Canada V Anguard Due, Cyprus Tension Eases

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Canada V Anguard Due, Cyprus Tension Eases r io i UGHixieN FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1064 ;'T I • Avuragg Dgfly Nut Praua Rm illanrlipatpr Svntitts l^>r the Week Ended MArdi 6.1SS4 lft« WiaUiar Overnight accomodations will taitve to tho oouaoll. Ths tend le f o . a j Two from Area be available for both Wlday Exhibitioiis, Skits is used to help buSd IMomWMp About Town and Batqrday nlghU. aieais \.-u 13,919 and better understanding Cloudy tonight, Chair Parley of be aerved from breakfast Sat- around the world through scout­ Member nf the Audit n t y r w win Bponaor a Ma- urdav through hriakfaft on Slated by Scouts Bureau Of Circulation Ww 46. Snndap faod aM t tooiclit tram .6 to Sunday. ing by sponsoring Intematlonal iiattrifpatpr lEupuitm Mmlb . w M f , Ugh l» Ms. at the Post Horn# tor Square Dancers Arrangemanta afe being made H m norttmeet nelgtihoHw)od eoHhiHHe projsots and ottasr ae- M a n e h A e r-^ 4 C ity o f Viltmgm Charm and guMta for bus transportation for Man­ of the Mlimeohaug District of tMtles. Try cm today George Elliott of Manchester chester ^ a r a Dance d u b the OotmeeUout Valley Girl Mrs. Arlene Swanson, neigh­ VOL. LXXXm . NO. 140 ICanchoator Rod and and Earl Johnston of Vomon members. TTioee interested may Scouts will hold a Soout-a-rama borhood ohalrman, and Mrs. (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1964 Ova Chib win meat and elect Will be general co-chairmen of contact Mr. and Mrs. difford Satiirday ftrom 1 to 4:80 pjn. at Stanley Magoca, nelghhnr or> (CBurifled Advwtiataig an Page M) PRICE SEVEN CXNTi otSom tomorow at 8 pjn. at the New England Square Dance Callahan, 21 Horton Rd. Waddell Sobod. Thera wlK be ganlser, w4H be hoateaese for ths hamburgers the olubhouae on Dalajr Rd., convention to be held April 8 xnuott, who la president of exMUUone, sUts on activltlee afternoon. Mra. R. W. Taylor, Oovanfay. A raaat beat dinner and 4 at the New Oc4an House, the BaaUrn District Sqiuira and and dancing inchidod in the pro­ distrlot ohalrman. and Miss will ba aarved at 6:S0 pm Swampacott. Mass. The featlv- Round Danoe Association, and gram which wUl be put on by Mira Krause, district advisor, William Khofla la the outgoing val Will open with a TraU’s Johnst<»i, who is chairman of all four levelo of soouta wW be epecHU guests. praM ant Ikid dance on April 8 from 8 the New E n g ^ d d u b Callers At 8 p.m. there wUt be a Mm. Manuel Margaridb la in to 11 p.m. Association, have announc^ Juliette Low WotM Friendridp ohatge of arrangements saslat- Tha aanoutiva comnilttae ot Continuous dancing to 56 that convention ragiatratlon 8>md oeremony whan repreeen- ed 1^ a Jimior pianidng board. look for the foldon arches. McDoniM Canada V anguard Due, Nhtmag tnoraat, Tall Oadara of favorite callers for afl dancing forms are available at all club tativea of troops, dressed in The byard oonaieta of represen- 4ft WEST CENTER STREn Iiebaitoti, win meat Monday at levels and all ages will be fea­ functions, and should be ob­ costumee of 50 yesrs ago, will tativeii from each troop for tho SILVER LANE EXTENSION T:80 pm. at tha MiaaOnlc Tam- tured at the convention, vdilch tained and mailed in as soon rive tlwlr oontri^tlons to Mrs. purpose of piemning kiter-troop pla. is limited to 2,000 dancers. possible. Paul Adams, district ropresen- activities In the neigMxirtiood. QM Scout Troop M will RMnaar a rummage and white Cyprus Tension Eases elephant aala tomorrow from 10 am . to 2:80 pm. at the Army Mission Speaker and Kavy Chib. The Rev. Ray L. Schroder, of PaoU, Pa., wUl apeak Sunday evening at the final eeaslon of Tfca TPW color guard will the School of Miaelona at Com­ UN Cautions meat tomorrow at 3:80 pm. at munity Baptiat Church. The tha Poet Homa aohool win b^fin after .a aup- per at 6, aerved by Walter Mac- Turkey After A meeting of tha sporta night nvain’e adult Bible claae In eommlttea of S t Jamea’ Roly Fellowahtp Hall. T'here will be a Name Society, achaduled for crib room, and claaeea for all War T hreat tonight, haa been cancded. agea The apMktr ia director of the Chriatian Center and Juvenile UNITED NATIONS, protection pregrama, dlviaion of N.Y. (AP)—The Cyprus l U i y f F THROW 'EM C%urch Miaaions of the Ameri­ crisis eased today after the ■iW ll 1 AWAT! can Baptiat Home Miaaion 8o- Security Council had met cietiea. He began Me work aa Stffl plenty of wear left | field (Ureeto{ of Juvenile protec­ Turkey’s invasion threat ta your ahoea when you tion in I960, i^ o re that, he waa with a hands-off warning have them rebuilt In a paator of the First Baptist and Canada had sped a prwfeeeloiial abee repair i Church, Leavenworth, Kan., peace-keeping vanguard to­ ahop. ALE W O ^ | and state director of Christian GOARAMTEED! ward the island. education and evangeliam for Meeting in emergency session the South Dakota B ^iat Con­ Pr^ident Lyndon Johnson confers with government vention from 1953 to 1956. ginia; Lt. Gov. Walter K. Witeon Jr., Chief of the the 11-natlon council moved SAM YULYES The Juvenile proteotton pro­ officials and governors of affected states as he Army Corps of Engineers; GoV^ Edward T. Breat­ swiftly Friday night after Tur­ Sbme Side aa WatUna gram seeks to help chm:ohea in makes a flying inspection tour of the flooded Ohio key had threatened to send in 28 OAK 81BEET hitt Jr., Kentucky; unidentified; Brig. Gen. Walter troops and the Greek Cypriot the American Baptiat Conven­ River Valley. Left to right: Agriculture Secretary I^iber, Ohio District Engineer and Gov. James government had retorted that OPEN MONDAYS tion with problema of children Freeman; Gov. Matthew Welsh, Indiana; Gov. Otto and youth who, becauae of their Rhodes of Ohio. (AP Photofax). intervention would mean war. aatl-sodal behaviour patteraa, Kemer, Illinois; Gov. William Barron, West Vir- Canada dispatched a plane­ are uaually termed pre-delin­ -------------------------- ------------e> load of officers toward the trou­ quent or delinquent. bled eastern Mediterrcmean The Christian center program i.sland as an advance party for C O R R C C n O N 1,160 Canadian soldiers expect­ is a miaaion arm of the B^^tlat Events ed there within two weeks. The diurdi which provides resources Barry^ Rocky tPTJt OCKE, SHORT vanguard was due on Cyprus and leaderahip to churches with­ Johnson Promises today. SHANK, StoSUHt in Ita Juriadictian, and h^ps Pursue Votes Greek Cypriots, put on a war them with oonununlty mlnlatty In State footing after the Turkish warn­ and community programs. ing, were relaxed somewhat SMOKED Hurried Flood Aid In California with the rapid U.N. move. A Danbuty Holdup Greek Cypriot government SHOULDERS FRESNO, Calif. (AP) — Cali­ spokesman seemed to sum up WASraNQ'TON (AP) — PrM-^ports given Johnson during his the feeling in several capitals OPEN TOMONT #nt .Tohn«nn uHU MmaliwnafA _______ 1 ^ fornia’s rich prize of 86 dele­ S t i Suspect Nabbed ident Johnson wlU designate hasUly arranged. 740-mlle aeri­ gates to the Republican Nation­ with this remark; "We can TO I PJI. parts of five states in the flood- al survey, the following states al Convention was pursued with sleep peacefully now.” DANBURY (AP) — Wkhln stricken Ohio River Valley as will be able to claim federal The Security Oauncil met on and not 88e major disaster areas. oratory and political maneuver­ ' ,iV; ^ funds to help rebuild and repair ing today by Sen. Barry Gold- less than three hoUrii’ notice to K, ft- '■ hours of Conneoticut’s leteet The action, possibly today, hear secretary - General U MANCHESTER bank robbery, police had a sus­ essential public facilities: Ohio, water of Arizona and Gov. Nel­ follows a pledge Uie President Indiana, West Virginia. Ken­ son A. Rockefeller of New York. Thant plead with Turkey PURUC MARKET pect and aU but |25 of the made Friday at CincinnaU-the tucky, and Missouri. The two contenders for their against going through with Its 808-808 MAIN ST. 17,450 loot In hand. final stop on his five-hour, dra­ Illinois and Pennsylvania, party’s nomination for president threat to Intervene to prbtect Officers of tlie^vance party of the Canaaian ai-my group slated for Cyprus matic inspection trip—that “no badly outnumbered Turkish o n iM a 8 t Btimcbeeter Girard Peter McNally, a 36 which were included on John­ were guests of the California du^ with the UN get a last-minute briefing before boarding an RCAF trans­ time wUl be lost" In speeding son’s low-altitude tour, will be Republican Assembly ((JRA), a Cypriots. port plane in Ottawa last night. From left: Fit. Lt. Tom Wilson, Col. Edward year-old father of two, waa aid to victims of the worst Ohio eligible for less sweeping feder­ Greek Cypriot envoy Zenon arrssted at his hotel room River flood since 1916. 14,(X)0-member volunteer organ­ A. C. Amy, leading the advance party, Lt.-Col. J. Vincent Cook, Maj. C. Joe Crbwe al assistance such as free grain ization that is debating whether Rossides, who asked for the and Capt. G. Robert Murray. (AP Photofax). shortly after the Connecticut The President wlU make the for livestock and easy-credit to endorse one of them. meeting, told the council he 27ft O AK LA N D CT.
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