Ml.. Inn Bohannan, teacher— Thoran Appleffatl, Robert Bortmin, Thorn- Report of Attendanc* of Atlantic CarlocK, Charlei O'Brien, Addlion Rhine- hart, Haymond Steveni, Warren Rhlnrhart, Townihip Consolidated School. Dorothy Cadwallado, Janet Cadwalluder, Pupils of the Kumson public Nora Cofinelt, Edith Harvey, ,j Cttherlnt WINTER school wittf perfect records for theJeffrey, Julie Olfon, Ethel Perrlne. past month are: (irade S, Miia MarBuerltc Hlntelmann, eacher—Francla Dowd, Harold Johniton, i. OVERSTOCKED! SCHOOL NO. 1. Jamta l/eo, Joieph Murphy, Percy West, Kindergarten/ Mill ' Frances M, Dull, Madellna Boiart, Har'aret Connett, Ger- ttmchcr—Matthew Bowman, 1'hiUip Lemiii, trude Connors,.Catherine Warburton. IS HERE John Murphy, fi«rtrudu IJeUs, (Mia ikalzo, Helen Siuclair, Dorii Walker. Grad* 1, Mi*" A. L. O'Brien, teacher— SEABRIGHT NEWS. Williamr Boyie, H«rm«n Colin, Welter Kerr, Have Your Stoves and Heaters IAlbirt Ptttcnon, Otto Slruhmenger, Anna ReaidenU Arc Ptrmitted to Uie J. M. FINKEL Urill, GiiiUti* Hinbury, Veronica Murphy, Book, in School Library. , Josephine I'ullen, Ann* Smith, Irene Books in the public school library REPAIRED Walker, Mtry Fanning. Rochester Clothes Shop, Inc. Grade 2, Mlai A. J*. O'Brien, teacher^ ,can be obtained by residents of Sea- Churlea BettH, Vfowiand Ginvtlon, William bright. The library will be open to Duwicn, William Kineifun, Ariiuld Tanner, the public every Wednesday after- 12 West Front Street Red Bank, N. J. N O W! jrLcr Too me y, Hull) Nary, Gloria Ocha, noon from three to four o'clock and Marian Patterson, Huth TLTI, Wny J'ratt, I Alice I'arU. ' the residents will be permitted to take the books home.—MiasJIilda-H. Arthur Kerr, n Oclin, William Och«, Algor will be in charge of the li- livu Bowman, Murithy, Efcily I'ullen, brary. A branch of the county li- Samuel Swartz VVillurd Iviim. Grade 4, Mina E. A.V l'tarsall, teacher— brary has been established in the 14 Wast FYont Street ''rank Bain cut, Gourde Brown, Oliver Mac- school and a large number of new intosh, Harold Schultz, Joseph Tunney books have been placed in the li- 20 S REDUCTTOrSALir CENT Red Bank, New Jersey. Alice CQIIIB, Mary Dowlon, Doris Fine if an brary within the past few weeks. Telephone 616-J. Mary Lang, Jessie Nupier, Dorothy Ziegler, Katherine Cain. Leo Nicholas, Edmund Cline, San Opp. Broad St. Grade 5, MIBB F. E. Worthley, teachc der Anderson, William Cline and Edith Urown, Mildred liruwn, Ella Clark, Leo and Harold Mason attended the ON .the. Horn, Elizabeth Kvach, Violet Traut, six-day bicycle race at the ^fadison J rUstave Urucckner, Cii?(irne Contfdon, Hyatt SUITS AND OVERCOATS 1 Cunninifhum, Kobert Finn. Square Garden last Friday night. I Grade (i, Miss F. E. Worthley, teacher— Mr. and Mrs. John Cornell of Margaret Cunningham, Lucy Kite, Eleano have moved to New King, Kaurot Clark, John Jenninn», Fran Commencing Tomorrow, December 13th cla Nary, Timothy Noonun, GeorBe Martin, York for the winter. Charlci Olaen, Edward Hchults, John Toom- Dr. and Mrs. James Eeed have ey, Earl Truut. left for California, where they will Grade 7, Miss Mary Goodenouarh, teacti- spend the winter. r—Carl Desprcaux, William Gorman, Peter $22.50 Suits and Overcoats, 20 0ff--$18,0G Olwon, William West, Arthur West, Her- Mr. and MrB. William Nesbitt are lan Wllklnloh, Winifred Armstrong, Hilda wintering in Florida. Barnard, Mildred Dickenaon, Blanche The public school will close on Right in the Heart of the Season, When You Need Clothing the Most Carefully Emery, Esther Emery, Olive Emery, Kita Fleming, Ev lyn Finn, Grace Hicks, Elisa- Friday of next week and Will reopen beth Leu, Atinabelle MarthenB, Mae on January 2d. , A Christmas en- (J'Leary, Mnrmiret l'errine, Helena Shea, tertainment for the pupils will be $60 Suits and Overcoats, 20 0ff--$48 Compounded Mae VanUrunt, Elolno Wcot. held on December 22d, the closing Grade fi, Miss H..C. ErrickHon, teacher—> Henry ULchnnmin, llnrry Collia, Paul Hin- day of school. tclmann, Stiinley Ivina, William Mahoney, Herbert Fowler, has returned to Hart Schaffner*& Marx and Our Rochester Make are Included in William SaKurloA, William Schultz, Shcltun work at the Atlantic and Pacific tea Wise, HC|I:II Cm lock, Aatrid Chriatennen, store afier a week's vacation. Alice Connett, ", Inez Cunningham, Ellen This Reduction Sale. Kcttch, Murjoric Macintosh, Florence Mnr- The Cub athletic club basketball thens, Dorothy Mitlvihill, Elizabeth Per- team of this place last week defeat- rinc, Edith Wnlte, Mardnret Cain. ed the Olympic athletic club of Long The careful compounding of pre- Grade !), Wisa A. I*. GTOB, teacher— Branch by a score of 23 to 22. The Irene Anderson, Edilhn Arne, Mury Cnin, $35.00 Suits and Overcoats, 20% 0ff--$28.00 scriptions is just as important as the Helen Clnir, Bertha Collis, Elsie Horn, Arrow Five and Freehold Legion choice of a doctor when you or your Marie Murphy, Jtuth Shea, Myrtle Trout, game was not held last week. The Elizabeth Miller, Robert Hcattie, game was postponed at the request OVERSTOCKED OVERSTOCKED OVERSTOCKED loved ones are sick. Clny, .Martin Connor, Orrin Soule. of the Freehold team and the two Grade 10, Miss A., P. Gron, Aea Extra — Special — Bargains Helen JefTrt'y, Margaret MarthenB, Eliza- teams will play at Rowland's hall Extra — Special — Bargains Extra — Special — Bargains lioth Smith, Mildred Xrout, Robert Zerr. next Tuesday night. The best efforts of your doctor will, go Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers Outing Flannel Work Shirts, grey and SCHOOL NO. 2. Richard Rodney, Borden White, Khaki Hiding Breeches, ?3.00 kind, all for naught if what he prescribes is not Grade I, Mins J> C, Krnemer, teacher- $l.fiO kind $1.19 garment khaki, §1.25 quality 80c sizes $1.95 Alitfi Alji'iihamsen, Mabel Abrflhamacn, Onas Davison, Edward Sweeney and Glastenbury Wool Shirts and Drawers . carefully followed to the last item. Mai'ic CoiK'tt, Katht ine O'Brien, Elizabeth Robert White, who are employed at To close out Knee 1'ants, all sizes, $1,50 Shea, Kllen SUnlcy, Ensley _ $1.45 garment ami ?L'.OO kind at $1.00 the Taylor provision company's fac- Root's Tivoli Shirts and Drawers OVERSTOCKED We specialize in this work and are John Lamlicrt, Richnnl Wnid, Ralph Scnlzo, tory at Trenton, were hornVover the Men's Good Make Overalls $1,00. Horacp Lnnnman, GPOTRP Lonnmnn. $1.50 garment worthy of your trust. Crude 2, Miss .1. C. Krnomer, ti-ache week-end. $3.50 Guaranteed all wool, $2.85 garment ' Extra — Special — Bargains Jnhn Connors, Patrick Stanley, Clinton John White, who is employed at Men's Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers OVERSTOCKED West, Theodore Stevens, Mary Federaro New York, spent Sunday with his 75c garment 1 lot Cotton Sweaters 85c to $1.95 Cntherine Gorman, Grace Hatch, Louise Extra — Special —> Bargains lliltbrunner, lliuel Stevens, Anna Leo. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert White Medium Weight Union, Suits Boys' Sweater Coats and Slip-Overs with Grade G, Miss.M. S. Davis, teacher Mrs. John Keefe, who has been 95c garment collars, $3.00 ahd $1.00 kind... .$2.00 $10.00 Men's Shedp Lined Coats at $7.85 SCHROEDER'S PHARMACY John Boreman, Walter lliltbrunner, Lester seriously eick, is improving. Heavyweight Best Ribbed Union Suits Perrlnc, Barbara Lnzzio, Rito Murphy $1.8S and $2.50. ; ' "* $13.50 Men's Sheep Lined Coats at $9.90 H. C. HUBBARD, Prop. Mildred Bhen, Catherine Went. William Douglas has sold a Ford $10.50 Men's Sheer Lined Coats at $12.85 touring car to William R. Fowler OVERSTOCKED Grade fi, MIHH Inez Ilohnnnfin, tench- S8.00 Boys' Sheep Lined Coats at $9.50 er—GeorRo Armstrong, Frank Hilt- and a Ford sedan to M. J. Dev- OVERSTOCKED 16 Broad Street Red Bank. N. J. .iirunner, Frank O'Brien, ltfnhlon SaRurton. c'reaux. Extra — Special — Bargains S12.00 Boys' Dog Skin Lined at... $7.90 Kenneth Stevens, Junior West, Lillie Car- Harry Harris, who is attached to The Finest selection of $7.50 nnd S8.50 Extra — Special — Bargains Telephone 146. ' Telephone 38. ton, Elennnr Connor, Ruth Jeffrey, Elennor MulvihtU, Evelyn Stevens, Marion Sutter, the Seabright coast guard station Silk Shirts $5.00 and $6.00 OVERSTOCKED Margaret Sutler. has a new Ford coupe. One lot of Silk Shirts, all sizes Daniel Boone Wool Pants, 'M) ounces to $2J5 to $4.00 yard, reg. price IJG.50, now. ..'.. .$4.35 Genuine Madras Shirts, $2.00 and $2.50 Extra — Special — Bargains BS* quality . ^$1.65 Army Pants, $;i.jjO and $1.00 quality, L\ S. Uubbcr Co. Men's Mackinaws, 3G Birdsall Flunncl Shirts, gray, blue and now $2.85 fancy flannel, best make; $2.50, 3.00 ounce all wool cloth, guaranteed water and 3.50 quality will go at....$1.85, ?3.00 and ? 1.50 Corduroy Pants, Standard nroof, $10.00 garment $5.95 $2.25 and $3.00. make . . .> $2.33 tn $3.00 $13.50 Men's till wool Maokinuws $7.50 $5.00 Blue Flannel Shirts at $3.25 Including extra sizes—10, 4 8, 50. IJoys' Mackinaw:;, belt all around, sizes One lot Army Shirts $2.'65 $2.00 Cotton Work Pants $1.45 1- to IS at $6.95' If Your Gift List Is Not Ready $19.50 Overcoats, 2G: Off--$15.60

Let Us Help Yoir Make It So Holiday Boxes IPree with All Purchases $70 Suits and Overcoats, 2G Off--$56

THE PLAIN TRUTH A 20 per cent reduction sale at this time n i' the year is so unupual it requires an explana- tion. The plain truth is that the unseasonable weather has so alieotod business in our line •that we iind ourselves much overstocked and v/e are in need of cush. Hence this big reduction in prices at just the time of the year when price reductions mean so much. With the savings this sale offers you in suit--, overcoats or men's furnishings your Christ- mas money ivill go that much further, enabling you to buy an extra Christinas to make some- one happy. At the same time you will have you r new suit or overcoat while it's still in style and will have the benefit of wearing it for the holiday season. Hundreds of Surprise Gift Ideas :•..•••••.-.-":• DONT WAIT! BUY NOW! —.—^-;r— This sale offers you the greatest opportun ity of all the year to buy clothing right in the Thousands of the "Regular" Class heart of the season at prices that as a rule prevail only at the close of a season. Dont wait until the annual clearance sale period at the end of the winter season. Uuy what you need in Candies Dresser Sets Baby Scales the clothing line at this sale and have the benelit of nearly a whole season's wear. Camerai Boudoir Sets Toilet Sets In conducting this sale now we are sacrificing the best month of the year. Hut we must Cigars Baby Sets Manicure Sets reduce our stock and are making our price reductions now instead of at the cud of the .sea- son as is the usual custom. Cigarette Holders Safety Razors Military Brushes , Here is your opportunity of buying seasonable goods at heretofore unheard of prices at Christmas Cards Perfumes Hair Brushes this season of flic year. For example, this is what this sale means to you: : Mirrors Jack Knives^ Tooth Brushes A $'J5 suit w overcoat with a lit) per cent reiluctinii brings the price down to .$20; a $li).5O suit or overcoat with 20 per cent off makes the selling price $15,(H). Leather Goods Scissor Sets Combs An early selection is advisable. Pout delay. Come today and have a bettor choice, as Fountain Pens x Sewing Sets Records the stock wont last long at these prices. Stationery Cut Glass Phonographs Electric Articles $75 Overcoats, 20 0ff«$60 " OVERSTOCKED OVERSTOCKED OVERSTOCKED Knickerbocker Pharmacy Extra — Special — Bargains Extra — Special — Bargains A IIH-KI' I"1 «f HHk Scarf-., if:!,Ml, urn, Extra — Special — Bargain! Broad and Monmouth Streets R«d Bank, New Jtrsey ilnyn' Hulls nt Ilitlf l'llcc, mic mid two •l.fiO mill FUH) i|tiitlliy, jniif i lu);ri',$2.B5 twit!*, IIKI'D Kin 17 yi'iiiK, tn,(K) tu 10.00 Him liit i.f I'iiin rii-ni IV MJHi kin.I ,il Sun . H'I Oiitltis I'lmincl lyiatwis, tm*vf Hoy*' Hulihcr Ciist mill lint, rnmpli'ii" I'ri'KliliMit SUK(n'itili'i-!i In H'diiliiy ll»v •.,*&« outfit $8.00 Registered Pharmacist in Constant Attendance liny..' «ii,iiu timing Hitnnil P«}«m*« it OVERSTOCKED OVERSTOCKED -; PURE DRUGS CONFECTIONERY SODA WATER Extra — Special — Bargain* J' Extra — Special — Bargain* l.iiilnp' a ml (ii'iili' I'IHI>M||II> nt K"''i"V nni Muni, i-1 niflkg % l»dimi Chil«tm«« CIGARS . CIGARETTES 1 llMti U"!u> .. Jfl.OO l« VM Itl'lltll'K'l I'' I "''• (lift, |J mi nml t'.* f!(l kln.l |t,IS IOI, so», aio tnmpi D«ll»»f» Hnmklnit .Inrkt't, I7.>>il IIUMIIU' , ,,»B,«n Mt'ii'n IIIIII ll'>'«' lni|)i'ili il nil WIHII Unit •V, Kniukmis Jacket, flMUl t|iiiilny..,. .$7.90 Hi' i' nl uicully inltli'nl |UMC<, .')D WOMI M.illiir, «lt «»l«t« ,.,,,,Hi $65 Overcoats, 20 Off--$52 MOM "I* a.» Page Eight RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923. ATLANTIC'S GOOD PUPILS. moved to Holmdel, where he bought ' iHgHgaHgHg^^ a house a short time ago. Report of Attendance of Atlantic William Leddy has moved from Torfn.'.:! Consolidated School. Mrs. John Snowden's house to the The lolloping school children of: Kelly house on 'the back road to See our show windows BUY NOW Atlantic township had. perfect rec-1 Red Bank." A small deposit will crds for •>tendance and punctuality | Cyreniua V. Stilw.agon has had a for Christmas Gifts not during November: | new roof put on his house which is hold any article until Crude I. Miss Brrtha Dunhnm, tcuchcr— j occupied by Thomas Kelly. Other mentioned here. Christmas. I repairs have lici'h made to the JEWELRY Willctt. Ksliih Cain, Joseph Ku-tiards, i house. i Dorothy Cnwir,. Charlotte MrKv.ina \ A large attendance and a wealth i o'f floral tributes marked the funeral Something That Will Be Appropriate For Christmas. I 3, Miss Grace Hoey, irsvh er—Henry Ili< lie, Alexander Cichoski. tvarl I of Mrs. Theodore Stilwell last week. Dobry, Julia Arthur Kord..stac'»|Uev. \V. E. Enlisted of Red iBank (inniick, Mary Gurnick, !prPachf(l the sermon. Burial was , We have a veritable Fairyland of Lovely Gift-things in Hold, Silver, Klsie Iliirlrv, I .Leonard, Catherine made in Holmdel cemetery. The MrfSrnr), Miry iv, Jeanette Ravally, 1'i-lix Surle-. H Sihlcr, Mart ho IV bearers were Stanley Stilwell, Cecil and Precious Stones—the kind one takes pride in possessing. ilyke. Silvio /ene. Jones, Harry Malchow, William ""(SiuRi.T'aTiirr.V^njB "CaiBplicirrtoarhsr liana.', jr., John Grant and Vernon —John Clark,'Walter Clark, John Riley, A NEW PLAN FOR 'Stanley Sudecll, William Sinter, 'Pearl Iliil- A Few Gift Suggestions For Christmas. Mc, Martfarpt ISoriimk, Mildred Cunover. .Miss Rosie Toomey has returned Uabelle Hurley. Alice Hyatt. Ellie Leonard, j |0 Philadelphia after & visit to LAUNDRY WORK McKrnna, Camilla Matthe Kathcrine Oakes. Crmles r, mul <".. Mrs. Mary E. Tower, enrhur—MarBWt Rotlel. Vii>ln Ilol.ry, *-.«• Marie Sillier, Knthryn New, Julia Hrem-n. RIVER PLAZA NEWS. BL.CSIN WATCHES fllanch Martin, Certrude GilUon, Glmlys pringateen. Anna Desmond. Anna Pudecka, Dorothy HonnMI, Krancii Wins. John Him, The Five Hundred Club Hai an Frank Mnrin, Joseph Curran, John Cli'1'U-n, Afternoon at Mrt. McPhee'i. The Professional Timekeeper. The Five Hundred club met last I 7c per lb. for Bundles 20 lbs. or Over t r ThB 1 i & i'tne'xe':'! L™ H.Lr X'Mn:i"iii ™! ay at Mrs. James McPhee's, ieverin, ,\ii Bordink. Catherine McCue. I Prizes were won' by Mrs. Benjamin ^ • People call the Elgin "The Prof essionaiTime-keeper." It is the nat- | ciadya Ervinit. ciarenre j Crate, Mrs. McPhce and Mrs. Vin- ver, Le.ter Jleulitt, Arnold ^'">^_ jcen t WilUs. This is the Wet,Wash, with aUkJthe bed Wilbur Dickeman. Stephen Muri Tiral reaction of carrying a time-piece of authority. An Elgin Watch | and table linen (flat pieces) ironed, ready n Srhanck. Karl SotTel. Slanlej- H.ullilt, The Community club met yester- 1 Lieilerjdorf. day at Mrs. George Brenktr's. may be the plainest of practical time-pieces or it may be encased in the for use, and the personal wearing apparel re- Marion Smith of Riverside; drive Advocate New Highway lo Keyport. spent Saturday with Junnit;. Crate. finest example of the gold and platinum smith's art. But it is always turned damp, rV> separate package. The state highway commission in Mrs. William Kaney was t ailed report last week to Governor Sil- to Trenton Ia3t week by the sudden 1 er and the, leftislatuvc advocated death of her sister. true to the one and only thing a watch is for—to tell time and tell it right. Thus, for only a few cents more, our cus- that a new highway be built from Jesse Murfitt im- tomers can have all the bigheavy pieces com- Perth Aniboy to Keyport to relieve prove from his sickness.- the traffic congestion and to do John Brower's new house on Give a watch for Christmas pletely finished, leaving only the personal away with the" t,nade crossing at Foster street is nearing completion. and be remembered by the Morgan., The proposed new road Mr. Bro'wcr, who is now living at pieces to do at home. would cost $2,500,000. Belford, .expects to move into the receiver in years to come. house in a few weeks. Ladies' Wrist Watches, 14- •i Plumber« Want $10 n Day. The Community club is arrang- Send for Our Driver— . , ing to.hold a Christmas sale of karat white gold, 6 jewels, Members of the plumbers' union fancy articles. Make Wash Day Happy at Asbury Park have voted in fa- lever movement, 25 year *i vor of wages .of $10 a day instead of It pays to advertise in the Register. Other Service Plans: Wet-Wash, $9, which they are now receiving. guarantee, $7.50 up. Num- The proposed wage increase is to erous styles to select from. Float-Ironed, Rough Dry, All-Finished. go into effect March 1st. It is un- derstood the carpenters at Asbury FREDJENNINGS 1 Park will also ask for an increase of $1.00 a day. General Roofing Contractor MEN'S WATCHES • Red Bank Steam Laundry: EVERETT NEWS. 120 South St., Freehold, N. J. 14-kt. green or white gold, Nothing could please him Raymond Reid of Cranbury Move* 7 jewels, lever movement, Into the Stilwagon Home. Distributor of the Ambler Asbestos more than a time-piece of Bhtngl«s, Full stock, alt lizea and 10 year guarantee, $8.00 up. 62 White St. Phone 32-J Raymond Reid of Cranbury has colors carried in Freehold. We either A large stock now on display authority like the Elgin for moved into the house at this place furnish you the material or give an applied price. * Can be applied over This beautiful Elgin Wrist Christmas. owned by Mrs. John B. Stilwagon your old shingle roof. We BO Any- for the Holidays. Select where. Slate, SIBK and TLJe Roofing. Watch is just the gift to give Red Bank, N. J. of Red Bank. .John Lonsr, Jr., who Phonct 170-M and 12S-W. yours now. formerly occupied the house, has mother, sister or sweetheart 14-karat, green or white <;•••>••>••:•••:•••>••:••*•••*••:.••••••• This is the headquarters for gold, 15 jewels, 20 year for Christmas. the Howard, South Bend, It is guaranteed for 20 years, Illinois and Waltham guarantee, for $21.00. Other has 7 jewels and sells for Watches. models as low as $12.75. $18.00. From HAHNE of NEWARK Buy An Elgin in 14 karat green or white gold, 15 jewels for m $32.00. GIFTS TO BE PEARLS APPRECIATED Bluebird Pearls for Happi- m CTFIS M XMAS SUGGESTIONS ness, $5.00 to $50.00. o'.-w/;-:: THAT- LAST Cuff Links Genuine LaTausca Pearls, Toilet Sets..$5.00 to 65.00 $10.00 to $60.00. Watch Chains Richelieu Pearls, $15.00 to Manicuring Sets .$3.00 $75.00. to 15.00. Bracelets Whiting & Davis Silver Bar Pins Mesh Bags $4.50 to 25.00 Lockets MEN'S RINGS Shaving Sets .$3.00 to 18.00 Lavallieres 10 karat Solid Gold Signet Belt Buckles, Sterling Rings, $8.00. Silver $2.00 to 8.00 Vanity Cases Ruby Rings, $9.00 to $25.00 Mahogany Clocks Cigarette Cases Lodge Rings, $6.50 to 25.00. $4.00 to 25.00 Elks, Masonic, J. O. U. A. M. Scarf Pins, set with rubies, Desk Clocks etc diaomnds and other stones Silverware in all.desigjnsJiZJsO to 25.00. Picture Lockets LADIES' RINGS Military Sets 14 karat Solid Gold Rings, Beads set with Aquamarine, $10.00 Crumb Sweepers to $25.00. Same set with Amethyst, f»./! Opera Glasses 12.00 to $30.00. Tie Clasps ( / Blue White Sapphires, $5.00 to $25.00. Flash Lights ' - Wedding Rings, plain or en- Many Things Combined Make This R3335 Pencils ,l graved, $6.00 to $20.00. POCKET KNIVES Fountain Pens / Diamond Rings, $15 to $250. Special For The Boy Razors New Jersey's Christmas Store •<. Scout Knife $1.35 Pearl handled knives, gold, Earrings , SILVER WARE and^ilver knives for his new OMFORTABLE wide aisles --high ceilings-spa- Pocketbooks 1847 Roger Bros. PS watch chain in plain and Community Silver C cious floors- adequate elevators excellent venti' engraved models, ranging in Ladies' Handbags Sterling Silver lntion- -a flood of daylight: they make this a pleasant price from $1.50 up to 10.00. Brief Cases Pyrex Set* place to shop during the Christmas rush and in that •way help to rhnkc this New Jersey's Christmas Store. SPECIAL SPECIAL , 75departments a\Yovld-\vidi'buyim:or^am:ation—in- Men's or Boys' Wrist Men's or Boys' Wrist terested sales-people-;\65 year old reputation to uphold Watches, with unbreak- Watches, with unbreak- —they make this an economical place to:shop and in that , able crystals, 16 jewel, able crystals, 16 jewel, , way help to make this New Jersey's Christmas Store, lever movement, guar- lever movement, guar- An extensive delivery service thai reaches into 150 anteed—$8.50. anteed— $8.50. i towns an internal organization that handles credits, • change, and wrapping rapidly'-a sincere desire to be FREE Engraving on all Articles Purchased Here-FREE accommodating to customers: these make this a store Shop Early. Dont Wait Until the Last Minute. of service and in that way help to make this tycw I Jersey's Christmas'Storc. A handy GIFT Gl.'lDE just out; come in for a copy. Eagle Jewelry Shop HAHNE & CO. Red Bank, N. J. . .__. _ NIWARK .J NOTL-IT WILL-fAY YOU TO VISIT OUR STORE. \ RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12,1923. Page Kto

tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TWO LIQUOR CAPTURES. <— ...--« ,,-...... ,,/..., ^ Rum Runnart Con* to Cri.f .t K«»n«burf and Long Branch. Cou.nty Detective Smith and a Insurance squad of officers »wooped down on , .JALA* FORMS) a band of rum runners at Keans- 1 burg late Friday night and captured a truck, three touring cars and 68 An Unusual J. H. Gregory & Son cases of liquor. The men who were loading the liquor onto a truck 67 Broad Street Red Bank. N. J. jumped in a rowboat in which they Used Car Opporttimty made their way to -a motorboat Telephone 474 moored near the shore. The motor- boat quickly carried them away. mTTmnTTTTTTTTTTmTTTmTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTT Policeman Otto Becker of Long Branch surprised live men as they - Jrhenomsnal sales of new Cadilhcs were unloading some liquor from a have made available an unusually com- truck . on Branchport avenue early Saturday morning. Two of the men plete-StQck of renewed cars of various^ escaped but the others were arrest- A POOND OP ACT7ON ed. They are John Houlihan of Get this Paint—it Lasts! makes. Each renewed car on our floor When It Conies IS WORTH A Long Branch, Irving Gruberman of represents honest dollar-lor-dolla.- TON Red Bank and Joseph Pcppi of Long Branch. value, and offers you an opportu- To Moving ' OF T T 7E know paint. It's our business. We I PLANNINCr COMMUNITY CLUB PARTIES. * * know if we don't handle the best, nity to obtain a thoroughly good 1 t we put the action in satisfaction. Long Branch Young Women to we might as well close up shop. automobile at very leason^bh cost. Hold Two Affairi Next Week. >} When you're planning to move let You*ara invited—without obliga- A Christmas party for the mem- We've tried them all and will stake our [•J us ussist you, Ours is a record u bers of the girls' community club of tion—to inrpect thesr renewed cars. (N consistent public servi :e. If you Long Branch will lie held next Mon- reputation on DU PONT to out-spread day night in the Legion home. don't believe it ask anybody. Misses Bertha Gottleson, Anna Hou- and out-last them all. It's the best paint lihan, Mildred Havens, Laura Good- —and therefore the cheapest. enough and Helen Desmond are in charge of the party. The club will WHEN IT'S YOUR I hold a card party next Tuesday Let us help you plan your fall painting. MOVE Burdge & Russell night in the Durant builcjing. The committee comprises Miss Anna 40 M»chinlo Strut, Nordell, Bartina Sherman, Helen RED BANK, N. J. Morris, Agnes Ludwig and Laura SEACOAST PAINT & SUPPLY CO. < CADILLAC Tdaphoc* 894 Goodenough. Miss Doris Housel is Off Broad a new member of the club. 19 Mechanic St., Red Bank, N. J. ALLAIRE INN DESTROYED. '" Wholesale and Retail Well Known Hotel at Deierted Vil- lage Leveled by Fire. MASTER PAINTERS' HEADQUARTERS The Allaire inn at Allaire, famous Standard of the World A9 a roadhoiise for many years, was destroyed by fire last Wednesday with a loss of between $6,000 and J. W. MOUNT CO., $10,000. The inn had been con- Read What They Say ducted of late years by Fred Thorti- green, Who now operates a Toad- Cor. Maple Ave. and White St., Red Bank house at Deal. Before Mr. Thorn- About Ringpak green took the place it wai con- Telephone 515. clucted™ior many years by William "1 have now had E1NGPAK in my car for five months. It S. DeLisle, who has another road- Iffi "A RENEWED CADILLAC IS STILL A CADILLAC" Is running perfectly and pulls like a new motor."—E. Bates house;near Allaire and who also op- Wilton. • erates one at Deal. "RINGPAK was Installed in my car one month ago. 8ince then the increase in mileage amounts to, from 10.5 to 13.6 or 3.1 HENDRICKSON & APPLEGATE miles more per gallon of gasoline used; also oil, 1 gallon per 100 Freehold Legion Election. miles has been reduced to one quart per hundrd mile«."—C. P. The American Legion post at Jenser. Freehold has chosen these officers "I installed a set of RINGPAK in my 1919 Ford on May 10th, for the coming year: 1912. Since that time the car has not been in the shop for Commandei—Vincent J. Duccn. iair», whereas before RINGPAK wai installed, it gave cera- Vice commander*—Renflon Meyers, John te trouble."—W. J. Mclntirc. Canwell. Adjutant—Thomaa W. Waher. "In/addition to the saving in operating cost it has saved me Finance officer—Jolin Hall. Financial secretary—Stacy Matthews. Merry Christmas Jeast $75.00 which would have been necessary for reboring cylinders and installing new pistons in the rings."—L. R. Smoak. Chaplain—Joseph Hardiman. Poat historian—Thomas Eldridfte. "RINGPAK has eliminated pumping of oil which kept spark Executive committee—Willinm B. Patter- plugs dirty. I now get aboat eight hundred (800) miles per so i, Charles Miller, Harry M. Burke. County executive committee—Edward gallon of oil instead of two hundred (200) miles, as formerly."— Walsh,. William li. Patterson. D. M. Simpson. To All! Bridga Contract Awarded. Put RINGPAK in ypur^gine and experience S. S. Thompson £ Co. of Rod | $ftk real engine efficiency. We quote stove a few Bank were the low bidders for the • jaP construction of a concrete and steel' ^^» of many endorsements received from owners. bridge on the Farmingdale and i ^^ Lftkewood road when bids were °'ff» opened by the freeholders last week, j^jj Red Bank's oldest established furniture and hardware Get all your engine Their estimate was $29,580.20 and . lias to give you and they were awarded the contract. The i save gasoline and bids ranged upward to $'12,514.30. store, contains just now hundreds of articles suitable for oil and experience a new delight in Church Club Election. Christmas giving to man, woman and child. motoring. Let us The I) and O society of the AB- bury Park Baptist church has elect- pack the rings with ed H. B. Dcllart president, Mrs. RINGPACK. Benjamin Hendrickson vice presi- Below you will find a few Gift Suggestions for Christmas that can be dent. Miss Mabel Wilson secretary and Mrs. Fred Smith treasurer. had at this store. —DISTRIBUTOR— The club will hold a Christmas bazar nnd turkey Sinner tomorrow night. E. BRASS AUTO SUPPLY Co., Inc. Maionic Auxiliary Election. Davenports Percolators Aluminum Ware^ 30—32 Albany St. New Brunswick, N. J. The Masonic club auxiliary of Long Branch lust week olei'ted Mrs. B. G. Bruno president,'Mrs. William Couches AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATIONS H. VanUrunt first vice iireaident, 'Electric Lamps Desk and Chairs ABSECON Mrs. R. M. Harris second vice presi- Monmouth Junction dent, Mrs. Elizabeth Morris secre- End Tables Bnrtlctt Garage 11. Renk & Son tary and Mrs. Oscar Scilor treas- Electric Irons Doll Carriages White Horae Tike urer. ALtENHURST NEWARK Franklin Motor Co., Inc. A Powerful Voice. Fancy Rockers Carving Sets Sleighs , • Vandorvort &. Taach 336 Central Ave, 537 Main itreet Luke IiOtiirhenil speaks every NEW BRUNSWICK week to an audience of over 35,000 ASBURY PARK persona, nn assurance that you Kct Willow Rockers Ladies' Writing Children's Mack'i Auto Ropair Station Fred Hicka, Inc., ', results when he delivers "our mes- 521 Mnin ttrcat 21 French Street • sage.—Advertisement. Godwin Broa., 63 Oliver St. • ATLANTIC CITY American Auto Co. \ Globe-Wernecke' Desks Automobiles Bt'tcher'i Ford Repair Shop 68 French Stre.t • Miiiourt tk Arctic Avnnue DeAnielia Broa., Jertay At*. • Standard Auto Supply Co. . For Book Cases Cedar Chests Columbia ENC ISHTOWN 219 French Street • I'i^.tislit own Garage Bellofa G»r«fe. * Kilwnnl l-vnnion, DN. Albany Street , r Hoosier Card Tables Boycycle I t»rcl AuriK y. Mnin Street, Bell A Berg, 149 Burntt St. \ Tire Service 1'urtneriy W. K. Mount OCEANVILLE \ FREEHOLD , Oce«nville Garage \ TELEPHONE 72R Kitchen Cabinets Boy Scout Axes Columbia Cycle Papon'* Garaga New York Boula»ard • 1 44 Soutlt Street OLD BRIDGE ; Our Service car is Sewing Tables HELMETTA Squire's da rug* < Boy Bcout Knives Columbia Control Servkfl Station PERTH AMBOY \ always ready. HIGHLAND PARK V, Van Syckl.. < Smoking Stands Pocket Knives Pedi Cycle( N. Urunawlck Ar,. \ Steam Vulcanizing Itnlitan Avfliup llolmra Car.,., , 2118 Market Straal ' Rugs Roller Skates Columbia 7tl> AlUritan RITAN • j Fabric and Cord ISLAND HEIGHT T«rpii Mntor Co. J Dinner Sets Central Ayr. (*ar»|f« RED BANK : Tires in Stock Coaster Wagons Pedi Car :' KEANSBURG W«l .Sid* r.araf. J v W«lt«r II. Kl*|>1r N.wman Sprin|t Road . Fancy China Express Wagons Shoo Flys SOD Cafr Avi.. RUMSON j KEYPORT Rurtiion Cari|« • John Hansen Si. JUrflft Station Cut Glass Blackboards Swinging Horse Churtll ami JtnA SOUTH RIVER j Henry'i G*rag«, « 42 Wait Front Street WEST KEYPORT ['ann«r'i Corner * W..I Kryport C>ra|« W«riliaupl'a Gnrt|* « RED BANK, N. J. Thomaa Strut • NIGHT nlONE 1J0J.W MANTOLOKING SUnley'a Auto K«|inir AldiaH, Mantiiloklni (Ura|. Old llrld|» Turnplae a METUCHEN M«luehtn Aut'i A Garafa Co. SOWERVILLE I Hendrickson & Applegate I.* Grind* A**, Caraia Cfilay Brat., Mill Slrot J MORRISTOWN TOMS RIVER . Motor Car C, New Yfrll (Ur«M * East Front St., Near Brfcad. Tel. 26. " Red Bank, N. 73 Marital Slr»«t T»m« Rlttr Mtlar Car C»,J FREE DELIVERY ' f Brake Impectioir-Your Protection HENDRtCKftON APPUBQATE Page Ten RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923. "HOSPITAL ASKS $91,935. Long Branch hospital a short time Bennett is employed by the water Mount and Leonard Mount and then.akc a Western trip. , After the Reforroed church of Jersey City de- ••••••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ago. company. consolation awurds went to Garrett holidays he will move to Freehold, livered a lecture tt the Reformed Hat Amount Requested f rom Coun- D. Lqngstreel and' Mrs. Raymond where he bought a house a short church Monday night. r n Albert C. Willgerodt attended the (Jeqrge Mauser is in North Caro- • ty for 3P ' B Lake Hoipitai. Gloucester county poultry show last lina for the winter, where he is em- Crawford. time ago. Recently Mr. Wyckoff Pocket Billiard Shop! Members of the board of gover- Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ployed as a chauffeur by Lewis S. Mr? and Mrs. Taylor \V. Hance sold his farm at this place to J. B. Whether you want to buy, sell, Rue, Jr., of Red'Bank. _ r»nt or find, Luke Longhead can MOST UP-TO-DATE IN RED BANK nors of the Spring Lake hospital ap- The ladies' aid society will meet Thompson. Mr. Thompson bus aentertained a number of friends at help you.—Advertisement. ' peared before the freeholders last at the'chapel tomorrow afternoon. winter home nnd game piv.'iTVc i« a card p;nly Friday night. First John M. Ely has resigned ,«s a h-eek and requested an appropriation Mr. and Mrs.'George'C. Riehdale North Carolina. nri&L'.s were won by Mrs. Raymond member of the township beard of »»•»>»•»•»•»>•••••#•••• of 191,935.12, which they claimed .spent part of last week at Atlantic Crawford and John Mount. Conao- educations liNo, one has yet been ap- FIVE NEW TABLES : v p;f|!m., gy PARKER & SEVERS' Was necessiry to keep the hospital City.. " " '" •'•••• HOLMDE^KEWS.'' -' «»lati»;ir--priMS-wrre wtm by--51 r*.: Ed- Leather Grip Cues solvent It was reported that the •Mrs. Louis JoliSson is on the sick ward Johnson ;im! Kezcau Conoyer. reason for resigning Is that he will total operating cost of the hospital Victor DuBoia to Quit Farming Hift move .soon to New York, where he Ivory Cue Balls list. She is a new resident of this 1 Mi's. Kreil Wilson is the owner of "DAY "AND NIGHT SERVICE Ust year 'was $107,124.72. The place, having moved hixwia' few Mother ! Place Next Season. an enormous turkey gobbler. It will engage in the commission busi- - Fast Cushions The county contributed $50,G73. weeks ago from Tinton Falls. Victor DuBois will quit farming has never biam-weighed but people ness. Canful Drivtrt and Fint • Willgerodt Bros, will exhibit and engage in some other business. who have seen it sijy they have'no A candidate for the pastorate of Cliti Cart "A Real Place ftoReal People." He has been working the farm.of doubt that it weighs at least 35 the Reformed church preached »t Ratea Reasonable LINCROFT NEWS. some of their White Leghorn utility 1 World's Champlonahlp PUyer. will Play Har* Thlt Season chickens at the poultry show at his mothiT, Mrs. Minnie Palme: , the'.pounds and-that it is the champion the church Sunday. Other candi- PHONE Hn, H«rry Lnngendorf Improving Newark this week. past few years. .turkey of Holmdel township. Mrs. dates will preach the next few 141 from Operation at Hoipitai. The five Hundred club nf Craw- Wilson has a la mo flock of turkeys weeks. Alex L. McClees, chairman Opp. Depot, Red Bank, N, J. Over "The Smoke Shop" Restaurant Alvin Bennett has moved from u s -—Mrs.- Harry Lanjjeiidorf is imth>- i house-noar-tho-rcsurvjiifthe' _ ford's Corner met last week at Mrj_ajid_she_hii: s been very successful of the pulpit committee of the When calling a Taxi give proving; from the operation which Tinfern water company to his ownand Mrs. Jacob Wyckoff's. First with them. church71s~arrang;Tng thiiTmatter. train. St - ^Phone 41fiJ prizes were won by Hiss Helen ihe underwent for tumor at the house on the MtUjlletown road. Mr. Jacob WyckofT is planning to Rev. C. L, Terhune of the Park ••»•••§••*•«•••«••#•••• ««*«««**4*«««««**««««»««**«««»*«««*•••«•*•«««««»«»« *>•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +4 4 OLD CHERRY TREE FARM SPRAY MATERIALS BEAN SPRAYERS APPLES (of Unexcelled Merit). MdNTOSH, "Blue Stone" or "Blue Vitriol" In Slock. STAYMAN WINESAP, "Ancn«te of Lend," (One for Ivtry Purpose) BALDWIN, "Black Leti "O," JONATHAN, ' "Calcium Anenate," Fruit Picking Uddert "Bordeaux Mixtures," BEN DAVI5. Picking Bags "Insecticide Soap,'* Pruning Shears Potatoes, Fresh" Eggs • "N. J. Dry Mix," Hoie—Fitting*—Repairs. HONEY, "Kayio," RELISHES, "Niagara DniUn," Uied Sprayars MARMALADES, "Niagara Dull Mixture!," Approved Headlight Lemer (or GOODRICH TIRES, "Niagara Superfine Sulphur," Autos. CANDY and TOPACCO. Paradichloro Benzine, Etc. GAS, OIL and ACCESSORIES. GOODRICH TIRES FRUIT GRADERS BISSELL HARROWS IC. Hendrickson & SOD Middletown, N. J. Telephone 798-R. Dealers In ~~ IN GIFTS OF FURNITURE FARMERS' SUPPLIES Next year is leap year—the year that pops up every once in a while with an extra day tacked on for •4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• good measure. So this Christinas why not give a gift that also carries extra good measure—A GIFT OF FURNITURE.

Old Comfort, Newest Style Over- .50 Quaint Priscilla C.00 Smart Tea stuffed Living Room Suite 149 Sewing Cabinet ^* Wagon 91-00 Rubber Tired * L

Another irift problem solved. Every .housewife needs a tc;> wagon. A ffift any mother or wife will bu pruud of iviili lasting i-liarm This iimki's a most, practical and comfort. trift to any girl or woman. Wing Back Cane, Genuine Dignified and Beautiful Colonial Chairs and 1 £.00 Rockers.... x ° Leather Four Posters The crowd always goes to Rockers .... the Thompsons

"It came upon the midnight clear, ' \ That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth To touch their harps of gold...."

1 Just the rocker In give iii'i^i' your wii'c Ky ^:v:nj; l\or a pair of tlu'so bedi vvhich ul beautiful cluiii !; i ••••-•••••••••••- iT^HTtlSTMASETE. AllliieerowiUsgatheredaUlieThompson*,' •• • that vacant t'oriUT. lias JO long wished for. S to iclt-ft from /or '\Uf, from above prii'C to \^/ singing Cliristums carols. Everybody joins in the lovely old $25.00. songs, so full of the Clirislinas spirit. v Woolcraft* The crowd always goes lo the Thompsons. They always, have Please Your Men 9x12 Rugs .. n jolly time—singinj; top-lher, or lisleninff to inspired rendition* Folks With a Smoker of classic masterpieces nnd of favorite new and old popular selec- tions. For the Thompsons nre blessed with a Wcnvcr Player Piano—truly a "Imrp of gold."

Imagine the boundless joy you civn give your family with n. Christmas present of 11 Weaver 1'hiyer Piano. It is the gift . ituprcnic—a gift, of years of enjoyment of beautiful music, of • ''ilpportunity to lcimi lo pluy, of countless happy crowds gathered! in your home for songs, nml hours filled with pleasure, playing whatever the mood calls for. •^ n»r, Log, ::,5o, 3.7s, AM Thc<-.- tnlilnj HIT Riftd worth 6.50, 7.75. " V!i, 10,50, 12,50 A new rut; like Iht'sc niukc a v.onilril'ul jjift. wliilc. A'li'i't yours now. An the years slip liy, and your children grow up and follow line of ruits for your ru« g\H. diverging paths, Ihe family gathering al, ChrUtmns will liecomu increasingly importunl. to you. Like old times, the family, re- united, will gather 'round Ihe Weaver, its mellow tonoa uaaltcclcil by time and uw, and sing again the Christmas sonff*. Come in and try the Weaver yourself, l'lay on it. Listen to it. Inspect it thoroughly. No obligation, o£ course. Our at- tractive sales plan will interest you. H includes a liberal nllow- «nrc on your present piano. It applies to all ntylcs of thc«« licautiful Weavers—uprights, grands mid player piamu. We nro proud to be a Weaver dealer, You'll be proud to b« ft Weaver owner, Full linp of thi'M1 prli'i'il Up »(0 A Inrgc imitni'linriit nf vrlocl|>rdci $fl,50. ' •10 Kiddy I!il,i!i to from, /rum |2,0() In $!H.O0. 1'ricid up to J5 (10, A. B. DIRHAN HERE YOU WILL FIND THE LARGEST STOCK OF TOYS TO SELECT FROM Drummond Place Red Bank, N. J. ONLY 11 MORE SHOPPING DAYS TO XMAS YOU W1L.L. ALWAYS DO BETTER AT WEAVER Robert Hance & Sons , PIANbs 12 Broad Street Rid Bank, N. I h , RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923. Page Eleven

GOOD PUPILS AT HOLMDEL. Tw'enly.Nine Childr.n with Perfect Y Recordi for • Month. Y Pupils of the Holtmlel school with -4 T ? perfect records for attendancii aii'l FOR CHRISTMAS-RANGER BICYCLES! Y FOr CHRISTMAS lire •I* I'rimnry department—Harriet I'ran. ii Y Ahnle Jakuimn, Kuthcrine Hlckey, Kvely A beautiful collie make* an i!ii&uhwii,.-,.Ki<'lifinI( ...Wooilrnw.^ji.nji. Kf-nnelh [•'rune is, Hurry t'ttrhrr, TIKHDIH |. We have won more prizes during 19123 than any other kennel Aflrfor, Vincent and Jamen Hammond1, Wil- linm VnnHrunt. LPHUT, Vermm ami Mtlvsii We have a large num- i in existence. • . - . VimPtfU.. Alliert Muunt. Nothing would be more Orammnr <]<*I>III tmt-nl—-l-'ranrls Nfvillf ber of slightly used and This is the Home of the World's Greatest Collie Vinla IUUHIT, Klifnlielh und HirKnrcT. <-it gratifying to that boy or [iht'ii, Annn l.orti Kolmi'". Mililred PrhiMii'k rebuilt bicycles that look Champion Bellhaven Starbat Strongheart / i'lidln It it if.-. MnrKitrrt Irlcjin1. girl than a Ranger Bi- like ^iew., They would I cycle for Christmas. make a fine Christmas TINTON FALLS NEWS. A few choice puppies and grown dogs for sale. .u.;2'.-^J ' Y Jk_CUni£__With_EiilMjL_Cb.ilitsii_ present for that school f "--• For further particulars address: Started at the Public School. one yourself to take an boy or girl, and can be" Y A. clinic has been, started lit thf had for a price that will Y ublic school anil a doctor is then' early morning ride in the Y t every Monday to giv'e advice to surprise you. Y Y parents about their children mid to country for exercise. BELLHAVEN COLLIE KENNELS t xaminc children. Fifteen pupils Select yours now while •T Y have been enrolled in the clinic. Note—when you buy you have a number to T Foot of Locust Avenue Red Bank, N. J. Because of the death of Samuel •Y t J. Bennett the ladies' aid society here you dont only save choose from. Telephone 667 •t postponed the meeting which was Y Y to have-been held last Thursday. money, but you get real Write for the catalogue Y MRS. FLORENCE B. 1LCH, Owner M. J. Kennedy, Manager Y The society will mee't' tomorrow at service. about the Easy Payment Plan Y Mrs. Wellington Wilkins's! V t J. Henry Vimnp; will leave next $ We will take your old on the Ranger Bicycle. Bet- •;• week on a deer huntinR trip in the ter yet, come around and talk southern part of the state. it- bicycle in trade. • William Turton is repainting and it over with us. MMWWMWHMHMHMMWIIMIIMMIHHIMHHMHMrtMMMMHMIIMI otherwise repairing his house. He h doing the work himself during his m — leisure time. At Manufacturers' Jlrs. Calvin C Cooper spent part Prices. fCHEVROLEty of last week at New York. SCOBEYVILLE NEWS. Carroll Barclay of Freehold Tikes CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS . Up Hii Residence Here. NOTICE TO MEN AND Carroll Barclay of Freehold lias TO BE FOUND AT • A NEW LOW COST FOR CLOSED moved on Doliciou? fruii f;irin, THIS STOR£ YOUNG MEN • which was rcroliUy boujhi, liy his futhnr-in-law, ('. R. Appk'K.'ite of Coaster Wagons We are sole agents in Mon> I'Vochold. Automobile:; CAR COMFORT Norman Sickles, John Long and Scooters mouth County for Harley-. Stanley Danser have formed a part- nership in the Iircwooil business. Tot Bikes Davidson Motorcycle and < They hav* a ])ortablo sawmill cut- •4 Velocipec'es Tourin 1 Evans Powercycles. tiny wood in Mr. Danger's wood. MOTOR BIKES Chevrolet S^f^U ? Sedan south' of, the -village. Two trucks are used to make di'liveries. Give your children plenty of AH kinds of Bicycle and DELIVERED ^Wlliam Jinowpki/who has been exercise and keep them in away Ii-qm this place two months, 8 Motorcycle Accessories on has returned and he is livinp with good health. Make them a hand at all times. Repair A Demonstration Will Prove the Merits of This Frank Morowskil He says he has 'i present of one of the above been in Texas. named articks. Make the little tots Christ- work dgne when promised. Frank Silbolski hits bought a Ford 14 mas a merry one by giving Exceptional Car automobile. I A coating of gravel has been put one of our Velocipedes. on the Pine Brook road. ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY • Monmouth Motor. Car Go. "A Paper in Every Home." s:v That's the motto of The Register n p%rPFTO 12 Mechanic Street, Red Bank, N. J. and it means your advertisement iMi--> Phone 1409 36 Maple Avenue !| in The Register 'will 'ynng the Telephone 1313 maximum in IT turns.—Advertise- illlWMIWWIIIMIIIIIMIIMHMWIMIIIMWWHtWHMIWHMMtHWMIHM ment. THIS "SIGN" WILL NEVER YOU! J

^i^3 FULL VALUE FOR EVERY DOLLAR YOU SHOP EARLY ! SPEND IN RED BANK ! THE SHOPPING CENTEB OF MONMOUTH COUNTY Early s-iiopping has/great rewards for you. *• Red Bank merchants are known far and wide i Larger varieties for sele/tion, no crowd to contend for the splendicHalues they offer. Thousands and with and the relief of getting your Christmas shop- piny oil' your mind well in advance of the day it- thousands of people know by experience, that they 8 it: are sure of 100 cents' worth of value for every dol- RED Kolf. Why not ft irmnrrn y'rirtntV • • n • •• • in wni ar spent with them. iiiiii«(ila Do Your Christmas Shopping Early ? iaBIIIIIJ m A • IT WILJL. AL*\A^AYS DIRECT YOU TO A TOWN WHERE ~r StocRs Are LARGER and More Varied THAN ANY OTHER TOWN IN MONMOUTH COUNTY


The individual Stores and Shops in Red Bank, put under one roof, would make a department stove equal to those in the largest cities, You' owe it to'yourself to get acquainted with the large facilities, the reliability and the genuine service which the Red Bank merchants provide. SHOP EARLY! SHOP IN RED BANK SHOP EARLY! RED BANK BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION

c " O&^~ "„ . Page Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923. NEW POULTRY CLUB FORMED. the bad. He has been bedridden church..takes place tonighti in the Saved from Stranded Cruiser. six weeks. , chapel. A musical program will be ( Fred Becker tuul Roy Henderson Expert! Organize and Pl»n to Help Much sympathy is felt for Mr.rendered. • ' of Asbury Park were Tescucd by - Other Ppultrymen. and Mrs. Garrett (Jonover in their Joar,uin Lawfence is laid up with coast guardsmen last week after A poultry economic management loss ciused by the recent death of a heavy cold and his work as jani- their gasoline cruiser had stranded cJub was organized last week at a Mrs. Conover's mother at Mnrl- tor of the public school is being ,on a bar near Atlantic City. "The mecting at the courthouse at Freo- hoTO This was the third dc;.th in dime by Frank Crawford. boat was fast filling with water hold with Elwood Douglas, the agri- tne famjly in eight months. Dur- when, the guardsmen reached it. The tultural itgent, and D. M. Babbitt.. ing that period Mrs. Conover lost New Robet for Choir. men had used their last match in " The members of the chib each wont'i Koth Ker parents and Mi\ Coriover New roT>cs are to be secured for lighting a signal. 4v ,vill. submit to the county ,board of lost his mother. the members of the choir of St. !!••*—— • agriculture complete records as to I The second annual chk,kcn sup. Luke's Methodist church at Long For Sale or P'-nt 4- egg production, amount and cost of Ip( ,r and chl.istmaa sale of tKe Ia. ltrnm'h. The choir is planning to wants are quickly filled if you give the job to Luke Longhead.—Ad- feeds and egg sales. The members i(]ics. sey.. dul) of the'R(fornK,(l )u>M a nuisii'ale soon. agreed to give co-operation to the vertisement. • county agent in answering poultry 4- questions in their communities aiid IMMI • • to attend poultry meetings and give advice. The members of the club Entire stock of Bicycles, Tricycles, Scooters, Roller Skates, ^-a-re W4UgCTodt—Bros of—Lincrbft,- Raymond Benjamin of Vanderburg, Bicycle^ifeV^ H. J. Denise of Bradevelt, Butler This •4- Bros, of Belmar, Peter Bnuman of Spring Lake, Herman and Albert Koch of Freehold, Henry Rapp of Chapel Hill, Elvin Farnoff of Glen- dola, Allen Clayton of Matawan, j t A Good Chance to Get Your Christmas Presents Pi)ul Parker of Farmingdale, F. L. j Hiigus of Adelphia, A. 0. Hopkins.1 CHRISTMAS roof, an addition and alterations to ... radio, enabling them to. get in touch with the interior. Look over our stock and buy all you can afford to buy. It Mrs. Taylor- of Jersey City has distant points, it-brings to. them a better 4- v been visiting Mrs. Henry Renne. 4- will certainly pay:you. V . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Willett understanding than they can get in any .4- had friends from Farmingdule with them over Saturday and Sunday. other way. Mrs. Joseph Lefferson fell while walking Saturday morning and she Buffered an- injury to her leg which WAKE THIS A RADIO CHRISTMAS Repairs necessitated treatment at the Long Branch hospital. and choose from our assortment a radio 4- Walter D. Fields has been laid We will still do repairing and overhauling on bicycles. up with stomach trouble. . outfit, for those who have no radio in their 4- Mr. and Mrs. Yetman o£ Manala- pan spent part of last week with I v. home will appreciate one as and those * Get yourself a set of new tires or pedals, or whatever Mr. and Mrs. Asher Erving. 4- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ritscher y^wfeohave Vill be delighted with additional 4- you need. h: d relatives and friends from Jer- sey City with them Saturday and attachments. 4- Sunday. ' i 4 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Buck and their daughter, Miss Edna Buck, Paragon Western Electric,. Garod WE WILL, SAVE YOU REAL MONEY spent Saturday and Sunday with 4- Eev. and Mrs. Daniel P. Doyle. Radio Corporation 4- The ladies' helping circle of. the. 4- Reformed church enjoyed a Christ- SALES 4- mas party last Wednesday night at SERVICE Mrs. Lewis Snyder's and on Friday night they had a party at Mrs. Sid- 4v M AHN'S BICYCLE EXCHANGE ney Beers's. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Perritie and ARTHUI GREGORY 4> 27 EastrFront Street Red Bank, New Jersey their daughter of Hightstowr. spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. • Warren Matthews. 67 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. FriiJ: Matthews is slowly im- proving from blood poisoning in Ex-Chief Radio Electrician, U. S. Navy 4> his arm, but he ia still confined to MMM>MMMt< >«>t»


Our club this year is one of the largest we have ever operated, and has been most successful. Our club is conducted upon the original CHRISTMAS CLUB plan, and is operated by the simple punch card system.

•!• ' , ••• . • The Club for 1924 is now open witH tne following classes: 25c a week for 50 weeks and receive check for $12.50 50c a week for 50 weeks and receive check for 25.00 $1.00 a week for 50 weeks and receive check for 50.00 2.00 a week for 50 weeks and receive check for 100.00 5.00 a week for 50 weeks and receive check for 250.00 We cordially invite our present members and all our friends to participate in this convenient method of saving. The Second National Bank RED BANK, N. J. Total Resources Over 500,000.00 . w ', •

Thm Largeit and Strongest Bank In Monmouth County.

•\ RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923. aee Thirteen

ecently appeared before tat school Wlckham company to instill a a few night* ago :in observance of rr.te'e charged for water there [BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. trusted it that pltce, wtjucittaj a •prlnkler system In lti factory and their 33d wedding 'anniversary. Mr. cxi:e?si The water is secured prfce for the First avenue achool to connect the system with the new and Mrs, George Miller of Matawan! from the Tintern Manor company | HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST IN property for use ae a temple. " standpipe. The company will pay celebrated their sixteenth wedding!and is delivered through a <".evelop- MONMOUTH COUNTY. .The Long Branch commissioner! $100 a year as rent for use of the anniversary with a party recently. mont company's 'mqbis. did not meet lait week owing to the water. Indoor Golf Couraa. Men Held a, |p«nontl Notti, lack of a quorum. <' - Plenty of ChrUtmai "Money. An indoor golf coyise has -been John Bradley and James Shields lj Op»r»tlon>, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond E. Jeffrey The, banks at Freehold distribut- installed in the Whoelmefr's club- rf bong'Brsnch are^on'HtwS'weeKs1 !>f-Atlantic.City,..who-died.from in- ed J129.669.74 to the 2,541 mem-house at Asbury Park at a cdut uf rUgal and D««lh»—Otbar Itamt. trip in the South. ...,-, J» itaf rccKivt-d when their truck bcra at the Christinas clubs con- $1,000. Four golf experts arc giv- i struck by a train on Larrabee's The uieument commlsiton will Frank H. Conover of Matawan it ducted during tho past year. ing lessons to the club members. Hsing iH'ur Lukewood, were held ImCet with tb« Freehold mayor »nd pending several weeks at Mtcon, Two Waddlnf AnnWeritrlet. 1 council noxt Monday night to hear Georgia. Claim Ratea Arc Exceiiive. fligent by a coroner's jury at A" 5EDAN IcompUlnti about atsetmenti for Miss Helen Voorhees of Matawan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolto of Mat- Several residents of Portaupeck it'hold last week. curbi and gutters on Bowne avenue, Is practice teaching at Elizabeth- awan entertained a party of friends have made; a complaint that the- (Continued.on-next page.) Miss Helen Boyce ot Matawun port. There's an air of refinement land M. DtlUtof Perth Amboy were Fira Company'* New OffituM. about the interior that you would |jnarried^a»t Wednesday night by The Oliver Byron engine company flB-Of-Mniftwwi;* THfr LBlhhJh naturally-expect in a car as | couple will live at Perth Amboy. Taylor president, A. J. Gettleson beautiful and substantial as the Mr. and Mrs. Josepph II. FaUigg, vice president, Robert West were- |MI».MyrIM a E. PatzlPtgl and 0 . 00.tary, W. W. White treasurer, Ben- "A" Sedan. . , ,_ .' ISaunderi of Albany have been jamin Luther captain, Cecil West PRACTICAL I spending a week with Rev. and Mr a. first lieutenant and Wallace DM- |Arthur Vberman of Freehold, yea second lieutenant, • People of taste frequently com- „ The bi-annual exhibition of th«Policemen Elect Officera. [school work of the Aabury Park ment on the richness of the The Asbury patrolman's benevo- I public echools will be held, at tho HOLIDAY GIFTS lent association his elected J. A. interior color scheme, and the I Asbury Park casino the latter part | of the school year. Reid president, Frank Fij n vice president, A. N. Giles secretary, R. obviously fine quality of every Mrs. Walter Taylor represented J. Bradford treasurer and George the Anbury Park board of educa Lighting Fixtures ' Toasters Xrnas Tree Lights fixture and appointment. H. McCahe, Joseph VanBrunt, Peter It ion at the annual state federation Hasco, Matthew Tucker and William $1385 f. o. h. Detroit—$1510 delivered. lot district education boards at Tren- Sweepers . Percolators Waffle Irons Truax trustees. ton last Friday. Coffee Urns Lsjnp Appliances .Harry Bailey, George Barkalow Autoi in Collition. Lamps and Shades . land Almanza Crawford, who are em- Autdmobiles driven by Mrs. Ira Curling Irons Radio Supplies Iployed at the Freehold postofflce, Megill of Farmingdale and Clarenco Ever-Ready Flashlights |hnve held their positions 21 years. Su'.phln of West Farms collided at Electrical Trains Heaters Automobile Sundries , FRANK VAN SYOCLE Tho Morimouth county library the latter place last week, Mrs. I has established a rtation at Mrs.Megillls son George suffered a brok- badly I Georgg e Hall's at Adelphiap,, which en wrist. Both cars were Dodge Bros. Motor Vehicles |is'i|i'i n chargh e off MisMi s IdIda HallH. l damaged. ' - E. V. HUGHES, Mgr. 21 Mechanic St., Red Bank, • Dr. Stanley H. Nichols of Long To .Initall Sprinkler Syatem. BICYCLES Telephone 1296 jBranch has recovered from an opor- The Matawan mayor and council latlon performed at the Post Grad- hove granted permission to the FREEHOLD—E. E. DeCamp, Minagcr Phone 570 ate hospital at New York. Iver-Johnson Bicycles and Velocipedes, ;E. Stewart Eich is managing, the I real estate department of the Home •building and realty company' It Fairy Velocipedes, Pedie Cars, Scooters,.Etc I Long Branch. Charles Allen of Freehold has laold his farm at. Jackson's mills to I Charles Anderson of the latter | place. FUNERAL DIRECTORS •Lewis Wagoner has sold his farm Sporting Goods I at Jeneyvllle and will move to of |pl«ce he recently bought at Allen- Foot Balls Skates Shot Guns • |wbod, Tenderness 'Tho West Belmnr girls' club will Basket Balls Skating Outfits Punching Bags I give a party on Friday night of this and I week at the Belmar community club Soccer Ball* Hockey Sticks Boxing Gloves I room. Alertness Dr. Ague* C. Dean of Asbury I Park has been spending a week with Temporary Office: I Miss Loretta McNUh of Newark. I The twin sons of Mr. and Mrs 39 Worthley Street I William Smith of Matawnn have Red Bank C. H. ENNIS lb»en namad George and William. I •. Fred Dammen of Bnidley Beach Phone Red Bank 635-R •left last week for Orlando, Florida, 64 Broad Street I to apend the rest of the winter. Joseph H. West, Mgr. I A flagpole was given to the Mor RED BANK NEW JERSEY Iganville school last week by Max Leon W. Franci* |Crjne of Matawan. Main office, 59? Clinton Ave. Telephone 199-M Sidney Vineburg, representing Itne Temple Beth El of Asbury Park, Newark, N. J. MMIMUMMfltMMim J " Ihe Highest Class lalking Machine in the World."

it it it it m J^EMEMBER, when you were a child, How it you dreamed of Christmas, and of the TTHE vital cliaracteristic of Sonera's superi- it many things you would like to get? or tone quality is found in its faithful it reproduction of the original recording. it ' ' Your child dreams too, so why not do it your best to make their dreams come t Today the Sonora owner can hear the it world's most famous 'artists, lifelike, as it- If you would choose a Gift for your home it that is decidedly practical as well as economi- though the artist were present in person. it cal, plan to inspect our showing of Sonoras No other phonograph achieves Mich per- soon. fect reproduction. For no other has perfected Our showing of all kinds offers a variety a sound reproducing system of such thorough, from which you may chooje to pleases anyone. costly and scioutilic construction, / ' - i*

Not a bit too early to make your Christinas selection of a Sonora. A small deposit will hold it for you

Stylei in stock ruling from $60.00 to $380,00 Trubin's Convenient Ttrmi May B» Arranged Exclusive j&iWoY^ Dealers 58 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Page Fourteen RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12,1923,

•»»•>•< ••• Long Branch were badly hurt last football season. In the game with SHERIFF'S SALE. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. week when a Ford car in which they William and Mary college Bowman By virtue of a writ of (I. fa. to n< dl- I CUT FLOWERS AND POTTED PLANTS ctsd.1s.utd out of the Monmouth County were riding ran into the rear, of a caught a kick off on the Syracuse Common Fleas Court of the State of Mew FOR ALL OCCASIONS truck parked along the road. Smith gcal line and ran 100 yards for a Jersey, will be tiposed to sale at public (Continued'from last page.) vendue on Monday, the 81st day of De- The now officers of the American taid that the headlights from a car touchdown. Jtmbtr, 1921, between the hours of 11:00 approaching in the.opposite "direc- S. ETKINS oeloekand 6:00 o'clock (at 1:00 o'clock). Eagle life, drum and bujjle corps of Stork Has Busy W..U. in the afternoon of said day, at tha Court Boston Ferns from 50 cents up. Long Branch are Clarence Wilier tion blinded him and he"did not see HSURjrin'Hie '"tSsnsu'flPW TTOl'oW.'Xenillty"" the truck. < The stork last week left a son at of Monmouth, New Jersey, to satisfy a . FUNERAL WORK A SPECIALTY president, Frank Morris vice presi- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Judgment of said Court amounting to ap- dent, Samuel ..G. Woolley treasurer, Jury Disagreed. proximately 1413.00. West, a daughter at "the home of All the defendant's right, title and In- .Lewis Mazza secretary, Forrest The jury in the suit of Samuel Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Price and a terest in and to the following: V WILLIAM MEARS, Florist Green manager, Henry VanBrunt Tanner of Kcatisbur'g to recover a son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. CLOTHING All that lot, tract or parcel of land and premises hereinafter particularly described, •aptain, Linden Armstrong trustee, commission for the salo ol i. prop- William Koch, all of Long Branch. situate, lying and being in the Borough Rumsori, New Jersey . Phone 361 ',', John P. Fowler steward and John erty belonging to the estate of Mrs, of Red Bank> in the County of Monmouth Aged Dtspatchar Dead. and State of New Jersey, and being lot *t*»*********************************************< \V, Wonlley assistant, iKvelyn Stringhara disagreed and ' THE QUALITY STORE •£*• No. 10, on a map of lots of the Drummond • was discharged by Judge Lawrence Granville W. Patrick of Allen- tract, mode by George D. Cooper, Surveyor, Firemen's Election. hurgt, aged 76 years, for 25 years November 10th, mi, entitled "Map of Red |lrist_.wee_k. J Bank Park West," and filed In the Mon- mtlFT^HpTptoirwaif "elected" night" dispatcher-f or the Atlantic 21 Monmouth St. , Near Broad mouth County Clerks office at Freehold,' president of Independent fire com- Water Extension Granted. coast electric railway company, died New Jersey, said lot being located in the east side of Shrewsbury avenue aa shown pany o.f Long Branch at the annual The Public Utility commission has last week of 1 ardening of the ar- on said map, and bounded on the north by meeting 'last week. E. L. Reynolds ordered the Monmouth (vatir com- teries. He leaves a widow and a son. lot No. 0. on the east by lot No. 11, on Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Suits tha south by land of John H. Cook, and was chosen vice-president, Frank pany to extend its water ruair.s "in on the west by Shrewsbury avenue, said Newcomb secretary and William ; Neptune City. The borough is to Long Branch Woman Dead. lot being fDrty-five feet three Inches in Mrs. Carrie Bennett, wife of width on the west and along Shrewsbury VanDyke treasurer. . meet ;fliy deficit that occurs by rea- and Overcoats—Men's Furnishings. avenue, and forty-one feet three Inches hi son of an insufficient consumption Peter Bennett of Long Branch, died width at the east end along lot No. 11, ami Every Person Buys Long Branch Property. of water. from a complication of diseases last one hundred and fifty-feet deep. M. D. Brager of Long Branch week in her 63d year. She leaves' Subject to restrictions. Given $1,200 for Injury. Being intended to be the same land and has bought a store and resilience her husband and three children. premises described In a certain deed from Richard C'arbone, E Long Branch Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses. Benjamin J. Parker, and Sarah I. Parker, property and an adjoining lot at the New Drug Store. is Your Neighbor corner of Sixth and Jolinc aveiiues boy, has been awarded judgment' his wife, to Thomas M. Howard, and Ruth Thomas Cummings of Rosellc has Howard, his wife. at that place from A. J. Gettleson. for $1,200 as the result ri a broken Seised as the property of Mrs. "Thomas leg suffered when he was st;uck by leased a store in the Belmdit hotel 166 Monmouth St. Near Depot M. Howard, taken In execution at the suit Mr. Brager will put up a building building at Freehojd and will open of Frank C. Storck, trading aa Storck of on the vacant lot. an auto driven by Solomon Zucker- Course, and to he sold by By Long Distance rnan. The boy's father received a drug store about January 1st. JOHN H. VAN JJATER, Sheriff. Long Branch Firemtn'i Election. $500. . • . Dated December 1, 1023. Bomby R. Muscatello was elected Long Branch Man Dead. : Edward W. Wlie, Attorney. (118.08) •Samuel Neaves of Long Branch second assistant chief of the Long Bowman Makes Longest Run. ^ TWO STORES Luke Longhand Sayat Eranch fire department last week Chester Bowman of West Long died last Wednesday from a compli- OES most of the area of the cation of diseases. He is survived "'Fllfing nny kind of a Want itt over William H. Lewis. John Fay Branch, star back on the Syracuse On Monmouth Street, Red Bank nny time is my specialty. Phone D state seem beyond your and Arthur Hennessey were unop- football team, is'credited with mak- by a widow and six children. me and I'll get busy."—Advertise- posed for chief and first assistant ing the longest run in this year's (Continued on next page.) ment. ' . • horizon, and do most of its chief respectively. •people seem a long distance - Woman Bootlegger Jailed. Mrs. Annie Flowers of FreeHold j -+++++^^+^~M'++++4*++^ . -' away? , was sentenced to three" months in jail and fined $500 last week by . ' - \ Judge Lawrence on her conviction Daniel Green - Really the State and the Nation of selling liquor. Mrs. Flowers" had COMFY SLIPPERS " been convicted twice previously on too is your own neighborhood, similar charges. Slippers - For the Children. - " and everyone is near at hand, Druggiit Under Bail. Styles—Felt Comfy, •» All sizes and colors. David C. Rose, a druggist at Felt Juliet, Fur Trim- Infants', children's,' next door—by telephone. Bradley Beach, has been held un- med, Felt Moccasins, misses' and boys' Felt. der $5,000 bail on a charge of fail- with or without cuff, Comfya with soft Boles, Your telephone directory gives to keep a proper record of sales Boudoir in satin or Fur trimmed Juliet of narcotics. Mr. RDSC says he has leather. style, leather soles.- Al- so all leather. Pretty a list of Long Distance calling records of all sales but one and this Colors—Oxford, Ec- has been lost. in color, yet service- rates. See how little it costs ru, Wistaria, Pink, Old able. They are sure to Abandoned Car Damaged, Rose, Orchid, Lavender, please. to talk with your neighbors in An auto owned by Charlej Wood and Light and Dark of Long Branch, which had evident- Blue. Prices 95c to $2.25. other parts of the State and '•' ly been abandoned in the street af- Prices 99c to $2.45 Nation. ter an attempt at stealing it, was v I struck by a car. driven by a Camp Vail officer Thursday night and bad- ly damaged. New York Telephone Company A Talk on Mu»ic. Rev. P. T. B. Reynolds of Key- port, secretary . of the Monmouth county historical society, gave an illustrated lecture on "Music in Many Lands'" last Thursday after- k noon before the Long Branch Wo- man's club. Men Hurt in Auto Craih. William Drake of Monmouth | Arctics Beach and Russell Smith of North Give a pair of High Top Arctics. Think of the protection, therefore '••J-W appreciation. December, 1923. Dear Reader: - Christmas breathes the spirit of Service and thoughtfulness, and that spirit should be Men's Slippers . reflected in the gifts you give—especially to A large stock to choose from— needn't look any further. All colors Shoes are always practical and most those who are near and. dear to you. The con- and price?. appreciated. siderate gift is always sure to win heartfelt thanks and deep, lasting appreciation. , '•..•• ' We have prepared for the Holiday spirit, with the'greatest array of gifts possible. Ready . with something appropriate for every member of the family, ready with gifts of footwear that Buick, cars will give comfort and satisfaction and always be a pleasant reminder of your love and • Hose thoughtfulness. rubber cables Hosiery for rnen and women. Silk •V. and Silk and Wool in Christmas The modern trend in Xmas giving of late boxes. years, has been towards gifts of a practical Men's Oxford Ties grommets. and lasting nature, and what gifts better fill In • wide range of colors and lasts, Ohisisoneof this need than footwear? Such gifts have be- Good looking, yot long •wearing. come the universal choice of thousands, ^here- the features fore, you will make no mistake in choosing the that makes gift supreme, a pair of pretty yet durable Shoes Buick aClass or a pair of Comfortable House Slippers of van- v '^insurance ous styles and colors, or a pair of High Top " , 'Arctics or Rubbers; for Dad or Brother, a pair risk , of Rubber Boots; a nice pair of Silk Hose"for /' Shoes Mother or Sister, or a practical Polishing Set. • . "•* Buick is the Vrelly Strap. Pumiu, nil leather in the popular colors, in a wide ranie ' / At our store you will find many offerings Standard ^Comparison of price*. which will help you in deciding what to give. > •Sler«* And you will find our prices so low that every T\n Paaa. Tmrim |li°S ««ea Pate.MM • . . Dial DTI Tkree Pass. Sport staadttsr IITI fire Fan. l«!ai member of the family can be remembered Hit Pats Doutiit t*tticj Paul P»ss, lat*t Tmrlof nil Men's Shoes •aalea IMS sstwiiliaa. ledaa • • • • HIS well within the amount you desire to spend. Stm Pise. Touring. . lit) P«x Pew. Cout* . . , , mi In bUck or brown cnlf leather or Early Selections Mean First Choice. We •oft kldikln. Our utock In lnrg*. Four* *T' You will flnd Ju»t the ".hoes you »i« Net, I HI P«Pae..l«laa . .' therefore suggest your cooing in as early as' ' TmPnt, |I4H •..'ant. •II •«uPw..CMpe . |jt| PrtMi r.a. a. JM

' t H. La. ZOBEL WHITE SHOE CO, 9 Broad Strofet Red Bank, N. J. Menmouth County's Urgwt AutomoblU Distributor Sptti P. S. All purchases cheerfully exchanged Children's Shoes Olvt » ptlr «/ our Bp.ti They of feed quality. Mario to M thois > Red Bank, N. J. Sea Bright, N. J.. •rt wirm ind g«e4 Itekini In Mt- ' after Xmas. * . t growlag {••«. In black, brown or >«r*l «4l»if. wablutleo colon. Bring th« Children Down to >i Our Window RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923. Page Fifteen

. C. ft C A. PELATUSH, ....•—. ABOHITICTB. oom 11 Elinor Bld«r., Bed Bin :. N. J. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. Tel. Conn. WILLIAM E. FOSTER, ..,- JAM O'BRIEN (Continued from last page.) COUNSELLOR AT LAW.' Ira K. Whyte of Asbury Park is Now YorJc, •;• New J«r»r, GET THE 0 Uro«iiw»y, Atlintio HljhUnili, making a tour of the United States. K. Y. City. M.J. MEANS In. California he will join hia wife, 1. F. TETLEY, v.ho has been, there since the early '•".•"•lia COMMISSIOKlh OK DEEDS.""" M Totley'. New* StMd. HIGH GRADE SERVICE district, passojiger agent :00 o'clock. ^ Telephone 302-W. Water Systems —- Gopper^Work Costal telegraph company J&t Long Brunch last Thursday morning. GEORGE McC. TAYLOR, C. E. Earthen and Iron Pipe ,. CONSULTING ENIilNKEIt, Service; over the lines ended until CIVIL ENilNEEB and SURVEYOR, , W« l^ndle the Amerlciin Radiator Company's the damage wasi repaired. ' IS RoctorJPlacc, Kurt Hank, N._J.. ARCOLA HEATINCJ SYSTEMS Bith on New Engine. » REILLY, QUINN 4 PARSONS, • liida on a now pumping engine COUNSELLORS AT LAW. RED BANK and SEA BRIGHT VVbltfleld llullrtjnir. Retl Itank. were dinned by the West Long JohnJ^jQulnn. Theodore D:_ FarionB. Uruneh lire company last week. JOHNS. APPLEGATE & SON, Four limit!, .tho American LaFrance, COUNSELLORS AT LAW. DlTtdaon Bulldlntf, . Ilroad Street, | Mack, Stutz and Keagrave each pre- i RED DANlf. N. 3, 'iicnleil a hid of .$10,000. VILSON * SMOCK, COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Goodrich Heavy Duty Hurt in Fall from Roof, ^ REP DANK, N. J. Jacob Rosenberg o£ Long Branch suffered broken, ribs and other in- JUSTON BEEKMAN, juries in it fall from a roof at Mon- COUNSELLOR AT LAW. The pneumatic for com- Bfflce», 10 Dread St., RED BANK, N. 3. mouth Iicach, where he was work- mercial cars. The small- in),' Lint week. , He was taken to the DR. W. M. THOMPSON, DENTAL 8UR0EON, 1 Long li ranch hospital, H Nat'l Bank Building, Red Dank, N. J. est, to largest. The Good- Buys House lit Shore. Oa» »dmlnl»tcrcil. Itouti 8-6. rich Heavy Duty Cord. W. J. Adams of: Freehold, has GEORGE D. COOPER, bought a house at Asbury Park and CIVIL ENGINEER, Eueeelftor to Qeorge Cooper, C. &. Massive. Carries the will occupy it next summer. Mr. Patterson Bulldinit, RED BANK* N. 3. Adams will soon leave for South FOR BUSINESS OR FOR GEORGE H. ROBERTS, load. Real non-skid. Carolina where ha will spend the GRADUATE AUCTIONEER, winter or his farm. 'edlsree or Grailo Stock, Farm Saui, Per- Stops a slipping truck. tonal Property. New Monmoutli. N. J. Working Hours Reduced. PLEASURE, COME TO THE Telephone Mlddlctown 876-M. .Anti-chafing strips on re- GEORGE K. ALLEN, Jr., C. E,, »nd Because of a lack of demand for GEORGE F. RANDOLPH, C. E. inforced side wall? pro- Wilton rugs such as are manufac- METROPOLIS OF THE CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. tured in the Freehold rug mill the 60 Broad Street, Red Blink. N. J. tect it from curb wear. working hours at the mill have been reduced. The plant now operates NORTH JERSEY COAST four days a week. ANDERSON BROS. Helping Aged Couple. The Asbury Park lodge of Elks is A WEEKLY visit—a day and evening or a week-end stay—'' raiting a fund of $1,000 with ivhichf Local and "Best in the to. place an aged couple in the' 13L has become the fixed and happy habit of people who buy Methodist home at Ocean Grove. Tin: couple "ru penniless and neith- Long Distance Long Run" er is ablo to work. wisely and well and who keep themselves physically and Higli School Stadium Planned. Moving A project of erecting a stadium mentally fresh by regular and proper recreation and diversion. at Asbury Park in which to hold ath- letic contests is being discussed by FIREPROOF VANS business men of that place. If Tjuilt Here, the cleanest, most progressive and fastest growing tbi! .stadium would be leased to the city school board. . . . city in the state, they shop with pleasure and profit and. enjoy ANDERSON BROS., Death from Brain Fever. 42 West Front St. Miss Elsie L. Conover, daughteT RED BANK of Wiliam R. Conover of Manalapan, the amusements that make ASBURY PARK a live town every < Office Opp. R. R. Red Bank, N. J. ed Sunday of last week of brain / Phone, 704 ever, aged nineteen years. Miss month in the year. - - onover was a school teacher at hluml Park. cw Portaupeck Association. Indoor ocean bathing at the Natatorium—therapeutic • INTEGRITY The Portaupeck improvement as- wiatlon, which was recently or- ani/.i'd, has elected. J. T. Smith sea-water baths—dancing at the Casino—theatres—golf and resident, R. E. Gtlham vice presi- nt and Frank Blakeslee secretary every other outdoor sport—delightful eating places—modern ud treasurer. ardencrs' Choose New Officers. winter hotels, and - -- ' New officers elected by the El- ron horticultural society are iimea Bradley president, George. hompson vice president, WifliaDl .'illiiims secretary and William Bry- ;' STORES AND SHOPS ii treasurer. .utomobile Stolen. An automobile owned by Gerald as attractive and up-to-date as may be found in any city Prices .lone ot Ocean Grcve, a member !' "Tick" Wardell's orchestra, was olen from in front of the St. anywhere. ;>mi's theater at Acbury P«.rk last eek. Jam nnd Auto Burned. BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Fir; destroyed a barn at Lower Iquunkum owned by Earl Fenni- HERE are no finer lines of electrical and gas appliance goods than those in the stores of uire last week and an auto stored T the building was also destroyed. Asbury Park. The stock runs from curling irons to refrigerators. Everything- in the The origin of (he firo is unknown. way of an electrical or gas appliance or fixture is here in great'variety. electrician's Leg Broken. Closed JUailland Gardner, an electrician, There are dozens of automobile accessory stores, carrying everything that goes with, a car. vas working on a light standard nt And as for stationery and novelty stores—particularly popular at holiday time—Asbury ing Lake a few days ago when .he standard toppled over and fell Park's are distinctly superior. li Gardner's leg, breaking the leg. Die3 After Injury. PRICES ARE AS ATTRACTIVE AS THE GOODS Cars Mrs. Martha li. Benner of Brad- ey Bench died at the Spring Lake BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS ospitiil Friday ns the result of a Light-Six two-pass. Coupe-Roadster $1195 roken hip she suffered about ten Light-Six five-passenger Coupe $1395 lays ngo.. She was eighty years old. ieekinfr New Pastor. Light-Six five-passenger Sedan $ 1485 Tin' congregation of Trinity Epi»- npal church of Asbury Park has Prices are fair, accommodations are adequate, service is Special-Six five-passenger Coupe $1895 IVero.d tin; pastorate of the church o Hev. If. ]•'. Dngwoll of Pueblo, competent and courteous. Stock meets every human require- Special-Six five-passenger Sedan $1985 'ulonido, formerly of Keypyrt. Big-Six five-passenger Coupe $2495 Married Seven Years. ment or desire. Mr. nnd Mr«. Franklin Cuttrell of Big-Six seven-passenger Sedan $2685 Miilnwnit I'ntertainril a number of \ All prices f. o. b. factory riends nt a turkey dinner parly Here happy, healthy their buying and their ist week in ohservnncii of their seventh wedding immvcrflnry. playing. They bathe and bask in sunshine, they dance and Only the prices have been reduced. The quality Matawtn Firn Electinn. Thi' Mntawnn hunk nnd lndiler remains the same. It is a Studebaker policy to share riinipiiny lias electeil Kilcsel W. llia- dine, and they manufacturing savings with its customers. With the prciideiit, I). 11. VaMWicklc vice ini«lilent, Hownrd necrclary addition of another enormous unit to its $8,000,000 nnd Frit;'. Weber tienaurer. Closed Car plants at South Bend, Studebaker costs (Ciolitinunl on next, pnge.) are reduced and the purchaser benefits accordingly. SHOPal the SHORE In justice to yourself,you should come in and see what MARTINI & ROSSI Nori' Alcoholic Studebaker has to offer before you decide on any car. ThU I. lir th« VERMOUTH HOAltl) 1)1' l!OM\riSMlOS'l<:Hr1 BottUJ In Tviino, Italy IUTV OP A91HIIV 1'AliK llr.HUn ol 0. 1, I'. HK'l HICK. Mn».ir Bur It by the €••« — Alw«)fi ltt«p a boltltonthclc* • Krnrc It llnijlit -unit you Hire t ddicioai tppt- HOMER C. METHOT, tlter MONMOUTll 5TRKRT, RED BANK, N. i. I0T4. B. ALPERIN THIS IS A STUDEBAKER DELICATCS3EN RED SANK REGISTER, DECEMBER ,12, 1923. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS.

(Continued from last page.) The freeholders have made a con- TRAN tract with the bollo truck corpora- tion,, which operates a bus line be-1

rhove tho snow from the county jj | roads in that section this winter. Phone 668 RED BANK, N. Freehold Horses Win Racea. BURNS-SCHAFFER AMUSEMENT CO. j At the horse races at Lakewood Matinee Daily: 3:00 P. M. ' Saturday: 2:30 P. M. recently two Freehold horses were j EVENINGS—Continuous: 7:15 to 10i<5 P.M. winners. Raymond Thorn's Can-1 non won the quarter-mile run and • Charles Patterson's George Mack: Wednesday, December 12th won the three-quarter mile trot. , Bradley Beach to Zone. , ' Your Last Chance to See •.".';, Bradley Beach officials have de-: Christmas Suggestions cided to adopt a zoning plan that \ will restrict business buildings to certain sections and will prevent the building of cheap houses in the more desirable residential sections. in Furs Marion Davies School Addition Dedicated. —IN— The ?L'5,000 addition to the Oak- hurst school was dedicated with ap- [propriate exercises last Friday i|night. Charles J. Strahan, assist- ant state commissioner of education, "Little Old New York" I was one of the speakers. Awarded Varaity Letter. A Variety of all kinds of Fur Coats, Wraps To Miss It—Is To Regret It! .. I Bliss Price, who was prominent in ! high school athletics at Long Branch Special Musical Program | before his graduation, has been and Capes, such as Hudson Seal, Bay Seal, Muskrat • awarded the varsity letter at Colum- | bia univcasitv for football. ! Wi and Raccoon at very moderate prices. Thursday, Friday-Dec. 13th-14th I Canal Open Nejff Year. | The canal between the Mana- squan river and Barncgat bay will I for boats next spring, ac- A large selection of all kinds of Furs such as Fox, Stone cording to the contractor who is i completing the excavation. I | Held on Liquor Charge. Marten, Squirrel and Mink. Prices reasonable. Rudolph Tapper of Ocean Grove, in her latest picture and great success a taxi driver, was .arrested last I week by a state, trooper charged We also do all kinds of Repairing and Remodeling. We can I with the sale of liquor. Tapper j was held in $1,000 bail. . make your old Fur Coat look like new. Bring them to the Red Bank I Held on Forgery Charge. ! Walter T. Pan/, of Bradley Beach i has been held in $1,000 bail on a Fur Shop now as we willv still have time to do them for you charge of forging the name of LARRY SEMON in a Side Splitting Comedy I Harry Gilbert of that place to a Ijef ore Christmas. . ° j mite for $300. "THE GOWN SHOP" $ , Benefit Show at Freehold. Thunday—KINOGRAMS I A motion picture show for the I benefit of the Freehold auxiliary of | tho Spring Lake hospital, will bo | held tonight at the Strand theater at Saturday, December 15th i that place. Special- Saturday . Attraction ' • | Klanamen at Freehold. ! Thirty-seven hooded and robed • members of the Ku Klux Klan at- THE BANK FUR SHOP Cullen Landis i tended the service at the Freehold I Reformed church Sunday night of 4 White Street Red Bank, N. J. Alice Calhoun [last week. N. LEVINE, Proprietor^ V New Rabbi at Long Branch, Rabbi Jacob Sevelovich has been Formerly Located at 2O West Front Street, engaged as rabbi for the Free Otis Harlan TELEPHONE 392-W Brothers of Israel synagogue at —IN— Long Branch. He was installed Sunday. Woman Made Special Officer. SALE OF LAND FOR UNPAID TAXES, ,1m Assessment'! ami Municipal Gluu'^cj d the Ti vn.hin of Slu'ix 1 Miss Mary Lungton, a schoul I, EDWIN HOI11IS. Collector o[ in unit fur thr iship of Shrewsbury. County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey, htrtby «i»t notice that •ecordlnf« Lw requirins; n. t* teacher at Asbury Park, has been mnke the unpaid taxes, assessments nml other - ,- 1 on thi? Inmls, tenements, hereditaments and real estate In the Towwnshln p o—f Shrewsbur _ y fo..r. tffce . year s t918,< 1914, 1915, 1016, 1917, UUJ, r.)19. lasi), 1»21 ami 1922, will un tin- lilllli liny of I):imuc- r nt 2::ll> 1>. M. In the TOWN HALL at RED BANK, N. J., sell tht lands, tenements, hereditament's arid' rVJ'tstata" hirel'li Trails" sworn in as a special polica officer ili'seViliei! to make the amount cliam-ablf ai:ain:-t t'up sM'i land i on the first day of July 1014, 1915, 1916, 1917. Ill), 1C1U. 1920. 1921 and 1922, aa computed In tha tax Hat, together with to handle truancy and school law en said nmount from the lir-tt ilny of .loly to tht- .l»lof unla nnd thu eosta ot the sale, at public vendue to auch person or persona aa will 'purchase the aamt subject to rademotion at You have heard of "The Covered Wayon." If you saw it tlu> lime-st rate of interest, but in im ease in exess of fi^lit I> 'i- centum per annum. • you cant miss teeing this. If you didn't see it—then bjr cases. Thin snle ia mail.! un.l the provisions of an act of Legislature, entitled "An Act for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes," revision of 1918, approved March 4th, 1818, and the; Acta all means you must see "Pioneer Trails." supplemental thereto nut] aminilatury thereof, Haa Position at Providence. Tha sni.l lands, ten hereditaments tin.l real estate to be sold anil the names of the persons against whom said taxes, aipasmtnts and othef municipal ebargea hftv* lean maclt Frederick Matthes of Long on account of each parcel are S3 follovs : See the Greatest Indian Fight Erer Screened. 1919 Branch has taken a position with NAME DESCRIPTION 19U lets 1916 1017 ISIS 1920 1H! ins A Drama of Romance, Intrigue anil Lore. ,the Western electric company at 1 Lewis Carney Katate ..,.," Hnn-.e ami lol, 1'ine Hr'.ok . I 1.S7 t ^.u I 2.1J t S,8» i 2.77 I 2.81 2,91r ! 2. HI 320 9.44 a.57 $ s.m Providence, Rhode Island. Robert Cromwell Estate. House nnd lot, Pine lirook . S.I 7 4.15 4.21 3 Mary Cornelsun House anil lot, i'ito- lln.oli . 2.81 3.17 S.35 t.U a.r.7 4.1K 4.16 4.21 It's a Living Document of the Rent West. 4 Kilwaril Dunlcy ' Land lit 1 Tails l.KT 2.11 Z.Vi !.:o 2.77 4.H Z.fl Wickatunk Girl Wedi Trenton Man. Jnlm Johnson Lot on wont side of lima.I St •J,:'>2 2.51 rd. Vi. 5.(3 1 .!U Miss Mabel R. Smock of Wicka- t; Frank Johnson 2 ncros at Pin.- lirook .... l'.ST 2.11 2.22 2.19 2.2'J s.s$ 2.77 1.18 l'.Sl 7 Mr'. Francis Junes Ilium; nml lot. fine lirook . •J.52 P 2.77 7 A* l.H'.l :.S8 2.81 Sella Store Stock and Fixtures. M Jnu'ph Mliimrl Kstnte MotKOiinil lot. Pin" Ilivui; , l.-ti) l.iil 1.68 1.67 1.7H 1.7D 2.«0 2.3S 1.06 1,31 E. G. Bacon of Freehold has sold u. John II. Hock Estate Land nl I'iiin |;«M..:: .Dll 1.13 1.10 1. li» LID 1.IS if, MarKnrot K.'evcy Estate All™ I'll..-.-. I'ill- liroi.k ».»6 3.74 4.22 4.6H G.»3 1 4.4'J- 4.38 4.7S Monday and Tuesday his drug store stocks, fixtures, soda n 'rbmiamin H.-cvcy Estate s arr.'s, l'in;> lirook I.!'. ! 1.87 2.11 2.22 2.29 i.M 2,77 s'ls S.61 6.33 Pd. water fountain, etc., to Thomas 20 llichard Itccvcy Estate H acres, I'ino Brook S.78 p.r.r, 6.58 6.»7 Pd. Pd. 8.41 Thoioas lte.vey J-'.state Vll urn's, H..|".'i-ylown ' KXrt 3.71 4.22 4.3H 4.UK 4.71 B.68 1.(1 tit 6.3S 4.44 «! jCummings of Elizabeth, Robert Itirhimliion Kstate J linos, K(,(.vovtuun li.TJ r>,61 0.66 B.S7 B.R7 7,14 Pit. Pj. December 17th and 18th Mi-K. John Sheriff Woodlan.l, Tint'.n I'alls -•'•'-' 2,HI 2.20 3 U 3.67 4.7« ; Raise School Tuition Rate. ^ t Catherine Schenck Home IMHI lot, 1'ini. lirook ti 7!> 6.61 Til. CM Pd. Pd. Pd. Pd. fa. WELL! HERE IT IS j The tuition rate for out-of-town t'aroliiii" Spencer nt Vine llvunk ."1 4S .54 .56 .67 .60 .70 .72 .70 Trua-i F.stale II a.-r.'sat Pliaflo'i .SI .411 ,5« .57 .58 .60 .70 .80 .It | pupils attending the Asbury Park Samuel White M a.-r-i ot Crc-n l!t.n» ».<"'•'. 11.11) 10.9ft ..... ', high school has been raised from llarni'i S. While Lnnil at Shaft'i'ii 1.41 i.nn LfiK 1.87 1.73 1.79 s.on 2.SS Wiiifi.'lil II. Fowler « lots, ('. & Q. Co.. fonovir Tract • 11.22 22,10 !3.20 22.90 19.04 21.10 H.37 ' 11.11 $00 to $100 a year. i Willliel.^vinneiiil I).if.. Fowlerouierr I'.lo,-;. Jii», 17 h. 2 1, ill I ,'i .L)Jfph HoeV1,' KslRiie 1 1'? mill 1, •it own 3.37, 3.72 4.19 J.79 i A Chriitmaa Bazar. 7 TV.. JcibiisiiJnlilisoinl |stali' .". : I, ':;;. rei, I'm.!•' ilro..l.' 6.2 « Ti.r.v D.48 B.TI1 S.ilS ( 1.01 A. !'. John r.M, I'ill i. Hrouk 2.2» ! The West End pnrcnt-tenchi'rV 2.1 1 2.7 7 9.18 1.81 II I.i'Uu H. MrfJllin i' nml I,'1.1n . Pine I! rno' .- 1.17 5' 3.44 3 R1 'association of Long Branch will II Willinm II. McCui re Ili.n.... nnil h:mil. Pile 1! B.TA 9.62 B a2 13.IB 11.21 ?, flimlc It. Viiic.nt IS ncrrs, Pino llronlc 6.67 6.tl7 7.11 H.29 0.12 8.41 ! hold it Christmas on Friday t KllMuoi.'l White ,"-r. ni'l'i's Shllftii'i 6.57 6.4* 6.13 5.PS 6.91 7.91 1.01 -I.V- night of this week. 7 Norman Tri'vost F..S2 22.10 2S.H7 2* 43 i Miss Mary Ht-tkiT, Mrs. ('. Slutcr •'.! Mrs. llnrry I'oV.'H '....?..; m-r.". Sjcnni'ire Avenue m.iii 191.8* 2U4.IT ili.n and Henry Kruenu-r have joined the '1 Mr. llarrv I'lmeri r.:i ncr.'., house nnd rnrtory 41,1.70 63A.2a IR7.H8 112.17 I Mn. Tli.inil..n I,- It/iler r, nrrn ivooillninl, Wavsi.!o 2 1« 2.77 S.1S , i.m , Luther league of the Asbury Park r, Mri. Hnrrirt Skiilmore llmiip lili'l Int. I.ltlle Fllvrr 1< 11 J2.2B ! 1MT i Lutheran church. I'. Mary 1.HIH- Kstnte HOIK.' mil lot, rlhrrwahllr/ J«.OS 11.6« 19.14 =2.30 • •J Until Wnnli'll Wnysiil Fell from Hay Loft, 0 Willinin WiLon , .. 1.16 1.1« "V 40 1 Mnr'in Ilinnlan While Slr.'ct 2.77 I.IK Fnit'.st YanSrhnu1!; of Lower ,,", Mamnri-t llrnin Titate Pin., 1.10 :t, .loliiuo., llr.'vv Pine Ilroiik 7.14 SquHiikum fell from n hay loft u'l •••J .1, W. llnil.y Kstate North i.i.1,.. Willow Street J hi-i fitim last week ami : ult'iTi'd sev- (irnc (', t'onoii'i- Lot. Willow Ht : 1 Man 10 iirresr Shaft eial bndii'ii ribs. 7,1 Mn. Itolan.l PoUiimili. Jr llm mil lot. fine llrnek . 7l i 4 Frnnk sliulls 411 nrroi, linu«(> nml lo>. I'nic llrruk 30.08 1B.U ('. Wlnilx.r VntiVlell ...., 1IIIII«I. nnd lot, Kyraniiuc \\e 137.88 -•\vrrn — Driver's License Revoked. "tl Anbury Company VII n<'re», Way 1.18 :.8t M Kattrrn I'oliib Corpiirntlnn Shriwilniry .. .. • Tlie automobile driver's liernic of 16.18 14.01 Himrll lloll'il nml lot. Pine Ilrniill 1.88 Alice Joyce, David Powell and IKkic Blunt nf Long Ilium It was n-- ^tnnari! Hull 10 |\olicd last wi'i'k by <'oiriiiiis.« Alb.rt Ilolihins . 1 r> arrfs, Waynide ... William (jiiiun of Freehold wafl 01 tlfl.Tah Vnnl'rll .4(1 tirren, W»y>n!« , , Aiia|.tcil th<• ViiniMH Strif" I'lnv !.v Willinm Anhir j taken to the Long Itranch hospital 11'! Willinm Wll«in .Pllio Uremia JU'ld »Niw York Kiillimllt'ii I'm- Two Ycnrs, Illi T)i>nni« HncMey ....t. last work iuirerinir from jilt'tiro- 101 l'ralik (llnier • i 'aVrei'r'lna'il'r'iriit" pMrumimiu. ' l"s IIIKHIIIIII II, lll>">a :c:: OIK.' of the Most Dramatic Romances of I 1> Catlierlni. rVan !w'.i'o'd'lai'|ii,"WaV«'lil»'! New Fire Hydrants, 117 O, P. Furwll .r. lol,. Waysl.1 Theatrical History. I "1 Laura Mount .Wmiillan.l Five new hi reel hyilrunts will bo I'd liemiir Wllkln«, ,lr .Tinliin I'alU ...... inrtidli'd nt Anbury I'nrk nnil now I'll Mr«. II. I'nlhvmut, fir < Pin* ...... Beauty! Drama! Ill W. II, Illchanlion Tense j Appeal! water pipe will be luld at n coat o( .!.»(. llma.1 Hi $ 17,000. Lit .ti'itaph W.'i>.l .Titi'.m I'niU Must LuvUli find Expensive. Hiicl,i;ri,una!.»ll« VanM..rt»ti!«r H«l»<« '.V i". itrnnfe *; Clinton IliiUnvl nnd l'nul K«|{nti 141 Jnhn T. Wll-i,'t".,,,'.,',',',',',','.',:',',','.',',','.'.', ',',".[]', ','.','.'.', '.',',', I'loildu. 149 1,, II, (ampb.ll , lull- .' 11 v..r ,,....,, ,, ,,.,., ,.,, Ir.n II. J, C.rl.r I r, t, q, Ct ...... ,,., NPW Audi Ownrtl, I'D I rank Ow»nt, ,. ,Klir,.» .l,nr« .,.,, ,.,,..,.,...... ,,.,, ,,,, K( Alli'tt Klnf .,...,, ,»|,f»*.l'iiry ,,,,,,,1 ,,.,,,,,.,, ,,.,., ,,,.,, ,,,, •Inliii Iliillrriui iif MnttlUSn It, Rilnfrnili, Jr., ...... ,.,, .,,Wiw»«1iur^ .,.,,.,,,,, J,,,,. ,,, ...... ,,.,., ,,,, LOOK WHAT'S COMING limixltt it Htiir flctlnn mn] Lftuli .) lleyiT li»« ImuKht » fitnr touring VDOIO LIIT. Return Showing of "SIX DAYS"—hope the Wn, John Pint tlriak l.4i rnr. Hlitihin flllln tliitflti Falii 14.41 weather will be better this time, to you wont Wrln Droktn Cranking Car. lUlartif Knllr Cnm|iati|r ,,,,,.,,,) \,,\,, c, i liab.lla VVtiiN ilwHa - . ili have to mill it Theq you will »cc Hurrowa A(»y of Long tirtnctrli HultKutni IIII Wtrdfll Kata< W,t)M lniil up with n litoken wrl»t. He re- WilliaWill m C. t,ltplni.»H l,ltll, Kilo, .....I..,' ,,! "Tonti of Allah," "Dollar Devili," "The Leawn- r«lv«d th« Injury crenklnj A «r. Mn, Marr Roth ,....,.,.,, t'tntvn falls , ,,.,i..,,,..•....1.i,,. ,..,,, worth Ca«," "Silent Command," "Soft Boiled," M.d, $172 M Church Supper. "The Man From Broadway" and "Bank, of the The MnUw.n I'rfaliytPfUn Urllo,' t\ plum fJ*ii .,, r'amiln.Jal, *«*•{ I,,.!,.,.... .! "..., • III II f> i| loclvty m»i|» J17S «t tht nupp«r • • •> ...!l#«»« ifl« l.ttf, H»«*«fl»»S ...... I../ ...... •...< ...,,. ••)... ,111,1 •..••'! ••.>.. ••.] Wbh ]$ , «*i »u i»«««i ii *U |#t#, f, A *|. ffJ-i * IMI M III*»I n .. t i,it,i *tt4i« stint it)vlng »VP. .,,,..,.,,,..,,,.,.J«f|»dlla|, Attnu* ...... i...... w.tia .••MM t.n.i I.U.I ...... •••» •<>..» II..i They're AH Worth Waiting For and Ctrtalnly •tills ' lilt »r I "i All Worth S«*lng. "m Mtt

BROTHERHOOD'S NEW HEAD. MUSICIANS' ELECTION. SING IN STREET. NEUTRAL ON THE BONUS.! Arthur B. White Chosen to Succeed ALL WISH WELL FOR ALJ OAK HILL'S WONDER COW. CHILDREN GIVE A PLAY.JYACHT CLUB ELECTIOIi|l Clarence Walkley. . ' . Rudolph F. Malchow Re-elected Pr i. •><>•">' were coached in singing and danc- of the organization.' The large , civic committee was appointed con- 1 1 word* •{ th* mngi will be thrown tion. sisting of Rev. John Muyskens, War- following wordsds:: champion in Class G ofG Guernseys, Charles E. Kicman and his son, ing hy Mrs. Doretta Davidson, ditionto the meeting room, whick ' , on th* ier*«n. A itereopticon ma- The post elected the following of- ren H. Smock and John H. Gregory. "Just my way of expression." class is for cows between two Harold E. Nieman, were elected Those who took part were Esther, was recently computed, was chin* for displaying th* tonga will ficers: Singing was led hy Joseph C. Smith "This old boss shoe always did !flm | jwp and a natf years o'](i_ - ddelegatel s to thhe rational convention and Miriam Shapiro, MdMildredd ZZager , , to overflowinfl g andd many lr.ember*" be operatid by Daniel Dome from a Commander—Juaquin Lawrence. . C. Broadwcll, the latter act->s'Bnlfy 3VTlethlnS to uii andl l clots ilcigh Girl produced 15,088.3 pounds j of musicians, which will be held at Ethel Curdon, YeYetta BelRrad, Selmu ; had to be,, contented with "Ii Senior vice commander—Htrrr Anton- and E yct window In Carillo'i shop in the ing as pianist f lie reat of the meet-' ' jof milk containing 626.35 pounds of i Colorado Springs, Colorado. Ru-. Siegfried, Gcrtrtrudu e Levinsky, Ruth in" from an adjacent room. Knickerbocker building, across the idei. e Junior vice commander—Lealle Hecklem. ing wa,as devoted to' "fathers and! "H. store on the southeast corner of •equircs in milk which is sold in theOff coal wilill l be disposedi d of on the 'mitte' e of arrangements consisted of ton Brown, Williaill m DiDieckmank j have special rehearsals for the cele- John Kahramones became a new Broad street and Linden place, member of the legion and a stand- Albert Burdge, John Casty, Wal- pen market.. o-operative plan. The committee; Mrs. Milton Siegfried chairman, | Louis E. Brown, John Hubbard,' bration. The songs selected are ter H. Merritt and John Kennedy of where Mr. Chambers has his drug Shaving honors with Bickleigh :onsists of F. J. Mulvihill, William i Mrs. Leon Reuckhaus, Mrs. Julius Bcnj;:min VanNote, Edgar "Silent Night," "While Shepherds ing vote of thanks was accorded to store, is a large floral horseshoe. It g g Cecil MacCloud for having obtained Red Bank returned Friday from a is Alexander D. Stevenson, [I. Norman, J. C. Brooks, Joseph (Straus, Mrs. H. L. Madansky, Mrs. Jr.,-and Arthur W. Alton. '• /Watched Their Flocks," "Once in week's hunting trip in Pike county, is a gift from some of Al's boyhood iVildanger,. Harry Woodhall, Fred | E. Schramm, Mrs. S. J. Greenblatt, The great increase in membership Koyal David's City," "Hnrk, the four new members for the post. schoolmates and frjends. The giv- herdsman o£ Oak Hill farm, who A report was read showing that Pennsylvania. They brought home milked and fed thi3 animal. He will .itter, John Bergen, Ernest Frank, Mrs. L. J. Weiner and Mrs. due to a membership drive be* Herald Angels Sing," "Lillle Town a deer shot by Mr. Burdge. The ers were Harry Stewart, Walter S. ?aul~«.1 l If»»!.Menke« , iTrtvHowar.*H ^..1 d A—. —Appiegate i — —-i_- ' tr_ . ,i j Yankorri. . .iTh_ e_ stag l e Aan_ I'_d properties- ; t'.veen teams captained by View of -Bethlehem," "Angels from the .ho post during the past year has Noble, Walter Sutphen, John King, receive a herdsman's cup at the an- •endered assistance to a number of animal weighed over 200 pounds and nual meeting of th» New Jersey Robert J. Norman, Edward Egan, .1. were under the direction of Milton ! Commodore George W.' Bray anit Realm of Glory," "It Came upon FI had nine prongs on its horns. Mr. James Clayton, Albert S. Miller, Irv- '. Mulvihill, Joseph Stryker, E. T.Siegfried and Louis Schwartz. President Thomas Irving Brown., Midnight Clear," "0 Come, All Yo amilies of soldiers. Guernsey breeders' association at Dr. Teter P. Raflerty, a former Burdge will get the head and the '"S Hance, Millard Fillmore Tetley, Trenton in January. 'ord, August Kleinschmidt, Bernard •»••-»— Tl%,contest covers • three-months^ Faithful," "The First Noel" and meat will be divided among thei™ark B. Conover, Thomas Irving Kelly and Edward Connors. MISSIONARY MEETING. prior and the campaign will coqnf "Away in a Manger." commander of the post, sent an in- itation to "trfe boys" to call and members of the party. The deer Brown, ChmBerge, Louis G.David BIRDS AND THEIR USES. .! to a close at; the January meeting son, Howard Bailey, James L. Hub' see'him. He thanked the post for was on exhibition several days in PARTY AT FAIR HAVEN. Mite Boxes Opened at the Presby. , Mv Brown's team is leading by fou« PLAY AT HIGH SCHOOL. bard and Delford Fisher. Many Pictures of the Thinga Birda tjje fruit and flowers they sent to front of Brevoort's meat market. : waa Giren Monday Night for terian Chapel Yesterday. (members. The losing team is .tot Bears are hunted in Pike county but Tho horseshoes are only two of Do Which Help Mankind. The Christmas missionary meet- provide a spread for the winning* Order of DeMolay Gave a Fine hini. "Doc" has been very sick, but Mrl. Anna Hammond. he is now on the mend and ho isnone was sighted by the Red Bank many expressions of good will which Professor Arthur A. Allen of ing of the Red Bank Presbyterian , team. 5 Performance Friday Night. have been extended to Mr. Cham- A party was given Monday night Before an audience that filled able to be about the house. party. John Kennedy shot a rabbit. Cornell university gave a talk on church was held yesterday after-1 The nominating committee's $e« bers. Seldom has any business been birds at the high school auditorium for Mrs. Anna Hammond of Fair noon at the Presbyterian chapel. ' lection met with unan:mous sp* the Red Bank high school audi- Cake and sandwiches prepared by started at Red Bank that has been Haven, who was formerly Miss torium tho Order of DeMolay of Mrs. Henry I«\ Hylin Were served at ODD FELLOWS ON A VISIT. on Monday night. The talk was The mite boxes which had been held proval and the following nominee^ attended by so much genuine desire illustrated with. 300 pictures show- Anna Eckman. A prize of $5 forby the members of the society were I \ r re elected for the ensuing ' Red Bank gave a three-act comedy the conclusion of the meeting. | Red Bankeri Attend Intereiting V for success. ing the damage done to trees and the best waltzers was won 'by Miss opened and the money amounted to President—Thomas Irvinn Brown. entitled "Confusion" Friday night. ^-•••^ • Senion at Seabright. - With the opening of the new Bessie Miller of Red Bank and Wil- Tho actors were applauded from TROOPER'S SKULL FRACTURED j crop3 by insects and the work of $180. A cradle was set on the floor ! Vice president—John W. Cantillion. Several members of the Red Bank pharmacy, Mr. 'Chambers realizes birds in killing off the insects and liam Morrell of Belford. Second Secretary—William A. Pintartl. time to time and the performance to represent the'cradle of Christ. Trenaurer—Andrew S. White, William H. Manhall Hurt in Acci- lodge of. Odd Fellows attended a »n ambition of forty years' dura- trms protecting the crops. Moving prize, which was $2.50 in gold, went Five children sang while the mem- was theroughly enjoyed. Those tion. Forty years ngo, when he was to Mrs. Florence Bennett and Wal- fummodore—James Ii. Weaver. who took part were John Tetloy dent Near Middtetown. visitation meeting nt the Seabright pictures were also shown of birda bers of the society marched around Vice commodore—Georir.© W. Braf. lodge Monday night. Delegations tc^. young to vote, Mr, Chambers ter Burnett. Miss Miller, in addi- Recatta committee—Kred Fisher, Ws Melvin Philo, Robert Brannin, Wil- Trooper William II. Marshall of feeding their young, disporting the cradle and dropped their mite w er rMent fro1 went to work in the drug store of tion to winning a waltz prize, got Mrs. John H. Cook gave. I S. Noble. Daniel Asay, William H. liam Colio, Walter McCoach, Ar-Shrewsbury fell from his motorcycle' « P _ ? Long Branch, themselves in the air and in the boxes in it. NortT h Loll Francis D. Chadwick, where M. Mwater, and feeding themselves on a prize for being the best peanut .*._ I... ._:„ I., c.,,.1, ! «'hite. Andrew White. ,iold Voorheea, Danrcl Weignnd MondaMnn,i.yu«icrl,r. night aSh shornrfrf(,t»nn^nnr»t distance northh E Branch, Asbury Park, a short talk on her trip to South ; House committee—Daniel Aiajr, Belmar, Manasquan, Lakewood and Davidson's clothing store is row lo refuse, weed seeds and insects. hunter. Miss Jessie Wilson won 1 America last winter. Tea wasA. II. Wi«e, Jr.. Reuben White. Edward- Compton, George Bailey of Middletown when the rear tire of cated. Later he worked Tor a fev and Wilmot Robinson. his machine burst. His skull was Toms Riw. Addresses, './ere made Pictures of many game birds t))f consolation prize. Games were , served at the conclusion of the ex- Reception committee—Augustus M nln

J. It. Kill" chnrgi'd with currying con- j j(| ci'iilril wi'iipiiim. Hi' wan held In SMlll hull fur tin' cniml jury by Justice KlmiT K. Wnlnwright.

Shoppers, Attention I While "ii ynur shopping trip In price will he yinir jirn-c. ']']m is r All liills iigninst thin Borough . ahnp ,-. *:ir.oj i!•*-.! ••h,vn.i..| wiihMlininiMltll ,,„ lhi« •u'limin tuKi'ther with trophl) HPII Hunk drnp in lli'(.w'n ii'i' mum Messenger Service Rasiimecl. nf IIi)ll iii:in. •-Advrrti.iclncnt. 1 11 Iti'd Hunk.--Ail- ynur {'htllioc In |;it Bi'li'i'ti'il gimil', must In- iiri'siMitcil not latrr than 11 "' I liiiily, Imigiiiii nt $ lid; I . iliinntril liy Jami's II. Weaver, parlor, llruiid nlivi-t, iipponlti- M«- ('liurli'. Ijei-i'mhri- v!Tth, thrvi«m pnflnr? If you Mini.. tii-iit. ('. 0. I), if ili..|irc 1 Hen, "Yon Aim 1.1,1 nil irtihTrll'^n i"'?™ " "" '*'",i Vricoa nil moil's suits niui OVIM - lllMlt, • Daitt Mli, . Imvcli'l you mu»l, »» tlifi InvltliiK \V11*• in: phmu' .1. (innilniiiii;li, K ooiit.t • I null i-1! r nib L nt the liiillilnv Coitumc Ratllal (^ime.ftir « rhsitl* poiiml. Unit, HcluilTiicr A Mnrv Clnirtlies, Noliie. |r nhd Itni'hoHti'i' clntliPit t\ Wr «ii|iply I'hurchea mill Hniiilny l.lth, lork, W( h«»s ai(li itlnre prices rlnjit when you need Vm i n-lioul* ivlth ("hrlstmin cmulv nt w .„„..„,„„ Allnpli'i-„„„,„..". Afiill«'i Co. I. Am' i' -(nlnai'tnu'i - • 'Iit aH.ia*- will »ur*ly pl ] hiKb •ii'hool, llrnnd ulrm- annul (lift, Bond your phntoitrnnh, iniiflt. I'lnkeliiUin's, Front itrri't, il»l price*. Heil llnnK Uimly Kitth-1 ||«Ht WomnnV dull, heart of town, Advertisement, ( y in Hlv»rali|a (ivnnu*. ille Mechanic l.ouili n MlM.'nilol, l over WhlChlmiCiiMHlly lie.I llniiikl . "Ailvcrllnement. I"", 71 llrnflil "trtet, Itml Hflfik.'frili ri>n(*,~'Aiiv*rtfM'mi Optu tc, n White Mrvrt, : Phone 4D-H.-» Attvortlsrinctit. nlitfi Your Famllf'i Htillh Qvlsk S*rvl<*. Far I'mmpt UelUerlas en Friday atorc, cut Hi lire on White Mrvrt, (iet ynur alion repiiltvil white vmi I'huih m Hod Unnk U01-W.—Advcr1WA - Do Yau Resulli? l-'nilU mid filtln mnl mettl doth [ rlriiniils upon nmnl food. Uluo Hil raiill Thumlny, J'hoiif 11177 or 1!I7H l Of iniirae you do,, W» want them MutU, Saturday, Oti«mh*r lSthi : l,»l« fill' mill «cit*iiii, AH the iinwosl CMIHHI* l.oH Ituttrr U ton not ccni pure. «»H nr.whllp ynu i|n ynur »lin|ijilii)f, I llril llnnh, Krlilny ilrliverlis, 7'00 Inn. |,i'i'» ifi>t togpther mi lli«t «' bprt. ft* WhitWhit.11 ., AlAtlnnlllc ,^,,,^1, »| Mla< A, !.. Mflrfl«'« Mi!- r«w nliht, The mnllary alr-Ught curton rirnnd Hhoo Hepulrlnif Nhtip, M, nml thill) A. M nml !l:lil) ]> M Mad* to Ordar, pniprrly mutter. We nr« Ilitlnit . Mr. llnwlil UKna ,,t thr ,| ,, |>»,|nr, mum in, Kl«ti»r' i'*mb«r 13th, I:RQ*' It in, tVuy i curton toilny,—, (imnil' , , , ••'-•-. «H Wru. . l. ,Krnnt I llenr. i.M-v> N!nrki-t, HI Munmuuth m tv li h 1 1 0 Wi Wiv -e ,»».-.-innki. ^.v.-.v^' entiili -yv^.q«. een. iiiiin ^ muif iiq|^^-l liimket, n n iiroiu'ry' for mile or for trnl." May , pl»"io In thh e »fternt,>ft n ntull I'nlmrr'iI'l' , Uui'lklnff* r\arf' ilrnHi l VtrdKilRfilHanVKl H . .' * S ' * '.-.. ..''.'•••W l s ! tlirmtlit. atrfft, Krtl lltnk, oppotltn bus \v»lt. j utri'et AJvertlai'inriit, to order n••t th' e Keil Hank (nnily tft lint ynuriT-WhlyotiriT Whit(Ui Mnilher"nnithfr., OMnn-'"-- nri-hnlr' »--*-••••• »t niulil,• - Ailverll^iin>nt.'••—••' ! > Advertlnineni-•» . '. 8, Chili), Unsr. InK rimm, U« «um to net th« right ""•• 111,71 llroml itnut, KIMI llnnk. tlln ||O«tOtTlt!(!, 'White *Uin, •« 60 AiirtrttM«t»t..i , Aitv«rtl*fm»nl. Tw« Rstnit fur R«n|, ton*—A(lvrrU*«m«n>, led HiTik,—Advertlument, Thi tlllllica Of our whiter1 fnlllln. |Th«»J'li«ta|r«»(iar T«im. ttt it fr»«lly rmlun-il prlfn. Mill • I^Blt tUntl«t„ , A. h, MorrtiMorrb, Mill In try l'ntor. room Mi rt , intrnmt an While »n«t torttftl, 1§, Htjsi81jB»rf " |'h«nt M lUtik l*«l.W."A.hif idr* M Page Eighteen RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER' 12,1923. DEATH ADDS ITS WOES. HIGHLANDS MAN DEAD. W. D. FIELDS, Auctioneer ft.,. ' " XMAS SALES. Another Calamity Befalls a Much William A. Conklin Died L»)l Week Afflicted Eatontown Family. in Hit 82d Year. Andrew J. Hill FOUR RED BANK CHURCHES Death is the latest of a long series William A. Conklin of Highlands _ Paper Hanging GARNERED $757. of misfortunes to assail the family died lust Wednesday morning. He PUBLIC SALE Painting and , Albert C. Noe of Eatontnwn and I was SI years old and leaves a wM- Horses, Cows, Farm Machinery Decorating Mrs. -.No.Noee iis vhcvirtim.^h^l^fowr »Mr^milrtin wa8 a retired po, Hnvlni dUtonlinutd farming, we vill sell at public e»le* without Ksn vc, on the Monday afternoon of pneumonia nt •liccman and had conducted the Der- Farm known aa the Chutes H. Kinp Knrni. Expori»nced In all branch*! AU of Them Were Well 1 .Iron- . LOCATED ON THE CEMENT ROAD LEADING FROM FREEHOLD TO MATAWAN, ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ Ar. ; ,)yhous e „„ MiU(:,. Btrqetfo r amim . Household Goods and Farm Machinery Estimate)! Furniihed i»d by Liberal Buyers. [ thuf Taylor of Eatontown. She . her of years. Ho was u member of QUARTER MILE NORTH OF MARLBORO, N. J. Amid elaborate Christmas decor-1 ON 14 WORTHLEY STREET w;is lhirt>. ycars B,(1 ,iml was a;the HigHlimis fir(! department find AT 12:00 O'ChOCK .SIIAIIT. TIIK I'OLl.UV,ING; Etions the women uf the Methodist I lifii_lo!iK resi(lent of, Eatontown. of the . Red Men's lodge. .The TUESDAY, HORSESDECEMBE, COWS, PIGSR, ETC 18th. , 1923 Red Bank, N. J. church had a bazar Frulay and bat- Tenm of Horses. Bray luiy. w.-k-li H,'J00 [uuni-ii'. > ainl . „],!: i ]k m,li(]on ]mmc ,vas Charlotte j funeral was held Saturday aftef Wednesday, December 20th, 1923 Phono 1418 Red Bank lalu v Horpo. 7 years fill, weigh 1.61)0 ptHnuls; cm,; roiyi 11, iw ;- y ; 1 urrlay at which food am! '- ! ,^mford ami she was a daughterh , noon at two o'clock with Rev. Harry imuiuls: tine sorrel IKTFP. 11 yeiira tilil, wv'uzh 1.4011 li"i;iiil .: "I;' i,iv 11,,.•-.•. II >,• ,.. ,,1,1, \s ,i |, 'J, articles were sold. Hie. "receipts ]of }[.irt|la y. and the late Charles I p. Grim in charge. Burial was made old. weigh 1,400 pounds; oru- team urny Hursus, 11 uml 1- % K Beginning at 12:00 Noon Jol;n pnunds. All these Hordes are Kmid wurki'i-a Mingle nr •were more than ?"i00. Hrs. i j[. ^anrOra. Three children survive 'jn Bay View cemetery. or place. Three Cows—oru1 roim white Cow, f> yours olil. I •j|. with calf l.y tin road lending from Cnlt'i Neck to Holmdel on the VanDorn place h. Hubbard-was chairman ol th(! Mrs. Noe, the ^eldest of. whom is j *. *•—• — ' mile, ixtra good milker; one liuenwey Cuw, (J yen™ "lit, i-cium Irefli in the Miri 1 ]lul.-tt'in Cow, 4 yi'jirH eld, lomiui; fiiish in Miuvh. ^'i.iiii. at Vandcrburg. EGAN'S committee. six years cjf age. Mrs. Noe AYas a j SICK THIRTY YEARS. C'hiclu'lu. 4 The ladies' aid sonety of the | llu.m|JC1. <^ the Sbns and Daughters ' . - ' MACHINERY. Tho following described property will be sold: Three broiul-trend I'nrm WnK'in^. il-ineli trcnil, tun lint-il-riii Baptist church, of which Miss Eliza-jof j^iiierty lodge of Kal'ontown and Mr>. Anna Lyman of Atlantic High- a Potatd Doilies. liO-bnrrcl anil two ls-lxirro! 'lioilU-n: Hit* Slie !1 barrels Green Mountain potatoes, barrel apples, wire safe, fruit Auto Vans and Express bcth Eray is chaiiinan, cleared over 'jle |lali ";, wide circle of friends. landa Died Lait Week. 1 J. I. Cine 14-inch bottom S-luira,j Rklirur Mows. Oliver,' closet, II iron pots, 2 wash tuba, wash board, boiler, lot stone pots, 2 Now that roiwlnl tlrnu Ii near 1 «m 1'isc Harrow. 80-tooth Wuoilen PrnK Harrow, Mr^krr H [ . Si* ireimreil to da your next muvlnu of furni- , $75 by a Christmas Kile I'rida'y ai'-jTiie funcn,i ,viii be held Friday a!'-! Mrs. Anna Lyman of Atlantic wood chopping bowln, 5-gal. kerosene can, 8 nRntc dish pans, cook Plow, 2 Aflpinwall Potato 1'lanUr.i, new miMlelii; I l'l.-iin illilir CiiliiOfti'M. :i stove, parlor stove, Red Gross heater, coal scuttle., 2 dish closets, wash ture, iilunoa or Imjitwie tu ill parti o( tcrnoon, The \Yi»rth While girls of :tcnluon ilt two o'clock at the I" ' ...Highlands'(lien d at the home cf hel'll'lnnd Jr. Wnlkiriu Cutlvstnrs, ITI« Johnson Duster. (iruin Urill. -l-row Rlty or country, In tha IsrKoit padded vftna the church will hold a Christmas I Methodist church and Rev. i daughter, Mrs. George | Furrowinff Sled. 2-horse four-row Hidiiu: Weciler, ]-h i.rmt Walkine Weciler litaiul, G rush bottom chairs, kitchen table, extension table, 2 oil stoves, In lied Bonk, Euforo you liavn your n«xt tmvn | :t Vi'eeiler RtUchmentB for Riding Cultivator*. tlrnss Seed iwer, McCormii'U Mower :i looking glasses, 'I tea kettles, 2 lamps, linoleum, bod lounge, 4 rock- movlnif ilono, wrlto, icnd or cnll for th« Bills tomorrow afternoon at Mr;;. • lhxrry VanCleaf will preach the | lls o£ t>,at place, last week. She hnd iive-foot cut; Osborne Kay Rake. I.nnd Roller, Stub Culler, hnr;.e Hoover Dinner, nly rcllnljU funiiturs mover! In town, «nd All trie above machinery is practically new, some UM'I nly one season. ing chairs, 2 small stands, 55 yards ingrain carpet, 6 yarda rng ccarpet t't my prii-ga on your mxl job. All kiniln Homer Methot's nn Hardingla ruing' road. I .sl;rm(in. Burial will he made at: |,WI1 ;„ pool. health thirty years, and bed room suite, lot dishes, brass kettle, enrpet sweeper, lanterns, f 10">y <>r Unlit (rucking dona ot ehort V- Hai-neif, Collar*, Blanket!, Barrels, Sninll Tools, Etc. notice. Gall or addreaa Mrs. Wallace RankiAad charge j,-,,;,. View cemetery. j for a long time had lived with her wash benches, barrel cider vinegar. Four acts of heavy double Hani et sinicle if Collarn. Pails, Hill- J.T. EOAN Charge of a sale waffle supper at the j_.lst wel,k j[r. ,\oc, who has heen J,laughteJauchtcrr. ShShee wawass sixtsixtyy yearyearss ololdd tern, etc. Pair Street Rlnnket! , lot Stuble Blmikcln HID IMllto llarreh, Then. Kuliar ~* - .... i •!. tl • i 1 "mke: lot Potato Sackn, 15 Chicken Coopa, Wheelbnrvcv, firlinlitone. .- »nrt Hiiifie Jaggcr wagon, 1 one-horse farm wagon, 2 buggies, onc-horso carry 11 WALL STREET, RED BANK Reformed church last Thursday, sici; for several months with con-an j ;s ...... kyoken and Sunned by another daURtl- Clippera. extra niailea; Wilson Jack, 20-foot Ladder, '.' llaK Trucks, let N all, sleigh, lot single harness, horse blankets, luwn mower, new; plow Residence Phono 292-R Friday and Saturday which netted' sumption, was taken to the tuber- tcr wn0 ijves at Ilot'hester, New Whiflletree*. Lot Antiliro green and potato liliuht mixtures I hill-iiick I'mn Planters, onc-horso cultivator, wagon jack, 2 buck aaws, garden tools, hoes, rakes Office Phone 539-R $160 to buy pews for the church. j let Forks, Shovels, lloeB, Crow Bars, Chaina, and olher lutu-lea tun nuiiieiiius to culosis hospitap l «t Allemvood. |I York. The boboddy was sent to Roch- mention. shovels, spades, lot firo wood, stove length; :! ladders, lot alfalfa hay, 10 WHARF AVENUE Mrs. Rankin's assistants were J.Irs. tk 600 BuiheU Yellow Corn, 9 Tons Nice Mixed Hay. lot blacksmith tooU and fixtures, vise, lot bolts, screws, atopies, lot oh ot the Nou' children were taken to est?r by Amzi "M| posten & Soll] E'merson Burnett, Miss Anderson, j the tuberculosis preventorium at where burial was made. TERMS:—All fluma under !2J.O0, eaMh; SUIIIB over f'i.'i.OO, a credit of nine months scrap iron, etc. Mrs. B'iia Osborn, Mrs. Oliver P. Farmingdale last. week. will be given on bankable note with approved security at your own bank. HAVE YOU Stryker, Miss Su?ie Crelin, Jliss •——••» Caterer on.the grounds. TERMS CASH. William C. Barkalow Dead. JOHN L. NAROZANICK, Auctioneer. , , Headache? Wrada Johnson, Mips Anna Murphy! DEATH OF OLD NURSE, C. B. BARKALOW and A. C. BURKE, Clerks. and Mrs. Harry Sniffen and her William C. Barkalow died Sunday MRS. C. E. VAN DORN, Vanderburg Do your Ey«i burn or Itch? Sunday-school class. i Mri. Mary Halscy of Belford Palled at the home of William L. Johnson CHARLES McCORMICK & SON. Do thajr feet tired or ilmlned? of Adelphia, with whom he had been The O. C. \V. C. society of the Aw.y Lmt Week. If is, Ilivj your «y0> '/, living since he moved several years WIMmMHMMIMMIIMMMM I your jlaRiei msy need i chan|«, V 'Presbyterian church took in 5150; Mrs. Mary Halsey, widow of Wil- ago from Colt's Neck, where he had at a Christmas sale last Thursday i Ham D. Halsey, died Friday morn- been engaged in farming. Mr. ing at her home at Belford fromxa STILES & CO. $ and Friday, The Light Bearers' so- Barkalow at one ciety cleared $22 at a booth at thecomplication of diseases after a time was a large \ Philadelphia Eye Specialist X sale. sickness of five weeks. She was 68 investor in RedBank -real estate. | 2nd National Bank Bldj, Room 28 $ years old and she was born in tbeThe funeral will be held this after- THE GRACE MOLLER SHOP I Every Wednesday Hours 1 to 5 p.m. £* house in which she- died. Her hus-noon at half-past one o'clock at Mr. Xmas Rug Sale! BULLY FOR GENETUNNEY! band died 25 years ago. Mrs. Hal- Johnson's. He Proves Himself a Better Man sey leaves a son, George Halsey. What will make a firmr Christmas present HELPFUL WORDS Thin Harry Grtb. A LARGE FUNERAL. Mrs. Halsey, was a nurse and her than a nice Axminster or Wilton Velvet Rug? From a Red Bank Citizen. Gene Tunney, the Red Bank pugi- neighborly and kind-hearted acts en- Many Pay Their Last Reipecti to Is your lmclc lamo and painful? list, on Monday night at Madison deared her to many folks. She was Samuel J. Bennett. Does it aclio especially aftes Square Garden at New York suc- a member of the New Monmouth The funeral of Samuel J. Ben- ' We have them in the veiy latest colors and exertion 1 cessfully defended his title to theBaptist church. The funeral was nett of Tinton Falls was held on Invites yo*i to the shop patterns from $45.00 to $55.00 in size 9x12, Is there a soreness in the kidney light heavyweight championship of held Sunday and it was in charge Sunday afternoon and a very large 14 region? These symptons suggest weak America by defeating Harry Greb ]u f Rev. A.U. Sutphen, who was as. number of persons paid their last!J of P'ittsburg. Tunney won on point?. sisted by Rev. C- M. Hogate. • Bur- Also five bales of "cheaper Axminster rugs kiilneyg. . i-espects to a man who had. lived A that every woman loves. If so thero h diinger in delay, Each man had previously beaten the ial was made in the old Covert cem among them upwards of seventy; A other and the fight Monday iiight from $24.50 to $35.00 in 9x12 size. » Wcnk kidneys get weaker fast. etery at Belford, of which place years. The funeral was held at the j A Give your trouble prompt atten- was to settle once and for all which Mrs. Halsey was caretaker. Mrs. house, which was crowded, and al- tion. •was the best man. The tight aroused Halsey was a member of the Daugh- A lot of Brussels and Velvet nigs from • Doan's Pills are for weak kidneys. much interest at Red Bank' and "nost a? many had to remain out-J^ ters of Liberty lodge of Belford and side. Rev. Dwight L. Parsons of A $15.00 to $19.50. Ask your neighbor! every radio station in town was well the lodge had charge of the service Your neighbors uso and recom- filled with men anxiously waiting to at the grave. The coffin was draped , mend them. learn how Gene made out. A num- with a flag. and he was assisted by Rev. Harry Open Evenings. Also a great scattering of small nigs which Read this Rod Bank testimony. ber of residents of this section at- VanCleaf of Eatontown. There make good useful Christmas presents. ' These Mrs. Emily Croyden, 28' Bridge tended the fight and cheered their DEATH OF YOUNG WIFE. were many floral tributes and duets avenue, says: "I am glad to say a favorite to victory. Among these were sung by Mrs. J. William Heim nigs are all absolutely perfect and will guaran- good word for Doan's Pills as I Mr >. Helen G. Farwell of We.t spectators were Augustus M. Min- and Eugene Magec. know the value of them. My back ton. William O'Brien, Harry H. Front Street Died Monday. tee a saving of 25% on every purchase. ached considerably. I became ner- Clayton, Dr. William D. Sayre, J. Mrs. Helen G. Farwell, wife of Former Holmdel Woman Hurt. vous and my kidneys didn't act right. I used Doan's Pills and Lester Eisner. William Meyers, George Farwell of West Front Mrs. W. P. Chase "of Livingston, they strengthened my back nnd Frank Long, John Travers, Harry street, died from peritonitis Monday 2 Linden Place, Red Bank ~formerly ~o f Holmdel, was in an au-! relieved all signs of kidney com- McCormick, Fred Salmon, Harry morning at the Long Branch hospi- tomobile accident a. few day3 ago R. WEST plaint." Boskcy and Abram Bennett. • Joz Ital ,, following an operation last and she was injured so badly that Phone 542 Price nOc, nt nil dealers. Don't Humphreys of Fair Haven was the j Thursday. She was.sovcntecn years she has since heen confined to the 129 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK, N. J. simply iislc for kidney remedy—get announcer at the fight. old and was a bride of less than house. Mr. Chase for several years Doan's Pills—the same that Mrs, a year. She was born at Vander- was pastor of theHolmdel Baptist SwKnwwniws^vvHMKnM^n^vnonK: Croyden had. Foster-Mitburn Co., CODFISH BITING WELL. burg, near Holmdel, and was thecTiurch. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. daughter of Archibald L. Wright of NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Scabrfght Fiiherrnen Receive Good Little Silver, Mr. Farwell is em- C»rd of Thanks. EBtfito nf Prnuk IVlnnza. insolvent delitur. ployed at P. A. Proal's boat works - We take this means of thanking Nuticti in hcreljy uiven that tho an-nunts Prices for Their Catches. uf thn HltlMenbi'r, ntiniKni-« ot the cstiitp of Codiifli nri' now being taken in on East Front street. The body was our many friends for their kindness ealil Innnlvrnt df-btor will lie indlti-d ami in our bereavement. We wish, es- slated liy the Uurrmntc nf thn County cf a.lci the Seabright | removed to Alberi W. Worden's fu pecially to thank the Lodge and Moliinoutli nnil roportcil fur HfttliMiu'iit ti» iitherme.'i are bviiijr well paid for j ncral home on East Front street and the Drplmni Court of nalil county, on those who sent flowers. Make if a Real Christmas Tliuraiiay, the tenth day of Jnnunry, A. I>. their time .-.nd trouble in going off prepared for burial. It was then Mrs. Emma Miller, 1024, nl whlrh timo applicatlnn will lie tlioi-e to- ,:od a':,i other winter ti?h. sent to the home of her Mrs. Jane A. Miller, nmile fnr tliR alloWRnce of tommUslona and cits, Mr. and Mrs. John Long of counsel frt's. Thvir i•::;H.-:i ^••U- r:ii»id!y at the Alice Miller, Cattd Novcmbir 2fl, A. Tt. 1029. );ea.:h, liier.' \<>.:, \\ jiL' of buyers Scoheyville. The funeral will be William Miller. ___^___ LEON IlKtlttSIM.E, JB. —Advertisement. GIVE AN awMii:'..-; i•-.!• ; kirT.i ur, the return held this afternoon and the burial ' ! NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT vi be 1 from ii;' li.hiii^ Kl'^unvls. L;t^t ^ " made in Fair View cemetery. , EiitnW iif I.enlle H. McClers and Herbert Card of Thanks. C. Mel'IecK, miitorfl. Sui;tlay .'icvi-r.i! l>nai- l'lMiirnt'd v.ilh Thanking those who loaned cars Notice is hereby liken t!int the aeeounls !ar;;e IMIO•.-:•.( tin; l;.-;n .-aid «l- DIED IN HER 91ST YEAR. of tho atlbncrlber, nunnllan "f the estate of and sent floral pieces and joined in Rni'l mlntirj. will ha mitlttci! and ntated tir Jroin 05 cent.-, to Si apiece, ae- our bereavement the Surrogate ot tin- County of Monmouth Navcsink Lost Mrs. Meribah Curtif OLDSMOBILE nnd reporteil for settlement 1o the Orphan* da'ding to ?ize to people on sliore Mr. and Mrs, Gadomovits and After a Short Sickneai. Court of Baid County, on Thursday, the w!\o !;;u! In-. -n wailing hours'for the Family, seventeenth (In1/ of Jniuniry. A. D. 19'Jl, hoiits tii come in. One fi.-herman Mrs. Meribah Curtis, widow of —Advertisement. nt wlueli time implication will lie mails for Jolm the allowance of eumniiHHionii nnil counsel told a Ile,','i.-tiT reporter that he had , <-'nrtis, died Sunday night, De- fees. IN MEMORIAM. Dttsi December ft. A. D. 102S. Ufctl three liu.-he'.s of bait and had comber 2(1, in her '.Ust year. She In Iovintr memory of our daughter, Evp- KDITII n. KISHER. taken ly :; 1 rr ;iiii! a bu.h el of had been feeble for some time, but tftia Covert, who dcpartetl this earth De- cember 12th, 1917. blackfsb in sen in mr.i of iHh- her condition did not seem serious Monmouth County ^urrn^atc's Office, •rit.l \\> will ileek her Hravp with flower*, In tlin nwtter of lhe Estato ur €. I.clt<>»» . i"K. Th; s h ;L tma !1 1 i.ul fr.r Mich until four days previous to the end, Tho fiiireflt ever ;»efii. a SIX at Antunliles, drccitii'il. Notice to ernllttirs to elatnn a la iff f Ci WAV. ! :t v of ha: t, I low rvrr, Mrs. Curtis wa.-- a native of New And" with ciur teBrs as showers We will keep thrni frr^h atlll BrPBH. ayalnnt etitntc. his i'a t'c- '!•'.! ); 'ii iivcr S'l;'. for York and her maiden name was Pursuant to tin- nr'lor nf Jn/pnh I,. Dona, Jill. AN1> MltS. CHARI.KS COVKBT haf, nurrowalo of thu rmmty uf Munmoutli, his i:Kin T:;i A'. 1"k. Pi-act ically \ani*yke. Sbe h;nl lived more than AND FAMILY. mnila on tli« Ilint'tenith iltiy of Oftoh*f, cvorv hit :.! it in flc inand nt fifty venrs at Xave.'-ink. Her bus- lll^S, on the niuilicHtUin (if Lrroy C. Ao- •h CHRISTIAN SCIENCF. SOCIETY, : . ,,r . r. tunl'lo, ailrolniitrntor n( the <»>•!« ol 0, this't mr I'VI ll tl !(' much ktiui <• inil'lio is cirdiatly i-nilerl io visit jerllKT. (In- Ileaniim KIM'III anil to the Services. Dattil Freelmid, N. J., Oetnhir 10, 1B2J, ris's nt Shre.wnbury. | fit All Saints' church nt Locust Point __ IJKKDV O. ANTOMIHW. About i>j."i \,,x. c'. nnd n! a ilancfi ""'I l"trial w:.« made in the church WALL PAPER Moitmoiit). Count/ Surrogala'v Office, Fatiivliiy '.);'• t i;iv••!! ut Mrs. Walter cemetery. In thn iniilldr nf the citnte of Jonathan Amury llaikril, ilcrrmnl. Ii. .Mfinir)'-" ( u yyi'.-itviovf aveniu* .'it A Complete T.ino In AY all PiiporinR, Notici! Ift crrdUurn to ntpleti.t elalnll iSlircw.-'iiiiy. Tin; profits will In- SHREWSBURY MAN DEAD. Tainting & l)c!eorutin>; BRHinst Pdtnte. iisid fur ( : ii tmas celt'l'iations in rurmniiit t" tlio (irilcr ot Jo^l'l. IJ. Don- ; John P. Robion n Victim of Com- Ettimatck Cheerfully Given aliav. lurrciiati! nf Ihn cr.unty uf Mon- thu Shri'Wihury 'tuwiishilj, fcjiool?.; month, ii""'" mi the rk'hth dny of Ortohiir, Musi.: fdr >hi".cir.|; was fufntsliotl by, H. ADLER l'.r.!fl, mi tlie n|>|di''i xnld CHU1<', nii'li-r ontli. wllliln r>lx . horn in Keoth.Mh and lin Avoid Sickness i.rdcr, nr they will l>« fnr»«er liatrrd n( lln'lr arlldiu llii'irfur mialn"t the allil rniki'r, Mi'is Ji>-- -i• • tj. John! on, Mint came to !Us ("untry twenty years TAKE mil^i-illini.. Kllu Ciihv, William 1'niker, Then- ni"i. He had liv.-d at Shrewsbury Datud I'reelmM. N. J., (Vt.ilur «, 19!J, live year*." He wi.s n rat, nimi'-c an'.l MAIKiAUKT IllKBIl HAHKK1.U ilnro NVmli-r wnl I'rinik Lnwrs. Jr., RMNDRETH JOHN .1. IIIKKIt, nf SI-rt «•: Inny; Mi.--, Siinfiird (if l-'i»; rx'.rrminattir, He liavt»- a M ^>i>2 PILLS HAMIIK1, II1KKII. JR. New \urli, Miis HoMilli"ii I'Virvi'st ft ni'l'jH- ii»i! |hv chililrr-ii. Tin. fu. Mnnraoutli Connlr* »iuro»ele'a South (Irani10, Mi < Ci'it" Karr of ii( ml tvi',1 In' hclil tftmnrnnv mornim; QoftQQ .tWTrm Wins by Companion In the m«l»« .,f tin »il«t» of Hualck wUl c*e«in" '-•""•'" •• UoalcV Montl- Montcliiir, Mi.-n Iturhiii'i. Wilsim nf lit p)pv-f>; n'rlork with Rev. r.irroli th« hlmHl.trxl imp you wtll. (rulureil), ilrreaieil, Mtllii t-'ilvci-, MKJ Mi.i-y Nivium nnd M, li'irH:, pa>|1)r i.f rlmn-h Nnllrn t" eredlliire l» pretent elalml aunhut eatnlc. . Punlii.tri Iii.fhliniif' of Kiiluntiiwii nf Shn-wsliury, jn fliHrge, llurinl For Corutipntion rurauant In the nril»r of J(H»(ih Ii. D «nd ili:t« Viruiiiia .Sniiill, Mh< ''•ill (.»• nuiilp in KviTgrppn cimo- Indigestion, Biliousness; •«. aliar, emroial. ..t III. Oiii;t)> ill miiMtli, mad. nn the nln«t««nth Jar ft I.ouliw I'licc, Mi t MnCRiiret Kuttm.. Ur; nt l. Si ver. Liilimty ViftabU. lolier, 1H2"1, on tlie niibllratl'm "if (:harl.i Miss Htilh Vi.tiUurri, Kilwunl linn- II. Iliililnann, ndmlnlMmtor (if Ilia »«l«t. of OLDSMOBILE'SIX II«MI«II Moniamin, alan knumn ai llrulri ilnlpli, .Inhii II, «•*».!..(•. Jr., Kdwnnl VICTIM OF MENINGITIS. Miinllrua iciih'iii'll, d.f.aaeil, r.(.tlf« Ii htrel'» "I"" i» the «r»(1ltni« of iald *». Dr Burt S YOUR STATIONERY tn ••hllilt !'• th" •ulitrillxr, admin* - «" ' L.C,'L0... Hi, Son, lilmlor •• afure.ald, tlietr delit* ai.4 A** Kuhl Jlnnk. Holurl Licy, nianija ivalnit the >alil olate, umler oath, In all motordom-there is no within •>« munth. fritm Hie dale nf tha Rulicrt L»ry, figinl thlrtvrn yrnrn, Should Hnve a Penonal •.formate rriler, or their will tie fortver Brldft T*nJ«r Hurl by Auto, don of Ur, Burrctt. K. of l!|o«- f) Touch herrtd til aetiona th.refor BiiaiMRt Ut p Willinm Rodney, tender of «om Covo HUMI in Mlddli'tawn town- i tail. rlcuhrlght drnwMdiri' lw«nty «hi|i, ni-nr lifil |ii,,,k, died Sundny For • limllej periiiil 1 will tupplf car like this new GENERAL y w«« hit hy «n uutomohll" night tit mcnlnkitii. }U vn iifk MtUMauIn Ceuntr lurtetalt't OAe*. Hundsy IIIKIII while hn wn« npntilnit lilioul, two weeki, 11« leuvin hit in till matt" of (tie taUil. if Trtvant JI. 100 ShceU—Belfmt Linen H 44 th* |fft(fn cm (he bridge ll* wnip»mnl», three brothim itnil n oiitrr, lu.lte t* •i.illiiiri t« pmtnl ilalnn fh fun«r*l w»i hfld Mond*y «ft*r- 100 Envelopes " " lttttit titatfl, Jwtlly bruiieil »nd w«i tnkoti to tho , MOTORS product. Jarittnl U» iht mitii of JatniH U Dim- itonir Ht-«ncli l)"«|iilnl (or trrntmrnt. nwm *t the houw «n4 Jlov. Hob*rt h tmnu »f tof MiMr. * /«£ hti mm iskrn to M»fK«ll»f prenehed ihi> funernl. SPECIAL $2.00 , maill nnnn ihe eiev.ntn for vf "•- lt h k hl hom« «t htt, 1»«1».« »lt th- tliflnelliittliflnelliitii (iff Mah Mah..I l'»rk, R«m«nr. Six h!.y» of th* junior high nehuul, T«»U^R« 1750, Ro.JsHf $780, Sporl Tourlni $888. Cab t»58, Coup. |t031, S««*n IIMI f Hfo»»r 1IM CHff*r1 )(. tie»ti » admid inn . «i which Mhftol Jkhirt w«« A pupil, Printed with «ny n»tn« and nddr«M Th* G, M. A/C, Niindtd pomitnl plin mikfi burlnf •••jr. All prim f. a, h. Un%\*i, Mlrtinli i M till MUlUal •( t II. M OfrHttil, iwtln l» k .. I'lr» Comptnjr EUtllon, 1 b""»l* »Mfl»l win mntio nt the tupp of th* xhcet and on the 3p>r« Tlr* tnd Tin Entra . trMltan •( laid d>rfita,l t*lh. Hi' " New nffloem d^olfd by th«* A*. l flol p of ttlp •ImlnltlraiAr* •< \:\>ty Turk hnnk and ]m\in torn m »»Kl »«l»l». .h

WORK WANTED , REWARD FOR RETURN. BEAUTIFUL COLLIE DOC LOST. DEAD ANIMALS. FOR SALE. • COW FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. iy woman by day or week. Call or 'rrlta Sable and white collie dug lost, named Color tableland white, named /.ip. Re- It. Connor*, remover of FORD TRUCK FO1THIRE Bank. > I da cheap. Phone !8«-W, Red IJank, for pair shop, lout of Kivcrmile avenue, Ued IU.] Hunk, phnne_o60-J. nil reliiiishiiiK of all kinds Eight lots, 2SX10I), one plot 100x200. •il, moatly twelve ilank. Phone 12h-W. Can he buuuht for $800 for quiclck salem . with ilrlvtr. C»ll phone 1111. R*\ B»nk, rtnonitratlon. ' v "~ UOARDING7HOUSE iOlTV,S06. -< lurmt,,,,.. Frujik Howardd, 121 1W West C«n be bounht for 1800 fnr «" »t "" l", ami Si" »' r"h'i s- with addlilo HOUSE FOR RENT. WORK WANTED. "~ FORD SEDAN, 1922, FOIt SALE, " EiKlil-ruum house with all improvements Front Mr,,.. Red Il'ank, phone, .hop 3...J; I Cnleli L. J.ukpr. ilelford. H. J. Phone ! t.,./lh""-:« aMuch'-'i- lile^low b*ouk • H. FITZAU, At River I'laxe; nix ronms, electric light. Splenuul conuilion; corded lir.M, heater, forW.iOO. Sultabk;_for . l ..,,.,,,« h.u.e. rj.hleno. , ,:;.M, ,„.,, . _ -_!l:ii. K™-«™_«- _ -, ' d,lr«, Hlun W hV.rm, Fn remover (if diiil animals, Ited Bank. Tele T.ukt Gordiychlk, Weil Front strut. River Boy, lixteen, uealrca ;work of uny kind, ; : Itnnk 1illVr A r ill 12 Bank atrett. Red Hank. Phone Alennte HjBtern, sacrifice, »39,i IIIBIJ. Ap- I'. !•'. Kennedy, Monmouth »trcel, Ked PIANOS AND PLAYERS. vhone U6-W. - Hanspi*-,.. ply au lliuwn place, ittd Ihitik. TYPEWRITER BARGAIN. We Bell, buy, exchange, rent, tune, re-, VS-M^Jled Bank. .... i t Hank. ' _ VIOLIN AND CASE FOR SALE. ROOM FOR RENT. CORN FOR SALE. FOWTSALE." ~ pair, electrically clean, varnish anil polish FARM AT A SACRIFICE. TYPEWRITER FOR SALE. itioii J,;;:,,'Hj; ,,|.,, l.|(1M.ncG three-li pijinos nf all mak'rB. A. B. Dirhan's Piano -r fur, ,,uitf my farm,, iHuMled In _nn,l condition. Apply 60 Hardlni Furniihed; large front room; all Improve- Will dellvjjr. Phsnc Uolrndel 70-F-4 or Oak writing (leak and bookcusc tonibiocd. Lnderwood Nt,. -I, in line condition; price iiil | ^tnv<>ft/,-...... -'.I],00fin.Uf)., CliarlcCharless DriverDreaser, ,1U mail. Ilurl Bank. " ? o Showroom and Repair Shop, Drummond If^ frimi n!it|>pM!H i ments. " "Afcitfy « IMHtIU ~ " ,'IK/He, 1|; liar 'Mtehcn caljtn«tT»''»ki I lielwei-n Ea' .nimui niul Luni; llr'aneh; nne | DRESS SUIT CASE LOST | bond ami mortenc nl ii',_ per cut. I Cnrnwell, ltltthlnnda, N. J. urateil. In(|u{re Trubln's, 6U llroad atreet, OxloO feet; garage. I1. F, Kennedy, Mon- buth; ull improvements. Inquire uf J. .1. CnmirU's. ] UIOIIM, N. J. I'll.m . 27n-l'-i;t. j an,! thr,-.-'i:,;, .us: j between Keypnrt and Holmd>-1; contained , in off inorlvii',:(H. debts, buy stock,/ Beil Hank. • mouth street. Heil, Hank. . Midilleto 1*4.(1110. Al:.o • lot. r.hurles rirc.-ser. | l«» Pairs of panl». ve.t, suit ,,f WIK.1 imiirnvrm.-ni., ric. If y,uir fnrrn I*;;, Monaky, 10 East I'lunt street. I'.i-'l IJank. ninniith ,-itmty ;uid you want u IoaH --^ CITIZENS BUILDING AND LOAN LOCUST TREES GIVEN AWAY. I 113 We 1 1 li...n. idiono f,-l:i Hcd > derclothes. two li^ht shirM with cut! !i:il:,!m M,.,nr ( haa money tu loan buyers of homes. Apply TuTCHEiT ' BICYCLE" FOR SALE; ~" I Hank. in and two white collar' nn-l ni-ktie. Kin.!- ' .,ci' Hi,'„. . I tini Hio i,.or."(ury f«ir Monmoutri rM-' First class,..wishes position; capable o Glrl'i 28-inch Ivcr Johnson bicycle In Half of double house; ,ix mom, and «»« »b"ul -•• lueu:,f tree, which 1 will i_L._L ,,l for i-iri-iilnr. Henrv C. Wode, .-Jf ; •t the Beeoml Nntlonul I,Hill.. u 1 1 ; managing market. V. A. Dsrragh, Liltl* Brood condition and Knod .ires.- Apply ut bath: modern Improvements; nl-.., nurune. ', R>"' '» "y""' »"" ".I. , Kini»;- same. , CAICi: SALE. N. .1.'' i Farniii.'luviul...'Nr . -I I'hor... Ull-W. i'S« 70 Peters place, Red Hunk.. HOUSE FOR $5,200. Silver. N. J. Apply at 130 ilrunc-h avenue, W, K. llruy. | <•'•',"«« »• White. Little, iilver. *V J. I'honc | Thc ladi-,' > „, nf ihc ln,Iepe,,,|e,,t All Improvements. P. ]•'. Kennedy, Mon- MODERN HOU5E" WANTED. REAL ESTATE FOR HALE. FORD TRUCK FOR SALE. FOR SALE. HAY—HAY—HAYUiV uiv- U1V. :',ii. Red llunk. i ent,'in,' c,,n,!,;utv V.I:I Imhl li i:al;i- salr Snt- monmouth atreet, Iteil flank. Well loealed: t,-.,iMrS four mn.ter. bed. • t-i.|.. avrmli', :: •:-»! Stake, body, in (food condition, 1021: a! Hall rack, aidebunril, two three-quarter A lurge stuck of line (juulity hay always FURN1SHED ROOM FOR RENT: I unlay moi-mir:, li i:,l,.-r, in theri,in»jii,lt>i, bath i : to ro.t not ^ iivn-;„,,,, o Ford coupe, Edward Acker, New B" fh|..: n, pninted iu..I ilv FOR SALESAL, , hair muttreshea. Call Ueil Dunk 702. on hund. 1'ricert lower tnim previtil on the With all inipriivpmciils: near italion nnd. Wanner mi'iit oa llruad street. Red I; Inl Mix Hill; priei- SV2IKI. S500 cathv; : mouth, N. J. Elizabeth S. Reynolds, executrix. farm. .1. N. liiince, feed dealer, Red Ifanl^ a year Tronr April L-t hefnre liuvini-. I'". 't-:,'u., Twfr tine ns, eitheither dressed or alive. II bus, lines ;ejb*-'Uveen Hecto0 rSh placr e and ( BuriL " ier I'.-ii^|....'l iiv.-nue atl.l Kast Front r CHRfSTMAS TREES. A. Morrhnuse, a.'i Vallai-c tlrtol, Itrd Ha£vey_K. Cnwln. Hazlet,_N. J. FORD DELIVERY^FOlCs AEET CORD WOOD FOR SALE: .loiunoul, Iteh d streetllnnk. . Apply_ So Shrewsbury 5Ay ,TW ,,TH ri.OWERS i.ti I, t.ii r....m; wilt, .-..ry improvement, A l'J17 moileL In Rood conation. Appl »hen " M i.fry Uii WELLS DUG AND CLEANED. For fireplace or in stove lengths. De- Two carloads of good bal»am ("hriMtma« listmns" l.itlii aii-l v.v.. in;.].!!' .(iinrters; open John . Hrown, Crawford's Corner, lWered anywhere. J. I), Carton, Everett, tree^ for uule; wholebale only, llacigulupi CAR BODY WANTED." | t,,» r fii 1. Al r-t ! resh and WINDOW CLEANING. I Iii iiiei.. Karuiti-: Iniinl be s.-.-H tr. be HP- Cellars mill ciHtemn at u ruuHuliable rate. Hnlmdel. N. J. Ford runabout nr tourintr car body want- : ut Flor nlli I Flower C._H. Holtnp»._I.,cminrclo. N. .1. N._J. Phone Mi.lilletnwn T»6-r'-41. llm: , Wharf avenue, Itcii Hani.. 1'liunu We make n. r-pei-iulty nf cli'aninp win-'pr iate.l; JI-J.r,liD, li'rms. liiiuhlo hoUtet - LAKE & SMOCK, til. _J> il; must In- in BOOII condition. Ilnlph W..|.hnp. h WuU, .. Id.•.,1 Han k. phone dows uf -.tores, oflic-s Hnd private ri--i- j tn Waliii.-.. ^tr.'.t, h:ilf l.l.u-ii. from Broaii PEDIGREED GUERNSEY'BULLT Mdrford,, Nrv.' Monmuutb, N, J. I'honc Kins, LIBRARY TABLE FOR SALE. carpenterx and jobbers: repair work of PullKrced Guernsey bull for service. Ap- '" MUSCOVY DUCKS FOR SALE." deneos : jrenerfll nHire plt'.inin!:. Ratr-i. ' ^t .t. eviry iniin D^'i.lil.Tit ; hii^en room*- Golden oak library tuhlt: for Hole, In- lands at reasonable prices. Po.tofflce ad ply to Superintendent Shore Acres, Little DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL? reHsnnnhle. yatisfacti'm KUarantetd. 4:S:ni n .tide; i'. ill ivnt f .ir -l-fl a month} In Twelve yuuuit Muscovy duek-i; price Washin^trin street, Red Hank, phone 'pi oulre 15 Wallace slreet. lied Hank. Ited Rank. Silver. N. J. I'hone, Hod Dank 155. $1.00 each. Mrs. Leonard Illartliena, Scc- NEW FORD COUPE FOR SALE. can s fect condition: lot :.I)K!F,O. Farm fof und Btrcet, IlumBon, N. J., phone Uurnsun Only u«ed four tnuutha: ovnrillfcd I'r™. I you "cithrr Wliy' » iil r;.t«tc yuu're ;__!„_f,M-M.: nl,.. thre from Rod U.mkU ; fnur-roqni A NEW HOUSE FOR $6,400. BORO AUTO STORAGE, ; Young woman would like to do.lauhdr: U'i.• imper. lock wheel and ulbcr «::t,nisi easy [ thinklni: ubout. .. first. "White I T5d "YOU" WANT "RESULTS"? " j lu.u .... barn l.] .•h hull'-•; ten aer«f Silt rooms and ull improvements. P. F. Mechanic street and Globe Court. Will r lianl nnd ngpatH* Kjmnedy^Wonimiuth street, Ited Hank. work at home. Call or writ. 82 Linde: store your car hy the Jiour. day, week, ernu. Call Red Hank .6G0-M, between . H^jthen Whili' ' , il.'l Hank, opposite I Of course you dn. Vie want lh»m Ino. i "I >. o'»l Km, place, [leil Ilsnk. :00 nnd 7:00 I'. M._ I postollic,'. Let's i:et toirether on that omprrty mat- l-'1!q l,,',l : ,i,,h. T. -V. moiyth qr year. Day and night service. Cmlillnc '13 touring in perfect' order; il; ri LIVE : ~ fDEAL PIPELESS FURNACES" I BANTAMS FOR SALE. re list™ properly fnr tale or !_' "'"' "• ioiith utreet. and ""' STORE/ "FURNITURE FOR SALE." looil rulibcr; J135 if taken before Xatur- |.|,.i cattle, uilves, hoiru mid poultry wanted. lay. 1'urroy. l'jy llruad street, Katuntown, • "- ' ,plete;SnU up, deri.-ndlllB on j A few (Jiibb.n Sp:ilui|!hl. h.'in'am May we list yours? Whi depol. Hod Illinlt. Front half of htora to rent: $18 Oak dining room table, buffet and aerv- iIH'osite lio-tolfice. Wiiilc-.-tr-T l', I 1 - \V. ' N. Rudu, iihiini! lied Hunk. month. Inquire of A. T. Doremua.. Rei lng, table. Clucland, Lake avenue, Fair N. J.«. si.e. Burn uny kind of fuel. Immediate ,,,r ,,_,„, inei,,,lmx » >,;„„„,. ,lt ,,„, llcl, rnther, omiojite l,o,toir,c DAY'S WORK WANTED. delivery. lieorKC Leslie, 2i thctlnU I Hiink show. All lirsl .In-!. Inrdu- $.1 tl) I I'"l_Bnnk. MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT Reliable while ivnmiin wnulil like day') Unnk. or a«.ntH. ^ i Haven, N. J.. phone Red HankJHH-M. FLOWERING PLANTS F6RD"FOR~SALE. Bnd all kindi uf berry unit fuliak'e plants at -'•—'.. Nutley, N. .1. _ _ "_: Slo ,.a,-h. Halliard Tnylor, :is Soul U street, j FOR SALE" AT BELFORD. I different not romil Slim: U pithep work. Call 2011 lleeeh street, H«l_Ilanl<._ CHICKEN FARMS FOR SALE. NICE AIRY ROOM TO RENT. Hed'Dank. i Six mom home $'J.0(1(1: six room hi iit.-n rk-ht up; oi ii soon worn, fudeil ' Kurd roadster for, sale; runa perfect I have chicken fnrmB, with acres one moderate prices nl Horalhursl Flower BOARDER "WANTED iken fnrmB, with acres one Convrninit tr, btiMUP^ rcnti-r; all im excellent rubber. Addresa John Darragl andd halhlf f to ninei ; pricei s $3,00$3000 tto Shun, 8 Wullnce street, Ited Bunk, or phone V.'ILLIAM V. DIETRICH; chicken fnrni, with eleven room hoirie. , frl.*TI*1 a iliui-n chnire dahlia tuber:!. In art in a private family; Imne iili'asnnt room. rovnnontti; roa^cmjiblo. dentlfnirn only. ih d ii Inquire at H8 Peters iilnrf, Heil Ilank. Little_Silver, N. J.x __ __ _ 17.500. ClbCaleb.JU ~Luker , Belfurd", N. J ?7,."if)0. Lot'.* on t'nsy 'pa.vments. Cute!) , ruanrtnn'r.t of i:ii-p jind lieautiful colurinGi, COW BEETS AND YELLOW TURNIP: LEM SUTPHEN, ~ COTTAGE FOR RENT. ~ ~ GARAGES" L. Luker, Iielford, N. J., phone 75-r-.11, ] that will brine; you i:niti:fiil!y to mind as for sale ot 11.01) per barrel. Waller II Seven rooms, water, gaB aful hent, with Any kind or price can bo built by Kd- Kcnnihuri;. „ _ ' ^""^ blnssom year foll-iwintt year. Ono paper hnnRliig- ami ileeoratiliK. 22 Wneh- WallinK, Atlantic Highlands, R. D., phon mondH &. Sickels, the carpenters anti build tUPHOLSTERINi G '.". •'"" . j mice. . 4_ Leiifhton avenue, .Hed Ilank, or without garage; good location. K. H. Upholsterini; niul refinishim: of nil kinds iilmnc li,S^-\V, "FOR""SALE~A"L6NO STATE ROAD, "jdojen. in Iwnutirul holidny j:i[l, I.™, poat- Wilbur.J'air Haven. N. J., Pearl street. crs. SI McLurell street, lied llunk, l'hun. A forty-foilr-acre farm, twelve acrra of . Jaid_ In nny • ii'ldres ,, 5,1.7:. ; half doien. _ X HOUSE FOR $4,500. ' 721-tt. nf furniture. h'rank Howard, 121 WeH " ~ Q |"C U 2 R Six'mania nntl nil improvements. P. F. FOR RENT. BORO AUTO STORAGE, 1-Vlint ulrecl. Red Ilank. phnne, shop 3n'J-J; having yo,,r% ^XJ. L» and win- »np.os. sixteen V.Vl«l«V »» tree, \ ».--0 -Mr ^ W» 0 Cot.rHl. Dah!,. Kennedy, Mnninnutti street, lied Hank. Part of seven-room house, to Quiet pal Mechanic «lrect and Globe Court; Will _ LOST. lidpnee 4f,:i-M, Hed Hank. dons mail- hy Thomas GlisV.ev, 35 Hridcp. ! *'•>*" vinpyardi.. e levpn room. hoUFP. ham Pj!ili «_^« "!.'-"mt .'.'l"»___'' ,"• J--, ,,. ty. (iiiod locntion. Address Quiet Part' store ynur car hy the hour, day, week, On SnturJay, platinum bar pin set with 1 FOR SALE. drawer M, lied Miink. FOR SALE. '" avenu... P. a Hii:< 111. Telephone 481-J, 1 »'" "»»."',, ^'"'KlanTV, "c" t I ike ' REAL ESTATE, month or year. Day and night Rcrvice. onyx and one pearl in center, hinder leave n Kc L l TKiffofloKany« metal bed. Itunsnnnble. Call at Davidson's store, Ked Bank, anil receive Auto kniltini,' maehine, new: small roffrp lied Hank. Work delivered and set up ' „ ,, ",''V. ,?'• ""»""™- : " '•"""• Half double hnnse. nil imprnvementi, }#« DRIVING LESSONS. FLAT FOR RENT. jrriniier for pmall Krneery, nnd n pair of mornlnKH. 30[> ltrouuVKtrcet, Heil Bnnk. Young: man will teach driving with c reward. when warue,l. Mplfni-il. ^. ,J. . Iween Mnple avenue and Hrnad street, fin« Four rooms with .improvements; $.0 a kilt and ebony frames, _S\HI1 inches;. 3K " MONEY TO LOANLOAN . " LADIES,, ATTENTIONATTENTION! ] locutionlocution, Sir,, p^r,:>r monthmonth. 1'our-nmrFolir-ronmr upirt* J. C. ESCHELBACH 4 SON, or usee owneerr a cnr. . AddresAds John Dar- month. Mrs. L. CunnlnKhnm. Lafayette PHONOGRAPH FOK SALE. F.lite Beauty Shop. Manicuring, sham- ment, all imprnvement^, half heat fur« 125 Went Front street, lied llnnk, phono Enst Trout street, Hed Bunk. On bond mid in,ntj;afTo on real estate raith. Little Silver, N. J. strej^Jlurnson. ^^J^^^ Victor phunonrnpli, almost new, with a Red JSsrik u- '.iiiu.Ly in sums of S,r>(HI to Pooine. scalp treatments with t't without nisheil, Kraid location, $30 per month. Six 1271*. Auto nrecimorlesnnil vulennizhiK. lot uf the Intent records: price »!>0. Kah POOL TABLES FOR SALE. violet ray; bobbing, curlinK. dyeinc anil o,, house, nil improvement!, r th» SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT!" FOR RENT". " "~ Four vm Subway tables Jor sal« nnd 850,000.50,000. AnplApply JohJiihn A. LovelyLuvely, eciiwison.rn - r m ncn CORNAND HAY" FOR SALE." Men's only: must he In good condition. lert Brothers, Keyporl,, '14. J., phone 1S7-J blcachintr hair. Open .cvuninica by np- ,jv<.r.. SB,, pep r monthmnth. Six roorom househouse,, all Four-room apartment, all improvements; nlso aixty new moving picturf chairs with nt-law. Sow h Ainboy, N. J., phone faouth pointment. 33 Waverly place, Red Bank, Hay nnd '200 IiUiiliels of corn on the car Call nt I, Kerber's, 168 Monmouth street, also Htore on Muin road. Apply Finkel- modern improvements, linn location. 180 for »alc. Theiuloro Stilwell, Everett, N. J. lied Hank, phone 872-J. iron Btnnd; also a lot of furniture. l'OH Amboy 131-M. per monthth . Six-ronSi m househ , niill i im- itein, 12 West Front-street. Ited Bank. ROW BOATS FOR SALE. Shrewsbury nvenne, Rr-d Bank. LOST/""""" PART OF HOUSE FOR RENT. CARPENTER XNb~~JO¥BER; Three low boats for sale, price $fjO-00 FOUND— | lirovements, near slfttiun. Kood location, Part of house on Tnwer Hill avenue for DOG LOST. SAVE YOUR OLD CARPETS. Child's beaver st-avf lost on MonmcuLn a fine plure to atnrc ynur cnr for any | immediate possession: ?6o per month* All kinds of repoir work a specialty. Beautiful sable nnd white collie, answers to the first buyer. Apply (ieoi'!,''' Keur jllk (if the First Methodist ren_t_I_nmiirc nt 114 Irvinir place, Red Ilank. Reasonable prices. A. 0. Golf, box 84, bridge tender, WnshniKlon street. Uum Beautiful rcvi-rsible ruirs rrtiule fr tri'i't, nn shl period of time; open tini y and nisht; just j ^even room house, all improvement*, cen- to the name of Zip. Reward for return. carpets and chenille portieres. Write for I chureh. A rewarndl will hhee idveriven if returneret . 1. fl ,il0_k fmm j,'.^,,' eUmU p]TOlv of rnnrn ' trally lncat.e.1 nt Little Silver. $C0 XHt Red Bank. Phone 326-M. mm. N. J. • _ v m WIRE WHEEL SERVICE. Frank McMuhon, Vjsta plnee, Red Hank. circulars. American HUB Manufactory, 2'J6 j '« "" '"" "'" " '" ie, or.13 Wwest 1- ront . fo_ clth(r in

••-<••• jut the effort fH»il. ^^ var;ety an(j unsurpassable GIFT SUGGESTIONS • *, . •Boys* Overcoats ...$8.00 .s gef theii jobs beaut>' at the Art Kraft sh<)PP°- • Sizes 5 to 17 Gorgeous Baskets of Blooming Plant»-r-Cyclamen, ^ <.lcs. Evbry judge of Look where you will, you cannot do Poinsettias, Begonias and many others. .. , sense wi'. admit this. , Ji .snips are the great prizes of better1 than at this store, All the ! Bpyi" Mackinaws and Sheep Lined Combinations of Blooming and Ornamental Plants pi !itks. If you dont thins so, look new ideas incarda and calenders, in and see how many county Coats $7,00 in Baskets. ju^es of Munmou ji county who are many colors. Gift Boxes and Baskets of Cut Flowers—Rosei, Democrats nave been appointed by Mem's and Eoys' Brushed Wool and Republican governors. Lock back Carnations and Seasonable Flowers. and see how man<> county judges Stf?»Over Sweaters $3.50 who are Uepublii'T have been ap- THE ART KRAFT SHOPP.E Corsage Bouquets of Roses, Sweet Peas, etc. pointed by Democratic governors. Ornamental Plants and Winter Berried Plants. Yru will not find a single one in Broad Street, Opp. Monrnouth OPEN EVENINGS either case. If judges are not ap- Unusual Wreaths and Holiday Decorations. pointed because 'of their politics, Red Bank, N. J. how comes it that all these county judge's are always of the sami party as the governor? • • « CHRISTMAS TREES and GREENS When a man akes eff his political hat :.. J puts on the judge's gown he We have a nice assortment of Wreaths, of Holly, Pine, Laurel, Moss, Box and Mag- is .u t Ut same man that he was nolia Leaves. Laurel and Pine R oping, Mistletoe and Loose Holly. be.' :e. He has t' • g me, ex- cq;-. in mr- •' cases thesi biases EARLY ORDERING WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. be .." moro d : !y roo'.cd. If he h.'.u Leen a b >• r as well ~s a poli- tic! r., r.e still has the bias in favor of h' : '• '.ig interests which he had o( ere ho became a judg The a.TT: h Iru of every bir.s .1! abng W. W^ Kennedy & Sons tb< lir.e. • * * "'TT" »\ *!"> Licset. stores you will perhaps find more practical gifts at popular "4 fl pnc.ia, convenir • for your selection, than in most any other shop. Hera 41 Broad Street, Red Bank A judge is "lot a sacred person. r ^ 3re is less crowding, moro prompt service, less delay in waiting for change HJ is simply th» people's hired man, IT or 1 hi-irc yjur package wrapped; more attention to your individual needs. hired and paid to perform a certain Members Florists' T elegraph Association service. If he performs hit duties 4 well, he is entitled to respect and should be r ispected. If o performs them ill. he shouli be criticised. Ai.d th!» criticism should be as free ir. the of a judge as it should be in the case of a street sweeper ••••••••••••^•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••^ or any other hired public employee, m A judge should have all the rights of an oruinary citizen. If criticism amouj.ti to falsehood, the judg-e has the rient to bring suit for damages 'to his reputation, or to the ..r lotted and Tjoh.cstic Terjitmes and Toilet Waters Wagner Market Company! tlatter before a grand jury and ask Joi.tcel S^ts . $?.<5toS6.^0 for m indictment for libel. Theo. lniibijj mt's mj's Mary Cara inicScts 5. "C o 10.00 . . $1.00 to $0.75 dole Roosevelt was not too big u Viv ulix. Jcu 2.00u '-on $2.4Oto$5.50 man to take th.s -ourse to vindicate h • •. »e ' 00 to 7.50 City's . , . 1.00 to 23.00 l.OOto 7.50 Ro'llte &. Powder Friday and Saturday Specials his character, but there are many Jurit-ve Sets . b.S al- L'unipacts— incHid- smaller men, Ii. J the doorkeeper in Colgate's Gift let's I'Jciir the house ol congress fifty or sixty Sc • .75 U 1 CO d'Amour 2 o:.) 5-75 in.: Hujmit's, LV-T ITS THE BEST IF BOUGHT IN WAGNER'S. GiKr1 Ir'sR :de Kiss, Jontcel, years ago, who boasted that he "was DjerKi^. , .79t.i o.OO Lar\iix(:w;>:) 9.00 U,i r a Nome airu ' a bigger man than ole Grant.", Gu rli' 'si11' re C. jn'-i nl-h- others , , 1.50to 2.00 D K'arci^sc lO.OOal 2.00 • » • I icue . Garr- Big Specials in Big Specials in . aude . 10.00 -'ivcr's . . 1.90to 4.50 Inp,moll Watches. $1.90 up To my ind it is a monstrous thing to send a man to jail without (4) Electric Cur- (I) Ivo-oydT.iilct Sets (3) Clocks . •r n-u- . 1. trial by jury for criticising t judge. iioir :uui (.)<.ilc with Comb' Ha.i Bruih When a mai Creates t. disturbance ni:i!i»i;;.. i/ (5) Smcioncry In Best Quality Beef l nr ivn. Smoked Meats and Mirror . . . $4. ->3 in court, or in ihiy way interferes ! roy-i *i:i is \ ^[Jllli^ $1 .93 aiiraiiivc l-loll- Comli. ilair llrish, .^ r- clay hoxes . . with th' orderly procedun of a rcr, Shop Hook, N;.il Al..rm Clocks 1.19 up Prime court lie should he punished. But .File, Nail Butfi: nnj Dii-tior..irie3 . ,. .98 Whole or % Strips to SCT.1 ii mar to jail for criticism;; ^ glass llttcii nomifJe fot (61 De \>ilhi»! Cuts Sugar a JUI'KC for hU acts, creates a rv- lars 7.49 1.39 rcrfuiiu:en . .75to5.0O Rib Roat, lb - 32c Mntmc. t in the minds of the people Cured as great -is was cre.Ued in th .- heart? Strip Bacon, - 18c and minds of the people of Mon- Prime Jnouth county when that same thing was vndcrtal'en in thi* comity up- Beef Whole or Hall wari'-1 of a gc (r.'tion ago. Blade Roast, lb - 25c Sugar Cured The widespread resentment Fresh Skinned Hams, lb - 18c which was voiced i," :ii;st sending Chopped Comptroller C'rnin !•• y.\\\ shows Hamburg Steak, lb - 22c Sliced that i' ••<.•,[,](. yiH have a high rojr.v the right of trial by Ham jury. i'-h;,'is tlifl Ix-st (-.tnfement (6) tiiern « Hotilcs (Ul Salt & or Bacon, lb 32c .Sh.iLrn, silver plated nf the ;< ui- »:!•> mu'li' l.y George (iicr pair) . . •. $M9 h. Mrtidn'i nf X rvy City, when, in V t «JC — rnnmel t.-.l'icilo: i,»l.,0[oj^!3H Big Specials in (.(jcakir.u i,f the matter lie m\U\ : (\V. nin-tric Flat Iron* (9) S-'tety R.i-.ors Pint iLv -toriiifntf J .I' • |i>. ii.ivi-lint! d.-e Specials in Fresh Killed Poultry "In a rppudhc Kovirneil by law vt b lb. home»i:e . 2.98 : • <-''Vi( ji that there (-hi'iild lie nukJ 1.(19 Olllo i! , , , ').i .%> k.V- il . • lm;',. .tuiutis covi-ring this »uh- (..'<••: i o; , .' ISicnui ntiiw Outfit, Fresh Jersey Pork Fancy A varl "ty uf ot}wr JI jeet It i! int'iltrBlle that this ,Vim,.iivp . . , 5.00 cnmplctf, boiler, iMru] and heat . . .49 Dry qui-.. ,i, wh'thiT lanjfu«j(« USIM! in Rib Picked Turkeys,lb 38c cr,t c.tii'. of »:!• f,urt by any oitl- Scamlm Aluminum Ren iff v-jthin it Hgai ar . . . .98 End able Vacuum (Ji>nl« ,;• P) Witctmih tlonal righ ! or »><'».r it ronstir (H) Wnlkln« oncl Loin Pork, lb - 18c Milk tuttti t trim* JJU»- -Din by' irn* PltiN . • , $B.7'fo 7.71 .9St«..:.9fl |irNotimiT,t, th'iu'' » I.It to the Fed (111 Freih Chickens, lb 38c dttcrm,nation 'if • j'il^e wr.n i« Roasting l . 1,00 Up 1'ltiy .2 5 thf jul^pct til Ihi r.'/'•;.r,, Cut % "H in plain rsA it*, re J'j't Cala Hams, lb - 14c 3 1-a Slae th fhir!».n, '.'•, ft.' r* -, wi'l Fresh b* th» JU'IK''. l!» .,• 'r lust iimn in i\i *ifH •<>•.'» *h.',i\,\ 2-DAY SAL€ O^ CIGARETTES Jersey Killed be nllowcd t'i ji»«i '.;.'•, '}.•% IS»« if ^/Cttmoin If Ifl Will lpl1"—A .t4'Iy .le>lt»l>le sift Kit il* ClK«tcn« imoket Freth Hams, lb - 21c Milk-Fad th« Craig m»it«r." •J(id Cumcl |1.2« 2IHI (lfn:ii- . . , . $1.59 100 MtUirhrlno No, fl L'fKl [>ui'ky Strike .. 1,2(1 Jdil'^n .StmijrM* : (pi. or ck.) , . II.411 MUCMf FOR LITTLE. 22ri( ) Kwii»firt t CCu'jmralij , t,2« I2O'«, »u'f, 1UI''K) 1,00 lflfl Nntuhil . . . 1.2B Wit I'hmtcrllcld ,26 ion (Mnuir lnol'iill Mull (UK|J,) 2.10 Get the Best—Buy in Wagner's Luka ton K««i) Brlnfi 1180 Worlh M Pii'diiioiit M (2(i'«, fid's, Iflft'.l 1.00 aufl l'nll Mult ~ 2,63 ol Ouiiii«<< l*r Plltf Ctnli. Jilii-k «nil .21) Kill Tuiklih Ti-.i.l.". ion Kavjilliir Abo™ Specials for Shore District Only: Th* run m-U*IM>II of Wll- l.nrrl Kn ti f'.'i '«, f.ii'-., Ii-n"r> 1,1)0' N", '1 , .. 2.10 I'fclimn III m (ititon end Kr«>) JIM via nf E»t- ,6« Kin MIIIP.I V . . . I 4S I'm I'liHip M RED BANK. LONG BRANCH. ASBURY PARK. HIGHLANDS. l"'i M"i .il , , , , I 2D (CiimluMf ontown h»» Incrcortl io »uch in 1,70 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. CAMPBELL'S JUNCTION. MUnt that flvi pmom its now »w p|oy«d, A abort linn »u» Jtrvli A KEYPORT. MATAWAN. Oniton ipint Afty c»m» for two mt »dv#r(li*winti In Th» |t«gj». Open Th*y uy Ihtjr got »18» worth 'tifim which w*i dlffdty irm-n. "BttiHnp '• (hot tw« adv«ntf*m> m», Uryhiid *y*n *»m to lu^h 75ft Safi Viuq Storu W«]P ptMH M «tW KfW K» 60 Bro»d StrMt RcdB*nk,N. J. NdwM forth * l«t«ttt««ii m. Wagner Market Company! )••- RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923- Page .Twenty-Ona. Phon.Red B«nk 1U1. PERSONAL. WEDDINGS. RESIGNS FROM OFFICE. RED BANK,* N. J. Charles Lewis Miss Ailsa Minton of East Front Holmei—Duncan. Walter J. Sweeney QiiiU Board of I Sell Real Estate street has returned from a stay with Miss Mary OLongstreet Holmes, "He.ltG at Se.bright, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' her brother, Adrian Minton of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan The annual health report of Sea- I Rent Cottages Memphis, Tennessee. - - 1. Holmes of Holmdel, and William bright has been submitted tc) Hit' DEALER IX * Mrs. Alonso DcWitt of Prospect James Duncan, ton of Mrs. William Seabright mayor and council ni»l I Write Insurance Associnte this firm with avenue underwent an operation at U. Duncan of Matawan, were mar- the state board of health by Walter durable work at low cii«t. ,th*.long Branch hospital Monday.,.; ried Thursday.afternoon, at the J.- Sweeney, registrar of vital statis- Monmouth County Farms LUMBER She is recovering. bride's home by Rev. E. T. Vassar tics. With the report Mr. Sweeney Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass Elvin Hcnilrickson, a number of of Wcstftdd, formerly of Holmdei, sent in his resignation as registrar 1 THE H. SMITH CO., the 1023 class of the Red Bank high Owing to the sickness of the bride's nil also as member of tin; board of W. A. Hopping and Builders' Hardware. Our niifiincrs.and our methods rfre correct. This.establishment school, hus boon elected vice presi- father only the immediate relatives ealth. He was appointed in April, is <;c|uip|.i-d with the latest triumphs of cience and in: conduct each; Fair Haven New,Jersey of the contracting parties were pres- !!!22, for a period of three yi-iirs. ruex Building BROAD ST. RED BANK, N.J. dent of tlje freshman class at ISrown burial v'-rvii-c; in a manner that win? us the approbation and lasting university. ent. Thu house was decorated with Mr, Sweeney is a very active worker RED BANK, N. J. respciit of the public. Mrs. Harry Patterson of Wash- palms, smilax and yellow and white in the Democratic party and is scc- ington street is able to be about af- chrysanthemums. To the strains of rotary of the Seahright I>«m.ncrati' c White Star Taxi Service ' <• having been laid up several days wedding march from Lohengrin club. His report show.-i that Sea .1 sprained ankle, the bride entered the parlor unat- bright is one of the healthiest com .,!is. William II. Houston of Pat- tended and was met by the groom. munitios in the stale. Ton enses ot J c'son, formerly of Red Bank, is vis- The ring ceremony was used. The communicable dimises were/report iting Mrs. I.I. M. Davidson of Lcroy bride's gown was of mauve crepe ed in 1923, as compared with twentj FUNERAL DIREGTOR place. and she carried, a shower boquet of cases in \'I2'£. Not a case of discasi 1 HOME for SERVICES"- 60 E.FR0NT St. RED BANK,H.i Mrs. James Jnckson of Sunset Bride roses and lilies of the vali' has-been reported since July 9th o PHONE: DAY^NICHT, RED BANK 557 avenue is kept Indoors with n bud X repast was served in the dining this year. So far this year ther AUTOAMBULANCESERVICE-CHAIRS&TABLES for ALL OCCASIONS cold. room, which was decorated with have been 12 deaths,.thirteen birth llarohl E. Nieman, musical direc- pink roses and smilax. The bride and eight marriacKs in Seabright. tor at the Shuhcrt theater at New was the recipient of many beautiful asms* York, spent Saturday and Sunday gifts, among them being a platinum SEABRIGHT'S HONOR ROLL. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. bar pin set with diamonds. This gift ailed upnii tin: was from the groom. The-couple Charles E. Nicman of Maple nvenue. Li»t of Last Month's Punctual Pu ,'e aie left for an uutomobile wedding trip 1 Samuel Sobcl, aon of Louis Sobil pits at Public School. like tin. lire • to Atlantic City. Upon their return of Wallnc.1 street, who retently The following pupils of the Sea we respond iiumi'iliati'iv they will live with the bride's par- ami go right to Uif b|;nt gradual^' from a law school, passed bright public school were neitHe 1 ents. Mrs. Duncan is a graduate of absent nor lardy last month: What is the most prac- df the matter. W i m o the 1.:'!- examination in this state Dwight school of Englewood and of exports in everything: last week, lie is a graduate of the l-'ir.U nnd sub primni-y prndcp, Glmlys'- AND tical and effective Scudder school of New York. The Wood, tparht-r — Hnrry JkMisrm, Kilwi electrical. Red Bank lii(;li school. He was a 'SPEEDY TAX groom is resident manager for the Cnmponnaln. Iiinicis Dnyip, Riiyriumil l-'u method of paintind "Electrical Satitfaction member of the high school debating Cosgrcave' coal mining company, John HwcimiMi, kiiK«rll Tynca. .lann'a Tin 6 Whenever you want one, ju Here" team. When he was a boy he was with offices at New York. He is a ,i-n. Joseph O'Hmnc KiKvin SIHTJII; ld floors ? one of The Register's newsboys. •'loreim- KIIIT, Kllicl'llihlrom, Flora Jon reach for your phone and call 74 veteran of the world war, having Wulot J.nytmi, Ui.rolliy Sweeney, Do Holiday Attire A son has been born n,t the Lent! served in the navy as a senior lieu- imnclc, Hi'lcil ThiimiiMmi, Louise Humbert You will see one spcediti}^ towur H. S. ALLEN Branch hospital to Mrs. Lionel Lan- tenant. He is a graduate of Blair ininle, TMuline ^h:tv, teacher- you in a few minutes. I'r'ompt ai shades Curl^on, llerminl Chnpman. I-'lu. Phone 339 caster of Fair Haven, formerly o( A new Suit or Overcoat is obliging service at all hour?, day or academy and of Lafayette college, Hone™, Wultrr Swensmi, .liMpph Till Red Bank. Mr. Lancaster is. a civil, .'Inrcnce Dmiiflnxs. Williur Hollers, Mnri a good Christmas present night. Host taxi service in Red RED BANK, N. J. engineer employed by County Engi- liullcr, Alire Mailnmi. Adanu—Uhl. Bank. THE neer George K. Allen. Thin! Ki-aile. l'nuline Shaw, leacher— The wedding of Miss Essie E. to yourself. It's the season Mrs. Harold KnpffpW North .Inhn C.-irlson. Allan Johnson. Leslie l'irh- Under New Management Adams, daughter of Mrs. William Alfrml HoKcrs, r,iiwrc»rc JIumlKiiril. Carolina, who was formerly Miss Anna CanliKinelhi, Anna Devereaux, Atlele when everybody likes to be Clara Dunbar of Red Bank, is visit- Adams of Hudson avenue. Red tmlney, Miirjorii1 Rmhiey, Klennor Sloc-nm. CHARLES BOTTAGARO, Prop. AXJTHOHIZED AGENT ing relatives in town. Bank, and Henry W. B. Uhl of Key- Naumi Smorlt, Marjuiit! Anderson, KU'iwor well dressed—when good Formerly Brasch Urop. Alexander. A miscellaneous shower win. pvi-n port, took place last Wednesday af- RED BANK HARDWARE STORE Fourth Ki-uilo. Itelin Pritciiard. teai-her— appearance is most appro- Cart for All Occasions last night for Mrs. Theodore Moss ternoon at the bride's home. Rev. 75 Monmouth Street Red Bank. N. J. Je»»e jettrr, Oril I.aylon, AlfrI'd Ma.lson. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT EGBERT DONOVAN. Prop. Phone 93G of West Front street. The party Raymond U. Adams of Harrisburg, Frnnci'H lirown. lla/.i-l Claylnn, Olive Dontf- priate. Here we have the was arranged by Miss Martin.i Healy Pennsylvania, a brother of theInnn, J.iHinn Fury, Vivlnn Fowler. Charlotlo Office: Red Bank, N. J., Opp. Depot Hampton, Ileb'i Humberl, Kililh .Lines, and Mrs. Moss was the recipient nf bride, performed the ceremony, as- finest clothing to be had in sisted by Rev. W. Rolland Raver of Tht'lina Jtxton, Susanr llnbprUon, Gesiiii? many gifts. She was formerly Miss Srnneli. Pauline Lang. Red Bank. The bride was attired Fifth ttrmle. Kelia icll.-lnl, Jenchcr— Monmouth County—fam- Mrs. Thomas Paul of Oakland in old lace and white crepe de chine Curl Unillmri". l.milsi- '.UKlass. Veronkn and carried n .shower boquet of Harriet Johnson, CalheriiiL' Sheri- ous for .their cut. street is a surgical patient at a Now dan. Ruth You in:. York hospital. She has been undtr white roses. Her sister, Miss Ethel Sixlh ci-nili—KiiRcna Chirke, . Stanley treatment the past two months and Linda Adams of Red Bank, who was Fnwlr-r, Paul Covert, l-'ranli Humbert, Wil- •^ In Prices From bridesmaid, wore white crepe de liam Johnson. Jliirnlil I.imlbiuK, Gn has undergone two operations. Flunneliy. Sinnn Weltli. chine. She had a corsage boquet of Frank Goddard of Fair Haven, Seventh and eirhtli [trades, porman C $25.09 to $35.00 formerly of Camp Vail, is-employed sweet peas. Frederick Uhl of Key-unlHioni, teai-her—Marion Amer, flr in the construction department of port, a brother of the groom, was It\lll, Marion Holier, -loiicriliinp Carlson, groomsman. The wedding march Holon Duunla Viola Fii-hter, the New York telephone company. Johnson, Almn Matsiin, Klhi Olesnn, Lillian "The Orange and Stores" 653 Stores in U. S. from Lohengrin was played by Miss Monmouth Street St. James's sewing society will Rodney. Lillian Trucx, May Trucx, ('laire When we say "correct- meet at Mrs. William Decker's on Marion B. Mount of Red Bank, Wnoley. Chnrlolte White, Julia Younc, ly fitted" we not only Mr. and Mrs. Uhl are living in John Covert, William Dovertaux, Ilnu-o Men's Shop Monmouth street on Thursday, Jan- Furcro, JoRepli l-'iu-y, C.eorirp (Irny, John mean "properly adjust- uary 3d. The last meeting was held their new homo at Keyport. The Humbert. Fred Jones, Frank Kill."!, Calora Where Genuine Values Prevail ed,"- but also fitted to at Mrs. David LcRoy'S on Maple groom is employed nt the Second Mei'ill, Lester Nelson, Leonard Nchon. 28 Monmouth Street your per.ionalily" — de- national bank nt Red Bank. Until igns that improve your ' nvenue. Near Broad . «-.«. «—, recently the bride was employed nt An Efficient Salesman. MATCHES Whole Grain appearance, Church Newi. the same bank, She received many Luke Longhead is a high-powered GOLD RED HEAD "See Ui To Sea" gifts. low-cost salesman, bis charge being Red Bank, N. J. • At the Methodist church Sunday only 25 cents for a thirty-word morning the sermon topic will be Murphy—Ehrentreu. message.—Advertisement. OPEN EVENINGS pkgs 9c "Christmas Expectancy." At night Miss Julias Elizabeth Murphy of W. A. the subject will bo "Cnristmas Evo Eatontown,' daughter of the late Blue Rose OPTOMETRIST at Bethlehem Inn." The young *^ SOAP Kirkman's John Murphy, and Samuel J. Ehren- Large pkg. people's Christmas party will be iyegiater Building, treu of Long Island, were married hold Thursday of next week anil the RED BANK. on Thanksgiving day at New York. 23c Cake 5V2c 3 lbs. 19c primary children's party will be hold BERTHA YARN SHOP Telephone 83 The attendant!! were Mr. nnd Mrs. Saturday afternoon o£ next wcel;. William.K, Murphy, brother nnd si.s- Suggestions For The third of a series of entertain- ter-in-law of the bride. Elinor ments at the Baptist church will be Murphy, a niece of tho bride, was Layer Figs Fancy Smyrna pkg' 29c held Friday night under the direc- (lower girl. A reception was given tion of the men's league. The per-for the newly married couple by the I formers will be the Oske Non Ton Tag Bloaters Genuine Cromarty ea. 12 l-2c bride's brother. Mr. anil Mrs. Ehr-! 111 MI1IMAT1C company of Indians. A large and enteu left for n wedding trip la | Towels, Hand Embroidered .. .$1.59 and $1.95 appreciative audience attended the 'rovidencc'iuid Boston. They will Durable School Bags each 49c Harmony Quintet entertainment ive in the bride's house nt Eaton-1 School Bags :... 39c and 49c which was recently given' at the town. Mrs. Ehrentreu has been cm-1 Whisk Broom Holders 35c Sauerkraut Libby's No. 21-2 can 14c church under the direction of the ployed for a number of years na sec- j Hand Carved Charms 29c up men's league. rotary for Monroe Eisner, one of Mackerel Fancy fat white meat 15c The subject for the junior congre- the firm of Sigmund Eisner com- j Children's Hand Painted Purses, chamois gation meeting at the linptist churc'.i pany. The groom is n member of lined , 10c Nucoa Nut Butter 29c Sunday morning will be "Roots." the executive staff of the Eisner Baskets for Favors 10c The sermon tunic for the regular concern. morning sen ice will be ''Promises Hand Crocheted Baby Sets .$3.59 up of Light." Miss Blanche Tilton will Jeffrey—Fowler. All Kinds of Embroidery Material, Beads, Girdles, ; lead the young people's meeting, Miss Gladys Jeffrey, daughter of Ma-Ja-Do CHOCOLATE POWDER w'.iich will h.ive for its subject "lti- George W. Jeffrey of West .Loin;] Necklaces, Felt Reform Initials and Monograms... hle Passages We" Should Mcmori/.n Branch, and Ernest (!. Fowler, son •' Orders Taken for Initialing Specially prepared for Hot Chocolate, Icings and Candy nnd Why." At night tho subject of of John P. Fowler of Lone Open Evenings Made by Hooton Special Introductory Price the sermon will be "What is Con- Branch, wore married Saturday V-> Tb can version." Tonight '.he young peopu: night by Uev. William >A. Moore. The nttendanls were Miss Millicent 20 W. F*ont St. , Red Bank of the congregation will 1-mve Fancy Hawaiian Choice California chnrge of n meeting which will lie Jeffrey, a sister of the bride, and ich Is illustrated with stercopticon sliles. Thomas L. Armstrong, The newly married couple will live nt Ashury PINEAPPLE PEACHES ii iiitiMtiiiiiitt /YOU TWO HOLD-UPS. Park, when' the groom is employed Hillsdale Broken Sliced—largo can Libby's Yellow ('ling Large can a^ an electrician. You know which you Two Men Roblted nnd Three Shot »t Stocked—Thompion. would rather lie! Oak Shadd Saturday Night. 23c 23c Then why not ci|iilp Jnmcs Kgan and Edward lioyln of Miss Aniin Stoi'kd of IVtert $50 REWARD place, and Stout Thoiujison, son of ] today L»ml be forever Oak Shinies, near Miitawun, were To Anyone Who Can Produce Selected California Fancy Chinook free from thedil.iyn, held up and robbed of $111 Gnturdny Mrs. Carrie V. Thompson of .Shrews- worrit1* ami cxpenne bury avenue, were niarricl on Better Cigar Than night by two men who were uniden- ASPARAGUS uf cu14s weutlicf Thanksgiving day by Rev. James II. SALMON 1 tified. Iloyli1 was struck over the ilriviuft. Owens of Brunch avenue. The at- Gold Circle ':. lb lie nil with a blackjack and Egan was Hillsdale Tall can No. 2i can It keeps the lirnt tendants were Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter MONTGOMERY shot in the leg. i under tlm ho ml, S. Thompson of Shrewsbury nveiiiii". 23c" Ilirrffori1 the cn^lnu Carl Viti'isbiiiHiit/. and Michael SPECIAL 35c M A Whdilini; supper was held and the starls ijuti kly, Schmidt were taken lo thu Long rouple loft oil a wedding trip. (In Gorton's Pure (Jeurpos Dressed llriinch hospital sullViing from bul- their return they will live at Ruin- Finest Fresh Laid li't wounds which they said wore in- son. at flicted by holil-iip mi'ii who iittarki'd CODFISH I hem While they were in Michael Vminlin—Clayton. Thi idle lii.ast but 1 lh bricks EGGS Syike's butcher shop. Neither win Miss Konieihi Vaughn of Trcnlnii linn M-lu | Ini-ss olt'cr. lli'C rwiiMinly woiinili'il. The allthoritii's nnd Corbcrt Clayton of Weal, lld- We'll tiki- 1 meet Ibi' llliill The best that money can buy doubt thr hnhl up story anil arc in- rnar were miirried Momlay of last really run uikc a lu'llir i 27c i lined lo believe Hint Ihc men on-week nl Ihc Wall Mi'lhiidist church Iliiiu Monti;, uery Specinl tn r pagf-d ill a sbooling atfray niiioiig by Iti'V. A. C. Piilhi'iniis. Arii'i- tbii fur r>i. "nimiiiiy Ihc cnuple left fur mi Fancy Fresh Creamery BUTTER theiucelvcs. \\"i' knmv ii iiutoniiibilr (rip. They will lunku expi'i'lchci' A delight to housewives; the best that can be procured OLDKR HOYS' CONFERENCE. licii' lidiiii! nl Avon. Monmoiilli County Sonl Tw^ntv- HR(1 Ilniili Couple Kn(ft|[fi(, MONTGOMERY Sevfin Mrn lo Unbwny (>«l!i«rinH. Tlu' I'liKngi'iiK'iil in niniouiii'i'il of in Mi«cd ,,, iii 19c Chocolates cionirl««a II. 49, I Cnndy A 1 MI >H I,coin .Imkr.iin, niece of Mm, Twenty-Hewn UK " of Miniiiioiiih SPECIAL mri.d 5 Hi iw««.. 1,49 Coffee ''«" A>'«"l"n «> 31C cniinty iitlrmli'il tin1 iinmiiil hluiv Willlnin Jniliflon of Pciii'l nlri'cl, to Chocolates nlili'r buys' I'linfi'ii'iiiT nl. Knhwiiy Itnlph Lewis, k- i.' SPECIAL- Hum l.ockwoqil of Kttypotl, H11O BANK, N. J, fit, Wllll.m Ri|«»,|i, W.h.t l.nlk.n. SHE UNUSUAL QUALITY CIGAR Enis Att.nJ»d Ban' Ctnfircntf. STORES SYSTEM NUII Monli, fh«il,i|l. Htllltf, Mhlrltr (im>m fll»M. J«hn fmtktr, fl#i" Dunthf rtmlih, Ruih Si.rhff, Uarli AT ALL DEALERS or $2,37 (box of 50) by mail, «lil llnldwlu, WaliUt Wilion uml ) M tlin-iii-i. U«y *lt«nditl the buy*' I Hit *»IUrrr K*k p HUDSON COUNTY TOlUt CO CO, UNIT rimfiroiico «( ttit chtliHin MMCII l.lard' Mllltr, l'h»»li< Walllna, JKIIHKV t;itV, N. .1. "The Orange and Green Storti" 6JJ StorM In U. 0 Krinki Mnkl O D tton it Itthwiy, Th» |r«up wu In »lli» Uuotr, 'n.mtif Putt, b ( Jh C. ImltK falkhui, MtHMM W*lf«UWlU, RaiRd Page Twenty-Two RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923. L1TTLK SILVER'S FIREMEN. ?i Officer* of tho Company Were Elected Lait Week. Last week ihi' i'ne I'omjiuny elect- Combination Sale fil Edward Woolli-y ' presiik-nt, Drastic 1-Mwanl \V. Willy liimn.-iiil siore- l.iry, Williiim 1'. I'mi'.in tr.T.Mii-i-r. John Hitter l'orcmnn, .Vitu I'MTO Milch Cattle, Horses, Hogs, Wagons, Etc. chief cngimTr, licorjri' T. l.ani Walter Morris ns^istnnt i-T.^iii'•.".•-',

Having, purcliaifcd tkt finest lot of Milch Cows to be lo und in New York SUle, »nJ h»vinS scvrral Honw," Hoti, Frank Cavanaucli chief driver, Wil- W.igi>n», Blankets, etc., consigned to. me for site to the hljh bldd«r, 1 will puaitivrly »tll »' •"/ ):' Hani ('onper anil Amlrcw I!o\vin;in Sale. -i.J Exchange Slablei, I •}• as-istanL drivers, Theodore .Muriin "Per Cent Reduction •Xj trustee, ill).I Thi'o[" cnttlr that o-ie wmiM W i-omi>rll«** mill wr kr.nw vhere tli^y nruw the risht kin Florida for the winter. to fi-f.1!:.-:!1 FOOD. !•! • A month's miiul mass fur $175.00 Fui' Trimmed Bolivia Coat - . Iheso h»n y prtMlucir.c milch cow<=, <-.[ t,Sip hlKtu^t irrmlp, I rn K»vcrmttrnl tuberculin testni. Tt'ry William Porter was offered .Monday now :..: : „• $100.00 arc ..f the risl.i a^, sizf and .-olnr—ih<> l,i:»r pi any djiy morning nt llnly Cross cluitvh at (he ffo« il«>- nf ^nie, Pick your now and u<- will prici' il n« fur you. nr a he i-nl.* and buy j; i X by yourself—tt>c la Ft I'id will positively take every enw put u p, and w rt.-c jujfrittff them all up. V request of the Rosary society. $1-15.00 Imported Camel'sjiair Coat ore looking for "nmily or dairy cow,^ vim nm taking no hance in b'Jj it cf UK'50 nium.'il.-f. They Miss Alice Shea, daughter of Kd- ^J I as jvprPTntf;! V? you rrtol not tnlu them ln>rm\ fur trimmed .•:\v $95.00. ward Shea, has returned home from Y LOCAL CATTLE:—A numbn nf cows and B fe p stork huUn. !>i) !>.- »••I.). There will be nuncrou? i rfful was a niedieal patient. til tho pr ic'"* nlToretl., X $85.00 Fur Trimmed Coat...... now .$65.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of HOGS, HC«5E=» 'WAGONS. HARNESS. BLANKETS, ETC.:—The nre rmrticnHy all mmmlssion Brooklyn were in . town recently $75.00 Angora Nappe-Plaid Coat >.ii, us vilh pverjtlsiiu put up nt my «-nl**p. thev must Ki> su!<]-^-n« priri , !m» l"w \n v-u( them Inojp t • ii; . ,. He f>irc in trmeinher thr (I."f:c - DrXKME^KK J1 il— come nml ir >p'ir friends ami ot the fame looking over their property on the now $55.00 I iii.c home a bargain. •{• I Black Point road. They expect to X! build a house hero next sprinp. • SALE Rrf>JN OR SHINE:—Plenty cover and aecnmmodotton for everybody, ' $50.00 Angora Nappe Plaid Coat Rev. and, Mrs. Arthur A. McKay DELIVERIES:—Auto trucks ja the pround—go any distance nt i-easonable ratc«. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Dix- now. $25.00 CONDITIONS:—Three rnonfrt*' cre t will lie given l>>' paying Imlf.of purchosG price Any of 011 of Astoria, Long Island. $25.00 Angora Nappe Plaid Coat" I A dance will he held on Friday • GEORGE H. ROBERTS, Auctionoor. * now $12.50 JACOB ZLOTKIN, night, December 28th, at Holy Ros- ?. ary hall. Charles J. Meals is chair- All are crepe de chine lined GEO. S. P. HUNT, Clerk. ' . Tcltphone Freehold 330. man of the dance committee. The automobile driver's license of WOMEN'S DRESSES in Crepe de Chine, John Sexton of this place v.'as re- Velvet, Satin, Jersey and Poiret Twill voked last week by Commissioner William L. Dill. • . $29.50 Dresses ....:....." now $22.50 Dorothy Dowd, infant daughter j $18.50 Dresses now $12.95 of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowd, was: $,12.95 Dresses ., now $ 9.95 baptised Sunday by Rev. John E. Murray. j Mrs. Latham Pearsall and daush-; John's Corner tor have gone to Boston for a visit of several weeks. mom Kenneth Bruce, a salesman for Cor. East Front and Wharf Avenue Red Bank the Hupmohilo cars, has sold a Hup- moriile. roadster to Samuel Hunt of Buffalo, New York. Mr. Bruce will LONG BRANCH, N. J. deliver the car to Mr, Hunt at Buffa- lo. A Genuine Christmas Sale, which will enable you to A special musical service will he held next Sunday night nt the Meth- select your gifts at a marked reduction in prices. A odist church. The sermon will he preached by Rev. Mr. Craig, the new pastor. A pipeless heater is being few of the many Specials: installed in the church. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Pearce and family o{ Camden have returned home after a visit with Mrs. Nathan- Sport Jersey Sweaters Fleeced Sport Sweaters : iel Slocum. Miss Jennie Kraemer of Belford, $2.95 $1.95 : a teacher at school No. 2, has liecn j • taken to a hospital for an operation for appendicitis. Silk and Knitted Ties Madras and Silk Striped: Miss Marjorie Clancy of New! York is spending the winter with 45c Special her cousin, Mrs. Alfred Rriehtnn, Dress Shirts : Jr. ; Miss Nora Kennedy spent Sunday $1.45 and $1.85 | with Mrs. Fred Stoye of Ilradliy Men's Heavy Sheep Lined Beach. , j. C. Pope is on a hu?incsi trip in ' Coats $10.50 Boys' Heavy Sheep Lined: Pennsylvania. i Cinders have been laid on T.a- Coats $7.25 • j fayette street. Holes in (he M'iek Boys' Suits—2 Pants ! paving between the trolley tracb; on ' Do Your Toy Shopping at Home With One of Our Toyland I River avenue are being filled with $6.95 crushed stone and asphalt. Catlaogues. Get One at Once. Men's Overcoats, latest • Patrick TI. Kennedy lias installed n hot water boiler in Raymond Pol- design $15.95 : len's house. Men's Fleeced and Ribbed The Amaranth club held a ChrUt- Shifts and Drawers Boys' Fleeced Lined Union: mas palp, last week at the The infant d:i".i'hff 75c each / Suits 95c : a^li'r, who is urn!, r Xow York h<>sn't:i!,

>MM»M»»*|t«t* in The Strolling Skee Bear Skates

\ $5.95 OiliciaTHcadquarters (or Santa Claus There is a large accumulation of framed pictures at this establish- BLUE GLIDER SLEIGH WITH BRAKE ment that have been framed on order and which have not been called " me of these pictures have been awaiting call quite some time, others not quite so long, but all of them have been finished long enough $3.50 $4.00 $5.25 for those who want them to have called for them long before this. Doll Carriages Savings Banks This advertisement is to give due notice that if these uncalled for Trains Drums framed pictures are not claimed within thirty days from date of this Games Pianos notice they will be sold at public auction. Automobiles Fire Engines CHARLES R. D. FOXWELL Kiddie Kars Express Wagons DOLLS Trading as FOXWELL'S

f»i I I* (HANCKRV Of Nt.W JKRXlEY, lit VVINMKt) U. HiWI.KB, OK 10 ( H« UK f»F (rt Monmouth Street ' T» I'AMKKM I. UUINHUNi of antf t«|| ivHUM IT MAY i'»)M WIN-- • i\f \» ;i.<»n»t i • t Red Bank, N. J. 1 •••—» • 'i jfj-r tir - « M.u> til lh> O«ur» tit Jll I AKt, »M I It k Ihut t out Mil •( k'itili« I H><) lltnk. t J«f>«r. mtit %'.<•'«. WII IN • inrtolH «•»•• *>•»• I... |t|,'1, (I »«» f-t\<** IH Ik* Ulloril.wr, »• Joevlt Milt Tljt t'tMMIir. HI Wr.l I i-f>< mfut, H»4 tl»»k, N»# J*nl|, ef> IfunimHI* {KsKHf ttt, mrtJf1* MMNr P. 0, f«r l«ll, tM «i«4 l« hi » It tit feED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923, Page Twenty-Thr been confined to the- house several NEWS FROM M1DDLET0WN days with injuries caused by a fall. Evans Clark of,New York spent MACHINES IN COLLISION AT Sunday at Locust Point. Ho will have improvements made to bis CHRISTMAS CANDY CAMPBELL'S JUNCTION. house at that place.' Annual Meeting and Banquet of the Mrs. Daniel Wilson of KeanslAirg Everybody knows that unusual value for the money gets New Monmouth B»pti»t Ladiei' is very sick at the home of her sis- trade and keeps it. Aid Society to be Held Tomorrow tor, Mrs. Thomas Casler o£ Fort 1 The Red Bank Candy Kitchen's business was built on this Night—New Dancing Clan. Monmouth. The Christmas entertainment of Christmas Cheer Automobiles driven by Fred Jori£s principle. , ._=. the New Monmouth Baptist Sunday- Purity and Quality come first, neither of these items is ever of Campbell's Junction and Gurrett Evans of Red Bank collided Friday school will be held Friday night of • sacrificed to make low prices, nor do we include a gaudy or mis- at Campbell's Junction/ No one was next week. hurt, but both cars were badly dam Miss Fay Fields of Port Mon- leading package. mouth spent Saturday and Sunday Purity and Highest Quality at a Fair.Price—that is our Motto. aged. Mr. Jones and Mr. Evan:, hud had each other arrested on a charge with relatives at Wilkcsbarrc, l'enn- We have learned through nine years of candy making in Red of reckless driving and each man sylvania. Mr. and Mrs. William Thome of Bank what the people of this community want in the confectionery will have a hearing before Justice : Meese of Belford Friday night. Leonardo are spending part of the The Christmas spirit radiates happiness because of helping line. winter with their daughter at New r The annual meeting pf the ladies' and pleasing one another. ou will find our prices more reasonable than elsewhere. aid society'of the New Monmouth York. The New Monmouth Baptists will This is "i^cause we manufacture our home-made candies right Baptist church Will be held tomor- . Mother's plum puddings, cakes and pies are good; So are here ~i\ our own Candy Kitchen. _ , row afternoon. At night the society hold a prayer meeting tonight at will hold its annual banquet. Each Henry C. Roberts'*. ' I Child's. , • Before you buy your Christmas candy come in and look over member of the society is privileged Christopher Fiortland of Port or.r stock—the largest In tlhis vicinity. We also cany a full line of to invite a friend to the feast. Monmouth is enlarging and remol- ding his house. It's nice to have mother make the pies, cakes, etc., but why Under the direction of the ladies' Apollo, Mirror, Schraffts, Perry's and Park & Tilford's Candies. Willium I. Raoul is having im- 4- auxiliary of the Port Monmouth fire not think of the work you make her? Let mother enjoy this Special Reduction Given to Sunday-Schools on Orders for XmaB. provements made to his house at 4- ompany a dancing class with sixty avesink. | Christmas time and please the family by using Child's goodie* .embers has been formed. Danc- Harry Coc has had a coment walk ng lessons are given Tuesday night this year, thereby increasing the true Christmas spirit. lade around his house at Port Mon- Red Bank Candy Kitchen it the schoolhouse by Mrs. Jones of nouth. • tal Bank. 71 Broad Street Telephone 43-R Red Bank, John K. Williams is having a new The southern end of Church oof put on his house ntA'avesink. itreet at Belford has been widened Mrs. Alfred Crosby of New York ind gravelled and fenders have been vas a Sunday visitor at Navefink, iut up on both sides of the road at Josepii Moore o£ Port Monmouth lie place where there is a marsh. as n new Ford sedan. ;.'•• PUMPKIN AND MINCE Che work was done under the direc- Edward Beam of Port Monmouth .ion of Overseer Melvin P. Yard. is building a garage. Good old-fashioned- deep ones, especially made for Christmas, The ladies' auxiliary of the Port Arthur Havens of Navcsink has yionmouth fu-e company is arrang- a new Star sedan. ng to hold a holiday party for chil 50c 75c,.. $1.00 dren some time between Christmas Your Christmas Shopping and New Years-at the Port Mon- 4- mouth schoolhouse. Dancing and Real Estate and Insurance • :amcs will bo enjoyed. PAUL, REVERE Plum Puddings Fruit Cake SCHRAMM & SONS The Worth While girls of New Monmouth cleared $17 by a colonial 56 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. 4- They contain plenty of fruit, cherries, nuts, that go to make 2* MONMOUTH ST. Near Broad. RED BANK, N. J. party last week. They will use thePhone 0G8 Eisner Building money to improve the primary room a real Christmas treat. of the New Monmouth Baptist OUTFITTERS OF LADIES AND CHILDREN hurch. > Charles Ulott will have the old Our entire stock of Coats, Suits; Dresses, Waists, Corsets, Millinery, hotel building at Navcsink torn 4> FANCY CAKE down and he will remodel the housi Underwear", Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Sweaters and many other items too num- OR childrpn who are \veak and r erous to mention, will be sold at the lowest prices. Our small overhead adjoining it, which he occupies Hithi. n Glide's Pepto-JUingan is Many new and tempting varieties from which to make your George Snyder will do the work. JL tthe ideal tonic. It contains the expenses enable us to sell for less than others ask for the same class of mer- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moulton of iron they need for pure bluod, bodily choice. What moi;e delectable gift than Child's Fancy Cakes in chandise. Syracuse, New York, are spending energy, and firm, solid ilesh. Air a Handsome Christmas box? It's different veral days with Mrs. Moulton's this season every child will benefit l\our Holiday shopping will not be complete unless you stop at our store by taking it. At your druggist's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton in liquid and tablet form. and notice the wonderful values we offer. Brainard of Navesink. • SM The annual roll call of the New Proa TvUl Taklntc f° '•" ymiwelf Monmouth Baptist church will bi rree inai laoiets the hnauh-buiidint; For Useful Christmas Gifts at Bargain Prices value of Glide's Peplo-MatiKau, write toilny 4- held the second week in January for generous Trial l'uckjiuc o* Tabli-Li. SL-nd The exact date for the roll call ha: no money — ju:-t name ;in

* Openin CHAMBERS Saturday, December •••'•'-. Tke opening of this establishment was done in view of giving the public of this vicinity A Family Drug Store in Every Way AltKough our formal opening is set for next Saturday our friends have forced u$ to open our new store immediately, therefore we invite you to visit Red Bank's newest drug store a^once, as we are now open for business with a pleasing assortment of everything that you would expect to find in what a drug store is intended for. We want you to pay us a visit—get acquainted with our store, its !ccctl

Tlhe many items which go to help guard your A CARD TO MY FRIENDS PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY health are here arranged in ample assortment for "You have a family physician. You put your quick and easy selection. It is extremely gratifying to know that so many appreciate my efforts and that they have so faith in him. His judgment as represented in his Articles you need from :i drug store should be, cheerfully, by words and deeds, encouraged me prescription will lie carried mil in nery detail if they are brought or sent lu-iv tu b<> c

EATONTOWN NEWS. ind last week Walter Newman of 'hiladelphia rqoved into the new Firemen H.ld Their Annual El«- dwelling. -Mr. Newman is Mr. tion L«t Week. Cook's foreman. The owner of the | STORCK OF COURSE | The firemen last week elected farm moved his horseson the place Louis A. Dmgman chief, Earl Pat- last week. He expect: to move here tn«m assistant chief, Varley Wat- in February. " . 1. president, Wesley Watkins Charles Piolhero han started a president, Fr*d Morria fecre- wholesal" produce business at As- 1 Frank Hulick treasurer, Ar- Imry Park. ' • thifr Aumack foreman. Spencer Mrs. E. B. Houghton has ?losed Make This Patterson and Edgar Pflster assist- her lunimcr home here and the has ant foremen. William Patterson gone to New York, for the winter , chief engineer, William Allgor and A few days before leaving si> * Winfiald Davis assUtant engineers, bousrht a Studebaker automobile. G«or?c Le^js 6r" marshal, Edward Frank Bray will build a race trad, Aamack flre poli.-e, William Pat- on the Collier place to train his A Musical Christmas I, rsnn r«prcsenUti»e to firemen's horses. Ho bought the Collier tarn- association, Ka'ymond Brown last ipring. ,f driver, l\'nl''T Flr.n, Varley K. A. Gibson, i™- -:>.s been verj Never before in the history of this business has there'been such a (-•,-iitiDS, JfAn "''••"" "(1 James ::k, has recovered. Wa'kUis visitor -.- .1 -M«>1 Dangler Mrs. Johnson of Long Branch h» universal, demand for musical instruments. Wil'iam PatUr'.f.: .. '.1 Clyde Hetz bought a lot, 100x200 feet, on Sid ]cv «U«trJc ney J. Beers's tract on the 'stat ' The bank ..1 hiRhway for $1,800. Bh« will build The piano and the talking machine have always attracted the music week maiUd checks aggrcgatini a house on the lot for her owp.or- $12,000 to o'.embers .if U! Lnns. cupanrv. lover, but just now there seems to be a fast growing tendency towards mas club. VanosLS Smith, daughter of Her- The gt>"':vnm«ut sent an inspcc- bert Smith, u lick with ctickenpov. purchasing an extra instrument "to take with you." tor here last we«k to go over the town anH -viaka a report on the ad- NEWS. visabili'.y ' 'tatting carrier s«rr- To please the most exacting we have put in an extra large assort- •rv Croii, Symbol of the KUn, • Kathryn Conover celebrated her App««ri «t Fair Havtn. eleventh birthday last wi with a ment of these smaller musical instruments, which in themselves make A wooden cross twenty feet high party at -.I.- hom° of Vr ancle, wai burned Saturday night on the suitable Christmas gifts. . . • 9 William Tiltor, Jr., of UU river at the foot of Pearl street. R''.< nr'i. The firemen were called out but the \ ,-in,.- Chasey was .)l)?ra,.ed on Mandolins, Banjo Ukuleles, Violins, r blare was not put__out as the bot- for ippandicitia at *5ui » « tom of the cross was surrounded by Chinese Fiddles, Guitars, Ukuleles, Branch hospital la* waaV. water and could not'iet fire to any- William HebUr thing. Drums^ ,t Red Bank -witVv 'Eisnmr lora- Banjo Mandolins, , Tenor Banjos, pany arJ-Le b i Th« llethoilist ladioi' aid aociety cleared over $200 at the fair and Accordions, Banjos, , Buglesj JJswarlr won. , bazar last week. • Tubephones Harmonicas, Post Hornsi Tht firemen ii»p<*«d nl • lot »n Mrs. Elsie, Bauman of New York tb».»o-op«atlv« plan last week. It has been visiting Miss Grace Bell. vaswoibyMn. George H. Wool Mrs. Mary Thorns is confined to • To the music lover who4s desirous of! having an instrument for per- lay Th« lot h at Monmoutb Park. the bed with sickness. I \U Uirao badcetball teami ol this John L. Pearsall is slowly improv- pla'cB wera (Jefaated by Long Branch ing at the' Long Branch hospital sonal use, one that can be put in the pocket or tucked under the arm aggregations Bt Crescent hall last from an" operation performed on Wednesday nltfht. Tonight the three Sunday of last-week. ' when going but for an evening of pleasure, we cheerfully suggest any of Eatontowa teams will play at Cres- Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Brown and cent hall aeainst two Camp Vail Miss Anna Bradt of West New York the above. teams and c Ung Branch team. spent Sunday with Mrs, John Pear- The "Bluei" are still lending the sall. attendance contest at the Methodist "•Harry Kurtis, Kussell ami Edward Played singly or in harmony with other instruments they add much Sunday-school. Mrs. George Whit- Hendrickson.'Amiel Johnson, David field has succeeded Lester Wh/itfield Hardenbrook, Alexander Eagland to one's musical enjoyment. ' at captain of the "Reels." . and William and James Naulty at- Holly Reynolds is building a g.i-tended the.Tunney-Greb fi(»ht Mon- As usual, our line .of VICTOR and BRUNSWICK Talking Machines, ; tage. day night at New York. ' • The Methodist Sunday-school is Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Baxter and as well as PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS and WELTE MIGNONS, is com- I1 practicing fo» its Christmas enter- daughter of New York were Sunday ', tainment cuests of Miss Elsie Smith. plete. Terms to suit your pocketbook. ! William Aumack, son of Edwnrd Mrs. Charles Page entertained a . Aumack, has chickenpox. ^ number of f riendi at a dinner party last week in celebration of her ! Louis Johnson is laid up with a mother's birthday. Among the ' heavy cold. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar i Mr. and Mrs. Kuegler of Germany Oestreicher, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cha- i arrived here last week. They are nalis, and Mrs. ,1. Schmiker of New ; living with Mr. Kuetler's bother, York, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilkes of STORCK* OF COURSE ; George Kuegler. Trenton and Mr. and Mrs. H. Bar- ' Louis A. Dingman has finished a cal of Irvington, bungalow on Harry F. Cook's farm

t t t f Hear Our Merry Christmas Plan Tt FOR YOUR HAPPY NEW YEAR ft • f T Vulcan Ranges t — ;•z -: ::• Water Heaters f^' -; :;•;•• - i t Radiant-fire Room Heaters t t t We offer to our consumers these home necessities from our complete stock. fT t A small cash payment with the order and monthly payments with e^ch gas bill. T Tf fT Place Your Christmas Order Now! f V Buy the best in Gas Appliances and save Money, Time and Labor. V f Burner Adjustments Are FREE! t4 f Consolidated Gas Company Yt of New Jersey t t Red Bank New Jersey Telephone 776


dent, WlUlam B. Mount secretary, will beheld tpnight at the Commun- to Mjss Bessie Stcinhardt of that to paint the house which ia being, ;own, for $6,000 for hii own jeeu- place wa3 announced. After their built by Charles Martineau on pancy, The houso h now occupied William Bowhe treasurer and Ed- ty house under the auspices of the woman's auxiliary of the flub. Miss marriage they willjive- on Kirst avs- Mount avenue. Eugene Cassone H.rold Stout StiiTriU Uv. Slock by Garrett ChaB^&f T. Elwood Sny- ward Stone reprewntative to the firemen's relief association. Mary Duiirow will give a talk on the nue. has the mason work contract. and Farm Implements dor made the sifi^. Mrs. Grt^ndin J. Chapman is the Officers of the community dub national woman's party. E. S. Woodman of Dover, former- Harold Stout, who ha» been work- Eev. F. A. Lord of Morristown owner of a new eeven-passenifer CANDIES FOR, THE HOLIDAY ly of thii place, is laid up with Ing his farm at Everett in conjunc- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. will be elected January 14th. Among Buick sedan bought from H, L. Zo- the candidates for office arc Mrs. spent Saturday and Sunday hcra rheumatism. ' tion with his boarding house busi- with friends. Several dolls were disposed1 of-at beLof Seabright. MADE BY HOFFMIRE SISTERS ness at Red Bank, will quit tilling Firemen Elect OHicer»—Community H. H. Bowtell, S. T. Champion, Mrs. Norman Padtlock is having several Club Election Junuiry 11th. Eugene Conover, %• Charles Cox, Mrs. F. A. White has returned the Majestic theater last week when tha soil to fivo his entire time to children placed thoir names in a box improvements made to his house on Chocolates,, Glace Nuts & Fruits, Milk Chocolate Tlic Robert B. Mantell flre cqm- George H. Droege, T. J. Emery, from Florida where she spent \riVf Mblih H*i»d A J?J? 'l'-wetkir witH-Mr».--Eugcfle* UUF- tmd*w drawing was made. -- Valley IJriyij.^ ...... Santa Claus, Butter Scotch and Clear of hia farm implements ami live pany" KuTclected" Hriilfiord'tittle |s;SIrBTirAflH|;hl!reeiaiias;"SIrBTir'AflHpp - An addition is being built to Pat- ris, Hollis A. Hart, Mrs. W. B. rell. Mr. and Mrs. Conover and chil- Candies in Forms. stock last week. There was a £air presidcntr~Arthur Irwin vice prcsi- dren, Miss. Bessie Phillips and Har- rick Halleran's blacksmith shop on attendance and fair pricci were licntvNorwood Lindell secretary, \V. Kelly, Mrs. Carl C. Lantz, Edward Rev. and Mrs. James tl. Cann Center street. Mason, Mrs. T. H. Mickens, T. H. have returned from a visit to Cam- old Graves attended a'party last Baskets filled with all kinds of sweets paid. James B, Carton of Everett Harry Posten treasurer, Ira Antoni- week at Hillside. Concrete gutters are being put des financial secretary, Harry Rich- Maxson, Jr., D. C. Oakes, C. N. Pip- den. wss the auctioneer. Next year the The Presbyterian Sunday-school down on Mount.avenue. '' /"' for Sale by fnrm will be worked by Mr. Stuut's mond foreman and Matthew Morten, pitt, Dr. Charles A. Reed, Mrs. M Miss Helen White of Montclnir R. Shale, Mrs. J. Howard Smith normal .school spent Saturday and Christmas exercises will be held fattier, Thomas Stout of Hod Iiank son assistant foreman. Cyrenius Let Luke Do It. Stryker, Ini Antonides, Jr., and D Charles VanMater, Henry • C. Van Sunday here. Mrs. F. A. VnndiT- Friday night of next week. ; MISS HOFFMIRE at "STORCK OF COURSE" Note, E. A. Weber, Percy Couttfl, vecjj, a teacher at the school, accom- The ladies' aid society of the Luke Longhead is a bear „. . Entontown Home Sold. C. Oakes comprise the Btnnainr* com' work. Pie tackles any and all kinds mittce. The hook and Inilder com; and F. A. White. The flub will hold •pnhied Mi?s White home. Presbyterian church met last week of joba at filling the wants of the Lewis D. Hill of Eatontown Ims a moving picture ehow at the Allan Abram Katz lias returned homo ,-it •Mrs. S. S. Micke'ns's. bought I1'. Stanley lligginron'R puny hits elected George N'olte prcs people every week and he usually Telephone Red Bank 485-R ident, William GerkinR vice presl tic theater next monjji. A danci from Newark, where his cnfcagcmnt William Conover has the contract makes good.—Advertisement. ,, house:on Codies nvunue lit, Eaton VxVv'



Give HIM GweHM HOSffi

Wool, This will couple pair give him or half dozen more real in a box will make him smile. comfort than anything you No man ever has too many. could select. $3.50 to $15.00 25c to $3.50 1*1 GtefflM iGivellM SUM Why not ••• Silk Shirt or Most every Expectation fine Madras- man's hobby— Something just a little nicer 1 will be followed by We've ties for than he would choose for him- every taste, conservative and self. $1.50 to $10.00 colorful. If selected here he'll Pleased Surprise keep them. 50c to $3.50 when he beholds the Gifts that were purchased for him at this Man's Shop, Give HIM I Selections here are made easy by the display of wearables that "He" is sure to appreciate. We've pictured a few-we'll suggest a What m a n . 1 few more for your approval. wouldn't like See the a new pair new Suits- House Coats- Sweater Vests- Overcoats- Suit Cases- Underwear- of gloves? Tan capes, grey plaids and stripes in cashmere Raincoats- Travel Bags- Suspenders- and silk. If he never wore one, suedes, fur lined, wool or driv- Tuxedos- Pajamas- Garters- ing gloves. $1.00 to $10.00 'ie will when he gets his. Sheep Lined Coats Umbrellas- Golf Hose- * $2.00 to $10.00 Bath Robes- Hats and Caps- Handkerchiefs- Page Twenty-Six RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923. HIGHLANDS HOTEL FIRE. ivertido Housa Sadly D»m«f«d in Blazes Lmt Week. American Blend Coffee, 31c lb All Varieties Loose Teas 49c lb The Riverside hotel at Highlands /as damaged to the extent of QUAUTY-LOW PRICES 4,000 by fire last week. The hotel See the ntains 37 rooms. The blaze was iscovered by Edward Steelman and idward Duncan. The hotel is wncd by Znlnay and Weiner, who ave another hotel at Lakewood. A. F\ C. 'his made the seventh fire at High- Demonstration nds in fix weeks. Other places 3 Broad Street Red Bank, N. j. J amazed l>y fire in that time are eorfc Sciimidt's house, Charles irkey's bungalow, Fredj.i£eifer- orf's bungalow,' and l^rry A. of Couch Beds icult horn's house, which was twice MEATS n fire. It ia thought the tires were Fresh Cala Sugar CuredBacon I incendiary origin. Hare* lb 14c whole or half strip lb LITTLE SILVER NEWS. iarage Ffame Blown Down to a We Have arranged with the manufacturers to have Mrs. Newton, their expert demon- Heavy Wind Storm. strator, at our store all of this week and give demonstrations of the workings of their various Fresh or Corned Philadelphia The frame of Feder J. Gislcfon's styles of Couch Beds. It is remarkable how little space one of these Couches required when cw garage- on Branch avenue was t Plate Beef - lb Scrapple lb down down during a heavy wind 'used as a couch and how quickly it can be transformed into, a full size bed. ^* ~-^ itorm last week. A number of the residents of this Bo *gna and Sugar Cured 'lace attended the entertainment .nil dunce'held by the Rumson Pres- Here's that is gen- In this small upper picture 'yterian brolherhoud Monday night the Mascot ia shown as a stor- Frankfurters Blue Ribbon Brand lb John O'Ha^an has built a ware- eral favorite. The big center age place for pillows and bed- louse in which to keep privet. illustration shows tho Mascot MASCOT, ding. For small rooms or on a Couch Bed as a couch. The sleeping porch this idea i3 a John VanN^st and his sister, Mrs. winner, because it makes a All Solid Meat Rib Veal Minnie Hpirv3y> have, returned from little picture at the bottom snfe and handy place for a \ isit at New Brunswick. shows how it opens up in a full blankets and pillows. The mat- *ot Roast - lb Chops - lb 28c tress is heavily tilled box, close- 25c The Methodists will have their ar sized bed; it opens automati- nual roll call services tomorrow af- lf tufted, covered in urt tick cally with an easy leverage and or brown denim. This couch • tcroon and night. the mattress falls .exactly in is "8 inches wide; as a bed, Arrangements have fcoen made place. . The frame is of steel 4 ft. J in. wide and 8 ft. 2 in. with the Shrewsbury township lire long. PROGEESS^c^ men's cxemift association wherebj tubing ends, angle sides, oxi- he exempt firemen of this place will dized finish; fitted with-Rome- not withdraw from tho association link spring. 2985 but will remain as members. The Christmas entertainment o the Methodist Sunday-school will be COFFEE^ held Sunday night, December 23d. Mrs. K. V?. Rems'en of Spring HERE'S LOOKING AX YOU Lake was a recent guest of Mrs. Leander B. Campbell.

37c pound MARLBORO NEWS. $12.95 ! Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Schanck Wil Leave Soon for Texas. 9x12 feet Coiigoleum Rugs, guar- Mrs. ,K. C., Jr., has re turned from Lakcwcod, and is visit- anteed Gold Seal brand. Large Standard Granulated DelMonte Sliced ng Mr and Mrs. C. H. Buck. Mr. and Mrs. Schanck expect to leav shipment just arrived. Get your Sugar, lb 9c Peaches, No, 2 can 20c! for Texas soon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Magee en- tertained on Wednesday night Mr. order in on the double quick. and Mrs. Charles H. Buck, Mrs. R. C. Schanck and Miss Rita Schenc • Palm Olive Hawaiian Sliced O7p ! of Marlboro and Mr. and Mrs, Archibald Reynolds of Freehold. * Soap . . Pineapple, No, 2 can « * v \ Mrs. Mary Quick of Port Jervii is visiting her brother, C. J. Court right. A Few t Mr. and Mrs. William -I. Ely and j + Mothers or Quaker ApA DelMonte CherriesOA • Misses Mary, Eleanor and Katherine Christmas A Vanderveer of Red Bank spent Sun- • Rolled Oats, 3 pigs ZOC day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Suggestions No. 2 can - - " * t Buck. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wells attended BOOK TROUGH the Pomona grange meeting at END TABLE ^ Sweat Clover, Magnolia, Star or Darling TELEPHONE TABLE Glenciola Saturday. ' WINDSOR CHAIR DUZ Mrs. John Bralmey is spending a LIBRARY TABLE • Milk few days with relatives at Red SEWING CABINET Bank. DOLL CARRIAGE . 3 packages for 25c J SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 14C TEA WAGON *• can , Mrs. S. B. Wells was a recent vis- OR YOUR MONEY BACK itor with her son, James Wells of CEDAR CHEST WICKER FURNITURE Newark. CONSOLE TABLE Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Schanck, CHILD'S ROCKERS Mrs. C. L. Palmer, Mrs. \V. S. Etry- SECRETARY DESKS ker and Mrs. B. Quackenbush spent BOOKCASE Friday at Newark. DAY-BED * Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Lisa, who have been spending several weeks AMERICAN FOOD CO, with relatives at Xcw York, re- I HOLIDAY SPECIALS HOLIDAY SPECIALS 4 turned Friday. The Quality Stores With the Yellow Fronts Mrs. Edsall of Sussex-, who has Bar Harbor Chair, natural Children's Reed Doll leen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Court- finish $3.98 Carriages $2.95 to $18.00 • right, left Sunday for Philadelphia. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mahogany Finished End Children's Rockers and High It pays to advertise in The Register. Tables :. ....$4.95 Chairs $1.95 and up Windsor Chairs finished in Boudoir Lamps complete with dull mahogany $9.75 Silk Shades $1.95 Spinet Desk finished in dull Shades $1.95 mahogany $29.00 Bridge Lamps complete with Mahogany Candle Sticks BUY YOUR Silk Shades $11.75 per pair $1.50 Mahogany finished Smoking Large Size Piano Floor Lamp Stands $1.25 complete with silk shade $15.95 Buffet and Mantel Mirrors Genuine Red Cedar Chest $9.75 :fwith Polychrome frames $12.75 XMAS RADIO EARLY! CHOICE OF OUR ENTIRE HOLIDAY STOCK AT THIS BIG DISCOUNT. AN UNHEARD T + OF OPPORTUNITY TO BUY CHRISTMAS GIFTS OF FURNITURE AT LOWERED PRICES. i OTHER SUGGESTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS A Sellers Kitchen Cabinet for Mother. , A Genuine Red Cedar Chest for Her. . A Doll Carriage for the Tot. A Smoking Stand for Him. '


Boy Your Radio in Red Bank's Only Exclusive Radio Store : ; THE SHOPPING CENTO OF MONMOUTH Give them a Radio for Xmas and Installation will be Made FREE OF CHARGE REDiBANK COMPLETE SETS PARTS REPAIRS ;:j;;:: Profit by Our Twenty Years of Experience "The Store That S avei You Money" RADIO SUPPLIES AND SERVICE i > 27 tn'd 29 Monmouth St. Phon« 1290 R. S. JOHNSON, Proprietor Red Bank, N. J. FURNITURE Prompt Frtt Delivery I AIL ^ 10 WHITE STREET, Opp. Postoffice 1CLEPH0NE IISI COMPANY RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12. 1923- Page Twenty-Seven:.

CHRISTMAS OUR TWO STORES i THE ART KRAFT SHOPPE and THE STORE OF A THOUSAND ITEMS have become the Mecca for Discriminating Buyers. We are serving more people daily than ever before in the history of our TWO STORES. We are also coming nearer to our ideals of perfect service tha« ever before. If you have delayed your Christmas Shopping, begin in earnest tomorrow. t you depend on TRVBIN'S you will find your shopping a pleasure and satisfactory

The Question of what shall I give is answered at our TWO Space in the newspapers is too limited and our windows arc stores. They ara filled with beautiful new goods. Thousands too small to display everything. Your personal call to our Stores will convince you that whether you want a gift for the HOME of dollars worth of the best and distinctive gifts have been se- of for an individual; for Mother, Father, Brother or Sister, or cured by us to serve your every requirement in this busy season— just a friend. A TRUBIN gift will be highly valued by the re- to meet your needs quickly, cheerfully and accurately. i cipient and prove very satisfactory to the giver.

We Suggest ECONOMY OPPORTUNITY We .Suggest Any of the Not only have we bought with a view of Following fresn Completeness but also with a carefulness from the that enables us to price our goods right, consistent with good merchandise. SHOPPE

Flash Lights Welder Steam Engines Mirrors v Diaries, ~ "^ Baseball Games Kid Special Stationery Serving Tables Mah Jong Sets Football Games Wahl Pencils < Wahl Pen • Farm Tractor | Dishes for Children Tea Wagons Desks , Junior Tennis ! Billy Whiskers Wahl Pen and Pencil "Jackee." Hornpipe Kodaks imported Oval Rugs Card Tables Dancer Parchesi, full size Sets Kodalc Albums Japanese Vases Framed Pictures Polly Anna Waterman Pens Alabama Coon Jigger Bronze Book End: Japanese Trays Chinaware Glass Mosaic Pocket Knives Mechanical Trolleys China Lamps Table Lamps r> Gloria Mosaic *«- Billfolde Mechanical Trains ' Mahogany Book Ends Lustre Lamps ',• Bag-o-Tell Scooters Genuine Madam Hin- Brass and Copper Boudoir Lamps Metal Lamps •»,'' Split Scudder Karn drcn Dolls Articles Bridge Lamps I Dominoes , Pottery Bicycles Rag Dolls Nut Bowls Silver Plated Ware Rook Japanese Furniture < Pit Express Wagons Roily Pollys Nut Crackers Glassware Blackboards on Stands Boston Bull Dogs OPEN EVENINGS Shaeffer "1 Flinch Serving Trays Smoking Sets Dump Wagons Squeaking Animals Latest copyright Books Magic Dots Smoking Stands Checker Sets Milk Wagons Doll Carriages Your name stamped Bread Trays Lustre Tea Sets Flat Top Wagons Candle Sticks Lotto China Dishes in gold free on each Flower Bowls Japanese Dinner Sets Chess Games Doll Bungalows Agate Dishes Wall Containers Sewing Stands Garages fountain pen bought Console Sets Puzzle Peg o Aluminum Dishes from us. Hanging Baskets Telephone Tables Tiddley Winks Buddy Fire Engine Cut Glass Stone Dishes Fancy Candles Box Ball , Buddy Trucks Cards Pyrex Glassware Buddy Excavators Trumpets Old Prints Anno grams Drums A typewriter for Calendars Water Sets Bradley Needle Work* Automobiles your boy or girl is a Bibles Etchings Fire Engines Music Boxes Hand Painted Madeline Clay useful gift. Antiques Wooden Beads Friction Trolley Cars Rite Tone Telephones Testaments Novelties Paper Dolls Friction Sport Model Kiddie Kars Brownie Cameras Fountain Pens Camera Supplier Puzzles Cars Bye-Bye Bikes Lloyd Doll Bowling Alley* Friction Locomotives Shoo Flics Carriages- Pool Tables Pull Toy Locomotives Rocking Horses There are none bet- Crokinole Boards Mechanical Boats Velocipedes ter. Shooting Galleries Garage and Two Cars Erector Sets, 0 to 5 Blocks, Hook and Ladder Erector Machinery netted and solid Engines Tinker Toys Children's Books Inspect Our Dollar Table Puzzle Blocks Boiler Fire Engines Tool Chests Stencils and Moving Picture Crayon Outfits Machines Footballs The Largest Assort- Plenty of Useful and Ornamental Articles Pencil Boxes Aero Speeders Basketballs ment of Christmas Lionel Electric Trains Friction Boats Volley Ballt Cardi and Booklets v Stablei Complete with Friction Hook & Ltd* Striking Bags at our*Two Stores. ; a Cart and Two Honei der Boxing Glovei Page Twenty-Eight RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923. Big Crop of Late Turnipi. Raymond Stillman of Eatontown harvested a crop of -00 barrels ol turnips on Monday. The turnips were not planted until i'arly in Sep- Rugs and Draperies Cleaned and Dyed tember and tlial, they turned out so it well was diu' to the lute arrival of winter weather. Electrical We are prepared to change the tone of a room ENGLISHTOWN NEWS. by dyeing the floor and wall coverings. You will Addition Cotting $8,000 to be Built to Mtlhurftt School, find our work of the highest quality. i At a special election last Wednes- day it was unanimously voted to Uiu'iM an uddition to the Milhurst jjchool at a eost of $8,000. The • present two-room building has been j 1 completed 'jut a short Unic but is } Armstrong Table Stoves ... .r,,.T.... 7 . V$12.50 inadequate. The children l'rom the i 1 VanDervi'or district were transport-| JPercolators .^^• • • • Red Bank ill to Milhurst when thFTnrw~tnn!rt-'' ing was erected. The school is now WJAX LEON, Proprietor 'so crowded it was found necessary ! Flashlights complete with battery 95c up I to open the, old one-room building! land add another teacher. Last | Little Chef Stove $2.00 I year tin: seventh and eighth grade Main Office Factory 5 pupils were transported to English- Boudoir Lamps $4.25, $6.50, $6.75 24 West Front St. 76-78 White St. • town. Howard Hoffman substituted for j Toasters ..,,. $4.00, $6.00 Telephone 73 4 Telephone 1045 Samuel Frake on "rural route No. U | on Saturday. Electric Irons ...... $4.50, $5.00, $5.75, $7.50 Miss Violet R. Conpver, a stu- dent at the New Jersey college at ' New Brunswick, spent the week-end Adjustable Lights ,.,.... —$4.50 Long Branch • Sea Bright - Atlantic Highlands - Perth Amboy with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Vnnder-1 veer. i Curling Irons ...... '.... $1.98, $3.50, $4.00 The steering gear on Howard ' HoiTman's car broke Friday and the ; car went in a ditch. Mr. Hoffman,! Electrical Outfits Christmas Tree Fixtures was not hurt. James Lambert has sold the stock ;in his store'and the place is closed. ! Over three years ago Mr. Lambert OTHER SHOPS: bought the confectionery business "PRICES LESS : of Mrs. Ella Christie, who • had Asbury Park THAN ' conducted it since the death of her Freehold ;husband. . S. Allen ELSEWHERE." j Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Herbert, Mrs. C. V. Aumack and Mrs. G. \ Winlleld Conover attended the Electrical Contractor 145 Broadway, Long; Branch, N. J. ' meeting of the'state grange at At- lantic City last week. 10 White Street Red Bank, N. J. The seventh grade presented the HOUSC / Englishtown school with two Vie- trola records in preparation for the Phoxie 339 musical cpntestto tie, held at Ocean Grove, in February. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Burke had as 1 their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs*. Edwin B. Tillow, Mrs, Amanda Fitzgerald and Mrs. Villic Camp of 'VERYTHING is in readiness; Newark. Miss Laura Clayton, her father, stocks are complete and the | Taylor Clayton, Miss Vernn Davi- E son, Grandin Davison and William Give&Kible Qitis store is is resplendent holi- I. Davison, Jr., visited Mr. and Mrs. ' Morton Disbrow of Keyport last day attire. Months of careful prep- week. ^ for I. Schiff, who was badly hurt in aration, of ceasless activity, of an accident at Old Jiridge several weeks ago, has returiu'd home scouring every available market from St. Peters hospital at New * '« Brunswick. for Christmas merchandise have Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson lard daughter Hazel of Belford and finally taken material form. Our Miss Marion Anderson and Chester | Weber of Matawan spent Sunday holiday stocks are ready for in- with Mrs. Mabel Tilton and diiugh- 1 ter Lillian. spection and seiecuon. Never | Miss Hattio Reid entertained on A Great Offer That Will Interest Xmas Shoppers. [Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Charles before have we been more bounti- | It. KiiL'lish and family of Ki'd Hank and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ilutchin- A Gift for Every Member of the Family. ^ fully supplied with such desirable gift things. The ! son and family of Matawan. Mrs. Minnie IIoss of Yanlvill'j store is a veritable garden of Christmas merchan- tpent the. week-end with her sister, !Mrs. Clara llendrickson. Floor Lamps $16.50 to $75.00 dise in full bloom. ° The lowest prices in years ; Mr?. William K. Mount, Mr». Lewis S. liortner mid Mrs. L. C. Bridge Lamps - 15.00 to 40.00 prevail. |: Hoffman spent Tuesday with Mrs. jj. B. Shaw of Ocean Grove. V Table Lamps •; : Mrs. Jol;n R. Lewis and daugh- 29.00 to 32.00 ; tcrs visited lid sister, Mrs. \V. Console Mirror - \ LSailey of ISrooklyn recently. •7.25 to 25.00 { George Tracey and Howard Hoff- \.'""t Telephone Sets |maii spent tho week-end at Eliza- 17.25 to 25.00 beth. Smoking Cabinets 9.50 to 17.00 William I. Davison, Jr., and fam- ily und Taylor Clayton and daugh- Smoking Stands .98 to 7.50 ter motored to New Brunswick Sunday and visited Mr. am? Mrs. Sofa Pillows 2.75 to 4.50 Frank,GreL'ii. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton K. Mount h 'I Candlesticks, pair - • 1.65 of New Brunswick were recent M Ss. quests of Mr. and -Mrs. William K. End Tables - 6.00 to 18.00 iloti tit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Soilen are Console Sets 4.50 •ejoicing ovtr the arrival uf a son. Miss Elsie (iiblis is visiting her Solid Mahog. Sewing uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cabinets - 8.75 to 25.00 Semi of Jersey City. " A •. h" Mr. and Mrs. Herman (i, Yuss and Record Sales of New Cadillacs daughter Gloria ol Brooklyn visited Children's Rockers 3.25 to 6.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joint Tafel recently. Mr. and .Mis. Fred llurki- enter- Odd Chairs and Rockers 9.00 to 50.00 Enable Us to Offer You 'lini'il rccrnily tbi' latter's mother, w. .slid nephc.v, Mrs. Frank Schneider Book Ends - '- - 3.95 and Albert KimiVMiH of Freehold Exceptionally Good Used Car Values and Mr. and .Mrs. l''nmk Sclmejder, Cedar Chests, large size 12.75 to 40.00 Jr., of Lung liranch. Nicholas Cnnover broke his nrm Mahogany Pedestals - 4.00 last Week white operating a power Nut Bowls - - 2.25 to 3.50 JU'uring the past few weeks \vo have MiW. He Minpcd und fell and(*u hcii\y log rolled on him. Doll Carriages - 4.50 to 18.00 been able to obtain a very unusual stock Mrs. II. K. Laird has been visit- ing her son, Mrs. Herbert N. laird of used automobiles, as a result •>[ the of Trenton. heavy sales of new Cadillac car*. These Mr. und Mrs. Howard Lee of MANY OTHER USEFUL. GIFTS and Mr. unil Mre. (i, W, >ll I used cars are renewed cars in every , ' ' ilcihman of Newark were recent • respect. Every part has been inspected guests of Mrs, C, A, Ap|deg!itc. Beautiful 3-Plece Upholstered Suites, Covering* Harold Nici'ly Ims made (dims for and, if necessary, replaced. Each car— two years' study iil>roud nnd lins D of Tapestry, Mohair and Velour. (MCQ In whet i Cadillac or other make— to aceept the pnstofittu of Prices Cut to Move at Once - $199 W the Presbyterian rliurch lifrc. repreH'iits the greatest value you The Christian Endeavor society can obtain for each dollar you invest. will hold fl conundrum supper ii. the All These Gifts Are Marked Down to Move at Once dmpel Friday night, And each car is of fine appearance. MIM Anna Orr of Linden-(pent fcrul days recently with her par- ents, Mr. nnd Mri, John A, Orr. >z-\ J. W. MOUNT CO., MIM (.'iirolino Lied nnd Miss (ilntlyn M, Hyun visited frimiiU nt Cor. Maple Ave. and White St., Red Bank New York A few duy» rmnlly, GLOBE FURNISHING CO. Albert Lutley of l'rlrieetoh EAST FRONT STREET RED BANK, N. J. ' Telephone 51fj. preached In tile 1'rcnliytcrinn i-liuri-h Inat Hundny. V ••-> Phone latJfe Fr«« Delivery MM. Kiln ChrUtfc nml Mri Mnrirlyn Aurnnck wiint tn Htlinnr Mandny, wher* they,vl«ltcd Mr nml A Smftll Dtpoiit Will Secure Any Article Until Xmii CADILLAC \ Mrp, William Scnltiick, Mmidny nlpht Mr». WirlilJ^ isntint ivltt? htt *, MM. 8nr«h Chrlmle of "A Renewed £adillac A Still a Cadillac" I'olnt PledHnt knfi «n Tm-idny »|,» XMAS GIFT SALE XMAS GIFT SALE vlilted MM. Rlchird Wln«i of i)F|.

Thp Worker*1 Conferfntu of tlm . 'inn Hunil«y.»i'litiol wi't m tint liunu- of Mr*, Chariot T, Wuml, ward on Wrdn#|rt»y unit plsntmil fat tlin ChtUtoiii tnUrUlAffl«n(. RED BANK REGISTER^ DECEMBER 12; 1923. TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN OCEANPORT NEWS. iurnsieadsWormSyrup Hungry Hoodlumi Rob Pantrici— r'To chBur&i u wee] ol tMCVtJ* tiii«rt Firemen's Election. lilln-clUuaro followed, M NKVB* TAILS. Contractor and Builder • auntUr an* •normotu e»t of Residents of this place are trying ..,,.. NTS, It contain* tan dm. It*o4 SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING to catch the person or persona who I tin? rein' tot. SoU mtnbin or to have been visiting their pantries nail. KM a bottla. * « ' SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES 160 Brides Arena*, Red Bank, N. J.(luring the night arid eating most Now Sensationally low Prices in a - - -- - ML Du nBadtlDfck Telephone 8S1-M everything they could find. The first place visited was Misses Anna and EIizabfLh-.,,tDttMs'3, j whore they ate a batch of home made crullers and some shredde 1 wheat biscuits. This was pr. Thurs- 60 DaySale! liiy night. On Saturday night an attempt was made to get into Mr::. Flora Scott's house with a ladder vhich they took from Frank •Con- row's barn next door to Mrs. Scott. FURNITURE, TOY S When they placed the ladder again.-t We Have An Extensive Line at Low Prices. the house Mrs, Scott heard the nois;: and screamed. This scared the in- truders away. Sunday night an at- Rugs, Bedding, Holiday Gifts. FOR GIRLS FOR BOYS '-y tempt was made to get into Albeit Tillotson's way of the back Drums ^ door. A screen door wasbrojan Dolls open but Mr. Tillotson heard thv Iron Fire Engines noise and" when he went to investi- $150,000 STOCK Doll Carriages gate the caube the intruders' fled. Iron Hook and Ladders Later on the."same night Captain Doll Cradles Thomas Reeves's house, a few doors Friction Toys from Mr. Tillotson's house, was vis- Reduced 1OX 20$, 331-3%, 5O Doll Beds ited and the thieves got several Auto Busses >' quarts of milk, cake end other food, Doll Bassinettes pretty much everything.Mrs. Reeves WHICH MEANS GUARANTEED QUALITY American Flyer had in her pantry. Th'ey took sev- eral pans and. spoons and ate the Doll Tea Sets food on the back porch. No one in At Prices Beyond Comparison or Competition and a " Mechanical Trains the house heard tho thieves and the Toddler Toys theft was not discovered until th» Most Unusual Opportunity Sleds next morning. Gome folks are of Furniture, etc. the opinion it is the work of some Wagons, etc. person or persons who are crazy or to select distinctive furnishings from the very largest and finest assortments ever shown in Monmouth demented. County. These new definitely low prices stand good for December and January. No matter what Mrs. Max Friedman is spending a you see, hear or read about, there will be no similar chance to duplicate these values in any other few days with her sister at New store. There will be no lower prices here or elsewhere during January or February. With this assur- Utility Gifts York. Frank Emmons of Deal and Mi- ance why not buy now and reap the benefit of comfortable and attractive furnishings and secure For the Women Folks. ,kiel McGuire of Long Branch prices which represent' A SOUND INVESTMENT. .pent Thursday with Mr. McGuire's / ter, Mrs. Ella Fields. Pyrex Glass Baking Ware, and Tea Pots, Mirro Aluminum Ware, At the meeting of the borough . SPECIAL NOTICE. Now ready for mailing-an accurately illustrated circular, showing many council Thursday night, Attorney of the REAL VALUES now being put out by this store. Nickel Plated Ware, Stainless Stee 1 Knives and Forks, Tabarets, Book •Jacob Steinbach, Jr., was directed Holders, Telephone Tables and numerous other articles. to confer with the Tintoii Manor Store Open Evenings Until 9:00—Saturdays, 10:00 P. M. water company regarding rates charged the • residents of Portau- A fine $5.00 Bisque Doll, real hair and sleeping eyes. Very special at. peck. Several people of that place < were at the meeting and stated that the rates charged were excessive The Tintern 'Manor company fur- nishes tho water but is supplied $2.49 through mains laid by the Empire * Trust company and the latter com- 9 pany fixes the rate. ' See our line and we will convince you as to prices arfd assortment 1)1 A contribution of $25 was made !a . to help the free public library which has its. headquarters at the present time in the Methodist Sunday-school room. Mrs. John Morrow, the libra- rian, made the application for the donation, Red BankN -Permission was granted the Sur- KEYPORT NEW JERSEY plus Assets company to close War- 17 Broad Street WELLER'S ' " dell drive at Portaupeck. qUALlTY & PRICES GUARANTEED A delegation from the Portaupeck improvement association attended the meeting. J. P. Smith, a former commissioner of Bayonne and now a resident of Portaupeck, addressed the council in behalf of the associa- tion. He said the association was trying to build up 1'ortaupeek and he asked for the support of the council" in this work. Mayor Bill- ings assured him the borough offi- cials would co-operate with the as- sociation and ho told Mr. Smith that work would be started at once on repairing the roads at Purtaupeek. An ordinance to retire the $6,500 MiiiiiiiiiliiiiiuiuiiiliuiiiliiiHnmiHiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiuniiHiiinnuiiiinu temporary notes for the improve- ment of Main street and convert- ing the debt into a bond issue passed its third and final reading The total bonded indebtedness of. HENRY CAMPBELL, President the borough is now $15,200. ' Tho DANIEL S. ELY, Vice-Pres. EDWIN R. CONOVER, Cashiej council will finish the year with all bills paid, the state, county and school taxes paid and with a balance in the treasury. James Harvey made a complaint Our 1924 Christmas Club Is Now Open about the poor bus service. He said he did not see why an ordinance Make your 1924 Christmas a merry one by joining our' could not be passed that would re- club. quire the thuttle bus to meet every bus on the main line. Mayor Bil- If you have not been a member let us demonstrate what lings ordered Councilman John Gaul a wonderful satisfaction it is to receive a check the first of to investigate the matter and report at the next met ting. next December. The entertainment, committee of If you have been a member, increase yomvtlass this the fire company will hold a euchre uiul dunce in the hrehouai'. Fvidav year and receive a larger check next December^ night, Kefreshn'.i'iUs will lie served mid a number of prize.! will bo Our Christinas Club plans are very simple, very brief, awarded. void of complications, yet within the means of every man, The tire company held its monthly woman or child who chooses to put aside at stipulated times meeting Friday night at which tinv II. \V. Conrtuv was elected presi- during the year a small sum for Christinas use a year from , Carl I'hi; tertr secretary nnd now. They are divided as follows: Albert Tillnbon irrasum1, The trustees nro Frank I.umly, Thomas Class 25— .25 each week Total $ 12.50 Riddle. II. Whitney Conrow, lienju- min ftlriridge, tleorgti Davis, Albert Class 50— .50 " 25.00 The towest Priced Sedan TilloLsoiv nnd Kenneth 1'. West. Class 100—1.00 " " 50.00 Leslie Wuliolt i'i chief, llyrtm 41 TN t; Mclor Sedan n wholly new direction, make lor safer driving Iliiggs assistant rliief, Kenneth I'. Class 200—2.00 " " 100.00 A Foru ,.io type is offered and greater motoring enjoyment. West engineer, Kaymuml Ivhndis Class—:Any amount each week. \merican mou.,«». Upholstery i, both attractive and first iiH'isliint I'ligiueiT, .lulm Mor- niw, Jr., ji'coml n> .mlnnt engineer, We will ln> pleased-to enroll those wishing to subscribe It is distinguished by ;npact, serviceable, Kilward M. lierry furemmi, Alexan- der Hiiro** HrM iiiMstanl. fnremiiit lo any of these classes. .> • roomy body two wide doom open- At $5W, this is the lowest priced mill ll'il.eit A. HCIM Mi'nnd assintJitit im; forward, and folding right front Sedan ever placed on the American finiinnii. Kenneth I'. Went WJS Mat. It is a car you can get into easily, market. Combining all tho familiar rli'ctml to tlm firemen's relief »sso- riali'Ht for Ihri'i" ye«r<. AftfWthn drive handily, and park quickly. Ford qualities with the utility of its iiiKiiiiB Ktcwnril A Hunt T. Smith THE m-rveil frnnkfurtcm, tBUfrkraut, Long-panel win- distinctive body Ttii I'.ir ran t* tlilatmil IkrnujtA l»» type, it is a car. of ciill'i'i' and (1OUKIUIUI!I. dows nllording an broad appeal nnd Ki'eil Wood in a new inomhcr nf BROAD STREET open view in every the lire cmiipuny. compelling value. At a inrctinit uf tli H% b*«fi hcr» twn u-fply ttnd diifhiK thnt tint twelve pi>*U hgvs h«tn tonv»rinl n'.il will' noon b«««mt TRUCKS • TBACTCTU m*n)b«rt of thi> church. RED BANK REGjgTER _D^_EMBER 12, 192g. Pagejrbjrty__. j Pan»ie» in~December. Mrs. Joaquin Lawrence of Colt's Neck last Friday picked enough ^•i! pansies from her garden to make a The Old Reliable Headquarters si*' large boquet. A visitor at Colt's •,Neck Saturday sow a bee buzzing FOR about and heard a robin chirping., •

:/"•=•- ...V,SHREWSBURY NEWS. Christmas Trees and Wreaths Quarantine on James Bly't Home Lifted List Week. : Make your gifts worth while ones whose usefulness will be felt Save Money by Getting Our Prices. Christian Broderson has a new j .Podge sedan. . . ' throughout the year. J. Wright Brown is having hot Special Prices For Churches water heat,..electric, lights and a jhathrboni installed in the house at FREE DELIVERY the station. Mrs. W. P. Brown left today for PYREX ROGERS NICKEL New York. SILVERWARE C. S. LciTipcnt last week at New York. j,. - The quarantine for scarlet fever KRIDEL'S MARKET i 1« 5 noon at Mrs. Robert Vandervcer's , Christmas Gifts on thn corner of South street and | Two Compartment Table Knives and Forks Brancli avenue, Red Bank. A Dish ....;;..1.50 Set of 6... 1.50 Christmas program has been ar- The largest assortment of all kinds of goods ranged by Mrs. C. M. Patterson. Mrs. H. Chalk of Red Bank will nail a Christmas story as it is given UNIVERSAL LUNCH BOXES -AUTO ROBES < suitable for Christmas presents of any store in Armenia. ru-ij >i Lir., i/ ,L«I inrt Wool Fancy Plaid 6.00 to 7.50 in Monmouth County, and they say the Improvements are being made to the Martin property on Sycamore Childrens Lunch Kits, »/a pt. bottle 3.00 Wool Steamer Robe8 850 to 1000 avenue. Trees and Undergrowth Men's Lunch Kits, pint bottle 3.25 Plush Robes, plain green 10.50 prices are less than elsewhere. Lire being taken out. t. Theodore Nestler and John Park- er last week attended tile older boys' conference at Railway. Miss Maggie Allen has moved to Red Bank for the winter. Evans Jones is having a copper roof put on his house on Broad ROBERT HANCE & SONS street.

HAZLET NEWS. 12 Broad Street Red Bank, N Mias Hannah Poling Entertained tHs Social Nine Last Tuesday. "»r.^r?»JSriWrj?»r^» Miss Hannah Poling entertained the Social Nine.on Tuesday after- jnoon. An enjoyable afternoon was '< spent in sewing and several $iano CHRISTMAS SHOPPING fill* 4t WIA JAHM TIE i selections were rendered by Mrs. -AT- I IIP IVI fill Pi II HniTit* jKstelle Cosgrove. Refreshments A llV If lUUvi U UVUIV j were served by the hostess. Amon£ ] those present were Mrs. Lafayette Bailey. Mrs. William Lambertson, jMrs. Cornelius Lambertson, Mrs.! Every modern Home now en- [Thomas G. Cowles, Miss Anna j. C & R DRUG CO. 'Cowles, Miss Hyldah Hyer, Mrs. jJamcs Sutton. Mrs. John Cotgrovc, X 15 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J.. joys the many conveniences of ^' Miss Marie Cosgrove, Mrs. Emil | i : Pimper, Misa Constaiu'e Eedlo, Misi; Electrical appliances. '£ | Hannah Poling and Whynan Birk-1 Will Save Vou Many Dollars 5 ( beck. | WE HAVE A COIV^LETE LINE OF If your home is not so equipped, why J i Mr. and Mrs. John Bozarth en.'.er- \ not let us quote you prices for .the in- f taincd a number of friends at their! '"' home on the Holmdel turnpike on ' stallation of Electricity as completely Friday night of last week. The • Combs and Brushes Manicuring Sets or as limited as you wish to use it ? evening was .spent in dancing and ! playing cards. Prizes were awarded ; Ivory Sets Stationery to Theodore (iasken of Long Branch j Jjj and Mr?. George L. White of Huzlet. j Perfumes Fountain Pens 5 Among those present were Mr. and! GEORGE A. HOG AN J Mr?, George Shim and son William, 1 Toilet Waters Imported and Domestic Mr. and Mr;. Fred Eiselo, Mr. and I Electrical Contractor •- Pealer Mrs. William Hayes, Miss Bessie Shaving Sets . Face Powder and Sachet Iv William?. Miss K.itlierine Desmond, • * • -lames Desmond, Theodore Gaskin ! c.f Long Branch, Mr. and Mr?. Safety Razors Toilet Sejs 68 Broad St. Red Bank N. J. Ijeorpe ),. White anit son (ieorg" • Mirrors Compacts Telephone 389 " i Mid Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Carhart of f Hazlct. | Numerous Other Holiday Articles Now on Display at Oqr Store. The ladles' aid society of St. John's church met at Mrs. Andrew ; Chocolate Candies in Attractive Boxes for Christmas J. Latham's on Wednesday after- noon. KefreshmenU were served following the business session. Among those (ircscnt wore Uov. anii Mrs. II. S. Stnittimi" Mrs. Samuel II. Page &. Shaw Park & Tilford Walling and daughter FJcannr, Mrs. ; Justice Camp, Mr.'. William S. ' Holmes. Mrs. II. Alvin Walling, Mr.-. ; Whitman's Schrafft's Kmil I'impor, Mrs. John If. linhrcu- burir, Mrs. , James Morre!!, Mr:. Huyler's San-Man's Itaelif Lerny and daughter Kloronc, Mrs. Florence I.cmy, Mr«. Lcroy Clark, Mi". Cyrus (i. Ross, Mr.-). Thomas li. Cowles, Mr«. Hyson Woodliouu', Mr:!. Carrie H. Walling, ', .OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT—Special Sale for thU Week Oi^ly. Mrs. Kiln licdlc, Mrs. Hurry K. Mance, Mrs. Jnscph Ilycr, Mi-i Seidlitz Powders, 12 blue and 12 white in Tin Containers, Reg. 40c value Anna Cinvlcs, Mrs. Willium II. Ilycr, Si\, Mrs. ("narlci I'. JIIIIIKOII nnd Special 29c cliildrcu, Mi-, Mt-li !>a llyrr, Mi^ Thrlmn l.:t!'n,mi, Mis» lluld/i I.ii- Hot Water Bottle and Syringes, guaranteed for 2 years. Reg. $1.50 value. Ihani, Mr*. S'udie Thomphnn nnd1 Mrr John M. Hope of Iln/.M ; Mr;. I Special 98c Williiitn T. Voorhcrs nf AMID nnd Mrf, Morcnco A. Vnnrllvcn of Knt- : Wampole's Original Cod Liver Oil, reg. $1.00 .Special 69c f'iitciwn, ;, Epsom Salts Pure U. S. P Full Pound 12c Something jot His Car Mr. mill Mrs. Gruntc \V, llnrvry uf Cnronit, I.. I., have returned after ; >|ii'nding a «rcl< with Thomas "i nt Ni1*1 York. ; VERY SPECIAL for gift giving and moderately priced is now on Uriiii' II. Wricitiiil, wlin hus tinen ' jlck (hi1 |ut*t Wfek. lm« r^cnvcrril, | display. i l.f filrr V, Wiltlnit of" Uv*l»tte, Alarm Clocks, Kiiaiitntpcd for one year. Regular t uprnl tht wpfk-tnd lit hl» hunt. I llnrvey lly«r, »on of lliirviy lly- $2,00 value Special $U9 See the wonderful assortment in show window. 1 i-r, U nkk with illphthfrl«, I Jtime* II, Arkmon tiu recovered ! from Ihf murnpn, Ruth und J»h.i I Aifcrrcim nm now ilrk with thin all. STATR Or NIW JKMKY, >"f»tli.» «( iklt IUi*. «»••• iflntlMl MAMTIN, *Mr«l|rr •! •<•»• »l tin 1UU•.•I, >t Ti.nlos Ilili IhlrlUlk Mr of Na impiit. Mii l »«u It f" *0£f \ *h "i' >U* *' **'"""" "' **** *•«"•

i i btronij, Joseph D. Bedle, J. y "wood products" from Rus-! lit (Juderjthn. Elite Walling, Helen Wall- ? ing, Viola Dehnz, Alonio Bailey, Kenneth Phone 1225 Bay Ave. and Miller St. NEWS'FROM KK/'i'.. Id lit ndricksnn. The auditors sell B, Post. The concern makes Bailey, Norman Wallini, Joutph Kennedy, Uctul were H. Wyman Birk- radio cabinets. Thelma Latham. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT 1 MRS. HENRY E ACui F - i !• 11' yd F. Armstrong and John The Thought club will meet Uatthmv , Jr. The directors Monday night with Mrs. Roland C. SCHOOL BOARD Hulat'a Good Pupilt; ROSENBLUM & SOERBLATT d these officers: Dey. • , The honor pupils at Hazlet school , Highlands, New Jersey She Succeed. Rufu« 0 ' ill—JutnTW/'Kaougli. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brower for November are: Alteration fur Sale yr lilt it -Hurvey S. Bedle. . "TOYS AND GIFTS OF THE BETTER KIND" WI.D .Recanliy Ro 1 i have moved into their recently pur- ui — I iorne W, ttrown. Grammar rli'p^rtnu-tit—Myrl,. ^ v" Army Officeri.—lUruti chased houso on Church street. Mildred Bennett, Olive Lamliortson. Amelia Am compelled to clears out jny entiro stock of up-to-date r 1 1'nlmcr Armstrong. Hat A#to Accjdmt I'erno. MarKBr*,'t 'i'rebirnj, Mnrk'nrt-t Smith, DOLLS 15c U $7.00 Gift Suggaitioni for nil the Family Far Coats and Nock Pieces, to make room for a force of work- \ im y—Goor«« W. .Drown. 4o>eph Cresci, Kussell ESi-nnutt.- Allwrt DOLL COACHES S9c to $15.75 BEDROOM SLIPPERS men to commence alterations on my premises on the first of the At a meeting ul il < M and Mri. Arthur S. VanBus- Hill Cre.t School'. Honor Roll. Cmci, Robert Everdell, Orville Ilpynuldfl. year. ' VELOCIPEDES »4.SO up HANDKERCHIEFS IN BOXES cation'Wednesday u 1 i t>pi.nt tin week-end with Miss The pupils of the Hill Crest pub- Primary department—Knymoncl Hennett, John C. Boiarth. Rtary Carhart, Stephen ELECTRIC TRAINS $8.00 HOSIERY, SILK AND WOPL Sale is now" going on and will continue until January 1st, E. Ackei-Bon, Ji i i Walker at Westficjd. lic school, near Hazlet, who' hadLtmbertiton, Wilbur McElwnine, Rudblph 1924. member of thu h > HAND CARS $4.90 up SWEATERS, GLOVES I ej I) G Lwifjan is building a perfect records for November are: Peneux, Lloyd Reyn. Orley Shown, J.fst«r INFANTS' WEAR Joscph-D-lkdl. i I _ Slillw.'ll, ,Jim<-'^ VanMpiTbeke, Lnrraine EXPRESS WAGONS Do not fail "to hvail yourself of thisv will represent the itors this wed I town. Folks wonder at the liberal terms we make on our Victrola Club and are coming in all day long to will amount to * (.h tlub on the Community loin the Cluh. There are but a few days left. Better join now yourself. Red Bank Men's and Boys' The Rutger 1 lm\ Tree entertainment cpm- has been awai I 1 \ Anderson ol th \\ illi im T. Walling is recov- Clothing Shop member of the I fi m i severe attack of pnea thin yenr. i I'< i < y Bulger has returned Miss- Kami I i w it with her parents, Mr. 2 W. Front St. Opp. Broad St. daugntcr of ill M Oscar E. Suenaon of Ot course you are Interested In a Victrola Mat&wun, ami ( ' I i \\n While we are featuring this No. 210 Model, Home of G. G. G. Clothing Sir. am! Mi's 1 i on our Club Plan. We can't tell you all \\ illi im Westcrvelt is spend- •et any Vlctrola may bo -bought on the Clab Miitawiin, wen I about It here, but lan this month at proportionate terms. We n'ornini! by 1 < I ^ and send It to U3. It's so obligation on your FOR MEN AND BOYS I A. Callahan has pur- have them all on display, no drop In and St. Joseph's c1 i part -whaterer. YonH never regret It aa I i i w four-door sedan. lot us show thom to you. YOUNG MEN Sweaters 2.50 up honor was Mi i long as yon live. Hems Vanderbilt has a posi- sister of tile t,i Shirts for Dress $1.45 up Gloves 50c up n IK law office jpf Karkus & Sweaters ..... 4.00 up man was Darin I M Shirts 1.00 up of the bride, Mi J Flannel Shirts 1.00 up Ji IMV H«rtman/and William Blouses 50c up was the llowei i I I mi id attended a three-day ses- Gloves 50c up for a weddins' tii[ t i ot tht Christian association in Caps 1.00 up Golf Stockings 95c up and on their i< lui il i 1 t vva\ Wool Sox ..30c up Union Suits . .. 1.00 up home at Matavv u 1ft Men's club of the Reformed Mrs. Marion C \t\ 1 1 nd Mrs. Harry J. Fitzell Ace Knit Cap ....1.50 der the auspiti s >l tl in \id into their new home at All of the Instruments on Display at our Store are Genuine Victrolas. Sheep Lined -Coats erary and Xi\p>it i ilk V. Y. 9.00 up Sheep Lined Coats clubs. Mrs. I f IO i M in I Mrs. C. t, Horrocks are -/ Overcoats . .. 18.50 up i 7.00 up Mrs, Henry 1 \i I 1 n • t hi week for Los Angeles, With a Victrola in yoiur home^ there will be no more dull evenings with nothing to do. Sing, dance, gran in charge. i ( i 2 Pants Suits 24.50 up Caps .... i.... 1.00 up The Kuril nn \ ifi i ' 1 11 ( Zimmerman and family, opera, jazz. ' of music is yours when you want it. - o Hats 3.00 up Flannel Blouses 1.00 up elected tin. 1 1 u ' h \ I M-n occupying S. P. Ma- I'ri'iMont-.t. T \ 1 on Osborn street for scv- VlM "prcflljfi I LET US PUT ONE IN YOUR HOJIE FOR A TRIAL " Large Assortment of Holiday Goods for \ i have moved to the Craw- Trr.miri-1-—I'l I \ I u i on Main street, which Father and the Boys rirciion—1. r 1 I / mn iman recently purchased SpiMill. Iru U I TUSTING'S ihtl I,. T. WV1 •\ i DC. Walling, Jr., and 1 i Dorothy have been visit- Mrs. Catlur ( 1' Tusting's 14 Monmouth Street: ii IAIS at Arlington, N. J. :'en grunt cd u I1 I Florence Huylar will j mi MI •• iimIIimill Minn wn ^ 'nm her lm-1 ml 1 14 Monmouth Street I am interested in your Victrola Club. m Ml Miss Pe.-irl Nu 1 1 1 winter,at New York. d Mrs. Harvey Bronncr ips of K*\V! i 11 Store Open Wed. and Sat. Evenings Send me all the details. mtly hy Kc \i 11 ted from a visit with Mr. Unusual Values 1 Mi David Barnctt of Engle- The Kiiynl \i i iName old an clei h i I 1 iipht of this »< fi ur veterans attended the on n Tnnksgiving dinner given to "The Victrola The Keypr t I Standard Brands c il drnml Army post by the < Address , of Quality icet Friday i 1 i 1 I n Vivnndicrs. is Supreme' )f Mrs. ll:i'r\ \ I V (111 liVr was born last week to Groceries natic (k'liar n ' in I Mrs. Samuel D. Walker of mas, Bn». a>., ontia. always greet •)lay "H«'tw< u 111 1 nil reet. ?avunry," \\l h \ I)nvt s ha3 you at er the din < t n ' J _ ' purchased the A*P Stores larrison. Keyport Ki i adies' nitlit 1 t I .t thn Kari in ii inner was nn 1 Palmolive vas led in i mn George S. Ih SOAP Deal rluli, i •• i I ling, pianist 1 1 ircsidi-nt nf tl (I Rolls PACIFIC 3|.eakorR, ,ln ph I I Footwear, the Gift Supreme dent of t!io \ i W nit ton of I 2 Toilet Paper district ore Hteinmi'lz (.1 11 Most everyone appreciates Footwear as a Gift, inincipa! n I Aunt Jemima's 'rizi'S w^re \ Pancake f.' Uuclwhent J^ ^flfek BEg/- lit: i'iilit'"-t t i '11 even if he or she has several pairs on hand. i\lrs. .lud'ini S MiiHhrai;, II i \ .con (irny H 1 Ii •hill i^ in t1 i In our display you will see many styles of shoes tor pm-i'ii1 Ii •.ihalily 1" M i Tim nimn 1 and oxfords, made from various leathers and Kcjlport 1" i i Benleil MI 1b materials that will please someone you are > in I Cleanser <™ cd J'j:iri,4o, i tin (WO. cn«l: ill li:i ' i Hosiery Also Makes Appropriate Gifts llnhililii'-i IIr" ?'• '< In tui In our hosiery department we arc fealuriiiK Silk, Silk and Wool lured nhiiri'H .unpiiu and Wool in all the wanted colors nnd Blinder, some with imytiH'iit i f iln $?•!(), Imrrowi'd n • m clock, othern plain. A nout hosiery box for cither one or two IITMI on liorruwi ii pairs, given free with purchturs intended for gift giving. [Siibcrries 2 "25* j S 4ii, ill""-- mul inti'ii •' V| Fancy Fresh ynir at $| |;i(,1,'il) tlf.\ In imirtirmri'* put.I nff, ALBERT S. MILLER Fruits and llir yenr wi'ri> lit uri-.- A ni'W UMiiK Iiu I.I Vegetbl kniiwn A* thu 'J'.'ml -el "Shoes that Satiify" ffl»t hOhilrr<'.l »h*rtm hfl •rrilirit mul A iiiuul.rt' ATLANTIC & PACIFIC tltuu fur l(i»ri» In U'o 18 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. RED BANK REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1923, •"V .-!.!«.•.

Atlantic Highlands. National .. 13.000.00 CHRISTMAS CLUB FUNDS. Mataunti Ili.nk 13.000.00 i t "V irit Kaii.'im). Katimtnivn ... 12.DOO.00 entral Nutii'iia!. lrcfhold ... It.915.44 RED BANK MEMBERS RECEIVE; "irst Nnt!t>nal, HruijriKrit .... 6,103,50 irst Nnliorml, FarminKuale .. 5.000.00 Hotel Belmont • $149,000. 'irst Nalic'iuil, Kncli^htoMn .. 282.46 Banks of Monmouth County Pay Gran.I Tolal , (County) . .. . . !8l>9.020.03 Freehold New Jersey Out $899,920 in Chriltmaa Club PALA Checks—Expect Next Ye»r'» To- HELPING CIRCLE SUPPrP W UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT tal Will Pa.s $1,000,000. The banks in Monmouth county 'arty Last Friday Night at Sidney THEATRE RED BANK, N. J. liavc paid out $890,920.93 to Boers'* at Oceanport. Christmas club depositors. This is The 1M pin's circle of the Colt's I DINING ROOM NOW OPEN dccliiml l>y the tankers to be far Neck Reformed church held a cov- Today-Wed., Dec. 12-Today HE best footing «Bgo>»3»»»:«^ in excess of the amoiints paid in ered disji supper party last Friday Tyour car c^n previous >vars. It is expected -that nij^ht ai Sidney J. lieers's at Ocean- ikkkkkkl get on rain-swept next year the Chnslmus olub funds port. Mr. ;uul Mrs. Beers formerly v.ill pro well licyond the $1,00(1,000 streets and slippery liveil at (.'"It's Nock ami Mrs. Beers Make us your headquar- HEATING hills is the gripping mar!;. is a memlier of the Circle. The sup- All-Weather Tread Tht' thrro banks nt Red Hank per \va; served at seven o'clock and ters ••- for everything for of a Goodyear Tire. lid mil 9140,(100 to their C'hrisi- ivns followed liy an eveninp; of gen- POLA NEGRI your car, remembering Steam Heat, Hot Water Heat and The high, thick, nns-dui) depositors. -A substantial eral st'CKtbilily. Mrs. J. I,. Bouncy -IN— iHTeiiM' is shown by each of therendered n number of piano selec- that our aim is to see sharp-edged blocks liinks. The amounts paid to Christ- tions. Thus? present were Mr. nml Hot Air Heat of that famous tread that you; get the most t nan club depositors by each of theMrs I,, V. Snydcr, Mr. and Mrs, I{. take a slipless hold •sinks in the county are as follows: Huelitt, Mr. and Mrs, W. C.TIuelitt, for every dollar you and hang on with a ll.-rfhiinU •National Kank, As- Mr. anil Mrs. (larrctt Buck and I "THE SPANISH DANCER" Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty wedgelike action bury Pink ; $108,19!).90 their tlaujflitcr, Mr. it ml Mrs. II, L. spend. ;,,,-m,,l National, llf.l Bank ... '.H,000.00 Renne, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wil- that prevents side- Aolm y I'ark Co SS.379.7S " TIRES TUBES slip or skidding. yport Uankinc I'" .. 7,"i.OOO.0U lett and their Fun Edward, Mrs. O. Extraordinary Vaudeville w JIT spy Trust Co., LunijT O'llara of Jersey City, Miss Soffcl, Tin Work in all its Branches •———----—-—--—--—-—————«^_____ At Goodyear Service Station Ilranrli G'J,5;i5.. M,:l 13.30 Job Work Promptly Attended To mend the nets Goodyeer ;iL-(nist Trust Co.. Asbnry their son, J. LelTerts, Jr., of Great Cordt with the beveled Alt- Pork IS.SOS.a I Neck, Loiit^ Island, Mr. and Mr?. Weather Tread and back Thurs., Fri., Sat., Dec. 13,14, Estimates Cheerfully Given them up with ttartdmrd I.onc Rrunrh IliinUmr Co. . . . SC.000.00 L-evcson, -Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Goodyear Service ail Merchants, Mnl.i- Beers and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel im 511.000,011 Another Great Show J. W. Mount. Doran, EMPIRE GARAGE Citizem Nntionitl, LoriK Branch Maple Avenue. sr>.ooo.on rrpchoid Trust Ci> HOWARD FREY Joe Sestn Tiro Co., K.-.1 Hunk Trust Co "0,000.00 171 West front Street. Emancipation Dinner. 21 East Front Street First National. Freehold 30,000.00 A. L.. Davison & Son, Sanitary Plumber . First National, RtTmar 27,000,00 The annual Emancipation dinner j/. Monmoulh Street. RED BANK, N. J. 8-People--8 8--People-8 Hrrad Street National, ltnl Empire Garage, of Fisk chapel at Fair Haven wj,ll Hank 25.000.00 74 Monmouth Street 25 Bust Kront Street. he held New Years night in the par- Telephone 209 A Musical Comedy Tabloid Peoples National. Keyport . . . '211.000.00 ish lin.ll... - Ocean Onive National . 22.M 50.08 ALLEN FROST, Prop. Telephone 609 RED BANK, N. J. First National, Dradley Ucach iG.7or>.7; GOOH K'eansburK National 15,000.01 That's the motto of the Red Ban'.; rfmrrrrrrrrrrrfTr Man:isi|uan National •13.S16.00 ttegister.—Advertisement. Open Dav and Night JIMMY GILDEA & CO. MUSICAL COMEDY Presentation, of "Old Love And New" The Biggest Act Ever Played in Red Bank $22.00. 25-year White Gold casa $50.00 18K White Gold caie, fine $14.00. 25-year White Gold caie Played Every First Class Theatre in with 15 jeweled movement. with fine IS jeweled movement. , Bulova 17 Ruby jeweled movement. This Country. A SHOW IN ITSELF! 8-PE0PLE--8 • 8-PE0PLE-8 WE HAVE SERVED THE PUBLIC FAITHFULLY FOR OVER 37 YEARS. $130.00. Very fine White Diamond $35.00. 17 jewel BulovA movement. Other First Class Acts. tet in 18K White Gold, 1-3 ct. 23-year White Gold caie. -AND- L COLLEEN MOORE Established 1886 KENNETH HARLAN 36 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. —IN—

Our stockf of VG1FTS THAT LAST" are now complete and ready for your inspection. $13.65. New Haven eight-day, solid We want you to come in and look around and ask questions. You will not be pressed to buy "APRIL SHOWERS" $12.50. "Blue Bird" IndestructibU mahogany case. Guaranteed. —we want you to know us and what we have to offer. Pearls, UK. White Gold clasp. We do not merely sell merchandise, but responsibility as well. Gifts bought he"? arc of unquestioned quality. May we have the pleasure of a visit from you? • ' LARRY SEMONin MONMOUTH'S LEADING JEWELER. "The Midnight Cabaret" GOLD JEWELRY DIAMONDS. GOLD JEWELRY Rinp.i . $25.00 to $800.00 For Him. A Great Show for Young and Old. For Her. Watches.. $70.00 to $400.00 Watch Chains Bar Pina $4.00 to $20.00 Scarf Pini . $$10.5 0 to$ $75.00 $10.50 to $30.00 Rinf. Tie CUsps $10.50 to $20.00 Charms $5.00 to $60.00* $5.00 to $40.01) B»r Pins $50.00 to $500.00 Scarf Pins ... $2.50 to $15.00 $14.00 Solid Gold Genti' Ring with Blue Bird Paarla $6.50 to $50.00 $30.00 to $700.00 Br«>chai S3.00 to $30.00 Brooches Rine $8.00 to $35.00 This Coupon and 15c Will Admit Any Child Bracelets $136.00 to $300.00 Knives $8.09 to $18.00 line White Sapphire. La Vallltr. 56 00 to $25.00 $25.00 to $150.00 Cuff Pina $2.50 to $10.00 La Vallicrcs Tie Clasps ... $4.00 to $7.00 We specializp e Uins Diamond jje Cuff Links . . . $4.00 to $35.00 Lingerie CEsipa $3.00 to $5.50 j To Our Special Matinee, Bracalela .$5.25 to $25.00 elrl y tci urderd , or icniodeling your own jew- Cigarette Holdiers $4.00 to $12.00 $2.00 Tie Claip, line green and Earringe $8.00 to $1-1.00 rls. Dc*ic;it» and estimates will cheerfully Cigar Cutters . $7.50 to $17.00 be suljmillcd. •—t ) O—O—-0 0 Saturday, December 15th white gold front. - - , FILLED JEWELRY FILLED JEWELRY 3-BIG SHOWS IN ONE--3 WATCHES. For Him. For Her. W.itchts purchased from Reuatille's Jiave Knives . ..' $Z.0O to $8.00 Lollypops for the Children. bern very llioioughly tested and lenve our Watch Chains $2.25 to $8.00 Broochel 75c to $5.00 hands rc^dy to serve you. They should Tie Clasp< . . . 50c to $2.00 Cuff Plm 75c to $1.50 Itrep the timn we expert them to. If they Culf Links . . . $2.00 to $5.00 Liniorlo Claipa 50c to $1.50 doiit wo \vnnt them back. Belt Buckles . 54.00 to $7.00 Bracalata 85c In $6.5(1 Pencils $2.50 to $fl.00 Earringa 75c to $8.00 , . . $£.00 to $4 50 Bar Pin* 75c to $4.00 Fountain Pens $1.50 to $10.00 Pancila 50c to $6.00 Pocket Cotnhs $4,110 to $5.00 Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 17, 18, 1 Swetlir S«ta S3.00 to $5.00 WRIST WATCHES. Stud Sets . $4 50 to $17 50 Fountain Pana $ 1.50 to $t 2.00 lobs $2.25 to $5.50 Rotary Bndi $1.25 to $10.00 !fit*.*WH!tc Gold $33.00 to $1(10,110 VAUDEVILLE EXTRAORDINARY Dorlnt Boxea $3 25 to $7,0"tu 0 25 yr. W. 11, Fillrd $10.50 to tfODO J8.0O. 10K tolid Green Gold Pock- Convertible Wotchts JI2.00 In $.10.00 ~" O—O —O-~ Slrrtp Watches $15.00 to $50.00 ., IN SILVER etknife, with ruatleiB itee) biadei. IN SILVER For Him. SOPHIE MILLER Key Rinjs $1,35 to $3.00 $24.00. Heavy 14K Green Gold, GENTS' WATCHES. Clgarelti Cases $15(1 lo $2U.OO For Her. Miaving Sets $9 00 lo $14.00 Broadway's Favorite Comedienne. Black Onyx and one cut Diamond. Aah Tr.ys $1.50 to $fi.5O M.ih l)Mi $10.00 to $20.00 M nnil IBk. Solid Gold . .$42.00 lo $200 00 Jawat Csaaa . $2.50 to $12.50 25 yr. Gold FilleJ $23.00 to $80.00 Sk . (401) to $110(1 Picturi Frames . $1.J5 tci $10.00 ill yr Mil rillorl . . , . $12,00 lo $2.1.00 Mllilnry Urnihos . $10 00 to $24.00 Other Big Acts. Brush, Comb aV Mirror . SU VI to $33.00 Hamilton, Crucn, I'.ligln. Illinois, WnL rml,ft Knlvca .. . . . $2.00 to $5.00 Picture Lockets . $2 211 to $0.00 llulf.v.i. Utpollicr «lld ciriltnilariU Whlik Hro(iini . .$1.50 to $4 SI) Drelsrr Clocks . . 1(1.00 [a $9.00 S»l»'. Wat.lici, Ur%it Clocks $0.00 lo $fl,0O Vanity Caaes . $2.(10 to JI8OO l-'Unka $20.00 to $25.(10 -AND- Penrils . $1.00 lo $4.8(1 Rnior Slrop« $5.00 tn $7.00 Manicure Sell $11 00 to $15.00 M*t(h SAIC< $2.00 to $ Thlmblla 5Of to $1.2(1 Shaving Mugi $7.00 to $10,(10 .Stll Jt .10 to $1 SO FOR THE HOME. .Scdaors $2.00 lo JiB.UO rerf uma lloltlai 50c lo * J 5(1 SJIver MIRIAlfo COOPER Suit 4 Pepper hrts ... . $2,011 In $17,00 FOR CHILDREN. $40.00 Sterling Silver pierced -—O— O— O O O—- Silver Cheitt Ji: ?.', t<> $100.00 Rlnrs . , , , Jl 00 to 110 "II Clasl C'niuiilr .Srli . yr im lo lli.oo rdge, handled Imikat. Tea Hall. Pin Srla . $1 (10 tt> $S (Ml GASTON GLASS . . »l SO t» $4,011 Kntye> .. m so to $:too MISCELLANEOUS. . . $ti.()(> to II 1,00 $18,00 Platinum front Scarf Pint, Canillt Mi. In Iliolelrtl . $;",'(> Shall ManKiua Sell ., .. fu Mi t« »l» 7"i . ,$t:\ oo to $tt&,iio Siarl rim .$2.50 to $.I.»O 'llilmlilea 79c lo $1.00 liavalliif Sals . , , MiW to tU i)« tlr*«d Uomds «... . , $R 73 In $10.1111 JOSEF SWICKARD llaltv llM«la . . . . ,$l.0O mnf color 1' ( . ,12.50 lo $Jtl,00 I •mi 11.4,1. .... $1 •« to IISIKI Table Mate .,,. not t» »7.nn Kum A I'arl Buttons . , to Iliinn Utnvy lioilfl -"\ • ,, .$»."() In $1100 FOR BABY. IN- I (athsr Wallets $1 »n to $17 (in Cloths ,, %A so to umii) Kay I atnara .., II ]| In $11)1X1 Cnlrire'l G)a*a*ar« , , ,.. fi.on in $10(10 Km!*, Folk * Snoon .. .,. »!t.(lo 10 $700 Y'tnty r«mtil . ,.., $1(0 in $Kino Cut niasa .. to $lr),oo t hild'a Clip . . $2.00 lo M.Otl l'«n A t'tdtil Nal* ,. ,,,, tl HO la itiioo tltv.r Howll . $n o<> to $.19 tin • till Ualps DIM lo t.l'io lUtellng (» la 14 On rarvlnl Seta . . . , . . IK 00 In $9 110 Htaielele ,,,,,..,,,,, ,,, tii.oo to lit on ^terh ^el»a

Coming Soon! Watch For Dat« I 1800. I0K Omit •» WMU Got4 $80,00, PUltnum Hfortl Bir Pin. Tht World's Sentatlon. •11,00, 11,10 SIL.r PUl.4 Fltieta) 13.80, H..»r Sttrllnf Sllitr Bill ',. wild fit twin* Sapphire, Cull Llnki, «R|lm »»»•, with ttm Until, •Rt DUmand tiitl |w» Butlik, pl.ln or «n|ln» turnt4. L "PONJOLA"