Clinton Meets with Governors Field of Candidates to Debate
VOL. XXV. NO. 84 The ObserverWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Clinton meets with governors Field of candidates to debate WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi work critics said was missing out, and that is what we are go By EMILY HAGE dent Clinton is asking some old during the aborted nomination ing to give them if we can get News Writer friends to help him sell unpopu of Zoe Baird for attorney gen the support across the country lar choices needed for deficit eral and his steps to end the and makes these changes," Student body president and reduction while brushing aside military's ban on gays. Clinton said Monday night. vice president election debates early controversies by saying "He wants and recognizes the With his economic plan to be will be held today at 7:30 p.m. his new job isn't just "to do importance of having the unveiled in two weeks, and his in the Ballroom of LaFortune. things that are easy." governors' bipartisan support budget in March, the adminis Each ticket will be given two beyond 8:30 or 9 p.m., but be "I know it defies the momen with the people and with tration has raised the minutes for an opening state cause there are six tickets, it tary conventional wisdom, but I Congress," said Illinois Repub possibility of a new, broad ment to be followed by two will be difficult. think we're off to a pretty good lican Gov. Jim Edgar. based energy consumption tax rounds of questions from The Sullivan also said that start," Clinton told a friendly On Monday, Clinton played and some cost savings in Social Observer, WSND and The according to elections audience Monday night at a host to the governors at the Security, either by raising taxes Scholastic, according to elec regulations, Michael Connelly Democratic Governors Associa White House and promised the on benefits to the wealthy, tions commissioner Andrea and Tom Kovats cannot run as tion dinner.
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