Study guide 2014/2015 Contents

Welcome to the University of 4 – 5

The 6 – 7

Studying in Oslo 8 – 9

Student life 10 – 11

Academic system 12 – 13

Exchange & cooperation programmes 14 – 15

Application and admission 16 – 17

Master’s degree programmes 18 – 19

The Norwegian Quota Scheme 20 – 21

Course List 22 – 27

Editorial staff 2013: Karen Marie Fjeldstad, Kjetil Horn Hogstad, Helene Johansen Photo: Hans Fredrik Asbjørnsen, Ivan Brodey, Ellen Johanne Jar- li, Marius E. Hauge, Ola Sæther, Anne Aukrust, UiO’s photo archives, Scanpix. Design: Siste Skrik Printing: 07 gruppen Number printed: 5000

2 University of Oslo University of Oslo 3 Study guide Study guide Welcome to the University of Oslo

Knowledge is the key to a better life for all. As a new interna- tional student at the University of Oslo, you are embarking on a journey towards new knowledge.

The University of Oslo is a leading Euro­pean university and the oldest and largest university in . Academic­ excellence and research- driven learning will be core elements of your life as a student at our institution.

We hope that your journey will be re- warding and that you will experience that knowledge changes everything.

Ole Petter Ottersen Rector

Gunn-Elin Aa. Bjørneboe University Director

01 From the Welcome Ceremony held each August at the University square down- town in Oslo. 01

4 University of Oslo University of Oslo 5 Study guide Study guide The University of Oslo

The University of Oslo is a renowned institution with strong academic traditions which offers high quality education and research. As a student you will have access to all of this – in the beautiful city of Oslo.

A leading European university A research university Nobel Prize laureates The University of Oslo (UiO) was The University of Oslo is Norway’s Four researchers at the University of founded in 1811, and is Norway’s old- largest research institution. Basic re- Oslo has been rewarded with Nobel est, premier, and largest institution of search constitutes the cornerstone of prizes for their research, more than all higher education. UiO has contri­­bu­ the University’s ongoing development the other Norwegian universities. ted substantially to research, innova- as a research university of high inter- tion, and education in and outside of national standing. We believe that ex- • Ragnar Frisch (1895-1973) was Norway. cellence in research is a prerequisite awarded the very first Nobel Prize for quality in university education, and in Economics in 1969. The University of Oslo offers degree that it is the key to the research com- programmes within eight faculties: munity’s ability to provide relevant • Odd Hassel (1897-1981) was awarded Theology, Law, Medicine, Humanities, responses to current challenges, to the 1969 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Mathematics and Natural Sciences, contribute to innovation,­ and to engage Dentistry, Social Sciences, and Educa- in public and international issues. • Ivar Giæver (1929- ) received the tion. We offer more than 800 cours- Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973. es taught in English at all levels, and The University of Oslo coordinates eight 40 Master’s degree programmes are Centres of Excellence (SFF), a Centre • Trygve Haavelmo (1911-99) won the taught in English. for Research-based Innovation, seven Nobel Prize for his work in Econo­ Marie Curie Training Sites, three of Nor- metrics. 01 Students at the University of Oslo have way’s foremost museums as well as access to excellent lecture and univer- a decentralised centre with nodes in Facts and figures sity library facilities; the the award- Tromsø and Oslo. Our research groups 01 With over 27000 students and 300 winning library building has become a have been given the SFF-title for a pe- The University of Oslo student organisations you are bound to popular meeting place. Students at UiO riod of ten years, and UiO’s first three meet new friends. live and learn in a positive and inclu- SFFs were established in 2003. Students 27 400 02 As a student at UiO you will be sur- sive learning environment. PhD students 2887 rounded by beautiful architecture in a Staff 7028 green environment. Here, the university International university library. Faculties 8 Over 10 % of the student population at Museums 3 the University of Oslo has an interna- 03 The Faculty of Law lies in downtown Oslo. Library Holdings 3.6 mill tional background. Oslo is an interna- Operating Budget 6.6 billions (NOK) tional capital with people and culture Nobel Prize Winners 5 from all over the world. Ranking, Shanghai no. 67 (World) 02 03

6 University of Oslo University of Oslo 7 Study guide Study guide Studying in Oslo 05

The capital of Norway is welcoming, vibrant, and cosmopolitan. Oslo offers a varied cultural life and easy access to outdoor experiences on the coast, in the forests, and in the mountains.

UiO in Oslo exceeds 20°C. Yet, the winters are cold The University of Oslo’s original cam- enough to make Oslo a popular venue pus is located in the city centre, adja- for skiing. cent to the Royal Palace and the Par- liament. The main campus of , Green and fresh just minutes by subway, tram, or bicy- Oslo’s many parks cover over 8 km2 cle from the heart of Oslo, offers prox- of the city. Over 50 % of the city area imity to the forests and hills surround- of Oslo is covered by forest and parks, ing the city and affords wonderful and there are hundreds of lakes within views of the Oslo Fjord. As most Nor- the city limits. 02 03 wegians speak English, it is easy to find 01 The city of Oslo lies at the end of the 100 one’s way around. With public transport, you can quick- km Oslo Fjord and is surrounded by sea, ly and easily reach Oslomarka, the for- forests and hills. The city of everything ested and hilly areas surrounding Oslo. 02 The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet. Oslo is smaller than most capitals, but Here you can go hiking, skiing, kaj- Oslo Opera House is a landmark at the offers all the cultural activities one ex- akking, camping, swimming, and ex- top of the Oslo Fjord. The spectacular pects to find in a capital as well as the plore the forests surrounding the city building is designed by the Norwegian beautiful nature surrounding the city by bike. architectural firm Snøhetta. and the University. The Norwegian capital is home to almost 600 000 in- Experience Norway from Oslo 03 Oslomarka. Vast forested hills surround- ing Oslo. Ideal for outdoor activity after a habitants, and over 10 % of the entire In Oslo you can combine high-quality short ride on public transport. population of Norway. Among Oslo’s education with unforgettable outdoor 60 000 students, almost 75 % come experiences, both winter and summer. 04 Ski enthusiast? In Oslomarka you can from outside Oslo. Norway is known for its outstanding indulge in more than 350 kilometers of nature, and all of this is easily accessi- prepared trails. Fjord city ble from Oslo. 05 Oslo lies in the south-eastern part of The city of Oslo lies at the end of the Norway, and is a perfect venue for 100 km Oslo Fjord and is surround- You can travel to see the Aurora Bore- discovering the rest of the country. ed by sea, forests, and hills. You can alis (“Northern lights”), experience the reach many of the 40 islands in the midnight sun, and discover the beau- Oslo Fjord by boat from downtown tiful fjords and mountains all over the Oslo. The climate in Oslo is milder than country. Students in Norway love the the latitude suggests, and in the sum- fresh air, quiet atmosphere, clean wa- mertime the temperature normally ter and vast areas of space – and nature. 01 04

8 University of Oslo University of Oslo 9 Study guide Study guide Student life

There is so much more to being a student than studying. More than 300 active student associations, societies, and organisa- tions contribute to a rich and varied social life for students at the University of Oslo.

General facilities Student organisations and democracy Stay in shape and eat well part-time work permit. Internation- The University of Oslo’s lecture rooms, Founded in 1813, the Norwegian Stu- You can choose among 60 different al students are allowed to work maxi- laboratories, and computer labs are dent Society, based in the student build- sports activities in four trainingcen- mum 20 hours per week. well-equipped and maintained, and the ing , is Norway’s oldest tres offered by the SiO Student Sports, study facilities include state-of-the-art student association. It offers concerts, ranging from basketball, swimming, The University of Oslo does not con- libraries and a wireless network zone lectures, improvised theatre, club con- squash to climbing, dance and yoga. trol sources of student funding and can for portable computer users. Interna- cepts, parties, exhibitions, and courses. You can get a customized, individu- not assist students financially. Cost tional students often comment posi- Chateau Neuf has its own library, read- al training programme, participate in of living grants are only awarded to tively on the availability and approach- ing room, café, and restaurant. group training, and get-started classes. international students accepted for ability of teachers. scholarship programmes. For more in- As an international student at the Uni- At UiO you can eat at more than 40 on- formation, see Start with friendships versity of Oslo, you become a member campus restaurants and cafes with a life At the beginning of each semester you of ISU – an independent, democratic, varied selection of menus at student- are introduced to a Buddy – a student non-profit organisation run for and by friendly prices. Student Housing who has taken responsibility for intro- international students. ISU publishes a All international students will receive ducing the University of Oslo and the newsletter and arranges academic and Budget and living costs guidelines on how to book student city to new students. When joining a social events. The national currency in Norway is the housing after admission. Internation- ‘Buddy group’, you quickly get to know Norwegian kroner (NOK), and 1 € is ap- al students are given priority, provided new students during the first week of Student democracy at the University of proximately 7,5 NOK. To give you an idea they follow these guidelines. your stay. Oslo is organised on many levels, from of the living expenses for a student in members of the Student Parliament to Norway, we have put together a modest Every semester, the University of Oslo student representatives at the depart- budget. arranges a special events programme ment level. Norwegian law ensures stu- for international students, such as mu- dents 20 % of the members on boards There are no tuition fees at the Univer- Facts seum tours, hiking trips, ski courses, and committees at the university. sity of Oslo. There is a semester regis- Budget and living costs film evenings, and the weekly - Inter tration fee of NOK 550 and a copy fee national Coffee Hour. The Internation- Health and counselling of NOK 100. Student housing is rea- Total: NOK 50 000 al Coffee Hour is a popular meeting The campus has student health cen- sonably priced, and students under 30 for one semester (approximately € 7 000) place for international and Norwegian tres with general practitioners, nurses, are entitled to reduced fares on public Transport: 3 000 students and is held every Friday from psychiatrists, psychologists and den- transport. Most social events on cam- Housing: 15 000 16.00 to 18.00 at the student house tists. There is also a team of profession- pus are either free of charge or offered Food: 15 000 Chateau Neuf. al counselors to whom students can at student-friendly prices. Internation- Books and supplies: 5 000 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – every week is filled with exciting activities for turn for advice in academic, financial al students with satisfactory study pro- Other expenses: 12 000 or personal matters. gression may be able to apply for a students at the University of Oslo.

10 University of Oslo University of Oslo 11 Study guide Study guide Academic system

The University of Oslo offers courses and Master’s degree programmes taught in English, in a wide variety of subject areas.

Study programmes assignments. The UiO employs either numbers. The letters often reflect the Programmes for international applicants cation in Norway. Quota Scheme ap- A study programme is a continuous a grading scale with letter values or a course’s subject area or the course An international student at the UiO is plicants come from universities/insti- course of study comprised of courses grading scale with only pass/fail val- name: ARA for example means “Ara- normally a student with a residence tutions that have formal cooperation and course groups. The length of study ues in the assessment of examinations. bic”, while BIO means “biology”. The permit for study purposes in Norway: agreements with the University of programmes depend on the degree to The pass/fail scale is applied as an in- numbers have four digits, where the Oslo. Quota applicants may apply for which they lead. dependent scale with only two possible first digit indicates the level of study Master’s degree programmes selected Master’s degree programmes results, and is not connected to the let- for the course. Tuition for Master’s degree pro- and PhD programmes. For more infor- The University of Oslo currently of- ter grades. The grading scale with let- grammes at the University of Oslo is mation, see page 20. fers more than 40 Master’s degree pro- ter values is a descending scale where The credit system used for courses at free, but students must document their grammes taught entirely in English. A is the best grade, E the lowest pass the University of Oslo is based on the ability to cover their own living ex- Bachelor’s degree programmes The University does not currently of- grade and F is fail. The assessment is European Credit Transfer and Accu- penses. See page 16. All Bachelor’s programmes at the Uni- fer any Bachelor’s degree programmes based on defined, qualitative criteria mulation System (ECTS). A full se- versity of Oslo are taught in Norwe- taught in English. for each grade in the grading scale. For mester workload amounts to 30 cred- Exchange students gian. Applicants with a valid Norwe- more information, see its. The study programmes consist of The University of Oslo has exchange gian language proficiency test should Courses offered in English english/studies/about/academic-sys- courses that are normally worth 10 agreements with universities around apply through Norwegian Universities The University of Oslo offers cours- tem/grading-system ECTS credits each. the world and participates in a number and Colleges Admission Service (NU- es in English both at Bachelor’s and at of international exchange programmes, CAS). For more information see samor- Master’s degree levels. The courses of- Academic calendar such as Nordplus and Erasmus. Ex- This also applies to ap- fered in English are aimed particularly The academic year at most faculties at change students normally study at plicants who plan to take a Norwegian at exchange students. the University of Oslo is divided into the University of Oslo for one or two language test in the near future. two semesters: semesters, and summer programmes 01 10 % of the student population at UiO is Teaching methods international. are also available. Scholarships are The University of Oslo normally of- Teaching methods at UiO include lec- Autumn semester: August – December also available under programmes such fers a limited number of places for in- tures, seminars, laboratory work, Spring semester: January – June 02 The buildings at UiO are beautiful. Here as Erasmus, Nordplus/Nordlys and ternational applicants to Bachelor’s workshops, group exercises, practical the pendulum at the Physics Building. 01 the EEA Financial Mechanisms pro- programmes. Admitted students must and problem-based learning and self The exact dates for the start and end of gramme. See page 14. successfully complete a Norwegian study. Read more about the teaching each semester vary from year to year language course that lasts up to one methods on the web sites of the cours- and between study programmes. More Course code Quota scheme year before starting the programme. es you are interested in following. detailed information will be provided The Norwegian Quota Scheme is a Updated information will be posted with your letter of admission. 0000 level = Courses that are prerequisites for other courses funding scheme offered by the Nor- on Academic performance 1000 level = Foundation courses at Bachelor’s level wegian to students from bachelor. Academic performance at the Univer- Courses and credit system 2000/3000 level = Advanced courses at Bachelor’s level developing countries, Central and sity of Oslo is assessed on the basis of All courses at the university have a 4000/5000 level = Advanced courses reserved for the Master’s level Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, for participation, examinations, and term unique code consisting of letters and 9000 level = Advanced courses reserved for the PhD level studies at institutions of higher edu- 02

12 University of Oslo University of Oslo 13 Study guide Study guide Exchange & cooperation programmes

As an exchange student at our university, you may choose among more than 800 different courses taught in English. The University of Oslo also offers courses, as well as a broad range of Scandinavian Studies courses.

Bilateral agreements EEA and Norway Grants Programme number of scholarships are available. Science without Borders (SwB) The University of Oslo has bilateral ex- The EEA Financial Mechanisms Pro- For more information, see The Science without Borders (SwB) change agreements with more than gramme offers study-abroad scholar- studies/summerschool programme offers study abroad schol- 100 universities worldwide. Depend- ships for students from selected coun- arships for students from Brazil. ing on the specifics of the agreement, tries in Eastern and Southern Europe. The Oslo Summer School in Through the SwB programme, stu- bilateral exchange students may spend The University of Oslo accepts EEA Comparative Social Science Studies dents from Brazil may spend two se- one or two semesters at the University scholarship students from institutions The Oslo Summer School in Compara- mesters at the University of Oslo (UiO) of Oslo as part of their degree. that have a prior exchange agreement tive Social Science Studies consists of as part of their studies. The scholarship with the University of Oslo. The schol- several postgraduate research cours- is funded by the Brazililan government Erasmus arships are administered by local au- es at the Faculty of Social Sciences. and coveres subjects mainly within the The Erasmus Life-long Learning pro- thorities in each eligible country, and The main target group is doctoral stu- STEM fields (science, technology,- en gramme offers student exchange op- application processes are different in dents interested in comparative social gineering and mathematics). For more portunities within the European Un- the different countries. To find out if science. In addition, researchers, re- information, see ion and the EEA area. The University you can apply for an EEA scholarship, search scholars, and MA students hop- admission/exchange/swb/ of Oslo has taken part in Erasmus since please contact the international office ing to continue with advanced studies 1991, and has signed more than 400 ex- at your home institution. are welcome to apply. For more infor- For more information about the ex- change agreements with approximate- mation, see change programmes and other short ly 200 partner universities in Europe. The International Summer School (ISS) doctoral-degree/summer-school programmes at the University of Oslo, Every summer the ISS welcomes ap- please see Nordplus/Nordlys proximately 550 students from around Fulbright sion/exchange/ Nordplus is a mobility programme for 90 countries to its six-week summer The U.S.-Norway Fulbright Foundation students at institutions of higher edu- term. This diverse student body trans- for Educational Exchange offers study cation in the Baltic and Nordic regions. forms the UiO campus into a global vil- grants for graduate students from the Students from Nordic institutions that lage, creating a unique international USA. Projects can be either full-time do not have a Nordplus agreement learning environment. The ISS offers study or a combination of independent with a counterpart at the University courses at the Bachelor’s level focusing research and advanced courses or sem- at Oslo may apply through the Nord- on the Norwegian language and vari- inars. Fulbright students at the Univer- lys exchange network. Nordic students ous aspects of Norwegian culture and sity of Oslo may follow most courses who speak a Scandinavian language society, as well as a number of Master’s taught in English at the Master’s and may also apply for courses from the courses dealing with internationally PhD levels. The Fulbright U.S. Student University’s entire course catalogue. relevant topics. In addition to its aca- Program also offers English Teaching demic programme, the ISS offers an ex- Assistantship (ETA) awards. Applicants tensive array of excursions as well as to both programmes must be U.S. citi- 01 Ole Johan Dahls hus. Norway and North- cultural and social activities. A limited zens at the time of their application. ern Europe’s most modern informatics building. 01

14 University of Oslo University of Oslo 15 Study guide Study guide Application and admission

International students are accepted as full degree students or as exchange students.

Admission to Master’s degree have admission twice a year. Please Documentation of finances in the residence permit/visa application. programmes contact the international office at your Self-financing applicants and exchange You will receive detailed information Admission to Master’s degree stud- home institution to see if you are eligi- students from outside the EU/EEA area about the residence permit application ies requires a completed Bachelor’s ble to become an exchange student at must include documentation that they together with your letter of admission. degree considered comparable to a UiO. You apply through your home uni- have app. NOK 100 000 per year (app. € For more information, see Norwegian Bachelor’s degree. Most versity, and local procedures and dead- 13 000) with their application. Students studies/new-student programmes may have additional ad- lines will vary according to each insti- applying for a 15-month Master’s de- mission requirements. tution. For more information, see uio. gree programme are required to show no/english/studies/admission/exchange/ possession of app. NOK 140 000 (app. Please note that Quota Scheme appli- € 19 000). It is critical that you provide cants should come from universities/ English language proficiency proof of your financial means when institutions that have formal coopera- requirements you submit your application. For more tion agreements with the University of Most international students who are information, see Oslo. Quota applicants may apply for not native English speakers must doc- admission/financing-requirements.html selected Master’s degree programmes ument English language skills that are and PhD programmes. For more infor- suitable for undergraduate or post- Accepting your place of study mation, see graduate studies. All students who are accepted will re- sion/quota-scheme ceive a letter of admission and in- The two most common, approved, tests: formation about how to book stu- There are two deadlines: • TOEFL–Test of English as a Foreign dent housing etc. International • 1 December: international applicants Language, students are given priority to student (self-financing and Quota) • IELTS–International English Lan- housing, provided they follow the guage Testing System, guidelines. Please note that this service • 15 April: extended deadline for citi- does not extend to family members. For zens from the EU/EEA area + citizens Applicants should arrange to have more information, see from Switzerland their score sent directly to the Univer- studies/new-student sity of Oslo. The TOEFL code number For more information, see for the University of Oslo is 0756. Residence permit lish/studies/admission/master All international students from outside For more information about tests, of the EU/EEA need a residence permit Admission to exchange programmes scores and exemptions, see during their stay in Norway. The process Exchange students study at the Uni- lish/studies/admission/ of being granted a residence permit/visa versity of Oslo for one or two semes- for study purposes may take 8-12 weeks ters, and most exchange programmes if all necessary documents are enclosed

16 University of Oslo University of Oslo 17 Study guide Study guide Master’s degree programmes (1.5 or 2 years)

Master’s degree programmes have a duration of 1.5 or 2 years (90 or 120 ECTS credits), and include a major independent, written work.

Master’s degree programmes taught in English Master’s degree programmes offered in Humanities Mathematics and Natural Sciences Law Norwegian to international applicants

3159 M.Phil. in Nordic Media 3183 M.Sc. in Astronomy 3167 LLM in Information and Communication Technology Law For applicants who meet the Noregian language proficiency 3193 M.Phil. in Culture, the Environment and Sustainability 3331 M.Sc. in Biology: Marine Biology and Limnology 3165 LLM in Maritime Law requirements. For more information, see 3178 M.Phil. in English Language 3332 M.Sc. in Biology: Toxicology 3166 LLM in Public International Law admission/master/norwegian-master.html 3176 M.Phil. in English Literature 3333 M.Sc. in Biology: Ecology and Evolution 3152 the Theory and Practice of Human Rights 3324 M. Phil. in Gender studies 3188 M.Sc. in Chemistry 3327 Master i Lingvistikk 3196 M. Phil. in Ibsen Studies 3313 M.Sc. in Computational Science and Engineering: 3320 Master i Norrøn filologi (studieretning) 3161 M. Phil. in Nordic Viking and Medieval Culture Computational Science Health Sciences 3267 Master i Nordisk språk (studieretning) 3304 M. Phil. in Asia and Middle East Studies: Chinese Society and 3194 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Environmental Geology and 3326 Master i Nordisk litteratur (studieretning) Politics Geohazards 3244 M.Phil. in Health Economics, Policy, and Management. 3301 Master i Norsk som andrespråk (studieretning) 3270 M. Phil. in Asia and Middle East Studies: East Asian Culture 3273 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Geology 3153 International Community Health. 3329 Master i Retorikk og kommunikasjon (studieretning) and History 3275 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Geophysics European master in Health economics and Health Management 3269 M. Phil. in Asia and Middle East Studies: Modern Japan 3274 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Meteorology and Oceanography 3322 M. Phil. in Asia and Middle East Studies: Sanskrit 3276 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Petroleum geology and Petroleum 3347 M. Phil. in Philosophy geophysics Social Sciences M.Phil./M.A. in Viking Medieval Norse Studies* 3243 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Physical Geography, Hydrology and Geomatics 3171 M.Phil. in Economics 3241 M.Sc. in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3173 M.Phil. in Peace and Conflict Studies Information Technology and Informatics 3190 M.Sc. in Materials, Energy and Nanotechnology 3157 M.Phil. in Development Geography 3189 M.Sc. in Mathematics 3197 M.Phil. in Psychology: Cognitive Neuroscience 3305 M.Sc. in Informatics: Design, Use, Interaction 3293 M.Sc. in Modelling and Data Analysis: Finance, Insurance 3306 M.Sc. in Informatics: Language and Communication and Risk 3307 M.Sc. in Informatics: Nanoelectronics and Robotics- 3294 M.Sc. in Modelling and Data Analysis: Statistics and Data Religion and Theology nanoelectronics Analysis 3310 M.Sc. in Informatics: Nanoelectronics and Robotics - robotics 3334 M.Sc. in Molecular Biosciences: Biochemistry 3155 M.Phil. in Intercontextual Theology and intelligent systems 3335 M.Sc. in Molecular Biosciences: Physiology 3200 M.Phil. in Religious Roots of Europe 3311 M.Sc. in Informatics: Nanoelectronics and Robotics- signal 3336 M.Sc. in Molecular Biosciences: Molecular Biology processing 3337 M.Sc. in Physics: Biophysics and Medical Physics 3346 M.Sc. in Informatics: Programming and Networks 3338 M.Sc. in Physics: Computational Physics Education 3309 M.Sc. in Informatics: Technical and Scientific Applications 3339 M.Sc. in Physics: Electronics 3302 M.Sc. in Network and System Administration 3340 M.Sc. in Physics: Didactic Physics 3151 M.Phil. in Comparative and International Education *For more information about admission to this programme, please 3341 M.Sc. in Physics: Condensed Matter Physics 3154 M.Phil. in Special Needs Education contact the University of Iceland: 3342 M.Sc. in Physics: Space Physics and Atmospheric Physics 3168 M.Phil. in Higher Education medieval_studies/application. 3343 M.Sc. in Physics: Subatomic Physics Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Special and Inclusive Education** 3344 M.Sc. in Physics: Theoretical Physics **For more information about admission to this programme, please contact the Faculty Education: [email protected]

18 University of Oslo University of Oslo 19 Study guide Study guide The Norwegian Quota Scheme

The Norwegian Quota Scheme is a funding scheme offered by the Norwegian government to Master’s degree students from developing countries, Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia.

Humanities Health Sciences For further information about admission require- ments, deadlines and how to apply, see 3109 M.Phil. in Nordic Media 3103 M.Phil. in International Community Health english/studies/admission/quota-scheme 3119 M.Phil. in Culture, the Environment and Sustainability 3130 M.Phil. in Ibsen Studies 3111 M.Phil. in Nordic Viking and Medieval Culture Social Sciences 3345 M.Phil. in Asia and Middle East Studies: East Asian Culture and History 3323 M.Phil. in Economics 3107 M.Phil. in Development Geography


3125 LLM in Information and Communication Technology Law Religion and Theology 3117 LLM in Maritime Law 3116 LLM in Public International Law 3105 M.Phil. in Intercontextual Theology 3102 M.Phil. in the Theory and Practice of Human Rights 3319 M.Phil. in Religious Roots of Europe

Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education

3263 M.Sc. in Chemistry 3101 M.Phil. in Comparative and International Education 3281 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Physical Geography, Hydrology and 3124 M.Phil. in Higher Education Geomatics 3104 M.Phil. in Special Needs Education 3283 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Meteorology and Oceanography 3284 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Environmental Geology and Geohazards 3289 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Geology 3290 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Geophysics 3291 M.Sc. in Geosciences: Petroleum Geology and Petroleum Geophysics

20 University of Oslo University of Oslo 21 Study guide Study guide Course list

Overview of courses at UiO given in English in spring and autumn semest- IBS3102 ’s oeuvre in the perspective ARA4304 Contemporary Arabic Literature: Texts and Contexts 10 ENG4525 Identities in the British Isles 10 IBS4205 New Perspectives in Ibsen Studies 10 NORAM4512 The American Presidency 10 ers 2013. UiO offers more than 800 courses in English. For updated lists, of its reception history 10 ARA4505 Arabic Cyberspace 10 FIL4010 Various philosophical topics 10 IDE4063 Early modern travel: Commerce, Education or Science 10 NORAM4514 Issues in American Foreign Policy 10 please see IBS3104 Ibsen and the drama of modernity 10 ARA4506 Key Concepts of Arabic Language and Culture FIL4011 Various philosophical topics II 10 IRSK4303 Celtic Mythological Texts 10 NORAM4515 Cities and American Life 10 IBS3105 Ibsen Between Cultures 10 – A Comparative Analysis 10 FIL4100 Metaphysics/Philosophy of Mind 10 JAP4010 Designing a Master’s Project on Modern Japan 10 NORAM4520 Research Seminar in American Social History 10 IBS3204 Ibsen in Performance 10 ARK4120 Hunters and Gatherers and Stone Age Technology 10 FIL4110 Metaphysics/Philosophy of Mind with short essay 20 JAP4110 Classical Japanese 10 NORAM4550 Theory and Method in North-American-studies 10 Course Course Name ECTS IBS3205 New Perspectives in Ibsen Studies 10 ARK4130 From the Bronze Age to the Vikings and Beyond. FIL4120 Metaphysics/philosophy of Mind with long essay 30 JAP4320 Modern Japanese Literature, Culture and Society 10 NORAM4571 Race and Racism in the United States 10 IDE2023 Medieval intellectual history 10 Archaeological Analysis of Past Technology 10 FIL4160 Metaphysics II 10 JAP4510 Contemporary Japanese Popular Culture 10 NORAM4572 American Women’s History 10 Humanities IDE2063 Europe and the World - Travel Writing from the ARK4320 Archaeological Field course, Mediterranean 10 FIL4170 Metaphysics II with short essay 20 JAP4520 Traditional Culture in Modern Japan 10 NORAM4576 An Enlightening Lens: Immigration and Bachelor courses Renaissance to the Romantic period 10 ARK4410 University of Oslo Summer School in Archaeology 10 FIL4180 Metaphysics II with long essay 30 JAP4530 Modern & Contemporary Japanese Politics Ethnicity in American Life 10 ARK2120 Hunters and Gatherers and Stone Age Technology 10 IRSK1501 Celtic Civilization - Mainland Celtic and Island Celtic CSMN4010 Rational Agency 10 FIL4200 Epistemology and philosophy of science 10 and International Relations 10 NORAM4578 Critical Challenges of American Government and Politics 10 ARK2130 From the Bronze Age to the Vikings and Beyond. (ca. 700 BC - ca. 1000 AD) 10 CSMN4020 Linguistic Agency 10 FIL4210 Epistemology and philosophy of science 20 JOUR4330 Freedom of expression NORAM4582 America in the World 10 Archaeological Analysis of Past Technology 10 IRSK2100 Introduction to Old Irish 10 CSMN4021 Pragmatics and Relevance Theory 10 FIL4220 Epistemology and philosophy of science 30 – discourses, principles and practices 10 NORAM4584 Religion in American History 10 ARK2410 University of Oslo Summer School in Archaeology 10 JAP1501 Japan’s Politics and Society 10 CSMN4030 Moral Agency 10 FIL4300 Ethics 10 JOUR4421 Trends in International Journalism 20 NORAM4585 Restoring the Earth/Renewing Culture: EAST2504 East Asia: Great Traditions 10 JAP2501 Japanese Popular Culture 10 EAL4010 East Asian Linguistics 10 FIL4310 Ethics with short essay 20 KIN4111 Classical Chinese 10 Critical Evaluations of the Green American Tradition 10 ENG1100 English Grammar, an introduction 10 KIN2510 Introduction to Business Chinese 10 EAL4110 Readings in East Asian Linguistics 10 FIL4320 Ethics with long essay 30 KIN4340 Topics in Chinese Culture and History 10 REL4011 Religionshistorisk forskningstema 1 5 ENG1103 English Phonetics and Intonation, an introduction 10 KONS1000 Introduction to conservation and collection care 10 EAS4900 The International Project term Europe - America 30 FIL4322 Ethics in the Antiquity 10 KIN4510 Approaches to the Study of Chinese Society and Politics. REL4015 Religionshistorisk forskningstema 5 10 ENG1111 The English Language. Awareness and Writing Skills, KONS2010 History and Theory of Conservation 10 EAST4110 Readings in East Asian Culture and History 10 FIL4323 Ethics in the Antiquity 20 Theories and Methodologies 20 REL4016 Rituals of Islam 10 an introduction 10 KONS2061 Understanding the indoor climate in museums, EAST4504 East Asia: Great Traditions 10 FIL4330 Political philosophy 10 KIN4520 Topics in Chinese Society and Politics 10 REL4112 Reading Course 10 ENG1303 British Literature, an introduction 10 galleries and archives 10 EAST4510 Approaches to East Asian Culture and History 20 FIL4340 Political philosophy 20 KIN4530 Topics in Chinese Ideas and Ideologies 10 REL4140 Religion and War 10 ENG1304 American Literature, an introduction 10 KONS2070 University of Oslo Summer School in Conservation EAST4520 Topics in East Asian Societies and Politics 10 FIL4350 Political philosophy 30 KONS4070 University of Oslo Summer School in Conservation REL4160 The Anthropology of Buddhism 10 ENG1505 British Civilisation, an introduction 10 of Theatre Sceneries 10 EAST4530 Topics in East Asian Culture and History 10 FIL4351 Feminist ethics 10 of Theatre Sceneries 10 REL4181 Historical Religious Texts 20 ENG2151 Systemic Functional Grammar, introduction 10 KOR1502 Korea: Philosophy and Religion 10 ENG4100 English Language Research: Methods and Thesis Outline 10 FIL4352 Feminist ethics 20 KOS4010 Current Themes in Asia and Middle East Studies 10 REL4270 Tibetan Literary Culture 10 ENG2152 Varieties of English Texts 10 KOR1504 Korea: History, Society, Politics 10 ENG4102 Phraseology in English 10 FIL4390 Environmental philosophy 10 KOS4011 Current Themes in Asia and Middle East studies 2 10 RETKLA4020 Ancient rhetoric: theory and practice 10 ENG2153 English Corpus Linguistics 10 KULH1001 The Cultural History of Europe from 1500 until the Present ENG4103 Historical English Syntax 10 FIL4391 Environmental philosophy 20 KOS4015 New Themes in Asia and Middle East Studies 5 RETKOM4105 Oral communication in the media and in the workplace 10 ENG2154 Old English, Introduction 10 – A Thematic Overview 10 ENG4104 Chaucer and the Manuscript Tradition 10 FIL4392 Environmental philosophy 30 KOS4016 New Themes in Asia and Middle East Studies 2 5 SAN4111 Advanced Reading in Ancient Indian Languages I 10 ENG2155 Aspects of Chaucerian Language and Literature 10 KULH1050 Belief in Witches and Witchcraft in Europe 1400 – 1700 10 ENG4106 Contrastive analysis: Syntax, lexis, discourse 10 FIL4400 Logic and philosophy of language 10 KOS4020 Conference participtaion and presentation 10 SAN4112 Advanced Reading in Ancient Indian Languages II 10 ENG2156 History of the English Language 10 KULH1492 Cultural encounters - historical cases 10 ENG4108 Tense and aspect in English 10 FIL4401 Philosophy of language II 10 KOS4030 Work as a research assistant 10 SAS4011 New Themes in South Asia Studies 5 ENG2157 Semantics and Pragmatics 10 KUN1005E Introductory Course in History 10 ENG4110 Older English Philology and Literature 10 FIL4410 Logic and philosophy of language with short essay 20 KUN4070 Art 1950-2000 10 SAS4013 New Themes in South Asia Studies 5 ENG2158 Translation into English 10 KUN2005E Edvard Munch 10 ENG4114 Text and translation 10 FIL4411 Philosophy of language II 20 KUN4075 Collsions/Collusions: Modernity and Public Art 1880-1920 10 SAS4014 New Themes in South Asia Studies 5 ENG2159 Accents of English in the British Isles 10 KUN2070 Art 1950-2000 10 ENG4115 Texture and Linguistic Structure 10 FIL4420 Logic and philosophy of language with long essay 30 KUN4202 Nordic Design after 1900 10 SAS4015 New Themes in South Asia Studies 5 ENG2160 Language and Settlement in England, ca. 400-1200 A.D. 10 KUN2075 Collisions/Collusions: Modernity and Public Art 1880-1920 10 ENG4116 Second Language Acquisition 10 FIL4421 Philosophy of language II 30 KUN4230 Art Technology Media (10 Credits) SAS4210 Religion and Politics in South Asia 5 ENG2162 Contrastive and Learner Language Analysis 10 KUN2202 Nordic design after 1900 10 ENG4151 Systemic Functional Grammar, introduction 10 FIL4471 reference, Context and Speech acts with short essay 20 KUN4305E Inside the medieval church: the church room SAS4510 India as a Regional and Global Actor: ENG2163 Global English 10 KUN2230 Art Technology Media 10 ENG4152 Varieties of English Texts 10 FIL4481 Reference, Context and Speech acts with long essay 30 and its decoration in medieval 10 The Making of Indian Foreign Affairs 10 ENG2164 The World of Beowulf 10 KUN2305E Inside the medieval church: the church room ENG4154 Old English, Introduction 10 FIL4560 History of philosophy from 600 BC until the 17th century 10 LAT4403 Vergil 10 TEA4013 Henrik Ibsen and European Theatre 1750-1900 10 ENG2301 English Renaissance Literature 10 and its decoration in medieval Scandinavia 10 ENG4155 Aspects of Chaucerian Language and Literature 10 FIL4570 History of philosophy from 600 BC until the 17th century LIT4001 Principles and Concepts of Literary Studies 10 AAS4900 International Project Term in Asia and Africa 30 ENG2303 British Literature in the Age of the Enlightenment 10 LAT2401 Augustan poetry 10 ENG4156 History of the English Language 10 with short essay 20 MAS4010 Dissertation Seminar 10 ENG2304 The Romantic Period 10 LAT2402 Cicero 10 ENG4157 Semantics and Pragmatics 10 FIL4580 History of philosophy from 600 BC until the 17th century MAS4525 Old Norse religion 10 ENG2305 The Victorian Period 10 LAT2408 Roman Fiction 10 ENG4158 Translation into English 10 with long essay 30 MAS4550 Current issues in medieval studies SOCIAL SCIENCES ENG2321 Colonial and Postcolonial Literature 10 MAS2525 Old Norse religion 10 ENG4159 Accents of English in the British Isles 10 FIL4600 History of Philosophy 1600-1800 10 with focus on history of art 1 10 Bachelor courses ENG2323 Women Writing: Feminist Fiction in English 10 MEVIT1110 Audiovisual Aesthetics 10 ENG4160 Language and Settlement in England, ca. 400-1200 A.D. 10 FIL4610 History of Philosophy 1600-1800 with short essay 20 MEVIT4000 Master’s thesis seminar 10 ECON1220 Welfare and politics 10 ENG2324 Homotextuality: Gay and Lesbian Literature 10 MEVIT3220 Media and Globalization 20 ENG4163 Global English 10 FIL4620 History of Philosophy 1600-1800 with long essay 30 MEVIT4100 Nordic Media in an International Perspective 10 ECON1710 Introduction to demography 10 ENG2325 The Short Story in English 10 MEVIT3300 Media Economics 10 ENG4164 The World of Beowulf 10 FIL4630 Recent history of philosophy: MEVIT4117 Modern TV-fiction 10 ECON1730 Population and welfare 10 ENG2326 Fiction and Film 10 MUS1401 Norwegian Music for International Students 10 ENG4190 Master Thesis in Languages: English 60 The heritage of Frege and Russell 10 MEVIT4130 Mediatized stories: Self-representations ECON1910 Poverty and distribution in developing countries 10 ENG2327 Shakespeare 10 NFI1100 Runology - General Introduction 10 ENG4310 Literary Theory in English 5 FIL4631 Recent history of philosophy: in digital storytelling 10 ECON2200 Mathematics 1/Microeconomics 1 10 ENG2329 Reception Studies (10 Credits) NFI2101 Runology – Runic Inscriptions from the Migration ENG4321 Fantasy Literature 10 The heritage of Frege and Russell with short essay 20 MEVIT4220 Media and Globalisation 20 ECON2310 Macroeconomic analysis 10 ENG2333 Multicultural American literature 10 Period to the 10 ENG4340 Nineteenth-Century American Literature 10 FIL4632 Recent history of philosophy: MEVIT4300 Media Economics 10 ECON3120 Mathematics 2: Calculus and linear algebra 10 ENG2334 American Literature in the Fifties and Sixties 10 NFI2102 Runology - Runic Inscriptions of the Middle Ages 10 ENG4341 English Renaissance Literature 10 The heritage of Frege and Russell with long essay 30 MEVIT4310 Media Innovations 10 ECON3150 Introductory Econometrics 10 ENG2335 British and American Modernism 10 NFI2120 Old Norse Palaeography, Codicology and ENG4343 British Literature in the Age of the Enlightenment 10 FIL4700 Aesthetics 10 MEVIT4325 Media and Democratisation Processes ECON3200 Microeconomics and game theory 10 ENG2340 Nineteenth-Century American Literature 10 Medieval Manuscript Culture 10 ENG4344 The Romantic Period 10 FIL4710 Aesthetics with short essay 20 - Summer school course 15 ECON3270 Distributive Justice 10 ENG2505 Identities in the British Isles 10 NFI3000 Runology - Runic Inscriptions as Artefact ENG4345 The Victorian Period 10 FIL4720 Aesthetics with long essay 30 MEVIT4525 Contemporary Tendencies in Scandinavian Visual Fiction 10 ECON3710 Demography of developing countries 10 ENG2515 Britain since 1945 10 and Museum Objects 10 ENG4361 Colonial and Postcolonial Literature 10 FRA4620 Major in French area studies: Individual Syllabus 2 10 MEVIT4614 Pornography, Protection & Power: ECON3950 History of Economics 10 ENG2516 Northern Ireland 10 NOR1403 Norwegian World Literature (10 Credits) ENG4363 Women Writing: Feminist Fiction in English 10 GRE4110 History of the Greek language 10 Internet Content Regulation - Protection or Censorship? 10 PSY2012 Research methodology III: Statistical analysis, design ENG2517 The British Constitution 10 NOR2415 Contemporary Scandinavian Film: Cultural, Aesthetic ENG4364 Homotextuality: Gay and Lesbian Literature 10 GRE4307 Ancient medical texts 10 MEVIT4616 Internet, Self and Society 10 and measurement 10 FIL2105 Metaphysics/Philosophy of Mind 10 and Literary Approaches 10 ENG4365 The Short Story in English 10 GRE4408 Greek drama 10 MEVIT4640 Mobile Media Design 10 PSY2102 Social cognition 10 FIL2207 Philosophy of Action 10 NORAM1500 American history 10 ENG4366 Fiction and Film 10 HIN4010 Hindi Literature, Linguistics and Performance Studies 10 MEVIT4800 Perspectives and methods in media research 10 PSY2205 Psychosocial development 10 FIL2208 Major - Theory of cognition/Philosophy of science 10 NORAM1506 American Civilization: An Introduction 10 ENG4367 Shakespeare 10 HIN4011 Advanced Readings in Hindi 5 MEVIT4895 Conference attendance with presentation 10 PSY2206 Cognition, emotion and language 10 FIL2403 Philosophy of language 10 NORAM1510 Introduction to American Studies 10 ENG4369 Reception Studies 10 HIS4011 Philosophy and methodology of history 10 MEVIT4896 Work as a research assistant 10 PSY2302 Brain and cognition 10 FIL2506 Recent history of philosophy: The heritage of Frege NORAM2305 Literature and Society in the United States and Canada 10 ENG4373 Multicultural American literature 10 HIS4140 Objects and Identities in the Viking Age (c.750-c.1050) 10 MEVIT4897 Selvvalgt emne I 10 PSY2406 Introduction to organizational psychology 10 and Russell 10 NORAM2571 Race and Racism in the United States 10 ENG4374 American Literature in the Fifties and Sixties 10 HIS4157 Gender and urban economy 10 NFI4100 Runology - General introduction (10 Credits) PSY2600 Personality and Abnormal psychology 10 FIL2700 Major - History of philosophy until the 17th century 10 NORAM2572 American Women’s History 10 ENG4375 British and American Modernism 10 HIS4160 Innovation and technological change fram antiquity NFI4111 Old Norse Palaeography, Codicology and SGO2200 Economic globalisation and regional development 10 FIL2701 History of philosophy from the 17th until the NORAM2576 An Enlightening Lens: Immigration and ENG4391 Writing a Thesis on a Literary Topic 5 to our times 10 Medieval Manuscript Culture 10 SGO2301 Environment and society 10 19th century 10 Ethnicity in American Life 10 ENG4413 The Early English Novel 10 HIS4171 Diverging Paths: social and economic development in NFI4112 Old Norse Rhetoric and Poetics in a European Context 10 SGO2500 North/South - Development 10 GRE2401 Greek epic poetry 10 NORAM2578 Critical Challenges of American Government and Politics 10 ENG4414 The Auto-Graphic Novel 10 the West and the East since c. 1700 10 NFI4120 Old Norse - language and texts 10 SGO2600 Migration, Transnationalism and Development 10 GRE2402 Greek philosophical texts 10 NORAM2580 American Intellectual and Political History 10 ENG4433 Between Two Cultures: Indian Authors HIS4172 Kings, Gods and Temples in Pre-Colonial South Asia 10 NFI4121 The Poetic Edda - from Orality to Literacy 10 SOS2402 Family, gender and the welfare state 10 GRE2404 Greek historiography 10 NORAM2582 America in the world 10 Who Write in English 10 HIS4335 Into the Ice: Norwegian Polar History 10 NFI4122 Runology - Runic Inscriptions of the Middle Ages 10 SOS2603 The Scandinavian welfare society - contemporary perspectives 10 GRE2405 Greek drama 10 NORAM2584 Religion in American History 10 ENG4434 20th Century American Literature: Race, Gender, HIS4354 The History of Consumer Society and its Discontents: NFI4123 Runology – Runic Inscriptions from the Migration SOSANT2510 Environmental Anthropology 10 HIS2140 Objects and Identities in the Viking Age (c.750-c.1050) 10 NORAM2585 Restoring the Earth/Renewing Culture: Performativity 10 From 19th Century Consumers’ Leagues to No Logo 10 Period to the Viking Age 10 SOSANT2530 Development 10 HIS2160 Innovation and technological change fram antiquity Critical Evaluations of the Green American Tradition 10 ENG4435 The Lost Generation and the 1920s 10 HIS4417 Politics, Poverty and Water in Post-colonial India 10 NFI4123 Runology – Runic Inscriptions from the Migration SOSANT2550 Medical anthropology 10 to our times 10 REL3010 Anthropology of Buddhism 10 ENG4452 Reading Dickens: Texts and afterlives 10 HIS4421 War, Peace and the Nobel Peace Prize 10 Period to the Viking Age 10 STV1101 Introduction to Political Utopias 10 HIS2171 Diverging Paths: social and economic development in the REL3181 Religious texts in original languages 20 ENG4453 Jane Austen: Text and Context 10 IBS4000 Introduction 10 NFI4402 Current Research in Medieval Studies II with focus STV1510 Nordic politics 10 West and the East since c. 1700 10 RETKLA2020 Ancient rhetoric: theory and practice 10 ENG4454 Tom Stoppard’s Drama of Ideas 10 IBS4001 How to write a thesis? 10 on Literary sources 10 STV2210 Europeanization and Globalization 10 HIS2172 Kings, Gods and Temples in Pre-Colonial South Asia 10 SAN1110 Sanskrit 1 20 ENG4455 Reading Milton’s Paradise Lost 10 IBS4101 Ibsen’s oeuvre in a biographical, aesthetic NORAM4305 Literature and Society in the United States and Canada 10 STV2240 International terrorism and stability operations 10 HIS2335 nto the Ice: Norwegian Polar History 10 SAN1120 Sanskrit 2 20 ENG4456 Edith Wharton: Text and Context 10 and historical perspective 10 STV2310 Politics and Development 10 HIS2354 The History of Consumer Society and its Discontents: SAN2130 Sanskrit 3+4 40 ENG4471 The Return of the Author 10 IBS4102 Henrik Ibsen’s oeuvre in the perspective of its NORAM4503 Popular Music in the United States as a Reflection STV2320 Comparative Political Economy 10 From 19th Century Consumers’ Leagues to No Logo 10 SAS3000 India Studies Bachelor Essay 10 ENG4472 The Literary History of Sexuality 10 reception history 10 of American Culture 10 STV2500 EU decision-making processes and policy areas 10 HIS2376 Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy 10 TEA2113 Henrik Ibsen and European Theatre 1750-1900 10 ENG4473 World Literature in English 10 IBS4104 Ibsen and the drama of modernity 10 NORAM4507 American Women’s History: Sexuality, STV4328B Multiculturalism and Democratic Citizenship 10 HIS2417 Politics, Poverty and Water in Post-colonial India 10 Master courses ENG4515 Britain since 1945 10 IBS4105 Ibsen Between Cultures 10 Motherhood & Mission 10 IBS3101 Ibsen’s oeuvre in a biographical, aesthetic and ENG4516 Northern Ireland 10 IBS4204 Ibsen in Performance 10 NORAM4511 Research Seminar in International Migration Master courses ARA4118 Arabic Manuscripts 10 DEVG4020 Literature and writing seminar 10 historical perspective 10 ARA4303 Modern Arabic Fiction and Dramatic Arts 10 ENG4517 The British Constitution 10 IBS4204 Ibsen in Performance 10 and Ethnicity Studies 10

22 University of Oslo University of Oslo 23 Study guide Study guide DEVG4040 Individual Reading List 10 STV4208B International Negotiations 10 JUS5402 Maritime Law: Liability and Insurance 10 AST3310 Astrophysical plasma and stellar interiors 10 GEO1010 Physical geography 10 MBV1010 Cell biology and genetics 10 DEVG4050 Individual Reading List 20 STV4214B International Environmental Governance 10 JUS5411 Petroleum Law 10 BIO1000 Elementary Biology 10 GEO1020 Geological processes and materials 10 MBV1020 Physiology 10 ECON4082 Oral Exam 0 STV4217B Rational Choice Models and International Conflict 10 JUS5440 EU Substantive Law 10 BIO1010 Human Behavioural Ecology 10 GEO1030 Winds, currents and climate 10 MBV2010 Molecular biology 10 ECON4088 Oral Exam 0 STV4223B Transnational Politics and Globalization 10 JUS5450 Marine Insurance 10 BIO1200 Biodiversity 20 GEO1040 Introduction to programming with applications MBV2020 Laboratory course 10 ECON4120 Mathematics 2: Calculus and linear algebra 10 STV4225B International Security Policy 10 JUS5503 Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism: Striking a Balance? 10 BIO1200A Biodiversity 10 in geosciences 10 MBV3010 Advanced cell biology 10 ECON4130 Statistics 2 10 STV4227B Geopolitics in the High North 10 JUS5520 International Environmental Law 10 BIO2100 General Ecology 10 GEO2010 Surface hydrology 10 MBV3020 Molecular genetics and developmental biology 10 ECON4136 Applied statistical analysis for the social sciences 10 STV4229B Foreign Policy Analysis: The European Union 10 JUS5530 Refugee and Asylum Law 10 BIO2120 Evolutionary Biology 10 GEO3020 Soil- and groundwater 10 MBV3050 Human physiology 10 ECON4140 Mathematics 3: Differential equations, static and STV4232B Causes of War 10 JUS5540 Public International Law 10 BIO2140 Molecular biology and Biological Methods 20 GEO3100 Environmental Geology 10 MBV3060 General microbiology 10 dynamic optimization 10 STV4236B International Security and Multipolarity 10 JUS5560 International Constitutional Law and Democracy 10 BIO2150 Biostatistics and Study Design 20 GEO3710 Evolution of life 10 MBV3070 Bioinformatics 10 ECON4145 Mathematics 3: Differential equations, STV4254B Small State in Globalization: JUS5570 International Criminal Law 10 BIO2150A Biostatistics 10 INF1000 Introduction to object-oriented programming 10 MBV3090 Research Literature in Cancer Biology 10 static and dynamic optimization 10 The ’s Foreign Economy 10 JUS5630 Privacy and Data Protection 10 BIO3081 Animal Behaviour 1 10 INF1010 Object oriented programming 10 MBV-KJM1030 General biochemistry and biological chemistry 10 ECON4150 Introductory Econometrics 10 STV4282B International Energy Politics 10 JUS5641 Electronic Communications Law 10 ENT1000 Entrepreneurship 10 INF1050 Systems development 10 MEK1100 Vector Calculus 10 ECON4160 Econometrics - Modeling and systems estimation 10 STV4283B Selected Topics in Peace and Conflict Studies 10 JUS5650 Enforcement and Dispute Resolution in a Digital Context 10 FRM1000 Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Part I 10 INF1060 Introduction to operating systems and MEK2500 Introduction to Solid Mechanics 10 ECON4200 Microeconomics and game theory 10 STV4284B The Politics of International Investment, JUS5660 Intellectual Property Law in the Information Society 10 FRM1010 Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Part II 10 data communications 10 MEK3200 Project Work in Mechanics 10 ECON4240 Equilibrium, welfare and information 10 Production and Trade 10 JUS5670 Electronic Commerce Law 10 FRM1020 Pharmacy and the society 10 INF1080 Logical methods for computer science 10 MEK3220 Continuum Mechanics 10 ECON4245 Corporate Governance 10 STV4309B Political Elites 10 JUS5680 Internet Governance 10 FRM1030 Bioorganic Chemistry 10 INF1100 Introduction to programming with scientific applications 10 MEK3230 Fluid Mechanics 10 ECON4260 Behavioral Economics 10 STV4321B Human rights, ideologies and political regimes 10 JUS5710 International Human Rights Law: FRM1040 Foundation biology for pharmacists 10 INF1300 Introduction to databases 10 MEK3500 Structural Mechanics 10 ECON4270 Distributive Justice 10 STV4324B The Politics of Poverty 10 Institutions and Procedures 10 FRM1050 Drugs and How They Work Part I 10 INF1400 Digital technology 10 MENA1000 Materials, energy and nanotechnology 10 ECON4310 Macroeconomic Theory 10 STV4330 Designseminar: Politics and Development 10 JUS5730 International Humanitarian Law (The Law of Armed Conflict) 10 FRM1050R Drugs and How They Work Part I 5 INF2100 Programming project 10 MENA3000 Functional materials 10 ECON4325 Monetary Policy 10 STV4344B Politics in developing countries: contextual analyses JUS5831 Environmental Law and Economics 10 FRM2000 Drugs and How They Work Part II 20 INF2140 Modeling and programming parallel systems 10 MENA3100 Characterization of materials 10 ECON4330 International Macroeconomics 10 in theoretical perspectives 10 JUS5850 International Trade Law 10 FRM2000R Drugs and How They Work Part II 10 INF2220 Algorithms and data structures 10 MENA3200 Energy materials 10 ECON4335 The economics of banking 10 STV4346B Comparative Political Economy 10 JUS5851 International Investment Law 10 FRM2010 Quality Control of Pharmaceutical ingredients 10 INF2270 Computer architecture 10 MENA3300 Nanotechnology 10 ECON4350 Growth and Investment 10 STV4347B Linkages between Politics and Society in JUS5852 International Commercial Arbitration 10 FRM2020 Production, Quality Control and Distribution INF2810 Functional programming 10 STK1000 Introduction to applied statistics 10 ECON4415 International trade 10 Developing Countries 10 JUS5910 Women’s Law and Human Rights (10 Credits) of Medicinal products 15 INF2820 Computational linguistics 10 STK1100 Probability and statistical modelling 10 ECON4510 Finance Theory 10 STV4348B Scandinavian Democracy 10 JUS5911 International Climate Change and Energy Law 10 FRM2020R Production, Quality Control and Distribution INF3100 Database systems 10 STK1110 Statistical methods and data analysis 1 10 ECON4620 Public Economics 10 STV4349B Transformative Politics in a South-North Perspective 10 JUS5912 Legal Writing and Oral Advocacy in International Law 10 of Medicinal products 6 INF3110 Programming languages 10 STK2120 Statistical Methods and Data Analysis 2 10 ECON4640 Political economics 10 STV4350B European Union: Government, Politics and Policies 10 KRIM4950 Torture, Terror and Rights 10 FRM2030 Quality Assurance in Drug Production 5 INF3151 Operating systems 20 STK2130 Modelling by Stochastic Processes 10 ECON4710 Demography of developing countries 10 STV4444B European regionalism and multi-level governance 10 KRIM4951 Comparative Justice 10 FRM2040 Use of Drugs, Part I 10 INF3170 Logic 10 STK2400 Introduction to risk and reliability analysis 10 ECON4715 Labour economics 10 STV4445B EU and the nation states: KRIM4952 A Criminology of Globalization 10 FRM3000 Pharmaceutics 15 INF3190 Data communications 10 STK2520 Problems and methods in Actuarial science 10 ECON4820 Strategic Competition 10 Policy formulation and implementation 10 MARL5110 Maritime law: Safety, Competition and EU 10 FRM3010 Formulation, Production, and Control of INF3230 Formal modeling and analysis of communicating systems 10 STK3100 Introduction to generalized linear models 10 ECON4910 Environmental Economics 10 TIK4011 Science and Politics in Controversies on Nature 10 MARL5120 Maritime Law in practice: Mock Trial 10 Sterile Pharmaceutical Preparations 5 INF3280 Development of IT competence in organisations 10 STK-MAT2011 Project work in finance, insurance, risk and data analysis 10 ECON4915 Development Economics 10 TIK4021 Innovation and global challenges 10 RMMI5460 Marine Insurance Settlement 15 FRM3020 Use of Drugs, Part II 10 INF3320 Computer graphics and geometric modelling 10 Master courses ECON4921 Institutions and Economic Systems 10 TIK4030 Research- and Technology Policy 10 FRM3030 Use of Drugs, Part III 20 INF3380 Parallell programming for scientific problems 10 AST4310 Radiative processes in astrophysics 10 ECON4925 Resource economics 10 TIK4040 Research and Design Seminar 10 FRM3040 Development of new pharmaceuticles 10 INF3410 Analog microelectronics 10 AST4320 Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy 10 ECON4930 Electricity Economics 10 Theology FYS1000 Physics- the foundation of natural sciences and medicine 10 INF3480 Introduction to robotics 10 AST5110 Numerical Modeling 10 ECON4950 History of Economics 10 Bachelor courses FYS1010 Environmental physics 10 INF3490 Biologically inspired computing 10 AST5210 Stellar Atmospheres I 10 ECON5101 Advanced Econometrics - Time series 15 Law RESA3101 Religion and Politics in Europe 10 FYS1120 Electromagnetism 10 INF3510 Information security 10 AST5220 Cosmology II 10 ECON5102 Advanced Econometrics - Microeconometrics 15 Bachelor courses RESA3201 Bachelor Thesis: Religion and Politics in Europe 20 FYS1210 Elementary electronics with project work 10 INF3580 Semantic technologies 10 BIO4005 Primate Behaviour and Ecology 10 ECON5103 Advanced Econometrics - Panel Data 15 JUR1230 International Commercial Law 10 TFF2217 Hip Hop Culture and Urban Spirituality 10 FYS2130 Waves and oscillations 10 INF-MAT2351 Numerical calculations 10 BIO4021 Methods of Gradient Analysis 10 ECON5200 Advanced Microeconomics 15 FYS2140 Quantum physics 10 INF-MAT3360 Partial differential equations 10 JUR1240 Comparative Private Law 10 Master courses BIO4091 Animal Behavioral 2 10 ECON5300 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory 15 JUR1260 English Law of Contract 10 FYS2150 Experimental physics 10 INF-MAT3370 Linear optimization 10 BIO4110 Ecological GIS modelling 5 HME4302 Health Economics 10 CONT4101 New Testament Contextual Theology, FYS2150L Practical work in physics education 10 KJM1001 Introduction to chemistry 10 JUR1310 EU Competition Law 10 Jesus and the Kingdom of God 10 BIO4115 Distribution modelling 10 PECOS4004 Trial lecture 5 JUR1440 EU Substantive Law 10 FYS2160 Thermodynamics and statistical physics 10 KJM1100 General chemistry 10 BIO4140 Life-history Strategies and Climate Effects 10 PECOS4006 Internship 10 CONT4403 Jesus in Cultural Complexity 10 FYS2210 Semiconductor components 10 KJM1110 Organic chemistry I 10 JUR1450 Marine Insurance 10 CONT4403 Jesus in Cultural Complexity 10 BIO4150 Conservation and management biology 10 PECOS4010 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies 10 JUR1530 Refugee and Asylum Law 10 FYS3110 Quantum mechanics 10 KJM1120 Inorganic Chemistry 10 BIO4160 Recent literature in microbial ecology and metagenomics 5 PECOS4021 Research Methods 10 CONT4404 Postcolonial readings of the New Testament 10 FYS3120 Classical mechanics and electrodynamics 10 KJM1130 Physical chemistry I 10 JUR1560 International Constitutional Law and Democracy 10 CONT4504 Intercontextual Theology (I): BIO4170 Recent literature in microbial evolutionary genomics 5 PECOS4022 Applied Statistics for Peace and Conflict Studies 10 JUR1630 Privacy and Data Protection 10 FYS3140 Mathematical methods in physics 10 KJM2010 Undergraduate Research I 10 BIO4200 Molecular Evolution 10 PECOS4080 Design seminar - Political science track 10 Issues, Models and Theoretical Tools 10 FYS3150 Computational physics 10 KJM2020 Undergraduate Research II 20 JUR1641 Electronic Communications Law 10 CONT4504 Intercontextual Theology (I): BIO4210 Phylogeny and Classification 10 PECOS4092 Thesis seminar 1 - Political science track 5 JUR1710 nternational Human Rights Law: FYS3220 Linear circuit electronics 10 KJM2400 Analytical chemistry I 10 BIO4230 Biogeography and Biodiversity 10 PECOS4093 Thesis seminar 2 - Political science track 5 Issues, Models and Theoretical Tools 10 FYS3230 Sensors and measurement technology 10 KJM2600 Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy 10 Institutions and Procedures 10 CONT4605 Master Thesis Seminar 10 BIO4240 Evolution and Systematics in Selected Taxa: PECOS4110 International Negotiations/Conflict Resolution 10 JUR1730 International Humanitarian Law FYS3240 Computer based instrumentation and micro controllers 10 KJM3000 Applied spectroscopy 10 Kingdom Animalia 10 PSY4110 Qualitative methods 5 DIAK4223 Citizenship 10 FYS3310 Structure, microstructure and materials 10 KJM3200 Organic Chemistry II 10 The Law of Armed Conflict) 10 DIAK4230 Welfare State, Religion and Values 10 BIO4250 Evolution and systematics of organismal groups: PSY4203 Emotional Development 10 JUR1910 Women’s Law and Human Rights 10 FYS3320 Physics and energy resources 10 KJM3300 Physical Chemistry II 10 The Plant Kingdom 10 PSY4301 Judgment and Decision-Making and Social Cognition 10 KRIS4104 New Testament Theology 10 FYS3410 Condensed matter physics 10 KJM3400 Analytical Chemistry II 10 KRIM2950 Torture, Terror and Rights 10 KRIS4106 Family and Asceticism in the Theology of Jesus and Paul 10 BIO4260 Evolution and Systematics of Organismal Groups: PSY4301 Judgment and Decision-Making and Social Cognition 10 KRIM2951 Comparative Justice 10 FYS3510 Subatomic physics with applications in astrophysics 10 KJM3600 Molecular Modeling 10 The Fungal Kingdom 10 PSY4302 Human Cognitive Neuropsychology 10 RESA4206 Religion and Society in Ancient Israel 10 FYS3520 Nuclear physics, structure and spectroscopy 10 KJM3700 Environmental Chemistry I 10 KRIM2952 A Criminology of Globalization 10 RESA4207 Jesus, Muhammad and Modern Identities 10 BIO4270 Evolution and Language 10 PSY4303 Vision and the Brain 10 FYS3610 Space physics 10 KJM3800 Petrochemistry 10 BIO4301 Marine benthic ecology 10 PSY4304 Current issues in Cognitive Neuroscience 10 Master courses RESA4208 Interreligious Relations: Conflict and Dialogue 10 FYS3710 Biophysics and medical physics 10 KJM3900 Radioactivity and radiochemistry 10 HUMR4504 Human Rights in Practice 10 RESA4209 Piety, Modernity and Gender 10 BIO4310 Limnology I 10 PSY4310 Research methods in cognitive neuroscience Part I 10 FYS-MEK1110 Mechanics 10 KJM-MENA3500 Polymers, colloids and surfaces 10 BIO4320 Systematics and Ecology of Marine Algae 10 PSY4320 Research methods in cognitive neuroscience 10 HUMR5131 Introduction to the History, Philosophy RESA4214 Religion and Politics in Europe 10 GEF1100 The Climate System 10 MAT1001 Mathematics 1 10 and Politics of Human Rights 10 RRE4201 Early Christian Liturgy 10 BIO4325 Identification of Marine Microalgae and Macroalgae 5 PSY4401 Research Approaches in Work and GEF2200 Atmospheric physics 10 MAT1012 Mathematics 2 10 BIO4331 Marine environmental issues 10 Organizational Psychology 10 HUMR5132 Human Rights Law in Context 10 RRE4202 Cosmology and eschatology in GEF2210 Regional and global air pollution 10 MAT1100 Calculus 10 HUMR5133 Business and Human Rights 10 Early Judaism and Christianity 10 BIO4350 Marine Mammals 10 PSY4420 Selection and development 10 GEF2220 Weather systems 10 MAT1100U Calculus 10 BIO4371 Fish Ecology 10 PSY4505 Identity, culture and critical psychology 10 HUMR5134 The Right to Peace 10 RRE4203 Minucius Felix’s Octavius: Pagans and Christians, GEF2500 Geophysical Fluid Mechanics 10 MAT1110 Calculus and linear algebra 10 HUMR5140 Introduction to Human Rights Law 10 dialogue and polemic 10 BIO4381 Harmful Algae 10 PSY4521 Project Development and Methodology 5 GEF2610 Physical Oceanography 10 MAT1120 Linear algebra 10 BIO4390 Limnology II 10 SGO4010 Qualitative method 10 HUMR5191 Human Rights Methodology: Research, RRE4204 Comparative Ritual: Early Jewish, Christian GEG2110 Geomorphological processes 10 MAT2000 Project in mathematics 10 Analysis and Thesis 10 and Muslim worship 10 BIO4400 Marine Pelagic Ecology 10 SGO4301 Global Environmental Change 10 GEG2120 Natural resource management 10 MAT2200 Groups, Rings and Fields 10 BIO4500 General Toxicology 10 SGO4401 Political Geography: Perspectives and Debates 10 HUMR5502 Ethnic Challenges to the Nation State: Studying TEOL4102 Old Testament Theology 10 GEG2130 Geomorphology of the 10 MAT2400 Real Analysis 10 State Responses from a Human Rights Perspective 10 TFF4207 Medical Research Ethics in Developing Countries 10 BIO4530 Regulatory Toxicology 5 SGO4501 Development 10 GEG2210 Data Collection - Land Surveying and MAT2410 Introduction to Complex Analysis 10 BIO4540 Human Toxicology 10 SGO4601 Economic Geography: current perspectives and debates 10 HUMR5508 Human Rights and Diversity - Leading Cases TFF4215 Ritual Studies 10 Digital Photogrammetry 10 MAT2440 Differential equations and optimal control theory 10 and Core Dilemmas 10 TFF4217 Hip Hop Culture and Urban Spirituality 10 BIO4550 Ecotoxicology 10 SGO4604 Work and workers of the global Work-Place 10 GEG2230 Spatial analyses of geographical information 10 MAT2500 Geometry 10 BIO4600 Science Writing 5 SOS4800 Internationalisation, migration and citizenship 10 HUMR5702 Human Rights and Development: Interdisciplinary GEG2240 Introduction to remote sensing 10 MAT2700 Introduction to mathematical finance and investment theory10 Perspectives on Theory and Practices 10 BIO5000 Introductory Course for Masterstudents 5 STV4025 Quantitative political science 10 GEG2340 Bachelor thesis in physical geography, MAT3000 Numbers, spaces and linearity 10 ENT4000 From idea to business 5 STV4102B Normative political theory 10 JUS5101 Criminology 10 Mathematics and natural sciences geomatics and hydrology 10 MAT3400 Linear analysis with applications 10 JUS5230 International Commercial Law 10 ENT4000I From idea to business - Intensive 5 STV4109B Constraints on sovereignty 10 Bachelor courses GEL2110 Mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry 10 MAT3500 Topology 10 ENT4050 Dynamic Organizing 5 STV4110B Political game theory 10 JUS5240 Comparative Private Law 10 AST1010 Astronomy - a cosmic journey 10 GEL2120 Sedimentology, paleontology and stratigraphy 10 MAT-BIO2100 Mathematical Biology 10 JUS5260 English Law of Contract 10 ENT4100 Ideation and Feasibility Studies 10 STV4119B Political Utopias 10 AST1100 Introduction to astrophysics 10 GEL2130 Structural geology 10 MAT-INF1100 Modelling and computations 10 ENT4194 Consultancy Project 4 STV4158B Democratic Citizenship 10 JUS5310 EU Competition Law 10 AST2210 Observational Astronomy 10 GEL2140 Geophysics and global tectonics 10 MAT-INF2360 Applications of Linear Algebra 10 JUS5401 Maritime Law - Contracts 10 ENT4210 Practical Innovation Management 10 STV4159B The Ethics of War and Peace 10 AST3220 Cosmology I 10 GEL2150 Field course and methodology in geology and geophysics 10 MAT-INF3600 Mathematical logic 10 ENT4220 Norwegian Practical Start-up Experience 10

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ENT4300 Entrepreneurship and internationalisation 5 FYS-KJM4740 MR-theory and medical diagnostics 10 INF5120 Model based system development 10 EDU4301 Preparation for thesis (10 Credits) epidemiologic, and health care technology development 10 ENT4320 Marketing Management 5 GEF4210 Dynamic meteorology II 10 INF5130 Selected topics of rewriting logic 10 EDU4350 Advanced Applied Course in Research Methods ( 10 HME4402 Evaluation of the quality of services delivered ENT4330 Financial Management 5 GEF4220 Predictability of weather and climate 10 INF5140 Specification and verification of parallel systems 10 EDU4351 Advanced Applied Research Methods 5 by the health care sector 5 ENT4400 Innovation strategy and management 10 GEF4310 Cloud physics 10 INF5150 Unassailable IT-systems 10 HEM4100 Introductory Semester Course in Higher Education 15 HME4404 Health Communication 5 ENT4410 Research-based innovation 10 GEF4320 Radiation and remote sensing 10 INF5170 Master seminar in logic 5 HEM4112 Research Methods and Statistics - course I 10 HME4405 Epidemiology and public health 10 ENT4505 Social Entrepreneurship 5 GEF4330 Dispersion of air pollutions 10 INF5181 Process improvement and agile methods HEM4113 Research Methods - course II 10 HMM4101 Research methods and statistics 10 ENT4510 Social Entrepreneurship in Practice 20 GEF4500 Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics 10 in systems development 10 HEM4210 History and Primary Processes of Higher Education 15 HMM4104A Research design 5 ENT5100 Research Design 10 GEF4510 Atmosphere and Oceans on Computers: Fundamentals 10 INF5200 Computer supported co-operative work 10 HEM4220 Organisation, Governance and Management HMM4104B Qualitative methods 5 FRM4010 Preparation Course for Research in Biology 5 GEF4520 Turbulence in the atmosphere and ocean 5 INF5210 Information infrastructure 10 of Higher Education 15 HMM4202 Structure, organization and financing of health care systems 10 FRM4020 Research Preparation Course in Pharmaceutical Analysis 5 GEF4600 Methods in physical oceanography 10 INF5220 Qualitative research methods 10 HEM4230 The Economic and International/Global Dimension HMM4301 Optimal allocation of health care resources and FRM4030 Research Preparation course in Pharmacognosy GEF4610 Dynamic oceanography: Waves and wave-induced INF5261 Development of mobile information systems and services 10 of Higher Education 15 economic evaluation of health care technologies 10 and Medicinal Chemistry 5 mass transport in the ocean 10 INF5360 Seminar on dependable and adaptive distributed systems 10 HEM4312 Advanced Courses in Research Methods 5 HMM4401 Health and medicine 10 FRM4040 Social science methodology to be prepared for GEF4650 Estuaries 10 INF5370 Distributed technologies for social networks 10 SIE4200 Special and Inclusive Education for Learners HØKON4307 Topics in Economic Evaluation 5 research in Social pharmacy 5 GEO4011 Scientific excursion/field course in geosciences 5 INF5410 Signal processing in space and time 10 with Special Needs 15 INTHE4000 Theoretical Foundation 22 FRM4110 Applied statistics for pharmacists 10 GEO4012 Literature study in geosciences 5 INF5430 Advanced digital systems design 10 SIE4390 Dissertation 30 INTHE4004 Research Metodology, part 1 8 FRM5020 Pharmaceutical research project 20 GEO4060 Fortran 2003 programming 5 INF5470 Neuromorphic electronics 10 SNE4110 Education for All 10 INTHE4006 Literature Review and Research Question Seminar 3 FRM5110 Polysaccharides of Pharmaceutical Interest; Physical and GEO4070 C++ and C programming 5 INF5510 Distributed objects 10 SNE4120 Inclusive Education 10 INTHE4007 Research Methodology, part 2 7 Chemical Properties, as Well as Biological Activity 10 GEO4080 Applied geographical information management 5 INF5530 Foundations of Software Testing 5 SNE4130 Social and Cultural Perspectives on INTHE4111 Medical Research Ethics in Developing Countries 10 FRM5210 Organic Chemically Based Drug Design 10 GEO4120 Environmental Geophysics 10 INF5571 Action Research Workshop 10 Special Needs Education 10 INTHE4112 Strategic Communication in Community Health 5 FRM5230 Drug Synthesis 10 GEO4131 Geomechanics 10 INF5580 Master seminar in information systems 5 SNE4200 Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Education INTHE4113 Introduction to Medical Anthropology: FRM5310 Biomedical analysis 10 GEO4140 Environmental stratigraphy 10 INF5590 Advancements in interaction design 10 for Learners with Disabilities 20 key concepts and perspectives 5 FRM5410 Pharmaceutical natural products 10 GEO4160 Fate and transport of organic contaminants INF5610 Mathematical modeling in medicine 10 SNE4230 Research Methodology 20 INTHE4114 Methods in intervention epidemiology 5 FRM5420 Ethnopharmacology 10 in the environment 10 INF5620 Numerical methods for partial differential equations 10 SNE4250 Essay in Special Needs Education 10 INTHE4117 New priorities for HIV and AIDS in the developing Internet addresses FRM5510 Statistical experimental design for industrial GEO4161 Contaminants in the geoenvironment 10 INF5631 Numerical methods for partial differential equations; SNE4310 Counselling, Innovation, Support Systems and Collaboration 10 world context 5 pharmaceutical development 10 GEO4170 Landslides and debris flow 10 project assignment 5 UNIK4330 Imaging and Detection of Optical and INTHE4118 Reproductive and Sexual Health and Human Rights 5 FRM5520 Advanced Drug Formulation, Production GEO4171 Floods and landslides 10 INF5650 Numerical methods for partial differential equations 2 10 Infrared Radiation 10 and Quality Control 10 GEO4180 Geohazard and Mitigation 10 INF5722 Experimental design of IT 10 UNIK4350 Fiberoptic Broadband Networks 10 FRM5530 Drug formulation and Drug targeting 10 GEO4211 Petroleum systems 10 INF5750 Open source software development 10 UNIK4380 Photonic Crystals 10 other areas FRM5540 Photoreactivity of medicines 10 GEO4220 Depositional environments and biostratigraphy 10 INF5761 Health management information systems 10 UNIK4450 Solar Cells 10 Bachelor courses FRM5560 New Drugs and drug delivery in cancer therapy 10 GEO4230 Basin formation and sequence stratigraphy 10 INF5780 Open source, open collaboration and innovation 10 UNIK4460 Photovoltaic Devices, Technology and System 10 KFL2060 Gender Equality in the Nordic Countries 10 FRM5610 Pharmacoeconomics 10 GEO4240 Seismic interpretation 10 INF5790 Technology-enhanced learning: principles and tools 10 UNIK4510 Satellite Remote Sensing Using FRM5630 Use of medicines in a Global Society 5 GEO4250 Reservoir geology 10 INF5820 Language technological applications 10 Advanced Radar Instruments 10 Master courses FRM5710 Advanced pharmacology 10 GEO4260 Reservoir geophysics 10 INF5830 Natural language processing 10 UNIK4660 Visualization of Scientific Data 10 KFL4000 Interdisciplinary Research Methodologies and FRM5720 Pharmaceutical toxicology 10 GEO4270 Integrated basin analysis and prospect evaluation 10 INF5880 Master seminar in language technology 5 UNIK4700 Radio and Mobility 10 Thesis Writing Course for Gender Studies 10 FRM5730 Clinical Drug Trials 10 GEO4280 Seismic signal processing 10 INF5906 Selected topics in static analysis 10 UNIK4710 Selected Topics in Mobile Semantic KFL4040 Feminist Theory 10 FRM5740 Advanced Pharamcokinetics 10 GEO4310 Stochastic methods in hydrology 10 INF-BIO5120 High Throughput Sequencing technologies Service Delivery 10 KFL4050 Theorising gender equality 10 FRM5750 Neurobiology 10 GEO4320 Hydrological modelling 10 and bioinformatics analysis 5 UNIK9380 Photonic Crystals 10 KFL4060 Gender Equality in the Nordic Countries 10 FRM5810 Pharmaceutical microbiology 10 GEO4340 Fluvial hydrology 10 INF-GEO4310 Imaging 10 UNIK9420 Quantum Computation and Quantum Information 10 SUM4000 Development and environment: FRM5820 Immunology 10 GEO4360 Field methods in hydrogeology 5 INF-MAT4350 Numerical linear algebra 10 UNIK9460 Photovoltaic Devices, Technology and System 10 Theory and policy challenges 10 Useful addresses FYS4110 Non-relativistic quantum mechanics 10 GEO4410 Glacial and periglacial geomorphology 10 INF-MAT5340 Spline methods 10 UNIK9700 Radio and Mobility 10 SUM4011A Research Methods (I) 10 FYS4130 Statistical mechanics 10 GEO4420 Glaciology 10 INF-MAT5350 Numerical analysis 10 UNIK9710 Selected Topics in Mobile Semantic SUM4011B Research Methods (II) 10 FYS4150 Computational physics 10 GEO4430 Snow, Snow Hydrology and Avalanches 10 INF-MAT5360 Mathematical optimization 10 Service Delivery 10 SUM4012 Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Environment 10 FYS4160 The general theory of relativity 10 GEO4441 Physical river processes 10 INF-MAT5390 Splines for Geometry and PDE’s 10 ECON4950 History of Economics 10 SUM4015 The science and politics of climate change International Education Office FYS4170 Relativistic quantum field theory 10 GEO4520 Advanced remote sensing and topographic analysis 10 KJM4020 Scientific communication 5 ECON5155 Mathematics 5: Topics 10 - understanding the challenges 10 P.O. Box 1081 Blindern FYS4220 Real time and embedded data systems 10 GEO4530 Geodesy and photogrammetry 10 KJM4350 Protein crystallography 10 ECON5200 Advanced Microeconomics 15 SUM4019 Consumption, Sustainability and Social Change 10 FYS4240 Computer based instrumentation and micro controllers 10 GEO4620 Seismic waves and seismology 10 KJM5000 Analysis and structure determination I (LC-MS) 5 ECON5300 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory 15 SUM4023 The Political Economy of Global Health 10 NO-0317 Oslo FYS4250 Biomedical instrumentation 10 GEO4630 Geodynamics 10 KJM5100 Synthesis of Inorganic Materials 10 SUM4024 Humanist Perspectives on the Environment 10 FYS4260 Microsystems and electronic packaging GEO4720 General micropaleontology 10 KJM5110 Inorganic Structural Chemistry 10 SUM4025 Philosophical Foundations of Ecomodernity 10 Norway and interconnection technologies 10 GEO4730 Palaeozoology I 10 KJM5120 Defect chemistry and reactions 10 MEDICINE SUM4026 What Works? Success Stories in International Development 10 FYS4310 Material science of semiconductors 10 GEO4740 Palaeozoology II 10 KJM5150 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 10 SUM4100 Research Methods and Project Design 15 Bachelor courses SUM4200 Key Issues in Development and Environment 15 FYS4340 Diffraction methods and electronmicroscopy 10 GEO4810 Optical mineralogy 10 KJM5210 Organometallic Chemistry 10 ERN3120 Molecular, cellular and clinical nutrition 30 Department of Student and Academic Affairs FYS4411 Computational physics II: Quantum mechanical systems 10 GEO4820 Isotope geology 10 KJM5230 Bioactive Molecules 10 HØKON2201 Health economics and market failures 10 FYS4420 Experimental techniques in condensed matter physics 10 GEO4830 Analytical methods in geochemistry 10 KJM5240 Mass spectrometry 10 P.O. Box 1083, Blindern FYS4430 Condensed matter physics II 10 GEO4840 Tectonics 10 KJM5250 Organic NMR Spectroscopy 10 Master courses NO-0318 Oslo FYS4460 Disordered systems and percolation 10 GEO4850 Advanced structural geology 10 KJM5270 Synthetic Organic Chemistry 10 ERN4221 Molecular Nutrition 10 FYS4530 Subatomic many-body theory II 10 GEO4860 Advanced petrology 10 ERN4321 The World Nutrition Situation - Data and Issues 10 Norway FYS4540 Energy physics- solar energy 10 GEO4910 Mineral resources 10 ERN4322 Nutrition, Globalisation and Governance 10 FYS4550 Experimental high energy physics 10 GEO5540 Special topics in remote sensing and terrain analysis 5 EDUCATION ERN4323 Nutrition and Human Rights 10 HLED4207 Nordic Health Politics and Policy 5 FYS4560 Elementary particle physics 10 GEO5550 Seminar on remote sensing and numerical terrain analysis 5 Bachelor courses The Norwegian Centre for International FYS4570 Advanced Nuclear Structure and Reactions 10 GEO5900 Chemical processes in soil and ground water 10 HLED4404 Health Communication 5 PED2130 Children, Language and Text Comprehension 10 HMM4100 Introduction to statistics 10 FYS4610 Magnetospheric processes 10 INF4140 Models of concurrency 10 PED2420 Comparative and International Education 10 Cooperation in Higher Education FYS4620 An introduction to plasma physics 10 INF4151 Operating systems 20 HME4201 Topics in Health Management 5 PED2750 Learning and Digital Technologies 10 HME4204 Health Politics and Welfare State Theories 10 SIU FYS4630 Transport of radiation in the atmosphere 10 INF4270 Information systems development in organizations 10 SNE3110 Education for All 10 FYS4720 Cellular radio biology 10 INF4300 Digital image analysis 10 HME4205 Internship 10 SNE3120 Inclusive Education 10 HME4206 Topics in Health Policy 5 P.O. Box 7800 FYS4730 Medical radiation physics for radiotherapy 10 INF4360 Topics in geometric modelling 10 SNE3130 Social and Cultural Perspectives on Special Needs Education 10 FYS5120 Advanced quantum field theory 10 INF4420 Projects in analogue/mixed-signal CMOS design 10 HME4209 Leadership and organization 10 NO-5020 Bergen SPED1010 Special Needs Education: Language, Communication HME4211 Evidence informed health policy 10 FYS5190 Supersymmetry 10 INF4490 Biologically inspired computing 10 and Socialization 20 FYS5310 Electron Microscopy, Electron Diffraction INF4580 Semantic technologies 10 HME4212 Leadership in theory and practice 10 Norway SPED2010 Didactics and Special Needs Education, Part 1 10 HME4302 Health Economics 10 and Spectroscopy II 10 INF4820 Algorithms for artificial intelligence and SPED2020 Didactics and Special Needs Education, Part 2 10 FYS5440 Neutron scattering methods for materials research 3 natural language processing 10 HME4303 Project evaluation and analysis of investment decisions 10 SPED3000 Learning Difficulties and Special Needs Education HME4304 Cost accounting and budgeting 10 FYS-GEO4010 Research project I ( 10 INF4930 Graduate research in informatics 30 in a System and Individual Perspective 60 FYS-GEO4020 Research project II 20 INF5004NSA Intrusion detection and firewalls 10 HME4305 Methods for the economic analysis of costs FYS-GEO4030 Research project III 30 INF5011 Science technology society ethics 10 Master courses and demand in health care 10 FYS-GEO4200 Case study in physics of geological processes 10 INF5013NSA Cyberethics 5 EDU4100 Introduction to Comparative and International Education 10 HME4306 Topics in Health Economics 10 FYS-GEO4300 Methods in physics of geological processes 10 INF5040 Open distributed processing 10 EDU4110 National and International Policies and Planning HME4307 Measuring QALYs: A theoretical and practical approach 5 FYS-GEO4510 Introduction to mechanical geomodeling 10 INF5050 Protocols and routing in the internet 10 on Education and Development 10 HME4308 Health economics and market failures 10 FYS-GEO4520 Introduction to thermodynamic geomodeling 10 INF5063 Programming heterogeneous multi-core architectures 10 EDU4150 Social Science Research 10 HME4309 Advanced course in economic evaluation of health care 10 FYS-KJM4480 Quantum mechanics for many-particle systems 10 INF5090 Advanced topics in distributed systems 10 EDU4201 Core Focus Areas in Comparative and HME4310 Medical Informatics and Logistics 10 FYS-KJM4710 Radiation and radiation dosimetry 10 INF5100 Advanced database systems 10 International Education 15 HME4401 Need for health care services related to demographic, EDU4251 Applied Research Methods Part I 10 EDU4252 Applied Research Methods Part II 5

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