US 20120097264Al (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2012/0097264 A1 Campau (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 26, 2012

(54) STEM-MOUNTED INFLATION (52) US. Cl...... 137/225 PRESSURE REGULATOR (75) Inventor: Daniel N. Campau, Ada, MI (US) (57) ABSTRACT (73) Assignee: FLOW-RITE CONTROLS, LTD., ...... Byron Center, MI (Us) The speci?catlon dls'clos'es a tire in?ation pressure regulator fac1l1tat1ng precise t1re in?atlon. The regulator lncludes a (21) APPL No, 13623968 body, a tWo-position valve Within the body, and a rotational lock. The body includes an air inlet, an air outlet, and an air (22) Filed; Dec_ 13, 2011 vent. In one position, the valve directs air from the air inlet to the air outlet When the tire pressure is beloW a preset level; Related US, Application Data and, in a second position, the valve directs air from the air _ _ _ _ inlet to the air vent When the tire pressure exceeds the preset (63) Commuanon of apphcanon NO‘ 1 1/872’163’ ?led on level to prevent over?lling. The valve moves rapidly between Oct' 15’ 2007’ HOW Pat NO' 8,113,234 the tWo positions, and is unstable between the tWo positions. Pubhcatlon_ _ Classl?catlon_ _ adjusted.The valve Theincludes rotation?l1 a re latorlock enablinenable? thethepregulator reset level toto be (51) Int, Cl, screWed onto a tire stern, but prevents removal of the regulator F16K 7/00 (200601) from the tire stern Without a key.

72 Patent Application Publication Apr. 26, 2012 Sheet 1 0f 9 US 2012/0097264 A1


FIG. 1 Patent Application Publication Apr. 26, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 9 US 2012/0097264 A1



FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication Apr. 26, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 9 US 2012/0097264 A1




FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Apr. 26, 2012 Sheet 4 0f 9 US 2012/0097264 A1

> FIG. 4 172


26 Patent Application Publication Apr. 26, 2012 Sheet 5 0f 9 US 2012/0097264 A1

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FIG. 5 Patent Application Publication Apr. 26, 2012 Sheet 6 0f 9 US 2012/0097264 Al

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FIG. 8 Patent Application Publication Apr. 26, 2012 Sheet 8 0f 9 US 2012/0097264 A1

FIG. 10 Patent Application Publication Apr. 26, 2012 Sheet 9 0f 9 US 2012/0097264 A1




124 US 2012/0097264 A1 Apr. 26, 2012

STEM-MOUNTED TIRE INFLATION simply ignore it. Some TPMS even have a sWitch that alloWs PRESSURE REGULATOR a driver to turn off the Warning light. [0007] While the bene?ts of maintaining proper tire pres BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION sure are Well documented, drivers do not alWays take action in response to the Warning light because in?ating is an [0001] The present invention relates to tire in?ation pres unpleasant, dirty, inconvenient, and time-consuming task. sure regulators, and more particularly to such regulators that Often the equipment needed to accurately in?ate tires is not can be installed or mounted directly on a conventional tire available When needed. Accurate in?ation requires a pres sure . gauge as Well as an adequate source of compressed air. Fur [0002] A great deal of government and industry attention ther, in?ation should be performed When the tire is cold or the has been focused on the problems associated With under vehicle has been stationary for at least three hours. Without a in?ated vehicle tires. Tires naturally lose air pressure because pressure gauge, there is no Way to reliably set pressure to the of permeation through the tire Wall at the rate of about tWo manufacturer’s recommended level. If the tire is Warm, then it pounds per square inch (PSI) per month. Under-in?ated tires is di?icult for the driver to determine hoW much air to add so adversely affect vehicle handling, can loWer hydroplaning that there Will be adequate pressure When the tire is cold. speed, and increase stopping distance. Under-in?ation also Vehicle manufacturers specify the cold tire pressure to assure increases the of tires, leading to reduced there is adequate load carrying capability in the tire at the fuel economy, increased hydrocarbon and toxic chemical coldest service temperature. emissions, and reduced tire life due to an increase in tire Wall [0008] As an alternative or supplement to TPMS, onboard temperature and increased tread Wear. automatic in?ation systems have been available for many [0003] On a national scale, these problems have a signi? years for trucks and recreational vehicles. These systems cant impact on safety, energy usage, the environment, and include air compressors, individual tire pressure sensors, and Waste management. For example, the National HighWay Traf the necessary valves and controls needed to automatically ?c Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 533 fatali maintain proper pressure in each tire. Although these systems ties per year are attributable to tire defects. Most defects are are potentially available for automobile use, their relatively related to under-in?ation. high cost and complexity have inhibited their Widespread use [0004] Studies have found that fuel ef?ciency is reduced by by light vehicle manufacturers. one percent for every three PSI of under-in?ation. A 2001 NHTSA study found that forty percent of automobiles had at SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION least one tire under-in?ated by at least six PSI. The Environ mental Protection Agency (EPA) has estimated that as much as six billion gallons of gasoline (12.6 billion gallons of crude [0009] The aforementioned problems are overcome in the oil) could be saved annually by a fuel e?iciency increase of present invention in Which a tire pressure in?ation regulator just one mile per gallon (mpg). Proper tire in?ation Would can be mounted on a conventional tire valve stem to automati cally limit the pressure in the tire during in?ation to a preset make a substantial contribution toWard achieving this value preferably corresponding to the vehicle manufacturer’s increase in fuel e?iciency. Fuel inef?ciency also adds to the World’s groWing carbon dioxide emissions problem. Each speci?cation. gallon of gasoline used releases 20 pounds of carbon dioxide [0010] In a ?rst aspect of the invention, the regulator accu into the atmosphere. rately and positively cuts off ?oW of air into the tire When the preset pressure point is reached. For example, the regulator [0005] In the U.S., more than 280 million tires are scrapped every year. Because it requires 1.75 gallons of fuel to produce includes a tWo-position valve Which is stable only in one of one tire, millions of gallons of fuel could be saved annually by tWo positions. Consequently, the valve is either fully open or reducing tire Wear and extending tire life through proper fully closed. The regulator therefore provides a highly precise in?ation. cutoff at the preset pressure. [0006] Congress addressed these problems in 2000 by pass [0011] In a second aspect of the invention, the regulator is ing the Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability adjustable so that the in?ation pressure can be set by the and Documentation (TREAD) Act, Which mandates vehicle installer to meet the vehicle manufacturer’s speci?cations, manufacturers to phase in tire pressure monitoring systems typically located on a placard mounted on the vehicle. (TPMS) on all neW light vehicles (i.e. those under 10,000 [0012] In a third aspect of the invention, the regulator is pounds). Sep. 1, 2007 Was the date for full compliance. A tamper proof folloWing installation on the tire valve stem. The TPMS informs the driver by means of a dash-mounted Wam regulator can be readily screWed onto the valve stem by hand. ing light When one or more of the tires is under-in?ated. HoWever, the regulator can be removed only With the use of a Because of cost and technology limitations, some TPMS may special tool or key. only alert the driver When pressure drops 25 percent or more [0013] In a fourth aspect of the invention, the regulator beloW the manufacturer’s recommended pressure. This could includes its oWn cap, Which protects the regulator and Which be over eight PSI, Which many in the tire industry feel is an can be easily removed by the operator for in?ation. As dis inadequate safety margin. Other problems With TPMS closed, the regulator cap threads onto and off of the device in include failure of the driver to respond to the Warning light. the manner of a standard valve stem cap. Further, the assem For example, it is possible that drivers may see the light come bly includes an air-tight seal to prevent undesired loss of air on When the tires are cold, but turn off after driving for a While When the cap is installed. Consequently, the cap maintains the Which Warms the tires and thereby raises the tire pressure. same protective functions as the valve stem cap that it Drivers therefore may believe that the problem is not signi? replaces. Speci?cally, it prevents debris from entering both cant and that they can Wait to service their tires. Or they may the regulator and the tire valve stem. It offers a secondary seal believe that the TPMS is faulty, in Which case they may in case the tire valve develops a leak. US 2012/0097264 A1 Apr. 26, 2012

[0014] These and other objects, advantages, and features of 28 that supports a coil spring 30 and a spring retainer 32 the invention Will be more fully understood and appreciated Within an air outlet 33. The loWer housing 28 may be threaded by reference to the drawings and the description of the current onto the valve stem 12, and the housing 28 is internally embodiment. threaded at 34 to match the external threads of the valve stem. The loWer housing de?nes an axially oriented slot for receiv BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS ing the spring tang 36 as Will be described. [0015] FIG. 1 is a perspective vieW of the stem-mounted [0031] The coil spring 30 is located beloW the threads 34 pressure in?ation regulator (Without the cap) mounted on a and includes a pitch matching the threads 34 as Well as the conventional tire valve stem; threads of the valve stem. The spring 30 includes tWo tangs 36 [0016] FIG. 2 is a perspective vieW similar to FIG. 1 but and 38 that extend radially outWardly from the spring. The With the cap installed on the regulator; ?rst tang 36 is closely received Within the slot 29 to prevent [0017] FIG. 3 is a perspective vieW of the pressure regulator the tang from rotating With respect to the loWer housing 28. With both the cap and the removal key installed; The loWer tang 38 extends radially beyond the loWer housing [0018] FIG. 4 is a perspective vieW similar to FIG. 3 but 28 so as to be accessible by the removal key (to be described). With the cap removed; The loWer tang 38 is permitted to move circumferentially to [0019] FIG. 5 is a sectional vieW through the regulator and lock and unlock the regulator 10 as Will be described. the tire stem shoWing the regulator in the “ready” position; [0032] The spring retainer 32 is ?tted in the loWer end of the [0020] FIG. 6 is a vieW similar to FIG. 5 shoWing the loWer housing 28 to retain the spring 30 inposition. The loWer regulator in the “in?ating” position; housing 28 and the spring retainer 32 both are fabricated of [0021] FIG. 7 is a sectional vieW similar to FIG. 5 shoWing plastic. Any suitable attachment technique or means may be the regulator in the “fully in?ated” position; used to intersecure the tWo pieces. Suitable means includes [0022] FIG. 8 is a perspective vieW similar to FIG. 4 and snap-?t, press-?t, screW-?t, bayonet-?t, and adhesive. additionally shoWing the pressure adjustment key; [0033] The tire stem 12 is of conventional design and [0023] FIG. 9 is a perspective exploded vieW shoWing the includes an externally threaded portion 13 and a Schrader thread lock mechanism; valve having a pin 15 (FIGS. 5-6). When the pin 15 is [0024] FIG. 10 is a perspective vieW shoWing the thread depressed, the Schrader valve opens and air may ?oW into or lock spring on a conventional tire stem; out of the tire through the stem 12. When the pin 15 is [0025] FIG. 11 is a perspective vieW similar to FIG. 4 released, the Schrader valve closes, and air can no longer ?oW showing the removal key separated from the regulator; into or out of the tire. [0026] FIG. 12 is a perspective vieW similar to FIG. 11 shoWing the removal key installed on the regulator; and B. Upper Assembly [0027] FIG. 13 is a bottom plan vieW of the regulator and key. [0034] The upper assembly 16 (FIG. 5) includes a base 40 and a top 42. The base 40 includes a skirt 44 ?tted over and DESCRIPTION OF THE CURRENT around the housing 28. The base 40 is fabricated of plastic and EMBODIMENT may be secured to the loWer housing 28 in any suitable fash ion. The upper portion of the base 40 de?nes an annular [0028] A stem-mounted tire in?ation pressure regulator groove 46 for receiving the top 42 as Will be described. The constructed in accordance With the current embodiment of the base 40 also de?nes a plurality of radially oriented vents 48 invention is illustrated in the draWings and generally desig extending betWeen the interior of the base and the exterior. nated 10. As illustrated in FIGS. 1-2 and 5-7, the regulator 10 is mounted on conventional tire stem 12 of a conventional [0035] The top 42 is a single piece of plastic adapted to . The regulator 10 receives a conventional air noZZle 14 receive a conventional air noZZle (see FIGS. 6-7). More spe as illustrated in FIGS. 6-7 to permit ?lling of the vehicle tire. ci?cally, the top 42 includes an air noZZle receiver portion 50 A valve assembly 20 Within the regulator 10 permits air to de?ning an air inlet 51 and a regulator portion 52. The regu ?oW from the air noZZle 14 to the valve stem 12 until a preset lator portion 52 includes an internally threaded groove 54 for pressure is achieved Within the tire. The valve assembly 20 receiving the regulator shoe as Will be described. An annular then snaps closed to prevent further ?lling of the tire beyond ridge 56 ?tted Within the annular groove 46 of the base 40. the present pressure. After the valve is closed, air from the The top 42 is free to rotate Within the base 40. noZZle 14 is diverted through an audible device to provide an [0036] The indicator ring 90 (FIGS. 4, 8, and 11-12) is audible signal to the operator. keyed to and rotates With the top 42. A visible scale is pro vided on the outside of the calibration ring 90 providing an I. Regulator indication of the preset pressure selected by rotating the top 42. [0029] As perhaps best illustrated in FIG. 5, the regulator 10 includes an upper assembly 16, a loWer assembly 18, and C. Valve Assembly a valve assembly 20. In addition to the regulator 10 itself, the regulator assembly also includes a cap 22 (FIGS. 2-3), a [0037] The valve assembly 20 is supported Within the upper removal key 24 (FIGS. 3-4, 8, and 11-13), and a pressure assembly 16 and more speci?cally Within the base 40 and the adjustment key 24 (FIG. 8). top 42. [0038] The assembly 20 includes a resiliently deformable A. LoWer Assembly diaphragm 70 Whose peripheral portion is secured betWeen [0030] The loWer assembly 18 (FIG. 5) provides a means the loWer housing 28 and the base 40. The diaphragm is for mounting the regulator 10 on the valve stem 12. More substantially planer and is Washer-shaped. A spring retainer particularly, the loWer assembly 18 includes a loWer housing 66 is mounted Within the diaphragm 70. The spring retainer US 2012/0097264 A1 Apr. 26, 2012

66 includes an internal groove 72 which receives the interior a plurality of protrusions (not visible) that inter?t with the diameter of the diaphragm 70. notches 112 (FIG. 4) in the top 42. The key is readily ?tted [0039] The valve assembly 20 further includes a guide 62 over and readily removed from the top 42. Consequently, the supported at one end by its shoulder 64 and at its opposite end top 42 may be easily manually rotated using the key 25, by the spring retainer 66. The guide 62 includes an internal enabling the preset maximum pressure to be simply and eas guide bore 68 through which air may ?ow into the tire as will ily adjusted. The key typically would be used only by the be described and an external surface 69 spaced opposite the installer of the regulator 10. internal guide bore 68. The upper portion of the shoulder 64 terminates in a relatively narrow circumferential edge 70. IV. Regulator Removal Key [0040] The valve assembly 20 also includes an actuator pin 74 having an upper end 76 and a lower end 78. The upper end [0046] The coil spring 30 has approximately the same 76 is pad-shaped and is adapted for engagement by the pin in diameter of the tire stem 12. The friction between the stem 12 the air noZZle 14. The actuator pin 74 is aligned with the and the coil spring 30 tends to “open” the spring or expand it Schrader valve pin 15 in the tire stem. Consequently, depres somewhat radially as the spring is turned onto the stem 12. sion or actuation of the actuator pin 76 causes depression or Consequently, the coil spring 30 can be freely rotated onto the actuation of the Schrader pin 15. tire stem as the regulator 10 is turned or screwed onto the tire. [0041] The valve assembly 20 (FIG. 5) further includes a However, the spring 30 prevents rotation in the “unscrewing” sleeve 80 ?tted within the top 42 and supporting the actuator or removal direction. Because the upper tang 36 is held pin 74.A compressible seal 82 is mounted on the lower end of against rotation with respect to the lower housing 28, the the sleeve 80 in an annular groove. Another compressible seal spring 30 tightens around the tire stem 12 due to the friction 84 is mounted about the upper end of the actuator pin 74 therebetween. So, the spring 30 prevents relative rotation between the pad 76 and the sleeve 80. A guide button 86 is between the regulator 10 and the tire stem 12 in the removal carried by the lower end 78 of the actuator pin 74. The sleeve direction. 80 and the guide button 86 are plastic, and each of the com [0047] The removal key 26 (FIGS. 3-4, 8, and 11-13) is pressible seals is fabricated of any suitable resiliently com required to remove the regulator 10 from the tire stem 12. The pressible material. key 26 is generally a circular arc extending approximately [0042] A controllable spring force can be applied to the 270 degrees thereby de?ning a mouth 120 capable of ?tting guide 62 by way of a regulator assembly including a regulator over the lower housing 28. The interior wall of the key 26 shoe 88, a calibration ring 90 (see FIG. 4), and a coil spring includes a plurality of ribs 122 which in turn de?ne grooves 92. The coil spring 92 is compressed between the regulator 124 therebetween. When the key is ?tted over the regulator shoe 88 and the spring retainer 66. Thus, the regulator shoe 88 10, the lower spring tang 38 extends into one of the grooves also serves as a spring retainer. The regulator 88 includes an 124. The outer surface 126 of the key 26 is knurled to facilitate external thread 94 which rides within the groove 54 in the top manual operation. Upon such rotation of the installed key 26, 42. Fingers 96 on the shoe 88 ride axially within the base 40 the tang 38 moves in a direction which loosens the spring 30 to prevent relative rotation of the two components. Conse and enables the regulator 10 to be unscrewed from the tire quently, rotation of the top 42 results in axial movement or stem. As with the pressure preset key 25, the removal key 26 adjustment of the shoe 88. Using a left-hand thread, greater typically is used only by an installer. spring force can be applied by rotating the top 42 in a clock wise direction (as viewed from the top of the regulator) and V. Operation the spring force can be reduced by counterclockwise rotation of the top 42. A right-hand thread can be used, if desired, to [0048] The ?rst step in installing a regulator 10 on the valve provide an increase in spring force with counterclockwise stem 12 of a vehicle tire is to preset the desired maximum rotation. in?ation pressure. This is done by placing the pressure preset [0043] The shoe 88 includes vent ports 100. Conventional key 25 (FIG. 8) over the top 42 and rotating the top until the acoustic disks 102 are aligned with the vent ports 100. Con desired pressure is indicated on the calibration ring 90. The sequently, air passing through the vent ports 100 also passes maximum pressure typically will be the vehicle manufactur through the acoustic disks 102 causing them to provide an er’s recommended cold tire pressure. After the maximum audible signal. The air then passes through the vent ports 48 in pressure has been preset or selected, the calibration key 25 is the base 40. removed from the regulator 10. [0049] The regulator 10 is then rotated or screwed onto the ll. Regulator Cap tire stem 12. As the regulator 10 is screwed onto the tire stem 12, the spring 30 ?rst engages the threads 13 on the tire stem [0044] The base 40 is externally threaded at its upper por and ultimately the threaded portion 34 of the lower housing tion 104 to receive the cap 22 (see FIG. 3). An O-ring 106 28 also engages the threads of the tire stem. Because the provides an air-tight seal between the cap 22 and the regulator spring 30 wants to “open” during rotation, the regulator 10 10. Because both the air inlet 51 and the vent ports 48 are can be easily rotated onto the tire stem 12 manually without located under the cap 22 when the cap is installed, the cap the use of any tools or keys. When the regulator 10 has seated prevents inadvertent or unwanted escape of air through the on the valve stem 12, the regulator is ready for use. The regulator 10 in case of failure or leakage of the Schrader valve regulator 10 is tamper proof after installation on the valve within the stem 12. stem. Ill. Pressure Preset Key [0050] FIG. 5 illustrates the regulator 10 in the “ready” position, which is the normal or at-rest position without an air [0045] The key 25 for rotating the top 42 is illustrated in noZZle connected. The compressible seal 84 at the top of the FIG. 8. The key 25 includes a knurled exterior surface 110 and stem provides an upward force on the actuator pin 74. Con US 2012/0097264 A1 Apr. 26, 2012

sequently, both the actuator pin 74 and the Schrader pin 15 in [0054] Following in?ation, the cap 22 is installed by screW the tire stem 12 are in their relaxed or upper positions. ing the cap onto the threads 104 so that the cap seals against [0051] FIG. 6 illustrates the regulator 10 in the “in?ating” the O-ring 106. At this point, the regulator assembly appears position in Which the conventional air noZZle 14 is placed over as in FIGS. 2-3. the top 42 of the regulator 10. When the noZZle is so posi [0055] When the tires are to be “topped off’ or otherWise returned to full in?ation, the cap 22 is removed from the tioned, the air noZZle pin P depresses the actuator pin 74 regulator by unscreWing. The rotational lock provided by the against the compression seal 84, so that the actuator pin coil spring 30 prevents the regulator 10 from rotating When depresses the Schrader pin 15 in the tire stem 12. When the air the cap is removed. Consequently, the regulator 10 can not be noZZle 14 is actuated, air ?oWs from the air noZZle only to the removed inadvertently With unscreWing of the cap 22. tire stem 12 along the folloWing path: ?rst, through the air [0056] When the regulator 10 is to be removed from the inlet 51 and past the compression seal 84, second betWeen the stem 12, the comer key 26 is positioned on the regulator 10 as top 42 and the sleeve 80, third past the compression seal 82 illustrated in FIGS. 3 and 12-13 so that the tang 38 is captured and the top 42, fourth betWeen the compression seal 82 and in one of the grooves 124. Rotational motion of the key 26 Will the edge 70 of the guide 62, ?fth through the internal guide ?rst move the tang 38 to release the locking pressure, and bore 68 betWeen the guide 62 and the actuator pin 74, sixth continued movement rotates the regulator 10. With the spring through the loWer housing 28 past the guide button 86 and into 30 pressure released, the regulator 10 may be unscreWed the air outlet 33. The regulator 10 remains in the “in?ating” manually Without the need for tools or other assistance. position until the preset maximum pressure is reached at the [0057] The regulator 10 has a relatively loW mass, at least valve stem 12. The valve assembly 20 prevents the ?oW of air With the context of a Wheel. Consequently, the regulator does from the air outlet 33 to the vent port 100 When in the “in?at not create tire imbalance, clearance problems, or excessive ing” position. stem ?exure at high speeds. [0052] The “fully in?ated” position of the regulator 10 is [0058] The regulator 10 does not interfere With or override the operation of the Schrader valve Within the tire stem 12. In illustrated in FIG. 7. Speci?cally, the valve assembly 20 the ready position, the regulator alloWs the Schrader valve to moves to this position When the maximum pressure is close normally. When in?ating the tire, the regulator 1 0 opens reached, thereby preventing further air from ?oWing into the the Schrader valve to alloW air into the tire. Removal of the air tire stem 12. When the pressure at the tire stem 12 reaches the supply enables the Schrader valve to close to its normal posi maximum pre-selected pressure, that pressure against the tion, ready for the next in?ation cycle. diaphragm 70 and the spring retainer 66 overcomes the spring [0059] With the regulator 10 in place, normal tire mainte force of the spring 92. Consequently, the diaphragm and nance should not require a pressure gauge, because the regu spring move upWardly in a rapid snap action from an un?exed lator includes a calibrated scale and acts automatically to position as shoWn in FIG. 6 to a ?exed position as shoWn in maintain tires at the set point. HoWever, the capability to use FIG. 7. The valve assembly is unstable betWeen the tWo a pressure gauge is maintained. If tire pressure is at or beloW positions illustrated in FIGS. 6-7. The movement of the dia the set point, the pressure gauge should measure tire pressure phragm 70 and the spring retainer 66 moves the guide 62 directly Without loss of air from the tire. If pressure readings upWardly Within the regulator 10 until the upper edge 70 of are required on a tire With pressure above the set point (e.g. the guide seats against the compressible seal 82. The engage Warm tire), the operator can remove the regulator 10 and ment of the guide With the compressible seal prevents further connect the gauge directly to the tire valve stem 12. air from ?oWing into the tire stem 12. In this position or [0060] Further as disclosed, the regulator does not interfere con?guration, air ?oWs from the air hose 14 to only the vent With or override the operation of the Schrader valve. When ports 48 along the folloWing path: ?rst through the air inlet 51 not in use in?ating the tire, the device alloWs the Schrader and past the compression seal 84, second betWeen the sleeve valve to close normally. When in?ating the tire, the device 80 and the top 42, third betWeen the compression seal 82 and opens the Schrader valve to alloW air into the tire and subse quently cut off ?oW of air into the tire at the preset pressure the top 44, third along the guide exterior surface 69 and point. Removal of the air supply noZZle from the regulator betWeen the guide 62 and the top 42, fourth through the vent alloWs the Schrader valve to close and reset to a normal ports 100, ?fth past the acoustic disks 102, and sixth through position, ready for the next in?ation cycle. the vent ports 48. The air ?oWing through the acoustic disks [0061] The above description is that of the current embodi creates an audible alert signaling that the tire has achieved the ment of the invention. Various alternations and changes can pre-selected pressure. At this point, the operator removes the be made Without departing from the spirit and broader aspects air noZZle 14 from the regulator 10; and the actuator pin 74 of the invention as set forth in the appended claims, Which are and the Schrader pin 15 return upWardly to the ready position to be interpreted in accordance With the principles of patent illustrated in FIG. 5. The valve assembly 20 prevents the ?oW laW, including the doctrine of equivalents. of air from the air outlet 33 to the vent port 100 When in the “fully in?ated” position. 1. A tire pressure regulator assembly comprising: a body assembly including an air inlet adapted to receive a [0053] The valve assembly 20 has tWo positions and is conventional air noZZle and an air outlet adapted to con stable only in the tWo positions. The valve assembly moves nect to a conventional tire stem, the body assembly rapidly betWeen the tWo positions in a “snap action” that does de?ning a vent port; and not permit the valve to remain in any position betWeen the tWo a tWo-position valve Within the body assembly and includ positions. Consequently, the device responds rapidly to ing a ?exible diaphragm supported by the body assem achievement of the maximum air pressure and thereafter ter bly, the valve having a ?rst position directing air from minates air ?oW into the tire and instead directs the ?oW the air inlet to only the air outlet, the valve having a promptly through the acoustic generator. second position different from the ?rst position directing US 2012/0097264 A1 Apr. 26, 2012

air from the air inlet to only the vent port, the valve being a tWo-position valve Within the body assembly, the tWo stable only in the ?rst and second positions, the valve position valve having a ?rst position directing air from moving from the ?rst position to the second position the air inlet to only the air outlet and a second position When the air pressure at the air outlet achieves a prede different from the ?rst position directing air from the air termined level, Wherein the diaphragm is biased toWard inlet to only the vent port, the tWo-position valve being the ?rst position and is responsive to air pressure at the stable only in the ?rst and second positions and move air outlet to move the valve to the second position in a able betWeen the ?rst and second positions in a snap snap action When the air pressure achieves the predeter action in response to air pressure at the air outlet, mined level, Wherein the tWo -position valve prevents the Wherein the tWo-position valve prevents the ?oW of air ?oW of air from the air outlet to the vent port in the ?rst from the air outlet to the vent port. position and in the second position. 10. The tire pressure regulator assembly of claim 9 Wherein 2. The tire pressure regulator assembly as de?ned in claim the valve includes a substantially planar diaphragm moveable 1 Wherein the valve includes a spring urging the diaphragm to betWeen an un?exed position to a ?exed position to thereby the ?rst position, Wherein the diaphragm is capable of over move the valve betWeen the ?rst and second positions. coming the force of the spring and moving to the second 11. The tire pressure regulator assembly of claim 10 position When the air pressure achieves the predetermined Wherein the diaphragm is supported by the body assembly level. and ?exes in a snap action to the ?exed position When the air 3. The tire pressure regulator assembly as de?ned in claim pressure at the air outlet achieves a predetermined level. 1 Wherein the valve includes a regulator for adjusting the 12. The tire pressure regulator assembly of claim 10 further predetermined level. including a spring urging the diaphragm to the un?exed posi 4. The tire pressure regulator assembly as de?ned in claim tion, Wherein the diaphragm is capable of overcoming the 3 Wherein the regulator includes a visual indicator identifying spring in the ?exed position When the air pressure achieves the predetermined level. the predetermined level. 5. The tire pressure regulator assembly as de?ned in claim 1 further comprising: 13. The tire pressure regulator assembly of claim 9 further a cap removably attached to the body assembly over the air including an elongate guide de?ning an internal guide bore inlet and the air vent to prevent the undesired loss of air and an external guide surface, Wherein: therethrough; and air is directed through the internal guide bore and then to a seal on at least one of the body assembly and the cap the air outlet When the valve is in the ?rst position; and adapted to provide an airtight seal therebetWeen. air is directed along the external guide surface and then to 6. The tire pressure regulator assembly of claim 1 further the vent port When the valve is in the second position. including an elongate guide de?ning an internal guide bore 14. The tire pressure regulator assembly of claim 13 further and an external guide surface, Wherein: including a compression seal adjacent the guide, Wherein: air is directed through the internal guide bore and then to the guide is spaced apart from the compression seal in the the air outlet When the valve is in the ?rst position; and ?rst position to alloW air ?oW into the internal guide bore air is directed along the external guide surface and then to and then to the air outlet; and the vent port When the valve is in the second position. the guide abuts the compression seal in the second position 7. The tire pressure regulator assembly of claim 6 further to alloW air ?oW along the external guide surface and comprising a compression seal adjacent the guide, Wherein: then to the vent port. the guide is spaced apart from the compression seal in the 15. The tire pressure regulator assembly of claim 9 Wherein ?rst position to alloW air ?oW into the internal guide bore the valve includes a regulator for adjusting the predetermined and then to the air outlet; and level. the guide abuts the compression seal in the second position to alloW air ?oW along the external guide surface and 16. The tire pressure regulator assembly of claim 15 then to the vent port. Wherein the regulator includes a visual indicator identifying 8. The tire pressure regulator assembly of claim 1 Wherein: the predetermined level. the diaphragm is substantially planar; and 17. The tire pressure regulator assembly of claim 9 further the diaphragm is responsive to air pressure at the air outlet comprising: to move from an un?exed position to a ?exed position a cap removably attached to the body assembly over the air and thereby actuate the valve. inlet and the air vent to prevent the undesired loss of air 9. A tire pressure regulator assembly comprising: therethrough; and a body assembly including an air inlet adapted to receive a a seal on at least one of the body assembly and the cap conventional air noZZle and an air outlet adapted to con adapted to provide an airtight seal therebetWeen. nect to a conventional tire stem, the body assembly de?ning a vent port; and * * * * *