German Greens Herald reporter Parkade Easter stage a protest la/cfed by grandson shopping guide ' 14: . V .. page 24 page 11 ... A special section

Windy, cold Manchester, Conn. tonight,Thursday Wednesday, March 30,1983 — See page 2 i®anrl|^atFr Umlh Single copy: 25

By Alex GIrelll The dump is one of 70 in the state that will Department said it is improbable that any Herald City Editor be examined by the state Department of materials buried just below the surface Environmental protection for evidence of there would pollute the aquifer that supplies Manchester officials today were trying to, hazardous waste. While town officials knew the well. That aquifer runs southward along pinpoint the location of a -Department of this morning that the site is located one side of the Hockanum River and the Transportation dump on Routes 6 and 44A in somewhere along the five-mile stretch of possible dump site is on the other. It is more town where hazardous materials could Routes 6 and 44A through Manchester, they likely, he said, that any pollution would be have been dumped over the years. did not know the exact location. carried by surface drain water into the DEP officials could not be reached by the river. Herald this moring for more specific Robert Harrison, highway superintend­ information. General Manager Robert B. ent, made a mental trip the length of the Inside Today Weiss Instructed the Health Department to route today from the the Bolton to the East contact the DEP for information to see what Hartford town line. Hetought of several 24 pooM. a sections action, if any, the town should take. places that in the past could have roughly fit the description given by the DEP for the Advice . . . . i. .1...... 14 Areo to w n s ...... THE MOST likely site, most officials dump site. ■ u s l n e s s ...... 21 agreed, is one on the north side of the routes Its location is listed at Routes 6 and 44A, CICMSifled...... 2^23 just east of Interstate 86. The Department site of an old sand pit. iCOffim ...... I...... I of Transportation maintains a place there One such location is at Manchester 'entertainment...... 13 where broken up bituminous concrete is Uittery...... 2 Green. And the Love Lane sandpit was once Qbltuories...... 10 stored. accessible directly from Route 6 and 44A. Oplnloo...... ,4 If that is the spot the DEP has in mind, it Harrison recalled the State Highway MedlMolk .., i .,., a, V;. .4 < is close to the town’s Love Lane well. Department once had a paved area near ‘ Vf JWE'' S p e r f s 1.5...... lO-ap- However, over the years the well, which is east of Interstate 86 where it parked Televlsioa .....v.rr... Herald photo by Pinto monitored regularly, has shown no signs of vehicles. Most of the 70 dump sites in . WwOn|4> » FRIDAY APRIL 8TH Corner, Bristol, Manchester, for girls, in navy, lilac, blue, pink girls from six West Bank schools. All complained of lower court’s decision and said consent forms signed Police-today were also searching for two women with a Jackpot of $19,817. First 3 digits $98. ^ . Meriden, Avon & New Britain or red, sizes 7-14. Reg. $30 gas poisoning symptoms. by Miss Shields mother. Teri, were valid. An earlier friends of the suspects who v is it^ the apartment The Maine daily lottery Last 3 digits : (except Big Boys not in New In Beirut, British Minister of State for Foreign ruling had barred Gross from using the pictures. during the alleged attack, but left after asking the number Tuesday was 631. Above payoff* based on 8PM ON WVIT CHANNEL 30 Britain). 21.97 Affairs Douglas Hurd criticized the continued Asked how his client intends to market the pictures. men, “ Are you boys having a good time?,” Graham The Vermont daily lot­ $1 bets SPECIAL 3-D GLASSES ONLY AVAILABLE AT DAIRY MARTS presence of Israeli troops in Lebanon. Gross’ attorney, Richard Golub, said there might be said. PffS$129 nammYfuma Almanac DAIRY MART Peoptetalk 2 LITER ■ Today is Wednesday, March 30, the 89th day of 1983 with 276 to follow. I BOYS’ VESTED SUITS Biographical note The moon is moving toward its last quarter. ' People in the news The morning stars are Jupiter and Saturn. ; Keyboard virtuoso Vladimir Horowitz, 79', is so The evening stars are Mercury, Venus and Mars. 39.97 sensitive about "Horowitz: A Biography," a The annual Friars Club membership survey to Those born on this date are under the sign of Aries. Reg. $55. Solids or stripes, sizes 8-18 candid, unauthorized biography written by determine the 10 Best Performers of 1982 resulted , Bom on this date were Spanish painter Francisco 'GAL. regulars. Also, 3-piece suits for boys’ pianist Glenn Plaskin, that the book has been in Frank Sinatra receiving a double award — Best Jose Goya, in 1707, Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh, sizes 4-7, reg. $44 32.97 taken off display at the Metropolitan Opera House Entertainer and Best Night Club Performer ... in 1853 and dramatist Sean O’Casey, in 1880. On this date in history: bookshop. Horowitz is scheduled to play his first Dinah Shore is writing her second cookbook, due for publication in the fa ll... Bette Davis will play In 1867, U.S. Secretary of State William Sewa(d COUNTY FAIR New York recital in two years at the house May reached an agreement with Russia for the purchase of BOYS’ DRESS SHIRTS 15. Jane Hermann, the Met’s director of the hotel owner in “ Hotel,” ABC-TV’s upcoming-' two-hour motion picture geared as a series ... A Alaska for $7.2 million in gold. T presentations, said Tuesday she didn’t want the In 1923, the Cunard liner "Lacqnia” arrived in Niejv WHEAT BREAD book on display when Horowitz, and his wife, special mass will be celebrated April 4 at New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral in honor of the 90th York City — the first passenger ship to circumnavi­ 1 POUND 5.97- 9.47 Wanda Toscanini Horowitz, came to the house for birthday of Spanish guitarist Andres Segovia ... gate the world, a cruise of 130 days. - Reg. $8-$12. Broadcloth or oxford "rehearsals” because "he’s volatile and I ’m sure British actor Roger Moore, Sean Connery’s In 1975, the South Vietnamese city Qf Da Nang fell to cloth button-downs, short or long he’s upset by the book.” Yet Horowitz is successor as Agent 007, will make his first visit to the North Vietnamese. ' schedu led to make only one visit to the house prior Dallas April 9 for a tribute sponsored by the USA In 1981, President Reagan was shot and wounded b y sleeves, assorted colors, sizes 8-20 to the concert to check the acoustics and that will Film F estival... Capitol Records filed a $275,000 John Hinckley Jr. of Evergreen, Colo. White House not be until May 8. UPI checked the bookshop and suit against singer Graham Nash Monday in Los News Secretary James Brady, a iSecret Service agebt 0 ]]^ $ ■ 1 1 9 found the book is no longer available for sale, Angeles Superior Court, saying Nash delivered and a Washington policeman also were wounded in t(e DRESS SLACKS although rii.stomers are told it is being reordered. only one of three solo albums he promised them in incident outside a Washington hotel. Hinckley later ^ was acquitt^ on an insanity plea. I When Plaskin visited the bqokshop, he was told by his contract ... In the same court, a PBS-TV ' viewer, Neville Bellhy is seeking $50,000in breach 14.97-16.97 a clerk it had been pulled out of the shop because Reg. $19-$21. Belted poplins in as­ the Met feared Horowitz would cancel his recital of contract damages, charging he won an evening POTATO GMPS 8 Q Z . if he found the book on sale there. with poet Rod McKuen with a bid of $368 in a 1980 sorted spring colors, sizes 8-14 regu­ fund-raising drive and never got it lianfliFfitpr Jirralft lars and 26-30 waists. a- e FRESH FROM OUR OELI Richard M. Diamond, Publlaher • Royal progress Back In demand Thomas J. Hooper, General Manager • VIRGINIA STYLE AUSTRIAN BOYS’ KNIT SHIRTS Former President Richard M. Nixon will USPS 327-500 CH. No. ijsz Security barriers broke down Tuesday in U P I Photo appear at a Missouri Republican Party fund SWISS CHEESE Maitland. 120 miles north of Sydney, Auatralia, as raising reception in Kansas City April 21. Nixon Sugo«t«) e«r(er rtts. L HAM 7.97- 8.97 touring Prince Charles and Princess Diana of PRINCE CHARLES AND DIANA will deliver a 20- minute briefing on foreign •nd ctrtain holldsys by Ihs *1.20 wstkly, 85.12 (or on* Reg. 10.50-$12. Interlock or jersey Wales were greeted by one in four of the town’s affairs followed by a' short question and answer Msnchnter Pubdthing Co., 18 month. $15.34 lor (hr** monfh* . . . wind-blown on tour o* Australia Br*m*rd Pl*c* M*nch*tl*r. *30 70 (or «lx month* and 86N40 $429 $429 knits with fashion collars, short 40,000 people. The incident came as admirers sessioM od then aitend a reception. Tickets to the Conn: 08040. 8*cond ct*** (or on* y**r. Mall rata* 8ra rushed forward to hand flowers to the royal event will cost $100. "Nixon, whatever his poslasa paid at Manchaalar. avallaM* on raauoat ' i IV 2 LILB. IV 2 LB. sleeves. Solids or stripes, sizes 8-20. Conn. POSTMASTER: Sand ad- raquaai. couple. Some children were knocked over but no shortcomings might be, is as experienced In _ If c* r '((‘am ' 3 _ Quote of the day drau Chang** to th* Manchaalar To ploc* a daaaltlad or dtaglay injuries were reported. Earlier, the couple toured foreign affairs as anybody in the United States Harald, P.O. Box 5St, advartlaamant. or to raport a W E N O W CARRY ' v ' t;:.' the economically depressed Hunter Valley region today,” said Shannon Cave, the committee’s Manchaalar. (>mn. 08040. BOYS' SPORT COATS & SUITS First Lady Nancy Reagan admitted before her executive vice chairman. Cave said state _ naw* ham atory or ptetura ktoa. of New South Wales, where 40,000 children drawn narratioiuiLSaint- Sagas' ‘jCarnival of Animals, ’ ’ To aobaorih. ~ •*3-2711. OMo* hour* Sr< O ur entire stock, sizes 4-7, 8-20. Reg. $34-$84 20% OFF \ from 400 local schools greeted them in the Republicans did not see the visit by the former at a benefit jperformance of the National president, who resigned in disgrace in 1974, as industrial town of Newcastle. At the end of the day OtIIca hour* ar* 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 Symphony Orchestra in Washington Monday she ' controversial. “ Nobody’s tried to stop it. Some OPEN MON. THHU SAT. OPEN MON. THRU SAI. O P EN DAILY ML 5 P.M OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 'TIL still is subject to stage fright although she didn’t p.m. Monday through Friday and the prince and princess withdrew to their retreat people think it’s a good idea and some don’t. Th* Manchaalar Harald I* * ■TIL 0 P.M. ■TIL 9:30 P.M. THURS. NIGHT ’TIL 8:45 9 P.M.; SAT. ’TIL 6 P.M. at Woomargama, wher.e their son Prince William really think of this paticular appearance as 7 to to a.m. Saturday. Oallvary aubacribar to Unitad Praa* Inlsr- We’re looking at a fund raising more than ahould ba mada by 5 p.m. Mon­ • uoroine Corner is being cared for, before leaving Wednesday for performing. “ That’s a life that’s so far in the past, nahonal nawa aarvlca* and li a • Morldon Square • New itntain • Avon • Vernon • Groton anything. We think he’s interesting and got day through Friday and by 7:30 mambar ol iha Audit Buraairot • New London • Manchester • Briatol a two- day visit to Tasmania. I don’t even remember it,” she said. something to,offer.” a m. Saturday. Circulation*. ALL P&L STORES OPEN SUNDAYS 12 TO 5 except New Britain and Groton ciosea ounoays MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 30, 1983 - 5 t - MANCHESTER HERA LD . Wed., March 30, 196S

Richard M. DIamona, Publisher THE NRim TO MmimBER Dan Rtts, Editor Weiss wants to hire Florida firm Alex GIrelll, City Editor tlio W m a i'l opinion to do study of Manchester's radio needs I t J t d r e s s s h o p was hampered by the Bv Paul Hendrie vored the UConn team, cluded the actual writing gency agencies, to pro­ For example, Weiss has Route 83, Vernon, C t Herald Reporter o f equipment vide for coordinated said emergency response Inability of different because of its proximity. 10-9. Sot. 9.30 3 :30 response to a major public to the Windsor Locks emergency units to com­ . Tu«t.. W»d,. 10«5:30. Thurt , Frl "The Florida firm is specifications. Oppo»4t« QwoUty Inn Motal 643 9016 Jack General Manager Ro­ doing a lot of work in Some directors said emergency. tornado several years ago municate with each other. Anderson bert B. Weiss favors hir­ Connecticut, so that’s not they were reluctant to pay ing a Florida consulting a factor now,” added for the initial study with­ 'Open agendas' make D'Amore happy firm to review the town’s out knowing who wouid Washington Weiss. radio communications draw up the THE FIRST phase of sides, that will open more jobs, Marry-Qo-Round needs and design a sys­ specifications. state Republicans will be ease some of the inner conflict the study would include an tem, in a two-phase study So, Weiss solicited a doing a lot more talking to each troubling the GOP. He says he she added. anaylsis of the existing that wouid cost $17,212. proposal from Omnicon other instead of ABOUT each isn’t out for a housecleaning system, development of a D’AMORE, already rambling Weiss wants to upgrade for a phase two study, other in the months ahead, if when the statewide policy com­ the town's emergency ra­ plan for centralized emer­ F L O R S H E IM ^ which wouid included de­ Capitol Comments aU over the state for skull gency control from the Chairman Tom D'Amore has mittee is elected this summer. dio system, integrating tailed systems specifica­ town hall basement and his way. Some turnover will come about sessions with G O P Insiders, the systems of all depart­ tions design and bid eva­ Bob Conrad design for a new police naturally, he says, and that will warms to the idea of luring ments and purchasing He believes it will be healthier dispatching console and luation to determine the be good enough. more Republicans into the new equipment. He has I 1 for the party, and make it a Taxpayer center. bidders' compliance with Syndicated Columnist process. And he has made said the town needs a the specifications. . YEARS stronger political force, if its Also part of the first ALREADY, for example, strides in talks with labor detaiied study by a consul­ The cost of phase two Classics" members at various levels get phase would be a review tant before investing as would be $7,362. party Vice Chairwoman Bar­ toward possible support from of the existing Public their feelings about issues and much as $300,000 in a new Omnicom also proposed bara Brown of Preston says she that previously-hostile quarter is the Works Department radio themselves off their chests. system. testing the equipment be­ will not seek reelection to the for Republican proposals and system and an evaluation D'Amore, a New Hartford Stratford. some of them showed up in But the directors so far fore thhe town accepts it, candidates. He is wooing the of the system used to insurance man who took over But after throwing sparks for Meriden to object. Representa­ committee — although she will have refused to approp­ to make sure it conforms accept emergency calls FOR LESS THAN the leadership job a month ago, an interesting interlude at the tives Pauline Kezer of Plain- want to continue in her leader­ blacks as well. chauffeur riate money for the study, with the specifications. and reroute them from the calls it "open dialogue.” The session last week, the two sides ville and' Gene Migliaro of ship post. Others not expected to ’The open agenda will be his because they have said That would cost an addi­ central answering point to be back, according to what they vehicle for the Republican they wanted a clearer tional $1,973, but Weiss way to stimulate it, he says, is to settled down in agreement. Wolcott said it was the wrong the appropriate emer­ have told colleagues, are Linda meetings. Its risk is in getting WASHINGTON - While mil­ idea of what the consul­ said the town staff can do have open agendas when Re­ D’Amore was delighted. He will way for the party to go. Senator gency response service. lions of Americans have been tant would do. the testing itself. publicans get together. have open agendas at most Bill Rogers of Southbury Harty of Franklin, Myrtle out of hand, as last week’s A written final report struggling to make ends meet, the Weiss said, in a report to Weiss said nobody on 3 meetings of the GOP State agreed. And National Commit­ Miller of Fairfield, Larry Tryon maiden effort in Meriden nearly presenting all recommen­ the Board of Directors the town staff has the LAST WEEK. D'Amore Central Committee. He will put teeman John Alsop said it would of Windsor and James Weiss of did. Some say the novelty, if privileged poohbahs in the Pen­ dations, estimated costs written Tuesday and re­ expertise to do the work Pomfret. nothing else, will work for a tagon have been flying high — of implementation and the experimented with this open the show on the road and have be a mistake for the GO P to give leased this morning, that that Omnicom would be D ’Amore wants to see more while. But for Tom D ’Amore, literally — at the taxpayers’ priority sequence for im­ agenda thing at his first meet­ regional meetings, with other the impression that it supports proposals were solicited hired to do. He also said it’s worth the shot. Not much expense. plementation would con­ ing of the Republican State party officials invited, in the an income tax. Republicans involved in politics from 20 companies or such detailed consulting clude the first phase. Central Committee. He got open state's six congressional So a motion by Tom Mansfield and, of course, with the GOP. else has worked for the Republi­ Tbe Defense Department’s gen­ individuals specializing in work is not the role of Weiss is recommending warfare for a few tense mo­ districts. of West Haven, seconded by That was the theme of a cans in recent years. erals, admirals and high-ranking radio communications en­ radio system contractors, that the Board of Direc­ message Rep. Martha Rothman civilians have a fleet of 9,000 gineering. He said the like Bruce Marcus of ments. The confrontation in former Senator Richard Cun­ tors appropriate the $9,850 of Ridgefield had for the policy­ IN REPORTING last week on aircraft available to chauffeur town staff rated Omnicom Manchester.-' Meriden also exposed an old THE ISSUE last week was an ningham of Stamford, carried to hire Ommnicom for the Inc. of Tallahassee, Fla., The Police Department, sore, caused by the distance and income tax for Connecticut. Or, easily. making committee last week in a Democratic House caucus, them around the country whenever first phase. Once the as the most qualified. in particular, has been resentments between commit­ as Roger Eddy put it, tax D ’Amore, a closet supporter Meriden. held behind closed doors at the they get the itch to travel. results of the first phase That differs from an lobbying for new radio tee members and elected reform. Eddy, a Newington of reform although he says be One way to achieve it, she State Capitol, we said Repre­ According to an internal report are in, Weiss said he earlier presentation to the equipment. The existing said, is to avoid taking on too sentatives Susan Barrett of prepared by the Pentagon’s new would make a recommen­ legislators. resident and former state sena­ doesn’t want to see an income Board of Directors, when police system is 10 years many jobs in the party. Never Fairfield and Dorothy Goodwin Inspector General’s office, these dation on whether to con­ It is a problem that has tor, said the party should tax, was delighted with the give the administration re­ old and the administra­ tract for the second phase. existed for years. It was at the endorse and pursue reform. and take. He said it proved what mind trying to be a legislator of Mansfield had opposed the planes and helicopters have be­ commended hiring a team tion has said the usual He said the $9,850 is bottom of the enduring feud Legislators in Hartford are open dialogue, through an open and selectman, or town chair­ tax plan under discussion there. come an "on-demand airline ser­ based at the University of lifespan for radio equip­ availabie from the between U.S. Senator Lowell death on an income tax. So when agenda, can produce. man and state central commit­ Both say they did not. (Syndi­ vice” for brass bats who are too Connecticut. ment is about seven budgets of police, disaster tee member, she said, without cated by The Herald of New laty or too superior to take ” We have had an oppor­ years. Weicker of Mystic and former they learned that Eddy would The new chairman is con­ control and public works. Chairman Fred Biebel of make such a recommendation. vinced that more discussion can mentioning any names. Be­ Britain.) commercial flights to their tunity to get more infor­ Weiss said a new sys­ destinations. mation on both and we feel WEISS’ ORIGINAL tem should integrate all This abuse of rank’s privileges is the Florida firm is better proposal for radio consuit- town emergency depart­ THE GRANT, bicycle front, ing services would have expensive. It costs about $8po an for our particular needs,” ments, as well as the braid strap center gore slip-on, in said Weiss. Earlier, the stopped with phase one Public Works Depart­ THE ETON, front blucher ox­ THE ETON, front, leather strap In Manchester hour for a flight in a T-39, the Gold (31248) or Black (21194). administration had fa­ and would not have in­ ment and regional emer- ford, in Brown (31878) or Block center gore slip-on, in Brown military version of an executive $ 4 9 9 5 (21798). Jet. For a C-140, the huge, gussied- (31272) or Black (21203). case of up transport plane, the tab is $2,800 $499 5 A an hour. EEE C ■ D 1 E *48” Yet the Pentagon bigshots whis­ Vincent tells MCC 7-13 ISV'i 12 8 ’/e -12 9-13 tle up a T-39 or a C-140 as casually C D EEE D E non-security as if they were hailing a taxicab. 9-12 8-13 b;4 1i | a w -111 7 7J-12 8-12 The IG report has stimulated an Inquiry by the House Defense of staff restructuring Michael T. Daly’s escape that two or three times a year Appropriations subcommittee, from Manchester Superior prisoners bolt. chaired by Rep. Joseph Addabbo, Manchester Community Coliege divisions: academic affairs, student “Your Quality Court on Monday leaves a Why aren’t prisoners, espe­ D-N.Y. It cites numerous viola­ President Wiiliam E. Vincent Tuesday development services, including ad­ t ery big question hanging in cially dangerous prisoners, tions of the spirit, if not the letter, announced a major administrative missions, financial aid, and student Men’s Shop" the air ; put in cuffs? of tbe laws covering use of these reshuffling that he said will make the activities, and administrative servi­ CW special planes. college more efficient. ces, including most business functions. RECAVS How could a suspect who “ It doesn’t look nice. The At a schoolwide meeting in the MCC The change will reduce by more than MANCHESTER VERNON My associate Lucette Lagnado 9 0 3 M A IN ST. TRI-CITY PLAZA was apparently under the lawyers don’t like it,” the has obtained a copy of the IG auditorium, Vincent explained the half the number of employees who reorganization, to take effect fully on OPEN DAILY 9:30-S:30, THURS. Til 9,00 OPEN WED., THURS., & FRI. Til 9,00 supervision of state authori­ policeman said. report, which was intended for report directly to Vincent, freeing him Sept. 1, that will reduce the number of ties simply bolt from a Surely, in Daly’s case, to work more closely with the MCC official eyes only. Here are some of dean's positions from three to four and Foundation and Regional Advisory courtroom? handcuffs wouldn’t have the highlights; create 11 new academic departments. Council. Vincent also wants to get more And yet thatie exactly what hurt. He wasn’t exactly your • A T-39 was sent from Andrews ‘I think we can demonstrate that the involved in legislative work for the police say happened. first-time shoplifter. The Air Force Base outside Washing­ plan will be a real savings for the college. institution,” Vincent said. Earlier, he Vincent said he plans to hire a new Daly, 26, of no certain man has a long record of ton, D.C., to fetch a high-ranking Pentagon civilian at a field near predicted that the reorganization will assistant director of admissions to take address, had been arrested arrests. According to police Detroit. Tbe round-trip flight cost save the college about $40,000 a year. over “ marketing and outreach’ ’ for the Sunday afternoon after a high records, Daly implied that he $l,sn, compared to the commer- Under the plan, the college’s com­ college. The new staffer will try to munity services division wili be ab­ match school programs with available speed chase into Hartford would try to escape from dayfare of $95, according to the sorbed into the division of academic jobs, especially in fields where job which involved two East custody for fear of imprison­ It, from Detroit to Washing- affairs. Community services oversees opportunities are limited, Vincent said. Hartford cruisers. ment. More than extra cau­ The IG investigators noted off-campus academics and cooperative 'Vincent said the new admissions tion was certainly indicated. that while the high muckamuck programs with other colleges and worker will work to strenthen underen­ Daly was in the courthouse A suspect like Daly who is was waiting for his personal institutions. rolled departments, noting that the air-taxi service, three commercial James D. Tatro, now dean of college was "top heavy” in enrollments on Monday, awaiting ar­ facing imprisonment may airline flights left Detroit for community services, is ieaving MCC in in business careers departments. “ We raignment on criminal and ' ■ ' ' ' ' ' ^ feel he has little to lose by Washington. September to take a job in private want to maintain balanced admissions. motor vehicle charges. trying to escape. As the • Football games between ser­ industry. His position won’t be fitted . it’s very important to maintain the after his departure. John B. Gannon, comprehensiveness of this institution. Among the charges; reckless policeman said, no cop in his Open fonin 1 / Readers^'views vice academies are a common now associate dean of students, will Vincent said the college will conduct driving, engaging police in right mind would try to use excuse for using the special Send letters to: The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester, CT 06046 become associate dean in charge of the a nationwide search to find a replace­ pursuit, operating a motor his gun on the unarmed aircraft fleet. Officers and their community affairs division. ment for Herbert Bandes, dean of vehicle while under suspen­ escapee in such a situation — families, cadets and even cheer­ The reorganization will leave the administrative services, who wili re­ sion and failure to appear in not with the extremely strict leaders are given free rides to college with three dean-supervised tire in the spring of 1984. games in a C-141 StarUfter. The IG court. laws against the use of deadly Welcomed sight where ideas and actions areopenly The value of political decisions is investigators learned, for exam­ Though he was in handcuffs physical force. discussed, evaluated and voted determined by procedures used, ple, that it cost $300,000 to trans­ when Manchester police It’s difficult, perhaps, to To tbe Editor: upon — and result in tbe best facts and figures presented, and port cadets to Just two service handed him over to the say where one draws the line. The Manchester Herald’s view interests of tbe people. conscientious, evaluated votes. A academy games in 1981. ’’The use superior court lockup, he was Does a second time shoplifter concerning a Southeast Asian as a The Revaluation Report pro­ lost vote, or compromise, after of military airlift to transport member of the Human Relations duced by a "watch-dog” commit­ not in cuffs when he entered belong in handcuffs when a thorough analysis and debate is academy cadets/midsbipment to Commission is well received. A tee appointed by tbe last council . The Best the courtroom. first time offender doesn’t? acceptable, but a forced vote sporting events as spectators is, in Southeast Asian representative was hidden from the taxpayers by through shutting off debate, per­ our opinion, a questionable prac­ A Manchester policeman Should a “white collar” crim­ not only makes a great deal of the present council — and dis­ sonal attack, and/or lack of tice that needs re-evaluatiop,” the who didn’t want his name sense but would also add a new Easter Values inal be spared the em barrass­ cussed in executive session in information is troublesome and IG report states. dimension to the present defiance of the Freedom of Infor­ used gave a simple explana­ ment of handcuffs?' What divisive. • Wives of four-star generals membership. tion for that; about a murderer? mation Commission, which ruled and certain other top brass can Daffodils Daisies Tulips It’s customary, he said. If Michael Daly’s escape the executive session illegal, and Votes of 8-1 and 5-2 AR E needed, accompany their husbands free of The Indochinese Human Service ruled for immediate release of the after all, if all seven council charge if their presence is consi­ «U6 *2.79 ‘3.49 It doesn't make any differ­ serves any purpose at all, it Network has endeavored to bring report. Was it political for the members accepted no debate on dered to be ” in tbe national ence how serious the crime, should perhaps make court to iight many of the problems our bunch Ige. bunch bunch | Republican council members to issues, ftad no differing thoughta or interest, essential to mission ac­ prisoners are rarely if ever officials take a second look at Southeast Asian neighbors face in vote against such actions? ideas, and voted alike all the time. complishment and desirable for handcuffed in Connecticut court security. Or the lack of resettling here. This process has Beautifully Gift Boxflri Six council members would NOT diplomatic or public relations been faciiitated by the hard work The petitions of 400-4- taxpayers courtrooms. And the result is it. be needed! reasons,” according to a 1980 of our members and others in the to bring the budget to a referen­ Cymbldlum Orchid guideline issued by the Defense community. dum vote was overturned by 200-(- taxpayers, and the council Demo­ Hopefully, during the flnal seven Department. months of this council term, open Corsage The possible future appointment crats supported the 200-f. Was it ,• The IG found that Air Force Berry's WorW government (without hidden sur­ of a Southeast Asian representa­ political for tbe Republicans to wives are actually encouraged to pluses, reports, legal opinions, tive to the commission would vote in support of the 400-I-? travel, which led the investigators ^3.26 etc.) will prevail — if not, inherent certainly be a welcomed sight. to observe that while this “ may be Tbe Charter gives Authority to divisiveness will! an accepted interpretation of the Large Selection of Flowering plants. Daffodils, the town manager to hire the police Andrew T. Tysklewicx DO D guidance, we do not believe Gardenias, Tulips, Hyacinths, Lilies, Azaleas, chief. W as it political for me to vote Chairman R e b e ru F . Koautt that it is within the spirit of what’' lum plants. against the council chairwoman’s Indochinese Human Service Council Mem ber - DO D intended.” The report adds a Open Thur. A FrI. til 9 P.M. proposal to have the council hire ^ v e n try Network practicai warning that “with wives the chief? Parker Street aboard, the appearance of w Open Sat. til 6 P.M. Council agendas arrived on official trip, as viewed by the Fridays. I requested that they public and news media, may be arrive on Wednesdays. This was tainted towards one of personal use.” What's to blame voted down along party lines. Yet, today we receive agendas on • “ Dead head legs,” that is, empty (lights on the way to a V IP To tbe Editor: Wednesdays! Is this political?? Lelltrs policy pickup, cost “ at least $28.2 million In reply to the Manchester Last year at budget time I asked The Manchester Herald u r 'i:' and (consume) 10.9 million gallons “pSme* S4s0^ Herald article, ’’Most incumbents welcomes letters to the for tbe surplus figure — it was of aviation fuel per year,” the IG say they’ve had enough,” of March editor. reported as sero. Yet, months after estimates. 136 Oak Straal 21. Letters Shoiild be brief and budget adoption, a $243,138 surplus • Helicopters are routinely used It is time for the. Coventry to the point. They should .649-1443 was found! This surplus could have typed or neatly hand-written, by the brass where cars would do Democrats to stop blaming politics reduced everyone’s taxes by one and, for ease in editing, the Job more cheaply. The Army, for council failures and for unhapp­ mill — and still leave over a should be double-spaced. for example, uses choppers to , J u i U i "Say, here's some more good news — prices iness in serving on the Town Jpivery daily to all off $100,000 surplus. Is it political to The -Herald reserves tbe transport bigshots between Mon­ wreater H ar^^rd for home-video cassettes are expected to Council. The government of this bide the surplus one year and come right -to edit letters In the mouth and Lakehurst, N.J. — 32 drop. ” country and Coventry is streng­ up with a fantastic surplus election interests of brevity, clarity miles apart. A car would cost $14; thened by a two-party system and taste. year?? the helicopter ride costs $310. MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 30, 1983 - 7 6 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 30, 1983 Arrested as teenager Woman freed from Cuban jqil had record FOR EASTER! She said the charges were Ladies’ Linen-Look Jackets a Strickland told United Press Inter­ Nov. 12 after their light plane Court records showed Ms. return to Brownsville and forget 4 Bv Olive Talley dismissed because of her coopera­ Button-front or (^ -fro n t, roll-cuffs. $,M,L | Z l national Tuesday. developed engine trouble and Strickland was charged with fel­ her past experiences with drugs. United Press International tion with authorities. OurR^17.MA1»J»....,...... I n r . C / V l Ms. Strickland and her fiance, crashed on the island as they flew ony drug possession, including ‘"That's one situation I have ‘ 'I was involved with the FBI and Berni Hofstadter, 28, both of fronni the Cayman Islands to possession of cocaine and metham- gotten out of, gotten away from HOUSTON - A 22-year-old went state's evidence against Brownsville, returned to Texas Florida. phetamines, on three occasions in and gotten rid of and hope to keep it woman released from a Cuban jail some people,” she said. " I was Ladies’ Skirts and Pants ' ur% a a Monday after nearly five months the Houston area between Dec. 13, that way and lead a normal life following nearly five months of called to testify before a federal Solids or novelty styles with trims. 3»-15/ie. | / I / i of imprisonment in Cuban jails on There were reports Cuban au­ 1978, and June 24, 1979. All three away from drugs and one away < imprisonment on drug charges grand jury which ended with the OurRR|.17J»...... drug trafficking charges. thorities found packages of mari­ charges were dismissed. from people involved with them,” was charged with drug possession indictment of several people. The couple denied the charges juana on the couple’s plane, but she said. three times as a teenager, court *Soitd or Plaid Shirts, s ,m ,l . Rsg. s .m ...... 6.70 and maintained Cuban authorities they denied It. Hofstadter said he The couple were released Mon­ records showed. "The way I see it, everyone has forced them to sign written confes­ had picked up packages of "air­ "1 have not denied the charges,” served their time,” she said. " I ’ve day to the custody of U.S. Rep. INroffitional ‘ T admit I was involved \^ith sions while threatening to impri­ plane equipment” on behalf of a Ms. Strickland said. “ I was very done my time — in Cuba.” Mickey Leland, D-Texas, follow­ Girls’ Tops with Sock Set a a young and having lots of problems - 7 people who were involved with son them longer on charges of friend in Jamaica, but he said the ing Leland’s two-hour meeting by EKCO Screeni)rint tops with matching nylon eocko. / / I / I and got involved with people who drugs ... in the past. As far as Cuba being spies for the CIA. couple never looked inside the Ms. Strickland said she hoped to Friday with Cuban President Fidel Sizes 7-14. Rag. » J » ...... f is concerned, I'm innocent,” Gina The pair said they were arrested package.^ were way above my head.” marry Hofstadter within a month. Castro. l ^ « 7 L 8 8 '0«l’,llig.4J8'to11.9B •Qlrie Sizes 4-6X, ourRag.8.M ...... 6.70 ti) qonrnwfDlai weight, heavy- gwigie tin, Chetoee muffin tins, Girls’ Ruffled Mini-Skirts ■- n n cuke pehe, fiooKle sheets, more. Jereey knit with ruffled front. Spring colors. J J Reagan holds Prosecutors demand Roy L. Williams Sizes7-14, Rag.6e9...... \J u Cm Cm ; ..:V;'^ ^ e4-6X Chintz Minis, Our Reg. 4 S 9 ...... 3.74 'no grudge' 0AR m HALL2-PC. be stripped of Teamsters' presidency StainiMs Steel Men’s Dress Shirts nn a member of La Cosa ter, deniad all .'accusa­ . Solids or classic stripes. Sizes 14V2-17,32-<3S. v J M / S WASHINGTON (UPl) — Two years after the denied all accusations he entire adult life and his deregulating the tnicking fikNfmiet Carving Set attempt on his life. President Reagan says he CHICAGO (UPI) - Nostra. tions made against him by OurReg.12J»...... ■ V J V J Teamsters President Roy is a member of organized life with the Teamsters industry. 3 holds no grudge against the man who shot him, Lombardo, reading government informers. crime. has been dominated by John Hinckley Jr., and hopes the gunman can be L. Williams, convicted of " I ’d like you to know from a hand-written state­ ” S never ordeld a kil­ 1 8 .8 8 Federal prosecutors organized crime.” cured of his mental illness. trying to bribe a senator, that at no time when we ment he composed while ling, I never OK’d a killing Hie (kMlect complement to any IDSAL Men’s Waist-Watcher® Pants m r%r\ asked to be spared ' a argued Williams should In an interview with The Washington Post Williams, Lombardo went to see Sen. Cannon imprisoned at the Metro­ and I never kille a mkn in M ie setting, or a great gift Idea. 100% woven polyester stretch ‘Qabadreme’ | CL prison sentence so he can be forced to resign imme­ Hsndsoniety gift-tioxed. GIFT published today, Reagan said he has accepted the and and two Teamsters did we go in to talk about politan Correctional Cen­ my life.” Lombardo read. ^-42.0iR’Reg.17j»...... i n T . \J%J continue his work but diately as presi^nt of the SET! assassination attempt of March 30, 1981 as Central States Pension stopping deregulation be­ prosecutors said he is a nation’s largest labor •Men’s Assorted Ties, Our Reg. sw...... 4.66 "something that goes with the territory” of being Fund trustees,Thomas cause as we sat down he “ handmaiden of organ­ union. president and has mostly forgotten it. But be O’M alley and Andrew told us there was going to ized crime” and should “ I still believe I am acknowledged the shooting concerns his wife, Massa, were convicted be deregulation in the The resign immediately. innocent eveii though the Boys’ Dress Shirts s Nancy, almost every time he leaves the White Dec. 15 of conspiring to railroad and trucking in­ jui7 found me guilty,” Easy-care fabrlca in classic styling (or spring. House. U.S. District Judge Pre­ dustry,” Williams told the JT Williams said. bribe Howard Cannon EASTER BUNNY Sizes8-18. OwReg. S J 9 ...... Reagan was wounded outside the Washington ntice Marshall, who has judge. m\J\J Douglas Roller, head of when he was a Nevada Hilton Hotel along with his press secretary, been presiding over pre­ the Justice Department’s senator and defraud the has arrived at James Brady, a secret service agent and a sentencing hearings for Roller also asked for a Organized Crime Strike pension fund. Boys’ Belted Dress Slacks r\r\ Washington police officer. Williams, reputed mobs­ stiff prison sentence for Flip-Rop Force, asked Williams be iTWE ACCENTS! Smartly styled with classic detailing in | | 4 4 Hinckley, a young drifter who was accused of ter Joseph “ Joey the A fifth co-defendant, Lombardo, who he said placed on probation be­ Beginner sizes8-14. O w f ^ 14.98...... I I ■ shooting the four men, was acquitted by reason of Clown” Lombardo and Allen Dorfman, an insu­ “ poses a direct and grie­ Come and see our large selection of cause of his health with a insanity in the attack. He remains in the two other men since early rance executive who vous danger to society” as beautiful Hand Crafted Qlfts of •Boys’Tiss in Solids & Patterns, Reg. 3 .9 9 ...... 2.88 condition that he resign maximum security ward of a Washington mental February, said Tuesday handled lucrative Teams­ Macrame, Calico, Wicker, Lace Pub-UetlM...... l e O v immediately from the 1.7- hospital where he is undergoing psychiatric he will sentence the men ters contracts, was shot to Baskets, Ceramic Bunnies, Table CokMlul, sturdy raad-and^M miliion member Interna­ treatment. at noon Thursday. Each death while free on bond Arrangements, Lace Eggs; — txjoks Include; 1 ^ First ABC’s tional Brotherhood of In a taped interview with NBC News for faces up to S5 years in Jan. 20. Homemade Chocolates also available. •Mother Ckx>se Tales *A Day at Teamsters. Food columnist James broadcast today, Brady, the most seriously hurt, prison. the Zoo •Goldilocks and morel Final arguments were “ Williams, shown at All were convicted of Beard writes for more than CREATIVE ACCENTS &DESKN CALDOR...YOUR PHONE CENTER said he often thinks of the attack, but does not 200 newspapers in the wish his attacker any evil. presented Tuesday by this very minute to be the offering Cannon a cut-rate Open Tum. Rq Set 10*9:*Tlim. W 9 T h e V i icy’ prosecutors and defense handmaiden of organized deal on a prime piece of United States. Read his 1750 Ellington Road ji^OViPI "Everyday in therapy I ’m there and taking my remarks on food every pain-ridden body around the gymnasium and attorneys with Williams crime, violated the trust Teamster property in ex­ South Windoor, ConnocUcut VE ON GENERAL ELECTRIC PHONE of the people who elected Wednesday in the ftSt. . hurting every step of the way,” Brady said. " I t ’s and Lombardo repeating change for his coopera­ 4M1S4S . him,” Roller said. "His Manchester -Herald. PHONE 044-9480 1 1 .1 6 pretty difficult to do that without thinking of why their claims of innocence. tion to kill legislation ntW intrigue, Attorneys for all defend­ ACCESSORIES AND PHONE CORDS you are there. I power plays and a •Modular Plug m mm •Hook-Up Wire "Dwelling on the past smacks of revenge, but ants asked for probation. © , «ga in (he midst of OwReo.4.aa...... O . o o OttrRsg.e.89...... (although) I hope he doesn’ t win the Irish Williams asked not to be H,eet In Lae Vegas. sentenced to a prison term Sweepstakes ... I ’m not really wishing him any •Modular Adapter m mm •Quick Jack evil,” Brady said. because he wants to con­ "*iQldeer Mountsin’ Our Reg. 8.29...... 4 . D D Our Reg. 3.89 ...... Asked if he ever gets angry, Brady said, “ When tinue his union work. •yOEEBROW N I think that they are going to let him go.” Williams, 67, also suffers •Modular Phone Jeek m mm GTE from severe emphysema ouritag.4.39...... a . f o eModular CoH Cord Reagan said of Hinckley, “ I don'thold a grudge tc.«. 10.46 RMge, WMteX Reg. 8.99 ..... ‘Solitaire II’ or anything. I just think it would be fine if he could and his attorneys say imprisonment would A 0 *3 CONSUMER REPORT CMI War setting c4 forced •Modular Base Cord m n a be cured, also.” marohee, coutte martM and 7-Ft.. Our Reg. 3.49 ...... , ..rC .tlll •Standard 4-Prong Desk/Wall Phone He also told the newspaper he favors changing threaten his life. They masmcnKit A saga of love, Plug, Our Reg. 1 . « ...... Our Reg. the law so a defendant could be found “ guilty but said he has to breathe batttyal, leifompilon. •Modular Baae Cord « a o 24J97...... insane.” oxygen through tubes 254=L,Ourn«g.TJ»...... tt.O tl 1 6 .4 0 placed in his nose for IS •Standard Surface Operates on touchtone or rotary Reagan said he does not often think about the H iw lc CtNniNrttr service. On/off ringer, more. attempt on his life but when he thought about the hours a day. Prognimsfor •Modular Flush Wall Jack, Our Reg. 1.99...... possibility of an assassination attempt before he Lombardo said the go­ Jack, Ourlfog.$J«...... 4 .5 7 •’Freedom Ptwne’ Cordleee Telephone vernment and the news thenome’ •Modular 25’ Coil Cord < Usable up to 7S0'* from base. For was shot, “ I always had a feeling I ’d see it BGYCONSBnomOl ^d^sho^^^rolside, mors. S q q coming.” media “ made a 10-headed lhlCHAS.0.8TERNBERQ •Modular 2-for*1 Doubla Jack monster out of me” and Adapter, Our Reg. 8.38...... 5 .6 3 Our Reg. 9.49...... SS'i£tttr‘ 8.36 -R sn ^ may «aiy hi socordsnes iirtSi toesHon. Over IS practice programs r r s NOT JUST A FAD. to tnereaae your co m b e r ’s weefofoaea. Finance, txid- This Sunday is Eastar Sunday g e L mito> echaduling, morel CALDOR ITS HRE TO SDK iburtc Contputer EASTER Piogrsnisfor VITAMIN SALE! BsHUness, Vpl. I’ PLANTS •Vilrnnih C, soo mg. 4 e c CHAS. O. STERNBERG Greenhouse fresh plants will be 100%, Our Reg. 2.79...... I . O v n o U lS iW When the threat o f severe Just look at the way we shop What’s more, long before we wrapped in glearhing gift foil at no •VHamin E, 400 lu m 00 100*9, Our Reg. 8.49...... The Eternal Symbol of Easter energy shortages caught us today. For appliances, for exam­ even enter the buying arena, we 0 l S & * . B , 7 5 extra charge. Over 35 programs help you •IMIy Multiple Vitamins by surprise a few years ago, we ple. No longer are we merely daz­ are looking around our kitchens, •UUES EASTER LILIES S M with budgets, cash ln6‘’ PMs wridi Iron, 10 0 ’s 4 all faced the crisis head on. zled by an oven in a brand new laundry rooms and basements, Row, ttapraoieilon, inven- 5.99 & 6.49 OwReg.2>l9...... I.O f ( m y , aoote. raceivabie. •CHRYSANTHEMUMS Everyone-business, industry, range large enough to accommo­ and are taking a serious look at •Thara 100’s o d q 5 large •Seele Oemputer Fiegranw lor bie^Fota ..... ------5 .4 9 individuals-tightened belts, date dinner for twelve, or by the what we have in place. And many ' ' IIM II* ' Ow 1 ^ 3 .7 9 ...... S a .O O •A2AUEAS •Thara M 100’a ^ » » floivers rolled up sleeves, and got down exterior finish that comes in a of us are thinking longer and OMia. M T z awicao in5%’*Pola...... 4.99 to work until the crisis passed. OorReg.4.89...... O.OO rainbow o f colors. Instead, we harder about what we see. Is this SfliSflr: 9.76 But the extra effort we have had carefully look for elearonic igni­ working the way it should? Is that to invest in our battle to conserve tion systems to replace old-fash­ truly cost and energy efficient? Or energy cannot be relaxed now ioned pilot lights. We demand is it time to move in a technically SPALOINQ Mkf- that the immediate danger has COLECO ViSION ViDEO CENTER facts on heat retention, check the advanced piece o f equipment mm ’PssFPlitS’ passed. The energy that touches ratio between operating efficien­ which is really up to our high tbnnis Racquet 4 flowers *4.95 every one o f our lives every day, cies and energy costs. And care­ energy standards today? wasted energy, cannot be sub­ fully balance the merits o f extra l^ ziji. .16o40 dued in one decisive move. It can We have come far, very far, S « ^ action with accessories and our everyday aiteninum frame and Tulips ’5.99 only be harnessed and constantly needs. More and more, we are in only a few short years. We have Jaathergrtpl Nylon is here monitored so that it never again taking the same critical look at redireaed our thinking, changed atrung. Includes cover. Daffodils ’5.99 plant gets out o f control. water heaters, dryers, and, most our attitudes, and learned to live COLECO VISION in an entirely different eneigy PENN 4-BsliCsn Hyacintiis ’5.99 The tons o f insulation, important o f all, basic heating Expansion Module #1 environment. But let us not be lis Balls the miles of weatherstripping, systems for our homes. These Cinerarias ’7.95 IS lulled into a false sense o f secu­ that have wrapped up America’s tougher consumer demands are - ’ 2.93 COLECO VISION‘TUrbo’ 6 3 .7 0 In rity where conservation is con­ Now you can play all the famous Iqfolceolaria ’7.95 hcjmes are not part o f a nation­ being heard by the manufaaur- Expansion Module #2 cerned. There’s more, much ^@S!IE3S\mS[nI Atari game cartridges Including Geraniums ’1.89 wide fad that will soon fade away. ers, and are being aaed upon. So Fee-Man, Space Invaders, flower more, to be done. Let’s continue ow C O T f t Defender and many, many morel These physical changes in our that now in the marketplace are R9g.67.70 ...... O U » i O The Arcade Style Azaleas scores o f energy-saving products to do it. Together. Car race action with arcade-style homes and work places are the steering wheel, dashboard, gew Advanced Video Game engineered to deliver outstand­ 0 rg£nzer Violets tangible evidence o f a permanent shift control and even a floor- with realistic graphics and multi-level game change in the way America thinks ing value for every energy dollar operated acrralerator pedal, morel play, sophisticated controls plus 360* Joy Gardenias about energy; a conservation- we spend. And research and stick, digital pad control and jump buttonl- development are continuing to COLECO’s Orig.t 189.70...... *169 + many more 89 mindedness which we will hand tbiMnMdtol* msiMeiwis taken. down to future generations. find new ways to make this per­ ‘Dwifcay Headquarters for: basket Tomorrow’s generation will not formance piaure even brighter. Kong* // Qreenviews, Scotts 3/5.45 only inherit homes that are more Cartrh^es COLECO HARTZELL Video Qamd' Mllargranite for use energy efficient than ever before, wHh Storage Center Ortho— Old Fox, Broonview they will be heirs to an ever­ Cartridges for Cadwell & Jones Atari growing energy awareness that is # i^ T A X ‘Super Program’*" 35mm 2000 Coleco Visiori 1 4 .7 6 Acres (df evergreens, 20,000 M|. n. (ts acre) now basic to American thought. Video Holds Atari, IntelUvislon or Coleco Rhododendrons, Camera with f/1.7 *A’ Lana Video Game Vision games. Includes storage Azaleas, landscaping progrananadfoperturs Game area for cartridges. evergreens, fruit and 28.76 » 41.60 •HartzeN VMeo Gama case .Ornamental Traas. NOWn o . 9 s ...... - A TTL * 2 6 7 ax*... 2 3 .6 0 Our Reg. 32.70 to 49.70 Holds 8 vktso gems oartrldgss. irliM Lawn Food I modstpfue LCD laadoute. Our RM O VIE: 'The Tender Trap' d D C£) ^ News 3 $ - Conn. Sports Edition ter Ustinov. 1960. GD (S ) - People's Response A footloose New York bachelor is - Soledad Serie dramatica CSD “ Three's Company Wednesday @ ) - N e w e fair game for the tender traps of BOLTON — For the second time equipment items. Some of the proposal tor using $2,400 to buy a C oven try Libertad Lamarque. Bolton / dD - B,J. and the Bear 10:45 P.M. the city's marriage-minded in two weeks residents attending a equipment proposed was a $10,000 radio for the fire department. The - Entertainment Tonight 12:15A.M . 0D - Jeffersons (2D - Reporter 41 women. Frank Sinatra. Debbie public hearing on the use of trailer and a used $2,000 street department had requested the @ - Business Report @ - MOVIE: 'The Jericho Reynolds, Celeste Holm. 1955. 03) - Pick The Pros 11:00 P.M. M ile’ A young man serving a life revenue sharing money have sup­ roller. radio in its proposed 1983-84 The three powerful figures at (3$ ^ M O V IE: 'Kill and Kill 7:30P.M . 33 33 CD (S) ® - News sentence competes for a place on 2:00 A.M . ported putting some of the money At the first hearing, some town budget, but the finance board the center of TH E TH O R N the Olympic team. Peter Strauss, Again' A martial arts champion f5~l - P.M. Magazine 33 - M*A*S*H (D - CBS News Nightwatch into recreation facilities. officials complained that the re­ rejected it. must save a Nobel Prizewinning BIRDS are Rachel Ward (left, as Richard Lawson, Roger E. M os­ Selectman Carl A. Preuss said C53 - All In the Family 33 - NBA : New ley. CD - M O V IE: 'King Richard and creation people were not proposing chemist from the hands of a de­ Meggie). Richard Chamberlain the Crusaders' Christians and ® - You Asked For It York at San Diego the approximately dozen residents any specific figures for rehabilitat­ The residents also supported the Powers' attorney claims mented billionaire, James Ryan, (as Father Ralph) and Barbara 12:30 A.M . Moslems battle for the Holy Land who were at the hearing Tuesday ing the fields. purchase of a new police cruiser, Anneline Kriel. Michael Mayor ® r Family Feud Stanwyck (as Mary Carson). (3D - Odd Couple during the reign of Richard the 1981. Rated PG CD - All In the Family night made little comment about Preuss said the residents had which was proposed by the select­ dD - Benny Hill Show The final episode' of the I0*hour (32) - ESPN SportsCenter Lionhearted. Rex Harrison, Virgi­ - USA Cartoon Express CD - Mission Impossible nia Mayo, Laurence Harvey. spending the money on equipment specific proposals this time. There men and is now backed by the Gf) (33) - N ew s miniseries, based on Colleen O ) - Hot Spots Tonight's pro­ gram features Night Club music (3D - Star Trek 1954. the selectmen had proposed. At a was a request for lights, costing finance board. O ) - Festival of Faith (32) - ESPN SportsCenter McCullough's novel, airs prosecutors tried to deal and entertainment. (60 min.) CD - Joe Franklin Show Preuss said the selectmen will be 30) - Star Trek Wednesday, March 30 on ABC. (3D - MOVIE: 'Evil Under the hearing on March 13, recreation about $10,000; a new soccer field, (35) - Sports Look S un ’ Horcule Poirot investigates - M O V IE; The Tender Trap' (3D - Festival of Faith , (3D - MOVIE; 'Clash by Night' supporters turned out in force costing about $5,500, and an making up a list of uses for the - Soap CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME murder on a deserted beach. Pe­ A footloose New York bachelor is 35) ( S • Honeymooners A lonely woman marries a fishing revenue sharing money, based on ter Ustinov. James Mason, Mag­ asking that some of the $26,000 that additional $2,700 for maintenance fair game for the tender traps of (2D " Crossfire boat skipper for security but falls HARTFORD (DPI) — Prosecu­ Powers. Hirsch is a close friend of ces, said he was "horrified” to ® 1983 Compuiog (£D - Sports Tonight gie Smith. Rated PG. In love with his best friend. Bar­ is available be used to upgrade and upgrading the two existing the public input, at their next the city's marriage-minded - M -A*S*H tors agreed to let Arthur Powers Powers and has been granted learn the state taped the conversa­ 32) - Business Report bara Stanwyck, Paul Douglas, facilities at Herrick Park. softball fields. meeting April 5. A town meeting women Frank Sinatra. Debbie 3D 3D (3D - M IS L Soccer: Baltimore at off the hook in a corruption probe if immunity from prosecution. tions, but he stopped short of (2$ dZ) ~ MacNeil-Lehrer N e w York Marilyn Monroe. 1952 There was little support for the Preuss said there was also a has been scheduled for April 20. Reynolds. Celeste Holm 1955 Report ^ - Pelicula; 'Sabado en la he resigned as state transportation The conversations were re­ saying the state violated the Noche Cir>e' (S ) - Moneyline Update G2) - ESPN SportsConter 3 $ - Growing Years (2S) - Tram pa Para un Soruidor commissioner and if no more corded with Hipsch’s consent and agreement with Powers. O l - Twilight Zone ( S ) ® ) - Late Night w ith David (2D - S^rts Update 3§) - Reporter 41 Un hombre se encuentra entre el serious allegations were made, his are believed to be crucial to the He said he explained to Powers amor de dos mujeres. Antonio 11:30 P.M. Latterman 35) - Sign Off ~ MOVIE: Final Assign­ Grimau, Cristina Alberto. Dora ex-defense lawyer says. state’s claim Powers tampered the difference between ethics m ent' The chance meeting of a @ ) - Vanessa CD - Hawaii Five-0 1:00 A.M . 2:15 A.M . Attorney Paul J. McQuillan, a with a witness and attempted to violations and more serious Prince 3D “ Prime News (3S) “ Voice of Faith televison correspondent and a - Baretta CD - Sanford and Son School board members soy (@ - Spotlight Preview CD (3$ - MOVIE: 'The Amateur' A tamper with evidence. crimes, such as bribe receiving, Russian journalist leads to roman­ - Lie Detector (S) ® - Real People Tonight's - Luces prominent New Britain lawyer - MOVIE; Go West, Young CIA computer expert discovers tic intrigue Michael York. Gene­ show features two construction CD - Benny Hill Show CD who represented Powers, quoted McQuillan said the deal was and urged him to accept the - Barney Miller 9:00P.M . 10:00P.M. Girl* T w o high-spirited young that his girlfriend has been killed vieve Bu|Old teams racing to build a house, a - Nightline offered Oct. '23, 1981, when Powers ® ) - People's Court ~ News CD SD women take off their petticoats, by terrorists. John Savage. Chris­ Chief State’s Attorneyl Austin agreement based on "all of the 92-year-old nun who runs an ani­ 3 ) ® - MOVIE: Scavenger C53 ® ) - M'A'S'H GD - Saturday Night Live strap on gunbelts and set out in topher Plummer. Rated R, McGuigan as saying Powi :rs would appeared for the second time circumstances and all of the mat shelter and a sheriff who lives Hunt' An eccentric millionaire (3D - Independent Network 8:00P.M . search of Billy the Kid. Karen Val­ before a one man grand jury information I had.” dZ) - Dr. Who in the county jail (R) (60 min ) sends his heirs on a wild scaven­ N ew s GD - Five American Guns The 2:30 A.M . privacy in public interest be spared from prosecution on the dD C5D “ Bugs Bunny Special ger hunt for the inheritance prize stories of five people who used entine, Sandra Will, Stuart W hit­ less serious ethics violations. investigating alleged corruption in '' He expressed to me that he was 6:30P.M . Bugs Bunny's Bustin' Out All @ - MOVIE: The Man Who (S ) “ Freeman Reports man . 1978. CD - CBS News Nightwatch of $200 million. Richard Benja­ guns are told in this documentary. the Depailment of Transportation. so disappointed about some of the 3 Over.' Springtime surprises are m Would Be King' Tw o soldiers of JIP But '“ if we find something more CSD - WKRP in Cincinnati min. Cloris Leachman, Robert ( S ) ® - Quincy Quincy believes - Hogan's HerMS IX) - Sign Off store for Bugs and Wile E. Coy­ fortune con their way to the a female coroner's alcoholism serious, you can tell him we’re Powers since has been charged things that had happened in the GD - CBS News Morley. 1979. (S ) - Crossfire HARTFORD — Bolton Board of Education reached its decision.” ote. (R) throne of a remote Eastern king­ has hurt her judgment on an ap­ @ ) - Crossfire IS) - People N o w W ith Bill going to bury him,” ' McQuillan with ethics violations: lying to the department that he'd just as soon (55) - Barney Miller dom. Sean Connery, Michael 3 3 ~ The M erv Show Tush (S ) - Twilight Zone members testified in their defense Tuesday at a Fitts said in opening remarks Tuesday that he was i® - P.M. Magazine parent murder case. (R) (60 min.) (S) ( ^ - Tonight Show grand jury during his first appear­ gel out of there," McQuillan said. Came, Christopher Plummer. - College Basketball: NIT Freedom of Information hearing that disclosure of not seeking fines. said, quoting McGuigan. Powers (52) - Fishin' Hole (E3 (2D © ) ' American Joumeyl - Sign Off (S ) - Despedida 3:00 A.M . C£) G5) - Thom Birds Part 4 1975 Rated PG, Championship Game 3D (S) documents they considered in executive sessions The school board members who testified, Chairman agreed to the deal and resigned on ance on Sept. 25, 1981, and four "I thought the issue of Arthur 32) @9) - N B C News The People's Response ® - MOVIE: 'Ticket to ®5) - Film CD - MOVIE; ‘Cass Timber- ( D - Newark Reality (2$ 3D - American Journey Ri­ 32) ( ^ - Facts of Life Tootle could "upset” the community — and that’s why they Joseph J. Haloburdo Jr., Pamela Z. Sawyer, Andrew Oct. 26, 1981, he said. other counts, including taking a Powers and the grand jury was 3 $ - Untamed World (2D - 2 4 Horas Heaven' An unhappy man is sed­ lane' Deciding a case is difficult (3D - MOVIE: Once Before I chard Reeves retraces the steps thinks she is no longer Natalie's 1:15A.M . for a judge who falls in love with a T. Maneggia and James H. Marshall, daid they voted McQuillan testified Tuesday in $1,000 bribe from Hirsch on Feb. ended the day his resignation was (@ - MOVIE: Airptanel' A uced into thinking that member­ held discussions about staffing projections in closed 31) - Noticiero Nacional SIN Die' A U S. Cavalry major and his of Alexis de Tocqueville's 1831 best friend. G5) - Sign Off witness. Spencer Tracy, Lana 22, 1980. strange assortment of passen­ ship in a religious cult will be his session. in August to hold the meetings in executive session. Powers' trial in Hartford Superior signed, unless something else Noticias nacionales con Guillermo fiancee are caught in a Japanese journey across the U.S. (2 hrs.) Turner, Zachary Scott. 1948. (2D - La Carabina de Ambrosio gers sets out for Chicago on a 'ticket to heaven.' Nick Mancuso, Court on six corruption counts. The Moynahan claimed after the came up ...” he added.- Restrepo. attack John Derek. Ursula An­ - MOVIE: 'Breaking Point' The hearing Tuesday was the result of a complaint Maneggia, Sawyer and Haloburdo said the Comedia musical presentando a plane and the only experienced Meg Foster, Saul Rubinek. 1981. 1:30 A.M . G2) - FIS Worid Cup Skiing: ® ) - Jeffersons dress. Richard Jaeckel. 1966. Ceaseless harassment befalls a the Manchester Herald filed in December to the state disclosure of the documents to the public — and what jury was sent home Monday for court session McGuigan promised The trial was recessed until Fito Giron, Ofelia Guilmain, Javier pilot has a fear of flying. Robert (23 - Tom Cottle Show Women's Slalom Coverage of (32) - Auto Racing '83: man and his family because he Lopez y Gina Montez. (3 ) - MOVIE: 'Checkered Flag Freedom of Information Commission. The newspaper they called preliminary discussions — would have Easter observance and did not Powers would not be prosecuted Monday, when Hirsch is expected GS) - ABC News Hays. Lloyd Bridges, Robert or Crash' The story of a demoli­ CD - Hogan's Heroes the W om en’s Slalom is pre­ NASCAR Late Model Sports­ testifies against the mob. Bo Stack. 1980. sented from Waterville 'Yalley. contends that the public had a right to know how adverse impact the morale of the staff and the hear Tuesday’s testimony. unless allegations involving a to be questioned by Moynahan dZ) “ Over Easy man from Rockingham. NC Svenson, Robert Culp. 1976. 9:30 P.M. tion race of dune buggies and mo­ CD - Music World torcycles in the Phillipines. Joe NH. (90 min ) school board members arrived at their staffing students. Defense attorney Timothy C. large amount of money — the about the taped phone conversa­ 7:00 P.M. QS - FIS World Cup Skiing: 10:15P.M. - Independent Network (3$ “ O n Location: A n Evening ( ^ - M O V IE: 'Sm ile' Behind the Don Baker. Larry Hagman. 1977 GD (S) - Grand Prix Men's Moynahan wants to keep the jury figure $50,000 was mentioned in tions and what role, if any, the Women's Slalom Coverage of decisions. However, Marshall, who was called to the stand by ® - CBS News Robin Williams The famous co­ scenes in a teenage beauty pa­ @ - MOVIE: -Eye of the New s Championships Coverage of court — were made. state played in the calls. median performs live at San Fran­ geant. the contestant must smile the W omen's Slalom is pre­ Needle' A Nazi spy becomes in­ The Herald is seeking disclosure of the documents, the newspaper, testified that once he was in the from hearing taped telephone ® ( 3 ) - m *a *s *h 12:00 A.M . (3D - Living Faith men's tennis finals is presented cisco's Great American Music no matter what. Michael Kidd. sented from Waterville Valley, volved in a taboo alliance with a conversations between Powers Assistant State's Attorney Glenn - Hart to Hart from Milan, Italy. (4 hrs.) or at least parts of them, and a ruling from the FOIC executive sessions, he felt that some of the discussion CSD - Muppet Show Hall. Bruce Dern, Barbara Feldon. NH. (90 min ) woman. Donald Sutherland, Kate CD ® ® - Sign Off and Farmington architect Irwin E. Coe did not challenge the - Sunday at the King's on the legality of the two executive sessions, which should have been held openly. ® - ABC News 1975 (55) - M O V IE: ‘Th e Earthling' A Nelligan. 1981. 33 ® - Last Word @ - NBC News Overnight (3D (35) - M ISL Soccer: Baltimore at House were held Nov. 30 and Dec. 9. Under cross-examination, Maneggia testified that Joseph Hirsch. The state claims agreement, but focused on the C53 - Soap N e w York 8:30P.M . cruel twist of fate throws two dif­ G2l - N C A A Division II 35) - Detector Hirsch paid Powert a $1,000 bribe. more serious charges against To get a photo back once it has ferent personalities together in Women's Basketball Cham- - Gunsmoke Testimony Tuesday revealed that four documents he was aware of the community's sharp interest in the - MOVIE: The Cowboys' 10:30P.M. - M O V IE : 'Pray T V ' A young G3) 3S) ^ - Alice 35) C2D CSD -- Fat Albert Easter the Australian wilderness. Wil­ school system, and that on other occasions when Moynahan claim ' 'tate Powers, which would have voided appeared in print in the Manchester After his ranch hands desert him (3D-N e w s pionship'from Spririgfietd. MA minister struggles to choose be­ 3|l - MOVIE; Funeral Home’ A were being withheld while the executive sessions were - int'l Surfing Champion­ Spec. Fat Albert and the Cosby liam Holden. Ricky Schroder. the deal. (32) to follow a gold rush, a veteran -Radio 1990 tween the conventional church young woman investigates taking place. proposals about school reorganization have been arranged the convL'' «vith Herald, simply come to the ship Coverage of the Tandem kids give new life to the meaning Rated PG. O ) - Olympic Perspective To­ (3D and a ministry of the airwaves. strange occurences at her grand­ Hirsch to “ fabricate gi .Js for Mc'Quillan, a staunch opponent Manchester Herald, Brainard Championship is presented. rancher gives 11 boys a chance of friendship. (R) day's program features a look at - MOVIE: 'The Sundown­ Two specifically named certain personnel in the released to the public, the public has turned out in to become men. John Wayne, ® (25) - Taxi Alex reveals his John Ritter, Ned Beatty. Madolyn mother's Victorian funeral home. of wiretapping and similar practi­ Carol Burnett and Friends the National Sports Festival. ers' The families of itinerant school system, while two others discussed the impact large numbers to provide input. disavowing” the agreement with Place, and ask at the reception desk. (35) - Radio 1990 Roscoe Lee Brown, Bruce Dem (S) ~ eagerness to meet an old friend Smith. 1982. Kay Hawtry. Barry Morse. 1982, ( ^ - CNN Headline News sheep drovers in Australia face @ ) - Moneyline 1972 • CE) - Lie Detector of Jim ’s. of possible staff adjustments. The hearing Tuesday lasted two hours, and was HEAP OF THE WORKER^' , THEVRE A HINPRANCB r « A& C0NCERN6P Y IF THAT ^ adjourned by FOI Commissioner Helen Loy, who said UNION, I'M TE U IN O y o u X CAN­ ANP A PIETRACTIONi ABOUT THE WORKERS') MAN. MILES, ^ any further arguments could be made by filing briefs. NOT ANP WILL NOT ALLOW TH£ WELFARE AS YOUVWASN'T WORK- BRIDGE ASTRO Herald Editor Dan Fitts said today he plans to file a BANNING OF TH05B f------INS WITH THOSE final brief arguing that the school board should have m c r e e : . h e a p p h o n e s o n , GRAPH separated discussion of specific personnel from that HE WOULPN'T BE of general staffing. LVINg t h e r e Give no chances unconscious: “ We realize that, by going into executive session, a club to dummy's king and the school board members were trying to spare the INFIRMflRV East's ace. Back came the school system from turmoil,” Fitts said today. "But NORTH J-M-l nine of spades. cfour we feel that the people of Bolton should not have been 4* ♦ 6S2 South finessed the queen, deprived of the right to see how its school board VK43 ducked the next spade and ^Birthday ♦ AK763 had to win the third. Then 4K 10 South stopped to do a little loooooooooeeooooooouiooooooooooDBBan WEST EAST thinking, nut the time when March 31,19(3 4KJ104 4983 thought could do him any Your skills will be considerably Basketry Teachers Needed VJ10072 486 good had long gone by. enhanced this coming year In ♦ J9 ♦Q10S2 Finally, he led his jack, of athletic competition. You had better allow some shell space For Home Parties NO IT ISN'T, GUZ! ALL ...AN' THAT'S I O H ,Y E A H ? 462 4AQ84 clubs. Eiast took his queen ...I'M HAVIN', NOW T A K E IT lor your new trophies. THEY'RE DOIN' IS TH' VERY V WELL, 1 S E C O N D and led a second heart. EASY AN'JUST SOUTH ARIES (March 21-April 19) Background in flat and round reed weaving ___.hfifi y*- ESTABLISHING A TW O- FOUNDATUDN S DON'T T H O U G H T S G IV E IT A South won with his ace and 4AQ7 You could be quite lucky today PARTY SYSTEM HERE.' OF DEMOCRACY.'/ M IND ABOUT THIS C H A N C E TO 4AQ5 played the nine of clubs. necessary. Must be enthusiastic, outgoing L I N ' In situations where you are riot W H O L E WORK, WILL ♦ 84 West showed out and South and have a pleasant friendly personality. icKag®l“ arter ^ > U ... BUSINESS! YUH? could only score ei^ t tricks. Involved with persons with 4J97&3 whom you have close ties. one-P°„p Sosa'^e^ As Ben Frankun might Emotions cloud your judgment. Must have car. Vulnerable: Botb have said, “Nine tricks bid Marga^g'todaV- Dealer: North Order now: The NEW Astro- For More Information for, nine made, affluence; Graph Matchmaker wheel and W«t North Eul SoattI eight made, poverty." booklet which reveals romantic and Interview, call ^ !♦ Pass 2 NT Muth should have won the combinations, compatibilities Pass 3 NT Pass Pass first trick with dummy’s tor all signs, tells how to get Pass king of hearts and led me along with others, finds rising king of clubs at trick two. signs, hidden qualities, plus on*°r.t!narine- Alter that start, South more. Mall $2 to Astro-Graph, would have had plenty of Box 489, Radio City Station, s a v e entries to his won band to N.Y. 10019. Send an additional Opening lead; VJ develop three club tricks $1 for your Aries’ Astro-Graph p a c ' and would have been predictions for the year ahead. PUBLIC NOTICE! SKREEEEEE EBBEBEBEEB E E E E E E E E E -EBEEEEEEB Be sure to give your zodiac affluent. sign. He had run into a lot of FREEH FREEH THERE GOES MR MRS. BOTTS IS By OtwaM Jacoby TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ri\o t»»®' w,Si TWO GUVS ARE and Ja m ci Jacoby bad breaks; diamonds 4-2, Follow your nobler instincts BLOOD Q BOTTS'S CAR STUFFING CDTTDN COANNG OVER WITH the spade finesse wrong and ALARM AGAIN today and give unselfishly of IN HER EARS. THEIR BAGPIPES South wasted no time on alert opponents. But he had your time and resources. Don't PRESSURE ^ T lven them a chance to beat thought before playing a low worry about the returns. You'll TAKEN BY heart from dummy on fim and they had taken full be rewarded later. CUNIC A West’s jack at trick one. advantage of opportunity. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) flEQISTEneO He won in his hxmd and led (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) Sticking to your purpose has NURSE ■L3 Its merits, but today you may find that exercising a little Itexl- (>illty at the right lime Is better than holding a rigid line. LIGGETT PHARMACY and CANCER (Juna 21-July 22) To PARKADE HEALTH SHOPPE I CROSSWORD advance your ambitions today It may require bolder methods than usual. Don’t fear to take a Co iponRored b$ a COMMUNITY SERVICE by ACROSS 2 From a Answer to Previous Puzzle chance where the odds are in GFTT PARKADE PHARMACY PARKADE HEALTH & Y>ove s e e n m y l a v t p iero p e? IF I'M LUCY^. distance your favor. THE PARKADE NUTRITION CENTFP A T o B B H A 1 F 1 Sticks 3 Musical E You're E O H E T U R D U LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) 5 Reduce inttrument 3 apt to be a bit restless and \ 9 Except 4 Clear up E R 1 C a I u o L N E E R L E adventurous today, so try to 12 HeiMo 5 English O ¥ b R 8 B E 8 t T h Iu u 1 associate with active people 13 Scotch eccent broadcasters who can help satisfy your yen 14 Greek letter 6 Lang lor getting around and doing 15 Tenpenny Syne things. 16 Nile queen, 7 Very (Fr.) VIRGO (Aug. 23-8«pL 22) for ihort 8 Seniual 17 Whiz Something Important In your 9 Facet life Is about to make a radical 18 Seuce 10 Ueaful 20 Energy-teving shift. Don't bo fretful, For ALL Your 11 South time (ebbr.) □B Q C I changes will prove to American advantageous. 21 High priest of animal liraef LIBRA (Sepl. 23-Ocl. 23) h j o 19 Over there 36 Three (prefix) 52 Distant T A '* S 3 - 22 Noble gas There's a strong possibility you 23 Old English 37 Barnyard bird 24 Lazybones (prefix) may encounter someone today coin 42 Attractive who has previously been lucky 26 Morass 53 Small coin 28 Appreciate 25 Liability view for you. The magic Is still Intact. Insurance Needs... 3 1 Light source 26 Barrel (abbr.) 43 Demilitarized 55 Cover with SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) 27 Gallic Joint ventures could have more 33 Knot of hair zone (abbr.) asphalt 34 Ablution affirmative 45 Study sizzle than substance today. 28 Large tooth However, enterprises 38 Steed 46 Ship's petty 56 Arabian where 39 Lysergic acid 30 Forefinger you perform on your own 32 Smart officer territory should prove profitable. diethylamide 47 Start 40 Whitewall 35 Pilot's 59 Make an SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Ose. concern 49 Italian 21) Anxieties regarding how 41 Stank edging 44 Japanese (comp. wd.| volcano you'll be accepted by a new currency social group you hope to 45 Black wood Impress are untoundeS. You'll 48 Christ's be a smashing successT birthday CAPRICORN (Doc. 22-Jan. 13) (ebbr.) Don't be dismayed today If ear­ 50 Quantity of ly Indicators show things are coal going against you. Your luck 51 And so on may not come Into full play (ebbr., Let., 2 until the final innings. 09 TOU RBALLY wds.) AQUARIUS (Jan. 24Fab. IS) If I T H IN K ...IF rrfe RAINING- 54 Marx brother you have somelhlng you want UKB A teaispoons baking soda Loren H. Bartholomew A. Nisula and the sister of Mrs. the wife of Albert C. Sedlacek and than solid chocolate squares. Vt teaspoon salt Funeral services will be held Emma Nurmi of Manchester. the mother of Charles A. Sedlacek Full Line Of GAS GRILLSaDn Sale If a festive Easter brunch is on your agenda, nothing 1 cup buttermilk or sour milk Thursday at 10 a.m. at graveside in She also leaves a son, A. of Manchester. . — o ------O ' W O could be more appropriate than Springtime Pork Chocolate frosting New Townsend Cemetery, An­ Raymond Nisula of South Wind­ She was born March 7, 1916 in KITCHENAID Medley, fragrant with rosemary and marjoram, and Stir boiling water into cocoa; cool. In large mixing dover, for Loren H. Bartholomew sor; a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Danbury and had been a lesident IDeluxe Gas Grill WASHER served with a vegetable sauce of mushrooms, peas, bowl, cream butter, shortening and sugar until fluffy. of Glastonbury, formerly of Man­ Wiswell of Silver Peak, Nev.; two of East Hartford since the early DISHWASHER onions and julienne carrots. Add eggs and vanilla and mix well. Combine flour, chester and East Hartford. He was brothers, Reino Huhtala of 1930s. She was a member of Church Alongside, offer a festive canned pear and fresh baking powder, baking soda and salt; add alternately the husband of Frieda (Jamieson) Gardner, Mass., and Toivo Huh­ of the Nazarene of Manchester and Dual Burners '18 lb. spinach salad tossed wifh a unique lime-parsley with buttermilk and chocolate mixture, beginning and Bartholomew tala in Florida; five grandchild­ a former member of East Hartford • 4 2 8 HEAVY DU TY dressing. Then invite guests to sample a warm Easter ending with dry ingredients. Pour into well greased He leaves a brother, Robert ren; and three great­ Grange. Auto-Light Brunch Braid, rich with chocolate filling and vanilla and floured 9 by 6-inch egg shaped pans or 9 by 13 by Bartholomew of Rockville; two grandchildren. Besides her husband and son in glaze. 2-inch pan. sisters, Edna Kennison of Coven­ Funeral services will be Thurs­ Manchester, she leaves anothers bidiHles Tank LARfiE Bake on lowest rack in 350 degree oven 60 to 65 try and Anna Concoedello of day at 2 p.m. at Samsel Funeral son, the Rev. Ellis Sedlacek of IMPAarY minutes for egg pans, 40 to 45 minutes for flat pan, or Hartford. The Holmes Funeral Home, 419 Buckland Road, South Derby, Kans.; five grandchildren; Mint Glazed Ham until tester inserted in center comes out clean. Cool. Home, 400 Main St. has charge of Windsor. Burial will be in Wapping and several aunts, uncles and Trim cake so base sits level; trim layers to fit. arrangements. There are no cal­ Cemetery. Friends may call at the cousins. $338 7 to 10 pounds boneless fully cooked smoked ham Frost; trim with pastel flowers and Easter ling hours. funeral home from 1 p.m., Thurs­ Funeral services will be Satur­ >388 •/4 cup pear syrup (reserved from Bunny Salads) decorations. Makes eight to 10 servings. day, to the time of the service. *128 Ellen H. NIsula day at 1 p.m. at the Church of the ■A cup light corn syrup Nazarene. Burial will be in West Vi teaspoon ground cinnamon Ellen (Huhtala) Nisula, 81, of Evelyn E. Sedlacek Cemetery. Friepds may call at the t teaspoons each cornstarch, water, and snipped mint South Windsor, died Tuesday at Evelyn E. (Holmes) Sedlacek, Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main O leaves Chocolate Frosting Manchester Memorial Hospital. 67, of Forbes St., East Hartford, St., Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. and rel^none Place ham on rack in open roasting pan. Insert meat She was the wife of the late Oscar died at her home Tuesday. She was Miniature Combine 2 and two thirds cups confectioner’s sugar, Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. thermometer so bulb is centered in thickest part. Do one third cup unsweetened cocoa, 6 tablespoons Headquarters AM/FM not add water and do not cover. softened butter or margarine, 3 to 4 tablespoons milk With LIghtwelsIrt Roast in a slow oven (325 degrees) until the and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Blend until of spreading (1) Touch-Pad 12 Stereo Head- thermometer reads 130 to 140 degrees. (Allow 15 to 18 ^^hiripooT consistency. Reagan tells NATO of plans (2) Cobra-Deluxe IS ohonea minutes per pound.) Combine pear syrup with corn 3 0 'Electilcl syrup and cinnamon, cook slowly 10 to 12 minutes. Range (3) Sanyo Remote Dissolve cornstarch in water; stir in syrup. Bring to Continued from page 1 700 f t Range 9S boil and cook four to five minutes. Reduce heat, stir in States has insisted French and Kvitsinsky, who was returning to ' SeM-OewtAe ova« modtl taatum Sanyo mint, and continue cooking two to three minutes. Springtime Pork Medley ultimate, goal. We’ve never re­ British missiles not be counted and autoonallc ciocL to tufa o%*n on. (4) Touch-Tone 24 Moscow to discuss the latest U.S. dtut ovm oB. two 6* and two P ho ne Brush glaze over ham 20 minutes before end of 3 pounds boneless pork shoulder, cut into 1-inch cubes treated from our position that the Soviets dismantle the missiles r htaP-mwd awrfara uHKo. negotiating stance with Soviet cooking time. 2 tablespoons flour w e ’ re going to d eploy on they remove from the European Medi ^aiaa ovan door end Works with Sprint schedule.” leaders said, ‘T m not optimistic, W adtolt atooeta Wei $2 ga ■A teaspoon salt theater rather than moving them but we will have to see.” (5) Answering Machine 88°° I The president arranged to brief >A teaspoon pepper to Asia. The Soviet government news­ the NATO ambassadors on the 3 tablespoons cooking fat Sunday, chief U.S. negotiator paper Izvestia seemed to reject the Pear Bunny Salads interim offer before making a Paul Nitze outlined the proposal in 1 cup water Reagan proposal. 1 can (39 ounces) Bartlett pear halves formal, broadcast statement on Geneva to his Soviet counterpart ■A teaspoon marjoram leaves “ The intermediate solution is 1 package (3 ounces) lime-flavored gelatin the plan in an East Room Yuli Kvitsinsky. Aides said it did AL SIEFFERT'S VIDEO WORLD ■A teaspoon rosemary leaves EASTER MEAL FEATURES GLAZED BONELESS HAM aimed at producing a good impres­ 1 Vt cups water ceremony. not deal in the specific number of sion when the zero option propa­ 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar Please turn to page 14 . . . serve with bunny salads, Easter egg cake. Sources speculated the interim missiles each side would be proposal calls for a limitation of ganda resources are exhausted,” allowed to retain in Europe. wrote Valentin Falin, former S^ 100 missiles with 300 warheads for SALES^RENTALS •TAPES Buttonholed when the talks Viet apibassador to West each side. In addition, the United recessed Tuesday until May 17. Germany. R.CJL QUASAR SCOTCH FISHER R.CJL SANYO Your neighbor's kitchen D«lux« 8 HR VCR Top of the PortabI* 8HR.VHS • T-12G Doluxo Bata 9.99 Slow Motion Uno Truckers work on image Rabata 2.99 Stop Action SlowMotIdn *477 s T w f-unlinued from page 1 ‘788 • 6 4 9 • 8 9 9 ‘358 limit, signaling lane changes well Cooking's twice the fun with small helper truckers' on-road behavior. Insu­ In Tolland. Vendetta spotted a before moving, granting right-of- rance companies do the same straight truck that looked like it way to cars streaming out of thing. “ They don’ t want to insure Bv Barbara Richmond was hooked to the back of a entrance ramps. AL SIEFFERT'S MICROWAVE SAIE pastry and save the rest . Bake the pie in a 400 our company of our guys are tractor-trailer by a tow chain. But Herald Reporter degree oven for 35 minutes. Then pour the rest of ’’The companies that own these cowboys,” Vendetta said, there was no chain. ’’Take a look at trucks are going to be glad to read My favorite pastime on weekends is cooking. the egg mixture through the vent hole and bake and headed back west. There were And it's especially pleasurable when I have that tailgate, there’s not six feet these. They’re out in California, or SANYO T0SH8A SHARP Magic Chef FREE for 10 more minutes. Serve. Good with pumper- few trucks on the highway. ...most Carouaal company — my 5-year-oId grandson. nickle bread. between them. If that guy in front Richmond (Va.), and they don’t had already made it through .^Touch-Pad Touch Pad Compact just tapped his breaks, he (the know what their drivers are doing. COOKING I spent last week visiting with Ethan and his Hartford in advance of the morn­ mom and dad on Long Island. One of my tailgater) would have been eating Now they’ll find out that they’re ing rush hpur. SCHOOL his rear door,” he said, scribbling doing what they’re supposed to wnMY daughter's favorite recipes is Polish Potato Pie. A speeding Renault passing a <368 This is particularly appropriate for the Easter Carrots with 0»'ange notes on his pad. <388 do,” Vendetta said. '338 ‘238 line of cars in the breakdown lane !»• Value T S season because it uses kielbasa, a popular Easter Vendetta spotted a few more At the Massachusetts border, sparked Vendetta’s ire. “ I wish I 1 pound carrots violations on the trip: a speeder, a Vendetta turned his car around meat, along with ham and lamb. 1 medium eating orange could write that guy up,” he said. Ethan likes to put on his chef’s apron and help. moving truck with its rear doors ’’What do you think would happen I'A tablespoons butter unlocked., a truck with no visible DISPLAY CLEARANCE He has learned to peel carrots and do some other ■A-'A teaspoon ground card .itn TRUCKING COMPANIES don t if that guy ran into a truck that had cooking tasks in his kindergarten class. He also license plate. But be also wrote like bad drivers any more than Freshly ground black pepper to taste pulled over to the side of the road? helps his mom in the kitchen. down good things he saw on the motorists. That’s why many hire He’d be dead, and I ’ll bet people Using thinnest sheer of food processor, slice road: trucks driving at the speed Ethan helped me make a simple recipe using private companies to watch their would blame the truck driver.” peeled carrots (or slice by hand). Squeeze carrots. He loves carrots any way but this one is orange, reserving juice and pulp. Saute carrots ' especially tasty and very simple to make — with cardamon in hot butter for about 15 minutes. rRUCKlOADSALE! inexpensive too. Add orange juice and pulp. Season with pepper Town releases flushing schedule Of course, most of my cooking takes place in my and cook until-tender. Yields 3 or 4 servings. own Ellington kitchen, and without the help of my TYPICAL BUY ^ y p IS a l SUT JYFJQALMUY TYPICAL B U i grandson. The town’s water department is east to the town line and south to couple ol hours, homeowners GE REFRIGERATOR GE REFRHSERATOR continuing to fllush water mains Highland Street. GE REFRIGERATOR GE DRYER should phone the water depart­ GLASS SHELVES GLASS SHELVES M Y H ELPER IS a mechanical one — a food and will move the work into the The flushing may cause pressure ment at 647-3115. TBF17B MULTI-TEMP. processor I found underneath the tree this Easy Scampi eastern section of town. TDF2IZ drops and discoloration. Water 17 CU. FT. Christmas. Maybe the novelty will wear off, but V< cup unsalted butter Beginning Monday flushing will tanks should be flushed of any ^ 21 CU. FT. WIRE SHELVES meanwhile, nothing in the house is safe from be from Main Street along Charter w ■A cup finely chopped onion sediment, and if laundry becomes Non-dMMMiHnaUoiMl being chopped, shredded or grated. 3 to 4 garlic cloves, crushed Oak Street and East Center Street discolored it should be redone with BIbl* CofT— pond»»c« Salad dressings are a breeze to make in the food east to the town line. It will also be four ounces of creme of tartar in C m i t m *639 «598 4 parsley sprigs, chopped *578 *297 processor. One of my favorites is fresh herb in progress from East Middle 1 pound uncooked medium shrimp the washing machine. Writ* BIM* ShKly CouTM dressing. You can use dried basil, but I wait until Turnpike at Woodbridge Street (deveined) If water does not clear within a 3»4 DrdaH si. IFREE SERVICE • FREE LOCAL DELIVERY • NORMAL INSTALLATION fresh basil is available. I grow it in my little Minch— lof, C T 06040 * ■A cup dry white wine garden and freeze what I don't use. F B jE REMOVAL OF YOUR OLD APPLj^NCESI lExcept bulH-lnsI 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice One of our favorite desserts is an open apple pie Salt and freshly ground pepper TYPICAL BUY j y h d A L BUY recipe I found in one of my cookbooks. It was Escapee at large UE DELUXE GE SELF CLEAN titled, Anne’s Apple Crumb Pie. It's very simple Melt butter in medium skillet over low heat. EVERY DISPUY to make. Only one crust is needed. Tart apples are Add onion, garlic and parsley and saute until DISHWASHER RANGE best and the pie is topped with a crumbly mixture golden, about 10 minutes. Add shrimp and place Michael T. Daly, who while facing arraignment on MULTI CYCLE -DELUXE M ODEL that gets crispy as it’s baked. Topped with ice in ovenproof dish. Bake at 350 degrees about 20 several motor vehicle and criminal charges escaped we have allI youryc BLACK GLASS UUOR cream or whipped cream it’s wonderful company minutes, or until shrimp are cooked. Cover lightly from court custody Monday, is still at large, police easier fixings S P E G tA U Y fare. ETHAN HELPS HIS GRANDMA IN KITCHEN WHEN SHE VISITS and keep warm. Add wine and lemon juice to said today. Unfortunately, anything made with shrimp skillet and simmer about 2 or 3 minutes. Season to ...he has learned how to peel the carrots. taste with salt and pepper and pour over shrimp Police said they have no leads on the 26-year old •candy •smpiy bstksta y >298 PRIGED FOR CLEARANCE theae days turns out to be expensive. But if you Daly’s whereabouts. They said they strongly suspect •grasa •plastic sggs X *488 feel like being good to your family or to guests, my that he made off in a car he stole from Ridgewood •dacoratlons •sgg dys •I' recipe for Easy Scampi i»a good one to try. And it 1 pound kielbasa ■A butter Street shortly after his escape Monday at about 1105 Slick , •caiiophans •styrofoam* sggs TONIGHT til S really is easy. (peeled, cut In thin slices) Iwo-thirds cup heavy cream Anne’s Apple Crumb Pie a.m. The owner of the t ar had left the keys in the •oaoiar cards •cut outs •)] I discovered, when I decided to do this column, 6 medium sized potatoes Ignition, police said. Tuts., Wed., Set. tN S legg 9-inch unbaked pie shell that I have about a million recipes — more or (partially cooked, then peeled) Slice potatoes thinly. Combine onion, garlic, 6 cups pared and sliced apples Daly has no certain address. He was reportedly on., Thurt. til 9; Fri. tM 8 less— that I classify as my favorites. Now I know 2 onions, chopped living in East Hartford. flour, salt, chives, parsley, pepper and mace iii (5 to 7 large apples) why people I interview are in a dilemma when I 3 cloves garlic, minced small bowl and mix. Arrange half of the potatoes 1 cup sugary Daly was arrested Sunday following a high-speed ask them for just four or five of their favorites. I tablespoon flour Lijoulitillinloi^ in pie shell and sprinkle with one-half the onion 1 teaspoon cinnamon car chase from East Hartford to Hartford. He was It’s a big decision to make. llA teaspoons salt r*»«m > ioiuiDiioat~1 mixture and one-half of the kielbasa slices. V< cup flour charged with several motor vehicle violations by East UiithourstDiei 1 teaspoon chives 970 Main glnM 845 RMTFOli Ri. Repeat layers. Dot with butter and pour one-third one third cup butler < | Hartford police, then turned over the Manchester 1 teaspoon parsley liaiuiliaWf 1-84 Exn 847-8887 Polish Potato Pie cup of heavy cream over all. Add top crust. Cut (or margarinei police for processing on criminal warrants, including ■A teaspoon pepper first-degree failure to appear. 647-8818 3 la-inch paltry crusts small vent in center and seal edges. Beat egg in Te Keeney 81. ■A teaspoon mace small bowl and stir In remaining cream. Brush I'leanr turn tu page 14 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed.. March 30. 1983 - 13 ' - - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 30, 1983

------x p e o p l e PHIL ROURAb TOM p o s t e r Menus EXCLUSIVE! Senior Citizen The following lunches will be served at Mayfair Gardens and Westbill Gardens the week of April 4 thorugh 8 to Manchester residents who are 60 or older: Presley fans Monday: Tomato-rice soup, tuna salad sandwich, Hawaiian coleslaw, cheese slice, w e n 't like this wheat bread, apple pie. Tuesday: Apple juice, roast beef hash, Ehrb Presley fans, still smarting over the green and yellow beans, rye bread, chilled Albert Goldman book that depicts the King peaches. of Rock and Roll as a drunk and a drug Wednesday: Grapefruit juice, lasagna, user, are even more bitter over a new book tossed salad with dressing, Italian bread, fresh that portends that Elvis fathered a son 18 OaOCfA Snnd fk.t coupon IQ ORT-'DA fruit. FOODS INC COUftON UOtAVtiON years ago, but kept it a secret. Thursday: Boneless barbequed chicken, NEWa-OVENt MootAM Fo ica <«eo iiM cm NC }fR9(l to '>ocL ol Ora >do kn sweet potato pie. tan poia'oat 'o (0«*4 coupont iNiU b* their childhood in Mississippi. She alleges Heather, Bruce and Sheila MacRoe: Pulling together a new family act thown upon 'KfiOtl Foto* >0 do to wll Friday: Baked fish with Newburg sauce, At tasta crispy golden brown pottie right from the oven! >e>d ell coupon! Couponi non ttomto that in 1963 she visited Elvis in his mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts, wheat oH* Soto loi mull be paid bt >he centuene*' 0"e< yohJ whe>e p)okib>ied Graceland home in Tennessee, where the bread, chocolate cookie, applesauce.. NEW GOLDEN RATTIES' lOfod O' 'eputoed by low Coik ra'ue Wor MacRciMf It's all In the ffanlly < <004 IIOUMAIll ONII ON 20* 0*( ICAGOlOrNFAMlfS 'AnyoA.* child was conceived. Now there's a shredded pototo potlie so tosfy— so eosy to prepare ute contt'Met liovd OMIf (XM(S Presley fan club leaders say it never hap­ “ Sure, we argue. We argue all the time, choices of songs or presentation. “ I’m 30 19S3 IIMII Ollf pened. But this story, like all the other about basic differences of opinion. We headstrong,” said Sheila, who for years was — that, when they clamor for more, you just pop more into the oven. off CCXJFON FUlCMASf Manchester school You'll serve them ogoin and ogoin. Discover Ore-ldo's stories—true and false—about Elvis, will have strong individual personalities, but we a fixture on the “ Jackie Gleason Show.” ^deem these^ keep Presley’s life a torrid topic for love each other, too.” “ Damn, I wish I wasn’t, but I am. I think I new Golden Potties‘'ond sove. And enjoy. OBBAeS Elvis Presley: Another book historians. Heather MacRac chuckled as she sat have a very good eye. I have a good head The following lunches will be served in the coupons ^ for singers. Gordon had a most exceptional STORE CO U PO N beside her famous mother, Sheila MacRac, Manchester public schools the week of April 4 O t982 Ora Ida foods toe and her not-so-famous brother. Brace voice, but in many ways I think Heather is through 8: This actor has an unusual spoclalty better than her father.” Monday: Hot dog on roll, potato chips, baked at any store Y MacRac, while talking about their new r Gordon, o f course, is Gordon MacRae, beans, chilled mixed fruit. 3 Last month, “ The Winds of War” receiv­ America, and that I cannot understand family act. Tuesday: Meat and cheese tacos, hot sauce, ed one of the highest Neilsen ratings in because it’s also something like the who was Sheila’s hubby for 28 years. selling these w “ It’s not going to be a continuing thing,” tomato and lettuce cup, buttered corn, American television history. phenomenon of Hitler and ‘The Elephant They’re divorced now, and Sheila’s living said Sheila. In fact, the MacRaes don’t even with someone else, but she’s still friendly gingerbread with topping. By the time it finishes making interna­ Man.’ It's about an ape who turns into a S O ^ O F F have an official name for the trio—and with her ex. Wednesday: Pork choppette and gravy, products V * tional rounds, more people will have seen man and goes on a lecture tour o f univer­ ON ANY SIZE JAR OF don’t plan on having one. Whenever they “ You know, he suffered a slight stroke creamy whipped potato, buttered broccoli or Gunther Meisner’s characterization of sities.” can get together, they’ll perform at clubs FROM about a year ago, and it took several carrots, apple wedges. Adolf Hitler than have ever seen any other “ It was hard for me to play Hitler, around the country. Thursday: Salami grinder, chilled apple­ A M ER IC A S Cracker Jack- actor in that role. although I did everything to understand months for him to recover the use of his left “ We all have our own careers,” said arm. He’s okay now and is back perform­ sauce, ice cream sandwich or stick. POPCORN PEOPLE EXTRA FRESH POPPING CORN Meisner’s portrayal of Hitler has gotten a him, read everything, saw all the video Friday: Cheese pizza, tossed salad with Attaxrt PtMMttdwtntoiactyatutHspaoiiMCHiactyaKitHSpaoliM ANTOTHERUSfCONSTitUltSFIANTOTHERUSfCONSTitultSFUUD Bruce, a songwriter who plays piano and ing. Of course, we’re still friends. He’s the Yuu will M paid lice vahitIt phi4/ir>anoiiiigphik/ihanoinig pro*>dedyounawcotttp>o*>dedyourtawcoSt«>acov(xmioeo>d«n Send coupom to Borden inc Bot i?20Chotont?20Chnton lA'lASZTSr tion. It has comic figure,” said Meisner. “ I look so pineapple. Milk is served with all meals. Cracker Jack Non AivcnatM Cuiiome< *nuii pay any vateiiii Voidartwe'eitricied Catovahir i I'eo' purenaud Good on i? or o' ?4 oz lan onty been warmly strongly like Hitler that 1 got these various California and so does mom. I live in New praised in parts, but always a comic figure. That’s Meredith.) Will we ever perform again? EXTRA FRESH Explra York, and I just got married. So, it’s going Well, you know Gordon and I did ‘Annie urn So. 1 53000 ISa'lOb some quar­ why I was so concerned that I didn’t carry to be tough to perform together with any POPPING CORN ters, ridiculed over any comedy into the serious role. It Get Your Gun’ with the kids in 1960. Yes, Bolton school consistency. But when we do, we love it.” producers have asked us to do an act CremtMa in others. was my most ardent fear, that I don’t ap­ The minibattles they have are over together again. So, who knows?” non-dairy creamer The G er­ pear comical.” The following lunches will be served in man actor, In preparing for the crucial role, Meisner Bolton Elementary-Center schools the week of highly re ­ saw Hitler as “ ugly, tough, a man whose k->-■!« April .4 kthrough 8: spected in destiny was marked, who suffered a lot of Monday: Orange juice, tacos, lettuce and 09h20T QDDE5 Europe, tells „ , „ . ... , humiliation and had many aggressions and tomatoes, fritos, cookie and frozen dessert. S yWE 7 5 4 ' ^ how difficult Gunther Meisner as Hitler was like Germany itself, which lost a war What’i Bart Reynold’s birthday?— children (ages 12 and 13) from her only Tuesday: Fishburger, cole slaw, tartar it is to try to recreate Hitler. and was in depression. I’ve been asked if he r r y , On your next I/ '--.''"'I "DC-rAlt Cf». A ______1___ __.t___ X__ r______i/._J ^ M.B., Yonngstown, Ohio. marriage. sauce, make-your-own-sundae. "R E T A IL E R : A i our aRcnt. please redeem for face value as ipccified- “ 1 studied all 1 could about him and I was a devil or a demon or a man. He was Wednesday: Spaghetti with meatballs, purchase of ANY OTHER USE (.:OSSTlTLrrES FRAUD. Ycj1>i ...... fans of Randy Jones, known as “The Haig has done is deny (the contention), Intaraatlng quaatlona from raadara. vegetables sticks, gelatin with topping. Today whan n coitt a small fortune just to pu'ChiM of lufbotnt stock to covtt coupons presented for tedtmphon mutt tie shoom upon house mates for eight years, but they moke a sondYvIclx you need ZIploc rwwesi Redemption through outitoegertcies Orokt's etc *« Dow Chem ical Company formed a new band. It’s called “ Spunk” ... offer one scintilla of proof that I’m wrong.” 10, is now 3S and lives in L.A. with her two 220 E u l 42nd S lt m , N e » Y o tk . N .Y . 10017 meals. "Trodtonark of Tb* Dow Cfkomical Company LimN Oai Caapea Per PrtrelitM Caepon E ip lrti lUrcIi 31, 1U4

Baby Ruth* o r HH^AiAsnriiP. SAVEmN BUTTERHNGER* aaauamnumupmmmtfmjcsuams. MULTI-PACK aEAMY EGG AND VEGCMIU CASSOOLE T O RETAILER: NBtMCO Brandt, Inc wiN pay ih t fact valua ptua 7c (Mokes 6 tervirtgs) to* nandhng charoat, prowlad you and your cutloniar have con^jRad ««m tha tanne of iha oflar: any othar applKahon oontMutat fraud 2 loblespoons butler, 2 loblespoons Hour oou- ') cups undi/uted CARNATIOf^Evoporoled Milk pont radaamad muat tw shown r a a m t Voto If pnM M ad. tanad orraatnetod Good only m U S A and A P O f PO tocabona Cuatomar V» cup water, % • I teospcx>n solt mual pay any aatoa Uw. Coupon wCl not ba honorad it praaantod Save 5(Kked eggs (or TVs cups - 6 ounces • cubed, cooked horn) 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded process American cheese aiid M |o y Crism^ Juky Melt butter in medium soucepon. Stir ON TWO TUI CANS OF in flour. G roduolly stir in evoporoted milk CARNATION. EVATOMTID MILK ^ond water. Cook over medium SAVE19C (13 FLOZ. SIZE ONLY) heat, stirring constantly, i until m ixture (ust com es to o boil ond thickens. Stir in ’ O O EA IE M f t eocK coupon you anvsolaiiox Offer good only salt, pepper, onion, ■Kcap* fio''«er»n\ jTie« ot l•meo* ■n U S A . vo>d where loaed, pu'cbovao ‘I ,pKiaf>on tolet rmpegimn- cu**0 '*‘rr f.i. '7t.c.'^fwd withllw lofxat or if rnoifed to C A R ^ f l Q N vegefoble spoors in *er>*f preieniad ihrounh uvi tg f3u4c«tOM of iuM>c«rti ttocli unauthorized pertont Coth voIm o f e g g slices, f ^ r h a lf of COVW4 coupont prttenad mutf ba l/^OoflR Unoufhorixed reprc^uC' ethowr upon raquatl Coupon taim Iron of Ihit w upo n it prohiOiled sauce over eggs. Sprinkle burwrnanit or* npl lo b « dtducMd O 1M3Cor’nif«n'Compon., holf of cheese over top. from Cornotion Compony mvOicas L o tA n ^ t .C o lif o r n io Lim.f Coupon may nol b# otSignad v Repeot layers. Cover dish ■'ontt*rrad Cutlomer muft pay COUPON E?lF1B^?J^5NWal’^!33 with foil. Boke in moderate oven (350* F.) 20-30 minutes Save 25(oa)Kfe$son ...Then Save SODDD 1176^0 or until souce is bubbly. 25( More in May.

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To Hciailer I his coupon w ill Ik * re d e c n u d at face valu e p lu s "Plully’’cream cheese handling it used in accordance w ith the olfer stated MN CNOCEK Kraft. Ir>r iHrliil fixnl Gn>upi will mmburtr you fur hereon Coupon is void if taxed, proluhiied tir restricted h> leir valurof ihiMM2punplu5 7( liandlirig allowanir providrd yuu mlermed II on ynur mail w in ot ihr named pruduraii and ihai upon rtuurM yuu lumith pnxif ot pun haw b> S T O R E C O U P O N P3-64 Q ISt C 1983 Kratt. toe 1 5 ^ 57D0Q 1203m It-M ANCH ESTER HERALD. Wed.. Marrh 30, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 30. 1983 - 1.5 Advice Celebrate with spring medley Continued from page 11 ' 1 package active dry yeast < 1 egg, room temperature B u r r o n i ON ANY OF OUR 1 V« caps Jullenned cw roU Chocolate Filling BOIL-IN-POUCH Parents' views differ when $ caps sliced masbroonit , VanUla Glaze , . „ „ t tablespoons batter or margarine Stir butter into milk and water; heat to 120 to 130 BUITONI FOODS CORPORATION » 1963 «* ** ENTREES degrees. Combine 1 cup flour, sugar, salt and yeast m 1 package (10 oaaces) (ratten peas wMb pearl onions TOTHECONSUM ER Caution'Thtscouponcanberedeemedonlywilh nol assignable invoices provirvg purchase of suffioeni stock of iNs large mixer bowl. Add liquid; beat two minutes at theputchaseofiheDrarKfspecifted Coupon cannot be I'ansierted sold speoked product to cover coupons preserved musI be shown upon W teaspoon sngar O'eichar>Qed Any other use consDiuies fraud requesi or we may confiscate all coupons submitted Reimbu'serTient dash white pepper medium speed. ^ T O TH E r e t a i l e r W e wtli reimtMitae you lot ihe lace va'ue ol iNs will be made only to a retail distributor of ou' merchandise or to a holder sen takes his spouse's name Add egg and >A cup flour; beat at high s ^ d two ‘ coupon plus 7C handling provided this coupon redeemed by a of our certificate oleuihonly acting lor him For redemption of coupons Combine flour, salt and pepper. Dredge pork and consume' ai the time ol purchase ol ihe brand specified and the face mail to B U IT O N I F O O D S C O R P O R A TIO N Box 1026 Clmion Iowa brown, half at a time, in cooking fat. Pour off minutes. Stir in remaining flour to make a stiff dough. value d this coupon 15 deducted from the retail seiimg price By 52734 Cash redsmp- Neither one is ready for Use additional flour if needed. Cover bowl with towel submilling t?Hs coupon for rettrvbuisement you tep'eseni ihai yOu lion value 1/20C \4>id DEAR AB BY:I had to drippings. Add water, marjoram and rosemary; redeemed if m the manner desenbed above and pursuant to these where taied prohibited terms The consume'musi pay any sales fai involved Tms coupon is Of 'esi'icted by law 3 write after reading the marriage, but they find it cover tightly and cook slowly one hour. and set aside 20 minutes. , . MflDQ IDDin financially advantageous Prepare Chocolate Filling. Turn dough onto heavily ietter from the "Proud Cook carrots until tender; drain. Cook mushrooms Ei(plratk>nD«t«7/31/D3. UmH oft» coupon per purchBie. Orlikoffs." who were to live together. Now In butter in large saucepan. Add peas and onions, floured board; roll into lOby 18-lnch rectangle. Spread upset when their son mar­ Dear Abby they’re getting pressure sugar and white pepper, and cook, covered, slowly Six filUng in three-inch wide strip lengthwise down center ried a woman named from family members to eight minutes. Add carrots and heat through. of dough. . . who want A em to get Cut strips, one inch wide, diagonally down both ilIS ffillsROLL CANDY Reilly and he changed his Abigail Van Buren Arrange vegetables and pork on warm platter. Serves name to Reiily instead of married. six to eight. sides to within Vi Inch of filling. Alternately fold strips insisting that she change I support my father in across filling. Carefully transfer to baking sheet. FREE ROLL OF llFESAYERsROLL CANDY her name to Orlikoff. his decision as long as he Shape into a ring, stretching slightly; pinch ends My brother. Edward is happy and comfortable Pear and Spinach Salad together. Cover loosely with waxed paper brushea [WILD CHERRY! W HEN YOU BUY 3 - O R - 3 5 * OFF Moravitz. married a giri with the relationship. with vegetable oil; cover tightly with plastic wrap. ANY LIFE SAVERS MULTI-PACK who thought Moravitz My point; Where do Refrigerate two to 24 hours. ^ i.- « FREE r o l l Uft Savsfl. Incorpoiiled will p$y legilimjie retailers the lace value 1 can (29 ounces) Bartlett pear halves plul 7« handling tor u ch coupon recerved m connection with the retail sounded too ethnic, so she family members get off Remove from refrigerator just before baking. salts of the product indicated Coupon void and foriened it invoices judging and putting pres­ 1 grapefruit, peeled Uncover carefully; let stand at room temperature 15 providing purchase ol sufficient stock to cover rate ol redemptions nagged him untii he WHEN YOU BUY 3 - O R - are not produced on ttquesl. or il coupon assigned transferred or sure on a man who has lost 4 cups torn spinach leaves minutes. Bake in 375 degree oven 25 to 30 minutes or presented by one not a retail distributor of said product or if coupon changed their name to DEAR ABBY: The few months ago from a IS taicd. tesificied. prohibited or requires iicensmo Ptesentalion lor daughter whose father a beloved wife, and now W cap diagonally sliced green onion until lightly browned. Remove from baking sheet and redemption without compliance constituies fraud Customer pays any Moore. "Proud Orlikoffs" felt 35^ OFF ANY ippticable lai Limit one coupon per purchase Cash ledempfion value After Edward passed that their son was aban­ had developed a relation­ has a second chance at 2 taUespoons crumbled cooked bacon cool on wire rack. Glaze with vanilla glaze or brush t ?Oihotaceni Rmoduclion prohibited Void in the State of Washing Ume-Parsley Dressing LIFE SAVERS ion S e n dto lS I PO Boz l ^ ? Clinton lowaS?f34 away (unfortunately at a doning his heritage when ship with a lady shortly happiness? No one will with butter. Makes eight to 10 servings. Drain pear halves; reserve V* cup syrup for LESS THAN 10 CALORIES PER PIECE much too eariy age), my he changed his name to after the death of his wife, ever take Mom’s place in MULTI-PACK our hearts. But Mom is Lime-Parsley dressing. Cut each pear half into two noDD loafiMfl mother, in making out her "R eilly," which is his who had lost a long battle • 1963 life Savers. ir K . division of Ndbisco Brands, inc lengthwise. Slice grapefruit V* inch thick. Quarter STORE COUPON will, left the following fiancee’s name. with cancer. It hit home gone, and Dad must go on each slice. Toss grapefruit, spinach and green onion. Chocolate Filling bequests; I ask you; What about with me because my fa­ living. Arrange pears on top. Sprinkle with bacon. "T o my two grandchild­ the proud Relllys? Why ther very lovingly nursed I hope you’ll print this so 3 taUespoons butler, melted ren. I leave $25,000 each. should ' the woman be my mother through six others won’t judge a situa­ V4 cup powdered cocoa And to my daughter-in- expected to change her years of cancer before we tion unless they’ve been Vk cup sngar dierpepsi there. one third cup evaporated milk 3 law. Mrs. Edward Moore, name to her spouse’s just lost her. My father was devoted to Mom for over A LOVING DAUGHTER 1 teaspoon vanilla 11^3 SAVE I leave $1,000 — the other because of an outdated LIme-Parslev Dressing -■'iE calorie $24,000 she can get from custom? 30 years — and especially IN NEW MEXICO Vk Cup finely chopped nuts Vk teasopoon ground cinnamon or Vk teaspoon almond some family by the name A man who changes his those last six. Combine ‘A cup each reserved pear syrup, white of Moore.” name to his wife’s name is About two months after DEAR LOVING: wine vinegar and oil, 1 tablespoon each lime juice and extract 25C TO THE RETAILER; To receive payment, send this cou Combine butter and cocoa; add sugar and dier. Mom’s death. Dad met a Amen. minced parsley, V4 teaspoon salt, >A teaspoon grated I hope you print this. not disgracing his family P6R/I SAVE50C on any one multipack pon to Pepsi-Cola Company. P.O. Box 1776, Clinton, Don’ t worry about embar­ any more than she would lovely lady. There were lime peel and dash cayenne pepper. Makes ‘A cup. evaporated milk. Cook and stir over medium heat of cans or bottles Iowa 52734. For each coupon you accept as our author­ You’re never too old (or until smooth and thickened. Remove from heat; cool. ized agent in accordarKC with the terms of this coupon rassing anybody. I’ve be had she changed heir some unkind comments pep5i on Two ^ 4 or a 2 liter bottle offer, we will pay you 23C plus 7C handling. Invoices prov­ name to his. from family members too young) to learn how to Add vanilla, nuts and cinnamon or almond extract. ing purchase 60 4pys prior to submission of sufficient changed ali the names, LIGHT ONECALDF* of Diet Pepsi stock to cover coupons presented must be shown upon but the idea is the same. Too bad we can’t all do about the short mourning make friends and be popu­ Makes about 1 cup. Great Tastes! request. Cash value 1/20 of 1C. Consumer must pay any Easter Brunch Braid or Pepsi Light sales lax and/or deposit charge. Offer void where prohib­ 0 lar. For Abby’s booklet on OLGA IN NEW JERSEY as Eleanor Roosevelt did period he gave Mom. ited. restricted, taxed or license required. Offer limited to — marry a person with the Almost two years later, he Popularity, send $1, plus a Vt cup butter or margarine, melted STORE COUPON one coupon per purchase. Any other use constitutes fraud O F F E R EX PIR ES August 31. 1983 DEAR OLGA; Let’s same last name. still mourns Mom, and long, self-addressed, Vi cup milk Vanilla Glaze USE TODAY hear it from a man who OHIO MALE this lovely lady under­ stamped (37 cents) enve­ ■A cup water takes the woman’s part in stands his grief and com­ lope to Abby, Popularity, 2 W cups unsifted all purpose flour Combine 1 cup confectioner’s sugar, 1 tablespoon this name-changing DEAR ABBY: You bad forts him. They have a P.O. Box 38923, Holly­ 2 tablespoons sngar softened butter, Vk teaspoon vanilla and 1 to 2 very caring relationship. wood, Calif. 90038. controversy; a letter in your column a Vk teaspoon salt tablespoons milk until smooth. Makes Vk cup. Cleans safely with every flush! SAVE She worries: how contagious Births Automatic Small H TO THE RETAILER: To receive payment, send this coo Kolodziej, Matthew Fuller, son 146 High St. His paternal grandpar­ Toilet Bowl pon to Pepsi Cola Company. P.O. Box 1776. Clinton, 25« on any one multipack of Thomas A. and Marsha LeDoyt ents are Betty and Frederick Iowa 52734. For each coupon you accept as our author ized agent in accordarree with the terms of this coupon of cans or bottles Kolodziej of 76 Wellswood Road, Edwards of Vernon. Cleaner offer, we will pay you25C plus7C handling. Invoices prov is infectious serum hepatitis? ing purchase 60 days prior to submission of sufficient Hebron, was born March 9 at or a 2 liter bottle of Eldridge, Kyle John, son of stock to cover coupons presented must be shown upon Manchester Memorial Hospital. Raymond L. and Marion F. Le- request. Cash value 1/20 of K . Consumer must pay any Diet Pepsi DEAR DR. LAMB: I now immune and will not helper sales tax and/or deposit charge. Offer void where prohib­ His maternal grandparents are gault Eldridge of 21 Colonial Road, or Pepsi Light contaminate you or ited. restricted, taxed or license required Offer limited to am slowly recovering Doris and Ernest LeDoyt of Bolton, was born March 11 at one coupon per purchase. Any other use constitutes anyone else, either □iminates STORE COUPON from a bout of infectious Hemlock Point, Coventry. His Manchester Memorial Hospital. fraud OFFER EXPIRES August 31, 1963 through sexual activity or Continued from page 11 USE ON NEXT PURCHASE serum hepatitis. I am 52 paternal grandparonts are Ida and His maternal grandparents are in any other way. years old and have not had Place sliced apples in un­ Ludwig Kolodziej of Storrs. He has l b . and Mrs. John Leguault of 1 routine Your Health Being immune, which any infections of any kind baked pastry shell. ComUne Vk a sister, Katherine Mae, 2Vk. His Union Place. He has a brother, you are, you cannot get in more than three years. cup of the sugar with cinnamon maternal great-grandparents are Lawrence Lamb, M.D. the disease again. The Christopher Raymond, 2. My only symptoms were and sprinkle over apples. Com­ Helen and John Westland of brushing 2 5 C answers for serum hepati­ Lodge, Joseph William, son of extreme fatigue and pains bine the remaining sugar with Hemlock Point, Coventry, and tis (type B) are different. William C. and Anne Reiser Lodge in all my bones and joints. flour. Cut in the butter until Herman F. LeDoyt of Route 31, of 55 Olcott Drive, was born March Lasts more than a month. It is six weeks since it This will answer some M crumbly, add a little cinnamon Coventry. Save 25C 12 at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ I/* started and I am still of your more Important if desir^. Sprinkle crumb mix­ Safe for plumbing and pets. Single or Twin-pack ^ Edwards, Brian Allen, son of tal. His maternal grandparents R.X Franch Hou— hoid Products w (l rMtanbufa* you having pain and tire eas­ questions. I ’m also send­ ture over apples. Bake at 400 hSM sr: Gary Allen and June Baker Ed­ .ane Mr. and Mrs. William Reiser of Leaves a fresh clean scent. 28* plua 76 haraiing tf tNs coupon la rodaiemod on ttio m Io ily. I did not have any ing you The Health Letter degrees for about 40 minutes or of BULUf Automallc Iblot Bowl Cteanac Othar appllcaUon hepatitis. spread in the family, wards of 57 Weaver Road, was 55 Olcott Drive. His paternal bonaUhitaa fraud. Coupona may not ba aaaignad or trana- signs of jaundice. I have Serum hepatitis is within nurseries and in 7-8, Living With Your until apples are tender. Good Easy to use. farrad. Involeaa provkto purchaaa of stiffklant atock to Liver. Others who want born March 12 at Manchester grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. cowar coupona rodaamod muat ba ahown on raquaat Void read every article I could caused from exposure to any situation where a with ice cream or whipped Memorial Hospital. His maternal Clarence Lodge of 24 Victoria o ivhara p r^ lb lta d by laws Cuatomar paya aalaa tax. For find and find conflicting this issue can send 75 radampdon of proparfy raoafvad and handtod coupona. maN serum that carries the group of people live to­ cream. grandparents are Margaret Baker Road. He has a sister, Alison, 19 to: R.T French HouaahoU Products, RO. Box 1349, CUnton. cen ts with a lo n g, Iowa 52734. Oftor im itod to orta coupon par purchaaa. statements that have me virus, usually through gether and use the same of 96 Bolton St. and James Baker of months. quite confused. My hus­ needles or transfusions food source. stamped, self-addressed envelope for it to me, in Automatic A band was not ill but was but also through sexual It is not unusual to not msoD saoa73 found to have it, too. activity. Infectious hepa­ have jaundice, particu­ care of this newspaper, 2 5 C Toilet Bowl Cleaner If my husband is a titis is caused by a food or larly in the first two weeks P.O. Box 1551, Radio City Thoughts Selling carrier, can he infect me waterborne virus. You of the illness. Station, New York, N.Y. o again through sexual con­ should think of it spread­ Assuming that you have 10019. items you tact? Can the germ be ing in a way similar to type A hepatitis, you were A word of anguish is 54001 spread through the spray food poisoning. Sewage- contagious, shedding vir­ threatened not, but com­ Jesus the Helper, the no longer ‘Uttered by the Lord Jesus of someone coughing or contaminated shellfish uses, probably before you mitted himself to him that Healer, the Friend — sneezing over food? I’m Service Christ as we consider the judgeth righteously; Who Why? tell me, why was He need or ( 0 have been responsible for knew you were ill. And fourth saying of the cross. thinking of open salad epidemics. And it is you were contagious for his own self bore our sins there? "And about the ninth hour on TW O Boxes bars and people who work spread by fecal contami­ the first few weeks of your notes in bis own body on the All my inequities on use is in restaurants. nation or viruses from the known illness. During that Jesus cried with a loud tree^ that we, being dead Him were laid — He •PUSSVi 3 0 0 X 8 . voice, saying, Eli, Eli, Once I am fully reco­ intestinal tract. period, you should have to sins, should live unto nailed them all to the tree. profitable la-ma sabach’thani? that vered, w;ill I be a carrier You probably have type been careful not to con­ McCluskev righteousness; by whose Jesus the debt of my sin M 0 1 8 T is to say. My God, my God who could pass hepatitis A, infectious hepatitis, taminate food. Butt after stripes ye were healed" (1 fully paid — He paid the to both why hast thou forsaken Peter 2:22-24). through dishes or kissing? judging from your re­ that initial period you jis promoted ransom for me (John M. M E A L S ^ me” (Matthew 27; 46) ? Why did they nail Him Moore). 1 am concerned about my mark that you have had no were no longer conta­ Paul K. McCluskey, son buyer and Our Savior’s anguish to Calvary’s tree? Why? ttnan » av nw m natt tM tw w rw mw {xtHowi iWai iWwW 011»« IfW 4 M 8«Wwqtl QMta oUl roiwww W* grandchildren. injections of any kind in gious. You cannot spread of Pauline F. McCluskey Pastor James Bellasov •aBarKtt8MlMMna«a>|tMNiauWMi SarMxMotrrwaraltiiM MwwMl'wti'HrtWv'tmWiRMiawnqwti centered on the fact that tell me, why was He CaW— WTHWtM Tkq CW9W " WS 4 bwtWrai nwWwM t M M tM rMicNS e eWme fWWW W l»a OrwM more than three years. your illness to others so Faith Baptist Church seller. •w a U S 4 loMzri EaMiurot w4 mUhom U a ntm MM bM, MWot *o4 (bMor mBwuW OMiai kwm M u Tkt (M a of 145 Avery St., has been He was carrying upon OitlC«aMW lllCWNwrtlDnw OMIM XSAjl tlM S W irfll BW—uSUHmIWwWwwKM«i»MM«tHI *nM>w>U DEAR READER: The Type B, serum hepatitis, you can kiss your grand­ there? Manchester, Conn. - air Mil *11 itSaiHM l« itStaita* «M tw* (W»9*l a«r M twHiKIIH l>ai( W« CMH* H< ■'••lictw* £ ill? OOC promoted In the U.S. Himself the sin of the ' oo»s confusion is probably usually occurs in the few children. You will not be a Army to the rank of world. We cannot fully caused in part by not months after an injection carrier. specialist four. knowing what you have. with a contaminated nee­ Your husband most explain or understand The 1981 graduate of this; we simply accept it. You either have infectious dle or after a transfusion. likely also had infectious Manchester High School "Who did no sin, neither hepatitis (type A) or se­ But infectious hepatitis, hepatitis but the attack SHOWCaSK is a personnel specialist in was guile found in his f n tmu The rum hepatitis (type B), type .A, may make you was so mild it might have Aschaffenburg, West but you do not have mouth; Who, when he was HUBRMTTBISIM sick in a few weeks. passed unnoticed without Germnay, with the 3rd ( i n u u a n l k u m m o t s m o r ; reviled, reviled not again; ■aitOAIM M A T IN II DAILY infectious serum Incidentally, it is easily your illness. If so, he is FIRST SHOW ONLY $2.50 Infantry Division. when he suffered, he 'i k Save 506 MAIIGHESTE6 ASSOCIATION FOS Cinema SETASOEO CITIZENS, INC. TMRHMT.^MStBSrB^^^ on next purchase of any size * fU SAST M DOU TURNnitE liPG] SAVE50« TtcRiYI Iw a ita m c A u Hartford Monstlold Wllllmontlc ON STORE BRAND CM LITTER WHEN YOU BUY Alhonoum Clnomo — Trons-Lux Collooo Twin — Jlllsen Square Clnoma — Women In Love 7 ;30 with The High Rood to China (PG) 7, TK OENMNilER BAND -s*nwn/v:- Sophie's Choice (R ) 6:50, •8“ Music Lovers 9;30. 9:10. — M y Fovorlte Yeor 9:30. — 10 to Midnight (R ) 7, n a w a u T ^ Cinema City — Spring (PG)9:25wlth The Stunt Man 9:10. — High R ^ ' t o China jssm* Break (R ) 7;S0 — Eating (R ) 7. (PG)7,9:15. —- rSpring Brook HCONIilT THE sauMer aaeone shoe, vaiwoe, er. • iri-isei' RoouKR) 9:40. The Black Vernon (R) 7:10,9:10. ptsAsS MAKS eMaeiis mvasui to OUTSIDERS Stallion Returns (P G ) 7;30, Cine 1 a 2 — The Verdict Windsor 9;30. — M ax Ougon Returns SUNDAY, APSIL 24,1063, 7:30 m 'IN S SHAMROCK ATMLSTIC CUIW (R ) 7, 9:30. — The Lords of Plaza — The Lords of (P G ) 7, 9. — Blade Runner Discipline (R ) 7:10, 9:15. Discipline (R ) 7:15. MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL - SHOWN ATi. (R) 7:10 with Outlond (R) 1:15^7:2541:30 9:10, I® Clnetludlo — Chon Is Miss­ 16 H B B T a suumw PUTBS Tb BmwIM Ike ing 7:30 with The Third Mon pregent a a ------•------A— ^ , U , ,1, j BBB— B.^1------9:00. LERN^ A LOEWE'S MBKlMSlVt 9N0liBiN WWUMP TOOTSIE isi Colonial — Shadow Fist MUStCAL Hunter (R) with Block Belt Concert - $12.(X) per person SNOWMATi—— Fury (R) from 1. Reception/Concert - $25.(X) per person Che ^A55bn ^ccordiR^ to flt John I«6 -7 :I0 ^ East Hartford AHUL brand Better tasting, costs Eastwood Pub a Cinema — The Lords of Discipline (R) 10 TO m IB, 18 Tickets available: Beller's Music Shop, ^tMtstian Sacb iess than the Poor Richards Pub E Ci­ ■ M ID N IG H T nema — The Lords of Disci­ Baratock Caspar Percussion, Sebastian's Music — SHOWNWi------CM UHER DEODORIZER ieading competitor. pline (R ) 7:30, 9:30. am e^ Center-Vernon, Senior Citizens Canter, I36-735W0 ^ W HUnKBIBIRI Showcase Cinema — The Purina Outsiders (P G ) 1:15, 7:25, r Esst Middle 1 - npike Shettered Workshop-646-5718 9:30. — Bad Boys (R ) 2, 7:15, TICKETB M7-0Z00 (Doys M ) M1-01M IT REALIY WORKS! J the most trusted name Funded In Part By The Greeter Hertford Arte Council end The issiisosr 9:40. — Table tor Five (R ) cR P C o 1963 ^ in pat food. Connecticut Ckimmiaslon On The Arte • C Rgiston Puima Companr 1983 1:45, 7 :45, 10. — Tootsie (P G ) Proceeds To Benefit The Menchester Resiooel Perfonnins Arte For Tickets, please complete below and mall TOCMHIAi^ 1:05, 7:10, 9:45. — 10 to iMtOWHtei— — M idnight (R ) 1:35, 7:35, 9:50. to: Good tHdey. ^ r i l 1, TiOO p-m. — The King of Comedy (PG) tm m m w n 1:45, 7:20, 9:30. — Gandhi M.A.R.C., Inc. STORE COUPON EXP. DATE: NONE STORE couroN (PG) 1, 8. — High Rood to SAVE EXP. DATE: JUNE 3a. 19S3 China (P G ) 1:15, 7:40,9:55. DDSs, DMDs, DCs, DVMs, JDs, MDs ^ 57 Hollister St iSoRwidU litHtOfen ebrnrOt [EIIURNinVi Enfield 40 |MUa etrM t ON STORE Manchester, Ct. 06040 li •WM [MCTav M WM nol (IW« Cine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 a 4 — Max Welcome Wagon oners discreet advertising — —mowHAri— •KIMI* H IM or 'K* MU) Dugan Returns (P G ) 7:40, BRAND M '( RMva tM 10 XWWI hxno to professionals In the medical, dental, Name...... MY-M11 SAVE 500 ON CawM PO 6d> I W wat w w 67774 Comor wm 9:40. — Spring Break (R) SAVE 500 H pM owi 4 vnawc a t 'Utm v ow aoiMReM a 7:10, 9:30. — Tootsie (P G ) health-care, legal and animal-care fields. I mrnip rouH «P M M >a M ciog ta M « •« hm CAT LIHER on next purchase « a* ‘tiM* %ia«i wai u M an '«w ti nwai komi 7:30, 9:50. — High Rood tc Our service effectively reaches individuals Address...... STORE BRAND* pwcMwt K Wewt uoa ooMi »pco « ? ( 9:15.

\ 16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed,, March 30, 1983 MANCHKSTER HERALD, V^.^Mar^h 30, 1983 - 17 Senior News WELCOME WAGON Supermarket Shopper WANTS TO VISIT YOU * LAUNDCMOSFMOHEO Just engaged? New parent? About Town Come and square dance, Moved? I'd like to visit you with TABLECLQTHS TO BEAUTIFY YOUB CBYSTAt. SILVES# FINECHWA..... useful gifts and information. I'll UN«S AlA SWISS.... also bring cards you can re­ ROCKVILU Teen Night scheduled • 10 Harlow St a No excuse for deem for more gifts at local play golf, or do exercises a 35 Wlndaor Ave. a Manchestser Recreation Department and the businessea It's a friendly visit ' U J l o o >237 Hartford Tumpika Manchester Racquet Club will sponsor a "Teen to help you get answers about w m o H . . .. I Vernon Circle Shqiming Night” Saturday from 6:30 to 9:30 at the Racquet Editor's note: this column Grasso, 742; Ann t'lsher, SETBACK SCORES: Ada Rojas, 124; Mary town, goods and services. All MANCNISTM Club, 404 W. Center St. O'Brien, 123; Clara Hem- free to you. sa 521 Middle Tnpka. • is prepared by the staff of 732; John Klein, 732; Ruth March 25 — Helena Ga- CMOOSS SWISS OUAUTV WITH C refund red tape A battle of the disc jockeys will be the featured event the Manchester Senior Search, 731; Sam Schors, vello, 129; Robert Schu- ingway, 122; Bob Abeam, for the evening. Admission is $2. This includes pizza Center. It appears In the 729; Mabel Loomis, 729; bert, 128; John • —Klein, 125; 121; Arvid Peterson,------116; and other refreshments. Also available will be Manchester Herald on Ann Husarik, 726. Mike Desimone, 114. Call -6 4 3-M 3 2 By Martin Sloone DEAR MARTIN: After ' foozball, frisbee and floor hockey. For more Wednesdays and Satur­ United Features information call 647-3166, after 3 p.m,. days. my husband was laid off ;Svndlcate from his job in October, Clip ‘n ’ file refunds By Jeanette Cove we were faced with what Clip out this file and keep it with similar Bridge club results Senior Center Director ; DEAR M ARTIN: I was looked like a "bleak” cash-off coupons — beverage refund offers with Tecently having my super- Christmas. With only a beverage coupons, for example. Start collecting Follwoing are the results of Manchester Bridge fflarket purchases small amount coming in the needed proofs of purchase while looking for Dancing will be on the Club games conducted March 14, 17, 21 and 24: checked out at a register from his unemployment the req u ir^ forms at the supermarket, in agenda the first part of North and south — Mary Corkum and Terry Daigle: that used one of the new checks, we barely had newspapers and magazines, and when trading next week. The Senior Ann DeMartin and Penny Weatherwax. electronic scanners, when enough money to pay the with friends. Offers may not be available in all Center Square Dance East and west — Tom Regan and Murry Powell; 1 noticed on the display areas of the country. Allow 10 weeks to receive Club will be traveling to REDEEMDOUBLE ALL MANUFACTURERS CENTS-OFF COUPONS FOR DOUBLE THEIRCOUPONS VALUE SEE STORES FOR DETAILS VALID THRU SATURDAY APRIL 2ND. 1983 bills, much less think Donna Feir and Ellen Goldberg. that one of my items had each refund. Ledyard to dance with a about buying gifts for our North and south — Ann De Martin and Phyllis been rung up for JO cents The following offers are worth $6.89. This group there. If you’re a 16-month old daughter, Pierson: Morris Kamins and Jim Baker. more than the advertised week’s refund offers have a total value of $25.89. square dancer, the groups Kristen. We were really East and west — Jeff Guttman and Joyce Rossi; price. I showed this to the This offer doesn't require a refund form: invites you to come along worried about this until Terry Daigle and Marge Warner. cashier and asked her to RIVER RICE P.O. Box 55017, Houston, Texas on Tuesday. You may call we heard about the Crest North and south — Penny Weatherwax and Peg deduct the dime from the 77055. Receive a $1 refund. Send five River Rice the office to make arran­ LOOK FOR OUR BEAUTIFUL FROM ALL OF US AT A&P TO ALL OF YOU AND YOURS Fluorider oiler Irom Dunfield; Murray Powell and Ann Staub. Nifty Fifties total. She apologized but 2-pound box tops. Expires Dec. 31, 1983. gements to accompany Procter A Gamble (a East and west — Jim Baker and Irv Carlson: Flo 16 PAGE CIRCULAR. IT’S said that she couldn't do These offers require refund forms: the group. The Ledyard child's riding toy). Barre and Mary Tierney; Frank Bloomer and Joe St. Bridget students Beth Leslie, Noah LOADED WITH MONEY SAVING, it. She told me I would BETTY CROCKER General Mills $1 Refund. group was the one that I found out that the oiler . Bussiere; Addie Specyalski and Sonya Gray. / K f have to go to the office Send the required refund form and the Universal Bavier, Brian Curry and David Tread­ visited the center the first VALUES IN THE MAIL... A Joyous A Happy was good in only a few North and south — Bill Levy and Sara Mendelsohn; m > with the tape and ask for states and it seemed as if Product Code symbol from any three packages of well, left to right, recently performed part of the year. Our COPIES ALSO AVAILABLE Mary Corkum and Ann De Martin. 3 my dime back. There I ours wasn't one of them. A Betty Crocker Potatoes: Scalloped, Au Gratin or caller, Earl Johnston, will , Eacitel these ••vertiiediiw Easter Passover East and west ^ Donna Feir and Ellen Goldberg; “Ducktails and Bobbysox" at the school. f M4eeierfee«e*thee«*enAMEnCAN WHOLE deal with customer prob­ superm arket in Cam­ The PTA of Keeney Street School will have a dance speak on “ Estate Planning and Wills." CoMMiialHafus-Shankless,Skinless 2 ^ lems should "make bridge, Mass., a Boston Lipton Noodles & Sauce. Expires July 31, 1983. April 8 from 8 p.m. to midnight, at the Elks Club, 30 and vegetable sale in FROZEN (DINNER LINK 1-LB. 2.49) Leg-O-Lamb-Oven Ready OWCK FROZEN ^ HALY COOKED WATER AOOED-BONE M ^ „ $ense,” and when the suburb, had its customers Home-Style VEG-ALL Free Can Offer. Receive Bissell St. May. If you have any Jones Breakfast Links Sot |39 FRESH GENUINE AMERICAN potting containers to do­ pAg. A Sau & a Shrimp Cocktail 3SJ 2” S i ^ ^ Hams iJ!lSl*t;ii lu U ’ problem is a small over­ meeting in the aisles when a coupon for one free can of Home-Style large cut The donation is $10 per couple. Music will be Lamb Chops Shoulder Blade ib.2‘’ vegetables and postage. Send the required refund nate, please leave them SJnFT PRE*kUH(Sn2l£AM t2 ^». PKO. t.7»| 0 1 ^ FROZEN-PEELED « DEVEINED-NOWJINO OR charge, it should be re­ it held its first "Singles provided by D iS Production. Quilters to meet ►oj. 139 KJNELESSIHORAIELCURES1HALYES3 69LB.I funded right there at the Night.” form and two labels from 29-ounce cans of off at the center front Brown’N Serve Sausage Links pkg- SJ .1P ’ Cap’n John’s IVfedium Shrimp Nutmeg Quilters will meet Tuesday at 7: .30 p.m. in office. Ham Royale Buffet Style * 2^’ cash register. The fact The event ran from 7 HomC-Style large cut vegetables. Expires Sept. n s s m io o s e link Am e r ican r r e a k fa s t s a u Rib Lamb Chops .,3 ” the Community Room of Vernon Police Station. Route :i59LBj|g9 WAJLA8LE WEO.-SAT M SELF SERVICE FISH OEPT p.m. until midnight, and a 30, 1983. Friday, is a holiday and (S4.B CAN10 99) that this was a computer- 30. Itaoan Sausage Links ^ lb 1 l»L»«FAR«llEffFOtSKAKIELAASAJ.2»LA| ized and scanner- local radio station broad­ Church auction coming the center will be closed. Fresh Cod or Perch RUets »;2^’ A&P C^ned Ham 6” A workshop on Celtic Quilting will be presented. Happy Easter to all. Polska Kiebasa im™ pquipped checkout coun­ cast live from the store, prize of a "Stop & Shop market holds a news­ Mr. andMrs. PaulMcNamara of 357 Spring St. are Don't forget to purchase te r should m ake no givin g away T-shirts, Food Frenzy." The worthy event, drop me a coordinating'the sale of tickets for the St. James M your tickets earlj lor the difference. If the compu­ bumper stickers, records winner made a mad 104- note and tell me the auction scheduled for April 8 at Vito’s Restaurant in The Manchester Herald wants your club news. Submit Variety Show. Ticket do­ ter was “ smart” enough and movie passes. The second dash through the details. Write to me in Bolton. club announcements to Focus Editor Adele Angle at nations are $5 for adults New Country to ring up an overcharge, highlight of the evening’s store picking up all the care of United Features An open bar cocktail hour will precede the auction. least five days before you’d like to see them appear. and $2.50 for children. < yN sK iL m V w x OF Ym I |t should be able to make a entertainment was the food she could grab. Syndicate, 200 Park Ave., At that time, items available for bidding can be Always put a name and phone number where you can be Patrons are asked to Yogurt The Sabd Bar correction. drawing for the grand If your favorite super­ New York, N.Y. 10019. viewed. For ticket information call 649-3586. reached in case there are questions. donate their dollars no H O ^ Y F A V O R n E SUGAR SWEET ' later than next week so Golden Yams 4 r» *1 that they can be assured H n a U M S E U C T QUALITY _ of being included in the Bakmg Potatoes 3 rw *1 A program. Rehearsal will f ^ tenoeryouno _ be on Saturday from 2:30 Celery Hearts S ’79* to 5:30 p.m. gAXOFWTAAIS CISSF \ _____ The AARP Medicare Fresh Spianch 'ST 79* Volunteers are anxiously WALTHFUt-NUIRITJONAl 95 waiting to serve you and %Fil4b*4 Bo9lt>niog TV t.. March 29tR rwmmmumUMOOALITVHNOrTBOX uuali i t -«v uv I BUX lems or questions that you Thompson Senlless Grapes rlI” may have. Have you been I^W).n»IASHNOTOI1SWreEXTIUMIKY^_ ^ Orchid Corsages REGULAR OR EXTRA CREAMY denied benefits and don’ t Blue Bonnet EXTRA FANCY-BEAUTFUL understand why? Do you Bird’s Eye 0 Margarine Red or Golden Easter and$L O (f i know how to fill out BREAKSTONE DeBdous Apples lb 6lnch I Cool Whip Medicare forms? AARP 59t Il u i lK Upc v j And Bloom) volunteers can assist you. Temptee Cream Cheese ___ 4 QUART WHITE OR YELLOW CHEESE Please call the office for Bird’s Eye Tasti Puffs 2SS:*1 has your an appointment. April Lrnid O’ Lakes Singles Green Ciaiit ===•,;.-, Q C C Gold Medal ^ PART SKM OR WHOLE MUK 13th from 1-3 p.m. will be \tsefables : S r r i . 0 3 Flour , LaPizzeria Cheese Pizza S;99* the next time assistance is Axelrod Yogurt w SALAOORESSINO , COWtCTtOHERT LIGHT ON DARK BROWN available. K r ^ Miracle Whip Banquet Fried Chicken 2^2^ best selection. April 15 is the desig­ Seahest Cottage Cheese LIGHT Bl OB. OR WATER Domino Sugar if. 59* nated day that the Nor­ Seakest Sour Cream Bum ble Bee Tuna Rich’s Coffee Rich ’Si^33* theast Utilities and the MNp 0 OR GICQLE NOODLE Lay’s Potato Chips Connecticut Natural Gas k can legally shut off ser­ Lipton N oodle Soups Aunt Jemima French Toast 79* FME. m edium OR BROAD Wisk Detergent •S'2” vice for non-payment. If I0et139 % you are having problems Penn Dutch Noodles u b b e r m a I SHORT ORAM Lawn & Leaf Bags boa 1 ''>11 ' it I I isll I )l III. paying your bill, do not • ■vurvT 8 WMilWT hesitate to call the proper River Brand Rice OCEAN SPRAY Kleenex Facial Tissues company and make ar­ ftl IB— irrv Cod Fillets rangements for pay­ C ranberry Juice C ocktail AUQRMOS Reynolds Wrap ments. Shut-offs are an SBIQLERLY FsaiFOMK We invite you inconvenience and ( V i Price Sale Maxwell House Coffee INSTANT Coronet Napkins raoMaoimaw unnecessary. TWO PLY Please make note of Maxwell House Coffee SOOctroNt 1 BabyScalops %AI1 Items At Half ^ c e C oronet B ath Tissues 8 kipBg. J rarMiMfiawiMMw other program schedules: Bathware • Skikware* KHchen Reads • Naatanil April 1 — Good Friday. Tetley Tea Bags Salmon Steaks Shaff Linar • Space Organizers • Pitcher SUPER SlCMST LAYER Humjes Diapers •MatllM bOI Closed. Food Preparation Products and Gadgets PLUSD&osrr MnNUMKE April 2 — 2:30-5:30 HousehokI Containers • Waste Baskets to compare our finest' Betty Crocker Fancy Shrimp Variety Show Rehearsal Trash Cans-W HILE SUPPUES LAST! White Rock April 5 — Square Dance Cake Mixes ' Club goes to Ledyard Ginger Ale Lake Smelts April 7 — Thursday program — the Voices of Joy will entertain you. quality plants and April 14 — Thursday program — Dr. Sinatra Chef Pierre Wine will present a talk on ■ Cooked "Taking Care of Your 8” Apple Pie Cheddar Heart.” Turkey Breast April 21 — Thursday ^flowers at lower price program — the Beethoven Singers will entertain you. 1 8 9 Kirschner intitxluces LiT Honey of a Ham. Cured with April 22 and 23 — - K . M C h 2 ? 9 9 f honey instead of s u w for that special honey taste like no Variety Show at Manches­ 2 ™ other ham you can buy. And since LiT Honey of a Ham is Open Thur. FrI. Sat. Nights till 9 PM. ter High School. ------In S tore B akery ^ ..j 95% fat firee, you feel better knowing it's Kirschner. r- C Cheese Shop )= = ; H o t F o o d s Easter Sunday til Noon SETBACK SCORES: r==C Dei Shop March 28 — Fritz Wilkin­ E ngfsh Toasting Bread m .69* French Brie ,. 3^ son, 841; Gert McKay, FREMBAKEO ______Baked M acaroni & Cheese^ 1^ C olonial G erm an B olosna tk l^ q6% 807; Lillian Lewis, 786; B ow tie D anish 2 i * 79* Sahin&Cheese fiMpMMMVOUMO * Josephine Strimike, 778; FROM BAKED ^ ’Dna N oodle C asserole Bakedlinn ^ 3* uriioneirofaHam i Ruth Baker, 749; Hans ^ Cmnamon Buns Otwl** Frederickson, 742; Ernie L German Soft Cheese w.3* . S aidw iiyS todi______^ T O MR. GROCER; You are authorized to act as our agent for the redemption of this coupon. \Me will reimburse you 51.00 phis 7C for handing If k has been WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT SALES AND TO CORRECT TVPOORAPKICAL ERRORS. ITEMS FOR SALE NOT AVAHAKE TO WMOLESAlMjRiSn5I!S5' j used In accordance with our customer offer, to- CUT LAUNDRY CUSl'S by voice proving purchase of sufOdent stock to cover coupons decreasing the amount of piesenled for redemptton must be shown on request Coupons void lfIf tBNBd,tBMsd, pronbked,prottfoked, or ooiawise restricted by law. CustomerCustoma pays any ■ detergent used. Reduce by 85 E. Center St. I ules tax. Cm value b I/20C. Grocers mail coupons to: Joseph Klrschna I one-third and see whether Co, he, 193 Rhcnide D i ^ Augusta, ME 04330. O fb ofifees bee 31,19K. * Manchester you notice a difference in STORE COUPON » r+83-7 the appearance of your CALDOR SHOPPING CENTER BURR CORNERS, MANCHESTER wash. Add extra dollars to your budget by selling 6 4 9 -5 2 6 8 "don't needs” with a low- $ 1 . 0 0 a i f s c h n e o $ 1 . 0 0 cost ad in Classified. Ift - MANCHESTER HERALD. WedJ March 30, 1863 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 30^1983 - r Senior News WELCOME WAGON Supermarket Shopper WANTS TO VISIT YOU About Tow n Just engaged? New parent? Come and square dance, Moved? I'd like to visit you with useful gifts and information. I'll also bring cards you can re­ No excuse for Teen Night scheduled play golf, or do exercises deem lor more gilts at local Manchestser Recreation Department and the businesses. It’s a friendly visit Manchester Racquet Club will sponsor a “Teen to help you get answers about Night” Saturday from 6:30 to 9:30 at the Racquet Editor’s note; this column Grasso, 742; Ann Kisher, SETBACK SCORES; Rojas, 124; Mary town, goods and services. All Club, 404 W. Center St. is prepared by the stall of 732; John Klein, 732; Ruth March 25 — Helena Ga- O’Brien, 123; Clara Hem- free to you. A battle of the disc jockeys will be the featured event the Manchester Senior Search, 731; Sam Schors, vello, 129; Robert Schu- ingway, 122; BobAheam, refund red tope for the evening. Admission is $2. This includes pizza Center. It appears in the 729; Mabel Loomis, 729; bert 128- John Klein, 125’ Arvid Peterson, 116; and other refreshments. Also available will be Manchester------Herald on Ann Husarik, 726. Mike Desimone, 114. on Call y Martin S lo a n e DEAR MARTIN: After foozball, frisbee and floor hockey. For more Wednesdays and Satur­ information call 647-3166, after 3 p.m,. days. United Features my husband was laid off ;S v n d lc a te from his job in October, Clip ‘n ’ file refunds By Jeanette Cove we were faced with what Clip out this file and keep it with similar Bridge club results Senior Center Director ; DEAR MARTIN: I was looked like a “bleak” cash-off coupons — beverage refund offers with Tecently ha ving my super- Christmas. With only a beverage coupons, for example. Start collecting Follwoing are the results of Manchester Bridge Dancing will be on the market purchases small amount coming in the needed proofs of purchase while looking for Club games conducted March 14, 17, 21 and 24: checked out at a register from his unemployment the required forms at the supermarket, in North and south — Mary Corkum and Terry Daigle; agenda the first part of newspapers and magazines, and when trading next week. The Senior that used one of the new checks, we barely had Ann DeMartin and Penny Weatherwax. Center Square Dance electronic scanners, when enough money to pay the with friends. Offers may not be available in all East and west — Tom Regan and Murry Powell; I noticed on the display bills, much less think areas of the country. Allow 10 weeks to receive Club will be traveling to REDEEMDOUBLE ALL MANUFACTURERS CENTS-OFF COUPONS FOR DOUBLE THEIRCOUPONS VALUE SEE STORES FOR DETAILS VALID THRU SATURDAY. APRIL 2ND, 1983. Donna Feir and Ellen Goldberg. each refund. Ledyard to dance with a that one of my items had about buying gifts for our North and south — Ann De Martin and Phyllis group there. If you’re a been rung up for 10 cents 18-month old daughter, The following offers are worth $6.89. This Pierson; Morris Kamins and Jim Baker. square dancer, the group more than the advertised Kristen. We were really week’s refund offers have a total value of $25.89. East and west — Jeff Guttman and Joyce Rossi; invites you to come along price. I showed this to the worried about this until This offer doesn’t require a refund form: Terry Daigle and Marge Warner. on Tuesday. You may call cashier and asked her to we heard about the Crest RIVER RICE P.O. Box 55017, Houston, Texas North and south — Penny Weatherwax and Peg FROM ALL OF US AT A&P TO ALL OF YOU AND YOURS deduct the dime from the Fluorider offer from 77055. Receive a $1 refund. Send five River Rice Dunfield; Murray Powell and Ann Staub. Nifty Fifties the office to make arran­ LOOK FOR OUR BEAUTIFUL 2-pound box tops. Expires Dec. 31, 1983. gements to accompany 16 PAGE CIRCULAR. IT’S total. She apologized but Procter h Gamble (a East and west — Jim Baker and Irv Carlson; Flo \\\% said that she couldn’t do child’s riding toy). These offers require refund forms: Barre and Mary Tierney; Frank Bloomer and Joe St. Bridget students Beth Leslie, Noah the group. The Ledyard BETTY CROCKER General Mills $1 Refund. group was the one that LOADED WITH MONEY SAVING, it. She told me I would I found out that the offer . Bussiere; Addle Specyalski and Sonya Gray. Bavier, Brian Curry and David Tread- VALUES IN THE MAIL... A Joyous / >rf Y A Happy have to go to the office was good in only a few Send the required refund form and the Universal visited the center the first North and south — Bill Levy and Sara Mendelsohn; weil, left to right, recently performed part >01 the year. Our COPIES ALSO AVAILABLE with the tape and ask for states and it seemed as if Product Code symbol from any three packages of Mary Corkum and Ann De Martin. 3 caller. Earl Johnston, will Easter \ Passover my dime back. There I ours wasn’t one of them. A Betty Crocker Potatoes: Scalloped, Au Gratin or East and west — Donna Feir and Ellen Goldberg; "Ducktails and Bobbysox” at the school. I tica> AT YOUR LOCAL STORE. Julienne. Expires May 31, 1983. accompany the group. 6»ac»*»a W hole o r Custom corrected! Mein Noodles in a Bg. Expires June 30, 1983. scheduled for April 5 at 7 p.m. at Coventry High B risket Cut Rounds lb. MEN ARE BUSY work­ Boneless Hams ib X l^deH^Lamb ux. Supermarket proce­ MEETING IN THE AI­ LIPTON Noodles & Sauce $1.50 Cash Refund. PTA schedules dance School, Ripley Hill Road. FWSH (CHICKEN BREASTS 1.3» LB) dures that are set up to SLES: . The Stop & Shop Send the required refund form and the cooking ing at the Greenhouse in " 5lbP*| ^R O O E CHICKEN BREASTS 1,49 LB) ^ Fred Mullen of Reid and Reige PC of Hartford, will ig Ltssor Ou»nl. FWa.VC0pKED»IATERAD0Eb-WH0lE12I014lBS FRESH-QENUME-AMEWCANWHOtE deal with customer prob­ superm arket in Cam­ directions from four packages (any variety) of The PTA of Keeney Street School will have a dance preparation for the plant Chicken L e^ Of Moro a»* lb. lb. / ^ Perdue Chicken Legs .^99' speak on “Estate Planning and Wills. " and vegetable sale in Colomal HamsShankle^ Skinless « i Gfg-O-Lamh-Oven Ready bl2 ” lems should “make bridge, Mass., a Boston Lipton Noodles A Sauce. Expires July 31, 1983. April 8 from 8 p.m. to midnight, at the Elks Club, 30 FROZENfOINNERLINK 1-LB. 2.49) QUICK FROZEN ^ Home-Style VEG-ALL Free Can Offer. Receive Bissell St. May. If you have any ^ L T COOKED WATER AOOED-BONEM „ FRESH QENUME AMERICAN sense," and when the suburb, had its customers potting containers to do­ Jones Breakfast Links SJ P ’ San Sea Shrimp Cocktail 3 s i 2 ” problem Is a small over­ meeting in the aisles when a coupon for one free can of Home-Style large cut The donation is $10 per couple. Music will be Sm^^ Hams «. 1” Lamb Chops Shoulder Blade bl2 ” vegetables and postage. Send the required refund Quilters to meet nate, please leave them SwrTPIIE>l■UM(StZ^UAN1^0^ QUICK FROZEN-FEELED A DEVEINEQ-NORtAND OR charge, it should be re­ it held its first “Singles provided by DAS Production. KWELESS (HORMEL CURE SI HALVES 3 68 LB I form and two labels from 29-ounce cans of off at the center front Brown’N Serve Sausage Links P’ Cap n John’s Medium Shrimp 6 ” FRESHQENUBCAMERICANO-OINLAMBCHORSAItLaj funded right there at the Night.” Nutmeg Quilters will meet Tuesday at 7; 30 p.m. in office. Ham Royale Buffet I^ le «. 2 ” Rib Lamb Chops .^3 cash register. The fact The event ran from 7 Home-Style large cut vegetables. Expires Sept. the Community Room of Vernon Police Station, Routt* raes^ioosELiwi American breakfast sausage i sa lba, „ „ AUAKABIE WED -SAT M SELF SERVICE FSH DEFT 30, 1983. Friday, is a holiday and (S4.B CAN 10 99) that this was a computer- p.m. until midnight, and a 30. Italian Sausage Links SiS ^L S M R E FARMS (BEEF POLSKA IOELBASA2.2SLSJ local radio station broad­ Church auction coming the center will be closed. Fresh Cod or Perch Rllets A&P C^ned Ham 3 . 6 ” ized and scanner- A workshop on Celtic Quilting will be presented. Happy Easter to all. Polska Kiebasa . 1” pquipped checkout coun­ cast live from the store, prize of a “Stop A Shop market holds a news­ Mr. andMrs. PaulMcNamara of 357 Spring St. are Jon’t forget to purchase ter should make no giving away T-shirts, Food Frenzy.’’ The worthy event, drop me a coordinating'the sale of tickets for the St. James M your tickets earlj lor the difference. If the compu­ bumper stickers, records winner made a mad 104- note and tell me the auction scheduled for April 8 at Vito’s Restaurant in The Manchester Herald wants your club news Submit Variety Show. Ticket do­ ter was “smart” enough and movie passes. The second dash through the details. Write to me in Bolton. club announcements to Focus Editor Adele Angle at nations are $5 for adults New Country to ring up an overcharge, highlight of the evening’s store picking up all the care of United Features An open bar cocktail hour will precede the auction. least five days before you’d like to see them appear. and $2.50 for children. ^ E TOUR sSi3A!w5ViToKaIS^ |t should be able to make a entertainment was the food she could grab. Syndicate, 200 Park Ave., At that tirne, items available for bidding can be Always put a name and phone number where you can be If your favorite super­ New York, N.Y. 10019. Patrons are asked to Yogurt The &lad Bar sJSSX lP oorrection. drawing for the grand viewed. For ticket information call 649-3586. reached in case there are questions. donate their dollars no ASSORTED VARIETIES H O ^ Y FAVORTTE SUGAR SWEET later than next week so Golden Yams that they can be assured F R O M SELECT QUALITY of being included in the Bakmg Potatoes A 3 ^ * 1 program. Rehearsal will FRpH TENDER TOUNQ be on Saturday from 2; 30 Celery Hearts s?79* to 5:30 p.m. nxiOrviTAMBIB-CRnF The AARP Medicare Fresh Srianch 5? 79* Volunteers are anxiously M^THFUL-NUTIBTIONAL waiting to serve you and l);iir\ Spii'i;ils 1 ^ 1 2 9 95%FatIYee Fresh Mushrooms assist you with any prob­ •HFpRTED-ABCVBLAnORAFEaOR•HFORTED-ABCV BLACK ORAFEB OR lems or questions that you FREIR^SSSS^IXo^nl^ may have. Have you been - 1 ” Orchid Corsages REGULAR OR EXTRA CREAMY denied benefits and don’t Blue Bonnet EXTRA FANCY-8EAUTFUL understand why? Do you M argarine ^Grdden CQC Bird’s Eye and$lJ O(A E aster 0 know how to fill out BREAKSTONE DeOaous Apples ul (InBticI 6ktcli I C oolW M p Medicare forms? AARP Lilies And Bloom) volunteers can assist you. Temptee Cream Cheese Please call the office for 4 QUART WHJE OR YELLOW CHEESE Green Giant;sr.:r,iL'’ ^ Q 4 T Bird’s Eye Tasti Puffs has your an appointment. April Land O’ Lakes Singles — Gold Medal PtirpoM 13th from 1-3 p.m. will be FART SKBA OR WHOtE MB.K V e g e ta b le s frtb. Flour bog LaPizzeria Cheese Pizza the next time assistance is Axelrod Yogurt SALAODRCSSMQ . COJeECTKJNERY. UOHT OR DARK BROWN best selection. available. K r^ Miracle Whip 2 ” Banquet Fried Chicken April 15 is the desig­ Seahest Cottage Cheese gJINK LIGHT Bl OK OR RRTER Domino Sugar nated day that the Nor­ fr e sh - c h is f t Rich’s Coffee Rich theast Utilities and the Seahest Sour Cream Bumble B ^ Tuna Lay’s Potato Chips Connecticut Natural Gas RMG O OR GIGGLE NOOOLE can legally shut off ser­ Lipton Noodle Soups 69^ Wisk Detergent S4«z. ‘ Aunt Jemima French Toast vice for non-payment. If FINE. MEDIUM OR BROAD you are having problems Penn Dutch Noodles 69* Lawn & Leaf Bags lOct. paying your bill, do not LJ b b e rma SHORTGRAM K Su \ L 1 ish 1)tiii. n hesitate to call the proper River Brand Rice mm cur OCEAN SPRAY Kleenex Facial Tissues company and make ar­ B. 139 ^ wmumfok. CodFiDets . 2 ” rangements for pay­ Cranberry Juice Cocktail 29w|.i AUQRBtoS 1 Reynolds Wrap ftroM 4 nMHCur ments. Shut-offs are an / « 2 9 SBiOLEPLV We invite you inconvenience and ( V i P rice Sale Maxwell House Coffee Perch Filets ^ INSTANT '"I Coronet Napkins ’!L'' 79* unnecessary. /)AQ TWOPtV 4 nmaounatH Please make note of All Items At Half Price Maxwell House Coffee ' 3 Coronet Bath Tissues BnbyScalops other program schedules: Bathware • Skikware* KHchen Needs yrilMtWIMMIt April 1 — Good Friday. Shed Liner • Space Organizers • Pitcher Tetley Bags Closed. SUPER LAYER Salmon Steaks Food Preparation Products and Gadgets A to compare our finest April 2 — 2:30-5:30 Household Containers • Waste Baskets Betty Crocker Variety Show Rehearsal Trash Cans-WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! 1C White Rock Fancy Shrimp . 6 ” April 5 — Square Dance Cake Mixes ’ mOHOfVMD * Club goes to Ledyard G inger Ale 3 *1 “ UdeeSmehs April 7 — Thursday program — the Voices of Joy will entertain you. quality plants and April 14 — Thursday program — Dr. Sinatra Qief Pierre will present a talk on W ine “Taking Care of Your 8” Apple P ie Q ied d ar _ Cooked Heart.’’ Turkey Breast April 21 — Thursday flowers at lower price program — the Beethoven Singers will entertain you. 189 Kirachner introduces Lil' Honey of a Ham. Cured with April 22 and 23 — .X . MCh horiey instead of su w for that s(*ciai hon^ taste iOce no Variety Show at Manches­ 2 ? 9 9 f o tiw ham you can buy. And since Lil’ Honey of a Ham is Open Thur. FrI. Sat. Nights till 9 PM. ter High School. j- V Ih Store Bakery p r 95* fat free, you feel better knowing it’s Kirschner. r- C Cheese Shop r==C Hot Foods ■')------Easter Sunday til Noon SETBACK SCORES: Dei Shop March 28 - Fritz Wilkin­ Engish Toasting Bread -d.69* ^ i ^ B r i e son, 841; Gert McKay, Baked Macaroni & Cheese.. P 807; Lillian Lewis, 786; Bowtie Danish 2*. 79* Salami & Cheese ^ 3” Josephine Strimike, 778; mmiAKCo ^ 0M.OMAT _ Noodle Onerole ^ 2 ^ LirHoneyofaHam i Ruth Baker, 749; Hans ^ Cbmamon Buns Frederickson, 742; Ernie L German Soft Cheese •,3 ” . SaftdNiiySteA ^2” T O MR. GROCER: You are authorized to act as our .^S?% o«eUTtrwM .2” agent for the redemption of this co<«xi. We wU PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 27TH THRO APRIL 2ND. 19t3.* rdmixjtse you $1.00 plus 7C for harKSDg if It hes been WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT SALES AND TO CORRECTTYPOORAPH^^ __ [ Lised in accordance wHh our customer offer. In- CUT LAUNDRY CUSl'S by ITEMS FOR SALE NOT AVAKASU TO WHOIESAIE OR RETAM. OCAURS voice proving purchase of stAdent stock to cover coupons decreasing the amount of presented for redernptkx) must be shown on request. Coupons void If tnaed,red, p ro H tM . or ottienriae restricted by law. Customer p m any 85 E. Center St. deterg;ent used. Reduce by sales tax.BX. Cash v ^ is 1/20C. Grocers meilmeU coupons to: Joseph Kirschner one-third and see whether ( Co, h e , 193 Rhenlde Drive, Augusta, M E 04330. Offer expkespkesbec.31,1963. Manchester you notice a difference in STORE c o u p o n » Nfl3-7 the appearance of your CALDOR SHOPPING CENTER wash. Add extra dollars to BURR CORNERS, MANCHESTER your budget by selling 649-5268 “don’t needs’’ with a low- $1.00 $1.00 cost ad in Classified. 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., March 30, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 30, 1983 - 19 Celtics continue downward slide Indiana surprises Celtics SPORTS Page 19 0, INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) - Bos- they are not yet ready for the came closer than 17 points. player through the 10th” everyone t ton Coach says he hopes playoffs. The ease with which the Pacers played well. the Celtics learned something in “ I was surprised at the way we won was shocking to most of the “ There just wasn’t a bad player Hall of Fame their 130-101 surprise loss to the played ... We’re definitely not 9,789 fans, many of whom just out there tonight ” Indiana Pacers because the two ready for the playoffs. Thank God, showed up to watch former Indi­ teams square off tonight in Boston. we don’t have to be ready yet. In a ana State University star Larry He said Knight was “ an unusual few days, this game won’t mean a Bird, It also surprised Indiana offensive player. Somebody who ” I hope they’ll learn the same thing but it did show us some things Coach Jack McKinney. hasn’t seen him before is going to Bill Madden excelled thing tomorrow (Wednesday) and we learned from it,” Fitch have trouble with him. " night,” Fitch said following Tues­ said. ” I wouldn’t have ever expected Knight finished with 23 points, day’s thrashing. “ We didn’t have Indiana grabbed the lead for to win like this,” said McKinney. six behind game-high scorer Clark any one position that was more good late in the first period and “ I would have just been happy to Kellogg, the Indiana rookie from lAVtESS suspect than any other night. Most increased the one-point margin win. It picks us up. This is the most Ohio State. Another Buckeye pro­ on athletic scene nights I pick on my guards: but not after one quarter to 14 by halftime fun I ’ve had all year,” duct, Herb Williams, added 20. tonight.” and to 20 after three quarters. McKinney praised guard Billy Bird topped Boston with 25 Fitch said the Celtics learned In final period, Boston never Knight, but claimed “ from the first points. By Earl 'Yost Sports Editor Manchester’s most versatile Bullets red hot, may miss playoffs athlete? I The late William Madden per­ haps fits the bill better than Bv Dave Raffo stretched its lead 72-62 with a Wilkins added 19 to pace the with 33 points, poured anyone. UPI Sports Editor quarter to play. A Hawks, who pulled within a game in 26 points and Dun Issel added 25. Just look at his credentials. ■ f j m “ I would say that was the game of idle New York in the race for the Suns 115, Jazz 107 He lettered in four sports - The Washington Bullets could be right there,” Milwaukee Coach fifth playoff spot in the Eastern At Phoenix. Ariz., Alvan Adams baseball, basketball, football and the NBA’s hottest team going into said. “ We couldn’t Conference. Atlanta center Tree scored a season-high .30 points and track - in both high school and the playoffs. That’s if they qualify. make a shot but you have to credit Rollins set a team record with 8 also had 10 assists to lead Suns. college, winning 32 letters, four in The Bullets won their sixth their defense for that. But then, it blocked shots in the first half and Larry Nance added 21 points and 12 each year in each sport while an straight game Tuesday night, seemed like we couldn’t make a finished with 10. World B. Free led undergraduate at South Manches­ rebounds for the Suns while John 3 nipping Milwaukee 84-81 at Lan- shot all night.” Cleveland with 16 points. Drew and Darrell Griffith led Utah ter High School and Trinity College dover, Md. If the playoffs started led the Bucks Bulls 97, 76ers 95 with 18 points apiece. in Hartford. today, however, Washington with 16 points but All- Star forward At Chicago, Rod Higgins equaled In addition to the four aforemen­ wouldn’t be in them. Marques Johnson had a subpar his season-high of 25 points and Lakers 127, Clippers 109 tioned sports. Madden also ex­ Washington, 35-36, trails Atlanta 7-point game. David Greenwood added 21 to lead At Inglewood. Calif., Kareem celled as a boxer, wrestler and as a by two games and New York by “ That was Marques Johnson’s UPI Photo Chicago to its first win over Abdul-Jabbar scored 26 points in ' • I. •'.1 polo player. three in the three-way battle tor worst game of the season,” added Philadelphia in six games and three quarters to power Los While in college, he was one of LONNIE SMITH TAGGED OUT the final two Eastern Division hand the 76ers their third loss in Angeles. The Lakers shot 64 the first freshmen to win four playoff spots. The Bullets have 11 their last five games. Dave Corzine percent from the field in the first letters and was named Trinity’s .. by Pirate catcher Tony Pena games left, while the Hawks and scored with 2:00 left to put the bulls three quarters to take a 97-72 lead most outstanding athlete all four :/ r Knicks each have nine remaining. ahead for good, 93-91. Andrew and coach did not have to years. NBA Frank Johnson and Jeff Ruland Toney led Philadelphia with 23 use his starters in the final period Following his college career, he each scored 24 points to pace points and added 22. for the second game in a row. turned to coaching at South Man­ 0 ’'- Washington against the Bucks, Kings 111, Rockets 95 Rookie Terry Cummings led the chester High (Since rechristened who are one victory away from Nelson. “ He couldn’t get anything At Houston, reserve guard Mike Clippers with 20 points. Manchester High), plus stints at clinching first place in the Central going tonight.” Woodson scored 28 points and Trail Blazers 114, Pistons 107 both Trinity College and the Division. In other games, Indiana routed Larry Drew and Ray Williams At Portland, Ore., Calvin Natt University of Connecticut. Training “ We’ve been playing pretty well Boston 130-101, Atlanta crushed added 19 each to help Kansas City scored 22 points and reserve Kenny William Madden certainly dis- for a damn long time now — It’s Cleveland 95-82, Chicago nipped in its fight for the final playoff spot Carr added 21 to lead the Trail tingdished himself in the world of magnificent,” Washington Coach Philadelphia 97-95, Kansas City in the West. Terry Teagle led the Blazers. and Vinnie UPI photo sports before being gunned down Camp Gene Shue said. “ In those games blasted Houston 111-95, San Anto­ Rockets with 26 points. Johnson scored 26 each while Kelly by a team of robbers in 1919 at the we were losing earlier to Philadel­ nio tripped Denver 136-129, Pho­ Spurs 136, Nuggets 129 Tripucka added 18 for Detroit. BUFFALO S BILL HAJT CANT BELIEVE HIS EYES AFTER GOAL age of 39. He was shot and killed phia and New York, we were enix nipped Utah 115-107, Los At San Antonio, Warriors 109, Mavericks 106 while attempting to overtake six Notes ■in second period scored by Blaine Stoughton last night in 5-4 Whaler win playing well but just not getting the Angeles blasted San Diego 127-109, scored 32 points and George At Oakland. Calif.. J.B. Carroll men in a car who earlier that results. We’re getting it now.” Portland downed Detroit 114-107 Gervin added 28 to lead the Spurs. scored 28 points and Lester Conner January night had staged adaring The Bullets broke the game open and Golden State edged Dallas It was San Antonio’s seventh win in added 16 points and 10 assi.sts to robbery at Cheney Brothers’ silk with a 12-2 third quarter streak 109-106'. nine games and reduced their help Golden State break a seven- mills. that turned a 48-46 deficit into a Hawks 95, Cavaliers 82 magic number to clinch first place game losing streak. Mark Aguirre The Manchester Sports ]Hall of 58-50 lead. Paced by Ruland’s eight At Atlanta, Dan Roundfield in the Midwest Division to four. had 31 points to pace the Fame Committee today an­ Ryan on sidelines third quarter points, Washington scored 25 points and Dominique Kiki Vandeweghe lead Denver Mavericks. whalers' triumph nounced Madden as the last of the five inductees for the Sept.23 dinner at the Army & Navy Club. By United Press International At West Palm Beach, Fla., Willie Madden, bom in Manchester in Aikens drove in five runs with a Four-hour May, 1879, was one of a family of Hard-throwing Nolan Ryan has pair of doubles and a sacrifice fly MCC loses DePaul, Fresno State four gifted athletically-inclined WILLIAM MADDEN been hit by the same type of hard to lead the Kansas City Royals to brothers. The quartet consisted of . . .versatile athlete luck that has decimated much of an 8-7 triumph over the Montreal NBA meet, Frank, Maurice, Joseph and the Houston Astros pitching staff. Expos. bid for 10-K may prove costly WilUam. Ryan had been scheduled to NIT finalists tonight At Clearwater, Fla., Tony Ghelfi Feats of Bill Madden on the pitch opening day for Houston but and veteran Ron Reed combined no decision There won’t be any TAC Na­ athletic field have become legend. 200 pounds spread over a frame will miss at least two starts tional 10-Kilometer Championship NEW YORK (UPI) - In his 41 never-ending drive for HARTFORD (UPI) — Leave it years. Later he headed the on a five-hit shutout to help the Ramsey threw a stick at the against Quebec. Blessed With natural ability, old just under six feet. because of a urinary tract as part of the New England Relays years as DePaul coach, respectability. to the Hartford Whalers to lose — security department at Cheney’s Philadelphia Phillies defeat the NEW YORK (UPI) - The NBA Whalers’ center on a breakaway. “ It’s good for the intregrity of timers to a letter claimed Madden Back in 1951, a Jim Thorpe infection. in June. has never faced Fresno State. The Bulldogs. 24-10. have won 10 even when they win. until his death'on Jan.30,1919. The Baltimore Orioles 4- 0. Pete Rose, and Players Association have gone Despite protests by the Whalers. the game to see the Whalers play so was the best all around athlete in contest was held in conjunction A team spokesman said Ryan Bob Campbell, of the Natiqnal When he finally confronts the of their last 11 games and narrowly After registering back-to-back killers were later apprehended. playing right field, knocked in the almost silent in recent days. It Fournier awarded the shot to well when they have a No. 1 draft Manchester history. with a movie on the great Indian was diagnosed by a urologist TAC officem, notified Pat Mis- Bulldogs in tonight’s National missed qualifying for the NCAA wins over division rivals Boston winhing run with a one-out single in could be even more quiet Sunday. Stoughton, who beat goalie Bob pick at stake,” Bowman added. “ If His services were much in athlete’s life and local residents Previously named 1983 Hall of Tuesday to have prostatitis, and as tretta, relays’ coordinator, Tues­ Invitation Tournament finals, it tournament when they dropped a and Buffalo, the Whalers may have the third inning off loser Scott Sauve to his. stick side for bis 44th there’s any silver lining to losing demtuid by state teams around the were asked to vote for their choice. Fame selections were the late Pat a result he will miss scheduled McGregor. Representatives i o r the league day that the 1983 National 10-K has will be sight unseen. 66-63 overtime decision to Nevada- taken themselves out of contention goal. this game, it’s the fact that the No. and its players union met for close clock and when not wearing the Madden was the winner by a Bolduc, Dick Cobb, Ernie Dowd starts April 5 against the Los At Tempo, Ariz., Mike Moore, been awarded to Adirondack While Fresno State was ham­ Las Vegas in the Pacific Coast for the right to pick first in the “ I've never been more nervous to four hours Tuesday, seeking to 1 draft choice won't be coming into colors of Manchester he performed landslide. and Gene Johnson. Angeles Dodgers and April 9 or 10 Mike Stanton, Ed Vande Berg and Mountain in New York State. mering Wake Forest 86-62 in the Athletic Association championship junior draft. in my career," said Stoughton, our division.” with leading teams in all sports in Madden helped form the Man­ An Unsung Award winner will be ■ against the Pittsburgh Pirates. Joe Bill Caudill combined on an reach agreement on a collective Mistretta had sought the Na­ NIT semifinals at Madison Square game. In most other conferences, By virtue of a 5-4 victory over the who missed his only other penalty The victory marked the first bargaining pact that would avert a surrounding communities. chester Police Department in 1908 announced shortly as well as ticket' Niekro will start the Astros’ opener eight-hit shutout to lift the Seattle tional event to be the highlight of Garden Monday night, Meyer the second-place finish would have Buffalo Sabres Tuesday night, the shot last month in Quebec. “ My time Hartford has rallied in the threatened Saturday night walkout Madden was a power-built man. and served as its captain for four outlets. in place of Ryan. Mariners to a 5-0 victory over the the second day of the June 25-26 stayed with his team in their hotel. earned Fresno State an NCAA Whalers moved past Pittsburgh legs were weak and my stomach third period to win. The Whalers by the NBAPA. Ryan had flown to Houston from Cleveland Indians. Pat Putnam promotion. It wasn’t until DePaul dumped berth anyway, but not in the out of last place in the overall was churning. I made up my mind had been o-39-l when behind after Cocoa, Fla., on Monday complain­ had three hits, two runs and two The Boston Herald, in its Wed­ A 10-K will still be held on Nebraska 68-58 in the second lightly-regarded PCAA. National Hockey League to go either stick or glove side.” two periods. ing of pain in his abdomen. The RBI for. Seattle. nesday morning editions, reported Sunday, June 26, starting and semifinal later that night that “We played for the NCAA," standings. Ramsey was furious. Trailing 4-3, Ron Francis scored Astros placed Ryan on the 21-day that both sides have reached an finishing on the Manchester Com­ Meyer thought about facing Grant said, “ We didn't know if the “ It was a brutal call," he said. a shorthanded goal to knot the disabled list retroactive to March At Lakeland, Fla., Gary Gaetti agreement in principle, including munity College campus. Fresno State in the 46th NIT NIT would take us.” ' “ We can't think about losing the “ I ’ll admit I slashed him, but if I score at 4-4 at 8: n. It was Francis’ 25. Ryan is not eligible to pitch until smashed a pair of two- run homers several points of compromise, to championship game. Forward Bernanrd Thompson No. 1 one pick because sometimes was going to throw my stick. I ’d 30th goal. Kiffredge unbeatable April 14. and Kent Hrbek added a three-run ensure playoff action will go on as Meyer knows some Bulldogs added 23 points against Wake it happens that the second or third have thrown it from the blue line.” Rookie Mai Davis capped a Houston has already lost re­ homer to power the Minnesota scheduled. players well, however. Senior Forest while center Desi Barmore pick turns out to be better,” said Buffalo coach Scotty Bowman Buffalo three-goal second period liever Joe Sambito for the season Twins to a 10-5 win over the Detroit The Herald said there has been guard Tyrone Bradley, junior finished with 13 points and 7 Hartford’s Blaine Stoughton, who was equally upset. with a goal with two seconds left to when it was determined he would Tigers. an agreement in principle reached AACC diamond forward Ron Anderson and fresh­ rebounds. scored the winning goal by con­ “ The call was undeserving, but provide the Sabres with a 4-3 lead. have to undergo a third operation At Phoenix, Carney Lansford and the governors’ vote will be a men reserves Marvin Carter and Fresno State is making its first verting a penalty shot with nine those things happen,” Bowman' Gil Perreault and Dale McCourt tilt postponed seconds left in the game. in 1,500 meter races to his post- operative left elbow and went 3-for-4, including his first formality. Charlie Smith come from Chicago NIT appearance while DePaul is in said. “ Fortunately, itdidn'tcostus also scored in the period, while J .R. Richard is undergoing rehabi- home run of the spring, to pace the The newspaper said there are and were lured right out of its seventh NIT under Meyer. The “ We want to take something with in the standings.” Hartford got a goal from Chris liation from surgery to correct a Oakland A ’s to a 10-5 victory over three major sections to the Manchester Community College DePauTs backyard by Bulldogs Blue Demons are playing in their us into next season, so maybe this Pittsburgh, which closes against Kotsopoulos By Len Auster baseball team’s 1983 home opener confidence has swelled since that circulation problem in a leg. He is a the Milwaukee Brewers. Lansford compromise: Coach Boyd Grant. third final and first in 38 years is a way of us coming together as a Montreal, the New 'Vork Islanders Herald Sportswriter "Tuesday against Eastern Connec­ The Whalers led 2-1 in the first experience. ”I feel now I can run longshot to pitch for the Astros this sparked Oakland’s 17-hit attack — A maximum annual salary “ I used to see them play in our since led them to the team, " he said. and New Jersey, is two points period after Mike McDougal and with them. I ’m more confident and season. with a two-run homer off loser cap per team that would be ticut State University jayvees was gym, I tried to recruit them,” N IT crown in 1945. Stoughton was awarded a pe­ behind the Whalers. Hartford, tied He’s been like a Las Vegas postponed by wet grounds. The Stoughton sandwiched goals learning now how to pace myself The illness to the 36-year-old Mike Caldwell in the first inning. between $3.5 and $3.7 million. Meyer said. “ I know those players DePaul. 21-11, is the slight nalty shot when referee Ron with New Jersey for 19th place gambler — on a roll. around a Buffalo tally by Gilles better. I ’m learning to go out a Ryan sets back his campaign to — A minimum salary level of contest has been rescheduled and they’re good. We were outrec- favorite in the game, which is Fournier ruled Buffalo's Mike And when it will stop, no one At Palm Springs, Calif., Atlee overall, finishes with two games Hamel. little harder and my splits are break the all-time career strikeout Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. ruited; I hope we don’t get expected to draw a crowd of about knows. Hammaker held California to one between $3.2 and $3.5 million per getting more even.” mark of Hall of Famer Walter run and six hits through six innings team. Weather permitting, the Cou­ outplayed.” 10,000. Nearly 1,500 Fresno State East Catholic’s premier harrier, gars are slated to make their home ”At the Easterns (Eastern Johnson. .Ryan reeds only 15 to held the San Francisco Giants — Teams would be able to match Anderson registered a game- fans, who call themselves the Red Steve Kittredge, has not tasted V debut Thursday afternoon against States Track and Field Invita­ strikeouts to pass Johnson. snapped the Angels’ eight-game free agent offers made to their own high 24 points and 7 rebounds Wave, are expected to invade the defeat in a 1,500-meter race in the Mitchell College at 3 o’clock. tional Meet at Princeton. N.J.) he In exhibition action: winning streak with a 5-1 victory. players by other clubs without Monday to lead Fresno State’s Garden. state since, since — boy, it is a long started out seventh and moved up At Cocoa, Fla., Rafael Ramirez Chili Davis belted a solo homer for having the contract figure affect Bruins clinch first, time. to fourth. He ran his own race. He led a 16-hit Atlanta attack with the Giants. its . Kittredge as a sophomore cap­ had confidence in himself to run his three singles and Terry Harper In other developments, the Los But neither the NBA nor the tured the state Class L and Open own race.” Skehan said, noting the and Chris Chambliss drove in three Angeles Dodgers traded outfielder NBAPA would comment. Both outdoor 1,500 meter runs. He Valvano happiest dancer maturation. runs each as the Braves pounded Mark Bradley to the New York sides, it seems, have decided to say followed that up by taking the “ The biggest thing is he’s the Houston Astros 12-5. All 16 Mets for two minor- league nothing about the status of the 1.500- meter run Class L and Open learning to run his own race. When Atlanta hits were singles and the pitchers and announced that talks. In fact, neither the league proud, not satisfied titles again as a junior. He set a he won at Yale (Class M 1,500 Braves also benefited from 11 pitchers Ricky Wright and Orel nor union would confirm that the school and state record in the Class meters) he ran an even-paced walks. Hershiser have been optioned to latest meeting was even taking among Final Four coaches L run with a clocking of 56.04. race,” Skehan said. “ At the class At Winter Haven, Fla., Eddie Albuquerque of the Pacific Coast place until a prepared statement By United Press International the playoffs to look forward to.” And this season, so far, there’s meet, I ran like I should Wayne Gretzky set up three goals Milner tripled, doubled and scored League. Bradley, 26, hit .317 with from NBA commissioner Larry Bv United Press International the season’s start, Flames S, Kings 3 been no stopping the recently Kittredge said. “ I ran an even­ teams square off Saturday. Proud but not satisfied. That was Tuesday night to break his own two runs to lead the Cincinnati 12 homers and 101 RBI for O’Brien was released at its “ In 1974 (when the Wolfpack won At Calgary, Alberta, Kent Nils­ turned 18-year-old Eagle senior. paced race and had a kick left. No "Houston is pretty much of a the Boston Bruins’ reaction to NHL record for assists in a season, Reds to a 4-3 victory over the Albuquerque last year. He was conclusion. As coach of one of the NCAA’s the tournament with All- America son notched a hat trick, including Kittredge in the fall became matter what, I seem to find a mirror of Louisville except they and scored once to lead Edmonton. Boston Red Sox. Boston starter traded to the Mets for right-handed “ We met with the Players “ Cinderella” teams. North Carol­ David Thompson), it was more of clinching first place in the overall two goals 36 seconds apart midway two-time state Class L champ in kick,” the younger said. have a seven-footer,” McCray NHL standings. Dennis Eckersley was nicked for pitchers Jody Johnston and Steve Association today,” O’Brien said, ina State’s Jim Valvano is the an expected thing,” said Jim through the final period, and cross country and capped that part ” He’s capable of running the said. The Bruins clinched the top spot all four Reds hins before departing Walker ... The Philadelphia Phil­ “ and we will continue our negotia­ happiest dancer at the Final Four Pomeranz, the team’s director of Lanny McDonald added a pair of of his scholastic career by winning Open 400 (meter dash) and scor­ The 7-footer is center Akeem — and the homecourt advantage in the seventh. Wade Boggs had lies placed outfielder Von Hayes on tions with another meeting bail. publications. “ The atmosphere goals to lead the Flames. The loss the State Open. His success story ing. He has quarter mile speed but Olajuwon. He and power forward for the duration of their playoff three hits and two RBI for the Red the 15-day disabled list, retroac­ tomorrow.” “ For me this is the ultimate,” now is electric. It’s been a was the sixth in a row for the Kings didn’t end there as he continued yet can still win in cross country. Larry Micheaux have helped es­ stint — with a 4-3 victory ov6r the Sox. tive to March 27, because of a torn Larry Fleisher, the general said Valvano, in his third year as continuous party since (winning) and eliminated them from the indoors by winning the state Class That’s what makes him pheno­ tablish Houston, ,30-2, as a 2-point Nordiques Tuesday night at At St. Petersburg, Fla.,»Dale muscle in his left thigh ... counsel of the NBAPA, again Wolfpack coach and making his the ACC tournament.” playoffs for the first time in 10 M Indoor l,S00-meter champion­ menal,” Skehan said. favorite. The Cougars ran their Quebec. Berra, Lee Lacy and Johnny Ray The Boston Red Sox made the refused comment other than to first trip to the final four. ’’This is The Wolfpack have walked a years. ship, setting a state record by Kittredge’s goal for indoors was winning streak to 25 games with an "We feel a lot of pride. Nobody drove in eighth-inning runs as the final cut from their pitching staff confirm that the parties had met certainly the goal every coach in tournament tightrope, coming Rangers 4, Blues 3 nearly five seconds with a time of to hit 3:55 in the 1,500. He came awesome 89-71 victory over No. 11 predicted it and we weren’t partic­ Pittsburgh Pirates rallied for a 5-3 by optioning right-hander Steve and will get together again today. college basketball sets when you from behind late in all but one of At St. Louis, Vaclav Nedo- 3:57.61. He brought to a close his close with the 3:57.61 and that in Villanova last weekend. ularly aiming for it at the start of victory over the St. Louis Crawford to their Pawtucket, R.I., Earlier in the day, the NBA first get into this profession. This is their past seven games, and twice mansky scored the game- winning indoor career by winning for the part can be partially forgiven. Micheaux, a bruising, 6-9 Hous­ the season," Boston defenseman Cardinals. club in the International Leagtie ... announced O’Brien will review the my 16th year (of coaching) and winning in overtime. goal early in the third period to lift second straight year the Open Kittredge ran anchor leg on East’s ton product, scored a season-high Mike Milbury said. “ Regardlessof 1.500- meter crown. At Sarasota, Fla., Jim Kern, The St. Louis Cardinals said status of the talks at an NBA Board obviously this is my biggest thrill. The Bulldogs, 24-9, who shocked winning 4 X 800-meter relay and of Governors meeting Thursday 30 points against Villanova, He is what happened, we now want the “ I still say he has the best making his first appearance of the outfielder Willie McGee suffered a “ I ’m the rookie of the group,” he St. John’s and North Carolina in turned in a quick 1:55.1 clocking. morning in New York. The Board the Cougars’ only senior starter, Stanley Cup " combination of strength and speed spring, pitched one inning in relief slight shoulder separation and will added, referring to the four consecutive games last weekend, “ Three fifty seven is just what he is comprised of one representative “ 1 always tell them they’ll be “ The players have worked hard I ’ve seen. He’s head and shoulders to earn the win as the Chicago be unable to throw for five to seven coaches. “ I think this is (Houston are 2-point favorites Saturday, NHL STEVE KITTREDGE wanted, considering he doubled,” from each of the league’s 23 teams. back next yea r... I won’t. ’’ he says. all year and we deserve to be above all the other runners,” says White Sox edged the Toronto Blue days. The Cardinals also placed Coach) ’ fourth. (Lous- While North Carolina State fea­ . . .after better times says Skehan. Tuesday’s meeting between the “ This is it for me. I want to go out a where we are today," Bruins East Coach Mark Skehan, a Jays 3-1. Kern, sidelined with a second baseman Tommy Herr on ville’s) , has made six tures 6-foot-ll starters Thurl Bai­ The Eagle senior — naturally —. league and NBAPA was the first winner. I guess they took my Coach Gerry Cheevers said. New York. St. Louis had jumped to former runner himself who went stomach virus, then a sore arm, the 21-day disabled list, retroac­ or so, and it’s the second for ley (16.7 ppg) and Cozell McQueen, has been sought after by a number had pitched just three innings in tive to last Friday, due to cartilage since the sides met secretly speech to heart Sunday. Villanova The Bruins are now 50-19-9 for a 2-0 lead on first-period breaka­ on to do well at Yale University in (Georgia Coach) Hugh Durham. Georgia’s tallest starter is 6-7 said they wanted to play a physical 109 points. of college coaches but has nar-- intrasquad games all spring. damage in his left knee. Sunday for three hours. Sunday’s It’s also thrilling for me to be in Terry Fair, who has enjoyed an way goals by Bernie F"ederko and his collegiate days. “ Fora middle mils. ’’ (But) that was exciting. It rowed the field to a pair of schools. game — 1 hope they got what they In a game billed as a preview of Bobby Crawford. talks came after negotiations with that caliber of coach.” outstanding tournament. uPl photo distance runner, he has it all,” was good experience and I got to He has his sights on either St. wanted.” the opening round playoff series, Maple Leals 4, North Stars 2 Skehan adds. broke off last Thursday after only No. 14 North Carolina State Durham, who has 320 career run against a lot of good runners.” Joseph’s in Philadelphia or Boston 20 minutes. Fleisher, angered by The Cardinals, 32-3, have used a Barry Pederson the winning goal At Bloomington, Minn., Miros­ ’T m happy with my results so meets another Cinderella team in wins, won’t try to teach his ’Dawgs Top eager In an elite field, Kittredge College. Lafleur may leave Canada management’sstance, maintained swarming pressure defense to pull on a power play at 17:49of the third lav Frycer scored his 23rd goal of foi’i" said Kittredge, a Vernon No. 15 Georgia Saturday in one any new tricks. secured seventh place. ” He has The outdoor goal is 3: so for the the league’s bargaining stance was out victories over Kentucky and period after I’nemate Rick Mid­ the season early in the third period resident. ’ T m just doing my Lugano ice hockey club ol Switzer­ semifinal with No. 1 Houston and ” We won’t be doing anything has be­ shown a lot of maturation by 1,500. “ I ’d like to run 3; 50. That’s TOKYO (UPI) — Montreal right an attempt to eliminate free Arkansas, but Louisville will meet dleton hadtiedthescore 76 seconds to lift Toronto, ending the North training. During the season f No. 2 Louisville squaring off in the different than we’ve been doing all come the first two-time competing ih the Millrose Games. been my goal ever since I was et winger Guy Lafleur, who has land’s A division to hold prelimi­ agency. its match in speed and inside earlier. Stars’ chances for the Norris really wasn’t happy with myself. other game at Albuquerque, N.M. year,” Durham said. “ In practice ’There he took seventh m the best freshman,” says Kittredge. who watched his point totals sag along nary contract talks with the The union has reportedly agreed power Saturday. Louis Sleigher’s second goal of Division title. The win moved the winner of the Eastman It was hard to get going when I The winners battle for the NCAA we work on fundamentals. We field of high school runners in the recalls his career best is 3- 56 1 “ If with the fortunes of the Canadiens 31-year-old Canadiens forward this to let management impose payroll “ We’ll get some (blocked shots) the game had given the Nordiques Maple Leafs one point ahead of St. Award as the top college wasn’t running hard races.” championship Monday night. have no changes in strategy. Most country,” Skehan said. “ Steve is I don’t get It, I want to improve my the past three NHL campaigns, is week. caps on each team after next and they’ll get some,” .said Crum a 3-2 lead with 4:26 left in the game. Louis for third place in the Norris Competing at the Millrose Although North Carolina State, teams this late in the year try to do basketball player. The -listed in Track and Field News as time.” sAid to be interested in playing “ All I know is that Lugano plans season if the owners are willing to owner of a 295-75 lifetime mark' “ It’s disappointing because we Division and assured the Chicago Games in New York City this past 24-10, is making its third appear­ the things they’ve done well all three-time Virginia All- the seventh fastest mller in the The odds against that will be hockey in Switzerland next season. to speak with him,” Staehli said. “ I establish a payroll minimum. “ It’s going to come down to who had the lead late in the gam e," Black Hawks of the division crown. winter did wonders for Kittredge. ance in the NCAA Tournament year. We’re no different." winter. All seven times came from short. The Swiss Hockey Federation’s understand that Lafleur has ex­ Apparently, the sticking point is plays best. W'e’re going in there Sleigher said. “ But we have two Oilers 7, Canucks 4 American completed his “ When I went there. I wasn’t used pressed an Interest in playing semifinals, excitement at the Louisville’s Scooter McCray ex­ that one race.” You don’t bet against the house technical director, Gerry Staehli, the minimum amount to be paid and play our game. If it’s not good games remaining in the season and At Vancouver, British Columbia. to running hard,” Kittredge ad- Raleigh campus is unprecedented pects a lot of running and dunking career last week. Kittredge, himself, feels his not when it's on a roll. said Tuesday he expected the somewhere in Europe next season. out by each team for salaries. enough we ll get beat - but that’s due to the modest expectations at when the nation’s two top-ranked nothing to be ashamed of.” ) 20 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 30, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 30. 1983 - 21 Scoreboard B U S IN E S S /Classified I

x-Kansos City vs. New York (AU) at Tor, 6:30; Vellschek, Min, 6:48; Korn, Laker8l27,Cllpper8l09 Fort Louderdole, Fla., 7 ;n p .m . Bullets 94, Bucks 81 Chicago (A L ) vs. New York (N L ) at Cable television—when you pay, what you get To r, 10:36; Giles, Min, 13:49; Daoust, To r, 13:49; Hartsburg, Min, 16:09. St. Petersburg, Fla., 7:Xp.m . Second period— 3, Toronto, Terrion MILWAUKEE (II) SAN DIE(30 (1W) Philadelphia vs. (Tetrolt at Lakeland, Hockey Brooks 7-95616, Cummings 514 54 2D, Even I, a longtitne subscriber to cable television 14 Basketball M. Johnson 510 1-1 7, Mix 54 08 4, Fla., 8 p.m. and what selection of program channels is available in same interference suffered by ordinary telecasts. Lister 513 57 15, Monalef 514 16, Chambers 28 56 9, Hollins 08 50 0, am now approaching utter befuddlement over the What about relearning the joys of reading? And (unassisted), 7:59. Penalties— 6 8 your area. You’re a customer for pay TV if: you’re an addict Anderson, Pressev 45 57 11, MokeskI 38 08 6, Wood 513 1-2 18, J. Cooper 45 08 8, Baseball results variety of additional programming offered at a conversation? To r, 5:18; Salmlng, To r, 7:16; To r bench Winters 410 08 8, Criss 26 53 6, Hodges 7-14 (M) .4, Anderson 510 1-2 13 Say you’ve decided to subscribe to basic cable. Now who needs more sports and news; you love movies and (served by Daoust), 11:14; Derlogo, Tor, Catchlngs 53 08 4, Ford 1-3 2-2 4. Totals Gross 1-1581 charge tacted on to the fee I’m already paying for you come up against the baffling choices. Which NHLstandings NBA standings Totals47821423109. Tuesday's Exhibition Boseboll Re­ basic cable TV service. For my own benefit as well as can’t afford the money or time to go out to see them; ("S ylvia P orter’s New Money Book for the 80s,” 17:54; Payne, Min, 18:51; Roberts. Min, 31-76 1 5 X 81. sults pay-TV services do you want? 20 :00 . W A SH IN G TO N (94) LOS ANGELES (IX ) you despise the editing and deletions on commercial 1,328 pages of down-to-earth advice on personal RamUs 52 52 4, Wilkes 49 36 11, K to cable for the first time, All show movies. Some also offer sports, documen­ Wales Conference Third period— 4, Toronto, Frycer 23 Eotftrn Conference Davis 59 1-1 11, Ruland 516 58 X, TV. It truly depends on your lifestyle, your habits and money management, is now available through her Patrick Division (Poddubny, Ihnocak), 6:15.5, Minnesota, Mohorn 59 08 10, F. Johnson 1518 44 Abdul-Jabbar 1514 57 26, E. Johnson 57 At West Palm Beodi, Fla,___ Poy-TV options available. taries, .talk shows, theater, dramatic and comedy Atlantic Division 16 11, Nixon 59 54 IX M. Cooper 55 08 Kansas City 3W 808 ool — IM 0 (The add-ons vary from city to city ) TV tastes. column. Send $9.95 plus $1 for postage and handling to W L T Pts. G F GA Eaves 16 (Payne, Bellows). 9:44. 6, W L Pet. GB X , Sobers 49 36 11, Collins 411 50 8, series and entertainment specials. x-Philadelph 47 22 102 314 231 Toronto, Mortin 14 (Korn), 19:4Z Batton 1-1 08 2, Terry 52 08 0, Grevey 6, Worthy 7-9 1-2 15, Jones 7-10 50 14, MontrMi 008148110 - 7111 Now that I ’ve analyzed all the options and add-ons. "Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80s," in care 8 x-Phllodelphlo 59 12 .831 — Mc(3ee 515 1-1 19, Jordan 16 50 1 Splittortf, Renko (5), Quisenberry ( « -■The basic services include: the Alpha Repertory V-NY Islandrs 40 25 12 92 287 218 Penalties— None. x-Boston 48 23 .676 11 1-5 52 4. Totals 3880 1519 94. In fact, Home Box Office — the nation's pioneer pay I ’m back to simplicity itself: Look at your TV set. Is it of this newspaper, 4400 Johnson Drive, Fairway, Kan. V-Washinatn 38 23 16 92 295 268 Shots on goal— Toronto 9-7-11— Milwaukee X X 18 19— 81 Landsberger 51 52 1 C. Johnson 1-2 52 - and Wathan; Larch, Grapenthin (7), Television Service (ARTS); Black Entertainment New Jersey 45 26 .634 14 4. Totals 5489 15 X IX . Smith (9) end Carter, Blackwqll (5). W— TV service and with 11 million subscribers by far the giving you what you want? Could you get more from 66205. Make checks payable to Universal Press V-NY Ronors 34 34 9 77 299 279 27. New York X 33 .535 21 Washington 21 X X 25— 94 New Jersey 16 48 13 45 217 324 Minnesota 7-13-11— 31. Fouled out— Mahorn. Totol Son Diego X X 1 I X — IW Renko. L— Smith. S c" cable NewsN'etwoTk largest — offers all of the above, plus recent cable TV? Do you want to turn the thing on at all? Syndicate.) Washington 35 X .493 24 Los Angeles 3l n X 30— I X (CNN), Cable Health Network (CHN)* Cablp Pittsburgh 17 51 9 43 248 381 Goalies— Toronto, St. Croix. Minne­ Central Division fouls— blockbuster movies, some movie classics and the new Adams Division sota. Milwaukee 23, W ashington 26. Three-point goals— Wood. Fouled At Winter Haven, F M . ______Satellite Public Affairs Network (ctpAN)- Enter Milwaukee 46 27 .6X — out— Cincinnati Ml 110000 — 4 0 2 breed of movie, the made-for-pay-TV movie. Other x-Boston 50 19 9 109 322 222 Beaupre. A— 15,719. Atlonto X 35 .521 8 Rebounds— V-Montreal 41 23 13 95 342 278 Milwaukee 43 (Lister, Moncrief 7), None. Total fouls— San Diego 25, Los Boston 810001 OX-1 1 2 1 pay services with large national appeal include Detroit 32 40 .444 13V2 Angeles 21 Rebounds— San Diego 2D Power, Gale (4), Hume (7) Lesley (9) V-Buftalo 37 28 13 87 307 276 Chicago 26 46 .X I 19'/3 Washington X (Ruland 16). Assists— Showtime, which offers films and specials, and The V-Quebec 32 34 12 76 332 327 Flames 5. Kings 3 Mllwaukee15(Ford,M.Johnson,Pressey (Cummings 8), Los Angeles 43 (Abdul- ond Trevino; Eckersley, Stanley (7) and Indiana 19 53 .264 X 'A Jabbar 7). Assists— San Diego 26 (Moore Gedman. W— Power. L— Eckersley. Movie Channel, which shows films only. AH the Public Records Hartford 19 52 7 45 252 392 Cleveland 18 54 .250 271/2 3), Washington 22 (Johnson 11). Technl- Campiiell Conference cols— Ruland, Mllwoukee team (Illegal 6), l6 >s Angeles X (E. Johnson 8). A— H R ^ competitors operate 24 hours a day, seven days a Los Angeles 01 3— 3 Western Conference Cincinnati, Driessen. Your week. Norris Division Colgorv 0 3 3— S MIdwesf Division defense). A— 6,957. W L T Pts. G F GA W L Pet. GB An innovation of some cable companies is a ney, property at Buckland X-Chlcdoo 45 22 10 100 324 262 First period— None. Penoltles— At Sarasota, Fla. , . . Money's Warranty deeds Genabeth A Marchei, Administrator's deed Nicholls, Son Antonio 45 27 .625 — Toronto 188 080080— 1 00 pay-per-view capacity enabling a subscriber to pay Street and Tolland V-Mlnnesoto 40 22 16 96 316 277 LA, 3:13; Hardy, LA, 6:59; Meredith, (Denver » x .5X 6'/7 Warriors 109, Mavericks 106 Thomas E. Wilke, Mary property at 34-34 Bigelow Estate of Chester G. vToro nto 26 39 12 64 282 319 Bull897.76er895 Chicago (AL) OMOOOOlx — 3110 one additional fee to see a onetime event such as a Trunpike. Cal, 6:59; Dunn, Cal, 9:55; Lewis, LA, Kansas City 37 35 .514 8 Morgan, (Xlsel (7), Esouer (8) ond Worth Ann Lathrop and Eliza­ St., $93,500 (based on Lewis to Frank J. V-St. Louis 24 39 15 63 279 307 16:41. Dallos X 37 .493 9'/2 championship fight or an entertainment special; This Detroit 20 42 15 55 250 325 DALLAS (1M) Martinez; Dotson, Kern (0), Borolos (9) beth Lathrop to Michael conveyance tax). Melluzzo and Marilyn M. Real estate „attach- Second period— 1, Calgary, Nilsson Utah 25 48 .X2 MV2 P H IL A D E L P H IA (95) Sylvia Porter 3 and Fisk, Hill ( ). W— Kern. L— Esquer.- Smvtbe Division Houston 13 59 .210 32 Aguirre 1520 7-9 31, Vincent 412 5610, 8 capacity soon may be expanded to include regular P. Greene and Charlotte Julia Kennedy Burke to Melluzzo, property at 147 m ents x-Edmonton 46 21 11 103 414 310 43 Cureton 51 1-2 1, Ervlng 5 » 1-2 17, (Bridgman), 12:48.2, Calgary, McDonald Pocitic Division Malone 7-19 513 21 Cheeks 7-11 50 15, Cummings 510 08 10, Blackman 48 50 showing of first-run movies in the home on the same B. Greene, property at U& R Construction Co, Ferguson Road, $80,500 St. Francis Hospital and V-Cdlgorv 32 34 12 76 314 310 x-Los Angeles 52 18 .743 — 8, Davis 55 52 8, (kirnett 46 52 10, At Clearwater, Fla. V-Voncouver X 35 13 73 297 X3 65 (unossisted), 15:35. 3, Los Angeles^ Toney 5X 46 23, Jones 46 50 8, C. Balthnore 000000000 — 0 SI date that they debut in commercial movie theaters. Oxford St., $53,000 (based Inc., property at 118 But­ (based on conveyance Medical Center against Taylor 19 (Simmer, Dionne), 19:28. Phoenix 44 ffl .611 9 Johnson 2-7 50 4, Richardson 56 1-2 1, Ransev 510 1-2 13, NImphlus 56 52 11 Philadelphia 001000 JOx — 4111 Winnipeg 31 X 8 70 291 318 Portland 41 31 .569 12 Turner 26 08 4 Totals 4 5 X 1523106 Showtime and The Movie , Channel recently on conveyance tax). ternut Road, $41,000. tax). Gloria M. Gouin, property Los Angeles 26 40 11 63 293 348 Penalties— Kelly, LA, 12:32; Russell, Cui, R. Johnson 16 58 1 Edwards 18 51 1 Mc(>regor, Flinn (7), Stoddard (0) and Xainment and Sports Programming Network 13:08; Pepllnskl, Cal, 17:27; Meredith, Seattle 41 31 .569 12 Totals 39-97 1 5 X 95 GOLDEN STATE (IX) announced a joint ownership merger — raising the Robert F. Ward and Conservatrix's deed at 66 Henry St., $2,850. x-clinched division title (3olden State X 46 .X I 27 Short 520 53 20, Wlllloms 7-17 58 19, Nolan, Raytord (7); (ihelfl, Reed (7) and (ESPN); and Financial News Network (FNN). Other Keith E. Johnston and y-clinched playoff berth Cal, 19:04; Simmer LA, 19:41; Rlse- CHICAGO (97) Diaz. W— Gheiri. L— MclSregor. question of how that will affect their programming. Niki Bonatsakis against brough. Cal, 19:41 San Diego 24 48 .333 29 Greenwood 1514 1-1 21, Higgins 518 7-7 Carroll 1517 410 2D, Conner 57 6 6 16 8fferings are the "super” stations: WON (Chicago)- Georgina E. Johnston to Ann D. Ward to William Paulette J. Smith, con- (Top four In each division qualify for x-clInched playoff berfh Floyd 58 45 14, Brewer 57 08 8, HBO is already program m ed in conjunction with Renato Bonetti, property Stanley Cup playoffs.) Third period— 4, Calgary, McDonald66 X , Corzine 510 2-2 11 Dolley 7-12 52 16, WOR (New York); and WTBS (Atlanta). Murray E. Johnston and R. Padin, property at 37 servatrix of Odette M. (Choulnard), 2:1Z 5, Calgary, Nilsson 44 Tuesday's Resulfs Theus 513 08 6, Bradley 57 50 6, Johnson 56 52 1 D.SmIth 16 50 1 , Cinemax — so you, a pay TV customer, can subscribe Eickler to James R. at 72-74 Durant St., $3,000. Tuesday's Results Indiana IX , Boston 101 Totals 4592 2537 109. / At Lakeland, Fla. Cecilia Johnston, prop­ Hartland Road, $65,000. Boston 4, Quebec 3 (Reinhart, McDonald), 10:16.6, Calgary, Olberdlno 55 53 9, Lester 1-3 52 1 Minnesota 000 384 003 — M 161 to both services without getting a lot of program Lien Nilsson 45 (unassisted), 10:50. 7, Los Atlanta 95, Cleveland 82 Totals 4182 1517 97. Dallas I I 31 X 32-1M BASIC CABLE for which you pay a nominal fee — erty at 93 Plymouth Lane, Eickler. property on Car­ Hartford 5, Buffolo 4 Washington 94 Mllwaukee81 OolOen State X X X 2 6 — IW Detroit 083042000— Sill duplication. Quitclaim deed Park Chestnut Comn- Toronto 4, Minnesota 2 Angeles, Evans 17 (Holmes, Korab), Philadelphia X 19 X 24—95 O'Conner, Lvsander (7), Davis (9) and 'often only to get the clearer picture because cable $ 100, 000 . riage Drive, $11,000. 0 16:18.6, Los Angeles, Fox 26 (RuskowskI, San Antonio IX , (3enver 129 Chicago X X X 19^-97 Three-point goals— Brewer 2. To­ To save money when choosing pay TV, avoid M urray C. Johnston and dominium Association, N .Y. Rangers 4, St. Louis 3 Chicago 97, Philadelphia 95 tal Smith; Rucker, Poshniefc (5), Balleu (7), eliminates “ ghosts" and other interference — gets its Malcolm L. Pigford and Judgment liens Calgary 5, Los Angeles 3 M. Murphy), 19:01. Penalties— Three-point gools — Cheeks, Toney. Eaton (9) and Parrish, Butera (7),* services that overlap. Otherwise, you’re paying twice Cecilia Johnston to Keith Inc. against Luke J. St. Konroyd, Kansas City 111, Houston 95 Fouled out— None. Total fools— fouls— Dallas 2D, (jolden StateX. Fouled revenue from the same source as commercial TV- Cassandra G. Pigford to D & L Corp. against Edmonton 7, Vancouver 4 Phoenix 115, Utah 107 out— Vincent, Carroll. Rebounds— Castillo (9). W— O'Connor L-:^ for the same thing. E. Johnston and Georgina Germaine, Unit 134B-1, Wednesday'sGames Cal, 5:26; Kennedy, L A , 8:48; Konroyd, Phllo- Poshinskl. advertising. Edward A. Reilly Jr. and Catherine Callahan, prop­ Cal. 11:51 Los Angeles 127, San Diego 109 delphla 19, Chicago X . Rebounds— Dallas E. Johnston, property at Park Chestnut (All Times EST) Portland 114, (Oetrolt 107 X (Vincent 8), Golden Stole SO (Williams HRs— Minnesota, (Soettl 1 Hrbek; De­ Ads are more limited on cable than on broadcast Diane M. Biair. property erty at 27 Scarborough Montreal at Pittsburgh, 7:35p.m. Shots on goal— Los Angoles 8-11-7— 26. Philadelphia 50 (Malone 16), Chicago 45 troit, Parrish. IN SOME AREAS you may be able to buy an 93 Plymouth Lane. Condominiums.$514.76 Calgary IS^IO— 31. Golden State 109, Dallas I X (Greenwood 15). Asslsts-^hiladelphla 15). Assists— Dallas X ([^ v ls 8), (io ldm on Joan Circle, $90,000. Road, $143.19. N .Y . Islanders at Washinrton, 7:35 State 22 XConner 10). Technical fouls— TV, though, and often are more "narrowcasf ’ toward over-the-air pay service that often is programmed p.m. ( ^ I le s — Los Angeles, Laskoski. Cal­ Wednesday's Games At Tempo, Ariz. Ronni S. Moss to Chris Executrix's deed Atlas Bantley Inc. gary, Edwards. A— 7,242. (All Times EST) (Ervlng, Cheeks, Edwards 3), CTilcogo X Coach Motta, Dallas (Illegal defense). A specific consumers. The number of ad-supported or locally. You are charged a monthly fee to equip your Toronto at Detroit, 7:35 p.m. Indiana at Boston, 7 :X p.m. — 5,971 Cleveland 000 000000 — 0 8 0 Powell, Unit 16E , North- Estate of M ichael Za- against Bruce Meggett, Release Ms penden Minnesota at Chicago, 8:35p.m. (Higgins 9). Technical— Olberdlng, “ free” services a cable subscriber receives depends set with a device that unscrambles the movies and Washington at New Jersey, 7:Xp.m . Phila­ Seonie 012 801OIX — SMI field Green cherek to Jean Yves Cou­ property at 11 Brent Harold W. Moss releas­ Los Angeles at Winnipeg, 9:05p.m. Atlanta at Philadelphia, 7:X p.m . Barker, Splllner (8) and Bondo; Moore, on channel capacity of the cable system in your other features a station transmits. This typeofservice Thursday's Games Rangers 4. Blues 3 delphia (illegal defense),Chicago (illegal Stanton (8), VondeBerg (8), Caudill (9) Condominiums. ture and Celine I . Couture, Road, $555.16. ing Ronnie Lee Moss, Unit Houston at Cleveland, 8 p.m. defense) 1 A— 11189. service area. Cable systems will have from 12 to 100 usually loses out when cable becomes available Buffalo ot New Jersey Dallas at Utah, 9 :X p.m. and Bolling. W— Moore. L— Barker. Thomas J. Crockett to property on Woodland Norma D. Keeney 1 6 E North Green N.Y. Rangers at Philadelphia channels — depending on when the system was built because it offers only one channel and is subj ect to the Vancouver at Calgary NY Rangers 2 1 1— 4 New York at San Diego, 10:Xp.m. Baseball John D. M archaie and Street. against Richard J. Kee­ Condominiums. St. Louis 2 0 1—3 Detroit at Seattle, 10:X p.m. Thursday's Games Spur8l36.Nugget8l29 At Phoenbi, Ariz. First period— 1, St. Louis, Federko 24 Milwaukee IM201000— SI1< Whalers 5. Sabres 4 (Lapointe, Reeds), :25. 2, St. Louis, Los Angeles cR Denver Portland at Phoenix Oakland 301 Ml 81x — M 17 2 Crawford 5 ((.emleux, Turnbull), 7:33.3, DENVER (IX ) Caldwell, Slaton (6), Tellmann (8) ond New York, Greschner 3 (Johnstone, Don English 1521 51 26, Vandeweghe 1523 Baseball standings Buffalo 1 3 0— 4 Moloney), 8:06. 4, New York, Johnstone Yost, Lake (7); Codiroll, Underwood (6)7 Hartford 2 1 3— 5 8-11 X , Issel 519 57 25, Williams 26 08 Beard (9) and Heath, Kearney (I). W -> 15 (Greschner, Don Moloney), 10:58. Pacers 130, Celtics 101 4, Dunn 18 36 5, Evans 1-3 50 5, Codiroll. L— Caldwell. HRs-. First period— 1, Hartfordi McDouoal 6 Penalties— Lemleux, StL,8:00; Povellch, ExhlMf Ion Boieball (Malinowski, Renaud), 9:17. Z Buffalo, N YR , 12:09. Schaves 6 8 48 16, Hanzilk 56 08 6, Noflonol L e o ^ Milwaukee, Hamel 22 (Van Boxmeer, M. Ramsey), BOSTON (101) Gondrezick 1650 2, McKinney 59 51 10. w L Pel. Edwords; Oakland, Lansford. Second period— 5, New York, Povellch Totals 55102 21-31 IX . 14:13.3, Hartford, Stoughton 43 (Francis, 36 (Dove Maloney, Greschner), 1:32. MaxywII 2-8 9-12 Bird 10-18 56 25, Montreal 15 10 .400 Parish 7-13 3^ 17, Buckner 1-6 0-2 2, SAN ANTONIO (IX ) Son Frondsco Al Palm Springs, Cam. Classified.. Johnson), 18:07. Penalltes— Selling, 9 .526 643-2711 Penalties— Romooe, StL, 1:12; 10 Business Opportunities .. .22 Store/Office Space ,., Household Goods...... 62 Buf, Alnge 4-8 0-0 8, Henderson 6-15 1-4 13, Banks 7-12 57 17, Mitchell 7-12 1-2 15, St. Louis Son Franckoo 000 401101 — S110 Notices Dove Gilmore 1516 12-15 32, Moore 7-14 18, 8 8 .500 Situation Wanted...... 23 For advertisements to be 12:51; Renaud, Har, 12:51; Halt, Buf, Moloney, NYR, 1:59; Kontos, McHale 2-9 4-4 8, Wedmon 26 08 4, Carr 4 7 Son Diego 10 11 .476 CalKomla M O IO O IS I-1 7 9 Resort Property...... Misc. for Sole ...... 63 Rates 16:05. NYR, 1-3 ^2 4, Bradley 06 2-2 2, Robey 2-5 1-2 (rervin 11-16 6 6 2B, Dunleavv 511 53 13, New York 9 .474 Hammaker, Calvert (7), LaValle (97 Lost/Found...... 01 Employment Info...... 24 MIsc. for Rent...... published Monday, the dead­ Jones 2-2 2-2 , Crompton 08 08 0, 10 Home and Garden...... 64 Minimum Charge: Secondperiod— 4, Buffalo, Perreault26 11:25; Sutter, StL, 11:53. 5. Totals 37-97 27-X 101. 6 Cindnnati 8 11 .421 and Brenly, Pruitt (6); Zahn, Hosslw; Personals...... 02 Instruction...... 25 line Is 2:30 p.m. on Friday. (Foligno), 8:24.5, Hartford, Kotsopouios INDIANA (IX ) Sanders 2-5 56 7. Totals 51-88 3546I X Atlanta 14 .417 (7), Sanchez (9) and Boone, Norron (9 ). Wanted to Rent...... P e ts...... 65 $2.25 for one day Third period— 6, New York, Nedo- Denver XXX 36—IX 10 Announcements...... 03 6 (Renaud, Galarneau), 15:20.6, Buffalo, monsky 14 (Bockmon, Chortrow), 6:31.7, Johnson 6-7 57 17, Kellogg 1013 9-9 29, Los Angeles 10 14 .417 W — Hommaker. L — Zahn. HRs — Son Roommates Wanted., Musical Item s...... 66 Per Word: McCourt 20 (Selling, Van Boxmeer), Williams 10-14 08 X , Slchtlng 36 08 6, San Antonio XXXX—IX Chicogo 9 13 .409 Francisco, Davis; Californio, Down' Auctions...... 04 St. Louis, Turnbull 31 (Crawford, Th re polnt goals— Vandeweghe, Is­ Ing. Recreational Item s...... 67 17:54. 7, Buffalo, Davis 6 (Housley, Cvr), Lemleux), 16:15. Penalties— Knight 516 7-11 23, Byrnes 16 08 2, 5 Pittsburgh 8 14 .364 Real Estate 1-2 d a y s ...... 15« Read Your Ad 19:58. Penalties— Cvr, Buf, maior, 6:59; Branson 48 36 11, Schoene 46 08 8, sel, Philadelphia Antiques...... Turnbull, Dunleavy. Fouled out— Dunn Ger- 6 11 .353 Services 68 3-5 d a y s ...... 14« Galarneau, Har, maior, 6:59; Kot­ StL, molor (misconduct), 19:45. Carter 59 08 6, Duren 2-2 46 8, Houston 3 13 .168 Al Vero Bench, Flo. Homes for Sole...... 31 Tog Soles...... 69 ..Classified advertisements sopouios, Har, 11:40; Sittanen, Har, 17:11. Slaughter 01 08 0. Totals 51-84 2 5 X IX . vln, Amerloon League NY Yankees 080 000090 - 0118 6 days...... 13« Shots on goal— N Y Rangers 12-3,8— 23. Jones. Total fouls— Denver X , San Financial Condominiums...... 32 ore token by telephone os o Third period— 8, Hartford, Francis 30 St. Louis 15-11-10— 36. Boston X 23 X 24—101 W L Pet. Lm Angeles 000 000000 - 0 6T Services Offered...... Wanted to Buy ...... 70 26 days...... « M 12 ( Kotsopouios) ,6:17.9, Hartford, Stough­ Indiana 27 X X 35—IX Antonio 31. Rebounds— Denver 47 Minnesota Rowley, Murray (7), G ou aoa (9) ondl convenience. Goalies— N Y Rangers, Hanlon. St. (Von- 14 5 .737 Mortgages...... n Lots/Lond for Sole...... 33 Pointing/Papering__ ton 44 (unossisted), 19:51. Penalties— Fouled out— Schoene. Total Chicago 14 Cerone; Valenzuela, Hershlser (7)/ Happy Ads: Louis, Liut. A— 12,637. deweghe) 11. San Antonio 47 (Gilmore 4 .727 Investment Property...... 34 Buildlng/Controcting The Manchester Herald Is Slltanen, Har, 3:12; M. Ramsevt Buf, fouls— New York 14 4 .700 Zachrv (8) and Sclosda: W— Rowley. L— Personal Loans...... 12 $3.00 per column Inch 3:12; Lacroix, Har, 7:08; Perreault, Buf, Boston X , Indiana M. Rebounds— Boston 14). Assists— Denver 31 (English, Wil­ Baltimore 14 Valenzuela. • Business Property...... 35 Roofing/Siding...... responsible only for one Incor­ •••••••••••••••••••••• liams, Hanzilk, (3ondrezlck 5) Son 9 .609 Insurance...... 13 13:06; M . Ramsev# Buf, misconduct, 54 (Parish 14), Indiana X (Kellogg 10). Toronto 14 9 .609 Automotive rect Insertion and then only Antonio X (Moore 15). A— 11477. Detroit Al St. Petersburg, Flo. Wanted to Borrow...... 14 Resort Property...... 36 Heotlng/Plumbing... Deadlines 19:51; Buf, bench penalty (served by »>• Indiana X 12 8 .600 Flooring...... for the size of the original McKegnev). (Slchtlng 7). A— 9,789. Milwaukee 12 8 .600 Pittsburgh Oil 000 030 — S131 Cors/Trucks for Sole...... 71 For classified advertise­ Shots on goal— Buffalo 9-17-9— 35. Gymnastics California 11 8 .579 St. Louis 000 000100 — 3 91 Income Tax Service . MotorcvcIes/BIcvcIes___72 insertion. Hartford 15-6-11— 32. Oakland 11 10 .524 Tunnell, Scurry (7), Tekulve (9) and Rentals ments to be published Tues­ Errors which do not lessen •••••••••••••••••••••• Hawks 95. Cavaliers 62 Kings 111, Rockets 95 Pena; Stuper, Rasmussen (5), Sutter (0). Employment Services Wanted...... Rec Vehicles...... 73 Goalies — Buffalo, Sauve. Hartford, Cleveland 11 12 .478 day through Saturday, the the value oftheodvertisement Mlllen. A— 9,256. Texas 9 10 .474 Von Ohien (9) and Porter, Quirk (7). Wk & Education Rooms for Rent ...... 41 Auto Services...... 74 A Seattle — Scurry. L — Sutter. • For Sale deadline Is noon on the day Wininger boys C L E V E L A N D (82) KANSAS C IT Y (111) 8 11 .421 Apartments for Rent ...... 42 Autos for Rent/Lease...... 75 will not be corrected by on Hubbard 512 57 11, Robinson 518 52 E. Johnson 512 08 10, AAerlweather 5 Kansas City 7 12 .366 before publication. Boston At Cocoa, Fta. Help Wanted ...... 21 Homes for Rent ...... 43 Holidov/Seasonol___ .61 additional insertion. Bruins4,Nordiques3 Wininger's had several representa­ 14, Haves 2-7 08 4, Free 517 48 16, 12 1-1 1 1 , S. Johnson 56 5 3 1 1 Drew 512 7 13 .350 Misc. Automotive ...... 76 tives do well last Saturday at a meet at Huston 49 01 8, Tlllls 1-3 2-2 4, 5319, Williams 7-19 5619, Woodson 11-20 x-Hillt-squad Atlanta M4 101040 — 11 M l TrI-Town Gymnastics In Rockville. Wllkerson 08 08 0, Flowers 3-9 08 6, 59 2B, Thompson 26 2-2 6, Steppe 26 08 Tuesday's Results Houston OM 111 NO— S O S Boston 2 0 2— 4 In the 9 and under age group, Kirk Lacey 26 01 4, Bagley 7-11 1-1 15. Totals 4, Nealy 1-2 0 8 1 Totals 4593 19 X 111 Kansas City 8, Montreal 7 Camp, Rsher (4), (Jarber (7), Moore Quebec i 1 1—3 Ringbloom did well while Brad Wheo- 3492 1422 81 H O U STO N (95) Cindnnati 4, Boston 3 (9) and Benedict; LaCoss, LaCorte (6C Solano (8) and Ashby. W— Camp. L— First period— 1, Boston, Krushelnyskl ton did well In the 10-11 age group, A T L A N T A (95) Bailey 512 57 15, Walker 48 08 8, C. Chicago (A L ) 3, Toronto 1 Personals 02 Announcements 23 taking second place on the vault. Roundfleld 1016 55 25, Wilkins 9-16 1-3 Jones 53 08 0, Leavell 510 56 9, Teogle Philadelphia 4, BoltImoreO LaCoss. HR— Houston, Ashby. Notices 03 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Condominiums 32 Aportments for Rent 42 (Middleton), 1:01 2, Quebec, Price 2 Ringbloom took sixth on the rings, 19, Rollins 2-3 2-2 6, Davis 512 26 14, 11-20 45 26, Hayes 53 1-1 5, M. Jones 48 Atlanta 11 Houston 5 (Richard, Cloutier), 2:45. 3, Boston, sixth on the parallel bars, fifth on the Macklln 1-2 1-2 3, Glenn 411 2-2 10, 1-1 9, AAurphy 7-15 52 16, Bryant 52 08 Minnesota 10, Detroit 5 Al Yuma, Artz. CtUcage (NL) 1010300014-HM4 Palmer 5 (MacTovIsh, Kosper), 6:44. high bar, second on the vault, first in McMIllen 57 54 8, Matthews 57 08 5 0, Paultz 53 1-1 7. Totols 3984 17-23 96 Oakland 10, Milwaukee 5 PART. TIME TYPIST RN OR LPN-llpm . to'7am Penalties— Dufour, Bos, maior, floor exercise and fifth all around with Smith 1-3 O O 1 Brown 1-1 0 8 1 Hastings Kanm City M3IX24—ill Seattle 5, Cleveland 0 Son Olege 103000 801 1— 7 121 Loft/Found 01 9UIUC NOTia M ANCHESTER — one, 4:05; a total of 47.3 points. 08 08 0. Totals6078 1522 95. Houston X X X IS— 9S San Frondsco 5, CoUfornla 1' BordI, Campbell (6), Smith (U ) and In com plyingw ithM oiorVehicle FONT-DIGITIZER needed. Hours to be ar­ position now available two and three bedroom Hunter, Que, major, 4:05; Krushelnyskl, Cleveland 21 16 19 26— 82 Fouled out— None. Total fouls— New York (A L) 8, Los Angeles 0 Hayes, Moreland (6), Davis (10); DepI Section 49-61. Artificers ranged. Please send rep­ for charge Nurse. Three •••••••••••••••••••••• Kansas Pittsburgh 5, St. Louis 3 Montefusco, Chiffer (7), Lucas (9) and Lien on a motor vehicle, we will be Excellent opportunity apartments. Heat and hot Bos. maior, 8:42; Palement, Que, major, Atlanta 21 X X 23—95 holding a Public Auction at 12 for the right candidate to lies to: Manchester De­ nlghtso week. Pleosecoll 8:42; Wesley, Que. 10:53; Kluzak, Bos, Fouled out— None. Total fouls— C ity 24, H ousto n 22. R eb oun ds— Chicago (N L) 10, Son Diego 7 Kennedy, Gwosdz (9). w — Campbell. L— noon on April 11. 1963 at Man­ MANCHESTER- water. $375., $425., $495. Lucas. HR— Son Diego, Kennedy. FOUND — SET OF KEYS TOM partment of Recreation, Mrs. Gibbs, DNS at 647- 16:27. Cleve­ Kansas Wedneedav's<3ames chester Shell. 275 Main St.. Man­ fill a position in the Sacrlfice. Immaculate 2 Call 649-4800. Second period— 4, Quebec, Slelgher 13 land 18, Atlanta 21. Rebounds— Cleveland City 50 (AAerlweather 10), Houston 40 (All Times EST) dt Lincoln Center. Con be chester. Ct. for the following drafting dept. Artistic 41 Center Street, Man­ 9191. bedrooms, each with (Weir, Richard), 9:45. Penalties— Radio & TV 46 (Robinson 13), Atlanta 49 (Roundfleld (Bailey 9). Assists— Kansas City 19 Boston VL Los Angeles at Vero Beach, picked up at the Man­ 1959 C J S ability, ability to print chester, Conn. 06040, c/o Cash- 12). Assists— Cleveland 18 (Huston ), (Williams ), HoustonX (Leavell ). A— Fla., 12:30 p.m. I Love You ID# S7549-107S17 bath. Carpeting. Redeco­ TH R E E ROOM Heated 8 8 6 chester Herald office be­ Only Certified Check will be ac- neatly, able to follow di­ Grant Coordinator. man, Bos, 16:02; Weir,Que, 16:02. ' Atlanta 32 (Matthews 7). Technical— 6,X1. St. Louis vs. Cindnnati at Tampa, Fla , IMMEDIATE OPENING rated. Great for summer. apartment 118 Main 1 ;30 p.m. tween 8:30 o.m. and 5 with All My cepted.______rections, able to work in­ for dishwasher, waitress. Third period— 5, Quebec Slelgher 14 TONIGHT Matthews. A— 5,064. dependently. Pool. Gas grills. Sun- Street, third floor. No (Goulet, Moller), 15:44. 6, Boston, Baltimore vs. Montreal at West Palm Bowling p.m. Monday — Friday. PART TIME FITNESS Part time hours. Good 7:30 Celtics vs. Pacers. SportsChan- Beach, Fla., 1:30 p.m, HEART High School education deck. CHFA qualified. appliances. Security and Middleton 47 (Pederson, O'Con­ nel, W IN F 1 N ST RUCTOR-wanted. wages. For more Infor­ nell), Suns 115, Jazz 107 Atlonto vs. x-Kansos City at Fort required. Some drafting $45,.900.643-8649. 643-6591. tenant Insurance re­ 8 MISL: Blast vs. Arrows, USA Cable Myers, Fla., 1:30 p.m. SMALL CHANGE Send replies to: Man­ mation apply: Continen­ 16:33. 7, Boston, Pederson 46 (Bourgue, 9 Car racing: NACAR Coca Colo 200 Blazers 114. Pistons 107 Employment or other technical schom quired. $350. Phone 646- M cNab), 17:49. Penalties— Milbury, Bos, Pittsburgh vs. Toronto ot Dunedin, PURSE left at Manches­ desirable. chester Department of tal Cuisine, 649-4675. (taped), ESPN U TA H (107) Fla., 1:30 p.m. Bloaaoma Love always 2426 9-5 weekdays. major, 5:09; Slelgher. ma|or-mlnor,5:09; 9 N IT F in a l: DePaul vs. Fresno State, Drew 7-15 44 18, Kelley 26 44 8, ter Herald office. Owner & Education We offer salary com­ Recreation, 41 Center Park, Bos, 9:20; Park, Bos, 12:29; DETROIT(I07) Texos vs. Minnesota at Orlando, Fla.. Channel 9 Tripucka 7-17 46 18, Tyler 5 13 52 11 Eaton 1-1 5 0 1 Green 7-15 58 14, (3rl(fith 1:30 p.m. Janet Hatton 191-533, Kathy Walsh may claim by Identifying. Babycakes mensurate with ability Street, Manchestr, Conn, HOUSECLEANING-port Dupont. Que, 17:44; B. Crowder. Bos, 11 Knicks vs. Clippers, Channel 9 525 08 18, Eaves 49 5513, Poquette 512 O N E BE'DROOM 18:54. Lalmbeer 46 08 8, V. Johnson 11-1344 X , Chicogo (N L ) vs. San Diego at Yum a,' 180, Donna Schmitt 181-1855X, Helen Coll 643-2711. and experience. Full be­ c/o Grant Coordinator. time. Must have own Rentals Apartment- Heat, hot wa­ Thomas 15 22 2-2 X , Long0108 0, Owens 1-1 13, Anderson 58 1-2 11 Wilkins 36 52 Ariz., 3 p.m. Hathaway 451, Barbara Sullivan 4S4.' nefit package. Shots on goat — Boston 6-8-10 — 26. 8. Totals 4593 17-18— 107. transportation. Apply In Quebec 10-9-7— 26. 1-2 (W 1 T olbert 55 2-2 8, Russell 1-2 0 8 1 Seattle vs. Cleveland at Tucson, Ariz . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Help Wanted 21 ff interested, please ter, carpeting, all ap­ Ijyinoston 1-3 1-1 3, Pierce 01 OO 0, PHOENIX (IIS) 3 p.m. FOUND-ln Wickham PART TIME - Earn $50- person. 540 C North Main pliances, air condition­ Goalies— Boston, Peeters. Quebec, Local basketball Lucas 515 26 18, Nance 513 59 21, Zodiac apply at our facility. Bou­ JohnstoneO8521Totals4585l7-17107. Oakland vs. Mllwoukee at Sun CItv, Pork, watch. Please coll Announcements 03 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $100 per week. Expanding Street, Manchester. ing. Nice location. Call PORTLAND(114) Adams 1518 45 X , Davis 511 36 11 Ariz., 3 p.m. Rooms lor Rent 41 chard. A— 15,227. Johnson 57 46 10, Pittman 51 50 0, to Identify .644-1354. company looking for part (Above Moaco 649-5249. Midget Natt 1015 54 21 Thompson 7-16 52 16, San Frondsco vs. Calltornia at Palm 19$-5(>P/ Ellen Nlshlyamo 4 ^ Suson NEWSPAPER DEALER White 16 0 8 1 Maev 7-10 51 14, High 1-2 GERKR SaENTIFIC PRODUCTS time help. Call Mr. Willi­ Autobody). ••••••••••••••••••••••• Community Y All-Stors topped Moh- Cooper 36 08 6, Lever510O812, Paxson Springs, Calif., 4 p.m. Borobkv 468/ Carol Powell 4S5. needed to deliver papers 261 Broad 8t. 9-15 5 2 X , Carr 7-147-721, V a ^ tln e 5 8 5 6 50 1 Kramer 53 00 0, Scott 1-2 55 5 CAT -Lost on Summit ams 875-6022 10am-3pm. Maple Leafs 4. North Stars 2 All-Stars, 37-32, Tuesday Totals 47-X 21-32— 115. FUBUCNOTKE In V ern o n /R o ckville Manchaatar COVENTRY — newly 15, Townes 06 08 0, Buse 03 OO 0, Street, Manchester. In com plying withM otorVehicle TELEPHONE SEASONED OAK - 4ft. night at the Rec Center in the third In a utoh X n 19 X — I X area. Coll Jeanne 647- E O E M/F renovated three room series of tilts between the two centers McDowell 1-1081 Totals 48-9210211 14 White with gray on head. Dept Section 49-61. Arlificera EXPERIENCED PAIN­ RECEPTIONIST- Tem­ lengths, $70.00 a cord. Toronto } I 2 i Detroit X X X 33— 107 Phoenix KX3I32-IIS Lien on a motor vehicle, we will be 9946. apartment. Security and Minnesota \ g 1^2 The Mahoney stors still lead the series*, Portland X X X 28—114 Fouled out— Kelley. Total fouls— It found, coll 647-8353. holding a Public Auction at 12 TERS wanted for full porary. 20 hrs. per week. Call 228-9101 weekends 2- 1, with onother clash tonight at 7*30 Utah noon on April 11. 19633 at Man­ references. Call 742-6858. First period— 1, Minnesota, Plett 25 Fouled out— None. Total fouls — WANTED FULLTIME-to time employment. Coll 4pm-8pm. Monday thru and evenings. Shaun Brophy had M points, Scott 28/ Phoenix 22. Rebounds— Utah 38 chester Shell. 275 Main S I, Man- (Hartsburg, CIccarelll), 6:39. Toronto, Detroit 25, Portland 18. Rebounds— Glastonbury Tennis Club cheateL C t for the following L.A. Converse Company, Friclay. April 1st thru Altrul 8 and Dan Callahan 4 for the (Wilkins 7)/ Phoenix 45 (Nance 12i IMPOUNDED-Mole she- BABYSITTER work in hardware store. EAST HARTFORD-One Daoust 17 (Anderson, Farrish), 16:34. winners while Matt Vaughn and Al enroll 40 (Tyler, Lalmbeer 9), Portland 1970 Ford 646-3117. Sept. 1st. Pleasant tele­ NICE ROOM For gentle­ Penalties— Smith, Min, maior, 1:11; X (Ca^rr, Thompson 7), Assists— Detroit Adams 12). Assists— Utah 26 (Green 9), ord, about 3 years old, ID »O E 6 2 Y 1 35432 WANTED-ofter school to Walt on trade, must have bedroom. Furnished or Smith hooped 17 ond 8 markers Phoenix 32 (Adams 10). Technical tout— BE A SWiNGlNG SINGLE phone voice, filing, light Terrion, Tor, doubleminor, 1:11; Valve. » (Thomas 8), Portland 27 (Lever 6). lock and ton, Hartford Only Certified Check will be ac- ploy with children. good working knowledge man. On busline. $50.00 unfurnished. $275 plus se­ respectively for the losers. A— 12/666. Johnson. A— 11/285.' g cepted typing. Must be available SOMETHINO NEW pood. 646-4555. Boulder Rd. 646-4600. of hardware. Apply In FULL TIME WAITRESS- per week plus security. curity. Adults only. 528- 5 days, 7am-3pm. FEAST, for full time employment 646-2000. COED TENNIS PUBUC NofKE person, Manchester 7039 after 4:30. Transactions. : STRETCH YOUR In compfyingwithMotorVehicle Hardware, 877 Main 250 Hartford, Rd., 646-1483 during summer months. at Dept Section 49-61, Artificers Apply In person. Admin- 3 PURGER BUDGET by RECEPTIONIST / Street, Manchester. ask for Jeon. GlistNbii]( Tmis Hib Lien on a motor vehicle, we will be Istration office. Mea- * * 3 '/z ROOM Baseball (A A ); traded first baseman H a m m , CALDWELL using one part soy extender holding a Public Auction at 12 SECRETARY- Mature Folrlelgh Dickinson — An- noon on April 11, 1983. at Man­ SALES-Full time position dows Manor, 333 Bldwell R o n t f l l S APARTMENT- Private Ken Phelps catchers Bruce Bochy and Ron MODERN AUtb 228 bk Stmt, fitotiikiry fo four parts of meat. Your chester Shell. 275 Main St.. Man­ person to manage busy SECRETARY-Part time. Boston — Optioned to Seottle for future considera­ Tingley nouncedthat OIL In advertising sales. Car Street, Manchester. No home. Heat, appliances. pitcher Steve chester. for the following dental office In Vernon. 12;30-5pm. Manchester tions. and Infielder Joe Pittman to head bosketboll coach Jav RADIATOR (aste buds won’t be able to 1969 Plymouth telephone calls please. ______Working single adult Crawford to Pawtucket (IL ). Donald Feeley 659-3731 Bookkeeping and typing YWCA. Maintain re­ necessary. Salary, com­ Phllodelphlo — Placed out­ LasVegos 8 8 , _ 9 r - s - r - INTRODUCES tell the difference, butYour IO « RM21H9A274567 mission, benefits. For In­ only. No pets-chlldren. fielder Von (PCD. wlllnotberehlrednext season. 9 P.M. til Closing Only Certified Check will be ac- necessary. No Saturdays. cords, receipts, pay­ Cincinnati — Sent third base- Hayes on 15-day disabled list, tho 90-mlnuto budget will! Telephone 875-0520. ments, deposits, payroll formation Call 646-1230. WORK ONE of our out­ Rooms for Rent 41 Telephone 643-2880. man Nick retroactive Seattle — Optioned door flower locations. Esasky, second baseman drlvo>ln in k I $10 per person; Beer, Wine, and petty cash proce­ to M a rd ) 27. catcher Jamie k iT ‘N’ CARLYLE™ by Larry Wright BOOKKEEPER-Full Friday, Saturday, or Sun­ ••••••••••••••••••••••a To m Lawless Nelson to their minor league drivoawajr aolutloni Soda Furnished dures, typing and office FOR RENT- Duplex, andpitcher Bill Dawley to their camp. PART TIM E Inserters. machine usage. Public charge bookkeeper. day. Work 1.2.or 3 full minor St. Louis — Placed second FOR: ------SEASONED OAK - 4ft. three bedrooms, wall to boseman Call The Club To Sign Ud Must be 18 years old or copntact. High School Some famlllarty with days. Car needed. S.D.R. lengths, $70.00 a cord. leogueclub at Tampa, Fla, Tom m y Herr on 21-dav dis­ wall carpeting, all ap­ College over. Ask for John 757- diploma, 2 years secret­ data processing systems. Enterprises, Andover, Call 228-9101 weekends abled list/ The new tax laws. Conn. 742-9965. pliances, parking. No Detroit — Released first retroactiveto March 25. 9946 9:30- 11:00. arial experience, salary Full benefits. Salary and evenings. pets. Security required. baseman Dave b ^ f j'o n o — Named LuteOlsnn EASTCRSPEcfAd commensurate with ex­ Revering. Saturday April 2nd. & Sunday $5100. Send resume and Phone after 6pm, 649- San Diego— SentpItcherTIm ball coach. This year’s No. 1 letter to P.M. Hill, perience. Small growing April 3rd. from 3 - til closing Instruction 25 NICE ROOM For gentle­ 0842. Houston — Ploced pitcher (See, if I'c ACC.OUNTANT- YW CA, 135 Broad St,. com pany located In man. On busline. $50.00 Nolan Ryan Mtt-fratit damis, ______\______K M O W K H e Experlenced. Figure ap­ Hartford. Conn. 06105 by Rocky HIM. Submit re­ per week plus security. on 2 1-day disabled list retro­ reason to go to d e a d si m t I h t ^ active to titude, common sense Aprils. EOE. Affirmative sume to Blum, Shapiro, & 646-2000. MANCHESTER-Lorge W A 6 A March X ; placed Intlelder Art We have found that Imperative. Send reply to Action Agency. Co. LCD, PO.Box 7-6, TU TO R IN G - Reading, one bedroom apartment. Howeon IFLETCHER GLASS HBiR Block. most of our customers CBXDIC, I Box WW c/o The Herald. West Hartford, Conn. spelling, writing for Heat 8, hot water, ap­ 21-day disabled list. J5 re«n 0/ ia09ti0tit0 problems can be solved 06107. children and adults. Cer­ pliances, cellar storage, This year you're faced with over 100 changaa in the tax NEED A DOOKKEEPER? V f c U L b N 'T Inflation Cot Vou tified teachers. Specialist Apartments for Rent 42 parking, yard. $375 Los Angeles — Troded out­ within this time frame. EXPERIENCED SER­ Down? fielder Mark laws and forms. Did you know that woraing married GOVERNMENT JOBS- In dyslexia. Call 649-2428. monthly. 649-2871. COMPLETE AUTO QLABS SERVICE couplas may deduct up to 41,500 lor^the ftet time? The problem phrt is M W e VICE STATION help Get Up, Get OutI aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Bradley to the New York Mets NEED A TYPIST? W HeRe Vorlous positions avalla- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa formlnor WINDOW GLASS a MIRRORS a GLASS Thera a even a new entry for charitabla doductlone on removed, promptly wanted mornings only. Earn good $$$ tolling ble through local MANCHESTER — Main leogue pitchers Jody Johnston Ifw 1040A ahort form. And that'e just the baginningl repaired on our 7om-12. Spruce St. Mobil, AvonI Call 823-8401 and Steve f u r n it u r e t o p s e PICTURE FRAMING AU /IH e government agencies. Real Estate Street. Two rooms, MANCHESTER-Nice 4'/z We know every change on every form. j -— premises and rein­ Call 220 Spruce St., or 278-2841 Welker; optioned pitchers • FIREPLACE A DOOR MIRRORS 6(00b STUFF $20,000 to $50,000 poten­ heated, hot water, ap­ Room Townhouse. 2 bed­ Ricky Wright • TUB ENCLOSURES a SPECIAL WORK stalled. Manchester. tial. Call refundable 1- pliances. No pets. Secur­ rooms, full basement and and Orel Hershlser to W A b . H&R BLOCK-n- Replacements are 619-569-0241 Dept. CT104 ity. Parking. 523-7047. laundry hookup. Private Albuaueraue Tlw iww tax kny5 i d C YOUR RUSINESS DFFIGE Homes for Sale 31 (PCD. available from our di5 1M E. Cantor DL CELEBRITY CIPHER for your 1983directory. 24 entrance and patio, con­ TM t y#ai*4 nwiibgr on# rggion to ao to Hats Mock I ^«NCM(STtR 6 4 9 * 4 5 2 ^ tributor size inventory. ManolMator, CL Caiabrtty Cipbar crypt ograma ara craatad from quotatlona by famoua paopla, pad hours. TWO ROOMS — third venient location. $480 Milwaukee — Sent out­ and praoint. |Eaoh tattar In tha dphar ttanda for anothar. Today'$ cHm : L agua/a M . ••••••/•/•/•••••••••••a fielder Mark 6 4 6 ^ 4 4 0 Relax in our waiting floor, adults. Stove, re­ monthly with heat 8i hot EXPERIENCED SALES frigerator, utilities. $275. water. Immediate occu­ Corev, pitcher Mike And- Estimate Oidlr Cven Manchester Parkade room, while our MANCHESTER-TOP con­ erson and fawril toiMueMg 4 Into Smhw person for retail furni­ Security. Call after 6pm pancy. 649-4000. “O’GP EPPB WLOUOBD WT LISM LK dition. 3 bedroom ranch, emcher Bill Foley to their iM arshall* Mall) knowledgeable special­ for your ture sales. Call 646-0040, 1 Vz baths, fireplace, car­ 649-2236. mlno'league ONLY iz oAvsierTt j a N-J PMJIfetkdezs. 5 iJ e L 8 Sun. ists get you moving S-8pm weekdays. camp. Iusiics' m stooi peting. Excellent loca­ OPEtf TONIGHT------APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE again. SmaN M m s Pireoml I M NTXUW MIYV." — YTBFUR YPFDFB tion. $68,900. 649-2234. MANCHESTER — Extra M Mcktt ST, MANCHESTM MANCHESTER-Deluxe 4 Montreal — Optioned out­ .laa-n’-a/ir-yr MasterCard and Visa accepted at most area locations B A B Y S ITTE R IN M Y large two bedroom town- M 9 -9 M 2 MT-RTRO PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Whatever happens Is meant to room apartment. Refrig­ fielders Roy (O// Center St.) Manchester home. One You’ll never know the house. Private basement, Also in |Sears during regular stoie hours happen — unless you walk down the middle ol the freeway and erator, stove, disposal. Rooney to MQKMRMUTMMMS Marge Lappan Carolyn Wilson wall to get hit by a truck." — Lee Trevino toddler, and one Infant. power of Classified until' heat, hot water, central No pets, references, se­ Wichita X8 MMn EL, Msneh. CT CieWbyHEA.Ine . TMRdg U S p»l > TMOK 01883 by NEA, Inc. Approx. 2 days per week. you use it yourslef. Call alr-conditlontng In­ curity. $450 Includes heat 649-6936. today to place an ad. cluded. $495. Coll 649-4800. and hot water. 649-4003. 22 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 30, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed,, March 30, 1983 - 23

NOTICE ,. Court ot Probate INVITATION TO BID NOTICE TO CREDITORS Homes for Sole 31 Homes fo r Sole 31 Polnflng/Popering 52 Misc for Sole 63 Cors/Tnicks for Sole 71 Cors/Trudcs for Sole 71 Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 District ot Manchester PUBLIC HEARING 31 Homes for Sole Sealed bids will be received ESTATE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOTICK OF HEARING In the Office ottheDIrector ot BERTHA F. LEPPER ESTATE OF General Services, 41 Center Deceased TOWN OF MANCHESTER, MARY-ANNE MACHIN CONNECTICUT a lit t le INTERIOR — EXTE­ Street, Manchester, Connec­ The Hon. William E. Fit: Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of SCREENED LOAM ------Deceased ticut, until APRIL 21, 1983 ot Gerald, Judge, of the Courl I n t h e r ig h t p la c e RIOR. Pointing — Wal­ Pursuant to on order of Manchester, Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing at the gravel, processed gravel, 11 ;00 o.m. for the following: ot Probate, District of Monn- / Lincoln Center Hearing Room, 494Moin Street, Manchester, lpapering and dry wall sand, stone and fill. For Hon. William E. FitzGerald, MANCHESTER TOWN Chester at o hearing held onnn • Judge, doted March 29,1983a g a r a g e Connecticut, Tuesday, April 5, 1983, at 8:()0P.M. to consider Installation. Quality pro­ Z March 18, 1983 ordered that and act on the following; deliveries call George — hearing will be held on on BUILDING RENOVATIONS dll claims must be presented fessional work. Reasona­ ■'application praying tor ou- Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund —. Gritting, Andover, 742- Contract Documents ore to the fiduciary on or before Recreation Department ble prices. Free esti­ 7886. ^ fh o rlfy to compromise and ovolloble at the General June 20, 1983 or be barred as — settle certain doubtful and ... $50.00 to be financed by donation from the Manchester M llid MS mates. G.L. McHugh, Services Office, 4) Center by law provided. Emblem Club. disputed claims In favor ot Street, Manchester, Connec­ Sherrie L. Anderson, 643-9321. LAWNS ROLLED-480 lb. ■-said estate against New Eng- Proposed additlonol appropriation to Education Special »300 REBATE ticut 06040. A deposit of $25.00 Assistant Clerk Projects, Fund 41, for Transition Program for Refugee ^|gnd Mechanical Services, power roller. Reasonable In cosh or check, mode Children — $8,651.68 to be financed by State Grant. HOUSES PAINTED - — Inc., and Rocco A. Fiona, and payable to the Town of The fiduciary Is; rotes. Coll John 644-8076. — Roinbow Club, Inc. os In sold Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund — Copes and ranches. By Monchester, will be required Wallace F. bepper Miscellaneous Budget — Liability Insurance REAUX)RS I OVER 1 7 5 NEW & USED CARS IN STOCK — SOLD AND ■» application on file more fully tor each set ot Contract 11 Bob White Way school teacher. Free esti­ SUSPENDED CEILING. ""Oppeors, at the Court of Documents token. The dep­ Weatogue, CT 06009 — $78,926.00 to be financed by refund already received in DELIVERED BETWEEN APRIL 1 and APRIL 11. 'll probote on April 7, 1983 at osit Is refundable os stated In excess of amount budgeted. mates. Starting at $275 24 Panels, 2 ft by 4 ft. w ith 052- 03 Proposed additional appropriation to Fire District Special GROUP t A lelect ^nocMlton o» REAL TORS lerving the grr^te per house. Call Mike -2:00 P.M. the bid. M^nchetfer A reA »^iih more ^dvertmng experthr fram e w o rk. $50. 649-4300. -• Sherrie L. Anderson, Contract Documents will be NOTICE TO CREDITORS Fund — Paromedic Program jn d «-f*iticncy toi b o th b u y r n jn d i H I r n 649-9398. Ask for Dick. * Assistant Clerk moiled to prospective ESTATE OF .. $115,000.00 to be financed by payment of similar amount SAMPLE BUY: r 055-03 bidders upon request and ESTELLAJ. SIMPSON already appropriated In General Fund. Deceased Proposed additional appropriation to Special Grants, Fund SMALL ANTIQUE receipt of o separate check 61, existing account 61-839, Pre-School Day Core Program Buildlng/Contractlng 53 1983 tor $10.00 mode payable to The Hon. William E. Fitz­ MIRROR- 12'/2 X 19 ” . •r Court of Probate the Town ot Manchester, Gerald, Judge, of the Court 1982-83 GL Wagon District of Manchester bt Probate, District of Man­ ...... $5,056.00 to be financed by o Gront from the State HEW LiniNQ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beveled glass. $25. 649- which will not be refunded. Department ot Human Resources. 7517. r NOTICE OF HEARING The Town ot Manchester Is chester at 0 hearing held on MAMCHESTOI HMEST HIU8 ESTATE OF GLENDORA on equal opportunity em­ March 18, 1983 ordered that Stephen T. Cossono, Secretory Immaculate 9 rm. Wendel Reid aluminum sided RDBERT E. JARVIS ~ AMELL, oka Glendora B. ployer, and requires on otflr- dll claims must be presented Board of Directors iral Doily Garrison Colonial. This home offers 4 bedrooms, living BUILDING — Remodel­ 6 MONTH OLD- 5 piece Amell, deceosed. motive action pollcv tor oil of to the fiduciary on or before Doted at Manchester, Connecticut this 24th day of March, room, dining room, kitchen, family room w/fireplace. Pursuant to on order ot Its Contractors and Vendors June 20, 1983 or be barred os 1983 ing Specialist. Additions, Thomasville bedroom by law provided. 043-03 large finished rec room, 2^ baths. 2 car garage. garages, roofing, siding, set. Country French styl­ Hon. William E. FitzGerald, 05 o condition of doing Decorative Italian ceramic tile floors in kitchen and^ •- Judge, doted Morch 29,1983d business with the Town, os Sherrie L. Anderson, Make A Gift kitchens, bathrooms, re­ ing. Showroom condi­ hearing will be held on on per Federal Order 11246. Assistant Clerk large entry foyer. 1st floor laundry, central vac Front wheel drive, roof rack, prevent-a-theft, application proving for ou- system. Large lot view of Hartford skyline and Conn, placement wlndows- tion. Asking $1800. 643- TOWN OF MANCHESTER, /doors. 643-6712. 7699. thorltv to compromise and CONNECTICUT The flduclorv Is; iombardo & Associates! valley and many more amenities in this quality built bumper guards, rustproofing, paint sealant, fab­ r settle o certain doubtful and ROBERT B. WEISS, Gertrude A. Simpson home Asking SI23.900. ric protection, AM/FM Stereo and much more. disputed claim In favor ot GENERAL MANAGER 377 Hackmatack Street 649-4003 LEON CIESZYNSKI MAPLE HUTCH- said estate against the State 045-03 Manchester, CT 06040 BUILDER — New homes, Excellent condition, $125. IV. of Connecticut and Eastern 053- 03 SERVING STK. # 385 >■ Airlines os In said appllca- MaNCHEsna additions, remodeling, Old rocker, $25. 6 lamps *• lion on tile more fully op- To get a photo back once it has appeared in print in the rec rooms, garages, kit­ $5-$15.New double oeds- " pears, at the Court ot Pro- AMERICA a e T MORE. FOR yoUR] /-S DUTCH COLONIAL chens remodeled, ceil­ — bote on April 7, 1983 ol 3:30 Manchester Herald, simply come to the Manchester pread set, curtains and SEUING PRICE e €> €> MONEY BY SeULIN^. • Spacious 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, formal ings, both tile, dormers, rod, $125. 659-1906, $8538 P .M . Herald, Brainard Place, and ask at the reception desk. ■' '."-'HV — Sherrie L. Anderson, YOUR e x t r a a r t ic l e s dining room, large kitchen with pantry. roofing. Residential or Glastonbury. Sorry, we cannot return photos by mail unlOss a self- .. Assistant Clerk W rtH FAST-ACTION Grained oak finish. Plastered walls. com m ercial. 649-4291. -500 SCHAllER DISCOUNT — 054-03 addressed stamped envelope is submitted. vtW*:: Handy to busline. Owner financing QUEEN SIZE M AT­ f a m il y w a n t A P S ! 3 available. $65,000 DESIGN KITCHENS by TRESS and frame; night J. P. Lewis. Cabinets, stand, gas range, side­ -300 SCHAllER REBATE z ■ NOTICE with on Increase of 3.7% or S168,000. Moreover, the Governor’s recommended funding level Ptiilbrick Agency vanities, formica, Wilson board, swivel rocker 8i for Special Educotlon, when adjusted by previous experience with the funding formula, art, Corlon counter tops, w PUBLIC HEARING 6 4 6 -4 2 0 0 ottom an. 643-5931. TOTAl SAVINGS results In o $62,000 decrease from FY 1982/83. We hove, however, budgeted $533,611 In , „ ,...... V V / kitchen cabinet fronts, $800 r _ BOARD OF DIRECTORS revenues from the State tor subsidies on construction grants and bond Interest payments ►V ' -‘‘u :.L' I >\\vv; zSm complete woodworking :: RECOMMENDED BUDGETS OF GENERAL MANAGER associated with the High School renovations. The actual Debt Service cost budgeted In FY HOT DOG CART-Please 1983/64 for those renovations Is $845,543. INDUSTRIAL LAND service, custom mode call a fte r 5:00 643-2380. $7738 FINAICOST r WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1983 — 8:00 P.M. The rerholnder of projected non tax revenues, exclusive of useof surplus, has decreased by furniture, colonial repro­ LINCOLN CENTER HEARING ROOM $216,824 from FY 1982/83 to FY 1983/84. This Is primarily due to o $170,000 reduction In the MANCHESTER ductions In wood, 9 va rie ­ AGED GARDEN MA­ MAKE YOUR BEST DEAL AND RECEIVE A $ 3 0 0 REBATE : 494 MAIN STREET Interest Income we anticipate from General Fund Investments and the Cemetery Trust. ties of hardwood and Although declining Interest rotes hove permitted us to receive considerably better bonding NURE -Delivered. 32 bu­ = MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT bids than we hod anticipated, our return on Invested capital will decrease even though the 4 ACRES — MORE OR LESS. Over 800 feet of fron­ veneers NDW IN STOCK. shel load, $48.00.25 bushel “ . A PubllcHeorlng on the General Manager's Recommended Town Budget for the Fiscal Year princtpol available to Invest should be greater. Currently we ore earning plus or minus 8% 0 tage on 2 city streets, water, sewer, low pressure Coll 649-9658. load $42.00.15 bushel load - July 1,1983— June 30,1984 will be held on Wednesday, April 6,1983 at 8:00 P.M. at the Lincoln annual Interest compared to plus or minus 12% one year ago at this time. $28.00. Call 647-1045. • Center Hearing Room, 494 Main Street, Manchester, Ct. I hove Included $680,000 of surplus funds os revenue tor the FY 1983/84 budget. This Is on 18 INCHES gas. On busline. Excellent visibility. $149,500 Increase of $225400 more thon was budgeted In FY 1982/83. We hove hod more success than FARRAND REMODEL­ SCHALLER 5 ______1983-84 RECOMMENDED BUDGET SUMMARY______anticipated In collecting arrears taxes and we underestimated the amount ot surplus Cro^ F.J. SPILECKI — REALTORS ING — Cabinets, roofing, TWO GREEN CARPETS available at the time of lost veor'sbudget preparation. Therefore, while this Is o considerable gutters, room lOddltlons, 11X12, 8. 12X12, w ith tw o Schallnr-Ville: opposite Willowbrook Pork, Home of the New Britain Red Soa increase from FY 1982/83, It Is on amount which I am confident will be available. ______643-2121 decks, oil types of remo­ Expended Adopted Estimated Recommended green runners tor stairs 1981-82 1982-63 1962-83 1983-84 deling and repairs. FREE HONDA • OLDSMpBILE • SUBARU SIGNIFICANT CHANGES ^iuctions in Boo^ or hallway. Good condi­ General Fund $32,594,902. $35,139492. $35420431. $38,845,754. I nave re^mmended some changes In service level, orgonlzotlon or funding which I feel estimates. Fully Insured. tion. $75.00. Please tele­ Veterans Drive, New Britain Data Processing 244,188. 282445. 278445. 305,976. warrant particular comment. Among these ore the following: MANCHESTER- Charming 2 Telephone 643-601A phone 647-8305. N.B. 223-2230 sm,. i»5? Httd. 525-1403 Water Fund 2,688,835. 4479,297. 4431407. 4,2)3,900. bedroom home with finished rec room, Sewer Fund 1,486J)30. 1448460. 1,591,960. 1412440. Department budget Includes funds for two additional Detectives and on Town Fire District lovely treed lot and convenient to shop­ TIM O TH Y J. CON­ 2,402,724. 2462474. 2,774,971. 3,055,586. ^d ltip n a l p e t^tiv e S ^gM ^ effective January 1. 19B4 ond on additional Dispatcher Home and Garden Parking District Fund 89441. 85,758. 80437, 104,000. fl!®?M''S ^^5 Increase In Investigative Services strength will permit the ping and schools. Price; $63,900. NELLY — total building TOTALS $39,506,020. $44,198426. $44,177,751. $48,137456. establishment of two squads of Detectives each supervised by a Sergeant, with one sauad ond Improvement servi­ pssigned to the day shift and the other sQuod ossigned to evenings. I feel that this staffing ces Including but not RANK FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING BUDGET I* n®cwMrv to respond to the numbers and types of crime we ore experiencing. The Recommended oddlflon of one DIsjMtcher Is necessary to permit odutv rotation thot does not depend heavily ZINSSER AGENCY limited to kitchens, ba­ FOR SALE - Cow Manure RfPOSSESSIONS Adopted 067 BOB BILEY OLDSMOBILE 1983/84 on overtime. This Dispatch^ plus the Dispatcher position approved during the current year 750 Main St. Manchaatar throoms, additions, gar­ at the farm or w ill del Iver 1962-83 reduction of the overtime account from $30,000 In FY 1982/83 to $5,000 In FY 646-1511 ages, roofing and siding, by the load or half loads. FOR SALE Generol Fund I^W/84 and reduce u m of sworn officers to (III In when the Dispatcher duty schedule Is The Spiral Doily is an at­ door and window re­ Pella Brothers, 364 Bid- Debt Retirement $200,000. $200 ,000 . disrupted due to vocation, sick leave, compensation time, or other unanticipated absence. Q-138 tractive lace accent for WANTS YOUB SERVICE... 1079 Ford Courier Pick-up. 4 cyl. 108,222. 188,222. placement,. remodeling, well St., Manchester, 643- Street Lighting your favorite tabletop. $2900. Insurance 175.000. 175.000. * The Health Department budget represents a reorganization concurrent with the Directions for stitching Fascinating to crochet. GLASTONBURY renovations and new con­ 7405. Pension Contribution 250.000. 250.000. retirement of the incumbent Health Director, who is a medical doctor. As a result ot recently Attractive 10 room Raised Ranch on struction. 646-1379. 1978 Chrysler LeBaron $2500. relaxed Stote regulations, the Town Health Director no longer need be a medical doctor. this tiny popover for No. 5067 has full direc­ 1970 Ford Thunderbird $ 5 0 0 . Therefore, I am recommending a budget which includes funds for a non-ctinical Health Baby arc included in tions for l^inch center­ desirable MInnechaug Mountain. FOR SALE — bale hay at Fire District Director, the elimination of the position of Assistant Director of Heoith, and the SKAPARAS HOME Re­ 1973 Toyota Tercel 4-Ooor, AT. Insurance Make It with Needle & piece. Exceptional living room and family the farm by the bale. AC. AM/FM, 7000 milea, bal of establishment of the position of Community Health Nurse to provide certain clinical services Thread, plus 40 other use­ TO ORDER, send $2.00 for each modeling — oil types of Pella Brothers, 364 Bid- \ V free‘ ‘^ I m(0 J g g g g ond community health services currently provided by the Health Director. The net result of room, 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, country Special Toxing District ful ami attractive items pattern, plus 500 for pottage and additions. Interior and well Street, Manchester. this reorganization Is a $1,890 reduction from FY 1982/83 to FY 1983/84. kitchen, large deck, 2 fireplaces plus I LUBRICATION AND ! Insuronce for wardrobe and home handling. exterior, repair work. The above can be ANNE CABOT more. Asking $159,000. TOTAL REVENUE SHARING $880,722. $880,722. A • Attorney’s Office budget Includes funds for the oppointment of o full time (Aprons, Pinafore, Free estimates. Reasona­ I OIL CHANGE* ■ seen at $m. Assistant Town Anorney. The legal services provided through the Town Attorney’s Office Smock, etc.). Fun to do MenchMter Herald ble rotes. Coll Joe, 569- Pets 65 ^ ^B O B RILEY OLDSMOBILE - MANCHESTER ■ •13 SL hove Increased substantially during the past two years. The Assistant Town Attorney would in leisure hours. 1150 Avo. of Americas Warren E. Howland, Inc 7572. •______GENERAL MANAGER’S BUDGET MESSAGE______worK under the Town Attorney and supervise the office operation, coordinate the work New York, N.Y. 10030 S8S MAIN 8T. MS-IIM assigned to the part-time Assistonts, and be available to the General Manager and other Q-138, Make It with Print Name, Address with ZIP CHEVY MALIBU, 1977. ° davto-dov basis. The proposed budget minimizes the increased costs by Needle & Thread, is $3.25 CODE and Style Nambtr. AKC Registered Mini March 21,1983 elirninoting one port-time Assistant's position, r^u cln g the amount necessary for a copy. SPECIAL: Over 200 se­ , , Center Hall L Cape * Roofing/Siding 54 Inal owner. Auto- contracts legal services, and foregoing pay Increases to the Town Attorney and remaining This home offers the potentlol of M ing both long hair Dachshunds, 2 lo w mileage. TO: Board of Directors Assistants. T i erder, send $3.25, incladu lections and a FREE chorm lng A “ unusual**. ••••••••••••••••••••••• block moles; 1 female, Coll 647-0409. postage and handling. Pattern Section In the Thecenter holi leodstoalargeflreoloced living FROM: Robert B. Weiss, General Manager Subsequent to the development ot the budget, I hove discussed with the Town Attorney the SUF BURNEH ALBUM. Just $3.00. room, which opens to the form ol dining room, os red brindled. 228-0123. \ ""★ FRiii' ] well os to the kitchen. OFF the hall Is on open BIDWELL HOME Im­ RE: RECOMMENDED BUDGET FOR opproprlotehMS of this service Increase of this time given the need for frugality. Despite our Manchtsitr Htrald 600K$AT$]jn UC« stolrcose leoding to 3 large dormered bedrooms. provement Company — VW-1969 BUG - Rebuilt p^M lve d new for the Improved staffing based upon current ondprolected workload, we feel 1150 Kve. of Americas 8-129-DOUS-oid and New. How D O G TRAINING- lo dress them; hew to makt them. The convenience of 1 bofhs & goroge odd to the Roofing, siding, altera­ I SAFETY CHECK I from the bottom up. Ex­ FISCAL YEAR 1983/84 The Board of O ir^ o rs moy wish to defer any action on this recommendation to a later point Hew York. N.Y. 10030 $75,900 value. Located In them iddleof theChenev Obedlence classes stort­ cellent condition. First In time and would support such o deferral. Print Neint, Address with ZIP Q-130 - KEEP$AKE QUILT$. 24 Mansions. tion, additions. Some In accordance with Section 5-2 ot the Charter of the Town of Manchester^ submit my placed aad appllqaed dtslpis. ing A p ril 18 In Bolton. Coll I I $1200 takes It. Days, 872- Recommended Budget (or the fiscal year July 1, 1983 through June 30, 1984. The CODE, and namber. number for over 30 years. ^ ^ ^O B RILEY OLDSMOBILE - MANCHESTER j 1. f Paramedic Program for o full fiscal year appears In the budget in the B-131-HEIRL00M HANDIWORR-20 A Recommended Generol Fund RiidoM tolnis •.‘•IJI45.754 This reoresents an increase of New FASHION with Keith Real Estate 643-9839 for registration. 7214. FIx m Cost and Miscellaneous section. $192,030 Is recommended for FY 1983/84. This sum will types of netdiawork skills. 649-6495. M TOMtobipr 10.54%, over the adopted budget tor FY 1962/83. I hove provided o summary be tro n sfe rr^ to the Fire Fund to support the paramedic services provided through the Photo-Guide patterns in faille on the following page which sets out the dollar and percentage Increase for eoch muio*’ all aize ranges, has a Q-132-T0 CtVE or KEEP-40 Rlh- 1972 GREEN GRAN MonchMter Fire Deportment. A separate function within the Fire Department budget has diawork Hams ta make. 646-4126 (^nerol Fund activity and Indicates what percentage of the total mcreose recommend^ Is been establish^ and will ^ entirely and solely funded with these transferred funds. A$20,000 special Grace Cole Collec- Q-133-CnAFT-6B pagOS Of qalcfc- Income Tax Service 57 A u to m o tive COUPE -Plymouth. Runs being assigned to eoch activity. I trust that this table will be helpful to you in reviewing the revenue I t ^ for ppramedic services Is Included In the General Fund Revenue Detail os the P ric e ____ $1.25. to-makt Hams. result of the negotiated agreement with the Manchester Ambulance Service. THE AREA - BEAUTIFUL - great. $499. Automatic, * / f °VPU SdHseef thlTbuSiS^ maintains the current level ot T own services. With the THE HOUSE • IMMACULATE - new battery. Coll days [ " i exception ot the Police Department, where the Chief of Police hod mv approiml to w u e sf * ” ®Jl® the recommended budget for the Leaf Collection function AND - 649-5941; evenings o tte r wtiot he (elt was needed for an adequate ievei ot service, the Department Hm Os took ^udget recommends a continuation ot current rotes through June home. 3 bedrooms. For­ operated. Coll 646-1327. 643-2711. They MUST be and braking system provide excellent road handling in the GENERAL FUND REVENUE ANALYSIS A. Peter Abel, Inc., 21 South Main Street, P.O. Box 210, mal dining room. New Insured. Quality work! Picked up before 11;00 Street, Manchester, Connec­ Marlborough, Connecticut 06447. Telephone: 203-295-9511 ticut, until APRIL 12, 1983at T h. m .nd«l budget rw u fr« $ ^ [[Os'? both. Full basement. Spa­ Martin Mottsson, eyen- o.m. only.. German engineering tradition. And the sporty styling is all 11:00 a.m. tor the foMowIna-' SEWER FUND B. Dodge Reports, 20 Tower Lone, Avon, Connecticut CONCRETE WORK Ings 649-4331. 06001. Telephone: 203-678-1495 cious front porch. Gar­ excitement. Be part of the performance — test drive a TREE PLANTING AT TAN k jyiSl??’A'3*2L"V“iInA«lLLECTfcNRATI<3^^ F'’***'’*?* decreose bv *36,220 (rom *1,648,660 to Each bid sholl be accompanied by bid security In the amount WANTED. Sidewalks, STREET This It a rnlll IncrMse t^from m the cucurrM t 38.41. Our present collection rote through age. Ayolloble May 1st. END ROLLS — 27'/j width Rabbit GTI today. (REBID) ol'Iillth’Sihrr hmrtf*n!h. *’ or7.6%fromFY1982/83. However, often percent (10%) of the bid. Atthe Bidder* soption, the bid $525 plus utilities. Secur­ steps, patios, floors, and D.G. PETERSEN PAINT­ - 25 cents; 13% w idth - lo Februgrv 1983 It slightly under 9 8 4 % ^ continued use of o 98.5% collection rote Ilf is c 'r h i. decreased substantially (rom $325,492 to $247,955, o security moy be either o certified check or o bid surety bond. The Town ot Manchester Is 30 ^** * *’“ ‘*®** “ recommends o continuation ot current rotes through June ity. 646-2000. repairs. Coll 875-0572. ING COMPANY — Inte­ cents. MUSTbepickedup an equal opportunity em­ JllSomS tldlTconl"^^ torn nuSestlv lo r the better In FY 1983/64. Issued bv o bonding company licensed to do business In the rior Specialist. Custom IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ^irtlclpotlng that t ^ economy ^nco^^^^^ General Fund budget for FY 1983/84. State of Connecticut, both being payable to the Coventry at the Manchester Herald ployer, and requires an affir­ PT0P«Tlv toxet leprOT^t M% 01 ine Grand List this veor. This Is real growth since, nrL°/IIrr«n»ru oheod with two major copltol prolects.'we School Building Committee. Refer to AIA Document A701 ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXPERIENCED Wallpaper Hanging. In­ mative action policy for oil of developing the engineering design tor the Porter Street Trunk Sewer prolect “ Instructions to Bidders" In the prolect manual. Office BEFORE 11 AM Its Contractors and Vendors .. . ;'}£ll2.f l\ve vM?rihere Is growth from the 1977 Revoluollon. COMPANION-Car, refer­ surance Damage Ap­ O NLY. . Nothing else is a Volkswagen. receive M%*r#?mbS«em^*°nn *hiT Reserve. We hove confirmed our ellglbllltv to No bid may be withdrawn foroperlodofslxty (60) doysfrom Store/Otfice Space 44 os o condition of doing receipt of bid. ences If required, depen- praisers. Workmanship business with the Town, os V£i^lm?ryTiJ*on^o^^^ ^ •'«««»"'' *“ ° doble. All phases of care. G uaranteed! 646-8467. The lob site should be visited prior to Bid. There will be a per Federal Order 11246. ?u‘',l55^';“c’o v ^ ? » S lS ? tM J S g " ^ ^ ^ ^ =^®*®' unoppr“op'?rol"ei;'gi1a’^ ^ e r < lU ? l Pre-Bid meeting In the Faculty Room of the Coventry High Reasonable. 649-7609. Bid Forms, plans and specifi­ School, 78 Ripley Hill Rood, Coventry. Connecticut on ATTRACTIVE OFFICES PAINTING AND PAPER cations ore available at the Tuesday, April 12. 1983, at 2:30 P.M. General Services Office, 41 The successful Bidder sholl furnish to the Owner on the form — 400 SO. ft. and 336 so. ft. LOVING MOTHER with HANGING — ceilings re­ Center Street, Manchester, t e a l t S t o n M i f r l o l pS?k bond itsS. IS wtlmoted at $785,000 for FY 1983/84. Con be combined. Rent QUALITY HARDWOOD di-owems. I will m X o re^Hto th? Bwrd o^ specified, prior to the execution ot the Contract, a two children desires, to paired. References, fully — cot and split, $65/cord, TOLLAND COUNTY Connecticut. W h^t?vei Of'stote o?P?S3™I"r*n'*.?lh33i^ funding alternatives, once we hove determined performance and labor and material poyment bond In an negotiable. 210 Main watch your child from Insured. Quality work. TOWN OF MANCHESTER, We continue to depend upon State and Federal revenue sources for approximately 25% ol ’?'.??Jj?y.®L°'Y'°'* Federal cost g o rin g we may rely on and which engineering and cost amount not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the tw o cord minimum. EXIT 95 Off ROUTE 86 CONNECTICUT our revenue Our molor Federal source ot revenue Is Revenue Shoring which I estimate will alternative appears to be most ottrdtractive to the Town. Street, Manchester. 646- 6:30om to 5:30 pm. 647- Martin Mottsson, even­ remain at the current level for FY 1983/84. Combined State revenues os proposed In the Contract Sum. 2469. Small delivery charge. ROBERT B. WEISS, Robert B. Weiss The Owner reserves the right to reiect any or oil Bids or to 0945. ings 649-4431. Coll a n ytim e 649-1831. ROUTE 83. VERNON 649-2638 ^ GENERAL MANAGER Governor's Budget and presented In mv budget hove Increased by only $361,885. This Is due In Generoi Manager waive any informality or Irregulority In ony Bid received 046-03 oreot port to the Governor's proposal (or partial fundlno of the final year phose-ln of theGTB 038-03 044-03 24 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., March 30, 1983 Peasants tell congressmen army massacred 74 in Salvador village

SAN SALVADOR, El said one man. “ We found “ I said, ‘No colonel, a man Political Prisoners has an large cache of medicine Salvador (UPI) — Pea­ one friend ... tied with his with a machete is no office in Mariona. and munitions” in an sants from a western hand behind and his head match for a man with a On the battleground, attack Monday on San hamlet told two U.S. con­ destroyed ... by bullets. gun.’” Marxist-led insurgents Esteban Catarina, 29 gressmen Salvadoran He was 75 years old. The lawmakers also vi­ said they captured 14 miles east of San army troops rounded up “ That’s how we found sited prisons where 645 soldiers, 14 rifles "and a Salvador. 74 villagers, tied their the rest of them, the same, men and 81 women are hands behind the backs with their heads des­ jailed under Decree 507 and shot them in the head. troyed and the hands that has suspended most In a meeting Tuesday at behknd them," said the constitutional rights since V.C.R/S for the the San Salvador archdio­ peasant spokesman, 1980. cese office, villagers from blaming the soldiers for Oberstar, who toured the Las Hoyas land re­ the killings. the capital’s jail for Easter Weekend form farm in Sonsonate There have been no women, said Decree 507 Rent on Thursday — return on Monde: province said on the night arrests in the killings at was a “gross violation of (3/31 thru 4/4) of Feb, ^^2 some 200 Las Hoyas, about 40 miles human rights. We will soldiers ^ rriv e d at the west of the capital. urge the Salvadoran go­ co-op and began rounding Oberstar said he and vernment to take steps to up peasants. , Richardson met Sonson­ repeal this law.” Special Rates! They told Reps. Bill ate army commander Col. Richardson, who visited VHS Video Cassettes Richardson, D-N.M., and Elmer Gonzalez Araujo, the Mariona men’s prison, Jam es O b ersta r, D- who claimed the dead said he was “ impressed at special rates also Minn., two men, aged 75 peasants were leftist with the amount of politi­ M-Thur 10-6 FrI 10-8 guerrillas killed in a clash cal freedom.” Some pri­ D PI Photo and 80, were among 74 Sal 10-5 peasants taken away by with government troops. soners keep posters pic­ LONG-HAIRED, BEARDED ‘GREEN' MPs the troops. ‘‘Col. Gonzalez Araujo turing revolutionary THE MOVIE STORE . . . contrast with sober dress of others in German Bundestag “ The soldiers returned, said, ‘A Salvadoran with a leaders like Ernesto but they had no prisoners, machete is a dangerous “ Che” Guevara in their 707 Main St. Manchester I Greens boycott fete and we were very sad,” man,‘“ Oberstar recalled. cells. The Committee for 646-1481

Nicaragua says \- honoring new cabinet it was attacked BONN, West Germany wear suits. civil disobedience — in­ MANAGUA, Nicaragua (U PI) — The anti-nuclear Kohl’s government is cluding the blockade of band of anti-Sandinista (UPI) — Nicaragua Greens party today boyc­ inviting “ avoidable American military bases rebels ambushed a Red charged Honduran soldi­ otted the swearing in ol dangers that threaten the in West Germany. Cross ambulance on the ers crossed its border to road between San Fer­ Chancellor Helmut Kohl's existence of our people" Greens members of attack two frontier posts nando and Cuidad Anti­ new cabinet to protest by backing the deploy­ Parliament introduced a in “ a new act of aggres­ gua in Nueva Segovia government plans to de­ ment of NATO missiles note of drama at the ploy new U.S. missiles in beginning late this year, a sion” in the conflict be­ province, killing the opening session Tuesday tween the Central Ameri­ driver and wounding the West Germany. party statement said. by walking to work in a can neighbors. nurse. Greens leader Petra “ Those who swear an protest march against the Nicaragua’s Foreign The allegations were Kelly and the group’s 26 oath of allegiance to this banning of demonstra­ Ministry Tuesday said the latest in a series of other members lawmak­ policy with the promise to tions near the Bonn some 15 Honduran army accusations exchanged by ers stood up and walked protect the German peo­ legislature. a l i t t l e s p a c e . out of the parliament ple from harm are paying soldiers using mortars the two nations. Nicara­ building as Kohl’s 16 ca­ lip service to what cannot Inside the Parliament and rifles attacked two gua is seeking a summit I n t h e r i g h t p l a c e binet ministers took an be credible,” the state­ building, the Greens border observation posts meeting with Honduras to oath of office, pledging to ment said. broke with tradition and near the town of Somo- solve their differences., protect West German The Greens entered the sported shoulder- length tillo, in northwestern Chi- Nicaragua charges the- interests. West German Parliament hair, beards and blue nandega province. CIA armed, organized “ We are boycotting the for the first time Tuesday jeans that clashed with During the fighting and paid some 2,(M)0 insur­ oath ceremony to protest carrying peace move­ the sober attire of the Monday, Honduran soldi­ gents to invade the coun­ plans to deploy American ment banners, flowers established parties. ers penetrated Nicara­ try from bases in Hondu­ missiles,” Hubert Klei- and potted plants to un­ Greens leader Petra guan territory but were ras. Washington refuses nert, 29-year-old Marburg derline their commitment Kelly, the stepdaughter of repelled by members of to confirm or deny the University instructor and to anti-nuclear and pro­ a retired U.S, army of­ the Sandinista army, said charges. Honduras denies the ministry, calling the the insurgents operate in 643-271 1 member of parliament for environment policies. ficer, said after the ses­ the Greens told reporters. The party won seats in sion that “ all I could see alleged incursion “ new its territoiy, though sev­ Monday Through Friday The Greens also stayed Parliament for the first was row upon row of acts of aggression against eral American journalists away from Kohl’s swear­ time in March 6 elections. dangerous men in dull Nicaragua on the part of have viewed the rebel ing in ceremony Tuesday It since has declared it gray suits who are prepar­ the Honduran army,” No camps. iianrliPBtpr Hpralft on grounds that his sup­ will fight the missile bas­ ing the potential to annihi­ casualties were reported port of the 1979 NATO ing plans with hunger late West Germany with in the clash. decision to deploy U.S. strikes and a campaign of nuclear weapons.” The ministry also said a N i medium-range missiles in West Germany makes a farce of the oath to safe­ guard Germany. AN N UAL W AIJXKIVIUEUNG Ai Breaking with tradi­ C O L O R Y O X T R tion, most of the Greens W O R L D ! ^ I lawmakers wore jeans, bulky sweaters or sport KIELBASA RYE ft PUMPERNICKEL BREADS I S / a jackets. Many of the men fresh or smoked Brooklyn Baking Co. had long beards. Most West German lawmakers BABKAS ' BAGELS NOW Ti plain or cheese POPPY, WALNUT & PRUNE STRIPS NOTICE PIEROGI — cheese. Kraut, potato Probate Court is open L___ for conferences with the — Ako— judge from 6:30 P.M. to Daily Luncheon Specials Buffet & Catering BUY FIBST BOLL 8 P.M. on Thursday nights. Appointments Home Style Soups AT REGULAR PRICE AND GXrr suggested. Night telephone number: 647- Olympia Delicatessen 3227. SECOND ROLL MTcMalaStrwt • aMaacbaMar, CT M M * William E. FitzGerald .hidpe of Probate Mon-Sat 9-6 Thur 9-8

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A/lanchesterT h 0 Parkade to our new store IXEITHOMI Middle Turnpike West/Broad St. TODAZ'I KINNEY SHOES (Exit 92 off I 86) bbaid Sen •p8to01(No. 50)

,9 9 reg. $9.99 butsturc^ eafllly for storage

1 ofiier size Ia^Uotb LIAMS UL9™I SAVINGS UP TO 90% >llain'9 A p p l e OPEN DAILY DURING OUR SALE 649-1787 SUNDAY N w r I Ct«C*8 « r C iR l AeeipM MARCH 27 1 (MRECTKMS: East to Exit 92, straight ahaad to 11 to 4 INVENTORY SALE! Cantor S tro a t M t onto Broad Straat, laft into Parfcada. Solid ★ THOUSANDS OF ITEMS REDUCED FOR ^UICK REMOVAL ^ C A N DI E S Choc. • CHOCOLATE ECCS • BUHHIE5 • RIABSHM ALLOW ECCS • Bair Steins (Bavaria) Rag. *22’° S a l. *2” Full Ui. Antiqiie Pencil Sharpeners sai. M"* \ SAVE 4.951 n.39 40OUI.VRAMai SOO mg. WTAMN Canvas Tote Bags r.« •2o» soi« M A U REXAU ■eg. 1.50 Ciystal Wine 7 pc. sets Reg >59°’ saie MB*’ VITAMINS Evoiifday Wrapping Paper R.g >i*° sai. 50* 25% JELLY “Rilil Aiirr Bmn Chill Cip & Saacsr sai. *3** OFF C H U C K L E S BEAN 4 Pc. Wood Cannister Set Reg. ‘39« Solo *4” ISAVE $4.00l I Aairlea’s Na. I BrimI jSAVE S4.10 R.g I Htah PRMcy EGGS Grand Piano—Music Box *34» sai« *7** byD oe tar* 12 OZ. FRINT Hard Covor Craft Books R .g >i4» sai. *99* I with Mlntralt FIAVORH) (Hummel Werk) "AVONDALE" 1 0 0 PLUS I rauwiTN Bavarian Coffee Mugs R.g *b« sau*1 ** 30 H W I CANDY EG(S m u m / RABDITSTOYS OVrtS Rag. >S0°° Solo *3 ** WOOD COLLECTORS MINERiU STDFFEOCIDDLY R EG . 1.19^ YOUR iUIMBS AND Crystal Bells Rag> 22>° soi. *3** QHALin MUSIC B O X PLATE CHOICE CHOCOLATES BY FranMd Graphics R.g >25°° sau *7** RUSSELLSTOYER Reg. »45“ Reg. *70“ CRYSTAL Get *5.99 Reg. Mucical Birthday VASE $10.98 * 1 . 6 5 Sale v m i More! Reg. *22“ TO Rag. $10.98 ASSORTED Mothers Day Cards $2” EASTER Sale » ” M.VJ'f'll-f! ISAVE $2.461 Sale *7” 6 C o n t r u n v * 7 . 9 5 BASKETS Rag. 8.00 s d . ‘ 2 ” JOITIPLE EMPTY 'VnUMIN sm s s - SMAU...... 9 9 * C O M P A C r W WITH DELUXE EASTHJ BASKETS SAVE S I S tet - — ^1 IKDNM...... 1 . 2 9 WMl B-12 FROMATOZme MON Stresslabs, AILED WITH CAIilY ANP TOYS LARK ...... 1 . 4 9 EvnviXfunvu.vnAum erZMC, SOD Vit.E 8AU TIL SAT. erPUUN MAKE TOM ONRWTN •VTHCUARD^aOM IRON JO m ff wrnT| C PLUSH • CRASS WSUUM USERS o re m SHELL • CRUOPNAHI .QtLoaai Full RABBIT SAVE S I 41 * **f 1 ^ . 1 lOO’t • CHOCOLATE ECCS OnlylQSyringas ' 6 YOUR CHOICE IN ASSORTED COLORS end aHHHIES LUCERNE MEN’S HavoTho $1.49 SOFT 1 . 0 0 "^ CUDDLY AND LADIES’ MICM>FINE”N#odla $4.78 3.95 Value WATCHES U -100 lOtfS |SAVI$3.70| * ” to * ” SAVE 1.40 3AH Sixet 8 Sliopei 7 WITH DATE Our 8Re |< Price *12" Sitvei or gold finish watches D0CATRIM ASSORnO in assorted styles ^ R P O .- MAII IN COUPON "" m a i l IN -2,00 VIDEO SAVE 204>ay Simply SESAME BA S N n k REBATE ______STUFFER CARTRIIKiESBY AdiVisioM SALE PRICE $2.77 14.49 STREET IMneartM f i n a l g iiia , REFUND $1.00 |ftS0. NOVELTIES $ Mleiioei^aci *2.59 EASTER EGG A uHda vanely of 10 COST iS.19 bunnies and chicks Rag. DYE AND to chobee from 3.99 Ih aM oft . PLAY KIT ComiertEbla For use wMi Atari Video $177 SAVE $6 SAVE $ 2 .1 2 14 02 ImulnSwilfiga cocnpuler lyatem C Scan FINAL COSL LA M ES' n Heedto Ever M id Tdcgames. Canridges Include: REG. VALUE •UTAMUCIL EXERCISE TO $4.49 SAUNE SANDALS J ■ Available on a Dragster a SUmpcdc KMps lco» m RMpe TTJ B-OPLASTIFWK* ' LAXATIVE comn « MMrtsd ME a Boxing a Sky Jbika SOLUTION Reg. 2.89 •nO cokon. ^ I 0C U-100 a Skiing Reg. 2.89 a Laser Blast SAVE! a Freeway 15.96I "The Sporty Phone" SAVE $20 • Kaboom NEW 1983 STYLFfi Ktoiipdii»| ERianMAiiiwn ff H a | a Cbopftcr SAVE $6 W A T E R T R E A T M E N T Conuiiand a PItfal TIMEX SYSTEM a SUimastcr a River Raid !*A880RTCD • a Ice Hockey a Spider Fighter * PHOTOP1ATE POLYESTER “ g an4 aa^ 13.99 POCKET 110 T H R E A D e Grand Ptix a Sea Oucat Reg. $29.95 SO P A C K CAMERA a Bwn Storming Plugs Into existing outlet. OFF LDn 110 flm. end tnegit 25% ciOse 39“ Features Include: GREAT SELECTION !-_4.00 •Rubber buttons for easy dialing ALL DIGITALS e ELECTRICS e LED e LCD •Memory redial e SELF WIND . OUARTzh.' • d r e s s e SPORTSfV: •Mute button tor privacy GIFTBOXCD r . 1 Reg. •Ivory or brown 12.05 19“ 1 YEAR GUARANTEE

**A Joyous H oliday To A ll Our t h 0 Package Store Manrhr«lrr Perkarfr Friends and lIMt . ^idillr I npli*' R 049-4M4A Customers, ” Manchester AT MGLENOOKWIE GIACOBAZZI P r ic e s . Navalto Itelian Wine Parkade Chanin Blanc Lambniaco • Bianco Fianch Col ombard Give the Oily pen Riaaling 1.5 U M r •Roaato 1.5 Utar Our Prica BAVE Suggaatad Our Prica SAVE SuflgMtod that niakes your |iione ring 4.89 1.59 6.48 'JC'hetheritsai t s a ^t f ifor m om dad or somcones It also comesnes withwitha a tcarnkfee chatwiitesup 4.89 1.20 6.09 graduanoa aa Par&r Classic is sonnethin tofivetimeskloj^r than most ball pens Eswraallydurii^ the Parker "Stay in f o & The Ritkerk Qassic'Stay inTouch" offer.t The offer, tach Classic comes with a certificate one gift that gjwcs them a chance to give you MANY MORE W STORE SPECmS! I vMOfth S2 to $10 in longdistance phone calls soTTwhinginretum . ‘ from Bell Telephone, PARKER ROSEGARDEN COLONY WINE Chanki Blanc, Zkiflndal 1.5 Liter UetafraumllGh Frandi Cdombard, Cab. man Wine Sauvignon 13Lllar SAWE Our Price SAVE Buggoalad PRICE 1.60 4.99 1.00 5.99 Retail •12.50-*25.00 MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION GranhlDficnlsh Scotch CLASSIC CLUB SALE 86 Proof 1 Utar 80 Proof 1.78 Utar WELCOMES OUR VODKA Buy a PEN or SET at V4 price and get a OUR PRICE OUR PRICE NEW TENANT 6.55 coupon good on your telephone bill. SAVE SAVE 1.70 1.79 REED'S INC. KINNEY SHOES Suggaatad MMICNEnEII PM UOt 8.25 8.78


•CHOCOLATES OUR PRE-EASTER •CANDIES SALE INCLUDES THE Offer good •GIFT BASKETS •ENTIRE STOCK OF for perm SUITS AND Blow-dryer •PETITS FOURS COORDINATES. With shampoo •TORTES CHOOSE BETWEEN brush-iron REJOICE. KORET. AND conditioning, Entire Stock O ur Reg. $10 Dress Shirts MORE IN LINEN. or cut and styling O u r classic dress shirts are cxi sale for Easter. POLY-QAB. AND Details include 7-button fronts, placket sleeves WIDE SELECTION OF IMPORTED ( ^ 5 0 ~ ) POPLIN. SIZES 30-46. curling iron arxl stitched d o w n pcxikets. ChcxDse from white, >E/VCH CHEESES, GOURMET FOODS, witha pastels, and stripes in perm anent press for wash Appointments (3 for SI9) SPICES, COFFEES, & TEAS Perm are accepted and wear ease. but not necessary WHILE 8HOPPINQ AT THE PARKADE, STOP AT OUR DELI BAR. MASTER CHARGE/VISA (values to $19.95) (Bring In coupon) FOR A DELICIOUS FRESH SALAD OR SANDWICH. ______: I—


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STOCK UP NOW! FOR YOUR SPRRK TO... U S lE k CANDY Wa NM ma Tlw m«M Ta UmH QwirtHlM N O SUGAR 20% OFF ALL AN Natural! VITAMINS by... $8« G •Solgar •Thompson Synergy Rag. $1«.«S A L L PARKADE HEALTH fo BaffaraH 0 ax. CAROB EGG BRAND VITAMINS FRUIT & NUT By Raymon ALL Herald Repi \ NO SUGAR I • ii h«M «l Rom OFF! CAROB / ’ /j PRICE OR MORE Mancheste .EASTER 2 0 % O F F • HIGH QUALITY is looking fo CANDY \ • SAVE ON ALL YOUR FAVORITES O n 6 F a v o r i t e s skilled nursi M N n i n m i i All NatursI • TIMED RELEASE VIT.C • CBR-500 OAVK land Park S C AB O B RABBIT • NATURAL VIT-A 25,000 • FOLIC ACID locations it’s UNITS • C A L4IA G Hospital I R E E ir • B-lOO • MEGA 1 Beck said tod •NO ALCOHOL • KELP • CHOLINE 1 > 1 M W M . n l • COD LWER OIL • POTASSIUM orial’s boai •MIXES WITH • GARLIC CAPS • SELENIUM 1COMPLEX authorized I JUKI • NIACINAMIDE • O-Atplia- Toctf- • ^ « e..ja ^ -•«— • PANTOTHENIC ACID pharM with addaA tors to “ look ORUGS VRUUM. 1 PuNQMIon • VIT. B1-B2 • VEAST •Undftrted S e t a . o a m a . _ either acqui •OEUCIOUS • LWER • BREWERS VEAST DELTA TOCODMEN- • LECITHIN • PABA skilled nursii •LOW CALORIES $ 2 3 9 1 • STRESS-X • MEGA ONE DAILY $ A 8 7 Hospital ai gg a -g sa A e ID S OFE CASE • CHELATED M INERALS • ETC.III l o . g o T M. Kenney PMUKIUlIHaNI14-2«. U P K — ------i.MyfdVDQZgA(5AI0WBl Manger Rob. and let Wi m w 4 g < | 5iU w W i D 1 « BAWl'^.’S r ^ hospital was 2 0 % OFF j land Park Sc a H lONDS (NOT SULFURATED) Assistant h ( s i i O l I BROWN RICE R t a i a j o ALL DIET REDUCING Michael Ga I •Long aSliort H IO H STR fSS citizen cotni I 5 9 U PDWDERS 16 to IB oz. P-gQ 19 GRAINS S-COMFLEX ALOE r ------cogroN------l__HH*j|i«R H lL liiiL J___ SALANCED SO mg (H CAPSULES csBFUn aadi r ------c g g ^ ------t ------* " ^ 100 j ISAnSDcl l u n s K i f s s m u .,. m Nur VERA l “ " » M I I MoMuiliIng ! RgRgd I (HU V T R O n ^ R U X 1 ?5a 100 RIO. $0.30 i OATS PECANS I •RAWINSa COCONUT fkvr.VWI tf 1 B E a $1.10 •PEANUTS • CASHEWS 2 for *5, •SUNFLOWED SEEDS T Rag. $7 > sen ' : s 3 9 < . g R A e O I P•FAPAVASa p a y a s 36 Full Oz. SAVE S1.00 PMUK NUIIH ON n 4.2S3 5259.P. . .^268,. SAVE ------cogpoN— OZ. A merger 1> nWK Min HHII4-2-0 teY Public He. «i.oo; E w T i m I 1 AMAIINO 1 1 K v a u c f tion and Uie F=---^iSSSi=^--~ 1 B - « S ! 1 G ARLIC 1 maker and IMWIStl GRANOU CASHEW cAicmrMfiMttTr ^-Soaifliikash Service is be THOMPSON'S 90 M . mnn ("•«•»> organizations liRpiR Almofid DM# P l E a S •NOiEMrs iO t ii RAisms R E a i& a s ( A $ 0 9 9 • NQNfMiAL 9 V *« the merger r a . (NOT SULFURATEO) ONRUUN RAU O Spring if the MS-M-W__ nN«KIUlIR(Mn4-2«lA I B E a $E10 I $ 1 9 9 FUU. 100 work^ out. *•1.59 isoz. I 16 OZ. MiMUMUMMO Represent! •'ATUTTI HNim$miHwii«A3 ! groups starte fifM in January. 1 HERPES came to light j ^Ml I [^1 M W l l t l j meeting ove •RMdaax • Rim Emv • twal • MpMl OMTRUNT ISO-1 30% OFF H tf I SUNFlOWEI Ufg ExtEMiaa NONET 9 m a I W iEiRe Highland Pat PI ALFALFA 5 ^ ^ 3 8 9 _ SEEDS M K R t t r U O N c o o u v n o H i r * abandoned Education. L_PIWH miR aw M 4-213 S.Out"Is%*i *»■' ;j S4L”>«.A.a,ea. ' j y a s i s . r s jg,.^*$ 2 1 * I $999 liSSr » 9 “ While each a a B E M iE M E j J ■ ♦ a is adequatel merged orga I t l j M s i A jla w S lt l PewSStl j Wll ru n more space, PROTEIN adminstrati CAMWIUH O H im m j UOIMN POWDERS ■ U Y 1 M U MPHNA, and M M C O n of the homei 2 0 % OFF FULL 1 SAG nuu. I LB. SB% PURE U L k l t l B ' Highland Par lE S * ^ n«Rm I $ j s t | 20% OFF an excellent I M»KKMIIMni4-2« $ 2 « ’ I $ VALUE AHSm ■ M B w a I .3Pi Mrs. Hurwii AH StaWaax Staal be justified, t I M W M i i i l 1---- C0SF0B~ nate fragme MMCrggk L z a u L I I lawlSt' j Ba»»ig«l |la» t HStl I |uvi>v.9il j i A n i i t l contain cost STr. Oggrggtgg ^ m A TH I SHAMPOO reduce costs. I 12 aa. SBPa CMCMH I I ELASTM Both agreed IAMBI B I M W m U T " ■ piiTigoo"■ ; WEAPPUsuasi I _ PAPAYA phical issue! * * A c m T ^ » 2 . * * OflM L service orga Fu ilb. I Ji 2/9.92 " e I s $ 2 < * Mrs. Hurwit WUMI«irNMn4-2« ■unnua I B ag-T gai H lM C nM R S cggHg**” "” — ! WHiiinaiNSMi r M a u n a u a substantive fi JUICERATOR I------I : s ? j resolved. FOR STRENGTH They stem, <30 OFF N a t u r a l ALL AND VITALITY ALL «LL M that the horn, • Extracts juices Iron carrots, VIT-A4HX HERBAL TEAS • G LU C O M AN N AN ' HEALTH & COOKBOOKS L ates widely beets, spinach, parsley, grapes, 3600 COSMETICS and gets fundi tomatoes.cucumbers. oranges, Shampoos* Nail Polish • Weight Reduction / W etc. NIMM KMIH CM IX 4-233 • LipslicKs and regional I •Attachment extracts the pulp so aritii coagan The MPHh you get pure clear juice 1 0 % OFF B 10% OFF-10%NO CAFFEINE OFF within Manch New c

By Paul Hen Herald Repo One victim. in the coming I Manchester 1 tern, which wll many new hoc That will c decrease in L has seen the tions drop froi years agotoai