Massimo Boninsegni Professor of Physics University of Alberta

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Massimo Boninsegni Professor of Physics University of Alberta Massimo Boninsegni Professor of Physics University of Alberta Contact information CCIS 3-185 Edmonton, AB (Canada) T6G 2E1 +1 (780) 492-6562 [email protected] Personal Data Born in Genova, Italy, December 26 1963 Citizen of Italy and Canada (country of residence) Married to Antonella Cortese, no children Experience Full professor of physics, University of Alberta ― 7/05-present Associate professor of physics, University of Alberta ― 7/02-6/05 Associate professor of physics, San Diego State University ― 8/01-6/02 Assistant professor of physics, San Diego State University ― 8/97-7/01 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Delaware ― 10/95-7/97 Postdoctoral research associate, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ―10/92-9/95 Graduate assistant, Florida State University ― 8/87-9/92 Visiting professorships Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France ― 4/09-7/09 Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Innsbruck, Austria― 1/09-4/09 INFM-BEC centre, Università degli studi di Trento, Italy― 7/06-1/07 Theoretical Physics Institute, ETH, Switzerland ― 2/07-5/07 Awards and Honors Fellow, American Physical Society, Division of Computational Physics (2007) Canada Research Chair, condensed matter physics, University of Alberta ― 3/03-2/08 TRW Excellence in Teaching award, San Diego State University ― 2000 SCRI graduate fellowship, Florida State University ― 7/90-8/92 Education Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida (USA) ― Ph.D. in physics, 1992 Università degli Studi di Genova, Genova, Italy ― Laurea in fisica, 1986 Research Interests Theoretical condensed matter physics, Quantum many-body problems, Superconductivity, Superfluidity, Bose condensation, Quantum Monte Carlo last updated on 12-1-2011 simulations, Computational physics Publications 85 refereed articles in peer-reviewed international journals 21 in Physical Review Letters 15 as single author h-index: 28 (Google Scholar) Invited conference presentations 1. The role of exchanges in the structure of quantum Lennard-Jones clusters Gordon Research Conference, Molecular and Ionic Clusters Ventura, California, January 2012 2. Supersolid droplet crystal in a Rydberg-blockaded gas Supersolidity 2010, Paris, France, July 2010 3. Novel supersolid phase: A Rydberg-blockaded dipolar gas Conference on Computational Physics, Trondheim, Norway, June 2010 4. Classical and quantum physics of hydrogen clusters Quantum Fluid Clusters International Workshop, Dresden, Germany, May 2009 5. Quantum melting of hydrogen clusters American Chemical Society annual meeting, Salt Lake City, March 2009 6. Supersolid phases of hard core bosons in optical lattices Supersolid 2008, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, August 2008 7. Classical and quantum physics of hydrogen clusters LT25, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 2008 8. The physics of hydrogen clusters: structure, superfluidity and quantum melting Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals, Wroclaw (Poland), August 2008 9. Superfluidity and quantum melting of hydrogen clusters 6th Congress of the International Society of Theoretical Chemical Physics Vancouver, British Columbia, July 2008 10. Quantum melting and superfluidity of molecular hydrogen clusters American Physical Society, March meeting, New Orleans (LA), March 2008 11. Worm Algorithm for continuous-space Path Integral Monte Carlo QMC@ASU, Tempe (AZ), Mayb 2006 12. Numerical studies of the wetting transition of helium on alkali substrates American Physical Society, March meeting, Los Angeles (CA), March 1998 13. Ground state of frustrated quantum antiferromagnets Advances in electronic structure calculations, St. Mary’s city (MD), August 1995 Research Grants 1. Novel phases of quantum fluids Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada CAD $205,100 4/07 through 3/12 (single investigator) 2. Adsorption of quantum fluids inside carbon nanotubes Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada CAD $112,00 4/03 through 3/07 (single investigator) 3. Adsorption of quantum fluids inside carbon nanotubes U.S. National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research $50,000 9/01 through 6/02 (single investigator) 4. Helium adsorption on alkali surfaces and graphite U.S. National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research last updated on 12-1-2011 $90,000 9/98 through 8/01 (single investigator) 5. H2 physisorption on alkali metal substrates Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society $60,000 8/00 through 9/02 (single investigator) 6. Quantum Fluids inside carbon nanotubes Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society $25,000 9/99 through 8/01 (single investigator) Refereeing Activity Member of the following editorial boards: ● Journal of Low Temperature Physics ● Interdisciplinary Life Sciences - Computational Life Science Reviewer for the following granting agencies: ● National Science Foundation (Division of Materials Research ● Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (condensed matter physics) ● Petroleum Research Fund, American Chemical Society ● Austrian Science Foundation Membership American Physical Society (1988-) DCOMP executive committee, member at large (2009-) American Chemical Society (2002-) Sigma Xi (2001-) Summer school organization and lecturership Organizer and lecturer, CIFAR-PITP International Summer school on numerical methods for strongly correlated systems in condensed matter physics Sherbrooke, Québec (Canada), June 2008 Conference and workshop organization Organizer, 1st international meeting on Advances in Computational Many-body physics Banff, Alberta (Canada), January 2005 Graduate student and postdoctoral mentoring 3 M.Sc. physics students (San Diego State University, 1997-2002) 3 Ph.D. physics students (University of Alberta, 2002-) 1 Ph.D. chemistry student (University of Alberta, 2002-) 3 Post-doctoral associates (University of Alberta, 2002-) last updated on 12-1-2011 Publication List Refereed Articles 1. Bose soft discs: a minimal model for supersolidity S. Saccani, S. Moroni, E. Vtali and M. Boninsegni Mol. Phys. 109, 2807 (2011). 2. On the existence of supersolid 4He monolayer films M. Boninsegni J. Low Temp. Phys. 165, 67 (2011). 3. Structure, Bose-Einstein Condensation and superfluidity of two-dimensional confined dipolar assemblies P. Jain, F. Cinti and M. Boninsegni Phys. Rev. B 84, 014534 (2011). 4. On the possible “supersolid” chacter of Parahydrogen clusters F. Mezzacapo and M. Boninsegni J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 6831 (2011). 5. Phase diagram of soft-core bosons in two dimensions S. Saccani, S. Moroni and M. Boninsegni Phys. Rev. B 83, 092506 (2011). 6. 4He Luttinger Liquid in Nanopores A. Del Maestro, M. Boninsegni and I. Affleck Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 105303 (2011). 7. Quantum demixing in binary mixtures of dipolar bosons Piyush Jain and Massimo Boninsegni Phys. Rev. A 83, 023602 (2011). 8. The role of defects in Supersolid Helium-4 L. Pollet, M. Boninsegni, A. Kuklov, N. Prokof’ev, B. Svistunov and M. Troyer, Physics Procedia 7, 80 (2010). 9. Supersolid Droplet Crystal in a Rydberg-blockaded Gas F. Cinti, P. Jain, M. Boninsegni, A. Micheli, P. Zoller and G. Pupillo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 135301 (2010). 10. Phases of lattice hard-core bosons in a periodic superlattice L. Dang and M. Boninsegni Phys. Rev. B 81, 224502 (2010). 11. Strongly correlated gases of Rydberg-dressed atoms: quantum and classical dynamics G. Pupillo, A. Micheli, M. Boninsegni, I. Lesanovsky and P. Zoller Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 223202 (2010). 12. Thin helium films on a glass substrate M. Boninsegni J. Low. Temp. Phys. 159, 441 (2010). 13. Off-diagonal correlations in a one-dimensional gas of dipolar bosons T. Roscilde and M. Boninsegni New J. Phys. 12, 033032 (2010). 14. Ground-state properties of quantum many-body systems: entangled-plaquette states and variational Monte Carlo F. Mezzacapo, N. Schuch, M. Boninsegni and J. I. Cirac New J. Phys. 11, 083026 (2009). 15. Disorder-induced superfluidity last updated on 12-1-2011 Long Dang, Massimo Boninsegni and Lode Pollet Phys. Rev. B 79, 214529 (2009). 16. Quantum statistics and the momentum distribution of liquid parahydrogen M. Boninsegni Phys. Rev. B 79, 174203 (2009) 17. Classical and Quantum Physics of Hydrogen Clusters F. Mezzacapo and M. Boninsegni J. Phys. CM 21, 164205 (2009) 18. Parahydrogen Clusters: Numerical Estimates and Physical Effects F. Mezzacapo and M. Boninsegni J. Phys. (Conference Series) 150, 032059 (2009). 19. Phase Diagram of 4He Adsorbed on Graphite P. Corboz, M. Boninsegni, L. Pollet and M. Troyer Phys. Rev. B 78, 245414 (2008). 20. Vacancy supersolid of hard-core bosons on the square lattice L. Dang, M. Boninsegni and L. Pollet Phys. Rev. B 78, 132512 (2008). 21. Disorder and the elusive superfluid phase of para-hydrogen J. Turnbull and M. Boninsegni Phys. Rev. B 78, 144509 (2008). 22. Local Stress and Superfluid properties of Solid 4He L. Pollet, M. Boninsegni, A. Kuklov, N. Prokof’ev, B. Svistunov and M. Troyer Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 097202 (2008) 23. Local Superfluidity of Parahydrogen Clusters F. Mezzacapo and M. Boninsegni Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 145301 (2008) 24. Phase diagram of an anisotropic bosonic t-J model M. Boninsegni and N. V. Prokof’ev Phys. Rev. B 77, 092502 (2008). 25. Molecular hydrogen isotopes adsorbed on krypton-preplated graphite J. Turnbull and M. Boninsegni Phys. Rev. B 76, 104524 (2007). 26. Superfluidity of isotopically doped parahydrogen clusters F. Mezzacapo and M. Boninsegni Phys. Rev. A 76, 021201 (2007). 27. Luttinger liquid in the core of a screw dislocation in Helium-4 M. Boninsegni, A. Kuklov,
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