The Boulevard Volume II, Issue III Spring 2018 Newspaper Staff Reporters: The Falcon Heavy Soars Samantha Almonte, Tauba Ashrafi, by Alex Kesin stated by himself, Musk and his employ- Sidrah Ashrafi, Elizabeth Balzac, Max The rocket stood proudly on the ees at SpaceX strive for the betterment Berger, Spencer Brodwin, Ella Co- launchpad. As the countdown was chant- of mankind. And with that, the Tesla hen-Kashi, Chrissy Hogue, Alex Kesin, ed, the tension built up until the fumes flying in Earth’s orbit is not just a sym- Arib Khan, Leah Khayumov, Valerie started to grow. The Falcon Heavy be- bol of technological advancement, but it Kondov, Stefanny Lopes, Divya Ma- gan its journey into space. And with is also analogous to the torch the Statue haraj, Sasiru Pathiranage, Christianna those picturesque flames, the world- of Liberty holds. They both show a Percy, Bella Rabin, Mara Riegel, Melis- wide fervor for space travel was reborn. path to human enlightenment, and of- sa Ruvinov, John Sabu, Lilli Seidman, On February 6th, 2018, history fer hope and inspiration to the world. Abby Sherman, David Zuckerman was made. The most powerful rocket SpaceX’s journey to this point Art Staff: in the world, The Falcon Heavy, had was no cakewalk. One former Samantha Almonte, Stefanny Lopes delivered its payload, a shiny red Tes- SpaceX employee wrote that he Layout: la with a dummy astronaut in it, at worked over 12 hours a day during Winnie Xu and Leila Xu a third of the cost of that caliber of his time working for SpaceX. The Faculty Advisor: rockets. As aerospace company grisly motto “You are your own slave Mrs. Stacy Mauriello SpaceX’s third and most driver” kept many going when High School Advisors: extravagant launch of things got tough. Musk Winnie Xu, Leila Xu, Sophia Lamsifer the year, excitement sometimes would sleep for the future bubbles on the floor in the factory Inside the Issue on social media. when he would run out Not only of time. However, is the Fal- these are things School News...... 1-6 con Heavy an that are sac- achievement rificed when for SpaceX and you work for space enthusi- one of the World News...... 7-13 asts all around most import- the world, it is inspiring our youth. “My ant companies in the world. It is never girlfriend told me that kids she teach- easy to get a 70 ton object off the ground Technology...... 14-16 es are playing “Falcon Heavy” in the without giving up sleep and free time. playground,” one user on wrote. That being said, SpaceX’s goals “where three kids line up like the boosters, for the future are pretty ambitious and Entertainment...... 17-21 they countdown to “launch”, and then the exciting. By 2022, the company wants booster kids return to the ground after lift- to send its first cargo mission to Mars, ing off while the other one goes to space.“ which has never been done before by Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, any company or agency. Only two years Opinions...... 22-23 pinned to a tweet of the reasoning behind later, they plan to land the first manned launching such an interesting choice of mission on Mars. These are topics of payload. He wrote, “Life cannot just be science fiction currently depicted in Sports...... 24 about solving one sad problem after an- films and books. SpaceX’s motive is to other. There need to be things that inspire make these dreams of authors, filmmak- you, that make you glad to wake up in the ers, and space lovers real, and so far with morning and be part of humanity. That the launch of the Falcon Heavy, it looks is why we did it. We did for you.” As like we’re heading in the right direction. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard School News 2 The High School Walkout by Mara Abigail Riegel Riegel. When asked how many peo- was in support of the walkout. It’s Wednesday, March 14, 2017, ple participated, he replied, “At least There were also kids who want- exactly one month after the deadly 400 but I was just eyeballing it.” He ed their opinions voiced. One sixth shooting at Marjory Stoneman Doug- then was asked how he felt the situ- grade student, Kate Epstein, said she las High School that took 15 teenage ation was handled. He responded, “I too would walk out if given the chance lives and two members of the faculty. congratulate the school on supporting to respect those who passed and their On this day, schools across the United the walkout because with the school’s families. Another student Emily El- States honored the victims and hoped support, it made students feel safe be- kinyuk wished to show her support. for an end to these deadly school cause they wouldn’t be reprimanded She believes that a protest like this shootings. for participating.” Another student could lead to a solution for the issue At G.W. Hewlett High School, that was interviewed described it being protested. She is also against the students who attended hoped to as “spiritual” and “overwhelmingly the idea of schools that do not support make a statement. They planned to powerful”. But non-participants also walkouts, suspending active partic- stage a walkout, whereas in the middle made their opinion known. Parents ipants in the protests. Now, there are school there was a moment of silence. had much to say about it as well. One some people who would not walk out, After discussing the possibility of a adult, Debby Riegel, said “I think it’s but the people who were interviewed walkout, the faculty gave the students really important and really hopeful all support this issue. their full support. Schools across the that kids are leading the way.” She As one can see by reading this nation also staged walkouts with the even said that if she had a child, she article, the issue of gun control is very same goal. would be proud and encourage her relevant because it can cause an uproar This reporter took it upon herself child to walkout. Another adult, Jon- in the entire country, starting protests to speak to students that were present athan Riegel, said that he too would that are worthy of discussion. Protests and students that were absent. The encourage his daughter to walk if she and marches will continue to occur as first person interviewed was Jacob wanted to. He has made it clear that he long as this is still a debated issue. Interview with Mr. Giustino by Leah Khayumov portunity came later in my life. Q: What is your favorite part Q: Do you do any art at home? about teaching art? Mr. Giustino: Yes, although Mr. Giustino: Working with not as much as I would like to. I students is the best part of my job! am always involved in the cre- My favorite part about teaching ative process in one way or an- art is watching my students ex- other. pand their skills and interest in art. Q: Who is your favorite artist and Q: When you were in school, was why? art your best subject? Mr. Giustino: There are Mr. Giustino: I was a good many artists that move me. I tend student and did well in most sub- to gravitate to the old masters. I jects. However, art was always would have to say that Leonar- my passion and favorite class. I do Da Vinci is my favorite. His always identified as being an art- curiosity of the world led him to ist even before elementary school. Mr. Giustino: I didn’t al- invent, create, and contribute in Q: Did you always know you were ways know that I would become many fields of human thought and going to be a teacher? a teacher. That decision and op- accomplishment. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard School News 3 Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Hoolan by Mara Abigail Riegel a chance.” Sixth grader, Kate Epstein, Mrs. Hoolan’s co-workers also Are or were you on team 6B? said to make sure it was recorded that think that she’s great. One teach- Then you must know Mrs. Hoolan. she thought Mrs. Hoolan was awesome. er calling her “an amazing teach- She is a great teacher and interesting er and a talented collaborator.” too! Those who surround her agree. Mrs. Hoolan loves working with Let’s hear first from her students. children. She even said that if she wasn’t One student who was interviewed, a teacher, she would have pursued child Natalia Garcia, was asked to describe psychology, so that she could work with Mrs. Hoolan in four words. She came children. When asked about her plans up with the following: “kind, under- after retirement, she said she would like standing, happy, and caring.” Another to, “...continue to work with children student, Aryn Feldman, was asked the by volunteering at preschools and chil- same four words. She came up with the dren’s hospitals.” Hoolan also wants to following: “Fun, awesome, understand- travel the world. She enjoys travelling, ing, and smart.” We pressed on and going to museums, aquariums, and zoos, asked about Mrs. Hoolan’s best quali- as well as teaching and learning with ty as a teacher. Aryn said this: “Being her children. All of this further proves understanding because she gives kids that Mrs. Hoolan is an awesome person. County Level Spelling Bee Contestant Tamara Sekhniashvili is Causing a Buzz! by Elizabeth Balzac process was? for the regional level. The Scripps National Spelling My experience was fun and it Which level did you find the Bee was formed in 1925, and it is was pretty cool to visit Hofstra for most difficult and why? the nation’s largest and longest-run- the first time! The levels were sim- The second round was pretty ning educational promotion, admin- ple, when you got a word right, you nerve wracking. Coming up to the istered on a not-for-profit basis by went back to your seat but when microphone and spelling a word in The E.W. Scripps Company. The you got it wrong the professor ran front of all the parents and in front spelling bee has 291 sponsors in a bell and said the correct spelling. of all the kids behind me did cause the United States, Europe, Cana- The process was a little tiring but it anxiety, but when I spelled a word da, New Zealand, Guam, Jamaica, became very intense for me when I wrong I heard the bell ring, I felt a The Bahamas, Ghana, Puerto Rico, went up though. wave of relief wash over me. the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Amer- As you got farther along in Which word did you find the ican Samoa. Tamara Sekhniashvili, the levels, did the difficulty of the most challenging and why? an eighth grade student attending words you had to spell increase and Dachshund was my losing Woodmere Middle School, made it did the amount of words you had to word. I studied it a lot and it was to the second round of the Scripps memorize get larger? very difficult for me. Spelling Bee at Hofstra Universi- Before both rounds (the first What did you most enjoy about ty. The following interview ques- one being the writing round and the experience? Did you have a fa- tions are concerning her experience the second being the one where vorite part and/or feeling of accom- during the various spelling bee you came up to the microphone), I plishment during the competition? rounds. studied a long packet of words from Although I wanted to win the How was your experience at different places around the world. competition, I still did feel like I did Hofstra? Can you describe the two However, I felt like some kids got pretty well because no one in our levels you went through/how the words that were too easy, especially school had made it that far. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard School News 4 Spotlight: Mr. DeNapoli Student-Teacher with Mrs. O’Connor by Ella Cohen-Kashi other subject including explor- 1. What was your favorite sub- atories what would you teach? ject when you were in school? “I would want to be a tech- “Easy one, Social Studies.” nology teacher.” 2. What made you want to be- 6. How is Woodmere Middle come a Social Studies teacher? School different now then it was “One, the love for history and when you were in school? two, a passion for watching kids “Everyone is so nice and ev- succeed in the classroom.” eryone was welcoming when I 3. What is your one goal in the first walked in.” classroom? 7. How is it different from “My goal is to make my stu- “I liked home and careers the playing lacrosse to teaching? dents as curious about history as best, but when I was in school we “In lacrosse, I was like the I am.” called them electives not explor- student because the couch directs 4. What was your favorite ex- atories.” me about what to do, but as a ploratory? 5. If you could teach any teacher, I can direct my students.” Stock Up at Lunch! by Leah Khayumov cost of all the items, and sub- might find in other stores. What is the school store tract that from the amount of Here are the periods that you might ask? Well, every money that the customer gives the School Store is open: week during lunch/recess and you. You must add and sub- recess/lunch on Tuesdays, stu- tract in your mind quickly as to 4th Period: 8th Graders dents work at the School Store. not keep the customer waiting. 5th Period: 6th Graders To work there, you need to The School Store offers many 6th Period: 7th Graders fill out an application. One of different items that can be use- the teachers that manages the ful for your everyday school If you ever have time School Store will read your ap- needs. For example, there are during your recess, feel free to plication, and decide whether pencils, erasers, pens, folders, stop by! or not you may work there. notebooks, Working at the School and much Store teaches you many skills more! The that can be useful to you in fu- prices at the ture, especially in a retail job. School Store One skill that you are taught are MUCH is how to use a cash register. better than When you work at the School the pric- Store, you have to count the es that you Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard School News 5 Marion Lazan: Holocaust Survivor and Author Visits Woodmere Middle School by Elizabeth Balzac and Arib Khan ion Lazan’s novel, Four Perfect Peb- children and they perceive it on a dif- The definition of the Holocaust bles, encapsulates her childhood stories ferent level. But the story is the same. is, “the mass murder of Jews under filled with hardship and perseverance. AK: Do any of the questions that the German Nazi regime during the Marion’s presentation was you have been asked stand out to you? period 1941–45. More than 6 million heart-wrenching and touching, and al- ML: Well adults get into politics European Jews, as well as members of lowed the eight graders of Woodmere and I tell them that I am not a politician, other persecuted groups, such as gyp- Middle School to learn first-hand about and that I am not an economist so I drop sies and homosexuals, were murdered a survivor’s individual experience. that very quickly. And the kids tend to at concentration camps such as Aus- Below is a one-on-one in- ask if I ever found my four pebbles and chwitz.” This horrific time period was terview between staffer, Arib things of that sort. And they are very detrimental for those who lived within Khan, and Marion Lazan. deeply involved and very sincere when Nazi Germany, and only approximately AK: I’ve noticed that you speak they ask the questions. I’ve been asked 37% of those within the concentration with children as much as you do if I ever regret being born Jewish, and camps survived. Although then they ask if I still speak it is a grueling time period some of the languages. But to discuss, Marion Lazan, sometimes I get asked a a Holocaust survivor and question that’s a little in- author, came to Woodmere appropriate and then I just Middle School to share her go on to the next question. experiences in the concen- AK: When and tration camps and how she why did you decide to survived the worst geno- write your book and cide in human history. share your experiences? After Hitler rose to ML: I’ve been speak- power, her entire family ing over the last twen- was trapped in Nazi Ger- ty some years about my many. They were able to experiences, particularly escape to Holland, but when the book was first shortly after it became oc- published in 1996. And cupied by the Nazis. For then Scholastic made it the next six and a half years available, and it started be- Marion and her family were forced to adults. Do you tend to have different ing used in schools’ curriculum, and I live in refugee, transit, and concentra- experiences when speaking with kids? get calls. In one of my presentations in tion camps that included the Wester- ML: They certainly have a dif- Woodmere Middle School in the ear- bork in Holland and the infamous Ber- ferent attitude toward the subject and ly 90’s Liza Perl, the co-author of the gen-Belsen in Germany. Despite them it’s perceived differently with adults book, heard me speak and with the help being able to survive the camps, Wal- than with children. And it depends on of my mother and my brother, because ter Blumenthal, Marion’s father, sadly the age. This morning I spoke to 700 much I do not remember as I was four passed away from typhus briefly after fifth and sixth graders, and in the af- years old, we were able to complete liberation. In the following three years ternoon to seventh and eighth graders, the manuscript in about a year or so. she, her mother, and brother Albert, ob- and I saw that there are different re- And almost immediately I had publish- tained the necessary papers to board a sponses and a much more mature atti- ers. It wasn’t really my idea to write a ship headed to the United States. Mar- tude towards the subject with the older book, it was the co-author who said... Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard School News 6 Marion Lazan, continued...... that it was a story that needed to be but that backfired because we overate would not have been a Holocaust, and put into writing. Now we have about a and many people died from overeating. countries that are in turmoil would be billion in print, in different languages, AK: What was the first peaceful countries. But we have to start and I am very grateful that it is reach- thing that you wanted to do? in our own little corners first. We have ing many particularly young adults. ML: I don’t remember, I real- to begin in our own circles. Whether it’s AK: After living in such horrible ly don’t remember, maybe eat. I re- in your classroom, whether it’s in your conditions, what was it like to be free? member we had to shave our heads school, whether it’s in your community, ML: We were so exhausted, and and my good friend ran away because and that goes for all of us. And it’s not weak, and ill, and it took us awhile to she didn’t want her head shaved but always easy to be kind to everyone, but comprehend that we were free. It was it was the only way to free ourselves we have to try our best. If there is some- the Russian Army that liberated our train from lice. And I couldn’t run be- one that you don’t like or don’t care for, and all they kept asking for watches but cause I had a really hurt leg and I was don’t associate with them. We all need a we had nothing. It was a great feeling lucky that the Russian Army took little help to work with one another, and when we realized that we were liberat- pity on me and took me to a clinic. to make sure that respect is there for one ed but my father was very ill and I don’t AK: What can ordinary people do another. There is no way to always have think that he really understood that we to prevent something as devastating as the an understanding for one another, but try. were free. It was springtime and the Holocaust from ever happening again? But above all, I wish you, sun was shining and the flowers were ML: Be respectful, kind, and your siblings, and all children ev- blooming but we were so ill and weak good towards one another. We have to erywhere a happy, healthy, produc- that all that beauty that was out there, we clean up our little corner first to be good tive, future, in a peaceful world. really just couldn’t understand the fact to one another. This respect for one an- To learn more about Marion’s that we were free to come and go as we other is the basis for peace, this kind- story, visit her website http://www. please. We also had some very rich food ness and love for one another. There 2018 WMS History Fair by Sidrah Ashrafi Group Performance: (Sasha Mayer and Mia Kaminsky) On February, 6, 2018, Woodmere Tinker Vs. Des Moines: Armbands Group Documentary: Middle School held their annual History (Madison H., Madeline H., Sydney H. Women’s Suffrage (Alice Shvartsberg Fair. The History Fair is an opportuni- and Michael H.) and Noah Kesler) ty for students to show off their work The Creation of Jazz: (Alex Tourneux Conflict of Ideologies: Ending the Cold in many different ways and relate it to and Evan Baum) War (Shira Gamson and Jonathan Gam- the annual theme. This year’s theme Opposition of the Vietnam War (Yael son) was conflict and compromise in history. Madjar and Sapir Mizrachi) Individual Exhibit: The students can choose to present on Individual Website: Yellowstone National Park: Man v.s. their topics in various forms such ex- Building Bridges: The US-Cuba Accord Nature (Lily Cohen) hibits, performances, historical papers, (John Sabu) The Berlin Wall: Wall of Oppression documentaries,and websites. This year, The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (Hiral M. Chavre) students from 6th through 8th grade (Sasiru Pathiranage) Group Exhibit: researched, composed and presented The Heliocentric Model (Emma Tsoglin) Prohibition (Elizabeth Z. and Madison on topics such as: the creation of jazz, Individual Documentary: S.) the Berlin Wall, Galileo’s Trial, Harriet Chinese Exclusion Act (Daylin Layne) Spanish American War (Molly Williams Beecher Stowe, the Salem Witch Tri- Alice Paul: Fight for Women’s Suffrage Jessica Podolsky) als, Women’s Suffrage, and internment (Gabriela Pesantez) The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall camps in Pearl Harbor. The following Group Website: (Tahreem Chaudhry and Carrie Zheng) are the winners of the 2018 History Fair: Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (Jordana Hano- Individual Performance: Historical Paper: no and Chloe Hanono) John Muir’s Efforts on Conservation The Japanese Constitution of 1889 A Nation Divided (Leeya A., Jaime N., (Sean Fruman) (Natalie Popilevsky) Divya M., Gilly T.) Conflict and Compromise in Ireland The Rape of Belgium (Anneliese Baum) Ethnicity the Soviet Union (Reagan Rawner) Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard World News 7 Check Your Labels by Sidrah Ashrafi cury is considered one of the top ative effect on the nervous system, All around the world, millions ten chemicals or group of chemi- endocrine system, and the repro- of children are forced to work in cals of major public health con- ductive system. places with harsh environments. cern. Mercury has many negative Even though child labor is a Young workers are hunched over in effects on a child’s growing body. formidable act, people are doing poorly lit factories and only pause According to the National Center very little about it. For example, to wipe the sweat from their heads. for Biotechnology Information, Republican Kentucky state Sena- More than 215 million child work gold mining is one of the main tor Paul Hornback, who owns a to- in child labor and of that million, ways kids are exposed to mercury bacco farm that employs children 158 million of them are between 5 and the chemical is mostly inhaled says,” People get pretty extreme and 14. Some of them work in min- into the body. Mercury can cause about trying to protect everybody eral industries and kids as young as damage in kidneys and lungs and from everything. It’s hard manual 7 years work in an environment of cause acrodynia in children. Acro- labor, but there’s nothing wrong dust and noise from rock crushing dynia is a disease that primarily with hard manual labor.” The Or- machines. Some of them are toil- affects young children. This skin ganization for Economic Cooper- ing under hazardous and swelter- disease is described as a pink disc- ation and Development (OECD) ing conditions.Worldwide, about olouration, or unappealing color, of also has not done much about child 22,000 children are killed at work the hands and feet. It is also known labor. The OECD studies and co- every year from child labor. to cause photophobia, which is a ordinates economic laws within One place with harsh condi- sensitivity to light, and polyneuri- countries and is formed by coun- tions that most children who are tis, which are inflamed nerves. tries all over the world. They have forced into child labor work are Another place where children given more attention to war-torn gold mines. In these loud and noisy work are tobacco farms. Children Central and East Africa. Child la- mines there are many dangers that as young as 7 work in these hot, bor has received far less attention. people are doing little about to scorching, and sometimes hazard- But, the OECD is making an effort protect the children. The Humans ous conditions. The tobacco leaves and taking first steps towards the Rights Watch is in charge of look- they often harvest are laced with issue like setting tools that can be ing at the rights of humans inter- nicotine and pesticides. When the used to see if products were made nationally. It has documented the child workers handle nicotine, it in situations that allowed child la- risks children face in small- scale often gets absorbed by the skin. bor. gold mines. Children have died This is very perilous , especially Although not everyone is do- or been injured when mining pits for a child, because, as stated in an ing something, you can help chil- have collapsed. They also have the article by Pharma and Healthcare, dren who are forced into child labor risk of mercury poisoning. too much contact with nicotine on too. You can donate to foundations Mercury is a chemical that the skin is known to cause rapid who are helping these kids. Addi- is known to cause brain damage, heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, tionally, when shopping for clothes heart and lung conditions, and oth- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizzi- and other items, check the label er health problems and is a major ness, confusion, and possibly sei- and find out where the produce threat to a child’s growth - even zures leading to coma and death. was made If you suspect the prod- if it is a small amount. Mercury Pesticides are also very jeopar- uct was made in a place that allows can also have toxic effects on the dous. After countless studies, pes- child labor, don’t buy! These little nervous, digestive and immune ticides have been found to link to things can make big differences. systems. According to the World cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Hopefully in the near future, child Health Organization (WHO), mer- ADHD. Pesticides also have a neg- labor will be a thing of the past. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard World News 8 China’s Panda Diplomacy by Elizabeth Balzac way, China did not feel that for Tibet’s independence from The mountain-filled Sich- the trade deal was appropriate. China that the Chinese gov- uan, Shaanxi and Gansu prov- Hence, China turned to Scot- ernment has continued to re- inces of central China are the land, a country that also has fuse. On top of this, to China’s natural habitats of the panda, an abundance of salmon. Once dismay, the U.S. announced an a bear-like mammal that feeds they made the deal, a panda arms sale to Taiwan. A week on bamboo and has become was sent to the Edinburgh Zoo. later, Tai Shan and another increasingly rare. China’s This was not the only ex- panda from the Atlanta Zoo government has utilized this were sent back to China. species to fulfill their global Similarly, in 2014, there diplomatic strategy. was a delay in a panda deliv- Over the years, China has ery due to a Malaysian Air- developed a selective system lines plane disappearance of gifting pandas. Initially, that carried 152 Chinese na- they were given as presents tionals. The zoo already had to their allies. However, once the enclosure set up for the pandas became classified as pandas’ arrival. However, endangered, Chinese officials when the day of the schedule began to give them as loans. arrival came, it was delayed In exchange for one panda, due to the Chinese govern- the receiving zoo would be ment’s anger towards the required to pay $1,000,000 lack of investigation of the dollars per panda each year. flight. As a way to demon- Additionally, if a cub is born, strate their rage, they kept zoos must pay a cub tax of the pandas for another month. $400,000. ample of China using pandas as The definition of diploma- Researchers at the Univer- a way to enforce relationships cy is “the profession, activity, sity of Oxford have theorized and national affairs. Towards or skill of managing interna- that the Chinese government the end of 2009, China made it tional relations, typically by is loaning pandas built off of clear that they wanted to take a country’s representatives the concept ‘guanxi.’ Guanxi back the panda, Tai Shan, from abroad.” The Chinese govern- is a Chinese concept where the Washington D.C. Smith- ment has continuously used trade deals are made based on sonian Zoo. Zoo director Ste- their pandas as a diplomatic trust, loyalty, and longevity. ven L. Montfort claimed that tool to express their stand- For instance, in 2010, China’s China, who owned the pandas, point on foreign policies and market had a great demand for declined an extension for the various trade deals. Therefore, salmon. China’s usual trade panda. Experts suspect that due to China’s panda loan sys- partner for salmon was Nor- many factors were involved tem, the Chinese government way, but since the Nobel Peace in this decision. First, Presi- gives and takes pandas to re- Prize was given to a Chinese dent Obama met with the Da- affirm their stance on ongoing dissident who resided in Nor- lai Lama, a fierce advocate events. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard World News 9 Jennifer Lawrence Quits Acting to “Fix Our Democracy” by Lilli Seidman world that she is going to stop our democracy.” She intends Jennifer Lawrence, an Os- acting in order to take part in to use her fame to spread this car-winning actress, recently government. message. announced her plan to tempo- Lawrence wants to become Although Jennifer told re- rarily stop acting for one year, an active member in an orga- porters that she would be off in order to “fix our democ- nization known as Represent the big screen for a while, her racy.” Lawrence initially ac- Us, where young adults are en- spokesperson has stated that she quired fame from her role as couraged to become involved will not stop acting as she has Katniss Everdeen in The Hun- in local government. Lawrence many productions coming up in ger Games in 2012. Since the does not want to disrupt poli- theaters. Not only is she star- start of her career, Lawrence tics--she simply wants to help ring in Red Sparrow, but she is has starred in 22 movies. She is pass state laws to avoid corrup- also taking part in Dark Phoe- currently the third highest paid tion. Lawrence told reporters, nix, Burial Rites, Bad Blood, actress in the world, standing “It doesn’t have anything to do and a biographical movie on behind Emma Stone and Jen- with partisan [politics]. It’s just Zelda Fitzgerald. Lawrence is nifer Aniston. After her long anti-corruption and trying to certainly going to continue to journey in the movie-making pass state by state laws that can pursue acting, despite some re- industry, Lawrence has told the help prevent corruption and fix ports saying otherwise. Transparency after the Parkland Shooting by Max Berger sayings such as, “This backpack is On February 14, 2018, 17 probably worth more than MY LIFE. students and teachers of Marjory #NEVERAGAIN,” while attaching Stoneman Douglas High School a $1.05 tag onto it. This message were killed in a deadly shooting showed how the student believed carried out by 19-year-old Nikolas that the backpack, worth $0.99, is Cruz, a former student at the high worth more than her life. In an inter- school. In response to this tragedy, view with CNN, Kai Koerber, a stu- walkouts were held all over the dent from Marjory Stoneman Doug- country, and moments of silence las High School, stated, “It’s terrible took place in schools worldwide. that girls will have no privacy con- We all expected changes... perhaps cealing their feminine products, and stricter gun control laws by the Na- these bags won’t last a week with tional Rifle Association, or back- real textbooks in them. Metal detec- pack and locker checks at school. tors are a better solution.” Students But nobody expected the Marjory are outraged, and we hope that a Stoneman Douglas High School to packs. In response to this rule, stu- better solution is coming soon for pass a rule stating that all students dents expressed their outrage and at- the students of Marjory Stoneman are required to wear clear back- tached signs to their backpacks with Douglas High School. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard World News 10 Endangered Animals: Save Them Before They’re Gone...Forever by Sidrah Ashrafi only 2.4 million square miles remain. in the air, which traps heat in the Earth’s Since the beginning of time, liv- When some habitats become smaller, atmosphere. The heat in our atmo- ing things have been disappearing. Al- more species are crowded together. sphere has increased since the 1800s as most 50 percent of plant species and This causes competition for food and more countries began to use machines. 75 percent of animal species are now resources amongst animals. Climate change occurs when there is a extinct. Animals have been disappear- Another reason why animals are major, long-lasting change in climate. ing even before humans existed. This endangered is because of commercial Climate change puts animals at risk in is partly due to diseases, competition exploitation: when something is used many ways. For example, melting sea between species, and climate change. for the development and resource of ice causes sea levels to rise, which can When humans became the most pow- a business. Throughout history, hu- then cause flooding where plants and erful species, the extinction rate of oth- mans have hunted animals for food, animals live. In addition, warmer tem- er species drastically increased. In fact, clothing, medicines, art and more. peratures on land can disturb animals’ scientists say that human activity has Overhunting has jeopardized species hibernating patterns. Hibernation is vi- caused our planet to enter a sixth wave such as whales, bluefin tuna, and the tal for animals as it protects them from of mass extinction. A wave of mass black rhinoceros. Other species are harsh climates and conditions. When extinction occurs when a large popula- also in danger because they are cap- rising temperatures reduce the algae tion of animals decreases dramatically tured for trading and the pet industry. population in oceans, animals that eat in a short period of time. There have International treaties forbid the capture algae may die out as they do not have been five waves of mass extinction to and trade of certain animal species, enough food. date. About 40 percent of each animal but these laws are difficult to enforce. Specifically, one animal that is group and about 40 percent of bird Since many endangered species live in suffering from low genetic diversity species are vulnerable to extinction. remote places, it is difficult for law en- is the Tasmanian devil. According to Humans can cause animal en- forcement officials to supervise these an article by The Los Angeles Times, dangerment. For example, animal en- areas. after analyzing the genomes of two dangerment can occur due to commer- In addition, animal endangerment Tasmanian devils from different parts cial exploitation, habitat destruction, can be a result of the introduction of an- of an Australian island, researchers and when species are brought to hab- imals to new habitats. Animals native found that the two devils’ genomes itats where they don’t belong. Human to a habitat have lived there for a long were 47% similar. Also, since the dev- activity has sped up climate change time and have adapted to the environ- ils alive today are descended from a and 25 percent of all species could be ment, climate, and species around their relatively small population, there is not at risk of extinction by 2050 if climate dwelling. New species that come into much variation in their immune sys- change continues at its current rate. these habitats are called “introduced tem genes. This may explain their low Habitat destruction is one of species,” which are usually introduced immunity to devil facial tumor dis- the main causes of animal extinction. accidentally. For the most part, they ease (DFTD). Since 1996, DFTD has What used to be forests, deserts, and ruin the ecological balance between wiped out at least 65% of the animals wetlands are now houses, buildings, the animals and compete for resources in the wild and up to 90% in some ar- farms and roads. Chemical pollution in with the native species. When harm is eas. rivers can is another factor. According caused by these invasive species, en- Even though animals all over to a Newsela article entitled “Animal dangered species are at risk. the world are at risk, it’s not too late endangerment and Its Causes,” 46,000 Finally, climate change and glob- to do something about it. You can help to 58,000 square miles of forest habi- al warming are also major causes of by doing something as simple as recy- tats are destroyed each year. That’s like animal endangerment. We are always cling or buying recycled products be- destroying 36 football fields in a min- burning fossils fuels, such as when we cause it helps protect animal habitats. ute! Tropical rainforests once occupied power our cars or use electricity. This Everything we do to help these endan- 6 million square miles on Earth. Now, increases the amount of carbon dioxide gered animals make a big difference. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard World News 11 Remembering Stephen Hawking, a Hero of Science by Alex Kesin a person’s nerves connected to A Brief History of Time, which their muscles. He was given only would perhaps become the most “The greatest enemy of knowledge two years to live. Fortunately, he well known book of science. It is not ignorance, later found out that he had a form discussed everything about the but it is the illusion of knowledge.” where the disease took its toll universe- its birth, intricacies, much more slowly, so he could and eventual death in such an el- Stephen Hawking was an live a fulfilling and long life. egant way an elementary school- English theoretical physicist Hawking made it into the er could understand it. His com- most well known for populariz- big leagues in 1974, when he dis- mand of terminology changed ing the theory of black holes. He covered that black holes can emit the way we think about physics was also well known today, and publishing as the quirky, charm- this book truly kicked ing, and lovable di- of his career. rector of cosmology Hawking was at the prestigious Uni- also known for being versity of Cambridge, involved in many sci- where he drastically ences branching out changed the world’s of physics, such as view of science— politics, philosophy, perhaps forever. religion, and artificial Stephen William intelligence. He iden- Hawking was born on tified as a liberal and January 8th, 1942. As was also a strong athe- a young boy, he was ist. He also believed called “Einstein” by that artificial intelli- his peers because of his scientific radiation. At first a very contro- gence is a potential threat to hu- and intelligent nature. He had a versial idea, many were skepti- manity, and that colonizing space profound talent for mathematics cal of the idea. However, it was would be the only option for the and physics, and when he attend- eventually turned in Hawking’s survival of humanity. ed the University of Oxford as favor and now the radiation of Clearly, Hawking wasn’t the an undergraduate he often found black holes is called “Hawking average scientist. He was not himself bored. But as geeky as he radiation” in his honor. Hawking only a revolutionary physicist, was, he was also a strong athlete. also became a well known debat- but a polymath and a diplomat In his youth, he liked to row. He er around this time. When scien- for science. He was as witty as often led his crew on dangerous tists discovered an X-ray source he was smart, and he defied his voyages in his university years. called Cygnus X-1, he debated physical restrictions to become However, as soon as he Kip Thorne, another well known a face of science. He will be graduated college, his life took physicist, if it was a black hole looked up to just as much as oth- an enormous turn. At only 21, he or not. In 1990, he was proven er heroes of mankind— Galileo, was diagnosed with ALS, or Lou wrong, and happily declared that da Vinci, and Newton would all Gehrig’s disease, a degenerative he had lost the bet. be proud. He will be truly, dearly illness that quickly rots away In 1988, Hawking published missed. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard World News 12 Crisis in Syria by Divya Maharaj in the country itself? cost of another country. Syria is On March 8, 2018, a chemi- What is the exact objective being ripped apart by outsiders cal attack was launched in Syria. of the countries that are battling, on the inside. However, this was not the first invading, and setting up military The rebels are just as vio- of these types of attacks in Syria, bases in Syria? Take Russia, for lent as the regime. The regime a country in the midst of a civil example. Vladimir Putin have is willing to kill its own people war. We must ask: what caused been supplying the Syrian gov- to stay in power. This is an end- the Syrian War in the first place? ernment with money and weap- less cycle of violence and hate, What has made it last to this day? ons to fight its enemies. A few but what is anyone going to do to It all started in 2011: the months ago, Putin took military stop it? At the end of the day, the Arab Spring. Oppressive re- action to destroy Syria’s ene- Syrian War is a proxy war. Syria gimes in Tunisia and Egypt had mies in hopes of securing its in- is a pawn on a much larger scale been overthrown, giving a spark fluence. The United States have than any of us can imagine. of hope that change was possible. established several bases in Syr- No matter what a country According to Al Jazeera, peace- ia as well. An increasing number might claim, it is always about ful protests erupted in Syria that of countries are getting involved, self interest. There are three big March, after 15 teenage boys had creating an unbearable environ- factors in politics- money, pow- been tortured and arrested for ment. There are bombs detonat- er, and influence. All of these writing graffiti in support of the ing outside of Damascus, Syria’s countries in Syria are looking Arab Spring. The Syrian presi- capital. Thousands of lives were for one thing : influence. And dent, Bashar al-Assad, respond- lost in this conflict. it’s truly disgusting to think that. ed by slaughtering protesters and What do the Syrian people People are dying. And there’s arresting others. think of this? Thousands of Syr- still this idea that everything will The Syrian people had had ians have attempted to flee their be okay. It will not be okay until enough. In that same year, the war-ridden country, but many this stops. No one knows when Free Syrian Army was formed. have died on the way. Some this conflict will end. It’s been This was a rebel group with the have managed to take refuge going on for 8 years already, purpose of overthrowing the in foreign countries, but there steadily getting worse and worse. Syrian Government. From that is still great fear. Children are A diplomat in Syria said point, Syria slowly slid towards being traumatized to the point that one of the hotel workers a civil war, until it finally broke where many cannot even speak. had died in an attack right out- out. These children have seen things side Damascus. He said that the Despite the chaos between that no child should ever have to worker was recently married, the Syrian government and its witness. They are watching their only six months, but had his life people, international forces also parents die, their friends get stolen from him by people who invaded Syria to fight battles of slaughtered, yet no one seems don’t care whether anyone lives their own. Recently, there was a to be doing anything about it. or dies. It is all about power. summit where several countries Change needs to happen. Who can say if this will all gathered to discuss the problem Multiple countries’ armies, roll over and be forgotten? The with Syria. Surprisingly, a Syr- such as those of Russia and the Syrian conflict will never be for- ian representative was not invit- United States, have been sta- gotten and it shouldn’t ever be. ed. Turkey, Russia and Iran were tioned in Syria. Who are they People need to be reminded of the present superpowers at the fighting? The answer is simple: the blood shed, the deaths, the summit. Does it seem that the each other. These international destruction so this will never fate of Syria does not even rest super powers are fighting at the happen again. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard World News 13 The New Olympic Events by Mara Abigail Riegel country would reign supreme over the oth- Every two years, the world joins to- ers. At the 2020 Summer Olympics in To- gether and shares their excitement for some kyo, they will be adding five new events. healthy competition--the Olympics. But The new events are rock climbing, karate, now, they’re changing it up. skateboarding, surfing, and softball. Throughout history, there have been Many people are very excited about changes and new events in the Olympics. these new editions. “I think it’s cool that This year, they have once again added new they’re diversifying their options” said changes. Ladies and gents, Tokyo 2020 is Max Berger, a student at Woodmere Mid- coming. dle School. This year, we all watched in amaze- It’s great that they are incorporat- ment as the world competed in Pyeo- ing non-traditional sports into a big world ng-Chang for the most medals to see which event. Stayed tuned until 2020. Famous Women in History by Divya Maharaj and Tauba Ashrafi the Nobel Peace Prize. She stood against died, childless and unmarried, on March Women have endured the toughest the Taliban and survived an assassination 24, 1603. However, her legacy still lives on environments, fighting for a voice, fighting attempt from them .Her parents wanted to and her positive impact had given England a for freedom. For millions of years, women give her all the opportunities a Pakistani boy monopoly, an empire. have suffered from oppression, abuse, and would have, and the first was an education. 4. Wu Hou: Wu Hou was simply a were treated as property. Throughout his- In 2009, the Taliban banned girls from going low grade concubine, until she rose to pow- tory, however, there have been multiple re- to school all together. The cautious young er, her authority unchallenged for years markable women who fought for their rights Malala, started blogging for the BBC under upon years. Wu Hou had quickly become and for themselves. They chased after their the pen name Gul Makai. She publicly cam- Taizong’s favorite. However, following dreams and made it happen with no regrets. paigned for girls to go to school. But this put his death in 649, Wu Hou knew her future They stood up when no one else did and, in Malala in the spotlight, and a target for the was in danger. She was sent to a convent, as turn, they have shaped the future, our today. Taliban. In October of 2012, a man with a per tradition of the Tang Dynasty, but was 1. Indira Gandhi: Indira Gandhi was gun boarded on Malala’s bus asked Malala brought back by the Gaozong emperor’s the first, to date, female prime minister of In- by name and shot her on the head,neck,and wife, who wanted to Wu Hou to defeat her dia. She won over India with her agricultural shoulder. Her survival empowered her to rival. Wu Hou effectively eliminated any- policies and her victory in the Pakistan War. promote people to let girls go to school. She one who posed a threat, and in 655 became Despite her success, Gandhi had increasing- created a Malala Fund which allowed her to empress. She continued to do so, as her ly restrictive policies, authoritarian, if you build schools. In 2013, Malala spoke at the husband, Gaozong was sickly. Wu Hou had will. She was accused of corruption by an UN, won the World’s Children’s Prize, and become the real ruler. Under her guidance, opponent. Instead of resigning, Gandhi de- in 2014 she won the Nobel Peace Prize. Af- China remained unified (it was not -previ clared a state of emergency, where citizens’ ter all she had been through, Malala never ous to Taizong) and the Tang Dynasty was legal rights were restricted and the press was showed any anger, vengeance or violence. solid. However, she wanted more. Wu Hou censored. She was elected in 1980. How- To her attacker she says that his intention usurped the throne, and was met with little ever, there were people who did not want was to silence her, but it made her even to no resistance. Wu Hou had brought about her in office. On October 31, 1984 , Indi- more capable of standing up for what she one of China’s most prosperous ages and ra Gandhi was assassinated by two of her believes in. had brought about change that needed to bodyguards. She was a remarkable wom- 3. Elizabeth I: Elizabeth I was the happen. She was truly a powerful woman. an, destined for politics. Gandhi has trans- Queen of England and Ireland. After she These are just a few powerful, strong, formed India, newly an independent coun- inherited the throne from her childless half independent women throughout history. try, into an industry. Her policies made India sister, Mary Tudor, Elizabeth was quick- These are the women who have inspired self sufficient, bringing into an age known ly popular. Her reign is often referred to as generations and lead countries toward suc- as the Green Revolution. the Elizabethan Age, where England had cess. If that doesn’t scream amazing, then 2. Malala Yousafzai: Malala is a fe- secured its position as one of the major Eu- what does? These were incredibly intelligent male activist for girls education in Pakistan, ropean superpowers. Elizabeth was known women who have shaped our today. Hope- and was the youngest person ever to win for her oral skills, which rivaled none. She fully, many of us, can shape our tomorrow. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard Technology 14 The Truth Behind Google by John Sabu erate. Alphabet directly owns Google, ate but they can still help and support There has been some confusion however, it does directly run its subsid- each other. As a result, each subsidiary over the past two years concerning iaries. Its board is meant to “see the controls their own individual opera- the relationship between Google and whole picture” as stated by Larry Page. tions. This explains why Google has its parent entity, Alphabet Inc. Let’s In 2017, Google gave many of their as- the suffix LLC at the end of its name. start with Google. Google is an Amer- Since Alphabet is the parent of ican-based multinational company that Google, it has dragged Google into a focuses on online advertising, cloud new lawsuit. Alphabet has filed a law- computing, software, hardware and suit against the popular taxi service app sustaining the popular search engine Uber for creating a technology that was called Google. However, it was not too similar to theirs. For the last de- always this way. Google used to have cade, Alphabet has been working on a much broader range of industry like creating a self driving car called Way- the development and creation of dif- mo, which was set to change the way ferent technologies for the advance- people travel across the world. The ment of humanity. But, in 2015, Goo- chance of car accidents would decrease gle decided to create a conglomerate tremendously due to the fact that a com- called Alphabet Inc. with the purpose puter-controlled car does not get drunk of more easily organizing and running or clumsy. However, Uber now has all its industries efficiently. Basically sets to another subsidiary called XXVI their own self driving car that is very each company, known as subsidiaries, Holdings, Inc and then Google became similar to Alphabet’s car. Suspicious- takes over a different industry owned a limited liability company, meaning ly, both technologies share a number by Google and become part of an al- they are not responsible for the actions of similarities and a former Alphabet liance of organizations, or a conglom- of other subsidiaries in the conglomer- engineer now works for Uber. Who is Jeff Bezos? by John Sabu Croatia, Nepal, and Madagascar com- vertical take-off and landing vehicles, Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen, com- bined. Next, he used some of the mon- which will help the ordinary person af- monly known as Jeff Bezos, is most fa- ey to create several 18,300 feet tall ford a ticket for space travel. mous for being the founder and CEO of wind turbines across the United States, In 1964, Jeff Bezos was born the popular website Amazon. How- in New Mexico to a highly educated ever, he is also a computer scientist, and accomplished family. His grand- engineer, philanthropist, and an in- father was the director of the Atomic vestor. Recently, he became the rich- Energy Commission and worked for est man in the world with a net worth the research and development arm of of $98.6 billion. He accomplished the Department of Defense. Howev- this astounding feat by using his on- er, his mother was still in high school line website to sell and ship products when he was born, and his father around the world. Amazon also of- left when he was only one year old. fers services such as audio and video Luckily for him, his stepfather was streaming, and cloud infrastructure a 15-year-old immigrant from Spain such as servers and online storage. and proceeded to smash a glass bottle who was much more ambitious and Two wise investments he made was on top of one of them. served as a role model. He got his sur- buying The Washington Post for $250 Bezos also founded a compa- name of “Bezos” from his step-father million in 2015, and buying $250,000 ny called Blue Origin, which focuses Miguel Angel Bezos Perez. Miguel worth of Google stocks in 1998. These on the construction of spacecraft and became an engineer for Exxon and stocks are worth about $3.1 billion to- spaceflight services. Bezo’s goal is inspired Jeff Bezos to graduate as the day. On Black Friday in 2017, Bezos to create new technology that makes valedictorian of his high school and hit a net worth of over $100 billion, human access to space more reliable later receive his Bachelor of Science at which is equal to the GDP of Iceland, and cheaper. He has proposed to make Princeton University. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard Technology 15 A Siri-ous Situation by Spencer Brodwin use their methods faster and more viewed on her opinions about the Woodmere, NY- Struggling productively because they are used subject, “I think that every time students at Woodmere Middle to them. we introduce new technology, it School need cellular devices to Students at Woodmere Middle adds excitement to the curriculum. help enhance their education. In School are process- However, these Woodmere Middle School, students ing information dif- phones come are struggling to complete their as- ferently than previ- at a cost. There signments to the best of their ability ous students in past would have to and on time. They are often to busy years have. They’re be an accept- after school with other activities using technolo- able use policy to start their work and their work gy more and more that parents and takes a while with a pen and pencil. every day. Instead students would However, times have changed. of fighting it, we have to sign in Teenagers in the 21st century should learn how to order to limit are much different than teenagers use technology and students ability in the 20th generation. They’re manipulate it into to access certain more tech savvy and most kids who the benefit of the places on the have phones cannot take a break community. Student internet.” These for more than an hour. These stu- at Woodmere Mid- solutions have dents are struggling because most dle School, Alyssa already been students are not receiving the help Shemtov, was interviewed about made for technology such as the they need and they don’t have the the subject. “It’s easier to use my Google Chromebook. What’s the enough time they need to com- phone during class than using a pen difference with cell phones? Mrs. plete their assignments. It’s not the and paper because I use my phone Shiflet further stated, “Our solution teachers, it’s the everyday.” Students can start with a community meet- curriculum. In at Woodmere Mid- ing about the policy to limit the use the classroom, dle School feel the of cellphones in the class and to not teachers will exact same way. be afraid of them. Eventually, real- teach with a pen Although, the idea izing it can be beneficial for future and paper and of having cellular generations.” Mrs. Shiflet could students will devices may be far not have stated it clearly that with learn with a pen fetched, it can be the help of a community meeting, and paper. With a possibility. “We cell phones can help the kids of the new cellular de- could learn how to future. vices coming use our phone for In modern society, the constant out, students educational purpos- use of cellphones can be a negative have adapted es,” Alyssa says, issue on the community. However, and prefer to use “There should be we have the opportunity, right here, technology over rules set in place right now. If Woodmere Middle old school learn- before kids can just School were to allow cell phones ing. This is the way students learn bring their phones into class.” in school, students would be able the best and if they are not given If phones had regulations in to learn more efficiently than they the tools they need, they may not class and could be modified, cellu- have before. They could also type succeed. Students will also use lar devices can be the perfect solu- notes faster on their phones and technology to handle assignments tion kids in the 21st generation need classes would be more productive. more efficiently. Since their gener- to succeed in school. Mrs. Shiflet, Overall, This act will make kids ation has adapted, they are able to a 8th grade ELA teacher was inter- more “SIRI-ous” in school. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard Technology 16 Robot-Assisted Surgery by Bella Rabin I interviewed the Director bot-assisted surgery take and Can robot-assisted surgery of the Cardiac Robotic Surgery how does that compare to a truly rival non-robot-assist- Program at Weill Cornell Medi- regular surgery? ed surgery? A Surgical Robot cal Center, a section of the New A: It depends on the pro- system is considered a “fu- York Presbyterian Hospital. cedure, but in general, robotic sion” technology - it consists Q: Do you feel that the procedures take a little bit lon- of several technologies rolled outcomes patient recovery is ger (but this is a very general into one, including robot tech- faster with the robot-assisted statement and not true for all nology, navigation technology, surgery? procedures). and sensor technology. The da A: There are many studies, Q: How much does a ro- Vinci System, one of the bet- mostly retrospective, that show bot cost and are the surger- ter-known surgical robot tech- faster recovery with robotic ies more expensive than open nologies, was invented by the surgery versus open surgery. surgery? Intuitive Surgical Company. Q: What training is in- A: The current robot- This robot was approved by the volved for learning about ro- ic system is made by Intui- Food and Drug Administration. bot assisted surgeries? tive Surgical and cost around in 2000. Since the robot is very A: Most surgeons in most $2.2M. Overall, the cost has steady, surgeons been shown to be the can be more precise same or cheaper. The when operating. The reason is that even surgeon controls the though the instrument robot from a com- costs are higher per puter console, and case, the patients are the surgeon’s move- usually discharged ments are mimicked sooner from the hos- by the robot. The da pital which saves Vinci System has money. They also re- miniature surgical turn to work and ac- instruments mount- tivity earlier. ed on three of its Q: Is it a patient four arms; the fourth or doctor’s decision arm contains a high defini- specialties that use the robots to use a robot versus no robot tion 3D camera. The da Vinci are trained during their residen- in a surgery? and other surgical robot sys- cy or fellowship. In some cas- A: The patient’s preferenc- tems have several drawbacks, es, surgeons learn after train- es matter over the physicians. such as their tendency to take ing through case observations It’s their decision although around 30 minutes longer than and “on the job training.” The physicians do have a huge a non-robotic surgery to com- company also requires a one- amount of influence in the de- plete the operation. Another day course to gain skills with cision. Often, a patient’s deci- drawback is that the robot will the robotic system itself, but sion-making process is based cost $1,000 more than having this does not teach the surgeon on things they don’t understand just a surgeon perform the op- how to do a procedure. so getting multiple opinions eration. Q: How long does one ro- from different doctors is good. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard Entertainment 17 Best Original Shows on Netflix by Ella Cohen-Kashi 4. Stranger Things This show is similar the DVDs 1. A Series Of Unfortunate Events Will Byers was on his way home shown in science class, but Bill Nye Based off its popular book series, from a friend’s house when he saw is older. Instead of focusing on experi- A Series of Unfortunate Events is about something terrifying in a government ments, Bill Nye talks about what’s go- three orphans who encounter great lab. When Will goes missing, his ing on in the world and debunks some misfortune as the antagonist, Count friends go on a search to find him, and myths. Olaf, attempts to steal their fortune. end up encountering something none 8. Alexa and Katie 2. Fuller House of them would have ever expected. Alexa battles cancer with her best Season one starts off with the en- 5. Haters Back Off friend Katie by her side. These girls tire Tanner family coming together for This show follows Miranda Sings learn to prepare themselves for high a reunion. One of the Tanner sisters, as she tries to start off her Youtube ca- school and whatever comes next. DJ, ends up taking care of her kids with reer. She uploads a video that goes 9. On my Block the help of her sister, Stefanie, and best viral, but one user’s comment forces In a rough inner city of Los An- friend, Kimmy. her quit her channel in search of other geles, four teenagers begin high school 3. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt things to do. However, Miranda even- with their lifelong friendship on the Kimmy Schmidt was kidnapped tually returns to her Youtube career. verge of breaking. and forced to live in a bunker for 15 6. Nailed It 10. Greenhouse Academy years, alongside a crazy reverend and Home chefs with terrible records Teenage siblings Hayley and three other girls. When she is finally go against one other for a prize of Alex attend an elite boarding school freed, she does not want to move back $10,000. It is a complete mess and a where they discover rivalries and a home to be a victim so she moves to reality check for these home chefs. mystery related to the loss of their New York. 7. Bill Nye Saves The World mom. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard Entertainment 18 Candy Crossword by Abby Sherman Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard Entertainment 19 Is Black Panther Really The Cat’s Meow? by Lilli Seidman riors. Since it gained global atten- Black Panther came out in the- tion, African-Americans around the aters on February 16, 2018. This world expressed appreciation for blockbuster’s production cost was their representation in the movie. approximately $200 million. On Not only did Black Panther March 12, Black Panther reached feature African-Americans, it also $1 billion in the box office-- it is focused on women. For example, certainly doing very well in the the- the king’s sister, Shuri, portrayed aters. by Letitia Wright, was depicted as The outstanding action film an amazing scientist. She designed takes place in Wakanda, a fictitious advanced technology using vibra- African country that is rich in vibra- nium. In addition, all of the sol- nium, a fictitious metal. The movie diers that protected Wakanda were centered around a journey to obtain female. These roles of women em- this valuable metal from Wakanda. phasized how women are just as However, the king managed to keep smart and strong as men. the vibranium away from the out- The new king used this power to Chadwick Boseman will ap- siders. When the king passed away, protect his country. pear again as the Black Panther his son, T’Challa, portrayed by Black Panther gained particu- in the upcoming Avengers movie, Chadwick Boseman, took his place lar attention as an action-hero mov- Avengers: Infinity War. This mov- on the throne. Afterwards, T’Chal- ie since it is one of the first action ie will be released into theaters on la gained incredible strength when films that portrayed African-Amer- April 27, 2018. If you liked Black a heart-shaped herb gave him the ican stars. The movie depicted the Panther, you should definitely go power to become the Black Panther. people in Wakanda as strong war- see it! What We’re Binging Lately by Stefanny Lopes, Samantha Almonte, Valerie Kondov and Christianna Percy

Top Five Reasons We Watch: Grey’s Anatomy Stranger Things 1. Fourteen seasons to keep entertained 1. Suspense, mystery and high spooki- 1. It constantly makes you compare for months ness factor make it addictive their world with ours. 2. Witnessing surgeries (for the future 2. Strong female characters! 2. The characters seem REAL and ev- doctors out there) 3. Nostalgia for the 1980’s? Strang- eryone is represented. 3. A good cry, sometimes ugly, but al- er Things has an 80’s vibe that is un- 3. It’s based on a world known comic ways good matched. book called Archie and has great music, 4. Strong friendships and relationship 4. The theme song rocks and pulls you 4. Great friendships, not competition goals in right away. 5. Simple: Cole Sprouce, KJ Apa, 5. McDreamy, McSteamy, and Mark 5. Friendship GOALS! Camila Medez, Lili Reinhard, and Ca- Sloane sey Cott, Madelaine Petsch Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard Entertainment 20

by AbbyTeacher Sherman Word Search

LAYH LEIGHTON LITTLE LOSPINUSO LUBOMSKI LYNCH MATTES MATTHIES MAURIELLO MCGLYNN MCHUGH MONTAGNER MORELLI MOSSEY MUSE NUGNES PERLOW PETERSON PISCIOTTA RESCIGNO RIESEL RIVERA RIZZACASA ROSENKRANTZ SANTANASTASO SCALFANI SCHWARTZ SHANNON SHEPPARD SHIFLET SINKUS THOMPSON VIGGIANO VILLEGAS VUOTTO WALSH WARREN WELSHER AGRO CONNOR DONOGHUE FUND HARRIS WEST ANCI CORBEN DURNEY FUSCO HOLFORD WILKEN BROWN DEBERNARDO EMERSON GIUSTINO HOOLAN WINICKI CARDINALE DERAFAEL ERDOS GRADY KLEIN ZHENG CHAMBERS DEVINE ESCHER GREENBERG KREISS CINTRON DONATH FERGUSON HABSHOOSH LAUNDRIE Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard Entertainment 21 The Hero’s Story by Christine Hogue Dev knew for sure he was the child of The Hero had the desk open and was The Hero nodded to the building in the the shore, for his home village was right be- pulling the papers out when he heard a low distance. “That’s it, Dev,” he said to the per- side the sea, making their living off the fish voice behind him. Too easy, he’d been think- son by his side, one hand resting tensely on they caught. And they’d been traveling west ing to himself a moment before. the handle of his sword. The blade was thin the whole time, for that was where the sun set. “Put the papers in the desk and step and sleek, with a simple wooden handle and a That part was easy to figure out, but he wasn’t back,” the Hero heard the person behind him brown leather sheath. The person by his side, nervous about that part. And the Hero was the saying, “or your sidekick is going to be a head Dev, shuffled his feet nervously and fingered Hero, for even she had referred to him as that. shorter than he already was.” the string of the bow in his hands. But to Dev, the last part hadn’t seemed that The Hero whipped around, all of the pa- “And after everything, it comes to hard to figure out either. It said he wouldn’t pers still grasped tightly in his hands, his eyes this?” Dev asked, brown eyes on the ground leave. wide. before him, not quite willing to face the future The Hero would go on to miss him for a “M-my name is Dev,” Dev said, trying yet. while, but that would have no matter, because to sound confident despite the tremor in his “Yep. It’s simple. We go in the back, the Hero would hopefully fix everything. voice. This was probably it. He might as well destroy the plans, and leave,” the Hero said, And now, the pair was nearly upon the sound brave during his last moments. repeating the plan for perhaps the seventh time building. The Hero held out a hand, gesturing “Put the papers down,” the man com- that day. But to Dev, that wasn’t anywhere for Dev to stop, and bringing a finger to his manded again, the blade resting on Dev’s near enough. For maybe, if the Hero repeated lips. Silence. throat. The Hero’s eyes flickered between Dev it enough times, it would change the course Dev hadn’t been making much noise to and the door closest to him, which led deeper of the future. Dev shook his head almost to begin with, his stomach too fluttery to speak. into the building. himself. Nonsense, he chided. Besides, he But as they crept around the perimeter of the The hope of two trails couldn’t back down now. Destiny had laid out building, he felt his throat filling slightly with Shall cross the child of the shore a path for him, and he was a strong believer a lump. “Sorry Dev,” the Hero whispered un- in destiny. Oh, how badly he wished to turn back. der his breath, and sprinted deeper within the But it hadn’t seemed so real back in It is quite too late for that, Dev remind- building. that small fishing town, far behind them now. ed himself. He simply swallowed, turned his Dev was in a shock. Wasn’t the Hero It hadn’t been real when she’d told him the head to the soil beneath his feet, and pressed supposed to at least try to save him? Wasn’t prophecy. It hadn’t been real until now, when on. They were almost at the back entrance, that how it always went? the two of them stood before the end of a jour- and the sun hadn’t even risen yet. But he The man shoved him to the floor, and ney. wasn’t tired. He was too nervous to be tired. Dev scrambled to his feet, his head in a daze. The journey, Dev corrected in his head. And from the two that enter That’s right. The door. He ran. All he Here was where the journey ended. Here was There was no one guarding the back, heard was feet. Those could have been just where it all ended. He had stayed up late last and they both slipped in. The narrow hall in- his, or it could have been an army pursuing night, despite the Hero warning him to rest side was lined with grey stone bricks, the air him. He didn’t know, and it didn’t matter. well. He had fingered the chain of the locket chilling despite the warm spring night out- One will leave around his neck far past the resting time of the side. They were trying their best to be quiet, He seemed to stumble out the door sun, until the Hero snored in the sleeping bag but their feet still scuffled in the echoey pas- a minute later, though it could have been a across the dim ashes of the fire, and the only sage like drum beats, and Dev was convinced hour. And then he stopped, stumbling onto thing to give Dev company was the moon. His everyone could hear his heart hammering his knees, reaching for air with his desperate mind refused to let him sleep, the words on against the walls of his ribcage. lungs. the slip of paper folded in the locket ringing And, after a lifetime and a half it Not completely unscathed through his head. seemed, they finally reached the end of the He’s betrayed me! Dev screamed inside The hope of two trails passage, opening into a long, square, and his head. The person he trusted most had left Shall cross the child of the shore bland room. There was a small desk at the him at the point of a knife. Dev would go on Both shall be pulled to the light’s rest other end of room, and a couple doors on ei- forever to doubt, but soon he got over it, the And when the light peers over ther side. only scar on his heart, right where it had bro- And can glance upon their tracks “I’ll check the desk,” the Hero said, and ken when the Hero left him to die. The two will be gone he walked to the other side of the room. The And the Hero did survive, and he suc- with no light upon their backs Hero nodded to a door. “You check down that ceeded, but he always regretted leaving Dev. And from the two that enter hall.” He eventually did leave, going further west, One will leave “Got it,” Dev whispered back, the further from where Dev was. He’d never be Not completely unscathed sound harsh and deafening to his careful ears. able to face him again. And the Hero in the future He walked to the door, opening it and peering And the Hero in the future Looks back with sorrow on the past around the corner. Looks back with sorrow on the past Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard Opinions 22 Sasiru Ruins Taxes by Sasiru Pathiranage is accurate. This method is already being ever, nobody used it because the system It’s April, and that means tax sea- used in 36 countries, including Germa- is complicated, the IRS does not market son. If your parents seem cranky or eas- ny, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, and it, and the tax companies have no moti- ily annoyed this month, it’s probably not the UK. If return-free filing could make vation to push for it. your fault. They’re just stressed out from filing taxes much easier, why can’t the “But Sasiru, I want return-free fil- all of that annoying paperwork. But it US government introduce return-free ing! I don’t want to spend hours filing doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, the filing? It would make this process much taxes myself, and this Free File Alliance government could potentially do your easier and cheaper. thing is just too confusing. Why can’t taxes for you, allowing you to file them Return-free filing bills have ac- we just get return-free filing?” in just five minutes! tually been introduced in Congress nu- Well, the tax industry has actual- If you’re an adult, you may be merous times. Leaders such as Ronald ly brokered a deal with lawmakers that wondering: what are you talking about? Reagan, Barack Obama, and Massa- prevents the government from offering The IRS would need to know all sorts chusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren have return-free filing, or any other free fil- of information. They would need to previously supported return-free filing. ing system at all. This is effective for as know my Social Security benefits, my However, Intuit-the makers of H&R long as the Free File Alliance exists. In business income, my annual salary, Block and Turbotax-have spent millions other words, you could do your taxes in W-2 forms, my 1099 forms--all of that of dollars lobbying to ensure that this just five minutes, for free, but Intuit has annoying stuff that nobody really under- never happens. Think about it: the tax made sure that this never happens. This stands. However, the IRS already knows software industry spends the money that way, you’re stuck using their service to this. Employers and banks already send you spent on them to help you with your file your taxes that the government could these types of detailed records to the taxes. They use your money to make be doing for you. IRS. This idea is called return-free filing. sure that taxes stay tedious and compli- I bet you thought taxes couldn’t Instead of filing taxes yourself, the gov- cated. The tax companies actually creat- get any worse. However, now that ernment would file them for you. Your ed a group called the Free File Alliance you’re aware of return-free filing, I bet tax bill would come in the mail, and you that has partnered with the IRS to give you just want to curl up and cry. Long would check to see if all the information free filing services to the public. How- story short: taxes are the worst! Tab for a Cause... We Can All Do Someting by Arib Khan spend any money of your own. All you Imagine what we could do if we Tab for a Cause is a free browser need is an internet connection. put Tab for a Cause in every comput- add-on that allows you to raise money The currency used to simplify this er in the school. That means that every for charity by browsing the web. With process is called “hearts.” The more time someone uses a computer, they every tab you open, a few ads pop up. tabs you open, the more “hearts” you can raise money to provide education to The money generated from these children who are less fortunate. ads goes to charities that you se- Why stop there? How about the lect from a list. Last year, Tab for district? How about the state? a Cause users provided a whole The more we spread this year of clean drinking water for innovative program, the more ef- about 5,688 people with Water. ficiently we can raise money for org and raised enough money charitable organizations around to protect 182 acres of rainforest with earn. All you need to do is press “do- the world. Young people who want to Conservation International. It is the nate hearts” and you can donate money help, but feel powerless to do so, should simplest way to raise money for a noble to provide a family with fresh water, or not be stopped simply because they do cause. It’s simple: You do not need to battle against police brutality. not have a dollar to give. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard Opinions 23 Why Converting to the Letter Grading System Would Reduce Anxiety in Students by Elizabeth Balzac very competitive over these titles. tem, there would be less anxiety for Woodmere, NY - A student Additionally, overall averages and the students at Woodmere Middle studies relentlessly for their next test scores have become a persistent School. Anxiety is defined as, “a exam in hopes of raising their aver- conversation topic. For instance, feeling of worry, nervousness, or age from a 96 to a 98. They feel an Abby Sreter, a student at Woodmere unease, typically about an imminent immense amount of pressure from Middle School states, “Students are event or something with an uncer- their intelligent peers to receive very competitive over grades with tain outcome.” This is seen with a the highest grade possible. How- each other. Students constantly ask student’s anticipation of receiving ever, in attempts to reach their a test grade, which causes goal, they study for hours on stress and worry. Once the end, which results in sleepless grades are returned, the stress nights. Due to their lack of en- continues to grow with the ergy and stress over a two point countless follow ups con- difference, their test grade ends cerning a student’s current up being lower than a 96, and average. This is a daily situ- their average goes down. ation that Woodmere Middle Students are becoming School students face. If the increasingly competitive with grading system were to be their peers about test grades. changed to letters rather than This competitive attitude re- a number out of 100, it would sults in increased anxiety lev- significantly help students els. Teenagers today have the and eliminate the dreadful same anxiety levels as insane scenarios of anticipation. asylum patients in the 1950s. Mrs. Shiflet, an eighth grade The combination of worry, ELA teacher, states, “I think paranoia, and overthinking re- it would be a tremendous sults in lower test grades and advantage to classes where continuous stress. However, a communicating to students solution is available: changing how well they did on a proj- the numerical grading scale of ect or test isn’t necessarily 100 to letter grades. measured numerically. An The current grading sys- A+ essay looks the same if it tem in Woodmere Middle School is for each other’s grades when an as- is a 98 or 100.” a numerical scale out of 100 points. signment is given back. If students’ The letter grading system 65 is the lowest grade a student grades are based on a letter scale, would act as a great advantage to- could get without being considered there would be less tension and wards middle school students. Not failing. High Honor Roll is given competition occurring over grades.” only would it reduce competition on a report card when the average This tension results in anxiety over with peers, but it would also de- in every class is 90 or above, while trying to uphold personal standards crease the abnormal anxiety levels Honor Roll requires an average of and the ones set by your peers. Al- of students at Woodmere Middle 85 and above. Although the intend- though it is good to be competitive School. By contacting the Hewl- ed purpose of High Honor Roll and and ambitious, there is a fine line ett-Woodmere Board of Education, Honor Roll was to encourage hard between being ambitious and men- this horrific issue could be fixed. In work and to motivate students, it tally unhealthy habits. the end, it is evident that the letter is clear that students have become By changing the grading sys- grading system receives an A+. Volume II, Issue III The Boulevard Sports 24 March Madness by David Zuckerman inating 4th seed Arizona would be eliminated from Every March, college and for the first time ever in the tournament by Michigan basketball fans watch ner- tournament history, a no.1 in the Final Four. The cham- vously as their favorite col- seeded team fell to a no. 16 pionship game pitted 1st leges participate in a cut- seeded team, as Virginia lost seed Villanova and 3rd seed throat one-game elimination to the University of Mary- Michigan. The game was a tournament, motivated by land, Baltimore County. The thriller until the Villanova the honor of cutting down underdog this season was Wildcats pulled away in the the nets after winning the certainly Loyola-Chicago. second half, after 6th man championship. The tourna- Loyola sat at the 11th seed, Donte Divincenzo put an ment is known to feature the but reeled off three straight outstanding 31 points on the most prominent basketball upsets to make it to the Fi- board. Villanova was ulti- powerhouses in the nation, nal Four with the motivation mately granted the honor of which inevitably leads to of Sister Jean, a 98-year-old cutting down the net, which some of the most thrilling chaplain who sat on the side- held a great importance for upsets. This year, notable lines at each game. However, the Wildcats as they collect- upsets included 13th seed their Cinderella story came ed their second champion- University of Buffalo elim- crashing down as Loyola ship in three years.